Incest The Island by JammyJimmy (An Indian Adaptation)
Vinay looked at the pile of paperwork on his desk and rubbed at his eyes. It had been a really long day, and only midway through what was bound to be a long week. It had begun with his friend Madhav's death two days ago, and since then the Island had been a hive of activity getting things prepared.
In a couple of days’ time Madhav's children would arrive on the Island, having just found out that they were triplets given up for adoption, and they'd be meeting here for the very first time. On top of that he had a burial to organise for Madhav on the Island. Add in organising supplies and planning for every contingency, and it was no wonder he felt exhausted. It was two in the morning and high time he had some stress relief.
He got up from his desk, winced at the pain in his back and moved to the door of his office, part of his home on the Island upstairs from the clinic, and headed for the exit, moving quietly down the stairs as was his habit. Once outside he smiled. He'd always loved the cool breeze that caressed the Island through the night.
He turned left and took the path down to the beach, taking a right between two large bushes on the narrow path the kitchen staff used to bring supplies into the kitchens. A couple of turns and he was moving around the edge of the building where the Islands food was prepared and stored, unstaffed at this time of night. He knew if anyone spotted him they'd just assume he was going for his habitual late night snack, but he knew different.
He bypassed the main doors to the kitchen and entered the small courtyard that served the dual purpose of somewhere to store the trash and somewhere the chefs and porters could sneak out to for a smoke. Casually he glanced around and seeing no-one he slipped over to the backdoor of the pastry kitchen and entered a code in the keypad, a different code from the one normally used to open the door.
A quiet bump sounded next to one of the bins and he moved to the corner, reached down and pulled the handle that was now protruding from the flag stoned yard. A small hatch appeared with a ladder heading down, barely visible in the moonlight.
He quickly slid himself into the narrow passage and closed the hidden hatch above him, seeing the dim lights illuminating the twenty three rungs below him. Reaching the bottom he turned around and punched another code into the wall and the small box beside it opened. He pressed his hand to the small screen inside the box and the door beside him swung open.
Vinay smiled in anticipation. He had a lot of catching up to do.
He entered the safe room, or as he thought of it, the 'Bunker' where he could retreat to if the Island was ever attacked. He ignored the open plan living area and kitchen and moved straight to the door on his left, a control room where he could make contact with the outside world if need be, but his focus wasn't on the emergency facilities. He moved straight to the console housing the covert CCTV system that Madhav Rao had painstakingly built in secret over the last fifteen years.
His friend’s words came back to him, as they always did when he looked at the setup. "There's no point in being trapped in here. Much better to see what's going on outside. Then you retain an advantage the other side doesn't even know about. Information is power."
Vinay smiled and moved to the large leather desk chair facing the bank of fifteen screens. Three large screens, a dozen smaller, all assigned letters from A to O. The one hundred and thirty eight cameras hidden around the island were numbered, making the system incredibly simple to operate. Simply type in the letter for the screen then the camera number, hit enter and that's what you saw.
The whole system was set up on a motion-activation principle, immediately discarding data that had nothing happening and that suited Vinay’s purposes perfectly.
He settled his fingers on the keyboard, typed A68 and hit Enter. The first of the three large screens flickered into view, a camera situated in the bedroom of Madhav's favourite PA, Saniya. She was one of Vinay's favourites too, a hot, toned blonde with a bundle of intelligence and determination. It wasn't her intellect that interested him at present though as he watched the live feed from her vacant bedroom, his memory providing him with hundreds of images of her sleeping in that very bed.
He felt the familiar stirring in his groin and smiled. Time to move the recording back.
His fingers found the small dial next to the keyboard, punched in the camera number and then rotated it back. The simple system allowed him to review all recorded footage from that particular camera and he was viewing it in reverse. A couple of chambermaids darted around briefly at high speed, and then the footage caught up to Saniya undressing then sleeping. The footage continued in reverse at high speed, skipping past hours of her lying still. She'd been asleep for five hours or so when he saw her leap out of bed, naked, and grab a towel, then disappear backwards into the bathroom.
He reset the dial, his left hand coming to rest on his belt, and as the footage began to play on the screen he unfastened his belt and trousers.
Saniya appeared from the bathroom, her skin flushed from the shower, wrapped in a fluffy white towel, and as Vinay pulled down his fly and slid his hand in his trousers, she opened her towel.
Seeing her side on as she lifted the towel, her body taught and firm, her breasts pert and round, Vinay slipped his hand around his cock, slowly stroking himself as he watched her dry herself. She moved too quickly for him though, drying herself rapidly then slipping under the sheet on her bed, settling down to go to sleep.
Vinay frowned and punched in B69, bringing up the footage from the in-suite bathroom in Saniya's room. He punched 69 in next to the dial and rolled it back, seeing her in a high-speed blur in the shower, moving it back to play as soon as the maid appeared who'd cleaned the bathroom earlier.
While he stroked himself in anticipation the maid finished her work, the lighting changed and Saniya appeared. Dressed only in a black thong, she walked up to the sink, her gorgeous breasts on display and as she brushed her teeth, Vinay zoomed the camera in on her breasts, stroking himself as he watched them jiggle back and forth with every motion of her arm.
"Come on, you hot bitch," he muttered. "Get in the fucking shower."
The teeth brushing continued for another minute and then she disappeared off screen, so Vinay zoomed the view back out, seeing her step into the shower cubicle. The water began immediately and he slowed the footage down as she stepped out the cubicle to remove her thong. In slow motion she inserted her thumbs in her waistband and bent over, sliding the black material down her hips, thighs and finally to the floor, and with a casual flick of her foot, the thong ended up back in the bedroom.
Vinay’s grip tightened on his cock. She always did this before she went in the shower. Always. He zoomed in a little closer.
Saniya stood up straight and stretched, her arms rising high above her head, her breasts jutting out. Vinay groaned, licking his lips in anticipation of what came next. Her right hand slid down over her taught, flat stomach, sliding down over her shaved skin until her middle finger made contact with her clitoris.
"Go on, you fucking slut," he muttered, his fist pumping as he watched.
Saniya's middle finger rubbed her clit up and down a couple of times, then in slow-motion, she moved it down her slit, rubbed up and down once, then plunged her middle finger deep inside her pussy.
"Fuck that dirty unwashed cunt, you whore," Vinay growled. His fist was pumping furiously on his cock now, loving what he saw on the screen.
Saniya dipped her finger in and out three times, and as Vinay zoomed the view back out, he smiled wickedly as she raised the finger to her lips and sucked it into her mouth, her head tilted back.
"That's a good slut," He grunted.
She stepped forward into the shower, and Vinay stroked his cock, watching the hot water sluicing down the curves of her body. "Come on, you dirty bitch. Do it." His fist was pumping rapidly up and down on his cock, his eyes fixated on the screen.
Saniya turned in the shower and squatted down, her back against the wall. Vinay smiled and zoomed the camera in, framing her as her legs came up and her buttocks rested on the shower floor. He could see her pussy, her asshole, tits and face and he felt his heart lift in excitement.
"Go on. Get busy."
She tilted one hip and her left hand appeared under her ass, her index finger rubbing at her brown puckered hole.
"Do it, slut," Vinay muttered.
Her right hand appeared between her legs, her fingertips brushing against her clit. Her mouth was open in anticipation, Vinay mirroring her expression on screen. Suddenly she slid two fingers into her pussy, plunging them in deep and her body stiffened in pleasure.
Vinay smiled. "And now the ass, you filthy little whore."
Saniya's finger that had been rubbing gently at her ass suddenly pushed, forcing her up to the first knuckle in that tightest of places. He watched as her expression turned nasty and she pushed harder, sinking the finger in her ass and the two in her pussy as deep as they would go. Her breathing was fast now, as intense as the expression on her face.
Vinay realised he was strangling his cock, his grip was so tight, so he eased up the pressure a fraction and continued stroking at a frantic pace, his free hand pulling his black shirt up around his shoulders in anticipation.
Saniya began to plunge her fingers deep inside herself, fucking both her holes at once with vigour, and Vinay's fist pumped up and down his cock, imagining it was his cock going in and out of her ass like that.
She paused for a second, adding a second finger to her asshole and a third to her pussy, then pushing hard, she slid them all back in again.
"Fucking filthy bitch," he snarled, knowing what was coming next, feeling his balls begin to tighten in anticipation.
Saniya's fingers were plunging in and out of her ass and cunt, as hard and fast as she could physically manage, and then her entire body stiffened and her head smacked back hard against the wall of the shower as she came.
Her fingers flew out her holes, all of them going rapidly into her wide open mouth, and as Vinay watched her suck on them, he saw her pussy twitching as she came and her ass opening and closing in glorious, exquisite detail. He came too.
Hot cum splattered out his cock onto his stomach, one spurt and a second, the remainder flopping and dripping onto his pelvis, matting his grey pubic hair, coating his hand.
Saniya's mouth closed, sucking hard on those fingers that had been deep inside her wet pussy, her tight ass, her brow furrowed and her cheeks rosy as her orgasm washed over her.
"Fucking dirty little whore," Vinay panted, his eyes glued to the screen as his hand fondled his sticky cock.
Saniya recovered quickly, her fingers leaving her mouth only to quickly tweak her nipples once, then she stood, rinsed herself off, washed her hands and turned the shower off.
Vinay leaned in the chair, panting and grinning as she left the shower. "Filthy fucking whore," he muttered. Idly he wondered who he'd stroke off to tomorrow morning. Over the last decade his habit had sat him in this chair and made him stroke off to movie stars, musicians, models, hundreds of gorgeous women unknowingly recorded in their most intimate of moments while visiting the Island as guests of Madhav. And Vinay had them all recorded and stored. All for his personal pleasure.
"Maybe the Doctor," he muttered. "Or maybe I'll get that slut to dress up for me again. Some new fodder arriving soon though." He smiled, having seen the files of the three triplets. The two girls were hot. He was looking forward to seeing both of them in the most exquisite of detail.
