Adultery Sharing My Wife Returns - by stranger_women
This story was written by stranger_women and was posted in formerly Actually, this story is a modification of the story "Indian Wife Becomes a Mistress" by Simran_Ahluwalia. This is not a word by word copy-paste of the original story. There are many cosmetic changes; and most importantly, this story is narrated from husband's point of view. So there is a cuckold-angle in it. The original story was narrated by the wife.

Have a nice time.
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My full name is Surinder Singh Ahluwalia. I am a Journalist from India, aged 36. I live with my beautiful wife Sunita Kaur Ahluwalia, in a four bed-room apartment in Mumbai. I have known my wife, since my school days, as both of us lived in the same locality during our childhood. We fell in love at college and got married after graduation. We have two children, a son, aged seven and recently, we have been blessed with a baby daughter, one year ago. We led a happily married life. An incident that recently occurred in our life dramatically changed our married life.
Our neighbours were an elderly couple, Hardayal Singh and his wife, Tejinder Kaur. He was 52 years of age and his wife Teji, was 40. As a mark of respect, we used to call Hardayal Singh, as Hardayalji. They were childless. Unfortunately, tragedy struck them. Teji, was knocked down by a truck and died. Hardayalji was heart-broken. He was inconsolable. He began drinking heavily. As time went, it seemed that Hardayalji was slowly becoming an alcoholic. He lost his job. Every day, he sat alone in his house, drinking all day long. My wife is a very caring person and could not bear to see Hardayalji's condition deteriorate.
One day, my wife told me, "Surinder, we must help Hardayalji. He has no family. There is no one to help him. I think that, it is because he is all alone in his house, that, he drinks so heavily. Why don't we ask him to lock up his house, and come to stay with us, for a month or two? That will help in discouraging him to drink."
I said, "Okay. But can you handle the extra work of cooking etc. for him too?"
She replied, "Don't worry. I shall manage all the extra cooking and other jobs for him, without any problem."
Hearing her I then said, "I think this is a wonderful idea. Teji was your friend. We owe it to her, to take care of her husband. Let us invite Hardayalji to stay with us."
My wife and I convinced Hardayalji, to move in with us. He reluctantly shifted into our house. We accommodated him in our guest room. Sunita began doing all the work for Hardayalji. She cooked for him, washed and ironed his clothes for him etc. I usually go to work by around 7 a.m. and return back by only 9 p.m. at night. Being out of work, Hardayalji would sit in our living room all day long and watch cable TV. To keep him company, Sunita would talk to him, whenever she went into our living room.
Two months passed. He had dramatically reduced his drinking and was on the way to recovery. So, we asked Hardayalji to continue staying with us.
In our house, as a routine, Sunita would first have her bath and then bathe our son to get him ready for school. I would bathe later. Hardayalji used to bathe, last. When we went for a bath, each of us would put our used clothes in a plastic bin. Later during the day, Sunita would remove everyone's clothes from the bin and wash them.
One day, while washing clothes, Sunita found wet and sticky stains on her unwashed bra and panty. When she touched the spots to examine them, she realized that they were semen patches! She was surprised. I had not even touched her, the night before. So, she wondered how and where, her bra and panty may have got that semen. Sunita presumed that since we had not done any sex during the night before, I may have got excited during my bath and had used her undergarments, to masturbate myself! That was alright with her. She was my wife. As I am her husband, she thought I had every right to masturbate and ejaculate my semen on her undergarments.
That night, after dinner, we wished Hardayalji a good night and retired to our bedroom. Sunita playfully teased me saying, "Surinder, since when have you become a teenager, once again? And that too, at this age?"
I got surprised and asked, "What do you mean Sunita? What did I do, like a teenager?"
Sunita laughed and replied, "If you wanted me so much last night, you could have awaken me and taken your pleasure from my body. I would have been more than happy to take care of your need! Why did you need to play with yourself and spill your semen, in the bathroom?"
I was taken aback. I said, "What? Spill my semen in the bathroom? Don't be silly, Sunita. I am a 35 year old man. Why would I play with myself, when I could have your lovely body anytime that I wish? And how did you presume that I had masturbated like some immature teenager, in the bathroom?"
I then continued, "And Sunita, now that you are breast-feeding our baby, as there is no chance of a pregnancy, you know how I love to fill your cunt up with my semen. Why would I waste it in the bathroom? I would save them in my balls and pour it into your hairy cunt!"
She shyly smiled. But, now it was my turn to be surprised. As we knew each other since our childhood, my wife was always frank and open with me. So I started to think, from where had the semen-stains come on her bra and panty? Suddenly, the answer hit her.
She looked at me and said, "Oh Surinder, I found stains on my bra and panty, when I went to wash our clothes. They were not there, when I removed my clothes before bath. When I examined the stains, they were clearly semen stains! Which means that, someone masturbated on my undergarments in the morning, while we were bathing."
I was astonished. I became silent and began thinking. Suddenly I too got the answer. I said, "Sunita, I think I know from where they came. They are Hardayalji's semen-stains! He has not had a woman, ever since his wife died and must be desperate. I think he has masturbated using your bra and panty, and ejaculated his semen on them."
Sunita said, "Yes, Surinder. I too think so. Oh God! What should we do now?"
I replied, "Sunita, listen. We have known Hardayalji since years. He is a good man, but very lonely, since his wife died. He may not have been able to control his sexual desires. Hence, he must have fantasized about your body and masturbated on your undergarments. But, let us keep silent. He has not harmed us. So, we should not be rude to him. Let us pretend as if we do not know about what he has done."
