Misc. Erotica The Big Fat Two-State Wedding (Complete)
Nice, update soon
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Really good
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Update plzzz
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well-narrated and excellently depicted piece of work.
keep it up, bro.....
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Thank you for all the appreciation. Be tuned for tomorrow!
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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(06-07-2023, 07:24 AM)Mintu08 Wrote: Thank you for all the appreciation. Be tuned for tomorrow!

[+] 1 user Likes masud93's post
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(06-07-2023, 07:24 AM)Mintu08 Wrote: Thank you for all the appreciation. Be tuned for tomorrow!

Big Thank you for timely updates.

[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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Chapter 10

Pallavi knocked on the door once more and just then it opened.

The one to greet Pallavi was none other than Reena. Both women exchanged a blink, both being innocently playful ofcourse.

"Ummm is my husband done yet?" Pallavi cooed.

"Yes Mrs Bhatacharjee, we are done and ummm if you would like, we can excuse you both for sometime, we have sometime before the shoot starts!" Reena cooed back.

"Uh is he okay?" Pallavi felt a wifely concern for her husband.

"Umm yes he is, just nervous....I guess!" Reena got out of the room and waved her hands towards Shruti and Renuka to come out as well. After the three left, Pallavi went inside and she gasped in awe. A lustrous long silky haired model wrapped in fluffy towel kept looking at the mirror and she went further to notice that it was none other than her husband!

"Debu? ohhh my!" Pallavi held her hand on her mouth and made her husband turn towards her, by touching his shoulders. Despite the grimace on the lips, Debojit looked like a female version of himself. The long silky wig was complimented well by a deep dark mascara on his round big eyes and then it descended down to a pair of glossy red lips and then of course his recently shaved body wrapped in a light pink towel. 

But that wasn't all!

Pallavi sighed and noticed the extra props on her husband's body, precisely on what she had suggested Anima, even if it had made her feel sinfully guilty!

Debojit stood with hands on his hips in an annoyed manner, because his body had not one, not two, but four major pads!

The first two pads were placed on his buttcheeks, enhancing the girth and size of it, while the second pair of pads were placed on his hips, giving him the look of a woman who is naturally curvy.

And it this wasn't enough..

C-cup cotton balls were immersed inside the towel on his chest area, giving his body a fake boobs-look!

"Oh wow Debu! they crossdressed you well hehe!" Pallavi wanted to giggle and tease her husband, but then she also had to make sure to not take it to a higher extent and therefore didn't bother doing so. However, on the other hand, Debojit shrugged, spitting out....

"Stop it Palo! they made a freakin clown out of me!!"

"Okay hey relax.... oh wow and they took my suggestion of adding the pads to your hips! hmmmmmmmm" Pallavi cooed and felt the pads within the fluffy towel, making Debojit even more annoyed and then he pouted with sheer sarcasm...

"Go on feel my Cotton breasts too!!"

Pallavi giggled very briefly and was really about to pinch a cheek of her slightly annoyed husband, but then realised that both cheeks has a good amount of blush on them, and therefore, she didn't bother to do so. Rather, she honestly complimented...

"I wonder what mamuni and Shubo would say! hmmmmmmm.... imagine the two of them discussing the darling man of the house in such a get-up hehe..."

A long stream of electricity passed through Debojit's body on that comment and he felt a neurological disturbance in his brain once more. He couldn't help but express himself further more to his wife...

"Uh stop it Palo! I already feel miserable..........ummm down there!"

"Down there?" Pallavi's normalized by this time.

"Hmmmphh yes!" Debojit almost squealed in this case.

"Hmmmm oh...okay is it....?" Pallavi cooed with a guess. Debojit hated the playful smirk on his wife's face and knew very well that she being a woman couldn't get his plight!

Pallavi realised that her husband's crotch was padded with three layers of cotton atleast, when she felt the area between his thighs. Pallavi felt somewhat naughty in this context and decided to poke a bit of casual fun on this matter. She softly massaged her husband's shoulders and cooed close to his ear...

"Tchu tchu aw! that's awful, I won't get to see the monster cock easily now! hmmmmmmmm!"

Debojit who was desperate to have his honeymoon sex ever snce he landed in the hotel, felt an ache down there to give room to his dick because of Pallavi's teasing alone, but he just couldn't. Pallavi knew about this plight well and teased her husband a bit more.

"Thank god they padded your crotch area Debu! or else Reena and her assistants would sense your arousal easily! and I wouldn't like that! my husband's love and lust better be for me only!"

Debojit felt a bit warmth from his wife's words!

"Feels so normal now.....oh Palo! can't we just reverse and go back home and rather have sex there??" 

The silly line cooed into Debojit's mind, but then he took an eye to the large mirror on the wall and saw his wife with another adorable woman! Such was his make-up!

"Shheeesshhhh they groomed me into a lady-like totally!! Palo, I feel weird honestly!" Debojit cooed to his wife. His tone appeared meek, but sweet to Pallavi, who held her husband's hand and tried her best to comfort him in mere words...

"Debu, remember this...You are doing a great deed! your role will represent the 'Bobby' society and the appreciation for this ad will reach the whole world! think about us! think about mamuni and think about Subo! her studies, her marriage in future! and I am so proud my husband took such a challenging act!"

Pallavi smiled and Debojit managed to smile atlast! Right from the first instance he had entered Anima's studio, he had a sheepish smile at the most and hopefully after his wife's warm words, he smiled openly. He too held his wife's hands and murmured a "Thanks.." but then his nose made cringe sniff. 

"What's with that smell Palo?" Debojit cooed. 

"Ah what...?" Pallavi cooed.

"Something salty?"

"Salty? uhmmm...........ohh....ummm well you know..........missing you!" Pallavi cooed with a coy look. She realised the stench came from the slight amount of vaginal juices that smeared on her upper thighs from the action she had witnessed in the Sauna room, but there was no way she could confess that to her husband.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm I had guessed!" Debojit knew his wife was equally eager for a steamy sex as much as him!

However, in a moment or two...

KNOCK KNOCK!...."Sir, the setup is ready, please come out! it's time for the shoot!"

"All the best Debu! I will be there at the premiere!" Pallavi cooed cutely and kissed the air towards her husband, in order to not spoil his radiant  cheek. After Pallavi left, Debojit was again just within himself. His triple padded crotch seemed lifeless and the more he glanced towards the mirror, the more his heart skipped beats after beats.

"What did I get myself into....uhhmmmm!'

'Sir??? it's time for the shoot please!" Reena's voice made Debojit take a deep breath and crossing his fingers, he left the room. The moment he got out of the room, he shivered! more like a silent gasp escaping his lips at very moment.

"Whaa....." Debojit widened his eyesl 

The sight before him made him even more nervous!

Two heavily muscled bodyguards stood wearing black tshirt and jeans with glasses. Their expression robotic and rather stern. 

A pang of circuit passed Debojit's body and he felt miserable in the feminine make-over and the fluffy towel, while Reena quickly placed her palm on the shoulder of the slightly terrified man, pouting...

"Sir....sir...sir relax please....!"

"Wha....what the hell are these two... I mmean who are these two????" Debojit murmured to Reena. He felt irritated with the way the guards looked at him, although the two boulder like men remained expressionless.

"Ummm sir, they are here to ensure that you head to the stage without any ummm hustle or complaining...."

