Adultery The Possession
Subir has no issues in Soma fucking with Dawa. Subir is a cuck inside and will enjoy their union. He already started teasing her linking with him. There is no opposition. Dawa has to fuck Soma in front of Subir and show him what a real man do with a woman. Splendid updates. Thank you.
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பாக்குறது எல்லாமே காம பார்வையால்ல இருக்கு

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Three more days passed respectively. Subir's dilemma grew. He knows that Soma does not hide anything from him. Yet every day he gets news, whether Dawa Sherpa comes home, or he talks, etc. Every time Soma says that she didn't talk to Dawa anymore, he doesn't even come to the flat. He lives in his own room. However, Subir feels restless. Is Soma hiding something? Have they developed a relationship? How far can that relationship reach?
Subir does not belong to this types of men who take away the freedom of a wife. Instead, Soma remained loyal to Subir as a wife. During their married life, Subir has left all the burden of the family on Soma and stayed in Delhi with a secure career. Soma earns her credibility by managing the family without her husband day after day. But Subir knows that Soma is an independent educated woman, she herself a teacher in government college. Now that she is of mature age, she has the right to meet her own needs. Subir cannot interfere with that. To make up for Soma's loneliness, he jokingly said one day "You can make a affair if you want, Soma. Because you don't always get me, that loneliness will go away". Subir may have said this jokingly, but if Soma is really involved in an extramarital affair, then what should Subir do?

At the age of forty, Soma may not have the beauty of early youth. But still she is graceful, beautiful. There is still an attraction in her. Dawa isn't good looking, he doesn't match Soma in any way. Education, status, class nothing. But there are two things in Dawa that many women like secretly, Soma also likes it, though not openly. That is his fit, massive muscular body. And there is one thing that is Soma's own choice, Subir knows it well; Although Soma herself is a well-educated, upper-middle-class working woman, she has always been kind to ordinary working people. Soma loves forests, nature, mountains. She used to tell Subir that she likes people like Living Stone or Captain Cook or Marco Polo, Columbus, who traveled far and wide with the pull of nature without caring about life. Four years after their marriage, when Santu was barely three years old, they went to visit Rajasthan. Seeing a group of nomads there, she said, "See how happy they are, wandering about as they pleases." Subir knows that while she is imprisoned in her married life, her desires have only increased not decreased. There is a rough-and-tumble adventurism in Dawa. Which Soma likes very much. She also likes Dawa as a Sherpa, who is brave, energetic, strong, masculine. Soma doesn't like very girly guys or guys who talk to girls and try to gain importance. Subir also has this manly quality. For which Soma liked him.
But office-going educated people like Subirs don't have the intense energy, strength, masculinity, wildness of Dawa.

Dawa has not really come to Soma's flat these days. They don't talk face to face. Soma realizes that Dawa has a built-in touchiness. Or even though he is a lower class watchman, he has the tenacity of a male domineering lion heart. Soma thinks this should be as a man. Soma is neither feminist nor a male chauvinist believer. She is a just simple educated woman, who is Subir's wife, mother of two sons, her life is about family, husband, job. She is not in favor of women trampling under the feet of men, and controlling men is not like some arrogant women. Her way of life is the identity of her mind; It reveals the character of a self-reliant educated woman and the soft-hearted character of a mom and wife. But she always likes strong and manly men. This is exactly why Subir was able to become the man of her heart. Not only because Subir was a fair and handsome man, Subir is intelligent, educated, strong and has a great sense of humor. And a husband who is determined to be the head of the family. Soma knows that Subir has been doing it perfectly for a long time. But Subir's absence for his transferrable job has always making her lonely and a destitute housewife. She misses a male head of the family. Who will face all good and bad situations in the family like a brave man. Dawa Sherpa seems to have left Subir far behind in this matter. Although the two of them are not on speaking terms due to a complicated mental conflict, however, now Soma's reliable trusted man is Dawa Sherpa, because he is now in this flat building. Now she thinks that even if robbers come to the flat, she doesn't care if there is Dawa ji. Her confidence is built; born to a Gorkha father and a Punjabi mother, this fifty-two-year-old, six-foot-tall, muscular, rugged, military-trained Sherpa has the ability to solve all problems.