Sunita said, "But Surinder, it is wrong for Hardayalji to fantasize about my body. I am your wife! He is 52 years old and I am 31. Young enough to be his daughter, if he had one. Maybe you should give him a hint about what we know and convince him to get married again."
I told her, "Sunita, let it go. Let us not embarrass him."
She nodded and agreed to let the matter go. We went to bed.
That night, I found my wife unusually excited, sexually. She seemed to wildly lust for my cock. She was vigorous during sex.
Surprisingly, the next morning, she would not let me out of the bed. Though I told her that she had to get our son ready for school, she would not leave me. She once again forced me to have sex with her, before allowing me to go for my bath. I was surprised at her naughty behaviour.
While she was putting on her maxi, I asked her mischievously, "Sunita, what has happened to you? You are acting like a hungry wife! Your behaviour seems so different and you seem so excited since the last night!"
She replied, "Well Surinder, I suppose the thought that 'Hardayalji must have sniffed at my panty and by now, he even knows the smell of my cunt', made me this excited!"
I laughed and said, "Shut up, Sunita. You are really shameless."
After I had left for work, Sunita breast-fed our baby and continued with her house-work.
While working, she reflected upon what had happened and how it had excited her. For some reason, she herself was feeling edgy.
She had to purchase groceries, so, she wanted to give Hardayalji his breakfast, before leaving the house. But, his door was still closed.
As Sunita was getting late, she decided to knock on his door, to wake him up. She went to his room and knocked lightly. There was no response. She presumed that maybe he was sleeping. So, she silently pushed the door open.
Through the crack of the door, Sunita saw an outrageous sight. Hardayalji, was lying naked on the bed! His legs were spread. He had his penis in one hand and was stroking it. With his other hand, he was fondling his testicles. What shocked her, was the size of his penis! It looked like some heavy log of wood! His testicles looked huge. His whole penis was stretched tight. Sunita got frightened. Though she wanted to quickly leave, but her curiosity at the sight of his colossal penis made her continue to silently snoop through the crack of the door. Hardayalji was incoherent. Sunita tried to figure out, what he was murmuring. She listened carefully.
He was mumbling, "Sunita beti, Aaaaah, get ready. I am going to fill your choot (cunt) with my seed. I am going to make you the mother of my baby, aaahhh..."
Sunita was surprised! Hardayalji was again fantasizing about her to masturbate himself. She quickly closed the door and stepped back, before he ejaculated.
She had a glass of cold water and sat down in the living room, breathing rapidly. She could not forget the sight in Hardayalji's bed-room. She could feel her vagina get moist at the thought of Hardayalji's mighty penis.
After ten minutes, suddenly Hardayalji's door opened and he came out. He wished her. Sunita was too embarrassed to look into his eyes. With her eyes downcast, she wished him back. Sunita told him that his breakfast was served on the dining table and rushed out.
My wife returned home and continued with her housework. The thought of Hardayalji's imposing penis, was stuck in her mind. It made her vagina continuously wet and she was feeling sticky in between her thighs, throughout the day.
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I returned in the evening and we had dinner. She seemed to be still excited at the thought of the night before.
Immediately after the baby and my son slept, she virtually jumped upon me and thrust her vagina into my penis. I had to pumped all my semen in her pussy and lay down beside her - tired. As I had ejaculated quickly, Sunita did not get her own orgasm.
After some time, She said to me, "Surinder, I want to tell you something. In the morning, as Hardayalji, did not come out of his room for a long time, since I wanted to go to the market, I slightly opened his door and peeped in. You will not believe, what I saw!"
I turned towards her and asked, "What did you see, Sunita?"
My wife blushed and said, "Hardayalji was lying naked on his bed. He was calling out my name and masturbating. Oh Surinder! His penis was so unbelievably huge. I got so frightened! I quickly closed the door and rushed back to our living room."
I stared at my wife blushing. Suddenly I thrust my fingers into her vagina. Obviously I could see that though, my wife's vagina was full of my sperms, yet, it was still moist at the thought of Hardayalji's mammoth penis.
Stroking my fingers in and out of her vagina, I asked Sunita, "Oh I see! But, Sunita, tell me Darling, why are you blushing so much and why is your cunt watering so much, at the thought of Hardayalji's over-sized cock?"
My wife was ashamed by my question and said, "Don't be silly, Surinder. My vagina is wet because of you. You have filled it with your sperms."
I asked my wife, "Sunita, was Hardayalji's cock much larger than mine?"
Sunita kept silent.
I prodded her again, "Come on Sunita, we have always been frank with each other. Be open with me."
My wife shyly whispered, "Yes, Surinder. It was unbelievable in size. Exceptionally long and thick. Absolutely mammoth. Maybe more than thrice, the size of your organ!"
I stared at Sunita for some time and kissed her passionately. She then grew silent and went into a deep thought.
I said, "So, I see that my loyal and innocent wife, is very excited at the sight of another man's cock, because of its huge size!"
She stared at me again and smiled mischievously.
She then said, "Surinder, please don't talk like that. I am your wife and the mother of our two children."
I kissed my wife again and said, "Come on Sunita! Don't get nervous. I am not offended. This is absolutely normal. Though you are the mother of our children, you are also a healthy young lady. As a woman, you have become curious about Hardayalji's exceptionally huge cock. As his cock is much larger than mine, obviously, you have found it much more exciting. There is nothing wrong in that. So, don't get embarrassed."
But my wife looked embarrassed. She said, "Surinder, I am a married woman. I should not even think of another man. So, please do not talk like this."
