Misc. Erotica The Holy Savior - REBOOTED (Completed)
(16-05-2022, 03:26 PM)Paul5 Wrote: Please stop this story i know it's happened in our story but anyhow some persons feels uncomfortable  i m not hidu fir bhi i wnt dnt continue this story even is site se hi hata de i hopes writer an admin consider my request

Paul5 ji,
Garamrohan has contributed more to this forum than most of us did. So before we throw bricks, would be better you interospect your contribution to the forum.
And note, this is neither a religious site nor sex has any constraints. Nevertheless would request you to write a story that fits your moral dimensions.

 devil2 Emotion In Motion, A Dirty Mind  flamethrower
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Please contenu
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is there any updates r coming or story is shelved.... pls give clarity
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Kindly continue.....
We are waiting....
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(17-05-2022, 04:41 PM)Biosys Wrote: Garamrohan,
Good that you are back. Please not distracted by a few haters.
Your writing is marvellous, only worry is too long to get updates..


Thank you Bro...
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(02-06-2022, 04:14 PM)Bhanu180 Wrote: is there any updates r coming or story is shelved.... pls give clarity

Thank you for comment bro. An update is coming by tonight
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(02-06-2022, 05:25 PM)abcturbine Wrote: Kindly continue.....
We are waiting....

Sure. Currently working on next update
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excellent story
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(04-06-2022, 10:02 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Thank you for comment bro. An update is coming by tonight

still waiting..
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Part - XVI

What I saw that night was the most dreadful thing I have ever seen in my life. The mere thought of those incidents gives me trembling now as well. As I tiptoed to see what's happening inside the chamber in the dark where my father had been taken. I could hear a fuss from inside. This room didn’t have any windows. So I couldn’t peek in. I walked round the room and I could see lights coming out of a small crack on the wall. I put my eyes to it.

My father was handcuffed and tied to a pole. Worry was all evident on the face of Swamiji and his disciples gathered over there. 

“Why are you here?” Swamiji was interrogating.

“I want my son and wife back.” Papa somehow said. He looked exhausted. 

“How dare you?..” Swamiji aggressed towards him with gritted teeths. 

I don’t have any doubt that he would have hitted him for I had seen how merciless he was. And also, most importantly, how obsessed he was for my mummy; the evil conspiracy he has played to snatch my mummy from my family, how could he let her go when soon he was to harvest the payoff? But luckily, the man in black coat, who seemed to be a lawyer, stopped him.

“Please Swamiji… We can’t afford any mistakes now.. Keep calm,” He stopped swamiji and took him back.

“I am warning you last time… Get out of here… Forget Arpita… She will stay with me… forever…. You got it?”

“I can’t live without her… Please I want to…”  He couldn’t complete the word when a disciple slapped him. 

“Behave yourself.” The lawyer yelled at that disciple and the disciples stepped away.

“Look man..” The lawyer seemed to be taking the steering in his hand. “This will be my last attempt to settle the matter with mutual consent. If you don’t agree; you know, I don’t have personal grievances to act against you; but my duty to think about the welfare of my client will make me act so one way or another. The choice is yours..”

“I just want..” 

“Listen to me first,” the lawyer stopped papa. “It's not time to think about who’s wrong and who's not. Be it bad or good moves; those had already been made. It’s better that we try to make the best out of this situation.” 

Everybody was listening to him.

He continued, “ Swamiji wants Mrs Arpita to stay with him. He is also ready to take responsibility for both kids.'' He stopped a bit. “ But it's okay if you want to keep one or both of the children with you.  Being a father myself I can understand your obvious love and care for your heir.”

“But Vakil, how will we convince Arpita?”Swamiji asked.

“That you leave to me, Swamiji. So tell me mister. To agree on this, what else could we give you? And you absolutely don’t have to feel uncomfortable putting in your demands. It’s life and my dear friend, life is bitch so accept it and move ahead.” the lawyer continued.

