Adultery The Possession
যথারীতি, খুব সুন্দর বুনোট লর্ড আমীর হেনরী. এটা ঠিক যে তোমার বাংলা লেখায় অভিব্যক্তির যে ধার থাকে ইংরেজী লেখায় সেটা কিছুটা কম. তবু গল্পের রসাস্বাদনে কোনো অভাব অনুভূত হচ্ছে না.

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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Nice update
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I hope today we get update. Am I right?
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Soma did not send Antu to school today. After Santu's exams are over, they will go to Nico Park together. After the bath, Soma stood in front of the mirror. Santu-Antu are ready at that time.

Soma was standing in front of the mirror looking deeply. She rarely sees herself this way. She was observing herself deeply today. Opened the cupboard and saw rows and rows of linen, zardousi, loom, tangail, tasar silk, kanthastitch, katan, baluchari sarees. The sarees were bought by Soma at various times as a hobby, and remain in the cupboard. When going out to school, most of the time they wear just tant or sometimes cotton silk. So Subir jokingly says---is it for the brides of your two sons who have accumulated so many sarees?

Soma remembered Subir's words. Really thought, she already reached the age of forty. If not now, when will she wear it? What is the possibility that their wives will wear sarees when Santu-Antu grows up?
Of course, Soma didn't understand whether Soma felt like that suddenly or for some reason. Instead, today she want make up a little. Out of all of them sarees, she chose the ghee colored Kantha stitch saree. She bought it from Santinektan for the Poush festival by Subir's choice. The saree has lovely flower leaf stitch on ghee color all over. A black blouse will go well with it.

Today she thought about the inner cover of the blouse. She wore a black bra. Although she mostly wears white brassiere. Today suddenly she wants something new.
While she putting on the saree in front of the mirror after wearing the petticoat-blouse, she noticed a little belly fat of her. But it has increased a little.
Put soft lipstick on her lips. As she usually does. Wore a pearl necklace on her neck and set with ear tubs.
They got into the car exactly at ten o'clock. Their family car is small. The boys had already climbed into the back seat and occupied the space. Dawa Sherpa said---If you don't mind madam, you can come to the front seat.

When Subir drives the car, Soma sits next to Subir in the front seat. Without any hesitation, she sat next to Dawa in the front seat. After the car started moving, Soma smelled a strong manly sweat from Dawa's body. Perhaps the smell was strong, yet very masculine, Soma began to have a strange feeling.
At the beginning of her marriage, Subir's posting was in Kolkata. When Subir came home from office, Subir smelled like this. Soma, ever the cleanliness freak, scolded Subir and sent him to take a quick bath, but secretly she felt better. The body odor of Dawa Sherpa is stronger than that. To be so close to him today, she feels.

They waited on that lonely pond till the Santu's examination was over. Santu's exam will end at 11 am. Antu was throwing a stone into the pond to test how far he could throw the stone. Dawa Sherpa and Soma were watching him sitting not far away.

Antu went a little closer to the pond then Soma warned---Don't go too close to the pond, Antu.
But Antu was still busy throwing rocks near the pond.
Then Dawa said----Choto babu, don't go too far. There are crocodiles.

Antu is a student of class six, he knows there are no crocodiles in the pond. Moreover, not in Kolkata. But Dawa's manner of speaking was such that he was a little nervous.
Then Antu came near and said---Dawa uncle crocodile in the pond! Is it possible? I am not stupid.
Dawa Sherpa said---Well, little boy, don't have crocodiles, there can be snakes! Do you know how many big snakes we have in the mountains?
Antu said in surprise---so you are talking about Python or Boa?
---Bigger than that.
Antu said in surprise---Anaconda? It lives in the only Amazon rain forest.
Antu looked at his mom and said---Mom, are there snakes on earth bigger than Anaconda?
Soma laughed and said---who knows, maybe your Dawa uncle knows that only.

Dawa Sherpa said---Madam, you don't believe it? There are really big snakes in our mountains. I can show you if you want.

Soma is still smiling, Dawa is not a literate person, so he has no idea about Anaconda. He might be exaggerating about a mountain python.
Seeing Soma laughing, Dawa fell silent. Soma said---Dawa ji, Antu is right. There is no snake bigger than anaconda in this world.
Dawa smiled and said---Madam, I will show you a real bigger mountain snake one day.

