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Misc. Erotica eXBii Erotic Story Contest – 2013 & 2015
12-10-2022, 03:15 PM
13-10-2022, 09:17 AM
The first entry in this contest series was from none other than the legendary PINURAM , my good friend !!!
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13-10-2022, 12:44 PM
In search of peace.
pinuram In search of peace. The weather in these rugged snow clad mountainous region is very much unpredictable. The sun went down behind those snow peaked mountains on the western horizon long ago. The sky was clear in the evening but once the daylight faded, the weather started to change. Chill winds started to howl. Clouds gathered overhead, rumbling and jostling with each other. Shortly afterwards, blizzard started and the path was lost. Partho shouted at Soumitra on top of his voice, “What the hell is this. Now we are totally lost in this deadly wilderness.” Soumitra couldn’t hear anything as the winds howled around them. Devesh was ahead of the pack, trying to cut way through the blizzard, treading slowly in knee deep snow towards the perched rock that looked like a cave. Slowly and steadily all three friends reached the perched stone to take shelter for that night. On reaching the cave, they quickly lit the kerosene stove to keep themselves warm in that stormy wintery night. In meantime Partho prepared some food for all three. After having the food, they packed themselves in their sleeping bags to take rest and to plan as how to get to the nearest locality. All these three friends were avid adventure lover. They went for adventure in remote highlands of northern high mountains. They were to return to the small hamlet named Ghuye by evening, but they were lost as the sudden blizzard caught them unaware. Partho shouted at Soumitra, “How did you lost your bag and the compass?” Soumitra answered, “As I picked the long tubular shaped bone like stone, my purse fell in that gorge.” Partho asked, “What was so special about that stone?” Soumitra answered, “I don’t know but the shape of that stone was very unique, very much special. As if it begged me to pick it up.” Partho cursed him, “And now we are lost.” All three laughed as the howling sounds of the wind grew stronger with each passing moment. All three friends joked and laughed about their adventure as how they started from Vanako, walking and trekking throughout snowy rugged tough wilderness of the mighty mountains and challenging it mighty heights. Suddenly they heard a coughing sound nearby. All of them were taken aback. All three pairs of inquisitive eyes searched for the source of that sound but failed to see anything in that blizzard. As the coughing sound approached them, they saw frail figure of a young lady with a long stick in her hand standing at the entrance of the cave. In that glaring light of the stove, the eyes of the lady gleamed like fire. Her face was pale white and she was heavily clothed. The strange lady limped forward towards the stove with the help of the stick. A chill shiver ran down the spine of all three friends as they looked at each other. They were unable to believe their eyes and unable to come to terms that a lonely young lady treading in the midst of turbulent blizzard. Soumitra gathered some courage and queried, “Who are you?” The lady silently kept the stick on the ground and slowly sat beside the fire. They then noticed that the right leg of the lady was missing. She then took out her pale skinny hands out of her rugged coat to savour the warmth of the fire. All three friends looked at her with batted breath. The fire was unable to keep them warm anymore. Soumitra again asked the lady about herself. The cold gaze of the stranger pierced their soul as she gave a grieving look deep in their eyes. She coughed and shivered a little. Devesh offered his water bottle to the lady. The lady opened the cap and emptied the whole bottle down her throat. While gulping the water, they noticed dark cut stretch marks on the neck and upper bosom of the lady. The lady wiped her face with the back of her hand and spoke at last, “What are you doing in this part of the country?” There was an uncanny shrill in her voice which rattled their bones to the core. The lady looked into those frightened eyes and answered, “Don’t be afraid, these mountains are my home. I lived in a small village across those mountains.” She paused a little as she was tired battling the storm. She took a deep breath looked at them and asked, “But tell me one thing, what are you all doing in this place in such stormy night?” Devesh looked at others. He was skeptical about revealing their details, but he thought as what could happen in that stormy night and also when the stranger is a lady. He gathered up to answer, “Actually we are adventure lovers. We were trekking these highlands for fun and we got lost in this tough snow clad wilderness. Would you help us? Do you know where the nearest locality is?” The lady cleared her throat, “I can show you the path.” She looked outside and said to them, “The storm will last for few more hours before settling down.” Partho asked her, “What are you doing in these mountains in such stormy night?” She gave a painful smile at them and said, “Searching for…” she was lost somewhere. She paused a little, “Do you want to hear a story while the storm subsides? After that I will show you the path to the nearest locality. Don’t worry about the darkness. You all will be safe.” All three friends were eager to hear the story. By that time she felt like an angel. They knew that these mountains myths and tales are very interesting.
13-10-2022, 02:08 PM
The lady looked up hazy night sky. She took a deep breath and started, “Across those mountains lies a rugged terrain of highlands where raindrops seldom touches the earth. The place is covered in snow for all most of the year. A tiny brook cuts the terrain that supply water to those lands. On the bank of that tiny brook there is a tiny hamlet, Ghushu, where lived a young girl named Rinzen.”
She paused a little and then continued, “Rinzen’s hut was situated at the end of the village. The vegetation is scarce and her family had some ten yaks. They used to weave clothes out of those yaks wools and then bartered with others for food. Her father and uncle used to toil on a small piece of land by the side of the brook. She had two younger brothers. Her younger uncle and aunt also stayed with them. Her aunt, Pema was a beautiful lady. She was pregnant with her first child. All of Rinzen’s family was very happy as a new member was going to come in their small home. During the night, her mother used to apply warm oil on aunts feet as all of them huddled together under thick woolen blankets.” The lady stealthily wiped the corner of her eyes and continued, “There was a monastery and a college in that village. Children from nearby villages used to come there for studying. Rinzen also studied in that village college. Boys used to study in the morning and evening time was for girls. She wanted to go to Vilasha for higher studies. Although her family was very poor but the teachers of that college were very much helpful. In the evening when she and her mother and aunt used weave clothes or basket her brothers played along with other children in the field across their house. There were no modern equipments in their house. There was no electricity in that village. In general, the people of that village were not used to the noise of machines. People used to walk to the nearby town or in cart pulled by yaks. After night fall either her father or uncle used to tell them tales from mythology. There were few people who used to quarry rock salt and sell those to nearby town. Every person was helpful to one another. They were totally unaware of the world that lies beyond those mountains and kept their life style as simple as possible, unscathed and unperturbed from the foreign materials.” The lady looked outside the cave. Although the storm had died still there was snowfall. She looked at them and continued, “At times Rinzen overheard her father and uncle’s conversation, that there was some invasion going on in the eastern part of that country. Since Ghushu was situated in a very remote place so her mother persuaded them that they were safe.” Devesh, Partho and Soumitra waited with batted breath as they were totally immersed in the mesmerizing tale of that strange lady. She continued, “Then one fine morning few trucks full of uniformed men rolled into that village. The rumbling of the machines was very painful and shattered the sanity. Her father and uncle were in the field at that time along with some other male members. That day Rinzen’s mother was sick so she was resting inside, while her aunt was busy preparing her brothers for college. As she heard the rumbling mechanical sound, she ran towards the door to peep outside. The sight of the huge trucks and machine guns took everyone aback. Everyone was frightened and curious and was lined up on both side of the road. A uniformed person came out of the truck and shouted something in very high pitched voice. Rinzen could not understand the language of those uniformed men as what were they trying to say. Those men went to the college building and tore down the flag and hoisted a red flag in that place. It was then the college teacher came out to protest. On seeing him to protest, others people also joined him. Suddenly Rinzen heard a gunshot. One of those uniformed men shot down the college teacher on his chest. He died instantly. His corpse lay on the earth in a pool of blood. The peaceful morning was shattered by several gunshots. Those uniformed men then lined up all the male folks. They were helpless in front of that fire-breathing nozzle. She stood helpless, looking at the line where her father and her uncle were also lined up. Then those uniformed men grouped themselves in six or seven people. They started dragging people asking them to show their house. People who denied were hit by the gun. Gradually the graveled path was drenched in blood.”
