Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
Can you please make a pdf of this epic novel and upload here sir , we dont want to lost it sir. Please. The whole novel. Please sir , consider this.
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Thank you krish
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If i remembered correctly you told us that next story is going incest themed.
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Part 3 proved meera and krish relationship can be broken.If desai is honest,had he taken meera out of krish house on that day instead of sex,relationship could have ended.Anyways he tried very hard to guilt trip meera with unprotected sex,pregnancy things and don't want reunion of couple in any case.But they reunited easily,meera should have shown more resistance for what she has done

Krish one query I know you won't do that,"Is ending influenced by readers comments"?.It appeared you tried to give reasoning most of our questions in this chapter.

Meera is too soft on desai even after knowing everything.Okay she exhausted after all of what happened and no need to blame him for everything like she puts everything on krish.

Krish and meera could have one more heart to heart discussion.I felt it ended abruptly

Any epilogue?? And part 4??And what about Tejas wedding,is it just for some distraction
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Sad that the story ended too fast and all expected a happy ending with no such breaking. It could have been great meera with two husbands in the same house... and continue the story with next part... hahahaha
It's just my thought so that i don't want to stop reading to this epic story. But the end had already planned. I'm gonna miss this story (:
But Kudos to Krish for making 3 epic parts and making a one of the best story.
Krish - A good husband never want to leave Meera. A true lover.
Desai - A Sex god and Astonished by the beauty of meera so that he wanted meera for a lifetime. Always felt great and aroused more than any character and the encounters b/w them are epic.
Meera - A divine beauty made for sex.
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And one more when krish kept recorder back in desai room?.
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Predicted Happy end to the couple, No epilogue. So we could expect a part4.

Krish, pls Let us know your next work and when are you planning to start it?
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(18-01-2023, 05:41 AM)chutdriller Wrote: @bineeshm which scenario came true???

A person like desai who had destroyed so many lives cannot be in true love with anyone. It was clear since long that he is playing games..... Meera just wanted to fix krish to move on.... She said clearly that she loves krish more than anyone and does not trust desai yet. 

But one thing I want to highlight again is that as a human being we should always be good to people. We should bring a smile to anyone we meet. Life is stressful to all and when a stranger being happiness it becomes a blessing and a motivation and also brings positive vibes..

Of course Scenario 2 as suggested by you came closer to the final ending. Krish fancied my suggestion of raising Desai's kid but Meera doesn't entertain it.
I've mixed feeling on the last chapter. May take a bit of time before commenting on it.
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Wow, I can't believe it's over now. Please keep writing Krish you are good at it.
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(18-01-2023, 03:51 PM)Acchu Wrote: And one more when krish kept recorder back  in desai room?.

Considering the magnanimity of this story and the pressure we put on the Author last few updates..these bloopers should be OK if they were missed. I would suggest KRISH to go back and add few lines to correct the recorder and Phone so new readers who start the story do not miss the details.. Thanks again for the hard work and entertaining us all these months...
Will miss Meera & Krish.
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(18-01-2023, 05:46 PM)Emperor21 Wrote: Predicted Happy end to the couple, No epilogue. So we could expect a part4.

Krish, pls Let us know your next work and when are you planning to start it?

Based on the ending we would not have a part 4..Krish promised himself no more games and they are already planning kids...I would love to read an Epilogue lets say maybe an year or few about all the characters where they end up.
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(18-01-2023, 07:55 PM)RCF Wrote: Considering the magnanimity of this story and the pressure we put on the Author last few updates..these bloopers should be OK if they were missed. I would suggest KRISH to go back and add few lines to correct the recorder and Phone so new readers who start the story do not miss the details.. Thanks again for the hard work and entertaining us all these months...
Will miss Meera & Krish.

Yeah I know the pressure on author.He worked on nights to give the update.Generally he won't  leave any of these.
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(18-01-2023, 09:21 AM)RCF Wrote: Thanks for staying late and completing the story and cannot thank you more for this wonderful series and epic characters. Truly hard to find such stories in this forum. Excellent writing and never boring. You are one of the best writer in this site.

Here’s how I felt after reading the last episode.

I would be lying if i say i am disappointed since we all got the ending we wanted and that is Meera and Krish together but it would not be lying to say the least that i am disappointed in MEERA and of course disappointed in KRISH_999 for writing her character that way!