Reena cooed with a puppy like expression and although her cute face looked innocent, it was Debojit who felt awful. Standing in a fluffy towel and a feminine made-up face, he felt miserable infront of two very hulky men and the way they surrounded him at this moment, as if he was some captive!

"But bbb bodyguards???" Debojit cooed.

"Sir, please just go with them to the stage entrance and don't create a scene please!"

Reena bit her lower lip and glanced at the heavy muscles of the two men and then at the smooth arm of Debojit with a very meager muscle trace. She wanted Debojit to be safe till the stage and therefore she cooed again, looking down at her watch and then at him again...

"Sir, please....go with them! my job has ended here!"

"Uh...........this is crazy!!! I am supposed to be an actor, not a freaking captive or something!!" 

Annoyed, Debojit followed the bodyguards and he wished he could have atleast covered himself up. He gathered this was one Anima's ideas and he wanted to bang a whole table on her head at this moment! 

"Why does this feel so like Hell suddenly?? I mean no... I am thinking so much..........ufff....calm down Debu calm down!" 

Debojit cooed to himself and he kept walking with the guards. This is when one of the guards looked at him and Debojit turned a bit white with an unknown fear for the first time! The guard's eyes were apparently on his chest area where the cotton balls shook with each step unfortunately. 

"Shit! these cotton balls could have been adjusted well atleast!!! the idiot is staring right here!"

Debojit cooed with sheer annoyance inside his mind and kept walking ahead with the two burly men on his sides. 

On the other hand, Pallavi sat as a VIP to witness the live shoot of the ad and just then she shook a bit when Anima took the chair besides her. The lady director emitted the stench of something strongly salty as she smiled and Pallavi blushed when she realised it was the stench of a fresh potent semen, due to the recent blowjob given by her. 

"She didn't even wash her face! uhhh......shameless as one can be!' 

Pallavi giggled in her mind and smiled back.

"Excited to see your husband on the shoot atlast eh?" Anima crossed her legs and sat. Pallavi saw her fully dressed and couldn't believe she had seen the same person naked just a while ago, but anyways, she stuck to the conversation, pouting..."Indeed! and ummm I must say Debu looks so cute!'

"Pallavi, your husband is a natural beauty! Fair skinned, round big eyes and such a darling that he cooperated well with Reena and her girls! She gave me a good review before she left for Punjab!" 

Anima smiled once she finished her lines and Pallavi sheepishly smiled. Her mind actually not liking the way Anima described her husband, who contrasted so much with a manlier hunk like Vishaal, but then she defended her husband right there and then with coo...

"Indeed he is! my mother-in-law has big expressive eyes afterall, he got it from her I believe"

Pallavi smiled with confidence at the end and Anima smiled too, looking at her watch and then getting up to pout out..."hmmmm okay! time for my job I guess! I am sure your hubby has rehearsed the lines well enough!"

"I am sure Anima, he has always been good with plays right from College days!" Pallavi cooed back.

Anima passed on a warm smile and walked on to her chair and just then in a few moments, Pallavi witnessed two big burly men walk along with her husband who resembled such a gorgeous model that she felt she was actually witnessing a model lady from her chair. 

"If only mamuni and Subo saw Debu right now...." Pallavi innocently giggled and then smiled even more when she was offered some snacks and soft drinks. 

On the other hand, the set and lights were ready and a fake shower room was brought in. Debojit did feel conscience from the setting, but then he had to be professional. Vivek came and handled the camera points and then the clap-guy was brought in.

Anima sighed in satisfaction to the sets and the props and then announced atlast...





Behind the camera Narrator : Shailesh realised he was not one what he had assumed himself to be! He wasn't the body he was given! He wasn't living the life he was supposed to live and then! He transformed.....Beautifully!!!"

Once the narrator was done, the camera focussed on the shower room where Debojit took the droplets of water on his body and while he did that, he did very effeminate poses like twisting his wrist and feeling his neckline, cheeks and armpits which were so well shaven that even Pallavi awed. Her already fair husband sparkled! looked even fairer to her and the red glossed lips with the long hair made him look like a younger version of Promila.

"Ohmy.....Debu looks so pretty!" Pallavi pouted, while a woman from the crew sat besides her and pouted.... "oh umm so is that your husband?"

"Uhm yes..." Pallavi pouted and the lady next to her pouted back..."He is a good actor I must say!"

Pallavi smiled in response and turned front to see her husband act like a natural actor on the set.

"I felt incomplete but now I don't! I have embraced this side of mine and realised that I have a re-birth now! This is who I am! This is who I have embraced!"

Debojit then took a bottle and poured some shampoo from it on his palm. Then the cameras zoomed in to his palms and from his palms the lens followed up all the way upto his hair where he then shampooed his hair well and the way his radiant made-up face glowed, Pallavi just gazed at the screen in awe, although she did feel it must have been super cringey for her husband to behave like that, but she had to agree that he was performing quite well.

Some more drinks and pakodas followed and Pallavi munched as she witnessed the queer act from her husband, who now applied the shampoo on his fake long hair very well and cooed to the camera...

"I feel good! I feel fresh! My love for life has been re-discovered and my hair so Long...so Lustrous....so Silky!" 

Debojit cooed, although in his mind, he cursed his lips...."Uhhhhh such cringey lines!"

The lights faded out for sometime and when they faded back to visibility, the set was that of a dressing table now, typically a feminine one and Debojit was seen seated near the mirror, hair dying his fake long hair. Pallavi was impressed the way the hair was placed on her husband's head. Such was the grip that the blow from the dryer didn't make it fall away. 

In other words, from a far off distance, Debojit could easily be mistaken as a woman, in this moment!

"Anima is such a professional. The sets and Debu's look looks so authentic and real hmmmmm!" Pallavi cooed to herself, as she kept marvelling at the confidence her husband showed in his performance. The concept of the 'Bobby' somehow still made her mentally gasp and pout out...

"Wonder what those men might be feeling like! including Anima's husband, hmmmmmmmm"

With a pout, Pallavi stopped thinking further and looked ahead. 

"All you bobbys out there, do you want to know what gave me my silky long lustrous hair hmmmmmmmm? here you go!"

With a pout from his red glossed lips and a smile which was undoubtedly forced, Debojit looked to the camera and showed the Shampoo bottle atlast. The camera focussed on the logo of the bottle 


"Pink Blossom! yes, this is the reason for the grace of my hair, making it long and silky and not making me regret that I am now a..... Bobby!" 

Debojit did feel internally uncomfortable to utter the word 'Bobby'. But then he sighed in relief when Anima joyfully announced..


The whole crew including Vivek clapped, but Debojit needed to get rid of the make-up as soon as possible! He felt deeply miserable, but he wasn't aware of a last short surprise coming up. 

"Um Debojit, wait there, just look at the camera with a smile!" Anima cooed. 

Pallavi knew what Anima's plan was and a frisky naughty ant bit some nerves down there to make her watch and see how her husband reacts to the surprise, even though she knew he will find it awful!

"But why Anima? I ummm thought I am done now!" 

"Not yet....just hold on there!" Anima pressed a naughty giggle as she tapped her long nails on the handle of her chair, while just then, she noticed a shadow behind Debojit. 

Pallavi gasped a bit on her chair, her palm rubbing on her other palm.

A moment of silence took place when just then a sheepishly smiling Debojit gasped as two pair of masculine forearms grasped his towelled waist...