This time I caressed her vagina and said, "Sunita, so what? Why are you getting so embarrassed? It is okay. The way your vagina is watering, at the mere mention of Hardayalji's cock, it is quite obvious to me, that your cunt wants to experience the pleasure of his cock. And what is so wrong in that?"
She then asked, "Are you sure?"
I said, "Absolutely."
I continued, "Look Sunita, I want to request you something. Can I be frank with you? Promise me, that you will not question me. And promise me, that you will not refuse."
She answered me, "Of course, I promise, Darling. I am your wife. We have known each other since childhood. Have I ever refused anything that you wanted, from me?"
I said, "Sunita, listen to me. We know that Hardayalji has not had a woman, since long. We know that he lusts for your lovely body and masturbates himself thinking of you. And now, after seeing his massive cock, you too, are so excited. Your cunt is watering at the mere thought of his cock. He and you, are both lusting for one another."
Sunita replied, "What do you want from me?"
I said, "Sunita, I want you to come with me."
She asked me, "Where?"
I replied, "Don't ask questions. Just do as I say."
My wife said, "OK Baba. But, you have made me naked now. Let me dress myself. I shall come."
I replied, "No Sunita. That is not necessary. Just wrap yourself in a towel."
Sunita was confused now. She asked me again, "Where? Where do you want me to come with you? And that too - just wrapped in a towel?"
I replied, "Sunita, please - just come."
Sunita got up from the bed and went to our wash room. Her vagina was sticky with my semen. She washed it with water. She also washed her arm-pits and face too. She then wrapped herself in a towel and walked back to me, I was already standing at the door of our bed-room. My wife was thoroughly confused, as to where I wanted her to come, or what I wanted her to do! When she came up to me, I thrust my two fingers again into her vagina.
I repeated, "Sunita, look - your cunt is still watering. You have been excited ever since you have seen Hardayalji's cock."
"It was true," she said in a husky voice. My wife cast her eyes down with embarrassment. I adjusted her dishevelled hair and kissed on her cheeks.
I then opened our bed-room door, clasped her hand and walked her out of the room.
I took her straight to Hardayalji's bedroom's door and stopped. I wondered what he was doing. My wife was not even dressed. Just had a towel wrapped around her body!
I said, "Sunita, knock on Hardayalji's door and go in. I want you to spend the night with him. I want him to fuck you. I want your cunt to have the pleasure of great orgasms from his gigantic cock."
She was shocked! She said, "Surinder, have you gone mad? I am your wife. The mother of your two children. Don't be stupid. My body is only for your pleasure. This is ridiculous. I will certainly not do this."
I said, "Sunita, I am not being ridiculous. You are refusing only because you are feeling awkward that, we are married. Listen to me. Don't worry. I will always love you and you will always remain my wife, even if Hardayalji fucks you tonight."
Sunita simply said, "No, Surinder."
I told her, "Look Sunita, You know very well, that his cock excites you, a lot. Both of you are longing for each other's body. Both of you must enjoy one another's body. Why should I, or our marriage, be an obstruction to your pleasure?"
She simply said, "No, Surinder. This is a sin. This is simply not right. How can I face you in the morning, after he has ravished me?"
I pleaded, "Sunita, please Darling. I will be happy knowing that my wife's cunt is being thoroughly satisfied by another big man, who has a cock, much larger in size than me."
My wife again said, "Oh God, Surinder. No!"
I said, "Sunita, please. I love you so much. You have promised me to do what I tell you. If you break that promise, I shall get very hurt."
She said, "No Surinder. I do not want to hurt you. But this is so bizarre. And I am frightened. His monstrous organ will surely tear and enlarge my vagina. You may not enjoy me anymore."
I said, "Sunita, ever since you have given birth to our two children, your cunt has become quite large. I am sure that it is flexible enough, to take his large cock and have many orgasms. And Sunita Darling, your cunt will always excite and pleasure me. Whether it is big, or small."
My wife again said, "No Surinder, please do not ask me to do this."
I replied, "Why are you feeling so guilty? You have already honoured me, by giving me your virginity, on our wedding night. So, even if your cunt takes Hardayalji's large cock, there is nothing new for me. So, come on love. It is already 11.30 pm now. So, knock his door and go to him."
Sunita stood still, not knowing what to do. Yes, even I realized that I was feeling tremendously excited, ever since, I saw Sunita getting very horny seeing Hardayalji's penis. My wife looked very nervous. She was definitely thinking about me, our marriage, and our children. How could she, a married Indian woman, simply go to another man, just because his penis excited her?
I again prodded her, "Sunita, please don't break your promise to me. I want this to happen so much. Please don't break my heart."
She was trembling with nervousness and did not knock.
Suddenly, without any warning, I leaned across her and knocked on Hardayalji's door myself!
My wife was shocked. I also felt like running away from there. The passage was dark, with just a night lamp on. My wife and I stood still, waiting for Hardayalji to open his door. Each second felt like a life time. She was trembling. My knees were wobbling. My throat became dry.
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After a few moments the door opened slightly. Hardayalji peered through the open door at us. He saw my wife standing there, with only a towel wrapped around her body. He was quite surprised. He was also surprised to see me standing beside her.
He asked me, "Yes, Surinder Saab, what is it? Any problem?"
He opened the door fully for us. My wife and I went and sat on the sofa in his bed-room. Hardayalji sat on the bed.
I replied to him, "Hardayalji, my wife and I know that you have been very lonely since the past few months. We realize that, there has been no woman to take care of your needs, since long. Hence, we have decided that Sunita will sleep with you tonight and she will take care of all your manly needs."
