Adultery The Possession
Waiting bro
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(30-03-2023, 11:21 PM)Henry Wrote: Update will come tomorrow.

Tomorrow never comes Dodgy
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-- Mom, mom? Soma wakes up with Santu's call. She looked at the clock, this is seven o clock in morning. She never wakes up so late. Today is an exception.

Santu said---Mom, Sir has come. Will not give tea?

Yes, Santu's Math's home tutor is supposed to come this morning. She is wearing a black colored cotton nighty with white flower and leaf print. While she getting up her waist began to ache slightly.

Without washing her face and hands, she went straight to the kitchen to put tea on oven and go to the bathroom to brush. Her body was very tired yesterday. When she was returned to flat she took a bath. Mania for cleanliness is her forever. She could never leave this habit. Yesterday in the warm night she and Dawa had sweated profusely in passionate intercourse. Both of them were sweating. Then, in the frenzy of sex, the pungent manly Sweaty smell of Dawa's body, the sweat of both of their, the semen rolling down her thighs, everything was exciting. But Soma could not think of going to bed without cleaning herself after entering her house. So she took a bath at midnight.
Now she feels Slight pain in her body. After brushing, she looked at the mirror. She still feels a little sore in her vagina. Picked up her nightie and she saw her pussy. It feels normal, but the soreness is still there. Last night she really put Boroline in there like Dawa said. It has truely relieved some pain.

While giving tea to Santu's home tutor, Soma said---Don't mind sir. A little late for tea today.

Home tutor are familiar with some. A old age math teacher at a local college. He smiled and said---Madam, I heard your son's result is briliant.
Soma looked at Santu and grumbled---What matter? You did not show your results to sir?

Santu annoyingly said to his mom---You have kept the marksheet, mom.

---Oh! That's right.

Yesterday, Soma had packed Santu's marksheet herself in the cabinet of important documents. She immediately brought the marksheet and handed it over to the home tutor and said---The mark has decreased in biology, sir. Otherwise he would have ranked in the top ten in the state.

The home tutor said---Madam, you can enroll Santu in coaching for 'Joint Entrance Examination' from now. Class eleven-twelve will have a lot of time in two years of two classes for his joint preparation.

The home tutor's advice didn't seem right to Soma. She smiled and said----Now let him do his college class studies well. His father wants him to teach physics in the future. Actually, his dad's wish was to study physics in his student life, but in the end he did not fulfill that dream when he studied engineering. So he wants his son to study physics.

---That's good too. Research, IIT, these are many lines open then.

Soma smiled softly. She or Subir really didn't want to think about these things from now on. So she said---There is much time left now, the greatest thing is, sir; What does he want to learn?

While talking to the home tutor, Soma forgot that Antu was still sleeping. She needs to be woken up him. The boy is growing up but his habit is to stay asleep unless his mom calls him. Soma called Antu for woke up. Antu is also growing. He is also now a teenager of twelve years. Now he is only in class six. Antu is still a baby to Soma. This is how mothers feel about their younger children. He rested his head on his mom's lap with sleepy eyes. Soma said while caressing her son---How long will you sleep? You didn't go to college yesterday. Have to go today. Have you done the homework?

Antu still wants to be loved by his mother. Soma said while caressing the boy---Won't you grow up, Antu? You see, how Dada' has achieved good results. You have to too.

Antu lay on his mom's lap rubbing his face on mom's belly and said---I will be a cricket player. Mom, will you admit me to cricket coaching? My friends got admission in cricket coaching center.

Soma scolded and said---Don't insisted, you don't have to be Sachin Tendulkar anymore. Dad bought two bats, now your Dawa uncle bought one. There are three. If you don't pay attention to studies, I will throw them all away.
Soma's two sons are very fond of their mom. Both of them are also afraid of their mom. Soma pushed Antu from her lap. She said---Brush your teeth. I am preparing breakfast.

