Adultery WiFi WIFEY


UPDATE 2- The Stalker


UPDATE 4-  The Stalker


UPDATE 6- The Stalker






UPDATE 12-The Stalker




UPDATE 16.1-The Stalker

UPDATE 16.2-The Stalker

UPDATE 17-The Stalker

UPDATE 18-The Stalker
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.

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My husband and I recently moved into a gated community. We are in our late 20s and hoping to raise our family in this gated community.

The gated community was like a little oasis in the desert; a safe, quiet place surrounded by a wooden fence and lush greenery. It was a place where the sun was always shining, the birds were always singing, and the people were always happy. The streets were wide and clean, lined with colourful flowers and manicured lawns. It was a peaceful place, a place of safety and security.

The houses were all different, but they all had the same theme of luxury and comfort. The stone facades gave each house its own personality. The houses were all connected by a network of sidewalks, and there was a central park with a playground and a pool.

The gated community was a close-knit neighbourhood with people who looked out for each other. There were many events, such as movie nights, picnics and holiday celebrations, and everyone was always eager to participate.

It was a place where people could feel safe and secure, relax, and enjoy life. It was a place of peace and serenity.......until something happened one day.

Everyone got a Wifi, and I named mine 'Trisha'. I named it after me.

Yesterday, while manually connecting my wifi on my laptop, I noticed a wifi name 'Hi Trisha'. I was surprised, and at the same time, a faint giggle escaped my lips.

"What is it?" Arun, my husband, who was knotting his tie, enquired.
"I got a secret admirer", I sound amused.

"What?" Arun craned his neck to look at me.
"Look. He said, 'Hi' ", I pointed my laptop towards him.
It took a few seconds for Arun to realise the gist of the situation.

"And you are laughing? Trisha, you got a stalker!!!" Arun exclaimed.
Yes, moving into a gated community meant staying safe, and this stranger was defeating that purpose.
"I am going to call the security...and security officer." Arun had already rolled his sleeves and was about to call somebody.
" Oh come on. This..this is a harmless prank. Don't make a fuss.Lemme handle it my way." I urge smugly.
"What's you gonna do? Why are you being goofy." Arun was anxious.

"Relax, Darling ", I smile again while typing the IP address on the browser, "I am about to break my admirer's heart."
I quickly changed my wifi name to 'Trisha is married'. 
"Happy?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Not really." Arun snorted.

I thought the message was subtle and would discourage this stalker.
However, the next day, when I checked the list of wifi names again, I noticed that the other person had changed their wifi name to 'Better'.
The gated community is so safe that this flirtatious stalker of mine suddenly gives me the thrill of pursuing something unsafe.

Now I'm worried about who this person is?
[+] 8 users Like NightOwl's post
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Excellent start.   clps

Hope it goes slow and steady.
[+] 2 users Like Givemeextra's post
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Good start... great expectations...
[+] 2 users Like Swt_ononna's post
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nice concept
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                                                                                                     The Stalker

I am very good at Mathematics. I am not exaggerating. I really am. I cleared the RMO and was selected for National Olympiad. Unfortunately, my journey ended there, but it is safe to say that when it comes to Mathematics, I am above average than others.

Yet that woman, Trisha, made me forget how to do maths. She was not a fully grown woman when I first met her. A young adult, but that night my math stopped mathing.
My friend used to do part-time work for a Nepali Uncle ji. Uncle ji went to Nepal that week and left the shop to my friend. I was covering for him.
It was around midnight. We were about to close the shop, and that's when she came. The moon was high in the sky, casting a silver light over the midnight streets. She stepped out of the shadows, and I was stunned. Her salwar clung to her curves, emphasizing her breasts and tiny waist. Her lips were painted a deep red that seemed to glow in the moonlight, making her look even more gorgeous than before.
Nothing mattered as I stared at her, captivated by her beauty. 
She bought some cigarettes and gave me a 500 rupee note. I could not calculate the amount I owed her. The numbers were dancing. To solve that elementary-level problem, I took out the calculator. My fingers were trembling. I forgot what number to type.
"388. Give me 388 rupees back." Trisha spoke.
 Her voice was clear yet husky, low and inviting. I could detect a slight accent that I couldn't quite place; that only made her words all the more intriguing. Her voice had a hint of delicate femininity that made my insides tingle with delight. It was like a siren's song luring me into a trance as she talked.

