Adultery Mily and her neighbour's kid
"OMG I can't believe she can already walk!" Sid exclaims excited as soon as he sees his neighbour's daughter Lasya.
He quickly takes her into his arms and make faces just to play with her. His neighbour, Mily and her husband smile and just walk inside the house while Sid's dad takes the luggage inside and their mom receives them in a comforting way. All of them settle on couch and the house if filled with happiness at once because of their arrival. After Mily's marriage, they moved to another city and they visit her mom's place once in a year during summer or so. Her husband does exports business, so he would be having work without any regular timings and the whole week too. The last time she came home was when she was pregnant, with lasya inside her and it's been 2 years already since Lasya was born.
Both of their parents are retired, but both of them get their pension after retirement and Sid finished his graduation just this year and turned 22 and would be in search for jobs during the summer. He has missed spending time with his family and neighbour as until now he was in college hostel and can't come home often. Even though they have 6 years age difference, and didn't get to spend time with each other for the past 7 years because of their academics, they still maintain a special bonding with each other and kind of open about several things with each other too. Her mom prepared several special dishes for the day and they finish having dinner together.
Sid, his father, Lasya and her father are sitting outside and are just talking about casual things after dinner while Mily and her mom are finishing the house chores in kitchen. Mily's mom can see two small wet patches on Mily's green blouse, which is quite visible.
"Are you still feeding Lasya by yourself?" she asks curiously looking at Mily.
"Yeah mom, I know that I shouldn't feed her, but..." she pauses, not because of embarrassment, but she doesn't know how to put it. "I just can't contain that lot and I even tried to take it out using my hands, but it doesn't make much difference mom. So, I didn't stop feeding her fully." she says shrugging off even though she knows that its high time that she should stop as Lasya is already 2 years old a few months back.
"Ugh, I can understand, but you should be finding some other ways to take it out instead of making Lasya drink just because you are producing more milk." she says with a concerned sigh and walks towards her room along with Mily.
"Have you consulted doctor?" she asks curiously making her sit beside her. Mily simply rests her head in her mom's lap as it comforts her.
"Yeah, we did. And the doctor suggested us to take it out manually too, for a couple of months and it's common for this generation to have such characteristics. And not to feed Lasya too." she says shrugging off.
"Then what is your husband doing? He can help you with that? No?" she asks in a concerned voice.
"Ugh he? No... He finds it a bit weird. I mean he isn't interested in manually squeezing the milk out of me. So..." she says simply with a sigh and it's quite understandable because of his conservative background.
"What? How can he say that? You didn't ask him to drink it, did you? Just take it out with hands and dispose of it if you want. But you are not supposed to store it nor feed Lasya." she says a bit sternly.
Even before Mily can say anything, they can hear the men coming towards their room, and just become silent. Mily and her husband decided to sleep in one room along with their daughter, while Sid and his parents in the other room as it's relatively larger. Because of the journey, and a hectic day, Mily feels her breasts getting heavy, and it's been a day since she took the milk out or breastfed Lasya. She can't ask her husband either as he isn't even that open to talk about these things with her, so the only person she can tell these things is to herself. She just rests on her back, leaving her engorged breasts ache mildly with pain.
The morning, she tries to get out some milk manually while she had bath, and that would make her go through the day normally, but at night, her breasts ache again. Even before it turns out one full day after they arrived, Mily's husband is supposed to go back to work. She can understand his job character, and she doesn't say anything either and decides to leave. At one corner, she wants to spend more time with the family, but she knows that she can't. Mily’s hubby  decided to leave his wife and daughter for a few days at their house. Mily can't be any happier than that moment, not that she doesn't love her husband, she loves him so much and he never ignored her or such, but she just missed her family so much after marriage and after getting busy as a mother.
