Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
Fantastic bro. Meera made a wise decision at last. She found that krish is not her man.
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Unless Krish dreamed it all "from the beginning!"
and now wakes up from sleep ... and sees Meera, -his lovely, beautiful and beloved wife- lying next to him....


Sad Angry
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As I said, meera was already in love with Desai and she was waiting for a right moment to break away from krish. And she used it wisely. She was not in love with krish. That is evident from her behavior when she move to another room . Now both manipulators win. Even though I expected she is considering Desai as her husband and giving more priority to him over krish, I am sad that couple separated. It is clear that meera is cheating krish. She is aware that neighbors are asking about Desai and reshma directly asked uncomfortable questions. Still meera did not missed any opportunity to go with Desai. So she is not at worried what others are thinking. Because she is already decided what her future. She made favorite food for Desai alone when krish is bedridden. Not for her husband. She is sharing all her secrets and daily office affairs with Desai not with krish.
If she loved krish, she will not accept Desai this easily. She will not allow him to impregnate her with in a few hours of fight with krish. As I told, her social experiment are successful.
I am sad that krish got betrayed. I am sad that meera fell in love with Desai much longer period than expected. She is saying about jai, then what about Ashish?
Even though I expected this, I thought couple will survive. But that didn't happened
[+] 2 users Like Vikadakavi's post
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Oh!What an episode.Krish himself  to be blamed for all his miseries.Desai completely manipulated couple,Created doubt in krish mind by two morning incidents(he knows door is not sound proof),always tried to manipulate meera about krish behavior,cuck nature.If  it is not desai in two mornings probably he deserves meera.If not meera will regret it later.
Meera  putting all the blame on krish,but she is also has her share in it.She did the same mistake which she confessed to krish in part 2 "not taking help from Krish,".Here she did blunder by revealing it to desai and believed krish is mad about his fantasies.Probably meera wanted to end this  relationship,loving desai and may be the reason for her behaviour in this episode.And she crossed the line some serious breach of trust from meera
Unless desai reveals about two morning incidents and make realize couple their mistakes they are gonna be separated.
If meera clear about her love to desai,separation is good for meera and for krish too,but looks like  she wanted time to think about her future.
I thought krish is a puppet of desai,but it is meera become the one.Completely under control of him(may be knowingly)

And I am curious how will krish turnout,will he be the same cuckold krish or a too late realization?
[+] 1 user Likes Acchu's post
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(27-12-2022, 06:08 AM)abhinay67 Wrote: Great writing and thanks for the early update. 
Waiting for a great finale.

Desai has manipulated Krish big time and there is no way back for him . The only way the marriage can be saved is if Meera realizes the true face of Desai,she already mentioned that she is not love in Desai .However , whatever she says to krish cannot be taken at face value , she lied about Jai , but was Ok to disclose sex with Ashish .Clearly , both Meera and Krish were not 100% truthful to each other and Desai used this oppurtunity perfectly .

Likely Scenarios -

1. Desai has impregnated Meera and Meera decides to settle with Desai for stable future .(least likely as the author has a habit of providing twist)

2. Some third person exposes Desai or Meera stumbles upon a loose end of Desai's plan and goes back to Krish .
[+] 1 user Likes abhinay67's post
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Ok thank you Krish for the update and at right time. I want to reserve my comments and will give my taught at the end of last chapter. I don't want to jump to the conclusion so soon. Also i request other reader to wait for one more chapter to give their thoughts on each character. One more chapter is left and many thing can happen over it.
On today's episode, most was the things was as I thaught like Krish mental status. (It may be very good plan by Desai to prove Krish he is not mentally stable,, i had taught same and Krish can clearly come out of that go to security check CCTV easy right ). Jai part was suprise to me. In this part Krish has tried to balance both type if readers. Type 1 and type 2 as I said in my previous comment . But fina comment i will give after next part. Thank you Krish waiting for the final part give it us ASAP.
[+] 1 user Likes The Last samurai's post
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Time to end the saga. What a journey it has been. There could have been only 1 couple at end:

Either Desai manipulated everything OR  may be he just developed upon Krish's fantasies   ->   Finally he won over Meera.
Meera had to be with someone who would be her equal and Krish clearly was not it.

Krish only left with remorse, guilt and sorrow. But he must remember, he is not over yet.
Divorce is common now a days for even silly reasons. He can remarry and move on, be a better husband and show that he has learnt form his mistakes. 
Surely in that story, plot would be better - Meera would see him as a better man than he is now. 

[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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Meera wants to settle down with one person and have babies, now she almost decided it is Desai.

Desai won his manipulation game. His seed is grown to a tree and he is enjoying the fruits of it.

Krish lost Meera now to Desai. Will he be able to win Meera again?

Stage is set for the ultimate question.

What is going to be Meera's final choise - Desai or Krish? And whose Babies it's going to be?