Although her words were nothing special, her voice had a power that made my knees weak and my heart flutter. She was beautiful and sensual just from the sound of her voice alone.
 I knew a  conversation with her would be bliss.
"Hurry up Trish." An annoyed male voice instructs her. The Guy was inside a car parked in front of the shop. He was sitting in the back seat. He had a driver with him. He was drunk and in his mid-20s.
"Keep the change." Trisha clutched the notes leaving the coins, and quickly got inside the car.
She sounded scared. It was kind of unbelievable that a girl like her doing the bidding for someone. 
I thought I would never see her again. She always remained the beauty who made me forget how to do subtraction. What a shame !!!
I was wrong. I did meet her at a party years later. It was an annual meet meet-up event for Pharma companies.


The setting was a party at a grand hotel, with the night alive with laughter, music, and conversation. In one corner of the room stood Trisha with a captivating style - a  saree dbangd against her slender frame and her midriff revealed in an alluring way. She wasn't with the Guy from that night. I guess that relationship did not work out.

She was flirting with a new man, coyly smiling, laughing like a chime - alluring, inviting. Whenever he leaned closer to whisper something to her, she would giggle as if she was being tickled or make a playful comment.

He was entranced, his gaze unable to break away from her. Her beauty and charm captivated him. She seemed to be toying with him, and he with her, and it seemed like a game of cat and mouse or like a dance where neither of them wanted to let go.

Trisha was flirtatious and carefree in her saree. As she stepped closer, time seemed to pause, and my eyes were on the pair. They were both unaware of the attention, entangled in their own world, lost in the moment. The party was alive with expectation.

Trisha was a vision. She wore a saree made of a silky, light pink fabric that clung to her curves like a glove. The fabric shimmered in the low light of the room, drawing many eyes to her. Her blouse was a deep red, with a plunging neckline showing her ample cleavage. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes and a smirk that could make any man weak in the knees.

As she walked through the room, heads turned to watch her. She was confident and unapologetic in her sultry attire, and her hips swayed with a subtle rhythm that could not be ignored. She seemed to know the power of her beauty and used it to her advantage.

She epitomised sexiness, and her saree and blouse only added to her allure. She was a lethal combination of beauty and confidence, and it was impossible to look away.
She left with the man she was flirting with earlier, and I thought this was the end.


I was so wrong again. I was surprised to see her as the new resident of our gated society. She is married now to that guy, Arun. I could have never imagined her with someone like Arun. There is nothing wrong with Arun; he just behaves like an apocalypse will happen any day. In my experience, Trisha like carefree guys, not someone with a doomsday kit in his garage. Whenever I met her, she seemed a very adventurous woman who was up for a midnight ride with her lover or taking a stranger to her bed from a party.
I never pictured her in a place like this. She surprised me more when I saw how easily she blended with the community. I was disappointed. It was like watching a bird getting her wings clipped. Does her husband know what kind of lifestyle she used to lead? 
She gave me the impression that she had changed, but I didn't believe it.I did not want to believe it.
I started the game of wifi to check whether she really had changed.
I named my wifi- 'Hi Trisha'
she named- 'Trisha is married
I renamed- 'Better'
She renamed- 'You need to stop'
That put a smile on my face. She isn't stopping this game. She is communicating. I did not change the wifi name at once. I waited, or rather I made her wait till midnight.
Then I changed my wifi name to 'I will if you---'
I didn't finish.
Fate had made me a stalker by putting Trisha repeatedly on my path. I had a choice not to stalk her, but I chose to stalk her anyway.
[+] 3 users Like NightOwl's post
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(25-07-2023, 12:35 PM)NightOwl Wrote:  I could have never imagined her with someone like Arun. There is nothing wrong with Arun; he just behaves like an apocalypse will happen any day. In my experience, Trisha like carefree guys, not someone with a doomsday kit in his garage. I was disappointed. It was like watching a bird getting her wings clipped.

She gave me the impression that she had changed, but I didn't believe it.I did not want to believe it.

Fate had made me a stalker by putting Trisha repeatedly on my path. I had a choice not to stalk her, but I chose to stalk her anyway.

clps clps clps - Good Background on stalker. 

