My Mom and Mr. Vikram Continuous Secret Fuck
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fantastic narration dear sir. please post an update ASAP
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The whole day, I saw my mom trying to call my dad to inform him that his best mate Vikram was going to spend the night at our house. She kept looking at dad's number and the call button was staring at her but her fingers wouldn't press it.

Maybe she thought that dad would perceive her as cheating wife to allow another man into our house that is why she didn't inform dad and instead, she decided to keep it a secret for herself. I was in the sitting room all along watching hindi action movies or playing video games when mom decided to tell me about Vikram's visit tonight.

Mom - Hey mr gamer!

Me - Yes mom!

Mom - Just wanted to tell you that Vikram was going to spend the night at our house tonight.

Me - Ooh really, will he bring me chocolate!

Mom - Arrgh! You can't forget about chocolate, wouldn't you? Yes he is going to bring it for you

Me - Yeeeiii! I am so happy mom

Mom - Well, continue playing your silly video games.

Me - Hehehe, alright mom. Would you join me playing this action game?

Mom - No no, I have some chores to finish.

Me - Alright mommmy.

It was now, 8:45pm in the night, 15 mins short of Vikram arriving. Tonight, I was sure something sexual was going to happen but I didn't know how it would unfold but I was certain.

My mom even knew that Vikram was going to continue flirting with her. However, I understood that Vikram was going to up his game inorder to get my mom on bed naked with him and fuck her brains out.

That night, my mom wore a silky trouser and a silky shirt. Typically, this stands as her normal daily night attire. The shirt she was wearing was struggling to keep her boobs inside her bra, but it couldn't.

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If you stood infront of her, you could  probably see some flesh of her boobs inside her bra. And about her ass, that silky trouser she wore made her ass look plumpier in it. Moreover, she wasn't wearing any panty whatsoever, therefore, it was easier for her silky trouser to get stuck inside between her big asscheeks.

Overtly, this that attire surely revealed her whole assets. I was not sure if my recognized that that attire was erotic but since it was her normal night attire, she didn't mind at all.

Vikram already arrived and I was sitting with him at the sitting room as we conversed. Meanwhile, mom was in the kitchen cooking some delicious food which I never witnessed her cooking when dad was at home. Maybe she wanted to impress Vikram in a normal way but not in a seductive way.

I heard that women cook the most delicious food when the one they love is with them in the house. But in this case, my mom just cooked normally, not because she loved Vikram.

Now as mom was cooking, I noticed something about Vikram as I was sitting with him in the sitting room. Our sitting is located in such a way that you can directly see the kitchen. In the kitchen, my mom was facing away as she cooked meaning that her backside was towards Vikram.

This sight of her backside infatuated Vikram because he got a view of that perfect and luscious buttocks of my mom. The thing about mom is that whenever she cooks, her fatty ass swings from left to right and sometimes shakes as she walks.

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Vikram was really delighted as he kept staring at that wonder-made ass of my mom. Even as I was conversting with him, he wasnn't really paying attention to me. He kept responding to me but his eyes were directly cast towards the fleshy portion of my mom's buttocks.

Even the fact that some of her sikly trouser got stuck inside between her fatty asscheeks made Vikram to raise his eyebrows while his pupils dilated. I mean who would resist not staring at my mom's big booty? No wonder I noticed a huge bulge in his short. I wondered how my dad left this sexy fat ass all in the hands of the hungry Vikram.

Vikram was in his white vest and grey shorts. I presume the reason he changed to this kind of dress was to try seduce and impress my mom. But my mom was not going to be easily impressed by the size of his chest.

While eating super, me and mom sat opposite Vikram. As he talked with my mom, I noticed that mom wasn't really giving him eye contact. The reason for this is that Vikram was in his vest and his hairy chest was 70% visible which made my mom to look down sometimes.

During supper, he was constantly gazing at my mom's boobs and he made sure that mom recognized that he was staring at her milky boobs which couldn't be fully contained inside her bra nor hidden by her shirt. No wonder mom frequently kept adjusting her boobs so that Vikram cannot see.

The whole time, I was thinking that it would be surprisingly erotic for Vikram to fuck my mom tonight on mom's marital bed when dad is away. This thought really cascaded within my brain making me hornier. Was this night going to be the first night my mom betrays my dad with his best mate?

After finishing supper, mom ordered me to show Vikram his guest room. But before I was about to do that........

Vikram - No Rajeev, don't worry, let your mom show me where it is

Me - Alright Vikram

When Vikram said this, mom was alittle confused but she didn't deny. Vikram was smiling at my mom but my mom was not smiling back at him. She decided to wake up and show him where the guest room was.

As she stood up to walk, Vikram followed her behind and he didn't miss the lustful big ass shaking infront of him. As he watched her big ass, he was grinning manicly as if he wanted to chew her buttocks. Mom knew that he was gazing at her enormous ass so she did her best not to walk in way that would ake her ass bounce more.

Mom - Here is your room sir Vikram, make yourself at home.

Vikram - Thank you Jayaji, and where are you going to sleep?

Mom - Upstairs.

Vikram - All on your own?

Mom - Ye....y..yes sir ( Mom noticing that Vikram was starting to flirt with her)

Vikram - Why don't you join me here my queen.

Mom - Sir, I am ok I will sleep on my own. ( I noticed my mom tensing and she quickly left without even finishing the conversation with him)

My mom then came inside my room and wished me goodnight. She closed the room behind her and I noticed she went straight to the master bedroom and locked herself inside. My parent's room and my room are adjacent to each other which means that it is separated by one window.

I decided to check inside that room and I saw my mom biting her nails while sitting on the bed. She didn't seem as if she was relaxed. She was also gathering her thought the last day when she masturbated while thinking about Vikram - who is just in our house in the next room.