Sid dropped Mily's husband at airport and came back at dinner time. After dinner, they decided Sid would sleep in one room as his parents were away for 2 days while Mily, lasya and her mom sleep in their room. They play with Lasya for a while and let her sleep so that they can sleep. At the middle of the night, she feels mild pain beneath her breasts again and can't sleep because of it. She wakes up and goes to bathroom to squeeze out some milk, and that made her relieved a bit. As she opens the door and comes out, she can see Sid coming her way from his room with half closed eyes, sleepy and wanting to use washroom. She just smiled at him and walks towards her room. He can notice some wet damp patches on her black nightie and they're quite visible. He just chose to ignore them as he just thought it's her personal woman problems and went on with his work.
The next day, he decides to take her and Lasya out for lunch and that made Mily so happy because she loves going out like this. She feels like she's having the best time of her after-marriage life, and she knows how caring her neighbour’s son is. They finish dinner and head to bed as usual, but Sid suggests Mily if she is in mood of watching a movie together. She almost stopped watching full movies after becoming a mother and she is a bit excited about it, to spend nightouts with her sid . She asked her mom to take Lasya to their room so that she and Sid can sleep in one room, her mom doesn’t object as sid is like a brother to Mily. They lie beside each other while Sid keeps the laptop on his belly and starts the movie. She is so close to him, lying with her hands raised and under her head and looking at laptop.
After a few minutes, he brings his hand down and accidentally brush against her soft breast, but she didn't seem to mind it as she is completely involved in the movie. He felt a bit embarrassed even though she didn't mind, and just slid a bit away from her to avoid such touching. A few minutes later, she moves close to him again to have a better view at laptop, and turns on her side, facing him and he can notice her breasts are landing on bed, and are partially visible because of her loose nightie. He can't believe that he's actually perving on Mily’s breasts, but at the same time, he can't take his eyes off of her soft skin.
Involuntarily, his male side comes out, leaving all the morals out for a second. He slowly puts his hand aside so that he can feel her breasts through the nightie fabric and that's giving him a hard-on under his tracks. He brushes his elbow against her blue nightie just to make them jiggle a bit, but not too much as she is still so conscious and he doesn't want her to acknowledge. The room is dark, with the movie light filling half of the room, and he can't think rationally as of what he is doing.
A few moves and a few touchings later, the movie finishes and they decide to sleep as she is tired already. She smiles simply and doesn't even acknowledge any of his intentions not his visible boner, as she never ever thought in her wildest dreams that her 22 year old virgin Sid would be perving on her mature soft body. She turns around and falls into sleep within a few minutes and he knows that she's a heavy sleeper. The darkness and his lust are blinding his moral thinking and his hand automatically goes on her waist and wraps it like a sly snake curls around the trunk of a tree. She is too deep into sleep to feel any of this, while he's filled with lust too much not to feel her fluffy belly and waist. The room is filled with her snores and his hands are a bit shaky as he slid them slowly towards her breasts from her belly. His dick is a few centimeters away from her bubble butt and it's fully hard inside his tracks. She is lying in a bent way, pushing her plump ass and folding her knees, so that gives him a good view of her ass close up.
He never ever had these thoughts on her so far until today. He always loved her as a older sister, but today, he realized how sexy and beautiful his neighbour is. Mily is more than an average Indian girl, with her long hair, brown skin and beautiful face, she used to be fit, but pregnancy had effect on her physique, but still she looks stunning for a 29 years old woman. He can feel her belly folds and presses them gently and he's too excited to reach her breasts yet.
Suddenly she moans softly and turns around whimpering and wraps her arm around his waist. He freezes all his limbs for a while and closes his eyes in panic as she turns around. Now both face each other and both know that they have a habit of laying limbs on people beside them while sleeping. Even though they have this habit ever since, he finds it different tonight. He slides slowly towards her, pulling her towards him, with his hand on her back. Her soft silky hair flows on his face and her face is up-close to him, filling his face with her smell. He lays his leg on her thighs and slowly slides his hand from her back to her butt cheeks. He wish he can have her for just one night, even though its morally, ethically wrong and in all sorts of ways too.
