Adultery Adventures of Ruby (Naïve and Innocent housewife)
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Ruby smiled to herself now that she has his attention. She slowly spoke without trying to cover the "View".
"I don't know how to make it up for you. I have never been in this situation before. I thought it would be just child's play for you to threaten them to get more details and that was very selfish of me. I cannot undo what happened to you." She paused.
"But I would like to help you in any and every way possible to make it comfortable for you. Please, please do let me know how I can make this right."
She got emotional and started crying and said, "Please help me. I cannot live like this. Not after knowing that I have caused pain to you.
Please, please do help me help you so that I can make it right."
She bent down and put her face on his hand she was holding and started sobbing.
Sid felt very irritated at first but could not move as it would hurt. He kept very silent.
After almost a minute, Ruby felt it is hopeless and slowly rose from her position and adjusted her pallu properly. She had to come to terms that there is nothing she can do to make it right.
She slowly stood up and in a very low voice said, "Okay, I will leave now, since you don't want to see my face anymore. I have put the food on the table. Please let me know if you need anything else."

With a heavy heart she walked out the door, locked it and started walking towards her flat.
She went straight to her bedroom and collapsed on it sobbing. She slowly dozed off into a sleep.
She woke up when her cell phone chimed. She lazily looked at the time. It was PM.
She picked up her phone and there were several messages from Sid.
She was pleasantly surprised and read the first message.
It said, "I will help you help me to make it right."
The first message and the second one were almost 20 minutes apart from each other. As if Sid was contemplating what to text and being very careful.
The second one said, "You are the reason for a lot of pain, both physical and mental."
The third one - "You will have to help me a lot, I mean "a lot", to right all of the wrong doings. Are you up for it?"
Ruby felt butterflies in her stomach. A very familiar tingling sensation. She wasn't sure what Sid would ask for. But she was relieved that she has a chance of being forgiven and excited.
She sat there lost in her thoughts. "What could he possibly have on his mind?"
She wasn't sure how to respond.
Her phone rang. It was Amit. She picked it up. "Hello!" Amit's voice sounded very dull. Ruby could not figure out if it is the reception that is bad or if he is in a bad mood.

"Are you okay? Your voice is very low" she responded.
After a long pause, Amit spoke, "Good news, bad news. What do you want to hear first?"
Ruby got frightened and said, "What happened? Are you okay? Is your health okay?"
"I am fine, I am fine" Amit responded. "It is stuff at work."
"Okay bad news first, then." She said.
"A few team members left the company unannounced and so we have to hire new folks." He said.
"Why is that bad news?" Ruby asked innocently.
"Let me finish babaa. The folks that are leaving will take the experience with them. And hiring new team members takes time and training them takes time aaannd" Before he could finish, Ruby said, "Aaaannndd?"
"Aaaannndd that is the bad news. I would have to handle the work load myself with the remaining team members and spend time hiring and training the new ones. Which I cannot do from Mumbai. So, more frequent and longer tours to Bangalore until it is resolved."
Ruby could only say, "oh".
"oh? That's it? I thought you will start crying." Amit sounded disappointed.
"Sorry I meant This is indeed bad news." She responded.
"What is the good news, then?" She asked.
"More opportunities to taste Bangalore food." He said laughing.
The door bell rang. Ruby said, "Amit there is someone at the door, let me answer it and come back."
She was surprised to see Amit at the door. He smiled and walked in.
"Since we will have to work over the weekdays, my boss sent all of us home for the weekend." He explained."
Ruby smiled and hugged him saying "So this is the good news?". He responded with a nod.
Ruby told him to take a shower and started preparing dinner.
Half hour later her mind came back to the question Sid posed . "Should I say Yes? What does it mean if I do? I definitely cannot say no. I don't want to say no. Sid might have already noticed that I have read his texts. Delaying my response would send the wrong message. What should I do, what should I do?" Ruby couldn't make up her mind.

