Incest Incest story treasure... from Internet

I had always been a shy kid since the beginning. I didn't use to go out and play cricket or football with my friends when I was young. Instead I liked staying indoors and play video games or board games. My parents never minded my shyness and introversion. Although they noticed that my tastes and interests were different as compared to my peers they never asked me to try and become more like them.
As I entered my late teens my dad was getting more and more involved in his business activities. He was working very hard and was providing very well for our family. The downside of this was that he started working longer and longer hours as the days went by leaving very little time (if any) for my mother and I.
My mother who had been a housewife for her entire life tried very hard to compensate for the absence of my father in the household by taking on all the duties that a father should take for a son, especially in his son's growing years.
I had an almost unnaturally awesome friendship with my mom since childhood and it strengthened even more as she tried making up for my dad's duties toward me. She taught me everything that a father should teach his son. She explained to me the changes that I was about to go through in my mind and body. She also explained to me the concept of sex and gave me the whole lecture about the "birds and the bees". I never realized how cool she was in explaining all this to me as parents rarely teach their children about sex even in this day and age.
Things were going on pretty smoothly until one fateful day my father suffered a very mild heart stroke that rendered him to the bed for an entire month. It was nothing too serious or to be worried about as the doctor assured us. It was just a mild warning for my dad to get the state of his physical health in order. Our lives and routines became a little upset as dad remained home for a month but it soon got back to normal. Or at least I thought they became normal. Little did I realize that dad's mild illness would change the entire fabric of our family life forever!
More than six months had passed after dad's illness and our lives had seemed to get back to normal until one day just 3 days before my 18th birthday I came home from college (I was in the first year by now studying electrical engineering). I live in a 2 storey mansion and my parents and I have our rooms on the first floor. I had a glass of Gatorade from the fridge and climbed the stairs to go to my room. I wanted to just greet my mother and tell her I was home so I decided to go to her room first before going to mine. I reached the door of my parents' room and was about to enter it. I could strange sobbing sounds emanating from behind the door as if someone was crying. I opened the door and the door made some noise as it wasn't properly oiled. Suddenly the sobbing stopped.
I stepped into the room and found my mother sitting on the bed trying to conjure up a smile. It didn't fool me for a second. I went towards her side of the bed and sat down with her asking what the problem was and why she was crying.
She denied to be crying at first and tried to change the topic. But I told her I didn't buy it and asked her again why she was crying.
She told me I wouldn't understand. I told her that I was nearly 18 years old and had enough brains to figure out what her problem was.
She told me it was a personal problem between her and dad and that I shouldn't be concerned about this. Hearing this sort of made me a little tense. I got tense because never in my life had I seen or felt any amount of friction between my parents. Of course, there were some incidences here and there as there are in every marriage but I had never seen my mother cry citing my father as a problem.
I told her that I had a right to be concerned about the problem between her and dad as they were my parents and family. I had a vested interest in their happiness as any tension between them would eventually affect me.
Hearing these words, tears started trickling from my mom's eyes. I was puzzled.
I asked her why she was crying. She told me didn't realize that I was a grown up man who would understand her problem until I spoke those words of concern to her. Till then, she only considered me a kid. I started laughing.
She asked me why I was laughing. I said that it was funny for her to just realize it right then that I wasn't a kid and was in fact an adult. I was 6 feet tall, had an athletic body thanks to my regular work outs at the gym and I had inherited the good looks and features of both my parents. I stopped qualifying as a kid a long time ago.
Hearing this my mother burst into laughter. She said I was right and she should have stopped looking at me like a kid a long time ago.
I was glad that the atmosphere had lightened up a bit. So I gently asked her what problem she was having with dad.
She sighed and looked down at first and then slowly said that she and dad were having physical problems.
I asked her what she meant by that.
She lowered her voice even more and said that she and dad were having problems in their sex life.
I was sort of taken aback hearing those words. I never thought of my parents as sexual people or thought of them ever having sex. I knew they obviously did it now and then but I never thought about it consciously.
Getting my mind in order after about half a minute or so I asked her what the problem specific ally was. She said that the doctor had advised his father to refrain from indulging in any sort of physical activity that would put his body through too much stress. Sex was therefore out of the question for at least four months.
Mom continued by saying that even after the four months had passed dad could not have sex with her because the medications that he had been taking for his heart condition had, had a side effect on my father's body leading him suffer from erectile dysfunction. He simply could not get an erection. Apparently the problem was so severe that they had visited a sexologist who diagnosed him with having a rare condition where he could never get an erection in his life sufficient to perform sexual intercourse.
This diagnosis in other words said that my parents would not be able to have sex again.
This information struck to me like a thunderbolt. From the education and information that I had received about sex until then from my school as well as my mother, I knew what the importance of sex for the functioning of a good married life.
I was so shocked I couldn't say anything for a few minutes. As soon as I got back to my senses I tried to console mom.
Although, I didn't know what to tell her I tried to falsely tell her that things will eventually get better as medical science was progressing rapidly.
After that I went to my room and got back to my studying.
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As I told you earlier, my birthday was coming 2 days after the day my mom told me about the problem that she and my dad were having.
The day arrived and I finally turned 18. I was a major according to Indian law and was legally allowed to vote (although not allowed to get married until 21).
My parents were very happy to see their son grow to 18 years old and gave me a car for my birthday. I was ecstatic. I had already learned to drive six months ago (even though it is illegal to do so!) and wanted the specific model of the Hyundai Verna. I bunked college that day and met all my friends and gave them a ride in my new car. I was so happy.
I came back home around 4 PM. I went straight to mom's room to meet her and inform her that I was home if she needed me. She was sitting on her bed watching the TV. I saw the look on her face and was immediately reminded of the problem that she and dad were facing. That made me sad.
So in the spur of the moment, I decided to do something special for her just to cheer her up.
I asked her if she would like to go out and have dinner with me that night. I didn't have any plans and would like to do something special with her that evening.
She joked that she didn't want to spoil my birthday. She told me that it was my 18th birthday and that I should do something really special that night.
I told her that I had something special in mind. I asked her that as dad was working late that night and wouldn't probably be home that night she should come out with me and we could have a night out on the town.
She said she appreciate the idea and understood what I was trying to do for her but said that she would probably bore me with all her mom talk.
I didn't want to lose this one and really wanted to do something special for her. So, I thought of a great idea. I asked her to come out with me that night but not as my mom but as my date for the night. We would be like two people on a date and would behave with each other in that way. No mother-son stuff.
She started laughing on hearing that thinking that I was joking. But when I didn't join her laugh, she saw the look on my face which told her that I was serious and that I really wanted to do that for her to make her happy.
She finally said yes.
I left her room telling her to be ready at 8 PM and dress like a date and not like a mom.
I am just a regular guy with a macho type of attitude. I don't take hours to dress up. But today was an exception. After all, it was my 18th birthday and I was going out on a date with my mother.
I took a bath, shaved my face, trimmed my nails, powdered myself up pretty nicely, applied all sorts of creams and lotions and put on one my favorite pair of blue faded Levis jeans and put on a nice Lee Cooper shirt which I had received as a gift from my cousin earlier in the day.
I knocked on my mom's door as precisely 7:55 PM. She opened the door and I was stunned by what I saw.
She was wearing a beautiful Ritu Kumar designed short kurti that I had gifted her on her birthday a couple of months ago. She had put on a pair of tight jeans that I guessed must have been new as I had never seen her wear it earlier. She had let her silky hair remain free and had put on some make up. She was 39 at the time but she looked someone in her early 30s at the most. She had put on the Chanel 5 fragrance that my dad had got her from Paris a year ago and was sporting a Louis Vuitton bag.
She was simply looking stunning.
I told mom that she was looking like a babe and I had to admit that I had never seen her looking like that in my life.
She said she was going on a date like this for the first time since she got married to dad and that she wanted to make the experience special for the both of us.
I thanked her.
She told me not to address her as my 'mom' for the evening as she was my date and in the spirit of things she wanted me to call her 'babe'.
I agreed.
We went out to the newly opened Marriot hotel near S.G. Highway where I had already booked a romantic table for two earlier. The atmosphere there was amazing. People looked at us in amazement as they saw our considerable age difference and the way we were 'handling' each other as dates. One rarely sees this kind of age disparate relationships in a conservative city like Ahmedabad.
We had a great five course meal followed by a very lustful chocolate pastry. Mom and I talked about all sorts of things ranging from my school and college life to her experiences in her school and college, the crushes we had on people, the latest celebrity scandals and hookups and all the other sorts of things that a couple my age would talk about. I was impressed by the knowledge she possessed about all the things that were 'hip' and 'cool' with my generation.
I expected the evening to make her feel happy but she was more than happy. She was ecstatic. She even jokingly told me that she was feeling attracted to me just like a horny teenager. I blushed and laughed it off.
After the meal was over, we got out of the hotel and I took my mom on a long drive on the highway adjoining the hotel. We continued talking about all sorts of stuff. Mom even asked me about my sex life. I blushed and told her that she was my mom and I couldn't talk about stuff like that to her. She immediately reminded me that I wasn't his mother but his date and thus she had a right to ask me.
I relented and told her that I honestly didn't have a sex life aside from masturbating regularly. She smiled a sly grin and asked me if I would like to have that first experience. I said that I obviously wanted to but I was too shy to get a girl friend.
Then out of the blue, she asked me if I wanted to have sex with her.
I was shocked! I never expected my mother to say anything like that to me in my life.
I got angry and shouted at her. I asked her how she dare ask me something like that. She was my mother after all.
She held her cool and gently reminded me that she wasn't my mother for the evening but was my date. I could do anything I wanted to do with her.
I got angrier and started shouting even more loudly in the car.
She still held her cool and told me that I was a virgin who wanted to be introduced to the world of sex. Who better to introduce me to it than my own mother? If I went out fucking prostitutes the I risked getting some STD or if I fucked girls my age then I wouldn't get to learn the things I needed to learn in order to lead a good and healthy sex life in the future. She added that she too needed to 'get some' after more than 6 months of a sexual drought in her life. She tried to reason that we would help each other out mutually.
I was still not convinced. I told her that it was wrong for mother and son to indulge in sex as it was wrong. She countered and asked me whether helping his mother out to satisfy a basic necessity in her life was wrong.
I had no answer.
I kept quiet for a while as my car approached our home. My mind was turning upside down. The urge to have sex was too great and the urge to help my mother out was even greater in my mind.
So I finally told her that I would do it.
She became so happy she hugged me tightly as I got out of the car after parking it in our house's compound.
We immediately rushed to my parents' room and started stripping our clothes in front of each other. Needless to say, I already had a raging hard on in my pants by then.
I was the first strip to naked. My 7 inch cock was standing to attention like a missile ready to fire. My mom stripped to her bra and panties and stopped stripping after that.
She took a very un-motherly look at my well chiseled body and my upright cock and smiled a wicked smile. She told me to lie down on the bed. I did as I was told. She immediately jumped on to the bed like a crazed vixen and took my throbbing member in her hands and in a split second my cock disappeared into my mother's mouth.
The feeling of my mother's tongue licking the tip of my dick was amazing. I almost cummed right there but mom realized what I was sensing and slowed down her oral onslaught on my cock. She kept licking it from top to bottom just like she was licking a mango dolly. She kept licking my cock for a good 10 minutes. After that she started licking my balls. I have a habit of shaving my pubic area regularly as it gets really hot in Ahmedabad most of the times. This habit paid off as the feeling of my mom performing oral sex on me was enhanced.
She kept on licking my cock hungrily for almost half an hour. I was surprised that she could handle my tool so expertly for such a long time that I didn't cum. I had heard that most guys cum very quickly when they get blow jobs. Finally, I came with a huge gushing load when my mom had deep throated me. All my load shot directly at the back of her neck. To my surprise, she swallowed all of it!
My dick went soft after that. My mom told me that it will get back to "its feet" in no time. In the meantime she ordered me to perform oral sex on her. I quickly got down to her pubic area and removed her panties. She took her bra off. I was standing on my knees at her feet and saw the majesty of her naked beauty for the first time in my life. I was speechless and madly turned on by the sight of my naked mother.
I started licking her pubic area. I stimulated the clitoris and gently pounced on her pink pussy lips. Her clitoris started getting a little stiffer due to the stimulation. Mom was already playing with her tits by the time and was moaning loudly.
She was so stimulated that she started yelling to me and ordered me to fuck her right then. My dick was erect again by then.
I got on top of her on the bed as she slowly guided my dick into her vagina. The feeling of losing your virginity and that too to your mother on your 18th birthday cannot be described in words. The warmth of the interiors of her pussy enveloped me and made me shudder with passion. Her arms and legs were wrapped around my back as I gently thrusted my cock in and out of her pussy in a passionate rhythm. Our screams and moans of pleasure sprayed around the room and turned us on even more. I didn't want to thrust in and out of her too quickly as I wanted to elongate the pleasure and make her cum with me. I continued thrusting in and out of her for another five minutes until finally my mom screamed with ecstasy that her orgasm was approaching. Her vaginal walls began to contract and started to get tighter and tighter around my dick until I couldn't hold on any longer. My mother and I cummed together as she felt a surge of contractions pass through her body like an electric bolt and I felt my young seed fill the caverns of my mother's sex.
My cock retracted after losing its sheen and I pulled it out of her pussy to lay side by side with her. We were both panting heavily. We held each other's hands and kissed each other a long passionate kiss which involved our tongues. We made out not as fuck buddies but as passionate lovers.
We both fell asleep in each other's arms that night knowing in our heart of hearts that our relationship as mother and son had evolved into something even more pure and beautiful. We were now lovers.
This is how I was feeling for the last few years since I began my relationship with my mother. It was wonderful to be in the loving arms of one's mother, especially when she showed "un-motherly" love to me. I also had a great time knowing my mother, her real desires, her real aspirations and her "real self". It was truly a great time learning to be man and learning to know what a woman really was. Of course, the sex was beyond awesome. My teenage hormones, my mom's peak sexual cycle and the sheer taboo of it all made it all the perfect melting pot of happiness.
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But then, I turned 22. I just turned 22 a couple of weeks ago. As usual, I was expecting my mom to outdo herself in the sex department which she claimed to do every year. I concurred in her assessment. She really did find some tremendously new filthy things to do to me every birthday since we started having sex on my 18th birthday. My birthday was doubly special as both of us considered my birthday to be our "anniversary of perversion". It was fun to call it that because we didn't really think of our relationship as perverted but as the highest form of expression that could ever exist between a mother and son. But my 22nd birthday was somewhat different.

