Romance An Old Debt has to be salir
(30-01-2023, 09:41 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: Last weekend I read the story again from the beginning to the end to understand the process 
so that I am up to date.
I really enjoyed meeting Meena and Nadir again (emotionally and in my mind!).

In the process, a thought (or rather a question) was created in me and also occupied me:

Did Meena and Hamid become closer in the past than what we saw in the "birthday party"?

((Thursday at noon, as I called Meena to go together for lunch, at the canteen of the hospital.

She told me, 'Hamed is going with me.'
Who is Hamed?” I asked.
Did you forget my new colleague?”
Oh, yes. The new assistant. I didn't know his name.”
Now you know it! You'll meet him soon.” And she giggled.
I am curious!” I said.
Me too, my baby, me too!”))

Meena would also have asked Nadir to dine with them and use this as an opportunity to introduce Hamid and Nadir to each other.
But she preferred to dine alone with Hamid.
Then there was the birthday party and everything that went on between Meena and Hamid...

- The dance together, the kisses on the neck, his hands on her bum, the quiet conversation during 
the dance and when saying goodbye at the door, and Meena's shy and sometimes frightened glances 
towards Nadir?
... are the attitudes and behaviours that preoccupy me and lead me to believe this.
It is possible that I am wrong, but I hope to find an answer to these questions in the coming postings.
What I am very much looking forward to...

In this sense
All the best


My dear friend,

I am very pleased to read your comment and your interest in our Narration inspires me immensely.

Hamed (like many others!) was very interested in my Meena. Since he was a close colleague, they often kept in touch with each other on an almost daily basis. And he was one of the few that Meena showed interest in. Unfortunately (or thanks God!) he was soon transferred to another clinic and I or Meena have not met him to now - where the story is located - (as far as I know!).

Thanks a lot.
Be healthy and have fun.
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In Meena's life, many people have come and gone, but one person who made a profound connection with her was Mansoor. She hasn't fully recovered from the loss of her uncle and this dream indicates she still misses him. I'm sure there's no one else who can replace him in Meena's heart.
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(07-02-2023, 09:51 PM)Lovecraft Wrote: In Meena's life, many people have come and gone, but one person who made a profound connection with her was Mansoor. She hasn't fully recovered from the loss of her uncle and this dream indicates she still misses him. I'm sure there's no one else who can replace him in Meena's heart.

Thanks friend.

I am happy to read your opinion. Most likely you are right... 

Persumably this is the reason for Nadir's exceptional sensitivity (and jealousy) about Mansour.
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When will the next update be available?
[+] 1 user Likes Blackdick11's post
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(15-02-2023, 05:20 AM)Blackdick11 Wrote: When will the next update be available?

I hope soon my friend... 

I try hard.
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Your way of narrating this story is really wonderful, but I have a small request (if possible): it would be great if you could update a little sooner.
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Wonderful sir
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When will the next update come?
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? ? ? ?... Still Waiting
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Today, the search for the "EASTER Egg" should be over and 
all the rabbits should be out of their winter castles...

Joking aside ...

Dear Salir, 
when can we expect the sequel?
We are in hopeful expectation...

In this sense
All the best

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Dear friend,

In four weeks, my holiday begins. I will be travelling through Southern Europe 
(with a focus on Portugal) for four weeks.
I hope that you will be able to continue the story by then.

We are waiting for you, eagerly...

In this sense
All the best


Ich hoffe euch Beiden geht es gut und ihr seid wohl auf...
Liebe Grüße
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Superb story continue please
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I extend my condolences to the families, relatives and loved ones of those who 
lost their lives in a tragic train accident. I ask God to give them patience and fortitude 

My condolences to the people of India ...

Berlin - Germany
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Some aspects I have wanted to get rid of for a long time:

There are two kinds of authors who publish their stories here as well as in other erotic portals 
and thus make them available to us readers and fans.

Both kinds of authors write and post their stories "voluntarily" and without "coercion".
We have to underline these facts! 

Auror of type 1:
are writers who enjoy writing as long as their time allows. 
Without expectations that readers and fans will "beg" for every sequel and show their gratitude 
and fall on their knees for every paragraph posted.
Because they keep their word (in most cases) and finish their work. 
These are also the few authors who build up an emotional as well as friendly and healthy relationship 
with the readers and fans over the course of this period...

