Adultery Radhika Sharma and Raju
I need complete sex story of Radhika Sharma and Raju.
It was posted on old exbii forum
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(11-10-2022, 06:08 AM)[email protected] Wrote: I need complete sex story of Radhika Sharma and Raju.
It was posted on old exbii forum

Radhika Sharma was tired. The whole day she was cleaning and unpacking household articles, and it still looked that she had not even done half the work. It was 10.00pm at night, and she was all alone.
The Sharmas had just moved into a swanky new neighborhood in the suburbs of Bangalore where her husband Vijay Sharma bought a new house. He was a marketing manager at a large MNC, and would often put in late hours at work. This was going to be just another such day.
Radhika sighed as she slumped down in a chair cluttered with clothes. But she could not blame him for not being there with her. It was because of his hard work that he made such good money which in turn helped them buy the absolutely dream of a house.
Tiredly, she got up and walked into the bathroom. She turned the hot water tap on, and as the water started filling the bathtub, she looked at herself in the mirror and started undressing. She was wearing a casual cream cotton saree, and a matching blouse. Her face was almost perfect. Beautiful round face, dark oval eyes full of life, ripe lips, and a sharp nose. Overall, a specimen of amazing beauty and sensuousness.
But not nearly as perfect as her body. At 38, and giving birth to two boys, her body was maintained amazingly well. Her 5’5” body was as ripe and luscious as it was 20 years ago. Huge, soft creamy breasts that still did not need a bra to support them, and a large soft perfectly round ass that had been driving males crazy ever since she was fourteen. A narrow waist and creamy smooth thighs and calves completed her masterpiece of a body.
She smiled as she now looked at her nude body in the mirror, obviously impressed herself. She was a natural beauty, and never did have to work hard to maintain such a body. Vijay Sharma was considered the luckiest son-of-a-bitch by every single man that laid eyes on Radhika’s dreamlike, voluptuous body. Indeed, he was. But you could not consider Radhika so lucky.
For all the love and care that Vijay gave to his beautiful wife, there was always a spark missing in their marriage. Something that Radhika could not put her finger on. She slowly slid into the warm waters of the bathtub and began soothingly soaping herself. What was it missing in their life? Was it love? No. Radhika loved her husband and he loved her. In fact, Vijay was the only man that Radhika had ever been in love with, and ever think of being in love with. This in spite of Vijay’s once-in-a-while affairs with other women. The thought never occurred to her to leave him or confront him about it. She just loved him too much.
Vijay had given her all that she dreamed of as a wife and much more. He took her with him on her trips abroad, gave her two wonderful children, and never ill-treated even when he was having his flings with other women. He always treated her with respect and dignity, and made her feel special. And the sex was great! A strong, muscular man he was aggressive in bed and exciting. He had a big cock, the size of which shocked Radhika when she first saw it on their wedding night. That was the first and only cock she had seen in her life. It took her a few nights of sex to get used to something that big. After that she started enjoying it in her body and was pretty happy and satisfied with the forceful fucking that she would get from Vijay regularly.
Both her sons, Kiran and Pratap, 16 and 18 respectively, were studying in the best residential schools in the country and were excellent students. They would call and mail regularly and Radhika and Vijay were proud of the boys.
So why was Radhika feeling some vacuum in their marriage and in her life? She was bolted out of her thoughts with the sound of the doorbell. Vijay was home. She quickly got up, dried herself and wore a nightie to open the door.
Vijay was tired and got home some packed dinner for both of them. At 40, standing 6 feet and weighing 80kgs, he was at the peak of his health. He still had the energy to lift Radhika off the ground with one strong arm and walk to the dining table.
“There seems to still be a lot of work to be done. Didn’t the workers turn up today?”
Radhika put her hands around Vijay’s neck as he made her sit on the table.
“No they didn’t. I had such a tough time today Vijay. It was soo tiring…”
Vijay brought his fingers to her lips.
“SShhhhh Radhi darling. I know how you must be feeling. That’s why I got dinner packed. Lets have a quick meal, and then you get to bed. I will make sure that you don’t have to do one thing from tomorrow. Come now, lets eat.”
Vijay’s energetic smile was infectious and Radhika pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Yes, she loved him. She loved him so much.
The next morning, she got up a little late, at 8.30am. Vijay was already up by then, about to leave. As she rubbed her eyes and walked into the drawing room, she saw Vijay had laid out her breakfast and was just hanging up the phone.
“Radhi, I have made a small breakfast for you. I also just spoke to the contractor, and the workers will be here by 9.30 positively. Just tell them what to do. You don’t strain yourself, darling. Okay?”
Vijay walked up to her and hugged her.
“Have you fixed a maid for the house?”
Radhika took a deep breath.
“Yes. I spoke to a woman yesterday. She will be here anytime now. Let me see how much she wants and if I like her…”
Vijay picked up his briefcase and cut her off.
“Great then. If you want anything just call me dear. Bye.”
Radhika smiled.
“Bye, and thanks for the breakfast.”
In an hour Radhika had taken her bath, and was dressed in a loose T-shirt and @jeans. She was about to settle down in front of the TV when there was a knock at the door. She opened it to see a woman and a teenage boy at the door. The woman was short, dark and about 45 years old, and spoke in a gruff voice.
“Amma… you asked me to come today and speak to you about house work…”
Radhika nodded.
“Yes… come in.”
Inside, Radhika sat at her chair in the drawing room, while the woman and the boy stood in front of her. Radhika spoke first.
“All I am looking for is someone honest and hardworking. If I am happy with your work, I don’t mind paying a little extra…”
The lady then spoke eagerly.
“Amma… you need not worry. Just let me work here for a day. If you are happy with my work, then you can engage me. And you can pay me at the end of the month…”
The woman seemed sincere. Radhika smiled.
“Okay, fine. What did you say your name was?”
The maid smiled back.
Radhika then pointed to the boy who was looking at her very shyly from the time he set his eyes on her.
“And who is this boy?”
Leela patted the boy.
“He is my son Raju. He has his holidays now. He will be going to the 10th class in a few weeks. So instead of staying at home, he sometimes accompanies me amma. He will sit quiet and not disturb you…”
Radhika smiles again.
“No that’s okay. He can sit here while you work…”
She is interrupted by another knock on the door. Raju goes to open the door and lets the workers in. Then Radhika instructs Leela about the work to be done, and then instructs the workers to set the house in order.
What Radhika was not aware of was how young Raju was transfixed by her in all this time she was talking to Leela and the workers. Never in his 15 year-old life had he seen or even imagined a woman as beautiful as Radhika. Her face was so beautiful, and her smile was so dazzling. And her body, it brought a wild surge of blood into his cock. In spite of wearing a loose T-shirt, her breasts were so huge and jiggling, that there was no way the loose cloth could conceal them. And her @jeans fitted her so tight, that he could see the line of her panty and the sight of her huge round, solid ass in her tight @jeans was riveting. Against his own will, just looking at Radhika gave him the hardest and most painful erection he had ever had in his young life.
By the time Radhika returned to her chair after talking to the workers, Raju had a full grown erection inside his cotton pants. He turned away from her and turned to the TV as she made herself comfortable in her chair. Then she turned to him.
“Raju, can you please pass me that?”
Raju saw that she was pointing to the TV remote that was a few feet in front of him on another chair. He froze. If he got up now, there was no way he could cover his erection. There was absolutely no way. But he had to move. He just wished he could die at that moment. He stared blankly at Radhika. She repeated again.