Since the last few months, mom and I were getting into more and more fights with each other. There were multiple reasons for this. Firstly, my dad Arun had been on touring a lot on business to Europe and the Middle East leaving us mother and son alone. This presented us to be like a "real" couple for a lengthy period of time which was not the case earlier as dad was present most of the time in the house. Living side by side with each other made us realize the inherent flaws in each other in the same way that any other couple would find once they started living a routine life post cohabitation. Second, I had been thinking a lot about our present "arrangement". I was no longer the sex crazy naive teenager who didn't think about the future. I had started thinking on the lines of whether the steps we had taken four years earlier boded well for both our futures. After all, mom would get older and I would start having problems of her own. I on the other hand would eventually find a "normal" girl friend and settle down somewhere down the future. That left the question hanging about "us".
Both of us knew this implicitly but never discussed it openly for the fear of jinxing the whole thing. We loved each other so much, we were petrified of what would happen if things started breaking down between us. After all, she was my first love and I, her only real one (She grew out of the relationship with my dad but stayed in only for my sake as is the case with a large number of Indian marriages where divorce is still considered taboo). It wasn't as if we could break up and go our own separate ways. We were mother and son and would still have responsibilities towards each other.
But as time passed I was having double thoughts about our relationship. I just didn't know what to do. This indecision on my part was taking a toll on our relationship even though mom was quite adamant in her stance of continuing this relationship just the way it was.
Slowly, the sex started to lose passion, the number of sessions reduced and it nearly became a routine chore between us. We were starting to fall apart at the seams.
Mom was visibly disturbed by all of this. I could always see the tension on her face when I was around. It was like a weird kind of sexual tension was engulfing the both of us.
Coming back, my 22nd birthday was assumed by both of us to be sort of a ceasefire day. We had decided to let off all the steam on this day by going out for dinner once I came back from college (I am in my last year now) at one of my favourite eateries in the elite Prahladnagar area of Ahmedabad. And then, we had decided to turn off the lights and turn our sex engines on until kingdom cum!
My birthday started with mom waking me up in the morning with a kiss on the cheek and hugging me tightly even as I lay in my bed wondering what the hell was going on. I got ready, had my lunch and went to the college. Before I left for college, mom winked a wicked grin at me and told me to be ready as it was going to be the best night of my life. That comment did send a small shiver down my spine and also gave me a mini hard on. But I didn't make much of the comment in my mind. I was troubled as it is with all the thoughts I had been having. Add to that fact that I was genuinely sceptical of my mom's ability to innovate in bed after all the last four years of wild sex. I thought her proverbial sexual quiver was empty. Boy, was I wrong! My mom turned out to be a bigger sex crazed bitch than I ever could imagine possible!
I came back home around 7 pm in the evening after a rather exhausting day at the college. My finals were coming up and I was really down. But not out. I was looking forward to the "ceasefire sex" that mom and I had planned tonight. But I was really hungry and needed to get a bite first before doing anything else.
I remembered I had to shower and get changed first before getting a bite as mom and I had planned to go to a restaurant for dinner. So, I hurriedly climbed the stairs and went to my room. I found the door of my mom's room closed so I figured she too must be getting ready.
I turned the knob of my room's door and slowly entered. It was dark as the sun had nearly set and I couldn't see a damn thing. The windows were shut curtains were drawn closed so no light from the outside could penetrate in. It did smell a bit weird in my room but I guessed it must be some room freshener that mom had sprayed. She was always experimenting with fragrances. I fumbled a bit and found the switchboard. I clicked a couple of switches on.
And then my jaw nearly dropped to the floor!
What I saw made me a bit queasy at first but I quickly realized what I was actually seeing. My mom was lying buck naked on my queen size bed with her arms and legs spread wide open, her long flowing hair tied in a neat bun. What caught my attention the most was that she had sprayed dollops of whipped cream on both her breasts to make them look like two small mountains of whipped cream and to add icing to the cake, she had topped of both her mountains with a strawberry each. As my eyes moved from her breasts down to her pussy, I saw a similar arrangement there. She had lapped up so much whipped cream on her pussy that it was not visible. She had planted a couple of strawberries in that snow as well.
Needless to say, I instantly had a hard on trying to tear through my pair of Levis'. My mom had a spectacularly wicked look on her face. She looked me in the eyes with no shame and told me to lose my clothes. I complied as quickly as I can.
As soon as I disrobed, I saw my cock standing up in salute to my mom's wicked beauty. She was looking like a woman who was begging to be ravished wildly. I was so excited I feared I might come without any external stimuli.
Mom was looking at me like a hungry vixen full of satanic lust for her own offspring. She was soaking in my naked body through her evil eyes. It's a feeling few have the honour to witness. A mother hungrily looking at her own son with expectations that are so taboo, even thinking of it makes the mind and body shiver in unison.
Mom told me to get first take the strawberries of her breasts. She then directed me to put a strawberry between my lips and bring them closer to hers. I did as she commanded. I put the strawberry between my lips and brought them close to hers. We shared the juices of the strawberry as we kissed, our tongues twirling with the other's. We passionately kissed for a few minutes till the strawberry dissipated completely, the juices shared by mother and son. The same fate met the other strawberry.
Then, mom directed me to lick the whipped cream off her breasts one by one. I was so turned by then by the kissing that I hurriedly pounced on my mom's breasts quickly licking the cream off them and sucking her breasts like a wild dog. I was in a sexual frenzy by then. And mom was enjoying this as well. Her head was swaying from side to side displaying her obviously elevated sense of sexual pleasure.
I could have sucked on those tits for an eternity. But mom had other ideas. She told me to get down between her cream layered thighs and lick everything off like an obedient son. I loved this. I always loved it when mom referred to me as her son when she was fucking me. It was such a turn on.
I quickly obeyed my mom's orders and got down to her pubic area and violently started to lick the cream off. I kept on licking till the pussy was free of whipped cream. Mom immediately directed me to lick the remnants of the cream between her thighs and pubic area. The aroma of her sweat, whipped cream and pussy juices combined made the task of licking her crevices an utmost pleasurable and erotic one. Mom was moaning like crazy by then with shouts of "Oh fuck", and "Oh Jesus" (yeah she was convent educated!)
At this juncture, I suddenly saw something sticking out of mom's pussy. A red object was slowly peeping out of her pussy. I tried to insert my finger in her pussy and tried to pull out the red object. To my surprise, it turned out to be a strawberry! My sex crazy mother had inserted a strawberry into her pussy for me to fish it out as some kind of treasure hunting exercise. And boy, was I happy to find the treasure. Mom squealed when I put my finger insider her to retrieve the strawberry.
Surprisingly, all the whipped cream had taken care of my hunger by then!
As soon as I fished out the strawberry, she began demanding me to fuck her. She was so hot by then. I scolded myself mentally to not cum so quickly. I slowly assumed position for the missionary position above her and lowered and inserted my stiff cock towards the hole from which I once emerged.
My mom's pussy engulfed my beautiful cock as we started rocking the bed with thrusts and humps. My mom kept moaning "That's my son", "I love you son" and "Oh Jesus" as she kept spreading and moving her hands across the length of my spine from the top of my neck down to my ass. I was feeling so much tension being eased by this confluence of sexual maternal love that my mom was giving me. She kept kissing me on my neck as I kept slowly humping her.
At that moment, it really felt like we were lovers more than mother and son. I can't quantify the feeling that I was having at that moment in words. It was simply one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I felt my eyes wetting with sheer joy.
I must have kept on thrusting for what was like nearly nine to ten minutes before I felt my mom's thighs tightening up under me. I could feel a mighty orgasm enveloping my cock in her pussy. It was very difficult to hold on to my orgasm at that time but somehow I did manage not to cum. But I knew I would not last for too long.
My mom was starting to come to back to a normal state but I could still see she was still quite turned on. My estimation proved to be right when she told me she did not want the cum insider her pussy but instead, inside her belly. The thought of her swallowing my cum was so tempting. She rarely did it. I always suspected she didn't like it but did not say it as it was one of my pet peeves to make her drink my cum. It was surprising to see her demanding it. Maybe, it was because of my birthday.
I immediately took my cock out from her pussy and went towards her face. I made it suck it. She started to suck it slowly knowing full well I loved it when she sucked my cock, especially when she slowly moved her tongue around the tip of my penis. She kept on kissing the tip of my cock and sucking it slowly. Then, she alternated for a few minutes between stroking my balls and sucking my cock and then reversing the process.
Then out of the blue, she lunged her head forward and pulled in my cock completely. My mom was deepthroating me!
That was it. I could hold on no more and exploded when the tip of my cock was touching the back of mother's throat. I felt like my body was being completely emptied of everything.
My mom nearly choked on my cum but managed to drink it all up like an expert cocksucker.
I collapsed next to her on the bed panting after a marathon session of one and one lovemaking.
My mom had truly outdone herself this time on my birthday. I loved her for that.
But my thoughts had immediately started resurfacing as to our future. I know it's weird but the mind has a mind of its own I guess.
But, little did I know that mom was willing to go to any lengths to maintain her grip over me. I had no idea a lover could stoop to the levels my mom would soon stoop to, to retain her lover.