Vinay carefully lowered his shirt over his cum-splattered stomach then fastened up his trousers and belt, trapping the cooling semen against his skin. Carefully he stood up and walked to the exit, feeling it oozing down his stomach. He smiled, loving the feeling, the scent of his own cum, especially if he bumped into anyone outside. He'd deliberately hold them in conversation, just to see if they'd notice the smell. Few did, none of them figured it out though.
He left the 'Bunker' and entered the kitchen, taking the sandwich that the Chef always left out for him, munching on it as he walked back to his apartment above the clinic.

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Good start looks interesting.
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The phone rang on Praveen's desk. He frowned, not needing the interruption. For the last three days he'd been working twelve hours trying to get the recommendation done for his company to purchase EDIT, an electronic records management application and he was nearly there.

"Hello. Praveen Rao, Business Strategy Team. Can I help you?" He replied, the standard answer whenever an internal call came through to his desk.
"It's Reception. There's a Mister Swami here to see you. Says he's a lawyer."
Praveen frowned. "I don't have him in my diary."
"He says it's urgent that he speak with you," The security guy at reception stated.
"Em, okay. I'll be right down."
"Cheers." The other end of the line went dead.
Praveen headed for the elevator, the frown still creasing his features, wondering why a lawyer would be coming to see him. There was nothing legal he was involved in at work, he knew he was a pretty well behaved guy, and he knew he was up to date on his loan payments and all that.
He entered the elevator and hit the button for the ground floor, leaning against the wall as he tried to think of a single reason why a lawyer would be wanting to see him, but by the time the doors opened and he reached the reception desk, he still hadn't come up with one.
"He's in there," The portly security guy grunted, poking a thumb in the direction of one of the vacant meeting rooms HR used for interviews.
Praveen looked over, seeing an elderly man, around the age of retirement, but there was something very sharp about him. Maybe the slicked back white hair, or the black suit, shirt and tie, but from his initial glance, Praveen wouldn't be surprised to find out that this guy was Lucifer’s lawyer. He had that supremely confident look about him.
His frown still on his face, Praveen opened the door. "Hi. I'm Praveen Rao. Can I help you with something?"
The lawyer immediately stood offering a surprisingly warm handshake. "I'm Mister Swami, Praveen. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me at such short notice."
"Sure," Praveen said, closing the door and taking a seat opposite the old man. "Do you mind if you tell me straight away what it is you want? We've got three of the Company Directors in the building today, so it's kind of busy upstairs."
The old man nodded.
"Very well. I'm sure you're wondering why a lawyer has turned up out of the blue to see you. It involves an inheritance from a relative and you're one of the listed beneficiaries."
Praveen's eyes widened at the lawyers words. "Oh."
"Not what you were expecting?" Mister Swami asked, an eyebrow raised at the expression on Praveen's face.
"I didn't know what to expect, but this wasn't even on the list," Praveen admitted. "Who are we talking about here? I don't know of any relatives of mine that have died." He frowned as he thought about it. "Not in the last few years anyway. Are you sure I'm the right Praveen Rao?"
"I'm absolutely sure." The lawyer’s confident expression left Praveen in little doubt, confusing him further.
"So... Em... Who died?" Praveen nodded.
"For that you'll have to bear with me for a few moments while I show you a few files," Mister Swami said, flicking open his briefcase and removing several Manilla files, placing them on the desk in front of him. The old man’s fingers tapped for a few seconds on the files before he cleared his throat.
"Praveen, you are twenty three years old, born on the 19th of March, correct?" The lawyer's tone was precise, factual, and Praveen nodded.
"What I am about to tell you may come as a bit of a shock, so please bear with me." He flicked open the first file, containing several photos. The first was a black and white image of three babies, wrapped in blankets and woollen hats and they looked like they were only a day old.
"Babies," Praveen said aloud, knowing he was stating the obvious, but if he had fifty guesses at what was inside the manila folders, a baby picture wouldn't have even crossed his mind.
"Correct," Mister Swami replied. "This is a photograph taken of a set of triplets several hours after they were born on the 19th of March, twenty three and a half years ago, Praveen."
Praveen's eyes shot up to the old man's, but the lawyers gaze was fixed on the photo. His finger tapped the baby on Praveen's left.
"This baby was named Parvathy." His finger moved to tap on the infant on the right. "This one was named Priya, and the one in the middle was named Praveen."
"Yeah, I think you've got the wrong Praveen, buddy," He said immediately. "I don't have any sisters, or twins, or whatever." He kept quiet the realisation that the central baby did look like him in his own baby photos, but Praveen wasn't convinced. Babies all looked the same to him anyway.
"Please, bear with me," The lawyer said firmly, moving the photograph to one side. Underneath the photo was a stack of papers, and Praveen could see Adoption Certificate written on the top one. His fingers deftly rotated the document so Praveen could read it.
His eyes met the lawyers a few seconds later. "I don't know anything about this documentation. I couldn't tell you if it's real or false. I know I'm not adopted though."
"Is this your birth certificate, Praveen?" Mister Swami said, sliding another document in front of Praveen.
He checked and nodded, frowning as he wondered why the hell this lawyer could have a copy of what looked like his own birth certificate. "Could be, but I don't know how you have it."
The lawyer flicked another document next to the birth certificate. "This is a name change by deed poll that accompanies the adoption certificate," He continued in the factual, clinical and emotionless tone, flicking another two documents in front of Praveen. "And this is your original birth certificate."
Praveen forced himself to look carefully at what was in front of him. He knew that his own birth certificate was correct and couldn't see anything on it that was strange or unusual, so he began to read the name change document, and compared it with the adoption certificate. He could feel a knot in his stomach as he failed to find any inconsistencies, and with reluctance, he looked at the original birth certificate.
He read the name of the baby on the certificate and his eyes immediately shot up to the lawyers face, seeing an expression of sadness there, perhaps even a hint of empathy at the young man sitting opposite him whose very foundation was being pulled out from under him.
"The... The surname?" Praveen stammered.
Mister Swami didn't say anything. He simply slid another photograph across the table, this time of the three infants, cradled in their father’s arms. It was a younger version of a familiar face, known the world over. For the past few days it had never been off the news.
Praveen looked at the certificate again, seeing the surname. Rao.
He re-read the name of the person listed as the father. Madhav Rao.
Praveen looked back at the lawyer. "Seriously?"
Mister Swami nodded. "Finding out that you're adopted must be a big shock, Praveen. Finding out your father was Madhav Rao must be just as big."
Praveen shook his head. It didn't make sense to him, this lawyer claiming he was adopted, let alone this absurd claim that Madhav fucking Rao, one of the wealthiest men in America, was his supposed father. A thought struck him.
"Did Rohan put you up to this?" Praveen had two best friends, Rohan and Bobby. While Bobby worked upstairs with him, their friend Rohan worked as an illustrator on comic books, but was forever trying to punk them with practical jokes. This seemed right up his street, especially four days after the world found out Madhav Rao had died of cancer.
The lawyer’s expression turned serious. "Praveen, I assure you this is no joke. There is more information here for you, including a letter from Mister Rao."
"A letter?" Praveen smiled, convinced this was the work of his buddy. He chuckled. "Let's see it then."
The old man frowned but opened the second file and pulled out an envelope, the paper rich and luxurious. Praveen didn't recognise the handwriting on the front, but he opened it up and unfolded the letter.
I imagine you're in a bit of turmoil right now. Try not to give Mr Swami a hard time -- he's a good man and a good friend who's been stuck with a hard job.
Anyway, you've just found out I'm your father. Madhav Rao, billionaire, celebrity, playboy, entrepreneur, business genius, etc. I'm sorry to say that it's true, Praveen. And you deserve an explanation.
Twenty six years ago I met a wonderful woman named Gayathri, we fell in love and were soon married. I started my own business making computers and doing some programming, and soon my wife fell pregnant. Life was bliss. Then the business boomed, some of the software I'd written made me a small fortune and within months I was employing hundreds of people. The business side of things isn't important now, but a few more months passed and it was time to go to the hospital.
Gayathri gave birth to three infants, triplets, a month early, two girls and a boy, but immediately began to have complications. She was rushed into surgery, but it was no good. Just like that, the love of my life died. She was twenty five years old. She would have been a great mother.
I knew nothing about raising kids, and I was so overwhelmed with grief that the only thing I could think of was to throw myself into my work. Anything to get away from the pain. A doctor suggested offering you and your sisters up for adoption. I agreed, thinking it was the best for you. It was the biggest regret of my life. At the time though, it was the best decision I could have made.
You and your sisters were put with loving families, raised in nurturing and healthy environments, and despite my promise not to, I kept tabs on you all, helping out in little ways whenever I could. Scholarships, jobs and the like. I know it's not parenting, but you and your sisters are the only family I have, even if we've never met.
And that brings us round to the present. As I write this I'm dying. If you're reading this, then I'm already gone and you might have even heard about it on the news. Which brings me round to the point of all this. For twenty five years I've been building a business, an empire some would say, and along the way, tens of thousands of people have come to rely on me to keep their companies afloat, keep their jobs in place so they can raise their own families. It's a responsibility that I take seriously, which may well sound ironic to you, given that I haven't taken responsibility for raising my own children.
I'd like you to meet your sisters, Parvathy and Priya. I'd like the three of you to get to know each other. All that I have now belongs to the three of you. My inheritance. I'm told it's quite a sum.
Mister Swami will give you the details on what happens next, but here's the clip notes. Go to my Island in the Andamans, get to know your sisters, learn a bit about what's being asked of you and decide what you want to do.
Along the way you might even get to know a little more about me.
In hope and love,
Madhav Rao
Praveen looked at the date on the letter, noting it was only two weeks old.
Gone were the doubts that this was Rohan's work. This really wasn't his style at all. The knot in his stomach was twisting as he realised he'd have to make a call and speak to his parents. He had to ask.
