Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
For your kind information I have come out with empty hand to prove myself. i have not brought anything from home except few clothes .i have started my career. If I take any help for anyone is only advice and nothing else. I too keep taking some or other project I may need some advises I will sure come to you or may come for hand loan also, you help me then. ( I lied to him asking for loan which I don’t take from anyone except from commissioner uncle)
But aunt and uncle kept insisting me and threatening that they wont speak to me if I denied. After lots of persuasion I had to bow before them but with some other thoughts.
Now it was time to choose their units, after going through all the units I decided to go for least profit making unit. Both of them were not happy as that unit is not yielding good profit and it is very hard to run it as it is laborious , they need lots of labors for that which they ar not getting these days. They would have closed it long back but due to sentimental attachment as it is first unit which their father started, just because of that they had kept it working though it is not easy to run. Still that wasmaking around four million earning.
You eaveit to me uncle now I am with you and it is my unit I shall take it as challenge and increase my earnings ratio. But there is only one condition you should not come inbetween what I am going to do with my part of income.
What is this how can we ask you that ashok uncle replied.
Wait there must be something in his point mamata interfered.
Now I can smell it but we have accepted it and only one request our hard earned money should not be wasted that is all we can say. Tomorrow we shall complete official formalities about that. If you make it prosper we will be very glad, it is what I had inherited for m my family, uncle said with pride.
We kept speaking general matters for some time and he detailed about his school condition he was made chairperson few months back after one Mr narayan rao retired from chairmanship due to old age, he is the one who had improved this school wholeheartedly. The way uncle explained about his affinity towards school and how he is dreaming to improve it was very much impressive. Most important is he is also alumni of the school and he had very good regards about school. Now I was happy for something.
It was time for lunch we all took food and got ready for the meeting.
We were there before others arrived, that was ashok punctuality, he took me around the school I kept watching all the things intently. It was hundred years old school had old building which looked like old mansion and MR narayan had developed and built another building for the need of the hour, still there was lot of things need to do.
After we returned from rounds members started coming. Meeting started at right time though people still kept arriving I came out for attending phone call in the mean while I felt like smoking for that I had to out of compound as I could not smoke inside school compound. I went behind car park while smoking I glanced at those parked cars, they were ranging from maruti alto to B M W, Mercedes and other luxury vehicles. That simply says whoever had studied in this school must have prospered well that means quality of education also must be good.
Something began cooking in my mind. I returned to meeting hall uncle introduced me as his nephew most of them had attend function not he introduced me all of them. They were 11 trustees and 25 managing committee members. Today I have invited my nephew you must have seen him in function he is the only responsible for the great function with so many innovative ideas. May be he would give some suggestions for the upcoming centenary celebration. Most of the people welcomed with claps and few did face expressing their displeasure looking at my age.
I kept watching them and discussion I didn’t take part as it was for the first time I was meeting them in such meeting. After lots of discussion old man narayan rao asked me, what happened young man why are you keeping quite.
Sorry sir I am outsider and hardly I know the prevailing system here. If I speak or present my ideas it may not look good for you all.
All are free to talk , your uncle has brought you specially to share your thoughts , but if you keep mum what is the use he said looking into my eyes directly.
Dear trustees and managing committee members I began my speech. I am happy to note your interest in celebration of centenary function. You all have suggested big people as chief guest including district minister and education minister and lots of other dignitaries. This is my humble request don’t forget to invite all the alumni for his big function as they will be happy for being invited feeling that their school has not forgotten them.
Please don’t mind my words if it offends, dear sirs you are thinking how best the function could be made but you are not discussing about betterment of school. It is need of hour to develop school and disseminate the knowledge to all rich and poor. For the first time I have visited this school I have learnt that this is most economic and affordable by all. When you were all students there was not much competition like today era. Now we too should take this school eligible to compete with other private schools. For the strength of school there are not enough class rooms.
Instead of spending huge amount for the function why we should not think of developing it.
For that it needs lot of funds we are not getting much help by government some member interrupted bluntly.
You are right sir, it needs funds. Instead of waiting for governments help the one who was benefited by this school can donate some good fund, if you all people mind it, it is not big task I completed my words and sat down.
From where did you bring this young man he is instead of giving his ideas for function is trying to put his hand in our pocket some old man retorted? Some other people did support his version. I was sweating now, I was feeling i should not have spoken any way this is not my school and I don’t have any business here. At the same time I was wondering people are ready to spend so much on their vehicles and luxury but they are not ready to feed their mother or school which can be considered as mother. I was sitting without showing my emotions, only thin I worried was because of me ashok uncle should not be blamed or insulted, I sat bowing my head down as number of people criticizing was more than i had expected it to be.
Then I heard a old mans voice young man what is your name is it shree come here. When he called second time I looked a the voice it was narayan rao. I got up and moved where he was sitting on wheel chair. He asked attender to bring a chair and place beside him.
He did pat my back, you are right my son, we should have thought about development rather than expensive function. Now we shall think of development first as we all know it needs fund , before we can ask others it is fair to start from ourselves he was about to announce his figure I gestured him to wait. It was easy for me to convey as he was speaking sitting on his wheel chair. He looked at me, I gestured him to let me announce first.
What are you going to announce he asked, better than you expect from me I whispered.
Now I would like to ask this gentleman who brought the subject of contribution ,I would like to ask mr shree to announce his contribution.
Dear sirs please excuse me I am the youngest amongst all of you. I know you all are big tycoons and already settled in your life and i hope it is all self earned, as I have seen your faces I can see that all of you are successful in your life as you are really capable persons and well known in the city and praised them to the level they felt that they are the greatest amongst lot. In addition to that you all have studied here, I know capacity of you all is very high. As sir has insisted me to announce first, please don’t mistake me if I am no match to your figure. my contribution will be the least I hope so please don’t say anything which will show me small.
how i was introduced to world of incest
annual masala award 2010 runners up winner story
Now I on my own announce for this great school which has produced so many legends sitting here and many more whom I don’t know but on our narayan sir speech it is said to be it had produced so many business tycoons and successful in many other fields . I would like to contribute for the development program 2.5 million I.e. 25 lakh rupees for the present year and if needed shall pay equal amount next year as I am small man and have small hands.
There was loud applause from many but few grumbled, this fellow seems to be crazy someone said.
Thanks a lot son for contributing so well, you have put many of us on shame, the one who visited our schoolfor the first time in life and was impressed so much to contribute though he says small but it is very big and inspiring us all to contribute. Now me being the oldest trustee I have been spending all the time for my pocket silently now would like to announce one crore, now it is time for others to contribute.
Ashok uncle was next he said I shall contribute same as shree, in addition to that I will build ten smart class rooms completely furnished.
There was complete silence for some time. One old fellow stood we too would like to contribute but there is problem in our industries we are facing workers problem, we are not getting adequate workers so we had to step down production. Still I shall think and tell how much i will be able to contribute. Shree has indirectly put condition that none of us should contribute lesser than him. There was laughter followed by his speech.
Now discussion was diverted from contribution to non availability of workers and industry and business related problems. i kept listening to their problems silently. After lots of discussion ashok uncle brought subject back to contribution.
Few people repeated that they are not doing really well otherwise they would have announced by now. These people have money for their luxury vehicles and not for school I whispered at narayan sir.
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Well my friends have become very poor now after question raised for money otherwise they have enough to buy luxury vehicles and houses said sarcastically. It is not right attitude friends now you need to contribute for better of future. Don’t forget even your grand children would be joining here to study. He spoke few good words about school and it is sort of asset to this locality. We must improve it and all and encouraged all people to contribute open heartedly.
Then I stood can I speak few words I asked chairman that is ashok. Now our trustees and directors are facing problem of workers if you can speak and tell us what kind of workers are needed we can arrange for that. I shall assure you all to provide any kind of workers in next two or three months. If you get workers will you follow narayan sir and ashok uncle words? Many of them approved then give me only one month time after our centenary function. i will see that people will be after you to give jobs. Any type of workers I can bring as I have enough experience of recruiting workers in my garment unit. I have a trick to find and I shall be discussing it with narayan sir.
We have been trying from ages never got enough how you will do it in short time that too for all of us someone said arrogantly.
Hold on friend narayan sir said angrily, I am impressed with shree I can see some concrete decision and plan in his eyes. See friends he is not boasting or false promising, he has already given cheque for 2.5 m rupees as contribution and for your kind information he need to boast to get money from you all, whatever collected it wont to his house. Now i am with him I think even his uncle ashok is also with him and his words.
Yes sir I am with him I know his capacity he always speaks truth and I can judge he has some nice plan to recruit as many as needed. If you feel that way we all are with him and you, we will be really grateful to you if you solve our problems.
Solving any kind of problem is game for shree, not only this but take any issue to him he will have answer for that. Or shall find some suitable person, who can solve it. Now there was new current flowing in meeting hall many were feeling comfortable and worth sparing their hard earned money be spent on some good purpose. As trust is registered under 80 c and you will get income tax rebate. if you want to get rid of your black money we have arrangement for that too I said inspiring them.
If that is the case I shall give half black and half white one person announced. Many followed him those words had played right trick and now money began pouring. Some took time to announce and rest announced good figures. We discussed about function and some important responsibility was given to me.
At the end narayan sir announced my name to be included in managing committee at present and shall be considered for trustee for future which I denied politely. After meeting was over, narayan sir asked me to stay back for some discussion.
Me ashok and sir stayed back, he praised me wholeheartedly to encourage contribution and the way I handled it. He asked me about me who I am and what I do he took almost bio data. He was so happy to learn about me, ashok uncle gave some extra information and praised me and my capability bit more than real.
I love your attitude and the way of handling, I am so happy you did remind my olden days, I too was so persistent to get the things I wished. Now tell me how you are going to get workers, you said all sort of workers. I am so curious, as I too have same problem.
After listening to every body’s grumble and complaint I thought of simple program we shall conduct udyog mela that is we shall conduct a very big program to provide employment fair for anybody and everybody slogan. No age or sex restriction so that all kind of people will come. As far as I observed their discussion even retired persons also can do their work.
But we need to be prepared for giving employment to all so we need to call some other companies like software or hardware companies so that we should not return anyone saying there is no employment for those specific candidates.
Yes that is the one point we need to consider, don’t worry I shall take care of. I have wide contacts I can make them appear and recruit any kind of workers, both ashok and narayan sir told in unison.
That is fine idea but do you think it will work out and people will come sir asked.
That you leave it to me, we shall make such a propaganda everyone should be curious to know what kind of mela it is and will surely come. We shall use all sorts of advertisement and use government agencies and shall invite political leaders and ministers.
For that lots of preparations are needed. When we call officers for meeting they also will suggest some ideas and will take their help in it shall give certain responsibility to them so that they will have to work for this program.
This will not only serve our interest but we will be providing employment for many so that we will be helping unemployed youths and retired persons. For this also we need fund as far as possible we shall ask government to sponsor this unique program I think they will agree and sanction funds. Otherwise we shall cosponsor with them.
It should be done under our banner so that it will be useful some other time also. He agreed to it is really worth trying shree beta as ashok told you have many beneficial thoughts. I think it is up to us to use your brain.
That is the reason I have brought him with me. Today itself we entered into partnership in one of my units officially, ashok said.
But his strange fellow donate all the possible income tour school. Always I like this kind of selfless attitude. He could make some nice money out of it but he generously donated here. I think that was worth because of him we could gather so much donations.
Uncle that is not end of it. We are going to repeat it on our centenary program day.
What are we going to do with so much wealth shree beta sir asked.
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Sir it is not end to develop our school if we think to society which gave us chance to grow we should think of returning favor back to society. We can do so many things .if you are with me we can prove what our school body can do to repay society. I have many other thoughts but this is not right time to speak about them. Now we shall concentrate on school development for that I think we need to study best private institutes in our country and try to go at least near to them. We can categorize students in three class. One is those who are meritorious and can score around 85 % and above we shall elevate them to score 95 % and above. Middle class we shall see that they reach first class or distinction and most important category is those who can’t pass, we should give equal importance to them see that they get through at least in pass class. Without at least 10 th qualification no one has life if we see to it that they can make it they can search for their bread on their own. It is too much of thinking beta we had never thought on this line always we gave scope for meritorious only and never bothered to lift last class. Form this year itself we shall program to make all these things into action and we are going to prove again and again that this is the best institute in state. I think you might be having some ideas how to implement all these. Sure sir I have thought of it many times but never got chance to implement them. If I am successful here we shall try to implement in my place also. But unluckily we don’t have such big donors there. If you prove it here shree beta and if we are successful we can think of taking your school to run and implement it on out cost. the way you made all of us donate so generously , in such a short period you will make huge fund on that great day .if we can do it I shall recommend our body to adopt your school and may be others also . but for the time being we shall concentrate here only.
I was so happy to heat such a promise from sir ,I had never dreamt that one day our school where I did most of education can be developed. What I had sacrificed was some amount and one day we can move multiples of what i had donated to my place. So that I need to handle the issue tactfully and make it successful.
Then we did chat on general matters and I got chance to know more about sir, he looked so gentle and simple man despite of his richness. He is owner of a sugar factory yet didn’t have any attitude and that great person simply adored me. He had built such a empire all alone. we shall go to it some other time how he did it. I was so excited how much he had struggled to reach that status.
Sir suggested me to be in constant touch and gave his personal card so that I can contact him as and when needed. He had saved my number and assured me to call him any time I need him without bothering time or condition.
We all did work hard to make the function successful.
On that function day there were top leaders of all the political parties and concerned ministers including district and education minister. It was colorful program. Before that I had prepared blue sketch of what all our plans were and our aim and fund needed to achieve it.
We had displayed future building banner showing how it would look. I had got brochures’ of our next plan and how we are going to implement. We had distributed those brochures on arrival of guests. So that they got enough time to study before actual function commenced. All the dignitaries had occupied their seats except narayan sir in fact he had to be centre of attraction as he is the role model of the school and well wisher and previous chairman. Due to his knee problem he was sticking to his wheel chair.
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The function commenced ashok uncle gave all the details of future plan and its importance to society in his speech. People were getting impressed about our new and innovative ideas.
Now and then he gave few words sitting in front of dais . I felt he should be on the stage I invited him to come over stage but he showed his in ability to climb. I got down and lifted him in my arms and took over stage in midst of his protest to be carried.
Now I wanted to introduce him to people though it was introducing sun to earth.
Friends we have noble person narayan rao in midst of us. You all know he is owner of a prestigious sugar factory which is sort of money creator its flow maker , due to his factory in initial days it was main source of income to our farmers and on its running money did flow. That is why we call it as jeev nadi that is life stream. It is his hard work which brought success. Probably you know he is owner of factory but you may not be aware how he reached that height. He is from middle class after finishing his matriculation he had gone for further studies there he had made friendship with a gujarati boy who owned a sawmill. Often he used to visit their sawmill of mr keraji patel. He was impressed on their way of working. Despite of several labors patel family worked hard in cutting logs and making size and all. He used to ask why do you work personally when you have enough labors. He used to say that is trick of life son, we need to work otherwise we become lazy and dependant. More than that is we owners know importance of wood and how best we can make use of them. We cut minimizing wastage if they do same job there will be more wastage. To save that and keep our selves busy and involved we do it personally. That is the reason to reach from scrap to this status.
Those days there were no calculators we had calculate manually. On one day sir was sitting idle on patel office. He glanced at the bill where measurement of wood was written and calculations. Just casually he took a paper and calculated wood volume on his own theory. At the end when he compared he found couple of mistakes in the bill where he wouldlose some good money. He brought them to notice of patel, he was shocked to note his mistake, then he asked how did you find mistake he detailed how he calculated and found it. He was so impressed a teen boy could make out his seasoned person mistake. There after he used to invite him to their sawmill frequently and in due course of time when he was free from his college studies he used to visit saw mill with his friend and started learning business. Patel family was glad to teach him secrets of business and by the time he was graduated he had become expert in wood business. With help and guidance from patel family he started his own saw mill in midst of his parents protests as it was new business for them where they didn’t have any experience.
That was first of his career from there he became successful with his hard work and intelligence. Then his entrepreneurship took him step by step to reach Mount Everest now he is owner of sugar factory. One should appreciate his intelligence and hardship to attain success. Now he is 87 years old man but we should not only respect his age but the way of thinking and concern to society still he is active though he cant walk at all still he goes to office and supervise works. Recently he was keen in taking in taking retirement as his children have taken charge and doing really well. I gave complete picture of his personality and how he has put effort to improve this school and now he has announced one crore donation to this school.
In his speech he praised me again and he invited other donors to donate generously. He took few names who responded positively and for some other did not react properly but when he said that guy is rich enough but juggu won’t spend money for them I played trick. When they show finger indicating their donation in lacks I announced and greeted them misinterpreting for millions for example if that guy shows two fingers saying two lacks I announced two million for which they could not deny as already people had welcomed it with loud applause. This way we gathered good amount and then we made ministers promise to help us. I encourage couple of builders to take responsibility and I announced that they have agreed to construct building without profit and consented to give donation generously they could not deny either. Ministers promised aid from government and would sanction new posts for expansion as the institute is aided one.
Next narayan sir spoke about forthcoming employment mela. Please advertise about this mela where we have planned for employment for anybody and everybody. This is going to be the biggest event of the decade, it is shree idea where he thinks it solves problem of unemployment and for who are searching for employees also will be binifitted. for this government is also going to take part for their citizens get employment on the spot recruitment will be there. On behalf of our committee we request government officers and ministers to make it not only successful but give proper employment to youths and olds. He explained how it is going to be beneficial for all.
After his speech I requested narayan sir to take lead of the event and be chairman of the committee. On everybody’s pressure he consented and told shree is making me young again. he is so dashing and thinks about future. I think he is giving meaning of life. We had never thought of this kind of event. He is inspiring me to live again. So far I had thought what I did so far for my own development and our industry he is bringing me out of my cocoon. I had almost take retirement looking at my age and disability to walk. Though doctors suggest me for knee replacement, to enable me to walk comfortably. I used to tell them that what I am going to do after that. Now I am at sunset of my life and do nothing more than reading newspapers and spend time with idiot box. Now he has redefined my life I am going to have surgery soon and give him shoulder to work for society. Whoever interested in working for society to repay back to its gift to us. I request who all are interested to work for this noble cause can enroll their names with him. We don’t ask for money we ask for physical and mental involvement. I need few youths and old ones who are spending or wasting their time with idiot box are most welcome to join their hand for the noble cause. As per his plan it is not end he has so many other plans we can do miracle by joining our hands with him and we all together shall work for no self benefit for the next generation and those who are helpless shall assure them that there is somebody who will take care of them. As we have clarified again that forthcoming event is for anybody and everybody that includes young to old retired persons who wishes to work. We shall provide employment for all those who wish to work and only eligibility to attend is who are ready to work irrespective of age education or sex . We are planning that way to provide employment according to their qualification, experience or other parameters. From security guard or garment worker to software engineers or anything you can assume. We are planning in such a way that none returns without job that is our aim and we are going to achieve if everything goes according to our plan.
There was a loud applause again and every one greeted us for this wonderful program. Eventually centenary program completed in very nice fashion. All the people worked for the institute and meritorious students and past students who achieved were felicitated. In one word it was wonderful program though some time was consumed in other discussions.
Lots of people joined their hands for the noble cause and there was very good response for the upcoming event. Most of the government departments welcomed our program wholeheartedly they said actually government should conduct such programs when other institute is conducting it they would maximum cooperation.
From very next day we involved in this mission not caring for the fatigue of centenary function. As per promise of government departments did involve as it was official order by ministers they joined as cosponsors. There was very good advertisement and people started their queries we had appointed young team to answer for all the queries.
As date neared our working schedule had become so hectic we were not getting enough time for the food also. Venue was our school and we had to arrange it in neat manner so that it looked like company interview hall rather than class rooms. Even students also helped us a lot.