Soma said---No don't. I am very afraid of snakes.
Antu said---Dawa uncle, show me then.
Dawa Sherpa said---No no choto babu, not you. If your mom doesn't believe me, I will show her.
Saying this, Dawa gave a strange smile. Soma, however, did not understand the meaning of this smile.

They entered Nicopark around 11:30 to after finish Santu's exam. A Gorkha friend of Dawa works as a gatekeeper. When he saw Dawa, he came forward and said---Dawa bhaiya, you?

Dawa is already very tall man. He smacking his short-looking Gorkha friend's shoulder and said---How are you, Gurung?
----Well, how are you bhaiya? Then the man named Gurung went to Dawa's ear and said-----Who are with you?
Dawa' friend Gurung said it in such a way that even Soma had no problem hearing it. Dawa said---The flat I guard is the owner's family.
Soma went ahead with her two sons. Dawa and his short height friend Gurung started talking for a while they both smoking bidis

Then Dawa came to them. Santu and Antu are fascinated by the big merry go round and various types of riders.
Dawa said---Choto babu will you like ride the merry go round?
Both jumped for joy. Then one after the other they rides in there merry go rounds, sky diver, aquatica. Dawa and Soma followed them with their bags.

They came in front of a huge merry go round. Dawa said---Madam ji, will you ride or not?
----No no. I am afraid about merry go round.
Besides, I'm not young enough to ride a merry-go-round.
----Madam how old are you?
Soma joked---Age of women should not be asked. Guess what.
Dawa laughed. He Said---Thirty four?
---Damn! I have been married for seventeen years.
---Then, thirty eight?
---A little more.
---What an age it is madam. I am now fifty two. I still wrestle at fairs in Kalipokhri.

Soma laughed at the Dawa's wrestling passion. She said jokingly---You will once teach my husband how to wrestle.

----Wrestling is not for everyone, madam. Sab ji is an educated gentleman, he can't learn these things. This requires brute force and brutality.
Soma loughed and said---Are you such a brute person?
Dawa said in passionate voice---Brutalilty means no mercy where victory requires brutality. Besides, being strong is most important.
That's why Dawa lifted his short sleeve t-shirt to show his biceps.
Soma said with a smile---- Stay. No need to show your strength.

Dawa said---Madam, one day I will really ride you an merri go round. You will enjoy then.

----No, no, I see you are making fun of my fears in everything. Once you say that you will show me a huge snake, once you say that you will ride me on a merry go round. Tell me what's the matter?

The two started laughing like this throughout the day. They seem to have come closer today. Soma is an educated woman from an upper middle class urban Bengali family. But this insignificant low class watchman seems to be the closest person to her. She can roam like a free bird.

The day was not only good for Soma, but also for Santu-Antu. They returned around 7 pm.

Soma was thinking about herself while going to sleep that night. She never saw herself under the pressure of marriage, family, children. Whenever she felt alone, she felt helpless. She always wanted Subir. Today was the first day in her seventeen years conjugal life without Subir she enjoyed.
Once Subir often says "Soma, learn to understand your own happiness, we both are far away for both professons. Take care of yourself while handling family pressure. Learn to enjoy."
Soma did not pay attention to Subir's words that day. Today, at forty years old, she feels like she should have thought about the words. Many of Subir's office colleagues are his close friends. He can go to many places on office tour. Many colleagues have families in his quarters. Soma visits once or twice times in Subir's quarters, the neighbors colleague families are very affable. It is expected that Subir has many friends to spend free time with. But she?

She thought more, Dawa ji can be a low class watchman. Their social status doesn't match with Dawa Ji, But Soma feels that Dawa is very close to her now. She really like his intense masculine nature, heavy manly voice. She like to listen to stories of wild mountain life. Sometimes Soma thinks that she also desires such types of a man? Who will be such a man, will always be with her. Will talk with her, When she is tired of handling the pressures of family and teaching profession, he will make her laugh and help to forget the tension. Who would take her shopping, help handle the boys.