Yes , looks Trisha is a caged BIRD now.  She must not be in a cage but rather exploring high every day/night
[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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Great update. Can't wait for the next part...
[+] 1 user Likes Swt_ononna's post
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I was visiting my sister's house. She has recently become a mom. We stayed the weekend there, helping her out and spending time with my niece.

When we got home on Monday evening, I forgot about the wifi game since the stranger did not update his wifi name the last time I checked. I prepare dinner by rummaging through the refrigerator, throwing together some of the leftover ingredients. I quickly improvised a hearty meal - a vegetable curry, fried rice, and fried plantains on the side.

Once I was done, I settled on the bed and reluctantly checked the wifi name.

"If I what?" I frown, confused, excited and annoyed at the same time after reading the stranger's wifi name. 

Whoever it was, it felt a bit exciting. I take one last deep breath and read the wifi name again. 

I mumble, "If I do what."? a bit loudly this time.

"Something wrong." Arun enquires.

Arun's questioning face peeking from behind his laptop- "If what?" "Oh..nothing.." I pretend to be busy with something else and finally finish my beckoning work putting aside the wifi mystery for a while.

"Care for a walk?" I ask Arun.

Arun reluctantly agrees. He is busy with work, but I don't want to go out alone since I am being stalked.

Arun and I clasped hands and walked out of the house. We could see the streetlights of the neighbourhood getting lit and the noise of the waves at the beach shore slowly beginning to drum up.

We take the narrow walkway shortcut, crossing through the houses around ours. My mind races, thinking -*My stalker could be anybody*

On the way, I pass Rahul, the college teen who lives near my house,  but avert my eyes, not wanting to attract attention. My stalker could be Rahul too!!! Who knows, maybe he is the one who is taking his chances with the neighbourhood Bhabi.Cliche!

I peek inside the neighbouring houses to take a closer look inside. I catch a glimpse of a lonely Mr Sharma sitting inside a room. He is a widower. Maybe he is the architect behind all this. Lonely nights and a lonely bed must have bred wicked ideas.

I was gawking at the shadow of Mr Gupta and his quarrelsome teen daughters behind the curtains. Maybe Mr Gupta is fed up with his family life and decided to flirt with me. A noise startled me. The watchman. He is on duty patrolling the streets.

Suddenly it hits me that he could be the one stalking me - my anonymous prankster.

The realisation made my mind race, and I started to think of all the possibilities. It could be someone I call a brother, an uncle, a neighbour or even a college kid. Whoever it was, the idea of being followed was thrilling. Something not so safe.

I try to shake off the thought and look away when I catch Arun's eyes piercing through mine. He knew something was wrong. I quickly mumble, 'If I do what?' and watch Arun furrow his eyebrows and process the thought.

He turns to me, asking, 'What's with you, Trisha? You are being strange."

I quickly lie and tell him everything is fine before returning to our house. I take a deep breath, realising I'll never get the answer to my question this way.

My anonymous prankster is in these boulevards or any of those houses, living an apparently perfect life. Suddenly our gated community, Green Valley, seems not so boring & perfect.
"What happened to that Pervert who was harassing you?" Arun asks while putting his shoes on the rack.

I shrug, "He is still trying."

Arun seems surprised at my nonchalance, "What do you mean he is still trying? That weird wifi naming still going on?"
He quickly takes out his phone to check.

"What does this mean? I will if you---?" He clenches his jaw.

"Nothing probably.He is goofing around." I laugh.

" Why are you taking this so lightly? He could be a psychopath." Arun cautions me.

"Is it wise to mess with a psycho?" I reply
"It is not wise to communicate with him either.", Arun talks back.

We are inside our bedroom now.
"Look. This pervert is harmless. Let me flush him out in my way. If you intervene,you will scare him away, and we will never know who the culprit is. That would be worse. We could never fully trust anybody here if we never get to know the identity of the prankster." I try to reason.

"What's your plan then?" Arun asks with displeasure.

"The plan is simple . Carry on with his creepy game and wait for him to make a mistake."I propose.

Arun looks hesitant.

"Come on!! Let's play this wanna-be Playa." I smile mischievously," I can stop any time by calling security if I feel threatened."

Arun warns," As soon as you know this dirtbag's identity let me know. I will handle it from there."
That's all I wanted to hear.