Soma was waiting in the evening as usual. This wait is hidden in the secret of her heart, will Dawa ji come today? Just like before to drink tea? No, he doesn't come anymore. Soma often faces him. Dawa turns his face when he sees Soma. Soma also never goes forward to speak. The two boys, however, regularly visit their Dawa uncle's room. They have three bats instead of two bats. Soma thought; how much money he earn? After working as a watchman he was paid just 3000 rupees. He also bought a bat from this. Soma felt unhappy about it. However, she did not say anything that day, because she knows that Dawa ji loves her two sons. When someone gives a gift with love, it is not to be refused.
But Dawa Sherpa doesn't talk, so Soma won't go to talk, that's for sure. On the one hand, she is an educated, upper-middle-class person, on the other hand, she is a woman, no matter how much a storm arises in her mind about Dawa, she will not go and talk to him. This tension is felt between both of them, Soma understands. As a result, no one can come forward and speak on their behalf.
Two boys are reading now. Soma went back to the balcony and stood. It has rained quite a bit this afternoon so there is a chill. This weather is uncertain, it's raining right away and the next day it's hot, sunny weather. Mr. Agarwal's car is entering through the main gate. Dawa is standing at the car entrance gate. He is still wearing those old dirty jeans and a sando. His muscular biceps and broad-shouldered body reminded Soma of that rainy noons of extreme sex.
If Dawa talks again, if they develop a good relationship, Dawa will want to get Soma back, Soma knows that. Soma also knows that Dawa will want to get her physically again. And the storm created in Soma's mind and body because of that Soma cannot stop him. This is the reason of a her scare. Not only the passion, but also a sexual tension is playing fiercely between them.

While thinking about various things, Soma did not notice Dawa also looking at her. Sudden a shy smile appeared on Soma's face. Dawa, however, remained serious. There is a lustful fire in her eyes. Soma soon entered the room from the balcony. While working in the kitchen, she felt this moment like teenage girls. At this time her mature body has a primitive tension these days. She feels it more and more. It seems that a worm is biting her cunt very annoyingly. She needs to be resisted.
She began to sweat as this restless bite began to move. Still sweating. She needs Dawa. Soma realizes that If he pushes a little force, all her morals will come crashing down again. And that could be any day. Just then, Antu came to the kitchen and said---Mom, I have given some geometry in college. But I don't know how to draw. teach me.

Suppressing her lustful desire in her own trigonal geometry, she sat down to teach her class six student son's geometry in his college text. She thinks to herself, how long she can continue this suppression, her body wants a rough oppress. She wants to take a wild primitive fuck by this watchman.
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Today Soma's college has class five to nine exams. There is also a Soma's subject Geography test in class seven. So Soma is in a bit of a hurry in the morning. She scolded Antu for being late to eat, she said---Why are you so late? Your college bus will already late.
Soma pinned her saree, checked the bundle of question papers, the water bottle in the bag and checked that everything was in order. While leaving, she said to Santu---I have to go to college quickly, take your brother carefully to the college bus.

Santu shook his head. On the way down the stairs she encountered Dawa ji. They walked past each other. Soma entered the college at half past ten. All the question papers were submitted in the college office room and went to the exam room of Class IX. There she has been appointed as an examiner with english teacher Anupam today.

The exams started at eleven o'clock. Anupam said---Soma di, I think the secondary exam result will be out tomorrow.

Soma said with interest---Did the education department announce?
---No, not yet. But it is heard that it can be done today.
Soma is a little tensed. Although Santu's exam was good, she has no end of tension.

Anupam said---Soma di, I think our college results will not be good this time.

It is true, the class ten batch of Soma's college is weak this year. There are no good students except one or two. But a girl from Soma's college ranked among the top ten in the state last year.

Anupam said again---Soma di, your son has also given the secondary examination, right?

----Hmmm, I'm very stressed about that, brother. Soma said with a mildly worried face.
Anupam said---I heard he is very talented.

Soma smiled. She said---That's why the pressure of expectation on him is also high. He has a classmate whose name is Argha. The whole college's expectations revolve around those two boys. But honestly, Anupam, I don't think so. I want my son to be established, and most importantly become a good person. His dad thinks so too. But look at his college, tutors have extra expectations on him!

