Adultery Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife
Hello everyone, it has been my dream to be an erotic novelist and here's my first attempt towards the same. Please read and send me feedback on how you like this story. Depending on feedback I will most the other parts. Now Enjoy!!

Chapter One - The Party

The Journey

“Hello, are you done now?” That was my husband calling me from outside our bedroom. I didn’t respond for few moments and then said in a nervous shaky tone “5 more mins” with a pause of 20 isecs. Normally I would lash out at him for pushing me to get ready but there’s a reason the reaction was very different this time. We were about to get on to a journey that will change our lives forever….for good or bad don’t know. The path we are about to walk, I never dreamt I would ever even think of to go on it ever.

Tonight was “The Party” night that my husband told me about on our first night and took a promise that I would come to one day. Back then I thought he was joking so didn’t take it seriously but since last 1 year of our marriage there was never a day he didn’t remind me of this party. From not taking it seriously to being shocked to being angry to being forced to agree and to finally this nervous state. My husband ensured he is persistent in making me agree, though very unwillingly, to go to “The Party”.

There was also dress code, seriously? First of all going to such a ridiculous party itself is a pain and now I have to follow this stupid dress code. In a way it was simple but for a conservative ***** girl like me dressing in this manner itself is a big taboo. So the dress code was, all the ladies should were a white sleeveless dress. My husband actually wanted me to wear a skirt and a sleeveless blouse on that but he very well knew I am not going to do that so didn’t bother pushing. I chose Sari but he put a condition that he will choose it for me. So here I am in a semi transparent white silk Sari with matching white blouse, off course sleeveless a bit low cut for my liking but not too revealing. Perhaps he didn’t want me to be pissed off even to dress.

“We are going to be late, hurry up” again another reminder from him. “Coming…” was my response. I finished applying bright red lipstick checked myself in the mirror one final time and came out of our bedroom holding my sari which was really slippery due to the silky material. “Wow you look stunning, Everyone will go mad after seeing you today, we are getting late or else…” Before he could finish I interrupted him by putting my finger on his lips and gestured him to walk. I very well knew what he was going to say next. Can’t believe he is so excited about all this, how could husband be so excited to get his wife F…K.ed by ??? Shit I can’t even think about it. Just by thinking about the party once again my body shivered slightly with fear? Or was that nervousness? don’t know really.

Finally we locked the doors, got into the car and here we were onto the finally the journey to “The Party” house. Its actually a farm house but my husbands friends call it “Party House” for obvious reasons. Thats the default destination for this dirty parties!!!

“Tring, Tring, Tring..” That’s my mobile ringing, yes I have this old fashioned “Tring, Tring” thing, I don’t like this modern age cellphone ring tones. My likes are like me old fashioned and conservative. Anyways I just checked my phone it was Shweta. In all this tussle I totally forgot about Shweta. Shweta is my husbands best friends wife, about a year younger than me. She got married to Varun, my husbands best friend,  just about a month after our marriage. Since then we all meet at least once or twice a month, go out on picnics, we also went to couple of short trips with them. Shweta is my best friend after my marriage we can say.

“Hello?” She said in a low trembling voice. I said “hey, are you ok?” Similar but a bit better controlled voice than hers. “Akka (that’s big sister in our language), have you started?” With a big pause between Akka and the question. She calls me Akka as I am elder than her and may be because of my traditional attire (Saris, Kurties etc) she may feel like I am much more older than her. Anyways I never tried to contemplate why she calls me Akka (bigger sister). I could only say “yes”. Then we realised we both didn’t have anything else to say for few seconds or perhaps both of us were too nervous to talk. She switched on the speaker and said “Ok”. “Surya, how far have you come?” That was Varun asking my husband Surya. My husband replied “will be there in 15mins bro”, “great, same here, see you soon” that was his response. My heart started pounding hearing that. We are just about 15mins away from losing our sanctity and enter the world of sin. After that I once agin got lost into my own thoughts about this party, what will it be like? Etc etc..

My thoughts were broken when the car stopped in front of a big bungalow. I realised we reached the place, involuntarily looked at Surya with a pleading look that said “Please lets go back, don’t make me do this”. He smiled and got off the car. I took few seconds but then realised now there is no going back. I did agree to come so lets do it. That was my mind telling my heart but my heart’s pounding didn’t stop with that consoling. Nervously and shakily I got off the car and started adjusting my Sari. Thats when I heard another car approaching. That was Varun and Swetha. I could see that Swetha has become bright red with shyness. She was sweating profusely and her entire face had became bright red. They both parked the car and got out of it to greet us. I just gave nervous half grin to Swetha, she waved slightly. She was looking great in her Kurta Pajama’s. It had stuck to her body like a second skin, though the cloth was not revealing her shapes could be seen very clearly. But at the top I could see that it was pretty much shoulder less, just 2 stings tied together to hold each side of her dress. The neckline was quite deep, I could see half of her boobs and she was not wearing any duppatta to hide her bosom. She was looking really hot, even to me!! God knows what other boys would feel after seeing her in this form. Surya was also shocked to see her like this we had never seen her in such a revealing attire before.

Anyways all of us walked over to the door, my husband rang the bell. After few seconds someone opened the big door of that farm house. “Hi Surya, Padma, Varun and Swetha” come on in. You guys are soo late we have been waiting for you since about half an hour now. Saying this he lead us through the door and into a big hall. Everyone said “hi” at the same time. We just waved with a nervous grin. Swetha was right next to me almost stuck to me like a scared child sticks to their mom. Inspite of all the nervousness I laughed at her, internally off course.


All the guys at the party were familiar to us, all of them were Surya’s friends and their wives except 1 guy, Raghu. He was not married with Swapna but they lived together. Now, that’s one more thing that I could never understand. How could people live like husband and wife without being married? Anyways as you can imagine Swapna was a modern girl and that was really evident from her attire. She was wearing a small skirt, not sure if it even fits the definition of a skirt. It was like just an extension to her panty, just about an inch longer than her panty. Her creamy white legs were completely visible for everyone. That was the bottom, now coming to the top there was just a 3 inch cloth wrapped around her bust. Exposing everything from top of her so called skirt till the beginning of her boobs and again right from where her boobs ended and her shoulder everything was exposed. It just looked like she has come straight from a club. Her make up and lipstick was top notch. She really looked like a tollywood star. I myself felt she was looking so sexy so you can really imagine what the boys must have Felt. Surya was just staring at her like he will rip her tiny top and burry his face right between her boobs given a chance right now. I just gave him a small nudge and he came back to sense.

Once again my thoughts got interrupted by a the sound of someone tapping the glass. It was Arjun the big tall handsome guy of the gang. I felt he looked like John Abraham of Bollywood, not that broad but similar hight. “Wellcome all to the Party!” We all know the rules but we have some new guests so let me explain them these rules. So the new ladies of the gang, Padma and Swetha listen carefully. As you know we all are friends here and we have come here to enjoy, so we expect your full cooperation in whatever happens today in this party. Please forget your inhibitions, your husbands have brought you here so that means they love you so much and don’t want you to miss this fun. So here you go..

Rule 1. No one is allowed to say “NO” just forget that word exists. Its always a “yes” whatever anyone asks or tells you to do.
Rule 2. There’s nothing dirty or wrong. Anything and everything goes here. Just enjoy.
Rule 3. If anyone says “No” to anything then they will be stripped naked and left out of the house immediately. Your husbands will also not be allowed to go with you. You will have to walk your way back home naked. 

That last like rang in my head few times. What? Naked outside that too without your husband. Swetha clinched my hands harder when she heard that. Arjun continued…

Now coming to the party. Its very simple, we will have following phases in the party tonight:
Phase 1 - Introductions. We have a unique way of introductions here. I won’t spill the beans right away but rest assured you will enjoy it
Phase 2 - Musical Chair style dancing with a twist. You all will start dancing with your partners in a circle when the music starts. At the end of the song you will walk to the next person to the right and dance with him. There is a small twist her which I will reveal when we get to this stage
Phase 3 -  Free for all. That means anyone can do anything until they fall asleep. 

Thats it guys that’s our simple but elegant party. So friends are you ready to get yourself introduced to our new ladies, Swetha and Padma. “Yea” that was a chorus response. Before I could digest all of this information Swetha was pulled into the middle by Varun, he left her there and said, “guys come over and introduce yourself to my wife Swetha”. She was standing her head down slightly shivering looking at me with the corner of her eye. In the meanwhile Surya brought me a drink which I just gulped without even realising what it was. It was a bit sour but I was really thirsty, may be because of all the nervousness and high voltage Brain activity. Surya went to get me another glass, while I looked at Swetha a bit helplessly though.