By then, I had opened my laptop and started changing my wifi name - "If what?"

 I smirk and click Enter.

I know I am playing with fire, but that enthrals me. It made me feel powerful and in control of a situation. I am beginning to enjoy this tussle, our little game of wits.

Meanwhile, my husband prophecises, "The game is on! I can picture the creep playing his creepy game, and you are trying your best to catch him off guard. You would change the wifi name back and forth, incorporating different jokes and pop-culture references in an attempt to set the traps for him. Sometimes, his reactions would slip through, and I know that you would slowly but surely get closer and closer to his identity.And, One day,boom he will give away his identity and then ...." Arun smiles ominously, crackling his knuckles.

Now I get a sense of why Arun is getting out of this. He is looking for vigilante-type justice. He wants to beat up the culprit before handing him to the authority.
[+] 1 user Likes NightOwl's post
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(25-07-2023, 02:51 PM)NightOwl Wrote: Now I get a sense of why Arun is getting out of this. He is looking for vigilante-type justice. He wants to beat up the culprit before handing him to the authority.

Big Grin
But that wont happen right.  Ohh Arun, Poor fellow. 

The cage door is being cut right before your own eyes and you are helping in doing that.

The door opens not to welcome the bird but to make it escape. 

[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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Game on....
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                                                                                                          The Dreamer

I saw Trisha and Arun taking strolling inside the walls of our gated community. I marked them, keeping my distance. Trisha's ever-searching eyes didn't escape my keen attention. Trisha was visibly intrigued and eager to locate her anonymous stalker. It is like searching for a needle in a haystack for now.

Eventually, I witnessed her giving up this futile idea of determining my identity by roaming around.

She returned to her house, and after a while, she updated the wifi name to 'if what?'

I stare at the screen for a while. Previously I had a plan for how to play her, but now I am a little hesitant since I saw her tagging Arun around. I didn't expect this. I thought she would hide our unusual method of communication from her husband, but she didn't. She is using him as her bodyguard, and that is a bit of a problem.

Clearly, she is trying to outsmart me.

I did not choose this method of communication out of the blue. I remember Trisha from that party. I remember how she was enjoying male attention there. She liked to be seen and admired. If I am not wrong, she like a bit of risqué touch. That's why I decided to tease her through the wifi name. Something very Public, something raunchy going on in front of everyone but in a way that nobody can stop. Maybe Trisha is using her husband as a shield to protect herself from harm,afterall I am a stranger, but my gut tells me she very much likes this out-in-the-open communication.

My digits gallop on my laptop's deck. I am thinking of a way to complicate the situation but not irk the unwanted presence of the husband.

*Why does Arun exist?* I roll my eyes groaning inside.

I can see her house from here. I know in which bedroom she sleeps. I also have an idea when the couple go to sleep.

So I wait. I wait for bedtime. I wait for them to lose interest and give in to their boredom.

Once I saw the bedroom light extinguish, I waited some more.

When I was satisfied, I changed the wifi name - 'Sheer Curtains.'

The reply came almost immediately as Trisha from the other side changed her wifi name - 'No way.'

I get cocky and update my wifi name -' Way.'

I need to know the whereabouts of Arun when I am playing this game, and sheer curtains will help me. Sheer curtains have other perks too. Lewd perks.

I hope Arun is asleep right now.

The advantage of communicating this way is that there are no traces of previous chats. It is happening in public, but if anybody misses one 'wifi name update', that person would not understand what is happening. I wish Arun was asleep now and not privy to the erased 'curtain' chat.

No wifi update came from Trisha that night, and I went to sleep.

I had a dream that night :

Behind a sheer curtain, a nude woman was dancing. Her curves silhouetted against the sheer curtain that hung in the doorway. She swayed and danced, her movements graceful and sensual. Her hair was a wild tangle of brown curls that cascaded down her back. She was completely nude, her pale skin shimmering in the dim light that filtered through the curtain. 

There was music. The music was slow and sweet, a haunting melody that drew the woman in. She moved her body with the rhythm, her hips swaying, her arms stretching out like wings.

Her hips moved in a slow, sultry waltz, her breasts bouncing with each step. The woman swayed her hips seductively as she danced behind the sheer curtain. Her breasts were on full display, her nipples visible through the thin fabric. 