13-10-2022, 07:44 PM
The lady shivered in utter pain and cold. “Rinzen was about to scream by the sight of the blood, but somehow she looked into her father’s eyes. He stealthily signaled her to go inside and lock the door. She tiptoed inside and saw that her brothers clasped her aunt with all their might. Pema looked pale in sheer fright. Rinzen did not know as what to do. She took all of them to the barn and hid them behind the pile of woods. Pema was unable to sit properly but Rinzen insisted her to hide. She covered them behind the pile of woods that was stored for the winter. Her sick mother lay in the other room. Rinzen ran there and put rags and other clothes over her and hid her like a bundle of old rags in one corner of the room. She was able to fathom that evil was upon them. Soon she could hear gunshots, people screaming and female cries reverberating the calm morning.”
“After sometime, the front door of their house was kicked open. They all sat huddled inside the barn with batted breath. Pema was shivering in fear and was sweating profusely. Rinzen’s brothers clasped her arms. She somehow peeped and saw that a group of uniformed men pushed her uncle’s lifeless body inside the courtyard. Her father was covered with blood as he held his brothers arms with all his might. Pema was in the brink of collapsing but Rinzen had to shut her up somehow. They all were very much terrified. Those people constantly asked Rinzen’s father about his family members but her father kept quiet. Then suddenly three of those men kicked the other room where her mother was hidden. They started to fire here and there and hit her mother. She screamed in pain. Rinzen does not know as what happened in that other room, but she was able to hear the painful scream of her mother. Rinzen’s mother begged those uniformed men to leave her alone but they paid no heed. She was able to fathom that those filthy animals were physically torturing her mother. They repeatedly ravaged her mother’s body and soul till she was unable take more. The whole house drowned in the painful scream. After sometime Rinzen heard few gun shots that silenced her beloved mother forever. Her father tried to fight back but he was also silenced immediately. She closed her eyes bit her lips to strengthen herself. Pema was crying profusely so was Rinzen’s brothers. They clasped Rinzen’s arm with all their strength. She prayed and prayed but alas, there was no one to hear Rinzen’s plea.” A solitary drop of tear rolled down the lady’s glaring eyes. Blood already gorged to the head of Soumitra, Devesh and Partho’s head after hearing that grotesque tale. The cold winter blizzard felt like smoldering current to them. They asked themselves as what type of savages does this type of inhuman atrocity in this world. But there was more waiting for them to unfurl. That stranger lady clinched her jaws. Her glare was enough to say that she was in very much pain while uttering the story. She took a deep breath and started again, “There was a small window behind the barn. Somehow Rinzen and her brothers were able to pull out the rods. At first older brother peeped outside and informed that the backyard was clear. He went out and then helped her aunt. Then Rinzen along with her younger brother somehow crawled out of the window. The sun was overhead and noon was approaching. The air was filled with screams of dying tortured people. All of them started to run towards the mountain that stood behind the village. Alas they came to notice of those savage uniformed men. They started to fire at Rinzen and started running towards them. Pema was unable to run and she collapsed on the ground. Rinzen tried to pull her up. But she insisted that Rinzen along with her brothers should leave her and save their lives. Rinzen was not willing to part from her pregnant aunt as she knew that she would be ravaged brutally by those animals. She requested her brothers to flee but they stood ground. Rinzen and Pema pleaded to them and persuaded them to leave. While her brothers fled the place with teary eyes, those uniformed men caught Rinzen and her aunt. They started to hit them with the butt of the gun. Instantly Pema fainted on the ground. Those people dragged Rinzen and Pema by hair towards the truck. They constantly hit Rinzen on abdomen and between her legs. After taking some beating she too collapsed on the earth.” “They were loaded like animals in a truck. She clasped her senseless aunt in her lap with all her might. The truck was laden with several women and children. Probably most of the males were killed while protesting. As the truck rolled out of the village, they saw dead bodies strewn on the fields. Dogs and vultures scrammed over their corpses. Those uniformed men laughed hysterically and passed lewd remarks at those women. Some men asked the women to show their breasts, some groped their breast mauled like dough. Few of those men put the nozzle of their gun inside their skirts ordered them to hike their clothes to display their private parts. They were helpless bunch of inanimate object, whose future was unknown. They were not given any food or drink for the whole journey.” “After a long time Pema opened her eyes and found herself in Rinzen’s lap. She was very thirsty, but Rinzen had no water. She gathered all her saliva and pressed her lips on her lips so that her aunt might get some liquid to survive. On seeing them locking their lips, those uniformed men became insane in lust. They started to laugh out loud. One of them pointed at the protruding belly of pregnant Pema. Two of them came near and sat beside her. Both of those men started to grope her maliciously. Rinzen tried to fight back but before she could fend her aunt, she was blacked out with a heavy blow behind her head.” “When Rinzen opened her eyes, she found herself in a tiny room with no window and a single door with no light or ventilation. The air was stale, smelled filthy like dung. There were six more women crammed in that tiny room. As her vision got accustomed to the dark, she asked others about her beloved aunt. They all showed a motionless female body that lay in one corner. She somehow crawled to that lady. Her clothes were torn apart. There were bite marks as well marks of lashes all over her body. Those animals ravaged her beautiful aunt till she was senseless and threw her here. There was thick stream of blood oozing out of her private parts. She was hit on her abdomen. Rinzen was able to fathom that the sapling was no more in her womb. She cried out in the top of her voice but there was none to hear that. Pema lost her breath that night in Rinzen’s arms.”
14-10-2022, 10:08 AM
“Darker days waited for them. All the women were paraded nude in front of those uniformed men. They used to put nails, give electric shocks on women’s breasts and private parts. They used to tie their pubic hairs and hanged weight on them. Some even collapsed and succumbed to those grotesque tortures. Those men used to fill the courtyard with mud and asked naked women wriggle in that. They used unleash dogs on those naked women covered in mud which was an amusing sport for them. Those dogs used to bite those naked women as they placed wages as whose private part or whose breast the dog would maul. It was like living hell for all of them. Some of those girls were taken to work with pigs. Starved and famished women tried to eat those pigs food. Some of them died there while few survived. Since Rinzen was young and beautiful so those men ravaged her body physically every night. Sometime there were four, sometime there were six people at a time taking part in those malicious acts. She was kept naked most of the time. Seldom was she allowed to sleep. She was dragged and ravaged even in the middle of the night when all others were almost in dead sleep. All the women were fed with two dumplings, once in the morning and once in the evening. As days went by, more and more women were brought in that living hell. Gradually Rinzen came to know about that place. It was Dravachi, a notorious prison.”