They have our full respect appreciation !

Authors of type 2:
These are the ones who think they are authors and in most cases look down on the readers.
They also think they are doing us a favour by being "so gracious" and sharing their stories with readers.
They can't take negative criticism at all and are very quick to snap and stay angry. Only rarely do they finish 
what they have started and most of the time they disappear as they came "loudly and without a sound".
Unfortunately, there are a disproportionate number of this type!

No author is being addressed "directly", these are merely thoughts that have preoccupied me for a long time...

They are disrespectful to us readers and also to the Xosspy family!

I hope that my friend Salir does NOT belong to the authors I have described in the second category.

In this sense
All the best

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Dear friend,

What happened to your announcement:

"Continue the story as soon as possible!"


I think (and mean) that we readers and followers (also fans) have the right to ask periodically, 
or at least occasionally, to remind you of your promise.

I hope you are well and look forward to hearing from you soon...

(Liebe Grüße an Meena)

In this sense
All the best

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Update please
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Hello Salir,

it has been ten months since the last "posting" from you (February 2023).
Since then it has been very quiet around you, and this silence worries me. 
Worries that I hope are unfounded and that you are doing well.

Please get in touch as soon as you can...

Liebste Grüße sollen in diesen Vor-Advent erreichen! 
Ich wünsche euch Beiden Besinnlichkeit und Frohsinn für die kommende Zeit...

Hoffentlich bis bald

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Hello friends,

I have written a short story (for all of us fans of Meena and Nadir) 
to make the wait for Salir and the continuation a little more pleasant.

Have fun reading ...

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The Confession ...

When my wife Meena came home from shopping last week, I discovered that she had also bought three double packs of hold-up stockings in black, skin colour and white in addition to the normal weekend shopping! 
I was a little surprised about this, but at the same time I was looking forward to the coming weekend all the more and was already imagining my sweetheart in a matching outfit, she seemed to have something exciting planned, but I was soon to find out that it had nothing to do with me...

The three packs fell into my hands when I was clearing away the shopping and I held them out to Meena and asked her what she was planning to do with them.

'Oh darling,' said my sweet wife, 'I wanted to talk to you about that tonight!'
'Ok,' I beamed at her and pressed the stockings into her hand, 'I'm very excited, sweetie,' and gave her a kiss on her full lips, which she returned intensely.

At dinner Meena seemed a bit tense to me, not as funny and relaxed as usual, well, I thought to myself, something is bothering her, but I'm sure I'll find out soon!
Later, she took control of the remote and watched a love story while I passed the time on my tablet, so I had to be patient...

Then we went to bed relatively early. 
Meena was still in the bathroom, I was only in shorts waiting eagerly for her and hoped she would show me her stockings with the matching suspenders. My cock was already stirring in anticipation, but it was to be quite different...

Meena finally came out of the bathroom after a few endless minutes, unfortunately not in suspenders, stockings and heels, 

I was a little disappointed, but she was still a feast for the eyes in her shirt and panties as always!
I took her in my arms and she cuddled up to me in our big bed, her head lay on my chest and I played with her blonde hair. 

I had left the small light on at the side of the bed, because no matter whether Meena wanted to talk to me now or whether we were about to have sex together.
I always like to see my sweetheart and her dream body, it's not so much fun for me in the dark!

'Well my sweety,' I began, 'you wanted to tell me something or explain something, didn't you?'

'Yes darling,'
Meena replied, 'but it's not easy for me and I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want you to misunderstand me and be angry with me if I explain something to you now... Can you promise me that we can discuss this in peace and that you will still love me?'

I looked at her uncomprehendingly, I have no idea what it's about, 'but you know-..,' I said to Meena, 
'I love you more than anything and will forgive you everything if you are always honest with me, that's what we swore to each other at our wedding and I still stand by that today,..' took her head in both hands and pressed a big kiss on her lips...