“Raju, get me the remote control. That small black thing on that chair.”
His face beet red with shame, he just quickly crawled to the remote, instead of getting up, grabbed it and crawled to Radhika. There was the slightest of finger contacts when he passed the remote, which made him recoil like there was an electric shock. He almost fell back, but quickly managed to balance and he went back and sat in his place on the floor. He heaved a sigh of relief because he thought he saved himself from a potentially devastating situation. He was safe, and his erection was safe from discovery.
Raju could not have been more mistaken. In the second when he lost his balance, Radhika’s sight was drawn to the impossibly huge protrusion from the front of his pants. She just could not believe it. Was this young buy carrying some rod or stick of wood in his pants or was it…? Radhika was dazed by the mere idea that this small boy, just barely her height, would actually have a cock so huge? Impossible. She was just imagining things. What was wrong with her?
Radhika switched on the TV and tried to brush the thoughts from her mind. But she was still wondering. And why would he have an erection like that for nothing. Unless… unless he was turned on by HER? This small boy, turned on by her? She slowly turned her gaze to Raju, who was trying hard to not look at her.
He was cute. In fact, good looking, she thought. His features were neat and sharp. He was whitish in complexion, and there was just the beginning of hair on his face. The hair was thicker on his forearms. In fact Raju had more hair on his forearms than Vijay she absent-minded compared. Vijay had practically no hair on his chest and body. But this boy was already sprouting more than that. He must be just 14 or 15. What she saw could not be his erection. Impossible.
She was now jolted out of her thoughts by the phone ringing. As she got up, she was now aware, and strangely excited that perhaps Raju would be looking at her slyly. And at the spur of the moments, she decided to test what she had seen a few minutes before. She took the phone, and instead of walking in, she decided to walk around with the cordless handset right there in Raju’s presence.
And what a show she put on. It was not cheap or even remotely cheap. She just slowly walked back and forth in the drawing room talking to Vijay. That’s all. But as someone who was always acutely aware of the extreme voluptuousness of her body, Radhika knew that the young boy would have a clear, up close view of her spectacular body from all angles as she walked by.
Raju was trying hard not to look at her directly, nevertheless managed to steal glances at her. It was more than his young raging hormones could withstand. This woman seemed like a goddess and he was in love with her beauty and body. His erection just would not die down. He had to relieve himself now, or his cock would just punch a hole in his pants. He hurriedly got up and slunk out of the house.
Radhika noticed this, but could not ask him where he was going as she was on the phone. She wondered. “Where had the boy gone?” Radhika quickly told Vijay that she would call back, as she had to instruct the workers on something. Disconnecting the phone, Radhika looked out of the window, just in time to catch Raju walking into dense bushes at the side of the garage of the house. Her mind was racing. She quickly climbed up the stairs to the first floor of the house and opened the store room. She could have a clear view of him from there.
She slowly crept to the window and peered through the glass. Yes. Raju was there, his back to her. He had managed to get himself into the center of some bushes and nervously looked around. Then he unzipped his pants. Radhika’s heart was beating wildly and she strained her neck to have a better view. Raju let his pants fall, and she could see his ass now. She was surprised, that for such a young boy, he had a very hairy ass. The hair was thick from the top of his thighs and grew thicker as it covered his buttocks and the deep crack in between. His ass was dark, but fleshy. Radhika unconsciously licked her lips.
Then Raju began a nervous movement of his right fist in the front of his pants. Radhika now slowly dared to open the window for a better view. A small layer of sweat had formed on her forehead now. As she opened the window and she got a better angle, she saw it. She saw his cock. It was absolutely, unbelievably huge. The cock of this young boy rose from a dark fur of hair and was about 9 inches long. It was as thick as her wrist, and a thick slimy liquid was flowing from the cock head. Radhika was stunned at the sight of his cock, and riveted to it. She just could not tear her eyes away from the cock of a small boy. Vijay’s cock, which she had thought for 18 years was big, was a toy compared to Raju’s cock.
Raju was pumping his angry cock furiously, and she saw how his ass cheeks clenched in his efforts. And a stunning realization hit her. She was wet. Her cunt was drooling with her need for sex. It had never happened in all these years with Vijay.
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Radhika Sharma was tired. The whole day she was cleaning and unpacking household articles, and it still looked that she had not even done half the work. It was 10.00pm at night, and she was all alone.
The Sharmas had just moved into a swanky new neighborhood in the suburbs of Bangalore where her husband Vijay Sharma bought a new house. He was a marketing manager at a large MNC, and would often put in late hours at work. This was going to be just another such day.
Radhika sighed as she slumped down in a chair cluttered with clothes. But she could not blame him for not being there with her. It was because of his hard work that he made such good money which in turn helped them buy the absolutely dream of a house.
Tiredly, she got up and walked into the bathroom. She turned the hot water tap on, and as the water started filling the bathtub, she looked at herself in the mirror and started undressing. She was wearing a casual cream cotton saree, and a matching blouse. Her face was almost perfect. Beautiful round face, dark oval eyes full of life, ripe lips, and a sharp nose. Overall, a specimen of amazing beauty and sensuosness.
But not nearly as perfect as her body. At 38, and giving birth to two boys, her body was maintained amazingly well. Her 5’5” body was as ripe and luscious as it was 20 years ago. Huge, soft creamy breasts that still did not need a bra to support them, and a large soft perfectly round ass that had been driving males crazy ever since she was fourteen. A narrow waist and creamy smooth thighs and calves completed her masterpiece of a body.
So why was Radhika feeling some vacuum in their marriage and in her life? She was bolted out of her thoughts with the sound of the doorbell. Vijay was home. She quickly got up, dried herself and wore a nighty to open the door.
Vijay was tired and got home some packed dinner for both of them. At 40, standing 6 feet and weighing 80kgs, he was at the peak of his health. He still had the energy to lift Radhika off the ground with one strong arm and walk to the dining table.
“There seems to still be a lot of work to be done. Didn’t the workers turn up today?”
Radhika put her hands around Vijay’s neck as he made her sit on the table.
“No they didn’t. I had such a tough time today Vijay. It was soo tiring…”
Vijay brought his fingers to her lips.
“SShhhhh Radhi darling. I know how you must be feeling. That’s why I got dinner packed. Lets have a quick meal, and then you get to bed. I will make sure that you don’t have to do one thing from tomorrow. Come now, lets eat.”
Vijay’s energetic smile was infectious and Radhika pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Yes, she loved him. She loved him so much.
The next morning, she got up a little late, at 8.30am. Vijay was already up by then, about to leave. As she rubbed her eyes and walked into the drawing room, she saw Vijay had laid out her breakfast and was just hanging up the phone.
“Radhi, I have made a small breakfast for you. I also just spoke to the contractor, and the workers will be here by 9.30 positively. Just tell them what to do. You don’t strain yourself, darling. Okay?”
Vijay walked up to her and hugged her.
“Have you fixed a maid for the house?”
Radhika took a deep breath.
“Yes. I spoke to a woman yesterday. She will be here anytime now. Let me see how much she wants and if I like her…”
Vijay picked up his briefcase and cut her off.
“Great then. If you want anything just call me dear. Bye.”
Radhika smiled.
“Bye, and thanks for the breakfast.”