He can't wait and slides his head down a bit so that her arm is on his head, and his face is pressing softly against her breasts. He pushes it a bit to bury his head literally between her engorged voluptuous breasts and just close his eyes to feel her smell as her armpits are right above his head. He finds everything about her turning him on for a while and presses her ass cheek slightly. On the other hand, she is sleeping peacefully, but suddenly opens her eyes and gets up, pushing him gently away. His limbs and even his heart freezes for a while and he tried his best to stay calm and pretend to be sleeping. She didn't even look at him, but just held her breasts with her hands and whimper a bit. He can notice her movements with his eyes half open. Within a minute, she walks towards bathroom and he sighs with relief as he didn't get caught, but can't understand what's going on with her as she goes to washroom every night at this time, but takes longer times inside. He waits for a few minutes and when he noticed that she's out of bathroom, he quickly crosses her and notices her nightie having damp spots again. He low-key realizes that she's breastfeeding, but he doesn't understand why she has to do it in washroom while Lasya in other room.
The next day goes normally and they decide to spend a night out again together. This time, he chose a longer film and wore a small maroon boxer which reaches his thighs and a blue half hands t-shirt which shows his muscly arms. As the movie starts, he slowly started to press against her breasts and he can't resist as he wants to do something more than this. His full concentration is on her body while she's involved in movie again. Suddenly she raises from her position and holds her breasts closing her eyes as they ache suddenly and this time more than mild.
He quickly gets up looking at her, "what happened?" he asks curiously keeping the laptop aside.
She sighs as that's something which she can't discuss with him. "Ugh nothing! I just wanna use bathroom." she says simply and walks towards bathroom and returns after 15 minutes.
"Are you alright?" he asks her with a soft concerned tone, seeing her change from blue nightie to a green one.
"Yeah, just a bit uneasy!" she says simply shrugging off. She lies beside him again and look at him, "Hmm? Continue the movie?" she says shrugging off.
"Uhm no! You're lying about something, just tell me what it is?" he says a bit sternly but in a low voice.
She sighs as he's pressing about something related to women, "Ugh, that's related to women! How am I supposed to share it with my brother?" she says shrugging off as they are atleast a bit close and open unlike other conservative families.
"Eh, you don't need to explain me everything, and I do know that there is nothing we men can do to help you when you girls go through periods! But I feel like something else is bothering you! Is something wrong with your husband?" he asks softly.
She finds it moving, the way he talks to her and she feels loved by her brother seeing his concern.
"Uhm, it's actually about woman's problems after pregnancy, and every woman has to go through it!" she says slides towards him holding his hand while he sits in front of her.
"Like what? During pregnancy, I know that you people have a lot to go through, but what is it after pregnancy? Getting fat? Or losing your body physique?" he asks naively holding her hand.
She smiles softly and has a bit of tears as it's been a while she felt loved by someone like this.
"After Lasya was born, I breastfed her until a few months back or so, and now I'm supposed to stop it. But my breasts are producing milk even if I want to stop." she says looking into his eyes forgetting about all taboo elements and the conservative barriers.
She just wanted to share it with someone openly and as of now, her brother is the only one who she felt like sharing it with.
"Oh well, that's logical. So that's bothering you? I mean, you can always use suction pumps or whatever to take them out? No?" he says shrugging off and for a moment, he completely forgot to take advantage of the situation as he felt concerned for his neighbour.
She didn't hesitate to continue the discussion as she didn't even see anything pervert in his response. "I tried! But they cause pain too! And doctors said that this will be like this for a few months, so I just have to go through it." She says with a sigh pressing his hand and smiles slightly.
"Eh, there would be some easy and simple way to deal with this? No?" he asks curiously.
"Well, if only your brother-in-law can squeeze it out of me, that would cause no pain and I'd feel better. We tried, but he isn't least bit interested in doing so." she says shrugging off and now she feels like it's just a funny conversation rather than a taboo conversation.
Within a moment, his lust took over his brain and he looked at her breasts, "So you go to washroom and squeeze the milk by yourself?" he asks curiously.
"Well, yeah." she says simply shrugging off.
"But what if..." he pauses a bit, "what if someone else can squeeze it out? I mean I can." he says shrugging off and in a cheesy way looking at her.
She laughs it out simply as she assumed he meant it as a joke, "Oof seriously? That would be weird." she says patting playfully on his thigh.