Even 10 mins didn't pass and I saw Vikram knocking mom's room door. My heart beat faster. Inside mom's room, I noticed that she was also shocked. She knew that by that time, I was already fast asleep therefore she knew that the one knocking her door was non other than Vikram himself.

Mom - Who is it?

Vikram - It's me my love.

Mom - Sir how can I help you at this hour of the night

Vikram - My queen, open the door first, I know what you want at this hour of the night

Mom - Vikram sir, I don't need anything why do you keep insisiting.

Vikram - Because I know your  heart is beating for me and you want something and I am the only one who can give it to you

Mom - I said I don't need anything.

Usually, my parent's room is not normally locked and it doesn't have a lock. Vikram opened it and he entered the mom's bedroom. He also made sure that he locked it from inside. Now my mom and Vikram were alone in the master bedroom. While inside, he was greeted by the sight of my beautiful mom sitting on the bed, it was like she was waiting for him.

Mom - (Standing up) Vikram please leave, what are you doing here?

Vikram - (While walking towards her and removing his vest simultaneously) Jayaji, stop resisiting, it's only me and you here tonight

Mom - (While seeing Vikram's wide hairy chest) Vikram sir, stop walking towards me, you should not be here at this hour of the night

Vikram - (This time standing right infront of her) Why not my love? Is it because I am not your legal husband?

Mom - Yes, please, wear your vest ( Mom said as she looked away)

Vikram - ( While holding her waist) You are one of the beautiful woman in the world Jaya, you should not be hungry for sex and sleep alone. Your stupid husband left you alone. But I am here for you because I care about you Jaya.

Mom - (While trying to push Vikram away) No I can't except this, I am a good wife to my husband, I should not sleep with another man. Vikram sir, leave  my room please.

Vikram - If you are a good wife, why did you masturbate thinking about me.

This statement from Vikram stunned my mom and she sighed. She looked directly at Vikram's eyes as he smiled at her. She didn't believe what she was hearing. She wondered how Vikram knew about her masturbating while calling out his name. I was also stunned to hear Vikram saying that yet he didn't see mom doing that.

Mom - Who told you I was doing that?

Vikram - I just know. Even if I never saw you doing it, I am certain that you were masturbating while thinking of me because I remember how you used to look at me.

Mom - got it all wrong, I am not that type of a woman

Vikram - Don't deny it my love

After saying this, Vikram grabbed both her soft face cheeks and kissed her forcibly. My mom resisted slightly but not using much force. I think she was just taken away by the incident at the moment and the fact that she was confused as of how Vikram knew that she masturbated thinking about him.

Mom tried to separate herself from him but Vikram's strong body wouldn't let her. As he kissed her, his right hands moved over on her firm breasts and started squeezing and kneading them softly over her shirt.

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I noted that my mom closed her eyes. Vikram continued kissing her as his both hands now massaging them. Then my mom broke the kiss and moved backwards. She adjusted her shirt to hide her boobs. She again wiped off her mouth as if she was disgusted kissing him.

Mom - Vikram sir please you have to leave now, this is the second time you are doing this and I think you are crossing your limits.

Vikram - I am not crossing any limits. I am only crossing the line between sexual thirst and satisfaction and I want you and I to be on the satisfaction side. It's a win-win situation for you and I my love.

Mom - (Mom moving backwards while Vikram moving towards her) No Vikram I am the wife of another person

Vikram - But today you are mine.

He threw mom on the bed and climbed on top of her and continued kissing her. The thing about Vikram is that whenever he kissed her, it was difficult for my mom to break off the kiss from his lips.

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To be continued..............................
[+] 3 users Like Rajeev Gupta's post
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good one
[+] 1 user Likes Mampi's post
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Great Narration and an Erotic story. Please continue and update. We are eagerly waiting for your spice update.
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Very good story. Like the photos in-between.
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Early update is appreciated
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Mom was now on the bed lying in a missionary position with her red satin night dress on. Her boobs were almost popping out of her bra. I thought to myself "What a wonderful view of breast Vikram is getting".

Vikram laid on top of her and continued kissing her wildly. He was doing it fast in such a way that my mom had no choice but to stick to kissing him. She was trying to get his huge, sturdy body off her but her soft hands were not a match to his strength.

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As he continued kissing her, he ripped off the strings of her satin dress which hid her bra and by now she was already half-naked from the top. She was wearing a white bra and it seemed to me that either her bra was small or her breast was just too big because the bra didn't cover most of her breasts.

Vikram - (Pausing the kiss) Woow, your mouth tastes like sunflower my lovely Jaya, I can't believe you will be mine from now on

Mom - (While trying to evade him) Vikram leave me alone, get off me

Vikram - Jaya my queen, stop fighting the hunger for sex that is disturbing you. Embrace the moment, it's only the two of us.

Mom - (While hiding her bra-only breasts) No I am not interested, leave me or I will call my husband.

Vikram - Call your husband? That brainless of a man is what you call your husband? The one who leaves you alone many nights without sex and love? Let me show you what a real husband is like

Then he quickly removed both of her hands from her boobs; he got hold of her bra and tore it right away and that was the first time Vikram saw the magnificent milky breasts of my mom.

Her boobs were white in color, naturally shining and it was further complemented by her hard brown nipple. They looked so soft and mushy. Vikram didn't even waste time, he buried his face in between her massive boobs.

By now, all of my mom's resistance was just futile because Vikram was taking over the show. He was squeezing them with his hand and simultaneously biting her nipples as he sucked on and on. My mom started moaning softly and this was the first moan my mom ever escaped her mouth while moaning to another man.

Mom - Aahhhh oooohhh Vikram leave me stop all this, aaahhhhhhh

Vikram (While biting her brown hard nipples) MMhh what a breast you have my queen, they are so soft and easy to hold.