Now, with my dad running this great business he had very little time for his own family. My mom didn't have a lot to do around the house as the staff managed everything. So she took to clubbing, charity work and socializing. But, even all this was not good enough to fill the void in her life for my dad who was busy all day at the factory or on some business trip around the world. In his defence, I must say that he was doing all of this for the good of his family. But then again, there wasn't much balance in his life between home and work. This affected my mom was well. She only had me to fall back upon at times. But there were limitations on what she could share with me and expect from me.
Nonetheless, things kept moving on until one day my parents had a heated argument over a trivial issue (It was so trivial, I don't even remember it!) which escalated in a full scale dog fight with both people calling each other names and shouting at each other. I was almost 20 at that time and was mature for my age. I was the only person who could understand the real challenges and pressure both of them were facing. But I also knew that they needed to get this frustration and rage out of their system. I might have tilting towards mom in this case but I felt that I did owe a little leeway to my dad as he was facing problems in the external world that neither my mom nor I could comprehend.
But eventually, it all cooled down. My parents did not talk to each other despite my several futile attempts over the next couple of days. I sensed thawing of the ice between them, after a couple of days. My dad made the first show of goodwill and apologized to my mother. Mom, being the good hearted person that she was reciprocated with a sincere apology on her own. A truce was signed. But not peace.
They behaved a little weird and distant for the next week or so until one Friday evening my dad walked up to me and said "Sahil, we need to talk". Now, I know that is never a good thing! I started speculating in my mind what the hell was wrong? Were they separating? Were they filing for divorce? Or something even worse?
The three of us sat down in the living room. Dad picked up his Benson, lit it up and said "Son, I know the last 10 odd days have been really complicated for your mom and I and you have been caught in the crossfire. This situation between the both of us has been building up since a long time and we need to face it right now."
He continued. "So, your mom and I have decided after a few days of discussing this matter deeply that we need to seek professional help. We are going to see a marriage counsellor."
I was a little startled on hearing this. Indians (even educated ones) have this wrong notion that seeking any type of personal or couple counselling signifies the end times of a relationship. But I knew my parents better than that. They were going to do this the right way and try and work their way out of what was only a rough patch in their relationship. All in all, I was relieved on hearing this declaration. My fears were unfounded. I applauded their maturity. "I think it's a good idea dad. Mom and you have been going through a rough patch since some time. Some independent and professional help will do a lot to straighten things out between the two of you." I said.
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My parents started seeing one of the most renowned marriage counsellors in Ahmedabad, Dr. Shah. Dr. Shah had made a niche in the marriage counselling arena and had assisted many high profile couples from breaking up and made their lives much better. I was hopeful he would make the same wonders for my parents.
And boy, things started to improve almost immediately. Hardly three weeks after my parents started seeing Dr. Shah I noticed a great change in them. Their behaviour and attitude towards each other changed drastically. It was as if my parents had morphed into a chic young couple who had just tied the knot a few months ago. They openly flirted with each other in my presence and sometimes even in front of our domestic help which made them rather uncomfortable. Sometimes it made even me somewhat uncomfortable. After all they were my parents!
After a couple of months, I noticed an even bigger change. My mom, who until recently dressed rather casually (not conservatively) started wearing more revealing clothes. For example, until recently she never wore sleeveless blouses (for saris) or sleeveless T-shirts. She always wore round neck T-shirts that did not expose her cleavage and her breasts in a revealing manner. But that changed. She started wearing shorts (a taboo for most women her age in our rather conservative minded city) and sleeveless blouses and sarees (no longer taboo but frowned upon by most). She continued to accelerate her flirtatious behaviour with dad in front of everyone.
I was quite uncomfortable with all this for some time. But as time passed, the discomfort started to fade and even curiosity creeped in. Curiosity kills the cat. But in this case as you'll soon know, it killed my virginity!
After more than two months of this radical change in the behaviour of my parents to each other my curiosity of what was going on between them reached a fever pitch. I wanted to get to the bottom of this and know what the hell was going on. I had an inkling that this must have something to do with their counselling with Dr. Shah but I never asked them as I considered this to be a private matter between them. They too, never told me anything about Dr. Shah's sessions.
I had read in many relationship and sex columns in magazines and newspapers that sex is one of the most powerful tools to replenish the charm and excitement in a relationship. And given the way my folks were behaving, I suspected something "sexual" was afoot in changing their attitudes towards each other. But I didn't know exactly what it was!
One fateful Saturday night I decided to find out! My parents, even in their tougher times always made it a point to go out with friends Saturday night and have a good time. But since, the counselling started they hardly went out on Saturday evenings. They locked themselves inside their rooms after dinner. At first, I thought this was kind of strange but soon realized that they were probably screwing their brains out!
Our house was a two storeyed building with both our rooms on the second floor with a common balcony which could be entered into by two separate doors in both our rooms. That meant I could go to my parents' room from the balcony if they hadn't locked it.
Being the master planner that I was I made sure that their balcony door remained unlocked from the inside. I maintained a spare key for their balcony door just in case they re-locked it from inside before starting their "session".
As luck was on my side, my parents did not bother to check their balcony door from the inside before getting into each other's pants that night. Like clockwork, they locked each themselves into their bedroom at 9 pm. I could see from my side of the balcony that their lights went out at around 9:20. The games had begun!
I made my move around 9:45 when I slowly tiptoed towards my parents' bedroom from the balcony. I slowly opened the door making sure there was no noise. The curtains were closed so no light from the outside could penetrate into the room. My parents' bedroom was divided into two parts, one was their personal living room and the other was their bedroom. The balcony opened into their living room. So there was no imminent danger of them seeing me.
Making sure I did not crash with anything I managed to reach their bedroom end which was separated from the living room only by a large curtain. As I reached the curtain I could hear some pretty heavy thuds and panting. Yes! My parents were fucking. This strangely turned me on as I hadn't thought of my parents as sexual people until then.
I got a boner!
I slowly took a sneak peak out of the side of the curtain wanting to get a glimpse of my parents. And hell, it was a treat. My dad was on top of my mom in the missionary position and humping her like crazy. Mom had her legs crossed around dad's ass and was slowly moaning. I didn't know my dad could hump like that as he wasn't the type would exercise a lot. But he was humping my mom like a teenager. The moonlight from the corner of a window on the opposite side of the room made it easy for me to see them as it was pitch dark otherwise.
I could see mom's the expressions on mom's face which ranged from immense pleasure to pure animalistic lust. She was biting her lips and moaning. Her manicured nails were buried in my father's back who was now groaning louder and louder like some wild animal experiencing pain and pleasure at the same time.
My cock was as hard as it could ever be. I fought the urge to masturbate myself by concentrating on the scene in front of me. But it was too much for me to fight the urge to jerk my thing. I knew it was dangerous to jerk myself off as even the slightest mistake would get me caught. Imagining what would happen next was enough to make me successfully prevent jerking off.
Instead, I had a better idea. I wanted to do this since so long to someone. I did not know it would be my parents. I always had a thing for voyeurism and exhibitionism. So I took out my camera (ironically gifted by my parents on my 19th birthday), put it on video mode with night vision and started filming my parents having passionate intercourse with each other. Yes, even I thought I was a sick bastard.
Ironically that turned me on even more!!
Dad kept on humping my mother meanwhile. After a while they stopped. Dad got up from top of her and mom got up as well. Dad rested on his back and mom got on top of him. It was time for mom to become a cowgirl and ride my dad's cock.
Now I got a good glimpse of mom's body. She had almost perfect 34 boobs, a slightly large but attractive ass and the sight of her breasts bouncing up and down riding my father's tool was beyond words. I nearly came right then and there. I was capturing all of this on the camera.
I kept on checking the camera to see if the night vision was functioning properly. The greenish hue of the picture of my parents fucking reminded me of the Paris Hilton sex tape. Only this was much much better!
After around ten or twelve minutes of my mom's riding, dad yelled "Ami I'm gonna cum". My mom immediately got off him and without any delay took my dad's manhood into her mouth. I got a look at my dad's cock for just a fraction of a second. It wasn't that big but it had decent enough girth. My mom took it all in and started giving him head. She kept on licking the tip of his cock until my dad swirled violently before giving out a big groan and shooting all his load in mom's mouth. She greedily milked his cock until every drop was out. She swallowed it all.
They kept on panting given the marathon session that they had just gone through. My dad got up and buried his head in my mom's privates. I couldn't make out whether she was shaved or not in the darkness but I could sure as hell hear her loud moans. It only took dad a few minutes before my mom came. Dad moaned a little and then buried his head even deeper to soak in mom's juices. He made slurping sounds and licked off mom's juices. He was behaving like a greedy animal consumed with lust for its fellow mate.
I was in seventh heaven seeing all this. I felt revolted with myself for peeping in on my parents while they made love but at the same time it was a turn on unlike any other.
Both of them lay still for a few minutes panting heavily. Mom was almost completely out of breath and was finding it difficult to take in the air. She eventually settled down and her breathing became somewhat normal. Dad crawled up and went to his side of the bed and was fast asleep in seconds. Mom was out cold in a few minutes as well.
I still could not believe it. I had filmed my parents having sex like wild teenagers. This beats all the porn I've ever had. I was excited beyond any stretch of imagination.
I woke up around 11 AM next morning. It was no problem as it was a Sunday. I generally tend to be lazy on Sundays with a late wakeup and basically lazing around all day doing nothing except watching TV and hanging out with friends. Ahmedabad is a dry city so any indulgence with alcohol is a no-no.
But, this Sunday morning was like none other. As soon as I woke up I couldn't comprehend the truth. Everything seemed a bit fuzzy. I felt like I was dreaming about last night's happenings. I lied in bed thinking about what was transpiring. It was a little difficult to grasp the truth at first but then it hit me. Everything was real. The reason I had a little trouble separating truth from fiction was because I had been dreaming about it last night after actually witnessing it!
I got up and got ready before heading downstairs for breakfast.
I found mom in the kitchen making something special for dad. This had always been a ritual between mom and dad since they started Dr. Shah's therapy. She made it a point to make something nice for dad on Sundays even though she had domestic help to do it for her. Apparently, Dr. Shah had said that it was nice to do such little sweet things for each other. It made even more sense to see mom doing it after seeing dad go down on her last night the way he did.
Dad was busy reading The Times of India. He was ready to go to the new golf course outside of town. It was the first of its kind in the city and dad had enrolled as member for a hefty price. And somehow, he was pretty good at playing golf despite his busy schedule. Earlier, he use to work full time on Sundays but had almost completely stopped that practice since the therapy and counselling started.
I just shot my "Good Morning" to the both of them. They reciprocated the greeting. I was relieved somewhat. I hadn't entertained the thought while coming down the stairs that my parents might have saw me the previous night. But their normal reaction towards me negated that theory. Phew..!
Mom served dad with his favourite dishes. Dad happily gobbled everything up before running out. He was getting late for golf. He told us that he'll get back by late afternoon.
That left me all alone with mom in the house
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Once dad left, my sinister mind started working on a wicked plan. Mom was all alone in the house for the next five or six hours with me. The domestic staffs were fortunately on leave till evening as they were planning to attend a festival in the old city. I had the opportunity of a lifetime.
I asked mom about her plans for the day. She said she didn't have an idea about what she actually wanted to do that day. She said she felt like watching a movie in the afternoon after lunch.
Bingo. I had my plan. I asked mom if she would like to see a movie with me. She agreed.
Lunch time on Sundays was 12 noon. And mom and I sat down to eat. The cook had prepared our meals early in the morning before leaving to attend the festival. So, mom and I only had to heat the food before eating.
Once we were settled on the table with our lunch, I asked mom how she and dad were doing since they started counselling with Dr. Shah. Mom said she and dad had never been happier and that Dr. Shah was a miracle worker. He had put their lives back on track and they felt rejuvenated as a couple.
I expressed my happiness on hearing that and asked mom what Dr. Shah had done to make their lives so amazing. I knew the answer to that question but I wanted to hear what mom would say (and more importantly, would not say!). Mom said that Dr. Shah had told them to talk and listen to each other a lot more and spend more time with each other rather being busy with work or other things. Mom said that they were following the doctor's advice and were finding the going to be pretty good.
Mom asked me what I had been noticing about dad and her since the counselling started.
I told mom that I found their attitudes towards each other as well as everyone else a lot more positive and that they seemed a lot happier than they were before Dr. Shah.
"What else?" asked mom.
I said mom had started to dress much better since the last few weeks.
Mom smiled. She told me that she knew what I meant. She told me that I was old and mature enough to understand why she dressed much better. She said it was all part of the therapy and a natural thing. Of course, I knew what she meant by that. And I understood.
After lunch, mom and I sat in the living room and talked a lot more about the current happenings in our own lives with her discussing dad and the society gossip and I discussing my studies and sports.
These talks went around for some time until mom asked me about girls.
I told mom that I didn't have a girl friend even though I had many female friends. She asked me if I was thinking about going out with someone or had a liking towards "someone special".
I didn't have any such "special" person in mind and I told her that.
Mom told me that it was high time I found some girl friend as these were the real days of my life that I could enjoy without any tensions and responsibilities and that it only went downhill once one started earning and had more family responsibilities.
This was somewhat startling as mom had never discussed anything like this about girls with me before. Plus, her suggestion and line of thinking was way different than what I had expected. Indian parents have this nagging habit of preventing their children from the "evil of dating" even in these modern times. What my mom said signified the exact opposite of that attitude.
I told mom that I understood and appreciated what she was saying but I said that I was focused on my career and had no time for such things.
"Make time" said mom.
She told me that it was necessary for me to be mature emotionally, mentally as well as physically before I decided to get married somewhere down the line. If I was not mature in all the three aspects, it would be difficult to live happily.
I was startled. What did mom mean by being "physically mature"? Did mom just tell me that I needed to have sex before I got married so that I did not be unhappy after marriage? That is sacrilege to Indian tradition of remaining a virgin before marriage. Although most people don't remain virgins before marriage it was unthinkable for a parent to suggest this kind of a thing to their children. Especially for mothers to prescribe something like this to their son is preposterous.
I asked mom what she meant.
Mom smiled.
She said that I very well knew what she meant. She told me that the times have changed. And that I need to move along with time. Men need to be physically ready to "perform" before marriage. If they aren't then it leads to all sorts of problems after marriage.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Then came the big shocker.
Mom asked me if I had ever been physical with a woman earlier in my life.
My cheeks turned red with embarrassment. But, I managed to mutter a meek "No".
Mom told me that it wasn't something to be ashamed of. Nor should I be ashamed of talking to her about it. After all, it was a natural thing and an important part of life. If someone didn't guide me then it would lead to problems later on.
I told mom that I wasn't attracted to anyone in particular but I did watch porn on the Internet sometimes.
Mom told me that it was natural for me to be curious at this age. But I shouldn't over do watching porn as that could lead to unrealistic expectations in the future, which is not a good thing.
Suddenly it struck me. Now was the time to make a move. Subtly.
I told mom that I had seen a couple once in the act.
"Really?" asked mom.
She wanted to know who the couple was.
I told mom that it would be better if she waited for a minute till I get something from my room.
I ran up to my room and got the DVD of my parents having sex.
I went to the living room and put the DVD in the player and turned on my 54 inch LCD TV.
Mom was puzzled a bit as to what was going on.
I told her to relax and take a look at the tape. I told her it was a sex tape.
Mom still had no clue as to what was happening.
But, in a few more seconds it was very clear to her as to what was going on.
Her jaw dropped with shock on seeing what her son had captured on his camera.
She could not speak for two or three minutes. But then the look on her face normalized and she once again comfortably assumed the posture on the sofa.
I was wondering as to what her reaction might be.
Then, she turned to me and told me to stop the tape. I thought she was going to go berserk and probably kill me. Instead, she told me that this was a natural act and nothing to be ashamed about. She further said that my shooting of this video further proves that I was very curious about sex and that I needed to fulfil those curiosities by sexual experimentation. If that did not happen soon than it would lead to severe problems very soon.
Now, I was puzzled. I didn't know where she was going.
Mom said that it was obvious to her now that she was the object of my sexual desires and that I needed I had a crush on her.
Come to think of it, she was right.
So, she said that she would teach me about sex.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mom was about to teach me about sex!
Mom said that as dad was not going to come back till evening we had a few hours during which she could teach me.
"Let's go to my bedroom", she said.
We went up to mom's bedroom. I had a full erection by then. All ready to fire.
Mom took me to her bed and sat down on it. She told me to remain standing and ordered to take my clothes off and get completely naked. I happily complied. I had lost all notion of shame as the excitement was surging through my body.
I stood there completely naked with my modest 6 inch manhood staring mom in her face.
Mom looked happy and without saying a word she started stroking my cock. I softly moaned as her beautiful fingers stroked my cock. It was a feeling unlike any other. She continued stroking with the pace of her strokes increasing gradually. I felt awesome.
Then, mom stopped stroking and put her lips around the tip of my penis and gave it a kiss. My penis throbbed in joy. Then her lips slowly started swallowing my cock deeper and deeper inside her mouth until I couldn't see any part of my cock. She had deep throated me!
She continued sucking my cock and moving the tip of her tongue around the head. She kept on moving her hands gently around my thighs and but as she sucked on. It just felt so good that I can't accurately describe it. It's a feeling that probably can't be done justice by words.
I told mom that I was about to cum. And before I realized what happened next I just lost control and my cock shot my load right on to the back of the throat. I felt my body relieved.
Mom kept on sucking and to my surprise, swallowed my load. I felt turned on by this.
Mom hadn't looked into my eyes during this entire ordeal but after she swallowed my load she looked up into my eyes with a wicked look that said "I liked it".
Mom said that that was the first lesson. My next lesson would be intercourse itself.
My member rose up hearing those words coming from my mother.
Mom hadn't undressed yet.
She slowly undressed herself and was completely naked except her panties. Her breasts were spotless and magnificent. They were almost perfectly perky and given her age that in itself was an accomplishment.
She invited me to come towards her and remove her panties.
I knelt down towards her crotch and slowly removed her panties for her. The slightly pungent smell emanating from her pussy sent shivers down my spine. I could now see that her pussy was completely shaved. I couldn't see that the earlier night while I was filming mom and dad having sex due to the darkness.
Mom slowly sat down on the bed and then lay on her back. She told me to get on top of her missionary style. I complied.
Then she took my again throbbing penis and guided it to her pussy.
My cock slowly entered her now self lubricated pussy. The feeling was amazing. I had lost my virginity to my mother. My dick had entered the cavern it emerged from 20 years ago. What a feeling it was!
I slowly stroked in and out as per my mother's instructions and fought the urge to move in with faster strokes. This helped me as I could last longer.
I knelt down and French kissed my mother as I continued stroking her.
This lasted for a few minutes until I felt strong contractions enveloping my cock. My mom's walls were contracting tightly around it. Mom had started shaking feverishly. I realized she was cumming.
My cock could not hold out to this onslaught and gave in by unloading a cumsplash into my mother's pussy.
Mom and I lied next to each other in her bed that she shared with dad. It was just so nice. I still could not believe what had transpired. I had lost my virginity to my mother. My mother had given me a blowjob and then I had fucked her till we both came together. Magical to say the least.
Suddenly, the door bell rang. We realized that dad had come back and scrambled to get clothed quickly.
Luckily, dad never suspected anything.
It had been a terrible year. My dad's company which manufactured textiles had faced a tremendous slump due to the global financial crisis. He had to meet a lot of payments and cash was limited. So he laid off a nearly a 100 workers which caused a strike. One thing led to another and the security officer had to be called. The factory was shut down for four weeks on court orders which led dad's company to lose even more orders as existing clients moved to other manufacturers. Dad could not afford that and so he set off to the UK to meet his biggest clients and persuade them to support him instead of shifting their orders. That left mom and I alone in the house.
All the happenings of the past few weeks had taken its effect on mom and I. Mom was obviously perplexed at dad's situation. She felt like she couldn't do anything to help dad other than giving him moral support. I felt somewhat similar was I was too young to help dad out in any real way. Plus, I was studying full time in my computer engineering course.
Luckily there is something in life called friends.
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Nice bro
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1000...  Heart
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Please update the stories bro waiting for ur stories please post as soon as possible,, waiting please it's my humble request
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The Mark of Danteshwari - Pt. 01