“Then one day those people were disposing the dead bodies of mutilated women. Somehow Rinzen snuggled among those corpses and covered herself with their blood. The stench of the rotten corpses was too much nauseating for her but that was the only chance for her to flee from that hell. Rinzen along with those corpses were piled up in a truck and was taken to some highlands for jhator, an old sky burial ritual, where the dead bodies are fed to vultures. To ensure that all of those women were dead, those men fired bullets at those corpses. Rinzen somehow managed to hide herself under the pile of corpses. The vultures came down as well as the dogs and jackals started to tear flesh apart from those corpses. Rinzen waited till those men went away and then came out.” The lady looked out of the cave. The storm died long ago and there was an uncanny silence in that cave as all of them were totally merged in the painful tale of that unknown lady. They sat motionless in their sleeping bags, looking at the lady in disbelief. The lady pointed out to the sky, “The storm has subsided, we should start now else you won’t be able to reach the village by morning.” All of them shook like a twig as if they were in a trance all the time. Devesh looked outside, although the blizzard has subsided but it was still dark outside. They were skeptical to go out with that lady in that dark but they had no other choice. Devesh pulled up all his courage and asked, “Are you sure that we should start at this time?” The lady stood up with the help of her stick. She asked them to pack their bags and said, “Don’t be afraid, everything will be alright. I have to return somewhere but before that I want to show you the path to the nearby town.” They all packed their bags, doused the stove and started walking behind the lady. Devesh handed a torch to her and she walked ahead of them showing the path in that chilled dark night. Partho was very inquisitive to know the real identity of that lady, so he asked, “Did Rinzen survived? What is your name, how do you know all these?” The lady looked at them over her shoulder and gave a painful smile as she limped. “Rinzen fled from there and started to walk south across these mighty mountains. On the way she found few deserted village. She took some clothes and a big knife along with her, but there was no sign of any food or any living being. She was all alone in that vast wilderness of that cold desert region. Then one day she found a lynx and killed that animal. There was no fire so she ate the raw meat to sustain. She knew that those uniformed men would come again so kept walking in the southern direction for several days. On her way down she had frost bite on her right leg. She knew that if she did not cutoff her leg then she will die. So one night she amputated her leg and then kept limping forward.” Twilight was about to peek in the eastern horizon. The lady stood at a ridge and pointed downhill. There they saw a tiny hamlet in the midst of woods. All three friends were relieved to see locality after such stormy night. The lady smiled at them and said, “You are safe now. But you have something that I need.” She pointed towards Soumitra and said, “He has something that I was searching for long time. A long elongated stone, I need that.” All three friends looked at each other face. How does she know that they have that stone? That lady smiled painfully as she requested them to give that stone to her. Soumitra took out the tubular shaped stone and handed over to the lady. “Thank you for finding my right leg.” The lady fitted the elongated stone shaped bone under her right knee. She then stood upright and smiled at them, “I am Rinzen Tsagnpo, the lady that lost everything and died in that cave where you took shelter. The world would have been a better place if we could cherish the warmth of our own home rather than invading others.” The mere warmth of their blood was taken away as Rinzen slowly vanished in the twilight of the soft morning sun rays. The End
14-10-2022, 02:08 PM
ONE ROOM APARTMENT Jansi and me(Mansi) are identical twins and just completed degree. I was intent on pursuing PG but Jansi wanted to get married and settle down in life. Other than us the only other member in our family was my widowed mother who lost her husband at our very early age. Mom was compelling me also to get married along with Jansi so that her responsibility will Hitesh be over. But I was stubborn to pursue my studies. I was allowed to continue my studies and mom started looking for an alliance for Jansi. Ours were a conservative family and the bride should not talk to the groom till the day before the wedding. And since mom was a widow she was also not willing to come out openly and talk. Ultimately the entire responsibility fell on me to correspond with the groom his name was Hitesh. First time I happened to meet Hitesh he was well behaved and soft spoken. He rarely raised his head and looked at me. But after next few meetings we became friendly and even started to cut adult jokes with one another. During subsequent meetings I started calling him jiju(brother in law) finally dates were fixed for the shaadhi and each day Jansi would talk to Hitesh through me. I used to naughtily add some adult comments which didi didn’t mention and tell Hitesh. So Hitesh was fully convinced Jansi was also as naughty as me. Once he even asked me Mansi is Jansi loving me. That question made me naughty and told him jiju in fact Jansi wanted to know your brief size. I asked her why she needed that she said by knowing the brief size she will assume the length of jiju’s dick. I didn’t want to ask such personal questions but since you asked me today I asked if you want you say otherwise if you wont mind you can tell your dick size directly and I will inform my didi. Hitesh became little fuzzy and said Mansi your are very naughty girl you have the guts to ask jiju directly his dick’s size. What will you do if I refuse to say. I knew he was not meaning that way so I also said no problem I can feel and judge the size shall I do it now. He affectionately tapped my head and said its six inches when its hard.. In fact I didn’t tell this Jansi at all. Marriage was over and it was the big night for Jansi and I only decorated the room while they were all talking in the other room. Since ours were a one room apartment all the guests left after dinner with only four of us in the house. Hitesh Jansi mom and me. There was a door to the room but it was made of PVC and all the sound can be heard clearly from the other side. Mom sent Jansi inside the room with lot of whispering the more she whispered more perturbed was the looks of Jansi. She looked at me but I gave her a reassuring wink wishing her good luck. She went inside and closed the door and mom asked me to lie down at the other end of the room and she herself lie closer to the room where jansi was. Till about eleven we could hear Jansi and Hitesh talking to each other and then the lights in the room went off. Then there was no sound of talk but only the sound of the cot creaking. I imagined that jiju must be nailing Jansi under him and squeezing her boobs and that only made the cot creek. I slyly looked what mom was doing she was pretending to be sleeping by closing her eyes. Since it was late night there was no sound outside and I could clearly hear the sounds made inside the room. Jansi was telling Hitesh she is very afraid of all this and was requesting him not to proceed. Jiju was pacifying her saying not to get frightened and he will be slow and careful. After that there was no sound for five minutes and then a loud scream from Jansi. I could see mom holding both her hands together and thanking god. But withing minutes Jansi came out of the room wrapped in a bed sheet almost weeping and sat next to mom saying mom I don’t want all this please ask him to stop. Jiju didn’t come out of the room. Next morning once Jansi went to take her bath mom stood near the room door and in a slow voice was telling jiju beta she is a small girl please adjust with her everything will be alright soon. Jiju came out and bent down and touched my mom’s feet and said aunty don’t worry I can understand. But please take her to the temple she wants to go and may be she will get cooled down once she is in the temple. Mom said that’s good and she also took a bath and both she and Jansi went to the temple which Jansi mostly likes to go. After they left I once again lied down and covered myself with a sheet. I could hear the main door being latched and thought jiju will go into their room. Instead I could sense jiju sitting beside me and calling Mansi are you sleeping I didn’t respond the first few times. He then slowly tapped me over the sheet. I couldn’t avoid that and so had to remove the sheet from my face and as if getting up from sleep wished jiju good morning. I never thought jiju would be in his lungi. His dick was sticking out inside his lungi and making part of his lungi look like a tent. My blood pressure started to rise and I was heaving slightly. Jiju noticed it and asked Mansi are not well why are you so tense. I told him no jiju I am ok but he said no Mansi see you are heaving heavily and tried to feel my pulse like a doctor. The touch made a lot of difference to me at that moment after seeing the tent. He said no Mansi your heart beat is very high and saying so he took his hand over my left boob and pressed on the boob as if checking the beat. First time in my life a guy’s hand was pressing my boob and that too the guy happened to be my new jiju. I didn’t think of doing anything but close my eyes. Jiju’s hand was now comfortably pressing my boob and I could sense my nipple becoming hard.