I got up from the sofa and helped my wife to get up. I walked her to Hardayalji's bed and made her sit close to Hardayalji. She could get a whiff of Hardayalji's manly scent. As Sunita had only wrapped a towel over her, and as I had her sit very close to Hardayalji, her bare arm came into contact with his arm and Sunita felt a kind of current shoot through her. I could sense a sudden gush of moisture seep through her vagina.
I said, "Sunita and I came to know that you have been fantasizing about her. As you can see, my lovely wife, is the typical sturdy Punjabi woman. Fleshy and sensuous but homely. She is determined to spend the night with you, on your bed, so that both of you can satisfy each other's desires."
Hardayalji was shocked! He exclaimed, "What??? Surinder Saab, what are you saying?"
I explained, "Yes, Hardayalji. You heard me right. You want my wife. My wife too is excited about you. She wants to experience your huge organ ever since she saw you naked on your bed. So, both of you can fulfill your desires tonight."
"But why are you sacrificing so much for me?" Hardayalji asked.
Me: Hardayalji… you know… my thing is not that big… it's in the smaller size. Today I want my wife to experience the pleasure of having a really big cock. You may think that today I want to give her a present. A pleasure of a life time.
"But I don't have any condoms with me. What if I can't control myself?" Hardayalji asked worriedly.
Me: No problem Hardayalji, You can even pump your sperms straight into her cunt because she was breast-feeding our baby and so there is no chance of unwanted pregnancy.
Hardayalji was really confused. He tried to say something in response but was unable to utter a word due to excitement.
Sunita was silent. I made her get up. I caught her hands and stared into her eyes for a long time. Then I hugged my wife. I adjusted her hair and kissed her over her eyes and cheeks. Then I walked away from the room, shutting the door behind her.
But I had not returned to my bedroom. I waited in our living room hiding myself in the dark.
After a minute or two, I saw Hardayalji came near the half shut door and closed it properly locking it from inside. I quickly went near a closed window of that room and used a narrow crack in the wood to peep in to the room.
Hardayalji looked at my wife and asked, "Sunita beti, is this true? Have you also agreed to this?"
Now Hardayalji and Sunita, were all alone in his bedroom. Sunita sat nervously beside him.
Hardayalji said, "Sunita beti, it is true that I am obsessed by your sensuous body and beauty. But is it true, what your husband just said? That you too, want me? That you too, are longing to have sex with me?"
My wife looked down and whispered, "I don't know, what to say, Hardayalji."
Hardayalji said, "My dear Sunita, Your breasts and buttocks are so large and exciting. I had always fantasized about how your cunt would look and feel like. I can't even believe that your own husband has allowed you to have fun with me tonight."
Sunita did not say anything, she just smiled nervously.
"Now stand up Sunita. I want to see you naked." Hardayalji said in a husky voice.
Sunita did not move. She looked really nervous.
Hardayalji: When your own husband gave you permission to enjoy then why are you acting so shy?
Hardayalji: Look, the door and the windows are all closed. Your husband can't see what we are going to do. Don't be so nervous Sunita, please stand up and come to me.
Sunita understood his point. This time she got up from the bed and stood. Hardayalji too stood up. He pulled off the towel from her body. Sunita was totally naked now! She was still feeling so shy. He stared at her body for a long time. As Sunita was breast-feeding our baby, her breasts had grown to a very large size. But thankfully, though they were full of milk, yet, they were reasonably firm. My wife has large, black nipples. They protrude out from her breasts - especially since our baby and I frequently suck upon them, to drink her milk. The sight of her fair naked breasts and black nipples was driving Hardayalji mad! Hardayalji's eyes went to her crotch. As I love to see her hairy, she had stopped shaving. Hence, she had a thick growth of hair under her arm-pits and an extra-ordinarily dense and bushy growth of pubic hair all over her vagina. Hardayalji stared at her pubic hair.
He asked her, "Wow! Sunita beti, what a thick hair growth you have under your arms and on your cunt! I simply love them."
Hardayalji turned her body, to look at her buttocks. Being a Punjabi woman, she has very large and fleshy buttocks. Hardayalji came close to her, from her behind. He circled her with his arms and cupped her breasts lightly. He kept his palms cupped over her breasts without pumping, or squeezing them. He seemed to be relishing the feel of my wife’s heavy breasts! Hardayalji now made Sunita sit on the bed. He lay down on her lap. He began fondling and squeezing Sunita's breasts and nipples. Milk started shooting out of her nipples, due to his rough squeezing. Hungrily, he put his mouth on one of her nipples and began sucking out her milk, straight into his mouth. He kept fondling her other breast, with his palm, while drinking her milk. Sunita was getting excited to have Hardayalji's mouth upon her nipples. Her vagina became more wet. In his lust, Hardayalji, began biting her breasts and nipples roughly. It should have pained but Sunita was enjoying it. Hardayalji sucked off almost all the milk, from both her nipples. He then got up and sat next to her.
Hardayalji got up and removed his pajama. He had not worn any underwear. His unusually over-sized penis shot out! Sunita was shocked to see it, from so close! His pubic area was covered with curly grey hair. His penis was even larger than what I have thought. It was jet black and almost the size of an elephant's organ. It was about 9 inches long and about three and a half inches thick. It stood majestically erect. The head of Hardayalji's penis was much larger. Like a small ripe tomato. It was wildly throbbing. The veins running along his penis, were gorged with blood. Hardayalji's testicles were enormous. They hung heavily under his penis. As big as small size oranges. I could see strands of pubic hair growing even on his testicles. His penis was sweating and must be emitting a sensuous and manly smell. Looking at his penis, Sunita got very excited and her vagina began oozing out her fluids.