"Would you excuse me for a couple of minutes, Mister Swami? I need to make a call." Praveen saw the old man nod, but he was already on his way out the door. He moved on autopilot out the front doors of the building and onto the street, crowded with the usual mixture of coffee-toting office workers, shopping housewives and tourists and stepped into a doorway. He dialled.
"Hey, honey."
"Hi, Mom," Praveen replied, trying to keep his voice relaxed and casual. "Listen, I need to ask you something."
"Okay, honey, but you'll have to be quick. Your father and I are just about to leave," She replied. Praveen could hear a car door close in the background.
"Oh, right. Today's the hiking trip, right?"
He heard his Mom sigh down the phone. "I swear Praveen, you never pay attention."
He took a deep breath. "Mom, I need you to listen to me here, okay. I just had a visit at work from a lawyer called Mister Swami."
Praveen paused as he heard his mother shout on his father. "Ben, you need to be in on this," He heard her say. "Okay, son. What did he say?"
"Mom, Dad. I've got to ask you. Am I adopted?" Praveen had his free hand held flat over his free ear, listening more intensely than he ever had in his life.
The silence that stretched into seconds on the other end of the line added to the sinking feeling in Praveen's stomach.
"Son, it's me," Praveen heard as his Dad came on the phone, his tone gentle. "It's true, son. We adopted you when you were only a few days old. I'm sorry you've found out like this. Do you want to meet up and talk about it? I can come and pick you up?"
Praveen pressed his face into the corner of the doorway, trying to think. It was true, he was adopted. His mind whirled with a myriad of emotions, feeling like his world had just been turned upside down, so he took several deep breaths, and thought about what he knew. His friends were his friends. His parents had kept this whopping big secret, but they'd raised him and been there for twenty three years for him. Did it really matter that they weren't linked by DNA? The thought helped him clear his head a little and he sighed.
After a moment he replied. "No, it's okay, and don't get all worried, okay. I know you're my parents, I know you're my Mom and Dad, you raised me and nothing's going to change that, okay?"
He could almost hear the relief in the tones of their replies, so he pressed ahead.
"Thing is, I've found out a little about who I was before I was adopted," Praveen added, not quite sure how to proceed with this bit. He opted for directness. "How much do you know about that?"
There was a hushed, whispered conversation at the other end of the line that ended abruptly after a few more seconds.
"We know who your birth father was, honey," Praveen's Mom said a moment later. "Do you?"
Praveen swallowed. "Yeah, I think so." His mouth was dry but he made himself say the words. "Madhav Rao, right?"
"That's right, son," His Dad said quietly. "We weren't supposed to know, but we did."
"Has he left you something in his will?" His Mom asked. "Is that why the lawyer is there?"
"Em, I think so," Praveen said, feeling more than a little nauseous now. "Listen, they're telling me I have sisters."
"What?" Both his parents replied at the same time.
"That I have sisters. Twins," He replied. "Well, actually triplets, but I'm one of them, apparently."
"Praveen, son, we had no idea," His Dad said, and Praveen knew deep inside that he was telling the truth. "Sisters?"
"Two of them," Praveen confirmed. "They want me to go and meet them."
"Then you should go," His Dad replied immediately.
"Absolutely," His Mom added. "Are you alright, honey?"
"Bit shell-shocked, I guess," Praveen replied. "Listen, I've got to head back in there. Are you guys okay?"
"Yeah, son, don't worry about us," His Dad answered. "We'll stick around here for a few days, I think. Why don't you come round for dinner tonight or before it you want, we'll have a chat."
Praveen frowned. "No, you should go on your trip. You two have been planning it for months." Every time Praveen visited his folks they had maps up of the areas of Canada they were hiking through and he knew they had various locations booked for the occasional night in a hotel and if they set off late they'd lose their reservations. "Honestly, I'm okay. You should go on your trip, and besides, I can call you if I need to. You guys can call me too, okay?"
Praveen could almost hear them silently discussing it with looks and gestures at the other end of the phone, something they'd done for as far back as he could remember.
"You sure, son?"
"Yeah, Dad. You and Mom go on your trip."
"You sure you're not pissed at us for not telling you?" His Dad asked bluntly, as was his way.
Praveen sighed. "Honestly, Dad. I'm not angry. I'm a bit shocked, and I can't say I won't be angry in the future, but if I get angry I know where to find you."
"That you do, son," His father replied. "You just pick up that phone and we'll come right back so you can vent your fury for as long as you need."
"Can I just ask, why didn't you tell me?"
"There was never a good time for it, honey," His Mom replied. "How do you bring something like that up in conversation?"
"Besides, you would have asked who your parents were, and we would have had to lie directly to your face, son," His Dad added. "We just couldn't figure out how to tell you."
"Fair enough," Praveen said, managing to sound calm while inside he just wanted to vanish somewhere quiet so he could process it all. "Have a good trip."
"Love you, honey."
"Love you too," Praveen finished and ended the call. He squared his shoulders, took a deep breath and walked back in to see what else the lawyer had to say.
"Everything okay, Mister Rao?" Mister Swami asked as Praveen sat back down.
"I don't know if I'd describe it as okay," Praveen said a moment later. "Right, I've spoken to my parents."
"So you know I'm telling the truth then?"
Praveen swallowed and nodded. "Bit of a shock."
"I believe you. Shall I continue?"
"Might as well," Praveen replied.
"As he mentioned in the letter, Mister Rao did his best to keep a discrete eye on you and your sisters while you were growing up, and he kept private files with the information for an occasion such as this. As he also said, we'd like you to come to Mister Rao Private Island, where you can meet your sisters and get to know each other without any of the constraints and pressures of the outside world."
"What does that mean?" Praveen asked.
"Pressures and so forth?" The old man asked. Praveen nodded, so he continued. "To give you one example, Mister Rao was a very recognisable public figure with a long ongoing relationship with the press."
Praveen nodded, having seen him at movie premieres, award shows, chat shows and in the papers too.
"The press are already making enquiries about who will inherit the vast fortune of the Rao Empire, and sooner or later someone will remember him in a hospital twenty three years ago and either do some digging, or simply open their mouth on their favourite social networking site. In today’s instant-media world, it's only a matter of hours or days before you and your sisters get tracked down and besieged by the media."
"You're shitting me," Praveen blurted. "Seriously? That's what you think is going to happen?"
Mister Swami blinked. "That is what will happen, Praveen. We have experience with this."
"I would have thought they'd....." Praveen trailed off, thinking about it, and he knew that the old man was right in what he was saying. There would be a media frenzy, and he'd be right in the middle of it. "Fuck me sideways."
"I see we're on the same page, Praveen."
"I guess so," he replied unhappily. "So what happens now?"
"There should be a car outside for you. There's a private jet due to arrive in," He glanced at his watch, a polished silver pocket watch, then dropped it back in his pocket. "Nine hours’ time, that's half past eight tonight. Take-off will be around nine o'clock and the flight from San Antonio to Guadeloupe Island, the nearest airport to the Island, is around seven hours. From there you'll take a boat for an hour to the Island itself, so you should be there at around sunrise."
"Overnight journey?" Praveen asked, frowning. "It sounds exhausting."
"Unfortunately we have to get all three of you to the Island as soon as possible, so it's unavoidable on this occasion. However." The old man paused. "At the airport will be a woman named Saniya, an Executive Assistant to Mister Rao with many years’ experience. She'll be your liaison, your point of contact and your assistant for the duration of your trip."
"Why do I need an assistant?" Praveen asked.
"Because you'll have a lot of questions," The old man said simply. "Now, Saniya is very good at her job and she'll be a real asset to you, so make sure you rely upon her."
"We'll see," Praveen replied, knowing he still wasn't sure if he was going to go to this Island at all. The idea of buggering off with his folks seemed appealing, despite his well-known aversion to hiking.
"In between now and tonight you'll have a driver to look after you. Her name is Caroline, I'm assured she's very good, and she'll have a few forms for you to complete. I also have this for you."
The old man slid an envelope over the table. Praveen opened it and emptied the contents. A Visa card, a MasterCard, a clear envelope with cash in it and a small key fob.
"What's all this?"
"The credit cards are for you to purchase some suitable clothing for your trip, the cash for if you don't want to use your credit cards or if you need to tip, and the key fob is a personal alarm," The old man explained. "If you push the red button, a security team will converge on your location and extract you from any situation or threat in the vicinity."
"Like bodyguards?" Praveen asked, shaking his head. "This is too surreal."
"I'd imagine there will be many surreal moments in the days to come," The old man replied.
"Pin numbers for the cards?" Praveen asked, picking them up and looking at them. They seemed almost holographic.
"The year of your birth. We can change that tomorrow for you."
"I suppose they've got like a twenty grand limit or something extravagant like that?" Praveen laughed.
"Not quite, no." Mister Swami smiled. "I believe they're somewhere in excess of a couple of hundred thousand rupees, but they were set up in a hurry, so we'll get that straightened out too in the next few days."
Praveen snorted with laughter.
"Another surreal moment?" The lawyer asked, his expression blank.
"Something like that."
"So I've got a driver, a load of credit and cash and a goon-squad on standby, just to cover me for nine hours until I catch a plane to an Island paradise?"
"Not a plane, a private jet, but yes, close enough," he nodded.
"Fucking hellfire," Praveen said quietly, the laughter and incredulity of the moment stopped. "So do I just go back to my desk until I finish work now? What happens?"
"Oh, good lord, no," Mister Swami replied, looking taken aback for the first time. "Mister Rao actually owns this company, although it's not widely known. However, no, you don't need to return to your desk. In fact you don't need to return to it ever again if you so choose."
"What about my boss?" Praveen asked. "Sometimes he's a real dick, and I don't want him to throw a bitch fit."
"Praveen," The old lawyer said, leaning forward across the table. "It'll take a while to get your head round some of the changes that are going to happen to your life in the next few days, weeks and months. However, if your boss is, as you put it, a real dick, then you can always deal with it by coming back here in a few weeks and firing him."
"Good point actually."