Mom - Aahh Vikraaaammm!!! Aahhh uuuhhhh

Vikram - Yes scream for me as I bite your nipples, scream my love, let those soft screams escape your tasty mouth.

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My friends, I didn't believe what I was seeing. The thing that I never thought would ever happen between Vikram and my mom was now happening right before my eyes. My dick was getting hard and hard as I watched the most unbelievable thing ever.

My dad was abroad, sweating and doing so much work while Vikram was enjoying one of my dad's precious properties (my mom). I felt sorry for my dad for trusting Vikram. My dad thought that Vikram was the perfect mate who will never ever try to seduce my mom. 

But my dad was so wrong; the person he trusted the most is the person who is going to fuck his wife (my mom). Let me tell you, Vikram is the luckiest person because he was enjoying something which was not legally his. Fucking another man's wife is the sweetest thing ever.

Then after 10mins of sucking and biting her nipples, he stopped and he directly kissed her. My mom again didn't have an option but to share her tongue with him. I observed her breast and noticed a few red marks on it and I recognized that those marks came as a result of the deep biting Vikram gave on them.

Vikram stopped kissing her and this time decided to fully undress my mom and remember that she wasn't even wearing panties. Since Vikram already tore the strings of her night dress, it was easier for him to remove the rest.

My mom tried to prevent Vikram from fully removing her red night dress but she couldn't because Vikram was doing it hastily. After removing the night dress, my mom, whose naked body was only reserved for my dad's property was now fully naked in front of Vikram.

When Vikram saw her pussy, he was mesmerized because it was so tiny. Don't even mention her thighs, they were like two pillows that were filled with fat. Her curvy thighs were so meaty to the point of hiding her pussy slightly.

Vikram - Woow Jaya, you left me breathless already just by seeing your extraordinary body for the first time, and also this pussy

Mom - Sir my son can come any moment, he is in the next room, what will he think if he saw us in this manner

Vikram - Don't be anxious my love, tonight you will experience what real love and real sex is.

He then spread her sexy meaty thighs apart and started sucking her pussy. The thing that surprised me about this is that my mom didn't even care to resist anymore, I think it's because she already realized that her resistance will not bear any fruits.

The first instance Vikram's tongue reached her pussy, mom began moaning and I noticed that the moan was actually a romantic moan. I could not believe my mom was moaning while another man was sucking her pussy.

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Mom - Aaahh nooo Vikram aaahhhh stop it aaaahhh nooooo

Vikram ( While sucking her pussy) Mmmhh don't deny yourself pleasure my love, mmmhhh, what a tasty pussy, I can eat it all day

Mom - Aaahh aahhh uuuuuuuuhhhh

Slowly by slowly, I started noticing that my mom was less resisting and she was now inclining towards enjoyment. I didn't understand how Vikram was slowly turning my mom into his fuck toy by the slow charms of sexual tantalizations.

I even noticed that my mom placed her hands on his head as he continued sucking her pussy and she was closing her eyes. Does pussy sucking actually make a woman like this? I didn't have the answer but the action was unfolding as I watched.

I knew that Vikram was reaching the most pleasurable parts of her pussy which was making my mom lose her mind. She was throwing her head backwards while gazing at the ceiling with her mouth wide open. My mom who was earlier on resisting was now changing her mind because of the pussy sucking she was receiving from my dad's best mate, Vikram.

Quickly, he turned my mom over and she was now in Doggystyle. My mom's resistance at this stage was only 10%, I think it's because of the sexual tantalization she was receiving. While turning her over, her fat big buttocks shook in front of his eyes. Vikram is a person who loves my mom's ass so much. I remember how he used to gaze at it many times and tonight, his dreams came true. That fat meaty ass of my mom was just 2 inches away from his face.

Vikram - What an ass you have, I can't fathom how soft it is. Jaya my love, I have always wanted to smell this big ass of yours.

Mom - Please don't do it Vikram, I beg you, stop all this now and let me leave.

Vikram - I can't stop Jaya, your moans spoke a different language, let me smell this ass

He then used his massive hands and spread her asscheeks and the first thing I saw was her tiny asshole. It was so tiny that not a finger could not pass. Then Vikram straight away directed his nose on top of her asshole and he took a big sniff.

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As he took the sniff, I realized that he was actually amazed by the smell of my mom's asshole. He took another big sniff and I saw him smiling as he closed his eyes. I knew this man really loves the raw smell of my mom's tiny asshole.

Vikram - The unwashed smell of your asshole is so delicious

Mom - Leave me, stop talking to me like this, I am your mate's wife. Stop this Vikram 

Vikram - Let's see if you will love it when I suck your asshole.

Mom - No no no , please don't put your tongue there, nooo Vikram, stop this act, don't lick there

My mom placed her hands between her asscheeks to prevent Vikram from sucking her asshole but Vikram easily removed his hands and for the first time ever, he rotated his tongue all over my mom's sweet asshole.

I mean Vikram was getting the best taste of this world which is the taste of a woman's asshole. Nothing in this world smells and tastes good than a woman's asshole. From my mom's facial expression, it seemed as if she was somehow loving it but I couldn't tell.

But I was sure she was not resisting the feeling of getting her asshole licked for the first time. My mom was moaning really softly because the warm tongue of Vikram was making her asshole more salivary and more sensational to her.

Mom - AAaahh ooouuuhhh Vikraaaamm aaaaahh oooooohhhh

Vikram - Your asshole tastes like ice cream. I wish I could live next to your asshole so that I can taste it and smell it.

Mom - You are disgusting aahhhhh

Vikram - If I am disgusting for licking the hole which you poop from, then I would rather gladly choose to be a disgusting man

 I have never seen a man love the poop hole of Mom more than Vikram. He was literally eating her asshole as if it was a cake with cream on it. As he was sucking her asshole, he kept rubbing her clit up and down.

