17-02-2023, 07:14 PM
Waiting for your update bro
Adultery The Possession
17-02-2023, 07:14 PM
Waiting for your update bro
18-02-2023, 11:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 18-02-2023, 11:07 PM by Henry. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
Only one day left for the week. No phone call yet. Suddenly on Friday morning the phone rang around ten o'clock. Soma was getting ready to go for her college. She will drop Antu in the college bus on the way. Santu's college off now because of his exams ahead. Subir will leave on Saturday afternoon.
The phone keeps ringing. Soma was wearing a wrist watch. Annoyedly she said---who called again at this time? Subir was reading the newspaper. He said---See who's calling. ---I don't have time. It's already too late. Can't you pick up the phone? Subir left the paper and picked up the phone. A strong masculine voice was heard from the other side---Mukherjee Saab is there? ----I am Subir Mukherjee. ----Sabji Namaste. I'm Dawa sherpa. My mother called you. ---Oh. yes. Your mother never called after that. ---Sab ji, my mother is old. Can't remember everything. He called me yesterday and asked me to call you. ---Hmmm. Anyway You meet me. --- Where to meet Sabji? ----You'd better come to my flat this evening. ----But the address? ----Do you have paper and pen? write it down. ----Say it in your mouth, Sab ji. I can remember. Soma sat to teach Antu in the evening. Santu is doing maths in his room. Taking father's help sometimes. Just then the bell rang. Santu said---Dad, it seems someone has come. Soma said---that man seems to have come. Soma went and opened the door. She saw a very tall-looking man standing in front of her. The man said with a gentle smile but yet serious manly tone----I am Dawa sherpa. Mukherjee sub live here? ----Let's come. Soma let him in. Both Subir and Soma saw Dawa Sherpa for the first time. They remembered Shanta ji saying her son is very tall. But Gorkhas can be so tall beyond imagination. Shanta ji is a Punjabi woman, because of the combination of Gorkha father and Punjabi mother, Dawa has a strong and tough appearance like Gorkhas, as well as height like Punjabis. His skin color is yellowish. There is a very harsh expression on his face. It is as if someone built him by breaking stones and using a hammer. He wears an old worn round neck brown colored t shirt and dirty jeans. His toned biceps are visible from behind the t shirt. Nepalese topi on his head. His Age will be more than forty. But what a terrible fit. Very strong looking man. Soma let him sit by pulling the chair. Subir said---Your mother helped us. She is very kind woman. Dawa smiled softly. He said in a hoarse voice---Yes, mother told about you. We are Gorkhas. We believe it is our religion to serve our guests. Soma said---Keshvi is your daughter right? The man smiled and said---Yes madam. My only daughter. She got married some time ago. A lot of money was spent for this. You know we are poor people. I work as a guard in the forest office and it was not sarkari Nawkri. Now Sarkar has closed that office For the deterioration of law and order in the hills and opened an office in a new place. I don't understand how the family will run. Mother reached the age of eighty. Subir said to Soma---Soma, call Mr. Mitra. Soma said to Antu who was reading----Go, call your Mitra uncle. Antu got up. Subir said---Do you have work experience in Kolkata? ----No no, Sab ji. I Never worked in Calcutta. But I guarded the mountain for thirty years. Subir was shocked---thirty years! How old are you? ----Fifty two. Subir guessed he is may be forty-five-forty-six. But the man is older than him. Still he is very fit, can be understood by looking. Mr. Mitra arrived. Subir said---Mr Mitra, I was talking about him. He is a mountain man. I was speaking about him in instead of Raghu Da's place as a watchman. Soma said---Mitra da sit. Mr. Mitra sat on the sofa, said---What is your name? It is understood that Dawa Sherpa is a rough and tough guy. same in his character. He said in strong manly voice without any flexibility---Sabji, my real name is Tej Bahadur Sherpa, Nickname Dawa. ---Have you worked in security before? Mr Mitra asked. ----I used to guard the forest bungalow. ----means have you any security training? Nowadays there are security agencies, they provide training so I asked. Mr Mitra said. Dawa Sherpa smiled softly, said---I have taken military training. spent three years in the Gorkha battalion during there emergency needs. I didn't get permanent because I didn't have much educational qualification. Mr. Mitra became happy and said--Mr Mukherjee we can him taken or not? Subir lit a cigarette, said---Agarwal's opinion was not taken. See what he says. ----Agarwal left it up to us. He also want a strong security. Dawa, seeing Subir smoking a cigarette, also He took out a bidis from his pocket. and said to Soma---Madam, Will it be a problem if I smoke? Soma does not like anyone smoking in her living room of her house. But she couldn't say no to outsiders when her own husband lit a cigarette in the living room. Dawa held out the bidis and said to Mr. Mitra---Sab ji. But I am not an army man. I was in army training. Mr. Mitra smiled and said---okey. But you did take the training also. that's it. Subir noticed that Dawa Sherpa said 'sabji sabji' as much as he did, but he