"Now then, onto the last file," The old man said, gathering the other documentation away.
"What's in this one?"
"Your sisters."
Praveen felt that cold sinking feeling in his stomach again and suddenly his mouth was dry. He realised he was craving a cigarette again, and had been for some time, which was unusual as he'd quit nearly a year ago and hadn't had a craving in seven or eight months.
"Okay, let's see them," Praveen said, feeling a hint of excitement and fear at the thought of having sisters and wanting to find out who they were.
The lawyer opened the folder and slid two photographs across the table and Praveen's breathing almost stopped. His face turned white.
"Is everything okay, Praveen?" The old lawyer asked as Praveen stared at the photographs on the table. "You've gone a little pale."
In a voice barely above a whisper, Praveen said, "Oh, fuck, please let this be a joke."
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I've posted 2 parts from an old story written by Jammy Jimmy. Trying to make an Indian version from the old classic. will start posting rest based on your support and feedback

Also suggest photos for the characters revealed till now.
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Please continue. Hopefully it has loads of sex.
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Three Years Ago

Praveen Rao smiled. It had been an epic weekend so far.
Spring Break with his buddies hadn't really been something he was looking forward to, particularly as their destination was Goa Beach, but then, they weren't there for the sun. They were there to party.
Party they had, Praveen wearily observed. They'd arrived on the Friday morning, got drunk and partied with some chicks from University of Phoenix all night, but Rohan had been the only one to score. Or at least, he was the only one who claimed to score. If he actually did, Praveen knew it would have required some divine intervention.
Once they'd slept a few hours they hit the Goa Waves Water Park. Praveen had felt too tired to do much but lie around with his shades on, admiring the ladies that passed by in their swimwear, but Rohan and Bobby had immediately hit the slides. It only took half an hour for Rohan to return with a limp. Bobby couldn't stop laughing as he told how Rohan had taken off down one of the slides after a hot girl in a bikini and had been pushing himself so fast that he flipped sideways out the slide and landed on the edge of it, narrowly missing his balls but injuring his right leg in the process.
Praveen sat with Rohan and listened to him grumble about his injury while Bobby did what Bobby does and took off in pursuit of several girls heading for the lazy river.
"You should get your shades on, Rohan," Praveen suggested. "Some of the women going past here are fine. You can really check them out."
His buddy grunted, so Praveen shrugged and put his iPod on, listening to some tunes while he admired a particularly hot MILF in a red thong and matching top strolling past.
An hour or so passed and Bobby finally came back full of excitement insisting they come and meet these girls from Mumbai College, down from New York for Spring Break. He'd met them on the lazy river and had been chatting with them for the last forty minutes and they wanted to meet Praveen and Rohan too.
Praveen figured it sounded like fun, so he nodded and stashed his iPod under his towel, then got up to follow Bobby. Rohan grumbled but joined them anyway. It took ten minutes of paddling to catch up with the four girls on the lazy river, but Bobby introduced them all as Sara, Samantha, Nayan and Rashmika.
"So I take it your names are all fake then?" Praveen had laughed, getting a round of grins from the girls.
"Well, if you fine-ass bitches are using fake names, it must be for one reason, and that reason is carnal sinning," Rohan said, earning a scowl from Bobby. "I'm fucking right, aren't I?"
"What a fucking douchebag," Nayan muttered. Praveen did the only thing he could think of to remedy the situation. He tipped over Rohan's inflatable, dumping him sideways into the river.
Thankfully the girls all laughed as he came up spluttering and the tension was eased. Over the next couple of hours they hung out with the girls, Praveen mostly chatting to Nayan, Bobby to Rashmika, while Rohan tried unsuccessfully to get chatting with Samantha and Sara, much to everyone's amusement.
With it being late in the afternoon though, the girls announced they had to head off.
"You guys want to meet up tonight at a party we're going to? It'll be around midnight, if that's not too late," Nayan said, placing her hand on Praveen's arm.
"I think we should be out partying by then," He grinned. "Where about?"
"Meet us in Club Boca. Know where that is?"
"Sure," He nodded. "We passed it last night. You want to give me your number?"
She shook her head, but smiled. "I wouldn't hear my phone anyway. Maybe later," She said, winking.
"I'll look forward to it," Praveen replied.
As the girls got out at the steps, Praveen casually back-paddled his inflatable, watching as they got out the water. Sara was the first out, a thin blonde with a black one-piece making her skin look very pale. Second out was Samantha, a black curvy girl with a dazzling smile and nice hips, followed by Rashmika, the most tanned of the group.
Praveen smiled, knowing why Bobby had hit on her. She had by far the nicest body of the group and was the tallest by a couple of inches. Long dark hair tied in a ponytail, a black bikini, tight and firm all over, and an ass that reminded him of Jennifer Lopez.
Last out was Nayan, the girl he'd spent the last couple of hours chatting with. Her multi-coloured one-piece was slashed red and gold and showed her off quite nicely. She was average height, and pretty much average build. Nice ass, bit of a nice cleavage, nice legs.
Despite there being nothing outstanding about her, Praveen found her the most attractive of the four.
Nayan turned and waved to Praveen. "Remember. Midnight."
"We'll be there," He waved back.
"Feel free to forget the douchebag," She called as she disappeared.
"The douchebag will be coming," Rohan shouted loud enough for half the park to hear. Realising everyone was looking at him, he muttered,"Shit," then tipped himself into the water.
"Come on!"
"He's got the bit between his teeth on this one," Bobby admitted.
"I know," Praveen grunted. Rohan had been going at them non-stop for the last hour about hitting a strip club, but Praveen and Bobby were reluctant... It wasn't that Praveen was against looking at naked women writhing all over him, but it was the amount of money they'd spend.
Three times in the past couple of years the three of them had gone to strip-bars and each time Praveen and Bobby had spent over two hundred bucks each, while Rohan had spent everything he had, and ended up relying on his friends to get him home again afterwards. Given they were planning on hitting the clubs to meet up with the girls later, Praveen and Bobby were reluctant to let Rohan loose or they'd end up paying for him all night.
"It'll be fun, fuckers. Come on,” Rohan repeated. "We'll see some tits, some hot ass, and some wet pussy. Maybe even get a couple of girls to give us a private show, know what I mean?" He winked.
Praveen knew what he meant. He meant that Rohan would chip in his last twenty bucks and Praveen and Bobby would have to put in a hundred each so that the three of them could sit there and feel awkward watching two chicks play with each other for a couple of minutes. Then they wouldn't have enough money to do anything else.
"Rohan, we can visit strip clubs back home. I want to get laid, and that doesn't happen with strippers," Praveen pointed out. "I want to meet the girls later."
"Yeah," Bobby added. "You can't control yourself in these places man."
"Alright fuckers, what do I need to do to convince you not to be lame-ass cunts and go?" Rohan said quickly, his gaze darting between his two friends. Praveen could see how eager he was.
"How much money have you got left, Rohan?" Praveen asked.
"Two hundred and four bucks. We fucking leave tomorrow, guys. Pickup at ten past eleven," Rohan said. "Come on, let's just go nuts, party like mother-fuckers and leave it all out there."
"I'll go if you give me one hundred and four bucks to keep for you until after we leave the strip club," Bobby said after a moment.
"What? No fucking way, cocksucker," Rohan blurted. "That's my cash."
"Yeah, but Bobby's got a point," Praveen argued quickly. "It's going to cost us at least twenty bucks to get into the club, plus drinks and then a cab back here. Throw in some food tomorrow. You can't afford to spend more than a hundred in a strip bar."
"Hundred and four bucks," Bobby said, holding out his hand.
"No fucking way," Rohan said. "Stop being such a bunch of fucking cockblockers."
"Yeah, I'm not going unless you give the cash to Bobby either," Praveen said, crossing his arms.
"Or you can go out yourself, go to the strip club on your own, and then wait for us to get in, but we're not giving you any cash at all. Not even tomorrow," Bobby added.
"Fucking bitches. What the fuck?" Rohan protested, but his resistance crumbled a moment later. "Okay, okay. Hundred and four bucks, but I want that fucking green back the second we leave the strip club, cunts."
"Okay," Bobby shrugged, while Praveen grinned and headed into the bathroom for a shower and a shave. He really wanted to impress Nayan tonight. Or whatever her real name was.
Derriere's Gentleman's Club, the sign said outside.
"This place looks like a dive," Praveen muttered quietly. Still it did offer fully nude dances and you could bring in your own booze.
"Come on, losers," Rohan grinned, a six-pack tucked under his arm. "Let's go see some shaking milk-bombs and wide open tampon-tunnels!"
Praveen shook his head at Rohan. Sometimes the guy could be such a dick, but his vocabulary for slang terms when it came to the female anatomy was inexhaustible.
"Dude," Bobby said. "If you call them that in front of any woman you're never gonna get laid."
"I do fine, fucktard," Rohan grinned. "Come on, let's go."
Praveen followed Rohan and Bobby into the club, paying the steep twenty five dollar door fee. The club looked a lot better inside than it did outside, and there must have been a hundred guys in the room, with a bit of a relaxed policy of under twenty-one getting applied by the security staff. There was even a table of women across the room, getting cheers as one of them slipped a note into the g-string of a dancer. True to the advertising, a dancer was on another stage, gyrating around a pole, dressed only in black stockings and heels.
"Full nudity, bitches," Rohan announced.
"Come on, let's go get a table," Praveen said, keen to get out of earshot of the security before Rohan got them bounced right back out the door.
They sat down around a small table with four armchairs and within thirty seconds Rohan was waving a twenty at a tall, skinny redheaded dancer with underwear the same colour as her hair.
"You looking for a dance, sugar?" she asked, her accent betraying her East-European origins.
"You better fucking believe it, baby," Rohan grinned, leaning forward in his chair.
"Follow me, big boy," she purred, taking him by the hand and leading him off through an archway dbangd with strings of silver beads.
"He's going to get kicked," Praveen laughed.
"Yep," Bobby nodded. "No chance he can keep his hands to himself."