We had provided meals and breakfast for the candidate as well companies, had arranged accommodation for all the company representatives. The arrangement was almost perfect we had thought of every possible thing and some companies had sent their representatives to give guidance and check for the arrangements. Even some companies had set hoardings for of their companies inviting candidates.
On the big day I was so tensed as I many big companies were taking part and we were not professional for such events still preparation was good. Even then I was getting tensed suppose if anything goes wrong I could be held responsible as it was my dream baby . Candidates started coming since morning but it was too slow. I could see here and there were people.
Narayan sir and ashok uncle were with me. Uncle response seems to be too less I cant find many people coming I said tensed. Don’t worry young man it is just 9.00 am people will come now onwards , interview is timed at 10.00 am . as per the information i received people are going to come.
Now check the reception counters and helpdesks. See whether they have right information to give to candidates. I don’t like people roaming around finding for their respective category halls.
I ran to reception already queue was building and information counters were being occupied. I checked the papers they had. it contained all the information of the companies participating. And what type of candidates they needed with qualification and all . by 10.00 am I could see full activities in ground people started walking in groups and I checked for the city busses we had asked to provide form rail and bus stations. There was separate committee to receive company people and arrangement for freshening up and their breakfast. I called those people and confirmed that most of the company people had arrived and some are o n the way and they had complete information where to arrive.
 social service 14.18
Many security and security officer force were on right time and they also were guiding candidates to proper counters. All the counters were having board in four languages English hindi kannad and Marathi so enable people should not be confused as we were expecting some from Maharashtra also.
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As the time passed crowd increased, making it difficult to handle. I was tensed again to handle the crowd but thanks to all the youths to guide all the candidates perfectly where they had to reach proper counter.
Now there was shocking thing I could see. There were many specially challenged candidates coming with help of some relative or friends. We had not expected such candidates. I met few of such people asked them how could they attend this event. They said you have mentioned for anybody and everybody so we thought we could get some placement.
They are right it was our slogan, so naturally they thought hat thye also would get some employment. Then i ran to ashok uncle luckily he was with narayan sir and other business people. I detailed all this, they too were in shock. It is you who suggest the slogan now you will have to think of it narayan sir teased me. Sir we can’t disappoint them or should handle it carefully please think some remedy. May be some of the companies may need or can appoint such people also.
He took out his cell began calling some representatives, after some time few people came and asked what is the issue. We detailed them they also were bit tensed but one person said we can take them we have few jobs where they can handle. I tried to convince them that they may need some people who can do clerical or other kind of table work. That really clicked. See sir if you appoint such people it would be better for you as they won’t be roaming around wasting time they will sit upright and work honestly. In addition to that they may agree for lesser payments as they are helpless and may agree. But see that they are not exploited for their
Most of the companies appreciated this event and were so happy to recruited so many people in one go. And all the successful candidates were jumping with joy for getting employment. Most happy people were specially challenged ones for being absorbed who had lost hope of life.
All managing committee members had gathered and were discussing successful completion of one day. I asked them about day’s experience they expressed as per their experiences. Some pointed out where there was some problem and it was discussed and sorted out. All the suggestions were discussed and tried to find out remedies for those problems. We all were drained out were so exhausted by the days activities. We badly needed some rest. But had to see the arrangements for next day. After checking everything I retired.
Next day was more crowdy than previous day as success news had spread and even t v people had covered the event and had given account of the day activity and they too were appreciating and readout success story of specifically challeneged persons. So it was expected to have bigger crowd and i was worried if we could accommodate so many people. Luckily some other employers joined that day , we were so ahppy without specific invitation they had come on their own seeking our permission to participate in the event.
We were more than happy as our big headache was being met with. Those who had completed their quota ahd vacated and new group had occupied their place and necessary information was given to helpdesk so that they can guide properly.
Second days new problem was there were many old people most of them uneducated they too wished for placement. We were in trouble again to accommodate them. I called few companies where they had recruited ladies. I had guessed many of those women employees were young and nursing mothers also were there.
These nursing women come with their babies or children it will be big hindrance for work so it is better to have some play area for those children and if someone else looked after their babies nursing mothers would work without any trouble and can work efficiently. That we can understand but how can we do it. We can take their kids for play some person raised his doubt.
We have solution for that too I said. Most of them looked at me. How you are going to handle them some one asked me.
You provide area and some games we shall appoint some grannies who are experienced naturally to handle kids and can take care of them. That is wonderful suggestion some garment company man exclaimed. we can have all the necessary arrangements provided all the mothers work efficiently he added.
After some more discussion they decided to take some old aged persons who are having necessity to work male and female would be employed. We were about to complete meeting but when I glanced at the ground from meeting hall. There was some additional headache was waiting. At that time I received call from helpdesk. I received call the girl explained new problem that third gender candidates have come as on now we dont have any place for them what can we do or should we send them back.
Then I called back all of them and told them that such people have come seeking placements would it be possible for any of you to take them. They were in puzzle some of them asked us not to insist as their behavior will be weird and they may spoil environment of their institute.
We leave it to all your discretion to accommodate or not. We shall meet here again before lunch time till then you have time to think and discuss with your management. we finished meeting and all dispersed.
Our managing committee members remained back we discussed the issue. I think they too have necessity to work and earn their lively hood how can we deprive them from working and earning.
You are right shree but they are hesitating to appoint them on the basis of their weird behavior. We can compel them to absorb them uncle protested.
We can have discussion with them and ask their opinion so that we can come to some conclusion, I replied.
So it was decided to discuss with them. After half an hour we all would meet here to discuss with them sir told and adjourned meeting.
We called those third gender guys for discussion. We could see some sluttiness in few of them. It was sort of disgusting some were trying to impress our members by giving some sort of eye expression it was not very clear but they were doing so wisely it could not be labeled so but still exists.
Ashok uncle asked whether they are in real need of job or want to take advantage of the event. In what way you are capable of working. Astonishingly some of them were well educated. Some had completed graduation and few had done up to 10th or + 2.
After some discussion uncle sternly warned few of them to stop their weird behavior you are here not for begging, we are trying to provide bread for all , if you want to join some companies for other activities, I feel sorry you are going to loose this chance. Even right now some of you are misbehaving like trying to catch some customers . he pointed few and sent them out despite of them asking sorry and crying.
Now you know why we have arranged all this, it is to help those who honestly want to work and earn their livelihood and not for anything else. We all have struggled so much to conduct such a big event spending huge money and you people are roaming here for no good reason. Some two seniors stood and asked them to forgive for some people nasty acts.sir we are also fed of this kind of life. Wherever we go, we are abandoned not only from society but from our own houses. When we heard of this event some of us gathered and discussed and most of us had decided to quit this ind of dirty life and live with self prestige and earn our bread honestly. We are sorry for those who misbehaved not realizing whyw e were here. Now I shall ask those who are left out here and were not present during the previous discussions. Please give me opportunity to speak our fellow members and take their honest opinion. I was impressed about him/her. So asked him to go ahead.
He spoke so well and detailed others how badly they are living and every where they are put into shame , how badly they are treated by all is not their fault but own mistake of giving such impression. Now by grace of god some one has thought good for us, for the first time I have listened to such a kind consideration now it is up to us to take best advantage and live with self respect and legitimate earning bread.
The way he spoke really impressed me and I was curious to know about him.
Sorry for interruption, you didn’t give your self introduction. What I have read is you are well educated and were pushed into this by evil society. I don’t even your name but it is my guessing. Whatever you are and how ever you have spent your life all these years, we all assure you best future. We are not god but surely can prey god for your bright future. If you assure of good behavior and conduct we are ready to help you may not be for all but those who are sincere and can work hard will get opportunity. still we have not discussed with employers but can try to convince them. We are not only have your concern but have our concern too. We cant afford to risk our own reputation by advocating and getting jobs for wrong persons. If any of you assure that you will never behave weirdly or spoil the atmosphere if you were given chance to work. I spoke for few more minute and concluded my speech.
They all discussed among themselves and thought they could recruit few. Thanks shree sir your advice is very nice we can recruit at least some of them if their qualification matches our requirement. We shall assure you that they are not exploited but maybe salary would be lesser than normal for that you take initiation to convince them.
Then we added another counter to help specially challenged people where they need not wait in queue. Another problem was solved now such people also would get some employment and luckily many of them were being absorbed. Some of them grumbled for lesser salary I convinced them that they are being recruited that itself is great. This is not end of your life whoever proves their ability to work and impress employer may get hike in coming days, only thing is you will have to prove that you are on par with others and maybe better than them. With all those convincing they too agreed for my thought and they conveyed this message with other such challenged persons.
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After some time the ones who had finished and got job would visit our stall and thank us for providing such an opportunity to work. Specially challenged people would come with satisfactory face and thank us profusely. Other managing committee members used to point at me to thank me as it was his idea and we are doing as per his thoughts
Some old age people used to come to meet us and thank profusely for making them earn their bread or giving them opportunity to make use of their free time and making them proud that they also are earning member of their family and protect them from their family members who called them useless and wasting food or something like that.
Some retired people appreciate us for making their experienced brain being used again for good of society.
After days end all the employers gathered in hall. Most of them were happy to get such a big mass at one place and could chose many and were specially happy for they could recruit retired and experienced people where they could get such brainy guys at reasonable pay. I knew those retired persons would not grumble for lesser than what they got when they were in service as many had come with their service file and would show how much they used to draw in previous employment.
That elderly person continued. My present name is jamuna bai, I have forgot my real name. as you had assumed I had graduated those days. But due to superstition of the family and culture I was forcible sent to this. In our community it was mandatory to serve society as DEVADASI I hadno sisters and was second son, had recently completed my digree. My father used to fall ill frequently actually for his drinking and other habits. When my mother went to persist with my dad problem he told her that as you don’t have daughters where you had to send her for gods duty as devadasi god has become angry on you and your family. That is the reason why god is troubling him, it is your fault he said and made her believe his words. She asked for remedy he advised she should at least leave male in lieu of female. She said one son is married hence he cant beleft for god and other is educated how she can leave him.
He became so angry and started abusing her like any thing as if he himself was god and cursed and gave shap that her entire family would be destroyed, even your sisters and brothers will have to suffer for your mistake. At last she was fooled by him and before she reached house she was made to swear before god.
After that real trouble started for me. My parents urged me to become devadasi I was educated and opposed it and tried to convince them as it was all sort of blackmail and exploitation by those persists. But my parents had strong belief in them rather than own son, though my dad used to drink a lot and had all problem was due to his habits still he believed that way, for their selfishness they decided to sacrifice a young life who had not seen world.
I did try my level best to convince them and protested. By this word of protest entire community gathered in my house, everybody were after me and were pressing me to accept as this is gods disposal and cant go opposite to his discretion. For my bad luck there were none who were ready to support me. later I came to know that my mom and dad used to force other family members to leave their daughters as devadasi and collect good amount by sending those to some rich persons. For their sin I was scapegoat and had to suffer all the life. i wanted to run away as none were ready to support me but that ill night when I had planned to escape that night I was drugged in food and, when i came to senses I was made impotent by crude method, this is my present condition of those evil nature and have already suffered a lot. Please guide me to lead my life at least now. Story of us all is almost same some have come to this line on their own but majority is due to superstition. Somehow we need to feed ourselves we behave this way. I shall see that all of us will behave normal and see that your reputation is not on stake. Please provide us a good life by influencing to employers. He started crying so were we, after listening to such a sad story, we really felt bad about those evils, which pushed them in such horrible state.
After that each and every one of them assured to behave and begged us to provide new life and treat them as human beings.
Entire managing committee stood by them and saw to it that every one of them got jobs as per their eligibility clerical to peon jobs. Their leader returned to us happily with his team and blessed us. It is another superstition but strong belief that blessing of them is really good. He joined his hands in Namaste and thanked me a loft for convincing our members for helping them and he assured us that all his members would behave well and see to it that we don’t repent for helping them. At the same time he advised his team to work well and earn good name in their respective companies, in turn all of them assured me. We were happy for this entire still I was skeptical that long habit would not go away so easily at least most of them would improve and keep their jobs giving small margin for failure.
Somehow three days program ended with very good success as third day many employers came to us mainly they were shop keepers and small companies they absorbed most of rejected candidates as they suited their pay structure and those who were absorbed also were happy as they had lost hope but got some placement to feed themselves.
We had final meeting after third day’s event. All our managing committee along with human resource department and other representatives were so happy they too told that they had not expected so much attendance there was some good competition for good hands and they had offer more than that they had decided to such candidates. That was good for job seekers as well providers in one go at one place in just three days many people got jobs and many job providers got their vacancies filled and only question is all went in so hurry and hoping they were good choices and would be contented with their selections. I had good exposure and had nice time spending with them learning lot of new things and wherever necessary advised them to take good candidates or influencing for few candidates where I felt they are fit. Had lots of introductions especially company people some of them were ladies. Couple of matured and few young girls were eying me and were trying to impress me personally. They used to either call me or come to me for some silly discussions and trying to spend some time with me. Though I was busy, still I managed to spend some time with them. Few of them gave me their personal numbers and asked me to call them when I was free.
Narayan sir and ashok uncle praised me a lot for giving such an noble idea to bring both category under single banner and fulfilled need of each other. At the end I was given chance to speak I thanked everyone for contributing not only money but their valuable time and timely advises and timely decisions to help all. I didn’t forget to remind for those who had grumbled to contribute for lack of working hands. They all laughed for that at the same time they assured that with all this they would prosper and surely would contribute well.
With new experience and lots of new introductions and satisfaction of being born in the place and could be of at least some use to society we parted.
While returning back home I took sush who was serving as volunteer, I asked for sheetal she said she had left some time back wither friend. Along with sush her friends also joined filling car. They all had satisfactory face for serving for some good cause. I took them to some good restaurant had some snacks and tea. There sush introduced all her friends while introducing one girl she gave more pressure on her words meet my sweet cousin babita sush touched my hand with her elbow. I thought it was accidental but she pressed again while I shook my hand with that sweet sexy beautiful girl. But while shaking hand she made her face as if she was forced to shake hand, her facial expression told that she is adamant and egoist. I could not pull my hand suddenly but managed to touch her hand then she too pulled her hand away. We had some light chit chat and then I dropped all the girls at one point.
Before I reached home I received call from sush asking whether she and sheetal could join me for studies. I was about to say no but by then I heard giggles of both girls. I know you are tired we will help you to relax while you teach us some adult lessons again giggled.
Actually I was tired but at the same time was in good spirit after completing new type of venture and had got lots of applauses throughout valedictory function. So I could not say no as we were going to meet after long gap.
I fell on bed for some relaxation as I knew I would be busy for entire night. They came after another hour or so both had changed into sexy mini dresses . I had kept door unlocked they came and stood beside me awaking me. Hi babes I greeted them and looked at their dress which could make any man mad. Short skirts exposing their shapely thighs, and teen buds on their chest. Very little make up still the looked so beautiful and inviting. So you have dressed to knock many I said as pulling those sweeties to me. Not many we would like to knock only one that is you, we don’t look at any other male as you are enough for us both. So you attract girls it seems lesbians’ hehehehe. Sure we are lesbies but only us two that too it was taught by you only they replied in unison. They made space beside me and sat on each side.
So my sweet jiju was introduced to babita sweet cousin sheetal said looking at me with mischievous grin. What is that you were gesturing I asked sush. I wanted to see that girl thoroughly, she is such nerd she is full egoistic she thinks that she is miss India or universe. I don’t deny she is beautiful and have good feature but she has too much attitude.
I could feel it I replied. I could study her attitude within short time. She did hesitate to shake my hand as if she was shaking a beggar I wanted to pull my hand but I didn’t want to hurt you that is why I did tolerate. Leave that bitch saying so I pulled sush to me began kissing her. She too began responding to my kiss. Sheetal hugged me from side and brushed her face on my cheek. Now I had nothing to do except being played both lionesses. I kept enjoying both girls hugging and kissing. When sush broke kiss sheetal took over she began crushing my lips. it is natural I had kept them away making them study hard and should not lose their attention except study and study. Now they had finished their exam and were totally free enjoying their holidays.
While sheetal was kissing me sush was playing with my body, she poked her hand inside my west started caressing my broad chest. As me and sheetal progressed in kissing sush took my tiny nipple and nibbled it, she kept playing with my nipple making it erect. She twisted my nipple like radio tuning and made me cry with little pain. When me and sheetal were done with kissing she moved bit away. Now both jumped on me making me nude in record time.
Hey lionesses do you want to bang me I asked smiling. Why not, we are here for same reason. You have made us suffer so long in pretext of study.what you could lose if you had let us play with your monster. We could enjoy as well study. But you did such a wrong thing being near to us keeping your eyes on our study but never let us come near you. Except for those few pecks on our cheeks you never touched us or let us touch you. Adding challenge about scoring high. we were poor girls kept suffering from your love as you behaved lik strict teacher punishing us and making us study hard.
Why did you do like that jiju sheetal also asked.
Have you heard fruit of patience is sweet, sabar ka fal meetha hota hai.
Are you happy now despite my working hard and tiredness I asked you to be with me. Don’t worry we will spend good time together I hugged both girls.
You will have to make it with lost period we have to cover this missed periods to cover in short days sush said as she kissed my chest.
Why not little darlings I shall assure you that I would keep both of you engaged with my cock and body. Are you happy now. I said as I caressed sush thigh still covered in her short skirt.
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Thanks jiju but I feel you did injustice with us, you didn’t have confidence on us we could mange some fun between our studies.
Don’t think like that dear, I wanted you to top this year in board exam I could not afford risking your career with fun and masti. I am aware of your capabilities we could not lose time and concentration so I kept you engaged in only studies.
Thanks for the concern jiju but you failed to notice we were bit tensed for your behavior and when we were tired of studying you could have made us relax with little fun. You know some time we kept discussing about that, that might have certainly taken our time. We could have utilized that time for some masti at least.
Oh sorry darlings I didn’t think of it , that was my mistake. but nothing is lost now we can make up the lost time and I assure I won’t do it in future. I will see that both of you are happy and wont murmur again.
Now I began taking those sexy attire from those delicate bodies. While I undressed sush, sheetal had progressed to my lund which was in full attention with these both beauties. When I pulled sheetal to undress sush filled the gap and began making love to my erect cock.
Sheetal looked down when she was made nude, she found sush had taken charge of my cock she bent over me and stuffed her apple into my mouth. Now the game had begun, I was sucking sheetal boob and sush was sucking me. After some time they switched places sush was feeding me and sheetal was sucking my cock. After some time sush pushed me on my back and placed her delicate pussy on my mouth and sheetal straddled over me. She slowly pushed her lower over my cock taking my lund into her tight pussy inch by inch. It had become so tight due to non use for long. Sush placed her pussy on my mouth began gyrating rubbing her pussy on my mouth. I separated her love lips and poked my tongue into her tight pussy hole while I rubbed her ass cheeks.
Sheetal slowly took complete length into her tight pussy. Then stayed for a while she wanted to savor its feel inside her. Then she slowly began moving up and down while darling sush was moaning as I licked her tasty pussy. Already she was leaking with excitement both girls were in full mood so sush was enjoying the lick while sheetal jumped over me taking full length into her.
My hands played on sush boobs and butt , sheetal took my hand placed it on her boobs. I began pressing those soft yet nice shapely boobs. They had grown well these days due to our playing. From lemon to apple and would grow to bigger these days I thought. Now both girls were moaning and sheetal kept fucking and sush rubbing. I was tongue fucking sending my tongue as much it could go inside her pussy. Within next few minutes both girls were jumping in ecstasy I though both are going to reach soon. I left sheetal boobs began raising my lower to meet thrusts giving her back stroke with full force, suddenly she cried loud and shuddered with her orgasm. She had become still making her body tight, her hole gripped my cock firmly yet I was giving strokes from below. She shuddered again and her juice began dripping over me wetting my groin.