Subir has been far away since birth of Santu. Soma raised their two sons alone. Soma knows Subir does this a lot when he is at home. So she expect a lot from Subir. But there is laziness in Subir. At once the long, strong appearance of Dawa Sherpa suddenly flashed on Soma's eyes, a man of untiring wild Hardworkness. Soma get a different feeling of pleasure.
As soon as the thought came, Soma laughed alone. Turned on the bed switch and looked at the clock, twelve o ten. Both boys fell asleep long ago. She turned off the light and lay down on her side.
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A few days passed in between. As time goes on, more and more Dawa Sherpa is becoming a relevant man in the Subir-Soma's family. Even last week, Dawa brought Soma's family household grocery market. However, Soma did not want to. Dawa forced---Madam, I will bring it. Give me a list.

When Soma wants to give some tip, Dawa disagrees. Santu-Antu spends ta lot of time in a day with their Dawa Uncle. They listen to him about mountains, tigers and red pandas. Both of them also want to learn how Dawa Uncle exercises to keep his fit in shape in the morning.

Soma's school is now running regularly. Santu is now at home on his post-examination leave. Dropping Antu in the school bus, Soma runs towards her school. In the evening and when she rests a bit, Dawa Sherpa comes sometimes. They drink tea sitting in the living room. They talk about many things.

This evening also Dawa Sherpa came exactly at six o'clock. Antu in the reading room. No matter how much his favourite Dawa uncle comes while he reading, he cannot disobey his mom's rule.
Santu was watching a documentary on lions on 'Discovery' channel on TV. Dawa came and sat next to him, said---- where is your mom Babu?
Soma was in the kitchen. Santu said---Mom is in the kitchen. Uncle See how African lions hunt.

Dawa Sherpa has never seen a lion. Mountain lion seen once in his childhood. He started telling about that story.

Soma brought tea and pakoras and said---Dawa ji, I see you will make my two sons wild man.
Dawa Sherpa smiled and said,---Madam, jungles are better than city people.

Soma smiled and said---The tea is getting cold. And tell me how pokoras are testy?

Dawa first bit the pokora. And said---Madam, you have magic in your hands. Just like my mother. My mother cooks very well.

Soma said shyly---Dhat! You are a little too complimentary.
---Madam, I am right. Both the tea and pokora were excellent.

Santu is engrossed in watching TV. Soma and Dawa are sitting on the two ends of the long sofa. As soon as when Dawa entered the room, the smell of wild masculine sweat reached Soma's nose. Soma is still getting it today. What an intense, intoxicating thrill. In the early days of marriage, Subir and Soma were still young lovers, Subir used to return from office after Soma. When Subir returned, Soma herself unbuttoned his shirt. In fact, Soma liked coming back from the office to smell Subir's manly sweat all day long. The smell is more intense on Dawa and more manly. Subconsciously, Soma came a little closer to smell that scent.

The phone rang immediately. Subir calling. Soma picked up the phone and said---are you in the office?
---No, I returned to the quarter.

Soma looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:30, Subir's office was not supposed to be off now, so she was surprised---so early?

Subir laughed and said jokingly---You are saying as if i am not in the quarter, I surprised you when I came back home. And your boyfriend and you are uncomfortable.

Soma said angrily---Nonsense!
---Hey Darling, why are you angry? Why didn't your boyfriend come today?

Nowadays Subir jokingly calls Dawa is Soma's boyfriend. Soma doesn't like that. The man comes to their house in the evening. Soma likes his visit during her alone time. Maybe Soma is also subconsciously attracted to Dawa's strong, tall, muscular body, heavy husky masculine voice. But it's all just an attraction. Every man and woman has it. That said, she cannot be defined as a affair. Maybe Subir doesn't think so, but she doesn't like this joke.

Soma didn't give any answer, Subir said again---What happened, why are you angry?
----He is sitting. Soma said shyly.

Today, however, Soma showed some softness in Subir's joke. Subir joked again---Look at the courage of the watchman! making love to my beautiful wife in my absence!

Soma said---tell me aside from nonsense, why is the office closed so early today?

---Today I actually went to Old Delhi for office work. From there straight to the quarter. What are Santu-Antu doing?
----The little one is reading. The elder one is with Dawa ji in front of the TV.

Subir laughed again and said jokingly---Soma, seriously, you can have one affair. See I'm always out, and your Dawa ji is always in this flat. So no one can disturb you both.

Soma was a little annoyed and said with a smile---Whatever bad thoughts are in your head."
----And on the head of your Dawa ji?
Soma smiled and said---His mind? Now Tiger, lion, panda..Etc..