14-10-2022, 02:46 PM
While I wanted to push his hands away the pleasure I was getting stopped me from doing so. I jokingly said doctor I think now my heart beat is normal can you please take your hands off. Hitesh knew I was not wild and so he said Mansi only a doctor knows about heart beat see you are also sweating this not good sign saying so he had inserted his hand inside my nighty and was trying to remove my bra. I said jiju this is enough I am your sister in law not your wife. Hitesh immediately became little serious and said Mansi I had a terrible first night experience your sister was so fussy and didn’t allow me the enjoy the night.
I wanted to console him and so said jiju she is little shy may be she will start enjoying the six inches you have in days to come. Was she frightened at seeing that six inches. Hitesh shook his head and said no Mansi she didn’t even allow me remove my brief. I was feeling really wild at my sister. I was fuming why the hell she should get married and not enjoy the life. While all this was happening Hitesh’s hand was still inside my nighty and had already loosened the bra. I couldn’t stop him from feeling my hard nipple. His fingers was lightly grazing my hard nipple I turned to my side so that his hands were pressing my boobs fully. Knowing this Hitesh said Mansi shall we go to that room please I refused saying no jiju that’s my sister’s room from yesterday he smiled and said Mansi even the hand which is on your boobs is the hands of your sister’s husband immediately I pulled his hand away from my boobs and turned away from him. The moment I turned away from him he was already very excited and I could guess that from the bulge getting bigger behind his lungi. Hitesh was confident I was a willing to play with him but a little shy. He caught hold of hand even while I was turning away and put it on his dick. Frankly this was the first time I ever felt a dick in my hand and was shocked but same time very tempted to feel it fully. First I was feeling the dick only over his lungi but after few minutes when I turned towards him even while closing my eyes he had lifted his lungi and placed my hand on his naked dick. Without him knowing I slightly opened my eyes to see how the dick really looked like and what I saw was a dark thick finger like object. God must have felt I shouldn’t do this and to prevent there was knock on our door. I immediately pulled my hand and asked him to go into the room and then opened the door. The relatives had come back and I forced a smile on my face and asked them to come inside. They saw that the room was still closed and thought my sister was still inside and asked me where my mom had gone. I told them about the temple and prepared breakfast for everyone. After three days Hitesh left for his home town leaving Jansi at our house since he had to look for a house for them. I tried to speak to Jansi about her married life but she was not interested in talking. I got the interview for my college admission and asked my mom ot accompany me for the interview but she said now that jiju is there he would take care of all this and asked me to talk to him through Jansi. Jansi spoke to him and he asked me to come to the town so that he will join me from there. Next day I went to the town and Hitesh was waiting for me. The interview was over very fast and Hitesh asked me to see the house he has fixed for Jansi and him. I was fully aware he will use the chance but since he was talking about the house where my sister will be living I had to go. The scooty Hitesh was having was very small for two of us to ride. I had to hold him tightly and naturally my boobs were pressing his back fully. This gave me ultimate pleasure. But the ride came to end very fast and we went inside the house. Comparing to the house I was living in this house looked bigger and better. There was a separate bed room kitchen. I said jiju the house is very nice. He replied but I liked the bike ride better Mansi. I tapped him saying don’t worry jiju once Mansi comes here she will keep you very happy. But I wanted to say I also liked the ride but felt I will be falling into his trap once again. But on second thoughts I felt having already touched his dick and he touching my boobs whats wrong if it happens again. I asked jiju I want to take a bath feeling very tired after the travel and the interview. He said but Mansi I don’t even have a towel for you I said give me your shirt I will wipe with it. He understood I was hinting him and at once he removed his shirt he did not wear a banian so he was bare bodied after he removed the shirt. He showed me the bath room and said go and take the bath. I said you go out I have to remove my dress knowing well he wont be going. Finally he said Mansi finish your bath fast else you will late for returning home. I hesitantly removed my salwar since I was wearing my panties. Hitesh eyes was on my thighs. I said Hitesh don’t look like that please. He knew I was not meaning that and he came near me and said can I help you remove your tops. By then I had decided this is going to happen and so kept silent. He held my tops and pulled it over my head. I was standing before him with my slip and panty. Hitesh hands started pressing my boobs and I leaned on him. His bare body was very tempting and my hands went around his body. He had by then unzipped his pants and pushed it down and he was also in his brief. The first time I sneakingly touched his dick but today knowing that no will be coming I had more guts and slowly started feeling his dick. Hitesh bent and kissed my boobs and said Mansi I don’t want to have sex with you but please kiss my dick once. I liked the way he said it and went on my knees. I lowered his brief and held his dick to my lips. I only wanted to kiss it but the sight of his dick made me open my mouth and take his entire dick into my mouth. When it went into my mouth it was dry but within moments something sticky was coming out of his dick and I liked the taste and started licking the paste. Then there was a splurge of liquid coming out and it filled my mouth. Hitesh said mansi don’t spit it drink it its good for health. By that time he got tired and along with me fell on the bed. End.