“All I want is my wife…” dad mumbled. 
The lawyer nodded hopelessly. “Yeah I can see how much you love your wife. But really? I mean really after knowing all the things that happened between her and swamiji, the attachment you show for her, I am not able to understand that. She is not your loyal wife anymore, mister.”

“How dare you…”

“Not a word of mine is a lie. Isn’t it true that she was sleeping with Swamiji here in the ashram itself. Isn’t it true that despite her being pregnant she didn't tell you the truth? Don’t you hear from your servants how she used to call swamiji to your home when you were in Australia?”

“I still want her…full stop.” Dad was determined. 

“Yeah.. she is so beautiful that I can understand your pain to lose her. But I assure you life will give you one more chance. And on the contrary, swamiji does value her beauty way more than you.” The lawyer smiled mischievously, “Just tell the number and you will get it.”

Everybody was silent. Waiting for my fathers reply. But he kept mum.

“No?” the lawyer asked my father. “Okay mister, no problem. I have to just walk on the other path then.” 

Lawyer went to swamiji and talked something into his ear. Swamiii signaled one disciple and told him something after which the disciple retired from the scene.

Both swamij and lawyer walked to the door. Before leaving the room, the lawyer stopped and turned to my father saying, “I feel sorry for you man. You lost your beautiful wife as well as a lifetime opportunity to get fortune.”
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Thank you very much givemeextra, Soram, bhanu, abcturbine, biosys for your replies. I am very sorry that I couldn't provide updates on time. The story is just about to finish so please bear with me.
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Part - XVII

My heart twitched. I got worried about my father’s fate. Fortunately, at that time my dad was left alone in the room. I quickly changed my place and followed swamiji and a lawyer who were moving to his personal hut. I was scared as hell. But knowing their plan was critical to save our family. 

It didn’t take me much time to find a proper hiding place. I had witnessed my mummy getting spoiled from that vent only. The new conspiracy was being planned, and my hopes were collapsing.

The cunning lawyer put forward the craziest plan; even swamiji looked stunned and pleased by this. My baby brother was to go missing (actually killed and buried); and dad was to be blamed and jailed for that. Their first obstacle is dealt with! Also, this way the only evidence of Swamiji’s and my mother’s sexual relations was to be cleared. So, if going ahead, even if Acharyaji or security officer try to probe further, DNA test won’t be possible. And third and probably the thing for which swamiji was very much happy: dad would lose whatever respect mummy had for him. She had already left dad for the kid and when she would know that dad had kidnapped and probably harmed the kid, she would never turn back to him. 

I understood then and there only that we have lost to swamiji. Next day, I just had to play a helpless observer of the execution of this cruel, ruthless plan. 

And it happened more or less the way the lawyer anticipated. Everybody was shocked by the news of the disappearance of the kid. My mummy’s eyes were swollen due to crying. And can’t tell you how shocking it was for me when she attacked dad when security officer were taking him to a jeep. My dad was helplessly trying to convince her he has done nothing but mummy was holding him by collar and madly slapping him asking for the kid. 

Acharyaji and his disciple looked confused and asked mummy that she should not worry and take some rest. And they won’t be asking her or me any questions right now. But she looked as angry as she was hurt. She herself said that all the fault is with her sceptical husband, my dad. And swamiji was, and will remain her idol, her guru. Not only this, she wanted to spend the rest of her life in the service of swamiji and ashram.

How can I miss the faint cunning smile appearing on swamiji’s face. I had gone through so many turmoils but this was unbearable for me. I always felt pity for the mummy. But for the first time I felt anger for her. I didn’t want to stay here. Not at any cost. I was not sure where I would go, but I wanted to get away from this dirt. Having gone through all this, I didn’t had courage to see my mummy warming bed of swamiji rest of the life; the same man who once bangd her, who separated her from our family, who killed their child as well and now who had also send my dad to jail. 

As I was standing cold like a statue, I sensed a loving, calm hand caressing my head. I turned back to see Acharyaji with his convincing smile. “You have a bright future ahead, son.” He warmly said.