"Bet you five bucks it takes less than two..." Praveen's voice trailed off as he caught sight of a familiar face. "That's Nayan.... from the waterpark!"
She was about thirty feet across the room, with long black curly hair, tied up at the back and dressed in black and silver underwear that showed off her body to perfection. She stood amidst a table of four guys, baiting them on to buy a dance.
"The stripper with the long dark hair?" Bobby asked, looking where Praveen's gaze was fixed. "That a wig she's got on, bro?"
"Must be." Nayan's hair was cut in a short bob that swept to one side, but her hair was a similar shade to the wig she was wearing. "She never said she was a fucking stripper. Business student at Mumbai, she told me."
"Well, if she's working here, she must have been planning to blow us off," Bobby pointed out. "I wonder if the rest of the girls work here too. I'm going for a look." Praveen nodded as Bobby got up and left the table.
He watched Nayan for a minute or two, feeling pretty disappointed that she'd lied to him today. He genuinely thought they were getting on good, that there was a mutual attraction there, and he felt optimistic about his chances tonight. Not now though.
"Hey baby," Praveen heard as he felt a touch on his arm. He turned to see the dancer from the stage when they'd first come in, now with a tight black dress on to supplement her stockings and heels.
"Hi," he replied, not really sure what to say.
"You gonna spend the night looking at Shobitha from afar, or would you like to look at Payal close up?" she purred quietly.
"Hmm... which one are you?" Praveen asked, confused.
The dancer laughed. "I'm Payal, sweetie. The girl over there is Shobitha. You looking for a dance with me?" She lowered her voice and whispered in his ear. "I don't tease like she does. I deliver."
"Mind if I ask something?" Praveen blurted, partially intoxicated by Payals perfume, but determined to get to the bottom of the Shobitha/Nayan thing.
"As long as it ends up with you and me having some private time, sweetie," she replied, turning and sitting on his knee, her stocking-clad legs crossing on his lap.
"Shobitha," Praveen began. "I met her today, at the water park. Is her real name Nayan?"
To his surprise Payal laughed. "I think you're getting her confused with someone else, sweetie. Shobitha wasn't at no waterpark today. The girl can't even swim."
Praveen frowned. "She was only on the lazy river anyway. It's only four foot deep."
"Trust me, sweetie," Payal smiled. "Shobitha wasn't at no water park today. And her name ain't Nayan neither."
"Well if it wasn't her, she must have a frickin twin in town," Praveen said, turning back to look at the brunette that was the spitting image of the girl he'd spent two hours talking to that afternoon.
"Anyway, enough about Shobitha," Payal said, whispering in his ear once more. She shifted her hips slightly on his lap, getting his attention. "Let's you and me go for a dance."
Praveen felt drawn in two directions. He really wanted to get a dance with Shobitha to find out if it was Nayan or not, but Payal had been very helpful, her scent was intoxicating and her butt felt very nice as it wriggled on his lap.
She stood up and took his hand, then cocked an eyebrow at him. "Let's go."
Before the dance Payal said she delivered, but Praveen honestly thought he'd had much better lapdances. It was as if her heart wasn't in it, and neither were her acting skills. He gave her twenty bucks anyway for going through the motions, thanked her and then returned to Bobby, joined a moment later by Rohan.
"Woo, mother fuckers," Rohan crowed as he sat down heavily. "That girl was all over me like a fat kids tongue on chocolate ice cream."
"You just had a lapdance and all you can think of to describe it is a fat kid licking ice cream?" Bobby laughed. "Dude, that's fucked up."
"That's not what I fucking meant," Rohan said quickly but the damage was done and while Praveen kept an eye on Shobitha, Bobby kept getting digs in on Rohan.
"Hey, did you find her friends here?" Praveen asked Bobby, remembering his friends search.
"No, man. They're not here. I even asked if there was girls on their break through the back, but the bartender said they were all working because it was so busy."
"I asked one of the other dancers and she said it's not her," Praveen explained. "Her name's Shobitha apparently."
"Stripper names are hot!" Rohan added.
Praveen and Bobby ignored him. "Do you think she was telling the truth?" Bobby asked. "Be a shame if it was her and the girls weren't going to meet us, but if it's just someone who looks like her then the girls might still be at Club Boca at twelve."
"She said that Shobitha can't swim, and definitely wasn't at the waterpark today."
"You should get her over for a dance," Bobby suggested. "You can ask her yourself."
"I'm waiting for her to be done with those guys," Praveen explained.
"Fuck that shit," Rohan said getting up. "I'll go get her."
"Fuck no!" Praveen said quickly while Bobby grabbed Rohan's wrist. "You're not exactly Mister Tact-And-Diplomacy, Rohan."
"So? She's only a stripper and I know how to talk to strippers."
"Yeah? What about the four guys she's talking with though?" Bobby pointed out.
"Man, you're such a pussy," Rohan stated. Much as Praveen didn't like to agree with Rohan on much, what he said was true. Bobby would avoid any kind of potential physical confrontation and if one happened he was off like a scalded cat. He had no problem talking with women, but if there was other guys nearby showing an interest he'd avoid them like the plague rather than risk starting something.
"Rohan, have a seat, man," Praveen said. "I'll get her as soon as she's done with those guys, okay? Besides, there's no big rush. We don't have to be at the club for another hour."
"Yeah, man," Bobby added. "It's probably not even her anyway."
"Whatever, bitches," Rohan said, taking a seat and opening another of his beers.
They sat there for another half an hour while Shobitha took three of the guys individually in for dances, with Praveen biding his time. Rohan disappeared for another two lapdances and Bobby went for one. Another dancer approached Praveen but he declined the offer and after that the dancers seemed to leave him alone.
By the time Shobitha returned after the third dance and the fourth guy at the table declined a dance with her, Praveen was about ready to hop out his chair and go over but she turned and looked right at him and then strutted over.
It was so bizarre, he thought to himself as he saw absolutely no flicker of recognition on her face.
"Hey, gorgeous," she said as she sat on the arm of his chair, and he knew there and then it wasn't Nayan. It was her voice. It was different. A completely different tone. Different accent. More husky and a little more Southern than Nayan's Manhattan twang.
"Your name's Shobitha, right?" Praveen said, more for a way of starting the conversation off.
"That's right," she nodded slowly. "A little bird told me you're looking for some quiet time with me." She didn't ask a question but made it a solid statement.
"Yeah, see today I was at a waterpark and I met this girl."
"And she teased you, am I right?"
"Not exactly," Praveen replied, a nervous smile on his face. He couldn't get over how much she looked like Nayan. "I met this girl and you two are unbelievably similar. I thought you were her."
"Well I don't have any sisters, and I wasn't at any waterparks today. I was too busy working on my all over tan," she said, making every word sound seductive. "Want to go to a private room so I can show you it?"
"Em... sure," Kevin replied. He'd spent most of his time in the club watching her, and if it wasn't Juletta then he wanted her to dance for him. If it was Nayan, then even better. He handed her the twenty bucks he had held in his hand for the last half hour.
"Follow me," she said firmly. "What's your name, handsome?"
"You already know my name."
"Shall I tell you what else you know?" she said, dragging the beads out the way and beckoning him through the archway.
"Sure," Praveen stammered, feeling suddenly more nervous now than he had since his first ever time in a strip club.
"That I'm going to give you a dance you'll remember for the rest of your life," she purred. Her hand dragged him into a small booth to the right of the archway and he thumped into the seat. A single light shone down in the booth from above and music pumped from speakers high on the walls throughout the room.
"Remember, no touching, Praveen," she breathed in his ear as she sat down astride his lap. She sat upright, her thighs either side of his and took a hold of his wrists, then paused a second, giving him a curious look.
"What's up?" he asked, intensely aware of her chest inches from his face and the weight of her body on his.
"Nothing," she said quietly as if breaking from a trance. She took his wrists and placed them either side of him on the chiar. "Keep your hands there, Praveen. You're not gonna need them." Then she winked. "I know you've been watching me for a while now."
Without a seductive smile, Shobitha leaned back, her pelvis pressing into his and she continued, arching her back until her head was on the small table in the booth. Then, in time with the pulsing music, she began to pump her hips on his, as if she was riding him.
Praveen took a deep breath as his body immediately responded to this sultry woman gyrating on him, grinding her crotch on his through her thin black panties with the silver lace.
Shobitha bumped him extra hard, then four beats later the same again, then once more. Her hips resumed their quick movement, rocking on him in time with the music.
"Oh Lord," he muttered, feeling his cock begin to rise in his jeans. With his hands at his sides he could feel it getting thicker and longer, growing down the right leg of his trousers. Without adjustment it was going to get painful.
Shobitha flicked herself back upright on his lap, a graceful and erotic movement that placed her chest right in front of his face. Praveen licked his lips, acutely aware of her breathing and the rise and fall of her breasts.
He felt Shobitha's hand slip around behind his neck and she began to slowly ride him, as if on a bucking bronco in slow motion, grinding her hips on him, her flat taught stomach rolling with each movement.
"Oh Lord," he repeated.
Her hands came up to her chest, barely a foot from his face and her finger glided slowly over her bra, tender fingertips caressing the material until they met in the middle. A smooth graceful motion had the front clip undone and then she rolled her head back and thrust her chest forward as her bra slid off her shoulders.
The luxurious full shape of her breasts moved within inches of Praveen's face and as his mouth dropped open of it's own volition, suddenly she swung away again, her left hand landing on his forehead. Praveen felt his head being held firmly against the seat as Shobitha rose onto her knees, her breasts hovering deliciously over his open mouth.
He watched in agonisingly close detail as her free hand caressed her nipple for a moment, her face invisible in the silhouette of the overhead light, and then she brought it towards his mouth. Praveen's tongue flickered out, so close, aching to taste her tight little pink nub, longing to suck it into his mouth and pleasure her.
Her body swayed, bringing her nipple closer then swinging away out of reach by a few inches, then back again once more. Praveen's tongue darted out at each swaying movement, but her hand held his head firmly in place, his tongue as little as an inch out of reach of it's target.