was not the type to say 'Jee Huzur' like normal watchmen. Rather, the man is very arrogant. Being a ordinary lower class watchman the way he casually smoke bidis in his master's house, which is not polite at all. which Subir didn't like at all. He said---Do you have any addiction? Santu called from the next room---Mom! Soma left from there. Dawa left the smoke of the bidi, smiled slightly and said--- Sab, I was in the military for three years. Alcohol was not accepted there. But I'm a mountain man, we have to drink alcohol from surviving the cold. But I don't addicted without only Bidi and Gutkha. Seeing the tall, tough-looking man, Mr. Mitra likes Dawa as the right man for the security of the flat, but Subir is not too impressed. The man is terribly arrogant, very stubborn. But he can't say 'no'. Because he himself fixed him as a watchman. Besides, he told Shanta ji that he will find a job for his son. Now if Subir doesn't do it after Mr. Mitra's choice, the message will be bad. After Mr. Mitra and Dawa left, Soma said---The man is not good. What a polite gentle man our watchman Raghu Da. But this guy looks like a thug. Do you see the face? Like hindi films villian! Subir and their two sons laughed hearing Soma's words. Subir jokingly said to his son Santu and Antu---Your mom is scared. Tell me what can be done now? Aantu said---Dad, there is a janitor in our college who also has such a cap on his head. Santu also jokingly told his brother----Then the janitor of your college is the brother of this man. Antu got angry when everyone laughed. Subir said to reduce the anger of his younger son---Ask your mom, does this man have another brother in her college? Santu said---In mom's college, there is also. I saw mom's college, he is quite tall. If brother's college guard is this man's brother for wearing a Nepali cap, then mother's college guard for being tall is also this man's brother. So these three are brothers. Subir added with him---then their names should be; Dawa ji, Hawa ji and Khawa ji. Soma said amid their jokes---are you having a lot of fun? Then she scolded her elder son and said, "Why don't you study?" +++++++ ![]() electronic dice roller Mr. Subir Mukherjee Age:46
18-02-2023, 11:15 PM
It has been a week since Subir went to Delhi. And just a few days later Santu's secondary examination. Subir called Soma when She was leaving for her college. This is the busiest time for Soms. She gets annoyed when someone calls. But Soma picked up the phone. Annoyedly said---Why you call at this time?
---Getting ready to go to college? ----Hmmm. Tell me what to say. Today we have class in first period at college. ---Saying, when is the exam of Santu? ---March 4th. --- That means after only three days. Do you think anything to leave him in the exam hall? Soma said----I will go on the first day. I don't know what to do after that till now. I don't get college leave. Subir advised---You can do one thing, rent a car. To leave and fetch him. ---Where can I get a car now? Besides, you didn't try it when you were at home. ---You can tell your colleagues. They can certainly rent a car. Antu is ready to go to college. He hurriedly said---Mom, it's getting late. The college bus will come. Soma said holding the phone on one shoulder while pinning the saree---Let's see. How much to do with one hand? I did not get any helping hand. I will cook in the morning. I will get the boys ready. I will be ready myself. Now there is more trouble. Subir said---that's why I asked to keep a maid. You don't like maid's cooking. Today is getting late. So she said---I'm keeping it now, I don't have time. When do you go to office? ---Hey, I'm calling from the office. --- Have you eaten? ----Hmmm. keep it. Take care. Soma hung up the phone. While going out, Soma said to her elder son---Take a bath and eat rice in the afternoon. Food is covered on the dining table. While going down the stairs with her son, she looked at the room under the stairs on the ground floor. That room is Allocated for watchman. Dawa Sherpa is sitting on a plastic chair in front of this room. When Soma see the man, She always think he belongs to a gang of robbers. Who wouldn't be afraid to see a man who is really about six feet tall, with a monstrous body, and a tough, raspy face? Not only that, also the man's eyes and face have an impression of brutality. Sitting in the staff room during the fourth period, Soma was telling her colleagues about her son's exam. Although Soma's college is govt. Yet it is not very big. There are total number of teachers is 19. Among them her junior math teacher Atanu babu, history teacher bandana di are Soma's close. Soma couldn't trust that anyone in particular would be able to help with the car rental. After lunch when Santu was going to take some rest suddenly the bell rang. When he opened the door, he saw Dawa Sherpa standing in front of him. Santu said calmly---say something uncle? ----Lighter have? Santu brought the lighter from the kitchen. Dawa Sherpa lit the bidi and said---no one at home? ---No. Mom went to college. My brother is also in college. ----You don't go to college, babu? ----I have exam after some days, so. ----Which class do you read? ---Class ten. I have secondary exams. ---You will give secondary examination. Bah! Bah! Dawa Sherpa blew the smoke of the bidi and gave a shout. He said again---Babu, I am an