Meena looked deep into my eyes and said, 'All right, then take me in your arms and listen to me, Nadir! I love you as much as you love me, but a few things have happened recently that you should know about and that I should perhaps keep secret, but I can not do that to you, I'm just too honest for that and secrecy should not be part of a great marriage like ours and it only undermines the relationship!! That's why I'm so grateful to you, my darling, that you let me fly to Palolem Goa or Arambol Goa alone with my best friends for a week some times, even though you know very well that we girls do not just lie on the beach in the sun but also have a lot of fun with strange boys and men, don't you?'

'Yes Meena, I realise that, I have discussed it with you and accepted it, in this one week you are always free and can do what you want, the only condition is, no contacts with the guys when you are back home, there you can let the guys fuck you, And at diwali we go out separately and enjoy the non-binding fun, you with your girl friends and I with my friends, and we both know that drinking, dancing, having fun and some flirting are just part of it on these days!'

'Of course darling, I know that and I really appreciate that you do not ask me after the week or after diwali how many men I danced with or let myself be kissed, groped and what they have done to me! But now I have to confess something else to you and I hope you can understand me!
I need the hold-up stockings I bought today for the office!'

'Why in the office Meena?'

'That's a slightly longer story, my dear Nadir.'

'Ok, I'm really looking forward to it!'

When Meena started to tell her story, she rubbed my tummy and her hand occasionally disappeared into my pants and caressed my cock, which surprisingly also swelled a little during her story.

'I'm sure you remember that I had to medical professionals as work colleagues with whom I worked on various studies, don't you?'

'Oh, yes, that was a bad time, always the uncertainty of what would happen next, but now you have been at your station and own office for over a year and I notice that you seem to feel quite comfortable there, don't you?'

'Yes, I really enjoy working there, but if I was not so tolerant and accommodating the senior physician and also to my colleagues, I could not have had such a pleasant and successful time there!'

'So, why is that?'

'Nadir, can you remember when senior physician took me on a medical congress at the end of my of the study that I have to supervise?'

'Yes, very well, you were so happy afterwards!'

'Do you want to know why I was so happy?'

'Yes, absolutely Meena!'

'It was only one night, Nadir, but it was quite something, I had a nice dinner with Mr. Yadav (senior physician) in the evening and we discussed my study and how things should continue, he told me that he had the new contract of carriage ready in his room and that he would like to sign it the next day, but that I should read it first and then sign it first. I said fine, I woul pick up the contract straight away and bring it down with me for breakfast in the morning.

Mr Yadav told me to leave the contract in his room, Meena, and that I should read it over and sign it! 
So after dinner I went to his room with him, before that we went to the bar and had a drink, he invited me to celebrate the day. I read through everything carefully, there was more salary, more responsibility, so everything was actually OK... I thought? Only one point was a bit vague:
- Mrs Meena Salimi. must occasionall follow the instructions of Mr Yadav and and several senior consultants. 
I was not aware of the implications of this point, so I happily signed the contract, which was initially limited to one year!
I handed it to Mr Yadav and he looked at me with a grin and said to me: should I sign this contract too?
Yes, of course, I would be delighted!
- I would like to postpone this until tomorrow morning, Meena., because then I will know whether the night went to my satisfaction!
What do you mean, Dr Yadav?
- Are you really so hard up, so pretty and so obtuse! So in plain language, Tonight, I wount to fuck you one time now here in this room and on this marvellous double bed!!

I looked at him Nadir, and was back in the same situation as every time, either I let Mr Yadav fuck me or I'm out. I was thinking while Dr Yadav was checking me out and already undressing me with his eyes, what should I do..,'

'So you let him fuck you, right?'

'Yes, my love, it was the only option and he had me in the palm of his hand! I did my best, and he fucked me in several positions that night until he fell asleep satisfied and quite exhausted, I did not feel like going to my room and stayed right there. Sometime in the morning, it was still dark, I felt his hard cock in my crack again, he took me from behind again while lying down, came in me again and fell asleep again while his limp cock was stuck in me! When it got light, I woke up first, played around with his cock a little until it got hard again, got on top of him and started to ride him until he woke up, held out the contract to him and without hesitation he signed it while I continued to ride his cock and shortly afterwards he filled me up for the umpteenth time... that's how I got my contract, Nadir! Bad?'