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After 15 minutes of eating my mom's asshole, Vikram said "I will come back for this tiny hole later, first let me use your front hole baby, lets start by you sucking my dick". He turned my mom over and ordered her to suck his big dick. He removed it from his trouser and let me tell you, his dick looked like the dick of the cartoon character "Hulk".

It was 11 inch long and I wondered how my mom was going to put all of that inside her mouth.

Mom - Vikram I cannot do this, I am not your wife

Vikram - Darling, I have already seen your naked body, I have tasted both of your three holes. There is no turning back baby.

He then held her face and guided his dick inside her mouth. The first instance, it was big for her but he slowly slipped it inside and mom now started sucking it. Vikram was loving it, he was pressing her head backward and forwards to make sure his tip reached her throat.

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Vikram - Aahh Jaya, your mouth is so warm. I can't believe the pleasure your mouth is giving me

Mom continued to gallop on his dick and by now, she was able to swallow his dick whole right to the balls. Let me tell you, she looked like a professional dick sucker and yet she never even gave my dad a blowjob.

The mouth that used to kiss my dad was now giving a hot and slurpy blowjob to Vikram. He made mom to suck his dick for 5 minutes and now, he removed it from her mouth and laid her on the bed on missionary style.

Vikram - My love, now we are about to do the thing we were both waiting for.

Mom - (Without resisting) Vikram don't do this, I am another man's wife, I can't imagine betraying my husband.

Vikram - My love, don't mind about your idiotic husband, just think about me and no one else, your pussy is already wet which means that you were getting wet from my charms

With that, he positioned his dick on top of her pussy. Since he knew her pussy would be tight, he pushed it in slowly at first and his dick entered her pussy halfway. My mom let out a moan mixed with screams.

Mom - AAaaaaaaahhh vikraaaaaam noooooooooo Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Vikram - Relax my baby, don't shout, your pussy is tight because that bastard husband of yours didn't fuck it for long, tonight I will expand it

He gave another push and his dick slid in a few centimeters inside her pussy. The expression my mom made on her face was priceless. She just closed her eyes with her mouth wide open and moaning. Vikram kept gazing at her face as she made those expressions.

After his dick went in more than halfway, Vikram began giving her slow rhythmic pushes and thrusts. This first slow initial thrust was systematic because he wanted her pussy to open up first. As he continued with those pushes, he went in further and further while simultaneously increasing the pace.

Mom - (She was now hugging Vikram) Aaahhhh Vkraaam aaaaaahhhh ooooooooooooohhhhh

Vikram - (Giving her hard strokes) How are you feeling my love

MOm - Sloww slow down aaaaaaaaahhh I can't take it aaaaaaaaaah

Vikram - Ooh yes you will my love!

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I was left there shagging while watching the unbelievable scene of my mom with another man on the bed while my dad is struggling at work abroad. This incident made me think that even the most faithful wife ever can easily cheat on her husband with another man if she gets good sex.

Who would have thought that my mom would betray my dad with all the faithfulness she showed my dad? But again, my dad did a mistake by not giving my mom sexual pleasure and leaving her at the hands of Vikram.

As Vikram fucked my mom, he reached over and began kissing her, my mom didn't even hesitate, she just allowed him to kiss her and she responded with a big lustful kiss as they exchanged their tongues with each other erotically.

My mom entirely became Vikram's property; she has finally surrendered her body to the one who loves her the most, Vikram. He pumped her pussy while holding her thighs for support. My mom's long black hair was suspended all over the bed untidily. Her boobs were moving synchronically with the movement of the thumping Vikram gave to her pussy.

Then within a flush, he changed the position and now my mom started riding him. This position was unique because his dick went in further inside her pussy. It was also unique because Vikram got a perfect view of her jiggling breasts.

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Since mom was moving slowly, Vikram held her big buttocks which were dancing all around and he started pushing her up and down faster. The sound of pach pach pach pach! filled the room. My mom all the time just closed her eyes and she was actually loving it.

Mom - Aaahhh oooooooooohh yes yes yes ooooooohh Vikraaaamm

Vikram - I told you that you would fall in love with it

Mom - Aaaaaah oooooh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Then as my mom and Vikram were having the best night of their lives, suddenly my mom's phone rang and I saw it from where I was watching that It was actually my dad calling her. My mom saw her phone ringing and she decided to tell Vikram to slow down. 

Don't miss the next part coming soon.....................................................
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Mom's phone continued ringing and I clearly saw that it was indeed my dad calling her. But that didn't stop Vikram and mom's sensual sex. However, as my mom continued riding Vikram, she decided to tell Vikram to slow down so that she could answer the phone. She didn't want my dad to suspect.

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Mom - Aaah aahh Vikram, I want to answer, please slow down, it's my  husband calling

Vikram - Ooh really? This is so hot my love, just go on and pick it up but don't remove my cock inside your pussy. I want you to talk to your foolish husband while my cock is deeply buried inside your lovely pussy.

Mom - But....but... aaaahhh but you need to slow down Vikram please, don't put me in trouble.

Vikram - Don't worry my lovely Jaya, just pick it up. I will fuck you slowly as you talk to him

My mom then picked up the phone, composed herself, and adjusted her voice from a moaning voice to her normal way of talking. She then answered the call as she rode on Vikram's dick. 

The scene of my mom's conversing with dad on the phone while riding Vikram's was just amazing, it was one in a million scene. It even made my dick hard. I saw Vikram squeezing her asscheeks down onto his dick so that his dick could go further inside her tight little pussy.

Mom - ( While talking with Dad on the phone) Mmhh.. Yes my husband, I am alright what about you?