Arjun came forward to introduce himself. He went near Swetha and put his hand forward for handshake, Swetha nervously stuck her hand out. Arjun took her hand shook it few times and pulled her towards him. She was shocked with this action and clearly was not prepared for this so she lost her balance and fell on his chest. Her big boobs literally crushed onto him. He was wearing a jeans cloth shirt with few buttons open, I am sure Swetha’s naked shoulder touched his chest hair a bit. Before Swetha could recover, Arjun leaned over and placed his lips on hers. I was just dumb-stuck with that. Just opened my mouth with an awe and just kept staring at what was happening. Varun came near me and whispered in my ear. “That’s the twist in introduction round.”

I was like “what?” Before I could react more, I could here Swetha’s mumbling voice, she was trying to get away from Arjun and say something. Perhaps she was calling for help, which was not on offer instead everyone were laughing at the scene. Swapna was literally jumping up and go down with laughter. After a full minute of sucking Swetha’s lips Arjun left her by saying “nice to meet you Swetha, you are very sweet”. I think I saw him wink at her with a smile. Swetha was still in a shock, I wanted to go for her rescue but that’s when I saw Ruhi walk to her. I thought she was going to console her so stopped. In the meanwhile Surya brought my drink over and I started sipping it. Looks like I started to like it, still not knowing what was it. So Ruhi went shook hands with Swetha and slightly hugged her. In a bit consoling way rubbed her back. Ruhi was decently dressed with sleeveless t-shirt and a short that was not too short. Swetha became normal with Ruhi’s consoling that’s when Vikram walked over to Swetha and Ruhi left. Vikram shook Swetha’s hand by saying “hi I am Vikram, Ruhi’s husband”, Swetha looked up to him and smiled that’s when he pulled her to him. This time Swetha was prepared, she didn’t fall but instead put her both hands in between so to save her boobs from crushing on to his chest. But could not avoid the kiss. Vikram though gentle did enjoy her lips for a minute before leaving. This time Swetha took the kiss with partial willingness, at least she didn’t seem to be struggling or pushing him out.

Then walked in our modern girl Swapna. She went straight to grab Swetha’s neck/head and pulled her to place her lips on Swetha’s. Once again I was shocked how could a girl kiss a girl. Now I knew what Arjun meant by everything goes here. God what else I have to witness more today??

After Swapna, was Raghu and then was Sandhya, Arjun’s wife. All of them kissed Swetha for one minute each in the name of introductions. The biggest shock for me was that even Surya went and kissed Swetha to introduce himself. I was like, we meet every other week what was left to introduce? Perhaps introduction of Surya’s lips to Swetha’s! At the end Swetha’s lips were swollen and had become really red without lipstick. After this introductions Swetha came back running to Varun to Hug him. Now I realised it was my turn to be introduced.

Surya took me to the centre and leaving me there he just walked back. I was fully prepared for this specially after watching Swetha’s introduction, I knew what to expect but I was still nervous and shaky. This time Raghu came forward to “Introduce” himself. He came up to me straight away kept his hand in my midriff i.e my exposed skin due to me wearing a Sari, his other hand went behind my back to pull me closer. I resisted a bit but knew I had no choice so gave up unwillingly. His lips came closer to mine and finally met mine. First softly and then hard. That was the first time I was kissed by a man other than my husband. It felt weird that I am in the arms of someone else while my husband and his friends were watching me. I just closed my eyes in the hope to relieve myself from the shame. Shame didn’t got but Raghu left after sucking my lips for a minute. I thought he did try to put his tongue inside but I didn’t let that happen. Felt a sense of achievement by refraining him from entering my mouth. I felt stupid at my own thought.

That sanctity didn’t last long as when it was Arjun’s turn he made sure I open my mouth so he can suck on my tongue and lips. I was left catching up my breath after his kiss. He was a strong man and I was no match for his strength. I was then treated with soft lips of ladies and mens rough ones alternately. Everyone freely hugging and kissing with minimal resistance from me. I might have given up on my shame or may be the affect of that drink Surya gave me, was is alcohol? It may be! That’s the reason why perhaps I was loosening up a bit? Whatever was the reason, I enjoyed a bit with equal amount of nervousness and shame. Finally our introductions round came to an end with the final kiss from Varun. This one felt really awkward as we knew each other for so long and never ever looked at each other in a sexual way. I think Varun was equally awkward like me so it just lasted few seconds and he withdrew.

All this was so exhausting for me, I was just catching up my breath and was really praying to god to give me a break. That’s when Arjun came to my rescue, he announced we will take a break now for 15 mins. That was such a relief, I was literally dying for a break. All this was not easy for me to take in, I really needed some time to recalibrate what was going on. It really came as a blessing. When Arjun forced me to tongue kiss him, I was really mad at him, I cursed him like anything. But with this move of his we might get to even Smile Everyone got into normal party mode, a usual chit chat started. Swetha came running to me to ask me off course by gesture on how I was doing. I just nodded my head to say I am fine. Surya came to me with some snacks and same drink yet again. Now I was very sure it was alcoholic but given the situation I was in, I probably didn’t care.

Stay tuned and send some feedback to know what happened next in this erotic party.

Dancing and Stripping…

“That was really a bold statement” my mind was telling that to my heart. Yes that was indeed. I had never ever tasted alcohol in my life. I used to hate alcohol, I used to ask Surya to sleep in the spare bedroom when he used to come from drinking parties. Needless to say, I never allowed Surya to drink at home. I just hated the smell, perhaps because of my conservative upbringing. Thinking about conservativeness, I started recollecting all that happened in the party so far. The girl like me who only had been kissed first time at her first night by her husband got kissed by so many stranger men and women just in one night. That was beyond the taboo I had dreamt off. While it felt bad but it also felt good. Tasting new mouths, even women’s. Thinking of which, there was so much difference in the soft touch of women’s lips to rough men’s lips added with spiky moustaches. I had never ever kissed a women, I didn’t even know that was possible. But I must admit I did enjoy that, secretly I was hoping I can get those kisses again, specially from that bombshell, bold Swapna. A slight smile went through my lips. “Thank god you are not mad, are you ok?” that was Surya, he was keenly observing me and my reactions. I came to senses with his words and just gave him a small smile, that was more to avoid his questions than to answer his earlier one.

I just looked around, everyone was so free here, just enjoying the moment. You wouldn’t believe all these guys were sucking our lips and hugging us like there was no tomorrow just few minutes ago. First time in this party I really started to see what everyone is wearing and their shapes and sizes. Arjun is the hunk no doubt in the gang and Swapna is most sexily dressed women in the whole gang. Swapna’s as much skin was covered as mine was open. Indeed we were opposites Smile

Ruhi was decent, right balance, I would say 50% cover to her skin but 50% was open as well, not like Swapna who had 80% open perhaps ?? Swetha was about 70 to 80% covered like me but in a different way. Coming back to Sandhya, she was wearing a top in such a way that her navel was fully exposed her whole mid rift was visible. The top was like Swetha’s tied with few strings. Her back was too much exposed though. Just one string at the top and one at the bottom everything else open. I just couldn’t imagine how is her top holding up and second thing I couldn’t believe is that she was not wearing bra as I could not see Any strap between her 2 strings of the top. So it was certain she was bra less. In the name of bottom she was wearing a Skirt. It wasn’t as shot as Swapna’s it was ok decent that just ended at her thighs. Not too revealing but enough to give a hint to what’s inside. I didn’t bother much to observe men’s dressing, just that of Arjun’s. He was standing out for sure. He just looked like Bollywood star !!!!

We were eating some refreshments and having few drinks while chatting with each other. Swetha was stuck to me, looked really scared to go around on her own. The chat was usual hi and hellos it just seemed like we all are here for a casual get together. Men were so polite with ladies and ladies were keeping distance with men and wearing a broad smile. No one would believe that these same men were groping and smooching myself and Swetha just a few minutes ago. The very thought of that brought another shiver to me. Just then Arjun spoke again. “Ladies and Gentlemen, its time for us to move this party to the second phase”. “As I said before this is a musical chair dance with a twist”. “Its simple you will start dancing with your partner whom you came to this party with for 1 full song, once that song is over you will move to the next person to the right of you”. “ As I said before we all will be standing in a circle, so at the end of each song you will move to the next partner”. “But what is the twist?” I said out loud. I thought I was thinking inside my brain but that came out loud. Everyone laughed and Arjun continued “Glad you asked, Padma, The twist is when you leave your partner you both need to give each other a gift”. “The gift that other one demands”, “it can be  a piece of clothing you are wearing, or an act of his/her choice”. “Hope that is clear so lets get started with the dance”. “Music On!”