"Where is the towel, Ruby?" Amit yelled from the batch room.
"Coming" Ruby put the phone down and ran towards the bath room. She gave him his towel, clothes and started slowly walking back to the kitchen.
The phone chimed a couple of times and she saw a few unread texts, all from Sid.
She became nervous and slowly picked it up and started reading them.
"I can see you are tied up. I saw Amit bhayya getting out of the taxi from my window."
Ruby was relieved reading this.
The next one said, "My friend Rohan will be stopping by this evening. We will be stepping out for a bit and will not return until 9 PM."
As she was reading this, another text showed up - "I know you will not be comfortable responding to my question with Amit bhayya around. So here is the deal. If your answer is "Yes", then go to my room and clean the dishes you got food in earlier today. If it is a "No" then leave them as they are and I will understand. "
Ruby heard Amit walk into the kitchen and she immediately put the phone away and started making small talk with him and started cooking. Amit went on and on about his pending work but Ruby could not concentrate, she kept smiling and nodding.
"Oh by the way, how is Sid doing?" Amit asked.
Ruby got emotional and said "Fine"
"There, there, I know they have done a lot for us during our time of need. So we should help him. Let me go invite him for dinner." Amit said trying to get out of his chair.
Ruby stopped him and said, "No, No. He has gone out with his friend."
"Oh..ok" Amit said, "I am very hungry, let us have food."
After dinner, Amit went straight to bed and by the time Ruby came back to bedroom after doing the dishes, he was fast asleep.
She looked at the time and it was 8PM. She slowly woke Amit up and told him that she needs to get the dishes from Sid's flat. He nodded and went back to sleep.
Ruby locked the door and went to Sid's room. She picked up the dishes and cleaned them. She did some light dusting as well to make it obvious that she was there and her answer is a "YES".
She came back to her flat and sat on the sofa. She did not turn the lights on. She started thinking in the dark. "What did Sid have in mind?" She was waiting for Sid to return at 9PM and get her answer. "What will he do now?"
She was very nervous and at the same time, very excited.

At about 10 past 9PM, she heard some noise coming from Sid's flat and figured he is back and would have noticed the dishes cleaned and the place tidied up.
Her heart was racing with anticipation. She could hear Amit's loud snoring and was glad that he is in deep sleep.
Her palms became sweaty.
After what felt like ages, her phone chimed. She almost dropped it.
She slowly checked her messages and noticed one from Sid. She started reading it.
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"Now that you have accepted to help me, here is what I want you to do. It is almost 9:30PM. I want you to step out and get me a couple of beers from the wine shop next to the movie theater."
Her heart started to race again. "Beer? At this time of the day? All alone?" These questions were giving her a fright.
On the other hand, the mention of "that theater" made her remember her "adventure" and got her all excited.
She slowly checked on Amit and he is in deep sleep. She thought about the situation again and again. Should she go ahead with this or chicken out to be safe? What would happen if she does not go through with this? Sid might even stop talking to her. She does not want to lose a friend., especially after she caused him harm. She was completely lost in her thoughts.
One thing was certain. She does not want the friendship to end , not like this.
She made up her mind and slowly walked into the bed room and opened the almirah without making any sound.
She picked up the "old man" suite with over sized wind jacket, the hat to hide her long hair, the shoes, over sized pants etc.
She was surprised when she realized that she was getting wet down there.

After getting ready as an old man, she checked on Amit again and stepped out satisfied that he is still sleeping.
She took the stairs to avoid meeting people in the elevator. As soon as she reached the ground floor, she looked around and found a few men at the gate. She cursed her luck. She checked on her mobile the timing of the wine shop near her apartment and it showed it closes at 10PM. She could not wait any longer as the wine shop will close soon. She wanted to walk past them but more men showed up. She had to wait in the darkness of the parking lot for a bit more.