Mom - Ooh sshh, I really miss you darling

At this point, Vikram smiled at her as she continued pretending on the phone. My mom's left hand was on Vikram's chest and her right hand was holding the phone to her ear. All this while, Vikram's dick was moving inside and outside in a slow motion.

Then Vikram gave her a slight but quick thump, which was a quick one. It made my mom scream ouch!! She was still talking with my dad on the phone and it prompted my dad to ask her why she shouted ouch

Mom - No no no, my love, aaaahh ouch. I just knocked my feet against the kitchen door

I couldn't hear what dad was saying because my mom didn't set the phone on loudspeaker because she was very careful to avoid my dad from detecting any suspicious acts that might be going on inside their master bedroom. After talking with Dad for three minutes, she finally hung up the phone.

Mom - Aahh oouch ok my love, I love you very much, goodnight! (She placed the phone on the table nearby)

Vikram - Woow! Jaya, you really know how to improvise your voice and acting. You made me hot by how you lied to your husband all along as my dick was inside your pussy. You are the best wife Jaya

Mom - You almost put me in trouble, Vikram. Why you want to ruin my happy marriage?

Vikram - My love, your bastard husband can never suspect you. He trusts you and me very much, so don't worry about him. Let's enjoy this moment my love, keep riding me

Mom - Aaahhhh Vikram no I can't do this, end this now, I feel awkward with you on the bed.

Vikram - I will make you feel hot instead of awkward. ( He then held her fat buttocks and made her jump up and down on his dick)

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MOm - Aaahh nooo nooo Vikram noo please aaahhhh not like this please aaahhh my pussy is burning aahhh

Vikram - Jaya I promise you will never forget this day ever in your life, my dick will give you abundant pleasure

The size of Vikram's dick couldn't stop my mom from moaning. It even made her close her eyes as she continued riding on his dick. What a lucky man Vikram is. Fucking the wife of his best mate right on his marital bed is just a wonderful feeling.

The pussy of my mom which was sacred only for my dad was now being invaded by Vikram's long and massive cock. My innocent dad didn't know that my mom who he trusted the most now betrayed him on the bed with his other trusted mate, Vikram.

Now my mom seemed as if she forgot about Dad because of the manner in which she screamed and moaned as Vikram's cock pounded her pussy. As my mom continued riding him, Vikram reached over, with his right hand, and began to rub his finger on mom's asshole. This act surprised Mom and she quickly told Vikram not to do that.

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Mom - Aahhh  Vikram please remove your finger from there, please

Vikram - Why my love, I want also to taste your asshole. 

Mom - Aaaah ooooh no Vikram nooo

By this time, Vikram's middle finger got inside her asshole and it nestled there. He rolled and rotated his finger deep inside her asshole which made my mom get double pleasure; a finger inside her asshole and a massive dick ploughing her pussy.

By this time, I noted that actually, my mom herself was going up and down. I couldn't believe that she got in the mood for the fucking. Earlier on, she was refusing sex with Vikram but by now, she was jumping up and down on his dick all by herself. This was just so erotic. Maybe any woman wouldn't resist Vikram's big hard cock.

Maybe she couldn't control her feeling of thirst and the size of Vikram's dick. While moving up and down, Vikram removed his finger which was inside Mom's asshole, and brought it over to his nose and smelt it.

Vikram - Mmmhh the insides of your asshole smell really fresh Jaya. This tiny hole where you poop from is such a delight.

Mom - (Showing disgust) Aaahh stop this filthy talk and stop doing this filthy act Vikram

Vikram (While tasting the finger with his mouth) Mhhhh not even the smell is good, but even the taste is fantastic. I can't believe that the insides of your assholes taste this delicious.

Mom - Aaahhhh Vikram noooo stop don't lick it aahhh

Vikram - Jaya, if your asshole smells and tastes so delicious, it's time to give it what it deserves

Mom - (While still riding him) What do you mean? aahhh

Vikram - It deserves my cock, deep inside your asshole my love

MOm - (Frightened) Nooo nooo don't do that, Vikram noo please, this is disgusting

Vikram - (Turning my mom into doggystyle) My love, the asshole of a woman must be fucked.  A good woman is the one who is fucked in the asshole and I want you to allow me to fuck your asshole.

Mom - Vikram please, don't do this to me, I am not used to this kind of act

Vikram - Why not my love, did your moronic husband not fuck your asshole?

Mom - I have not done this. It's not normal for me

Vikram - Darling, anal sex is normal and it's better than pussy fuck. I will give you the pleasure of assfuck, I must fuck this little asshole of yours. In fact, that is the main thing I have always wanted to do with you ever since.

I was really electrified to know that my mom's tiny which was never penetrated ever in her life was going to be pounded by Vikram's huge dick. Clearly, between my dad and Vikram, it is Vikram who will enjoy my mom to the fullest by using mom's asshole.

I heard that if a man fucks a woman in the asshole, then that woman will love that man forever. She will always think about the first person who fucked her asshole. Therefore, if Vikram becomes the first person to invade my mom's sweet tiny asshole, then it means that my mom will start loving Vikram more than my dad.

Vikram - Darling, arch your back and spread your lovely fat asscheeks

Mom - (Positioning into proper doggystyle) Sir, I beg you don't force it in. I am not used to this 

Vikram - I heard you my love. You know I am full of surprises, just spread it for me so that I can locate your asshole. And I think I need Vaseline

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He picked up the vaseline which was next to the table, and applied it on his dick as he gazed at my mom's wiggy fat buttocks. I mean that fat ass of my mom clearly needs a hard anal sex. I didn't understand how my dad didn't use my mom's back door all those years.