Only thing that was accomplished in this part was to tarnish Meera's image from the first two parts and made Krish’s character more weaker and nothing else. Meera has been made an ordinary woman from an extraordinary character. She got the hype at the end which I felt she didn’t deserve. I will explain my thoughts by sharing two things :

1. Meera’s behavior since Desai came back into their life.

Author tried to tell us through Nidhi's character what a woman goes through when she has sex with Desai..He is a beast and the emotions that any woman goes through would make her forget her love,family and even reputation and they can hardly resist him once they is so out of the world that they crave for it and would dream about it..Nidhi confessed the same that she had wet dreams when Desai didn't call her and at one point Meera confessed to Krish as well before this all started that she dreams about Desai after her first experience. So we can safely deduct that Meera has always known the weakness and knew its safe and best for her marriage to avoid Desai at all costs and as i have pointed out many times she did exactly that and Krish still pushed her towards him but once she got acquainted again with him there is no going back..its like exactly how Nidhi has described..she lost the meaning of her love, her character and her reputation to be in bed with Desai..she encouraged Krish to be a cuckold by openly calling him that and Desai as other husband..she did things that are so bad unlike Meera like having sex on her anniversary,car, openly roaming around..and many other contradictory events and statements i have mentioned earlier attributed all those to Meera's weakness to sex with Desai by giving explicit details of how Nidhi felt with Desai.

So if Meera can fall into the trap just like Nidhi or Ananya then how is she different in this story than them...she is just an ordinary woman who will sleep with Desai if she experiences sex with him and will even leave her husband for it. Fair enough lets say she wanted to resist Desai but she couldn’t and she is a victim of extraordinary sex and she is addicted but when you look into the three parts from bird’s view..don’t you think this is an anticlimax..if you look at this marriage only love for each other between couple and trust between them should make it special and exactly those are the things that are missing in this part. Her break down about Piyush and another man in her life ..all the drama to make Krish hate her and leave her could all be skipped to just have a fair conversation about how she felt..she didn’t believe Krish would understand, there lies the point of mistrust.

2. Meera’s reactions in last episode.

Her thoughts were she has remorse deep inside that she is enjoying the sex with the men that Krish brings in to their life so Krish brining Piyush has pushed her so much onto rage that she quit her marriage and tried to prove to Krish that she is moving on…really?

The punishment she is saying she will take it is to leave Krish and have sex with Desai non stop and be with him by going on many trips with him...and also acknowledging that eventually she might fall in love with him? How is that a punishment if you are doing exactly the same thing that you are so addicted to in the first place. If she wanted to be a whore to punish herself..she need not be with Desai..she can be with any man who can find her attractive but it is again about Desai and sex with him. Is that her redemption for being an accomplice with Krish. Lets even say that sex with Desai has triumphed her love for Krish momentarily but she loves him deeply then this is a poor way of showing it.
Her image from last episode is still intact and no amount of justification can erase that behavior..same shit as earlier ending in last part..i did this because i want Krish to hate me and move on. Same card as what she has played last part. What would have happened if she got a call from cops that he met with an accident or he committed suicide in kitchen while she is in bed with Desai? She has not even noticed that if Krish is watching and hating her if she truly did to make him hate her and did not even notice that he left the house. Her character has been damaged a lot than intended in the last episode for me. She definitely loves Krish and there is no denying that but the clarity of how much she loves Krish is not deeply established in this part rather it erased even the completeness we felt in the last part.
Only thing that again and again saved her is Krish and his love for her just like last episode in last part. Why? My question to author is why is this written this way? How can a sane person as her is not saving their marriage again rather a person who is nearing insanity in his fantasies has to save the day? Why cannot Meera be strong enough that she could save Krish and herself from Desai. Only saving grace in this story is Meera has chosen Krish again once Krish reminded her how much she loves him..not after she knew that Desai was a monster even then she was ready to be swept away by Desai by just one kiss if Krish has not interrupted..she would have allowed Desai to take her again to bedroom. If Krish's fantasies can push him into madness then this part proved that Meera's obsession with Desai and sex with him has pushed her to madness.