Here sush hold her sis tight and shuddered leaking her honey into my mouth. Both sisters embraced still over me. When they were done sush demounted me and sheetal collapsed over me. I let them improve their breathing. When they had sheetal moved beside me. I got up and took sush beneath me and caressed her body making her hot again. When she was heated up I took her in missionary pose. I started fucking her leisurely she too was enjoying.
I started sucking her boob looking that her sis sheetal took another tit in her mouth. now both of sush boobs were being sucked simultaneously sush began moaning loud. She too started raising her butt to meet my thrusts. Sheetal kept sucking her sis boobs and she reached for her sis pussy, when she played with sush pussy and rubbed her clit sush began raising her entire body like jumping. I increased speed was fucking sush like no tomorrow. it had become too much for sush being attacked by both of us. i kept fucking her for few more minutes ,sheetal was dragged by sush she was now being eaten. Sheetal stood onn her sis face placing her delicate pussy to beaten by her sis. Now I hold one boob of sush and with other hand took sheetal boobs. while I fucked sush I was pressing one boob of both girls. This continued for some time. Now sush reached her body indicating she is about to reach. Realizing this sheetal rolled beside sheetal began rubbing her clit to give double treat. Thus sush began leaking her juice and at last collapsed.
Now sheetal was in full heat as she had not reached her orgasm by her sis lips. She pushed me on my back and straddled again taking my cock into her dripping pussy. She too didn’t last for long as she was already on the way to cum by her sis mouth. Now sheetal gave final shot and discharged heavily wetting my groin wither juice. When she moved away from me I pulled sush over me placed her face over my cock. She looked at me I gestured to clean my groin, she hesitated but when I made face like pleading she agreed and started sucking my cock coated with her sis cum. Initially she didn’t like it I hope but later she to enjoyed licking cleaning her sis juice coated on my cock. now she was sucking my cock enjoying it, then she cleaned entire juice and then came to my face and pumped little juice mixed with her saliva into my mouth. Thus she was getting aroused; still I was far away from finishing my game. I asked her to come in doggy so that can continue fucking her.
What is this jiju you already made us reach twice still your cock is standing like flag pole she smiled at me. That is our jiju sheetal said proudly. if it was any other he could have cum by me looking at two beautiful teens but he can take journey to heaven taking us both and leaving us exhausted .
Take her now but you will have to finish into my pussy, it has not felt your hot lava for long i want to feel yur jet spray into my tiny hole sheetal urged.
Why do worry darling we have entire night for us. We both will have enough of his meat as well juice we can have it in our holes or mouth there will be plenty for both of us. Saying so, she turned and came on her all four in doggy.
I went behind her, I pulled her to edge of cot so that I could fuck her standing while she is in doggy style. Before I pushed my cock into her slit sheetal stopped me, wait jiju your organ is dry it should not hurt my sis darling I will suck it and make it lubed so that you can send your cock into my sis without any problem.
That is real love to your sis dear I said I pat her back she took my cock into her juicy mouth and sucked it for awhile and coated it wither saliva. Then I positioned myself behind sush , that was so nice her butt raised in air to take my cock into her tight pussy. But more attraction was her butt. Her virgin butt was inviting me to fuck and deflower it . How about ass fuck sush darling asked.
I would be really happy to take you there, since the day you took sheetal sis and have left mine saying that you are not yet eligible for ass fuck that is really bothering me to leave sheetal ahead of me. Today I am ready to take you there even my sis has helped me by licking and fingering my ass hole to make it ready for you, is it not sheetal.
Yes jiju I could not feel it right to leave my sis ass virgin and she was deprived of that enjoyment so I had made her ready for you to take her ass cherry. I have graduated her to take two fingers of mine, hope you can fuck her ass today and give pleasure of ass fuck to her also. I too feel bad for leaving my sis one step behind by taking your cock into my butt hole alone. she is the one who introduced me to this heavenly fucking enjoyment but I went ahead of her, so feel bit guilty.
That does not matter darling I had to save her ass as she was still not mature for ass sex that time. I don’t want to discriminate between both of you. I shall take her ass today and make both of you satisfied is it ok for you.
I will be so delighted jiju if you take me from behind I shall give a nice proposal.
What is that I asked eagerly?
Not now first finish what you are doing. I am so eager to have you in pussy right now and then in ass later. First take me to heaven by fucking in front always when you take me in doggy I feel so much aroused and that gives me most pleasurable feelings. When your cock head rubs inner of my pussy that takes me to ninth cloud please start fucking jiju just by imagining the pleasure I get I am so excited.
Sheetel sucked my cock and her sis pussy again to make it wet. Then she positioned my cock at her sis entrance and pushed my back so that it enters her sis pussy. She had said that my cock head rub makes her crazy so I angled my cock making it rub at g spot and slowly began rubbing my cock at inside her tight pussy and the rub concentrated on back wall of inside her pussy. When I gave hard rub she moaned loud yes jiju like that only. Now I kept rubbing my cock inside her pussy once slowly and then harder alternatively. She kept moaning continuously then I started fucking her in same angle with each stroke she cried with pleasure. Then I increased speed and kept fucking that little girl sheetal was playing wither sis boobs by going under her. When I fucked sush faster her body rubbed over sheetal nude body making both girls enjoy the blissful fuck.
Now I was fucking her with full speed both girls were crying loud with their own pleasure. Sheetal began sucking her sis boobs and pressing her ass taking sush to other world of pleasure. Both sisters were so cooperating with each other, both were after giving maximum pleasure to each other and were taking maximum care of other. Now sush was pushing her ass back to meet my thrusts. Soon sush began leaking but I kept fucking her making her orgasm intensive and she kept crying louder and louder.
I let her breath for some time it was time for her ass cherry as shehad promised or made me promise to pop her ass cherry. I gave her some time then asked sheetal to make her ready for next round.
Sheetal was happy to get her sis ass fucked for the first time. She turned her sis on her back she began teasing her clit with her tongue. In turn I began licking sheetal pussy which had discharged couple of minutes back with hard rubbing of her sis nude body over her.
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When both girls were aroused I pulled sush to edge of the bed and made her lay on her face. she instead preferred to get in doggy, she kneeled on bed keeping her face on pillow. Now it is time jiju for your new journey, but be gentle I know it hurts and I am ready for that. I asked sheetal to get baby oil bottle specially kept for this purpose. Sheetal brought oil and poured on her sis ass began caressing her ass and then slowly soaked her own finger with oil and began inserting into sush ass. She began fingering her ass , I began playing with sheeta l body I was pressing her boobs. Sheetal had bent before sush to finger her. Sheetal ass was protruded and was inviting me to take care of that ass also. I began caressing her ass and then her ass hole. I too soaked a finger in oil and began fingering her ass.
Jiju you are supposed to fuck sush not me, I am ready for that but only after you do with my loving sis she protested. Don’t worry I shall fuck your sis as well your ass also only after inaugurating her ass. When second finger entered into sush ass she cried with mild pain and pleasure. Now her ass was completely lubed and was ready for the fuck.
Come on jiju new hole is waiting for you she called me. Sheetal poured enough oil on my tool and massaged it , now my cock was glistening with oil, sheeetal hold my cock and don’t hurt my baby sis but give her maximum pleasure and then she gave flying kiss to my cock. She pulled me holding my cock and placed it on sush ass hole. She separated her ass cheeks and hold with two fingers making the hole clearly to be seen. Holding the cock she pushed my cock into her sis hole then she left me toplay on my own after guiding it to new tight virgin hole.
I slowly pushed my cock into her tight hole. Though she was lubed and fingered still her hole was so tight. When my cockhead entered into her tiny hole she bit cried with pain but being brave girl and knew it was going to pain her bus she wanted it very badly she bear pain . I waited for my cock be adjusted into her tiny hole. After couple of minutes when she was ok with it I pushed it further asking her keep her body lose so that it wont hurt her much. She did as I said her ass was completely lubed with oil so it went further now my cock head was lodged into her tight ass firmly. She gestured me to stop, I stood still keeping the knob into her ass. Asked sheetal to sooth her sis, she lay beside her and kissed her diverting her attention. Soon they were frenching sheetal took sush hand placed on her own boobs. Now sush darling was involved with her sis. She had forgotten that I was pushing my cock into her tight virgin hole, I gave mild thrust sending my cock further now half the cock was in her tight ass. I could feel her muscles gripping my long cock. She broke kiss and asked me whether I had filled her completely.
You know the length dear, do you feel that I have inserted completely I asked.
Though I know it is new place so confused, you mean you are half way. My god still half ihave to take go slow please she pleaded.
Don’t worry I will do with only half if you are not feeling pain I added.
I had pain now I think it has reduced a bit, wait for some more time before you do anything. Are you satisfied you are travelling in new territory she asked.
Yes I am happy to take your both side, it is you have to tell me how are you feeling now.
I am also happy as I have become eligible from both ends, but still I am half way. Go smooth raja I have another offer for you will become mad to hear that. While she was speaking I withdrew my cock and sent it back. She cried with pain but I started moving slowly now I was fucking her ass with only half length so not to hurt her any more. After some time she was comfortable with her first ass fuck. Looking at her condition I gestured sheetal to play with her sis to excite and divert her attention.
Now sheetal went below her and began caressing her pussy. When she inserted her finger into her oozing pussy she cried with pleasure. It feels so good sheetu do more she encouraged her sis to finger fuck her. Now I could feel her probing finger on my cock separated by thin layer.
Sush was enjoying her double penetration now she started pushing her ass back to my groin. Taking this as green signal to go further. I started fucking her tight ass with each stroke I was pushing more of my meat. Within couple of minutes fuck I had inserted my complete long cock into her ass. Now with every stroke my groin hit her soft ass.
Sush understood that I have sent it all the way. Hey jiju you have inserted it completely and I don’t feel much pain, that is wonderful keep fucking me with your monster I am enjoying. You are successful to feed my ass with your long lund. Come on jiju fuck me faster you dirty girl keep fingering me and spread your legs i want to eat your pussy.
Sush began eating her sis pussy while she was taking my cock all the way. Now I had increased speed I was holding her small but soft ass and began pounding her ass which was no more virgin now. I kept fucking her ass and sheetal was fingering sush while sush ate sheetal bald pussy. It was great trio after another five minutes fuck we started reaching our destination.
Sush was first to reach as by her own pleasure sheetal was fingering in frenzy which sush could not hol and discharged heavily on sheetal finger I could feel the spray she was sending it must be wetting her sis face also.
Seeing gush of juice sheetal also started raising her body and forcing her sis to eat it, soon she too started discharging. Looking this beautiful scene I too could not hold long my seeds began boiling in my scrotum and started feeding her ass hole with my thick cum, my cock sent spurts after spurt filling her new hole with my hot lava. After that we all lay in heap exhausted after long fuck completely satisfied.
After some rest we got up and had cleaned. You were speaking something about offer I asked sush.
You deserve some gift from us sisters. There is one girl especially interested in you, she is liking you since long.
Who is that I asked?
You have seen her she is one among our group. Every time we move in group she is always present. She has liked your nature and the way you treat us all and give treats whenever we go to movie or restaurants and help us in need. That way she has become your fan. Most important is not only she is beautiful but seal pack hehehehe.
What is her name I asked.
We will tell her name but to reach her you need to do our one important job. You know that bitch babita always she behaves bad with us. In fact we avoid her but the day she has come here for vacation she has been behaving very badly. You know she is richer than us all. She gets lots of pocket money and never bothers to spend she is spendthrift and now a days she spends huge on our friends and she is trying to overpower us. You know all our friends are very much understanding and though they too spend but we spend little more than them. When you are with us you never allow us to spend not only we two but you don’t allow our friends also to spend.
Now babita is spending on us all and trying to impress that she is superior and whenever she gets opportunity she insults us in many way. Our friends are also falling on her prey. So she is making us low and becoming boss of the group, sush said.
So what is my role in this, you take as much money you need from me and impress your friends and try to avoid her .
We don’t want money we have enough but we want you to take revenge on babita and try to pay for all her misdeeds with us. If possible you seduce her and fuck her and make your slave. We want her to become your cheap slut. There are only 20 days left in vacation, in these days you have to finish her and get a bumper prize of virgin beauty.
You are making me confused. Don’t you feel bad to share me with your cousin and friends?
Actually when our friend proposed you as her crush we felt very bad and jealous. In fact w e did scold her, poor girl does not know our secret relation so she was brave enough to speak to us. After that she is after us to convey her feelings to you as she is very shy nature and really mad about you.
We told that even if we convince or convey that she has crush on you, you won’t accept or will be ready to take her as lover. She clarified her stand even if you don’t accept her as lover she is ok with time pass type girl friend she will be satisfied for that.
You id right thing darlings I don’t want any sentimental attachments with any girl. Moreover when I have two most beautiful girls as girl friends I don’t need any more, I said while I kissed cheeks of both girls.
Hey mister don’t act too smart in front of us, we know something else about you sheetal exploded a bomb.
You did right thing darlings I don’t want any sentimental attachments with any girl. Moreover when I have two most beautiful girls as girl friends I don’t need any more, I said while I kissed cheeks of both girls.
Hey mister don’t act too smart in front of us, we know something else about you sheetal exploded a bomb.
What did you say I asked sheetal.
You had said that you have taken other girls, that is why she is telling sush interfered slapping her sis hand to keep quite.
That you know already and there was no point in reminding me , you have something else in your mind tell me I pursued.
Nothing forget it sush said, but sheetal face was not happy for her sis comment. There was some mischievous smile on her face.
Come sheetal speak it out, this suspense will kill me until I hear it. That was foolish thing I ever did.
If that girl was someone else we would have never mind it. But ………………
But what I could not keep quite I committed again.
We know some chemistry is running between you and didi sheetal exploded bomb.
What the hell you are speaking I was shocked but asked in loud voice. Youshould feel shame before you suspect your sis.
It should beyou who should be ashamed to have chemistry with our didi who is married to your own bro and she is your bhabhi. Why should we feel ashamed sheetal said bravely in firm voice.
Now ihad to go mild as these clever girls might have noticed something otherwise they would not be telling it to me directly without any concrete proof. We don’t have anything of that sort it is your illusion I tried to confront.
When cat is out of basket there is no point in hiding it anymore sush said. We have seen with our own eyes and you cant hide it now from us. Actually we had thought to keep it secret but your overacting made it come out now. Now there is no other option but to admit it.
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What actually you saw I asked I was curious if they had seen us fucking.
We both have seen you pressing sneha didi boobs in presence of us.
What I asked in shock.
Let us be very clear and specific, we shall remind you of the situation. You remember that day we all were returning from marriage.
Which marriage I asked acting innocent. I knew they are very clever and it is foolishness to hide from them.
They told exact date and groom name on that specific night we had to travel with excess luggage those had occupied complete boot space and we had stuffed some on rear seat.
They took me to flashback. That night was real fun but very dangerous. These both girls had gone mad that day, they were so kinky and adventurous. That night we were returning from marriage me bhayya bhabhi and these both girls were there. It was hard to accommodate three in back seat. So me and bhayya took front seat I was driving and all three girls were sitting adjusting in rear seat.
After some time bhabhi complained that she can’t sit properly so she asked her sis to sit on her lap, somehow they adjusted and continued journey. After a hours journey we stopped car for tea. While sitting back in car bhabhi complained that she can’t sit properly as her sis sits on her lap it was tough for a pregnant lady. we realized her problem bhai volunteered to sit in back seat but sneha held is hand his hand asked him to drive while shree can sit in backseat. He is muscular and can bear their weight. Idont know she didn’t like her hubby to sit in such condition with his salis or she wanted to sleep comfortably as I could be kinky wither which was dangerous for both.
So I sit on back seat sush sat on my lap happily. i could see eyes of both girls had become bright the moment I took seat. Some thirty minutes passed without any happening. But when bhabhi slept pushing her seat back .then sush also turned other side facing window. Now our faces were touching each other. She took a chance and kissed my cheek smiling at me. I was shocked but sat quite then she kissed again and again. i pinched her ass asking to keep quite.
I can’t stop unless you kiss me back she whispered. Now I had no other choice but to kiss her cheeks taking enough caution that bhai is not looking at us in rear mirror.
You are such a fool how can he see you in mirror in this pitch darkness sheetal whispered and laughed at me teasingly. When you can see others also can see I replied. You fool I am sitting beside you so can see clearly or at least your movements. then she held my face began kissing and then locked her lips.
My god these girls have gone mad i thought. I tried to push her away with my elbow but she didn’t buzz. then I too respond to her kiss. When we broke sush was after my lips she began chewing my lips I too was compelled to respond as she is my favorite. Now and then we kept kissing; now sheetal began rubbing my thighs with hers. I was in no position to avoid her touches. We were sitting in such a congested place.
Sush began rubbing her apples on my chest I kept pleading with gesture not to make any scene but they were so horny both of them kept playing with my body and were trying maximum to arouse me.
I too looked at bhabhi and touched her back with my finger to confirm that she is fast asleep. then looked at bro he was totally lost in hearing songs and concentrating on road. I coughed twice but her never bothered about me or he didn’t even hear me coughing .
Then I told my hand caught sheetal tit with my hand with other hand which i had placed over sushto keep her tight avoiding slipping hold her boob also. Now i began pressing one each apple with each hand.
I was expecting them to push my hands away but instead they closed their eyes in arousal. That continued for some time after that sush pulled her lose top ,I could see her bra missing. I was wondering how it was missing as I had seen her wearing bra. Don’t be shocked we both have removed ours when you had closed your eyes sheetal whispered.
How could you do it I asked not believing her words, she too pulled down her top showing her tight apples. That is our secret style she said winking.
Now I could feel boobs of both teens now you can’t ask me whether I had erection or not. Sush felt it and giggled when her ass felt my hot erect cock under her bum. Sheetal pushed sush a bit she moved further gesturing why, she winked at her again. Now sheetal hand was roaming on my thigh slowly moving towards my groin and at last she hold my erect cock and smiled at me. She kept playing with cock hidden under my pant.
After playing for some time she tried to pull chain I tried to stop her but she was not ready to listen by then sush stuffed her erect nipple into my mouth. When I became busy sucking her nipple sheetal gave freedom to my cock, she started caressing. I was wondering what happened to these girls doing all such kinky things in moving car. That too in presence of their elder sister and jiju. Sush made some little movements I felt her hand fumbling under her. Then some moist thing touched my cock. I began sweating in AC I could understand what it was. She was trying to position her oozing pussy on my nude cock. I was getting horny as well angry if either of jiju or bhabhi could come to know. I left her tit in shock now sush pussy was eating my cock inside her dripping tight pussy. She moaned a little suddenly shettal closed sush mouth with her hand briskly. Luckily bro didn’t hear her moan in loud song . then sush sat slowly on my lap taking my cock slowly into her pussy. She had closed her eyes in ecstasy, after some time she opned her eyes and looked at me. She sat quite for some time and then she began lifting her ass slowly and coming down taking my cock all the way inside. That continued for some time now sheetal turned my face and feed her tits in my mouth.
When bang is inevitable enjoy it was my situation. She began rocking on my lap fucking herself nicely. I could feel her so excited by this adventure by her eyes which had become red with excitement. She kept moving up and down slowly till she cum right on my pant. She kept quiet for some till waves of orgasm had stopped and then sheetal pushed her. Now they swap their places due to these movements bro looked back. I want to catch some sleep jiju she said and moved beside me. He turned her head straight now it was sheetal who was aroused and horny by watching live show. She too adjusted and sat on My cock. My god she had removed her panties completely and raised her skirt. Both had advantage of wearing skirt that time so they could have my cock easily by raising their skirt. I think she hold sneha seat she opened her eyes and looked back. What happened she asked her younger sis.
Nothing didi sush wanted to sleep so we switched places she replied arranging her skirt covering her thighs properly. That is ok but don’t trouble your jiju she said and closed her eyes. Both girls looked at each other and giggled silently as if we are not going to spare him. Now my ass had torn apart as sneha had looked back and then at me. Though nothing was visible still I was shit scared.
