Misc. Erotica Swati's Downfall (Original Story)
So Sooo Good  clps clps
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Ramesh is not sure what to do next. His eyes take in the surroundings.

The tableau is frozen. Prakash, Mahender, and Ramona in one corner, next to the green screen. 

In the foreground stands the white man, his monster of a cock still erect, his hands up. 

There is a dog, standing midway between the white man and the three figures huddled in the corner. It is a huge dog, black and menacing. Incongruously, it wears pink socks on its forepaws. 

The dog growls, bares its teeth and takes a half step forward at the interlopers. 

Sammy takes a step back, pointing the gun at the large animal. Ramesh can feel the fear coming off him in waves.

Ramesh though holds his ground, and crouches down to the level of the animal’s eyes. 

He fixes the dog with his steely gaze, and his head tilts to one side. 

A brief staring match ensues. 

Then the dog looks away, whimpers, then sits on the floor, licking his hindquarters. 

This is Ramesh’s superpower. 

And then there is Swati madam on her knees in front of the man. 

Her eyes are glazed and she seems not to know what is going on. 

Her mouth is partially open and there is a string of saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth.

Then she speaks, her voice slurred like she’s drunk. 

Sammy wasn’t kidding. She’s been drugged for sure. 

“He’s not a white man,” she says. “He’s only got a skin condition…disease. He’s as Indian as all of us.”

The white man swallows, and seems to blanch, if that is even possible for one as white as him. “It’s true. I’m not Russian. My name is not Nikolai or Nakul Bhai. My name is Ramsaran and I’m from UP. Please let me go…I have a sick mother at home.” 

His words come out shaking and wobbling. His features are scrunched up, and he looks a far cry from the composed, tough, gangster he was just moments ago.

Ramesh watches with amazement as the UP accented Hindi words fall from the man’s mouth. The others, especially Prakash, also look equally astounded.

Prakash is the first to recover. 

He lunges toward Ramsaran, his hand raised. “Motherfucker!” He roars in Hindi.

His blow never makes it. 

There is a loud report, and he falls, clutching his thigh. Blood spurts from his wound, from between the fingers of his hand as he tries to tamp down on the injury. 

He moans like a dying animal.

Ramesh turns his head and sees smoke curling out of Sammy’s gun. 

This fucker was selling her to that fucker,” Sammy says, pointing first at Prakash and then at Ramsaran. 

“They’re both criminals. They fucking deserve to die.” His voice is harsh, judgmental.

“Should I? Should I? Huh?” He roars, his pistol waving about.

Nothing like a new convert, Ramesh thinks. This guy was happily being a criminal until this morning, and now he’s a justice bringer.

Mahender and Ramona are watching Prakash with horrified interest. 

Their hands are still up, but fatigue is already setting in and their shoulders droop. 

Ramona’s eyes are as wide as they will go, the whites of her eyes visible all around the iris.

Swati seems to fall to the ground in slow motion. 

She falls away from Ramsaran.

Time stands still. 

Prakash, his mouth open in a moan. 

Mahender, raising his camera as though it would help deflect any trouble, a magic talisman. 

Ramona with her silicone enhanced lips parted in a ‘O.’ 

Ramesh watches Swati slowly sink to the ground, then roll. 

When she rights herself, she is on her knees, breasts shining with perspiration, breathing hard. 

She seems a little changed now. Perhaps more than a little changed.

There is clarity in her eyes. 

And there is a shiny, large gun in her hand. 

It looks enormous in her relatively small hands. 

It points directly at Ramsaran.
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[+] 1 user Likes S Darko's post
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Damn that is some interesting turn of events.
And having bitten once by street dogs, I would like to have Ramesh's superpowers.
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Swati has her back to the green screen, which means she has her back to the wall. 

If Mahender’s cameras are still going, he can paint in a background of the Grand Canyon or the Burj Khalifa, and this could be an action movie. 

She can see two cameras mounted on tripods set against the two farthest corners of the rectangular room.

She can see clearly now. 

The blackness is gone, as also the swimming vision. 

The dog is sitting calmly on the ground, not looking threatening in the least. 

Ramesh did that. He turned on that 'look' at the beast and it immediately quieted down. Amazing. 

Ramona makes a faint move toward her discarded dress. 

Swati catches her eye and she freezes mid-movement like in a game of statue.

“Go ahead,” Swati says. “Get your clothes on and get out of here.” 

She is aware that the dress is the only piece of clothing Ramona has. 

The poor naked Brazilian woman is probably in sexual servitude to this charlatan of a man. Swati has no idea what Ramona might do if freed from his clutches, but she has other pressing matters to consider.

Ramona pulls the dress over her head in one swift motion and takes a step towards the open trapdoor. She pauses and looks at Swati again, as though to confirm. 

Swati nods. 

Ramesh and Sammy move back just a little so Ramona can step through and leave. She walks down the steps without a backward glance. 

Swati hopes she can find shelter, and perhaps return to her native land. 

“Can I go too?” Mahender says. He looks piteous, tears running down his face. 

Sammy starts laughing at this spectacle. 