The words are spoken by a voice so beautiful, it almost makes one weep with joy to hear it. I am in a warm, safe place. Mist seems to roil around me, but there is a presence -- someone standing before me. I am in a prone position and I suddenly realize that I am terribly aroused. Between my legs, I am moist and feverish. It is all I can do to not fling my pelvis upwards, seeking something to bring me relief. I am wearing a gauzy material wrapped around me, but allowing me to reveal my nakedness beneath and to show my sex, flowered and glistening, ready for love.

A shadowy body moves in the mist. I suddenly see a cock, long and thick, beautiful to behold. I look up, but I do not see a face. Still, I want him -- I want it. I offer myself up to him, thrusting my pubic mound forward, suddenly aching to have him. I squint, seeking his face as that lovely cock comes closer and closer. Scant inches away I can feel his need, his desire, his heat mixing with mine to become a fiery blaze. The words come again, "ACCEPT THE SACRED GIFTS OF LOVE AND FAMILY AND BE AS ONE. YOU ARE THE BLESSED OF DANTESHWARI!" I can almost feel the head of the cock beginning to brush my slick labia and...

I sit upright in my bed, my heart is pounding and I can scarcely breathe. "Noooo," I sigh. I look around and I can see Joseph asleep under the sheet next to me. It is a hot night and I can feel the humid air wrap around me like a thick, sodden blanket. I can hear animal and insect noises coming from the forest. I realize that I am very horny. The ache between my legs is almost unbearable. That was such a weird dream! I have never had such an erotic dream -- so intense and so real!

I turn and cuddle up to my husband. I kiss the nape of his neck and as I whisper, "Joseph, love me. I need you to love me," I dbang my arm over his body and slip my fingers into his underwear. I wrap my hand around his cock and stroke it gently. "Wake up and love me, honey."

My husband swims up out of sleep and makes a 'Hurumph' noise and pushes my arm away from him. "Darling, please -- I want you to make love to me," I say, hating to hear the pleading in my voice.

"Christine, it's the middle of the night," My husband growls in a sleepy voice. "You're too old for such foolishness. I've got to be up early for goodness sakes." He scoots away from me and burrows his head deeper in the pillows. For a moment, I want to argue with him, but I open and then close my mouth. I try and ignore the hurt I feel and I quietly slip out of bed and pad quietly out of the room and down to the bathroom.

There is a window in there that I have often found myself standing at in the early hours just before sunrise. When the dawn comes, the sun begins to illuminate the forest -- jungle really, that surrounds our village. It is beautiful and it is at that those moments than I am truly glad to be in India.

Joseph and I are missionaries. We've been in India for almost fifteen years. We have lived and worked in this small village in the Bastar District in the state of Chhattisgavh. For Joseph, it is his calling -- his work, although I don't he's ever been truly happy here. He has had little success in converting the local peoples, although they tolerate his efforts very politely and patiently. Our son, Jeff has lived here since he was three years old. It is really the only world he has ever known and he tells me he wants to live here forever, despite the attractions and bright lights of America that he knows of from our periodic visits home.

I run a school here. There has been some friction between Joseph and me for a long time in that while his church has languished, my school has thrived. Over the years, I know that I've helped pave the way for many a child from our village to lead a better life.

And over the years, I have come to love India. In truth, although I sometimes get homesick for the United States, like my son, I too believe I could live out my life here. There is something magical and powerful about this land -- something ancient and majestic that calls out to me, that has captured my heart. I was raised a Christian and still believe in God, but I quickly became enraptured in this place where religious toleration is so vital to much of its culture. Its easy acceptance of polytheism has entranced me -- there is room for my God, but room for so much else as well.

My life would be a very good one except that my marriage to Joseph has turned to ashes over the years we have lived here. My husband was once a passionate lover and we enjoyed each other's company for many years, but as India seemed to awaken and expand my reality, Joseph seems to have shrunk in body and in spirit. I cannot honestly recall the last time we made love -- honest, true passionate love.

Still, as barren as that part of my life is, I feel fortunate. I have a wonderful, healthy son who has a good heart, I have my school and I have made many friends here in the village. My roots have sunk deep here. The villagers take me as one of their own, accepting this blonde, forty-six year old woman as if I were born here.

As I watch the dawn approach, my mind again turns to my erotic dream and to that perfectly formed cock. Just picturing it in my mind makes me wet between my legs. Standing beside the window, I slip my fingers through the waistband of my panties and into my furry bush, finding my slippery labia lips and spreading them apart. 

