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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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I have never been comfortable with flying. It is a form of travel that I will not do. So when the chance came to go to Australia some six years ago, ship travel was the only option. Ship travel has some nice advantages over plane such as on board entertainment and all the shops and conveniences of home. There are four of us, this kind of vacation was a once in a lifetime trip for us. My wife Constance of twenty years, my son Andy who was fourteen and my daughter Rose who was twelve set out on our voyage expecting to have a wonderful time and to be home in a few weeks.

That is when the trouble began. Most cruise ships avoid ocean storms unless they are not considered severe. Our cruise ship was no different in this respect. When we cruised into a storm on our fifth day of the cruise I was not concerned and did not see it as a dangerous situation. The ship was traveling along with no real signs of stress and we took advantage of the storm to hold up in our cabin and relax for a while. It was while we were relaxing that I heard what sounded like an explosion and felt the ship shudder. To this day, I do not know if this was related to the storm or was a separate situation.

The captain issued the abandon ship order over the loud speakers. We made our way to the nearest life raft and followed the directions we had received about inflating and entering the raft. The ship was sinking faster than I expected and we barely got the raft afloat before the deck we were standing on slipped below water. We managed to climb onto the raft and began looking for other survivors. We saw other rafts floating but could not make our way to them for the storm. The storm was not severe for our ship but was very turbulent for a life raft. It was not long before we could not see any of the other strobe lights blinking on the other rafts. So it was just my family and I on a raft built for about sixteen people. There was enough food and water to keep us going for about two weeks. According to the ship staff that instructed us as to how to inflate the raft, there was supposed to be a rescue beacon on the raft. I do not know what happened to it but apparently it did not work for no rescue vessels ever came. We drifted for two weeks on the currents of the sea and had no idea where we were or where we were going.

The food and water was running out and I was starting to think we would die on the raft in the middle of the ocean when Constance spotted land. We paddled toward the shore with the oars that were part of the equipment of the raft. I was never so relieved to be back on solid land before. We drug the raft ashore and then began to survey the area to see if we could locate some help. We stayed together to avoid having anyone get lost. It did not take long for us to figure out that we were on an island roughly a half by three fourths mile in size. Fortunately, for us there was an abundance of vegetation and life on the island. However, there were no signs of human habitations except for the trash that washed up on shore from who knows where.

So there we were on an island that no one bothered to settle with just the four of us. The first order of the day was survival. We began harvesting plant life for food and building shelter from the downed limbs we found on the island. As time passed we got better at catching marine life to provide protein to go with vegetation that we were eating. We were all somewhat heavy when went into the rescue raft but as time and struggle continued we all became very thin healthy weights. You might say that we were experiencing the perfect weight loss program. The years melted away without any one showing up or any sign of ships that we could hope to have spot us. This is when the real story begins;

It had been six years since we pulled ourselves into the raft. We had become very good at providing for ourselves and even found that we had time for leisure. My children were now twenty and eighteen years old. They had turned into beautiful young people with no one around to help with the natural issues that come with physical development. Add to that that we had long since worn our clothes out and had become basically nudist. Oh, we tried to cover our shame with plant life and the like. But we might as well have been naked as most everything was visible. I suspected that the kidy had to take matters into their own hands when the urges became overwhelming. As for me and my wife, we never looked better and our sex life was considerably better on the island than it had been back home. I felt like I had my newlywed wife and her figure again. I enjoyed playing with her like a new toy just as I had when we were first married. The lost weight had caused her breast size to go down but had the additional effect of making her breast perkier.

My daughter had turned into a real stunner. She had developed a very athletic build on the island and had all the right curves in all the right places. She did not have the mature build that my wife did but the delicious tightness of a young woman. My son was very muscular and was as handsome as my daughter was beautiful. It was at this time that the trouble began. I was wondering the woods when I came upon my daughter giving my son a blow job. He was thoroughly enjoying himself when I walked thru brush and startled them and myself. They immediately stopped what they were doing and could not look me in the eye. Since there was no way I could ignore what I had seen I asked them how long this had been going on and how far they had gone.

They explained to me that they had been experimenting for a couple of years but had not had actual intercourse as they were afraid of pregnancy.

I tried to look at this in a realistic way. I understood that their urges were very natural and that there really was no one else around to find release with. However, I was also aware that there was no medical help on our island and that their mother had difficulty with her delivery of both my children. I explained this to them and told them they could not have intercourse under any circumstances as that it could put Rose in great danger if she got pregnant. Even if they tried withdrawing before ejaculation she could still get pregnant.

My son explained that he had seen my mother and I having sex many times and wanted to know why the same rules did not apply to she and I. There was real hurt in his voice and I felt real guilt that he was in such a circumstance as this.

I explained that I had a vasectomy right after Rose was born. Also that Constance, his mom had a hysterectomy within one year of Rose's birth making the vasectomy a mute point. For this reason, his mom and I could have an abundant sex life without worrying about pregnancy.

This seemed to answer his question although it did not satisfy him or the situation. I told them to continue with oral and self gratification if they must but never engage in vaginal intercourse. I also told them that they should be discrete as possible as I was not sure how their mother would react.

A couple more months went by and I wondered how things were going for my children. I was concerned that curiosity might get the best of them and we would have an unwanted pregnancy on our hands. I chose to tell my wife about what I had seen and about the conversation. She was not at all surprised. She said that she expected there would be some exploration as their adult urges were completely natural. She was also concerned about the chance of pregnancy and the danger that this would create in our shipwrecked lifestyle. We left the conversation at that, hoping the children would do the right thing. Meanwhile there sexual tension seemed to be palpable. Somehow I knew we were reaching some kind of critical mass.

It was at this time, Andy asked for a family meeting. I was afraid that he was going to inform us that Rose was pregnant that they could not resist the urge to experience real intercourse. Instead, they seemed very calm and logical in their mannerisms and conversation. Andy said, "You both know that we are full grown adults and we have full grown adult needs." Constance and I nodded our heads as he continued. "We are the only unmarried male and female on the island. We cannot have vaginal sex as Rose might get pregnant. A risk that we cannot take. Rose and I have discussed this at some length and we have come to a decision that we need your help with." Constance and I looked at each other quizzically. We wondered where this was leading. Andy continued, "Rose and I have resisted the urges about as long as we can. At this point we need to have real sex as any adult should. It occurred to us that you, dad, cannot get anyone pregnant and mom cannot get pregnant. The logical conclusion to us is that dad should have sex with Rose and I should have sex with mom."

As you might expect this suggestion came as a bit of a shock to Constance and I. We simply did not connect the dots as the kids had and were not prepared for this kind of suggestion.

Being your normal man, I immediately looked at my daughter to assess the question at hand. She is very pretty with red hair and an attractive face. Looking on down I realized that she had about C cup breast that were tan and delectable as is normal for a girl her age. Her breast defied gravity and just asked to be suckled. I assume my son had done just that often over the last couple of years. I continued looking down her body following her thin waste as it began to flare back out to her nearly perfect hips. Continuing down, I saw her read bush and how delicious it looked. By this time I was about half erect just from the thought of and inspection of her body. I noticed that her labia were distended and that she was ready for sex just having discussed it. I looked back up to her eyes and they were almost pleading me to agree. However, I was not sure how my conservative wife would react to this suggestion. Was she repulsed, would she hate me if I even looked like this was something that I would go along with? I looked over and realized her eyes were traveling up and down Andy's toned body as well. I wondered if she was having the same thoughts that I was. What middle age person has not fantasized about having a young toned twenty something body to enjoy? Perhaps women have the same fantasy life as men. Neither of us wanted to appear too anxious to pursue Andy's suggestion.

Constance looked at me and I looked at her. Finally Constance said, "It is unorthodox but I cannot think of a better solution." This seemed to be as much encouragement as the group needed. I asked, "Are we all sure that we could handle the emotions that would come along with this experience? Constance would still be my wife and she and I would still be the parents and expect the respect that comes along with those titles."

The kids anxiously told us that they could handle the physical and emotional strains that might be caused by such adult exploration. This seemed to be the assurances that everyone needed. With that, I decided it was time for action. By now I am fully erect.

I reached out for my daughter who immediately met my embrace. Our lips met as our embrace was made. I felt her breast and her curves as they met my body. My penis was trapped between her and me. There was now no doubt that I was excited by the contact and the idea of contact between me and this remarkable young woman. As we made out, I ran my hands down her back and began to massage her perfect ass with my hands. As nice as her mom's ass was it could not compare with the youth that was now in my hands. As we necked I opened my eyes just long enough to see that Andy was at about the same point with his mother as I was with his sister. Andy actually had one hand up to my wife's pussy and had inserted a couple of fingers into her. She was enjoying every minute of the experience and I knew her well enough that she was not going to have much more of this before she threw him down and humped his legs off.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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I closed my eyes and went back to the action at hand. I took one of my two hands off of Rose's butt and brought it around to her chest. Her nipples were fully erect and I gently cupped them with my hand while still cupping her ass with the other. At this point she reached for my cock and began stroking it while I continued my assault on all her goodies. I lowered my mouth from hers and traced down her neck and down her chest until I reached one of her nipples. I had always been a breast man and really enjoy suckling a great set of tits. These were really great tits and I enjoyed the new experience of a new set of breast. Rose's stroking of my cock increased in speed as I nursed her breast. While I suckled her breast I reached down with my now free hands and reached between her legs. I was surprised by how wet she was. Normally I would orally gratify my wife before ever entering her vagina with my penis. Rose was so excited that as soon as I touched her clit she exploded in orgasm. Lack of experience had resulted in a quick release. I laid her down on the ground and moved between her legs. She looked at me with pleading in her eyes and without words being said I knew it was time. I took one quick look over at my wife and son who were already engaged in vaginal intercourse. Constance looked to be having a great time and I could tell that Andy would not last long as this was his first time of experiencing the velvety pleasure of an actually vagina.

I looked down at my daughter with a look of are you sure and she looked back at me with a look of acknowledgement. I slowly moved my penis toward her labia. I knew this would be her first insertion and wanted it to be a pleasant one. I felt her lips touch the end of my penis and I gently continued to push until the head of my penis was inserted into her lips. Once the head of my penis was in her lips I knew her hymen could not be much further in. Sure enough just a little more push and I was up against the resistance that a hymen offers. I could not help but remember taking her moms hymen the same way 26 years ago. It was at this time that I said, "honey you will feel some pain." I pushed a little harder until finally her hymen yielded to the pressure and I slipped into her vagina. A couple more pushes and I was all the way into her pussy. I paused to let her get used to this new sensation and give her a second to recover from the pain. The blood was trickling out of her vagina onto the ground beneath us. I was not sure if it was time to continue or not. Just then Rose began to thrust back and forth up to me on her own. I figured that it was time to get to work and began gently sawing my cock in and out of her. I did not remember her mother being so tight, so perfect. Perhaps my memory failed to remember just how good it was after 26 years. Now, however, I was fully appreciating how tight she was. In spite of the pain that first penetration had caused, Rose was quickly reaching a climax. I was also excited by the new taboo experience and was also reaching the point of climax. After a few more seconds, we both reached orgasm together. It was the most remarkable sexual experience I have ever had.

I looked over at my wife and son and realized they had been done for some time. The evidence of my son's ejaculation was running from my wife's vagina. I looked down at my daughter and the evidence of my ejaculation with a mix of blood running from my daughter's vagina. I could not help but think that my son had a wonderful solution to our quandary. As time went on my wife and I had less sex with each other as we did with the kids. It is hard work to meet the sexual needs of virile young people.

It was less than a year later that a ship got close enough to the island to see us. We returned home to a perfectly normal conservative family life. With the possible exception that all parties agreed that our unique problem resolution should continue now that we are home. As soon as my daughter was on birth control, my son finally got a chance to experience her charms for himself. The children now date other young people and are trying to make up for lost time. However, they still make time to satisfy the needs of dear old mom and dad. What a wonderful time of family bonding that took place while we were shipwrecked.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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yourock yourock 

Castaway Ch. 01

जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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"Finally, I am officially on vacation!!!!

Jasmine squealed as she boarded the luxury cruise with her tickets and luggage. At 5'7", Jasmine was a slim yet curvy 26 year old med school graduate. With long wavy natural hair and toffee colored skin, full lips and expressive almond shaped eyes, Jasmine though she was attractive, but not enough to realize the hungry stares that followed her where she went. Even now she didn't realize the stares she garnered as she walked onto the mostly Caucasian ship. In her mind, she went to school with white people, college and medical school, so to be the only black girl was not a surprise.

"Here are my tickets" She said, handing them over to the check in station.

"OK Miss Jasmine you're on the second floor, room 8001."

"Thank you" She replied and made her way to her room.

After exiting the elevator, she walked down the hall, scanning the doors for her room. Having found it, she pulled her key out and tried to open the door.

"Hey! Who's in there! This is my room that I paid for.."

The door was yanked open and a man in a towel stood, looking just as pissed. His abs heaved as though he had run from the shower... which he had, and his short military cut still gleamed with water. His dark brown eyes glared at her.

"I paid for this room, Lady, go back to the front desk!"

Momentarily stunned by this gorgeous, half naked and wet man, Jasmine stuttered a reply.

"I..I paid for this room, 8001,"

"Sorry lady, this is room 8002, your room is right there!"

He pointed at her room across the hall.

"Oh, my bad I'm sorry" She sheepishly replied and smiled.

Ali's mind went blank as he processed that she was actually quite beautiful when she wasn't trying to break his door down. Then he realized he was half naked.

"It's no problem, I have to go" He said unintentionally slamming the door.

Well sorrrry! She thought walking to her room. Sitting on her bed she decided to take a nap before unpacking her stuff.

By the time I wake up we should be in Cancun!!! She thought and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Captain's deck 23:00 Hours

"Hey captain, are you sure you can take the night shift?" The first mate asked.

"Boy! This is my ship and I've been running this cruise for 18 years. Go be with your wife since it's your honey moon. I'll be fine. And lock the door on the way out too."

"Ok Captain, call me if you need me" he said as he left, locking the door with an audible click.

Captain's deck 00:00 hours

The captain sat, watching the course the ship was set on, listening to a steady stream of information through his headset. The inside of the captain's ear began to itch, so the captain took off his headset and reached to scratch it.

"AAAAAGH!" He yelled as a sharp pain ran through his chest.

Clutching his heart, the captain fell to the floor, accidently hitting the mast and setting the cruise off course and altitude.


Oh this margarita is beautiful. Jasmine thought in the midst of her dream, sitting in cancun on the beach. Why do my feet feel wet, I'm at the bar not the water. Jolting awake, Jasmine realized water was rising in her bedroom up to her waist. She struggled to leave the room with furniture blocking the door.

"HELP! HELP ME!" She screamed.

In the hall, Ali struggled to push through the people rushing towards the stairwell. He distantly heard someone screaming for help, and realized it was coming from room 8002.