Though they are my salis and sneha could not raise her voice ,still both of the girls were small so that was dangerous. After some time we heard sneha snoring then again both girls giggled and sheetal started pumping her pussy. Now I too could not keep quite I started lifting her holding her waist. Now she was fucking comfortably much better than sush. That continued for some time sush was sleeping now after nice fuck and sheetal turned a bit and feed her boobs. This time we both climaxed at same time and sheetal slept over me holding me tight.
I know all this but where is bhabhi role in this I asked them.
Whatever you told is right but you skipped something which we have witnessed .
Now you are tryin g to fool me to commit, there is nothing betweenus and you just drop the topic and tell me how was your first experience with ass fuck iasked sush to change the topic as I was getting tensed as both girls are very clever and naughty. If I reveal something they would catch me any time or any word I mis spell.
See sheetal how jiju is trying to fool us by changing topic. That is the reason I told yu not to discuss that topic.
You are right sush I don’t think he loves us. If at all he loves us he would have admitted. Right sheetal i was under wrong impression that he loves us and will be true to us. He only loves our bodies not us. That I had expected he would not disclose it, though we have witnessed it with our bare eyes.
Hey stupid girls never ever say that I don’t love you both. You know that much better than me if that was the case I would have forgotten you the moment I took your virginity. And don’t try to emotional blackmailing me.
See chor ulta kothwal ko danta, thief is trying to blame security officer hehehehe both girl were laughing.
Now come to point tell me what did you see and how you girls are connecting me with sneha bhabhi.
We are no fools to do any false allegation especially with our family members. We would not tell it if there was any slightest doubt, what we have seen is enough to believe.
You told story of what happened in car but not before we did board car.
Now what is that I asked.
I will come to the point directly. We vacated our rooms and were getting down the stairs. Jiju had gone to bring car while climbing down didi slipped on stairs. We were bit late to bring our bags so both of you were moving ahead, when didi slipped you protected her from falling down is that right.
Yes, you mean IYou did support her but holding her waist, actually your hand was on her left boob. I thought it was accidental and that is true. But once she was stable you should have withdrawn your hand. But you kept holding her boob firmly and even you pressed it. She was trying to get away ushering something to you but you whispered something back to her and pressed her boob hard. You didn’t not only leave her but even kissed her cheek hugging her from back. You left her boob only after you heard our foot steps that too after didi pushed your hand away.
Don’t fool me you have assumed it like that there is nothing between us I tried to justify my mistake. It was fact that we had stayed there for day. Couple stayed in one room and we all three in other room and that night I had fucked both girls to the content. But I had missed bhabhi for long and was desperate to take her pregnant body. I was sure that both girls were still behind us as they vacated room late and I had not seen them coming. So I had taken chance to feel her and we were embracing each other as there were none to see us.
May be you are half correct I tried again with last chance.
If you don’t want to admit then no need but don’t try to lie, we love you and you lying to us is unbearable. What you thought is no one has seen you, but what actually happened is you had gone one stair down and we were on upper floor we could see you through the gap and scene was very clear. We were sort of shocked as it was totally unexpected for us. We are single and we falling and having contact with you is different as she is married and still having affair is not imaginable. That too with own devar was still shocking for us.
Whatever the fact is we don’t blame either of you, but more hurting is non acceptance by you. Do you think we would disclose this to anybody. It is impossible if it had to be done it could have been out then only since then we had kept this between we two and I didn’t want to discuss it with you I had cautioned sheetal not to raise this topic.
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I too had kept it hidden and buried but when he was making drama I could not stop myself from raising it. Any way after initial shock we thought and rethought about it and now we have mentally accepted it . the only thing is you have to first accept it and tell us how it all started. We had heard one more word form didi that while she was pushing your hand she promised to visit this house next day and till then you have to bear, it means she visited next day to get satisfied by you and cool you.
 should have left her to fall down all the way from stairs I asked them in loud voice. Actually I was scared of their statement.
 You are right darlings something is going between us. If you don’t feel jealous I shall tell you what happened between us and how it all started. I started how she hated me from beginning for silly reason and how she made me mad at her behavior I had feelings of disgust. Initially I hated her but by chance I came to know that she was being blackmailed by her ex boy friend.
You mean she had boy friend before marriage both girls asked in shock.
Pity on her she had wrong choice of crooked boy who was after her body and money. Luckily your parents might have smelt it and then they hurriedly got her married before she completed her graduation.
But that scoundrel didn’t stop after she got married he began blackmailing her and I came to know about it accidentally, I thought of action plan got him nailed. She came to know that I saved her from his clutches then she began liking me and felt she had wrong notion about me and she apologized for her mistake. Then one thing lead to other and at last we ended up in bed I told them detailed story how we came close and then started loving me and at last it lead to sex also.
Poor lady to avoid getting laid by one guy she fell for other to get laid frequently hehehehe sheetal commented sush also joined her in laughing.
Thanks jiju for saving our loving sis, if you had not saved her , it is too hard to think what would have happened to her by such a cheat.
In a way we are happy that you saved didi but we think you took advantage by taking her to bed and by knowing that you did wither before you did with us we fel jealous any way it is past and we cant do anything. but please see that her married life is not affected by your relation wither that is all I can say sush said.
Thanks for your advises darling I shall take care of it, I assured them.
Suppose if jiju had seen you in compromising position what could have happened to her and you. It was we somehow things didn’t buzz if it was any one else it should have created problem. You being cautious man how come you fell in cheap behavior.
Any way it is better to stop that relation or take enough care to keep your relation discreet sheetal said in concern.
Thanks dear I shall think of it but even if we continue we shall take care. You were saying something else when you came here I tried to divert topic. One way I was happy that they had almost approved my relation with their sister, but poor girls don’t know that I had fucked sush mom and even her grand mom and youngest aunt too.
Yes we were speaking about babita our cousin. We can’t bear her behavior she has such attitude we need to teacher lesson. We have tried our level best to teacher but she is too smart she always thinks one step ahead and always ready to conquer us.
Now you have to do something so that she loses her attitude we don’t know how you will handle her but see that she loses and she stops such pranks with us. It is left to you how you handle it.sush was angry about her cousin.
We don’t bother even if you seduce and fuck her. She is tanch maal virgin and ripe for fucking. We would be glad if you fuck and blast her cherry before she leaves this place after vacation. Sheetal was furious about her.
Let me think about handling her, we can do it together but seducing her is not my point, you want to see her low that ican do. I know as you are very angry on her that is the reason you are after her to get her deflowered and fucked before she goes back. You don’t want to see her go back intact and virgin. i don’t promise you for such things as I don’t like fucking the girl who is not interested in me.
That I know jiju you had never taken a single step for seducing me though I am beautiful and almost available with sush ,that is why played a game and successful to involve myself with you and sush sheetal said.
We know that if girl is not interested in you, you wont even look at her. So we have a offer , one girl is really impressed by you and she is desperate to have friendship with you. She is from our group she is always after us asking us to make friendship with you .we know she is desperate to be with you, if you try little bit you will have chance to deflower another virgin.
Why should you be in middle, if she is so interested she could have volunteered or approached me directly instead of bringing you in middle.
One thing she is scared as you are our jiju and if she plays any game we would be angry on her and other thing is she is of very shy nature. So she is trying to solve both problems by taking us in middle.
Who is that unlucky girl who thinks about me, she has no future she should think of some good guy and have him life partner.
Who said you are bad I shall kill him sush roared. You are so sweet and my group knows how good you are to all. Your look and the way you spend time with us and spend lots of money on us, most important is your nature and the way you treat all younger or older and the way you always think of helping everyone. With those kind of personality can bring anyone near you, without their own knowledge they start not only liking you but fall into love. We wont tell girls name till our workis done.
If they didn’t know that you are our close relative and smart jiju by now you could have received many proposals by now.
Thanks god youhave saved me form such problem . if i knew this earlier I could have kept myself away from that kind of group, it is you girls who introduced me to our group otherwise I was not interested in mingling with small girls.
You mean you would like to mingle with matured or girls like didi hehehehe sheetal teased me.
You crooked girl I didn’t mean it, I don’t want to involve with any of these girlei types. And i don’t like to mingle with other women also. i have enough for me, you know I have you three sisters for me here and at hubli I have steady girl friends so I don’t need any more. I don’t want to put myself into trouble. That too with small girls as it is always dangerous if anything goes wrong it will be only me who is blamed.
So you leave it to me tame that girl but don’t ever think of involving other girls so that I don’t want to spoil your name once any girl is tagged with me there is every possibility that your name also may come to front this is how I think. You very well know that I love you both very much.
Thanks jiju for clarifying, as you say it is better if we keep our secret as secret and if at all any girl involves with you will be only on your wish and we shall not interfere. Still you could consider our friend she is not only good but she likes you a lot and it wont be serious relation, you can enjoy on your mutual consent and duration, now it is upto you.
I was eager to know name at least as I had never felt any of the girl is attracted towards me in sexual way may be I had not bothered to notice as they are friends of our cousins or salis and sort of lovers. But I could sense sheetal hand on my cock she was using our nakedness and was trying to arouse me all the time while we were discussing her hands kept romaing on my body .
Now sush came other side she too began kissing me. Now we all three were ready for next round. This time also sheetal was horner than her sis and she pushed me on my back and mount me. While sush kept feeding her boobs into my mouth. When sheetal got satisfied after leaking two times she rolled beside me and sush took over.
This is best to have two girls when one is tired other will take charge. Or you can keep your mission working continuously fucking one after another but only thing is if you are able to handle two simultaneously. Now they were not getting me tired as they were mounting me. I kept playing with sheetal boobs while sush fucked. when she too was tired and had couple of orgasms I let them take some rest for a while and kept playing and sucking both girls.
Then I asked sheetal to come on doggy, she looked at me mischievously , I think jiju is going to me from back. Are you interested or not I asked. I will be happy as you have not used my back door for long but promise me that you will be gentle.
If you feel that I will hurt you then it is up to you to take it or not I replied sarcastically.
Hey lovely jiju don’t get angry on me I just casually told you, even on first time fuck you didn’t hurt me much why should I think about it now.i am sorry if offend you she said kissing me and after kissing she came in doggy style and pulled me at her back.
Now first I took her pussy till she was excited then I switched to ass hole but her loving sis had prepared her ass for me by oiling and fingering her sis tight ass. I slowly entered into her tight hole till half length and was fucking her slowly with only half inserted. Then after sometime when she was comfortable I inserted complete cock bit by bit.
Sush was fingering her sheetal was enjoying double penetration. After some time she discharged sensing it sush moved her sis aside and she bent forward raising her ass in air.
I appreciated sush daring after her maiden ass fuck she was getting ready for second round. This time also I fucked sush pussy for few minutes and then inserted cock into her tight ass which was again prepared by her sis. I fucked sush for few minutes then took it out she looked back asking why did you take it out.
When she saw I started fucking sheetal.i had made both girls kneel before me side by side. I kept fucking them alternatively till both of them were exhausted and when I was ready to cum they didn’t take in either of holes but made me cum on their faces which they cleaned each other by licking each other faces.
From next day we started mission babaita. They had planned for a movie and I was to meet them accidentally in multiplex. As per schedule I went there ,all the girls we already there and were trying to get tickets. Unluckily all the tickets were sold out for the show. When sush saw me roaming in multiplex she called me I saw them acting surprised to see her and her firnds. She came to me and greeted me with small hug, how come you are here jiju sheetal asked. I wanted some petty things so I dropped in and what are you doing here I asked them. They said they had planned for a movie but tickets are not available they replied.
You can go for next show what is so big to feel bad I asked. Now I turned towards other girls and said hi to them all. And each of them greeted me back except babita. Come on girls we can go elsewhere till next show we can try tickets for next show.
Jiju we have tried to book next show through online it shows full again one of the girl said. Come on rashmi I can do some thing to get tickets till then we can spend some time some where you suggest i said holding her hand. She became happy to see that I was holding her hand, she gave slight pressure on my hand we proceed to nearby park.
We roamed around park for some time then we sat under a big tree on lawn. We started speaking and joking, as it was big group all the girls were involving freely. Even babita was active but she was not interacting with me and I too was purposely avoiding eye contact wither but kept watching discretely for her actions. Now and then she looked at me as if expecting me to speak to her or ask her to do something. but I kept encouraging other girls almost each of them except her.
We were sitting in circle one side sush was there and at other side other girl who sat beside me purposely . after her was sheetal and beside sush rashmi was sitting. Nest to rashmi was a girl madhuri who is bit dusky I don’t call her black but color was much lesser than all the girls. But she has nice look long nose dimple cheek wide eye thin lips in one word if she was not dark she would look beautiful. When rashmi teased her for something she raised her hand to hit rashmi I could see her tight boobs, I had not seen her boobs as most of the time she stood or sat folding hands covering her chest and usually she was quite and not that active, sort of silent girl.
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Some one suggest her to sing but she kept quite. Even on persuasion from all she was sitting bowing her head down. I think she was feeling shy especially due to my presence. I could understand that and i asked sush does she sing usually ,she said she is good singer and sings when we are sitting in privacy. If that is the case I shall do something I said. ok madhuri i shall go away till you complete your song no need to shy or feel discomfort just because of me I said standing up and took couple of steps as I had to move beside her as path was that way. suddenly she stopped me I am sorry jiju I sit not because of you but I don’t sing in public and am not that good singer she tried to stop matter there itself.
No excuses dear saliji I can understand you are not singing just because of me and I don’t want to disturb you girls enjoying so I will go away for some time you finish I took couple of steps pretending to move away.
Ask him to sit I shall sing she said to sush as she was feeling shy to speak with me. Sush hold my hand asked me to sit back she will sing .then I sat beside her and encouraged her to sing. why do you feel shy only our group is here rest of the people areaway they won’t hear you need not feel shy. I pat her back lightly encouraged her again. She brushed my hand and agreed to sing.
I kept some distance between us and plead her tossing. She began singing some romantic song she has such a sweet voice actually I was lost in the song. I kept looking at her face and was watching her thin lips move, when she felt I was watching her face she felt shy and covered her face with hands but continued singing. I really enjoyed her singing and her sweet voice had mesmerized me.
I was so absorbed in her voice which was like honey ,when song completed started clapping so loud people sitting away were looking at me. She felt shy but conveyed thanks to me by gesture, babita was not happy for this kind of appreciation by all her friends , next round she gestured other girl to force herself to sing and with some attitude she did sing a song. That was not bad she too had good voice and well sang but there was not much appreciation as got up and left the place and stood bit away from there I gestured not to give applause ,she was disappointed by this and even got angry too. She stood up dismissing the party and we returned after visiting restaurant.
When we returned already tickets were being issued but before reach window it was closed with sold out board. That made me go wild usually I never got to window to buy tickets usually I booked online or through phone but a we had come unexpectedly here I had no time to book tickets. I requested to arrange few tickets for us but with lots of attitude booking clerck said can I print tickets and give it to you and he added few more words.
Then accidentally I saw a man coming out of other cabin with bunch of tickets in hand. I thought of approaching him as I could make out him as black marketer .Sush said go and get tickets from that man he will take extra and issue tickets, we cant go back this time she said worried. I too went after him but the rate was almost double for which my mind didn’t consent. So I thought of playing trick I went to a coin box and dialed manager number and pretended like calling form security officer station and threatened manager on charge of blackmailing ,he did try to argue and convince that they are not doing it may be some has wrongly informed you.
Ok if you are sure our man s already at your theatre in civil dress we will bring those crooks and beat them so that they will reveal the chain of black marketing. I ran to that fellow after hanging phone.
By the time I reached him he was speaking over phone and the moment i got hold of his collar he threw tickets and escaped from me. But sheetal caught him and dragged him to me. We took him to manager and slapped manager on charge of misusing his position, he straight away fell on feet and started requesting to excuse this time and will never repeat it again or else he will lose job.
Film was about to start so we decided to leave but I had to slap that other booking clerk who had spoken arrogantly to me. After that we took tickets after paying for those actually he was denying taking money I forcibly paid for that with warning and went inside hall.
Why did he pay money he should have taken those tickets after this drama babita spoke to sush, he never accepts anything for free he is noble person you know sush snapped. I know how cheap he is , that is why he is after that dark girl both makes good pair she murmured sush could not hear it but I heard ,I didn’t comment anything.
I gestured at gatekeeper he came running to me as he had seen manager being taken to task. I gave a 2000 note and asked him to buy cold drinks and pop corn, asked girls to order as per their choice. after some time he returned with all the stuff. Seating was like this first few girls had seated then it was babita and then me and at other side sheetal and next was madhuri, thoug sush wanted to sit beside me but in darkness she had occupied a seat far away from me.
We were watching movie while munching corns and all. We were silent for some time then sheetal began speaking tome we both were chitchatting. I didn’t even look at babita though her elbow touched my hand couple of times. I knew if at all i touched her hand back she could create scene which i didn’t want. As i was neglecting her she could bear it maybe she felt it was insult to her. Once she asked for the bottle I gave it to her in silence that made her go mad. when me and sheetal began conversation babita could not take it let us watch movie why you guys are disturbing others she snarled.
Then sheetal swiped places she made madhuri sit in my place and i was next to her and then sheetal was at last . again we started conversation in low voice. I was becoming rest less as my hnds were ithching to do some thing in darkness with sheetal, but sensing danger I controlled myself.
After some time madhuri wanted to speak to sheetal so she bent forward as she could not speak loud in fear of babita now sheetal also leaned over me looking at madhuri I could feel soft boobs of sheetal on my chest as her face was at my side and as madhuri came forward I could feel her boobs on my arm.
Though I could not do much I kept enjoying tow teen boobs on my body. I looked at madhuri her expression was plain and innocent look. Then they dragged me into their conversation .we were enjoying movie as well speaking with both girls. When I turned at babita she was looking at us. She might had sensed that madhuri boob was pressed on my arm she got still wild I could read her feeling through her eyes.
Some time girls behave strange she doesn’t want to mingle with me as she feels superior to me and she cant take other girls speaking to me so closely.
Actually madhuri was feeling shy to speak with me as her friend was sitting other side of me she was forced to bend forward touching my body, I dont think she had sensed her body was touching mine. till interval things went like this.
I was not feeling aroused due to madhuri touch but was cool thinking that she is naïve and shy girl. After interval I had gone out but when I returned saw madhuri and sheetal had changed seats. Place was left between babita and sush had occupied last seat. I sat between them and began conversing with sush, I just neglected babita presence I think she kept looking at me hoping I would speak to her. But I had decided to neglect her and make her more irritated.
After some time I heard babita grumble for me not speaking to her on herself. But this time sush hands were roaming on my body stealthily taking advantage of darkness. I too was getting horny but cautiously I too played with her body so that no one notices.
After movie was over we all strolled for some time and then while departing each girl thanked me and shook their hands. But when it was turn of babita she too must be hoping to shake hand but I just smiled at her and bid goodbye to all of them.
Thus with every chance I kept avoiding babita and in each meeting I was going nearer to madhuri. I left no chance to tease her and make her smile or laugh with every advance. After few days madhuri was feeling comfortable in my company.
Once when we only two were there she asked me why are you advancing at me when there are other beautiful girls in the group. Why are you after me the dark and ugly girl?
Who said you are ugly, you are much beautiful than other girls. Never think that you are dark, you are much fairer by your heart never go after color or look. My theme is to see inner beauty that outer I replied holding her hands. But for my bad luck I when she looked at me I was looking at her bust for no reason.
Suddenly she felt bad, left my hand and ran away. I could not understand why she did behave like that. that entire evening she didn’t came near me or spoke to me. On next time I was hoping to meet her lonely. Within couple of days I got the chance she was standing alone waiting for other girls near supermarket. I was on bike istood beside her when she looked me I asked to sit on bike sh refused than I hold her hand. I said you sit silently even otherwise I will make you sit and it will be scene here, better don’t create scene and come with me. She had tried to push my hand but I didn’t leave her so silently sat behind me keeping some distance.