Maybe my mom's asshole was meant to be fucked by Vikram and it was reserved for him only. Who knows? But tonight, Mom's asshole was going to be fucked nevertheless. Vikram then located her asshole and tried to push it in. Mom was shocked and she moved forwards as if she was frightened by the massive cock about to invade her lovely asshole.

Vikram - My queen, you look cute when you are afraid of my dick. Why did you move away my love, I have not even inserted an inch.

Mom - Sir please, I am afraid

Vikram - (Positioning her back into doggystyle) Nothing to be afraid of, when I insert it fully inside, you will beg for more.

Then he held her tightly and pressed his dick on her asshole which seemed more tight. My mom gripped her teeth together and closed her eyes. Vikram applied significant pressure and in it went! The head of his dick dived inside her sweet anus. The way her asshole opened to invite his dick inside was a perfect sight.

Mom - Aaaaaaahhh Vikraaaaaaaaaaammm!

Vikram - Aaah no need to shout my love. Aaah your asshole is so hot. Do you have shit inside? I think you have loads of shit inside your anus that's why your asshole is so warm.

Mom - Uuuuuhhhhhhh Stop talking to me like that aaaaaaaahhhhhhh

Vikram - What a tight asshole you have Jaya, I have always wanted to fuck this big ass of yours.

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Vikram further pushed his dick forward and finally, the whole of his dick got inside her asshole. I think it's because of the Vaseline which made it easier for her asshole to accommodate his enormous dick. I knew Vikram was getting the feeling of his life. Fucking another man's wife deep in her fat ass is just the most wonderful experience ever.

Who would have thought that my mom's thick ass which used to shake inside her trouser would one day be fucked by Vikram. He now held both of her soft asscheeks with his both
hand and began giving hard and fast strokes since his dick was already fully inside her asshole.

I saw mom's legs and I noted that she was trying to move away but Vikram made sure that he pinned her into doggy style and continued exploring her anus. My mom held the bedsheet
tightly while screaming out loudly; it seemed as if Vikram's dick was giving her the incentive to scream. 

Vikram - This is my best night ever. Fucking your asshole is the best blessing ever

Mom - Ah ah ah ah ooohhhhhh uuuuuuuuhhhh Vik......aaahhhh

Vikram - Tell me how you feel my love, say it to me, I want to hear what you feel

Mom - Aaahhh vikram it's too big and long aaaaaahhhh

Vikram - Yes, my dick is big just as big and fat as this ass of yours

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He gave her buttocks hard slaps as he watched them jiggle. The sight of her buttocks jiggling as he fucked her asshole made my dick twice as hard. I continued shagging off
as I watched my mom get her asshole used properly.

Vikram gave another tight slap on her asscheeks and I saw her asscheeks turn pinkish in color due to the hard slaps. Then, I noted that my mom was starting to moan in a sexy
tone. She wasn't complaining anymores because her asshole has now adapted to Vikram's dick and it has expanded wide enough.

Vikram - OOh your are moaning in a sexy tone Jaya, I told you that you will love when I fuck your ass

Mom - Aaah ah ah ah ah ooooh ooohhh ssssshhhh oohho aaaaaahhh

Vikram - Tell me to fuck your ass more

Mom - Noo please aaaaahhh I can't say those words........ aaaaaaaaaahh

Vikram - (Holding her hair in a rough way) Repeat after me Jaya, don't disobey me.

Mom - Aaaahh yes fuck my ass more yess pound my asshole fuck it aaaahhh please don't stop fuck my asshole

Vikram - There you go, you are a good obedient wife. Now repeat after me, say that you love me and you hate your husband

Mom - Aaahh Vikram please I can't say that aaaaaaaaahhhh

Vikram - ( Fucking her asshole harder) Say it say it Jaya

Mom - Aaaahhh I love you Vikram and I hate my husband, I don't love my husband, I love you only Vikram Fuck my ass!!

Vikram - Yes you are such a queen

It was so erotic hearing Vikram ordering my mom to disparage my dad while Vikram buried his massive dick in her shit-hole. Then he removed his dick from her asshole. He 
laid on his back on the bed.

Vikram - Jaya, I want you to ride me. Put my dick inside your asshole all by yourself.

Without complaining, my mom positioned herself on his dick and slowly guided his dick deep inside her asshole. As she did so, she moaned sexily which mesmerized Vikram.

Mom started jumping up and down. Her ass shook on Vikram's lap like thap! thap! thap!. Mom was getting anal sex for about 32 minutes now and they were and I knew anytime by now, Vikram will cum inside her asshole.

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Vikram - Ooh Jaya, your asshole is the most valuable thing I have ever gotten

Mom - Aaah aahh ahhh Vikram aaaaaaaaahhhhhh

Vikram - Aaahh my love I am about to cum inside your asshole aaaahh, it's so hot and warm

Mom - Aaaaahh oooh Vikramm please finish early aaahh 

Then Vikram held her both asscheeks with both of his hands, pressed her down and he spilled his cum inside her asshole. I saw my mom wiggling her fat ass when Vikram was cumming inside her asshole. I think she was wiggling because of the sensation of Vikram's sperm traveling inside her anus.

Vikram - Aaaaaarrgghh! Yess ooooohh Jaya kiss me aaahh kiss me

Mom - (She bent down and kissed him) Mmmmhhhhhhhh

They then remained in that position, Mom still sitting on him while his dick was deep inside her asshole. She then woke up and as soon she did so, some of the sperm inside her asshole dropped and fell on Vikram's lap. I saw Vikram's dick was slightly dirty with Mom's poop. I think Mom pooped on his dick accidentally because it was the first time she was doing anal sex. Also because Vikram fucked her asshole harder.

Vikram - OOohh you made my dick dirty with your poop Jaya mmmmmh!