"FUCK! This girl will be the death of me" He mused as he went to go help. He tried to push the door open, yet was unable to.

"Hold on, I have to break the handle. Move as much stuff out the way!"

Jasmine complied moving as much as she could, then seeing the problem, and errant towel jammed under the door, she removed it and open the door, just as Ali rushed towards it, and instead hit the desk.

"AAAAGRGH!" He groaned as his felt the pain from his dislocated shoulder.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry, but we have to go now!"

She helped him up and they ran into the hall to find it empty. As they ran upstairs to the main deck they realized that everyone had already left on the safety boats. She grabbed a life jacket and put one on him then tied them together.

"Can you swim!!!" he yelled over the creaking of the sinking ship"

"Yes, but my shoulder is broken"

"Ok, well just hold on to me!" She yelled as the water rushed up to meet them. The frigid water engulfed them, momentarily covering their heads.

"Wrap you hurt arm around me and help me paddle with your good arm. " He groaned in response.

They swam like that for hours until the sun rose.

"Hey I see a beach over there!" She yelled.

Ali bobbed his head, his eyes glazed over and his body shaking. Jasmine swam them towards the shore and removed their jackets. Ali was shivering and his arm was at a weird angle.

"I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt!" She warned before she brutally jerked his arm into the socket. He screamed in his sleep thrashing around until the pain subsided. Jasmine looked around, realizing she was alone with a sick man on a deserted island. She quickly built a covering with palm tree leaves, and after removing their clothes to dry, she fell asleep with him in her arms.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Castaway Ch. 02
Story Info

Waking up on the deserted island.
1k words

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*edited version with minor changes*

Ali awoke to a blaring sun in his eyes and sat up quickly, only to lay back down with extreme dizziness. He confusedly surveyed his surroundings. Contemplating the ocean in front of him as the teal blue waters winked at him, the prior events ambushed his brain, causing him to groan, and then panic as he remembered the girl he ended up here with.

He tried to stand, and after a minute of pausing and slowly rising, he took his first steps on the beach. He slowly walked towards a bend in the shore, observing errant pieces of wood littered all over the place. As he turned around the bend the sight in front of him transfixed him and left his already breathless body speechless.

Jasmine lay on the rock totally bare to the world, enjoying the sun's strong rays on her bronzed skin. Her breasts stood at proud attention, the brown tips hard from the water droplets surrounding them. Her body elegantly curved to a firm ass that rested on the rock, Ali could just barely make out the upward curve of her mound and his mouth watered. She sighed in pleasure as a cool breeze caressed her skin. She heard a strangled sound to her left and turned, only to scream in shock and embarrassment as Ali stood there with an odd look on his face.

"AAggh!" She yelled as she scrambled and gathered her wet clothes from the rock and put them on.

Ali came to his senses and turned around, the action making him dizzy and he fell to his knees. Jasmine, forgetting her partial state of undress, rushed to him and helped sit him on a rock.

"You're not supposed to be walking, you have a fever! Well had one actually" she amended as she placed a cool palm on his forehead, and noted the fever gone.

"How do you know and how long have we been here?" he said gruffly, trying not to stare at her breasts as the wet t-shirt clung to them.

"I'm a medically trained doctor and you have been feverish for the past 2 days" she huffed, taking offense to his tone. She shivered and wished he would go back to having a fever and being passed put. Ali realized she was cold and removed his shirt and gave it to her.

"Why were you naked just now, there's no point in getting a tan we're not on vacation" he said with irritation he didn't understand.

"Actually," Jasmine began while blushing at both his comment and bare chest, "My clothes were wet because I have been fishing for food with my net I made so that WE could eat. I wanted my clothes to be dry before the sun set so I took them off"

Ali realized his error, and sheepishly berated himself as an awkward silence expanded between the two.

"My name is Jasmine by the way, and I never did get your name,"

"It's Ali. So why did you come on this cruise?" He began, hoping to start a new conversation.

"I just graduated from medical school, and had a few months before my residency begins at John Hopkin's hospital. I just wanted a vacation and now I'm on a beautiful deserted island" and stuck with a grumpy sexy man, she thought bitterly.

"Wow, congrats on graduating. I just got leave from the Reserves and just wanted to wind down before I began civilian life" he replied.

"As soon as I get my strength back up I will start combing the island to see what's around" he said

"Already did it" she said proudly.

"What! Why would you go alone you could have gotten hurt" he said in a scolding tone.

"Well too late. There a small spring 50 meters inward and plenty of edible vegetation. All we have to do I boil the water and eat fish for protein"

Ali thought in irritation at his weakened state, and how a woman had to care and provide for him.

"I will find my own food, I doubt you know anything about true survivorship" he sneered.

"I've kept us alive haven't I" Jasmine heatedly replied. She stared at him waiting for him to acknowledge this fact. Yet he sat silent and stared at the ocean as if to tune her out.

"Fine! Take care of your fucking self!" She stood and ripped his t-shirt off of her and stormed off, throwing his t-shirt at his face.

Damn, that ass is fine, he thought, unable to tear his eyes away from her ass as walked away towards their encampment. He tried to stand, yet couldn't, and sat on the rock looking at the waves.


By nightfall, Jasmine had built a proper shelter from broad leaves she found inside the island and vines from trees she used as rope. She bent over a collection of wood, struggling to start a fire from two rocks. Suddenly, hands grabbed her rocks and threw them across the beach.

"Those are the wrong rocks" Ali said as he pulled rocks from his pocket and struck them, starting a fire. Jasmine mutely stared at the fire willing them to go away. They sat there staring into the flames for an hour until Jasmine began to feel sleepy. She stood and walked over towards Ali.

"Scoot over" she said yawning.

"What, why?" he replied slightly taken off guard.

"We have to share body heat, that's how I kept you warm these past few days"

Ali, irritated again at the reminder of his weakness, snapped "I don't need to be kept warm anymore"

Jasmine sharply turned away, her face warm with embarrassment. She silently lay down faced away from the fire and wiped an errant tear from her face. It was on the tip of his tongue to apologize for his rude behavior, yet Ali couldn't so he too laid down staring at her back across the flames. The stayed like this for a few hours until Jasmine turned over towards the fire, her face deceptively still in sleep. Ali, still awake, gazed at her face, taken by the upward tilt of her nose and full plump lips. She shivered and Ali feeling foolish for his earlier comment walked over to her and wrapped her in his arms. Content, Ali drifted off to sleep.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Castaway Ch. 03
Story Info

Trouble in paradise?
1.8k words

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You can temporarily switch back to a Classic Literotica® experience during our ongoing public Beta testing. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements.
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Channel 5 News LIVE coverage

Hello, I am Susan and we begin here at 8 with the latest coverage on the cruise disaster that took place 5 days ago. For those of our viewers just now joining us, the 74 passenger yacht-cruise departed from Port Miami in Miami Florida on May 6th and was set to arrive in Cancun, Mexico on May 8th. En route, the ship went off course to the west away from the Florida Keys, towards the Bahamas, and this we believe was caused by the onset of manual control instead of the preset course that is standard for all yachts over 100 people in capacity not including crew.

We believe the captain was alone when he suffered a heart attack, and his death and the absence of other crew members in the control space is still being investigated. All recovered passengers are safe in hospitals with no immediate injuries, yet at this time two passengers have been unaccounted for. Ali Taouma, aged 29, was a recent air force officer who had been given leave and had recently accepted a position at a military training academy as an instructor. Also missing is Jasmine Seville, a 26 recent medical school graduate from the University of Miami and had recently been accepted into the John Hopkins Neurology program.

It is speculated that they went missing around the various islands of the Bahamas, and both families of the passengers are anxious for their safe return and have filed suit against the cruise line, citing them for inadequately taking count of all passengers before departure to safety. This lawsuit could have devastating consequences for the cruise line as they just filed bankruptcy......." the reporter stops mid-sentence as a stream of info comes through her headset.

"This just in, there are two more unconfirmed passengers missing from the cruise"


Day 6

Jasmine sat on the beach weaving pieces of vines together to make rope. Two whole days, she thought absent mindedly. Two whole days of no human contact because there is no real human here on this beach. If only I wasn't stuck with such an abrasive dick head, then maybe I wouldn't be slightly insane from only talking to myself. She huffed out loud, causing Ali to look at her. She mentally shivered inside as his gaze slid over her. When he looked away she sighed in relief.

The past few days had wrought many changes in them both. Jasmine's once neat wavy hair was now an unruly explosion of spiral curls cascading down her back. Ali, unable to shave, began to grow stubble on his face, his previous short buzz cut matching pace as well. Their clothes were worn and threadbare from constant exposure to the sea water. Jasmine, anxious from sitting too long, stood up suddenly and began walking towards the trees.

"Where are you going," Ali called, his voice booming.

Jasmine simply ignored him and kept walking. Ali sighed, the knowledge that she greatly disliked him rubbing him raw. He thought to the first night he held her to keep her warm. For a split second when he woke, he believed that she was awake as well, her body unnaturally still as if to see what he was going to do. He stood and walked away, then heard her snoring; almost as if he imagined her awake.

Jasmine stormed through the bushes and made her way towards the shallow body of water. Sitting on the grounds she idly plucked the plants, lost in thought. Rubbing the plant between her fingers, she looked at it, surprised at its cottony texture.

This must be milkweed, she thought, as an idea struck her. I can use this for my period that's bound to come any day now, given my current state of mind. Excited at all the possibilities of this new discovery Jasmine set to work washing and stretching and weaving the milkweed, until it could be used as a cloth like material. Using the berries that she normally ate, she stained them a vibrant red color. Finally I have some color in my life on this dreary island. Jasmine thought as she surveyed her new "clothes". The skirt came mid-thigh and which could easily be wrapped around her waist and tied. The top stopped at her midriff and tied and one shoulder.

Using left over piece she created a triangle shaped under piece so she could tie more cloth to it when her period started. Satisfied with her creation, she looked up, noting the sun's setting rays. Hurrying towards camp in her new clothes, she forgot to ignore Ali, running to him and showing him her new clothes.

"Hey Ali, look what I made!"

Ali turned at the sound of his name, and words escaped him as he seen Jasmine running towards him, wearing only pieces of cloth just barely held in place by precarious knots. Her curves moved in a fluid motion as she ran, her curly hair bouncing around her face of pure excitement. Ali shifted uncomfortably in in his worn down shorts, his dick stirring at the sight of her.

"I found some milkweed, which is a sister plant to cotton and made this. I can make you some if you want!" Jasmine said, talking a mile a minute.

"Just show me how to do it and I can do it myself," Ali said gruffly.

Jasmine stared at him, anger blazing in her eyes at his inconsideration. She calmly walked towards him by the fire and stopped next to their pile of fish. With lightning speed, she picked a fish up and threw it, hitting him square in the face.

"Aaggh! What is wrong with you woman!" He yelled.

"You! And I have a name!" Jasmine yelled back, stepping away as he stood and walked towards her.

"Oh you will not run now!" He grabbed her by the arm as she tried to run, yanking her to him. She slapped him hard on the face, her eyes leaking tears in her anger.

"You brute! Let go of me! I hate you! I would rather be alone on this island forever than be here with you and your spitefulness. I've done nothing to you but taken care of you since we've been here you ungrateful bastard!

You can't even get fish with a net. All you do is sit there on that rock staring at the ocean while I do everything. And then you talk to me like I'm a child. FUCK YOU!" she yelled, hitting him and pushing him away. Her words stunned him and he grabbed her by her face, and kissed her. She fought back, until eventually she was pulling him closer, her tears intermingling with their joined mouths. Their tongues fought an angry battle for dominance until he pushed her away. They stood there by the fire, chests heaving and she looked away first.

"I'm sorry, I just..."

"Save it, I don't care," she retorted, walking away to her side of the fire and laying down.

Ali, unsure what to do next, sat down and gazed at her back willing himself to speak, yet he didn't.


Day 7

Jasmine awoke to the sound of dull thuds, and she lifted her head to see Ali moving old logs on the beach from the wooded area. She lay there, watching him use all the rope she and him had made from the past few days as he tied the ends of the logs in crisscross directions. Once a set of four logs were ties in a square he would do it again then laid that set on top of the first. This continued until the stack was 7 ft. high then he stopped and grabbed some fallen palm leaves and tied them together at the stem so it then radiated out like an umbrella.

This he tied to a smaller thinner log which he planted in the middle of the square encampment and secured the log pole with more rope. By the time he finished the sun was blazing in the middle of the sky and Jasmine, noting his exhaustion, stood up and began cooking the fish. Once the fire was completed she threw rock in the fire to heat them. As always, she pulled the rocks out and placed the fish on the hot rot rocks to cook thoroughly, and took him his meal with boiled water.

'This changes nothing between us,' she thought as she shoved his foo towards him while surveyed the new hut. She walked inside the hut, admiring the relief from the elements it posed.

Stepping out, she noticed Ali walking along the shoreline with her net, throwing it into the water in an attempt to catch fish. She stood there watching him as he tried to redeem himself from last night's argument. One with torturing him with silence she went over to him to help him.

"You have to throw the net farther in the water, and you have to wait for the fish to get close enough," she said and grabbed the net from his fingers as she walked into the deeper waters. Walking backwards while facing him she showed him how to lay the net in the water, noting his eyes on her wet body.

"Wait, stop," He called out suddenly. She tensed up, expecting him to belittle her. Instead he ran towards her, then past her and dove into the water. She turned, and seen a chunk of wood in the water with two people holding on. She swam towards it, and dragged it ashore with Ali. Once ashore, Ali noticed the wood was a chair from the deck of the cruise.

"They're from the cruise as well!" Ali explained as he separated them from their life jackets.

Jasmine immediately assumed charge calling out to Ali, "I think they might have swallowed water, start giving her CPR," she motioned him towards the woman.

She began giving the man CPR, then after realizing the man had not swallowed water, but was just passed out, she slapped him, hard, in an attempt to wake him. The man came awake, his eyes bleary as they focused on Jasmine.

"Hermosa diosa oscura. Es tan muy Bonita," he slurred in Spanish before promptly passing out. Jasmine, who understands perfect Spanish from training in med school, blushed while checking his breathing.

"What did he say?" Ali asked the woman began spitting up water and Ali helped her.

"It's nothing, he's just out of it right now from dehydration," Jasmine hedged, looking away from him.

"What did he say," Ali asked again, giving her no quarter to dodge the question.