Now there were many questions in my head as usually, “what does that gift mean?”. “Do I need to remove my clothing? Infront of all these people?” “No way”. “Yes that’s what it means” Surya said in a whisper in my ear. “Did I say that out loud? Again?” I asked Surya. He just smiled and said “No but I know what you are thinking”. Your dancing partner can ask for any act like say “Kiss” “or a piece of your clothing” “Like your sari for that matter”. “You can do the same”. “No way” was my answer “I am not disrobing in front of all these people” I said with a firm voice. “Ok so be ready to go home naked” was Surya’s counter. That’s when I recollected the rule of “Yes”. Tears started building up in my eyes, Surya sensed that and brought me closer to him and put his hands behind my back to console me. “Its not that bad, you will love it, trust me” “Just go with the flow”. “See we are married and as your husband, I am permitting you to do whatever it takes in this party”, “Don’t hold back”, “ I am very sure at the end you will love it and would want to come back again”

“No way”, I said that just when the song ended. With that my hesitation also ended or at least I became a bit more confident. As my husband if Surya wants me to do this then lets go with it, anyways I don’t seem to have a choice. With that thought I stared. To walk away from Surya but he held my pallu and I came back to his arms again. “What?” I said with my eyes and he said “My gift?”. That’s when I recollected I had to give him a gift. “What do you want?” I asked. He thought for a second and then said “I want your sari”. I was like “are you serious?” He nodded. I took a step back from him and hesitantly started removing my Sari. I did plead him with my eyes few times before though but he seemed to be determined. So with shaky hands I unwrapped my sari and gave it to him with one hand while other hand covered by bossom over by blouse. He threw it off with a smile. Now I wanted revenge and I asked him to take off his pant which he gladly did. With that I turned back with a small satisfaction that I was able to get his pant off and he was looking funny with his formal shirt hanging in to cover his boxers.

I was smiling while walking to my next dancing parter, it was none other than Vikram, then gentleman! Suddenly my smile disappeared by looking at him, he was standing there with open arms for me without a shirt but fortunately he had worn a baniyan/Vest. His hairy body was kinda half naked at the top. His shoulders fully exposed barring the thin straps of the baniyan. He had a formal pant on, thankfully! I went near him still hiding my bossom with one hand while my navel was exposed as my Sari had been taken by my husband as his gift. As soon as I reached near him the second song started. He came a step forward and held me by my waist and started moving slowly in the rhythm of the song. He didn’t bother to remove my hands from my chest over the blouse. He was patient and smiling at me. “First time is difficult, but  you will start enjoying soon”, “But you must let go of your inhibition”. Saying that he started removing my hands from my chest and placed them on his shoulders. I did not object, I very well knew how deep my blouse was and how much of my cleavage he is able to see. I just closed my eyes as I started to feel his shoulder hair on my hands. With slow movements he started getting closer to me. I only realised that when my boobs started touching his chest. I suddenly felt an electric shock in my body as soon as my boobs touched is chest and I opened my eyes to look straight into his deep eyes. As soon as my eyes met his dreamy eyes, his grip on my waist become tighter as if he was worried I will run away. He brought me closer to him and placed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes again, partly with shame partly with pleasure. He started kissing me and bringing me closer to him at one point we were just hugging each other tightly and kissing as if our mouths were glued with each other. There was not much of a tongue involved in the kiss but he did ensure to taste my upper teeth by rolling his tongue inside my mouth for few seconds. My boobs were crushed to his chest and my exposed cleavage skin was rubbing against his exposed skin between the straps of his vest. His hand then shifted to my back booty. Initially slowly he was moving his hands on my bum and then later started to feel its firmness by pressing here and there. Now just when I was about to lose my inhibition and start to open my mouth for a full fledge French kiss the song ended. With that we both opened our eyes and slowly separated, he was more hesitant to let go of me than I was. That was the first time air started flowing between our bodies until then we were bonded air tight. “Blouse” He said, that’s when I came to my senses and realised I had to give him a gift as if hugs, kisses and groping was not enough.

I said “Vest” and looking down I slowly started unhooking my blouse. I did have a bra but it wasn’t a normal thick one. I knew the moment my blouse came off my boobs will be mostly be naked as the bra material was very thin and transparent. I finally took off my blouse, Vikram did help me to pull it off though he did brush his lips on my naked shoulders while doing so. I just shivered when he did that and slowly removed my blouse and handed it over to him. He took his vest off in a jiffy and along with my blouse threw it away. With my both hands crossing my chest to hide my modesty I moved over to the next person in line. While doing so I was trying to look around people at various stages of nakedness.

Next to me was Ruhi, her skirt was gone and shirt was gone. She was in bra and panty. Her bra and panty were of decent material and white in colour. She was also holding her hands infront of her chest like me, After that was Swetha walking in bra and panty to Arjun, the hunk, again saving her modesty by covering her semi transparent bra with both of her hands. After Swetha it was Sandhya fully naked on the top as she was not wearing her skirt and her flimsy top was gone and she was walking over to Raghu topless. She had covered her boobs with her palms though so couldn’t gauge the size. Then was our hot Tollywood star Swapna. I was really shocked to see her again. She was walking boldly almost naked she had lost her top and skirt like everyone else. She didn’t even bother to hide her bosom, they were just bouncing and swinging while she walked. The most shocking thing was her panty or should I say 3 strings! That’s all she had 3 strings tied together to a small patch infront of her pussy. Her pussy was clearly visible in that patch. Her back was fully naked except for a small string that was hidden into her ass cheeks and another string going through her waist to hold that semi transparent patch infront of her pussy.

She was perhaps the most exposed yet again besides all men were either in their undies or some were still wearing pants as they had vests on. All in all the percentage of nakedness had increased now with most of them 50% or more naked except me who was like 40% naked and the extreme was Swapna who was like 95% naked who was now walking over to gleefully welcoming with open hands none other than the gentle man Vikram, in his boxers!!! Surya while I could see how sad he was to let go of Swapna, he was also happy to receive Sandhya in her topless form.

Vishnu took me in his arms as soon as I reached him and immediately took my hands off from my front exposing my boobs in the semi transparent bra. I immediately closed my eyes and surrendered to him. The song started and we started to dance again with slow motions. Vishnu’s hands were roaming all over my back, he was feeling every inch of my naked back except for the small space covered by my bra straps. My hands had no other place left other than his naked back. He was not hairy as Vikram so his skin felt very smooth to my hands. I just placed them while he brought me closer until my bra covered boobs crushed into his naked chest. I could feel his skin on my boobs and my navel area as he was fully naked on the top. I could also feel his erect penus touching my naked navel areas just above my mound. He was only wearing a half boxer. Perhaps I was a bit tired so I rested my head on his shoulders while left him to explore me and my back as he pleases. He went all the way to my bum pressed them and then came back till my neck. When his hands reached my neck, he pulled my head slightly back to bring my mouth in contact with his mouth for a kiss. Now kiss was the most normal thing that was happening in that party so far. I gotten used to it by now so I opened my mouth without any hesitation and gave him a full fledged kiss with our tongues intertwined in long slurpy French kiss. Our kiss become quite passionate while we were rubbing our bodies at each other. My cunt juices started to flow and I started becoming aroused finally. I could hear slurping and moans across the room by now. I slightly opened my eyes without disconnecting from kiss  to look around with the corner of my eye. I could see that everyone was kissing sucking each other. Ruhi’s boobs were out from her bra as Arjun had pulled them out and sucking on them. Swetha was kissing Raghu with open mouth, she also seemed to have lost a bit of inhibition by looks of it. Sandya’s boobs were being sucked by my very own husband Surya and finally our diva Swapna was dry humping Vikram. She had climbed up on his waist by locking her legs behind him. While kissing him with her hands around his neck she was dry humping him. The poor guy was holding her by her naked bums and trying to balance both of them. I smiled a bit at his condition and that’s when I noticed the song end and Vishnu without asking for my permission pulled off the string holding my petticoat. While I tried to balance myself, my petticoat came off me. “That’s my gift” he said smiling. I didn’t say anything and showed my finger to his boxer and slowly walked off him without even trying to see at his thing.