Soma noticed that Dawa Sherpa looked at her. Immediately, Soma said to Subir---Dawa ji is watching me. Leave your clothes and freshen up and have a snack first. Do not put out the cigarette before.
---Ok my dear wife. Love you.
Soma smiled---Love you to.

Soma started observing Dawa ji from a distance. Wearing a sando ganji he always comes in the evening. His strong biceps are visible. There is a rough primitive masculinity in his appearance. A very strict strong militant man types. A strong man who can be trusted. Soma like to talk with him. There is no impression of urban sophistication in him. Which Soma likes better. Subir's joke came to her mind; 'Boyfriend'. Soma alone laughed shyly. No. Soma has no intention of going further than that.

After finishing tea, Dawa sat waiting for Soma. Soma said - Why don't you eat all of the pokoras?
---Madam Ji, you gave me many. Only two remained.
Soma moved the cup plate and placed it in the kitchen sink. Then she washed her hands and came out to wiping her wet hand on her saree's anchal. Dawa said---Madam, did now Sab ji called you?
Soma smiled and said---Hmm.
--- Sab ji coming home when?
---- Your sab ji has very short of time. He has no opportunity to spend time behind his wife and children. But he came home every two months.
----Really, you husband and wife live so far apart. Madam, but I could not have stayed so far away from my wife and children.

Soma laughed a lot, jokingly said---When you had a wife, you always followed your wife's back?
Dawa always talks very seriously. Now as if he became a little more serious, he said---As long as Kesavi's mother was, I was not separated from her even for a single day. You know madam i wanted...

Soma went to boil the milk for her two sons.
She did not hear the rest of Dawa's sentences. After boiling the milk, she went to the reading room and gave it to Antu and Santu in the living room.

Santu does not like to drink milk very much. Every day his mom forced him to drink milk. So he got upset and said---Mom, I will not drink milk.
Soma scolded and said---drink it. I didn't give much.
Dawa said very naturally---Babu, if you don't drink milk, you won't have a body like mine. I drink milk twice a day when I am in the mountains. This is my favorite thing.

Soma said---Will you drink too? Will i boil the milk for you?

---No madam. I ate pokora a while ago. So drinking milk will be a create problem. I will drink one day later.

Dawa's advice worked in Santu's case. He started drinking the milk. Soma said to Dawa---What was Dawa ji saying then?

Dawa seems to have been forgotten, he said----what do you say madam?

----That's what you wanted....

Dawa got a little more serious. Said---When Kesavi's mother was there, I wanted us to have many children. After giving birth to Kesvi, Kesvi's mother became pregnant again, but the child died.
Then Dawa said again after being silent for a while----I like to see your two sons. Do you like it if the child is not in the house, madam? Does the house feel like a family?

Soma said with a smile---Are you looking at both of my naughty sons?

Then Soma thought to herself, Dawa ji is right, after finishing the whole day's school teaching work, when she returns home and looking at the faces of her two sons, she felt calm.
There is a stream of milk on the lips of Santu. He is reading in the class ten, a sixteen years boy. This time it will be class eleven, still near Soma, Santu is like a little children. Soma wiped his lips with her saree's anchal.

Dawa laughed and said---No no, madam, Santu Babu, Antu Babu both are good boys.

Santu went to his mom's chest and began to caress. Soma said to let the boy caress---- elder is calm, but the little one is very naghuty.
Dawa smiled and said---Madam Chhotabubu also is a good boy.
Soma shouted----Antu maths are complete?

Antu appeared with the math exersize book. Soma glanced at his math book. Seeing his dada being pampered by his mom, He said touchinessly---Dada is everything to mom. She don't love me.

When Soma wanted to caress her younger son, he turned away emotionaly.

Soma said---I love you both my sons. Come here Antu, in my lap sona.
But Antu's anger still did not break.He is already very emotional.

Dawa Sherpa pulled Anta close to him and said---- Chhoto babu, you are my favourite.

The TV is playing in front of them in the living room. Santu is sitting next to mother, Antu is sitting next to Dawa Sherpa. Dawa glanced silently at Soma. A wordless, yet silent exchange of glances between them. As if both have stored many words for both.