Looking him square in the eye, Jasmine quoted "You are a dark goddess. You are so very beautiful,"

Ali scowled and finished walking towards the camp with the woman. As he came back for the man, he was slightly rough as he grabbed the man and slung him over his shoulder. Without Jasmine noticing, he unceremoniously dropped him on the ground a little too far from the fire. Ali ignored the sharp feeling that ran through his chest as he walked over to Jasmine to assist her.
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astaway Ch. 04
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Four makes a party.
2.8k words

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Ali sat close to Jasmine as she spoon fed the two survivors a fish broth. His head was fuzzy with the closeness to her body, her clean scent intoxicating his lungs. She glanced up and their eyes caught for a moment and his heart beat glitched ever so slightly. Both the survivors had been in a deep sleep since being brought to land. The man was pale from being in the water, his otherwise handsome face and dark hair currently muted in sickness. The woman had long blond hair and was thin, her pulse weak, but slowly gaining strength. He stood and made his way towards their net to catch more fish.

As he began the process of catching fish he pondered over his reactions to Jasmine, knowing that he wanted her. Yet this feeling of want was soon replaced with apprehension and dread. His thoughts carried him back to the past year before the voyage....


There was a knock on the door, "Officer Taouma, there is an urgent phone call for you." Ali looked up as an underling called his name in his office. It was noon here in Germany and he had anticipated a call for a while from his wife. She had just a few weeks away from giving birth to their first child, a little girl.

"Officer Ali Taouma speaking," he said formally into the phone.

"Mr. Taouma this is Dr. Stephenson on the phone, I'm here at Memorial hospital. You are the husband of Angela Hitchens-Taouma correct?"

Ali hesitantly affirmed this, fear settling in his gut.

The doctor sighed, "I am very sorry to tell you this but your wife has just passed from complications after a car accident. The accident caused too much stress in the baby and she went into labor prematurely. We were unable to stop the bleeding from both the labor and the accident. I am so very sorry."

"How did .... how?" he rasped not hearing his own voice.

"We believe it was by a drunk driver and the security officer are currently investigating. Are the any relatives we may call?"

Ali had stopped hearing and was sitting there numb with shock. He sat there with the doctor talking on the phone in his hand, not moving until someone came in and talked to the doctor. Hands landed on his shoulder and stood him up, walking him out of his office and home.

Everything moved in a blur for Ali until he realized he was at home alone. He looked around at his Spartan apartment, his "home" he resided in while on duty from the states. Realizing his real home was dead with his wife, he began to hyperventilate, until sobs wracked his body. His throat tightened as he confronted the reality faced in front of him. The emptiness threatened to consume him so he stopped thinking and made arrangements to fly back to the states.

After the funeral, Ali went back to Germany immediately after, to the surprise of his colleagues. He threw himself into work, rarely speaking to his past friends at all. He could no longer connect with them, as he was a shell of his former self, his heart buried with his wife and almost child. This continued for 7 months until he was given leave of his position. The need to stay busy constantly urgent, he sought a teaching position at a military academy. One week until his new job began, his mother convinced him to go on a cruise, knowing that he needed a vacation before he once again buried himself in work.

Reliving those events made Ali realize that, although he was attracted to Jasmine, he did not want to go there with her, let alone with anyone for that matter. The memory of his beautiful wife still haunted him and he had not talked to a woman in the year since her death.

After gathering the fish he went back to camp and cleaned them with his sharpened rock, watching Jasmine as she sat by the sleeping survivors. Right then he resolved to be nicer to her and stop letting his feelings of guilt mandate his actions. But he knew he could never bring himself to talk to her, his main objective being survival until they left the island. Then he would never see her again.


Jasmine was exhausted from the constant care of the two newcomers, yet hope was burning in her that their survival was even more attainable given their increased numbers. Feeling confident in their improved health, Jasmine went and sat by the fire by Ali.

"So when they wake up, we need to assess what they can do, so we don't have to kill ourselves trying to survive," she began warily.

"I agree. For us to get off the island we must have a system. I must also apologize for my behavior these past few days, I have not been myself," he said, his voice sincere.

Jasmine was taken aback, not expecting his apology. Although it was brief, she accepted the apology with a nod of her head, realizing him to be a man of few words.

An easy truce was set between the two of them as they prepared fish for that night's meal and the next days. Once dark outside they went into the hut and fell asleep.


Day 7

Jasmine awoke to the sound of the ocean, a feeling of peace covering her like a blanket. I could wake up like this for the rest of my life. She thought. This was soon replaced by a sharp pang in her heart as she remembered her family, who had no doubt heard the news of the cruise and her disappearance by now. I must stay optimistic, I will see them soon.

Never one to dwell on bad thoughts she rolled over and began to rise, only to realize that the two survivors were not in the hut, and neither was Ali. Walking out she seen them by the fire and their conversation stopped as she walked near.

The man who had called her his dark goddess stared at her, his long dark hair in curls almost covering his hungry brown eyes that left nothing hidden. The woman was gorgeous in a Kate Upton type of way, with wavy blonde hair and wide blue eyes that stared at her in curiosity. She moved to sit by the fire and they all glanced around at each other.

"My name is Luis" the man said first as he rose in a fluid motion, offering her his place in the sand as if it were a grand chair.

Flustered she accepted her new seat between Ali and the girl.

"Well my name is Bianca" the girl said as she surveying Jasmine's clothes.

"Did you make those? How long have you guys been on this horrid island? This is bullshit someone must come look for us," the girl rambled her voice reaching a higher pitch with each statement.

Ali and Jasmine looked at each other and Ali spoke. "This is Jasmine, and we have been here for 7 days now. Until we get off this island we need to survive and that means that you guys must help. Jasmine has nursed you both back to health, as she is a medically trained doctor," he finished, not knowing what else to say.

Jasmine, always better with words began, "I made these clothes from a cotton plant I found further inland. There are plenty of plants that we can eat as well as fish that can be caught from the sea."

She motioned to Bianca, "Would you like to come see where the freshwater pool is and I can show you how to make the clothes?"

Bianca nodded and they walked away.

"Man, she is fucking scorching," Luis said while elbowing Ali in the ribs and watching Jasmine's ass sway.

"Yeah, whatever" he said moving away from Luis's arm in irritation.


As they walked inland, Bianca talked incessantly, yet Jasmine welcomed it, soaking up the chatter like a sponge.

She's annoying as fuck, but I still like her. She thought to herself.

When they reached the ground water pool, Jasmine took off her clothes and jumped in to clean herself. Bianca soon followed and as all girls do, began talking about the boys.

"Man both of them are so hot!!! If only we were in Cancun with them instead of trapped on this island. Good thing I got waxed before I came, so I won't start growing hair for another month" Bianca mused out loud, drawing laughter from Jasmine who agreed.

They both stayed in the water longer than necessary, then got out. Jasmine showed her how to make the clothes, and then they both made pieces for Luis. Walking back to camp Luis stared at both of them, happiness and lust on his face as they gave him his new "clothes".

"Thank you very much Senoritas, you have given me something to make my life a thousand-fold easier" he embellished.

It's only two pieces of cotton. Jasmine thought to herself, noting Bianca's blush.

"Luis, are you ready to learn how to use the net" Ali said loudly, interrupting their conversation.

"Yes I'm coming. Wish me luck in catching fish for you, I want to feed you both personally with my catch" he said winking as he walked away.

Jasmine rolled her eyes as Bianca giggled, and they set about starting a fire as the sun set.

Thirty minutes later the men returned, and Luis had nothing in his hands while Ali carried his catch.

"Senoritas please I beg your forgiveness. I have had the misfortune of not providing you with food, you may shun me if you wish," He said in a smooth voice with his head down.

"Of course not Luis, it was only your first try. I'm sure you'll be an expert at it soon" Bianca replied smoothing his hair back.

Jasmine snorted back a laugh and went to help Ali.

They all sat down and ate, causally talking about their lives. Luis had grown up in Puerto Rico, and had moved to the states for a job. Bianca had just graduated from Law school, when the she went on vacation. After Jasmine told them of her Alma mater and plans to go to Johns Hopkins, They all looked at Ali, Jasmine especially, waiting to hear about his life.

"I was in the air force, and had just taken leave," he said gruffly, saying no more.

"Do you have a girl back home," Bianca said in a syrupy voice, glancing at him with cat eyes.

Ali stiffened, his jaw going rigid. Jasmine noticed his reaction and cut in.

"Why don't we all go to sleep now, I'm really tired," she said, quickly standing.

"I can keep you very warm tonight senorita, I have much body heat," Luis said, standing with her.

"Jasmine and I usually share a space," Ali interjected, and both the men stared at each other, a battle of wills ensuing. Ali suddenly stood and steered Jasmine into the hut. Unsure of what to do next she sat next to him.

"You can lie down next to me," he stated, facing away from her.

"You did sleep by me that night, didn't you," Jasmine said suddenly realizing that his warmth had not been a dream like she thought.

"It was cold that night and I didn't want to keep the fire going," he said as an excuse.

"Yeah well....," She stopped as Luis and Bianca entered and laid down.

Not wanting to give the appearance that they were arguing, she laid down and tentatively scooted next to him.

She softly whispered in his ear "I don't understand you."

"You don't have to," he said before rolling back over and going to sleep.

Jasmine huffed and soon fell asleep as well.


Day 8

Hands gently caressed her body, and Jasmine drifted into a sea of lust as she looked at her dream lover. His face wasn't visible, yet hands, which were lighter than hers and looked remarkably like Ali's, were softly touching her and squeezing her curves, causing her to moan aloud. Suddenly he was behind her and she ground her butt into him, his hardness swelling against her back. His hands grasped her hip as he grinded into her and she suddenly wished to see his face. She tried to turn yet was captured in his arms as his face lowered to her neck and breathed deeply in her scent.

The sensation felt too real, and Jasmine opened her eyes not realizing that she just woke up, and turned around, only to see Ali with his face buried into her neck and his hardness a brand against her butt. She gasped aloud and he woke as well; his sleep filled eyes gazing upon her lust. Recognition hit him and he scooted backwards, his face flushing in embarrassment. Neither knew what to say and the silence grew to a painful void, until Luis walked in the hut and stopped mid-sentence as he glanced between the two.

With a knowing smile upon his face he said, "Jasmine, would you like to show me where that pool is in the island?"

Jasmine, grateful for the interruption, stood up and quickly walked out the hut with Luis.

Ali just sat there still stunned at the events that just occurred. All he remembered was a fantastic ass grinding into him, and his dick swelling to attention. Once it went down, he walked out the hut and sat by Bianca, trying not to watch Jasmine and Luis walk away together.


Once they reached the pool, Jasmine turned to go back towards camp.

"Wait stay. You know none of us should be alone anywhere right, " Luis said smiling as he stripped naked.

Jasmine stood rooted to the spot as she watched Luis jump into the pool, his taut buttocks firm, and the tip of his dick stretched below so she could see it from behind between his legs. Unwilling to take of her clothes, she stepped in, and sat far away from Luis as he bathed and swam.

Swimming up to her he grabbed and threw her into the air. Jasmine laughed aloud, and relaxed, enjoying their horseplay.

They continued like this for a while swimming back and forth in a game of tag. Suddenly Luis swam underwater, and before Jasmine could move away, he grabbed her and pulled her under. Once underwater he pulled her close, then rose above water and began kissing her, his naked body pressed against hers.

Jasmine, stunned, eventually opened her mouth to partake in the kiss, yet felt absolutely nothing, and gently pulled back. Luis, his face understanding, let her go.

"You are a very attractive woman Jasmine," he said, his accent thicker and stronger with his desire.

"You are very handsome yourself I just...," he interrupted her.

"It is fine, you need not explain. Ali wants you, and I think you want him to," he stated simply, laughter in his eyes.

"Yeah okay," Jasmine began to laugh at the absurdity of it.

"I am serious. He is always watching you, his eyes follow you everywhere. I think he doesn't want to admit it but he is already very territorial over you," Luis said, satisfied with his observations.

Jasmine sat there and pondered over this, seeing his behavior in a new light.

"Then why is he so mean to me?!" she said aloud.

"He is bullheaded, and is not in tune with his feelings. Unlike me, who is very much one with my emotions and desires," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

Jasmine splashed him with water, laughing at his absurdity.

"Yeah well, I don't have time for romance, we have to leave this island."

"Senorita, there is always time for romance, you just must know when to take it," Luis said rising from the pool, his aroused member proud and thick. "Come let us go back" he helped her form the water.

She rose and scooted away as his hand playfully smacked her ass. They walked back to camp, her clothes and hair drying along the way. As they got closer she heard Ali laughing at something Bianca said. She suddenly felt irritated, because he was never that carefree around her.

Once in sight, Luis grabbed her as if to whisper something in her ear, and then kissed her on the mouth. Knowing that Ali was watching them, he whispered, "I had to do it one last time, before he makes you his," he said then walked away, smiling in Ali's direction.

Jasmine stood there, shocked and slightly annoyed with all the stupid testosterone between the guys.

Ali turned his face away, unable to look at Jasmine, almost as if he didn't want to see desire for Luis there.
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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Castaway Ch. 05
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The nights get hotter.
1.7k words

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Day 10

Jasmine sat in the beach laying in the midday sun as Bianca chattered on once again. Not intentionally listening to Bianca, Jasmine sat in her own world, thinking of the past two days.

Things were back to the way they were very since Luis kissed her two days ago. Ali still ignored / was rude to her but now she knew the reason why. He liked her. Like a little boy school crush who didn't know how to express it he like her. It was hard to believe at first, so she tested him. Even though he would ignore her as if she didn't exist, she would purposefully undress to her underthings before going to bed, claiming the late-night heat. His eyes would devour her when he thought she wasn't looking and he would almost groan out loud every night she did it. Yet she would wake up to him leaving as soon as the sun rose, as if he was waiting to leave.

She sighed out loud causing Bianca to stop talking.

"Is everything alright girl?" Bianca asked.

"Good," Bianca interrupted before she could answer.

"I was thinking that we should explore the island a little more, I mean there's bound to be more people here, there are hardly any deserted islands in the world today," she said.

"You know that's actually not a bad idea," Jasmine thought out loud.

"Where exactly does Ali think we are?" Bianca asked sitting up now in excitement.

"He believes were on some small island just west of Florida by the Bahamas. But he said if we were in the Bahamas we would have been found by now so we must be on some extremely tiny island," Jasmine recounted.

"But he didn't say a tiny island with no people right," Bianca said as she stood up and began walking towards camp.

"Wait, hold on," Jasmine began as she followed her.

They walked towards the campsite where Ali was fixing his fishing net.

"Ali we think there may be people on this island. We want to go look and see if we can find people," Bianca said.

"That's not a good idea. We need to stay here where the search team can find us," he said not looking up from his work.

"But there a rarely any deserted islands nowadays, we can find help ourselves," Bianca pleaded.

"No. It's dangerous to go in there without knowing what type of wild life or dangers you might run into. We will stay here," he said his vice commanding.

Bianca stopped talking, and Jasmine, fed up with his bossy attitude said, "We are grown ass adults and you do not make all the decisions here. If we want to go look on the island, we can!"

Ali stood up and walked towards her.