"HEYY WHAAAA..........." a just relieved Debojit gasped in shock as the man behind him grasped his waist and nuzzled his nose on his fresh glowing shoulder. Several pangs of negative current passed his body and he wanted to scream at this moment! But, somehow he stopped and noticed what the man said to the camera......

"And that is why I love my Shaila! I am happy to be with a Bobby!"

"CUTT!!!! MMMHHHAAAAAAAA BABES! TOO GOOOD!" Anima couldn't hold her excitement and sprang up from her chair and hugged the man, who was none other than Vishaal!

A sweaty awfully humiliated Debojit handled his heartbeat while Pallavi ran to him and hugged him tight...

"Wow Debu! you did it atlast. you were terrific!!!!"

Debojit wanted to complain about the unknown cameo of the man who grasped him, but the queer cringe faded when he felt his wife's breasts mash on his towelled chest atlast!

"Pa.......oh Palo........I need some rest! I uhm................I want to go back to my room!"

"Sure shona! take a short nap, I will follow you soon!"

"This way sir, you can get dressed up in your clothes now!" Vivek pouted and took Debojit to the changing room. In the meantime, Anima hugged Pallavi and cooed....

"Congratulations to your husband and you too Pallavi! this ad will be a superhit for sure."

"Yeah thanks....he did it so well indeed!" Pallavi managed to pout out. But her mind was distracted because she could still feel some mild scent of dried semen and juices from Anima's body due to the encounter at the Sauna. 

Once Anima left with Vishaal and set lights were turned off, the darkness partnered with Anima's sex stench and nudged a still standing Pallavi's brain cells with firm words....

"Palo! you have waited enough! Let this be the awaited Honeymoon night!"


Kolkata :

"Maa! dadabhai has not replied to any single message!!! how rude of him and boudi too!" Subosree just arrived from his college and sat on the sofa, with eyes still on her phone.

"Ufff, ie meta ekta pagol!" (this girl is mad) don't you know that couples don't respond often during their honeymoon!" Promila enjoyed a Bengali tele-film on tv and pouted with a smile.

Subosree often spent quality time with her mother and therefore she tossed her bag aside and shifted towards her mother, resting her elbows on her blouse clad shoulders. Promila knew her daughter was upto sometime, therefore, she turned her eyes from the tv towards her and pouted..."What is it Shubo?"

"Maa! just wondering!"

"What about?"

"You miss baba a lot right?" 

"Shubo! why bring this question up suddenly?" 

"Hmmmm just a random thought!"

Promila sighed. She did miss her husband Shukanto a lot and what always hurt her the most that she couldn't spend much time with him, because of his early expiry. But she was happy that Shukanto had gifted her two lovely children before he departed for heaven. 

"Yess Shubo, I miss your baba a lot! hmmmmmmmm anyways, I am glad I have you and Debu!"

"And Boudi!!!!" Subosree gave a sweet bubbly look to her mother, who smiled back and rubbed her daughter's scalp in a maternal way. When Subosree left, she sighed and her heart only ached with an anticipated joy, pouting into her mind....

"I am sure bouma and Debu will have a good news to give after this honeymoon!"


Siliguri : 

Debojit woke up and saw the time. 

"Oh wow...7 pm? this was a long nap!"

He looked around, but didn't find Pallai anywhere and then he got up to see the dressing mirror. He was shocked and annoyed!

The lip gloss still remained on his lips!

"Palo should have atleast wiped it out! sheeeshhh!" Debojit cooed to himself and rushed to the washroom to wash his lips and at the same time, he even took a face wash. After towelling his face, he felt relieved. His face was back to normal!

Somehow Debojit ignored his fully shaven chest and rushed to the balcony to be relieved that his wife was right there looking at her phone and that too with brief giggles. 


"Oh hey! ummmm had a nice nap shona?"

"Yeah totally! phhewwww this ad made me cringe like hell! I wonder who suggested the Government about the 'Bobby' thing!"

Seeing her husband still a bit restless, Pallavi got up and hugged him softly. The hug made Debojit feel lighter and he hugged back firm. His lust not being able to handle up inside him anymore. The trip was meant to be for a steamy honeymoon session and here he was, free to have his time atlast!

"Uff Debu...wait!!...ufff heyy relax!" Pallavi broke the hug and realised how horny her husband was. The same she could have said about herself too, since she had been resisting a lot of flames lately. 

"Palo not anymore........let's get on bed now! I mean........."

"I understand shona, but hey look at the views on facebook!" Pallavi showed the phone to her husband, who again got annoyed!

The ad clip was already posted on Social Media and the views had hit up quite well!

"Crap! I don't want to see it please, Palo, can we just spend time now??" Debojit didn't care about the ad anymore, he wanted to wipe out all existing memories away from his mind rather!

"Okay relax! hey, you know the potion being discussed the most??" Pallavi couldn't handle her excitement.

"Which one?" Debojit cringed again.

"The one where Vishaal ummmmm grasps your waist and ummmm.. hehe thank god they photoshopped your expression!"

"Sure they did! idiots!! that was such an awkward moment Palo!" 

Debojit's words made Pallavi resist a giggle, but then she crossed her elbows on her husband's shoulder and cooed... 

"Let's go out for dinner! I want to celebrate this success together shona! I was so eager to spend time with you properly again!"

"Me too shona!" Debojit smiled in relief and kissed his wife's lips for some moments atleast. Later on, they got dressed and left for dinner outside.


New Delhi, Government Agency :

Ads on 'Bobby product's were being discussed by the agency and the board were happy with the results. Debojit's ad too joined in the nominations for the specefic function 'Best Bobby Advertisement' award!

"I happily announce this award for the best ad and the reward too shall be remarkable for the actor and his family!" The head of the agency proudly announced.

"Sure! I would happily vote for the recent Pink Blossom ad!" A lady filmaker cooed.

"Me too!"

"Same here!"

"The ad was terrific!"

"I agree as well!"

Various replies followed in and the minister assigned to the agency pleaded..."Kindly caste your votes and then we shall decide the best ad for the award!"

All the members of the board agreed and wrote the voting numbers on their respective papers.


Siliguri, Midnight : 

Debojit slept on the bed buck naked and Pallavi shook her hips clad in just her petticoat and blouse at this moment! She bit her lip with her glossy lips and clanked the bangles of both her forearms together. 

Debojit was aroused to the supreme level because of the restraints of the pad so far and now that his dong was freed, he sighed and waited for his wife to climb up the bed, which Pallavi did eventually. She sneaked up the bed untill her round blouse clad breasts brushed on his chest.

"Oh Palo! I waited for so long!!" 

"Hmmmmmmmm me too Debu!"

"Come on...........come to my arms now!"

"Uffffffff kono dhoyjjo nei! (so impatient!)" 

Pallavi cooed and bit her lower lip, while she first placed her bangled forearms on her husband's chest and kissed her husband on the lips slowly slowly. Debojit mashed his lips to his wife's and chewed on the upper and lower, taking his own sweet time.

This intimacy was missing out since the couple had arrived at Siliguri. Debojit didn't miss out a single moment of caressing his wife's back, while she kissed his lips with full grace!

"Palo mhhhwaaaa oh Paloooo" 

"Hmmmmmm Debu mhhwaaaa"

Tiny exchange of words continued in midst of moans as the couple embraced each other. The heat expanded a level ahead when Pallavi shifted to the side and it was Debojit who climbed on top of her. The moment her breasts mashed on his bare chest, he knew he was in the gateway to heaven. 

