Adultery The Possession
Read some passages today and found it worth reading and good.
I will write a comprehensive commentary in which I will express 
my opinion and feelings about the story in the coming days 
(after I have read all the postings at my leisure).

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Nice one sir... Still looking for more
[+] 1 user Likes Farz@123's post
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কোন অনুভূতি নেই দাদা , superficial narration। বাংলাটায়
ফোকাস করুন। খুব নৈপুণ্যের সাথে পাখি টাকে অরণ্যের রূপ দিয়েছেন .. ছবি সমেত পড়তে বেশ ভালোই লাগে
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Mind blowing
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Superb update
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Terrific writing.....
Wonder updates sir....
Thanks for the effort......
Eagerly waiting for next....
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excellent and long long due update.....very nicely written about the mentality of Soma but proper sex is is hurriedly done....they have finished and resting in one paragraph....anyways, it has that flair and eroticism....but where did Soma get ready for her lover,it was said that Soma will dress up for her Dawa sherpa....hope to see it in future updates that Soma starts wearing skimpy blouses and low saree below her navel....and taking Dawa's cum on her face and then slowly licking it upwith her tongue ....also hope to see future updates coming quickly and not after 1 month's wait
[+] 2 users Like Mehndi 99's post
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superb update.
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Heading very interestingly.
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Subir already said soma that she can maintain relationship with dawa so he agreed himself. Soma loves subir but dawa gave satisfaction to her so she loves dawa also
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Fantastic update. Will santu and antu get a chance to view their mother getting fucked. Dawa is lucky low class bastard to sleep in high class house wife in her own marital bed like husband wife.
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Transformation of soma is wonderful. The way she has changed herself to give herself more to Dawa than her husband. Dawa should fuck her in every room of house, under shower, and terrace in open.
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Superb bro
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so hot .. so nice
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Dear writer as we readers we cant stop wait because you narrate story is so high and creates lots of interest to us so we ask about updates we know you are busy or not time but your story creates us to wake up you
[+] 1 user Likes Real man's post
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I hopes you give some hot talkes to soma thats creates most sexiest stories like some talk to dawa that my mangoes is waiting for you or your banana is for me and when her husband call her then she lie and sex with dawa that she open your shirts or she open her saree for him like that
[+] 2 users Like Real man's post
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Hello @henry can you please update the next update timing if possible?
[+] 1 user Likes pnick062's post
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super bro
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very nice update
[+] 1 user Likes Gopal Ratnam's post
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When we will get update??
[+] 1 user Likes Revik's post
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