"So you thing you can go and find civilization on your own Miss Medschool, because be my guest. If something happens to one of you and the other can't carry you back then what are you going to do, huh? You're going to play Doctor and everything is going to be fine right? There's no wild animals, no crazy landscape, just a beautiful fucking island that were trapped on and have fun!"

He got in her face.

"You will not go in that island past the watering hole, you hear me! Neither of you. We will stay and we will wait," he finished.

Jasmine, just as mad as he was yelled back, "You're such a fucking coward. You sit here and catch fish, looking out at the sea for this magical rescue team when you know damn well they are NOT going to comb every single island in this damn Caribbean. You were in the military, you know how it works. After 15 days the coast guard will call off the search and we are not even in American sea space by your calculations," she punctuated each word with her finger poking him in the chest.

"Then, our families will collect the insurance money from the cruise and go on with their lives while we sit here with you and eat fucking fish that I fucking HATE!" she screamed the last part.

Everyone was quiet as they both breathed heavily.

"I don't give a damn about your orders anymore, SEARGENT. I will go where I please and when I please and you can sit here for all I care!" she said in a calm voice as his face went pale with anger. She turned in the other direction, almost running into Luis as she walked away.

"Senorita, what is wrong, what happened?" he asked concerned at the tears forming in her eyes, and looked at Bianca for an explanation.

"Nothing," she said her voice calm. "Bianca and I will be searching this island, and you're welcome to join us if you want. Or you can sit with that Jackass over there and look at the water each day, I don't give a FUCK."

She walked passed him, bumping into his shoulder as she went. Bianca ran to catch up, shrugging her shoulders to Luis as she passed him.

"That was so totally awesome, I mean the way you just...," Jasmine cut her off.

"Bianca we need to prepare for whatever can happen in here, he's right. I'm not just walking in there blind, we need to be smart," Jasmine looked at Bianca seriously.

"Ok, tell me what to do" Bianca replied.

They set about planning what to bring and how to prepare food. Once done they settled on exploring the next day and setting out early in the morning. This was so they could get plenty of rest and finish preparing later.

"I'm going to take a nap," Jasmine said yawning as the sun continuously drained her energy.

"Ok girl, I'll be right here," Bianca replied cheerfully.

Jasmine stood and walked towards the camp. Not wanting to go inside the hut with Ali, she laid by the fire and nodded off to sleep.


Jasmine awoke to the sun partially set and looked around her and saw no one. She stood and called Bianca's name.

"That girl is always off somewhere lately," she mumbled as she made her way towards the watering hole.

Walking through the trees she suddenly heard a groan, and she stopped, until she heard it again. Walking in that direction, her heart beating fast, she came upon Bianca and Luis, in flagrante delicto and hid behind bushes and trees beyond their view.

Her face became hot, yet she was unable to look away as she watched Luis with his head between Bianca's thighs. Bianca moaned aloud, and Jasmine almost did as well as she spied his tongue roughly lapping at her sex. He took his finger and spread her as if she were the most delicious delicacy and began furiously devouring her. Bianca's cries grew louder and louder until she shuddered visibly. She lay there limp and Luis knelt over her and grabbed her head while pushing his dick in her mouth. Bianca swallowed it whole while rubbing herself again before Luis smacked her hand away. He slowly pumped in and out her mouth, his head falling back in pure ecstasy. Removing himself before he came he flipped Bianca over and entered her from behind, before she could even realize what happed.

Jasmine's nipples were hard as pebbles and her wetness escaped from her flimsy underwear as she watched his penis slam into Bianca. A hand touched her shoulder just as she was about to touch herself and she turned squealing into the hand the covered her mouth to keep her quiet. Ali shushed her, then turned her with her back against his chest to face the couple as they fucked furiously. His hand removed her hand from her panties and replaced them with his own.

He began to bite her neck as his finger search her pussy as if to find some treasure within. Jasmine squirmed in his hand as he obviously avoided her clit which was painfully swollen. He removed his hand from her mouth and Jasmine wisely kept quiet lest he stop. He finally touched her clit and Jasmine moaned aloud.

He bit her ear, hard, then whispered "You will be quiet and take this."

He hooked her leg over his arm and spread her as he began to lightly pull on her clit, then finger fucked with two fingers. Jasmine, while balancing on her one foot on the ground, desperately tried to keep silent as she ground her body against his in agonizing pleasure. He stopped suddenly, and she moved against his finger in frustration.

"Watch them, don't close your eyes," he commanded as he went back to her pussy. Her climax building, she kept her eyes wide open as Bianca was riding Luis in reverse, his penis entering her for all to see. She began to move her pussy in rhythm to his hand, and rode his finger as she exploded, her juices running down his hand. Her head resting back on his shoulder, she closed her eyes, not noticing him licking her juices off his fingers.

Realizing his erection at her back, she grabbed him, as he tried to move away.

"Let me. Please." She pleaded as he tried to leave, noticing the pained look on his face.

When he didn't move, jasmine easily moved his shorts out the way and freed his cock. The hard smoothness of it entranced her as she knelt down and took him in her mouth. Creating a seal with her wet tongue she soaked him with saliva, then loudly slurped him up and he groaned. Jasmine peaked up to see his head fall back and she used teeth to get his attention.

"Watch them, NOW," her voice was just as commanding as his.

He looked straight at Bianca and Luis as they fucked, trying not to blow his load too early in Jasmine's mouth. The sensory overload was too much and he groaned loudly as he shot jets of cum into her mouth. Jasmine, caught off guard, automatically swallowed and wiped her mouth as she stood. Realizing that Luis and Bianca were about done, she fixed her clothes and turned to leave, motioning for Ali to follow.

They walked back to camp quiet, lost in their own thoughts. Neither said a word as they lay down not touching each other. The awkward silence stretch until ten minutes later Bianca showed up alone. Soon after Luis emerged from the trees in a different direction, and they greeted each other as if they had not been fucking twenty minutes ago. Jasmine smirked to herself and went to sleep.
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Castaway Ch. 06
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inside the island we go!
4.1k words

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Hello everyone I know this chapter has taken a while to come along I have been really busy with school and have taken longer to write this chapter since everyone wants longer chapters. More importantly, for those of you who have been keeping up with this story I changed one person's name in this story, Amar, to Ali, which is now updated in the previous chapters. If you are new, then just enjoy. I will update the other chapters with this name so hopefully everything is a smooth transition. I appreciate everyone that has followed this story and it is FAR from finished!


Ali woke up to the sounds of the ocean and he rolled over on his back. Clearing his eyes away of sleep debris, he looked around the room and saw no one. Standing up he made his way to the door way, then stopped as he heard hushed voices.

"Senoritas, we should at least tell him we are leaving. It is wrong to just pack up and leave him here by himself. What if he comes looking for us?" Luis asked, his voice uncertain.

"Trust me, he will be fine. His ego will keep him company. We need to be proactive and stop running everything we do by him," Jasmine replied her voice dripping with disdain.

Ali's blood began to boil and he stormed out the hut over to the others. Bianca and Luis looked up and looked away while they continued packing up their things. Jasmine refused to meet his eye and continued talking as if he wasn't there.

"Bianca, make sure you grab the extra cotton we make yesterday and have all the berries in our bag," Jasmine said as she walked past Ali, barely brushing against him.

Ali's hand snaked out and grabbed her arm, pulling her around to see him.

"So you're just going to leave, just like that?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

Luis and Bianca stopped packing and watched them, as if waiting for an argument to begin.

"You don't get to make all the rules, sergent, and I told you yesterday we're going inside this island,"

Ali stared at her, his eyes slowly going down her body, caressing her in his mind as she blushed.

"I'm coming as well. And don't act like you don't see me in the morning when you wanted to fuck me last night," he whispered as he pulled her close to him.

Jasmine gasped aloud and he let her go, walking inside the hut to pack his things. Ali came out the hut 5 minutes later and walked with the group into the island.

"Just asking, but how are we going to do this, and when are we coming back?" Ali began looking at Jasmine's face under his eyelids. Jasmine refused to meet his eye and kept silent to his question.

Bianca answered, "Its morning right now. We're going to fill up with water at our watering hole then walk through the jungle in a straight line to the east. If we don't find water by the time the sun is halfway in the sky we agreed to come back."

Jasmine looked up and threw Ali an unreadable glace for a moment then she looked away. They began walking into the jungle, Jasmine and Bianca walking in back, with Ali and Luis in front. There was an uneasy awkward silence as they set out.

4 hours later

Ali sat on the ground slowly chewing on his berries as he surveyed his surroundings. They sat in a circle underneath the shade of trees, birds calling to one another in the midday sun. Ali quickly glanced up at Bianca and Jasmine, who were in deep conversation. Bianca whispered in Jasmine's ear and Jasmine made a face of disgust and embarrassment by what Bianca had told her. She glanced in Luis's direction as she stood and he smiled at her. Rolling her eyes she stomped away towards the shallow body of water they had just found.

Feeling compelled to follow her he stood, and walked by her as she splashed water on her sweaty face. Out of the corner of her eye she seen him and jumped.

"You scared me. Why do you always follow me?" she asked her voice guarded.

"I do not always follow you," Ali responded with irritation in his voice.

"Yes you do. You did just now when I wanted a moment alone, and you did last night," she mumbled just loud enough for him to hear her.

Unwilling to answer that he changed the subject, "What did Bianca say to make you so mad?"

Her brown skin flushed slightly and she curtly replied, "It's nothing, she's just being stupid as usual."

"Are you sure that's all, it seemed like it was more than that," he said recalling the look she shared with Luis that made his gut churn.

Jasmine hesitated before replying, "She....she seen us watching her and Luis last night. Luis doesn't know we were there but she knows Luis wants me so she said I could've.... joined them."

Ali stared at her hard as he pictured her in the orgy. His breathing tightened with the images from last night.

"She wants Luis to herself, yet she thinks that if she brings me to him he'll really want her. That's why I fucking hate females sometimes. I'm trying to survive on this island and all she's worried about is who Luis gets hard for," Jasmine vented, almost forgetting Ali's presence.

Ali cleared his throat and said, "Do you want Luis?"

Jasmine's head snapped up, her face incredulous. "Why do you care so much? All you want to do is undermine my intelligence then occasionally feel me up when you're horny,"

"That's not true," he replied his voice quiet.

"Oh really, then what do you want, huh? For once just say that you want me as much as I want you. I'm done with the games and the pretending bullshit. Is it that hard to say you lust for a black girl, is that it?" jasmine asked.

"No that's not the issue...,"

"Then what?" she cut him off, frustration in her voice.

"I can't want you alright! Jesus every time I fucking turn around I see you in your skimpy little jungle outfit and your wild hair and I just want to fuck you all day but I can't," he said his voice cracking with emotion.

Jasmine, sensing something, asked him gently, "Why can't you? There's nothing wrong with wanting someone, that's part of being human?"

Ali didn't answer for a while, just stared off into the forest. Without turning to her he said, "I love my wife. I've loved her since the day we met and I haven't stopped even though she's been dead for over a year," Jasmine gasped aloud.

"Do you know that the night I found out she had died I tried to bargain with God? I told him that we didn't need our child, that he could just bring her back to me and keep our child if I could just have her. I would pray that when I would wake up she would be here and it never happened, but he could keep the child instead. What kind of person attempts to sacrifice an unborn infant, hmm?!" he turned to her his eyes red and shiny with unshed tears. His tortured gaze stared at her until she looked away.

"The funniest thing is that the drunk driver who killed her and our unborn baby is about to go on parole soon. He plead not guilty by reason of insanity and said he drank because he has PTSD from being in Afghanistan," Ali laughed cruelly.

"I served this country since I was 19 and the thanks I get is a fucked up war vet who runs over my family because he thinks they were about to kill him with a bomb! Yes Jasmine, I want to make love to you, but tell me what happens next! I won't ever feel anything for you because I'm bitter and fucked up on the inside and have been since I put my pregnant wife in the ground, And don't you fucking pity me because I'm going to leave this godforsaken island soon and go home to my house by my wife's grave,"

Jasmine wiped the tears that were streaming down her face and reached to touch his arm. Ali flinched away.

"Don't touch me, please," he pleaded, his voice cracking on the last word.

She grabbed him anyway and pulled him towards her shoulder where he laid his head in silent misery. Jasmine's heart broke, almost wishing he would cry aloud as his silence spoke volumes of his torture.

"Ali I'm so sorry, I didn't know," Jasmine began her voice choked up.

"It's not your fault you wanted your wife back and God is not punishing you. You loved your wife and had not yet bonded with your child. But your wife would not want you to live such a half existence. I'm not asking for your affection, I haven't even asked for you physically. But do not think you can live your life like this shutting out all human contact because you can't," she finished passionately.

Ali looked up and gazed into her beautiful eyes, almost about to say something. He shook his head and stood.

"Come on its time for us to keep moving so we can eventually head back," he said not meeting her eyes as he walked away. Ali continued walking until Jasmine eventually caught up and they walked in silence. Ali felt oddly comforted now that their feelings were out in the open and that someone understood his burden. Yet he knew that nothing could work between him and Jasmine, because despite how closed off from reality they were on this island, once they left they would go their separate ways. He would go back to his miserable existence of hating his life and she would continue on with her medical careers and live that life he could never seem to catch. In his mind, he pictured Jasmine with someone who wasn't so fucked up emotionally and who not only wanted her physically, but could handle her passionate soul, for he knew he had nothing to offer her.


By late afternoon they reached a clearing of a large body of water with a large cove behind it. A waterfall 20ft high threw water from its height, where it splashed violently down upon the rocks. Jasmine stared I wonder at the beauty of the scene transfixed by the almost life like water and the blue green depths of the cove. She dropped her sack and jumped in, cooled off by the chilled water. The others soon joined her and she swam closer to the waterfall, until she realized there was an opening behind it.

"Hey guys, there's a cave over here! Come look," she called as she swam closer.

They swam towards her and she stepped upon the rocks out of the water and slowly walked towards the waterfall. Cautious of the forceful torrents falling from above, she walked behind the curtain of water into the dimly lit cave. Unable to see she walked back out towards the group.

"It's dark in there, yet it's dry and slightly warm," she said as she swam back to the shore.

"We can make a torch and go inside," Luis said, hopping behind her.

He walked towards the edge of the trees and grabbed a handful of thick sticks and dry grass stalks. He tied the dried stalks together then wove them around the ends of the bundle of sticks. He and Jasmine swam back to Ali and Bianca carrying the torch high above the water to not get it wet. Jasmine and Ali climbed upon the rocks and walked into the cave, with Bianca and Luis following. They stood in darkness while Luis fumbled with his satchel to grab his flint rock. Lighting the fire, Luis waved it in the air and illuminated the cave.