15-10-2022, 02:41 PM
Let's play sex with colours Hey everyone, Sam here. So, coming to the story, it’s “Punjabi” sex time. One thing bout Punjabi bhabhis is their assets are awesome filled at right places. So the story is about one such Punjabi bhabi who stays in my apartment, let us call her Rup (sorry names cannot be disclosed) so talking about Rup, she is mother of 2 kids in her early 30s. I used to talk to her whenever we met. Play with her kids. And usually stare at her assets most of the time. She had caught me staring couple of times. So talking about d day, it was holi and a holiday for me. I was resting at home waiting for world cup match to begin. Suddenly I hear my house bell ring I see my neighour (story is not about this bhabhi) fully wet standing right in front of me showing all her assets through her wet dress tempting me rip her right there. She started calling my name again n again for me to get back to normal state. She had come to invite me to play holi with the other ppl from the apartment. So who would decline such an offer!! I right away locked my house and followed her to the terrace where everyone was already gathered and playing with colours. So my welcome was great!! As soon as I entered I was thrown with a bucket of coloured water! The t-shirt I was wearing stuck to my body exposing my hard work at the gym. I saw the crowd and majority was girls as it wasn’t a holiday that day. But suddenly my eyes got stuck at Rup bhabhi, my god!!! She was looking hot! She was wearing a white salwar and the water had made it semi transparent (I could measure her asset size with me eyes). She saw me staring at her and welcomed me with a smile. So holi was just beginning to be awesome for me I thought. I started applying colour to everyone around. The advantage of the festival is u can touch everyone for applying colours. So my target was Rup bhabhi now. I couldn’t find her anywhere in the vicinity! Suddenly from behind 2 ppl started rubbing colours on me. When I saw it was Rup and one more kid, I caught hold of the kid and applied colour on him. Rup started running; I left the kid aside and started chasing her. Finally she got cornered and nowhere to run and there was no one around. I took the advantage and went close to her. She tried to escape but I immediately held her by putting my hand around her stomach. She started to struggle and unlock my hold. But I held her tight pulled her close. She started breathing heavily my dick started to rise and it was touching her bum. My god! What a feeling. Slowly I applied the colour on her face and moved my hand towards her neck breathing got heavier, applied the colour on her boobs. Slowly left my hold, but instead of running she turned and around and winked at me. That was a signal for me. She ran from there and disappeared; I searched for everywhere but didn’t find her. As the holi was over everyone had gone home. I too walked to my apartment and opened the door and as soon as I entered inside someone pushed me in and closed the door. It was Rup!! I was little surprised but I pulled her close she said not here then I took her straight to the bathroom. Started staring at her for some time, those colours on her body was making her look hot. Slowly I pushed her to the wall and held her waist. I slowly moved my lips to her lips. Breathing got heavier, she moved her lips slowly I moved my hands over her hair and got those lips closer to mine. Lips touched and she couldn’t control and started kissing like crazy. I started moving my hands over her back slowly unhooked her bra from inside with one go. She just paused for a moment; I immediately removed her top and removed the bra. And I could feel her boobs. So tight and perfect shape (around 36) I moved my hand all over boobs kissing her neck, she was holding my hair and pulling me closer. I slowly started moving towards her boobs kneeling down and started playing with those. I pressed one while I was sucking and tingling with my tongue with the other. After some time I moved down pulled her pant and panties down at one stretch. Her pussy was little hairy but the aroma was awesome. I lifted her on leg and made her keep on the commode so that I could access her pussy properly. Slowly I split the pussy lips and kissed the clit, she left a moan. Slowly I started licking the clit; she was holding my head in one hand very tightly and pushing it in. Slowly I fingered her pussy and licking at the same time. She started shivering and holding my head tighter. I moved my finger vigorously and slowly came up to her and started kissing her lips and moving my fingers simultaneously. I started giving her tender bites and sucking all over her neck. She was holding me tight and I could see my finger clasped by her vagina. I think she came. Then she came into her conscious and started undressing me, removed my t shirt I undid my pants and undies, she stared kissing me now, and also playing with my balls. My dick was at its best size and was poking her. She slowly held it and starts moving her hand to and fro. Slowly she went down and started kissing my thighs, balls and dick. Suddenly she engulfed my dick in her mouth and I called out her name in pleasure. She started stroking my dick while moving her mouth over it. She licked sucked and did whatever, I was just closing my eyes, holding her hair and enjoying it. Then I pulled her up and started kissing her. Slowly I switched on the shower and we were making out with water flowing all over our body. We were there for an hour I guess (at least it felt it that way). We finished our bath and we came out of the bathroom. I slowly pushed her on the bed and removed the towel from her body. She looked gorgeous. Slowly I laid beside her and we started kissing again. I moved my hands over her body, pressed her boobs, and slowly inserted my finger to make pussy wet for the final round. She was wet like she was leaking. I moved my fingers over it and made it flowing. Now moved her legs wide I inserted my dick slowly, my god it was so hot and wet! My dick rushed inside with little restriction. She just opened her mouth and her eyes opened wide. I was in missionary position and started screwing her. I was kissing her all over her neck holding her in my arms from beneath pressing her body to mine. I remembered that I forgot condoms but who cares now. I started pumping harder, every stroke she started moaning louder and holding me tighter. Now held her hands and kept her legs straight making the pussy tight and started pushing my dick deeper. She just held my hand tight and left jerked. I could see her pussy lips tighten over my dick. Slowly I reduced the strokes. Then I changed the position to doggy style, made her sit on her all fours and now I put a condom (this will increase the duration) now I inserted it from behind and what a view it is. Her ass was nice and round. I held her waist and started pumping harder n harder. She was moaning harder and I reached my peak and my body stiffened and I came. It looked like I squeezed a lot of cum. We both completely exhausted laid on the bed. She was sleeping showing her back and I held her from back and relaxed for a while. After some time she had to leave as her husband would come back from work any time. It was the first encounter with her, now waiting for the next.
16-10-2022, 09:23 AM
My First Date with Naturism Once upon a time....oh! what the fuck!, its not Aesop fable. So lemme start again.....Once upon a fucking time, there was a gujju guy who ventured into an unknown world - a world filled with the greatest treasure of 'em all. Nudity. Bless god! nudity is the greatest gift that god has given man and man is most unfortunate not to understand what gift he has. All during my teen, porn ruled. I have spent countless days watching porn - be it soft core or hardcore. More often than not it was the most boring thing in the world. Beyond porn,my sexual life was pretty much dull except for the couple of encounters I had with women and all I discussed with them were things other than nudity/sex. I was feeling frustrated . Something was missing and I was dying for it. It so happened that during one of my trips to a videshi land , I had a chance to meet a couple of punjabi munda's (punjabi lads). The worked in the same firm as I did. Days were rolling and all we guys were doing was coding! coding and coding!. It was frustrating and we wanted a break. We kinda got lucky with the following Friday being off and we could plan for something. We wanted to go to other cities, unfortunately, all the travel means were blocked. We hadn't booked tickets and it was too late. All we could do was roam around the city which we had done n-number of times. One of the lads came up with an awesome idea - he wanted us to join him to a resort. Most of us on first reaction thought it was lame. It started getting clear that there was something different (hadn't seen anyone's face light up for a resort). It was a "naturist" resort!. All the other junta thought it to be a lame and refused. They were "Porn" gods and felt a naturist resort was nothing more than a waste of time. I wanted to go out. The coding had screwed my brains and was ready to go out anywhere. So, it was decided - three 3 of us would head to this resort. The resort was to the south of the city - around 30 miles from where we lived. So the plan was set. We would leave on Friday, early in the morning, beat traffic and reach this resort. I had no clue of what a naturist resort was and this was my first time. I wanted to prepare myself. I read a dozen odd sites on internet ranging from Naturist society to individual resort sites.Next day morning, we were to leave by 7:30 AM and I didn't want to be late. So I got up at 6 AM, and hit to the bathroom. I wanted to look clean - so I started exploring my body and ensuring that it was fit for a nudist resort. I took a scissor and trimmed by mound, spayed tons of deo and tried to be as neat and clean. I also packed a towel for the resort and carried a extra set of clothes. The journey to resort was fairly boring except for the fact that we stuffed our car with a dozen burgers and fries. We were veggie and weren't sure of veggie food in resort. By 8:30 AM we were at the resort. The resort was a nice place - calm and serene. Outside the resort, there was a board with a set of instructions that included fact such as carrying a towel inside was compulsory. My colleagues made good use of the car for their stripping purpose. They dumped everything into the car, I on the other hand was shy and scared (and for the first time I thought this was the dumbest decision I had made in my life....why did I not listen to other gujju guys and watch porn. This was too much.To strip and that too in front of a 80 year old guy!!!). We headed into the resort, I had my undie on, covered by a towel. I didn't care. I was very sure that I had no intent to expose and that my friends were idiots. We headed into the resort. The guy at reception was a nice guy, he told us that it was clothing optional and that we had to pay $125 each (and I was cursing this guy....for $125 , I could have bought a whole pack of porn movies...what the fuck!!!) . I reluctantly payed. From that point on we were pretty much on our own. Had the whole day to explore the resort and I was planning to spend my day at the snooker table (which looked empty and didn't require me to strip). I continued to crib, $125 was a lot of money. I wanted to see people nude. The first set of people I saw nude were a couple of ladies in mid 40's. They were topless and I puked !!!. Shit man! this wasn't even close to seeing shakila. Shakila was way hotter and beautiful than these ppl. Watching midnight masala or mallu masala in middle of night was more awesome experience than looking at these people nude. Their soggy breast, flabby tummies were complete turn-offs. I was feeling irritated and wanted to leave. There were a couple of open showers located around the resort and a few men were taking bath. I didn't want to take bath in there - no boy! - I will not expose, that was for sure.