After we went little forward I asked her to call those whom you were waiting for tell them that you have gone back to house. She silently took her cell informed them as I had said. Where are we going she asked at last. If you have trust in me sit quite .
She did as I said I took her to a park and sat in a corner. I asked her why did she behave so stangely with me. she was quite for some time after persuasion she replied you know it better than me she began sobbing.
Don’t cry dear tell me exactly what is in your mind.
Why don’t you remember those words you uttered that day. Always i had very good opinion about you but you did behave like common boy who is after girl for his lust.
No, you are under wrong impression.
No, but why you said like that.
Come on tell me exactly what I said and what you thought about me.
With lots of hesitation she told complete situation.
Hehehehe you are such a fool you did mistake me for silly reason. actually i was telling one has to see inner beauty that is your heart not the look. All beautiful girls are not good or not dusky girls are bad. what is your opinion about babita,do you find her beautiful or ugly.
Certainly she is beautiful she replied.
Then tell me your reading about that girl.
For her attitude I don’t like her and I have noticed that you never care about her .
That is right observation and have you noticed misbehaving with any of the girls either in your group or outsiders. Have you seen me watching any lady or girl with lustful eyes.
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No she replied.
Then how the hell you came to such a conclusion. See that day I had noticed that you are dull and you were drown in some sensational issue that is why I was speaking to you. You should not have any guilt of your look. I don’t think no one has noticed your real beuty, except for your color you are really beautiful. I described her each and every part from face to toe and about her inner beauty like her behavior her sweet voice and the way she mixes with girls. Still always you carry that impression of you are ugly ,you are like a angel. One should evaluate not by looks but her or his behavior and nature. for rest of the things yours core is 100 %. So stop thinking that you are not beautiful. As I have heard you are too good in studies also. There is tough competition between you and sheetal and sush in studies. So why should you have such a inferiority complex. You come out of that you can make miracle. You can do everything better provided you stop thinking about yourself in that angle.
After some small lecture her mood was delighted.
Do you mean it or saying just to please me or teasing me she asked still with some hesitancy.
That you ask your heart ,not me. just remember my words and give serious thought. When you come to conclusion you tell me.
Thanks jiju for bringing me out of my shell. You are really gem of a person and sorry for my misbehavior. i felt really bad for that day. Whenever I reminded that scene always I came to conclusion that my reading was wrong and I misjudged you. I had that thought all the time haunting me but I didn’t have courage to clarify that with you, thanks jiju you gave me opportunity to clear my thought s and chance to apologize for my misdeed.
Let it be that is not big thing I would speak even in presence of others and got it cleared but that time you would have felt really bad to approve your mistake in presence of others or your ego would have hurt I didn’t want that so I brought you here without your permission and sorry for that.
I would like to add few words from today you are going to have renewed energy and self confidence so that you will never have any sort of inferiority.
After that she gave me friendly hug and said friends stretching her hand, I shook her hand saying friends and I too hugged her back and pat her back saying best of luck in future.
Thus I kept neglecting babita but friendship with other girls kept increasing. Most of the girls liked me for my sober nature and the way iterated them. I used to have mild flirting with other girls that too non hurting and not intensive also. They used to take it sportive or they too returned my bit flirting back. All the time I saw to it that all girls kept liking me and make babita jealous. There was one more reason for that previously babita spent money on them and treat them like slaves or misused their condition by ordering them to bring ice cream or any other stuff by giving them money where as I never behaved like that. It does not mean that they were poor but they had limited pocket money so they could not spend lavishly, this girl babita knew their weakness and was used to order them like servants.
Babita had no other way of winning girls heart she was poor in loving and caring. Initially she too neglects me as I used to her. but there is limit she started hating me and was becoming nervous also. So in few days I had become their favorite jiju all of them addressed me jiju as their friends sush and sheetal called me jiju.
Babita kept watching me with all the hatredness as I had won heart of all girls yet never misbehaved with any. She was watching me so intently that even is I had made small mistake she wanted to use it against me and instigate girls against me. That was the reason though i flirt with other girls it was only verbally I never touch them physically.
But within few days it had become customary that when we met that day they gave small friendly hug and even while departing also. Only girl gave longer hug was madhuri and I kept watching who else felt bad for madhuri hug or coming nearer to her. i had noticed two girls felt bit jealous for going close to madhuri apart from babita. Though babita also tried to gave hug i smartly avoid by taking my cell from pocket or speaking with other girl.
There was some sort of competition among themselves to dress nicely as always compliment them for nice dress and good make up. Whenever I praised any girl was in such a condition that babaita is present there. next day itself she too started attempting me to draw my attention and craved to be praised. But indirectly I conveyed her that her dress is not that good like indicating some specific girl dress.
From then she behaved as if she had come for fashion parade and purchased new dresses to impress me. There is no doubt she was almost top in beauty among other girls but I had to see her burning with jealousy.
One day in some self service restaurant I brought tea cups but could not carry for all. As babita was near to the counter some one asked babita to bring rest of the cups. Actually she commands others to do those chores but she could not deny she brought tray. She had almost reached us but her leg touched something and her tray toppled and hot tea was over her as well as me. She looked down and found my leg wearing pointed shoe was near to her leg. She straight away slapped me. I got furious as already hot tea was over me and it was burning my legs. I wanted to hit her back but when I looked at her body was completely soaked in tea, I sensed she too must be feeling the burning sensation. Without uttering a word I took jug and poured water over her to cool the hot tea and save her from burning sensation.
I am sorry I didn’t have any other way to get you out of hurting I said politely. But I could see anger into her eyes , after doing it purposely now you are trying to be helping me you swine she retorted. I felt very bad wanted to slap her right there but hitting a girl is very bad manners so dropped idea. When I looked at her in anger but was amazed to find her dress had become almost transparent her thin white dress was soaked and even her lacy white bra also had more transparent forgetting its purpose from hiding to exposing. She was looking like Ajanta statue she was most beautiful and the wetness had enhanced her beauty. I sensed all the men present there were ogling at her half nakedness. I removed my shirt and covered her torso making myself topless. All girls watched me covering babita body as well they witnessed what kind of body I have. I could not stand bare-chested I ran to car saying I am leaving right now, before anybody could reply I was gone.
Next day I didn’t meet girls as i was very busy and had felt bad for getting slap from girl for no mistake of mine. When I didn’t turn up sush called me asking why I didn’t turn up. I am busy I replied and cut call. After some time I received call from un known number I didn’t feel like picking up the call but when i recived persistently I thought it is from babita probably she wanted to say sorry still I didn’t feel like taking. After another two calls I picked up. but it was from madhuri she too asked why I didn’t come. I replied same I am busy.
Jiju we all know you felt very bad for that bitch attitude, we are sorry we could not react that time as we were so shocked and all of us felt very bad for that incidence. You are so good and caring despite of her slapping you poured water on her to cool burning tea. When you saw her transperant dress you gave your shirt making yourself topless in crowd not minding your partial nudity. That bitch must have realized but she kept mum and didn’t even say thanks or sorry. I had seen her dashing table and toppled but I dont know why she hit you. As your leg was near to her she might have misjudged that you did it purposely. After you went we all did scold her but i did scold her badly for her behavior.
From theatre we returned as we had lost mood of masti. As usual I dropped sush ,sheetal and babita to their house. When we reached their house sush called me in, but I denied no dear I need to change dress and I need bit rest also .i got down to say bye to all sush and sheetal gave small hug and bid bye, then this babita came to me she too wanted to hug me for the first time. She said thanks and came forward to hug. I moved away without even say single word. I moved away I could see babita was still standing there looking at my car moving. I could see she wiped her eyes, through rear view mirror.
I felt bad but at the same time felt good as i made her cry. I had been neglecting her and made her sad many times, I was happy for that.
I took shower and had food prepared by maid lay on bed thinking days happenings. I felt proud that I could save the girls from molesting by those crooks. At the same time babita face appeared. I could feel her sad face and tears rolling. I did not do right I should have replied when she said thanks, it is very bad attitude I told to myself. Then my second mind told it all happened due to her bad attitude, if she had not done any thing to those boys we would have never fought but it is all because of her we lost a days masti. Then I remembered she had slapped me for no mistake of mine. I should have let her be molested by that gang, in next thought how low i am thinking of a girl. When I cant bear such things happen to even un known girl how could i keep quite. I felt sorry for thinking bad about the girl.
If I meet her again I should ask to pardon me , after some time I slept still thinking about same.
Next day I got up to call of door bell ringing. I looked at time it is not time for maid to come. Then who must be it I thought, today maid is also not expected as she had taken two days leave. Then I opened door it was none but babita standing there with sad face.
I stood in door thinking why this bitch has come here it was first time she had come to my house. Though she was in sad mood still she looked stunning. She was wearing lose top and jeans skirt her milky thighs glistened in morning light, her buttock was protruded in tight skirt. Dimple appeared on her cheek as she forcibly smiled. Still I was in door ,will you not let me in she said loud then only I came back to presence for drinking her beauty.
She pushed me and entered inside.
What did I so you are behaving so rude on me she asked loudly.
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What did I do I asked. Moving inside house, She was not welcomed here so I straght away went to bedroom I wanted to lay down for some more time. I was having pain in my body, I had forgotten to take painkiller after massive fight yesterday.
Suddenly she began fisting my chest, what bad i have done to you. All the time you kept insulting me, and now also you were not ready to let me inside. Then she hit me hard on my chest I cried with pain as her blow was on the injured area. She pushed me, I lay on my back on bed she didn’t care I had cried with pain but she kept hitting me wither fists. Her hitting was not that hard but when she hit on my injured area then only I felt pain. Then I cried again with pain.
Did I hurt you she asked falling on me.
I didn’t reply I am sorry I might have hit where you had bruises yesterday. She raised my west to see where I was injured. those bruises had become red again wither bashings.
I am sorry jiju I didn’t realize that I am hurting you. Why you didn’t stop me, I am extremely sorry jiju. What to do I was sod i pressed and even angry on you. You are such a strongperson why the hell didn’t stop me. she started crying laying on me.
I am bad girl I need punishment I am so bad always I behave with attitude. i am bad girl please hit me she took my hands tried to beat herself with my hands.
I pulled back my hands and placed then on her back. She lay completely over me continued crying loud. Don’t cry we can talk I tried to pacify her. but she was not ready to listen to my words. She kept crying holding me tight. I too hugged her tight placing my both hands on her soft back.
I knew she would not stop till she is tired of crying and till she feel light. so I let her cry, she was not stopping at all. I am bad girl I have been playing with others emotions I am sadist I like to see others low and try to prove that i am superior to others.
I let her cry and stay over me trying to sooth by caressing her back. After some time her cries turned into sobs and then complete silence. I was happy that she stopped crying but then I heard light snoring. poor girl must have had disturbed sleep yesterday night. After waiting for some time confirming that she is in deep sleep. I tried to lay her on bed, but like a frightened baby she hold me tight in sleep.
Thinking that if I move her she will lose her sleep, may be she had not slept well . so I let her stay over me.
After some time she moved little in sleep. Then I became aware of the soft body over me. I looked at her face she looked so innocent in her sleep, I caressed her face , her cheeks, there was small smile on her face for feeling nice, still in deep sleep.
Now I was feeling her soft body over me, all the time I had planned to seduce and fuck her as per sush and sheetal wish. Now same girl was sleeping over me. I was in dual mind when she has come in such condition should I take chance to fuck her or send her back after consoling. Yesterday night I had thought of asking pardon for my rough behavior. Should I do something to her?
When she moved a little over me in sleep, I felt her boobs rubbing on my wide chest. Now I became aware of her soft boobs pressed I could guess she was not wearing anything underneath. I placed my hand over back and gave little pressure. Oh what a feeling her soft boobs being pressed on my chest I felt like feeling them. With all this my man was getting aroused, why not with such a hot girl sleeping on me pressing her bra less boobs over my chest. Only two thin clothes of my west and her tee had separated still I could feel like we both were topless. To have more feeling I pressed her back, her boobs were crushed on my chest.
I was having great erection I think it was touching her thigh. I kept poking it on her soft thigh. I could not stop myself from kissing her face. my one hand reached for her butt. What a tight butt it was. I could not feel the texture if her butt due to thick material of her jeans skirt.
I don’t know whether I should feel her bare back or be satisfied with the covered one. my devil mind could not bear I slowly raised her skirt as I caressed her smooth hairless thigh. Slowly inch by inch I moved my hand beneath her skirt. At the same time I was scared what could I reply if she awakes.
She is such bitch she could make it a issue. But I could not control my hand it kept creeping under her skirt till I felt bare skin of under butt. First I kept my palm covering her panty covered butt, I caressed for some time. Then I began pressing that hard butt.
Now I was getting sort of intoxicated with wild feeling of her butt under my palm and those crushed boobs on my chest. i kissed her again, I was rubbing her face on mine. I looked at her face she was sleeping over me unaware of what was being done to her body. Her thin honey filled lips invited me to kiss them. I thought for some time why should not I kiss those honey lips. She wont come to know as she is sleeping.
I hold her butt tight and proceed to her lips. I gave a peck she didn’t move or awake. Then gave another peck and again one more. Now my desire was increasing I took her lower lip between my lips and began sucking while my hands were on their jobs, one was on butt feeling each one after the other and other hand was caressing her soft back.
Now I had lost the sense I began kissing those juicy lips. My erection pressed on her thigh. Kissing increased my brain had stopped functioning I even lost sense that she could awake with my actions and hard kissing.
Oh shit it happened same as I had thought. Now there was movement in her body. I opened my eyes to find she was awake. She was looking at my face but had not withdrawn her lips from mine. I was shit scared I withdrew my mouth form hers.
What happened jiju why did you stop, it felt so great to be kissed by loving jiju. please continue she placed her lips over me.
I was so sacred I didn’t have courage to kiss her. i tried to push her away.
It is wrong baby stop this I could say that is all.
When you can kiss me while I was sleeping what happened when I am awake why you want to stop now she asked.
No baby I was kissing with love to a innocent girl. You look so innocent when you were sleeping. I had kissed like child innocently sleeping on me.
That is tight I will take it as you say. What about this she held my hand which was on her butt was holding it with open palm. I was so shocked my hand was freeze on her butt.
What could i say, I had no words to defend myself.
Now don’t act smart and I felt your kissing very great. You know that is my life’s first kiss. Please kiss me again. You can’t deprive of that feeling now start kissing otherwise ……………
What otherwise I asked.
Don’t worry I am not going to shout it will be you who is going to shout when I start banging you hehehehe.
Without giving me chance to reply she sealed my mouth with hers. she started kissing me, now I had no other option but to respond to her kiss. She hold my head wither hand began kissing me feverishly. I too began sucking her juicy lips. Now she was rubbing her boobs on my chest. I was enjoying her kiss as well as her body rubbing over me. Though she was amateur still her kissing was good except few bites on my lips. That went for a quite time, when we broke kiss she started breathing heavily.
She lay still for some time then she raised my west inspected the bruises then she placed her honey lips on one of bruise she kissed lightly, then she kissed the other. it felt great I felt as if all the pain vanished. Then she raised it further and holds my tiny nipples with her fingers then she scratched each nipple with her long finger nails.
Stop it babita something is happening to me,
Let it happen , when you were doing to me same thing was happening to me. Let me see what will happen to you.
Please don’t do it dear, I don’t know what will happen next I may not be able to bear it and something else may happen .
She continued playing with my nipples after scratching she moved her tongue to them. She licked each nipple one after the other. I think she liked it so she started sucking them with full interest. While she sucked my nipple she caressed my tight muscular chest. You have built nice body jiju she said and continued licking and sucking.
Stupid girl had aroused me ,though she was with a boy for the first time but her sucking nipple and caressing was very sensual, she had aroused me to the limit. I don’t what she was feeling but seemed to be happy to spend her time with me.
When she stopped sucking she sat beside me. You stupid girl you aroused me.
What is that aroused she asked. I don't know whether she asked innocently or purposely.
Iw as in such a condition already I had gone mad by feeling her tits now after she sucked and licked me I was in full mood to fuck the new virgin beauty.
Casually I hold her hand and kept caressing for few minutes then slowly slide it to the point of erection.
She immediately withdrew her hand. But I placed her hand again, she looked at me and then at my tool. She caressed it again and again feeling the hardness. What is this jiju, this thing seems to be rigid hard yet soft what you have hidden in your shorts.
Still I was in confusion whether she was acting or actually innocent. To test it I pushed her hand inside my shorts, her hand straightaway touched my hard on as I was not wearing anything inside.
Hey what is this she cried holding my lund. I pushed down my shorts exposing my cock. she looked it in shock then she took back her hand. But I placed at again on it this time she hold it for some time and then blushed and started running.
I went after her after raising my shorts and caught her in doorway. I brought her back to bed, pushed her on bed she lay on her back.
Why are you running now I asked gripping her hand.
You are shameless jiju does anybody places their thing on innocent girls hand she said keeping her head low in embarrassment.
Then why did you ask me what it is.
I am innocent i didnt know what was in my hand I thought you had kept something in your pocket she replied.
Don’t act too innocent , all the kids knows what is what.
I too know but I had not expected you to keep it in hand so i asked in confusion.
How about coffee I asked. That is great idea I shall prepare tell me where things. I told where to find them. After some time she brought tea and biscuit we had tea chit chatting.
I am going now she said as she stood up.
Ok then bye, but you didn’t tell me why were you here I asked.
Oh shit I forgot for which I had come she sat beside me.
I lay on my back pulling her over me, she too lay without any hesitation.
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I wanted to ask why were behaving so rude with me she asked hesitantly. I had never done anything to you and never misbehaved also.
Do you want me to remind every incident including you slapping me I asked.
Sorry jiju I don’t remember much but I want to apologies for all mis deeds whether done purposely or without my knowledge and I am extremely sorry for slapping you which I did in misunderstanding. i hope my loving jiju will excuse me she started buttering me. She caressed my cheeks and gave peck on my forehead as if she is behaving with a child to please him.
What do you want say now I asked looking into her eyes.
You just do one thing , now you also slap me and we shall square up what we have done to each other and settle the matter peacefully.
So you want me to do what you did all to me and square up and settle.
Yes juju we will remain friends after forgetting all misunderstandings. I know that is not fair but we can’t rewind the things we did in misunderstandings so this seems to be easiest way to settle. You can hit me harder than what I did but I will be thankful if you hit slow.
We shall decide whether to hit hard or slow but do you really mean it. You want to settle issue by squaring up doing all the things we did to each other. Do you think it will work out.
Yes jiju. We can finish the matter here itself and you can guide me how to rectify my mistakes.
I am pleased to finalize issue but, you have to be firm on your words. I said smiling mischievously.
Ok agreed start now she was anxious to see what I was about to do. She was expecting me to slap her and she had assumed it would be very hard as she had done.
She closed her eyes , waited for some time, when nothing happened she opened her eyes slowly looked at me. She found me smiling at her. Come on jiju don’t frustrate me she said anxiously.
I pulled her face to me began kissing she too respond the same way. she was happy that I kissed her. Leave it jiju we can kiss anytime now do what you wanted to do.
I smiled at her and started raising her top. She kept looking at me when her untouched boobs came out she pushed her top low. what are you doing jiju I feel shy.
Don’t be shy baby just keep cool, again raised her top. She kept looking at me though she felt shy she didn’t stop me maybe she was anxious to know what I was about to do.
I started caressing her boobs then hold her nipple ,this time she pushed my hand away. What the hell you are doing it is not right to take advantage of lonely girl she roared.
You are taking me wrong baby I am doing what you did to me.
I cant understand your intentions seems to be wrong she said slowly.
Forget hitting we can think about we did in past let us do things we did together now. I am going to do what you did to me and in turn you will do what I did to you, this is the agreement between us. Isit very clear.
Yes she replied.