Hope the author shares us Soon.
[+] 1 user Likes Emperor21's post
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It's over what is in last chapter ??
[+] 1 user Likes Navellover143143's post
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Krish plz end this in this year itself ?
[+] 1 user Likes Navellover143143's post
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Desai plans r well worked he finally seed his baby in meera womb poor Krish dumb meera ??
[+] 1 user Likes Navellover143143's post
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What an awesome update
[+] 1 user Likes Chotanunnu18's post
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In last chapter according to Meera She would prefer to die than leaving Krish for anyone and now breaking the marriage for the silly reasion. What if Krish said yes for Piyush(which he did not), this is his behaviour which Meera knows since long.
Also it's clear Desai has not changed and he wanted to separate Meera and Krish. He had sex in the morning with someone else so he is not committed to Meera as he boasted. Krish can proof it to show real face of Desai.
Desai is evil and evil should not win at end otherwise there is no meaning of immense love between Meera and Krish which writer was trying to portray since the beginning.
[+] 2 users Like desihunter's post
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I have said this before and i tell this again..Desai is one of the best characters ever written in erotica!

He was looking for a crack between the couple like Krish said..he found it in second reason that Meera conveyed to Desai..and he has used it so well the very next morning and he also laid foundations for Krish blaming Meera for breaking promise already. He knows Meera will have second thoughts about her decision if given time and taking time might take her back to Krish or giving them more time to sort the issues hence he is sealing it by claiming her at right time the very night by having sex with her and trying to impregnate her so there is no going back. He has been playing masterful mind games since the beginning..Best character written in a villainous role.

I will share my thoughts about Krish and Meera once I read it again.
[+] 1 user Likes RCF's post
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Excellent one Desai did what he told to krsh we already know it the way he manipulated the couple is one of the best waiting to see how author will make it end ....Don't know who will regret in the end .
If it is a dream or there will a turn in next part couple get together with no pregnant is good
Just thinking it is planned by both Meera and Desai to make krsh understand his nature to come out from his fantasies just my opinion for good ending.
Else Meera with Desai and krsh will find other one
[+] 1 user Likes Saikarthik's post
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Hi friends
In exbii i read a story of construction worker continuation by a author
Story line will be sajid took purva for his village for a week fuck
After the fuck she was not able to walk also so after a year she ll give birth to sajid child but still stay with her husband
Sajid ll come to see his child and he ll ask hus husband to stay outside
Any one have this story
[+] 1 user Likes Peterparker's post
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Desai finally had his brahmastra to break the trust that meera had on Krish. He was waiting for this. Unless he break the trust, he cannot convince her to make a family with him and carry his seeds in her womb. He did it perfectly. Awesome update.
[+] 1 user Likes Rangushki's post
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The story could have been ended here. But it’s not. What is left now?

It’s Meera’s realisations. The forthcoming episode could deal with it or even part IV could be written.

All three characters tried to manipulate each other to reach different goals. They all had successes and failures in their attempts.

As per characterization presented prior to this episode, the present outcome was expected. I supported Desai to get Meera on his changed attitude towards Meera and his reformed personalities. I also supported Meera in her endeavour to find a better life partner than Krish.
Unfortunately, both Meera and Desai are not true to themselves even at this crucial moment of their lives. Both have kept secrets unknown to each other have potential to disrupt their future relationship. Desai loosing Meera may not disrupt him much but Meera loosing Both Desai and Krish would be horrible. Meera will loose trust on Desai shortly.

Meera was always selfish and opportunistic. But she has brain to distinguish between truth and lie. She has the intelligence to rip through the foul play of Desai. She can’t deny her contribution to Krish’s cuckoldry. She also can’t  deny her aptitude for dominated sex. At some point, she needs to agree with herself that the game was initiated by herself and continued with her active support. Facing truth to self is most difficult. What i disliked most is Meera's selfishness to shift the blame to Krish alone without accepting self role. She could have gracefully exited from Krish's life citing love for Desai without implementing Krish falsely. There was no need for her to degrade and blame Krish wrongfully. Meera character is turnished to the hell. Will author give her some opportunity and space to rise above and do justice to her image?  

Desai manipulated aptly both Krish and Meera. He is jubilant and enjoying his win. But one can never always be correct in psychological game. After all a game is a game. Desai has already made mistakes by playing recording of his lovemaking in the morning. It could lead him making further mistakes. Overconfidence will destroy Desai. This time Krish may walk out of Meera’s life paving the way for introspection. An intersection for both of them.
Looking ahead to Meera’s realization in next episode.
[+] 3 users Like manasi's post
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I dont expect or dont like for Meera realization or Meera returning to Krish. She started having 'Feelings" towards Desai long back. She was like cat on the wall. After the previous seperation, she want to take decisions very carefully. She was looking for a trustworthy man. Definitely krish was not the one. His mind is always occupied with sex sex sex. He never been possessive about his wife. Every woman want their husband to be possessive about them. Meera understood this long back. Everything has boiled down to this time. Good that he moved out. Hope the dawn bring a good news to Desai and Meera that Krish is DEAD. Smile
[+] 1 user Likes Gopal Ratnam's post
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Meera remember only the train incident as bad. All her adventures with other men are good. What the hell man?
I am happy for Meera because, she has got a real man at last. Baby from krish will be wimp like him. Another woman on the earth in the future has to open her legs for her pleasures. Well done author krish!!
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