The next one for me was Arjun, now Ruhi had done the same thing to Arjun and Arjun was taking off his boxers while getting fully naked when I walked over to him. My mouth just opened wide by looking at his tool. His dick was perhaps longer and thicker than him. It was a monster. Looked at least twice as big and long as my husbands one. I was really shocked and dumb stuck at seeing his tool. He looked at me and said “Come over” “it won’t bite” and with that he took my hands and placed it on his tool. I looked away and tried to hold it with my hand softly. His dick was so big that I could not wrap my hands over it fully, my fingers are a bit tinier though. I just wrapped it and he pulled me to him and started kissing me roughly. He started to literally lick my lips, face, neck and the cleavage. The song started but we did not bother to dance at all. He was just licking and sucking me everywhere. He even pulled my bra up and started sucking my boobs. I tried to stop him but he was way too strong for me so I was just like a tiny doll in his hands. He was just playing with me or should I say my body. Both of my boobs were out from my bra and he also went ahead and took my bra hooks off. My bra was just dangling infront of my boobs now and my back was fully exposed. No one was bother to see anyone. Everyone was busy sucking and semi fucking their partners. Arjun’s dick was rubbing all over my pussy over my panty and I was really getting aroused by that. I really needed it inside now. It really didn’t matter who’s dick it was, I desperately needed fucking now. I was moaning so loudly that I could not hear anyone else’ moans. I could hear Swapna’s scream loudly and that’s when I opened my eyes to see what was going on. Vishnu the decent guy had inserted his dick into Swapna’s pussy with such a force that she just screamed so loudly. That was officially the start of first fuck of the party. Vishnu just forgot about the surroundings and started fucking Swapna while his wife Swetha was having her boobs sucked by my husband Surya. Swetha was in a similar state to mine her bra strap was off and she was in her tiny panty while Surya was naked and sucking on her boobs freed up by her hanging bra.

That’s when the song ended. While no one was in a mood to move away from their partners we had to, to keep the game going. We hesitantly separated and as a gift I voluntarily took off my bra as anyways nothing was hidden there. Now I was in a dilemma on what gift should I ask Arjun, he is already naked. I just leaned forward and asked him to kiss me gently which he did by fully hugging me with his naked body. His strong muscles were crushing my naked boobs while we gently kissed each other for a minute or so.

I walked over to the next person in line Mr Raghu. This time I didn’t bother to cover myself, there was no point, Everyone was naked except myself, I still had my panty on, which was not hiding much though. It was semi transparent and showing off my pussy lips clearly to whoever was looking. I was not bothered anymore, perhaps I was so aroused at this time that I could not only get naked in front of all these people but also get fucked right then and there. Naked Raghu was waiting for me next. We didn’t even bother to pretend to dance. We straight away went for a kiss and a tight hug. He was dry humping me as soon as I got into his arms. His pre cum was making my panty wet. I could hear number of screams and I was sure all the girls except me were getting fucked now. Now I did not hesitate and took my panty off myself. Raghu was now shocked to see the change in my behaviour. But was glad I did that. He immediately made me sleep on the carpet and came over me. He slowly started kissing my forehead, then my nose, then my lips, neck, boobs, navel and came very close to my pussy and stopped. I opened my eyes and raised my hip in the air indicating that I was ready to be fucked. Then I shyly closed my eyes and let him go with his own pace. He lowered his mouth and placed it on my pussy lips. That’s it I immediately came with a loud shudder and a scream. I couldn’t believe myself that someone other than my husband kissed my pussy lips and I came in his arms without any hesitation or shame.

It took me few minutes to come back to my senses from the orgasm I just had. Raghu was busy sucking my boobs and kissing my navel in the meanwhile. Once I came back to sense I felt such a shame and I tried to hide my pussy and boobs with my hands. Raghu slowly removed my hands and started to kiss me by lying over me. His dick was rubbing above my pussy lips. I didn’t realise when I was aroused again and my pussy started leaking yet again.

Finally Raghu lifted my legs up and placed his dick at the entrance of my pussy. With a small push he entered me. That was the first time anyone other than my husband had entered me. It really felt different, tears came to my eyes. I wasn’t sure if it were of joy or shame. Raghu slowly pushed again and his full dick went inside my well lubricated pussy. While kissing my lips he slowly started moving in and out of me, in other words started fucking me. Just the thought of someone else fucking me brought immense shame to me. I just closed my eyes and tried to recollect Surya’s words. He did say I should enjoy and not worry about anything. So be it, I will enjoy no matter what. My husband himself has given me permission and not only that he is also fucking that beautiful '. girl Ruhi. So its not wrong that I enjoy with Raghu. And Raghu’s live in partner Swapna was also enjoying the fuck by the Hunk Arjun so why not me?

With that thought I started enjoying Raghu’s fucking. He was good and had now picked up speed. He was really going fast now with that my moans and screams were getting louder and louder. Everyone across the room were making all kinds of sexual noises. With 20 mins of relentless fucking Raghu came in me with a loud moan, I had already cum twice by then. Once when he kissed my pussy and second time during his fucking so I was really exhausted and just closed my eyes while Raghu rolled off me to sleep next to me. He placed his hands on my boobs and his legs across my pussy. Our juices were flowing on to each other’s bodies while we closed our eyes to relax for sometime. I didn’t realise when I went to sleep like that without even caring that I was fully naked and in the arms of some other naked man who is not my husband. Everyone’s moans and screams stopped slowly and the entire place became silent. Perhaps everyone went to sleep like that, exhausted with the long fucking Party!
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Guys, quite disappointed that over 500 views and not a single comment. Anyways I have updated the post with the next part of the story and hoping you like it and this time I will see more comments??
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(23-06-2023, 01:52 PM)Rajsvs Wrote: Guys, quite disappointed that over 500 views and not a single comment. Anyways I have updated the post with the next part of the story and hoping you like it and this time I will see more comments??

Dear Author,

Pls change font. Cant read anything properly
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Story is good keep write

kindly change the font size its too small
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Plz increase the font size, story starting is excellent, early update is appreciated
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please change font and background colour.
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Excellent work bro..
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Thanks so much guys for your comments, will post next part this week. Sorry about the font, will ensure that the next parts are in readable font
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So here you go guys, the next part of Chapter one the Erotic Party. Just one more part and we will conclude the Chapter One, don't worry I have 2 more chapters to come but before that please do like and post your comments that will give further motivation to post!

Warning - this part includes some pissing scenes, if you don't like it then please don't read!

Bathroom showers

I don’t know what time it was but looked like we all slept like that nude in each others arms the whole night. I slowly started to wake up, the bright daylight filled the room, as my eyes started to open I scanned through the room. All naked bodies intertwined with each other, I saw Surya, my husband. His head was resting on Ruhi’s large boobs and seemed like he went asleep sucking on her nipples, I could still see his saliva on her nipples. His dick was limp but his juices were flowing out of Ruhi’s pussy. Similar scenes all across the room, all girls thoroughly fucked and even in sleep I could see the sense of satisfaction in their faces. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t so got up slowly without disturbing Raghu or anyone else in the room and tried to look for my cloths. I couldn’t find any cloths, not sure where they all went, looks like someone got up at the middle of the night and took away all our cloths. Oh my god!! If we can’t find our cloths are we going to go home like this? Stark naked? My heart started to beat faster with that my bladder started busting so I decided to leave that thought and find the bathroom to relieve myself.

I walked around the room naked to find a door that lead to the bathroom. As soon as I stepped into the bathroom, I was once again shocked to see it. It was like a large room with 3 WCs on one side, few washbasins on the other. There was a large empty space with showers on top. It just looked like a someone multiplied single bathroom by 3. The shocking thing was there were no doors or partitions, It was one big open bathroom. There was only 1 door to enter and that too did not have any locks. This was too much for me to digest. This means we have to poo in open, brush in open and even bath in open. Anyone can walk in and see us doing all these things without any hinderance. I looked around and everyone was fortunately sleeping so I just decided to do my stuff right away before anyone else wakes up and ends up seeing me pee that too naked. As soon as I sat on the WC and started to pee, I saw the bathroom door open. My heart skipped a beat, I just closed my eyes as I couldn’t dare to see who it was. I was in middle of peeing so I couldn’t even get up and hide my assets so my best reaction was to close my eyes and pretend no one is seeing me.

To my embarrassment, I heard that person walk straight to me and said “Good morning Padma”, “Do you like the bathroom?” I recognised the voice, it was Vikram. I had no choice but to respond to him so I slowly opened my eyes, with one hand I was covering my boobs and with other tried to hide my pussy. With a forced smile, I replied “Its Open” “No partitions” and I saw him walking naked towards me. He just laughed and said “that’s the fun isn’t it” “nothing to hide” and he came  right to the WC next to me and started peeing in standing position. I could see yellow piss coming out of his hard dick and ending up in the WC. I could even smell his pee as the WCs were very close to each other. I was just worried that his pee may fall on my body if he turns towards me. Fortunately that didn’t happen. I went back to closing my eyes and finishing my peeing and got up in a rush. I even forgot to wipe the pee from my pussy in a hurry so some drops were sticking out of my pussy. I literally ran towards the washbasin so I can go as far as possible to this peeing naked man, Vikram. I washed my face with cold water and was looking for a brush, that’s when Vikram came near me, he was standing about a feet away from me on my side. “Looking for something?” I almost shrieked by hearing his voice so close, then I controlled myself and said “Yes Brush”. He leaned towards me and pressed a button on the wall right below the mirrors. While doing so his hands were brushing my body and the tip of my left nipple. I jerked and stepped away. “Don’t worry Padma” “We all are friends here, just chill” and with that he took the brush that came out of the drawer, one for him and one for me. I realised he is going to brush next to me naked!!