16-10-2022, 09:32 AM
As the day passed on, more crowd started pouring in. Lots of couples started arriving - some good looking and some utter shit. I felt my dick swinging like a pendulum, getting excited when I would see good looking babes and losing erection when I saw older women.It was hard for me to control my erection, I would often have my hands on dick and was feeling damn scared. I wanted to leave the place. Naturist resort do not like to see too much of erection - and I had to avoid it. All of a sudden, I noticed one of my friends walking past. This idiot had felt in complete harmony with the place. He had stripped down to nothing and was roaming around like a fucking fool. I told him of my dilemma. It was my first time and that I found no place other than the snooker parlour interesting . This guy was a pro - he knew the resort and its people quite well and suggested that he can introduce me to some people to get me acclimatize with the place.
As we walked around the resort, there were more and more prettier women whom I saw. By this time, my dick was rock hard. I totally felt like an idiot in the wrong place. On one end, it was a new place and I knew no one and on other my dick was misbehaving. I felt scared, totally scared. Shit man! - where am I. So to continue with the story, my friend took me to the poolside. The poolside was the innermost place of the resort - meaning it was the place where people were COMPLETELY NUDE!. I told this guy that it was a wrong place and I wasn't feeling too comfortable. Unfortunately, at that point the punjabi munda was only understanding greek and latin. So most of my plea's were of no value. He was making me walk and this was really frustrating - for a second, I thought that I should never ever visit a nudist resort. We walked and walked, covering almost all the places in the resort. Finally we arrived at the poolside. Poolside was my first tryst with full-on nudity. For the first time, I was seeing women in the pure form. Beautiful women covered in nothing but sunlight and it was a miracle!!!. It was worth every ounce of my walk , except for the minute I reached the place, my foolish dick started its usual nonsense. It hit a complete erection. I was scared to death!!!. It was not at all good. I didnt want to be looked with an erect penis. I quickly looked at punjabi munda's penis - he was as calm as the water in pool. How was he doing it ?. I wanted to ask him. But this was not the time. I quickly started closing my eyes and praying for my penis to go low. Nothing was working and this was the height of it. We strolled around the poolside and it was hard to control the dick,towel and me undie which I had work inside my towel, We soon reached this place and my friend (punjabi munda) stopped. FUCK!!! MY PENIS HIT JUST SPRUNG UP (Semen must have splashed like a tsunami). It was an Indian Girl - NUDE!!!. what the holy crap!. I was cracked up. She was topless with a towel covering her bottom. Shit !.The punjabi munda started speaking with her in punjabi. My eyes were acting crazy, I wanted to see her boobs - but couldn't. The more I saw her boobs the more my penis was becoming rock hard. It was shocking. She was gorgeous, around 28 years old and had come to videshi land to do her masters. I was totally scared. I wanted to leave the place. I was trying my best to get my penis pop down and finally was getting some luck. At that point my friend (ze punjabi munda) introduced me. She looked at me and said hi and boom my penis did it biggest swing ever - smashing all records. I for a second couldnt decide as to what to do , look at her boobs, look at her face and say hi, control my dick - it was nightmare unleashed. I was holding tight to my towel, lest it blow up and show my erection. I slowly lifted my other hand, shaked and said hi. My friend was in a hurry, he wanted to meet a couple of videshi chicks and try his jaado. He wanted to get full wasooli of the $25 and vanished even before I got properly introduced to the girl. So there I was , with an indian punjabi chick (nude) in videshi land. Could there have been a better stroke of luck!!!, It was divine, except that nothing was coming out of my mouth other than air. Someone had to break the ice and she was bold enough to do it. Her first question to me was - "what's with the leaning tower?". I said what! .She repeated her question. It was shocking. She was pointing to my penis and asking why was it standing like the leaning tower of pisa. This was the height of it - oh god a girl asking me about my dick being erect ?. I was screwed. This is a wrong place and I am an idiot. I gave a blank face, I did not know how to reply to the question. She laughed. I tried to smile, but it was hard. She said it was common for Indian guys to get erection when they see a nude girl. "Its common" - she repeated. I started feeling a sigh of relief. She then told me that she too felt the same way when she came first time. Her boobs were rock hard and she was feeling extremely scared. As time passed, I started feeling better. The fear of nudity was improving. She told me that her first trip to a nudist resort was when she came for a friends birthday party and was completely bowled out when she saw it was a naturist party. By now things were improving, I was able to control my erection and my penis - for the first time was behaving!. The Indian girl (Punjabi kudi) right from beginning was at complete ease - she had no qualms being nude and was resting on a sun-tan bed, exhibiting complete harmony with the place. I on the other hand was trying to feel comfortable. It was hard , but I had to try and this kudi was helping me feel comfortable. She asked me to relax on the bed and take a deep breath. I did as I was told. Soon my erection was gone. I still was very scared and was trying to keep my eyes of her mountains (boobs) - which for some fucking reason was showing up more prominently than her face. So here we go....the transcript between myself and the girl at videshi land (have done editing to keep it as crisp as possible. )
16-10-2022, 10:55 AM
Punjabi Kudi : Are you staring at my boobs ?