She leaned forward, her ass thrusting out as if in invitation, and her nipples peeking through the thin fabric of her dress. As the music built to a crescendo, she moved her hips in a circular motion, her hands tracing circles around her pussy. I was mesmerized, entranced by the woman's movements, and the sheer curtain only served to heighten the mystery. She was like a siren, calling out to me, and I was powerless to resist her. I know that woman. Yes, I do.
[+] 3 users Like NightOwl's post
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Through the Sheer curtain, naked silhouette of Trisha....
Great thinking...
Amazing update. Keep going...
[+] 1 user Likes Swt_ononna's post
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Excellent. One of the pretty interesting setups in the story in recent times
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I was startled as I awoke from my sleep. The sudden sound of the pouring rain had instantly awoken me from my deep slumber, and my head now lifted off the pillow to take in the sights and smells of the rainy morning.

There was a chill in the air, which was made chillier by the droplets of rain that seeped through his partially open window. The sound of heavy rain beating against the glass was oddly soothing in a way, and made me want to stay in bed for a few minutes longer and revel in the moment.

But, alas, I eventually had to rise to the day's demands. I slowly adjusted and got out of bed, padding across the room towards the window to see the rain cascading down outside. 

I stood there for a few moments, breathing in the damp and dreary air, wondering what the day would be like with the ongoing monsoon.

I grit my teeth, looking outwards-* Somewhere in these houses, there lives a pervert who is hitting on Trisha*

 It was a sight that I both enjoyed and dreaded simultaneously. I couldn't stay holed up in my room for much longer as the aroma of coffee hit my nose.

After a while, I head downstairs.

"Morning.Slept well?" Trisha greets me with a wide smile.

"Good morning. Yeah . I didn't get much sleep at your Sister's house." I complain and much about the fruit salad.

"Oh." Trisha sighed as if she was relieved.

I take a sip from the coffee and check out the wifi. What a pitiful life I am living because of a nameless bastard!!!

"No way & way? What is this?" I became agitated instantly as I couldn't make the head and tail of Trisha's wifi chat.

Trisha's cheeks flushed pink, and she ran anxious fingers through her hair. She glances away before meeting my  gaze, "Yeah, that was from last night."

 The coffee must have bittered my tongue," I know it is from last night. Context Trisha."

"Oh yeah. That Perv was asking me to throw stones at Mrs Sinha's house and I said 'NO WAY' ", Trisha replies with a thespian gesture.

"What?" I chuckle, "He is an anarchist or something?"

Trisha shrugs, "He is mad in the head", scrunching her nose.

I stay silent. Both indulged in our coffee mugs.

"Do you suspect anybody?" I gulp. I never thought I would be having this conversation with my wife ever.

Trisha considers my words carefully and hesitantly meets my gaze, her cheeks warming," errmmm I don't know.I have been friendly with everyone.You know me."

"Yeah but anyone behaved oddly. you know...more eager than others...*clearing my throat* ...more flirtateous." dread drips from my voice.
"Ummhh..." Trisha rubs her neck; clearly, she is equally uncomfortable," Well, there is Nisha's father." She replies, fluttering her eyes.

"Mr. Dixit is at Banglore now. You know that. It couldn't be him." I finish my fruit salad. 
I hate Mr.Dixit. Now that Trisha confirms that son of a bitch got a crush on my wife and probably take a pass at Trisha at some point.

"Well, do suspect anyone? I mean he is a creep.Do you remember someone syping on me from a distance." Trisha counters.

"Everyone gawk at you Trisha." I say regretfully.

"No, I a creepy way...not normal staring." Trisha struggles to express herself. I can only imagine how stressful this is for her.
The conversation continued, but we both found ourselves defensive, and it went nowhere.

I was relieved when the witch or warlock hunting, in this case, stopped at some point.

Surprisingly the creep did not update his wifi name for a few days. 

*It is over* My spirit elates. 

The week was progressing without any unusual events. Well, almost any event except that stupid incident with our maid.

Trisha asked her to clean the curtains, and that fool of a maid cleansed it with Kerosine.
There was an argument. Each accused the other of dipping the broom with Kerosine.

It was an absurd bickering. I had no time for it. Nevertheless, Trisha had to change the curtains; the smell of Krosine-laced curtains was utterly repugnant.