First, Debojit kissed around her neck, while Pallavi moaned with closed eyes and suddenly in the heat of this moment, she envisioned the bulging muscles of Vishaal and with the fixed image in her mind, she grasped the minor built muscles of Debojit and squeezed it in such a way that Debojit felt a pain and he groaned straightaway..."hey ouchhhh!!"

"Uh sorry Debu! It's just that....." Pallavi noticed the smooth arms of her husband and then turned the other side with a shameful blush. She wasn't supposed to think of another man while having a honeymoon sex with her husband. But, the images of a naked Vishaal inside the sauna room ignited the heat further inside her and she grasped Debojit's back with her nails, almost pleading to him.....

"Strip me off completely Debu! Now!!!!"

The tone had the spark of an eager horny wife who longed for a hard-core sex at any cost!

Debojit too felt heated from his wife's words and he immediately began to unbutton her blouse. His process was slow and teasy, but somehow Pallavi didn't quite like this approach.

"Unbuttoning? Seriously Debu? I thought you would be heated enough to tear off my blouse into pieces!"

Pallavi moaned with a touch of sadness in her mind and sighed when Debojit was done with her blouse atlast. The next moment he took off the bra, while she herself took out the petticoat and panty. The heat expanded to the fullest by now and finally Pallavi was as buck naked as her husband. Both hungry for each other and both knew there were no barriers to each other!

The cockhead of Debojit reached the threshold of Pallavi somehow and she bit her lower lip in further anticipation! 

"Debu come in now! Pleaaaseeee!"

The moan was genuine for sure, because all the images of Vishaal and Anima in the sauna had already made her very kinky inside and somehow she wanted to be aggressive at this moment! She wouldn't even mind if Debojit showered her neck and shoulders with bite marks. Such was the heat inside her body.

But, Debojit didn't show the aggression that Pallavi somehow anticipated and when she grabbed on his arms with force again, the pressure somehow triggered the brain of the equally horny man and he tried to push more, but somehow he didn't pass the vaginal gates, while a super horny Pallavi dug her nails on his back, beckoning him to push more!

"More Debu inside me please!!!!!!!" 

"Uh Palo, you are hurting my arms easy!! Ah I am getting there uhhh h... hold on!" 

"Damnit Debu! Break in me now!!!!!" Pallavi eagerly wanted each drop of semen inside her and tonight was the night! 

But then!

Fate had other plans!

"Uh aah right there hey wait aaahhh righhttt thereee!!!!" 

Debojit shook his body atleast thrice before he came in tiny jets! The jets which yet once again barely reached the corners of Pallavi's vaginal gates, but unfortunately...

Didn't invade inside!

With a long sigh, Debojit huffed and puffed as he laid besides his wife, who sighed too, but with a disheartened grimace on her face. Turning aside to see her snoring husband, she pouted...

"Why Debu? This was the night we both anticipated together! Why disappoint me again?" 

Pallavi sighed again and shut the lamp on her side.
[+] 5 users Like Mintu08's post
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Be tuned!
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waiting for pallavi getting hard fuck by Anyone
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update plz with photos
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bahut wait kiya kuch garam updateke liye,,, lekin kuch hua nahi,,,, next time kuch garam sa de dena
[+] 1 user Likes masud93's post
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[+] 1 user Likes Rangushki's post
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(07-07-2023, 08:23 PM)Mintu08 Wrote: "Why Debu? This was the night we both anticipated together! Why disappoint me again?" 

Pallavi sighed again and shut the lamp on her side.

Ah SAD, poor performance must be replaced by better performance candidate

No other way. 

DEBU - Can open his holes for other purposes.
[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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very nice
[+] 1 user Likes Thangaraasu's post
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Good going.
[+] 1 user Likes Gandhi krishna's post
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Thank you for all the compliments yet once again. Be tuned for further fun Smile
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Great writing....
Hope to see continous adultry in your further writings....
You are amazing in seduction and cuckolding...
Eagerly waiting to see that at its peak...
[+] 1 user Likes abcturbine's post
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Chapter 11

Kolkata :

Promila opened the door in sheer joy to see her darling son with his wife back! The mother's eyes lit up to have them back, but her mind wondered...

"Why do their smiles appear so less radiant?"

Which was true ofcourse. Debojit and Pallavi were gloomy for their own reasons. Somehow, they smile and touch the feet of Promila and get inside with their luggage. Both get fresh and the three sir for tea atlast. Promila loved serving tea herself.

"Bouma, Debu, I missed you both so much! How was the Siliguri trip?" 

Promila had a smile which had so much hope and optimism that Pallavi's heart ached to even give her a clue that her son underperformed yet once again. On the other hand, despite reaching his regular orgasm last night, Debojit still felt bothered with the role he had performed. 

"I wonder what maa and Subo think when the ad gets exposure on media!" 

"It was umm nice mamuni, the climate was good and we umm had some nice moments for sure!"

Promila had a slightly naughty smirk on her face and she decided to enquire more. With a faintly mischievous smile, she cooed...

"Bouma, Debu, I hope the vacation was the way you both had preferred it to be like! Hmmm?"

"Uhm...yes maa! The trip was wonderful!" Debojit managed to make his mother happy and touch the palm of his wife softly. But this palm soothing didn't make things lighter for an already internally furious Pallavi. She rather sighed and got up, pouting.."Mamuni, I will help you with the kitchen work, umm what do you plan?"

"Mangsho kosha ofcourse! I had it marinated already bouma! Subo too will be back in an hour!" Promila smiled her widest. Mangsho kosha was also Debojit's favourite and a moment later, he got engaged in a call with his client, while Pallavi helped her mother in law in the kitchen. The tinge of dissatisfaction still on the young wife's face. Both the women clanked vessels and chopped the vegetables together, but didn't speak a word to each other. Rather they pouted in their own minds.

Promila P.O.V -

Pallavi doesn't seem very happy for some reason. Is she hiding something from me? And if it is so, why isn't she opening it up to me? Her face always glew so much before, why is that her pretty features are not shining as much as it did prior to their honeymoon? I must confront her on this. Did Debu do anything wrong?

Pallavi P.O.V -

I know what you are wondering about mamuni. But, how can I explain it openly to you? Will not break your heart to know that your son, the only patriarch of the family didn't deliver what he had promised you! Will it be easy for me to express the sadness of my empty vagina to you? What will you think of your only son! 


New Delhi :

An interview was being held at a prestigious 'Science and Medicinal' institute. The public awaited the guest of honor who was a renowned doctor in the 'Bobbyfication' field. Her name was Dr Akriti Gupta, who at 36, had achieved much more than many doctors who were involved in the Bobby-operations.

The male host then proudly announced..."Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Dr Akriti Gupta!"

The crowd with mostly males ofcourse, applauded for the arrival of a stunningly gorgeous woman who wore a dark suit with a knee length pencil skirt and that too with high heels that clanked with a slight sexiness to it. She has a radiant round face with attractive features and her long almond white nails alone screamed 'Hot and Professional' at the same time.

The lady doctor sat opposite to the host, who himself had a prominent hardon inside his business trouser, but he carefully kept the question paper pad on top of it, to hide it well. The interview began atlast.

Dr Gupta, such a pleasure to have you here with us!