In an hour Radhika had taken her bath, and was dressed in a loose T-shirt and jeans. She was about to settle down in front of the TV when there was a knock at the door. She opened it to see a woman and a teenaged boy at the door. The woman was short, dark and about 45 years old, and spoke in a gruff voice.
“Amma… you asked me to come today and speak to you about house work…”
Radhika nodded.
“Yes… come in.”
Inside, Radhika sat at her chair in the drawing room, while the woman and the boy stood in front of her. Radhika spoke first.
“All I am looking for is someone honest and hardworking. If I am happy with your work, I don’t mind paying a little extra…”
The lady then spoke eagerly.
“Amma… you need not worry. Just let me work here for a day. If you are happy with my work, then you can engage me. And you can pay me at the end of the month…”
The woman seemed sincere. Radhika smiled.
“Okay, fine. What did you say your name was?”
The maid smiled back.
Radhika then pointed to the boy who was looking at her very shyly from the time he set his eyes on her.
“And who is this boy?”
Leela patted the boy.
“He is my son Raju. He has his holidays now. He will be going to the 10th class in a few weeks. So instead of staying at home, he sometimes accompanies me amma. He will sit quiet and not disturb you…”
Radhika smiles again.
“No that’s okay. He can sit here while you work…”
She is interrupted by another knock on the door. Raju goes to open the door and lets the workers in. Then Radhika instructs Leela about the work to be done, and then instructs the workers to set the house in order.
What Radhika was not aware of was how young Raju was transfixed by her in all this time she was talking to Leela and the workers. Never in his life had he seen or even imagined a woman as beautiful as Radhika. Her face was so beautiful, and her smile was so dazzling. And her body, it brought a wild surge of blood into his cock. Inspite of wearing a loose T-shirt, her breasts were so huge and jiggling, that there was no way the loose cloth could conceal them. And her jeans fitted her so tight, that he could see the line of her panty and the sight of her huge round, solid ass in her tight jeans was riveting. Against his own will, just looking at Radhika gave him the hardest and most painful erection he had ever had in his young life.
By the time Radhika returned to her chair after talking to the workers, Raju had a full grown erection inside his cotton pants. He turned away from her and turned to the TV as she made herself comfortable in her chair. Then she turned to him.
“Raju, can you please pass me that?”
Raju saw that she was pointing to the TV remote that was a few feet in front of him on another chair. He froze. If he got up now, there was no way he could cover his erection. There was absolutely no way. But he had to move. He just wished he could die at that moment. He stared blankly at Radhika. She repeated again.
“Raju, get me the remote control. That small black thing on that chair.”
His face beet red with shame, he just quickly crawled to the remote, instead of getting up, grabbed it and crawled to Radhika.
There was the slightest of finger contacts when he passed the remote, which made him recoil like there was an electric shock. He almost fell back, but quickly managed to balance and he went back and sat in his place on the floor. He heaved a sigh of relief because he thought he saved himself from a potentially devastating situation. He was safe, and his erection was safe from discovery.
Raju could not have been more mistaken. In the second when he lost his balance, Radhika’s sight was drawn to the impossibly huge protrusion from the front of his pants. She just could not believe it. Was this young buy carrying some rod or stick of wood in his pants or was it…? Radhika was dazed by the mere idea that this small boy, just barely her height, would actually have a cock so huge? Impossible. She was just imagining things. What was wrong with her?
Radhika switched on the TV and tried to brush the thoughts from her mind. But she was still wondering. And why would he have an erection like that for nothing. Unless… unless he was turned on by HER? This small boy, turned on by her? She slowly turned her gaze to Raju, who was trying hard to not look at her.
He was cute. In fact, good looking, she thought. His features were neat and sharp. He was wheatish in complexion, and there was just the beginning of hair on his face. The hair was thicker on his forearms. In fact Raju had more hair on his forearms than Vijay she absent-mindedly compared. Vijay had practically no hair on his chest and body. But this boy was already sprouting more than that. He must be just 14 or 15. What she saw could not be his erection. Impossible.
She was now jolted out of her thoughts by the phone ringing. As she got up, she was now aware, and strangely excited that perhaps Raju would be looking at her slyly. And at the spur of the moments, she decided to test what she had seen a few minutes before. She took the phone, and instead of walking in, she decided to walk around with the cordless handset right there in Raju’s presence.
And what a show she put on. It was not cheap or even remotely cheap. She just slowly walked back and forth in the drawing room talking to Vijay. That’s all. But as someone who was always acutely aware of the extreme voluptuousness of her body, Radhika knew that the young boy would have a clear, upclose view of her spectacular body from all angles as she walked by.
Raju was trying hard not to look at her directly, nevertheless managed to steal glances at her. It was more than his young raging hormones could withstand. This woman seemed like a godess and he was in love with her beauty and body. His erection just would not die down. He had to relieve himself now, or his cock would just punch a hole in his pants. He hurriedly got up and slunk out of the house.
Radhika noticed this, but could not ask him where he was going as she was on the phone. She wondered. “Where had the boy gone?” Radhika quickly told Vijay that she would call back, as she had to instruct the workers on something. Disconnecting the phone, Radhika looked out of the window, just in time to catch Raju walking into dense bushes at the side of the garage of the house. Her mind was racing. She quickly climbed up the stairs to the first floor of the house and opened the store room. She could have a clear view of him from there.
She slowly crept to the window and peered through the glass. Yes. Raju was there, his back to her. He had managed to get himself into the center of some bushes and nervously looked around. Then he unzipped his pants. Radhika’s heart was beating wildly and she strained her neck to have a better view. Raju let his pants fall, and she could see his ass now. She was surprised, that for such a young boy, he had a very hairy ass. The hair was thick from the top of his thighs and grew thicker as it covered his buttocks and the deep crack in between. His ass was dark, but fleshy. Radhika unconsciously licked her lips.
Then Raju began a nervous movement of his right fist in the front of his pants. Radhika now slowly dared to open the window for a better view. A small layer of sweat had formed on her forehead now. As she opened the window and she got a better angle, she saw it. She saw his cock. It was absolutely, unbelievably huge. The cock of this young boy rose from a dark fur of hair and was about 9 inches long. It was as thick as her wrist, and a thick slimy liqud was flowing from the cockhead. Radhika was stunned at the sight of his cock, and riveted to it. She just could not tear her eyes away from the cock of a small boy. Vijay’s cock, which she had thought for 18 years was big, was a toy compared to Raju’s cock.
Raju was pumping his angry cock furiously, and she saw how his ass cheeks clenched in his efforts. And a stunning realization hit her. She was wet. Her cunt was drooling with her need for sex. It had never happened in all these years with Vijay.
Radhika was so wet, that she noticed the wetness of her cunt had seeped through her panties and through the cloth of her red jeans. It formed a wet, visible patch in her crotch. She had never been so turned on and excited in her life!