"Ugh come on, all I care is you should be happy, and all you care is to get the milk out, and we're not gonna tell anyone anyways." He says as if it's a simple thing.
She furrows her brows hearing that, "Wait, for real? Are you really suggesting me to get my breasts squeezed by you?" she asks curiously.
"Well like I said, if we both are clear about what and why we are doing this, and if we both are silent about it, why not?" he says simply.
She can't think for a moment and feels that she just complicated the situation by explaining him about her problem.
Before she can say anything he takes her hand again in hands, "I can't see you in pain, it makes me sad too Didi." he says softly, but it's completely out of lust if not for anything else.
She finds it moving, yet too risky, but she knows that she can count on him regarding secrets. She slowly gets up and sits in front of him with half decided mind and half chaotic mind.
"Ok, never ever tell anyone about this." she says sternly showing her finger, "Yes I swear! I won't tell anyone." he replies simply as if he means it.
She nods slowly and removes her top two buttons of the nightie. Even before the second one was unbuttoned, he can see her busty cleavage from top angle. She's just 155cm tall while he's 181cm tall.
"Ugh don't look! Turn around when I tell you to." she says as if he's gonna do the work with his eyes closed.
"Fine, fine!" he says and turns around and then turns back after she gestures him.
His eyes go wide and jaw drops seeing her voluptuous breasts for the first time, they're brown, with light black wide areolas and there's already some wet spots on her nipples. She just took out her left side breast, covering her right side inside the nightie.
"Whoa! Those are so beautiful." he can't control himself from praising them.
"Ugh, just concentrate on the purpose!" she sighs but blushes a bit as she wanted some appreciation and attention to her body after going through pregnancy changes.
"Yes yes. So do I get to squeeze them or suck them?" he asks naively without looking away from her tit.
"Eh, sucking would be weird and squeezing itself is weird already!" she says with a sigh and slides a bit closer to him.
"Fine" he says and takes the glass from the table and keeps it on her lap.
His hands shake as they are about to touch a woman's breasts for the first time and that too Mily's breasts. She flinches slightly feeling his hard hands while he can feel utmost pleasure feeling her softest breasts. He is sitting beside her and stretching his hands to reach out to her breasts and that's making him a bit uncomfortable.
"Can I at least sit behind you for better angle?" he asks shrugging off.
"Uhm Ok?" she says as there's no difference for her anyway.
He quickly jumps on bed behind her and sits on his knees and wrap his arms around her and places his left palm underneath her breast and place the right palm on top of it. It melts like butter in his hands and he quickly starts to squeeze them gently. Right after the first squeeze, the milk spurts out slowly and falls on her lap and some inside the tumbler. He finds it funny rather than turning on as if he's playing with them.
"Shh, don't play with them! Just get it finished, I feel weird already!" she says blushing a bit as she liked when his harsh hands playing with her soft breasts.
"Fine fine, I just find it funny." he says shrugging off and bends a bit as his face rests on her shoulder and her hair covers his face.
He presses them more than gently and covered her whole breast in his wide palms as he slowly starts to breathe on her neck. She bends her head to the other side, closing her eyes as her neck is filled with his warm breaths. Her hand slowly raises to caress his cheeks involuntarily and bites her lower lip feeling the pressure on her breasts and pleasure in her body.
"Don't you think we should empty the other one too?" he whispers softly in her ears and she can feel his lips caressing her skin gently.
"Hmm, yes." she says completely lost in pleasure and quickly snaps out of it feeling his lips pressing harder against her neck.
"Hey, that's beyond the line! Don't do that ever again." she says quickly trailing away from him and covering her breast.
"I..." he pauses stuttering, "I didn't do it on purpose! Sorry." he says bowing his head down and his hands are wet and glistening with her milk.

Contd ....
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"Can we... uh, can we continue with the other one?" he asks naively but desperately.
"No, that's enough for tonight! Lemme change my dress and then let's sleep." she says trying to come out stern.