Realising I didn’t have a choice I started to brush my teeth next to Vikram. I suddenly felt a hand on my bum, I looked around with a shock and it was Arjun, the flamboyant macho man. Due to Brush in my mouth I couldn’t say anything to him. He was moving his hand on my bum while talking to Vikram casually. Arjun now replaced his hand with his dick. His monster dick was now rubbing all over my bums. He continued to talk to Vikram and I just tried to focus on my brushing. Just when I thought this was getting over, Arjun moved slightly behind and positioned his dick on my pussy lips. I was slightly bending to do my brush so I guess my pussy lips were wide open from behind. The length of his dick helped to reach my pussy inspite of my big bum. I was about to turnaround and stop him but he just pushed his dick inside me. I let out a loud scream, Vikram just laughed at my situation and came closer to me to hold me so I don’t lose my balance. While doing so he made sure he cupped by breasts with both hands. Now I was brushing my teeth with Arjun’s dick in my pussy and Vikram’s hands on my boobs. Arjun let my pussy get adjusted to his monster dick for few seconds and then started moving it in and out. I felt a strange combination of pain, pleasure and shame all at the same time. I just continued to brush my teeth while getting fucked by Arjun from behind. This went on for 10-15 mins with Vikram mauling my boobs and Arjun fucking my pussy while I brush in a bending position. Arjun’s fucking and my brushing both came to an end with he dumping his load into my pussy and I came with a loud moan.

I was exhausted with this strange brush fuck. I had been fucked by Surya in bathroom number of times but not while brushing. This was first time I got fucked during brushing my teeth. Vikram took me in his arms to support me. My boobs crushing into his chest and his hands on my bum. I just rested my head on his huge chest and put my arms around him for balance. Just then Swapna walked into the bathroom. She saw myself and Vikram in a tight hug and winked at me saying “Enjoy” and went straight to the WC. By that time few more people woke up as well and walked into the bathroom. Surya, Ruhi and Swetha walked into the bathroom. Surya came straight to me while I was still in the arms of Vikram. He just brushed my hair and said “Enjoying Darling”. I looked at him ashamed and just dropped my head, I couldn’t face him in that position but he didn’t mind and went to WC and sat there to pee. I was seeing him with corner of my eye and he was seeing straight at me with a broad smile in his face. His smile gave me bit more confidence and I started to look around the room. The room was getting crowded. Vikram took me to one side still holding me tight. Ruhi, Swapna and Surya occupied the other 3 WCs. Swetha was as embarrassed of her nakedness as I was so came straight to the washbasin. Arjun helped her with the brush and went to WCs to pee. All the WCs were busy as one was occupied by Swapna, one by Surya and one by Ruhi. He went straight to Ruhi and smiled at her. She started screaming at him “No No No, please don’t” but he didn’t listen. I was surprised to see why is she screaming but I got my clarification instantly. Arjun stood right infront of Ruhi, held his dick up and started to pee. A big stream of his pee started from the tip of his big dick and landed straight on Ruhi’s boobs. She just closed her eyes and mouth so as to prevent the pee going into it and started hitting Arjun’s dick with her hands. This made bigger mess, Arjun’s pee now started splattering around due to Ruhi’s hands and it fell on both Surya and Swapna sitting next on either side of Ruhi. Arjun just kept laughing while Ruhi, Surya and Swapna were all getting drenched in Arjun’s pee.

Everyone in the room started laughing while myself and Swetha were dumbstuck at the scene. How could someone pee on others? And everyone instead of getting mad were laughing at the scene. Few minutes of this pee mess everyone got up from the WCs and went to the open shower area, perhaps to clean themselves. Vikram also walked me to that area. Swetha went back to brushing her teeth and we all, myself, Vikram, Surya, Arjun, Ruhi and Swapna all went to the shower area. Someone pressed some button and water started to flow from the showers.

It was like all of us were standing in rain and having an open bath. The space was quite small, it could hardly fit 3-4 people but we were almost 5 people squeezed into this small space. Our bodies were rubbing with each other. I was facing Vikram and I could sense atleast 3 more bodies rubbing against mine, I didn’t even care to see who they were. Vikram was hugging me very tightly, My boobs literally smashed at his chest and his hand was crushing my bum. He leaned forward and started to kiss me. Someone’s hand was getting into my ass crack from behind as Vikram’s hands moved up. Before I could realise that someone poked my ass hole with his finger. I just jerked with the sudden invasion of my ass hole. The other person’s finger was now inside my ass hole. I had never been fucked in my ass before so this was a strange feeling. While Vikram was sucking on my lips, tongue and insides of my mouth someone was exploring insides of my ass. The other person exploring my ass decided to also invade my pussy with his other fingers. Now there were fingers in my pussy and Ass while Vikram’s tongue in my mouth. It was kind of heaven. I was just lost in the sense and was enjoying the moment of finger fuck in the rain shower. The intensity of the finger fuck increased and I literally started jumping on the fingers while my body was rubbing against Vikram’s body. I kind of lost all my shame and started to cum in that position. I was moaning or shall I say screaming loudly while getting finger fucked. I finally came with a loud scream and collapsed on Vikram’s body. After few minutes I felt someone was hugging me from behind. He inserted his hands between my armpits and grabbed my boobs. With this Vikram smiled at me and then moved on to take hold of Ruhi who was right next to him. He left me in the hands of the molester behind me and started to kiss Ruhi and started moulding her breasts. Ruhi was cooperating and moving her body by bringing it more closer to him. The Guy behind me took hold of my head and turned towards him for a kiss. To my Surprise  that was Surya. I felt a bit relieved that finally I was with my husband. Surya started kissing me in that position and Swapna came in front of me and started hugging me from the front. Her soft boobs were on mine and her fully shaven pussy was rubbing against my naked pussy. Surya took this opportunity to get hold of Swapna. Now he was holding me with his right hand and Swapna with his left hand and hugging both of us at the same time. All the while the shower rain didn’t stop. Surya was kissing Swapna and myself alternately. I was able to feel Swapna’s saliva transferred to my mouth via Surya. While all this was going on someone grabbed me from behind while I was in Surya’s arms and started inserting his dick from behind even in that standing position. I didn’t bother to check who it was. Surya let me go to be fucked by this stranger and focussed on Swapna. Swapna jumped up on Surya’s waist and put her both the legs around his waist while Surya inserted his dick in her pussy. So now I was getting fucked by “god knows who” from behind and my husband Surya was fucking Swapna infront of me in the rain Shower.

I guess everyone started fucking everyone and I also noticed Swetha, Vishnu and Raghu had all joined us by now. The space became even more cramped up with all the 10 people squeezed into that small shower space. After that we really lost track of who is fucking who and who is rubbing who. All bodies were intertwined in a big fuck orgy. After a Lot of screams, moans and orgasm this fuck fest came to a slow and steady conclusion. Everyone was exhausted as each one of us came multiple times during this fuck fest. Showers finally stopped.

I felt my bladder was busting so started to move towards the WC but all the 3 WCs were occupied. I hesitantly looked at those WCs then Vishnu came to me and asked “What happened?” I told him “I want to pee but all the WCs are occupied” he said “So what, come I will show you how we pee when WCs are occupied” and he took me with him and we went to Swetha who was sitting on WC. Swetha was shocked to see Raghu and me so close to her and before she could react Vishnu took his dick in his hand and started to pee on her. Swetha was shocked and her mouth was wide open due to shock and Vishnu’s pee shot straight into her mouth, she tried to spit it out but Vishnu did unthinkable at that time. He squeezed Swetha’s nipples hard so Swetha just screamed with pain and to gasp for air she had to gulp Vishnu’s pee. Just then Arjun grabbed me and brought me closer to him. He was sitting on the other WC next to Swetha. Now Vishnu went a step further. He put his dick inside Swetha’s mouth and started to pee and squeeze her nipples at the same time. I was shocked with this scene but now tried to focus on my pee. Arjun brought me further closer in such a way that my pussy was right in front of his mouth. He started to lick my pussy now. I coundn’t control any more and started to pee. Arjun was sucking my pussy while drinking my pee. This was so disgusting that I started to get turned on with this. I was peeing in Arjun’s mouth while he was sucking and licking my pussy, I just came with that thought. Arjun was now sucking my pussy and taking in all the mixture of my cum as well as my pee. I took hold of his head for support while I came in his mouth. 