He groaned, an involuntary sound that brought her nipple closer. His tongue stretched out, as far as he could make it reach and he strained as she inched her breast in, closer and closer until he was sure he would be able to lick her nipple. He positively ached for it, and it was all he could do to keep his hands at his sides and not drag her into his mouth.
She released his head from the seat, but before Praveen could smother her nipple in his mouth she stood up, swaying her hips from side to side above him, slowly shuffling backwards for a moment, before she suddenly dropped to a crouch.
With the lightest of touches, her hands spread his knees apart, and her head darted between his legs, down low, almost under his balls, and he felt her nose touching the material of his trousers.
"Holy fuck," he growled, his breathing deep, his cock straining tight against the inner leg of his trousers as she moved her head around his groin.
Shobitha's tongue darted out a moment later, right at the bottom of his button-fly, pressing through the denim on the base of his shaft, then slowly probing along the length of his cock, it's bulge easily visible. It continued, sometimes above, sometimes below, but always in contact until her tongue met the tip of his trapped erection.
Her eyes rose to meet his. "Now this won't do, will it?" she purred, barely audible above the pulsing music. Her hands slid down the inside of his thighs, her right caressing the underside of his balls, the left positioning itself under his cock, and as Praveen gasped, she manoeuvred his erection until it was upright in his trousers.
Shobitha's tongue dragged itself up his button fly, bulging from the contained erection, from bottom to the tip and for a couple of seconds her head bobbed up and down, as if she was sucking him off. Praveen felt a desperate need to wrap his fingers in her hair and hold her in place, but before he could lose control and grab her she had moved again.
This time she half stood and turned around, her back now to him, her luscious, gorgeous buttocks in front of him. Again he licked his lips as they slowly lowered onto his waist, nudging a little from side to side until he could feel his erection nestled between the cheeks of her ass.
This was already a completely different class of lap dance from the one he'd experienced with Payal a short time ago.
Shobitha slowly dragged her ass down the length of his cock, and as Praveen's head pressed back against the chair in blissful agony, she slowly rode back up him. Her hands rose to either side of her head, lacing themselves in her hair as her buttocks began to slowly ride his cock, pulling his foreskin up and down with every motion.
Praveen was in heaven. If it was possible to fuck someone without penetrating them, then this was it, and Shobitha was really going to town on him. As her ass dragged up and down either side of his cock, she leaned back slowly until her head lay on his right shoulder. He could feel her breath on his neck as he looked at her breasts, her nipples tight and hard and agonisingly close, yet still out of reach.
He shivered as her tongue darted out, caressing the skin of his neck, slowly tracing an invisible pattern higher and higher until his ear was sucked into her mouth. Praveen's eyes closed, the sensations all over his body becoming more intense by the second as Shobitha manipulated his senses.
His eyes snapped back open as she released his ear from her mouth and he watched as her fingertips took a light grip on her nipple, twisting it slightly, pulling it a little, and making it stiffer and harder as her buttocks pressed down on his cock.
"Fuck," he said, his voice thick with desire.
Shobitha slowly sat upright, her ass lifting off his cock as she stood and bent over, yet her hand darted down, caressing his erection as if reassuring it. Praveen could see right between her legs and the outline of her pussy through the black panties. His heart raced in hope that she was about to take them off.
Her knees bent again, bouncing her ass off his cock a couple of times as if she was riding him, but her legs straightened again a moment later and one of her hands moved between her legs, a finger tracing the the lips of her pussy and continuing between the cheeks of her ass.
Praveen licked his lips again as the finger continued up past her ass, stopping at the waistband of her panties and hooking inside.
"Please," he mouthed silently, smiling as the finger began to draw her panties down, inch by inch, right in front of him. They peeled slowly from her skin, Shobitha bent over right in front of him, presenting him with the best possible view, close up.
Praveen took a deep breath, his heart racing as his eyes focussed on her imminently visible asshole yet Shobitha twisted her body a half-turn to the right, teasing him further. He could see the wicked grin on her face as she watched his reaction, swaying her ass from side to side as she slid her underwear down over her buttocks, then slowly down her thighs, dropping them to the floor.
Praveen wanted her desperately to resume her previous position, yet she continued swaying her hips before him, side on so he couldn't get a glimpse of what he longed to see. His cock was aching for attention and he shifted his hips a little to try and ease the pressure.
Shobitha paused, stopped the swaying of her hips and placed a hand back on his forehead. The view of her body in profile just intensified Praveen's lust and he was sure he could hear his heart thumping above the beats of the pulsing music in the small room.
He gasped as Shobitha moved quickly, a graceful fluid motion that suddenly had her feet either side of his hips with her hips above his head, her gorgeous pussy right in front of his face. Praveen swallowed, an unconscious reaciton to the sight before him.
As he watched, Shobitha held his head in place, barely a foot away from her naked pelvis and she slid her free hand slowly down over her stomach, over her hip and then onto her shaven mound. Her fingernails traced in circles on the sensitive skin and Praveen was sure there were goose bumps there, so delicate was her touch.
Her fingers slid lower, caressing the lips of her pussy, sliding back and forth along both side and Praveen mouth opened wide as she slid her index finger inside her, a quick dip that accepted her whole finger with no hesitation. Her finger slowly began to slide back out yet darted back in as deep as it would go. Shobitha arched her back as she fingered herself, and Praveen licked his lips, feeling as if his cock got any harder it would burst.
As he watched she slid her finger free from the depths of her pussy, and as she brought it towards Praveen's mouth he opened wide, pressing forward to meet it, wanting nothing more in that instant than to suck her finger clean and taste her wetness.
Shobitha's hand pressed firmly on his forehead keeping him in place and his eyes flickered up to hers, seeing the delightful smirk of a born tease on her beautiful features. Before he could make another move her wet finger swiped right under his nose, drawing from left to right, leaving a moist trail of her scent between his lip and nose.
"Yeah," Praveen blurted, immediately closing his mouth and inhaling through his nose to try and catch a whiff of her. His tongue darted out and wiped his upper lip, catching a slight hint of pussy on the tip of his tongue, but not enough to satisfy him.
Shobitha's hands moved to either side of his head and her pelvis began to sway towards him. He felt his head get yanked back a little and he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue up, desperately hoping to taste her, to pleasure her and to feel her writhing on him. He knew he was breathing fast, was aroused beyond belief, and he wanted this girl, even if it wasn't Nayan. She was too toned, too firm to be the girl he'd chatted with that day. Shobitha was like the evil-twin version of Nayan. Well, her erotic alter-ego.
His tongue probed as her pussy got closer, longing to make contact with that beautiful moist haven, yet she remained just out of reach. Her hips rocked back and forth in front of him, and he could smell her, sense that she was aroused too. She was too close for him to see but it was all instinct.
Each time he tried to lift his head and plunge into her with his tongue she either pressed his head back into the seat or her hips swayed just out of reach. She was an incredible tease and she was playing him like an expert. He was overcome with desire, longing to taste her, touch her, or possess her, trapped by the knowledge that if he pushed his luck and used his hands or used his strength to taste her his feet wouldn't touch the floor until he was on his face out on the street.
His eyes flickered up to hers, and she paused, frozen with that same curious, quizzical look on her face she had before the dance started. She was looking at him as if something wasn't quite right.
As she stood there above him, her pussy barely inches from his mouth, he took a chance and pushed his tongue forward, then pulled the back of his head from the seat.
Praveen was in heaven the instant that the tip of his tongue slid between her lips, immediately tasting her scent, her arousal. He flicked his tongue up, seeking and finding that delicious little bud that maximised the pleasure and he dragged his tongue firmly up it, flicking upwards with the very tip of his tongue.
It had been only a second, probably not even that, yet he saw the expression of pleasure cross her face at the same time as her back arched and her pussy lifted back out of reach. The hands on his head pressed him back, yet Praveen was exultant. He'd tasted her, she was wet, and it was all he could think of.
Shobitha began to sway to the pulsing music, now further away from him, but as his eyes slid slowly up her body Praveen thought she had never looked hotter. His eyes met hers and he could see the intensity of her eyes, staring at him as if trying to decide something only she knew. He hoped she would decide to give him another taste.
Praveen watched as she bent at the knees, her feet still either side of his hips and her hands slid to behind his neck as she slowly squatted down onto his hips, bringing her to a similar position to when she had first started the dance for him, although now she was naked, he was hard and he knew she was wet.
He felt her pussy resting on his erection, only the denim of his trousers separating them and then she lifted free of him, her hips rising and falling a moment later further down his cock. A slow, body-arching movement dragged her pussy up the length of his erection and Praveen growled in intensity of the pleasure and desire coursing through him.
She repeated the movement again, then a third time, and then as he was thrusting up to meet her she paused, leaving him there humping his jeans. She smiled, and Praveen smiled too, knowing he was being manipulated by a master and not caring. He was loving every second of it.
Shobitha slid back and lowered her feet to the floor. Her body swayed, twisted and danced for him between his thighs, shadows and light flickering over her skin with each movement. As she rotated slowly Praveen glanced down at her ass, firm and taught yet shapely enough for him to want to bury his face in it.
She backed into him, the back of her knees hitting the inside of his thighs and then she slowly lowered herself down, resuming the position she'd held earlier, her buttocks enveloping his erection through his trousers and she began to rock her hips.
Shobitha leaned back, this time to his left. Her head came down on his shoulder as her buttocks continued to rock up and down his pelvis, jerking him off, making him gasp. She sucked his ear in her mouth again, intensifying things further for Praveen, further than he could handle.
"Did you enjoy your wicked little taste?" she whispered in his ear, her voice deep and husky.
Praveen nodded, his eyes closed. He longed to lift his hands and grab her hips, her breasts, anything to keep her in place. The constant motion on his cock was going to make him cum, he knew, but he didn't care he was still dressed, didn't have any thoughts beyond the pleasure of that moment.