The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for having me here amongst such a radiant crowd!

Dr Gupta, you alone have covered a total of five states and 11 cities with your Bobby operations. How was the experience?

The experience was fun! 

Dr Gupta had a wide radiant smile as she uttered 'Fun' and she could see the host fidgeting a bit. Clearly the man was a typical clean shaven gora chitta gentleman himself.

Oh umm okay. Will you mind elaborating on the 'fun' side of it Dr Gupta?

Sure, with pleasure. You see, I study nature and Human evolution a lot in my free time. When the Earth was just greenery and forests. We had cavemen, really strong masculine cavemen who pleasured as many women as they could. I want to bring this shift to the current era too, but within the rules ofcourse. This Bobbyfication has ensured many strong alpha males of this era, that there will be no more scarcity of gorgeous women! 

Some of the males in the crowd shifted with discomfort, while some strong hunks sported confident tents in their pants just by listening to a sexy lady doctor utter those lines herself. The host himself a bit distracted, but he continued further.

Hmmm okay! That's a prompt answer indeed. But, tell me about those males who had been chosen for this awful operation! Have you managed to read their minds, I mean to say, as in, having empathy for them!

Hmmmmmm well, very interesting question indeed! I have been tagged as a representative of Lilith or ummmmm yeah, an Evil Witchy Doctor many a times and typically these trolls on Twitter are from those men who suspect that they might be Bobbyfied any day! And the fact is that if something were to be termed Evil in this case, it should be the Government agency, who began this whole idea! I am just another medium to carry the whole thing and yes, coming to the point, I do have a slight empathy for those men! But then, let me put it this way, we are now building a binary world where it will be just Strong masculine powerful men and on the other hand, gorgeous sensual and very feminine women!

A minor series of gasps escaped from the weaker men in the crowd,  while a set of horny muscular ones wanted to yank their monster cocks out and masturbate openly while Dr Gupta kept speaking. Her words were so validating for the virile men in the crowd.

Oh umm okay, so I am eager to know about the post operation results for those unfortunate men. What do the coping reports say?

Again, a very relevant question indeed. Like I said, the world is now heading to be a binary place and therefore if at one end there are very masculine virile men, the other hand should be the very opposite, right? Let me explain further. The men who are listed for the Bobby-operations are being sent through various stages. It isn't just a physical operation, but we make sure that these men realise why they have been chosen.

Oh umm okay, can you elaborate further on this? If you don't mind.

Ofcourse I don't mind. I am a free minded woman who believes in being transparent in my own professional world. I personally make sure that the men are given a comparison scale to help them know where they stand in nature and then ofcourse they do find it humiliating to be compared and realise that they are not 'male' enough. But then, we try our best to brainwash them too.

Please explain the Brainwashing part a bit more Dr Gupta!

Sure. You see, now that these men would be these very feminine women with beautiful curves and skin, they have to go through various audio recordings that bother the neurons of their brain. The recordings are sent to their brain through wired signals which is similar to a shock therapy, but more like a mental therapy! The recordings vary depending on which stage of life the man is in.

Slight murmurs could be heared from the crowd, but then ofcourse the interview had come to its end finally.

Okay Dr Gupta, phew! This was an intense interview for sure. One last question for you. After covering so many states and cities, which will be your next state or city?

I believe I have covered most of North, South and West, and therefore now I plan to travel to the East and for that matter, umm West Bengal is the next in my list for sure!

The interview ended with yet another round of applause from the crowd and while the alphas clapped loudly, the betas rushed out to breathe some air and to only hope that they don't get Bobbyfied in future.


Kolkata :

Shonali and her husband had invited Debojit and Pallavi for Lunch. While Debojit drove to Shonali's house, Pallavi dressed in a lavish saree herself looked outside and clearly she was lost in some thought. She remembered the moments some while ago with her nanad.

Flashback -

After breakfast, Debojit worked on some client proposals on his laptop while Pallavi took a walk on the balcony. Immediately after sometime, a pair of hands hugged her firm!

"Boudiiii!!!!!!!! Missed you sooooo much!!!!"

Pallavi felt the ripe bossom of her nanad clad in tshirt touch her bloused back and she sheepishly smiled and turned to hug her nanad. Both shared a bestie like relationship afterall.

"Boudi! No escaping now!!!! I am not going away untill you tell me the details!!!"

"What details Subo?" Pallavi cooed, knowing well enough to what her nanad was pointing at.

"Are baba!!! Tell me about the amount of kisses dadabhai passed on to you and ummmm where did you guys go out for dinner and all and ummmmm and you know na what else?"

"And what else?" Pallavi sighed. She didn't feel like having this conversation because she she didn't achieve anything at the end of the day!

"Boudi!!!! Do I have to explain it to you? I am expecting to be a pishi (paternal aunt) soon!!!! And maa can't wait to be a thakuma (gradnma) either!!!!"

Pallavi's heart ached and she wanted to drop some tears right there and then. How could she explain it to her nanad and mother in law that nothing as such was going to happen because of Debojit's poor performance. But she didn't want to break the young girl's optimistic heart for now. She managed to pout a lie....

"Hmmmmmmm let's see! But hey, make sure you are studying well!"

Subosree smiled and hugged her bhabhi once more, pouting..."Boudi! I promise I will study more when you and dadabhai make me a pishi!!!!!"

Pallavi sighed and felt pity for her nanad's hope.

Back to present :

"Palo? Hey?" Debojit nudged the shoulder of his wife, who then woke up from her thoughts and just sighed..."uhm nothing really. Just wondering how famous the ad will become"

Pallavi diverted the topic to something positive and she tried to not engage her mind into the memories of her constantly failed sex sessions with her husband. Rather, she focussed on the positive side of things. Her husband would perhaps be known well on social media where he would earn a good name and perhaps even be awarded for representing the Bobby squad at a big level, which itself was a Government project.

"Uffff for god's sake, stop mentioning that awful ad! I feel creepy ants in just seeing the clip on Fb!" 

Debojit made a grimace face which Pallavi found out to be quite cute and therefore she pinched a cheek of his, pouting...

"Shoo shweeet! Do you think Shonali has seen the clip? Maybe we can discuss your look at dinner hehe!" 

Pallavi's words had a naughty connotation to it and therefore Debojit stopped the car this time with loud shreeeeeeekkk sound. The moment the car stopped, Pallavi blinked and gazed to her annoyed husband. 

"Palo! You have no idea how semi traumatic it was for me to do the role! I mean ....hmmmphhh! Have you ever guessed how being a man, I had to do the cringey acts!! I mean we had gone for a goddamn honeymoon and damn! Forget it!! If you hadn't pursuaded me, I wouldn't even...."

"Hushhh ssh relax! Uffff you can be seriously short tempered at times! Just relax, I know you felt mentally stripped off your masculinity, but it was also a prestigious government project at the same time. There was no way a rugged looking man could do the role! Unmm I mean...you get it right Debu?"

A pang of a small hot current passed through Debojit's body when he again heard the awful lines from his wife. He usually felt bothered when there was this indirect compassion of him to an alpha like references. He just then remembered how Pallavi had even unintentionally compared him to hunks of his office like Proful and Jotin. 

"Okay Debu! We are getting late, please? I am sorry shona, I will never ever mention the ad again okay?"

Pallavi's soothing voice and her soft palm on the shoulder made Debojit melt into calmness easily and with a half smile, he began the car.