uneducated man. I have studied up to class four. I can write the name just. But my daughter Keshavi also passed Madhyamik exam. Her exam center was in Darjeeling college. Where is your exam center? ---in Jadavpur. ---Then you have to go by car. Do you have a car? ---Yes we have. But dad is not at home. Hence the problem. ---Why? i can drive. I have been driving on mountain roads for two years. Tell your mom, I will deliver you if possible. Santu smiled softly. He thought the man was as evil just like her mother said. But talking now, this man did not feel bad. Santu said---Uncle, if you want to come in, come. Dawa Sherpa came inside the house. Pulled the chair himself. He said---You have a very beautiful house. What does your father do ---Engineer. ---And your mom is a college teacher? ---Yes. ---Your mom-dad are very good people. After that, there was a story between Dawa Sherpa and Santu for quite some time. He liked the man. The man told him about the mountains and the forest. Santu also said that he had seen a red panda at Sandakphu. Dawa said---Babu now you have exam. I should not disturb you. When your exam is over, one day I will tell you more stories about mountains and forests. Santu was happy. Said---Dawa uncle, can i say something? Dawa stood near the door when he came out and said---Say. ---You are very good. I thought you were a bad guy. Mom was saying you look like a robber. But you are really good. Dawa laughed. Said---your mom called me a robber? ---Yes. But if mom talks to you, she will understand that you are a very good person. Soma returned home from college by five o'clock. Winter is gone. It's getting hot slowly. Whether it's hot or cold, Soma's habit is to go to the bath after college. She took off the saree and spread it on the sofa in the drawing room and went to the bathroom wearing a saya-blouse. After bath she came out wearing light cotton nighty. Rested a little and went to bed. Then she heated the milk for her two sons. While sitting on the sofa sipping tea, her eyes suddenly caught on the bottom of the table. A piece of bidi is lying. That means someone cames her house. Who smoke Bidi here. Soma shouted and said---Santu? Santu said to let him sip the glass of milk----say mom. ----Who came home after I left? ----Dawa Uncle? ---Who? ---The new watchman uncle. ---What? There is no one at home, why did you let him in? Soma said angrily. Santu is afraid of his mom. He Said---He wanted lighter, ----The man is not short of courage. So you let him enter the house.! Santu realized that if mom found out that he had invited the man to their house, she would have to grumble even more. So he said to clarify---- Mom, Dawa uncle was asking in which class I studied. ---means? A lower class watchman come to our house and talk! Raghu Da was never like that. What else were he asking? ---He asked me where my exam seat was. Soma fumed in anger. Soma quickly telephoned Subir in anger. Subir's office ends at eight o'clock. So Soma called his office. A clerk of Subir's office caught the phone first one. Soma said---Mr Mukherjee is there? ---Who are you talking about? ---I am his wife. ---Ok Mrs Mukherjee. I am giving the phone to sir right away. Subir had to hold the phone for a few minutes. Santu is standing crouched in front. Looking at her son, she said in a stern tone----I see how big have you grown. Allowing a stranger to enter the house! Subir knows that Soma never calls during this time. So he picked up the phone and said practically in surprise----What's the matter? If you call now? Soma uninterruptedly told Subir all the happenings. Subir himself did not take Dawa very well that day, but he was not as anxious as Soma. He smiled and said--Keep cool Soma. Do one thing, you make a complaint to Mr. Mitra. Soma is still angry, said--You call Mitra Da and tell him. That man should be kicked out tomorrow. Subir is a cold-headed person. He knows his wife well. Actually Soma manages their family with two sons lonlely. So she is worried. He said---Ok ok. I will call. After back to quarters from office. I will call Mr.Mitra then. Is your head cold now, darling? Soma remained unresponsive. Subir said---are you rent a car for Santa's exam? ---And where did I do it? I told Atanu, you know he is my colleague. He said "Soma di, you know I'm not from Kolkata. I don't know anyone like that yet". I can't." Subir said---Then what can we do. How I Can try from Delhi? Let's see what can be done. As Soma hangs up, she notices that Santu is still standing. Soma's anger subsided. She said----Why are you standing? Finished drinking milk? Go study. Santu said---Mom will I say something? --- What? --- Dawa uncle was saying, he knows driving. --- What to do about it? ---I mean, he was saying that he can drive our car and take me to the exam. It is eight o'clock at night. After cooking, Soma turned on the TV. Monotonous serials are playing on TV. Se watched only one serial, and it is by nine o'clock at night. Besides, the TV is often off in their homes. Of course, the TV was bought only to watch Santu-Antu's cricket game. Soma started thinking about Santu's words. Can she really trust that dangerous looking man with a monstrous body to send Santu to the examination hall? Now Soma is helpless. Only one day left. It will be difficult if nothing happens by tomorrow. Meanwhile, if Subir has already complained