"Thrusting your tongue into my wet little pussy like a bad boy?" she continued, drawing a groan from Praveen as her ass worked his cock. He could feel his breathing deepen. His balls begin to tighten and he knew it wouldn't be long.
"And now you want to cum, don't you?" she whispered.
"Yes," Praveen gasped. He felt her suck in his earlobe once more, releasing it quickly. Her hips took a longer and slower ride down his cock.
"I bet you want to touch me, don't you?" Shobitha whispered. "To grab me, to take me, to fuck me."
Praveen's cock was going to explode and he knew it. His breath was coming in sharp gasps now, hard and fast as Shobitha lay on top of him, working his cock with her buttocks, working his mind with her words.
He felt her hands fasten on his wrists, lifting them both. She pulled them up to meet her rocking hips and he gripped a hold of them, holding them in place to push his cock against, but Shobitha continued to arch her back, riding his length up and down, manipulating his cock. He could feel it start to happen and his entire body tensed up.
"Is my ass going to make you cum, Praveen," she whispered in his ear.
Before Praveen could reply Shobitha's buttocks tensed up, gripping him and her hips rocked fast, much faster than before, riding him hard and firm through his trousers. It sent him right over the edge.
His breathing changed, deep fast pants of breath mixed with groans, right in her ear. His cock pumped out spurt after spurt of cum onto the inside of his boxers. His body exploded in waves of pleasure, hard surges of bliss as the dancer on his lap manipulated him into and through his orgasm.
"Good boy," she murmured, jerking him off with the cheeks of her ass.
Moments later Praveen's hands fell away from her hips, exhausted and sated as the last of his orgasm washed over him. Shobitha lay still across his body now, relaxed and motionless. Her tongue darted out and traced a circle on his neck.
"Did you enjoy the dance, Praveen?" she said quietly as he lay there panting.
He nodded, not really capable of words or coherent sentences.
"And it's a dance you'll remember for the rest of your life, isn't it?" she said. He could hear the the wickedness in her voice with a hint of self-satisfaction for a job well done.
He nodded. "F... fuck yes," he stammered a moment later. "Incredible."
She kissed him on the cheek, a surprisingly tender and gentle kiss, her right hand coming up to hold him in place. "My pleasure," she murmured.
Praveen felt her shift her weight as if she was about to get up, and his hands clasped her hips. "Don't go."
"I gotta get dressed, Praveen," she said, smiling at him. She wiggled her hips from side to side.. "Besides, I think you might need to go clean up."
She kissed his cheek once more, a disarming gesture that provided affection at the same time as reminding Praveen that the dance was over. This time as she shifted her weight to sit up he let her go, feeling her sitting upright on his lap, her back to him.
Praveen became aware of how the inside of his trousers were plastered with cum, and it was rapidly cooling now. She was right, he knew. He'd need to go clean up, and with a sigh of regret he accepted that the dance was finished.
"You're a hell of a good dancer, Shobitha," he said, watching as she bent over to pick up her panties and bra.
She wiggled her hips on him, giving him a physical response rather than a verbal one he probably wouldn't have heard anyway. He took it as a sign she was pleased with his compliment and while she slipped her panties around her ankles, he pulled another twenty from his pocket.
Shobitha stood, bent over at the waist and slid her panties back up her legs. It was the first glimpes Praveen got of her ass and of her pussy from the rear and it made him lick his lips. She straightened as she slipped her black panties with the silver lace back up, adjusting them on her hips and then she half-turned and sat on his right thigh.
"Here," Praveen said, lifting the twenty and handing it to her. "Best dance I've ever had. If I could give you a hundred bucks I would, and you'd stil deserve a tip."
"Aren't you sweet," she said, and gave him a brief peck on the lips. "Thank you, Praveen."
Shobitha slipped her bra back on in a swift, practiced movement, fastening it and then running her fingers quickly through her hair, shrugging it back into place.
"Shall we?" she said, standing and holding a hand out to Praveen to help him get up.
He smiled, took her hand and stood up, feeling a little wobbly for a moment, making her chuckle.
"Knee trembler?"
Praveen nodded. "Told you you were good."
"Oh, I know I'm good," she said, smirking. "Honestly though, I don't usually get turned on when I do a lap dance, but there's something about you, Praveen."
Praveen smiled, but he knew that was a line. He didn't say anything further, but let her lead him from the booth and back through the beaded curtains to the main room.
She stopped and gave him a peck on the cheek, and with a whispered, "Thanks for the dance," she was off. Praveen looked over at his friends, watching a dancer up on the main stage doing naked acrobatics with her thighs clasped around a steel pole, and smiling, he headed for the bathroom.
Praveen, Rohan and Bobby arrived at Club Boca but had to wait in the queue. The time passed quickly with Bobby repeatedly reminding Rohan not to be a total dick and Rohan repeatedly quizzing Praveen about the lap dance. Since he cleaned himself up in the bathroom at the club, Praveen hadn't said a word about it to his buddies. He'd also ditched his boxers in the restroom waste-paper bin and ended up going commando. There was no way he was going to tell Rohan that story.
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At a little after twelve they were admitted to Club Boca, a large place focussed around dancing and drinking, with DJ's playing a mixture of mainstream dance and bollywood music, and Praveen immediately picked up on the cool chilled vibe of the place. Rohan and Bobby hit the bar while Praveen went looking for the girls. The guys had caught up with him again by the time he spotted them, so the three of them walked over to join them.

"Hey," Praveen smiled as he approached Nayan.
"Hi Praveen," she said, smiling back. "So you guys made it then? We thought you weren't gonna show."
Praveen smiled, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that Shobitha wasn't Nayan, but the similarity to her was frightening. Realising he hadn't answered her, he smiled. "Yeah, we got stuck in the line outside. Here now though."
"Glad to hear it," Nayan replied giving him a nudge with her elbow.
"Hey, wanna dance?"
Praveen followed her down to the dance floor and took the opportunity to check her out. He really dug the short black skirt and boots and the black and white cut-off top she wore really showed her off. Once they were on the dance floor, Praveen let himself go. He'd always enjoyed dancing, especially in clubs and when a lot of his friends went through that phase where they thought that dancing was 'gay', Praveen was able to dance with most of the hot chicks in his school. Now he was twenty he felt comfortable on the dance floor.
While they enjoyed the music, Praveen noticed the odd guy checking out Nayan from time to time. She really did look hot, he noted, and he liked how she kept looking at him. Despite his earlier orgasm at the strip club he could feel a tingle of excitement in the pit of his stomach.
After fifteen minutes or so out on the floor, where they were briefly joined by Bobby and Rashmika, they stopped for a drink. Praveen grabbed them a couple of stools looking down on the dancefloor and they sat down.
"So what you been up to tonight then?" Praveen asked.
"Oh, you know. This and that," she grinned. "Four girls out on the town."
"I can imagine," he laughed. "Lots of teasing and flirting?"
"Little bit," she replied, laughing. "Bit of drinking, bit of dancing too."
"Good stuff." He took a swig of his beer and after offering Nayan another drink, he popped down to the bar and got a round of drinks in for them all. When he got back Rohan was telling them all about the strip club they were at earlier.
Praveen groaned, as he hadn't intended telling any of the girls about Derriere's Gentleman's Club but he should have known that Rohan was incapable of any kind of tact or diplomacy. He popped the drinks down on the table and picked up his and Nayan's, handing her it.
"Sometimes he's a total asshole," He muttered.
"Now that's a bad case of stating-the-obvious you've got there, Praveen," Nayan said. He could see she wanted to ask a question of him.
"Did he tell you about the girl who looked like you?" Praveen asked, figuring he might as well cut to the chase.
She nodded. "He said you thought she was me?"
"Yeah, I thought that at first, so I asked another dancer but she said Shobitha couldn't swim, so it couldn't be her at the waterpark," Praveen explained as he saw Nayan snigger. "Excellent stripper name, huh?"
"Classy," Nayan nodded. "So Rohan said you got a dance with her?"
Praveen nodded, his expression serious. "I wanted to find out if it was you or not. I know it wasn't now, but I had to speak to her to find out. I didn't know if you were serious about meeting us here tonight and were actually a stripper, or if there was someone who looked like you and you were still gonna be here."
"Right," she said slowly. "So you got a lap dance with my doppelganger to find out if I'd be here or not?" He could see Nayan found the story pretty amusing.
"Pretty much," Praveen admitted. "Anyway, me and Bobby only went to the club because Rohan was gonna go and we'd promised him before we left home that we would."
"You didn't want to go see naked strippers?" she asked quickly.
"No... I mean, yes but..." Praveen stopped, realising she was messing with him. "Nice one," he laughed.
Nayan winked at him and sipped at her cocktail. "Hey, was it any good?"
"Was what any good?"
"The lapdance? Rohan said you wouldn't speak about it."
"You really want to know?" Praveen asked, looking at her curiously, wondering where she was going with this.
"Of course."
"Because I want to know if this stripper is good or not, especially if other people might think she's me. A girl has a reputation to uphold after all and quality matters."
Praveen laughed, pleased to see she hadn't decided he was a creep because he went to a strip club with his buddies. He did noticed that the more Rohan talked the more Sara and Samantha frowned at him. Meanwhile he could see Bobby and Rashmika getting cosy, with hands slipping around waists, gentle touches and nudges aplenty.
"They seem to be getting on well," he said quietly to Nayan.
"Yeah," she nodded. "They're cute together. I'm glad they're getting on."
"How are we doing?" Praveen asked on an impulse. He liked to take people by surprise from time to time.
Her cheeks flushed a little as she looked at him. "Not too bad so far. Definitely potential there."
"So you think I'm hot then?" he said, careful not to speak too loud.
"You're okay," she said archly. "What about me?"
"I think you're hot. You're cute and sexy and lots of fun," Praveen said, making it up as he went. "I think you're a really good person too, and you deserve to have some fun." He swivelled the stool so he was no longer facing the group, positioning himself facing the dancefloor. He was pleased to see Nayan doing the same, their shoulders now touching as they sipped at their drinks.