To be continued...
[+] 7 users Like Henry's post
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Wonderful story ? Loved the intricate details in all your stories. Henry and cuckson, you are two amazing writers with lots of details in all your stories  yourock
[+] 2 users Like Penetration's post
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Thanks for the update bro. Really happy to see this keep rocking
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Only one request bro don't take this in to cockold it's my humble request
[+] 1 user Likes Joshua's post
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Waiting for more erotic update
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Damn... cant wait the nasty erotism to start..
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Lord Henry  Namaskar please continue
[Image: Polish-20231010-103001576.jpg]
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Lovely bro
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Amazing writings.....
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Today is sunday. Soma cooking in the kitchen. She left the oil in the pan and left the grains. Her two sons are playing cricket in the garden of the flat below. Today is a holiday which means Mr Agarwal's son Vicky is also at home. Vicky is one class higher than Antu. All three of them are busy to playing cricket.
Agarwal's wife is very healthy woman. She does not want to go down without the elevator. It was twelve o'clock. Soma watches from the roof terrace and scolds her son---Is your playing over?
But she could not see Santu-Antu.

Vicky is being taken home by her mother. Soma looked at Mrs. Aggarwal and said with a gentle smile--How are you Mrs. Aggarwal?

Mrs. Aggarwal also smile, and she said---Well. Mrs Mukherjee how are you?
Soma nodded, said---Where are my two sons?
Mrs. Aggarwal said---Santu-Antu? I saw them in watchman's room in the stairwell.
----Well. Soma was relieved. They are in Dawa ji's room.

It was one o'clock to finish cooking. Soma called out to the two boys from the balcony. She did not get any response. She think they are in Dawa ji's room. Soma came down to the ground floor immediately. The door of Dawa sherpa's small one-room was close. But it is understood that it is not closed from the inside. She opened the door with a very gentle puah. There was a strange creaking sound at the door. Very small room. Somehow a man can live here. Put a bed in it. The room is very messy and untidy.

Soma was startled. A completely naked man in front of her eyes. Dawa has just taken a bath. His wet hair is Backbrush types.
Soma watches him surprisingly the man with a muscular body is like a giant. In this small room at the bottom of the stairs, the man's head touched. Soma was still for a while. Now she is looking at a grown man completely naked, a Tight, strong and rough manly body. Her eyes stuck between Dawa's thighs; a Huge cock hanging. As is its large length, so is its swelling breadth. It has veins. It's head is reddish black like an onion. A penis which is fits with his tall-strong body.
Such a big cock is amazing to the female eye. Soma immediately thought, she needs to get out of here immediately. Se is very shy now. She quickly left from there. Soma thought to herself that she should have knocked on the door.

Santu and Antu were still playing cricket in the garden. They returned shortly. Soma scolded her two boys---What time did it? How long have you been playing?

The two boys remained silent. Soma also became silent for a while. When the two boys came out of the bath, Soma went into the bath. Now she is alone in the bathroom. A smile appeared on her face. The huge penis of Dawa is still floating like a picture in front her eyes. She thought to herself "Like his body, like a large stick hangs between his thighs". She laughed again at this thought. She thought again to herself that "Poor Dawa ji would be ashamed when he faced me again."

While serving lunch to Santu and Antu, Soma's face showed a smile. Santu said--- Mom, why are you smiling?
Soma said---Nothing.
Antu said---Dada(elder brother), Mom has gone mad.
Soma pretended to be angry and said---Shut up. eat quietly now.