Somehow I couldn’t control tears rolling out of my eyes and I fell to his legs to take his blessing. I had made up my mind to run away to some other place and create a life for myself.
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Sir, Please don't get disappointed. Your story plot is awesome and the your narration is simply awesome. Please keep on posting regular updates. Your story soon receives a great acclaim
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(13-07-2022, 11:59 PM)picchimanishi Wrote: Sir, Please don't get disappointed. Your story plot is awesome and the your narration is simply awesome. Please keep on posting regular updates. Your story soon receives a great acclaim

Thank you picchimanishi. Your comment meant a lot to me. The final update will be coming by end of the week. I am sure you will like it.
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(14-07-2022, 08:50 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Thank you picchimanishi. Your comment meant a lot to me. The final update will be coming by end of the week. I am sure you will like it.

I really didn't expect the ending. We can't force you if you are intended to give the ending for this great story. I hope for the good continuation. Even if you end this story, please don't stop writing new stories for us. We always expect a good stories from you. By tha way, thanks for replying for my comment..
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Waiting for the final update. Please post it ASAP
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 devil2 Emotion In Motion, A Dirty Mind  flamethrower
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The Final Update

I waited for midnight. That was the perfect time to leave the ashram as everybody will be sleeping and patrolling will not be very tight. I had already kept my bags ready. Mummy had left an hour ago when she thought I fell asleep. And I am sure you people don’t have to tell where she would have gone. I woke up and checked the ashram premise. That was amavasya night and deep darkness was all over the place. This was an excellent time to run away, I thought. 

I picked up my bag and moved towards the fences on the west side. I was careful that nobody would see me. I reached the fence and threw my bag to the other side. I just turned and looked at the ashram for the last time; it was all sunk into darkness except glowing lights into huts. Time had come to say goodbye to this ashram, never to return back. All events since the last couple of years passed before my eyes. All that our family had gone through. I was leaving all this behind. Nothing.. Almost nothing I was taking with me, except..except… 

“Ohhh No…”, I panicked. I forgot to take our family photograph as a memory with me. It was the only dad’s photo with us as of now and I had decided to take it from mummy’s bag before leaving but somehow I forgot. 

I was caught in a dilemma: what to do? Do I really need to have it? My mind was bothering to go back to get that photo. But, that was the only memory of my dad that I was going to have. I was not sure if I would ever meet him or not. 

I was not afraid just of being caught. The photo was in mummy’s bag which was in Swamiji’s hut. And I was feeling nervous about the possibility of what I would have to see in the hut if I went there to recover the photo. But that risk was worth taking, so I prayed to god and moved to the hut swiftly. 

After reaching the hut, I took some time to understand the situation and to my surprise the whole hut including the hall as well as the bedroom was empty.  I slowly moved to the bedroom and there beneath the dressing table was mummy’s bag. I hurriedly pulled out all the clothes and I found that photo. Happily, I was putting all the clothes in when I heard some movements outside. 

My heartbeat skipped and I quickly moved underneath the bed. 

I could see strong black legs with dhoti entering the bedroom. It was Swamiji… He came and sat on the bed. I could see his swinging legs from under the bed. I moved my eyes aside and I could see him wholly in the big mirror over the dressing table. I was angry and afraid at the same time. He looked excited and happy as he closed eyes and kept breathing deeply. 

Suddenly the gentle sound of bangles and anklets caught my attention and with a throbbing heart I looked at the door. I could see only the knee down of a woman dressed in black saree. Of course It was supposed to be my mummy; and seeing her soft, nail-painted legs I was assured of that. 

“Come… Come dear… why are you standing away like this?” Swamiji invited her lovingly.

My eyes moved to the mirror but she was not visible in it. She took slow steps towards the bed and as I saw her approach the bed my throat became dry. She was just standing a couple of feets away from me. I looked in the mirror and this time to my surprise, she was completely in view!