'No why Meena, I just hope you had a little fun with it!'

'I did, I have been fucked worse than by Dr Yavad!'

When Meena told me all this, my cock got harder and harder, although she did not work on the strap...
Meena noticed that too of course, someone was stretching their head, she said and rubbed two fingers over my glans and as the fabric of the panty was in between, it was a very strange but hot feeling, as my glans is very sensitive when it is exposed like now!

'Keep going Meena!'

'What should I do next, work on your cock or go on talking?'

'Tell of course, that's certainly not all, is it?'

'Dr Yavad then fucked me again later in the shower from behind and we even had to hurry to get something from the breakfast buffet!
On the way back in the car, he praised me for the first time since I had joined the university hospital and said that we would definitely have a good and close assisting relationship!
And we did, but not only Mr. Yadav but also the other senior consultants benefited from my "new!" assistant professor contract.'

'What now?'

'Well, shortly afterwards there was the training course Dr Yavad sent me along with a few colleagues to support them, as you can imagine my darling!'

'Of course, you fucked around with all of them, you horny bitch!'

I had to, darling, and most of the time I even enjoyed it...'

'And the many other "study courses"?'

'Well, somehow word got round in the hospital and everyone begged Mr Yadav to take me on conference trips! But he first sent me on conferences with the colleagues who were important to him in the hospital, as a reward they were then allowed to fuck me, unfortunately there were always colleagues there who I did not like at all, but I could not do anything about it and always tried to do my best in bed!'

'Poor you, come here Meena, give me a hug,' 

I feel sorry for you my Meena and I hugged her tightly while she was still working on my cock...

'Well my heart, I usually have fun doing it, my colleagues are always very nice to me!'

'It's just as well, Meena my love, that you are such a pretty girl with such a great body!'

'But why did you buy the hold-ups now? Did Mr Yadav tell you to or what?'

'No, I decided that for myself.'

'And why?'

'Well, there's more to come...'

'What next?'

'There are also colleagues who are not allowed to go on training courses, but they have their needs in the laboratory too!'

'What needs?'

'Well, the assistans I have been to bed with also tell others in the department, of course, and then the others are logically jealous!'

'Oh, now I see what you mean Meena, you get fucked in the laboratory too!'

'Yes, bad?'

'Ok. tell me!' I was about to cum just thinking about it....

'You have noticed that I almost always go to the hospital in a short skirt, except when I take the bus to the hospital.'


'My colleagues like that!'

'Me too!'

'I just feel really comfortable in clothes like that and it's always appreciated in the laboratory office and it's also very practical!'

'Practical how?'

'It has to be quick in there, as we all have a lot to do and no time, if Mr Yadav finds out that my colleagues are having fun with me during working hours, he will be in real trouble!'

'So what's the solution?'

'Either I take the time to work overtime with my colleagues after work, but of course Mr Yadav does not pay me or the other assistant doctors for that, because we are not working, we are, you know...


'Exactly! And I'm not really up for it, I only make an exception with really nice assistants and we have a good shag in my or his office after work!'

'You bitch! I love you!'

'I love you too, only you my life, really!!'

'Get to the point, there's only the quick fuck in the toilet or during the break!'

'Exactly my dear man! I do not like going to the toilet that much, it's possible at carnival but it's not so great in the office, so the only thing left is the lunch break (if you and I are not having lunch together) - 45 minutes after all!'

'The horny colleagues in need are welcome to send me their preferred time, either 10 minutes at the beginning of the break or 10 minutes at the end!'

'Only 10 minutes?'

'That's why the short skirt shortens access times immensely!'

'Sure, that's logical!'

'The date usually goes like this: a colleague comes into the office, quickly locks up, briefly asks how he wants to have me, it's only possible on the desk and legs wide or standing at the desk from behind! Most of them want to fuck me from behind, so skirt up, briefs to the side or quickly pulled down, bend forwards and the hopefully already hard colleague's cock pushes itself into me, then quick hard thrusts and the colleague squirts his sperm into me! Cock out, and while he packs his part away, I clean myself up a bit, wipe my dripping cunt as clean and dry as possible and usually we both go to lunch together, he has to help pay for me... then quickly back again and do the same with the other colleague again!'