In fact, Soma's mind is very happy today. She feels how life has suddenly become rhythmic today. After cooking, she went to bath. It's too late to wake up today, with that there are exams going on in Soma's college now. She quickly left for the college with Antu. Dawa Sherpa is sitting on a chair in front of the car garage on the ground floor. As soon as Soma saw him, both have hidden smiles on their faces. However, no words were exchanged between them. Soma is wearing a yellow saree today with a green blouse. Her bra straps are peeking out from her blouse on shoulders. Dawa pointed in that direction. Soma pulled the blouse to her shoulders and covered the bra's strap. A shy smile appeared on her face.

Dawa said---Antu Babu, so early today?

Antu said---I am in no hurry Dawa uncle. Mom is getting late. My college bus will still take a long time to come.

Soma said to her son---You stay here with Dawa Uncle. Don't run when the bus comes. I went.

Soma was sitting in the staff room after the fifth period of college. Seeing the smile on her face, her colleague Bandana di said---What happened? Are you laughing alone?

Soma actually thought about last night again and again. There is restlessness in her mind. This restlessness is for joy, for happiness. Soma fell embarrassment, she laughed and said----Why? I am not laughing Bandana di.

Bandana joked and said---What's the matter, today you feel a little different. It's normal that you're happy that your son got good results, but don't give us a treat?

Soma said---Wait Bandana di. When his dad comes home, I will invite you to our house for dinner.
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Subir has to go to the meeting of the chief engineers after returning from the plant. There will be high officials of the government. Subir once entered the office asking the driver to take out the car. Accountant Chauhan does not smoke cigarettes, but he likes to eat special Banarasi pan. That's why Raju of the canteen always brings it for him specially. Chauhan looks after the loans of everyone in the office. Subir occasionally fetches Banarasi paan for Chauhan from the canteen. He handed the pan to Chauhan and said---What was Chauhan saying?

Accountant Chouhan said after filling his mouth with the pan given by Subir---Mr. Mukherjee, your loan repayment seems to be complete this month. Will close, or take a new loan?
Subir took the loan many years ago, to buy his flat. Soma could have paid half the money if they wanted. But Subir forbade Soma. As both are government employees, so Subir and Soma's understanding is different. They never quarreled about money between husband and wife. Although Subir's income is much higher than Soma's, Soma's income as a government employee is not too bad. If they need money for family expansion, they spend it when they have it. For example, Subir paid full money to buy the flat. But Soma has spent a lot of money to buy new furnitures after discarding the old furnitures of the house. The car, however, was bought as a hobby with Subir's cash. The son's college pays sometimes Soma sometimes Subir paid. For savings their also have a joint account. Soma dreams of building a house in a natural environment a little away from Kolkata. Soma doesn't like flat houses. Although they are thinking of buying another flat. Actually Soma is much more visionary than Subir for their family's future. Subir knows that. Soma wants two flats for their two sons. And after retirement, the husband and wife want to spend the rest of their lives in their own house in a natural environment near Kolkata without being a burden to their sons. Kolkata metropolis is growing day by day. As the land and house prices are rising, it is difficult to say whether the income of both of them is higher now, that dream will come true.
Subir did not agrees to tell Chauhan any decision now. He needs to be consulted with his wife about this.

Heavy rain started in the evening. On her way back from college, Soma noticed that the sky was covered with dark clouds. In the evening there was a storm and thunder.

Soma was sitting on the sofa sipping tea. The TV is on in front of her. An evening TV serial is playing on the TV with very soft sound. Antu and Santu in the reading room. The calling bell rang immediately. Soma went to open the door and Dawa Sherpa entered the room.
He asked---Where? Santu Babu, Antu Babu?

Soma smiled and said---They are sitting to read. come on.

Dawa sat on the sofa. Soma brought the tea with some snacks. They are both sitting together on the sofa. Of course, keeping a distance between them. A dim lights are on in the living room. Dawa said to let him sip the tea---Is you well? Has your pain subsided?

Soma smiled very softly and said---My back was hurting since morning. It is getting a bit chilly after bathing in the evening.

Dawa looked back once and saw Santu-Antu's reading room. Then he came around to Soma and said---Then let's warm it up.
---There are children Dawa ji.