She was looking simply beautiful! with the modest expression on her gazing face, she stood near Swamiji. She was wearing a very beautiful black kanjivaram saree with marvellous golden embroidery design. The saree embroidery was consistent with that on the black colored, perfectly stitched blouse with short sleeves. The blouse was thus showing off her glowing right arm fully. The saree was perfectly worn as I could see her saree pleats and very creatively pinned so that her deep navel was half visible.

From the position Swamiji was sitting in, that lustrous belly button caught his attention and he couldn’t stop himself licking lips. He put his one hand around her waist and with the other hand he exposed her navel to full view…

“Marvellous..” he said and softly kissed her navel.  Mummy’s moist lips parted as a reaction; otherwise expressionless face. The game is soon to begin, I thought. But to my surprise, Swamiji didn’t jump on her like a hungry wolf. He looked into her face and asked warmly, “You are truly an apsara dear Arpita…No doubt about that. But with this attire of yours today you are looking epitome of sensuality.  Kanta prepared you for the night, right?” He gestured at her to sit beside him.

Mummy nodded as she silently sat beside him on the bed.

Swamiji smiled and offered her a rose which she accepted without looking at his face.

“This woman Kanta never disappoints me!” He said as he delicately put his hand on mummy’s shoulder. My heart was burning in anger hearing praises for the woman who was pivotal in breaking our family.

“These jasmine buds covering your big bun are looking so sweet on you..”, he held her chin with other hand and praised her. Mummy smiled faintly. 

“What happened, Arpita? Still thinking of our son?” Swamiji got hold of her pulse. She lowered her gaze admitting she is still thinking of my lost brother. 

Swamiji held her pretty face in both of his palms and said, “Don’t worry, Arpita. My men will find him out. But there is no point in thinking about him all the time and spoiling our minds. I am also hurt, you see, he was our child…our own..”, He gazed at her for some time and softly kissed her forehead. “But I won’t let your husband win by making us unhappy. You see that right? He did all this conspiracy to make you and me unhappy. I will prove him to be not only unworthy of you, but a big loser overall; what he really is!”

“And I am expecting you to accompany me, Arpita. I promise you I will love you forever dear; and you would agree; looking at how enjoyable the moments we spent together were; although very rare; we will have a great life together… don’t you?” their eyes paired for quite a long moment. 

And surprisingly mummy nodded…

“Aahhh Arpita…” Swamiji moaned and slowly laid to bed taking her along. Bed squeaked a little; and they were out of the mirror frame. All I could see was their legs.

And finally it started! That was inevitable but I should not be there witnessing this sinful game. 

I could hear hissess, moans, romantic words, chit chat in a mumbling tone and in between chuckling. Slowly the legs which were quite separated earlier started rubbing against each other. I was feeling that Swamiji is kind of climbing her to conquer her fully. Her fair and buttery legs were caught and rubbed against by the harsh hairy legs of Swamiji… Her foot fingers were moving back and forth sensually; her heels rubbed over the bed sheet depicting her pleasure.  

The activity on bed was accentuating with every passing moment. Now the hisses were louds… Call outs with words - darling, Arpita and equally sweet Swamiji…. coming from mummy’s mouth made the atmosphere of sex. I was feeling uneasy about the thing happening over the bed; as well as for stucking under the bed.. I was waiting for a chance to get out of there.

And after a few minutes mummy stopped Swamiji.

“What happened?” I could sense disappointment in his voice.

“Let me drink water..” saying this mummy sat up at the edge of bed and my heartbeat skipped again looking at her condition.

Her pallu was nowhere… and her blouse was unbuttoned. Her majestic breasts, only covered by a sexy,  fiery rose colored bra, was looking very hot. Her fair face has collected droplets of sweat due to their lovemaking… her kumkum was displaced and my stomach ached when I realised she was boasting a long, lavish mangalsutra in her neck.. Not the one tied by my dad. 

She soon moved to take water; and Swamiji came into the frame. He was also sweating… and was looking ugly with jasmine buds stuck all over his hairy, dark body; of course those loosened from mummy’s bun while lovemaking. 