As I have done many times in the years since Joseph misplaced his ardor, I begin to masturbate, imagining that long, thick penis inside me, fucking me, making me moan! I plunge fingers in and out of my pussy, clinging to the window sill with my other hand. As the heat of pleasure grows between my legs, I let my imagination build a body around that hard penis. It is muscular, a young man's body, strong -- capable of taking control of me, mastering me, making me -- yes, making me orgasm!

I try and stifle my cries of pleasure as I begin to tremble, two fingers plunged deep in my pussy while my thumb feathers over my engorged clitoris, fanning the flames and taking me over the edge. I close my eyes, seeing myself kissing that young man's chest, licking his nipples as he makes me cum, filling me with his fiery seed. He seems so familiar. 

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I come abruptly out of my fantasy as I hear the jangling of my son's old fashioned alarm clock. The quiet time is over. Day has begun. I am trembling as I climb into our shower, flickers of pleasure running through me as my orgasm tries to outlast its stay. 

Even a quick, cool dousing doesn't end my naughty thoughts. Masturbating has done nothing to quell my desire for a man's cock -- for my dream lover's cock. All through breakfast and as Jeff and I walk to school, my dream stays with me. As I teach English and Science to my young students, my mind wanders back to my dream and that lovely, long penis. By the time I get home and begin to cook dinner, my panties are a sodden mess. When I climb into bed, Joseph already asleep and snoring away, I find myself hoping against hope to have the dream again. Wouldn't that be wonderful, I think to myself, knowing full well that it won't happen.

I discover that sometimes wishes come true. I discover that sometimes a fulfilled wish is a curse.


The words are spoken by a feminine voice that seems so powerful and lovely and erotic, it would arouse anyone, male or female. Again, I am in a warm, safe place. Mist roils around me, but I sense a presence -- he is standing before me. I am prone and terrible aroused. I need to spread my legs and find a way to soothe the fire between my legs, but I am paralyzed. I cannot move. Something moves in the mists. I see him, face still in shadow. I see his cock, so huge and swollen and suddenly I can move. The silky material of my sari falls away as I open my thighs, revealing my wet cunt, labia flowered in a thick mat of brownish-blonde pubic hair. I want him -- I want his cock. I offer myself up to him, thrusting my pubic mound upwards until my wet, slick flesh brushes the crown of his penis, submitting myself to him. Her voice speaks again. "ACCEPT THE SACRED GIFTS OF LOVE AND FAMILY AND BE AS ONE. YOU ARE THE BLESSED OF DANTESHWAR!" It is time. My body strains to reach him, to envelope his erect dick. I need it as I have never needed something before. I feel his cock begin to sink into my flesh and...

I am awake, sitting up in bed, my straining arms reaching nothing. "Nooo, please, God, noooo -- bring it back!" I whimper. My entire body is trembling with need. My nipples are erect, pressing against the cotton of my nightdress, my panties are soaking wet. I am sweating -- not because the night is hot and humid, but because of my arousal. I know that it is fuck sweat that trickles down between my heaving breasts.

I glance at Joseph, stirring and mumbling, "Will you settle down, woman? Go to sleep," before drifting back into slumber. I slip from the bed and strip the sticky, wet clothes from my body, letting the night dress and panties fall to the floor. I move quietly down the hall to the bathroom and closing the door, I turn on the light. With shaky hands, I get a drink of water and then consider my image in the mirror.

The eyes of a mad woman look back at me. I have now had the dream for thirty nights in a row -- a month of being so close to having my dream lover, to being fulfilled, but always in the end, interrupted. I masturbate every morning, but it does not sate my desire -- my hunger, I am still in need of satisfaction.

I want, no, need that cock. I know that in my heart. Until my dream lover can complete our act of love, I am left bereft and aching.

For the first time in my life, I fear I am losing my mind. This dream occupies my thoughts night and day. Each night I pray for the dream to continue to completion or to vanish and never plague me again. I do not know how much longer I can continue. I cannot make heads or tails of this. 

I gaze into the mirror at myself and wonder why I can't make my husband love me. I don't think I'm unattractive -- at least for a forty-six year old woman. Hard work and the heat of this region have kept the weight off me. As I look at my reflection, I have to smile. I have a 40DD-28-36 figure that works well for my height of five foot, eight inches. I have a little pooch to my stomach left over from having my son, but otherwise, my body is pretty firm. My breasts sag a little from gravity, but are still full and attractive. Blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin make me attractive, I think. I have great legs, well muscled and smooth. I don't why I am unattractive to my husband. I often think he construes religious virtue with celibacy.

Now I wonder if his neglect has manifested into some sort of mid life crisis for me -- that I am now slipping into madness with these dreams. As I stare at myself, again, my fingers find their way into my pussy, rubbing and thrusting hungrily into my wetness. My free hand cups one of my heavy breasts, stroking and pinching my hard nipple. I can almost feel my dream lover -- his hands on me, his cock inside me, his mouth on my breast. In the mirror, I imagine him standing in front of me, fucking me as my legs are wrapped around his waist. I feel his mouth on my breast, sucking and biting my hard nipples, biting them as I run my hands through his blonde hair...

I open my eyes. "Blond hair?" I whisper aloud. I wobble -- a little off balance, my head swimming with need. I haven't seen my dream lover's face. I wonder where I got the blonde hair from. I stand there in a daze for I don't know how long. Then I hear Jeff's clock go off and it is time for the real day to begin.

I shower and get ready to go to school. I fix Jeff breakfast and can't help but smile as he comes bounding into the kitchen. He is a good son. He quickly gobbles up the simple food I've prepared and I watch him fondly. Jeff has become a man, I realize. He stands six foot tall and is handsome. His lean, well muscled body is on exhibit as he wears a lungi, a traditional Indian garment that wraps around his waist, leaving his torso exposed. The Indian sun has bronzed his body and has bleached his blonde hair to a bright white.

Suddenly, without warning, I am envisioning his body as the one in my dream. My heart begins to pound even as I feel a tingle in my cunt...warm wetness spreading between my legs. As Jeff takes his plate to the sink, my eyes are drawn down to his crotch, where even through the comfortable, loose cloth of his lungi there is a discernable bulge and I envision the cock of my dream lover hanging between my son's strong thighs.
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The Mark of Danteshwari - Pt. 02

I gasp and shake my head, trying to clear my mind of the disturbing visions I am suddenly entertaining.

"Mom? Mother, are you all right?" Jeff is suddenly standing beside me, his strong hand on my shoulder, looking down at me, his face full of concern.

"Uh -- Um, yes, I um, I'm sorry, honey. I just didn't sleep too well last night."

"Yeah, I think I heard you tossing and turning a lot, Mom. Is there anything I can do?" Jeff rubs the tight muscles in my shoulder and I grunt happily.

"That feels good, son," I murmur in reply, smiling up at him. Then I glance downward. His crotch is level with my face and there is definitely a bulge in his lungi -- a very distinctive and large presence! I scoot away from the table -- images of my dream lover's cock exploding into my mind. 

I look up nervously as I stand. My son is staring at me intently, eyes full of concern and it seems something else. Maybe it's my imagination, but it feels like he's looking at me appreciatively, the way his father used to look at me back in college! Or maybe, I am going crazy! I can feel myself blushing and I turn away, taking my dishes to the sink and trying to act normally. "We better get off to school, Jeff. It wouldn't do for the teacher or her son to be late."

Jeff looks at his watch and nods in agreement. "Oh wow, it is almost time for school and I told Bimal I would meet him before classes!" He looks at me expectantly. "Are you sure you are alright, Mother?"

I smile at his formality, so much more common here than in America. He hears it so much here, he often calls me that instead of Mom. "I'm fine, honey, go on, meet your friend." And like a whirlwind, Jeff grabs his backpack and is out the door. I keep the smile on my face until he is gone and then I slip to the floor and sob. What is happening to me? Am I going stark raving mad? My sex fantasies now mixing with thoughts of my son -- am I going insane? My mind flashes back to my masturbation fantasy in the bathroom. My fantasy lover's hair was the exact blonde color as my son's! 

I wail like a baby until I hear Joseph stirring in the bedroom. How do I explain my madness to him? I can't, so I wipe my eyes and struggle to pull myself together. I come from hardy Alabama stock. I can soldier on. 

I am only five minutes late to school. My students greet me and we begin the day's Science lesson. The day passes slowly and I struggle and fail to keep the horrible thoughts out of my mind. Images of my dream lover come and go. I envision myself being brutally fucked by him, unable to see his face until at the moment of orgasm my eyes open wide as I cum and then I can see his face -- my son's face, Jeff's face twisted in a deliriously happy expression as he cums inside me. My students sense my distraction, my troubled spirit and bless their little hearts, they are as good as gold.

I maintain my composure until classes are over and they run out to play or go home. I break down and begin crying, increasingly more intense until I am almost hysterical. Suddenly, my door opens and in walks another teacher -- my best friend, Ramita. She teaches Mathematics at the school and her son, Bimal is Jeff's best friend.

"Christine, I would like to go over the plans for the tests next..." Ramita's voice trails off as she sees me sobbing at my desk. In an instant, Ramita is by my side, kneeling and taking me by the hands. "Oh, Christine! Whatever is wrong, my dear? What can I do to help?"

I fall into my friend's arms and just cry. Ramita's arms wrap around me, comforting me and making me feel safer just for her presence. I cry for a long time before it peters out with sniffles. Ramita finally lets me go, her sari wet with my tears. She pulls over a chair and sits close to me, taking my hands and softly asking, "Christine, how can I help you? Should I go summon Joseph?"

This makes me want to cry again. "I can't talk to Joseph, he thinks I'm awful as it is!" I say in a halting, gasping voice. I tighten my grip on her hands. "Ramita, I think I'm losing my mind."

Ramita cocks her head and she looks at me curiously with her deep brown eyes. "Losing your mind? Christine, you are the most level headed person I know. Surely whatever is troubling you, we can deal with it, yes?" She reaches over and hugs me. In my constant state of arousal, I am more aware than ever over her physical presence, especially as her massive bosom presses against my own smaller breasts. I feel a fresh spurt of wetness within my lust filled cunt. I am embarrassed and appalled at my sexual response. "Tell me what is wrong, Christine and I will help you," she whispers in my ear.

Suddenly the words just begin to gush out of me. "It's these dreams, Ramita! I've been having these crazy sex dreams every night and I can't get them out of my head and I'm thinking crazy stuff all the time -- seeing this man's cock and I'm constantly horny, um, I mean I'm aroused thinking about sex all the time and thinking all these unnatural thoughts about...about..." I can't bring myself to say anything about Jeff and the terrible images in my head. Ramita is looking at me oddly and I think she's thinking I've gone mad too. "Every night, it's the same thing. A faceless man about to fu-fuck me and then that lovely voice telling me I'm the chosen of Danteshwari and I see his..." 

I trail off as Ramita lets go of me and shoves her chair backwards, an utterly stunned expression on her face. I'm thinking that I've scared her when she hisses, "You hear someone speaking that you are the chosen of Danteshwari? Tell me the exact words, Christine! Tell me now!"

Startled out of my tears by her shocked expression, I begin to utter the words that over the course of thirty nights have become imprinted indelibly on my brain. "Behold -- you are the chosen ones of Danteshwari. Embrace the blessings and the rebirth she offers you now..." At this point, Ramita joins in and we speak them together, "Open your heart and know love for all eternity. Accept the sacred gifts of love and family and be as one." I am the one shocked now and I am staring silently as Ramita finishes the words.

"You are the blessed of Danteshwari!" Ramita stares at me now silently with an expression somewhere between horror and awe. 

"How did you know?" I whisper. My voice rises and cracks as I say, "Tell me what's happening, Ramita!"

My good friend opens her mouth and then closes it. She lowers her head and I can see that she is shaking. "This cannot be. How can you..." Ramita lifts her head, her dark eyes now ablaze. "How is this possible, Christine. You are American. This should not be happening. These dreams -- they are not for you."

I reach out and take hold of her wrists, gripping them tightly. I can barely keep myself under control as I whisper to her, "How did you know those words? How can you know what I've been dreaming?"

Ramita stares at me for a long time. Finally she whispers back, "Because, Christine. I too am having those dreams."

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I shake my head in disbelief. "That is not possible. No one shares their dreams."

Ramita gives me a tentative smile. "They do, my dear, if the dreams are of a divine origin. Danteshwari sends us these dreams."