Anupam said---That is the problem these days. I also do not support this extra pressure on children.

The exam ended by 2 pm. Soma finished work in college office by 3:30 pm and returned home at 4 pm. On returning home, Santu said---Mom, have you heard? Results out tomorrow?
---How did you know?
---Saying on the news on TV.

Soma ran the TV without changing her saree. The news is true. Like her son, Soma's tension increased several times more.

In the evening, Argha's mom called and said---Soma di, I am getting very tense.
Soma smiled---I also...
----Why do you think, Soma di? Your son is good in arts.
Argha's mom said this as if Santu is good only in arts and not in science.

Both Santu and his mom spent the evening anxiously. At 8:30 pm, Subir came back from office and after freshening up he phone called.
Soma said---Tomorrow your son's result.
Subir smiled and said--- That's good. Why are you so stressed? Our son did well in the exam.
---Are you calm! You know Santu, that once all such tests were done well, the numbers were reduced in mathematics, He made a mistake in simple math.

Subir smiled more seeing Soma's tension. He said---He seems to be in class four then. Then he was very young.

Soma smiled looking at the tensed face of Santu sitting on the sofa--Has he grown up now or not? Now talk to him.

Subir started talking to his son. He said---why are you tensing?
---No. Where? Dad.
---No? Does Andre Agassi get nervous when he steps on the tennis court?
---Yes, I think so. Dad.
---No, He never gets nervous. Do you know, why? What does he think then?

Santu listened attentively to his father. Subir then said---He think As there are losses in the game, there are also victories. Whatever the result, he has to enjoy the game. Great players like Agassi entered the field with this thought.
Santu was impressed hearing his dad and said---Right, dad.
Subir reiterated---In the same way, whether the exam results are good or bad, you should enjoy studying. Is it right?
----Yes, Dad.

After talking to his son, Subir started thinking about this advice given to his son. Even if he loses to Dawa, can he still enjoy the situation? Can he enjoy if Dawa and Soma are in an affair?
Immediately he smiled to himself and thought that he has been thinking the same things for days, if Soma wants to enjoy her life in a different way, let her. What is the harm if she finds new thrills out of the monotony of long married life?

To be continued...
[+] 5 users Like Henry's post
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Wait patiently, big update coming tonight.
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Na romba nalla paiyan

Today let them fuck like rabbits.

Looks like subir is the one possessed, lost in his thoughts.

The sexual tension between soma and dhawa is so high that, it will catch fire, if it does, then it will burn like hell. Everything will go Ashes.
My thread

பாக்குறது எல்லாமே காம பார்வையால்ல இருக்கு

Who am I?
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Can't wait for their course
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Good narration & semi erotic...
Pls. continue....
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Let dawa fuck her brains out in the marital bed in front of subir and subir shake his tiny cock and leak. He should teach the wimp subir how a real man will fuck a woman. He should make soma pregnant with a strong healthy baby like him. Both sons born to wimp subir will be wimp like him.
[+] 1 user Likes killthecheats's post
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Hey henry almost night where is update
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Today there is a happy atmosphere in Mukherjee's flat. Santu's result is out. He got 701 numbers. Argha got 689 numbers. Santu also topped their college. Soma did not go to her college today.
When Subir gets the news while he is in office, Soma calls and tells the news. As soon as the colleagues in the office came to know, they all hugged Subir. They said; he should be fed sweets. Subir's colleague Mr. Mukhotia said one more demand---Mr. Mukherjee, there will be nothing in that sweet, a party must be arranged, there must be a good brand of scotch.

Subir jokingly said---My son studied. The result is the reward for his success, and you say drink scotch!

Soma comes across Argha's mom while leaving Santu's college with her son. Argha's mom's pride is shattered. In the science department too, Santu got more than Argha. So Argha's mom did not say anything to Soma. Soma felt bad for Argha, but felt good for Argha's mom.

She returned to the flat with her son around three in the afternoon. Antu is also very happy with Dada's good results. As they were late to return home, it was not cooked yet. Soma changed her saree quickly and put rice pan in the oven. Then she said to Santu---Did you give this news to your Dawa uncle?