Then she heard a small grunt from the direction of Raju, and she returned her attention to him, this time daring to crane her neck out of the window even more. She knew that she was acting in the most deprived and shameful manner, looking at a young boy as he masturbated, but she just could not help it. Raju had himself changed his position a little now, and Radhika could see his entire cock clearly now. She could see his balls for the first time. Her throat went dry, and her eyes glossed with lust. Raju’s balls were massive, the size of eggs and hung low from the base of his cock. They were covered with thick hair, but they were so big that she could still see their size and shape from her window on the first floor. Her entire body was drooling in lust. She moved her right hand automatically to her crotch and started rubbing herself, uncontrollably. Her eyes were transfixed on young Raju’s shiny and raging cock now.
“Its so beautiful. This boy’s cock is just so … powerful and masculine…” she thought. Never had she ever paid much attention to a man’s cock in her life. Never had she ever had such thoughts in her life. In fact, she had always considered a man’s private parts very unattractive and sometimes ugly too. Never had she even dreamed that a cock could be so … so… lust-inducing that she would sneak on a boy younger then her son to take a look at his cock!
Unaware that he was being watched, Raju was meanwhile energetically pulling and punping his cock. Animal grunts were escaping from his throat as he vigorously extertd himself, his eyes closed. He was imagining the beautiful woman inside the house and her huge breasts, her solid, massive ass…. Her lips and her beautiful face… and then he let out a long grunt.
Radhika’s eyes widened, as she dug her fingers desperately into her raging crotch. Thick, creamy white ropes of milk started erupting from young Raju’s cock. The first spurt flew into the air like a geyser and fell about six feet away. Then another thick spurt followed as Raju grunted again, his face contorted with pleasure and mind filled with images of the lady inside the house.
Then more spurts flew out of his cock, and Radhika was greedily trying to look at everything at the same time. She was astounded at the virility of the boy as he spewed endless amounts of sperm from his young balls. She saw how his cock flared angrily everytime he was about to eject a spurt, she saw how his ass clenched and tightened as he blew his load, she saw how his luscious heavy balls swayed with the efforts, she saw how his young features were experiencing rapturous pleasure when all this was happening…
Radhika froze. She heard Leela’s voice again, this time closer to the store room.
“Amma, are you here? I have finished my work…”
Radhika quickly closed the window as quickly and softly as possible, and picked a cloth lying nearby to wipe her heavily sweating face and tried to control her breathing. She covered her crotch with the cloth, and quickly and quickly went to the door. Leela saw her and spoke.
“Amma, I have done the dishes, clothes, cleaning…”
Radhika, still not composed, peered through the half open door of the store room.
“Leela, I am cleaning something here. You can come and work regularly from tomorrow…”
Leela seemed surprised.
“But amma, why don’t you take a look at how I have done and…”
Radhika sounded slightly impatient.
“Its okay. You just start coming for work from tomorrow. Don’t worry about the salary. We can work it out…”
Leela seemed happy at once. This rich woman was not like the others. Not only was she very beautiful, she has a good and kind heart. Leela folded her hands and bent her head.
“Thank you amma. I will come early tomorrow.”
As Leela turned to leave, Radhika spoke again.
“Uh.. Leela… get your son tomorrow also. I… I might need his help in some work here okay?”
Leela nodded her head, and then went her way.
Radhika just did not believe what she did. She wanted to see the boy again the next day! Why? Why did she ask Leela to get her Raju again the next day? What was happening to her? Surely, she was not attracted to the boy, was she? NO! There is no way a woman of her stature, education and age was going to be attracted to a poor, little boy. Then… then why did she tell Leela to get the boy the next day? Radhika just walked out of the store room quickly and went to the bathroom. She splashed her face with cold water and took a deep breath. She had to get a hold on herself and think this through clearly.

What were her feelings for that boy with whom she had hardly exchanged two words? Her mind started reasoning. She just felt sorry for the kid Raju. Coming from a downtrodden section of society, he would probably just end up as a watchman or a laborer in a few years. He was probably under so much bad influence even at home, which was a slum. So, when he saw a woman as beautiful as herself, he just reacted in a manner that he was accustomed to. He was just a confused kid. And unconsciously, she felt some affection for this poor, young boy – just like she would feel for her sons, who were only a little older to Raju. As for looking at him as he masturbated, she dismissed at as just curiosity. Why would she be attracted to a boy, when she had never been attracted to much better looking and better off men all her life. She just felt affection and kindness for the boy. In fact, when he came the next day, she would give him some clothes. Vijay kept buying so many clothes for their boys that many of them were not even worn regularly. She would give Raju some unused clothes.

The workers also soon finished their work, and Radhika settled down in her sofa in the drawing room in front of the TV. That night she hurriedly cooked some dinner, and dozed off, as she waited for Vijay to return from work. Vijay turned up very late, and they had a quiet dinner, as he was on the phone with some colleagues throughout the meal.
Still haunted a little by what she went through and what happened that day with Raju, Radhika just could not make proper eye contact with Vijay and quickly cleared the table after dinner and went off to sleep. Vijay continued his work on his laptop on their bed and then switched off the light much after Radhika had fallen asleep.
The next morning was just like the previous morning. Radhika woke up slightly late, and found that Vijay was already ready to leave. He quickly hugged her as she came into the drawing room. Radhika felt a little bad.
“I am so sorry Vijay. I just seem to have become very lazy all of a sudden. Why did you not wake me up? I would have made breakfast…”
Vijay patted her soft ass naughtily.
“Its okay Radhi. You will take a couple of days to get adjusted to this place and home. Then you will be fine.”
Radhika smiled and waved to him as he walked out of the door.

At 9.30, the bell rang. Dressed in a light blue saree and blouse, and fresh from her bath, Radhika opened the door. It was Leela. Radhika smiled and let her in, and then looked around. But there was no Raju. She looked at Leela who was walking into the kitechn.
“Where is your son? Has he not come?”
Leela laughed.
“He has come amma. I had a tough time getting him here today. For some reason, he refused to come here with me today. I had to literally scold him and get him here. I think he is very shy of you amma…”
Radhika seemed amused.
“But where is he?”
Leela laughed slightly again.
“He is standing outside the gate amma. He said he feels more comfortable sitting there. If you have any work, just call him and he will come in.”
Radhika shook her head in somewhat surprise.
“Standing outside the gate? I will get him in. You can start doing the clothes now.”
Outside the compound of the Sharma house, Raju was sitting nervously in the shade of a tree when Radhika called to him from the gate.
“Raju! Come in. Don’t sit there. Come in.”
Radhika looked like a vision to Raju in her blue saree and blouse. She was looking so much more beautiful and sexy than yesterday. There was an instant tightening in his pants again. As Radhika leaned over the gate looking at him, he could see through the opening in her saree how smooth, milky and creamy her navel was. He could see the tantalizing swell of her creamy breasts as they pushed against the metal of the gate. He could see a glimpse of the deep valley between her breasts for just a second. The blood rushed into his cock like a deluge. And her face was so gentle, and beautiful and endearing, that he could not decide what was more beatufil of all the charms displayed in front of him.
Raju slowly got up, his head bent and started walking up to Radhika. She then turned her back and started walking into the house. Following her, Raju just could not take his eyes off her spell binding buttocks as they swayed magically in front of him. IN spite of the saree, he could see the perfect shape of her ass, and the hint of a cleft in between. And the smooth, fair expanse of her back above her ass was just so alluring. Raju’s cock was now standing like a flagpost, and he was smart enough today to wear a longer shirt than he did yesterday. That way he could cover the erection as much as he could.
Inside the house, Radhika gave him some biscuits and tea and Raju sat in the same place as the previous day. He managed to squeak out a very polite and shy “Thank you aunty” as she gave him the snack. Radhika found his shyness very sweet and she just patted his head. Then she went up to the store room to look for some old clothes. As she rummaged through the old clothes, she found that a majority of the clothes were probably a little too big for someone like Raju. As she kept looking at the clothes one after the another, she decided it would be a good idea to call Raju up and let him try some clothes to see what would best fit him.