In the meantime :

Promila was all alone in her house, since Subosree had left for a friend's birthday party. The middle aged widow rummaged through tv channels to seek a nice warm Bengali program. Just then a moment later, the bell rang. 

Ding dong!

"Who could it be?" Promila wondered and got up to open the door, only to be surprised with a smile as she welcomed a good friend of her's Anindita. 

"Promi! How are you?" Anindita hugged her friend.

"Ani, such a pleasure to see you!" Promila hugged her back.

Promila quickly made some tea and both the friends sat on the sofa for a gossip, but somehow Promila realised Anindita had a tinge of disgust on her face. 

"All okay Ani?"

"Umm not really! You know Shulekha boudi right?" 

"Yes I do Ani, what about her? Isn't she the one who has a son working in UAE?"

Anindita sighed before making one more face of disgust and pout out...."She doesn't have the 'son' anymore!"

A moment of creepy silence surrounded the room completely. Promila stopped taking her sips and kept her cup on the table right then. She gasped with wide eyes and pouted....."Oh my! Her son was a handsome young boy! When did this happen?"

Anindita kept her cup on the table as well and realised that her friend got the wrong idea somehow. She then cleared the case for her by pouting...."no Promi, unmmnnm you are totally mistaken! That was not what I had implied!"

Now Promila changed her expression from being sad to being confused. She raised her eyebrows and cooed..."then what is it that you mean Ani? I didn't get you!"

"Ufff Promi! Do you stay under the rock or something? Her son has been 'Bobbyfied' recently!"

Promila had a faint idea of the 'Bobbyfication' theory and after some more thoughts she gasped even louder....

"Oh my...wait a second! Do you mean Shulekha boudi's son is now a.... "

"Yes, he is a fully fertile woman now!" Anindita cooed back with a grimace on her face. Promila kept her mouth open and eyes widened for some more time and asked further...

"How and when did all these happen Ani?"


Shohini's House :

"Palo! Jamai Babu!!! Welcome to my humble home!"

Anirban was the one to open the door. He was a friendly natured man who loved being in various companies. At this moment he wore a tshirt with track pants, and Pallavi couldn't help but glance an eye to the man's bulging biceps as he welcomed them in.

"Where is Shohu?" Pallavi looked around and wondered. Debojit sat on the sofa and admired the house interiors in the meantime. 

"She will be here soon!" Anirban smiled and just then, in a few moments, a sweet voice cooed out...

"Hi Palo!!!!!!"

Pallavi uttered a Hi with a sigh when she noticed her friend walking with grace towards her. Shohini looked even more radiant than she was and the reason for the glow on her face had something to do with her stomach, which had a small bump on it and it her breasts looked slightly more fuller compared to what used to have. Dressed in a simple tshirt and shorts, Shohini looked radiant with her very first baby bump!

"Oh my...Shohu!! You are...." Pallavi stood up from her sofa and in the meantime Shohini rushed to her friend and hugged her with almost teary joy...."Palo!!!!! Happy to be in the family way atlast!!!!"


Debojit's house :

Four cups of tea had assembled on the table and Promila with an aghast face sipped on her third tea, while Anindita had already sipped on two before. The agitated lady spat out everything to Promila about Shulekha's son and how his own girlfriend had made him submit himself to Bobbyfication, because he apparently underperformed.

"That was so cruel of the girl! Ani, I feel so awful for that young boy. How is Shulekha boudi dealing with all this?"

Anindita sighed and made an even more annoyed face. She readjusted her pallu as she sat more comfortably on the sofa, pouting....

Promi, I would strangle that lady if I ever got the chance I swear!!!"

"Why do you say so?" Promila sipped and cooed.

"The other day I met Shulekha boudi with a younger girl at an Adi Mohini Mohon branch. She was smiling and greeted me warmly, while she herself had a whole bucket of sarees scattered on the matress. I obsserved the saree clad girl next to her carefully and was shocked! 

"Who was she?" Promila now looked very immersed in the topic for some reason.

"Who else? Shulekha's son!!"

A silence with a cup stirring took place on Promila's plate. This was something very bizzare to even believe in, let alone seing it happen!

"Oh my....and Shulekha boudi was happy about it?" Promila cooed. Her brain cells still shocked and amazed.

"Happy? She was smiling so normally and then when she even expresses the fact that how much she has actually wanted a daughter who would be with her rather than going abroad. Her poor son just stood there blushing in a saree! And ufff! I can't believe the boy behaved and even spoke like a lady!!!"

Promila sighed and cooed...."It's so sad. This is all due to the pandemic that happened around 25 years ago. I now think the government has taken very harsh measures to deal with the issue!"

"Hmmmmmmm anyways! I will take a leave now! I just wanted to share this news with you Promi! I feel a little lighter"

"That's okay. I am still shocked with the information you fed me Ani! This is just so abnormal! So superficial!"

After Anindita left, Promila had to rewire her brain cells with a warm program, because Shulekha's story really bothered her.


Shohini's House :

"Ah! The Pabta fish was so good Shohi! Hmmmmmm wasn't it Debu?" 

Pallavi took a small burp after she was done with her dinner and Debojit licked his fingers too, pouting...."Indeed!"

"Glad you liked it! So jamai babu! Tell us about your steamy honeymoon with your beloved wife!!!"

Shohini cooed in a naughty tone, while her husband too looked eager to know the details. However, Pallavi's eyes were only lodged at one perticular spot...

Anirban's palm caressing the baby bump of Shohini!

Pallavi wanted to clench her fist in anger and rage, but didn't bother doing so infront of her friend and her husband. Rather, she just smiled and the next moment Debojit pouted with a normal confidence....."I was done with my job! You should ask your friend if she enjoyed my service or not!"

"Woohooooo diplomatic answer jamai babu! Hehe ..I must say!!" Shohini giggled and Anirban smiled widely too. Pallavi on the other hand felt some more fuel dip into her already existing fire with the normal answer from her husband.

"Service? No Debu! You underperformed your job!!! You failed yet another golden opportunity!" 

Pallavi mourned to herself and envied Shohini's pregnant body even more at this precise moment! She had deserved to be equally pregnant just like her friend right?

After a while of some random gossip, Debojit and Pallavi waved their byes and left for their home. Even while gazing outside the window, Pallavi's mind still had the image of a pregnant Shohini engrained. Her heart ached to be pregnant just like her friend! Somehow she made up her mind to nudge her husband gently into what she was thinking at the moment.

"Shohi looks so radiant right Debu?"

"Yes you can say so! Anirban takes good care of her for sure!"

"Debu! I feel the same urges too! The urge to be like her!!"

"Oh okay. Well, let's leave it in God! Whenever he wishes, we shall have it Palo!"

Pallavi glanced at her husband who had a normal smile. She wanted to bang her fist on the car window. How the heck could her husband be casual about this topic?? Why didn't he feel the urge to present his wife with a similar baby bump? Why the heck his seeds don't ever reach inside her womb? 

A tiny tear drop flowed down from the eye of Pallavi, as she decided to not have this conversation anymore. Throughout the way to home, none of them spoke a word to each other, although Debojit cooed in his mind.