After 15 minutes, people started to leave that place and so Ruby walked very fast and kept her head low. She walked past the folks at the gate and they did not pay any attention to her.
Once on the street, she was relieved and started walking very fast towards the theater. The streets were dark and she made sure to avoid the street lights and to stay in the dark while walking.
Her heart rate was through the roof. Last time she was there, Amit wasn't home. But this time it is different and it is adding to the excitement. She is scared to death at the same time.
As soon as she approached the wine shop, she realized the last one hour is the busiest as folks want to get their drink before it closes for the day. There were too many people trying to buy their drinks.
She realized there is no way she can go past them to the counter. She realized the situation she is in. Sid did this on purpose, to put her in this situation.
Not wanting to go back empty handed, she looked around and could only see low class people yelling and pushing each other to get to the counter.
She noticed that there was a small alley way next to the shop that leads to the back of the shop. It is so dark and she could not see much.
She stayed in the dark and was noticing people. She was afraid that someone might recognize her.
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She checked the time and it was almost 9:50PM. Not knowing what to do she slowly slipped into the dark alley and immediately hit her knee against something. Once her eyes got used to the dark she realized there was broken glass everywhere. There were some boxes and some metal objects lying around.
She carefully navigated around those objects and ended up on the other side of the alley. It lead straight to the back side of the wine shop. There was only one dull bulb glowing and there were a couple of tress and a lot of big boxes, metal drums and other objects. She could see workers carrying boxes from there through a narrow lane. She could not see where they were taking those boxes.
She waited till those men went around the corner. She quickly moved and hid behind a large drum. It was really dark there and so no one could notice her.
While the men were carrying them, the boxes were making clank sounds. She figured they would contain bottles of alcohol.
She wanted to pick a few and make her way back to her flat but there was on guy who stayed back to guard the boxes. So she could not make her move. She waited there hoping that the guy would also leave but he did not. The men started to come back for more boxes to move. When she noticed all men made it to the back of the shop and started taking a break by lighting cigarettes and making small talk, she slowly moved towards the narrow lane through which they were transporting those boxes. She ended up in a shady open space, not very big but well hidden. There was a small truck there and they were loading those boxes into that.
She stayed hidden for a bit and looked around. She could not see anyone, so she assumed there was nobody there. She was about to stand up and run towards the truck when she heard someone talking. She stayed hidden and looked in that direction. The sound was coming from yet another narrow lane from there. She could barely see it.
She moved from that location and slowly walked to another dark spot behind the trees from where she could see the other side of the narrow lane.
She could see that big trucks and cars were passing by. She figured that the narrow lane lead to some large road. Still it was all dark with tall trees and poorly lit places.
She could see movement and then realized there were some women walking around. There were some parked vehicles. The men who were talking earlier where standing there and were talking to those women. Ruby could not figure out what those women were doing there.
She was now absolutely sure that the vehicle is left un guarded. She slowly came out of the place she was hiding in and walked toward the truck. She could not reach the boxes and so slowly climbed the back of the truck and started going through the boxes. They were tightly sealed and so Ruby was having tough time opening them.
She managed to open one box and soon realized there were beer bottles in it. She got a sense of victory but soon heard the voices of men carrying more boxes approaching the vehicle. She was frightened to death. She realized it was too late to get out of the truck as they would see her.
So as a reflex, she hid behind a pile of those boxes. Soon the men started loading more boxes into the truck. Luckily they did not get into the back. After almost 20 minutes, it all went silent. Ruby thought it was their break time. She quickly got up and looked around. She could not find anyone. So she quickly picked two beer bottles from the box she managed to open and slowly started to move to the end of the truck. She was about to get down when she heard a man moaning.
She peeped out and noticed that the two men she saw talking to those women were standing there on the side of the truck and were making those noises.
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Ruby could have gotten off from the other side and could have run but curiosity got the better of her. What are those men doing? Why are they making those noises? Who were the women they were talking to?
She slowly peeked a bit more and quickly realized that there were two women on their knees in front of those men. She then moved a bit to the side to see what is going on and what she saw made her shiver.
She quickly recognized the "services" those women are providing to these men from the pictures of Amit, Sid had shown her. It dawned on her at that moment that those women were prostitutes and the men were buying their services.
She then heard other noises coming from the hidden parts behind the trees. She moved to the corner of the truck and slowly peeped to see where those noises were coming from. She could not clearly see what was going on there but definitely there were some movements.
She looked back at the women sucking the mens' cocks and thought "Cheee" and tried getting off the truck from the other end, but it was too late. When she peeped from the other end of the truck, she could see a man standing in the narrow lane that lead to the back of the shop and was smoking. She quickly realized there wasn't enough room in the truck for them to just drop the boxes off like last time. So this time, when they come around, one of them will definitely get in, to pile those boxes properly and she will get caught.
She had very little time and she cursed herself for not running away from there when she had a chance.
She did not know what to do.
In a flash of brilliance Ruby figured that the men will definitely make a big deal if they see an old man snooping around their stuff, but as she had seen earlier, finding "those" women near their truck will not make them suspicious as they might think the prostitutes are there to make some money.
In a jiffy, Ruby took off the jacket, the shirt, the pants, the shoes. She was not wearing her usual night shorts that day. She realized that underneath her "Old man" costume she was wearing only her bra and panties. She cursed herself for being so careless.
She looked at Amit's shirt she was wearing for a moment and the shawl and improvised. She folded the sleeves till her elbows are visible and then she made a knot by pulling the bottom ends of the shirt by unbuttoning them. She made sure a good portion of her cleavage is visible. That took care of the top.
She used the shawl , folded it and wrapped it around her waist to make it look like a skirt.
She then quickly put the cap, coat and other things inside the bag to cushion the two bottles she had stuffed in it so that they will not make any sound while she tries to get away from there.