“Raju come up here for a minute.”
Raju froze when he heard this. He started feeling a sick feeling. What did this aunty want now? And what if he got another erection there? She would kill him if she found out.
“Raju… come up here…”
He nervously got up and slowly made his way up the stairs into the store room. He saw Radhika aunty sitting on a small cot with cluttered clothes. The store room was a little dark and dingy, with light coming in through just one window. There were a lot of article piled up in the room, and he slowly made his was to Radhika. She held out a pair of jeans and T-shirt.
“Raju, I want you to wear these and see if they fit you.”
Raju walked close to her now, and nervously looked at the clothes.
“No… no… aunty…. I am fine …”
Radhika felt sorry for this scared and diffident young boy. She smiled and spoke softly.
“Its okay Raju. Just wear this and see if it fits you. She leaned forward to hand him the clothes. As she did so, her pallu slipped a couple of inches and Raju’s eyes at once went to the dazzling and bursting cleavage exposed to him. His cock sprang like a torpedo, and he quickly grabbed the clothes and held them nervously in front of his pants. Radhika adjusted her pallu unconsciously and asked him to step into an adjoining room to try them. Raju bolted from the room. He just wanted to get away from her presence before she noticed his erection. This was getting to be a nightmare for him, he thought
Radhika was amused at his antics and leaned back on the small cot, and started sifting through some more clothes. In a couple of minutes, Raju came back into the room, and Radhika was at once amused again. The shirt was a little too short for Raju, and the pant was too loose. It was a strange sight seeing the nervous boy holding his pants up while his shirt barely reached his waist. Radhika got up and walked to him.
“I am sorry Raju. This seems so ill- fitting. Let me see, if the pant can be adjusted… come here”
She quickly walked to him as he nervously stepped back against the wall. He was sweating and his heart was thumping wildly. Radhika was like a vision, and there was no way he could control his mind when a woman as spectacularly endowed as Radhika was so close to him. She sat on a small stool just in front of him and smiled.
“Here let me see, if I can stitch it to fit you. Leave your hands…”
She put her hands on his hands and held the pant up. Bolts of energy and current swept throygh his body at her touch. God, this was the greatest dream and the worst nightmare of his young life. He let her take over as she started moving her hands around his waist to see how much the pant needed to be tightened.
What was already tightening to bursting point was Raju’s cock. The sight of her stacked body touching and so close to him gave him the hardest and most painful erection of his life. It stood in the loose pants like a column of steel, and just kept growing. That’s when Radhika’s fingers brushed against it. IT was like a molten bolt of lightning coursed through her fingers. It was so hard and hot, that Radhika instinctively let her hands go, and she jerked back. Raju, his face contorted in utter dismay and fear managed to reach for his pants just before they dropped. His erection just kept growing, and a stunned Radhika could now see its menacing outline throiugh the front of the pants even as he desperately tried to cover it.
Her eyes darted to his face, and she could see his nervousness and fear.
“Aunty…. I don’t want this dress aunty. Let me go now… please…”
As Raju tried to nervously walk out. Radhika stopped him
“Wait Raju. Don’t worry.”
She got up and walked fast and closed the door. Then she turned to him. She felt sorry for this young boy, that he was so embarrassed. She wanted to make him feel better about what just happened. She smiled at him, and pulled him to the stool by her hand.
“Look Raju. Its okay. Don’t be embarrassed please… but just tell me…are you not wearing any underwear?”
Raju just shook his head in shame and guilt. She asked again.
“Don’t you have any underwear…?”
Again Raju fearfully shook his head. She felt sorry for the boy who was about to cry. Tears were almost forming in his eyes. She knelt in front of him.
“Don’t worry dear. I will give you some underwear that you can wear. Okay?”
Radhika got up and went to a cupboard. She pulled out some underwear, which belnged to her sons, from the cupboard and turned to Raju who was still holding on to his pants.
“Here wear this in this room, and then wear your clothes.”
The young Raju was utterly confused and distraught by this time. How could this woman talk about his underwear and stuff, which even his mother never spoke to him about? And why was she being so amazingly kind and gentle with him? How did he land in this situation? The only way out was to just do what she wanted and be done with all this. He would never come back to this house again, even if it meant that his mother would thrash him.
Radhika again reassuringly ruffled the hair on his head and smiled.
“Its okay. Now just wear this while I go out of the room.”
The proximity to such a voluptuous woman was doing no good at all to Raju and his young cock. He was just waiting for her to leave so that the impossible strained cock in his pants would get some relief. As she walked out of the room, his eyes again fell on her beautiful, round ass and he groaned. And Radhika needed to get out of the room. Her pussy was steaming wet.
Downstairs, Radhika went to the kitchen for a glass of water. She needed some relief and needed to clear her head again. “Such a big cock,…” she kept thinking. Downstairs, Leela was just finishing the clothes. As soon as she saw Radhika, Leela approached her.
“Amma… I need to go and sign for a money order at the post office. I will just take one hour. I will come back and finish the cleaning…”
Radhika thought for a second.
“Sure… its okay…”
Leela smiled in relief.
“I will take Raju with me amma. He will otherwise be a trouble to you…”
Radhika nervously shook her head.
“He can stay here. I just wanted to give him some clothes, and he is upstairs trying them. You may leave him here…”
Radhika’s heart was racing. Why did she say that now? What was she thinking? Why did she want to have Raju in the house? Why was she behaving like this?
“Okay amma. I will return in an hour.”
Leela walked out of the house.
Nervously, Radhika bolted the door, and slowly started climbing the stairs. Her mind and whole body was swimming in a dizziness and some strange excitement. She softly walked to the store room and knocked.
“Raju… can I come in? Have you tried the clothes?”
Without waiting for an answer, she walked in and found Raju suddenly cover his body with a piece of cloth. The loose jeans lay a few feet from him, and he was only wearing the short t-shirt.
“Aunty… please… I am trying on the… please…”
Radhika could see his exposed legs to almost the thighs, and she noticed that there was a thick growth of hair on them. There was a flush in her pussy, as she walked to the small cot and sat on it. Her heart was thudding like mad.
“Raju come here, and let me see how it has fit you.”
Raju was aghast. What was she saying? How can she even say such a thing? He just stared in shock at the beautiful woman. Radhika licked some sweat from her upper lip and repeated.
“Raju dear boy. Don’t worry… just let me see if it has fit properly… come here…”
In a daze, Raju slowly walked to her holding some piece of cloth in front of him. He was so utterly endearing and attractive, this boy, she thought. When he came close to her, trembling, Radhika slowly reached for the cloth and pulled it away.
She gasped at what she saw. Raju’s entire lower half was now exposed to her, except for a tight piece of underwear that had no hope of containing the enormous, formidable erection that was throbbing in it.
Radhika skipped a breath and a heartbeat, and molten lava gushed into her cunt. That was his cock! That really was his cock. Raju’s erection was so huge, that it stretched the underwear to its limit and a large wet spot had formed at its angry, throbbing tip.
Licking her lips, and staring at the bulge, Radhika spoke in a whisper.
“Raju… what… what is this in your underwear…?
Raju was too stumped to even breathe properly. He just turned a red and refused to say anything. Radhika slowly repeated again.
“Raju… darling… don’t be afraid. Tell me… your cock… why is it… so hard?”
Raju wanted to just die. He was dying of shame and embarrasement and here was the most beautiful woman in the world asking him about his cock! She will kill him now.
Radhika slowly slid off the bed and knelt in front of the scared boy. Her face was now just one foot away from his straining cock. Her pallu slipped completely off her shouplders, and Raju gasped aloud as he saw the most magnificent cleavage exposed to his young eyes. His cock lurched powerfully in his underwear and its head just sprang out of the confines of his underwear. Radhika’s eyes bulged in shock and awe as she saw up close the magnificent head of his cock protruding from the underwear.
“Raju… darling… it is not good for your young cock to be confined in such a tight underwear dear. It might hurt your cock… let me take it off… please…”
Without waiting for an answer, she reached out and pulled down Raju’s underwear. His cock sprang up like an angry club, and she just almost fainted in fascination and awe. The biggest cock she could ever have thought possible was dangling in front of her. A smell of sweat and semen hit her nostrils and it turned her crazy.
The balls were huge, dangling in a forest of hair. The base of the cock was as thick as her wrist and it tapered like a spear into the most dominating cockhead – red, throbbing and leaking. The entire stalk of the cock was about 9 inches, and she wanted to be its slave. It was beautiful, powerful and intimidating.
Unable to bear the shame, Raju at once covered his face and jumped face down on the bed.
“Aunty… I am sorry. Don’t be angry Aunty please don’t tell my mother…”
Radhika got up, and she was completely under lust. She pulled away her saree and was now just in her blouse and petticoat. She sat on the bed and her eyes went to Raju’s buttocks.
“This young boy is so manly” she thought. His buttocks were very hairy and fleshy. She was turned by the hair. “His ass is so … sexy… so beautiful…”
Radhika put her face next to Raju’s ear as he was sobbing. She put her hand on his head gently.
“Raju… darling… if you let me do something for you, I will not tell your mother. Now just calm down… I am not angry with you dear…”
Raju slowly stopped sobbing. Radhika bent close to his neck and kissed it. Slwly she moved her hand to his ass and she whispered in his ear.
“Raju… raise your buttocks in the air… I will do something to show you I am not angry with you dear… raise your buttocks..”
As Raju slowly started raising his ass, Radhika moved around so that she was positioned right in front of his exposed ass now. She dizzily started moving her hand on his exposed ass, and slowly spread his ass cheeks apart. Slowly, she moved her face to his ass, and started kissing his ass.
Radhika ran her warm hands up and down his sides, she parted his ass cheeks and penterated her nose deep into his crack and inhaled deeply; the aroma of his young masucaline body drove her her wild. She Probed his crack with her mosit and warm tongue and once agian inhaled the manly odour from his his crack.She knew that she was driving him wild with her boldness, and she knew from the way he was reacting to her sensual onslaught that he was hers for the taking. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him quickly from behind, letting her warm tits crush up against his strong young back.