The group was immediately blinded by bright light as the fire shone upon glassy surfaces all around them. Once their eyes adjusted they noticed the crystals covering the walls and ceilings in all arrays of colors. Their sharp edges and jagged side contrasted harshly with the beauty of their colors. From the glossamer shine of butterfly wings to the iridescence of the aura borealis the crystals covered almost every surface of the cave.

Bianca walked forward a reached her hand out before Ali yelled out, "Stop! Don't touch them!"

"Why not?" her voice petulant in annoyance.

"We don't know how fragile these are they might break, and they look like they've never been touched by human hands before," he responded walking towards her and looking at them closely.

"How about we take some back with..," Bianca was cut off from the sounder of thunder rumbling outside. They walked back towards the edge of the cave and looked at the sky as small raindrops plattered the ground.

"Shit we have to get our stuff," Jasmine said and she rushed out of the cave.

Everyone except Bianca left the cave to grab their things, with Jasmine grabbing Bianca's. They also grabbed dry firewood before it became soaked. They ran back inside the cave just as the rain began to beat down upon them.

"Here's your stuff, princess," Jasmine said as she shoved Bianca's things toward her.

"What's up your butt, everyone didn't need to get wet if you two went out. Plus who was going to hold the torch if I didn't?" Bianca said smug with her logic.

"Whatever Bianca, were stuck in this cave and you're worried about getting wet as if you didn't just swim over here," Jasmine huffed.

Bianca rolled her eyes when Jasmine snatched the torch from her hands and walked farther into the cave with it. As she walked she marveled at the vast array of sizes of crystals, some as large as her jutting from the walls. Turning a corner she came upon an in ground pool, as wide as a hot tub with steam billowing from the surface. Setting the torch in between a crevice she stuck her foot inside the pool and moaned aloud as the heat chilled her cold body.

Acting on impulse she slid inside thinking she would touch the bottom, yet slipping under the surface as her feet failed to connect with the ground. Raising her head above water she spit out water and coughed, then slipped under the water again. Opening her eyes she noticed the pool had an underwater tunnel that went beneath her then curved. She tried to swim towards it yet the water became hotter and she swam back to the surface for air.

Leaving the pool she walked back towards the others, then plopped on the ground and began to wring out her wet hair. Still mad at Bianca she kept silent about the hot pool she found and noticed Ali wrapping a cloth around Luis's calf.

"What happened," she asked as she still wrung her hair out.

"I cut myself on the rock. I was climbing too fast," he replied his face scrunched up in pain.

"Let me see it," Jasmine said walking towards them.

"Here comes Miss Doctor again," Bianca spat under her breath.

Jasmine resisted the urge to kick her in the head and turned back to luis. She unwrapped the cloth and had to keep her face neutral as she surveyed the deep gaping wound that was weeping blood profusely. She shared a look with Ali then stood.

"What's wrong with my leg?" Luis asked, panic in his voice.

"Nothing we just need to close it fast," Ali said before Jasmine could speak.

"Bianca, look in my tool kit and grab my sharpened stick and twine please, and Jasmine could you start a fire,"

"Ugh, I was about to take a nap, his leg is fine just wrap it," Bianca moaned.

"Do it, NOW," Ali said his voice brokering no refusal.

Bianca looked at him, then smiled thinly and said, "Of course."

Once the fire was started, Ali took the stick and stuck the point into the fire until it was white hot.

"Ok Luis, this will hurt I'm sorry but you must be still," Ali said laying a calming hand on his shoulder.

Luis looked around panicky, then gestured for Jasmine.

"Senorita please hold my arm so I won't move," he begged fear making him pale.

Jasmine rushed to him and grabbed his arm, and laced her fingers with his. Ali look at their hands briefly, then set about sewing him up.

"Aaaargh!!" Luis screamed, his face sweaty with trying not to shake as Ali pushed the hot tip of his pick through the skin to make a hole. He continued to do this several times while Luis screamed in agony. After all the holes were made on each side of the wound, Ali took the twine and began to thread it through them, yanking on them to pull it closed. Jasmine stroked his hair and held his hand, even as he crushed hers in his grip.

Once they were done Ali wrapped his leg with the cloth and stood. Jasmine walked over to him, a concerned look on her face.

"We can't leave now, at least for a few days, no one is strong enough to carry him all the way back to the beach, and it's raining," she said, her forehead wrinkling in worry.

"I know, we just need to eat what we have, then when it stops raining you and I can go look for food tomorrow. Trust me, Bianca will be of no help in this," he said bitterly.

Ok well it's getting late and we need to sleep by the fire," Jasmine said and laid down to fall asleep.

"I'll keep watch over him just go to sleep," Ali said to Bianca and Jasmine.


The next morning, the sun filtered into the cave through the water and Jasmine opened her eyes to see Ali hovering over Luis. She rose and walked over there, to see Luis muttering in his sleep and sweating profusely.

"He has a fever, just keep him by the fire and watch his leg for infection. I'm going to search for more food, I'll be back," Jasmine called out and left the cave.

After one hour of gathering as much fruits and bird eggs as she could she walked back to the cave, optimistic of their situation. She climbed upon the rocks and stopped as she heard Bianca's voice.

"C'mon Ali what's so bad about it. It's just for a little fun. Jasmine won't be back for another half hour or so we can just mess around real quick,"

"Bianca, get off me, stop playing your little games,"

"I know you don't want that black piece of tail, I mean she's pretty and all, but she's black!"

"Bianca, I said..," Ali looked up to see Jasmine standing in the cave opening.

She calmly walked by the fire to set the food down as Bianca jumped up and readjusted her clothing which was barely there to begin with. Bianca, thinking Jasmine hadn't heard much, grabbed a piece of fruit as if nothing had happened.

WHAM! Jasmine fist connected with Bianca's face and Jasmine grabbed her hair with her other hand and yanked hard. Bianca screamed, which cause Luis to wake up and start muttering incoherently. Ali jumped up and grabbed Jasmine, and Bianca snuck in a quick slap while Jasmine couldn't move. Ali let Jasmine go out of surprise and she sprang after Bianca who ran towards the entrance. Before Jasmine could catch her she jumped down into the water and swam to shore. Once she reached shore she looked back to see if Jasmine was chasing her and when she wasn't she yelled, "You stupid fucking cunt! You gave me a fucking black eye!"

Ali came out and yelled for Bianca, "Stop, Bianca, you don't know where you're going."

Bianca kept walking and Jasmine turned her back and walked back into the cave and began cooking the eggs on the heated rocks.

"So you don't care that she left," Ali asked, shocked by her calmness.

"If that stupid bitch wants to walk in the jungle by herself with barely any clothes on or shoes, then let her, I don't give a fuck," Jasmine said, her voice hard.

Ali sat down next to her and they began to eat.

Once they were finished, Jasmine jumped up and grabbed some bark from her bag.

"I found this willow bark, which when it is boiled Luis can drink as a tea and it will help with swelling and inflammation," she said, then began to make it.

Once finished she helped Luis sip it then relaxed by the fire.

They stayed like that for a few hours, occasionally taking turns feeding Luis as he laid in a feverish daze. Suddenly Jasmine remembered something.

"Hey come here I wanted to show you something. Luis is sleep so he can stay her for a while," she said and began walking towards the back of the cave. As they turned the bend they came upon the hot pool and Ali groaned at the sight of it.

"Oh my god, I haven't had a hot bath in years," he said grinning. Jasmine giggled then turned to leave so he could bathe.

"No wait, stay. I mean you can go first and I'll look away while you get in,"

Jasmine turned around, surprised, yet didn't say anything and began to undress with his back turned. Ali cock stirred as he heard her clothes hit the ground, then her sultry moan as she slid into the water.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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Castaway Ch. 06/2
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"You can get in now, I mean it's big enough for the both of us and were both adults. It's like a sauna." She said, keeping her voice light.
He turned around and swallowed at the sight of her, her hair slicked back and the steam rolling off her toffee colored skin. She leaned against the edge of the pool, her body fully submerged under the water.
"Turn around," his voice came out raspy and she complied turning to look at the wall as he dropped his clothes and slid in.
They face each other, Jasmine with one arm crossing her chest and the other holding on the ledge. They both kicked their feet to stay afloat in the deep water. Finally relaxed, Ali closed his eyes, lulled by the lapping motions of the water. He opened his eyes suddenly as water splashed on his face water.
"Sorry, I was just trying to swim down again," Jasmine sheepishly apologized.
"What's down there?" He asked.
"I don't know, but it's like a tunnel and it gets hotter the farther down we go,"
Ali tried to swim down as far as possible, yet came back up for air soon after.
"Yea it's hot as hell down there, but I think I could try. They taught us how to hold our breath for long periods of time in military training," Ali said as he leaned against the edge of the pool.
"Really, why did you join the army?"
"I was young, and didn't want to go to college. My dad didn't want me lazing around the house so I just went and joined," Ali said shrugging his shoulders. "Why did you want to be a doctor?"
"I came from poverty and for me staying in it was not an option. I went to college, made good grades, and fell in love with science. I didn't want to go to graduate school so I decided to go into medicine and have loved it ever since."
They sat in silence until Ali began to climb out of the pool.
"Hey no peeking," he said.
Jasmine laughed and climbed out after him when he turned his back. She turned away and began to fix her clothes. Ali turned around to say something, and his mouth went dry at the sight of her naked back, and watched a drop of water slid down from her wet curly hair to her butt, where it slowly dripped off.
Jasmine turned around once her clothes were on and stopped when see seen Ali standing there, looking at her with naked lust. She looked down and tried to walk past him, but he stopped her by stepping in front of her.
"I don't understand what you want from me,"
"I don't know either, but I do want you Jasmine,"
She looked at him in his eyes searching for something, then walked past him to go back to their fire in the front of the cave. Ali followed minutes later and they both laid down and went to sleep.
Jasmine was roughly shaken awake and she opened her eyes to see a panicked Ali packing up his stuff.
"What's going on?"
"Bianca didn't come back last night."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Castaway Ch. 07
Story Info

Where is Bianca?
1.8k words

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You can temporarily switch back to a Classic Literotica® experience during our ongoing public Beta testing. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements.
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12 Stories

First of all let me say, I am so so so sorry for taking so long to update this story. I have had the craziest semester of school, I've been studying for the MCAT, and just got through a bad break up. Thank you for all the positive encouragement to keep writing because I literally almost gave up. I love you guys, (even the trolls) so enjoy. *I am also working on the new chapters for the others stories as we speak!*


"BIANCA!!!" Jasmine yelled as she trudged through the jungle. Ali followed closely behind her as they cut a swath through the trees and vines, yelling hopelessly into the morning air.

"Ughh, where the fuck is this bitch!" Jasmine huffed out loud.

"I don't know but she is being a real pain in the ass right now," Ali replied back after swatting a mosquito on his arm.

They continued on for two more hours, walking a 1 mile radius around Luis and the cave. Jasmine turned back to look at Ali and noticed the sweat dripping down his torso, his muscles straining to hold his bag while cutting down vines. She looked away as her thoughts turned erotic.

Ali didn't miss the heat in her eyes, and chuckled to himself.

She can act like it doesn't affect all she wants, but we both know the truth, he thought amusedly as he watched her walk ahead.


Back at the cave Luis lay down in a fevered slumber, his mind going in and out of consciousness. As he lay there he heard voices, one of them drawing closer to him. Cracking open his eyes, he squinted as someone stood over him.

"B..Bian..," He began before a hand was roughly pushed over his mouth.

"Shh..I just need to get some food," the voice came out all mumbled to his fevered brain.

Luis tried in vain to keep his eyes open as he watched the intruder riffle through their food stash. Running back to the lip of the cave, the intruder stopped, then turned around back towards the crystals.

Luis could vaguely hear muttering and a large crack sound as the intruder yanked a large emerald crystal from the wall. His eyes rolling back into his head, Luis was asleep by the time the intruder slipped quietly back into the water and ran into the forest once on shore.


Ali and Jasmine arrived back to the cave deep in thought as to the whereabouts of Bianca. Once the climbed behind the waterfall, Ali noticed the mess, and began search the bag.

"NO NO NO! Our food is gone!" he yelled, making Jasmine jump.

"Ali, just wait, hold on," she said as he rushed towards Luis. She caught him and pulled him back and Luis started to wake up.

"What the fuck did you do motherfucker! Huh?! You ate all our fucking FOOD!"

Luis struggled to sit up, his arm weakly pushing against the floor as he stared around dazedly.

"Ali, just calm down, we need to figure out what happened,"

"No, this Spanish motherfucker has been milking that fever shit all day, and the second we leave he eats all the food that we got," Ali yelled, before pushing Jasmine off him and grabbing Luis by the throat.

"Ali! Put him down, just wait and see what he says," Jasmine pleaded to Ali, pulling on his arm to let Luis go.

Ali roughly dropped Luis, opening his stitches.

"Talk," he said harshly as Luis coughed.

Luis turned to Jasmine, "Senorita, I swear, I haven't eaten anything, I've been sleep the whole time. If I ate all the food, where would I have put the fruit peels? I am too weak to walk, much less hide all the evidence!" he exclaimed weakly before coughing again.

"Ali I think he's right. He couldn't have eaten all of it, there's three days' worth of food we had,"

"Then what happened, you mean something just walked in here and took it all," Ali said looking at Luis with suspicion.

"No not something. Someone."

They all got quiet as the implications of that set in.

Jasmine spoke first, "We need to move. Now. Whether it was a person or an animal our location is not safe anymore and we can't risk this happening while we're all sleep and defenseless,"

"Ali but first, you need to apologize to Luis, this was not his fault," Jasmine said, looking at him sternly.

Ali turned to Luis and said, "Look man, I'm sorry I grabbed you like that, we're all in a tough spot right now and I jumped to conclusions," he finished as he held his hand out to Luis.

Luis hit his hand away.

"You think I know you don't like me. You got some big cajones giving me that fake apology when you really just want me gone, so you can have la senorita to yourself. I just want to leave this place and not die and you just want to flex your cock like a rooster!"

"Hey!!" Jasmine yelled quieting everyone before Ali could reply.

"I don't give a FUCK about either of your egos right now! I need to re-stitch this leg and Ali you need to pack everything so we can go. Or I will leave you both here to fend for your fucking selves!"

Jasmine yelled and turned to Luis to look at his leg. Luis looked up at Ali as Jasmine was bent over him and made a chicken face at him. Ali flexed his fist and turned away. He counted to 5 then began packing everything.

Within an hour everything was packed and they set out, Jasmine and Ali taking turns helping Ali walk.

The sun was past the midway point in the sky as they walked hurriedly, trying to reach the beach before it set below the trees.


They finally reached camp and collectively released a sigh of relief. After settling in, Jasmine went to start the fire and cook some fish they had caught on the way home. Ali took Luis into the hut and not so gently laid him down. Leaving Luis gasping in pain he walked back out and sat near Jasmine.