My wife could not control her excitement and felt like cuddling his penis so much. She timidly extended her hand and touched his incredible penis. Hardayalji gasped with pleasure and spread his legs wide, to give her better access to his penis. Sunita cupped his immense testicles with her other hand and gently fondled them. She pulled the fore-skin of his penis down and examined his penis head. It was so exciting to watch. Without even being told, she took his penis into her mouth. Though his penis was fully in her mouth, I could see that her mouth did not even cover half of his penis, as it was so long. She had to stretch her mouth wide open, to accommodate the massive thickness of his organ. Sunita began running her tongue over the head of his penis and sucking him, all the while fondling his gorgeous testicles. Hardayalji caught her head in his hands and began roughly thrusting his huge penis in and out of her mouth. His penis head, was hitting the back of her throat and she was almost choking! In between he took his penis out and rubbed it all over her face and then again put it back in her mouth. This went on for a long time, after which he withdrew himself from her mouth.
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Hardayalji made Sunita lie down on the bed. He pushed her arms up. I saw that he was excited by her thick arm-pit hair. He ran his hands through her arm-pits and pulled at her hair. Though my wife's arm-pits were sweaty, he thoroughly licked both of them. He then smacked his lips and kissed her, thrusting his tongue deep into my wife's mouth. She sucked on his tongue. Hardayalji's lust was growing. He squeezed her breasts roughly. Like a savage, he kept biting her neck, breasts and nipples. As he was biting her in passion, he did not realize that his bites were painful to her. But surprisingly my wife was enjoying it. He began kissing her belly and thrust his tongue into her navel. Hardayalji then roughly turned Sunita on to her belly. He began kissing and biting the back of her neck and shoulders. His bites were getting very painful. He then fondled and squeezed Sunita's ample buttocks. He began biting her buttocks too, painfully. She struggled with pain but didn't stop him. Hardayalji began slapping her buttocks quite hard. Beating them, seemed to give him some unknown pleasure! He rubbed his penis all over my wife's back and buttocks. Hardayalji again turned her over on the bed, to lie on her back, facing him.
Hardayalji pushed Sunita's legs up all the way, until her body was curled up and her vagina was thrust up. He knelt in between her thighs and separated them wide apart. He bent down and put his mouth on her hairy vagina. He began running his tongue all over her pubic hair and licking them vigorously. Then his tongue entered her vaginal folds and began moving on her inner vaginal lips. Sunita was getting very excited and her vagina was oozing like some fountain, with the excitement. He began swirling his tongue around her clitoris and flicking over it. Then he began thrusting his tongue, deep into her vagina, in and out for a long time. He kept sucking her vaginal secretions into his mouth and hungrily swallowing them.
He asked my wife, "Sunita Beti, Are you ready to take me inside?"
I was amazed when I saw Sunita shyly replied, with excitement, "Yes, Hardayalji. I am ready."
Hardayalji's penis was vigorously throbbing, in anticipation of entering my wife's moist vagina. He positioned the thick bulbous head of his penis at the entrance of her vagina. He began rubbing his mammoth penis head, across the folds of her vaginal lips and lightly thumped it across her clitoris. Currents of pleasure, shot up through her body. Sunita waited eagerly in anticipation, to receive his huge penis into her vagina. Finally he pushed the huge bulbous head into her vagina. Anxiously Sunita spread her thighs wider, to be able to accommodate the penis easier. It slowly parted her pink vaginal lips and his bulbous head slowly entered her vagina. My wife's delicate vaginal lips got stretched. Sunita gasped. Hardayalji plunged his organ into her, a little more. Her vaginal lips closed around the crown of his organ head. He forced his organ further into her and embedded his fat organ head, in her vagina. With every push, Hardayalji was able to worm his organ into her vagina, a little further.
Hardayalji's powerful penis, now began rubbing roughly against my wife's vaginal tissues. He had thrust six inches into her and his organ head slammed up against the back of her vagina, right up against her cervix. Hardayalji now started to forcefully propel his organ in and out of her vagina. My wife's body was being violently tossed, up and down. Sunita arched her back and started to pant and moan. He grabbed her slim shoulders, in his strong hands again and pulled her against himself. Sunita groaned as the head of his massive penis, thudded against her cervix. He pushed deeply into her. Slow and gentle jabs, each forward thrust spreading her narrow cervical sphincter wider and wider. Hardayalji's thick and swollen bulbous organ head kept drilling into the deepest part of her vagina, with no mercy. Sweat was just pouring off her.
Hardayalji's huge organ head, was piercing through my wife's narrowest of openings and spreading her cervical ring far apart, widening it for the massive length behind it. My wife gritted her teeth and stared at him with shock, as I felt my Sunita's cervix surrender to his organ. As Hardayalji's bulbous organ head forcefully propelled itself through her cervix, there was a sudden, slight rendering sound, as my wife's cervical sphincter was forced apart. Then his organ head was through it! Sunita gave a shrill scream and tossed her head about, flinging her black silken hair across. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets as I stared at them, with my mouth agape. With one powerful and violent thrust, Hardayalji slammed the rest of his 9-inch penis all the way through her cervix, into my wife's womb, until his testicles slammed up against her moist vaginal lips. Sunita again shrieked in shock!