Once again after this pee fest we all went to the shower area and cleaned ourselves up. We all came to hall naked and in each other’s Arms. Now I had a bigger shock in store. As soon as we entered the lounge I saw tables of food arranged by the servants. There were in all 4 servants 2 female and 2 male. While we were naked in front of them they were dressed not fully though. Females were only wearing Saris nothing else. I mean nothing else, no bra, no blouse, no petticoat and no panty. Just the sari wrapped around their torsos and males were wearing very thin dhoti. Again nothing else, their upper bodies were naked and the dhoti was tried on the waist which went all the way to their knees. They all were very well built like some body builders. Females had a perfect bodies as well. They were looking like some kind of models.
[+] 6 users Like Rajsvs's post
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(26-06-2023, 06:12 PM)Rajsvs Wrote: So here you go guys, the next part of Chapter one the Erotic Party. Just one more part and we will conclude the Chapter One, don't worry I have 2 more chapters to come but before that please do like and post your comments that will give further motivation to post!

Warning - this part includes some pissing scenes, if you don't like it then please don't read!
clps clps clps clps clps
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(26-06-2023, 06:12 PM)Rajsvs Wrote: Bathroom showers

 Swetha was shocked to see Raghu and me so close to her and before she could react Vishnu took his dick in his hand and started to pee on her. Swetha was shocked and her mouth was wide open due to shock and Vishnu’s pee shot straight into her mouth, she tried to spit it out but Vishnu did unthinkable at that time. He squeezed Swetha’s nipples hard so Swetha just screamed with pain and to gasp for air she had to gulp Vishnu’s pee. Just then Arjun grabbed me and brought me closer to him. He was sitting on the other WC next to Swetha. Now Vishnu went a step further. He put his dick inside Swetha’s mouth and started to pee and squeeze her nipples at the same time. I was shocked with this scene but now tried to focus on my pee. Arjun brought me further closer in such a way that my pussy was right in front of his mouth. He started to lick my pussy now. I coundn’t control any more and started to pee. Arjun was sucking my pussy while drinking my pee. This was so disgusting that I started to get turned on with this. I was peeing in Arjun’s mouth while he was sucking and licking my pussy, I just came with that thought. Arjun was now sucking my pussy and taking in all the mixture of my cum as well as my pee. I took hold of his head for support while I came in his mouth. 
yourock  Added Reps. Hope to read more sinful adventures.
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(26-06-2023, 06:12 PM)Rajsvs Wrote: So here you go guys, the next part of Chapter one the Erotic Party. Just one more part and we will conclude the Chapter One, don't worry I have 2 more chapters to come but before that please do like and post your comments that will give further motivation to post!
When is Next update of part 1 chapter going to be posted?
And does next chapters also have multiple parts?
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great start  clps
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Here's the last part of chapter 1. Chapter 2 is already in progress will post it once I see more encouragement from you folks! in the meanwhile enjoy the last part of Chapter 1

Grand Finale with Servants

Now Raghu announced, welcome to the grand finale of the party ladies and gentlemen. Its time for brunch, please feel free to take the food from the table and eat as much as you like however there is a small catch here. I knew something is going to be fishy, so I tried to listen to him carefully. The condition to take food from the table is that if you are a girl you will have to offer your body to the male servant. He may do whatever he wants with your body before serving. And if you are a guy then you will have to offer your body and service to the female servant before you can take food. So hope that is clear. You can take food any number of times but each time you go to the table you have to please these servants before you can eat.

Oh my god!!! So now we have get molested by these bloody servants before we can eat? I thought what if I don’t eat at all? So I can save my body from being molested? The very next second my stomach started grumbling. With all the fucking we were doing since yesterday I was damn hungry so there was no choice. I had to offer my body to these servants and eat.

I saw Raghu walk to the table first. He grabbed hold of one of the beautiful maid and started kissing her. He took her sari, which was anyway loosely wrapped on her body, soon she also became naked. Raghu sucked on her nipples, fingered her pussy while she was playing with his dick. After 5 mins of mutual molesting they both were satisfied didn’t cum though but she let him take the food. Then was Swetha’s turn. She was really scared she slowly walked to the table with trembling legs. As soon as she reached the table one of the male servant grabbed her naked body and started to mould her boobs. He then started to suck her nipples and he sat down infront of her and started to suck her pussy infront of all of us. After 5 mins he was satisfied and he let Swetha take food from the table. One after another everyone went to the table let the servants molest them and take pleasure before getting food. It was finally my turn. By this time all the servants were naked and fully aroused. I was shit scared, what if they try to bang me in front of all of these people. I made a mistake of staying back so late, I should have gone first like Swetha so I would just have to get molested to get food. Now I think I will get bangd!

I walked over slowly, one of the servant came to me and hugged me tightly. I felt this is it get ready to be bangd. He roughed up my body for few minutes, his rough hands roamed all over my boobs, pussy, bum, back everywhere then he did something I didn’t expect. He asked me to kneel down. I did and without waiting for my consent he put his dick in my mouth. I gaged a bit but took it in fully. He started to move his dick in and out of my mouth in other words he started to mouth fuck me. He held my head and started roughly fucking my mouth in front of all the people. Everyone was enjoying this show while eating their brunch. I felt like a stripper who is dancing on the pole naked in front of bunch of people who were enjoying the show while having drinks and food. This went on for 10-15 minutes, after thoroughly fucking my mouth he started to cum, I tried to push his dick out but he held my head with his strong arms and I had no choice but to take his cum in my mouth, some of which spilled from the side of my lips. One lady maid came to my rescue and took a tissue to wipe the overflowing cum from my lips. Just then I heard someone shout “This is unfair, how come Padma gets the desert before the meal?” And everyone started laughing at that joke. I felt embarrassed, with that shame I took his limp dick out of my mouth, took the tissue from the other naked maid and wiped off the excess cum from my mouth and lips. Took my food and walked back to the group. While we were eating the servants started the finale show. All four of them started to dance with each other by hugging and kissing each other. Inspite of the food smell I started to smell the pre-cum that was flowing down all our private parts both male and females in the room. The air in the room once again became sexual. Ruhi was sitting next to me and she took some food from her plate and brought it to my lips which I opened to take the food in. Ruhi’s fingers lingered a bit longer on my lips while feeding me. I returned the favour. Within no time everyone was feeding everyone else in the room while feeling up the lips. I also saw Raghu took a piece of meal in his mouth and bend down to Swetha gesturing her to open her mouth. Swetha complied and Raghu fed her from his mouth. Ruhi took this cue and took the food in her mouth and bent towards me, I had no choice but to take the food from her mouth. While feeding me Ruhi also started to kiss me. We both were eating the same piece inside my mouth. It was kind of sexy being mouth kissed by another female. I was enjoying it. I didn’t realise when we started to hug and kiss each other. We totally forgot we were eating and were engrossed in sucking each other on lips, boobs, nipples etc. We got on top of each other right there on the floor in front of everyone and started to suck each other out. Ruhi slowly moved downwards and brought her mouth on to my pussy and started to lick it slowly. She then got up and moved into 69 position by placing her legs on either side of mouth she brought her pussy to my lips. As I reached out with my hands on her bum and brought her pussy to my lips and started sucking she did the same to my pussy. We both were sucking each other’s pussies now by moaning with pleasure. We did this for about 20 mins and came in each other’s mouths. Ruhi made sure to lick all the cum from my pussy lips inside and out before getting off me. I did return the favour.

Then what the barrier’s were open, everyone stopped eating and grabbed whoever they could get hold of and started to fuck them. This included the servants now. The fuck orgy had 4 more members now. I was getting fucked by Vishnu this time soon after he was replaced by the other servant then Raghu, then Vikram and then finally Arjun. In that one session I was fucked by all the men in the room except by my husband Surya. All the girls got fucked by all the boys including the servants in that session. It was like a round robin session where we all girls were in a doggy position with our butts out in the air and head to the ground. Guys were fucking us from behind and every few minutes moving on to next girl in line. This round robin fuck fest went on for few hours as guys were switching every few minutes they were able to hold their orgasm for longer. We girls were screaming and moaning like hell as our pussies were getting sore due to the constant fuck by different dicks of various shapes and sizes. Where by stretching our pussy lips to the limit. It was real pleasure to be fucked by Arjun who was now getting full access to the pussy from behind in that position and his full monster dick was able to make its way inside the pussy. When he took his dick out it just seemed like forever. His long strokes were heavenly. He was not in a rush he enjoyed the slow fucking and every girl would scream out loud when his full dick was inside and moan when he was taking it out. This scream and moan session went on a on for full 2 hours and finally guys started cumming. We girls had cum at least 10 times in that session. I was really surprised with my own stamina. How many times I could cum more? Was the question in my head.