Mom - I am sorry Vikram, I didn't mean to do it

Vikram - I understand it, Jaya, in fact, I expected it since I was fucking your asshole for the first time.

Then mom wiped off his dick with a towel that was nearby and then since both were tired and sweating, they decided to sleep.

Mom - Vikram sir please go back to your room, in the morning, my son can find us here

Vikram - Let us sleep my love, the morning will take care of itself

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To be continued...........................
[+] 2 users Like Rajeev Gupta's post
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Nice story continue please.
[+] 1 user Likes PAATROW's post
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wow what an amazing erotic update....

waiting for more

i want to make jaya feel guilty but other side she couldn't supress her lust and fecked by Vikram again and again.

somehow her husband got to know about it and make her realise what a disgusting wife she is , she is cheater, scolding her with all the pain in heartbreak, make her realise what sin she has done.
[+] 1 user Likes SMOD-P's post
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What about the update bro
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Eagerly waiting for your next erotic update. Keep it up bro.
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In the morning, I woke up earlier with my mind filled with the erotic & obsene sexual act I witnessed yesternight between my curvy mom & Vikram - the alpha male. At the same time, I sympathized for my dad for working & sweating profusely thinking that his wife (my mom) was all faithful.

However, on the good side, my mom got satisfied & she knew that from now onwards, she will never sleep with sexual thirst. I got up from my bed & headed to the sitting room. It was 7.00 am on the dot. I thought by now mom would be in the kitchen cooking but I didn't find both of them.

I then understood that they might be still sleeping after the hardcore sex they had last night. Therefore I decided to check on their room. As I reached at the doorstep of Mom's master bedroom, I heard Vikram & mom talking. I decided to secretly hear them as I peeped through the window. I saw both of them were still naked while laying on the bed just like how I left them yesternight. They were only covering themselves with bedsheets.   

Vikram - My lovely Jaya, how did you sleep last night?

Mom - Just fine, how about you

Vikram - Let me tell you, I have never slept happily ever in my life than yesternight, especially after the sex.

Mom - (Seeming not interesed in the talk) Vikram sir, please let this be the last time I am seeing you

Vikram - My queen, you know I cannot leave a hot & cute woman...........

MOm - (Interrupting him) Vikram, please enough of the talk, if we continue like this my husband is going to know about it

Vikram - Cmon darling, you are worried about that idiot? He will never know a iota of our sexual life. Look my love, this is going to be our secret,
no one is ever going to know about it.

Mom - But....

Vikram - (Keeping his finger on her lips) Shhh! NO buts baby, you only need me & I only need you. I have an expensive gift I bought for you

Mom - (Getting surprised) A gift? What gift?

Vikram - (While reaching over to a bag next to him) It's your favorite my queen. You will love it.

He then removed a golden necklace from his bag. Let me tell you, that necklace looked genuinely very expensive. As he removed it from the bag & showed it to my mom, she gasped for air, her eye brows raised while her mouth wide open.

Mom - Oooohhh woow!! What? Really? Is this for me?

Vikram - Who else would I buy it for my queen! It's all yours

Mom - (Freaking out and hugging him) Ooohhh yes yes thank you Vikram I have always wanted this necklace

The thing that surprised me the most was that she freaked out and she hugged him.  I didn't believe that my strict & faithful mom could easily be Vikram's queen just after one night of hot sex. 

And let me tell you guys, Vikram knew very well how to get into my mom's heart. First, he satisfied her sexually and secondly, he bought her one of her favorite gifts which is a golden necklace.

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Vikram - Woow! That is the warmest hug I have ever received

Mom - I am just so happy, Thank you, Vikram

Vikram - NO worries, in fact, I wanted to give it to you yesternight but I got spellbound by your delicious body

Mom - You are a naughty man.

Vikram - Naughty only for your love, here, come and stand up in front of me, I want to make you wear it

Then they both got up from the bed, both naked. Mom's big booty and jiggy boobs wiggling as she stood up. As she stood infront of him, Vikram slapped her big ass and he watched it jiggle.

Mom - Ouch! Stop that Vikram, please not now

Vikram - (While giggling) Alright my love

He then tied the necklace on mom's neck as he stood behind her. After tieing it, mom looked herself in the mirror which was infront of her and I could tell she was really amazed by how beautiful it looked on her.

Vikram - See how lovely you look, you literally look like a queen

MOm - Really?

Vikram - Yes my love, I bought it for you to show you how much you mean to me

Mom - (Turning and looking at Vikram with passion in her eyes) 

Vikram - (Going close to her and grabbing her big ass) You are the one I think of every night and day Jaya, you are the treasure I was searching for in the wilderness and I have found it.

Mom - (Those comments made her speechless and she smiled)

Vikram then kissed her mouth and I was really shocked to see my mom actually holding his head as they kissed together. Did my mom surely start offering her love to Vikram? 

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I couldn't not answer but the way she allowed her tongue to overlap with his made me think that she actually fell for him. Maybe she is experiencing real love for the first time since Dad didn't give her real love or sex.

Then both of them sat on the bed together while still naked. I saw Mom's thighs expanding as she sat on the bed. Her thunder thighs was just a wonder.

Vikram - Darling, tell me something, did you like how I fucked you last night?

Mom - (While still admiring her new expensive necklace) Vikram please, how can I answer that question

Vikram - Darling, we are now both sexual partners, no need to hide anything from me, tell me baby, how was the sex last night?

MOm - (Shying).............

Vikram - Tell me, baby, don't make me wait

Mom - It was......ummmm.....lively!

Vikram - Woow! Lively, you mean you enjoyed it?

Mom - (Nodding while smiling naughtily at him)

Vikram - I told you that you would love everything

Mom - Everything? No, I didn't like the other one you did

Vikram - What? Anal sex?