He sighs with disappointment as he feels that he took a step too far in dealing with it, and just walks to kitchen to dispose of the milk and wash his hands. He stares at his hand and he can't control himself from tasting it. He peeks around to see if someone is present, and slowly licks his wet hand, it tasted normal, but he strongly feels that it would be so tasty if he can drink directly. He disposes the milk and then returns to bedroom and can't see her still. A few minutes back, she was completely lost in lust, and now lost in moral dilemma. She can't believe that she let Sid touch and play with her breasts and let him mildly makeout with her and on top of all that, she liked it. She buries her face in her hands and exhales deeply.
A few minutes later she comes simply and lies on her side of bed without saying anything and gestures him to turn off the light. He sighs and turns off the light and turn towards her and tries to sleep. He tried to get physical with her in middle of night, but the fact that she's pulling her sheets on fully is an obstacle for him. He just sighed and slept with million conflicting thoughts in his mind.
The next day, her mom wakes up all of them early as it's a cultural occasion and they're supposed to attend a temple today. All of them put on new clothes and Sid takes out the car while the family hops in quickly, Mily beside him, their parents and Lasya in back seats. Mily still looks a bit moody as she turned her head away from Sid and looked out of window as he started to drive. They reach the temple and the return home after an hour or so. Mily and her mom prepares lunch and they finish lunch and then dinner that night normally. He sure can feel the difference in the way he stares at her breasts and at the same time the difference in her looks when she tries to avoid eye contact with him.
That night, Mily decides to take Lasya along with her to Sid's room to sleep. He sighs seeing both of them walking from the entrance but acted a smile so that Lasya should be happy. "Are you seriously avoiding me for what happened yesterday?" he asks directly looking at her as both of them sit on bed.
"Are you serious? Don't you even acknowledge her presence?" she asks sternly pissed off at him asking about it in front of her daughter.
"Mommy, I wanna sleep with grandma tonight." Lasya says pouting her lips as she enjoys a lot spending time with her grandparents.
Sid sighs listening to Mily, and takes Lasya in hands with a smile. "Let's go to grandma's room ok?" he says smiling and walks towards his mom's room and returns after leaving lasya over there and closes the door after him. He can see Mily sitting on bed bowing her head as he walks towards her and sits beside her on bed.
"Come on, I didn't force or anything! We accepted to it mutually and I can't see you in pain like that yesterday. Nor I can see you like this as if you're regretting something." He says softly holding her hand in his palms.
"We didn't do anything wrong? I'm a married woman who loved getting her breasts squeezed and milked by her you? And it's not wrong?" she asks with a sigh raising her head. She's still in her red fancy saree which she wore for temple that morning while he's in his red t-shirt and a blue boxer.
"Uhm I thought we did it to relieve your pain, I mean I didn't hate it, but I didn't know that you loved it." He says trying to take advantage of situation.
"Me loving it or hating it isn't the point, it's just wrong. What did yesterday was..." even before she finishes her sentence, he starts saying, "That is the point! You loving it or hating it, that's the whole point! Why does everything else matter? If you liked it, and I liked it, then why are you worrying about third person or the society?" he says sternly but without raising his voice.
"Cause that's where we live in? A society? And this is wrong! God I shouldn't have let you do that thing yesterday in the first place." she sighs rubbing her forehead almost breaking into tears with regret.
"Oh come on, why are you crying now? Look, did you like when I did that? When I..." he pauses a bit, "milked you?" he says in a cheesy way, still acting naïve.
She sighs as he's putting her into a huge dilemma. It's been a while since she felt such sensual touches from someone, but on other side, she still feels wrong that it's her brother.
"Why don't we just stop talking about it?" she says hesitantly and on the other side, she hates herself for being rude to Sid.
"Ok fine, let's not talk about it nor do it again, but at least let's be normal again?" he asks a bit concerned about his relationship status with his neighbour in future. "Like, none of us forced anything on to the other right? As much as you choose to deny it, we both know that we enjoyed it and I felt happy to relieve my Mily Didi out of her pain even if it's just a night." he says in a sly way and lust is the only thing that's driving him right now.
Her eyes get watery as he's just increasing her dilemma more with his sweet words and she doesn't know if she has to deny more or give in to it. "Thanks, now don't talk about it ever with anyone nor to me." she says simply and turns away from him and closes her eyes as a tear falls from her eyes to bed.