We are going to follow what we have discussed and if you don’t want it then you are free to get out right now. Once we start doing there is no going back on our terms. You think and decide now itself because I don’t like cheating. Our words should be gentleman’s promises.
I too like that everyone should be honest and stick to their words, ok done she shook my hand in confirming.
So are you going to start or me I asked her to confirm?
She got confused but replied you do, whatever you think.
How about kissing I asked looking into her eyes , she had no issues in kissing. I can’t find any relation but still I like kissing as today is the first day. We started kissing that went for long. Like before I started raising her dress, what are you doing jiju,. Please don’t expose me I feel shy and it is not fair she protested.
I want to see your boobs will you permit me I asked.
It is not fair jiju please don’t do it, her objection had no full force so i raised her top to find those magnificent globes. You have nice tits dear I said as I began caressing one boob while kept other uncovered. Then she pushed her top down, you have seen them that is enough .
I need to feel them and explore them again I tried to raise her top. this time there was strong protest from her. no you cant do this to me she tried to move.
Have you forgotten now what you did to me few minutes back?
What did I do she asked startled.
You did caress my chest and kissed me all over. Now I have t repeat what you did to square up, I replied with mischievous smile.
I was just checking for those bruises I had no other intention, but what you are doing seems to have some other thought. that is not fair jiju, now let me go .
What we have agreed to is to do the things which we did to each other with a condition that neither of we can raise issue, without any word we should let other do and finish the matter now itself. If you want to keep the issue alive you are free to go.
You are very bad jiju you are binding me with my own words I didn’t actually mean it.
I don’t know what you meant but what I know is what you said and I had agreed for that condition.
What you are is not right jiju, please let me amend my statement.
Not going back now, if you want to continue then it is ok, if you are going to change your mind then it is up to you to stay or go.
I don’t want to be liar so please finish early what you wanted to do now I won’t object. But make it quick she surrendered.
Then I raised her top again pushed till her neck. She concealed her boobs with her hands, I pushed her both hands away she again covered them with her hands. this time I pushed them again, now she closed her face in embarrassment.
I started caressing her body slowly and sensuously. Her body shivered, I kept caressing her body with all this her nipples erected and she had goose bumps all over. when I was satisfied that she was being aroused then I went for her boobs. She brushed my hands. Come on dear you too felt my nipples I said with wicked smile.
Yes I had felt and caressed your nipples but not balls she said still covering her face you are bad jiju you are doing all to innocent Sali.
You had sucked my nipples now i am going to do same. She had protested again but i was not to listen for her words. i played with her both nipples then tweaked them there was slight moan indicating she was enjoying.
It is natural for any girl to feel shy when her boobs are touched for the first time at the same time she must be enjoying I could see dual mind through her facial expression. I licked her erect nipple she tried to push me away. I didn’t bother for her protests I kept sucking her nipples.
Her body shook when I licked her erect nipple, she was still in dual mind whether to enjoy her first experience or to stop. She had no way to stop me or she could not avoid enjoying. As per her words I had to lick only nipples but in the process I started sucking her entire boobs alternatively she had lost track that i was sucking her full boobs and now when she was aroused I was pressing one tit while I sucked the other. She was moaning frequently then I went for face kissed and licked all over then her neck again her boobs I went down I reached for her navel. I had taken her to ride now she had stopped protesting and was enjoying all what I was doing.
Now I was in dual mind whether to take her to next level or not. The way she had sprawled on my bed I could not limit myself, wanted to seduce and fuck her. I had so many times planed to fuck her as per sush promise and even looking at her beauty I too had fallen for her.
I was desperate to see her virgin pussy. so my hands reached from flat stomach to her groin. Initially she had not felt it when she became aware she pushed my hands away.
What the hell you are doing she started shouting. When I allowed you to feel my upper body that too for my stupid condition, it does not mean that I have surrendered and would allow you to do anything.
Now i am clear that your intentions are not good, think anything and go to hell i am quitting.
I had already asked you to quit it is you stayed back. I know you are not girl of your words. You didn’t feel anything when you were holding mine and even you pretend that you didn’t know what you were holding made me fool for that entered your hand inside my shorts. Why did not you make this drama, now run form here nautanki girl I know such girls behavior. That is the reason I was far from you all the time. I had never invited you to my house, it is you who has come I had not even given you my address. if I had to do anything I could have dragged you the day you slapped me. Yesterdays incidence is entirely different I could have interfered and protected even if the lady is my enemy. I am speaking of the day you slapped and insulted me in crowd.
Come on get dressed I don’t want to see that dirty place of dirty girl.
Please don’t speak like that I am not dirty girl, if I was I would be laying complete nude in front of you. Please try to understand.
I am not saying dirty for that, weight of words and promises are more than rest of the things.
So you want do it all, if you want to only see I shall agree, don’t be angry on me I am also girl of words. Please don’t do anything else you can only see it. You know I am virgin for the first time I am doing such nasty things. So far no boy has touched me you are the first male who is seeing me in this stage.
So you mean you have done everything with girls and not boys, lesbian hehehehe.
Shut up jiju you should be a grammar teacher you take everything by words not the meaning behind it. She voluntarily removed her skirt along with panty.
That is like a good girl I like your attitude. But why you have left the top anyway it is almost meaningless to wear as it is raised to neck what are you hiding now. Your main assets are open why don’t you remove that also.
I don’t know whether she was angry or desperate she removed her top and threw on floor.
Hey baby cool down why are you so angry, anger does not suit you, it reduces your life and much time spoils your career. Keep smiling.
She acted like she was smiling she faked a smile and spread over bed on her back.
Now full glory was before me. Milky white body so beautiful dimple cheeks longhair spread on bed. Flat stomach no extra fat anywhere except her boobs. Deep navel thunder thighs in a single word she looked like statue at Ajanta idol. I should be one of the luckiest to have nude girl like her before me in her full glory.
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I touched her thighs caressed them smoothly. Now she murmured something. it was foolish idea of me to pretend as if I didn’t know what was standing in his shorts. I acted silly like innocent to see the live cock I didn’t know it would cost me so much. Though she was speaking to herself still I could make out what she meant. I smiled for myself you area stupid girl you wanted to fool me and you got trapped by shree the seducer.
Now let us start from beginning, once you came to me started abusing me right.
Then you lay over me right.
So we shall start from there we are going to review from there. Once we finish review both of us shall excuse other for any mistakes we did and be good friends now onwards. Life is short we should not keep hating others, we don’t know when we will be separated from each other. all our ends and goals are different. today we are together we don’t destiny we will be getting separated. Maybe you will go back to your place after vacation I think only few days are left. I too have come here for some long work once I finish it I also will go back to my place. I don’t know whether we are going to meet again even in your next vacation I will be gone back to my place. so let us forget and forgive each other after today’s compromise what do you say.
She looked at me in disbelief so you wont live here.
No dear I have come here for some work I have taken up a big project here and I shall be going back after I finish it. So let us be friends at least when we are separating.
What about your garments and other projects she asked casually..
So you know about me everything.
Almost sush and sheetal have told about you a lot.
She on her own rolled over me. This is how I was laying on you in anger and agony. I was crying lot and asking you to excuse me for my misdeeds. You were trying to console me. like this she placed my hands over her back. Only difference was she was fully clothed then and now she was complete nude. Thank god she remembered everything but didn’t wear clothes to make it more realistic.
When I woke up your hand was on my butt and other was on my back right she asked smiling at me.
That is fantastic you remember every details.
Yes do you know i am school topper.
That is nice you top your school in all aspects. You are not only rich but intelligent and even most beautiful. i did praise her beauty not using or describing her vitals with bad words but indirectly I praised all and every thing about her beauty including her boobs shape and size.
She was so happy to be praised, that is the weakness of worlds all females.
Do you think I am that beautiful
There is no doubt about it.
Then why were you after that dusky girl. Most of the time you stick to either her or sush, I don’t mind about my cousins as they are your Sali but all the time I wondered about sticking with madhuri.
I could smell jealousy.
You continue what you did after that ,I reminded her assignment.
She began caressing my chest and kissed those bruises again, she was feeling my hard chest.
About madhuri there is one thing about her. She is intelligent girl but always has inferiority complex generically she does now mix with other girls due to her color and look. But as sush forced her to join group so that she can come out of her shell that I studied in a single day and was angry on you as you left no opportunity show her low. She is good and innocent girl she needed good support and make her mentally strong so I thought of giving her moral support and wash her inferiority complex so I went nearer to her. hope you saw changes in her. now a day’s her talking style and other behavior. i detailed how I brought her out of her own confinement.
Yes jiju you are right I have noticed the one who is to sit in silence not speaking to any of us now has reached to the level of debating and winning the argument. I was wondering what magic has happened to her. Thanks jiju for supporting her I hope now on wards she will be like everyone and will be very good in debating as she has wide knowledge.
Now babita went for my nipples she began caressing and sucking then. When she stopped sucking my nipples and little amount of flesh around nipples, I asked what now.
You are going to return what I did she said little blushing and smiling. You are naughty jiju you want that enjoyment for which i should initiate you.
I smiled at her but didn’t say anything.
Do you want me to lay on bed or continue like this only, I am asking in advance before you raise objection for that too.
Your wish dear I replied and pulled her to level her tits to my mouth. She kept looking at my face and adjust her boobs on my mouth.
I started caressing her back while I played with her boobs. I was pressing her one boob while I sucked another.
You are cheating I didn’t press yours I was only licking and sucking. You should do only what I did she said seriously.
No issue dear i can do only that but I thought you get pleasure if press your beautiful boobs. See how they are responding to my pressing your long nipples are erecting craving for more .if you have any problem in it I wont touch them I shall suck them. Now I placed my hand on her back began sucking her nipples rubbing with tongue to make her crave for more.
No need of any drama you are a big dramabaz. She said and smiled after turning her face. I kept sucking her boobs but she could not bear absence of my hands on her lovely boobs. Stop drama you can play with them I have given permission to feel them but don’t be harsh on them she said in arousal.
I smiled at myself now the bakri is falling in my trap. let me see how long she can bear it. I continued sucking her boobs and pressing them and caressing her body. when my hand reached for her naked butt she looked into my eyes.
Don’t you like it I asked her sensing her eyes on me.
I know you are too much to handle, it is better to be quite if I say anything you will add something extra for that , you will advance . I saw to it that with every passing second she gets more and more aroused that was very clear wither erect nipples and fast breathing.
It is enough sucking she pulled her nipple from my mouth and other from fingers where I was twisting it. I knew it had become unbearable for her. if she allowed me more she would fall for me on herself. she had gained some conscience and pulled herself away.
I hope everything is settled she said looking at me.
Yes almost I am happy that we are settling issue and advancing to be close friends. Let us make it finaland settle .she smiled at me in relief and was about to get up.
I think we forgot something little ,if you do it and we shall close the deal to be friends forever.
Now what I s that, she asked me impatiently?
I placed her hand on my erect long cock, is this we forgot I asked her pretending innocence.
I think we had enough it is right time to stop this shit of the game she replied irritated and in anger.
It is your wish dear, neither I started it nor going to end. If you are showing your back in the war field it is you who is loser not me. I teased her more and more with soft words but made her angry enough to make her comeback.
You are so crooked jiju, you want me to do everything.
Better stop it, if you are doing with love you are welcome not in anger. you know you look pretty when you are angry still I don’t like to make girls angry hehehe.
Don’t show your teeth she replied irritated. I can understand your game you want to give your tool in young girls hands.
If you think that way I wont comment but one thing is right my cock is jumping hoping a most beautiful girl is going to hold it caress it.
She was in great confusion whether she should be happy as I praised her or should get angry as I straight away told the truth that my cock is jumping to reach her hand.
You are too much jiju I know you are emotionally blackmailing me, but I don’t know how I am falling for your words. I was so arrogant and never yield to any body’s words even when they are right, still I am falling for you all the nasty things with you.
Ok let me do that also, can i cover my body she asked hesitantly. I knew she would not and I didn’t want to her to cover all the gimmicks I had made so far would be washed away.
Not wasting time and not to lose her arousal I took out my cock and placed her hand on it. she didn’t look at it still she hold it. I didn’t comment but was waiting for her reaction. After some time I think she could not control herself from looking at it. Then I moved her hand to and fro she took the cue she began caressing it after sometime she began masturbating it. She must be feeling aroused her hand kept playing at my tool now she was looking at it. She could see how the foreskin moved opening and closing the pink bulb, she bent forward to check how it looked from close quarter.
She pressed the knob to check. She could find a opening which looked like slit when she pressed it. She left the cock abruptly I won’t mind dear you can hold it and play as long as you feel fine. Or if you want to kiss it you can. Or even you can suck.
Stop it jiju here i am dying with embarrassment but you are planning to have a free suck.
See babita I have other girls where I can get anything I wish. But I was telling you to feel it and enjoy as you don’t know when you will have next chance to see or feel young cock. You will never find any other sober boy like me. this is the chance you can fulfill your wishes. The way your saliva is dripping from your mouth it suggest that you are craving for that. Saying so I pressed her face down.
Her face automatically went down and her lips hit my cockhead. she raised her eyes to see me and then she uttered kamina but she kissed the knob. Don’t feel shy you can suck, it feels so good to suck may be initially you may not like it but if you continue you will find it great I instigated her.
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No i won’t suck just to feel it on my lips i did kiss she raised her face from my throbbing cock.
If you don’t want you can leave it but think when you will have such chance. if at all if you find any trustworthy still he would not have spared you so long by now he would have taken you with or without your wish. How can anyone be so cool having a beautiful teen complete nude, he would be aroused and had attempt to fuck. You are so lucky to have me around you to fulfill your desires. Though i am young and virile am soft person who does not want to hurt anyone or take advantage I have kept quite. If you have any other desires you can tell me I shall fulfill those all.
Yes that thing I have noted since I came here. Except you were caressing my butt you didn’t do anything. With your explanation I can imagine if it was any other he would have taken me already.
Yes that is there I don’t want to take advantage of the situation. I don’t force any one, if the lady asks voluntarily I don’t leave her but I don’t do on my own. Now leave it you can suck my cock.
Is this true that girls do suck cocks like porn?
Don’t be so conservative baby you must have heard through your friends that they do suck their boyfriends cock. Now you can’t say no you have not heard anything like that.i know girls do share their secrets with close friends.
She blushed, now you are too much jiju. you know how to make girls agree .yes I have heard and when you placed my hand on your thing I had strong desire to see it nude for the first time in my life. With that I did pretend but landed here not only seeing but feeling and even sucking it. Does that give pleasure to only boys or even girls also.
That you have every opportunity to experiment it right now. If you suck you will know how it is. certainly boys do enjoy getting sucked. Yours is first time take care that you don’t bite it.
She didn’t need any more invitation she started kissing knob then she took next inch that is knob was inside her mouth.
That is very fine I encouraged her. She was happy for that she continued slow sucking, she was bit tensed due to my warning not to bite. But with all the caution she continued sucking for some time.
I asked her to take it out and lick from bottom of cock till head. she did same for some time. then she abruptly left I could see that she was breathing heavily.
What happened dear, how did you feel.
That is awesome experience jiju I really enjoyed that skin touch in my mouth and the throbbing really aroused me and gave wild sensation. Let me stop it, don’t think that it felt bad but I had enough of it and my curiosity has fulfilled. Now let me go.
How can you go now?
What do you mean she asked in bewilderment?
Don’t be scared baby. You did give me pleasure by sucking though you are armature still did best job. Now you can have repayment of that. You had one sided enjoyment now you can experiment how it feels when licked and sucked.
I knew she would not say no, she was aroused enough and the offering I have made her change her mood.
You wont feel bad as far as i know girls have dirty place there the smell is awesome.
No dear you don’t know that let me show how girls are sucked and licked. i am well experienced man I can show how pleasurable it is for girls.
She kept quite she didn’t protest it was enough for me. Before she changed her mind I pushed her on her back and stretch her thighs. I started kissing from forehead to down wards all the way to her toes then went back to her thighs and at last my mouth landed on her oozing virgin pussy. She shivered when my wet tongue hit her clit.
My god it feels so good she uttered involuntarily. Please stop jiju I am feeling too odd.
I didn’t give any heed to her request I continued sucking her pussy. With every second she was oozing more, before i had reached for her pussy I had made her completely aroused by playing with her various parts.
Now she was moaning loudly I inserted my tongue into her tight virgin pussy rubbed her clit with nose making her cry with pleasure. I knew she was on top of the world she was sailing over clouds. She was completely aroused . but for my wonder she asked me to stop as a last attempt. there was no strength in her words her hands kept caressing my head she was pulling my hairs pressing my head on her snatch still she pleaded me to stop. She must be in dilemma whether she should allow me to suck for maximum pleasure or stop it before something happens to her. she was unable to judge what was happening to her. I kept playing with her boobs and rubbing her clit t the same time tongue fucking her. She began convulsing she was near to her orgasm then suddenly I left her.
Ok dear I am leaving you as per your request . now you have learntt how pleasurable it is to give blow job and getting licked your pussy. now get up and get dressed it is long since you have come here.
I acted as if it was some game we were playing and it is over now.
how i was introduced to world of incest
annual masala award 2010 runners up winner story
You rascal you are leaving me after arousing me to the limit. you can’t leave me at this stage please do something I cant tolerate I don’t know what is happening to me. Please shree do something you kamina rascal, you are such a stupid you did something to me, I am not in senses please shree do something to get rid of this feeling. she pulled me over her.
You asked me was it pleasure to get licked yes jiju it was awesome I can’t bear it any more. If pussy sucking is so good, what about actual fucking. Please show me that also.
Have you gone mad after all you are very young and virgin you are not in your senses I was just showing how pleasurable it is to lick pussy. Now we shall end here only I pretend to getup. she hold me tight she began searching for my cock which was pressed between our bodies.
Now please fuck me I won’t be living if you leave me at this stage .please shree I beg you to fuck me. I was smiling inside still I pretend it is not good dear , it is better to stop at this stage.
Shree jiju please do something, please fuck me I am matured enough to get fucked already my friends have relation with their boyfriends nothing will happen to me. Come on shree please fuck me please dont say no now.
Dear you are virgin if we try to fuck you will be hurt I cant see you in pain I love you dear I cant see our beloveds in pain, I was pretending to convince about good and bad.
I know that jiju every gilr in this world is supposed to pass through this stage. It is now or never I am so happy you are caring me so much. It is better to be deflowered by one who cares. Even if my hole is torn apart don’t bother but fuck me she pleaded again. now on searching for cock she got it. she tried to positiong below me to have proper alignment to her pussy and my cock. i thought it is enough of the game now she thinks that I am cautioning her with all the care and concern. I should take lead to fuck her, suppose if she gets cooled down she wont be available .
If you insist so much baby, I shall fuck you but you know it hurts initially then there will be only pleasure, hence forth you can fuck any time without any pain. Now get ready for the pain and bleeding as you know when your seal is broken you are tend to bleed don’t worry it will not be much but you will have to bear the pain. you promise me that you will not blame me afterwards. I know young girls mentality when they are in heat they go for fuck and when they are satisfied they blame male.
No jiju I will never blame you , you are such a good person you are caring me much. While we were speaking I had positioned between her thighs and already lubed my cock and her pussy with the cream i had kept below pillow. She was not at all aware of it. Then I gave a push at entrance of her pussy hole. It didn’t go inside tight hole. You are too tight dear now I am going to push inside and it is going to hurt, try to bear the pain. She nod in yes. I gave shot with mild pressure that only knob should enter.
She cried with pain but it was absorbed in my mouth as I sealed it. She closed her eyes tight, I could see she was in pain. i waited for some time kissing and pressing her boobs then gave another push now my cock entered into her tight passage tearing her hymen. Now one more cherry was on my name.
I saw her tears were rolling but she was not making it a big issue she was biting her lips to bear the pain. After some time of playing with her boobs and sucking them she was at some ease. Are you all the way in she asked. No dear I am half way but doesn’t worry the paining process have ended. There won’t be much pain now, don’t worry I will insert reaming slowly so that you are not hurt much.