We all collapsed there on the floor after this fuck fest and just slept for god knows how much time. Looks like servants got up first and they brought our cloths and made us some energy drinks by the time we all got up. We got up wore our cloths and had the drink. While wearing my sari, I realised I have been naked for almost last 24 hours. The dress that looked revealing yesterday, today it looked totally opposite. I just felt I was overly dressed with Sari, petticoat and blouse. I couldn’t find my bra and panty so I didn’t wear that. Anyways the energy drink was really refreshing. We had the drink and then said goodbyes to everyone. We hugged every person to say goodbye including the servants both male and female. And this was not a friendly hug it was full frontal hug like lovers do. Some of us also kissed goodbye.

My legs were really weak and my pussy was fully soar, lips were burning and body was aching like hell. Myself and Surya walked over to our car and I just collapsed on the car seat when Surya helped me in. We finally waved goodbye to all and left the place to drive back home. I didn’t realise what time we got back home and Surya had to literally carry me in his arms to our bedroom as I was not in a position to walk. I just collapsed on the bed and slept like sheep for the whole night.

Next day Surya woke me up with a coffee in his hand. I don’t drink bed coffee but my head was spinning so took the coffee and had a sip on my bed. “So, how was it? Did you enjoy?” He asked. To which I just looked down with shame but did nod my head to show him that I did enjoy. Why wouldn’t I enjoy, I got fucked by 6 different men for so many times that I lost count of, I guess I was fucked more number of times in last 2 days than my whole married life. Which girl won’t be happy with such a thorough fuck???
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(01-07-2023, 08:47 PM)Rajsvs Wrote: . . . . . . . . . . . 

Next day Surya woke me up with a coffee in his hand. I don’t drink bed coffee but my head was spinning so took the coffee and had a sip on my bed. “So, how was it? Did you enjoy?” He asked. To which I just looked down with shame but did nod my head to show him that I did enjoy. Why wouldn’t I enjoy, I got fucked by 6 different men for so many times that I lost count of, I guess I was fucked more number of times in last 2 days than my whole married life. Which girl won’t be happy with such a thorough fuck???

Just beautiful. 

A true Hot story. Waiting for part 2.
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Hope Part 2 is more sinful adventures of same couple
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Hope we will get part 2 very soon.With both friends getting slowly addicted.and search for newer pastures
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also please try to change the colour of the font to red or blue so it can be read easily with different backgrounds
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Here you go folks the much awaited Chapter 2 - The Club. There is a bit of built up before the actual action to keep patience and keep reading and replying. 

Chapter 2 - The Club

Travel to Paris - The Dream Destination

“Ding Dong” “Passengers, we are ready to start our descend, will soon be landing in Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris” “The local time at the destination is…..” The announcement went on from the pilot. I just rubbed by eyes as I just got up with that announcement. Couldn’t sleep the whole night, last night due to excitement. “We are going to Paris for a week!” That was Surya telling me about 6 months ago and here we are finally landing in “The Paris my dream destination”

As the flight started to descend, I went back to the events of past 3-4 months. It was about 6 months ago I had attended “The Party” with Surya’s friends and their wives/girlfriends/live-in partners. Although I was damn nervous to go to such a party, I must admit I did enjoy it overall. Specially Arjun and his long and think Di…! Oh god, my pussy starts leaking as soon as I think of that monster. Vikram’s delicate touches, Raghu’s slow but steady fuck and that bathroom episode with Arjun. All are so fresh in my mind as if they did happen yesterday.

Our sex life started to rock, literally Smile after that party. Surya used to always take initiative for sex prior, I used to only participate as an obligation. I did enjoy it but never dared to initiate it nor hint it to Surya ever. That party really changed me, entirely. Not only I started demanding for sex but also started to take active role. I also learnt women on top, reverse cow girl and various other positions. After the party I really opened up but only with Surya in our bedroom. Though I was naked for almost our entire stay at the party, I was still shy to be naked in our house outside bathroom and bedroom. I still wore full traditional wears like Punjabi suits, full length nighties and off course my favourite sari. Never dared to expose to anyone, oh forget about anyone I wouldn’t even expose to Surya. He always pleaded me to wear some sexy nighties at home but “No way” was my answer. He was perhaps happy that I have started to actively participate in sex and take initiative. That itself seemed Taboo at the beginning of our marriage.

“We are going to Paris” that’s what Surya said the next day when I woke up next day after the party. “What? Why? How? When?” I had so many questions. Surya said “Padma dear” “you have been such a lovely partner to me all these years, you fulfilled all my desires. You even came to the party and got fuc…ed” “Sorry, what I mean is enjoyed the company, of my friends” “You don’t know how much I love you for that”. “So thank you so so much for fulfilling my desires and fantasies” “It was really my dream to get you to that party and make you enjoy”. “Now that you have done so much for me, its my turn to gift you back your dream”. “I know you always wanted to go to Paris, so we are going to Paris for a week on holiday”. He paused for my reaction.

Tears started to flow from my eyes. “Oh Surya, I love you” that’s all I could say and went and hugged him to show my appreciation. Yes he was right, Paris was my dream since my childhood. I don’t know when I first saw Eiffel Tower first but since then I was fascinated by it. I always wanted to go on top of the tower and see Paris at night. Slowly as and when I was getting older I started to research about Paris. I understood it was known as the most romantic city or city of love. My desire to go there increased with time. In fact when Surya asked me what’s my dream? I told him its visiting Paris! This was even before we got married. I was so fascinated with Paris.
Anyways it took us almost 6 months to get the visa’s tickets etc and finally here we are, landing in my dream destination “The Paris”. 

Surya got up as we started to touch down. My happiness had no bounds and it was clearly showing up in my face perhaps. He smiled at me and said “morning darling” “someone is happy today”. “Why not, after all, its my dream come true today” “Thank you so much, dear hubby”. “Hold on, just the verbal thanks won’t be enough, you will need to pay for this”. “Anything! For you my love” I said. I didn’t realise what he was going to ask but that was for later. I was enjoying this moment to the fullest.

All the formalities got over, finally we left the airport. I was getting goose bumps as I was stepping out of that final airport door. After a short drive we did reach out hotel. Surya took care of checkin formalities and we finally landed in our room. As soon as we got in, I hugged Surya and gave him a full blown kiss on the mouth. He was a bit surprised with that act but responded with a kiss. We did have a wild French kiss, after all we were in France now Smile. Without breaking the kiss we started to strip each other. I was wearing a Punjabi suit so it was not easy for Surya to take that off, but I did help him to take it out. We both got naked! Right there in the middle of the hotel room we just checked. That was first time, Ok ok, first time after the party I was naked outside my bedroom and bathroom. Another taboo broken, god knows how many more to come. God must have listen to that!! You will know why I said that later.

Anyways we both got naked and Surya started to mould my boobs and start roaming his hands all over my body. I was enjoying his touch but to tease him, I broke the hug and the kiss and moved away from him. He started to pound on me but I moved far from him and just ran to the bathroom saying “I am all sweaty and tired with that travel, I need a shower” and jumped inside the bathroom escaping Surya’s strong grip around me, somehow. I ran inside the bathroom laughing and jumped into shower straight away. In a rush I think I forgot to lock the bathroom door. I was happily showering and suddenly I saw a warm hand come around my waist. I jerked with that touch and then realised that it was Surya’s hand as it was much familiar touch. Surya took me into his arms inside the shower, the warm water drenching us both from head to toe. Hugged me tightly from behind, with his dick poking on my bum I realised he was still naked. His hands as usually came in front and groped by bossom. I just turned around and took him into my arms and gave him a passionate kiss. His rock hard dick was rubbing on my lower abdomen, just above my pussy lips. The warm water and the passion within, was turning our bodies into hot lava and we both were melting into each other. He was madly kissing me on my lips, mouth, cheeks, nose, eyes everywhere. Don’t know if we can call it a kiss or lick it was more than kissing and little less than licking. I couldn’t take it anymore. “Just put it in Surya, can’t hold any longer” is all I had to say. He lifted my one leg, bent down a bit to adjust the position and there you go!!!! In one hard push his entire dick was inside me. Now the dam was broken so nothing could stop from our juices flowing. Inside that posh shower, Surya started to fuck me in standing position with one of my leg up around his waist. This was a new position for us, so the senses were unique. His dick was touching places, perhaps never visited before. After a robust 15 mins fuck we finally came in the shower holding each other into a tight embrace. Once we were able to catch our bread back, we both finished our shower by rubbing soap on each other’s body and cleaning up the sweat and the love juices from each other’s bodies.