Raju stood frozen in place for a moment or two. He couldn't believe what she had just done to him. He could still feel her soft warm tits pressing against his naked back, could still feel-her moist breath against his back. She had to know what she was doing to him. She had to know that she was making his cock and balls hotter and hotter by the second.

Raju had never had an experience quite as confusing and exciting as this. He had no idea how he should react to the incredibly beautiful woman. She was old enough to be his mother. How could she possibly be doing such wild things to him? He almost turned and ran out the back door, but she beckoned him toward her and he was powerless to resist her spell.

Raju shuffled his feet nervously, letting his hand drop to his crotch in an effort to hide his embarrassment. Radhike now mover forward face to face with Raju. She let her glance fall to the boy's bulging crotch. She was thrilled
to find that her efforts were having the desired effect on the boy. She could hardly wait to get her hands on the throbbing hard-on that she had raised on him. She sat on the couch and crossed her long legs. Come sit beside me and try to relax. Don't be afraid." she told Raju.Her cunt was itching with desire for the horny young kid.
Raju had to do what she told him. He was in her power completely now. He walked stiff-legged over to the couch and sat down beside her. He tried to leave some space between them, but as soon as he sat down she moved closer. He felt her warm body against him, felt her warmth soak into his leg and go straight to his balls. Do you like sitting close to me?" she asked Raju. "yeah, yeah, but I don't know what to do... " the nervous, turned-on
Raju stammered, dropping his hands to his lap in an effort to hide his erect cock from Radhika's gaze. Raju could feel Radhika's eyes burning into his crotch. He wanted desperately to look at her tits, silken legs, and the nest of her
Body, but he didn't dare. "Have you ever been this close to a woman?" she asked softly. Raju shook his head.Radhika brushed his hands away from his bulging cock and ran her
fingers along the bulging crotch and ran her fingers along the bulge of his hard cock from the head to the root. The boy's prick was even bigger and longer than she had imagined. She knew now that she had made the right choice. Just the thought of taking such a long hard young cock in her cunt made her writhe with lust.
Raju stared at Radhika's naked tits. He wanted to reach out and feel them, but he thought he should wait until she told him to touch her. Her tits were hard to resist, swelling and warm-looking with hard nipples that he couldn't help wanting to feel. Radhika bent Closer to the boy's dripping cock. Raju sucked in his breath when he felt her warm lips touch the naked head of his swollen cock. No one had ever touched him there before, and now the most beautiful woman he had ever seen was pressing her lips against the head of his cock. It wasn't just a quick kiss either. Her
lips remained on his slippery cockhead, sucking at his turgid flesh.

"Delicious," Radhika said, licking her lips. "I just have to taste the cum that's oozing from your cock!"

With that, the seductive older woman flicked out her tongue and brought the tip of it against the piss-slit of the boy's rigid cock. She ran her thumb up the underside of his jerking cock, forcing another droplet of crystal clear pre-cum to ooze from the tip of his cock. She eagerly
caught the droplet on the tip of her tongue and took it into her mouth, tasting the saltiness of it and thirsting for more.