to Mr. Mitra against Dawa! So will call Subir again and tell? Subir returned from the office to the quarters. After washing his hands and face, he sat down with some documents from the office. Just then the quarter's telephone rang. He understood Soma's voice by picking up the phone. Said---What happened? If you call again? Soma softly said---I called to say, have you complained to Mr. Mitra about Dawa? ---No, I didn't. Don't stress. I will call and tell him. ---No. Then don't say anything. Subir was surprised. He Said---Why? What happened? ---Santu was saying, Dawa Knows car driving. He said that he can drive our car and deliver Santu to the examination hall. Subir smiled. He said---So now you don't want to complain about him? ---Look, is there any other way? But can we trust the man? Subir thought for a while and said---Why not? He is not a child lifter. Besides, on the first day of the exam, you yourself are going with Santu. I think if help is available from him then we should accept it. Cause we gave him the job. Soma agreed. Subir repeated----But you talk to him yourself. Santu is just a kid, he may not say everything right. ---Hmmm. Soma said worriedly. Subir joked again----then will Darling withdraw the complaint about him? Soma said---don't joke. I talk to him tomorrow morning. ---Okay. --- When will you have dinner? Subir looked at the wall clock and said---It's half past nine. ---Okay good night. --- Good night. ++++++ ![]() dice number order Dawa Sherpa Age: 52
18-02-2023, 11:22 PM
Today is the busy day for Santu's first exam. Mom's tension is higher than son's since morning. Soma took today off from college. After getting Antu ready in the college bus, she entered the bath herself.
The bell rang just after Soma entered the bath. Soma said from the bathroom---Santu, let's see who came. Santu opened the door and saw Dawa Sherpa. He said---Mom Dawa Uncle is asking for the car key. Soma said from the bathroom---It is in the bedroom drawer, give him. Exams start at twelve o'clock. On the first day, need to go a little earlier. They left right around 10:30. Soma is wearing a light pink color tant saree with orange blouse. She doesn't like to a lot of makeup when she goes to college or when she goes out. Even at the age of 40, her fair face still has a lot of charm. Yet she loves Simply Dress forever, not just at this age. She use always only a light cream or just face powder on her face. Soft lipstick on the lips. On her left hand she wears a black strap wristwatch on with sankha-pola. She always has a gold noa in her right hand, a thin gold chain around her neck and two thin gold rings in her ears. Dawa drove the car. Soma and Santu are sitting on the back seat. Santu is reading the book inside the car. Sometimes Soma is busily looking at her watch, sometimes opening a water bottle and feeding Santu. Dawa glanced at Soma through the car mirror. He saw and said---Madam, you are very tensed for your son's exam. Don't stress, Babu is very intelligent boy. His exam will be good. Soma smiled softly. Dawa reiterated----When my daughter Keshavi was giving her exam, her dadi was very tensed. I am an uneducated person, her grandmother is also uneducated. However, her dadi was very tensed. But my Keshavi was also good at studies. Soma said---then why did you gave marry her? You could teach him more in college. ---Didn't i wished that, madam. But what to do. We are poor people. How long could I send her to college? I got a good groom fir her. So I gave her marriege. But what do you know, madam, my son-in-law is a very good person. Soma could see that even the rough-faced arrogant Dawa Sherpa had a fatherly heart. Which she liked. So she said---your daughter is very good. When we got stuck at night, we saw her. ---Yes madam. She is motherless daughter. Tell me what else to do. I am out of work. Her dadi is to old. Then tell me what will happen next. So I gave marriege. Talking they reached the exam center. Soma sat near down and waited till the test started. She came out from exam center to start the exam. She saw Daba standing in front of the car not far away and pulling bidis. Soma waited for a while and went ahead. Daba threw the burnt bidi and said---Madam, You have to wait three hours now. What do you do so long? I know this place. I have been to this Jadavpur place in Kolkata before. There is near pond in. The place is nice and quiet. Sitting there will pass your time. Soma felt uncomfortable, she didn't think it was right to spend three hours in a quiet place with a stranger, a man who he thought was dangerous Until a few times ago. Dawa seems to understand Soma's mind. He said---don't be afraid madam. I'm not a bad person. Soma was startled. She said---No, no. I don't think so. Talking to Dawa now, Soma seems to be changing her thinking towards the man a little. This man's tall muscular body, rough and husky face and heavy masculine voice made it seem like she thought the man was hideous. Soma felt that the man was actually not so bad. Soma didn't know there was such a place in Kolkata. A largel pond. Trees around. The ghat of the pond is tied with cement. Very quiet place. Very far away, two people are sitting and talking. The sound of vehicles is coming from far away. Soma sat down on the cement chair next to the cement ghat. Dawa Sherpa sat on the cement chair on the opposite side. He