“But what about my thirst?” He said impatiently.

“2 minutes,” I could see my mummy’s leg at the table at the corner as she was taking sips.

“I can’t bear..” Swami said and rushed towards her, thus keeping the frame blank again.

“Ohhh… what?” Mummy giggled, “ Can’t you wait for… mmm muham…  muhamm….”

Her voice suppressed and I don’t have to tell you why, I was looking at four legs standing at the table. 

Caressing each other they were moving towards bed again. Her pallu was trailing behind them like a train of queen’s royal dress. And when they finally came to the bed; and so in the mirror frame, I could see how hungry they were for each other. Swamiji was rubbing her all over and kissing wherever he could see her glowing flesh.. And she was madly caressing him while enjoying all his manly attention. 

Suddenly Swamiji pulled her blouse off one shoulder and mummy helped him with the other. She was only in her lovely bra now. With a gaping mouth she brushed against Swamiji’ body. Swamji’s one hand encompassed her, and with the other hand, he started weighing and pressing her lustrous bosom over the bra.

“I was so much waiting to suck these… dear..” he chirped and his hungry mouth attacked her chest. He kissed, smelled her breasts along with bra fabrics;  licked her cleavage, rubbed his rough, beard face all over her mountains and tried to grab those in mouth…

But all this was only adding fuel to his lust; he undid her bra hurriedly and munched on her left breasts. So quick was he with this, I even didn’t realise when he undid her bra and he had already started enjoying the divine juice of her boobs. 

“Aahhh aaahh Swamiji..” Mummy moaned as Swamiji continued to suck and nibble at her big breasts and perky nipples. She couldn’t help herself from holding his face tight to her chest and caressing his head as his magic continued on her breasts and those full, fair globes with cherry nipples on it soon lathered with Swamiji’s dirty, sticky saliva.

I felt like vomiting when I saw all the mess he had created with her fun bags. But did my opinion matter there? Mummy was not only enjoying the treatment her succulent titties were receiving, she was also encouraging and guiding Swamiji to continue at it,  the way she was moaning, biting her lips, in between while caressing his head all the time.

Unable to bear the sensation, she pulled Swamiji away from her breasts. Her right breast escaped his mouth with Pukkkkk sound… and Swamiji also noticed that she was all shivering with excitement. He just kept looking at her face… 

And before Swamiji could think of anything, mummy pulled his face to her and kissed him fully! This was unexpectable to me and I literally closed my eyes, unable to see what woman my mother was turned into. But I couldn’t help hearing their kissing noise… “Slurrrrrrrp…. chuyuukkk …. Chyuukkk… .aaaahh .ummmmmm ufffff…” I felt like it was going for decades. 

After a few minutes, in hope they were done with it I opened my eyes and they proved me wrong this time as well. To my utter shock Swamiji’s long tongue was hanging out and my once pious mother was hungrily sucking his tongue slowly and sensually… taking the whole of it in her mouth… So intimate their sucking was, when she stopped, the string of saliva was there between their mouths. And she lovingly embraced him… piecing her face into his hairy, broad chest..

Swamiji caressed her lovingly… embraced her fully… and started pushing her down.

She looked at his face with a confused face…

“Take my ling in your mouth, priyatama…” His voice was cracking in excitement..

“But I haven’t ever…”

“I have already given you that pleasure Arpita… Don’t you tell me that wasn't a lovely experience…,” Swamiji didn’t let her complete. 

“Don’t keep me deprived of this pleasure, my love.” he pleaded.

And they both kissed again, before mummy get to her knee and the next 5 minutes were the worst minutes of my life. Still today I am not sure how a beautiful, cleanliness-demanding lady like mummy sucked that ugly, unhygienic manhood of Swamiji… The fact that it was big and had proved to give her ample pleasure in the past, was all sufficient to take away her reluctance? Once started, she didn’t have to be convinced or told to do something. She took all the charge and the way her warm, wet mouth was wrapped around Swamiji’s dick and she suckled on the whole length as if enjoying a tasty lollipop, nobody could have said it's her first blowjob.