She then slowly got off the truck. She paused for a minute and assessed her situation again. She does not want the man to see her coming from the truck. He might get suspicious that she might be stealing their stuff. She would have to play her "part" of being one of "those" women well to escape from there.
So she started walking casually as if she is looking for some "business". She first walked towards the two men. By then, they had the two women stood up facing towards the truck and they were roughly fucking them from behind and paid no attention to Ruby.
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Instead of getting disgusted, Ruby surprised herself by standing there and continue watching "it". There was no subtleness there. The men were trying to derive pleasure by roughly going at it. Rough penetration, loud grunts, the sweating. Ruby was noticing the pure form of raw animalistic pleasures. That too from up-close. It was not any porn video she watched in the comforts and safety of her bedroom.
This was live and raw. She stood there staring at them when one of the women turned her head and noticed her. Ruby felt a jolt of fright and moved away from there. She started walking but then realized she was walking in the wrong direction, away from the alley that leads to the shop. She was walking towards the main road.
She wanted to turn around when she heard noises from the bushes.
"Let us see what is going on there." The animal woke up and yelled. All the "action" she saw woke her up, Ruby guessed.
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As if controlled by a remote by the animal Ruby, she made her way into the bushes.
She stopped after walking for a bit and noticed that a woman was riding a guy. He was sitting on a plastic box container.
She then realized there were sounds coming from all four directions. Once her eyes got used to the dark, she realized that she was surrounded by the "action". A lot of women were providing there "services" to the men.
Some were just jerking the men off. Some were being roughly penetrated in many different positions. Raw animal pleasures were being derived.
Ruby somehow felt the urge to continue to watch and did not want to move. Suddenly a man walked out of the bushes. He was still zipping up his pants. Looks like he just got some services provided to him.
He came face to face with Ruby and stopped and just stood there staring at her. This made her come back to earth.
She smiled and turned towards the narrow lane and started walking. The two men were done with the women and they were paying them by the time Ruby came back to the truck. She walked around the truck to avoid being seen.
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The guy was still standing at the narrow lane and was still smoking. He noticed her after a few minutes and whistled. As she tried going past him, he dropped the cigarette and approached her. Ruby became nervous but did not show it.
He roughly squeezed her midriff and said, "How much baby?" with a vulgar smile.
Ruby ignored him and started walking. The rough palm touching her bare skin made her shiver, with pleasure. That is when she saw the men carrying the boxes coming from the other end. They all started whistling and making crude comments.
"What a maal, yaar"
"Look at that ass. Looks tight... will be a lot of fun going deep."
"Can't wait to get those lips around my cock"
"Do you do group rates?"
"How did we miss this item for so long?"
"Shabbu and Shilpa will definitely lose all their business now."
"Shabbu? Shilpa?" the animal remembered the names.
"Let us load the boxes quickly and come back and have her during the next break."
That last comment made a shiver run through her spine.
She was glad that the men had to keep their hands to themselves as they were carrying boxes. If that wasn't the case, they would have groped her or would have done much worse things to her.
She picked up her pace. The men just left the boxes on the ground and were trying to get back to get her.
She immediately ran into the dark alley next to the wine shop and took out the pants, hat and jacket and put them on. She was barely done changing her appearance when the men reached that spot. Ruby slowly started walking like an old man.
As soon as she reached the other side of the shop, she found the men searching for the "maal".
Ruby chuckled but did not say anything.
One of the men asked her, "Did you see a girl pass by Old man?"
Ruby just shook her head and started walking towards her apartments.

She reached the apartments and did not bother stopping to check if there were any men at the gate. She took the stairs. She ran towards Sid's flat. She kept the bag with the two bottles at the door and rand the bell and couple of times and started running towards her flat. She slowly opened the door and tip toed towards the bedroom. Amit was still in deep sleep.
Relieved, she took her costume off and changed into her night dress.
She calmly put the clothes back in the almirah and slowly got onto the bed and closed her eyes.
[+] 4 users Like sugahdaddy15's post
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Super update
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super... now waiting for some session with Sid.. pls post sooner this time
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Ruby is now in bitch in heat. Who is gonna turn it off. Awesome bro.
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Wow!!!! That was unbelievably hot. Welcome back brother. And with a BANG
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Amazing one
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