sat down and said---Madam, your Kolkata is in crowded area. I am a mountain man. I don't like so much crowd. This place is pretty good, isn't it? Soma smiled. She said---But I didn't know about this place before. I came to Jadavpur several times with Santu's dad. But I was not familiar with this place. Soma is still uncomfortable. She is a lady from educated upper middle class bengali family. Also she is a college teacher. It does not suit her to sit in such a secluded place with a low class watchman, who looks like a goon types and dressed in filthy clothes. If a familiar person has seen her, what to say! Dawa took out a khaini's box from his pocket. He crushed the khaini several times in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. Then he said---Madam, are you always feel good living in this crowded city? Soma smiled and Said---why not? how many people are there Working, living. ---Madam I am working in your flat for just one week. But No one socializes here with anybody. Master Sabji on third floor, Marwari Aggarwal Sabji speaks when they required, otherwise no one speaks. Soma said---Everyone here is busy with everyone's work. Everyone has very little free time. To each his own. Dawa glanced at the pond for a while, looked and said----I too, madam, I am a lonely person. But I am friends with the mountains. There are no mountains here. Soma smiled and said---I also like mountains too. It's not always that we like living in this city. We therefore traveling once a year. I really liked your hill area. Dawa started thinking about something silently. Soma noticed that there was a wildness in Dawa's face. His face is carved in stone. Just as he said that being a man of the lonely forest he loves the mountains, just as he sometimes sinks into solitary thoughts. Soma broke the silence and said----You live very well in mountain area, Dawa ji. Your own small family, small home in the bosom of beautiful nature. Dawa laughed now. His smile was very hoarse but Soma felt that there was some pain in this smile. Dawa said---Madam, where is my family? ---Why? You have a daughter, a mother. ---How long will my mother alive? And daughter is married. At the first time, Soma suddenly think that the man seemed to be a real person of flesh and blood. Until tomorrow she thought he was a goon types man or a cruel bad guy. Soma knew that the man's huge masculine body was the reason she felt this way. She knew that, although appearance could not be the hallmark of one's character, it could not be reasonable. She said softly---Your daughter Keshvi is a really good girl. Dawa said again---My motherless poor child. When she was two years old, her mother died. ----What happened to your wife? Dawa was silent now with a serious face. Suddenly, a hawker shouted loudly "Badam..."(nut). Dawa said---Madam, will you eat nut? Soma said---No no. Thank you. If you want to eat, you can eat. Soma went to take out the money from the bag. Dawa said---No, madam. I am not to eat alone. Just one day can change a person's life. Soma thought who was a bad man just twenty-four hours ago now she feels the man is not bad. She does not feel bad for the man. After the exam of Santu, She asked her son-----How did the exam? Santu smiled. Soma glanced at her question paper. They returned home before afternoon. Soma's mind is quite good since evening. A dark cloud of wrong thinking has been removed from her mind. Feeling calm now. Now she is confident that Dawa ji will be able to deliver Santu safely to the exam center in the upcoming exams. At night Subir called just before going to sleep. Their both sons are sleeping. Soma picked up the phone and Subir said---I didn't have time today. How was the exam of Santu? ----He says it's good. Subir said---are they both asleep now? ---Yes. did you eat? ---Yes. A colleague's son got married today. Marathi marriage, so their food is different. Soma worriedly said---you have a problems of eating outside food. So take the medicine of acidity before going to bed at night. ----Dhat! Nothing will happen. Did the Dawa sherpa drive properly? Soma said with anxiety---You know We have mistakenly recognized the man. Dawa ji is very gentleman. Talking to him, I realized that he is a human being like us. Subir was a bit surprised to see Soma addressing the man as "Dawa ji". He laughed and said---is not that person is a bad man! You said about him like a villian! Soma blushed, said with a smile---ish! I thought the man was bad. It is not right to judge someone by their appearance. ---Will you go tomorrow? ---No no. Where did I get the leave? Dawa ji can be trusted. He goes to deliver Santu to the examination center. Subir realizes that Soma has not only changed her opinion about that Gorkha watchman, but has also developed a trust in the man. After short-spoken, Subir left the phone. To be continued... ![]() Mrs. Soma Mukherjee Age: 40
19-02-2023, 12:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 19-02-2023, 12:34 AM by Nadim hasan12. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Henry dada is the GOAT of erotic sex stories...এখানে প্রতিদিন আসি শুধু আপনার জন্যই।
আপনার "আব্বাজান,স্বর্গীয় শয্যা এই গল্পগুলো কি শুরু হওয়ার কোনো সম্ভাবনা আছে? আমরা নিয়মিত ভক্তরা আপনার লেখার প্রতি কতটা দুর্বল সেটা আপনি জানেন দাদা।আমাকে প্রত্যুত্তর দিলে অনেক খুশি হতাম। And this is going to be another masterpiece..