“Arpita my queen… ufff… yess like that…”, Swamiji was moaning all the time and his hand was pierced into her bun. With increasing pleasure, his hands were crushing her hairs and flower buds were dropping on the floor like pearls… 

“Yeah attack on the head now… you are my sweet putri… Arpita…” he moaned as mummy started rolling her tongue on his big onion sized cockhead only.. As if a curious learner, she explored all the sensitive areas of his penis in the first blowjob itself. Swamji looked very pleased and had become hell horny by her skills. He made her stand up and started pulling pallu with unrest… 

Mummy rotated around herself with his pull and her saree was thrown to the floor by Swamiji before he put hand to her petticoat string. They kissed hungrily, with mummy’s right hand curled around his neck as he got her only on panty…

“Can’t bear it now… “ Swamiji hissed.

“Me either…”, mummy said shamelessly and tossed her half free hairs to make them free fully into their beautiful length. 

They embraced and jumped on the bed together as if jumping in a pool. The moaning and bed noise soon started.

Again only their legs were in frame but I know there was much going on the bed than what I can see. I noticed mummy’s anklet bearing splendid legs elevated in the air, inviting Swamiji in between; and within a few seconds Swamiji’s dark hips appeared between her legs..

She wrapped her legs around his hips and I heard them moaning loudly. 

“Aaaaaah ufffffffffff ummmmmmmmm…. That's so pleasurable…”

Mummy was not stopping calling “Swamiji…” and he didn’t stop calling her with all the lovely names he could spell out… Bed kept squeaking… and I kept waiting for all this to be over.

It was late in the night that I woke up. Noticing everything is silent above the bed. I slowly got out and tiptoed to the door. The family photo was already in my hand. I didn’t want to turn back, but I can’t tell you exactly why I turned back. 

I saw my mummy, the ultimate beauty lying happily with ugly Swamiji; both naked; and in an embraced position. 

I moved to a far away city and started my new journey, but it took me some time to forget those nightmare dreams where Swamiji kept saying “Arpita you are all mine… just mine” and mummy shamelessly replying “Yes you own me completely… Who else would I care for? You are my swami”.

Today, I am successful in my career and personal life. But sometimes my past haunts me and I think of these incidents in privacy. In fact, last year when I was near my hometown due to work, I couldn’t control myself to enquire about the Ashram and especially, my mummy. 

I cursed myself to do so because I was quite nervous for the next few days knowing that Swamiji and mummy are still together. She has become Arpita mata and is well respected by devotees. And they together have 5 children.(6 including the lost Holy Savior)

— The End —
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I am very much sorry for I couldn't give regular updates for this story. I sincerely oppologize my readers for this.

The good thing is that, I was able to complete this story again, which I have restarted due to reader's request in the past. I have got love from few but regular readers of my thread - Biosys, Abstar, mn60358, givemeextra, Picchimanishi to name a few.  I am very thankful for their comments and encouragement.

Now as the story is complete, I would like to know whats your overall review for the story. It will encourage me and guild me as well in my further writing project.
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Son feels he lost a mom. Whereas, the truth is:
> His mom is now a mom for many more children's [devotee's]
> His mom is  alpha female with so many others doing her bidding
> Mom's life has  improved as she has got her satisfaction she needed

Man is a social animal.. Like animals who grow their young and let go after they have become a young adult, mom has let go of her son in same way.  She has grown her kid to extent possible, and now it his his duty to continue his journey ahead.

Son can always visit ashram and seeks Mother's blessings, talk about his issues etc. Nothing stopping him to do that. He should know she has a better life here than she did originally.  

Son has to let go and free himself of his wrong thinking, Mom already has.

Wonderful story author:
      Pls start part 2 soon - The Holy Savior  -  Daughter in Law [Son's wife]
      This is a gem series that should not end with one series only, if it ends ...it is a shame

Repped and 1000   Namaskar  to consider Part 2
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