Dawa said---Do you think me such a rude person, Soma? That I will fuck you in front of Santu Babu-Antu Babu?

Soma made an 'Ish' sound when she heard the obscenity in Dawa's mouth. However, her face is a shy smile of indulgence. Dawa placed a hand on Soma's shoulder. He said--Your smell is very nice, Soma.
---That's soap.
---Besides the soap, you have a smell on your body, pretty sweet.
Soma said---no more drama. Something to eat?
---I will eat you.
---You eat me yesterday night. She smiled.

---Wish is not fulfilled. The more I eat you, the more I will be hungry.
---You really are like a Himalayan Yeti. You are very hungry.
---Don't you have?
Soma shyly said---Not like you.

They are romantically involved with each other conversation. Dawa put his hand on Soma's shoulder and started tickling. Soma said--What are you doing? Tickling.
---And where is tickling?
Soma knows what Dawa really means. But she also seems to want to hear the little dirty talk of Dawa. She Said---where else?
---Your pussy?
---Ish! I go to the kitchen. If one of the two boys comes...What they thinks...

Soma got up. Dawa was sitting. He smiled and said from behind----It is raining quite cold today. Make something hot foods.

Soma is busy in the kitchen. Dawa took the TV remote and changed the channel. Santu taught Dawa how to change TV channels. After one or two channels, his eyes stuck on an English movie channel. Where white-skinned heroes and heroines are busy kissing. Suddenly at that time Antu came and he quickly changed this channel. Antu came and said---Dawa Uncle, when will you come?
---Here it is right now. I did not disturb you because you were studying.
----My homework is done.

Soma scolded Antu from the kitchen and said---Tomorrow's percentage maths are still due.
Seeing Antu upset, Daba laughed and said---Listen to what your mom is saying, Antu Babu. We will talk a lot when your studies are done. You would rather tell me where the channel that shows animals and birds?
Antu said---Push 32 buttons on the remote, Dawa uncle.

Dawa tried and couldn't get it right. Antu took the remote and pressed the discovery channel. A documentary about the Pacific Ocean was being aired on the Discovery Channel.

Soma fried the pakora hot. She gave Dawa ji on a plate, gave it to two boys in the reading room.
Taking a bottle of sauce from the fridge, she said---Give you some sauce?

Soma is busy cooking dinner in the kitchen. Dawa watching TV while eating pakora. Two boys are studying in their reading room. Meanwhile Soma came and left a glass of water. After drinking the water, Dawa took a look at Santu-Antur's reading room. Then appeared directly in the kitchen. Soma was frying the fish in the pan. Dawa Sherpa is a tall man, and it stands behind Soma. It took a lot of pushing for the tall body to bring his face down to Soma's shoulder at chest height. He started rubbing his face on Soma's fair soft shoulder. A thin gold chain around Soma's neck, sweat dripping on it. Dawa licked the sweat immediately. Soma was excited and laughed and said---What are you doing Dawa ji? Difficulty to cooking!

Dawa said when he kiss the fair bare back of Soma's blouse, on the shoulder----You cook very well, Soma.
---Did you come here to say this? Soma romantically said.

Dawa is a hoarse rough masculine man. While kissing and caressing her fair and tender feminine back, he said in a hard lustful way----I want to eat you Soma.

Soma feels that the Dawa's cock has grown stronger. Dawa did not wear underwear inside his lungi. His hard cock is rubbing on her buttock on her saree. She laughed and said---Your giant tool is punching me!

---Tell me what to do say him? Beautiful woman like you in front him. He wants his partner. But you will never let them meet now.

Soma also boldly joked----Tell him to be patient. He will not be able to meet his partner whenever he wants.

Quickly Daba turned Soma towards him and pulled her to his chest. Then they face each other. He Said---- He who does not want to understand Soma ji.

Before Soma could say anything, Dawa pressed Soma's lips to his own. Although the kiss was a little forced, this kiss lasted for a long time. Soma gasped after the kiss. She requested and said---There are children!