Debojit P.O.V -

Palo looks annoyed for some reason or the other! Wasn't she supposed to happy that I did what she has insisted on our honeymoon and even indulged in a decent good sex the very night! Why am I getting this ugly feeling that perhaps she wasn't satisfied then? I mean, I am not an agressive sex maniac for sure, but it shouldn't be that way right? I mean Humans are meant to be gentle creatures. Doesn't she realise that sometimes her subconscious mentioning of certain macho men bothers me too! 

Pallavi kept quiet while Debojit drove into his house atlast. When the car stopped inside the garage, the loud shreeeeeeekkk sound woke up Pallavi from her thoughts.

"We are home Palo!" 


Moments later the scenario at the dinner was quiet too, untill Promila herself broke the silence herself.......

"Debu, bouma, I have decided to held a small pooja tomorrow. I think bhogoban will shower his blessings on both of you and even perhaps I might hear the good news I am supposed to."

Pallavi hiccuped with her food and then excused herself with a glass of water. It was a symbolic sarcastic response which Promila didn't quite capture, but Debojit rubbed her wife's back, pouting...."Hey easy. And maa, I think that's a nice idea. Maybe I will get ahead in my job too!"

"I wish these superstitions could improve your masculinity Debu!" 

Pallavi munched on her food very very silently and pouted inside her mind.

"Bouma? You didn't convey your thoughts on this?" Promila maternally pouted.

"Ummm mamuni, what can I say? I think it's a nice idea. For the 'Betterment' of the unnm house ...ofcoarse .."

While Debojit and Pallavi ate, Promila pouted in her own mind...

"Debu, bouma, I cannot easily express my own reasons for this pooja to you both. My own heart is beating in such an awful way after hearing about Shulekha boudi's son. I am doing this pooja to ensure that such awful events don't ever take place to any other household!"


Moments later :

Debojit was busy on his laptop for some reason when suddenly a khann khaannnn sound occured inside his ears. He looked ahead to see Pallavi in her her nightie as always, but only this time, she had glossed her lips and wore her bangles. Smacking her lips one last time, she wore the sindoor on her forehead and swayed her body to her bed.

"Palo? It's almost 11 pm! I need to get back to my job from tomorrow!" 

"Debu....I was thinking of why not get a bit frisky once more? You took rest the whole day anyways and I believe you still have the energy for a steamy night right?" 

Pallavi cooed with a husky tone as she ran her almond nailed fingers all over her husband's pajama clad thigh to very eagerly see the tent rising up to its full length and girth. But, somehow Debojit didn't feel the energy to be kinky. He rather yawned and kept the laptop aside. However, the very next moment, Pallavi caught hold of his chin and got her lips close to his.


Debojit cooed that very instant...."Palo! I am a bit sleepy already. We already had a reasonably good session at Siliguri! And frankly speaking, I need to focus on my work more now. Tomorrow if we were to have children, I need to raise them well right shona?"

Pallavi's heart broke once more. She slowly moved her fingers away from her husband's chin and sighed..."okay...fine, goodnight!"

With a bigger sigh, Pallavi laid down, facing the other side while grabbing a kolbalish (longer vertical pillow). Before Debojit could say a word, her hand moved ahead and switched off the lamp on her side. With his own sigh, Debojit rubbed the scalp of his wife and soon immersed in a deep sleep himself, after shutting off his own lamp. 

The night ended with a silent calmness for sure, but Pallavi's heart were full of questions and that too very very personal ones!

'Is Anirban so good in bed that Shohini got pregnant already?'

'Shohini has so much glow and satisfaction on her face! She must have been fucked well to now mother a baby!'

'Anirban himself is such a hunk, just like Vishaal! I am sure he has fucked her well! He sure haa...sss yawwww nnnnnnnnnn'

Pallavi's conscious mind went to sleep now and her subconscious mind awoke, making her fall into a very vivid dream!

Pallavi's Dream -

Pallavi silently walked through a mist. The mist was dense, very dense, but somehow she still found a way out and walked ahead. The mist remained strong untill it faded out and the moment it faded away, Pallavi realised she had reached Shohini's house!

Pallavi opened her mouth to gasp, but she gasped even more when she looked down to see that she was fully naked! Not even a bra or a panty for that matter. Her nipples not aroused or pointy yet, nor her vaginal lips flapped like a restless bird yet. Still, she bit her lower lip in sheer curiosity and decided to walk ahead into the house. 

Just when Pallavi had reached the threshold, she shook with a sudden gasp when Shohini peeked her face from her door like a surprise 'Boo!'

"Palu! Come inside quick! I know why you are curious!!! Let me clear your clouds!"

"Shoh..." Pallavi gasped more when Shohini took hold of her forearm and dragged her right inside the house and that is when Pallavi realised that her bestie was as naked as her! But Shohini didn't have her baby bump! 

"Where is she taking me? And why is her belly looking so normal? She is pregnant after all....."

That is when Shohini stopped and Pallavi stopped too, feeling a little uncomfortable being all naked and that too with her equally naked friend. But then, Shohini cooed...

"I know what you are looking at Palu! I am not pregnant yet, but that is why you are here right? You wanted to know how I got my sweet baby bump later on, right babes?"

Pallavi's lips opened slowly into a longer gasp. A tickle of sweat dropped down from her forehead to her nose and the further down fo her pouty lips and ultimately descended down to the valley between her breasts. Her heart thumped faster and she straightaway asked her bestie .."Umm..what do you mmm..mean?"

"Come inside! I will demonstrate to you hehe!"

With a giggle Shohini took Pallavi inside a room and once they both entered, again there was a small amount of mist! With a minor giggle, Shohini left Pallavi's forearm and rushed into that mist. Pallavi called out her name once, twice...thrice...

But Shohini didn't respond!

A naked Pallavi wondered and tried to look past the mist, but she failed. However to her relief, the mist faded away slowly, very slowly untill two silhouettes appeared. Pallavi gazed ahead with more focus to now realise that the silhouettes had gained form and visibility atlast and they were none other than Shohini and Anirban themselves.

Both husband and wife fully naked!

"Hi Pallavi! I am here to clear your doubts too!" Anirban cooed with a friendly tone.

"Not just you darling, it's "we"!" Shohini cooed and Anirban smiled widely to his wife's remark. Just then when the mist had completely disappeared, Pallavi gasped more and more untill her face had opened up to a complete aw mode!

There infront of her eyes, were Anirban and Shohini in their buck naked forms and somehow it was Anirban who grabbed the most of her attention quite naturally. His super hairy chest has throbbing pecs and to support his either bulging biceps and strong hairy thighs, an impressive long thick throbbing package lay between them and that too adorned with a good amount of curly pubic hair. 

Pallavi's naked breasts heaved atlast and her nipples turned pointy finally!

"Ahmmm oh!" Tiny moans escaped her lips!

One of the palms clutched firm on a curtain end near the room door as she witnessed further!

"You see this penis here Palu! This will be responsible for my belly bump! Hmmmmmmm see how eager it looks to love my own hole!"

Pouting so, Shohini kisses the lips of Anirban and the descends down to kiss each pec of his. Then she kisses some random portions of his shoulders and neck and then around his abdomen. Pallavi wide eyed to how much more the cock was erecting up and the more it stood straight, the more fatter it got as well. 

"Debu's penis is not even half even when aroused!" Pallavi mewed in a cry cry tone when she compared her husband with Anirban. She was sure of the size variations because she had seen Debojit's cock from upclose during a blowjob earlier.