He shakes his head and turns off the light and turns towards her to sleep. Even though the lights are off, the moonlight from the window brightens the room just a bit. He can see her curvy waist as she's just wearing a saree tonight and plump ass facing him. He waits for an hour or so, so that she can sleep and he can at least touch her in her sleep. Slowly his hand reaches her warm waist and slides towards her navel and he can feel her deep bellybutton. She's a bit too tired, both physically and mentally to feel any of these in her sleep and just continued snoring. He presses her belly and pull her towards him and lays his leg on her thigh as he decided to take it a step further. Her hair fills his face while he brings it closer to smooch her neck gently while his hands explore her wide soft belly.
She lets out a soft sigh in her sleep feeling the kisses and his touches and caresses his cheek with her soft palm involuntarily. He can't find any better green signal than that, and slowly turn her body around towards him so that he can see her face up-close. She hesitates a bit but didn't wake up as he continued to hug her gently and smooch on her neck breathing on her ears. She adjusts her face automatically and lets out a soft moan feeling the sensual kisses and wraps her arms around him in return. She's in too deep sleep to realize who's doing these to her, and all she just wants is some love, both physical and mental.
He slowly starts to kiss her cheeks and then plant a soft kiss on her lips which makes her moan and wake her up partially from sleep. She opens her eyes and can see her own brother taking advantage of her sleep and using her body.
"Sid, what..." she screams in a low voice and pauses a bit trailing back from his kiss, "what the fuck are you doing?" she says getting up and furrowing her brows wiping her cheeks and lips hesitantly.
"I...uhm, I felt like showing you how much I love you. You seem to be dissatisfied with life and I can't stand it, so I want to make you happy even if it takes for me to make love to you." he says in the most dramatic way possible trying to come out as naïve.
"What do you mean by dissatisfied and pleasuring me? By fucking me?" she says sternly.
"But I thought you loved when I kissed your neck." he says quickly trailing forward and smooching on her neck without giving her a chance to react.
"And when I squeeze your beautiful breasts like this." he says pressing her breasts inside her blouse.
As much as she wants to slap him and deny everything he said, she knows that she can't. The sex-deprived side of her is taking its course and her body is responding positively to his touches even though her mind is responding negatively to the dynamic of the relationship.
"Please...Please don't do this." she moans and whimpers, almost giving in to his kisses.
"You don't want me to love my neighbor didi? Or to see her happy?" he whispers in her ears nibbling them and sliding his hand inside her tight blouse a bit forcefully.
She can't speak anymore and wraps her arms around him pulling him close to her body and buries her face in his shoulders closing her eyes.
"But..." even before she says anymore, he breaks the hug and holds her cute face in his hands looking at her, "But I don't care what others think! I love my Mily didi and can't see her sad or down." he says gently and kiss on her plump eyes wiping the dried tears off of her cheeks and shuts her mouth with a deep kiss.
She isn't in the emotional stability to resist anymore, and just gives in to his love, or that's what she thinks it is. A pure love from a brother to his neighbour, and completely ignores the fact that it's completely lust from her brother to his mature married Mily didi. He pushes her gently on bed and takes off his t-shirt within a few seconds.
"Forget about what world thinks, your satisfaction should matter. That's it." he says looking down at her gorgeous almost milf body and quickly buries his face between her breasts with her blouse still on.
She raises her head, closing her eyes and holding his head, biting her lip. His hands quickly removes her blouse hooks and then the bra, revealing her fluffy voluptuous breasts popping out.
"They deserve to be worshipped so badly! So do you." he mumbles gently pressing his lips against her breasts and her damp spots are making him crazy.
He starts to take her breasts in his mouth and suck them eagerly as if he's hungry for a week. His sucks and touches make her breasts ooze out the sweet milk within no time, dripping on her breasts on to her belly slowly.
"That's as sweet as you." he says licking every drop of milk on her breasts and quickly sucking her left breast taking as much as possible in his mouth.