She ignored him as he stared at her, entranced by the fire light dancing across her honey skin. Once she was finished she abruptly stood and rolled some fish in a leaf and took some to Luis, Leaving Ali outside sitting alone.

She came back out and sat across from him and began to eat.

"So you're mad at me. What now?!" he asked incredulously.

She finished chewing then sat back and looked him, her eyes boring into his skin.

"You have anger issues, you know that. Not everyone is your enemy," she said calmly as she watched his face for a reaction.

He tried to keep his face smooth, yet failed and his jaw clenched and he looked away.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about. The way you attacked Luis was disturbing to say the least, when logically there was no way he could have eaten all the food I mean come on,"

"What do you want me to say Jasmine, I mean our camp was a total disaster, and he's sitting there with this 'I dunno' look on his face,"

"Well most people do have that look on their face when they don't have a clue what is going on," she replied sarcastically.

She huffed, "look I'm not mad I'm just exhausted alright. Today was crazy and you just go off the deep end so fast it's dizzying,"

He was quiet for a while as he considered her words.

"I remember back when I was in the army they used to call me Sargent hothead, I mean it was something I was known for and people liked it," he said while laughing.

"I would go off on the subordinated over the littlest thing and all the other officers thought it was so funny because the new ones would piss their pants. I never really saw my behavior as bad, it's just how I've always been," he replied honestly.

She cracked a small smile before replying,"That doesn't make it right. Also do you want to die of a heart attack, because that's what's going to happen, I can diagnose you just by looking at you," she flirted.

Ali felt a slow smile creep on his face.

"Well doctor, see there's this pain I keep having right here in my chest, it's like... just come here and I'll show you,"

Jasmine slowly walked over to him and knelt over legs, facing him and she sat on his lap.

"You see Doc," he said as he grabbed her hand and placed it on his heart.

"I get this funny feeling whenever this girl comes around. It's like something is thumping in my chest and I thought I would never have that feeling again. It only beats when I can see her, or smell her curly hair or look at her luscious body, I don't know what to do," Ali finished as he looked into her eyes, and leaned forward and kissed her.

His hands roamed up her back into her hair and brought her closer to him, while his other hand grabbed her ass and squeezed. She came up for air gasping from the heat of him and smiled, her heart thumping from his words.

She reached down between them and almost touched him, before he caught her hand.

"No, not tonight. Tonight I just want to hold you and sleep," he said before kissing her again. Their mouths dueled for dominance, as she tried to persuade him further, yet ultimately she submitted and turned down on the sand in front of the fire to be cuddled from behind. They lay like that for hours, their breaths in tandem until the waves sang them to sleep.


1500 kilometers away on the other side of the beach, Bianca awoke to a sharp pain on her foot. Squinting in the pre-dawn sunlight she looked down, and screamed as she tried to fling the crab away that had gotten hold of her. She stood and hopped on one foot, until eventually the crab let go and limped away. Shaking herself she cursed, then got quiet as she heard an odd sound.


Excitement shook her whole body as she heard an engine go off in the distance. Looking out to sea she faintly saw a boat in the distance rushing towards the island. Jumping up and down she began screaming for help, then became dismayed as they stopped 100 yards from shore. She could tell they were watching her with binoculars, trying to see if it were safe. Thinking fast she took off her shirt and began jumping again, he breast flinging in every direction.

Almost immediately the engine started back up and they came closer to shore and Bianca jumped in the water to swim towards them.

To be continued...
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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An Island, A Horny Family Stranded


जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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वह वीडियो राखी और कंचन का था. वीडियो में दोनों हमबिस्तर थे. उत्तेजक सीन में उन के समलैंगिक होने के प्रमाण थे. एकदूसरे को चूमने और यौनाचार के सीन वाले करीब 5 मिनट के वीडियो में राखी की भावभंगिमा काफी आक्रामक और कामुकता वाली थी. उसे देख कर कंचन चौंकती हुई बोली, ‘‘यह वीडियो किस ने बनाया?’’
‘‘जिस ने भी बनाया गलत किया. खैर, अब छोड़. जो होना था हो गया, उसे तू ही सुधार सकती है. चल आज ही लड़के से मिल कर सब कुछ बता देते हैं,’’ राखी ने गिरगिट की तरह रंग बदलते हुए कंचन को बैड पर गिरा दिया. खुद उस पर लेट गई और बेतहाशा चूमने लगी. उस के साथ छेड़छाड़ करने लगी.
‘‘अरे… अरेअरे… क्या करती हो? दिन का समय है. कोई आ जाएगा,’’ बोलती हुई कंचन राखी की पकड़ से छूटने की कोशिश करने लगी.
‘‘कुछ नहीं, बस थोड़ी देर. वीडियो देखने के बाद मन नहीं मान रहा. मत रोक मुझे,’’ बेचैन हो चुकी राखी ने कंचन के कपड़े खोलने शुरू कर दिए थे.
इसी सिलसिले में उस ने कंचन के दुपट्टे को उस की आंखों पर पट्टी की तरह लपेट दिया था. तब तक कामुकता की चिंगारी कंचन की देह में भी सुलग चुकी थी. उस का प्रतिरोध ढीला पड़ गया था. उसे भी काफी दिनों बाद समलैंगिक सहेली का सैक्सी स्पर्श मिला था. यानी वह राखी के लिए समर्पण के मूड में आ चुकी थी.
अगले पल उस पर लेटी राखी उठ कर जैसे ही कंचन से अलग होने लगी, उस ने टोका, ‘‘अब आग जला कर कहां जा रही हो?’’
‘‘बस अभी आई, तुम आंखें बंद किए रहना,’’ इसी के साथ राखी कमरे से बाहर चली गई.
2 मिनट में ही पीछे हाथ किए हुए वह वापस लौट आई. आंखें मूंदे कंचन बोली, ‘‘आ गई?’’
‘‘हां, मेरी जान. और यह लो तुम्हारे लिए कुछ ले कर आई हूं.’’

उत्तर प्रदेश में वाराणसी जिले के मटुका तक्खू की बावली गांव निवासी संजय पटेल कंचन के पति हैं. वह मिर्जापुर
में भूमि परीक्षण अधिकारी के पद पर कार्यरत हैं.
उस रोज 21 अप्रैल, 2022 को उन्हें औफिस जाने में देर हो चुकी थी. वह स्कूटर से अभी रास्ते में ही थे कि उन के मोबाइल की घंटी बजने लगी. उन्होंने तुरंत स्कूटर रोक कर मोबाइल देखा.
कंचन की काल थी. उन्होंने तुरंत काल रिसीव की.
‘‘हैलो भैया, मैं राखी बोल रही हूं. आप जल्दी से मेरे घर आ जाइए. कंचन भाभी की तबीयत अचानक बिगड़ गई
है. वैसे मैं ने उसे दवा दे दी है, लेकिन इमरजेंसी है.’’
कंचन के फोन से राखी का काल आने पर संजय को कोई आश्चर्य नहीं हुआ. क्योंकि वही कंचन को औफिस के लिए निकलते समय स्कूटर से राखी के घर तक छोड़ गए थे. आश्चर्य तो उन्हें इस बात का था कि भलीचंगी कंचन को अचानक क्या हो गया.

इस पर ज्यादा दिमाग लगाने के बजाय वह 20 मिनट के भीतर ही राखी के घर जा पहुंचे. बाहर का दरवाजा आम दिनों की तरह भिड़ा हुआ था. कंचन के पति संजय दनदनाते हुए राखी और कंचन को आवाज लगाते हुए घर में चले गए.
कमरे में दाखिल होते ही वहां का दृश्य देख कर वह सन्न रह गए. उन्हें ऐसा लगा मानो पैरों के तले की जमीन खिसक गई हो. वह गिरतेगिरते बचे.
कमरे में डा. राखी बैड पर एक किनारे बैठी अपना खून सना हाथ साफ कर रही थी, जबकि बैड पर कंचन खून से लथपथ पड़ी हुई थी. राखी के पैर के पास ही एक फावड़ा पड़ा था, जिस पर खून लगा था. काफी खून जमीन पर भी गिरा हुआ था.
‘‘राखी, क्या हुआ कंचन को? ये खून कैसा है? किस ने किया ये सब? किस ने मारा कंचन को?’’ संजय चीखे.
‘‘मैं ने मारा,’’ धीमी आवाज में राखी बोली.
‘‘क्यों मारा इसे? इस ने क्या बिगाड़ा था तुम्हारा?’’ संजय गुस्से में बोले.
‘‘मेरी शादी रुकवा दी थी, इसीलिए मैं ने इसे फावड़े से काट डाला.’’
अब तक बैड पर पैर लटकाए बैठी राखी भी तेवर में आ चुकी थी.
‘‘ऐंऽऽ फावड़े से काट दिया? तुम्हारी इतनी हिम्मत, लड़की हो या कसाई?’’
यह कहते हुए संजय ने कंचन की नाक के सामने अपना हाथ ले जा कर देखा. उस की सांसें बंद थीं. तभी संजय ने जेब से मोबाइल निकाला और तुरंत पुलिस को फोन मिलाया. काल रिसीव होते ही संजय ने कहा, ‘‘हैलो पुलिस कंट्रोल रूम! जल्दी यहां आ जाइए, यहां तक्खू की बावली में एक औरत का खून हो गया है. खून करने वाली भी औरत है. वह भी यहीं है.’’ इतना कह कर उस ने काल डिसकनेक्ट कर दी.
इस के थोड़ी देर बाद ही कपसेठी थाने की पुलिस घटनास्थल पर पहुंच गई. कई पुलिस वालों को अचानक गांव में आया देख लोग भी चौंक गए. मौके पर पहुंची पुलिस ने सब से पहले हत्यारोपी सहेली डा. राखी वर्मा को हिरासत में ले लिया.
हत्या में प्रयुक्त फावड़ा पास ही पड़ा था. मृतका कंचन का शव बैड पर खून से सने अस्तव्यस्त कपड़ों में था. उस की आंखों पर दुपट्टे से पट्टी बंधी थी.

थानाप्रभारी ने इस की सूचना एडिशनल एसपी (ग्रामीण) नीरज पांडे, सीओ (बड़ागांव) जगदीश कालीरमन को भी दे दी. थोड़ी देर में वे भी मौके पर पहुंचे गए और घटना के संबंध में जानकारी ली. फोरैंसिक टीम ने सबूत जुटाने शुरू किए. प्रारंभिक काररवाई करने के बाद कंचन की लाश को पोस्टमार्टम के लिए भेज दिया गया.
दिल दहला देने वाली इस घटना को अंजाम देने वाली राखी वर्मा बगैर किसी विरोध के चुपचाप पुलिस के साथ थाने चली गई. वहीं उस से पूछताछ हुई और उस के बयान नोट किए गए. राखी ने बताया कि मरने वाली कंचन पटेल (30) उस की सहेली थी.
कंचन ने अपने मकान के ही एक कमरे में ब्यूटीपार्लर खोल रखा था. उस का घर कुछ दूरी पर ही था. कंचन से उस की जानपहचान पिछले पंचायत चुनाव के दौरान तब हुई थी, जब वह ग्रामप्रधान का चुनाव लड़ी थी.
अपने बारे में राखी ने बताया कि उस के पिता बजरंगी वर्मा हैं. उस ने इलाहाबाद से बीएचएमएस की पढ़ाई की है. वह डा. राखी वर्मा है, लेकिन लोग उसे नेता के रूप में ही जानते हैं.
हालांकि प्रधान का चुनाव वह हार गई थी. चुनाव के दौरान ही कंचन और राखी के बीच नजदीकियां काफी बढ़ गई थीं. उन के बीच दोस्ती इस तरह की
बनी कि दोनों एक साथ काफी समय बिताने लगीं.
कोई भी दिन ऐसा नहीं गुजरता था, जब वे न मिलती थीं. राखी के कंचन के परिवार से पारिवारिक संबंध बन गए थे. वह कंचन के पति को भैया कहती थी. इस तरह राखी कंचन की मुंहबोली ननद बन गई थी.
कंचन के देवर राजीव कुमार की तहरीर पर पुलिस ने राखी की मां सीमा देवी, पिता बजरंगी वर्मा, सावित्री, अमित समेत 5 जनों के खिलाफ हत्या का मुकदमा दर्ज कर लिया था.
राखी के परिजनों से हत्या का कारण पूछे जाने पर उन्होंने बताया कि उस की कहीं शादी तय हो गई थी, लेकिन कंचन ने उस के ससुराल वालों से यह कह दिया था कि राखी की मानसिक स्थिति अच्छी नहीं है. उस से शादी न करें.
इस की जानकारी राखी को भी हो गई थी, जिस से वह नाराज हो गई थी और घटना को अंजाम दे दिया. इस के साथ ही कुछ लोगों ने दबी जुबान में बताया कि कंचन और राखी के बीच अंतरंग संबंध थे. यानी वे लेस्बियन थीं.

कंचन के परिवार वाले उस पर दबाव डाल रहे थे कि वह राखी से दूरी बना ले, जिस कारण से कंचन ने राखी से दूरी बनानी शुरू कर दी थी. राखी एक विक्षिप्त मानसिकता की लड़की थी. वह हर बात को नकारात्मक तरीके से सोचती थी और बातबात पर उग्र हो जाती थी.
कई बार उस के स्वभाव को ले कर कंचन राखी को डांट भी लगा चुकी थी. पुलिस ने कंचन और राखी के बीच समलैंगिक संबंध के बारे में संजय पटेल से पूछा तो उन्होंने भी इसे दबी जुबान से स्वीकार कर लिया.
इसी के साथ उस ने यह भी बताया कि उस की पत्नी को समलैंगिक बनाने में राखी का ही हाथ है. वह पहले ऐसी नहीं थी. उस की वजह से कंचन से उस के अंतरंग संबंधों पर भी फर्क पड़ गया था.
उस से छुटकारा दिलाने के लिए उस ने दोनों के अंतरंग सीन का चोरीछिपे वीडियो बनाया था और वह वीडियो राखी को भेज कर चेतावनी दी थी कि वह कंचन के साथ संबंध खत्म कर ले वरना उस के होने वाले ससुराल वालों को इस बारे में बता देगा.
हालांकि इस के पीछे उस की मंशा बुरी नहीं थी. वह चाहता था कि राखी सामान्य जीवन गुजारे और नए बनने वाले वैवाहिक जीवन को अच्छी तरह से गुजारे.
लेकिन राखी ने इस का गलत अर्थ लगा लिया. उस ने सोचा कि कंचन ने उस की शादी बिगाड़ने का प्रयास किया. इसी बात से नाराज हो कर उस ने कंचन को मौत के घाट उतार दिया था. हत्या करने के तरीके के बारे में राखी ने पुलिस को जो बताया, वह भी कुछ कम हैरान करने वाला नहीं है.