"Danteshwari?" I again shake my head. It doesn't make sense. I recognized the name from the time of my first dream, it is a local deity. Many miles outside the district capital, Jagdalpur, there is a famous temple dedicated to Danteshwari and there is an annual celebration of her -- she is a female and motherly aspect of the ***** Gods. Despite of my love of this place and my acknowledgement and acceptance of their faith, I find myself suddenly confronted with the truth that I never really accepted that there could be other gods within the world.

Ramita puts a finger to my lips and shushes me. "Hush now, Christine. We must not speak of it further. I must consult Naija, she will know what to do." 

Naija is an old woman in the village -- perhaps the oldest woman in the village, although nobody knew her true age. She is the local midwife and is considered a wise woman, maybe even a holy woman. In truth, she might be the most influential person in the village, maybe within the whole region. She has an incredible amount of influence. It was only when she brought her great, great granddaughter to my school that others in the village warmed to it and made it a success. Every Sunday, she sits on the front row in our little church and listens intently to Joseph's sermons, a slightly perplexed expression on her face as she strives to make sense of our faith. I cannot blame her, it doesn't always make sense to me.

Standing up, Ramita reaches out and squeezes my shoulder. "Do not worry, Christine. I am sure Naija will know what to do. I will come see you later this evening. Everything will be alright." 

I am still dumbfounded, but just hearing my good friend speak those words gives me comfort. I watch her walk away and I gather up my things and walk home. As I step into the house, I can smell the aroma of a casserole. Following the smell, I see that the dining room table is set for two. In the kitchen, I find Jeff busy washing dishes.

"Mother! I wanted to surprise you!" he says, bounding over to hug me. He tells me his Dad has gone to the next village over to lead a prayer group meeting this evening and won't be back till late, so he decided to make me dinner as a surprise.

"Well, I guess you did, honey!" I reply. I shiver a little as my son wraps his strong arms around me and pulls me to him. I feel my breasts pillow out against his bare chest and I imagine I am blushing as I feel my thick nipples harden, the long bumps pressing against my bra and blouse, aching to touch male skin. For a moment I struggle with the urge to press my lips against his as my vagina begins to burn with lust. I control myself and peck him on the check, content for the moment of just being in a handsome young man's embrace.

Jeff helps me with my bags and tells me of his day. I sit at the table and listen to my son ramble on about things, especially about his and Bimal's plans for starting a farm. As he talks, I can't help but admire his young body. He is tall and well muscled and beautiful and again I can't help but compare his body to that of my dream lover. My panties become sodden and I am appalled to find myself unconsciously dropping my hands into my lap to rub against my slacks.

Jeff and I eat and then he is off to run about with Bimal, no doubt to flirt with the many pretty young girls of our village. I sit on the living room and try and read scripture, seeking comfort in God's words, but not finding them tonight. I pray for help and deliverance for my evil thoughts. I am on my knees when there is a knock at the front door and I hear Ramita call out, "Christine, are you here. May we visit please, with you?"

I struggle to my feet and at the door am surprised to see Ramita and the old holy woman with her. In all the years, we have been here, Naija has never visited us. "Please come in," I say. The woman has the history of countless decades etched on her face. Her eyes are a brilliant green and as she enters she studies me with an uncomfortable intensity.

Inside, we all sit and there is an uncomfortable silence. Finally, Ramita begins, "I have spoken to Naija about your dreams and how I cannot imagine how this has happened. This thing that is happening, should not be happening to you, it is..."

Naija holds up a hand for silence and in a raspy, ancient voice, says, "Hush, daughter. You are smart and educated in the matters of the world, but of the province of the divine, you should not speak." Naija stands up and shuffles over to me. She holds out her hands and I give her mine. Her grip is incredibly firm for someone so old.

"Since times so ancient, they have fallen out of memory, there has been a pact between our goddess, Danteshwari and this village. Once every generation, she marks the worthy women who have lost their husbands to receive her blessings. That holy time has come again." The old woman glances over at Ramita. "Ramita is one who is so blessed. Ten years she has been a widow, her husband tragically lost." 

I nod. I know this. Ramita's husband had been killed in a train wreck several years ago, leaving Ramita a widow with two children, her oldest Bimal and a younger daughter.

"And so it is with the blessing of Danteshwari. Those bereft of marriage and who prove worthy are offered a blessing from the mother Danteshwari, in remembrance of service long ago. Ramita's dreams are the mark of Danteshwari. She does not dream alone. Others in the village have also been so blessed." Naija names other women of the village. I recognize a few; Nilaya whose husband abandoned her and their four children and disappeared into the vast population of New Delhi, and Mamata, another widower, her husband killed in military service.

"But, Naija, why me?" I implore her. "I am not *****, I am an American and I am married. My husband is here, he's alive."

The old woman shrugs. "One does not question the wisdom of Danteshwari. You are of our village now -- who cares where you come from." She pauses and looks deep into my eyes. "And as to your marriage, tell me now the truth, daughter Christina. Tell me your marriage is alive. Tell me your marriage has not died of your husband's neglect."
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The Mark of Danteshwari - Pt. 03

I feel my face burn with shame and with anger. Naija leaned in so close, I can feel her warm breath. "Is your marriage dead, Christine Matthews?"

I feel tears running down my face, leaving searing tracks on my skin. "Yes," I whisper. "It's been dead for a long time." I begin to cry and am surprised to feel the arms of the old woman close around me. Her arms are strong and she pulls me against her and lets me cry myself out.

When I am done, she looks down at me, her eyes blazing with a holy light. She turns to Ramita and nods. "She has the Mark of Danteshwari. The holy mother has decreed it."

"What does that mean," I ask, still sniffling. "What do these dreams mean? Are they going to stop? How can we all be sharing the same fucking dream?" I stop suddenly. I am shouting and I did not mean to curse in front of this old woman.

Naija smiles and pats my cheek. "Stop asking questions. Simply accept what is to come. In a fortnight, all answers that you seek will be yours. There is a...rite that must be observed and that you must participate in. Once it is completed, your dreams will end. At dusk the first night of the full moon, Ramita will come for you and you will have your answers."

The old woman turns and hobbles towards the door. "Walk me home, Ramita. I am old and tired and there is so much to do." I try and say more, but she turns and puts an old gnarled finger to her lips. "Shhhhh, Christine. Be patient. For now, it must suffice for you to know that you are not insane." She gives me a big, mostly toothless smile and says, "Have joy, daughter. You are blessed of Danteshwari. It is a most wondrous thing!"


My need is so great it hurts as I hear those words. There is carnality now in the voice. Each syllable ratchets up my desire as I writhe on my back, the strands of material that make up my robe, parting to reveal my feverish, aching, needing sex. My dream lover approaches. He is naked, his cock swollen and long. His beautifully sculpted body is entrancing. I need him. I cannot move except to spread my legs wide and fling my pelvis upwards, offering myself, begging for relief in body language. 

My dream lover climbs between my legs, his head still shrouded -- first in mist and then in shadow. My blood engorged nerves can sense his cock almost touching my wet, hot flesh. My labia can almost clasp him. I ache to draw him inside me. He is almost there, sooo close. I look up. I can see his eyes -- they are a reflection of my own blue eyes. I know that there is less than the length of a hair's distance between his hard cock and my wet pussy. Its time -- it's finally time...

And I am upright and awake, tangled in my sheets, sobbing and whimpering, "Nooo! I need it," as my fingers are buried deep in my pussy. I have practically my whole right hand fucking my burning cunt as I try and seek relief. I arch my back as I make myself cum, knowing that it isn't enough -- that I need more -- I need the cock of my dream lover. I sob aloud as my orgasm washes over me. The relief I seek isn't there, even though I am overwhelmed with pleasure. 

The only thing I am glad about is that Joseph isn't here. He has journeyed far, to New Delhi for a missionary conference. He left three days ago and will not be back for at least a week. I have masturbated at every free moment since he left, aching for the release that will not come. I am glad he is gone. I have begged him for sex many times since Naija talked to me and he has spurned me at every turn. Now with him away, I can't humiliate myself again by begging for his love.

"Mother? Are you okay?" Jeff is at the door. "I heard you cry out. Did you have another bad dream?" He opens it a little, and I pull the sheets around my nakedness. I cannot see him in the darkness. There is the rumble of thunder in the distance. We have had storms for two days.

I find my voice and rasp hoarsely, "Yes, another bad dream, Jeff. I'm sorry, darling. I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to bed, son."

"I was dreaming too, Mother." There is a long pause. "Are you sure there is nothing I can do for you?"

"You're sweet, honey, but no. I'm alright now. Go back to bed, darling."

"Yes, Mother," my son replies and I hear footsteps as he retreats. Then there is a flash of lighting and for a second, I can see my son's silhouette against the wall. I gasp. I see the shadow of his cock, hard and long and extending from the shadow of his body silhouetted against the wall. I know my son tends to sleep naked in hot weather, but I had no idea he had been at my door naked and hard.

Again for the countless time, my images of my dream lover become mixed up with images of my eighteen year old son. I know I'm going mad, despite what Ramita and Naija say. I cling to one hope. It's been a fortnight since I spoke to Naija. Tonight this must all end. I know that things cannot continue as they are. If the dreams do not end, I know I must leave. Return home to America and have myself committed.

I cannot continue this existence. I will leave my son and find some way to cleanse my mind of this mad, erotic desire. Find a way to erase that beautiful, hard cock from my mind. Even as I speak, again I discover my fingers have ventured forth on their own and are buried in my pussy, again attempting to scratch an itch I cannot seem to reach.
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I fear what my state of mind is doing to my son as well. I have walked around in a constant state of arousal like a cat in heat. I can smell my desire constantly and I am changing panties several times a day as they become sodden with my juices. I've lost count of the times in the last several days that Jeff has been in the same room with me and has sniffed the air, brow furrowing in confusion and curiosity as he smells his mother's wet cunt advertising its need. 

I've pitied my poor son as I watched him develop erections as he catches my scent, not realizing his body is simply responding to basic carnal instincts. And it has been a struggle not to touch myself in front of him. Like itches I cannot scratch, my hands are constantly moving of their own volition, touching the burning spot between my thighs or caressing a hard nipple through my blouse. I know he has caught me touching myself and I want to hang my head in shame, not wanting to think what he must think of his crazy mother.

The day crawls by, but at least I can suffer alone. Jeff and Bimal leave at noon for a weekend camping trip. Although the jungle is not tame, both boys are eighteen and competent. They have gone camping by themselves many times and I am not worried.

I shower and dress in the late afternoon. I wear a white blouse and khaki shorts. I sit on the porch, waiting for Ramita to arrive. I watch the sun travel slowly downward and try not to ignore the carnal fantasies running through my mind. I have to change my panties once, and then, oh thank God, and then Ramita comes down the street. It is almost sunset and she walks swiftly down the street, dressed in an orange and blue sari, her dark hair pulled back into a bun. 

I meet her in the yard and see that she looks as tense and as tired as I do. It suddenly dawns on me that she too must be suffering from the desires that these dreams bring and I feel ashamed that I have not been more supportive of my friend. 

"So, are you ready, my friend," she asks in a breathy voice. We look into each others eyes and I see the weariness and the yearning in her dark brown eyes that I see every time I look into a mirror. I nod slowly and then as one, we move together and embrace, hugging each other tightly. "It will all be over soon, Christine. Be strong a little longer, my dear," Ramita whispers in my ear.

"Yes," I whisper and we join hands and I let myself be led back up the street. We quickly make our way towards the edge of the village. As we walk I realize there are others walking with us as well. Ramita seems to be following a woman a hundred yards ahead. I soon sense someone behind us as well. I turn to see the widow Mamata following us, a look of weary anticipation on her face. Further behind her, comes Nilaya, hand in hand with another woman. I do not know her name, but I recognize her face. Her husband passed away a few years ago, a victim of lung cancer -- Joseph and I had called on them to pray over the poor dying man. Other than we women walking, the village seems deserted. No one is out and about. There is an almost eerie silence.