19-02-2023, 01:08 AM
Such detailing only shows the writer's dedication...
A master story builder! , ..No doubt
19-02-2023, 01:27 AM
Thank you for a new story henry da!
19-02-2023, 01:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 19-02-2023, 01:48 AM by Joshua. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
This story is really awesome bro.after the long time I read a perfect story really happy and thanks alot keep updating without making delay it's my humble request bro
19-02-2023, 06:19 AM
Where do you get the images from? Do you draw them?
19-02-2023, 01:17 PM
Nicely going
21-02-2023, 12:47 AM
Update please
21-02-2023, 12:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 21-02-2023, 12:20 PM by Henry. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Soma has to leave college at 10 am. On the way, she has to drop Antu in the college bus again. Meanwhile, Santu's exam starts at 12 noon. Soma had to leave earlier. At the time of going, she came to the small room of watchman at the bottom of the stairs and called----Dawa ji?
Dawa came out from the house. He seems to have slept a while ago. Bare body, wearing a lungi. His muscular body Just like the rock solid that God carved out of stone. Soma looked at his strong biceps on his yeolish body. She was stunned for a while seeing such a strong masculine body. A very manly body was now half-naked in front of her, she was feeling uncomfortable. Then she said---Dawa ji, you will take care and deliver Santu. Please be careful. Dawa Sherpa smiled gently and said in a heavy voice---don't tense madam. I will handle everything. You go to college safely. When Soma stepped out of the geography class of class seven in the second period towards the staff room, clerk Ratan said----Soma madam, headmistress is calling you. Soma went straight to the headmistress's room instead of going to the staff room. Head Mistress Nivedita Sanyal is a dashing woman as well as a gantle one. She is close to retirement. As Soma entered her office she said---sit down. Soma said---Madame, did you call me? Nivedita Sanyal looked over her glasses and said---Is your son giving secondary exams? ---Yes ma'am. ----I heard your son is very bright student. How is he doing the exam? ----Only one exam yet, madam. He is saying well. ---Pretty much. Did you want a leave? ---Yes, I wanted to. But I didn't get it. Soma said disappointedly. Headmistress said----Leave is not possible now. But if you come to class after tiffin period, that is possible. Means; you can leave your son at the exam center and attend college. Soma was very happy. Gladly said---Thank you madam. The headmistress said with a gentle smile---You are getting the opportunity because our college is not a secondary examination center this time. Last year, Sutapa madam did not get leave despite her daughter's higher secondary examination. Soma came home from college and was getting ready to take a bath. Suddenly the bell rang at the door. Soma realizes that Santu has arrived. She was wearing only black petticoat and blouse. Antu quickly went to open the door as his Dada came. Soma thought that if he opened the door only Santu would come. After Antu opened the door, Santu said---Mom, Dawa uncle has come. Somehow Soma clutched the sari lying on the sofa to her chest. Dawa Sherpa is standing in front of her. Soma falls an awkward situation. Even though her saree is pressed on her chest with only wearing a petticoat-blouse, her fair fleshy soft belly is bare. Soma hurried into the bathroom after facing Dawa Sherpa. She said from the bathroom---Antu, Tell Dawa uncle to sit. Soma quickly started putting on the nightie over petticoat and blouse in the bathroom. When she rushing into the bathroom, Soma noticed Dawa glancing at her bare stomach just a fraction of second. She thought to herself, what's wrong with Dawa ji, it's normal to be noticed when you come forward like this. After putting on the nighty, she came out of the bathroom to overcome her discomfort. She looked at her elder son and said-----how was your exam? Santu looked very cheerful. He said---Mom, today's exam was great. Dawa was going up. Soma interrupted and said---where are you going? Drink tea. Dawa said---Madam, you have just returned from college. take a rest. Soma said---How long will it take to make tea. Sit down please and wait. Dawa again sitting on. He is sitting on the sofa today. Antu watching watching a highlights of old cricket match on TV. He showed Sherpa's muscular arms and said---Dawa uncle, do you go to the gym? Dawa laughed. He said---Chhoto babu, I am a mountain man. There is a lot of hard work to do. If you work hard, you don't need to go to the gym. Soma made tea and brought it. Dawa took the cup of tea, took a sip and said,---Very delicious tea. Soma smiled and said---It is your Darjeeling tea. We bought it when we went to there. My husband likes it very much. Dawa sipped again and said---Darjeeling tea? But we don't get this tea. Everything goes out after being sold at a higher price. The poor people of Darjeeling cannot afford to buy this tea. ---Oh maa! Local people do not