I like the new curtains, though. 

The sheer, white curtain hung in delicate waves from our bedroom windows. 
Monshoon took a break, and the light morning breeze floated through the room, bringing a subtle scent of flower petals and fresh grass. 

The sheer white curtain inside our bedroom transformed the wilderness into something magical - like a secret paradise. 
Sunlight shone through the gauzy fabric, dappling the walls with an ethereal light that changed the atmosphere in the room.

"I love you taste Trisha." I smiled at her cupping her divine face.
[+] 3 users Like NightOwl's post
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Super bro
[+] 1 user Likes Arul Pragasam's post
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Quite amazing story..I like the way u telling the story from both of their perspective
[+] 1 user Likes Rahulf2p's post
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Ahh sheer curtains at last.... Awesome update...
[+] 1 user Likes Swt_ononna's post
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                                                                                The Voyeur 

How did she do it? How Trisha managed to convince Arun to change their curtains? How much does Arun know? Did she trick him? Are they tricking me? 

My head has been buzzing with questions since I returned home from work.

It does not matter, though. At least not now.

Trisha and Arun are kissing each other. I can see it through my binocular. Trisha knows that I am watching. 

The sole reason for hanging those sheer curtains is to let me watch her. She wants me to watch her for whatever reasons. Regardless, She is putting on a show.

Their room is lit by a table lamp, making their silhouette prominent through the curtain, penetrating the nightlife.

It is a dark monsoon night, the bedroom curtains billowing in the humid air. Rain pattered gently against the roof, and the faint scent of jasmine wafted through the open window.

I watch Trisha from the shadows of my own house, my eyes widening as I catch sight of her silhouetted figure straddling her partner. 

I can't make out many details, but from the rolling of Trisha's hips, it is obvious what they are copulating. She is riding Arun and exhibiting it for me.

The sight stirs something primal in me, and I feel a warmth grow between my legs. I lean forward, my heart pounding in anticipation.

 The sheer fabric of the curtain is no barrier to my eyes as I watch Trisha straddle Arun. 

Her ass forms two crescent moons on the side of Arun's thighs as she mounts him. Her shapely bosoms rise and fall on her chest, matching the pattern of her rolling hips.
Arun's hands are resting lightly on her hips as Trisha begins to ride his cock as he guides her. Her body moved up and down in time. 

Trisha jerks arching her head upwards. I can sense the pleasure rippling through her body right now. She is having an orgasm. 
Trisha combs her hair with her fingers and stares right at the window, letting me know that she knows I am out here somewhere.

She resumes her gyration, taking pleasure from her husband.

Her body trembles as the couple reaches their culminating pleasurable heights.

As the figure's contortions increased, so did the intensity of my own arousal inside my tight shorts.

 Ultimately, the pleasure of Trisha peaked, and the couple fell into one another. They are smooching.

 I curse at Arun, muttering under my breath," You owe me for spicing up your love life, you lucky bastard."

I watch her in awe, imagining the sweat glistening from her laboured feminine curves. I watch in awe, envisaging her orgasmic face, her moans. 

Eventually, I return to my bed, my skin aflame and my mind teeming with thoughts of mating with Trisha. 

That night, I fell asleep to visions of the scene behind the sheer curtain and woke the next day with a deep and unquenchable craving.


Last night I couldn't change my wifi name to tease Trisha. I was perplexed by the plethora of emotion-Jealousy, lust, anger, bliss....all sorts of polarising emotions.

I check Trisha's bedroom, and now through the sheer curtain, I can see them, well, hints of their figurine. I wait for Arun to leave Trisha alone in the bedroom, and then I update my wifi name -' NICE SHOW'

She replied back -' STOP YOU PROMISED'

No way, I am gonna stop.

I update -'Black Saree Park'

Trisha promptly replies- 'NOPE'

I smirk while typing -'YUP'

Arun comes back like a lost puppy, ending our secret chat.

I did not want to chat further. I want to see whether Trisha follows my will. I want her to wear a black saree, preferably a sexy one and go to our community park.

[+] 6 users Like NightOwl's post
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Oye Hoye... From sheer curtain... To sexy silhouette show... To black saree.... Awesome..
[+] 3 users Like Swt_ononna's post
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