We walk and we walk as the sun begins to set. We reach the edge of the village and with some alarm, I realize we are stepping into the thick growth of the jungle as the sky slowly darkens. We follow others onto a narrow path and soon are deep in the gloom of the dark jungle, although it is not as dark as I would have thought. Moss hangs from tree branches and clings to trunks and as night comes on becomes luminescent, giving off a silvery glow that provides us plenty of light to follow the path.

As we make our way, the noises of the jungle seem muted as if the animals and insects have paused out of respect to our passage. We walk deep into the jungle. At one point, I sense movement at the edge of my vision and almost unable to believe my eyes, I see a Bengal Tiger's head emerge from the thick undergrowth. It watches us with avid interest, but I do not feel fear. It is aware of us and we are aware of it -- there is almost a sense of communion. I suddenly comprehend that it is a female and there is jolt of understanding, of oneness with the creature. As I pass it, the tiger nuzzles my hand as if to offer encouragement. I am filled with a sense of wonder and for the first time in weeks I believe that perhaps there is a resolution waiting for me at the end of our path.

We walk on, how long I'm not sure, time seems to have altered. Night has fallen, but how late it is, I have no idea. The land begins to rise, we are approaching hills and then the path emerges in a clearing. On the far side of the clearing, there is a rock face and I see a woman step to it and into an opening -- a cave.

Ramita guides me towards it. I do not hesitate. I follow my best friend into the cavern. A narrow passage awaits us. It takes us deep under the hill. Torches mounted in the cavern walls light our way. Then we are in a large chamber. It is warm and humid. As my eyes adjust to the dimly lit room, I see steam rising from a pool of water. There are a few women already in the pool, bathing. The woman we followed in is disrobing and for the first time since our journey began, I truly feel uncomfortable. My Protestant faith has instilled in me a terrible sense of modesty.

"Before the rite must begin, we must bathe and be purified in the holy waters that Danteshwari provides," Ramita says to me in a tone I'm sure she uses to mildly chastise Bimal. I look at her and she is already disrobing, her massive breasts exposed. I stare in surprise. Ramita smiles back at me, amused I think by my expression of embarrassment. She reaches out and strokes my cheek affectionately. "Come now, Christine. We are women. There are no secrets between us. Hurry now, we must bathe."

Ramita continues to disrobe. I watch her unable to tear my gaze away, even as I begin to unbutton my blouse. For the first time in my life, I openly stare and admire another woman's naked form. Ramita is a generously built woman. Slightly stocky, she is what we used to call Ruebenesque. She stands maybe five foot seven. Her breasts are incredibly large. I guess maybe by American measurements, her breasts are maybe 50EE, huge udders that lay upon her chest like giant gourds, her dark, almost black nipples are round like quarters and standing up almost half an inch. Ramita's skin is flawless, a beautiful brown. From below her round tummy rises a forest of thick, black pubic hair. Her arousal is evident, her thick labia lips slightly spread, a tropical orchid in a forest of black hair and as she moves, she offers hints of creamy, glistening pink flesh.

Ramita smiles again at my gaze, a little more shyly now as she looks at my body. I slip off my khaki shorts and panties and am aware that my own desire is evident with my flowered cunt lips and the hardness of my long, erect nipples. "My friend, Christine, you are beautiful!" Ramita whispers.

"So are you, Ramita. Your body is -- is um, glorious!" I reply, barely able to believe my own voice. Ramita shakes her hair out of the bun and it falls down her back and she is now incredibly beautiful -- truly the glory of Indian womanhood.
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The Mark of Danteshwari - Pt. 04

Together we step into the pool. The water is perfect -- hot, but not scalding. Somehow, a sponge is in my hand and I began to wash my body. Ramita turns away from me, showing off her full, womanly ass cheeks. "Christine, would you help me please and wash my back?" she asks shyly.

"With a shaky hand, I do so, slowly, softly running the sponge down her back and over her ass cheeks, taking my time as I run it back along the crack of her ass.

"May I help you, Christine?" a voice says from behind me. I look over my shoulder and I see Mamata standing in the pool behind me, naked and lovely. She holds a sponge in one hand. I feel my face turn a blazing red, but I nod my assent. I shiver as she rests a hand on my shoulder and uses the other hand to run the sponge over my back and down the back of my legs. I let out a little gasp as Mamata runs the sponge back up the inside of my thigh, brushing my pussy from behind before running it over my ass.

Ramita turns to face me and we are suddenly bathing each others front sides, running the sponges over each others face and breasts. I lift Ramita's right breast, marveling at its heft as I bathe her. I run the sponge over her breast, inadvertently teasing her turgid nipple again and again. I shiver and close my eyes for a moment as I relish her touch when her sponge slips between my legs, sluicing the wonderful hot water down my open pussy.

Minutes pass as we wash each other. I turn and wash Mamata's front, exploring and cleaning her slender form, marveling at her still perfect smallish breasts and her almost hairless pussy while Ramita washes my legs and my ass. Our scents are thick, mixing in the air to become an intoxicating aroma. I am aware that the other women are similarly engaged in this erotic bathing. We all are slowly crawling towards orgasm when Ramita suddenly stops and shakes her head. She leans into me, her huge breasts like incredibly luxurious pillows and kisses me tenderly on the lips. "We must move on, my friends. Danteshwari awaits." She says, her voice tinged with need and a little regret.

With some regret, we emerge from the pool. Awaiting us are small earthen jugs. Mamata lifts one up and dips her hand in. It emerges glistening. "We must anoint ourselves with this sacred oil," she says and turning to Nilaya, she drizzles it on her naked form. She passes the jug to Ramita and then begins to rub the oil into Nilaya's skin until her dusky body shines with it. There is a hint of jasmine and spring flowers in the air, now mixing with the aroma of our arousal. 

I feel the warm liquid spill across my breasts and then Ramita's hands gently kneading it into my skin. Her touch is almost heaven and I sigh happily. She rubs it quickly all over my body, not a bit shy as she plunges her hand between my legs, her fingers slicing through my wet cunt. A foreshadowing of orgasm sends a tremor through my body.

The jug is handed to me and I do not hesitate. I pour the anointing oil over Ramita's voluptuous body and pass the jug on. With loving attention, I massage the oil into my friend's skin, all modesty abandoned. I do not hesitate at all, in fact, it is with delight that I rub the oil into the thick mat of Ramita's bush, relishing the feel of her sodden cunt flesh, so hot and alive as I run my fingers through it and rub it into her meaty breasts, massaging her fleshy tits until they glisten.

Too soon though, Nilaya steps to the wall of the chamber and from a small alcove, pulls forth folded garments. "The time approaches, my friends. The Rite of Danteshwari draws near." Nilaya announces. We each take the offered garments. It is a Sari of diaphanous silk. Ramita helps wind the folds of transparent material around me. Unlike a traditional sari, it offers little modesty and I realize I am now wearing the garment of my dreams. We are, despite the garments, almost naked and with an easy movement, our sex can be revealed.

"It is time, my friend." Ramita says and we embrace one last time. 

"Thank you, Ramita," I whisper, unable, unwilling to let her go and I hug her tightly. "I love you, sister." I say impulsively.

Our embrace ends and Ramita's eyes are shiny with tears. "Yes, we are sisters now," she replies. "I love you too, dear Christine." She takes my hand and leads me into a new passageway. Deeper into the hill we ascend. My heart is beating loudly. I realize I am more aroused now than ever before. My thighs are wet with my cream. My legs feel weak and I am trembling.

We emerge into a new chamber, suffused with a brilliant, soothing light. It is a huge chamber. In the center is a high platform or alter, maybe fifteen feet high. In a broad circle around it are rectangular slabs of crystalline rock. Each is topped with thick pads, sheets and pillows. There are twelve total and I realize that there are twelve of us.

Ramita lets go of my hand and walks purposefully towards one. My eyes fall on another slab and I feel compelled to go to it. Once there, I climb up into it and ease onto my back. It is perfect. It is the bed of my youth, my virginal bed, my marriage bed. It is the perfect place. I could rest here for all eternity.

"DANTESHWARI HAS SUMMONED YOU AND YOU HAVE ANSWERED HER CALL!" A voice calls out, echoing through the chamber and I recognize it. I look upwards to the altar and there stands Naija, the old holy woman. She stands tall and proud, powerful despite her age or perhaps because due to it. She slowly turns and looks at each of us.


As one, we all cry out, "YES!" our voices full of carnal desire. Deep inside me, I am amazed that I feel no fear, that this moment seems perfectly normal, that this sort of thing happens everyday to a girl born in Northern Alabama.

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As the old woman speaks, it seems as if she begins to change. Perhaps my vision is failing, but there seems to multiples of her, diverging and coalescing constantly. Before my eyes she seems to become younger and somehow more than human. Naija looks at each of us, her eyes becoming brilliant and of all colors. Suddenly she is more than herself and I behold a beautiful woman, hair flowing long and black, her body now naked and dusky and lush and fertile. Her essence seems to cry out, "Behold, I am female -- I am motherhood incarnate!" 


Niaja/Danteshwari lowers her voice, yet it becomes more powerful, more melodious and beautiful. I recognize the words even as I recognize the lovely voice.


There is movement in the shadows. I sense the approach of someone. Towering over me suddenly is my dream lover. His smooth, muscular body looms over me, having come up from behind. He is naked and he is hard. I yearn to reach up and take his erect penis and draw him inside me, but I cannot move. His face is in shadow, but I see his brilliant blue eyes, peering intently, hungrily at me from the darkness. His cock stretches out above my face -- if I could move, I could raise my head just slightly and lick it.


My son? My eyes widen as the shadows clear and I see my son standing over me. The cock I have dreamed of is my son's! The hard, sculpted muscular body I have dreamed of is my son! Danteshwari intones, "NOW IS THE MOMENT OF CHOICE. YOUR SON OFFERS HIMSELF. HE OFFERS TO JOIN HIS LIFE WITH YOURS FOR ALL TIME. LOVE IS AT HAND -- TRUE, DIVINE LOVE! LET THE SHAKTI OF DANTESHWARI ENVELOPE YOU AND INFUSE YOU AND JOIN YOU NOW! YOU ARE MOTHERHOOD! YOU ARE WOMAN! LET THE EMBODIMENT OF THE DIVINE FEMININE MAKE MOTHER AND SON AS ONE! "

Jeff walks around me and climbs upon my bed of rock, climbing between my legs. Love and desire are etched on his face. "I've dreamed of this, Mother," he sighs. "You deserve love, you've lived without it for so long. I offer myself to you, Mother. To be one with you, mother and son -- wife and husband forever." My legs spread of their own volition, spread for that magnificent erect penis between my son's thighs. It juts out proud and eager, precum glistening on the glans. A thrill goes through my body even as my mind cries out, "No! This is taboo -- this is incest -- this is wrong!" A lifetime of western teachings demands that I refuse, but already I can feel the love swelling within my heart. 

"I love you, Jeff!" I moan, suddenly having found my voice. "Be my love, darling! Be the man I always dreamed of -- be my lover, my husband and my son!"

Tears run down my son's face as he moves closer, his cock on an unerring path to my pussy.

He is so close, so close. I feel the heat of his body as he moves over me, lowering himself -- his cock is so near now. I want my son as I have never wanted anything before. I steel myself to once again wake up, my dreams in tatters, but this is no dream. "I love you, Mom!" moans my son and I fling my pelvis upwards, meeting his cock and I feel the head of his cock press between my labia, press forward and down and he is inside me. My son's cock is inside me, moving deep, deeper, filling me and at last satisfying that long ached for need. My wonderful son is fucking me!

I throw my head back and scream out of sheer joy as Jeff's cock drives into my pussy, going further than his father ever dreamed or was capable of. He is big and long -- bigger and longer than I had imagined or could have hoped for. I scream with happiness and lust and relief, my voice one of many, a chorus of incestuous delight as all around this chamber, mothers and sons become one for all of eternity.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bimal on top of Ramita, her arms flung outward and her legs spread wide and high, her toes curling in delight as her son sinks his cock into her wet and hairy pussy, her tongue curling up over her upper lip as she savors the sensation of incestuous cock making her dreams a reality.

My own legs are encircling my son's back, my heels digging deep into Jeff's buttocks as I arch my back and thrust upwards to meet his downward stroke. I scream out in sweet triumph as I feel my son's pubic hairs grinding and tangling with mine while his cockhead presses into places no man has touched before. Jeff is huge and I feel so full -- a sensation that is erotic and holy and naughty all at the same time.