Are you sure it won’t pain again she asked me not believing my words. Please don’t enter completely I am feeling too much of pain. I am trying to bear as I had promised you that I won’t cry. I know you are not going to hurt me. Please do with only what you have inserted already.
Ok dear as you wish I replied can I start fucking with only that much length I asked consoling her.
That is my sweet jiju continue fucking me but don’t enter completely I don’t know whether I will be able to bear the pain.
Thanks for the faith in me, I started moving in and out slowly. I was fucking her with only half length. Now she too started moaning forgetting pain. Her pussy began leaking making it easy for my movements. My cock was in tight channel her pussy was gripping my hard long tool.
Looking at her condition after confirming that she is enjoying her first fuck increased speed a little. Now she too tried to smile at me. Taking the cue I continued fucking with increased speed. Now I was sending bit by bit with every stroke not letting her feel it. After few minutes fucking I had sent my cock all the way. Congratulations baby now you are no more virgin you have transformed into woman and you know you haven gulped my complete length in your no more virgin pussy. You are great baby you could take my entire length in first attempt only
Are you sure you have buried completely in me, but you had promised me that you would be doing with only half length.
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If I had said that I would enter completely you would be tensed and would not be enjoying the first fuck of your life.
You are so sweet jiju you didn’t let me know it. You know I am feeling so fine it does not mean that i don’t have pain but I am enjoying also. What you are you waiting for continue fucking me. i like your cock it is so sweet like you. Now our friendship has taken new version we have become lovers also. Love you jiju, love you too baby I replied.
After a long pause her pain had vanished now I resumed fucking her tight passage. she too was responding for my fuck, she was encouraging with her smile and she too started caressing my body. Increased speed she too responded by lifting her ass but not much.
I must have fucked for another fifteen minutes she kept discharging now and then she must have climaxed at least four or five times before I was ready for mine.
How are you feeling baby I asked her.
Great I must have reached my peak several times I had heard that with hell of a pain girls would not enjoy their first fuck but I have not counted how many times i reached heaven. Please keep going but i think my pussy is paining will you take long she asked.
If you are feeling pain I shall withdraw I replied.
No need I can bear it I can’t leave you in middle but make it quick so that you don’t feel bad. i too should be caring you like you care me.
Thanks darling now I will try to finish as early as possible. I took out my cock she looked at me gesturing what happened. I poured some cream on my cock which was still slick of her juice but I thought of reducing her pain. After applying it thoroughly I sent my cock all the way slowly and began fucking her. Now to finish I will have to fuck faster, she nod her head in yes.
Then I slowly increased speed after a pause my cock was not in hurry to leak. So I kept fucking her till she reached one more orgasm and now mine was also building. i didn’t stop at her climax I kept pounding her newly opened pussy in great speed.
This time she was moaning very loudly she must be enjoying the blissful fuck first of her life. When she arched her back for her next intense orgasm her nostrils flared her eyes wide open as if coming out of their sockets breathing so erratically , then mine was also there, she raised her hand to stop me but there was no time for all that. I began pumping hot seeds into her newly opened crevice. My lund kept spurting one after other she climaxed again feeling my hot semen into her cervix. Both of us were breathing so hard when my cocks topped pumping lay over her, she too clutched me tight then left as if there was no life in her body closed her eyes.
After some time I rolled beside her. Her eyes were still shut tight. After some time she opened her eyes found me looking at her. She blushed and covered her face like newlywed wife.
You are very bad she hit my chest wither fist. You filled your juice into me I was gesturing you to stop but you didn’t bother. i am new but you are old enough to know that, what if anything goes wrong.
Do you think that I am so careless about your safety? I have pill for that, no need to worry.
So you knew that you are goingto seduce and fuck me, she asked in shock.
That was not meant for you darling. I do have other girls as I have already said. I had kept for them now you are going to use it.
What did we do now shree, I was so carried away you could have stopped me she was feeling bit guilty. It had to happen once , now it has happened. Now a days who waits till marriage most of the girls enjoy their free life before marriage. You are also doing same.
I think what you are telling is true. I am happy that you did it to me. i remember your words of caution. You were not after breaking my seal you tried to convince me to stop but I had crossed that barrier. Any way I don’t have regret and happy for doing it with you.
Don’t be happy for that game is not yet over still lot many things are to be done. I said caressing her tight butt.
My god you are a devil jiju. you seduced me and fucked me deflowered my pussy and now eying my ass also. I know now and then you kept ogling at my ass. So you want to have from back also. sorry jiju we can do again in pussy but not in ass today. Already one side pain is there I don’t want to get hurt at back also.
Now tell me, were you planning to fuck me.
No I replied.
I had to visit hubli as sis and bhanushree had called me.sis had to go to native for delivery I had to take her back home. Didi was looking so beautiful she had become healthy due to pregnancy her tummy had swollen and her ass too. When I went home she welcomed me with warm hug, and then it was malati she too hugged me. I missed you a lot sweetie I whispered. She gave a smile stealthily and said you are a liar, if that is the case you would have visited us frequently.
Prema had gone to college so I went upstairs to meet bhanu, she was studying seriously when she saw me she came running to me and jumped on me. I hold her tight she had placed her legs on each side of my waist. kissed my face missed you darling bhai she said. I sat on chair carrying her in my arms.
I am tensed bhai within few days our NEET result is expected. I have done really well but still worried about ranking she said kissing my face again.
Don’t worry dear you are going to get admission for medical, if you don’t get good rank still need not bother i am here I shall pay donation and get you admission.
I don’t want that bahi I should get admission on merit and that too in my favorite college that is my dream. I am sure I will get but choice of college is bit problem.
I remember how much you struggled to get admission for me for puc level.
She had scored 89 % marks in her tenth and most of the college had cutoff at 90%. I had taken her to best college they had denied admission stating that cutoff is 90%. I tried to convince principal that she had scored that much in poor condition and without any proper aid or guidance as you remember she used to work part time in shop eat prasadam at temple and study. He was not convinced so I did show a id card and blackmailed principal as you had given admission to one candidate after taking bribe from him.
I had to visit hubli as sis and bhanushree had called me.sis had to go to native for delivery I had to take her back home. Didi was looking so beautiful she had become healthy due to pregnancy her tummy had swollen and her ass too. When I went home she welcomed me with warm hug, and then it was malati she too hugged me. I missed you a lot sweetie I whispered. She gave a smile stealthily and said you are a liar, if that is the case you would have visited us frequently.
Prema had gone to college so I went upstairs to meet bhanu, she was studying seriously when she saw me she came running to me and jumped on me. I hold her tight she had placed her legs on each side of my waist. kissed my face missed you darling bhai she said. I sat on chair carrying her in my arms.
I am tensed bhai within few days our NEET result is expected. I have done really well but still worried about ranking she said kissing my face again.
Don’t worry dear you are going to get admission for medical, if you don’t get good rank still need not bother i am here I shall pay donation and get you admission.
I don’t want that bahi I should get admission on merit and that too in my favorite college that is my dream. I am sure I will get but choice of college is bit problem.
I remember how much you struggled to get admission for me for puc level.
She had scored 89 % marks in her tenth and most of the college had cutoff at 90%. I had taken her to best college they had denied admission stating that cutoff is 90%. I tried to convince principal that she had scored that much in poor condition and without any proper aid or guidance as you remember she used to work part time in shop eat prasadam at temple and
I thanked him profusely and gave a packet containing some amount. He was not ready to take but I said I am giving this as a token of honor not as a bribe. Please note it that she is not my relative or anything but when she approached me for job leaving her education I came to all this and brought her to you for her bright future, now you have given her a chance to prove herself, I assure you that you will not repent neither your management, that responsibility I will take. If you found her not eligible for that class you can demote her any time.
He didn’t accept money from me, I gave him my personal number and assured him i will be useful for you in any matter you are welcome to contact me for any personal matter or problem. He was glad when he came to know who I am and later I got a chance to help him that is another matter no need to mention here.
While coming out of principal chamber I handed that id stealthily to peon stating which I had found that id on ground, and please return to the right student and don’t mention it to principal I gave fifty rupees for that job he gladly accepted it.
Thus she not only got admission but was given all the facilities what only genius students get.
At house she had all the amenities for her she had her won laptop with broad band connection she has attached small kitchen for preparing tea and her own library had full collection of study material and entire college faculty ready to guide and help her.
Bhai you know I am the only lucky girl to have bro like you. You provided me new family who all loves me and takes care providing all the facilities no one can afford to have. You brought me from slum where i was rotting there to feed myself and family. I can’t imagine whether still I am I dream or real. I am really lucky to have you as bro, though we didn’t knew each other except you were important customer where I worked to earn fees and bread, you brought me home to give another life to me and my entire family. I love you bhai I don’t know whether I will be able to return the favor I had from you. No it is impossible to return the favor even if i give my life to you.
 study. He was not convinced so I did show a id card and blackmailed principal as you had given admission to one candidate after taking bribe from him.
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I thanked him profusely and gave a packet containing some amount. He was not ready to take but I said I am giving this as a token of honor not as a bribe. Please note it that she is not my relative or anything but when she approached me for job leaving her education I came to all this and brought her to you for her bright future, now you have given her a chance to prove herself, I assure you that you will not repent neither your management, that responsibility I will take. If you found her not eligible for that class you can demote her any time.
He didn’t accept money from me, I gave him my personal number and assured him i will be useful for you in any matter you are welcome to contact me for any personal matter or problem. He was glad when he came to know who I am and later I got a chance to help him that is another matter no need to mention here.
While coming out of principal chamber I handed that id stealthily to peon stating which I had found that id on ground, and please return to the right student and don’t mention it to principal I gave fifty rupees for that job he gladly accepted it.
Thus she not only got admission but was given all the facilities what only genius students get.
At house she had all the amenities for her she had her won laptop with broad band connection she has attached small kitchen for preparing tea and her own library had full collection of study material and entire college faculty ready to guide and help her.
Bhai you know I am the only lucky girl to have bro like you. You provided me new family who all loves me and takes care providing all the facilities no one can afford to have. You brought me from slum where i was rotting there to feed myself and family. I can’t imagine whether still I am I dream or real. I am really lucky to have you as bro, though we didn’t knew each other except you were important customer where I worked to earn fees and bread, you brought me home to give another life to me and my entire family. I love you bhai I don’t know whether I will be able to return the favor I had from you. No it is impossible to return the favor even if i give my life to you.
By the way will you do one more favor she asked blushing, bowed her head low.
What is that I asked, you should never hesitate to ask any thing and never speak like that favor and all. I feel bad if you speak like that. Do you need money I asked.
She started laughing, do you think I will ask for money from you, never I will never ask even a single rupee from you. You know I have credit card having lakhs of rupees balance hehehe.
Mmm you have credit card having so much balance I asked.
May be that card belongs to you, you keep crediting amount all the time without even I demanding for that and malati aunt, prema didi and preeti didi every one transfers money tot hat account and I hardly use that card except for scooty fuel and stationary.
Oh I had forgotten that you have my card. Then what do you need now.
It is ……………………………… you know I am feeling tensed so ……….. she hide her face on my chest. She pressed her body on me, her boobs were pressing on my chest.
You are tensed but why I asked.
About result bhai, you know it is approaching it is expected in couple of days.
Why should you worry about result when you have done so well and you have scored so high in main exam you should not worry about neet and its ranking. I am here to look after you. i have full faith in you ,you are going to get good rank. What should i do for your tension I asked.
You have that remedy with you, you are the only person who can treat my tension.
Can’t understand what you are saying I asked her.
She still blushed and hid her face tightly on my chest. You know bhai you did treat me when I was tensed during exam.
I remembered how i had treated her tension, a faint smile appeared on my face and disappeared immediately.
No we are not going to do anything now. As per my promise I will treat you when you get admission for medical that is the agreement we have and it is you who made me promise that long back.
I am not asking for that bhai only for what you did during exam. After some more persuasion I accepted to do it without my full consent in it.
When I accepted she was so happy she kissed my cheeks and again hide her face. but before we put into action we heard footsteps.
If the love is over to shower on your little sister, remember your didi is waiting for you, didi said smiling at me. Bhanu made face she again hide her face avoiding be seen by didi. Now get up from him child didi pulled her from my lap. It is lunch time both of you comedown didi pat her back and gave slight hug her.
I know how much you love him kid , you can meet him again after lunch she took her along.
Prema also had returned from college, when she saw me she passed a sexy smile. How are you shree bhai she asked me. I am fine how about you baby I asked moving towards her. Only we were in sitting room others were at dining hall. I took her in my arms and hugged her tight pressing her boobs on my chest. I am also fine she replies with slight moan. I wanted to kiss her lips but heard some footsteps. It was malati aunt I wanted to release her from my arms but she had seen us embraced.
See aunt this girl has began behaving like big woman after she got engaged. She does not even give a hug also. I have to initiate her ,does she think that she has already got married and moved to her millhouse said releasing her.
I think she has become big girl now. But it is bad attitude prema you stopped treating like your bhai or have started quarrelling with him again like olden days .
No mom ijust ………….
Stop that bull shit you should keep loving him like now even after your marriage. Your or his marriage should not be hindrance for your love aunt said in innocence.
I pinched prema ass , hope you understood baby, your marriage cant stop our love even after your marriage. We shall keep loving in the same way aunt don’t worry. May be she felt it is bit odd to hug me after she got engaged with other man. But I am sure she won’t stop love making I mean loving me I replied with wicked smile. Aunt didn’t see me smiling she took it sportive. That is nice kid I like that attitude. Once you are married to other man naturally you will be belonging to their family, but it does not mean that you are not part of your family. You will remain still part of our family and old relation will not seize.
That is nice aunt I will see that she wont forget me or our family saying so i caressed prema butt. she brushed my hand. Only we are speaking but she has not yet given consent to our words I teased prema.
Stop it bhai when did I say that I have become big lady or shall be forgetting you or family. You are unnecessarily making it a issue.
See mom I didn’t hug him when I saw him for that simple reason he is raising this issue. I shall oblige your words mom I will not stop loving you or him and I shall promise that I shall continue our relation like what Is present now.
That is like a good girl malati replied hugging her and she took me also with them. now i was hugging both my girls at a time.
It feels so good with my both girls together. I like to remain like this forever. I want our love never stops or diminishes I said holding them tight.
My one arm was around prema back reaching to front and other was on malati back near her bum. Both of them looked at my face I took the chance and pressed malati aunt ass and side boob of prema without any expression on my face. malati got startled and she pushed my hand away, at the same time prema also was shocked to see me pressing her boob in presence of her mom.
Didi shout at us if your love making is completed please come for food. I released both girls and we all three headed for dinner, as we were entering dining section prema pinched my ass, you dirty fellow we were almost caught she whispered. Aunt could not hear as she was one step ahead. I smiled at prema, thinking malati also must be feeling same .
We all took food chatting bhanu mom was serving food she also spoke to me and inquired how I am and we finished food chit chatting normal. I went to shop as I was going to visit after long gap I had to keep eye on accounts and other things though I had employed right persons for account keeping and the previous frods were also had improved after me teaching them lessons.
At night when I came back it was prema who asked me to join her at night. I said I would be going to didi, you can come there itself.
That is good idea but I can’t come as bro will be there she replied.
Let him also enjoy the foursome I said laughing at her.
You stupid how is it possible to do all these nasty things in his presence.
What is there your bhabhi is enjoying wither own bro and her hubby. You also can enjoy with your own brother or inhis presence. If you don’t want to do it with himnow you can enjoy with me and he will enjoy with his wife that my didi. We will make two couple and can have voyeristc and actual enjoyment.
You are so silly bhai how come you can think like that he is after all my own bro. you are behenchod I don’t want to be bhai chod.
See you call me bhai and I have been fukcing you since so many days already you are bhai chod hehehe.
Still there is some difference you are my bro in law and he is brother.morever I don’t wnt any more relation you are enough for me and soon I will get married so I can have permanent lover for me.
You mean you are going to leave me after yuour marriage.
That we will think later she replies with shy face.
Don’t you remember what aunt had said in the morning we are supposed to keep our present relation and continue she has given licence to continue fucking you even after marriage .
She has said it in innocence she does not know our relation you know. But that was fantastic way of getting approval form her. But you over acted in her presence she said.
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What is that I asked.
You crooked fellow you pressed my boobs in her presence,if she had seen it, you don tthink about consequences,when you are in heat some time you forget the wworld and act kinky.
Yes I know that but I don’t act without thinking, her attention was not on yuou,ihad diverted her attention by pressing her ass I said in mind.
By now didi came we moved away but as I was didi and partner in crime she didn’t mind we speaking. What is khusar phusar going on she asked smiling at us.
Nothing bhabhi we have met after long break we were casually speaking.
That is niot true didi, she is eager to join us but still mentally not prepared for fucking her own bro, I said winking at her.
After doing it with my bro and we both sharing him we have become partial southan and now she is planning to be real southan by seducing her bro. no I don’t like this idea didi replied in serious tone.
No bhabhi it is he saying like this. You know he is enough for me till marriage, I don’t know about after that. And you are with me for other kind of enjoyment she hinted at lesbian acts.
I don’t mind keeping relation after marriage also. Today I have planned for threesome with him and your bro. if you want you can join us or want to have live show stealthily you are invited what do you say bacchu didi asked me.
For that she is always invited and may be tomorrow I can join you I pat her back.
I have been waiting for you since many days, I can wait one more day after all own didi is more important for you she said in sad face.
Not like that, we need to keep your bro happy. As bhai has come today naturally your bro will be waiting for our lovely threesome and you know in few days I am leaving . I don’t know how he can manage without pussy she said thinking about her hubby.
Don’t worry I will send my bro to you tomorrow you can drain him and make good of the lost period didi pat her back and pressed prema boob hard. Eeeeeeeeeee what are you doing bhabhi please don’t do it or I will not be able to control now. Both girls laughed and moved to respective rooms.
After some time I sneaked into malati aunt room. She became so happy her beaming face said it all. How sweet I was not expecting you today I know you will be eager to have your didi today.
Yes darling I had come to convey that only, you had gestured to come while serving food so I am here. I embraced her tightly. She began kissing me we smooch for some time. while we were kissing I pressed her melons. She cried with pain and pleasure. dont do it da I wont be able to control myself and you will have to change idea of going to your sis.
Like mom like daughter I thought she too had said same words when didi pressed prema boobs. Ok darling I will be spending two nights with didi and then with you isit ok.
As you wish dear if we get some chance we can have in daytime tomorrow she looked eagerly for my response. Done baby we shall go to our place (cherry house) that is nice of you baby, we shall program that tomorrow.
Then I left to didi room. Already baby had slept I felt bad as I could not make love to him, when I had come he had gone with his aunt that is bhanu sister and before I returned he had food and slept. I kissed his forehead first and then to my darling didi.
See howmuchhe loves his son jiju said happily.
Why not he is so special he is his son as well bhanja it is natural to double love.
Now I laid keeping loving didi in middle. We started speaking so many things jiju was asking about the development of Belgaum and works done I explained everything while I was caressing didi body with love. Jiju also began caressing his wife with two hands at work didi was getting aroused. Soon normal caressing changed into hot loving I hold didi boob and his palm covered her belly. As he tickled there didi began laughing loud trying to brush his hand. I began unhooking her blouse he was struggling with her petticoat knot.
As my hand was busy in unhooking didi pulled my face she kissed all over my face. I missed you a lot baby when are you going to complete your work there you always keep me waiting for you bhai.
Now you also will be not here for few months for delivery when you return here with my bhanji I will finish that work and come back here.
Ok dear even if you extend work there you make it a point to visit here every week so that you can manage both things. that is right didi now onwards I will plan accordingly. Now our lips met for hot kiss. I think jiju pulled her saree and petticoat she raised her butt to remove it. By now I had unhooked her blouse. She sat up to remove my west and pulled my lungi and that side jiju had bared himself.