Radhika opened her mouth and went down on the kid's hard cock. She wrapped her warm wet lips around the knob of his prick and sucked hard, running her tongue around the underside of it, making his balls ache with pleasure. She took him deeper into her mouth by the second, sucking and licking his cock. "Oh, aahhhhhhhhhhh.. aunty ! That feels great, Keep doin' that! Don't stop, Aunty ! It feels so !" the kid rasped, feeling her mouth working against his naked prick. Radhika felt the bulging head of his cock filling her mouth. It was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. She could imagine how much better his cock would feel stretching the tight flesh of her seething
cunt. She began moving her head up and down on his big hard cock, taking
it all the way down her throat with each downward motion, letting it almost pull from her lips on each upward movement. Raju didn't know how much longer he could stand it without shooting a wad of hot cum into her mouth. He didn't think she would want him to do that.
"I... I... I think you'd better stop, Aunty! I'm cumming ...
uh... !" he rasped. Radhika wrapped her finger around his balls and squeezed them tightly. She let his cockhead pull from her lips with an audible slurping sound. She squeezed his balls with one hand and his cock with the other,
looking into his glittering eyes. "Tell me, Raju, when you jack off how many times can you make yourself come?"...I saw u yesterday doing that in the bushes .. she asked. "Don't be embarrassed about telling me, Raju. I really need to know." I can do it five or six times," he said.
"Wonderful! Then I'll suck you off and let you come in my mouth. You'll have plenty of hot cum left to shoot into my cunt. I just know you'll like shooting down my throat. I'll like it too. I just love the taste of cum! I love to feel it shooting against the back of my throat. I love to feel it running down my throat. Your cum will be so thick and
so hot and sweet!" The sex-starved woman plunged down on the horny boy's cock and began sucking wildly at it. Every muscle in his body was tense now as he came
nearer and nearer to a ball-busting climax. He felt her lips pressing against his naked cock-flesh, felt her teeth gently scbanging against his sensitive cockshaft as she bobbed her head up and down on him. She moved her head faster and faster, taking his prick all the way down her throat with each downward plunge. Radhika felt his cockhead banging against the back of her throat. The boy couldn't help arching his back and thrusting up and down. She reached
under his ass and grabbed his hard young butt, squeezing and lifting it, forcing his cock even deeper down her throat. Radhika almost choked on his swollen cock, but she enjoyed every minute of it.
Raju felt her throat grasping his impaled cock, felt her swallowing it. Her long fingernails dug into the cheeks of his bucking ass as he ****ed her face. His balls bounced between his legs, swelling more and more with hot cum. He knew that it wouldn't be long before his load exploded
down her throat. He had always shot off in a handkerchief or on the ground, but now he was going to pour his semen down a beautiful woman's throat. Just the thought of it made the boy dizzy with excitement."Suck me, Aunty ................Suck my cock!" Raju shouted. His words seemed to make her suck his prick ever harder and bob her head up and down even faster. "I'm shooting it! Are you sure it's all right?" he grasped. Radhika moaned deep in her throat and sucked harder than ever. She almost
drowned on his hot thick cum when his balls exploded and filled her sucking throat with it. Raju closed his eyes and almost saw stars when his Semen shot through his cock shaft. Spurt after spurt of it shot from his prick and into the woman's eager mouth. - The boy thought he would never stop coming. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It was as if all the tension in his body was suddenly discharged through his cock. Her tongue
still worked on his shooting prick and her lips still pressed the shaft of it as he filled her with his hot creamy Semen.
Radhika opened her eyes and watched Raju's young face when he experienced his orgasm. She tried to imagine how he felt when he came in the mouth of a woman for the first time. She tried to swallow all the cum he shot into her mouth, but it was no use. The stuff trickled from her lips and ran down over her chin, dripping onto his cockshaft and saturating his young balls.

"Oh, Raju! Did you like coming in my mouth?" she asked, licking the cum off her glistening lips.

"Yes! It was great! Did you swallow my cum?" the kid asked,still feeling the surge of pleasure that she had caused throughout his body.

"Yes, Raju. It tasted so good! It's been so long since I've tasted cum
in my mouth. Your cock is still hard, You're such a stud! said Radhika."Are we going do it again, Aunty ?" the kid asked, feeling bold now that he had experienced the wild pleasure that a woman like Mrs. Radhika Sharma could bring him.
"Come with me, Come up to my bedroom, she said, laughing seductively. Raju followed his sex instructor downstairs to her bedroom. He watched the full curvy cheeks of her ass rising and falling as she glided down the stairs. He almost fell over backwards when the lusty woman reached down. A beautiful women.... misteress of that rich household was walking naked ... showing of her creamy body and he as a son of the maid servant was feeling that his wildest dream has come true.

Rashika felt lascivious beyond belief as she displayed her feminine charms for the boy. She glanced behind her and watched the kid's stiff cock bouncing in front of him as he came down th e flight of the stairs . She was thrilled to know that she could keep him so interested in her, thrilled
that she could keep his cock as hard as a rock even after he had shot a heavy wad of cum only minutes before. He was certainly an improvement over her lifeless husband.
At the botome of the stairs Radhika bent over and touched her toes, giving Raju a view of her ass and the slit of her cunt that was impossible to resist. He stepped up close behind her and stood motionless for a moment or two. He wanted to reach out and feel the cheeks of her lewdly
exposed ass. but he was still not bold enough. "Don't be afraid, Raju ! Touch me if want," the lusty woman breathed. Raju reached out and put his hand on Radhika's naked ass. Her flesh was even smoother than he imagined. The warmth and softness of her affected him powerfully. His hand moved over her naked asscheeks,exploring every curve of her tempting butt. He dared to let his hand dip
between her legs and feel the tufted mound of her quivering cunt. The warmth of her pussy drove him wild. She was as hot as hell between her legs. He felt her dewy cuntlips against the palm of his hand as he ran it between her legs.

"Oh, Raju ! Your hand feels so good on my pussy! "yeah!" the excited young man said in amazement, his hand wet with cunt juice and his cock dripping with excitement. He followed her into her room and went to the foot of her bed. She had jumped into bed. She was lying on her back with her legs spread, letting him have a good long look at her naked,open cunt. Radhika beckoned him and Raju jumped into bed with her. She wrapped her silken arms around the boy and held him close. Her naked tits crushed up against his strong young chest. Her stiff nipples brushed against his
skin, making them tingle. Radhika's cunt seethed with lust as she held the boy in a loving embrace. She felt his heart beating hard and fast.She felt his stiff cock pressing against her thigh, poking at her. She knew that he wanted desperately to sink his young cock into her sweet cunt, but first she would show him a few of her secret treasures.
Radhika told the boy to lie on his back. He did as he was told. She planted a wet loving kiss on his lips, slipping her tongue into his mouth. He responded in kind. It was a nervous sort of kiss, but Radhika was thrilled by it. She began kissing his throat and making a trail of kisses down his chest to his hard young stomach all the way to the hair on his groin. She tangled her fingers in his curly pubic hair and let her tongue flick over the head of his tightly swollen cock. I just love the way your cock tastes. I could suck it all day," she said, opening her lips
and taking his prick into her mouth. Radhika sucked his cock until it seemed ready to explode. By the time she was ready to stop sucking it, the boy was writhing in pleasure, moving his legs and tossing his head to and fro. She let his cockhead pull from her sucking lips and let it snap against his stomach. Her tongue moved to the kid's swollen balls. She tickled his balls with the tip of her tongue, pressing them, dividing them in their sac. She kissed the pouch that held his young balls. She nibbled at his sensitive ball-sac,tugging at his skin with her teeth. Then she opened her lips and sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time.

"Aunty ! I think I'm ging to shoot it again!" he rasped.
Radhika let his balls pull from her mouth and planted a kiss on the throbbing head of his cock. Then she straddled the boy's tense young body and rubbed her juicy wet cunt against his chest. She knew that he was ready to unload another wad of cum, but first she wanted to give him
a taste of her delicious pussy. She knew that she had the best-tasting cunt in town. Raju was sure to love the taste and scent of her hot wet pussy.

The hot-assed Mrs.Radhika Sharma moved her cunt closer and closer to his face.She was dripping with passion. The lips of her cunt were glistening with juice, longing to be licked. She wanted desperately to feel his eager young tongue working against the lips of her trembling cunt. It had been much too long since she had felt the pleasure of a tongue lapping at her sex.