She can't help but to moan and whimper by feeling his wild and eager moves on her body. Within no time, she can feel his milk filled mouth kissing her and dripping her own milk on her lips and smooching them in return. She has never thought of doing such thing, but finds it extremely turning on and slides her hand to hold his cock inside his boxers.
"Fuck it, you're the best Sid! Make love to your Didi." she moans in his ears and squeezes his cock gently making him groan a bit.
"I just fucking love you so much is all." he says sucking off as much as milk as possible and dripping half of it on her body and face making the surroundings messy and wet.
Her body being tired from morning without a bath, and the milk on her body mixed with her sweaty musk is filling the surrounding air so much that he feels addicted to it so soon. He quickly removes and throws his boxer on floor, showing off his 7 inches black hairy cock and starts to unwrap her saree swiftly as if there's something valuable inside it. Within no time, both of them are naked while she's beneath him and looking up at his eyes stroking his cock gently and he's sucking her milk off from her breasts eagerly.
"Oh my god, I can't wait to have you inside me." she moans gesturing him to use his cock skills instead of tongue skills.
He grins and smiles widely and spreads her legs a bit and hits her mound with his cock a few times. She holds the sheets tightly feeling his cock sliding in slowly inside her pussy. He finds it a bit tight even though she's not even close to being a virgin. She holds his neck and pulls him towards her to hug him as he continues to push his cock inside her pussy exploring it.
"I wanted this so badly Sid!" she whispers in his ears, "Yours is quite larger than his." she whimpers and can't even analyze what she's saying out of lust but he can clearly understand what she meant by that and it's turning him on more than anything.
"Tell me how much I am better than him, in making love to you and pleasuring you and making you happy." he whispers in her ears smooching her neck as he continues to pound her pussy unprotected.
"A lot! A fucking lot. You're the best and you're my brother." she says screaming a bit, but slowly as they're in house.
He takes a few breaths of satisfaction and raises his head, placing his hands around her breasts squeezing them gently. The milk starts to squirt on his face in a thin stream and falling back on her belly. After a few times, he brings his face closer to her and starts smooching her. She finds everything he does with her milk extremely turning on and starts to lick his face eagerly, blinded in lust. He finds it so new and kinky and falls beside her taking his cock out, a bit tired.
She gasps for air and smiles turning towards him, "You're so good at it!" she says raising up and spreading her thick thighs and sitting on his erect cock holding his shoulders.
The moonlight falls on her face and he can see a wild lust filled grin on her face, showing that this is the way she wanted her sex life to be. Her wide hips start to move on his cock making her moan as it almost hits deeper parts, but not yet. His hands squeeze her veiny breasts taking out the last few spurts of milk out on his face making it wetter. He pulls her and hugs her tightly as he raises his hips and starts thrusting faster, making his cock hit her spots inside pussy. With every thud he makes, she exhales on his face and whole body spasms making her lick his milk masked face. He holds her tightly as he's about to cum inside her and within a few thrusts, releases his load inside her, groaning and gasping heavily, but still holding her tightly. She screams softly and smooches his whole face and crashes beside him looking at ceiling, starting to have post-nut thoughts.
"I... I loved it." he gasps and turns towards her trying to kiss her cheeks and lips gently. She remains still, looking at ceiling.
"Didn't you like it?" he asks slowly feeling down a bit by her expression.
"I, just don't know if I can consider myself a pure woman after this! This is so wrong and a sin." She says softly looking at him.
"Oh come on, let's just consider that you emptied my balls and milked me and I returned the favor my emptying your breasts and milking you." he says shrugging off with a smile and kisses her.
"I wish I'm as free as you about this, but it'll have consequences, and complications." she says softly.
"Eh, we won't tell anyone about this, and you can trust me on this." he assures sternly.
She just smiles softly and kisses on his cheeks and closes her eyes regretting the path she took as she has no idea where that would lead her, ignoring the fact that she let him inseminate her while she's fertile and unprotected.
[+] 3 users Like hotguydelhi_sidharth's post
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Very good narration bro.. please continue this story..
small suggestion... consider an actress for this story and add her hot pics  Heart
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good going...
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