Arun Dev (Me) : What ! - No I am not Punjabi Kudi : Giggles I start speaking a couple of things about my work and she keeps laughing,thinks I am a Mr.Bean duplicate. Then all of a sudden, I get a bouncer! Punjabi Kudi : Are you going to keep your towel on all day ? Arun Dev: Err... (wanted to say yeah! its my wish babe!). I am new around here and am feeling shy (indirectly referring to my erection) Punjabi Kudi : Well, you can get out of being shy. Don't worry, no one in a nudist resort looks at your body that way. Its different, people here come to feel free and love their body. No one cares if they have a flabby self , all they care for is the freedom. No one is going to make fun of you. At this point I was looking at her boobs. It was fairly large, two bowling balls hung and moved when she spoke. Her nipples were small, perfect in shape and looked nice. Arun Dev: But I don't feel comfortable. Punjabi Kudi : Are you scared your penis will go erect!. It normal. Common man! what are you scared off!. I am nude as well. (she had a point) So there we go...I decided to strip. I wanted to get rid of me undie, but not me towel. So I told her that I will go have a shower in one of those open showers and come back. I hit to the one that she couldn't see. Quickly removed my undie and hid it inside the towel , took a quick bath and came back. Punjabi Kudi : Thats nice. You are learning fast. Now put your towel aside and feel the sun! (Crap! - I wasnt gonna go full monty. I wanted to tell her to show her pussy instead. I wasn't gonna be the first person. Somewhere my mardangi was getting screwed! it was a lady requesting and I couldnt decline) I quickly removed the towel and my good old dick did its trick again. She asked me to hold onto it and I did. Punjabi Kudi : My my, you have a nice leaning tower. Arun Dev: thank you I was by now completely ready to unwind my sexual fantasy and wanted to bug this girl with a series of question. Like every pressure cooker! I burst open. Arun Dev: So do you think nudity is ..errr...good Punjabi kudi: of course its good. Whats wrong in exposing one body. There is nothing wrong. Often women are scared that someone might think her body does not look good and thats why she doesnt strip. Its a wrong perception in the society. Arun Dev: but all I see are women possibly stripping for Porn movies Punjabi kudi: Thats the taboo. society sees nudity as a strict no-no and thus only porn movies are the only source for boys and girls to understand about sex/quench their thirst. However, being nude doesnt always have to be for sex. it can be otherwise and that is naturism. This is where I was getting confused. Isnt being nude directly proportional to sex. Well not really. There was much to learn and I had to be the Arjuna seeking for knowledge from the lord.
16-10-2022, 11:02 AM
Punjabi kudi: Let me explain. If you look at my vagina and think it to be beautiful its naturism. If you look at my vagina and want to purely have sex with me its beyond naturism
Arun Dev: But what if I hit errr...erection Punjabi kudi: Hitting erection is natural phenomena. Its something every guy does and its totally acceptable. Except that you need to control it. You are here with an intent beyond sex. Arun Dev: But I see this to be a taboo in India Punjabi kudi: Well its sad. Women dont understand that its a wrong perception. Dont we study biology and see images of male and female reproductive system. Whats wrong in seeing someones body. Some people get turned on by eyes, some people through smile. Does this mean women need to cover everything. Arun Dev: Is softcore good (all we see is female nudity and simulated sex) Punjabi kudi: again its the wrong perception. Looking at a lady nude in her orginal form is different from looking at women in altered form (she was reffering to the fact that women in softcore movies have fake boobs and so on). You have gotta respect your body. Feel proud of it. Thats what nudity is all about. Respecting human physique in its orginal form. I know lot of women are fat and dont want to expose - but whats wrong. Its understanding a women's greatest fear - her looks and getting rid of this fear. Arun Dev: So what you are saying is that everyone can go nude Punjabi kudi: Of course. Its as simple as it gets. People dont strip because they are scared to strip (tells me as to why then one would do so in the bathroom), rather they dont strip because they feel others will comment about their physique. As the discussion was going on. She removed her towel , and started wiping her hands. For a second, I wanted to go up and see her pussy. Damn!. I was laid back and couldnt see her pussy. Wish I was on the other side and could see it. Punjabi kudi: You will be surpised to know that lots of familes come here and enjoy being nude. A nudist resort is a place where others dont make fun of your body. They respect it and thats why its not that hard to strip here. Arun Dev: What about physical contact - is touching naturism Punjabi kudi: Nope it isnt. Looking at a girl's body is naturism and is good. Staring is wrong. By staring you are making someone uncomfortable. Touching is a strict no no. By this time, my instincts kicked in and I wanted to see her pussy..... I tried getting up saying my back was paining. I got up. Used the towel I had and started wiping my back. In the meanwhile, tried to glance at her pussy. It was gorgeous Punjabi kudi: What do you think of my vagina. Is it nice.(and how in the world did she guess) Arun Dev: Its awesome. Looks beautiful. (it was the first time I saw a girls pussy in live. It was the most beautiful thing. Wanted to touch it, but couldn't.... had to control...) Her pussy was awesome. She wasnt too furry and had got rid of most of her pubic hair except for some at the top. I could see her clit clearly. It was small and beautiful. Arun Dev: Its nice to see you looking at it and being appreciative about it is naturism. Looking purely to satisfy your sexual needs is beyond naturism hmmm... by this time I started understanding that naturism is all about freedom. It was a great feeling. To walk and speak being nude. Within sometime I started feeling very comfortable around the place. It was the best thing in the world. People - old,young,married , unmarried had discovered and got rid of their greatest fear - thats naturism for you. Feel liberated people!!! So with this is where we come to the end of the story. Sorry for cutting the end short like a TV Serial. But I wanted to convey a message here and that's what is the moral of this story. Be free, be nude and love your body!. adios, arun dev I aint against porn, but naturism is also a great thing and hope we embrace it
17-10-2022, 10:08 AM
Act of Kamasutra with Saranya Aunty Hi guys…Joey here. This is my personal experience with my neighbor aunty that happened this year. I’m a 27 year old software engineer from Chennai. I was so frustrated, unhappy and irritated with where my life was heading ever since my girlfriend Preetha got married to another guy. When I thought all are done and dusted in my life, this moment happened and it turned my life upside down. It was on New Year’s Day, 2015 is born. Whole world was ecstatic and celebrating! But I was simply riding my dad’s bike to a petrol pump in an absent minded way. After filling up petrol, I went to check the air pressure.Before me, was a perfectly structured married lady in pink sari with a damn perfect ass, holding her Honda Activa. On seeing that ass, my dick started growing inside my pants. Then I heard this mild sweet voice “Hey Joe! Is that you?” I was shocked and looked up at the sexy lady. She asked “How are you? Do you remember me?”Then it struck my mind, she was my neighbor aunty Saranya when I was 12 years old and later moved to different area as they built their own house. I gasped and ran out of words. I stammered a bit and finally said “yesss! How are you?” She looked extremely hot (like yesteryear Tamil actress Madhavi). I was able to get good view of her hip and left breast. She is very fair lady with busty hard boobs and long hair that would touch her ass. She is now 41. Married and has a son. But her structure measuring 34-30-32 and height of 5’ 4” made her look flawless. She looked into my eyes and with her ever-charming smile, said “You have grown a lot Joe. You look smart!” I replied “I can’t match your beauty. You look just exactly the way I saw you 10-12 years back!” I was greeted with a shy smile from her. It made me go mad. I desperately wanted to get her mobile number to stay in touch. We talked for a while about each other’s family, blah blah blah! Then we exchanged our numbers as expected and parted our ways that day.