Santu immediately went to the ground floor. Dawa Sherpa loves her two sons very much. He delivered Santu to the examination hall every day. It is true that Dawa ji is uneducated, and may not understand anything about the results. But Soma is sure he will be happy to know that Santu has done well in result.

Santu came around from the ground floor. He said---Mom, Dawa Uncle is not in the room. He seems to have gone somewhere outside.

This afternoon, two brothers are playing cricket together. Starting from Soma's colleagues, Santu's tutors are calling Soma's house one by one. Soma gets annoyed taking some phone calls, not taking some. She is proud of her son's good results, but the flood of wishes from everyone bothers her. Lying on the bed for a while, she began to take rest. She fall asleep, she woke up to the sound of the TV in the living room at six o clock evening. She got up and saw two boys sitting and watching TV. Soma saw that it was evening. She turned on the lights in the balcony passage. Then she went into the kitchen to make tiffin for her sons just as the calling bell rang. Antu quickly went and opened the door. Soma thought who came now!

Soma looked up from the kitchen; Dawa Sherpa. Soma's heart also immediately felt a wave of happiness. Dawa Ji entered and said---Santu Babu? I hear that you scored well in the exam?
---Yes, Dawa uncle, I went to find you. But you weren't.

There was intense joy in Dawa's face. Soma understands that the man does not understand anything about education, but he is very happy with this result. Because he love Santu-Antu.
Dawa Sherpa said---Santu Babu, you have given me a very happy news.
Then he pulled Santu to his chest and kissed his head. He said again---You have to grow up, babu, I knew you could do it.

Soma smiled and said---Tell your Dawa uncle to eat sweets and tea. Don't leave like that day.

Dawa remained unanswered. After a while, Soma put the sweets on the plate. Then tea.

When giving tea, she said---What happened? Why are you not eating?
Dawa Sherpa is talking to Santu-Antu with the same sincerity, but not to Soma. He is avoiding her. Soma repeated----But I am asking you.
---No. Dawa said in a very heavy hoarse angry voice.

Soma pointed at Santu. Santu said---Dawa uncle, my result is out today. Sweet must be eaten.

Dawa smiled softly at Santu's words and said---Santu Babu, I will eat. But the one who contributes the most to this result of yours should eat sweets.

Santu said like a simple teenage boy----Then mom's contribution is more than all.
Dawa said---did she eat sweets?
Santu said---Yes, that's right. Mom, Do you not eat sweets?
Soma said from the kitchen---I am not hungry.

She took the vegetables off the rack and put it in the basket. Then she washed it in the sink. Looked at Dawa again. She was eye to eye with him. There is an intense anger mixed with desire in Dawa's red-yellow eyes. The eyes are also fierce, in fact everything in Dawa is fiercely masculine. They both took their eyes off each other. Soma started chopping the vegetables.

Then she came to the living room and saw her two sons engrossed in a story with their Dawa uncle. Of course, Dawa is rightly looking at Soma. A tension has started between the two. This tension is like a pull towards each other; A soft woman's body to a hard man's body and a hard man's body to a soft woman's body. Both body and mind actually become greedy in men and women sometimes. And this kind of intense sexual tension is generated from then. Actually they are hungry both, one is able to become desperate, because he is male. Besides, this man is a low-class, uneducated Sherpa tribe from the forested hills, so he has no qualms about satisfying himself sexually. Another woman, she is highly educated, married, mother of two children, a college teacher, so she cannot become a Desperate. It does not suit her to become such a sex addict in a conservative and systematic life.

Soma left the oil in the pan. When the oil is hot, the vegetables will release. Suddenly she saw Dawa standing behind. Today, though surprised, she showed elegance.
Then she said---say something?

Sherpa remained unanswered. Soma saw that Dawa's eyes were now red, with intense anger evident. Dawa looks at one look, as if he will bang her right away. But still he remains indifferent. Soma is afraid. That day it was this muscular man who fucked her very hard, continued to make love in a sadistic manner for almost an hour. Soma remembered that pleasant pain, she felt a pain in her marital cunt. Yet it was like the first sexual intercourse of a virgin girl. But she felt great satisfaction with him. Soma never got so much pleasure, never got such manly rough fucking from her husband. She is afraid that one day she will go crazy with the happiness given by this man. In fact, not just the body, the man is a complete alpha male.
Though the man is uneducated, lower class, rude, rough, wild, monstrous, yet Soma considers such a man to be a complete man. A man who is able to easily capture both body and mind of Soma.