As i said..This story would be awesome if it ended last part as the conversations or the connection the couple shared were so deep and they truly opened up and confessed their hearts out...but here there is so much left out in terms of dialogue between Meera and felt abrupt end with out proper confessions between them. Krish as always ready to accept and she is always ready to reunion be it Desai or Krish. Her love for Krish is intact but her lust for Desai has triumphed that in this part, she did not leave Desai..she was ready to go world tour with him to sleep non stop and give in to the addiction. If Krish hasn’t shown up and tried to remind her about their love..she would have been in Himachal.

No matter what the ending is..Meera's love has been tarnished in this part by her actions. Even her reactions against Desai after knowing truth were meekly written..she didn’t even hate him..while when she was praising him with Krish…she called him a great man with lot of heart. All in all this episode was written with out putting in lot of thought about some of the loose ends namely like why did Meera and Desai change rooms, How is it different for Meera between Ashish and Jai, No strong reason why Nidhi has not tried to reach out to Krish when Desai started harassing her and many others if we think about it.

I think this chapter and the last were the weakest script work of Krish_999 in all his stories. Nevertheless, as i mentioned in the beginning any time given by a writer is a gift to us so we cannot complain. I am fortunate to be part of this series while it is ongoing..and share my thoughts.

Thanks again KRISH..Hope you come back with another story after a break.
I think the last chapter was certainly the weakest one, but the second last and the third last ones were one of the best chapters written by Krish_999. You can see that by the number of comments after those chapters. Few people did not like those episodes because they involved betrayal from Meera and her emotional involvement with Desai, a lot of people just wanted a vanilla cuckold story.
Also, this being the largest part of the story, a lot of loose ends started to pop up towards the later episodes. I think the author just got bored with the characters and just wanted to end the story quickly leading to the most predictable end possible.

Meera did not look remorseful after the split with Krish and was basically the same Meera we saw in the penultimate episode. She did not apologize to Krish and it was Krish who had to beg Meera to come back. Even after whatever happened with Desai she still had respect for him. 

This chapter just established the following things about Meera -

She has a high sex drive and did not seem overly sad about the separation.
She has a short temper and can punish you in the most brutal way if she wants to.
She is not remorseful in action but in her words only, there is a day and night difference between what she says and what she does.

I thought we would hear Meera's perspective and she would share her experience with Krish, but nothing of that sort happened.
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What to say it's kind of mixed feeling, don't know why, may happy because it ended and sad because there will be no Krish and Meera hence forth. I don't know about others but i visited this site only because of this story. Very few story kept me attached here and this was last one of them.
First it's time to show gratitude. Thank you very much Krish. It was great journey along with you in this part right from beginning till end supporting , encouraging and criticising you. Many authors write complete stories but it's just 2 or 3 update. Very few people write long stories and finish it you are one of them. It was a greatest erotic saga for us. Thank you from bottom of my heart.

Coming to story :
It was bit disappointing slightly, if we describe in just two lines " last story No one dies saint was disappointing because u didn't listened to readers and knowing my wife disappointed because you listened to readers " two different scenarios but both are true. U told that last part was 57 pages but it was not merely 10 pages , so this clearly tells something has changed in end and u modified last chapter, may be to please majority but it's ur Babu and u have all right how to finish it. One thing was sure since morning sex was there and not clarified till last part so that would be major turning point for the climax. But was really curious to know what was there in those 57 pages u wrote. strong Meera was shown prety vulnerable in last 2 parts that was bit confusing. Krish came out suddenly strong. But everything was necessary for the climax u planned. Every one taught story came to sudden hault.
This story was close to becoming a "Legend " but missed out and remained to be only best one. I taught Desai would atleast spend some time with Meera may be in guilt trip to some foreign locations, sex on beach and sand realising his dream impregnating and enjoying further. Then sharing those with Krish to make him envious or jealous. This would have given much more kick. Then end it with the climax what u had planned.
Most of the areas was what I taught of , some were really shockers like bringing back jai , piyush staying at night and all. Anyways finally it ended on happy note like a filmy climax. If we summarise in total best erotic story ever. - Thank you for this lovely story

Next comment on your writing
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Coming to your writing Krish we can divide into two parts pros and cons.
First start with pro:
As already said in last comment very dedicated for the story , u got frustrated, confused but u never gave up and completed it hats off to that. U have great skill as writer and very few posses that. U can take it as parallel profession and try to author some books. Ur writing reminds me of Chetan Bhagat. The twist u create at the end of every update and keep readers on toes for next update it's genius trick very few can execute. U r master of erotic drama or fiction. All the very best.