The head of Hardayalji's penis had connected with the back of my wife's womb. As a woman, Sunita was thrilled at being able to accommodate this elderly man's massively monstrous penis, so deep in her womb. Within a few minutes, pleasurable sensations began developing deep in her, where his penis was embedded into her womb. Sunita stared with a new found passion at her lover. Her eyes were now as big as saucers, as she felt the swollen & throbbing head of his enormous organ, tickle the most sensitive lining of the back of her womb. As minutes flew by, Sunita was enveloped by a long-lasting wave of delirious ecstasy. Her own lust grew. She was proud to give pleasure to this amazing man. Involuntarily, my wife's feminine charms wanted to excite and pleasure him all the more. Her breasts got automatically thrust up, like cones. Her nipples became erect and stood straight.
Hardayalji and Sunita, were breathing rapidly and sweating profusely. Their bodies were joined. Crotch to crotch. Pubic hair to pubic hair. Hardayalji and Sunita, were one now. They lay still. Sunita slowly thrust her hips up a bit further onto Hardayalji's penis - trying to accommodate him better. Hardayalji began thrusting his penis deep in and out of her womb. It was rubbing against her sensitive nerve endings there - which I never even knew existed! She began to meet his thrusts into her, with her own thrusts upwards onto his organ. Her eyes closed and her hands digging into his shoulders. Up and down he rode, sliding half of his rigid penis in and out of her womb. Sunita grunted as the bulbous head of his penis repeatedly thudded through her womb.
Hardayalji rammed into her womb violently like a mad man, jack-hammering through her tight cervical sphincter. My wife was in ecstasy. Sunita could feel her orgasm building up. She too started shoving her vagina upwards onto his penis, to meet his brutal thrusts into her. Her pleasure was mounting rapidly. Sweat was pouring out from both of them. Both of them were panting. He went on shoving his massive organ in and out of her womb - brutally. In her rapidly building ecstasy, Sunita too kept propelling her vagina up onto his cock rapidly and violently. Her climax was building up faster and she could not control herself any longer. Finally her orgasm tore through her vagina!
Sunita screamed, "Aaahhhh... Hardayalji Faster… Faster Hardayalji... Deeper... More deeper... Aaaaaah... Aaaaaah... Oh God! Aaaaaah... I am cumming... Aaaaah... Aaaaah!"
She let herself go completely. Hardayalji went on viciously pumping in and out of her vagina, when she was having her orgasm, making it more intense for her. Orgasmic secretions were pouring out of Sunita's vagina. She was completely out of breath. Sunita threw her arms around his neck, groaned deeply, then thrust her lips on his, to kiss him. Hardayalji relaxed for a few minutes and stroked her hair. He kissed her lovingly on her lips, cheeks and forehead. Keeping his throbbing organ in her vagina, he allowed her to rest for a while. Sunita recovered her breath slowly. She understood that he was going to now, take his pleasure from her body. My wife got ready for his brutal thrusts.
Hardayalji lifted himself way up and slammed into my wife again. He began propelling his penis into her like a machine. Sunita was meeting his thrusts, with equally brutal upward thrusts of her own, onto his powerful penis. She began squeezing her vagina as tight as possible, to give his penis, more friction, as she thrust against him. His speed was increasing. After a few more violent thrusts, she could feel the head of his penis swell, all the more. My wife moaned deeply and groaned, as it spread her even wider apart. He shut his eyes gasping. He grabbed her waist and heaved into her, with ferocious thrusts. And then the moment came! Hardayalji's mammoth organ began bucking with incredible force. Sunita knew that he was going to ejaculate into her.
With an animal-like roar from his throat, Hardayalji yelled, "Sunita beti! Aaaaaah... I am cumming... Aaaaaah... Aaaaaah... Aaaaaah... I am pouring my seeds into your young cunt. Aaaaaah... Aaaaaah..."
My wife's womb was whipped violently around, by the first bursts of Hardayalji's manly seeds. She felt the red-hot pellets, fired directly onto her eggs, deep in her womb. A torrent of his scorching semen fired against the sensitive linings of her womb, each continuous sperm blast, orchestrating an orgasmic shout from him! Sunita could feel spurt after spurt of his sperms, hitting the back wall of her womb. The huge volume and force of his semen hitting her sensitive tissues triggered another orgasm in her vagina and she screamed in ecstasy. Hardayalji, went on ejaculating into her womb for a very long time. He must have fired-off almost half, of a quarter litre of his boiling semen inside my wife's womb, each sporadic ejaculation bouncing off her womb, like cannon balls. They held each other closely, lips locked and tongues entwined in a passionate kiss, each simply overcome by the force of what they were feeling.
After the frenzy, both their orgasms began subsiding gradually. Emptying himself into her womb, he collapsed on top of my wife.
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They regained their breath after a very long time. Hardayalji, withdrew his huge penis from my wife's vagina. Though he had ejaculated into my wife's womb, amazingly, it was still semi-erect. As it came out of her, huge volumes of his semen and my wife’s own secretions flowed out of her vagina. Sunita was still panting.
Sunita whispered to him, "Hardayalji, I need to go back to my husband now."
Hardayalji asked my wife, "Sunita, this was an amazing experience for me. I am sure that it was a thoroughly enjoyable fuck for you too, as I observed that your cunt virtually exploded with two fantastic orgasms. If we enjoy one another so much, then I want to fuck you regularly, from now on. When can you come to my bed again?"
Sunita replied in a husky voice, "Hardayalji, yes, I must say you made me get two extremely intense orgasms, which were probably the best releases that I have ever had in my life! After tonight I also want to do with you regularly. But I am Surinder's wife. I am the mother of his children’s also. Hardayalji, I love my husband a lot and what we both want is only possible if he allows me to do so."