17-10-2022, 10:09 AM
![]() I couldn’t wait to chat with her. The moment I reached home, I dropped a message “Hope you reached safely”. I knew women love guys who care for them and it worked out like a charm. She replied and we both chatted for a while. This went on for a few days and I kinda got bored. I was looking to find a way to get into her panties. So I deliberately forwarded her an adult joke and immediately sent a message following it. “Pls don’t read. I sent by mistake.” As I planned, she read that message and replied “LOL. You are a naughty boy.” That’s it. Everything worked. That paved the way for me to send more adult jokes and get into very personal chat with her about sexual life and porn. I kept this momentum going for a month and was eagerly waiting for a break to take this to next level. The date was Feb 14th, Valentine’s day. Time was around 7 AM. She sent a teasing message, even though she knew I’m single, asking “So what’s spl today? Got anything from your Gf?” I replied in a kinky way “Not yet. She just asked me got anything from your Gf?” The fear grew within me when there was no response from her for about 30 minutes. But to my surprise, she said “Ha ha. Nice. I’m your Gf now? I like this.” This gave me more courage and I took it forward by asking “So where’s the kiss babe? It’s our day today!” But the reply was a shocker. She said “How can I kiss you dear when you’re far away from me. Come to my home.” I was left with no words and stunned. Initial thought was she might be just messing with me. So I called her to confirm. She said for real to visit her immediately. I literally waited for this day to happen, but when the day came, I got extremely nervous.
17-10-2022, 10:15 AM
![]() It was 9.30 AM, I reached her place and nobody was home except her. Saranya’s in-laws, husband and son went to a nearby town that day. She greeted me with a naughty smile. She was wearing a grey cotton saree and it was placed well below her navel. It was the first time I saw it very close. Her navel was so deep and surrounded by stretch marks. It was so beautiful and made my dick hard. We both sat on the couch and started talking like normal people for 30 minutes. Nothing special happened. I was a little disappointed and knew this was coming. It was all a simple misunderstanding. I told her I’m leaving and have some personal work. But the moment I made a move to get up from the couch, she grabbed my face and planted a hard kiss on my right cheek! I was very excited. I smiled at her, but was skeptical about what to do next. So I just kept walking towards the front gate. When I was about to start my bike, I received a message on my mobile. It was from Saranya and it read “Don’t you have the habit of giving back what you get from others?” On reading that message, I got goosebumps all over my body and was jumping with excitement inside. I got off my bike, walked straight at her, grabbed her face and started kissing those rosy juicy lips. After kissing for like 15-20 secs, I said, “I always kiss my gf in lips, not in cheeks!” We went inside, sat on the same couch and started kissing each other passionately. It was pure lust to be exact. The room was filled with sexual tension and we were like two sex-starved people eating each other’s lips. My cock got so hard and felt like I was about to burst a huge load of cum without even touching it. I could feel her saliva entering my mouth and slipping down the throat slowly. She sucked my tongue like a lollipop. I was experiencing French kissing at its finest way from a typical South Indian Aunty! It was like a dream come true. I couldn’t resist anymore! So I grabbed her hips and started massaging and pinching while continuing the kissing action. Steadily my hand moved towards her hard sexy boobs. I caught hold of her left boob and pressed it slowly. Her breathing pace increased and it gave me more encouragement. I read in many articles across internet that “Foreplay and breast play always make a solid foundation to have an excellent sex session and achieve satisfaction” I believed those words and never rushed when it comes to sex. I was simply caressing her breast over the blouse very slowly and softly from the top of her breast to tip. Up and down! Up and down! Then I grabbed her head from behind and pulled away from me so that I could give some kisses on her neck. Saranya got even more excited and was pressing my shoulder and hips so hard. So hard means “It was really painful..!” But without minding the pain much, my hand searched for the key part of a woman’s body, the nipple. I grabbed it with my fore-finger and thumb. It was so erect that I could see nipple mark clearly beyond her bra and blouse. I liked tweaking her nipple. The more I concentrated on her nipples more the reaction was from her side. I could feel her body trembling. Then I started planting some kisses on her shoulder. It was then I started to smell a unique aroma that was coming from her armpit. My hand naturally went between her armpit cracks. I felt the sweat moisture and caressed it. For the first time, I thanked Tamil Nadu Electricity Board that day for power cut. I took out both my hands and started sniffing deeply. The smell was extremely intoxicating and it carried me to heaven for a moment.
17-10-2022, 10:25 AM
![]() She asked “I’m all sweaty and filthy in there Joe. I feel so embarrassed. Why did you do that?” “It’s the only place where you can feel the unique natural scent of each woman. I like it so much.” I explained with admiration. Saranya replied “My husband hates that smell. So I assumed all guys would be like that!” “No you are wrong. Guys love it.” Saying this, I lifted both her hands and buried my nose on her sweat patch to take yet another deep sniff to feel her smell. Without removing the pallu, I went down on her and opened to get a clear view of her boobs and perky tits underneath that blouse. Her boobs hung like two mangoes ready to give some juice. I was totally awe-struck and explored the bra line visible through her blouse. She grabbed my head and buried it in between her breasts. It allowed me to take a deep breath so that I could feel her inside me. She was in extreme mood and told me “Bite my nipples Joe. It feels itchy.” I readily accepted the invite and took a bite on both her nipples above the blouse and sucked them till it got all wet and sloppy with my saliva.
17-10-2022, 10:27 AM
![]() She said “Naughty boy! Look what you have done to my blouse” and gave me a wicked smile. She started unhooking her blouse while her eyes were fixated on my eyes. She removed the blouse completely to expose the white lacy bra inside. Looking at Saranya in a sari with just a bra underneath, made her appear like a sex goddess waiting to be fucked! I pinched and stretched her nipples over the bra and said “See your bra is still wet. I think you should remove it too.” “You are correct. It’s your saliva all over my breasts” While she was unhooking the bra from behind, I had a glimpse at her armpit region. It was dense and hairs were poking out. It was just the way I liked. I pulled few strands of her hair and asked “what is this?” “Sorry I forgot to shave! Didn’t have enough time” She replied with a shy cheeky smile.
17-10-2022, 10:29 AM
![]() She removed her bra and threw it away. Her boobs were now on full open display. She had nice chocolate colored nipples with huge areolas. Her nipples must be almost an inch in length and thickness. The moment I saw, I started to kiss and lick them. The nipples felt like a soft warm cashew nut on my tongue. I was suckling on her nipples like a hungry baby who needs milk. Saranya was simply admiring my actions and ran her fingers through my hair in my head. My pant was so wet. I kept one hand on my cock and felt another on her armpit sweat while sucking the nipple. Pulling those nipples with my mouth and smelling her armpit sweat on my hand simultaneously was amazing. You have to experience in real to feel it! “I want to see your cock Joe. Please.” she requested with an eyes full of sexual mood. I just stood in front of her and said “Okay. Go ahead darling. Play with it and do whatever you want.” |
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