Cons :
1) this also i have already said. U should decide when to give in for reader wish and when u should not. This is very important point this will make a story legend or ordinary one. Both the time I felt u missed it. U could have done much better.
2) commitment to time and target date is very bad. We understand difficulties and family limitations. Best thing is to meet your time commitment or if it's difficult to meet tell well in advance such the other person or readers will not keep waiting and finally feel dissatisfied.
3) Giving update at late hours , initially I taught u were working at different timeline may be in some abroad location resulting in late night updates. But in last two chapters realised u r also in Indian time line. So this is very bad waking up all night for giving update, this will not only effect ur physical health but also impact ur mental health too. This will also effect ur writing and thinking capabilities.
4) since u are master writer u influence people thoughts so I know what should be done related to this

Last story also u responded after reading comments ur taught process and what plan u had for that story. Here also we hope the same. After that take some gap enjoy ur personal life and family life. U ended the " knowing my series on good note " don't restart it with part 4. Meera is already 32 let them have kids and live happily ever after. Kindly update if you are planning something. As i remember u told not incest theme but it's a thriller erotic story. This time I don't want to get attached but will read only after it ends ha ha ha ha. Some one rightly said if possible share the pdf copy of this story. We don't belive this website don't know when it might shut down.

Anyways thank you very very much and all the very best for future. Will definitely miss xossipy , most intelligent villian Desai , most beautiful and desiring Meera and finally Krish reason for this very story

Finally will definitely Miss you author Krish.

Thanks and regards

The Last Samurai
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Happy ending. Thank you krish sir.
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(18-01-2023, 08:20 PM)abhinay67 Wrote: I think the last chapter was certainly the weakest one, but the second last and the third last ones were one of the best chapters written by Krish_999. You can see that by the number of comments after those chapters. Few people did not like those episodes because they involved betrayal from Meera and her emotional involvement with Desai, a lot of people just wanted a vanilla cuckold story.
Also, this being the largest part of the story, a lot of loose ends started to pop up towards the later episodes. I think the author just got bored with the characters and just wanted to end the story quickly leading to the most predictable end possible.

Meera did not look remorseful after the split with Krish and was basically the same Meera we saw in the penultimate episode. She did not apologize to Krish and it was Krish who had to beg Meera to come back. Even after whatever happened with Desai she still had respect for him. 

This chapter just established the following things about Meera -

She has a high sex drive and did not seem overly sad about the separation.
She has a short temper and can punish you in the most brutal way if she wants to.
She is not remorseful in action but in her words only, there is a day and night difference between what she says and what she does.

I thought we would hear Meera's perspective and she would share her experience with Krish, but nothing of that sort happened.

The comments that you saw after last chapter was for the contradictions from many previous episodes that were observed on this one..ofcourse the chapters were always best in terms of writing but it faltered in establishing the focus point well. The plot where Piyush came in to the picture and guilt that was established with train episode were not strong enough for the reactions and separation that took place. What happened next was also not convincing as Meera when she has sex with Desai is totally a different person compared to her normal times..that feeling dampens her deeply established feelings of love for Krish.

She has a high sex drive and did not seem overly sad about the separation. - she is definitely devastated about the separation..she just want to cover it up with the sex and non stop sex.
She has a short temper and can punish you in the most brutal way if she wants to. - Yes when she is angry she reacts with out much thought.
She is not remorseful in action but in her words only, there is a day and night difference between what she says and what she does. - Again all this was attributed to the sex she is addicted to Desai so you cannot judge only point was it would have been a much better plot if she herself overcome her weakness and save their marriage rather than the regular plot of Krish saving the day, think about this if Meera herself would have overcome the weakness and save Krish and her marriage then it would have established the fact that she is indeed strong enough and her love for Krish is more stronger than her lust for Desai and also would have confirmed and gave us confidence that she can reject Desai any time in future but now it did not give enough confidence that if she is cornered tomorrow by Desai and forces himself on her..she would definitely not give shown by that last kiss how she was addicted to Desai.
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(18-01-2023, 09:21 PM)The Last samurai Wrote: Coming to your writing Krish we can divide into two parts pros and cons.
First start with pro:
As already said in last comment very dedicated for the story , u got frustrated, confused but u never gave up and completed it hats off to that. U have great skill as writer and very few posses that. U can take it as parallel profession and try to author some books. Ur writing reminds me of Chetan Bhagat. The twist u create at the end of every update and keep readers on toes for next update it's genius trick very few can execute. U r master of erotic drama or fiction. All the very best.