---They are studying now. We are doing our job. He pressed Soma's left breast over the blouse. He said---Open your blouse. I will suck
Soma was afraid and said--Oh ma! Not now, please.

Dawa forcibly lifted the blouse and exposed her left breast. Soma's brown nipples is bent under the weight of her plump breasts. Dawa began to suck like a baby. Soma's body trembled. She must stop now him. Somehow, if either of her two sons moved here, she would be uncomfortable. But where can Instead, she did the opposite. She pressed Dawa's head to her breast and And began to feed her sweaty breast in the heat of the kitchen. Dawa then started to press other breast through the bottom of the anchal. He started sucking it again and again.
If the fish is fried for more time, it will burn. Soma whispered---The fish will burn, Dawa Ji. leave now.
After sucking both breasts for a while, Dawa left Soma. Then he left the kitchen and sat on the sofa again in front of the TV. Soma tucked her breasts inside the blouse and Hooked the blouse. Then she concentrated on cooking.
Antu finished his studying and sat in front of the TV. Dawa was sitting next to the TV in the living room and was busy listening to Antu's story about the Pacific Ocean. Dawa now looks like he did nothing a moment ago. But inside Soma's blouse, her breasts were still wet with the saliva of Dawa's mouth. Soma chuckled to herself. From the kitchen, she hear Dawa ji was busy talking with her honger son, She said to herself, "Dustu!" (Naughty).
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When the telephone rang, Soma washed her hands and picked it up. Subir's voice from the other side---Soma, were you cooking?
---Yes. Just you returned from the office?
---Yes. Today is a little late to return. There was an urgent meeting.
---Now you eat something? Soma asked.
---No, I haven't eaten anything yet.
---Why? Make the tiffin. It is only half past eight. You will be 9:30 for dinner.
---Hmmm. I drank tea. Not so hungry now.

Soma scolded her husband--First you eat something light. Then call.
Subir smiled---Ok darling, but I had an urgent matter with you.
---My loan repayment will compleat on next month. Accountant Chauhan was saying whether to make a new loan or to close it.
---Why should you take a loan again? Soma asked in surprise.
----Tell us to make a loan to buy that flat?
---O ma! Why just take out the loan now? Mitra da' are still there.

Before this, Subir had made a definite plan to buy a flat a year ago. Soma used to do the loan. Their neighbour Mr Mitra lives in the second floor flat above their first floor. The third floor is empty. Subir thought of buying it. But after talking to the manager of the developer company of their flat building, Subir comes to know that Mr. Mitra, the owner of the second floor, will leave near his son in America within a year. They will sell their flat before that. Buying it will benefit for Subir. In that case, the second floor is next to their flat. Moreover, the price will also be lower. Subir also liked the advice of their flat building developer manager. Soma also agreed. Finally a year passed but Mr Mitra still did not leave to his son.

Subir said to Soma---I has been hearing for the last one year that Mr. Mitra will leave for USA.
Soma said---If you have waited so long, let's not wait any longer. Need a loan now?

Soma, however, was not wrong. Subir also felt that a little more wait could be given. Their sons are still young. Who can say, they will not stay in Kolkata in future.

While Subir and Soma are talking on the telephone, after finishing his studying Santu also appeared in the living room. They are chatting loudly with their Dawa uncle. The voices in the living room reached Subir's ears. He said - Has anyone come home?

Soma smiled and said very casually--They are talking with their Dawa uncle.

Subir was surprised. He said---Dawa has started coming to our flat again?

Soma lowered her voice and said---Ah! Why are you saying that? The man helped so much that day, then when he come our house, will I drive away?

Subir did not answer. He said very seriously---Hmm. Then again he said---Is your cooking complete?

----Only the rice is left.

Subir's mind became restless when Soma put the phone down. He doesn't like the Dawa Sherpa visiting their flat again. He can't take it too easy. The man proposed to Soma with bad intentions. Surely that evil thought will not go away from his mind so easily. And Soma is showing a very normal attitude about Dawa coming to their flat, even after Dawa makes this bad offer to her. Soma doesn't mind it, because Dawa helped her in the day of trouble? or is Soma has also developed a penchant for her Dawa ji? Subir understands that there is something wrong.