पुलिस के सामने अपना जुर्म कुबूल करते हुए उस ने बताया कि इस की योजना वह महीने भर से बना रही थी. इस का खुलासा क्राइम ब्रांच की टीम द्वारा राखी के मोबाइल की जांच करने पर हुआ.
मोबाइल खंगालने पर पुलिस ने पाया गया कि एक माह से राखी यूट्यूब पर फावड़े से हत्या करने का वीडियो खोज रही थी. तफ्तीश में यह बात सामने आई कि घटना के दिन कंचन जब उस के घर पहुंची तो उस ने वीडियो से सीखे तरीके का इस्तेमाल बड़ी सफाई से कर लिया.
बैड पर लेटी कंचन की आंखों पर पट्टी बंधी थी. उसे इस का जरा भी अहसास नहीं था कि राखी उस के साथ क्या विश्वासघात करने वाली है. राखी ने फावड़े से कंचन का गला काट डाला था.
उस ने यह भी स्वीकार कर लिया कि कंचन और उस के बीच समलैंगिक संबंध थे और उसी दौरान एक आपत्तिजनक वीडियो कंचन के घर वालों के हाथ लग गया. वीडियो के आधार पर कंचन के परिजन उसे ब्लैकमेल कर रहे थे.
उसी वीडियो के चलते उस की शादी भी टूट गई थी. वह मानसिक तौर पर प्रताडि़त हो रही थी. इसी वजह से उस ने एक महीने पहले ही कंचन की हत्या की योजना बना ली थी.
डा. राखी वर्मा से पूछताछ करने के बाद पुलिस ने उसे कोर्ट में पेश कर जेल भेज दिया. पुलिस को प्रारंभिक जांच में इस हत्याकांड में अन्य नामजद लोगों की संलिप्तता नहीं दिखी.
आगे की तफ्तीश में नामजद लोगों के खिलाफ सबूत मिलने पर पुलिस उन के खिलाफ भी कानूनी काररवाई अमल में लाएगी.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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रंग और रोशनी: शादी की बात सुन प्रिया सकपका क्यों गई?

मनीष और प्रिया एकदूसरे से प्यार करते थे. मगर जब बात शादी की आई तो प्रिया सकपका क्यों गई. क्या वह सिर्फ मनीष का इस्तेमाल कर रही थी.

प्राची भारद्वाज
Jul 12, 2022

मनीष अपनी पत्नी मुक्ता के साथ बरामदे में बैठा शाम की चाय की चुसकियां ले रहा था. दफ्तर में बीते दिन के कुछ रोचक पल मुक्ता को सुना रहा था. मुक्ता भी उस के साथ अपने दिन भर के अनुभव बांट रही थी. अरेंज्ड मैरिज और नईनई गृहस्थी के अनुभव. बहुत कुछ था दोनों के बीच साझा करने को.

‘‘वाह, एक तो तुम्हारे हाथ के बने समोसे और वे भी एअर फ्रायर में. स्वाद भी और सेहत भी. एक अच्छी पत्नी का फर्ज तुम बढि़या ढंग से निभा रही हो.’’

मनीष के कथन पर मुक्ता शरमाते हुए हंसी ही थी कि तभी मनीष का दोस्त गोपाल आ गया.

‘‘आओ गोपाल, बैठो. मुक्ता 1 कप चाय गोपाल के लिए भी हो जाए.’’

मनीष के कहते ही मुक्ता फुरती से रसोई की ओर चल दी.

‘‘क्या दोस्त, मेरे आते ही भाभी को भगा दिया? खैर, अच्छा ही किया. आज मैं तुझे एक समाचार देने आया हूं. तेरी प्रिया अपनी मां के घर वापस आ गई है. मुझे आज बाजार में मिली थी. मैं ने जैसे ही तेरे बारे में खबर दी तो, वह तेरा फोन नंबर मांगने लगी… कहने लगी उस का फोन चोरी हो गया था, इसलिए तेरा नंबर खो गया.’’

आगे गोपाल ने क्या कहा, वह मनीष को सुनाई नहीं दिया. वह तो प्रिया का नाम सुनते ही अतीत की गहरी खाई में गिरता चला गया. 6 माह पहले तक इस नाम के इर्दगिर्द ही उस का पूरा जीवन सिमटा था. उस की प्रिया, उस की जान, उस का प्यार…

कमल की पार्टी में प्रिया अलग ही चमक रही थी. कौन था ऐसा पार्टी में जिस की नजर उस पर न पड़ी हो. मनीष अपने शरमीले स्वभाव के कारण बस दूर से ही उसे निहार कर खुश था. पर पार्टी के बाद जब पता चला कि प्रिया का घर मनीष के रास्ते में आता है, तो उसे घर छोड़ने का काम उस ने सहर्ष स्वीकार लिया. प्रिया की आंखों और मुसकराहट में भी तो कुछ महसूस किया था उस ने. रास्ते में पता चला कि प्रिया कालेज में पढ़ती है. मनीष कालेज की पढ़ाई के बाद प्रशासनिक सेवा की परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहा था.

‘‘तब तो तुम बहुत मेधावी होगे. मुझे जो समझ न आया करे उसे क्या तुम से समझने आ जाया करूं?’’

‘‘जब तुम्हारा मन करे,’’ मनीष ने बिना देर किए कहा. आखिर अंधा क्या चाहे 2 आंखें.

मनीष अपने मातापिता की इकलौती संतान थी. उस के पिताजी नौकरी के सिलसिले में अकसर दौरे पर रहते थे और मां इतनी सीधी थीं कि प्रिया का घंटों मनीष के कमरे में रहना उन्हें जरा भी नहीं अखरता था. प्रिया के घर जाने में मनीष को किसी बहाने की जरूरत न थी. प्रिया की मां अकसर घर से बाहर रहती थीं. पति से उन का तलाक हो चुका था.

धीरे-धीरे मनीष और प्रिया के संबंधों में प्रगाढ़ता आने लगी. कुछ दोष उम्र का भी था. कच्ची उम्र, सतरंगी सपने. बिना आई लव यू कहे भी दोनों एकदूसरे को अपने दिल का हाल सुनाने में सक्षम थे. दोनों को एकदूसरे का साथ बहुत भाता. जब साथ न

होते तब व्हाट्सऐप पर हरपल की खबर रहती. प्रिया मनीष की हर बात में अपनी हां मिलाती. मनीष उसे नित नए कपड़े, नेलपौलिश, लिपस्टिक, परफ्यूम इत्यादि देता रहता. यहां तक कि प्रिया की औनलाइन शौपिंग के लिए उसे क्रैडिट कार्ड भी मनीष ने ही दिया था. इस के बदले में प्रिया ने मनीष की हर कमी को पूरा कर दिया था. उस ने कभी मनीष को स्वयं को हाथ लगाने से नहीं रोका था. शायद मनीष का शरमीला स्वभाव उसे आगे बढ़ने की स्वीकृति नहीं देता यदि प्रिया ने उस दोपहर अपने अकेले घर में स्वयं को मनीष को न सौंप दिया होता. उस अनुभव के बाद मनीष का मन प्रिया के बिना कहीं लगता ही नहीं था. दोनों एकदूसरे के घर, कमरे में एकांत तलाशते. एकदूसरे के बिना स्वयं को अकेला पाते.

‘‘प्रिया, मैं तुम्हारे बिना नहीं जी सकता. तुम्हारे मेरी जिंदगी में आने से पहले मेरा जीवन कितना सूना था. तुम ने उस में रंग और रोशनी भर दी.’’

मनीष प्रिया के प्रेम की लहर में बह जाता-

‘‘जीना हराम कर रखा है मेरी इन आंखों ने,

खुली हों तो तलाश तेरी और बंद हों तो ख्वाब तेरे.’’

इस प्रेम का असर मनीष की निजी जिंदगी में तो हो ही रहा था, उस की पढ़ाई पर भी पड़ने लगा था. उस की प्रशासनिक सेवा की परीक्षा की तैयारी में न तो वह लगन थी और न ही मेहनत, जिस की जरूरत होती है. प्रिया की सूरत और उस के सपने कभी उसे अकेला न छोड़ते. इस का नतीजा यह रहा कि वह परीक्षा में असफल रहा. अब चूंकि घर पिताजी की पेंशन पर चल रहा था, इसलिए मनीष को जेबखर्ची, क्रैडिट कार्ड इत्यादि सब बंद करने पड़े.

मनीष को आज भी अच्छी तरह याद है जब उस के मित्र परीक्षा में अनुत्तीर्ण रह जाने पर अफसोस करने आए थे. सब के साथ प्रिया भी आई थी पर उस के चेहरे पर अफसोस का कोई भाव न था, बल्कि जब उस के एक मित्र ने यह कहा कि मनीष प्रिया के कारण परीक्षा में पूरी मेहनत न कर सका तो कितनी बेहयाई से हंसते हुए उस ने कहा था कि वाह, एक तो फेल हो गए, उस पर तुर्रा यह कि इलजाम किसी और के सिर मढ़ दो. यह अच्छा है यानी उस के स्वर में हमदर्दी की जगह व्यंग्य था.

मनीष को प्रिया की यह बात बुरी अवश्य लगी थी, पर वह इसे प्रिया का अल्हड़पन समझ कर टाल गया था. अभी तक उस ने प्रिया से अपने जीवन का हिस्सा बनने की बात भी कहां छेड़ी थी. जब वह उस के जीवन में शामिल हो जाएगी, तभी तो एक की स्थिति की जिम्मेदारी दूसरे की भी होगी. उसे विश्वास था कि प्रिया के साथ से वह जीवन में अवश्य सफल होगा. इसीलिए जल्द ही बिना देर किए मनीष ने प्रिया के समक्ष शादी का प्रस्ताव रख दिया.

प्रिया स्तब्ध सी उसे देखती रह गई. फिर उस ने साफसाफ कह दिया, ‘‘कैसी बातें कर रहे हो मनीष? माना कि तुम मुझे अच्छे लगते हो,

पर शादी? शादी की क्या जरूरत है, मैं तो तुम्हारी हूं ही.’’

‘‘पर प्रिया ऐसे कब तक चलेगा? मेरे मातापिता मेरी शादी की सोचेंगे और आखिर तुम्हारी मां भी कब तक इंतजार करेंगी. उन्हें भी तो तुम्हारी शादी की चिंता होगी. मैं ने सोचा है कि कोई छोटीमोटी नौकरी तो मुझे मिल ही जाएगी. पिताजी ने एक जगह बात चलाई है, छोटी ही सही पर गृहस्थी का बोझ मैं उठा लूंगा.’’

‘‘छोटीमोटी नौकरी? समझने की कोशिश करो मनीष… पैसे के बिना जीवन क्या है? देखो, आजकल तुम न तो मुझे कोई उपहार दे पाते हो और न ही मेरी खरीदारी करा पाते हो. ऐसे में भला शादी की कैसे सोच सकते हो? वैसे भी शादी का मतलब है खाना पकाना, घर संभालना, बच्चे पैदा करना और फिर उन का पालनपोषण और भविष्य की चिंता में घुलते रहना. बदले में एक ढर्रे की जिंदगी. मुझे इन सब से चिढ़ है. मैं एक स्वतंत्र विचारों की लड़की हूं. मेरी मां को ही देख लो. आज अकेले कितनी प्रसन्न और मस्त हैं. मैं भी वैसा ही जीवन चाहती हूं.’’

प्रिया के इस उत्तर ने मनीष को निरुत्तर कर दिया. उस दिन के बाद से मनीष को न जाने ऐसा क्यों लगने लगा जैसे प्रिया उस से कतराने लगी है, जैसे उस का व्यवहार ठंडा पड़ने लगा है, वह उस से किनारा करने लगी है. वह कई दिनों तक उस से न मिलती, न ही फोन पर संपर्क करती. कहीं टकरा जाने पर बहानों की कतार लगा देती, ‘‘बस इतना ही जान पाए अपनी प्रिया को तुम मनीष? मैं तुम्हें कैसे भूल सकती हूं? मैं स्वयं को भूल सकती हूं पर तुम मेरी हर सांस में बसते हो…’’

बात इमोशनल ब्लैकमेल तक पहुंच जाती. मनीष पूछना चाहता कि इतनी चाहत है, तो छलकती क्यों नहीं है तुम्हारे चेहरे पर? पर डरता था कि कहीं बात साफ करतेकरते वह प्रिया को खो न बैठे. उसे इंतजार मंजूर था पर अपने सुनहरे स्वप्नों की उड़ान में दरार नहीं.

‘प्रिया को पाने से पहले मुझे जीवन में कुछ और बुलंदियां भी हासिल करनी होंगी,’ सोच उस नेएक बार फिर प्रशासनिक सेवा की परीक्षा की तैयारी शुरू कर दी. अब की बार उस ने शुरू से ही पूरा परिश्रम करने की ठानी थी. कभीकभार फोन पर प्रिया से बात कर वह स्वयं को हलका महसूस कर लेता था.

फिर एक दिन प्रिया ने बताया, ‘‘मैं अपने मामा के घर जा रही हूं… तुम यों परेशान हो रहे हो जैसे मेरी शादी हो रही है. तुम क्या समझते हो मैं तुम्हारे बिना खुश रह सकूंगी? पर मैं यह सब तुम्हारे लिए कर रही हूं. मेरे यहां रहते तुम पढ़ाई में मन नहीं लगा पाओगे. यह हमारी परीक्षा की घड़ी है. मनीष इस में हमें पास हो कर दिखाना है.’’

बड़ी मुश्किल से मनीष का मन शांत हो पाया था.

प्रिया के जाने के बाद सुहावना मौसम भी बोझिल लगता. मानो अंदर का बुझापन बाहर की रौनक पर हावी हो गया हो. लेकिन समय अपनी गति कब छोड़ता है? परीक्षा की तारीख पास आ रही थी. किसी तरह मनीष ने अपना ध्यान पढ़ाई में लगाया. पर प्रिया के पत्र का इंतजार उसे रोज रहता. अंतत: 3 महीने बाद उस का पत्र आया. पत्र में प्रिया की मजबूरियों का बखान था…. मनीष के बिना वह कितनी अधूरी थी, कितनी तनहा. प्रिया की तड़प पढ़ कर मनीष की आंखें भर आईं कि क्यों वह बारबार प्रिया के प्यार पर अविश्वास की परत चढ़ा देता है? हर किसी का प्यार करने और जताने का ढंग अलगअलग होता है और फिर प्रिया एक लड़की है. कुछ शर्म, कुछ हया उस के व्यक्तित्व का हिस्सा है. जरूरी तो नहीं हर बात कही जाए, कुछ महसूस भी की जाती है. एक सच्ची प्रेमिका पा कर वह स्वयं को धन्य मान रहा था.