He said, "Sunita, I fully understand your responsibilities to your husband and to your children and I do not wish to disturb your marriage. All I am asking you to do is, apart from being his wife, if he agrees, please also agree to be my wife also. You can continue to sleep with your husband at nights. Since I will be at home during day time, we can do what we both want during the day time only."
Sunita said, "Hardayalji, I really don't know what to say."
Hardayalji said, "Sunita, let me suggest something. Is it okay with you, if I ask your husband's permission, for you to become my wife when he will be outside? If he agrees, you will be like a woman with two husbands."
My wife hesitated. Then finally she said, "Okay Hardayalji. You ask my husband. If he agrees, then I will be glad to become your wife and take care of your needs and desires."
She got up from the bed. Hardayalji too got up. Sunita simply wrapped herself in the towel once again. Hardayalji put his arm over her shoulders and walked her towards our bed-room. I quickly returned back in to my bedroom.
Sunita silently opened the door. Hardayalji took Sunita near me and made her sit next to me.
Hardayalji said, "Surinder Saab, thank you so much, for being kind enough to let me spend some time with your young wife. I shall always be obliged. I am returning your most precious asset back to you, safe and sound. I just hope that you will be kind enough to send her back to me again at your convenience. I shall talk to you on this later."
Hardayalji walked away, shutting the door behind him.
"So did you two enjoy?" I asked Sunita.
She kissed me on my cheeks and pulled off her towel.
I began silently examining her. Her body was fully covered with sweat. Her hair was completely dishevelled and stuck on her head and face, due to the sweat. There were deep bite marks, on her neck and breasts. Her nipples too had a few bite marks. There were tens of deep gashes on her thighs and buttocks, where Hardayalji had bit her very painfully, in his lust. Her pubic hair was matted with Hardayalji's semen, which was still dripping out of her vagina, over her thighs on to the bed. I gazed at each of her bite marks and gashes. I looked intently at the semen of Hardayalji, dripping from her vagina. I pushed up her arms and smelled her sweaty and hairy armpits.
Suddenly, she kissed me, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. She then pulled me down to the bed and made me lie down. "Please don't see all these so intensely," in a very husky voice Sunita whispered.
I asked her, "Sunita, did he force you to suck his cock?"
Sunita replied, "Not really, Surinder. I took his penis into my mouth, because I felt like it."
I asked her, "Sunita, did it taste good?"
She replied, "Yes Surinder. I loved sucking and tasting his erect penis."
Me: But you never suck mine.
Sunita: Yes.
I again asked her, "Sunita, were you able to take his gigantic cock fully into your cunt?"
She replied, "Yes Surinder, I did. With a bit of difficulty though."
I said, "Did it pain you?"
She replied, "Yes, initially, when he first pushed the mammoth size into me. But later I could bear the discomfort."
I asked my wife, "Sunita, did he fuck you hard? Did he fuck you for a long time?"
She replied, "Yes, Surinder. He was thrusting his enormous penis so violently and very deep, opening up parts of my vagina, which your penis had never even touched. And in his passion, he was thrusting brutally into me for a very long time. Maybe almost 15 minutes."
I asked, "Darling, I have seen that your neck, breasts, nipples, thighs and buttocks are completely covered with his bite marks. It must have pained you so much. Why did you not protest?"
Sunita replied, "He was completely lost in his lust Surinder. He was like a savage in his passion. I could not stop him. But though it was paining I must admit I enjoyed it also."
I asked again, "Do you mean to say that you liked his savage behaviour?"
My wife replied, "I don't know what happened to my feelings, Surinder. I too was extremely excited and wanted to feel his painful bites all over my body. I wanted him to hurt me badly."
I continued my questioning, "Sunita, did you think of me, when he was wildly thrusting his giant cock into your cunt?"
She replied, "No, Surinder. I never thought about you."
Me: How many orgasms did he make your cunt, get from his monster cock?
She replied, "He made me get two orgasms Surinder."
Me: Were the orgasms that you got from his huge cock, better than those that you normally get from my cock?
She replied, "Surinder, please do not ask me this question. My answer may hurt you."
Me: No. I want to know. Tell me frankly.
Sunita shyly replied, "Surinder, yes. The orgasms that he made me get, were extremely explosive and very intense for me. The best, that I have ever had. And yes, much more enjoyable and fierce, than I ever got with you."
I continued, "Did you love receiving his semen straight into your cunt?"
She replied, "Yes Surinder, because his gigantic penis is so powerful, he ejaculated very deep into me. Almost in my womb. And when he ejaculated, it triggered another orgasm for me."
Me: Sunita, now let me see you cunt.
She was not willing to but I forced her. At last she was ready.
I separated her thighs and pushed her legs up. I began closely examining her messy and sweaty vagina, which was full of Hardayalji's semen. I wanted to feel it so I thrust my fingers into her vagina to felt the semen. I rotated my fingers deep within her vagina. His semen was thick and stickier than me. I tasted it slightly. It was saltier than me also.
I told her, "Sunita I want my cock to feel your cunt, when it is full of Hardayalji's semen. Raise your thighs more. I want to push my cock into your cunt and fuck you now."
She silently raised her thighs. Her eyes were telling me, 'it's your property, do whatever you want to do.'
I positioned my penis at the entrance of my wife's vagina and thrust myself into her. For the third time that night, her vagina was receiving a man's penis. I was shocked when she told me this time she hardly feel my penis. That was because, after taking the violent thrusting of Hardayalji's mammoth penis into her over such a long time, my wife's vagina had probably got a bit enlarged, I figured out. I told her that.