Raju stared at her open cunt when she kneeled over his face. It was the first time that he had ever had the opportunity to stare at that part of a woman. Her cunt looked as hot as it had felt earlier when he had dared to put his hand on it. The rubbery lips of her pussy seemed to tremble
visibly. The rosy gash of her cunt seemed to invite him to touch it. "Can I touch you there?" the boy asked in a dry voice full of excitement. "Yessssss!" she hissed in the heat of her lust
Radhika reached down between her legs and spread her cunt open for the boy. When she felt his fingers touching her sensitive pussy flesh, she almost fainted with pleasure. Her cunt twitched and tingled with delight as Raju put his fingers between the spread lips of her naked pussy.

The horny kid inserted first one finger and then another in her cunt. He felt the flesh of her
pussy closing around his fingers, felt her cunt squeezing his hand inside her. He wondered how her cunt would feel squeezing the shaft of his turgid cock."Move your fingers in and out, Whispered Radhika in her husky voice. Oh, God! It feels soooooooooooooo good! Moaned Radhika

Mrs. Radhika Sharma's cunt seemed to get juicier and juicier the more he ran hisfingers in and out of her. His fingers made wet slurping sounds as they raced in and out of her pussy. He had to taste the juice that covered his hand. He took his fingers out of her cunt and brought them to his
lips. "Do you like the taste of my Cunt juice, darling?" she asked in a deep voice smoldering with lust.
Radhika looked down and saw her young boy licking his fingers. She knew that he was ready to lick her pussy,and she was certainly ready to be licked. She crouched over the boy's eager young face and ever so slowly eased her cunt down toward his mouth. She closed her glittering eyes and waited for the pure pleasure the boy was about to bring her with his lips and tongue.

The scent of Radhika's musky cunt was intoxicating to the boy. He inhaled her heady feminine fragrance and it went straight to his head. When the lips of her cunt were very close to his mouth he flicked his tongue over them. He began lapping at her rosy pussy, running his tongue up and down
the juicy slit between her legs until she shivered with delight."Raju! Oh, my God! Lick me! Lick my cunt! Make me drip! Oh, darling boy! Put your tongue right up inside me! Suck my cunt!
I just love it!"

Raju ran his tongue all the way up her cunt, stiffening it and poking it in and out of her. He felt her cunt sucking and tugging at his tongue as if to suck it all the way up inside her. Her pussy juice ran freely and he lapped it up thirstily. His cock jerked between his legs as he sucked her cunt. He had never felt anything as wildly exciting in his young life. He was actually licking a woman's pussy, a woman old enough to be his mother.
"My clit Raju! Lick my clit! Lick me there!" Radhika cried, pressing her finger against the turgid little bud of hot flesh between her legs. "My clit is tingling so! Lick it! Lick it, Drive me wild!"

Raju did as he was told. He pressed the tip of his tongue against her hot little clit and made her shiver with pleasure. Her body quaked whenever he moved the tip of his tongue over her hot clit. He wrapped his lips around the tiny bud and began sucking and gently nibbling at it. She moaned with pleasure as he worked on her seething cunt with his tongue and lips.

Raju's cock was as hard as a rock. He had wanted to shove his prick in her pussy ever since she had exposed her cunt to him. Just the thought of how her cunt would feel sucking at his cock made him ache with horniness.

Radhika moved down over his body and positioned herself over his cock.She crouched over his cock and lowered herself onto it until her seething wet cunt was pressing against his cockhead. She rubbed her pussy against the length of his swollen prick, pressing it into her hot slit, making it slick with her freely flowing cunt juice."Oh, ! That's somethin' else, Aunty ! I didn't know it would feel like that!" the boy grunted, raising his ass off the bed and thrusting against her creamy cunt.

"I want you inside me, Crawl on top of me and ram your cock into me!" she moaned, rolling over on her back and opening her long legs for him.

Raju mounted her and poked his cock against her cunt in a wild frenzy."Let me help you, " she said, reaching down and guiding his rock-hard prick into her pussy.
Radhika closed her eyes and prepared for his entry into her long-un****ed cunt. She didn't expect him to be gentle with her. She knew that he was nervous and eager to get his cock into a woman for the first time. She expected him to **** her hard and fast, and that was exactly what she wanted. She gasped when he rammed his distended prick into her all the way to his balls in one rough thrust.

"Did I hurt you, Aunty?" Raju asked.

"No, darling, not really! I love it! **** me! **** me hard! Oh, Rajuuuuuuuuuu ohhhhhhhhh
your cock is so long and hard! I can feel it way up inside me! Move it in and out, **** me! **** my cunt! Do it, Rip it apart Rajuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! **** meeeeee!" she cried.

Raju began ****ing her wildly. He bucked his ass harder and harder,making the bed bounce. His balls slapped against her hot damp crotch each time he banged into her. Her huge tits shivered and shook as he pounded her cunt. Her cunt clutched at his cock like a dozen hands squeezing him
tightly. It was a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced."Take it, Aunty! Take my cock in there! Oh, ****! This is great!"the excited kid growled as he rammed in and out of the woman's clutching cunt.

"**** me! **** the hell out of me, rajuuuuuuuuuuuuu' I need it! Oh, Rajuuuuuuuu, it's been
so long since I've had a cock up my cunt! You don't know what you're doing to me, darling boy! **** met **** my cunt!" she moaned, grinding her pussy against the kid's cock. Raju felt his balls swelling more and more by the second. He felt the tension building up between his legs. He knew that it wouldn't be long before he shot a hot wad of cum all the way up the luscious woman's
sucking cunt. He felt her fingernails digging into his back as he ****ed her, Arrrrrrrggggghhhh ohhhhhhhhhh grhhhhhhrrh the boy grunted like an animal, He felt her fingernails digging into his back as he ****ed she scratched him like a cat in heat.The sounds of hot ****ing filled the air, moans of pleasure mingling with the slurping sounds their flesh made as they banged together. Raju
was panting hard as he furiously ****ed the luscious woman. Radhika was breathless as she experienced for the first time in years the pure pleasure of a hot ****."Oh, God! I'm going to come, Rajuey! You're making me come, Oh,Raaaaaaaajjuuuuuuuuu **** me! In and out! Shoot me full of cum! Pump it into me! Empty your balls into me! I'm coming, comminngg!" grrrrrrrrrrrrr.. ... aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh she grunted and moaned ............she screamed as her pussy
spasmed. her legs were pointinf the ceiling.. she dug her teeeth on raju's arms
"I'm coming too! I'm gonna shoot it, oh auntyyyyyy! I'm cuming in your cunt! Take it! the boy gasped.

Raju knew that he wasn't dreaming when his balls ballooned up between his legs. His body jerked when surge after surge of pleasure shot through him. He thought he would never stop coming. Mrs. Radhika sharma's cunt seemed to suck at his cock until she had milked every last drop of cum
out of him. Radhika almost died when she felt the boy's hot semen spurting deep inside, spraying against the walls of her cunt and filling her with it. She quaked and shuddered as her orgasm tore through her like a tornado. She felt her cunt clutching the kid's jerking cock, holding him in a
vise-like grip deep in her hot cunt. She felt his cum filling her pussy and dripping down her thighs. It was the first real orgasm she had experienced in more than a year, and she intended to experience more of the same with her young stud.
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