Dawa Sherpa said---Will there be water?

Soma blushed. So far she was thinking in fear and doubt. Water poured from the clear glass mug into the glass. Her Shankha Pola's womanly soft fair hand touched him. Dawa touched her hand as if willingly. Her pussy feels so restlessly excited that Soma wants to lift her saree up to her waist and expose her pussy to him. Wanting to say "Give me happiness, give me wild happiness like that day. If you want more than that, I agree. I can't do it anymore Dawa Ji. Secretly, secretly, I'm dying of love for you."
But Soma remained speechless. She cannot do that as an educated, married woman.

She has become a woman in such a society, she has to be very brave to break the door of this conservatism. Dawa said while handing the empty glass of water to Soma--Cowardly women can never succeed.

Dawa spoke to Soma for the first time after a long time. She said very slowly---My son's success is my success only.
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Dawa was still standing in front of Soma. There is an intense desire in his eyes that Soma can understand. There is one more thing, which Soma also fails to understand. But after some time Soma realized that. When Dawa came very close to Soma and said---I love you. I still want you. I'm desperate to have you. Yet I will not touch you without your consent. I will wait for you tonight too. If you don't love a third class watchman like me, then don't come.

Soma remained silent. She is not able to understand, at the age of forty, Dawa Sherpa is her love or not? But she has an attraction to Dawa ji. Is that love? Or just desire? Or intense secret love born from desire? But if she is with Dawa Sherpa, she is feels calm, confident, and courageous. The figure of this six-foot-tall strong mountain man is intensely sexual, giving her a renewed sense of youth.
Dawa Sherpa is actually a very rugged manly man, by whom even an educated married woman like Soma wants to be controlled.

Soma is spending time in intense instability. Stimulation on the one side, intense needs of the body on the other. Sitting at the dinner table, Soma is not sure what to do. The first time they have an accidental intercourse. A second time Soma corrects herself and rejects him. Her Thought this was the end. Her ethics, conservatism, morality, education, love for husband and children, society, status suppressed the sexual appetite. Her loneliness of mind and body's now getting desperate to wanted Dawa again. In fact, Soma's body is completely biased towards Dawa Sherpa, thinking of extreme ambivalence. Due to this ambivalent state of mind, she is unable to fix anything.

After dinner the two boys went to sleep. Soma did not sleep even after finishing the kitchen work. Santu did not turn off the TV before going to sleep. His favorite 'Discovery' channel was still playing on TV. Soma switched off the TV. She came to the balcony and stood for a while. A storm has arisen in both her mind and body. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands and face and got fresh. She stood in front of the mirror and started looking at herself. She opened her hair and combed it and tied the hair in a bun (Khopa). She is wearing a red homely cotton saree over a black blouse. She fixed the red tip (bindi) of her forhead in right place. She looked at the clock, it was half past eleven.

Atlast she went down the stairs slowly. The ground floor is now pretty quiet and dark. Agarwal's two cars are kept next to Subir's car. The bulb lights is on in the Dawa's room under the stairs. Soma knocked on the door once. As soon as the door opened, Dawa Sherpa stood half naked, just wearing lungi. Holding a burning bidi between his hands. He immediately threw away the bidi. Soma shyly enter his room then Dawa closed the door.

The room is very small. A cot somehow. A rope is tied from one side of the wall to the other. There are some cloths of Dawa hanging on the rope. A small table, and a small Bed, Where one can sleep. There is a dirty oily bed sheet on that bed.

They are now facing each other. As the room is very small they are very close to each other. Soma smelled that intense masculine smell of Dawa. Soma's height is almost chest-length of six feet tall Dawa. Dawa has not yet touched Soma. He only said in a heavy masculine tone---Why you come?