She said, "Yes, your penis was just average in size and hence I could almost not feel anything. That's why it slid into me very easily."
Hearing those intimidating words from my wife's lips I became very horny. I began thrusting my penis in and out of Sunita. But within just 3-4 thrusts into her, I could not hold it and ejaculated my semen into her vagina. Now the semen of two men, Hardayalji and me, got mixed in to my wife's vagina and she told me that she felt it like pond of semen.

*** *** ***
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In the next morning, before leaving the bed, I asked my wife, "Sunita, your cunt really seems to have enlarged after getting fucked by Hardayalji. I am sure that it will be difficult for me to satisfy you from now on. Do you wish to continue getting fucked by him?"
She shyly replied, "Surinder, I don't know what to say. I am your wife. Not his."
I again said, "Come on Sunita, now there is no point of shyness. Your cunt has already taken and enjoyed Hardayalji's cock. So, tell me frankly."
My wife replied, "Surinder, Hardayalji wants me to become his wife also… I mean when you will be in office or somewhere else outside. He is going to ask your permission."
I knew that already but I asked her, "What do you want, Sunita? Do you wish to be his wife too?"
Sunita did not answer for a long time.
So I asked her again, "Come on Sunita, you know that our love and understanding are excellent. Be frank with me about it. Whatever may be your decision is, we will cope with it."
She was silent. I again asked her.
This time she replied, "Surinder, you are my husband. Our marriage is very sacred to me and I love you so much. I do not wish to hurt you, in any way."
I said, "No. I won't be hurt by your answer and our marriage will remain strong. Just tell me openly. Do you wish to be his wife too?"
She murmured something but I could not hear it properly.
Me: What? Please tell my Sunita, I need to know it clearly.
This time she shyly replied, "Yes, Surinder. I too secretly wish to be Hardayalji's wife. I want to experience another marriage but only if you permit me. I want to enjoy another man in my bed; I believe a strong sexual bond with Hardayalji will bring tremendous fun and excitement in our life."
"Hmmmm…….and your friend Teji will be happy in heaven also." I said supporting her.
Sunita: You know Teji was my best friend. But I want to confess one thing very clearly to you. I feel very much excited to conquer and enjoy Teji's man. I am not doing it for Teji. I am doing it for myself.
I was amazed hearing her.
She continued, "But only if you are sure that it won't hurt you in any way. You must think all the aspects before deciding about it. I mean, if I marry him then we will definitely need some privacy and quality time between us. Every husband and wife have some secrets between themselves. You will never ask me about those things. And I promise I will never disclose our secrets to Hardayalji also."
Sunita: Another thing, Hardayalji is new to my life and he is tremendously well equipped to satisfy all my womanly needs. So After our marriage if I unintentionally give him some extra favour or spend some extra time with him then you can't be emotional or angry with me.
I kissed her deeply and said, "I want to give you the pleasure and excitement of another marriage. It is perfectly alright with me, Sunita. I shall give him permission to make you, his wife. And I will abide by all the rules and guidelines you set for me."
"Are you sure? You love me so much Surinder," She started crying.
"Don't cry Sunita," I said, "I want you to be fully satisfied by having sex with your new man. I will try to give you some privacy also so that you can fully enjoy another happy marriage life simultaneously. We can work out some kind of an understanding, as to who can have you on which night of the week. So all of us can be happy."
She kissed me back and said, "Oh Surinder. I am so lucky and so proud to have you, as my husband."
Both of us hugged each other before leaving the bed.

*** *** ***
Ever since that night, my life has changed. My wife Sunita, being a simple housewife earlier, have become the property of two men. She remains my wife and Hardayalji's wife simultaneously. Both of her men came to a mutual arrangement. Sunita moved into our old bed-room. I shifted to another bedroom with my children, which they have allocated to me, for myself. Each night, either me, or Hardayalji goes to Sunita's bedroom to spend the night with her. But, in the case when both of us wants her on the same night, one of us goes to her bed first, leaves after ejaculating into her vagina. The other one comes in after the first man has left and spends the remaining night with her. When I fuck her, Hardayalji takes care of my children. And When Hardayalji fucks her I take care of my children.
We share everything. We even take turns to bathe her. Sometimes, we jointly give her a bath. Like for example, when I am applying soap over her breasts, Hardayalji would be applying soap over her vagina! Sunita would stand there like a doll, while we, the two men of her life, with huge erections would wash the soap off her. After bathing her, we help to dress her up.
The thing that I hate most about Sunita is that, Hardayalji make her get explosive orgasms almost every single night. As her vagina has now become very large due to constant intercourse with Hardayalji's gigantic penis, I find it very hard to take out any kind of pleasure out of her gaping pussy. As my penis is comparatively too small, every night after I am done with her, she instructs me to go and get Hardayalji to come and thrust his colossal penis into her, to make her get an orgasm! Just imagine! I am bringing another man to make my wife get an orgasm! It is so bizarre!
Just few days before, I heard them whispering something secretly with one another. I listened carefully and found Sunita wanted to get pregnant by Hardayalji. She said, "This time I want a real man to be the father of my child."
Hardayalji was anxious about my reaction.
But Sunita assured him saying, "Don't worry about him; he really loves me, after conceiving from you I will explain it to him."
"What?" Hardayalji asked her.
Sunita said, "I will explain to him why laying eggs to the same basket is not a good practice."
They both started laughing on that.
The End
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Old but my favs
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Read earlier . Good to see it again in this forum.
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One of my favorite too and marrying Teo guys us highly erotic than a mistress
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