“Please, please,” Ramsaran says, his voice wheedling. He is scared to move after Sammy shot Prakash. The latter is still on the ground, applying pressure to his thigh and moaning softly. 

The dog looks at his wound and licks its chops.
Swati waves the big gun around, covering the entire room. 

She has decisions to make. She is also aware that this is the worst possible time to make decisions. For one thing, she is definitely impaired. Her vision blurs and she blinks it away. 

Ramesh’s phone rings. 

He pulls it from his pocket with his free hand and answers. 

It is Rashid, the tea seller. Ramesh puts it on speaker.

“Lockdown! Lockdown! The entire country is under lockdown. Modi has locked the country down!” Rashid is screaming. “I have to go. security officer are patrolling everywhere and I have to go home.”

“Rashid Bhai, calm down. This is Bhim colony. The cops won’t get here for a while. Can you see any cops?”

Rashid Bhai says no, there are no cops yet. 

“Don’t worry then. We will be done here soon. I’ll escort you home.”

Swati looks at Ramesh questioningly. 

Ramesh says, “Lockdown, madam.”
She has been expecting a lockdown for days now. Other countries are doing it, and everyone at the office had expected this to come any day. 

Swati had been a little distracted with all the stuff going on in her life, but now she nods. 

Swati points her gun at Prakash, then Ramsaran. 

Mahender, in the meantime, has pissed himself in fear. Since he wasn’t wearing pants, the piss drips to the floor and puddles around his feet. His cock is shriveled and small, his balls not even visible. 

She cocks one hand on her hip, the other holding the gun. “How much would you get if you sold me?” She directs this at Ramsaran. 

“Sorry, sorry…I won’t do anything…sorry madam.” 

This is especially amusing since he has called her a whore and a slut for the past few hours. 

“Madam huh? Madam all of a sudden? How much?” There is steel in Swati’s voice and the gun inches a little closer.

“Uhh…two, maybe three khokas... crores,” he says.

“Motherfucker!” Prakash says from the floor, bitterness clear in his voice. “And you were fobbing me off with a few measly lakhs!”

Swati is gratified to hear the numbers. 

Ramesh says, “You have to make a decision quickly, madam. Don’t worry, I will take care of the consequences.”

It is not very clear to Swati’s still befuddled mind, but she has full faith in Ramesh. 

Especially after the night at the more

She nods slowly, briefly looks at Ramesh and her index finger tightens around the trigger. 

She isn’t sure she wants to execute the man in cold blood. 

Can she? 

Will she?

Ramsaran laughs. 

He seems hysterical. 

He points at the gun, slaps his thighs, and laughs. 

To Swati it seems a little forced, and theatrical.


Ramsaran points at the gun again and says, “The safety is on! You can’t shoot me!”

Swati has heard this dialog in a movie, and she isn’t falling for it. 

As though in reaction, she continues to squeeze the trigger. 

As though to prove him wrong. 

Ramsaran’s eyes widen. 

He realizes, she thinks, that his bluff has been called.

“No, wait…” he says, panic lacing his voice.

There is a loud bang. 

Swati closes her eyes involuntarily.

The recoil pitches her to the floor. 

Her chest throbs where her own fist hit her. Her ears ring.

She opens her eyes to see Ramsaran on the floor, clutching his own chest. 

There is red everywhere. 



Ramsaran’s chest wound is grievous, no question about it. 

It is lethal.

Ramsaran’s gun has done its deadly work, and his faith in 45s is vindicated. 

Swati says above the ringing in her ears, “Revolvers don’t have safeties, bitch.”

Prakash flings himself at Swati, his own thigh wound forgotten. “You fucking crazy bitch! I was going to get money from him!” Prakash’s voice is high, full of rage and frustration. 

His hands find her neck and he squeezes. 

Ramesh hands his gun to Sammy, who is watching the carnage with fascination. 

Swati can feel herself blacking out under Prakash’s powerful stranglehold. 

She can vaguely hear Ramesh saying, “Hold this. I’ll deal with this lowlife.”

The pressure on her throat slowly diminishes. 

Then Prakash's hands fall away. 

She sits up, groggy.

Prakash is in Ramesh’s grip. 

Ramesh has his powerful, muscled arm around Prakash's neck in a chokehold and is squeezing the life out of him. 

Prakash’s legs drum on the wooden floor and his arms flail, failing to find purchase. 

As if in sympathy, there is a gush of blood from his thigh. 

Then he becomes still.

Swati looks about in a daze. 

Ramsaran is lying still, the wound in his chest the size of her palm. 

Blood and gore have spewed from the crater, but there is no more bleeding. 

Prakash too is lying still. A thin trickle of blood from his nostril.

Ramesh slowly rises from the ground and dusts off his clothes. 

He looks at Mahender who is cringing in his corner. “Get out of here and out of town. Never come back.”

Mahender turns to leave, thinks the better of leaving without his trousers, and returns to pick them up. 

Ramesh says, “And take all your camera-shamera with you. And remember one thing. If any of the madam’s videos come online, I will come looking for you. Remember that.”