Soma rested her head on the Dawa's chest without answering. Then she hugged Dawa ji. Then Soma gently kissed on Dawa's stone-hard chest and said in a trembling voice---I feel lonely without you Dawa ji.

Until now, Soma could not find the answer of the thought in her mind, now she revealed in front of the Dawa Sherpa; she felt for Dawa ji. Overcoming shyness, Soma today boldly told Dawa that she has deep feelings for Dawa Ji. She was wondering herself, but she was happy to said the feelings to the conflicting questions in her mind.

Dawa, however, had not yet embraced Soma. He said---I am just an uneducated watchman, I am a poor lower class man not to educated urban people like you. You are very educated advanced people, you have successful husband, still why you feel lonely without me?

Soma started kissing Dawa's chest in everywhere like a crazy woman. She said---i don't know Dawa ji, I feel you though.

Dawa pushed Soma from his chest, held her shoulders and said---You go madam. Maybe you don't know, I am a very bad filthy person, even an ill-bred not fit for your society. However, my speech is bad, my character is a sex maniac. I become a beast during sex. I am a very rough person. I love Santu babu-Antu babu because I consider them as my children. I treat you or other flat owners well, sometimes I do favors, because as a person I am a simple poor person. Gorkhas have a strong sense of morality and duty. I learned this from our Gorkha community. But as a husband or lover I am a very rough, pervert uncivilized person, then you will see me in a completely different form. I'm a sex-crazed wild beast, then you can't stand it. You are seeing this example one day, how I fucked you. Yes, I say all those bad words. That's my nature. There is still time, you go back madam.

Soma bowed her head and started listening to the words of Dawa. She now brings her unsatisfied body to this rough man. There was a strong current in her vagina. Now she only want her Dawa ji.

Soma said in a very low, soft voice---You said you love me today? Now did you get afraid?

---I am not afraid madam. If I had been afraid I wouldn't have forced you to fuck that day. Even today I have called you. You came to me on your own consent. I can fuck you all night if I want....sorry madam, don't mind the slang. I said my language is very vulgar. And yes, I love you. Love is not just fucking. Love demands a lot. You are married, so you cannot meet those requirements. Go madam, your beautiful family with husband and children. Stay happy.

Soma began to feel Dawa ji more and more. She doesn't know what this feeling is called. She kept her eyes on Dawa. For quite a while, Dawa is a very tall muscular man, she had to raise her head to look at his face. Soft tears in Soma's eyes. This is the water of feeling, the joy of finding a new male partner in loneliness at forty.

Dawa laughed. Then he raised her chin and said---Why are you crying? Even if we develop a relationship, it has no future. And I can't control myself. I will repeatedly make several demands on you, which I will become very angry if you do not fulfill. Then our relationship will break. Besides, I will not let your honor be ruined. If anyone finds out that you have an affair with a Watchman, it will ruin your honor. I can't let that happen.

Soma said---If you think so, then it is your job to protect my honor. I think a man will be called a man only when he understands his woman, protects her honor.

Dawa said---I don't understand educated urban people like you. I am a Gorkha. Mountains, forests are my life. Even in the Gorkha community I like to be alone. Because I dreamed of having a hut in Sandakphu forest far away from Tunglu. My wife and I will be there with many children. Our family will be as primitive as the mountain animals. And about 'honor' madam? It is my duty to protect the honor of any woman, madam. Gorkha community has taught me so, madam. And you are my last love, no one can cut a scratch on you from outside. But inside when you are my bedmate, my lover, you are only mine. Then I became a deformed beast. Which an educated woman like you will never accept.

Soma looked at Dawa like a helpless lustful woman. She said---So I'll leave?

Dawa hugged Soma tightly. Soma are bound now the muscular arms of Dawa. Then he kissed Soma on the lips. But not strongly. He said---If you want to leave you can go. But then what will happen to my angry cock? And your hungry pussy?
Soma's fair face turned red with shy, and both are smiled, and she said----Shit, this is filthy.

Dawa smiled, and said---Madam I said that I am a very filthy man. I am good uncle for Santu Babu, Antu Babu. Good watchman for all flat owner Sab ji's. Good helper for your family. But for you a filthy pervert, a bull or a rude fucker.