Soma finished the kitchen work and said---Dawa ji, you will dinner here tonight.

Dawa smiled. He had no difficulty in understanding the indulgence in the invitation to dinner on this night from Soma. Santu-Antu, however, remained unaware of their mom's affair with Watchman Uncle. They are only teenagers, it is not possible for them to understand the psychophysical aspects of adults. Rather they both are happy that Dawa Uncle will have dinner at their house today.

Antu said---Dawa uncle, can Everest be seen from Sandakphu?

Dawa looked at Soma and was distracted. Said---If you ask something, Antu Babu?

---Can Everest be seen from Sandakphu?

Dawa smiled. Said ---'Deodhunga' can be seen from Sandakphu. Now Antu Babu tell me, 'Deodhunga' is the name of which mountain?
Dawa uneducated, but he is Sherpa by race. So he has knowledge about mountains. Each Himalayan peak has a local name. Dawa said something like that.

Antu and Santu both became curious. Soma's difference from Dawa is here that Soma is educated, and a teacher of geography. Her knowledge of mountains depends on education. She said---Everest's Nepali local name is 'Deodhunga'. What did I say right?

Soma looked at the clock and said----It's late at night. We have to dinner now. Santu-Antu are no more stories, go and wash your hands and face.

After washing their hands and face, Santu-Antu sat down on the dining table's chair. Soma went to the kitchen. Subir finished his dinner and started walking on the balcony of the housing quarter to smoke a cigarette. The walls of this government housing are quite high. It is surrounded by Devdaru trees. The light of the big lamp post of the campus is spread all around. However, Subir feels dark. He turned on the big light of the balcony. Mr. Mukhotia's family lives in the neighbouring quarters. Their baby cries at night during feeding. Subir decided to call home one more time.

Soma arranged the rice on a transparent porcelain plate. As the telephone rang, Santu went and picked it up immediately. Subir said after hearing his elder son's voice---Where is your mother?

Holding the receiver of the telephone in his ear, Santu shouted----Mom, Dad has called.

Soma was annoyed. What happened again? Subir never makes a second call at night unless absolutely necessary. Soma washed her hands and picked up the phone.

---Were you busy? Subir spoke in a serious tone.
---Hmmm. I was preparing dinner. Tell me, why call again?

Subir himself can't think properly why he called again. Suddenly he said---Dawa ji is gone?

Soma once looked at Dawa Sherpa sitting on the sofa in the living room and said lied with a smile----Yes.
---He did not bad behave with you in any way?
Soma laughed out loud. She said---Don't fear. He's not such a bad guy.

Subir got hit again. Why is Soma so confident about the guy who gave Soma a dirty offer! Soma said---That's why you called?

---No, actually in the morning you said your body is sick. So I thought I ask you about your health.

Soma said with a heavy heart----Who else is looking for me, working all day in the family...
---Ah Soma! That's why I'm telling you to travel somewhere outside for a few days.

Soma said in annoyance---where is the college holiday? And without you I ever went anywhere outside?

----I didn't go. You have to go now with Santu-Antu. We are getting mid life Soma. We have to understand our own good and bad.

---You said it so easily. The responsibility of being a father you never handled properly. You only think about your office in your whole life.

---Should I quit my job and stay at home? You can quit your job if you want.

Soma got angry. She said---I do a job, which is my only support, you object to that too!

--- Did I say that? Have I ever objected to your job?

---You know Antu insists on getting into cricket coaching. Meanwhile, his drawing class. Cooking at home, son's tuition, chooling of boys. Have these ever hindered for my job?

---Ah Soma you are quarreling.

---Am I quarreling? You are the one who started the arguing by calling.

Quarrels between husband and wife are normal. Also occurs between Soma and Subir. Of course, in these cases, like every husband, Subir has to be defeated. As it is today. But Soma also quarrel is not like to continue for long. Soma said---Have you eaten?