Jeff lowers himself down on me, my breasts pillowing out against his strong chest. My son has a beatific smile on his face as his lips near mine and we kiss as lovers for the first time. I sigh as our tongues meet and begin to dance, exploring and probing, tasting each other for the first time. My arms come up and I wrap them tightly around my son's neck. With arms and legs, I wrap myself firmly around my son's body, holding his precious cock deep within his mother's womb -- my womb. Long unused muscles come to life and I work my cunt to show my son how much his mother loves his cock.
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The Mark of Danteshwari - Pt. 05

"ALL PRAISE TO DANTESHWARI!" cries out a beautiful, young Naija. Long dark hair sweep around her head as the room fills with divine power. Without actually laying eyes on everyone else, I know that every mother and son here have joined at this holy moment. "YOUR LOVE IS YOUR TESTAMENT TO DANTESHWARI. MAKING LOVE IS YOUR WORSHIP! YOU NOW AND ALWAYS HONOR DANTESHWARI WHEN MAKING LOVE. YOU HAVE ACCEPTED HER BLESSING AND WILL EMBRACE IT FOR ALL ETERNITY!"

The Goddess's words seem to spur us on and mothers and sons begin the age old dance of love and lust with a vengeance. Jeff begins to thrust slowly back and forth, worming his cock in and out of my cunt's jealous clasp. I refuse to loosen my embrace, relishing the sweet feel of his flesh, hot and slick against mine. My nipples, swollen to the point that they feel like they could explode, rub deliciously against his smooth, hard muscled chest. His lips kiss their way over my face and then my neck, biting me lightly as he seeks my tits. My heels pound into my son's butt cheeks, urging his thrusts on. Our love expands and explodes into so much more. At the core, we are love, but we are also caught up in sheer, incestuous lust. We wrap ourselves up in it like a warm blanket. We allow ourselves to become intoxicated on our love and lust, taking deep draughts of incestuous passion as my son sinks his cock into my pussy juice flooded hole again and again.

"I love you, Jeff! Fuck your mother! Fuck Mother -- she needs it sooo much, son!" I sob out as we rock together, becoming one.

"I have wanted to fuck you for so long, Mother," gasps my son as he plunges his hard, long cock in me again and again. "Forever, Mother. I will love and fuck you forever!"

All around us the sounds of lovemaking fill the chamber, creating the most angelic of songs. In my mind I can see images of the others as in our lovemaking all in this chamber are sharing in the joy of everyone. As I savor the wondrous experience of having my pussy packed full of my son's thick and long cock, I am also experiencing the feel of Bimal's extra-long penis sliding in and out of Ramita's oh so wet pussy. I can feel the delicious sensation of Mamata's cunt struggling and succeeding to expand to accept her son Jamal's incredibly thick cock.

The power within the chamber flares brightly as twelve mothers simultaneously have their first son induced orgasms. The intensity of my pleasure literally takes my breath away and I sob with joy as I begin to cum, all my hunger and need of the last many weeks washing away in incredible torrents of incest induced orgasm!

Somehow, I managed to retain my grip on my son's body, arms and legs wrapped around him as my pelvis drives my cunt upwards, impaling myself on his swollen penis. I cling to him, urging myself to merge with him, to become one with him. 

My body burns with lust and desire, recreating me, making me feel reborn. I am young again -- young and in love and in heat and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with my man, my son, my intended exploring the depths of our love!

My orgasm ebbs, but does not completely diminish and I am hanging on at the edge of carnal bliss as my son continues to fuck me and fuck me and fuck me. Suddenly, I feel his cock head swell and an incredible throb of power run through his shaft and I am keenly aware that he is about to cum. My womb becomes aware, wanting to clasp him tightly, to become what it was always meant to be, a receptacle for my lover's seed. I am suddenly conscious of the fact that I want my son's child; that to be a mother is to be a giver of life and I want to carry the fruit of my son's seed and make us a baby.

"Cum in mother's pussy, son!" I hiss. "Let's make a baby! Let's make a love child, Jeff!" I use my heels to press my son downward, to bury his life giving cock as deep as possible inside my womb. Time slows down and my senses seem to greatly magnify. I can feel the swell of semen as it flows through his shaft and then erupt inside of me, bathing my womb with his potent seed and triggering in me an orgasm unlike any I have ever experienced.

As mother and son and lovers, our voices rise as one as we cry out our incestuous love and passion. Jet after jet of hot, incestuous semen scalds my insides, seeking my life producing eggs. Despite my forty-six years, I instantly know I am fertile and that my son is about to make me pregnant and I weep tears of joy as well as pleasure as I orgasm and orgasm, my sexual joy intensified by the knowledge that my son has impregnated me.

Jeff's lips press against mine and we kiss passionately as our coupling peaks and then peaks some more. I think for a while that my son will never stop ejaculating inside my womb and that I will never stop orgasming. We have become one -- man and woman -- our souls joined forever, coupled with the life we have created. I feel Danteshwari's gaze turn on us and feel her love and joy and I understand a fundamental truth. To love and bring forth life is to honor Danteshwari's gift with the greatest gift we have to offer.

Finally, the world comes to a stop and we are joined cock and pussy on our bed of crystal. My son and I whisper sweet words of endearment to each other, each completely aware of the other, almost as if we have established a telepathic link. Around us, we hear the gasps and sighs of satisfied lovers. We turn and lock eyes with Ramita and Bimal. Somehow, she has found her way on top of her son. Her long black hair is hangs wetly down her back and her breasts heave mightily as she recovers from what must have been a terrific orgasm.

We smile at each other and with a glance share the knowledge that we both carry our sons' babies. Nearby, Mamata weeps with joy as her son comforts her. Nilaya and her oldest child are already again engaging in an incestuous dance of love, Nilaya straddling her son and pistoning up and down on his cock.

Jeff turns to me, his hand cupping my full breast lovingly. "I love you, Mother. Ours will be a wonderful life."
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I kiss my son and reply, "Ours is a wonderful life. I love you, son. Now, please -- make love to your mother again." My son growls lustfully and I can feel his still partially erect cock swell inside me. The delightfully sinful sensation of having my son's cock grow to full girth and length inside me has me in the throes of an incestuous orgasm before he even begins to thrust in and out of me again.

Again we join a choir of lovemaking as mothers and sons again begin to fuck lustfully all around us. We seem to be outside of Time itself as we make love. We are lost for what seems hours, then days -- years and centuries and eons, cocooned in our sexual desires. My son and I make love and fuck, sometimes at a snail's pace, every fraction of an inch's movement an orgasm in itself and sometimes we are like the beasts in the jungle, caught up in fierce, incestuous lust, fucking and sucking, clawing and biting.

My memories of the rest of that first night blur into a montage of erotic fulfillment. I recollect sucking Jeff's cock and feeding on his sweet semen. I remember riding him like a cowgirl, bucking up and down on his swollen saddle horn. I can envision my son taking me from behind, thrusting deep inside me as my heavy breasts swing back and forth like a drunken pendulum. I recall my son and I locked in the embrace of a sixty-nine, tongues playing across sensitive flesh, making each other cum again and again. 

I remember us in a thousand different positions, embracing and surpassing the knowledge of the Kama Sutra until our bodies absolutely glow with orgasmic energy. Mostly, I can recall our final orgasm suffusing our bodies and growing in intensity until we have moved beyond this mortal plane of existence, bodies locked together in orgasmic unity becoming one with the universe. When the sheer power of my orgasm, fueled by the heavenly sensation of my womb being flooded by my son's semen, I scream and open my eyes and find that we are floating in space, surrounded by countless stars that flare in acknowledgement of our own incandescent pleasure.

Through it all, we are aware of the presence of Danteshwari, knowing that she smiles upon us. As I surrender to the power of our ultimate orgasm, I manage to whisper, "Thank you -- thank you for your gift."

I am pretty sure as I slide into unconsciousness, wrapped in a blanket of sheer, incestuous love, I hear a divine voice whisper back, "YOU ARE WELCOME, DAUGHTER."

When I awake, it is dawn. Jeff carries me in his strong arms as if I were a child. I am naked as is he. I look up into his eyes and see his love for me. We don't have to say it aloud to each other. We know it for absolute truth. I love my son. He loves me.

Other sons are carrying their mothers home alongside us. Ramita's arms are dbangd around Bimal's neck, her head against his chest. Her eyes are closed and she has a smile on her face that belongs to an angel. My heart swells with happiness for her. The village folk are emerging from their homes to greet us -- to welcome us back. They sing prayers and praise to Danteshwari for her blessings -- for the continuing fulfillment of her pact with the village.

With head held proud and high, Jeff carries me home. He takes me to his bed and gently lowers me to it. Naked, we cuddle up together and sleep. The dream is gone. In it's place are new dreams showing us our life together. When we wake, my son and I make love again. It is as wonderful as the first time -- perhaps even better. As I writhe under my son's body, his cock making me squirm and moan with incestuous pleasure, I know that each time we make love, it will be more wonderful than the time before. 


Five years pass. In everyone's eyes, my son and I are husband and wife, our wedding rites performed by Danteshwari herself. 

When Joseph came home, I demanded a divorce and he agreed. I think this land had already defeated him and he simply wanted to leave anyway. He left for America and we never saw him again.

My son and I are so happy. He works the land, the gift of farming evident in his touch. I teach to this day. And together, we raise our children. Damika, our daughter is five, conceived the night my son and I were first joined. She is joy personified. Naija thinks that she will someday take her place as the village's holy woman. Our son, Jack is three and is the apple of our eye. My belly is swollen with our third child. My heart tells me it is another daughter. I will name her after Naija, who will never admit it, but is pleased by that.

Each day we give thanks to Danteshwari for the gifts she has showered us with - our love for each other, the blessing of our children and for gifts unlooked for yet given with love. It has only been recently that I realized that I have stopped aging. Naija has explained that all the mothers blessed by the Goddess have stopped aging and that we will not resume aging until our sons have reached our age, so that we might travel the road of our lives together until the end.

We are home, my son and I. I know we will never leave. We will never want to. I am forever a daughter of India and in love with my son, married to my son, happy with a life given to me by the grace and blessing of Danteshwari.

JAY MAA Danteshwari

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Lustful Revenge

Tarun had been screwing his elder sister Nandini for more than a month now. It started when Nandini visited her parents and brother during her summer holidays. She had planned to stay with them for her whole vacation. 

Last year Nandini had moved with her boyfriend to another city and was pursuing her studies there. She was twenty and was one year older to Tarun. Tarun had had a very stormy relationship with her sister during their childhood, always fighting and cursing each other. 

But this year when she came home, she was altogether a different person. She appeared much matured and her manners were more feminine now. She was no more volatile and even with Tarun she was very refined. 

Tarun was surprised to see such a drastic change in his sister and he also reciprocated in a positive manner. First Tarun in their life they looked like enjoying each other company. 


One evening when their parents were visiting some friends, Tarun and Nandini sat in the living room, watching TV and recalling the older days. 

Suddenly the topic changed to their sex life. After initial reluctance they slowly opened up. Nandini was more vocal about her relationships. She was separated with her previous boyfriend and for the Tarun being she was living alone. 

Tarun had been dating a girl but he was still a virgin. 

Nandini told him about her encounters with her friends, the city life, the gangbangs and many more things she had experienced during her stay at university. 

No one knew what happened actually, but one thing led to another and after a while fully naked Nandini was lying on the sofa and her equally naked brother was lying between her open thighs with his joystick completely embedded into his sister's shaved pussy. 

That night Tarun lost his virginity to his sister.


From that moment they never missed any chance and had been fucking furiously at every opportunity for last one month. 

Every night when their parents, Danesh and Janvi, retired to their room, Tarun would sneak into Nandini's room and they would enjoy the lustful incestuous relationship. 

Initially they were worried about getting caught, so they took every precaution. But later they became lax and as soon as their parents' room was closed, they would start hopping in the bed. 

Danesh was no problem as most of the Tarun he would be out of town on one or other official trip and Janvi seemed to be interested in nothing at all.

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