Soma laughed and said jokingly---So can I call you a 'Bull'?
---You can call me, but I will call you then a 'Cow'.

Soma said with a smile, interrupting quickly in shame---No no no, you just call me 'Soma'.

Soma's feminine soft lips pressed against his masculine lips aggressively. They started kissing very deeply. A stench mixed with bidi from the mouth of Dawa. But now it is not a problem. This smell of a man in love again is now her favorite.

This kiss is pretty intense. Each other's tongues and lips are moving fast. Doesn't want to stop, even though Dawa is controlling this kiss. Soma realizes from the beginning that this man will dominate her, and only if she can be dominated by this tall, broad, hard, rough man can she climb the mountain of happiness.
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I think the children has more love towards Dawa than subbir. Better you can kill him in heart attack and keep Dawa has permanent keep for Soma and guardian for her children. If he fuck her in his room in the dirty bed, her sound can be heard the passers by. He should take her to terrace or abandoned building and fuck her whole night
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After a long deep passionate kiss Dawa said---If you get pain today?
---I will bear it.
---Still you like that?
---Soma Ji, I love you so much, never misunderstand me in any way I behave.

---You too Dawa ji. If you love me, you must learn to respect me first. I respect you too. You know I am married, I love my husband and children the most. But I feel you too. That does not mean that I can give any place to anyone above my husband and children. So Dawaji needs to understand me if you wants to love me. Always acknowledge my problems. You promise this relationship will be our secret?

Dawa smiled and jocked in a whisper voice---I don't respect anyone while fucking.

Soma was shyly smiled to hear the obscene words from Dawa and said---Dhat!

Dawa said---No more talk now. Lie quietly in bed.
Soma did so. She lay down on that dirty bed. She is lustfully looking at the muscular body of Dawa ji.
Dawa said in an orderly tone---Take off your blouse.
He also took off his lungi. As soon as the lungi was removed, the monstrous cock jumped like a spring.

Soma smiled shyly at that. Then she unhooked her blouse and bra itself under her saree's anchal. Dawa removed her anchal. He gazed at her bare breasts of the lying Soma for a while. Then he said---what a beautiful pair of your duddu. I envy Santu Babu-Antu Babu for this one thing. They suck their mom's these two.

Soma smiled. She said---Now these two are yours. Their Dawa uncle's.

Naked Dawa lay down on this little bed facing her. One of his heavy legs was raised on Soma, then his right hand began to grabbed her left breast quite mercilessly. Dawa has pressed Soma's breasts before, so Soma knows how rough Dawa will press her breasts. And that's why the body trembled. Both of them are now kissing..

Dawa is now pressing Soma's fair breasts as hard as he wants. Pulling the nipple. Amorous Soma said in a very low tone----You won't suck dudu of Santu-Antu's mom?

Dawa lowered his face to her breast. His primitive attacks continued with biting and sucking. Soma is brave today. She said---You feel good, hmm?

Dawa is clearly biting, sucking, pressing on Soma's breasts. Those two are not Soma's breasts now, it is Dawa's own property now. With which Dawa can be played at will. Dawa climbed on Soma and released the weight of his body. Soma feels his huge cock over her saree. Just like when Subir wanted to have sex, in the night bed, in the need of conjugal intercourse, She handed over the saree with the petticoat on her waist. She did exactly the same today. Her hairy married pussy was exposed. It was understood in her bravery, how eager she wants to fuck by this watchman Dawa Sherpa.

Dawa was happy, seeing Soma being brave. Soma's body suddenly shuddered as Dawa suddenly inserted his fingers into Soma's cunt. Dawa realized that Soma's pussy was already wet. Then he said---Will I enter...?

Soma blushed. Dawa said again---What happened Soma ji? Do not enter?
Soma said---Slowly...

Dawa, however, was not in a hurry, but he inserted his big cock into Soma's pussy with a bit of force. Soma was in pain, her facial expression showed it. Even though Dawa is still half inserted his giant cock. Soma knows it too. But no matter how much pain she feels, she still wants Dawa Ji to give her pain. Only then will her body get pleasure and satisfied.

Daba pushed hard the whole cock into her cunt. Soma made a low sound of pain from her mouth---Ah! It's hurt!