----Hmm I ate. The cook has cooked the mutton kasata well today. Subir smiled.

---Look, you have the problem of acidity again. Remember to take the medicine.

Subir smiled. Soma is like that. Like a dutiful wife, she does not forget her duties even during quarrels. Subir's mind became lighter.
Soma put the phone down thinking that she is lying to Subir today. She is feeling a little uncomfortable. Then she might have to lie more. She will must become very desperate to taste taboo affair. This is the fear of Soma.
The food was brought and arranged on the table. Dawa Sherpa is still sitting on the couch. Soma said---Dawa ji, why are you sitting? come on.

Their dining table has four chairs. Santu and Antu are sitting on the two chairs as usual. The other two chairs face each other at opposite ends of the table. Soma sits on one, Subir on the other. If Subir is not at home, that chair is empty. Dawa Sherpa sat on Subir's chair.
The four of them started eating while talking at the dining table. Dawa have not habit to eating in Upper middle class Bengali family's dining table. Sitting in Subir's chair, it is as if he has taken the seat of the head of this family. Now it seems like they are a family, whose master of the family is an uneducated mountain Gorkha tribal, a low class watchman Dawa Sherpa, mistress is well-educated high college teacher Soma Mukherjee, and their two teenage children.

After the conflict for a while, Subir went to sleep peacefully in his bed, then he did not know how big changes had happened in his own house in his absence. How far this change can go Soma, Subir, Dawa no one knows.

After dinner, the two boys sat down in front of the TV again. There is no end to their stories of mountains, forests, animals and birds with Dawa. Soma can hear them working in the kitchen. She is smiling softly in her mind. Her body heat is rising, turbulent worm is biting in her cunt. She knows Dawa ji is anxiously waiting to fuck her tonight. But she is a little afraid. Everything that will happens today is in her own bedroom. Two boys will sleep in the next room. She has to be careful. There is no alternative. Going to the Dawa's room is too risky for her. Better than that in your own flat.

To be continued...
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Super Dawa is going to fuck her in her marital bed again. Next time when she sleeps with Subir, she will remember only Dawa sleeping with her. He has become her husband physically and now mentally too. When Dawa took the seat of subir in the diniing , she got the seat in the mind of soma replacing subir.
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That's great
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Good going ?
Love to witness my Heart sex
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Now only she is slowly started hating her husband. After the boys go to work and get married, she cannot lead a happy life with subir. She needs Dawa. Internally she will be praying for the early death of her husband, so that she can spend the rest of her life happily with Dawa in another place. Very nice one.
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Turning more hot.

Will Dawa ji show the boys how to fuck a woman, so that they will not be like their father failing to satisfy their future wife.
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Very fantastic update but very small one waiting for more
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Stunning update can't wait for next ;)
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Since the woman has the right to decide with whom she will sleep or open her legs, even subir cant do much. No law says the married woman should sleep or have sex only with their husband. Ha ha
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Na romba nalla paiyan

Hi Henry the devil

With each passing episode, story gets darker and darker. A devil possess a body step by step, in the same manner Dawa is going to possess soma after their sex at her home, in her marital bed. And there will be no point of return for soma, soon she will lose her mind body and soul to dawa.

Subir and soma, can they escape from the clutches of dawa, the mountain yeti??

I sense this won't be a regular cuckold or adultery, this may get spooky. Lots of suspense. Lets see what Henry has for us. Kudos to Henry for his latest updates, truly realistic approach towards story telling.
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Awesome story
Waiting for next
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The way Dawa commanding Soma to cook food like master and she obeying the orders like slave shows how equations changed between them.

Soma has developed more respect and love towards Dawa. In fact, little more than Subir.

The Santu and Antu also bonding well with him and respecting him equivalent to Subir.

More important is that, Soma does not have any guilt to talk to subir and even she started lying her husband and hiding Dawa presence at home.

The cheat drama has started now. I dont like Subir turning cuck. Instead he can die.
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Superb update
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Awesome. Please update asap
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Can't wait long
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