'It's sooo stressful for you, don't!?'

'Yes, but it's no use, there's no other way!'

'And you let all your colleagues cum into you?'

'Yes of course, I'm on the pill "you know!" and how do you imagine my colleague pulling his cock out just beforehand and squirting his stuff around my office? That might be a bit of a mess! And you can not squirt on me either, Nadir, should I spend the rest of the day walking around the office with my cum all over my clothes?'

'But you could suck him off and swallow!'

'Unfortunately, there's usually not enough time for that!'

'But do you sometimes?'

'Yes, but very rarely!'

'But the hold-ups? That still does not make sense to me!'

'Yes, that was the summer version, the hold-ups are for the winter!'

'Hmmmm... I see!'

'I used to wear tights all the time, as you know!'

'They have their charm too!'

'Yes, of course! But they are impractical for fucking, especially if you want to do it quickly!'

'That's clear!'

'Again and again, my colleagues tore my tights, were too hectic or did not have the time, which has become far too expensive for me!'

'After all, it all costs money!'

'That's right! There were colleagues who simply tore my tights at the gusset so that they could stick their cock in me faster when I was lying on my desk! I think it was great for the blokes, but I always had to put on a spare pair of tights afterwards, which I always have with me from experience! I can't go on like this!'

'Now I understand you my hot wife, you think very practically!'

'Exactly, that's the way your dear, clever hot wife is!'

'I will try it out the next week, recently I have always taken my tights off beforehand, put my heels back on and waited for my colleague, but it's all annoying, then putting the stuff back on and sometimes twice in one lunch break, it's pure stress and I can not concentrate on fucking at all!'

'I can totally understand you, your colleagues will definitely thank you!'

'I really hope so and I look good in suspender straps, don't I?'

'Look good? You're the bomb like that, my colleagues will love you darling!'

'No, I only love you, my husband!'

'You are so sweet and hot Meena, come on now, sit down on my cock, it's about to burst!'

Meena quickly took off my shorts, swung one of her long legs over me, grabbed my now exposed cock again, directed it to her now dripping wet pussy and slowly sank down on it! 

She looked deep into my eyes and then began to gyrate her pelvis while I kneaded her fantastically firm big tits! 
I let Meena do it, her lower body moved back and forth, up and down, circled, was always on the move and worked my dick in her with her tight pussy simply divine! 
She then bent down to me to put one of her big breasts in my mouth, 
I took as much as I could, sucked on her nipples, which were very hard, it was wonderful to have this tender tit flesh in my mouth and to suck and suck on it, I smacked that the spit ran out of the corners of my mouth, then I grabbed the other breast and worked on it the same way!
Meena whooped and purred like a kitten and continued to hop around on my cock, which still had not cum! 
Then she squatted down, turned her gorgeous apple arse towards me and then sank down upside down on my upright cock, bent forwards and began to ride me like she had never done before! 
Up and down ... that gorgeous arse moved ... and I had a great view of her smacking crack, which was repeatedly split and filled by my cock! 
Meena took advantage of the whole length of my cock, 
out, in .., out, in ...
... and so it went on for quite a while until I started to slap her arse cheeks with the flat of my hand, which fired her up even more and I could no longer hold and control it and so I finally squirted my sperm into her! 
I pumped everything I had into my horny little slut!!!

When I saw her squatting upside down on my cock so full, I thought about what she had told me and just asked myself the question of how many colleagues have only injected into my sweetness in the last week, but no matter I do not really want to know! The main thing is that my wife has her job and the boys have fun!

Is not that right ?!? ....

* * * * *
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(15-11-2023, 07:40 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: Hello friends,

I have written a short story (for all of us fans of Meena and Nadir) 
to make the wait for Salir and the continuation a little more pleasant.

Have fun reading ...


Dear friend,
I thank you very much for helping the story to go on...
I apreciate your interest on me and my Meena and admire your royalty, unlimited. 

I have no excuse for the delay in my post other than the usual daily problems of life and perhaps a small piece of laziness.

I hope i can continue the narration soon.

I wish you and all my other readers the best.
Be healthy and happy.

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