Cons :
1) this also i have already said. U should decide when to give in for reader wish and when u should not. This is very important point this will make a story legend or ordinary one. Both the time I felt u missed it. U could have done much better.
2) commitment to time and target date is very bad. We understand difficulties. I worked with Japanese people where time is money. So best thing is to meet your time commitment or if it's difficult to meet tell well in advance such the other person or readers will not keep waiting and finally feel dissatisfied. This will definitely work in professional life too try it out. -  What was that? As if he doesn't know what a commitment means
3) Giving update at late hours , initially I taught u were working at different timeline may be in some abroad location resulting in late night updates.  But in last two chapters realised u r also in Indian time line. So this is very bad waking up all night for giving update, this will not only effect ur physical health but also impact ur mental health too. This will also effect ur writing and thinking capabilities. Not only that for your update many readers also keep awake during nights , even wake up in night to check updates. This will effect readers health as well. Giving update on Sunday late night , people wake up in night to read it and Monday morning is office day and people attend it with sober face. - Do you realize that every one has family,kids, parents maybe in the house, when you need to write a story you need to be alone and only can happen when all of them cannot wait late night for a story then it is your problem don't crib on it. Calling out for late night updates is too much. Who asked you to wait late night for updates, you can sleep and read next day. He is not a professional writer and instead of being grateful for him staying all night to give an update you are writing cons?
4) since u are master writer u influence people thoughts so I know what should be done related to this

Last story also u responded after reading comments ur taught process and what plan u had for that story. Here also we hope the same. After that take some gap enjoy ur personal life and family life. U ended the " knowing my series on good note " don't restart it with part 4. Meera is already 32 let them have kids and live happily ever after. Kindly update if you are planning something. As i remember u told not incest theme but it's a thriller  erotic story. This time I don't want to get attached but will read only after it ends ha ha ha ha. Some one rightly said if possible share the pdf copy of this story. We don't belive this website don't know when it might shut down.

Anyways thank you very very much and all the very best for future. Will definitely miss xossipy , most intelligent villian Desai , most beautiful and desiring Meera and finally Krish reason for this very story

Finally will definitely Miss you author Krish.

Thanks and regards

The Last Samurai

I appreciate your thoughts on the story but please keep it to yourself when it comes to personal comments on timings on updates and late nights. There are many writers here who do not bother to even comment or continue story for months maybe you deserve them.
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I do not want to judge too harshly or 'like a hunter who shoots at luck with a shotgun into the forest and 
hopes to catch some birds'; to possibly describe Meera's and Krish's role and culpability in dealing with 
Desai or to filter out the main culprit.

This story reflected much more than the fantasies of a middle-class marriage and partnership.
It also showed us, among other things, the fragility of a relationship when the main characters involved
(in the story they appear as Meera and Krish) take much of their relationship "for granted" and do not 
nurture it, ferener invest for its happiness, security and harmony.

Krish (the author) has held the mirror of the real society in front of our eyes with this story too, 
so that we could look deep into it.
How many of us have thought about similar cases and fates that happen everyday in our surroundings?

Hardly or not at all !

... And for that I would like to express my gratitude to him. 

Meera's reaction at the end ? 
I had expected it that way !

Her silence and introversion showed us how ashamed she was and how much she was suffering.
A verbal attack or getting into an argument with Desai had led to both Meera and Krish finding 
themselves in the defender position, leaving the field and initiative to Desai.
That would be the mental ruin for both and the crowning victory for Desai...

Krish with his heart and loyalty (sincerity and fidelity)
Meera with her warmth and love (remorse and harmony)
have found each other again in the end.

... And that was and is good...

In this sense 
All the best


((I don't think Krish is thinking about a continuation in a fourth part "told from Meera's point of view". 
That would be the crowning glory for this story.

As they say; ,,Hope never dies!"
Who knows, maybe one day Krish *the author* will take his heart in his hand and start again...))
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