Mom - Yes

Vikram - Cmon baby, you have a big sexy ass, women like you must do anal sex. Your asshole was just pleading to be invaded. Why did you not like it?

Mom - You are too big

Vikram - Hehehe, the bigger the better my love. Can I tell you what I loved the most from yesternight's sex?

Mom - What?

Vikram - I loved it when I saw your poop on my dick right after fucking your fat ass

Mom - You are the dirtiest man on earth ( Giving him a naughty slap on his cheek)

Vikram - I am saying the truth, my love. I love your asshole more, so tight and so warm. I want to say that your pussy belongs to your stupid husband but your asshole only belongs to me

Mom - ( Smiling at him) I have to go bath and go to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast

Vikram - Darling, before doing that, I want a quick round of sex this morning.

Mom - What? No Vikram, not now, it's early in the morning, I have some things to do

Vikram - (While bending her over on the bed) Morning sex is the best and I want to fuck this fat ass again, ooh! The softness of it makes my dick hard

Mom - Vikram not in the ass, do it in my pussy. I am not ready again in the morning

Vikram - No Jaya, I don't want pussy now, I want your anus only. Just look at how my dick became hard. It wants to fuck your anus and not pussy.

Mom - But Vikram I am not used to it, please

Vikram - You are already starting to get used to it my love. I fucked your asshole last night and I want it again this morning. And I want to fuck your asshole while you still wear that necklace I bought you.

He then made my mom lay on her stomach and spread her fat ass cheeks. He then placed his tongue on her anus and started sucking it up and down. I knew this man loved my mom's big plumpy booty so much. He even sniffed her asshole soo deeply as if he wanted the smell to get stuck to his nose forever.

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I witnessed mom closing her eyes as Vikram rotated his tongue all over her asshole. She was gripping the bedsheet with her hands. I saw the necklace she was wearing and she looked like a real queen.

Mom - Aaahh Vikram please aahhh ssshhhh your tongue is soo warm

Vikram - Yes my love, and your asshole tastes soo good, and yet it is in the morning.

Then he positioned Mom in doggy-style position, the proper one. Even though my mom already did anal sex with him last night, she was still afraid because she knew that her asshole will not be open that much because she did anal sex for the first time last night.

MOm - Vikram please, go slowly don't be rough like yesternight

Vikram - My lovely queen, I love it when you complain a lot. Spread your asscheeks, darling. This jiggly ass of yours must be fucked 

Mom reached over her back and carefully spread her asscheeks the sight of her asshole came to view. When I saw her asshole, it still looked tight, even though Vikram fucked it last night.

Vikram then guided his dick inside her asshole and the tip of his dick penetrated mom's asshole. Vikram didn't struggle to put it in her asshole but as he continued pushing in her asshole deeper, he found it hard because mom's asshole and its tightness couldn't accommodate Vikram's massive dick.

Mom - OOhhh noo Vikraaam noooo nooo aaaaaahh uuuuuhhh stop stop stop aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!

Vikram - Darling I cannot stop, I am already in, why should I stop when I fucked it nicely yesternight

MOm - I don't know but.. aaaahhh! It's big aaaaaahhhhhh please go back a little 

Vikram - (MOving back to remove some portion of his dick from her asshole) Is that ook Jaya?

Mom - Yes aaaahhhh ooooohh wait wait please aaahhh uuuuuummhhhh uuuhhh 

Vikram then started giving her slow & gradual strokes but his dick wasn't fully inside Mom's asshole. To make her relax, he reached under her thighs and began rubbing her pussy continuously. This act made my mom relax a little as Vikram started pushing his dick further inside the precious parts of her anus.

Vikram - When I push forward, I want you to push back baby, aaah yes like that, yes like that

Mom - Aaaahh OOooohhhh uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh ( She began moving back and forth in slow motion trying to fit his dick inside her rectum)

I couldn't believe that Vikram was using my mom in this manner. She totally became his toy and all of her holes belonged to him only and not my dad. The feeling of using another man's wife is the best most priceless feeling ever.

It was past ten minutes and I noted Vikram's dick went in all the way in her anus. Mom continued shouting too loudly and she realized that I might wake up therefore she decided to bite the pillow to suppress her screams of pleasure.

It didn't take much for Vikram to start pounding her asshole. His dick was creating a gaping hole inside my mom's asshole. He fucked her so vigorously, removing his dick further back and thrusting forward with might.

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Mom - Aaahhh aaaahh uuumm Vikram aaaahhh oooooohhhh ssshhhh aaaahhh my asshole is burning aaaaaaahhh

Vikram - ( Angrily fucking her) This asshole is mine, aaargh! So warm and hot. Jaya your asshole loves my dick.

Mom - Aaahhhhhhhhhh uuuuuuuhhhhhhh

Vikram - The uncomfortableness has gone right? You are enjoying it?

Mom - Yesss aahhhh but move slowly darling please aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

Vikram - No, an asshole like yours must not be fucked slowly, it should be ravaged hard and solidly.

Then after a quick anal sex of 15 mins, he cummed inside while pressing her beautiful fat asscheeks with both of his hands. His dick was so long and I thought that it actually passed my mom's rectum.

He then removed his dick from her asshole and the amount of cum dripping from mom's asshole was insane. I wondered how he could cum so much in her anus and yet it was just in the morning of 15 mins sex.

Vikram - OOh I cummed so much!!

Mom - Aaaooh yes you did. Do you see some of my poop on your dick?

Vikram - Yes baby, but just a little, don't worry about it.

Vikram then fell on the bed because he was exhausted. Mom on the other hand went to the bathroom. Her fat ass bounced nicely as she walked towards the bathroom.

To be continued.......................
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Update is erotic and sexcellent,early update is appreciated
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How son is reacting, that is also important, plz eloberate
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