Subir phone called at three o'clock. Soma does not hide anything from Subir. If she can say this to him, let her be calm.
Subir said---Have you had lunch?
---Hmmm. did you eat?
---Yes. That daily hotel food. Can't feel a taste. What did you cook today?
---There was fish in the fridge. Fish curry, a dish with vegetables, and fried eggplant.
Then suddenly Soma started laughing.
---Why are you laughing?
---An incident happened today!
---What happened again?
---In the noon. You know Santu-Antu sometimes goes to the Dawa ji's room. So today i thought they went there. Then I went to his room and push the door without knocking! I was so ashamed!
Soma smiled again
Subir smiled. He said---why? what happened?
---The big man is full nude in front of me!
---Who is Naked? Subir also asked curiously.
---Who again? Dawa ji!
Subir was shocked. Said----What happened to your shame? He will be ashamed.
---dhat! I opened the door without knocking. And saw an adult man is a full of naked. Is not ashamed!
Subir remained silent for a while and said---how did you feel seeing your boyfriend naked? In fact, what I saw him, he is a strong man. How is that part?
----Which one?
----Which is the only wealth of men.
Soma understood. She said shyly---what nonsense! .
Subir said jokingly and laughing---Why nonsense? If you are standing in front of him, he will see your big two duddu (boobs). Then he will must think how big it is, how beautiful it is. Thus if you see him, you will think how big his penis. Why it is shamefull?
---Shit. You are becoming very dirty day by day. Your sons are growing up. Don't you have any sense? Soma scolded her husband but smiled.
---jah! Babba! Hey am I discussing this with my sons? I am discussing with my wife.
Soma blushed even more. She said--- stop this nonsense. I am keeping the phone. Now go to sleep.
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today is holiday . Subir hung up the phone and started thinking about Soma. Who is his conjugal partner of seventeen years, the mother of his sons. Subir knows that Soma never hides anything from him. Physical distance between the two of them and never create a mental distance. Both are over forty now. Subir thought he goes home every two months, when he goes home he has sex with her once or twice. Soma is not shameless, but as a husband he knows when he comes home, he can feel Soma's pent-up physical hunger.
Only a few sexual intercourses of the year that her physical hunger is completely satisfied? Subir never questioned Soma. Even if he ask her, she will not answer. Subir has thought it before.
Again, he thought to console himself that many working couples, who survive being apart for most of the year. But Subir realizes that the man named Dawa is getting very close to Soma day by day. Dawa does not belong to their status, class, education. Subir knows that Soma is also aware of that. But day by day the man became really reliable of Soma. Women like men with very masculine strong bodies even if they don't say so openly. Soma sure does. If a relationship between them turns! What will Subir do? will encourage? Do he pretend not to see? Will he respond? Or warn Soma now?
Subir's mind began to revolve around many questions. Immediately it seemed, if he fails to fulfill Soma's physical needs, does Soma not have the right to fulfill this? Subir was conflicted. He knows for sure that Soma is very conservative, well-educated, loyal to her husband and children. But Subir is a man of mature age, he also knows that human can never escape from their sexual needs. Soma has a strong sexual hunger in her body, she buried it under her social and moral responsibilities. Subir thought to himself, if Soma frees herself at last. If she don't want to protect herself, let it. Subir left everything on Soma. He never wants Soma to see him as an obstacle. She is an educated woman of mature age, and knows how far she can go.
Subir chuckled again, stubbing the cigarette in the ashtray. Suddenly he felt that he was thinking too far.

TV serials are running in front of her eyes. Soma's mind is also restless. She is secretly tingling to see Dawa ji. makes her secretly shiver. But she is an conservative, educated woman. So the secret is never revealed to her.
The man's rough and tough physique, companionship mentality, close-to-mountain primitive nature, and strong, courageous and reliable personality all are secretly attract Soma. Today she saw that man naked. She also saw his penis between the thighs. She has seen her husband naked many times during their seventeen years of marriage. Still sometimes when Subir comes to house, she rubs soap on Subir's back in the bathroom. Then Subir often took off his towel and became naked. But of course, if Santu-Antu is not at home, only then two of them enter the bathroom together. But Soma saw today naked Dawa Sherpa was different from Subir's. Subir's penis is normal. Dawa's penis is incredibly large. Big of monstrous size. Soma shivered. She doesn't know if a big penis gives more pleasure to a woman's body. She has taken in only one man to date, her husband, the father of her two sons. Soma remembered a girl named Rukhsana when she was in college. The girl got married while studying in college. Rukhsana used to make up various stories. Unmarried college girls were interested about in her marrital sex stories. Rukhsana used to said that her husband's penis is large, she gets pains. But she told she gets much pleasures from its then pains. Rukhsana's face would curl up in shame while she was speaking. And the other girls were very interested to hear it. Suddenly Soma also started to feel shy. She is a mother of two sons in her forties. The eldest son is a student of the secondary examination, what is she thinking until now! She ruled herself.

To be continued...
[+] 5 users Like Henry's post
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Great.but please continue your Bengali story Hementer Aronne
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Good but if you're going ahead with cockold i am stop here itself please don't go ahead with cockold
[+] 1 user Likes Joshua's post
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Expecting More explicit
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All these years soma was not fucked properly. Hope Dawa shows her what real sex is and make her cry out of pleasure.
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