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Incest Mom Catches Her Teen Sleeping With Her SIL & Has Zero Idea What To Do
Mom Catches Her Teen Sleeping With Her SIL & Has Zero Idea

What To Do


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One mom has no idea what she should do after she discovered that her 18-year-old son was having sex with her sister-in-law. Originally, she thought that having her brother and his family come stay with them at their farm would be a nice change. Their families could bond, she reasoned. But perhaps her son and his aunt took that spirit a little too literally.
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The 44-year-old mom really did have the best of intentions when her 37-year-old brother, his 34-year-old wife, and their two daughters moved in.

They own a house on a large farm, she explained on the r/relationship_advice forum, and because they'd all been working from home they thought "it would be a good chance to stay together as family and for my nieces to spend time on the farm," she explained.

As for the mom, she has three kids of her own: a 13-year-old daughter, a 16-year-old daughter, and a son who's 18 years old.
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[+] 1 user Likes neerathemall's post
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Nice start neera
Pls continue
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A woman on Reddit has found herself in the midst of some major drama with her sister-in-law lately, and believe it or not, it's all over the name she gave gave her daughter years ago. According to the poster, her sister-in-law wants her to start calling her daughter by her middle name instead of her first name, because (get this) she's having a girl too, and she wants the name for herself.
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The Reddit poster admits that her SIL has been a problem for some time.

The woman, now 26, says her 32-year-old sister-in-law has always been a bit, shall we say ... competitive.
"She's always tried to one up me, as she married into the family first (our husbands are brothers) and she resents that I had a kid before her," the Reddit poster explained.
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The poster says she got pregnant at 21 while she and her husband were still dating.

At the time, they had wanted to name their daughter Sophie, but when the poster's mom suddenly passed away before the baby was born, they decided to make a last-minute switch.
Instead, they used her late mother's middle name — Lily — as their daughter's first name, and moved Sophie to the second spot. So when their little girl arrived in 2016, she was officially named Lily Sophie.
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Now, some four years later, her SIL is pregnant.
The trouble arose when discussing baby names for girls, and the sister-in-law told her that "the only name she liked was Lily."
And no, she's not budging on it.
"She said absolutely no other name will do and she even came up to me and asked if I would start calling my Lily by her middle name of Sophie so the only Lily in the family is her kid," the poster shared.
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My husband had an affair with my daughter's friend
My 16-year-old daughter has just told me that her best friend (also 16) has been having an affair with my husband, who is 42.
She found out because girls of that age tell each other everything. She is really angry with her friend.
The girl was seeing other married men at the same time, and although my daughter told my husband this he refused to believe it until the whole horrendous affair became very public.
My husband claims he had some sort of breakdown and can't understand why he did it. The girl looks considerably younger than her age and is very thin.
My husband is desperate to make the marriage work, as am I, but now I feel incredibly old and fat at a size 12.
He is having counselling via the GP but I am told that I am well adjusted and don't need help. How can I put this behind me, especially as the girl lives nearby?
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[+] 1 user Likes neerathemall's post
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Good update
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