"Palu! A man's....um let me correct a real man's penis is not a sweet candy thingy! But it's ugly and monstrous and ummm see this slithead out here? Hmm? It's almost like a small helmet like right?"

The more Shohini praised her husband's cock, the more Anirban grew untill his cock was a reasonable 8 inches or so. Or atlast close to it!

Pallavi dropped a tear from her eye as she compared the penises once more. Debojit's penis looked like a slim momo type and that too with a very faded darkish tone of his own fair skin, more like a dark pink. But Anirban being slightly wheatish, has a darker much darker throbbing fat penis in comparison. 

"Grgggleleelllleeeee" a strange sound occured in Pallavi's ears and then she embarrassingly realised that the sound came from deep within her vaginal lips. The sound belonged to the storage of her juices which easily occured from the sight of Anirban's throbbing monster.

Pallavi subconsciously bit her lower lip when Shohini ran her long nails around the penis. Admiring it while making mew like moans from her mouth. Pallavi just stood like a mannequin and observed further.

"Enjoy the show Palu and wait for some more time. You will get your answer soon!" 

Pouting so, Shohini the helmet like head of her husband and popped into her mouth straightaway. Her rosey lips then began blowing the monster cock while Anirban stood like a Herculean man with his elbows crossed and palms placed on his either waist. The whole room was quiet, very silent and all the sound that occured around at that moment were simply the plopping glopping sounds of the contact of lips to the head of the penis. 

The sound alone ignited the whole atmosphere and Pallavi's nipples looked as if it were sharpened by a sharper!

The more Pallavi compared Anirban's throbbing monster cock with Debojit, the more she wanted to cry and slap her fate! She herself was a beautiful curvaceous girl and surely she deserved the same fate as Shohini. But that wasn't the fact. Anirban's whole physique along with his package shattered away all the feminine qualities Debojit had. Be it, holding hands while walking on a garden, reading out romantic Tagore poetries or even qualities like crying while seeing a romantic drama. 

The sudden image of a muscled robust man with a monstrous penis seemed naturally more Manly than Debojit's average build to Pallavi! She wanted to watch further anyways now. She had to know the reason to why her husband didn't enter her well enough. Although her heart knew already!

"Hmmmmmm so nice! Does jamai babu taste this good?" Shohini sucked more and then smiled widely to see the cock was now a fully 8 inched monster throbbing to enter a wet squashy hole.

Pallavi nodded in a "no" and sniffed her nose with teary eyes by now. If Debojit were to recite poetries and offer roses in this moment, she would have slapped her husband hard! She hated him so much now after comparing him with Anirban and even images of Anima's boyfriend Vishaal occured in her mind too.

Pallavi then looked further only to be more itchy between her legs when she saw Shohini take a position on her bed, lying down and spreading her legs wide, while Anirban brought his cockhead near his wife's open hole! The moment the helmet like head brushed on the threshold, Shohini moaned, that too while looking straight into Pallavi's eyes.

Pallavi's nipples could drill holes by now and she sniffed with more tears when she saw Anirban begin to drill further inside and when he shoved one last time. The cock could be seen almost more than half it's girth inside the vagina. 

"Aaah yessss!!!!" Shohini mewed.

"That's so much inside! Oh gosh....Debu never went past my threshold! Why God why? Why did this happen to me??" 

Pallavi made sniffy weeping sounds as she now saw Anirban fuck his wife with all the spirit and grace. The fucking slowly, very slowly intensified as the springs of the bed made sounds that added to the heat of the whole atmosphere and by now Shohini moaned and groaned as she got fucked deep. The way Pallavi stood, gave her a good angle of the cock moving in and out like a machinary piston and the more she saw the actual fucking movements, the more she felt enraged at the slow meek strokes Debojit had given her so far!

After some more intense fucking, Pallavi blinked her eyes twice to observe how Anirban buckled his body atleast twice and groaned loud pushing more deeper and deeper into his wife's already juice smeared vagina by now. 

"Ah! I love you Shohu!" Anirban kissed his wife on her lips and laid down at the side. His now fully sweaty macho body looking even sexier, while Shohini in her own sweaty form gestured Pallavi to come near to her. 

Almost hypnotised by the whole sex, Pallavi walked ahead. The more she walked the more her nose sniffed the combination of intense sex juices coming from the bedsheets. Anyway, she reached near the bed and Shohini cooed .."Sit Palo!"

Pallavi sat!

"Look!" Shohini pouted again, spreading her vaginal lips apart.

Pallavi's heart pumped hard and her eyes widened as she saw deep inside her friend's vagina. 

Thick white creamy discharge!

"See that Palu? This cream will make me pregnant! This is the cream we women crave for when we mate with a masculine man and thus we proceed to motherhood!"

Shohini even pumped out since excess semen from her vagina to show Pallavi how much Anirban had ejaculated inside her. Seeing the thick white creamy discharge coming from Shohini's vagina and the rest stored inside, Pallavi bursted into tears and she sniffed and sniffed and while she sniffed she laid down the bed and cried, holding the thick wooden legs.


Sob ......


The crying faded away slowly and the moment Pallavi opened her eyes. She was surprised! 

She was back in her bed, next to her snoring husband!

Pallavi realised it was a mere dream, but the dream wasn't just a sexual one, rather lots of doubts were cleared from her head and now she had to take a decision!

No matter how brutal it would be!

No matter how negative it would be!

No matter what her life would go after it!

With some stern thoughts in her mind, Pallavi laid down and very slowly closed her eyes. She wondered what the morning would bring while she dozed off.


Next morning :

The morning started normally with the chirping of crows who sat on the window panes. Debojit had to rush to join back and therefore he just managed to kiss his sleeping wife on the forehead and rush to get ready for office. Rummaging his ties, he really wished Pallavi would wake up and find out the tie for him, but he found out that she was still asleep.

"Okay maa! I think Palo will join you soon once she wakes up! Bye!" 

"Bye dada Bhai!!!" Subosree sweetly waved to her elder brother,  while Promila waved too and asked her daughter to see if Pallavi had woke up or not. 

"Boudi is sleeping more than usual! Hmmmnm and you keep scolding me that I am lazy in waking up early!!! Not fair maa!"

Subosree makes a cute puppy like face, while Promila admonishes her maternally..."My bouma is very organised! She will probably take her bath and join me soon and ofcoarse I will scold you Subo! You need to be more disciplined like your dada and boudi!"

Subosree made a face and then noticed someone enter their space. She smiled when she saw Pallavi waking slowly towards her and Promila.

"Good morning boudi!!!!! Had a nice sleep hnmm?"

Pallavi didn't respond, rather she came near to them and stood with a long sigh. All three were already in the pooja room and apparently, Pallavi hadn't taken a bath yet and Promila found that strange. It was already time for the pooja and her bahu wasn't even ready to sit along with her. 

"Bouma? You didn't take a bath yet? What's wrong? Pandit Babu will come anytime!" Promila cooed with a concern. 

"I won't sit for this pooja mamuni!" Pallavi spat our straightaway.

"But why bouma??" Promila was shocked and from a couple of distance away, even Subosree was silent. She wondered why her bhabhi was using such a negative tone.

"Because I want a Divorce from your son!!" Pallavi shrugged her shoulders as she spat out directly. Promila and Subosree gasped with no words coming out of their mouths. The whole atmosphere turned dark grey clouds in seconds and a ray of negative energy molecules surrounded the whole air.
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