"I'm.... glad you think so," she said a moment later, her cheeks a little blushed.
"You know, we could just take off right now?" he suggested, but she smiled and shook her head.
"Not yet. It's our last night here, so I want to party some more." She gave him a very firm look. "Later though, you might get to come back to our place. We've got a villa."
"I'm sure we'd both enjoy that," he said carefully, smiling a little. On an impulse he leaned forward to kiss her, but she jerked her head back and brought a finger up to his lips.
"Please tell me you washed after your lapdance."
Her statement made Praveen chuckled. "Of course I did."
She narrowed her eyes. "You're sure?"
"Definitely," he nodded, and then was pleased when she leaned in and kissed him. Her lips were soft yet assertive and they kissed for a few seconds.
"Consider that a canape to start your appetite," she said, smiling.
"If that was a canape then my stomach is making growling sounds already," he laughed.
They hit the dancefloor after that, pausing occasionally for drinks, but always heading back to dance. As the evening wore on they touched more and more, starting with light brushes and progressing to some pretty firm grinding and caresses. While drinking Praveen and Nayan were either touching each others hands, or Nayan was leaning into Praveen's chest, at one point sitting on his knee. It was two hours of solid foreplay before the club closed.
The seven of them left the club, with Bobby and Rashmika firmly paired off like Praveen and Nayan, while Rohan tried unsuccessfully to get anywhere with either Sara or Samantha, but the most he got was when he tried one of his chat-up lines and they couldn't stop laughing for several minutes. Bobby suggested that he hop in a cab, but Rohan wouldn't have it, and if his buddies were going to a party, he was too.
The walk to the villa Nayan was staying at took about twenty minutes and by the time they got there, they were all feeling pretty buzzed with the alcohol. When they opened the front door Praveen was really impressed. It had several bedrooms, a large lounge area and a swimming pool and jacuzzi out the back.
Praveen just shook his head as Rohan made straight for the pool, bombing the mirror-flat surface from as great a height as he could manage, fully clothed.
"What a fucking moron," Nayan laughed.
"He's a good guy," Praveen laughed. "He just.... he's not that tactful and there's no filter between his brain and his mouth, but if you ever need someone to get your back, he's there."
"He sounds like he'd get you into more trouble than out of it though," she teased, holding his hand.
"He has his moments," Praveen said, smiling.
"Come on," Nayan said, dragging him into one of the rooms off the lounge. Praveen's heartbeat accelerated as he entered Nayan's bedroom. Typical of a nineteen year old girl there was clothes, shoes, magazines and makeup everywhere.
"Nice and tidy," he laughed.
"There's some floor somewhere," she shrugged. "And don't get your hopes up just yet, mister," she added quickly. "I figure if we're gonna have a swim, you can pick out a bikini for me to wear."
"You gonna model them for me?"
"No," she said, laughing. "But you can choose what I've to wear, and then later I might let you take it off me."
"I can cope with that job."
"Thought you might," she grinned. Nayan rummaged around on the floor, gathering up various different coloured bits of swimsuits and while she did that, Praveen looked around, spotting a rather fancy camera on one of the units.
"Nice camera."
"Yeah, it's not too bad," she smiled. "I'm really into photography, but I didn't want to bring my good camera with me. That's just a D80."
"I know it's a Nikon, but I don't know one model from another," Praveen smiled. "Looks expensive."
Nayan shrugged. "The body isn't that expensive. The lens is a bit more though. Twenty-eight to seventy, F two point eight."
Praveen chuckled. "I don't know what any of that means."
"It's not the standard lens that comes with the camera. It's more a... specialist portrait lens," she explained. "I make a little side income with my photography back in New York. Actors headshots, Corporate portraits, stuff like that. It finances my hobby."
"Very cool," Praveen murmured, genuinely impressed. "Is that what you do at Mumbai?"
She shook her head. "Nope. Study business. It's really boring though, so I might drop out and do the photography thing full-time."
"That's seriously cool."
Nayan shrugged. "It's not all it's cracked up to be. Lot of time spent in front of a computer editing. You have to really love it. Fortunately for me."
Praveen liked what he was seeing of this side of Nayan. This casually artistic and passionate person that had been inadvertently hidden from him under the persona of a nineteen year old clubbing student on a spring break weekend.
"So which one?"
Praveen looked at the three bikini in her hands, one black, one silver and the other blue and gold. He had no idea about styles, or cuts, but he thought the black one and said so.
"Why the black one?" she asked as she dropped the other two.
"I thought it would go nicely with your hair," Praveen said honestly.
"I like that answer," she smiled, moving forward. Her lips found his for a few intense seconds, until they broke.
"Right, out you get," she ordered, smiling.
He moved to the door. "Hey, I don't suppose you've got any shorts here that'll fit me, do you?"
Nayan raised an eyebrow. "You're commando?"
"Afraid so."
"Ask Samantha. I think she packed a pair of her brothers shorts by accident."
"See you in a minute," Praveen nodded. "Hey, you sure you don't need me to stay and supervise you getting changed?"
"All good things come to those who wait," she said, then lifted a hand, pointing out the door. "Wait being the operative word. Out."
Praveen closed the door, smiling.
Samantha turned out to have a pair of shorts he could use, although they weren't for swimming but they'd do, so he popped into the bathroom to get changed. In the ten minutes that he spent waiting for Nayan, the three girls had all gotten changed and were in the water, while Bobby had simply stripped to his briefs and plunged into the pool after them.
Eventually Nayan reappeared though, and Praveen walked over to the pool with her, liking the sight of her in the black bikini. A momentary memory popped into his head of Shobitha, the stripper, with her black underwear and the similarities were abundant between the two, yet the slight differences were more pronounced at the same time.
Praveen nearly blurted out, "Are you sure you don't have a sister," but he realised that reminding her he was thinking about a stripper and not her probably wouldn't go down too well. He opted for diving in the pool.
For an hour or so they mucked around in the pool, sending Rohan to make them drinks out of whatever liquor was left in the villa. Surprisingly Rohan was the first to pass out, on one of the sun loungers that surrounded the pool. At that point Bobby and Rashmika were definitely doing their own thing together in the jacuzzi, and Sara and Samantha had gone inside to get some items to give Rohan a 'makeover'.
"Let's leave them to it," Nayan whispered in Praveen's ear.
He nodded, immediately getting out the pool and helping Nayan out. She didn't let go of his hand, but pulled him after her into the house.
Praveen followed her into her bedroom, not pausing as she pulled him straight into the bathroom and handed him a towel. As he dried himself off in the dim light from the bedside lamp, he watched Nayan, rubbing a towel through her short bobbed hair. It was at that length that it looked awesome if it was neat or messy.
With both of them dry apart from the wet clothing, they paused, looking at each other, the air thick with tension. Praveen broke it.
"I will if you will," he smiled.
Nayan blushed a little but smiled back at him. "It wouldn't be smart to get into bed with wet clothes, would it?"
"Downright stupid," Praveen agreed, his hand sliding down over his stomach to the button of the cargo shorts he'd borrowed.
"Really stupid," Nayan nodded, reaching behind her to undo the strap of her bikini top. The two black cords dangled down at the sides of her stomach, the top only held in place by the string around her neck. Praveen could see the mischievous grin on her face, the slight flush on her cheeks and chest and he knew his own breath was coming quicker.
Throwing caution to the wind he shrugged his hips and pushed at the shorts, dropping them to the floor in one swift movement.
"Bear in mind the water was cold," he added, smirking.
Her eyes flickered back up to his face. "Poor baby. I'll make sure you're all warmed up."
At that Nayan reached back and pulled open the remaining knot on her bikini top, dropping it to the floor. Praveen took a deep breath as he saw her breasts, nice and firm, not too full, and the phrase 'more than a handful is a waste' popped into his head. Her nipples were tight and hard from the cold water, and he longed to suck them in his mouth.
"Like what you see?" Nayan asked, biting her lip as she awaited his response.
"Hotter than I could have imagined," Praveen said immediately. "Beautiful."
"Oh, aren't you the smooth one," she replied, pleased at his compliment.
"Well, Mister Honest, you better get dried before you get in this bed. One of us is wet enough already." Nayan blushed a little more as she finished the statement but her words had an immediate effect on Praveen, and he rapidly scrubbed his damp bits dry with towel as he walked around the double bed.
Nayan chuckled as she saw him do a bandy-legged hop-walk as he dried himself, getting a grin back from Praveen. Seeing how unabashed he was she quickly shed her bikini bottoms and dried herself with her towel before slipping into bed alongside him.
Praveen had his arm out and Nayan immediately slipped into it, snuggling into him.
"Are you cold?" She murmured a moment later.
"Me too. Cuddle into me," Nayan ordered, rolling onto her side and dragging him to spoon in behind her.
Praveen slipped his arm around her waist as his legs slid in, matching her position under the covers. Her butt felt cold in his lap, but it was a naked Nayan butt. It could have been made of ice and he wouldn't have moved away. He traced his fingers in a small circle around her belly button.
"That's nice," she murmured, worming her head in between Praveen and the pillow.
There was something incredibly intimate and comforting in the way their bodies were conforming into each other to Praveen. He realised that both of them were making unconscious minute adjustments, his upper leg sliding between hers, her calf resting behind his own with her foot looped under his. Her hand found his left arm and she pulled it in to her body, his hand sliding between her breasts as his right slid from her belly button to between her and the bed, wrapping her tight, her arms wrapping around his until they were as tight together as could be.
There was nothing erotic about it, he realised, just an incredible intimacy as their two bodies fit tightly together as if made for it.
"Oh my," Nayan purred in his ear. "I could stay like this all night."
"Um... me too," Praveen admitted. "And I'm not a cuddly type of guy."
"But this is so nice..."
"I know," he admitted. "It's.... "
"I know," she finished.
They lay there, wrapped up in each other under the blankets.
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