The Eiffel Tower
After the long fuck and the shower we both were very tired, we came out of the bathroom dried ourselves and just fell on the bed. In each other’s embrace, naked we both went to sleep. What felt like a small nap ended up being a sound sleep for 3 hours. By the time we both got up it was evening 5 PM. I was really mad at Surya for wasting one whole day like this, that too at my dream destination Paris. I scolded him a bit on that and asked him to get ready so we can go and see Eiffel Tower asap. He agreed, we order some room service and got ready by the time food arrived. Had our lunch/supper and headed off to Eiffel Tower. Surya was casually dressed, actually very under dressed I felt. He wore a short that was made of a soft cloth, almost like a boxer but little bit longer than that. At the top he wore a round neck t-shirt which had no sleeves and was of very thin material. I was surprised with such a casual way he was dressed but chose to ignore. Now he didn’t do that with me, he made sure I wore than top which he bought me just before we started from India, actually at the Airport. We bought it in such a rush at the Airport that I couldn’t even try it on. Along with the top he also bought a cotton skirt for me. Which seemed a bit shorter to me but he just insisted its a right size. I didn’t bother to argue in my excitement to come to Paris.

I finally wore the top and the skirt and looked myself in the mirror. “Oh my god!!” What the hell was this? The top was like men’s vests/banian, with the strap around my neck, which means my back was fully exposed except for a thin strap at the bottom of the vest. The top ended right below my boobs. There was only 1 hook at the back similar to the bra. The top was so tight that there was no scope for me to were the bra and also the design of the top was such that only a strapless bra would have fitted in without looking awkward. The neckline, I couldn’t even dare to see it properly myself. The neckline of the top was so deep that my bra would have covered my breasts more. My boobs were virtually exposed fully except for the nipple and on the sides. The cleavage and most parts of my upper boobs were fully out, it only covered my nipples and outer side of the boobs. The skirt started very low on my hip, just above my panty line and ended just below my panty. It was like mini skirt, not the micro one that Swapna wore at the party but much much smaller to my standards.

“Surya, please, I can’t wear this outside, I feel shy wearing this even inside our bedroom and you want me to wear this to Eiffel Tower?” “Are you kidding me?” I complained to Surya. He said, “darling we are here to enjoy.” “Just be free, don’t carry any inhibitions, you will be surprised to see what girls here wear on streets”. “You will consider yourself very conservatively dressed compared to the other girls” “believe me”. “Also, after Eiffel Tower we are going to a club” “you can’t be wearing your sari or any other India conservative dresses to the clubs?” “Please, don’t disappoint me!”. That last sentence hurt me a bit. I thought he brought me all the way to this place, my dream place, I should open up a bit as well for his sake. He was right, I couldn’t have worn a sari to the club. So I agreed but with a condition that I will have a scarf around my neck to hide my cleavage. He agreed finally. So here I was in that sexy semi or shall I say mostly naked dress where my entire arms, shoulder, most of my mid rift and legs were visible to everyone in public, I was though able to hide my cleavage with the scarf.

Finally we left the hotel and took a taxi to the Eiffel Tower. We reached it after 15mins of drive on to the beautiful streets of Paris. That was my first time in a foreign land and I was spell bound with the beautiful buildings, white people and clean streets. We got off the taxi and walked over to the booking counter. We took tickets and finally took the lift to the top of Eiffel Tower. By the time we reached at the top the sun was already setting. It was beautiful, the entire city of Paris could be seen from there and it was looking so sexy in that light orange colour. I was just lost in that view. Surya held me by my naked waist, after a while his hands rolled up in front to my navel and he was hugging me from behind. It was magical, I was in the arms of my hubby watching the beautiful city of Paris from Eiffel Tower in the twilight. I didn’t realise how long we stood there at the top of the Eiffel Tower, slowly the orange twilight turned into greyish night lit with full moon’s bright light. I was feeling as if I was in heaven watching that full moon from the Eiffel Tower and the entire city of Paris lit by the artificial lights down there and the natural moon light above. It was romantic beyond words.

“Darling, its time we go to the club” that was Surya reminding me that we need to leave now. “5 more mins please” was my childish response. We had already spent hours watching this beautiful view but I was still not content. “BTW, remember, I said you will need to pay me for this trip in the morning?”. I remembered, in the morning when we were landing at the Paris Airport when Surya said, “thanks won’t do, you will need to pay me for this trip”. I said, “hmm?” Questioningly, after recollecting what he had said. “Its that pay back time now”. I thought he is about to ask me to kiss him right there on the Eiffel Tower. Though it was taboo from my standards, given the mood I was in I thought why not. Lets give him a kiss here in public. After all he is the reason I witness this beautiful view today. If he had asked me to hug him and kiss him in front of all these people, I would have probably done that. Assuming he is only going to ask me to kiss or hug him in public I said “What do you want my dear hubby, I can give you anything now”. He said “Promise me, you will do whatever I say from now till the time we reach back home in India”. I was taken a back with that statement. That was a bit bold agreement with my perverted husband Smile I took a step back and said “What’s on your mind naughty boy?”. He slowly took a pendent set from his pocket and gave it to me. “This is another gift for my lovely wife”. I took that and opened it, “Oh my god!! It was diamond pendent set with earrings and a thin chain. It was lovely. I always wanted a diamond set. Now my happiness had no bounds, I immediately hugged him and kissed him right there and said “Yes my love, I promise, I will do whatever you say till the end of this trip” He also made me swear by his head that I will do whatever he asks me to do. Given the best of my moods I was in, I did not hesitate to promise on this head that I will do as he says throughout this trip.

“Throw the the scarf from this tower” he said. I was shocked by that. “What?” I said. He said, “throw that scarf off your neck and show everyone what beautiful assets you got” Now I was really shocked, “No way, you can’t be serious?” To which he said “I am very much serious, just do it” to which I pleaded him“No, please don’t do that” “you know I am shy and can’t expose so much in public”. He said “ok then, don’t blame your fate if something happens to me”. “What, why? Don’t say that, nothing will happen to you” and hugged him even tighter. He said “you just promised on my head that you will do whatever I ask you to do in this trip and now you are breaking that promise, I am sure to die now”

Now I realised what a big mistake I have done. Now I am totally stuck, if I do what he says me to do, I will possibly die of shame and if I don’t then he will die for sure. I had no choice I had to stick to my promise now, “oh god what have I got myself into?” I cursed myself and slowly nodded my head. “What? I don’t understand, are you doing it or breaking your promise and let me die here in France?” “Ok ok stop please! Give me a minute, I will do it” I said in a meek voice. He said “what? Can’t hear you?” “I said I will do it!!!” I said little louder so he could hear properly. “Excellent, love you dear, go on, do it, throw your scarf in the air”. With shivering hands I unwrapped the scarf from my neck slowly exposing my shoulders, neck and the huge cleavage and finally the entire insides of my boobs and threw the scarf. I didn’t even bother to see where it went and immediately covered by boobs with my hands. “Excellent! Love it” he had a broad smile on his face. He just hugged me like that, my arms cross on my chest. I slowly took my arms from my chest and put them around him. “This is it, now no more dares ok?” I said that in his ears. “We will see” he said and slowly took me out of his embrace and held my hands. I was so reluctant and wanted to leave his hands and put them back across my chest to hide my decency. He didn’t let that happen. He held both of my hands like that and turned me around to face the city. I reluctantly did that, I felt fresh air touching my inner boobs. The feeling was heavenly and sexy. Now I realised why people expose their body parts. It just feels heavenly when natural air touches your body. I just got lost in that feeling. We spent few more minutes in that position and Surya said, “Lets go now” “And don’t you dare to cross your hands on your boobs again” that sounded like a warning so I refrained from doing so. I nodded my head, in reluctance off course, but walked next to Surya. I was very close to him so as to hide my naked boobs. It wasn’t possible but I just took some grace in doing so. I just felt everyone was watching me and I was walking fully naked in front of all these people. Actually no one bothered to look at me, at least not in a sexual way. People did appreciate us as a couple walking in a tight embrace but it was no way like India where even when you are fully dressed, people strip you with their eyes. You just feel like you are walking naked in front of them. Their eyes have just a dirty meaning, it just feels like they are banging you with their eyes.

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Very nice bro
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