get to drink this tea! ----My mother used to work in a tea garden. Then she would pick up leaves from there. The tea of that leaf is more delicious than this. But we don't get the powdered tea packets there. When Soma went to bring the biscuits, Dawa stopped her. A gap day in between, and then Santu's English exam. Soma said---I can go from the next exam. But I have to leave after placing him in the examination center. Dawa became very engrossed and started drinking tea. It was not understood whether the words reached his ears or not. Soma entered the bathroom. Dawa finished the tea and said to Antu---In which class do you read Choto Babu? ---Six. ---Sabash! I think choto babu seems to love sports? Antu said while watching cricket match highlights on TV---I love it so much. I got a chance in the junior team of my college. Santu jokingly said---gave you a chance, or because Abhi was ill, you got a chance in his place. Antu angrily replied----You never got a chance in your college's cricket team. Are you jealous now? Then Santu said---Mom, have you seen how brother is talking on my face. Does not respect about elders. Hearing the quarrel of her two sons from the bathroom, Soma shouted and said---Antu, you are quarreling with Dada again. -----Where did i do? Dada did it. Antu said annoyedly. Dawa Sherpa said to stop the quarrel between the two brothers----Chota babu, if you want to play sports, you have to do physical exercises. Strong body should be made. A highlights of of Michael Bevan's an innings was being shown on TV. Santu said---tell me what is the name of this cricketer? Antu quickly replied----Michael Bevan, my favorite tailender batsman. ---I can say that he has a record, what is it? ---I can. 55.17 avg. Which is the highest avg in ODI cricket. They started talking. Dawa Sherpa remained seated. Sitting quietly, deep in thought, as if he waiting for something. Soma takes a lot of time to bathe. After taking a bath, she came out wearing a light blue saree. With blue blouse. Her hair is not even wet in this afternoon bath, She came out with a freshly bathed wet body and saw Dawa Sherpa still sitting. On seeing Soma, Dawa said---I left, madam. Agarwalji took out the car again in the evening. Soma said---oke. The day after tomorrow. You remember, Dawa ji. ---I remember. +++++++
21-02-2023, 12:28 PM
Today is Santu's English exam. His mom came with him, so he was very happy. Dawa glanced at Soma while she getting into the car. She wears maroon saree, black blouse. A little bra strap is sticking out from blouse near her shoulder. Soma didn't seem to notice that. Dawa said---Madam, what time do you go to college?
---After tiffin I will reach college. it should arrive at 1:30 PM. Dawa said---Then has a lot of time, madam. Soma smiled. She noticed that Santu was reading the grammar book intently. Soma opened the bottle and gave water to Santu. She said her son---You will read all the questions correctly and write the answers with a cool mind. After the exam started, Soma came out of the hall as usual. She saw Dawa ready and sitting on the driving seat of the car. A bidi is burning between his lips. Soma opened the door and got into the back seat. The strong smell of beedi hit her nose. Even if Subir smokes cigarettes, Soma doesn't like the smell. Subir has to wash his face well before going to sleep at night. Otherwise, Soma will growl. The smell of beedi seemed more awkward than cigarettes to her. She said---Dawa ji, you will not smoke bidis as long as I stay. Dawa smiled very mildly. He said---Okay madam. While going in the car, various conversation started to happen between them. Most of it is about the Dawa's life, about the mountain. How he had to stop studying after his father died at a young age. How his mother struggled to manage the family, etc. Dawa speaks in a rather heavy voice, haltingly. He is six feet tall, strong body and his tone of speech is very manly. Soma doesn't mind this intense masculinity in Dawa Sherpa these days. Rather, she likes it a little better. Soma always thought that men would be very manly, not at all tender-hearted. Besides, Soma also likes to talk to Dawa. In the busy life of college and family, how much time does she have to talk differently. She doesn't get a friendly people for talking, With whom she can talk a little. She reached the age of forty, now sometimes she feels that she needs a little release. So sometimes she think of leaving the two boys somewhere else and going to near Subir for a few days. The husband-wife will spend together. But that never happens in reality. Her two sons are still teenagers. Both husband and wife are busy with their profession, Moreover, they are far from each other. even if they want to, they don't become. As there is a intense wildness in Dawa, so too in that wildness are the words of the very ordinary low-class people. That sounds good to Soma. Dawa said---Madam, Sabji has a big government job, you also have a government job, your life is much more comfortable. But let me say that you feel empty from everything in your urban life. Soma smiled. Dawa is not wrong. Sometimes