Mahender nods, finishes doing up his trousers, picks up his cameras and as much equipment as he can carry, and beats a hasty retreat.

Ramesh pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls Rashid. “Call the fire brigade in ten minutes.”

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[+] 2 users Like S Darko's post
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Woww.. is she planning to kill all the men who fucked her by turning one against another.
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Lovely! It will be interesting to see how situations changed to worst again.
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It is mid-June, and even though it is boiling, there is a clarity in the air that followed the forced lockdown. Even now, with the lockdown over, there are few vehicles on the roads, pollution is at its lowest in decades, and it feels nice to take a walk without a mask. 

Ramesh has been living in the ashram for the duration, and now he finds himself jobless. The company he was working for has laid him off. 

He has heard nothing from Swati or Sammy or anyone else since that fateful night. 

The security officer had their hands full with controlling the lockdown and paid only minimal heed to a fire in Bhim colony. The fire had caused damage to only one building and there were two bodies found there. Apparently, they had shot each other, but forensics could not reveal a lot more. The bodies were charred beyond recognition. 

And besides, the security officer have bigger fish to fry.

The three bodies in the SUV were never discovered. 

Ramesh believes that Sammy took care of them, but has no further knowledge or contact. 

He assumes the two erstwhile bodyguards for the not-white man are rotting in a landfill somewhere along with the third guy who he never knew. 

Ramesh absently pets the dog on his head and the dog wags his tail in happiness. The two have been inseparable since that fateful night. 

Sammy has landed on his feet. He has stumbled into a money laundering outfit that is operating happily despite the Prime Minister’s attempts to curb such things. 

He is the unofficial chief of security for the outfit and is planning to get Ramesh into the fold. Sammy isn’t sure, but he thinks Ramesh might decline. From what he knows of the man, Ramesh is arrow straight. 

Sammy has appropriated the SUV from that night at Bhim colony. No one from Nikolai's gang has come after him, and he believes the fake Russian might've been operating solo, perhaps with a bunch of paid thugs. Perhaps when Alexei returns, if he returns, things might change. But for now, Sammy is sitting pretty.

Sammy cleans his collection of guns nightly and plans for a future where he is involved less in blue-collar crime and more into white-collar stuff. He is thinking of getting into the betting business. There is a lot of money involved in sports, specifically cricket.

Swati has recovered from her night in the chawl, although it took her a many days to become normal from a mental standpoint. Ramesh stayed with her for the first few days, after which Paro took over. 

They discharged Ashok from the hospital in May, and he is still weak and has trouble breathing. They will eventually learn that Ashok has what will come to be known as long covid. 

Swati finds comfort in her toys, and the nightmare of that night in Bhim colony is slowly going away. 

She thinks of Ramesh often and wonders how she should repay him. 

He is most likely jobless, while she has actually improved her situation. She’d applied to several multinational companies since January and she has landed a pure work-from-home job that pays megabucks. This is in an industry that seems to be among the few that have thrived in the economic downturn. 

In her spare time, Swati has organized a workforce to help with covid victims and their families. She feels this diversion is good for her soul to heal, and for her cravings to die away. She still feels the pull of illicit and rough sex, but makes a tremendous effort to refrain from watching such porn and also limits her use of sex toys. 

Time will tell how successful her efforts are. 

One evening, when she has just finished supervising the nurse who does pulmonary rehab for her husband, her phone rings. 

She ushers Dhruv into his bedroom, telling his to sleep, mama will be right along to tell him a story.

The number is unlisted, but she picks it up anyway. 

“Hello Swatiji,” a deep male voice says. 

Swati has no trouble remembering the deep voice of Baldev, the giant at Abhi’s swing party. “I hope you remember me.”

“Yes Baldevji, indeed I do. How are you?”

“I am very fine ji, very fine indeed.” Swati detects what she thinks might be glee in his voice, but perhaps not.

“That’s good to hear. So how come you called?” 

“Well, you see, I have recently come into possession of some video recordings from my good friend Arvind… unfortunately no one knows where he is, but the videos are very interesting…”

Swati's heart pounds at this. 

And she cannot control the tingle of arousal between her legs.

The End

Thank you for sticking with me and reading all the way through.
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[+] 5 users Like S Darko's post
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Shit the ending is unexpected.
I thought we will know how she had become the whore later. And what caused her divorce.
Anyway thank you for the lovely story.
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Sorry to disappoint. Swati never became a whore (or maybe she did after the story ends). The shore reference is from a dream she had while she was chained to the tap in the more.

Anyhow, glad you enjoyed.
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[+] 2 users Like S Darko's post
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Excellent story. Thank you so much. !!!
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(13-04-2023, 06:28 AM)S Darko Wrote: Sorry to disappoint. Swati never became a whore (or maybe she did after the story ends). The shore reference is from a dream she had while she was chained to the tap in the more.

Anyhow, glad you enjoyed.

Ohh ok, it was a dream.
Then the ending is justified. Got it. Thank you.
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Expecting some new erotica soon....
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one of the best story here
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Superb story  yourock
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great story
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superb story
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