Jiju pulled didi to him. you are very bad girl, when I call you always you avoid in pretext of pregnancy when your bro has come you readily spreading your legs for him. That is so prejudice for me he said in false anger.
He is my darling bro how can I avoid him he is so special for me. You are always with me and with my belly bulging you want me more and more. Ho can I cope up she replied sadly.
Hey darling I was just kidding, I can understand that. As today is special we can have good time. It is long since you were double penetrated today we both will bang you from front and back he said pressing one boob and leaving other for me.
You are also special for me dear hubby both of you are like two eyes for me I love both of you and keep loving till end. That is nice of you jiju replied kissing her wet lips.
Our kissing and pressing foreplay went for some more time. No wall three of us were completely aroused.
Where do you want your bro jiju asked didi. He will take front and you from back but you both horny guys don’t forget about my condition. When your both cocks touch each other separated by thin layer you become so wild making it difficult even for breathing.
Jiju lay on his back and pulled didi over him. didi rode him in reverse cowgirl pose and slowly took his length into her dripping pussy. She gave small strokes to take his hard cock into her crying pussy. After few shots she had completely taken his full length. After couple of minutes fucking she raised her butt again and hold his cock which had become slick with her juice and positioned his cock at her back entrance. Carefully she sat on it holding it with her two fingers. Slowly his cock began disappearing in her lovely tight ass hole. All the time she kept sucking my cock and I was holding her both mangoes which had swollen due to pregnancy. She kept fucking him for couple of minutes and then lay back on her back giving excess to her pussy.
I positioned myself in such a fashion that I don’t put more weight on her caring her condition.
Thus we were united after long gap. She cried with pleasure when my entire cock was pushed in her oozing pussy. Stay like that sweet bro I want to feel you inside, she hold me tight. I too was feeling great inside my dear sister’s pussy warmth. It feels so good to have my darling bro inside me she said with smile.
You feel great with only your bro cock not me jiju said.
Not like that dear, you are always with me, but bro does not come often. He is always special for me. You know forbidden fruit always tastes more. You are poor feloow you have not tasted forbidden fruit. If you taste it then only you will come to know how delicious it is.
What do you mean jiju asked.
It is very simple we siblings enjoy this kind of sensational enjoyment but you have never had such experience. Didi replied with a wild smile.
That way you are lucky to have such a wonderful relation, only seldom people can have it jiju replied.
That is there jiju, we are lucky enough to be in eachother arms and satisfy each other not only physically but sentimentally also. I think one should enjoy this then only their destination is completed. We are really thankful to you to for making it possible. Before settling here I had never imagined that such thing can ever happen. But you made it possible. I had never lusted for any family members but as you know things changed with circumstance and with all your cooperation and help it did happen . we really enjoy to be together in siblings arms. Thanks jiju for such a wonderful arrangement and your devotion to offer your wife that is my didi to me and without your encouragement it would not have never happened.
I am lucky to have such understanding siblings with me I am really blessed to have you both of you. I cant imagine my life without both of you, especially you shree baby. You have completely changed my life after you entered into my life. Otherwise I should be rotten with those gay clubs and rotten friends of me. You changed my life by scarifying many things and made me normal and healthy man. See I no more think of that gay life. I love you bro and my darling wife. I was almost losing my family life for the sake of that habit, now I am leading normal and happy life.
You know some time I feel jealous to see you both leading such a happy life. How happy you both are and never feel guilty to have your own sis under you, He added.
We too were feeling guilty when it happened for the first time. It was partial love and luct both did carry us to this stage. If I say guilt never appeared it is wrong. But as you know when we started doing threesome in darkness it started to have such a wild fantasy, especially when my didi placed my hands over her boobs accidentally thinking those were of you. Lust began working in my mind and that added when I saw her completely nude for the first time.
I began moving my body filling didi pussy from both ends. Her boobs were jiggling with every stroke I was giving. Jiju also was synchronizing his strokes with me.
As you know everything combination of love and lust made me travels to this level. At the end you encouraged both of us to have this relation and you convinced both of us to make this happen and with all your consent and support we are in this stage. We both should appreciate your scarifying your wife to offer her to her own brother is really great. Only cuckold hubbies can do that but you were never cuk but still it happened.
How and why all this happened is not that important now shree, it is you who have made my family grow, you blessed us with a child boy and now you are expecting a girl baby that way you made our family tree continue. I think these days my semen count has improved in last visit doctor said now I am eligible to have my own baby. But if I was still under such heavy mental pressure it would have never improved.
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That is wonderful jiju you have improved now you can impregnate a girl. So third child is going to be yours I said happily shaking his hand. Didi face also brightened.
No I don’t want third one, he said firmly.
Why , when you can have your own child why do you say no I asked in shock.
It is for simple reason salesab, my love towards my both children be not diminished after getting one more of my own. These both are also mine and I want to give maximum love to them which no children has never got from their dad.
I trust you darling you will never do like that. If you have your own you will have some satisfaction that you got one at last. I will be there to see that you love all three equally. Didi pressed him to have one more.
She is right jiju, you can have one more and I have something in my mind. I will adopt it what do you say jiju.
Never think of adopting any of my children you fool, never ever say it again. These two are enough for me. I wanted two and I am going to have only two. I have decided to have tubectomy to my dear wife immediately after this delivery. So that even accidentally also she should not conceive with my sperm. I don’t want to discriminate between my children. You people might be thinking that for outside world both my children are of me, but mentally also I am dad of both. So no more argument on this, if you tried to trick I will get vasectomy done.
No need darling, I knew your answer that is why I was forcing you to have one more. I love you darling for the love and affection. This nature made me stay back with you, initially when I became aware of your dirty activities I wanted to vacate from your life. But I had liked you and your nature, your love did hold me back otherwise I would have taken divorce then and there only. But for this I did hold back and suffer for my miserable fate or sacrifice my life for your love. But in due course of time everything changed and we settled for new way of living. After all the things happened I thought what decision I had taken was right and now I am leading dual role, I am happy with this.
What dual role darling jiju asked while he increased speed of fucking? Didi started crying with pleasure. I too was pumping her harder. She was not in a position to reply. She had already discharged twice and now she was ready for third. We both started humping her harder; jiju was holding her waist and me her melons. Thus jiju finished first followed by didi and I kept fucking her few more minutes and at last we both reached climax together.
We lay in heap for some time, after some rest we all became normal.
What were you telling about dual role jiju asked again.
See darling I have to act as wife for both of you. I have to bear my little bro children and pose like they are yours. When he is not here I act like a loyal wife to you, when he is alone I at like his wife. When you both are here I become randi of both of you. Is this enough of acting in dual role. When we are outside i treat him like bro like any siblings.
That is why I told you are a lucky girl to have nice and loyal husband and sweet brother all for yourself.
Me and didi laughed looking at each other. Only we knew why we were laughing.
Why should you feel jealous, you too can have dual role if you are interested didi teased him.-
What is that he asked interestingly?
You too can seduce your unmarried sister and do as we siblings are doing she teased him further.
What the hell you are speaking she is my own younger sister, how can you speak about her like that he said in anger.
What is new in it, you have seen us siblings in relation and you to have joined for threesome. When I spoke about your sister why should you get angry. It is running in this family and not new for any of us.
Ours is different case jiju replied realizing what his wife had said. Our circumstances made this but you cant speak lose about my dear sister. She is still a child and we cant see her in that mode.
She child?, for your kind information she is about to complete her graduation. She is grown enough for all this and as you know she is already engaged and getting married soon.
So what she is my sis after all.
So I was his sis, that too married lady you made me fuck him and did everything thre person could do. If we speak about your sis you are getting angry didi teased him. see within few days I am going to my native and stay there for several months as doctor has suggested for some rest and after delivery I may come back after at least five months. So in all it makes at least seven months. Will you remain without a woman , I thought if you are interested you can seduce your sister. In fact it should be me who gets angry if her hubby is not loyal here I am giving option to seduce, so that you need not spend dry nights for so long. And she too can have some fun and experience before marriage.
No I will stay bachelor till you return.
Then let it be my bro will teach her special acts of love game. Didi laughed at him wickedly.
Please stop this yaar my sis is not like that. She is very pure and will stay virgin till marriage. I could sense some irritation in his voice. I gestured not to tease him anymore.
With all your hot discussion I am getting wild again I said showing my erect cock to them.
You are a crooked man just dreaming my virgin sis you are getting aroused. Don’t lust after her, you have your loving didi for you. He took it sportive and teased me. Didi wanted to say something but I pinched her not to say anything.
Sorry bro I am not in position to take you again, if you wish I can give hand job. Already we had almost stopped fucking since few days. If you want you can fuck my boobs or mouth but not in either of holes she pleaded.
Don’t speak like that do you know me only that much. Today also I had not expected sex from you. But when you both initiated then only I joined. I am not that cruel to aks for such things from my loving didi.
Thanks da she hugged me tight and said sorry dear for the first time I have said no to you.
Never mind dear, it is not that important for me.
I knew you would say like this. After all I am not the only one, you can find other holes to fuck. But my poor hubby he does not have any option.
Next day as we had planned me and aunt left for cherry house in pretext of market. When we crossed city limit I gave hard break to bike so that malati fell on me. what is this beta cant you go slowly what was so urgency for hard break she asked.
Nothing I replied and continued riding, then aunt moved back again I applied break, what is this shree beta why are you riding so rash, go with patience. She again tried to slide back before she moved I applied break again. this time she was really angry what is this like child you are riding.
Sorry to say darling you are not sitting properly, I am worried you would fall if didn’t sit properly.
I know how to sit on bike you might have forgotten I too ride scooter , you only have taught me she said in anger.
Again I applied break this time she fell on me. Now don’t move back sit properly and hold me so that you wont fall.
You naughty fellow you could say this verbally why are scaring me, she slowly hit my head wither knuckles. So my baby wants me to stick boobs on back.
Yes darling der se aye durast aye.
You crooked fellow what will passerby thinks ,why this oldie is sitting clinging to young boy. You want to spoil my name hehehehe.
No darling do you remember when we had bike riding earlier. What will others think is not important for me, they may think that you are scared to ride bike. It is so long time; we should enjoy this ride also. She placed her hand on my stomach and press her soft melons on my back firmly. Thu s we reached our destination making small flirting.
Once we were inside I pulled her to me hugged her tight.
You have become naughty these days; you pressed my ass in presence of my daughter. What would she think if she had seen you doing kinky game with me? You were speaking double meaning to me. One day you will kill me.
Don’t worry darling I will never let you die. I knew what I was doing I did it stealthily so that she does not come to know. What I can I do dear when I see you I can’t resist myself? I feel like hugging you and take you in my arms and show how much I love you. i want to be in your arms forever.
Do you love me so much she asked in disbelief?
Do you want to test me or you have never realized my love. That is very bad darling you are not trusting me I said pulling myself away from her.
She was so happy to hear that I love her so much. She knew I not oly like or love her physically only.
What happened why did you pull away. I know you baba you love me a lot, I am sure you love me more than your own mom. Don’t be angry she moved to me and hugged me tight pressing her bosom on my chest. She raised on her toes and brought her lips to mine, I am too tall for her so she pulled my head low pressed her lips on mine. She began kissing me wholeheartedly.
After we broke kiss, you get angry fast control yourself dear she pulled me towards bed. I was trying to make you cautious that is all.
Leave it tell me frankly whether you enjoyed my kinky adventure or not.
Sure dear I like and love all your acts, the only thing is my age if anyone finds me in compromising condition they will surely make me responsible to trap young boy at this old age.
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Who is old dear, you are fit and fine if you come out in sexy or fashionable attire you will surely knock the ladies half your age. See how these are standing erect still minimum sagging, that too because of size not age I pressed her boob hard.
She cried with pain, no need to flatter beta already you own me.
I am not flattering my sexy doll it is fact that still you look young enough. If you are not sure tomorrow we shall gout with prema, people will think that you both are sisters.
No need to prove I know i am old enough you are trying to flatter me that is all she said smiling.
I could get the hint that she is in mood of getting praised I didn’t make her wish fail.
I did describe her beauty most of it is true as she is still beautiful for her age. the way I had taught her to exercise and jog had kept her physique in good state. As I was praising her I kept disrobing her and in return she was removing my clothes.
Now both of us were complete nude, she pushed me on my back and lay over me pressing her melons between our bodies.
Your melons keep me mad for all my age I said pressing them hard. When I had praised her beauty she had become so happy she began kissing me like lioness. Our body were brushing each other igniting fire in our both bodies.
When she broke kiss, hope you serviced your didi well previous night she asked smiling.
Not much darling I could not quench my thirst yesterday due to her condition. but surely we had good threesome. You know she loves threesome and even double penetration.
What is that she asked curiously?
You don’t know double penetration, taking two cocks at a time.
That she might be sucking your tool while my son drilling her or vice versa.
You are too behind in sex darling I was fucking her pussy while ass man was into ass ,me and jiju were fucking her simultaneously.
My god she took both from each end simultaneously.
Yes aunt her husband was fucking her ass while her brother was fucking her pussy simultaneously. You know she is one of the luckiest girl on earth. She has two lovers and two husbands. She can fuck other man in presence and consent of her husband or some time her husband sets her sala cock on his wife pussy or ass.
My god you are very dirty guys. I thought one would be taking her while other man keep watching them or playing wither assets. Is it not too odd to take two at a time.
That is not odd darling it is great fun, only lucky one will have such. Do you want to try it some time I asked pincing her nipples.
Hhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa you stupid it hurts. No baba I am happy with you, you are enough for my rest of life. You take care of me from both sides. She replied taking my cock out of her mouth. which was glistening with her saliva. She was completely aroused by hot talking.
She straight away straddled me saying she can’t control any more. She positioned her pussy on my cock. She gave a mild trust my cock head entered her tight chute. Due to long gap her hole had become bit tight. She cried with pain and pleasure then gave second trust half the cock went in.
You have wonderful cock dear , your this monster has made me mad and I had to become your slave. It is not only long but has extraordinary stamina to make any girl get mad for it. i am sure if any lady takes it once will become addicted to its long race on the field.
In next hard thrust she gulped it completely now our groins were united and my cock was nowhere to be seen. I shall sit like this for some time I want to feel the monster inside me. Every time I take him I feel I am taking it for the first time and want to feel its girth and length inside my oozing cunt.
I hold both her little saggy boobs pulled those long nipples. She cried with pleasure, beta twist them it feels so good when you twist them.
(Those words remind me of one xossip friend TWIST MY NIPPLE. She was such a caring and loving friend I can’t forget that charming girl even after years of her absence. Somehow we had fallen in sort of love those days with that sweet girl, but she abruptly vanished)
I twisted those long nipples aunt cried with pleasure; she bent forward feeding her boobs in my mouth. I was holding one and sucking the other. She lay like that for some time and after that she started raising her but giving mild strokes without taking out her boob from my mouth. After few minutes she was horny enough and those small strokes were not enough for her. She began jumping on my cock taking out as much possible and sending back in single stroke. With this her boobs began bouncing in rhythm. She kept bouncing on me till she had first leak.
I am tired you continue now she said as she rolled off after some rest. I took position between her thighs. She hold my long hard cock placed between her love lips gestured me to make move. I slowly sent my cock inside her burning chut. It did go in smoothly in lubed passage. I started fucking her slowly while I was playing with her boobs.
After some time she too started responding by lifting her ass. I increased speed now I was fucking her faster and faster. She started moaning loud encouraging me to fuck her fast and give hard strokes.
After few minutes of fucking we both were ready for the final stage. She asked me to go still faster beta please fuck me harder, she cried. I started pumping her harder now when she was near to her climax she was lifting her ass to meet my thrusts at the end she hold me tight and locked my ass with her legs.
Though it was bit hard to move my ass still I managed to fuck her fast taking my cock all the way out and sending it in single stroke. She started having orgasm she clutched me harder and then left me as if she had no strength now her limb went lose. i too was on verge of cuming I hold her both melons in each hand and started banging her faster. Room was filled with puch puch sound she too had gone mad again now she had become ready for climax again. Her nostrils flared and eyes wide open mouth was also open. With final stroke I started leaking inside her cunt she too started spraying her juice in jet spray wetting my lund juice began rolling over my balls. I was cuming with spurt after spurt with every spurt she convulsed and at last both lay still heaving. I lay over her exhausted after long fuck.
We got separated I laid beside her she turned to my side and smiled. That was wonderful fuck after long gap. Why do you stay so long there have you got other girls she asked.
No aunt what to do so much of work load. Have to look after land development and garments and some social works. You know how we had organized that employment program, so seldom I get time.
Don’t lie I know you cant keep yourself away from pussies. You must be having some fun there. Who is that lucky girl she asked.
After some persuasion I told I have two girls there. I told story of rukmani didi and lavanya.
So you continue to be behenchod there also at least mooh bole didi. It was good that you gave life to both girls. From scrap you build their lives nice work dear that your helping nature makes many fan for you. I am satisfied that you are not visiting bad girls. Keep them happy and enjoying yourself. I am proud of you beta for wonderful social work and helping others in need. She hugged me and showered kisses over my face.
Then my cell vibrated I checked message it was prema where are you my lover bhai. Don’t forget today’s program otherwise I wall barge into your didi room and spread my legs for the fuck. My pussy is itching for your love rod.
That will be wonderful dear me and your bro will give you doublepenitration that will be wonderful experience for you I replied.
You are such a shameless fellow. She replied.
Then I turned at malati darling by now she had slept after long fuck. I let her take rest for some time and I kept chatting with prema.
When aunt woke up I pulled her to me and kissed her. I began caressing her back and melons. She pushed my hand don’t arouse me again; I will not be able to control myself she said.
What is there we can have another round I said pulling her tome.
No baba you made me tired, though I had planned for two rounds but you made me exhausted in one round itself. We can think in night she said.
Probably not today I will sleep in didi room today. We need to spend some more time together or she will be leaving to native soon , we won’t get chance to be together for long time, I lied. After some petting and kissing we got fresh and dressed left back to home.
At night I returned from shop prema was waiting eagerly for me. As i had fucked her mom in day time I was not that eager but still I wanted to take prema make love with her in the night.
How long you took to return malathi aunt said in concern.hom many times I should tell you not to over work.
What to do aunt my schedule has become like that I can’t resist overworking today night also I am supposed to overwork to clear pending assignment I replied looking at prema, she blushed and shocked to hear me telling in presence of her mom that I would be fucking prema.
Aunt also blushed thinking that I am going to take my didi at night. What is that which can’t wait till morning she asked as if to invite me at night.
No aunt some things I got to handle at night only I said acting casually but looked at prema to tease her. I have to check accounts so I have brought shop laptop, in the day time it is engaged and I can’t handle it I changed topic.
I see I thought something else malathi replied in double meaning. With this prema was confused, she could not resist asking what is that mom.
When prema asked her, she realized her mistake, nothing dear I thought he would be watching film in night. Prema was still confused was not satisfied with answer. May be she too knows his relation with his didi she thought.
No aunt I don’t enjoy watching I believe in acting I replied winking steadily at prema for which she blushed again. She knew what I was referring at, she had watched me with didi with that only she had fallen for threesome with didi. And previous night also she had watched our threesome stealthily she had not told me that she would be coming but I had noticed her watching while me and her bro fucking her bhabhi.
It is already late bhai why don’t you have food now, mom also has not taken food so far, she must have thought to change topic or else with my double meaning talks would end up her in some soup.
Why you didn’t have food I asked aunt getting up. me and aunt sat for food prema began serving as she already had food earlier.
After tasting food aunt asked how is food.
You are always tasty aunt I teased her, when she looked at me angrily I corrected you prepare tasty food.
It is not me , today prema has prepared aunt said.
She too is delicious I said looking at her smiling wickedly. She too cooks well. Now she has qualified to be wife by all means I said again which made her blush madly knowing what I was aiming at. Stealthily she acted like hitting me.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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