Dawa said---Be silent, will not interrupt. First you will get a little pain, then you will get happiness. You know that.

Soma understood what was Dawa doing. Watchman's cock is getting ready to penetrate this married college teacher's pussy. Soma knows that her extra marital secret life is starting now. Dawa embraced Soma more and more. Then began to increase the force with a few slow thrusts at first.
This cot is very shaky. Even Soma's sturdy expensive couch (Palank) was creaking loud noises due to the intense fucking of Dawa. But today was extreme, this flimsy bed started creaking ugly from the start. At this moment, anyone coming down the stairs to the ground floor will be startled to hear this sound. Along with the "thap thap thap" sound of high speed brutal fucking of Dawa. Fortunately no one will come down at night. And at this moment that fear is not working in mind of Dawa or soma. Their pent-up sexual appetites are bound to satisfy each other.

Now class, caste, beauty, education, society have all moved away between Dawa and Soma. Only the man lying on the woman's body is passionately fucking like two sex hungry man and woman. Everything has been lost to the body. Soma is only up to the chest to the long height of Dawa. Now Dawa with his muscular arms grasp the tender woman Soma. He is going to fuck like a wild bull.

All distance and differences are past now. Now it's time for happiness, Soma also embraces him. Soma's soft feminine hands wearing the 'shankha pola' now encircled Dawa's broad body. Her soft hand touched his back now. .
The fair, well-educated lady is very strongly ensconced in Dawa's rock-hard demonic appearance. His hard burly palm of hand gripped one of Soma's breasts. Soma wants this cruel control over her by her hillbilly Gorkha illegal lover.

The strong masculine smell increased with the perspiration from Dawa's body. This smell was strong, this scent was now arousing to Soma. She buried her soft, sweet, fair face into his rock-hard sweaty chest. Dawa's huge cock was going in and out of her pussy so hard and fast that Soma was cringing. The word 'Ah!' comes out of her mouth continuously. She can't show happiness shamelessly, she is ashamed.

The two stared lustfully at each other as Dawa lowered his head to Soma's face. All parts of Dawn's body are wet with sweat. He bit Soma's lips. Then he took the opportunity to stick his dirty tongue in the mouth of this educated woman.
For Soma, who is starved of carnal pleasure, this strong man's brutal fucking is the only way to her happiness now, Soma realizes that.
Dawa's tongue is licking Soma's mouth and mixing it with saliva. It is as if there is nectar hidden somewhere deep in her mouth of this forty-touch graceful woman. He is determined to drink her with his tongue.

White breasts like soft fleshy shells are a symbol of Soma's nobility. Dark reddish brown nipple on her breasts, wide areola around. Dawa left the kissing game and looked at Soma's breasts. His hand is pressing Soma's breast in
very rough way. He pulled the other breast with his mouth. Soma was startled by the strong sucking. This is what she wanted for so long. When a man's jaw tightens on her breast, she goes crazy. This sex maniac watchman's hard suction is trying in vain to release milk from her over a decade of dry breasts.

Although his giant cock is still inserted in her cunt, but Dawa has now stopped the thrusting. In fact, he is now interested in Soma's breasts. Soma said in a very gentle tone---Dawa ji, don't hurts a lot.

Dawa now deliberately bit her nipple of the right breast. Soma groaned in pain. Dawa laughed and said---I'm telling the truth Soma ji, I want to bite and eat your nipples.

Soma said with a shy face---You are really an animal!

----So I will now show you what the animal is.
Dawa started fucking hard again. Soma's vagina is quite tight. As well as biting her pussy for a huge Cock of Dawa. And he is pushing it in and out quite hard.
Soma became restless. She took this large length and thick cock in her pussy for the second time. She begged in very low voice---Slowly, it seems to be..Hurt... Uf..Uh..Uh Uh...Please...Dawa..ji..Oh!..uf....Not so hard...please....

Dawa, however, is not a listener. He knows that even though Soma is in pain, she is getting satisfaction. He is passionately and brutally fucking his Soma madam.
[+] 6 users Like Henry's post
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Hope her feeling turn to complete love and she fall in love with Dawa ji starts cheating her husband and her children.
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