the man seems like a philosopher. He is not exactly educated, and he is just a uneducated low class watchman, but it seems that he has come to know this Kolkata city a lot these days. She said---You are also a lonely person. There is no one around you. The words were actually said by Soma to show sympathy for Dawa. Dawa remained silent for a while. Then he said---I am alone, madam. But where I am, there are mountains, there are trees, there are forests. You know madam I wanted to stay in the jungle, work as a sherpa, have a wife again, have a small family, have children there. They will play, grow up in the lap of nature. My wife and I will love each other very much in our little log cabin. Then.... Dawa stopped. Som a loughed and Said---and? ---And we will be live like a wild animal, Actually madam I am alone but like a lone tiger in the forest. Singalila tiger is very lonely. I am alone too. Are you lonely like me, madam? ---Oh ma! Why I am alone? I have two naughty sons. I have a husband and my beautiful family. -----But Sabji is outside, you don't feel alone. Soma remained silent this time. As she reached in front of the college, she said---Dabaji, stop here. Soma got down from the car and turned back smiling softly. Then Dawa Sherpa turned the car after Soma passing the college gate. +++++++
21-02-2023, 12:39 PM
Gradually more than half of Santu's exams were done. Today is a holiday. Santu also got a little rest. Two brothers have been playing cricket in the garden of the flat since morning. Soma called from the roof and said---It's twelve o'clock, when will you take a bath?
Soma came after cooking and taking a bath. Subir called at exactly twelve o'clock. Soma picked up the phone and said---Hello. ----Is lunch complete? ----No. I just came here after cooking and taking a bath. did you eat? ----Where is Santu-Antu? ---They are playing. ---Santu's have not exam today? ---No. His exam will be tomorrow. I'll have a day off tomorrow. ---Why? Why is holiday for tomorrow again? ---Our headmistress was saying that she would give me a full day off for Santu's examination. Subir smiled---You only get such a vacation in your teaching profession. Soma said---You always say that. You think only your job is hard work, and we spend it all by dodging. --- Ah! Am I saying so Soma? Is it a exam tomorrow? ----Santu has an optional biology exam on tomorrow. That is not important subject. Then there will be two more exam left; History and Maths. That's why I think I will take leave for tomorrow. I will take the two boys for a little trip after the exam. ---Where are you go for a little trip? Subir asked holding out a cigarette. ----Dawa ji was saying; Nico Park. In fact, one of Dawa ji's friends works as a guard there. Dawa ji was saying about the place, he said two boys will enjoy there very much. Santu also needs a little rest, what do you say? Subir was a little surprised, even a few days ago, Soma did not like this Dawa ji at all. That Soma is doing 'Dawa ji Dawa ji' so many times now. He smiled and said jokingly---That's your Dawa ji, is very useful now. Is it right? Soma got angry, she said----What do you mean "my Dawa ji"! You really talk a lot of nonsense. Subir laughed out loud, said----Why are you angry, darling? Soma said in an appreciative manner---You know How ordinary man he is. If he did not have many problems today in Santu's exam! but what I thought by looking at the appearance of him! I am ashemed. ---Santu-Antu has not yet returned to play? ---They were playing cricket downstairs a little while ago. Now it seems they are talking with their Dawa uncle in his room. Subir realized that not only his wife, but also his two sons have become big fans of Dawa Sherpa. He smiled and said---Then you are going to a trip tomorrow? ---So I'm thinking. Santu and Antu arrived. Soma said to Subir---Here they come, after so long in playing. Ok, I'm hanging up the phone. Take a little rest today when you have a day off today. Subir smiled and said---Bah! If I am on holiday at home, don't let me sleep. And now you say to sleep. ----Do you understand how much work there is at home? In all of your life, you leave the burden of the family on your wife and stay outside assuredly. how do you understand? ---Well, well. Now you have Dawa ji, when I go on home, let him do the housework, and I will sleep peacefully. Soma also said in a funny way----I will do so. Are you feeling very jealous for Dawa ji now. ---Why should I be jealous of that person who looks like Dara Singh? Honestly Soma, even the general manager of my office will be scared to see your Dawa ji. Tell him once, then I will take him to scare the genaral manager. Soma smiled and said---Dhyat! All your nonsense. I am keeping the telephone. When they come after bathing, to serve lunch. To be continued...
21-02-2023, 02:21 PM
Thank you for such long and great updates.
21-02-2023, 04:50 PM
Really great story bro
21-02-2023, 04:57 PM
Awesome bro please try to add the same character cartoon image inbetween the story
22-02-2023, 12:05 AM
awesome .. ..
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