परीक्षा समाप्त हो गई. कुछ ही समय बाद परिणाम भी आ गया. इस बार मांपिताजी की प्रसन्नता का ठिकाना न था. घर पर दोस्तों के लिए एक छोटी सी दावत रखी थी. उस शाम मनीष को प्रिया की कमी बहुत खली थी. वह प्रिया को यह खुशखबरी स्वयं सुनाना चाहता था. उस के चेहरे की खुशी को वह अपनी आंखों से देखना चाहता था. फोन पर खबर दे कर वह इस दृश्य को खोना नहीं चाहता था.

मनीष ने कमल से प्रिया का पता मांगते

हुए, जो उस के अलावा प्रिया का भी दोस्त था कहा, ‘‘यार, प्रिया को यह खुशखबरी दे दूं…

सच कहूं तो मैं उस से शादी करना चाहता हूं.

हम दोनों ने अलग रह कर बहुत कठिन परीक्षा दी है. यह त्याग उस ने मेरी सफलता के

लिए दिया और अब जब मैं अपने पैरों पर खड़ा हूं तो…’’

‘‘अरे मनीष, तुम्हारे जैसा सुशील और लायक लड़का प्रिया जैसी तितली के जाल में फंस जाएगा यह तो मैं सोच भी नहीं सकता था. प्रिया जैसी लड़की सैरसपाटे के लिए ठीक है

पर शादी के लिए नहीं. क्यों अपने पैरों पर खुद कुल्हाड़ी मार रहा है?’’

कमल ने मनीष के मन की शांत झील में पहला पत्थर मारा था. उस ने प्रिया के बारे में जो कुछ भी बताया उसे सुन कर मनीष स्तब्ध रह गया.

‘‘प्रिया के प्रियों की संख्या का भान है तुझे? आए दिन वह किसी न किसी से रासलीला रचा रही होती है… उस की मां भी तो वैसी ही,’’ और फिर आगे कुछ कहने के बजाय कमल हंसने लगा.

‘‘बदलता है रंग आसमान कैसेकैसे.’’

मनीष की नायिका अचानक खलनायिका बना दी गई थी. उस के मन में उथलपुथल मची थी कि क्या सच में वह बेवकूफ बन रहा था या प्रिया जैसी प्रेमिका के कारण कमल उस से जल रहा है? उस का मन बेचैन हो उठा था. यह उस के जीवन का अहम निर्णय था. इसलिए उस ने खुद छानबीन करने की ठानी. मनीष ने काफी पूछताछ की. जितनी जानकारी मिलती गई, उस का मन उतना ही खिन्न होता गया. वह कितना पागल था प्रिया के प्यार में. प्रिया की रस घुली बातों में आने में उसे जरा भी देर न लगती थी.

‘‘ख्वाहिशों के काफिले भी बड़े अजीब होते हैं, वे गुजरते वहीं से हैं जहां रास्ते नहीं होते हैं.’’

अब मनीष की सफलता का परिणाम सुन कर शायद प्रिया शादी के लिए फौरन हामी भर

दे. विरह में बीते दिनरातों की व्यथा सुनाए. पर आंखों देखी मक्खी किस से निगली जाती है भला? इसलिए मां के बारबार पूछने पर मनीष ने उन की पसंद की लड़की से शादी के लिए हां कह दी.

उसी सप्ताहांत मनीष अपने मांपिताजी के साथ लड़की देखने उन के घर पहुंचा. लड़की सुंदर थी. उन्हें भी मनीष पसंद आया. रिश्ता पक्का हो गया. किंतु मनीष अपनी जीवनसंगिनी से अपने जीवन का अतीत अंधेरे में नहीं रखना चाहता था. अत: उस ने मुक्ता से अकेले में बात करने की इच्छा व्यक्त की. संकोचवश मुक्ता कुछ असहज थी.

मनीष ने ही शुरुआत की, ‘‘जब हम दोनों अपना पूरा जीवन साथ गुजारने का निर्णय लेने जा रहे हैं, तो हमें अपना अतीत भी साझा कर लेना चाहिए. मैं तुम से कुछ कहना चाहता हूं. पहले सुन लो, फिर जो तुम्हारा निर्णय होगा, मुझे मान्य होगा,’’ और फिर मनीष ने मुक्ता को प्रिया के बारे में पूरी ईमानदारी से सब बता दिया.

कुछ क्षण चुप रहने के बाद मुक्ता बोली, ‘‘चलिए, खट्टा ही सही पर आप को प्यार में अपना निर्णय लेने का मौका तो मिला… ताउम्र यह गिला तो नहीं रह जाएगा कि किसी से प्यार ही न कर सके. मेरा भी मन था कि मैं लव मैरिज करूं पर हमारे यहां तो लड़कियों का आंख उठाना भी वर्जित है.’’

‘‘तो तुम क्या इसलिए उदास लग रही हो?’’

मुक्ता चुप रही, लेकिन उस की आंखों ने हामी भर दी थी.

‘‘अच्छा किया तुम ने अपने दिल की बात मुझ से कही. हमारे बीच कोई संकोच नहीं होना चाहिए.’’

‘‘दरअसल, मैं भी चाहती थी कि जो खुशी प्यार में पड़े लोगों को महसूस होती है,

उसे मैं भी अनुभव कर पाती… प्यार में जिंदगी बदल देने वाले वे…’’ बोलते ही मुक्ता रुक गई. फिर जीभ काटते हुए कहने लगी, ‘‘माफ कीजिए, मैं भी पागल हूं, पता नहीं क्याक्या बोल रही हूं.’’

मगर उस की बातें सीधे मनीष के दिल तक पहुंचीं. कितनी साफगोई से मुक्ता ने अपनी ख्वाहिश उस पर जाहिर कर दी थी. ठीक ही तो है मनीष ने अपनी मरजी कर के देख ली और अब मातापिता की इच्छा से शादी कर रहा था. किंतु मुक्ता को अपनी मरजी का अवसर कहां मिला?

मनीष ने उसी दिन से मुक्ता के जीवन में प्यार का रंग और प्यार के खुमार की रोशनी भरने की जिम्मेदारी उठा ली. उस ने हर प्रयास कर के मुक्ता को प्यार में मिलने वाली हर खुशी दी. यहां तक कि शादी होने तक मुक्ता को लगने लगा कि जैसे उस की लव मैरिज हो रही हो.

सच कहते हैं कि शादियां ऊपर तय होती हैं. यहां जमीन पर तो हम सिर्फ उन का मेल कराते हैं. मनीष और मुक्ता असल मानों में हमसफर बने.

आज गोपाल फिर उसी भूकंप की खबर लाया था, जिस से कभी मनीष का संसार डोल जाया करता था. पर आज वह शांत था. उस का संसार प्रसन्नता के झूले में झूल रहा था और इस की डोर थी मुक्ता के हाथों में. दोनों प्यार में जिंदगी बदल देने वाले रंग और रोशनी अनुभव कर रहे थे.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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अंजाम-ए-मोहब्बत: बेमानी हुए प्यार का यही नतीजा होता है

अनमोल और योगेश ने भले ही एकदूसरे से प्यार किया था. लेकिन अलगअलग शादी के बंधन में बंध जाने के बाद उन्हें अपने प्यार को भुला देना  चाहिए था. बेमानी हुए  प्यार का कमोबेश यही  नतीजा होता है.

   प्रमिला ओबेराय
   Jul 15, 2022

अनमोल और योगेश ने भले ही एकदूसरे से प्यार किया था. लेकिन अलगअलग शादी के बंधन में बंध जाने के बाद उन्हें अपने प्यार को भुला देना  चाहिए था. बेमानी हुए  प्यार का कमोबेश यही  नतीजा होता है, जो हुआ.

मौत कभीकभी बिन बुलाए मेहमान की तरह चुपके से आती है और चील की तरह झपट्टा मार कर किसी को भी साथ ले जाती है. ऐसा नहीं है कि मौत आने से पहले दस्तक नहीं देती. असल में मौत दस्तक तो देती है, पर लोग उस पर ध्यान नहीं देते. कोई नहीं जानता कि वक्त कब करवट लेगा और खुशियां गम में बदल जाएंगी. ऐसा ही कुछ योगेश के साथ भी हुआ था.

आगरा के थाना सिकंदरा क्षेत्र में एकगांव है अटूस. राजन अपने परिवार के साथ इसी गांव में रहता था. उस का गांव में ही दूध का व्यवसाय था. वह बाहर से तो दूध खरीदता ही था, उस की अपनी भी कई दुधारू भैंसे थीं. राजन गांव का खातापीता व्यक्ति था. वह अपने बच्चों को खूब पढ़ाना चाहता था.

उस का बड़ा बेटा पढ़ाई में काफी तेज था. इसलिए परिवार को उस से काफी उम्मीदें थीं. राजन के घर से कुछ ही दूरी पर रिटायर्ड फौजी नरेंद्र का घर था. एक ही गांव के होने की वजह से दोनों परिवार के लोगों में आतेजाते दुआसलाम तो हो जाती थी, पर ज्यादा नजदीकियां नहीं थीं. दोनों परिवारों के बच्चे गांव के दूसरे बच्चों की तरह साथसाथ खेल कर बड़े हुए थे. वक्त के साथ फौजी नरेंद्र की बेटी अनमोल जवान हुई तो मांबाप ने उसे समझाने की कोशिश की कि वह लड़की है और लड़की को अपनी मर्यादा में रहना चाहिए.

दरअसल, फौजी की बेटी अनमोल और राजन का बेटा योगेश एक ही कालेज में पढ़ते थे. आए दिन होने वाली मुलाकातों की वजह से दोनों एकदूसरे के करीब आने लगे थे. धीरेधीरे दोनों में दोस्ती हो गई और उन्हें लगने लगा कि उन के मन में एकदूसरे के लिए कोमल भावनाएं विकसित हो रही हैं.

दोनों बीए में में पढ़ रहे थे. एक दिन अनमोल जब आगरा जाने के लिए सड़क पर किसी वाहन का इंतजार कर रही थी तो योगेश अपनी बुलेट पर वहां आ गया. वह बाइक रोक कर अनमोल से बोला, ‘‘आओ बैठो.’’

‘‘नहीं तुम जाओ, मैं औटो से जाऊंगी.’’ जवाब में अनमोल ने कहा.

‘‘छोड़ो यार, ये क्या बात हुई. मैं भी तो कालेज ही जा रहा हूं.’’ कहते हुए योगेश बेतकल्लुफ हो गया और अनमोल का हाथ पकड़ते हुए बोला, ‘‘बैठो.’’

अनमोल उस के साथ बुलेट पर बैठ गई. उस के लिए यह एक नया अनुभव था, फिर भी वह यह सोच कर डरी हुई थी कि किसी ने देख लिया तो खबर घर तक पहुंच जाएगी. अनमोल इसी सोच में डूबी थी कि योगेश ने काफी शौप के सामने बाइक रोक दी.

‘‘बाइक क्यों रोक दी. कालेज चलने का इरादा नहीं है क्या?’’

‘‘कालेज भी चलेंगे, पहले एकएक कप कौफी पी लें.’’ कहते हुए वह अनमोल को कौफी शौप में ले गया. कौफी पीने के दौरान दोनों के बीच खामोशी छाई रही. अनमोल जहां डरी हुई थी वहीं योगेश उस से वह सब कहना चाहता था, जो काफी दिनों से उस के दिल में था.

अचानक उस ने अनमोल का हाथ पकड़ा तो वह कांप उठी. उस ने गहरी नजरों से योगेश को देखा और अपना हाथ छुड़ाने की कोशिश करने लगी. योगेश थोड़ा गंभीर हो कर बोला, ‘‘अनमोल मैं तुम से प्यार करने लगा हूं. तुम्हें हर वक्त आंखों के सामने रखना चाहता हूं.’’

अनमोल खिलखिला कर हंसते हुए बोली, ‘‘लगता है, तुम्हारी शामत आने वाली है. जानते हो मेरे पिता फौजी हैं. उन्हें पता चला तो…’’

‘‘जानता हूं, उन्हें छोड़ो तुम्हें तो पता चल गया न, तुम बताओ क्या करने वाली हो?’’

‘‘मैं क्या करूंगी, तुम तो जानते हो कि लड़कियां अपने दिल की बात आसानी से नहीं कह पातीं.’’ कहते हुए अनमोल मुसकराई तो योगेश के दिल की धड़कनें तेज हो गईं.

उस ने कहा, ‘‘मुझे तुम्हारा जवाब चाहिए था, तुम्हें मेरी मोहब्बत कुबूल है न?’’

अनमोल को योगेश अच्छा लगता था. उस ने सहजभाव से योगेश की मोहब्बत कुबूल कर ली. उस दिन के बाद तो जैसे दोनों की दुनिया ही बदल गई.

एक दिन अनमोल और योगेश ताजमहल देखने गए, जहां उन्हें देर तक पासपास बैठने का मौका मिला. उस दिन दोनों ने एकदूसरे से खुल कर बातें कीं. उस दिन के बाद धीरेधीरे दोनों की मोहब्बत परवान चढ़ने लगी.

दोनों समाज की नजरों से छिप कर मिलने लगे. साथसाथ जीनेमरने की कसमें खा कर दोनों ने तय किया कि चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए दोनों शादी करेंगे और अपनी अलग दुनिया बसाएंगे.

हालांकि अनमोल जानती थी कि उस का फौजी पिता किसी भी सूरत में उन की मोहब्बत को मंजिल तक नहीं पहुंचने देगा. लेकिन अनमोल और योगेश ने तय कर लिया कि जमाना लाख विरोध करे, लेकिन वे अपनी मोहब्बत के रास्ते पर चल कर अपने परिजनों को यह मानने के लिए मजबूर कर देंगे कि वे एकदूसरे के लिए ही बने हैं.

प्यार में बदली दोस्ती

यह प्रेमी युगल की सोच थी लेकिन मोहब्बत की इस राह पर इतने कांटे थे कि उन के लिए मंजिल तक पहुंचना आसान नहीं था. अनमोल के पिता के भाई गांव के पूर्व प्रधान थे. इस नाते इस परिवार का इलाके में काफी दबदबा था. लेकिन उन दोनों की आशिकी को इस से कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ा था.

उन का मिलनाजुलना चलता रहा. एक दिन किसी ने नरेंद्र को बताया कि उस ने उस की बेटी को राजन के बेटे से बातचीत करते देखा है. यह सुनते ही नरेंद्र का खून गर्म हो गया. वह गुस्से में घर पहुंचा और अपनी पत्नी सरोज से अनमोल के बारे में पूछा कि वह कहां है. पत्नी ने बताया कि अनमोल अभी कालेज से नहीं लौटी है.

‘‘पता है तुम्हारी बेटी कालेज जाने के बहाने क्या गुल खिला रही है?’’ नरेंद्र ने सरोज से कहा, तो वह बोली, ‘‘क्या बात है, अनमोल ने कुछ किया है क्या? वह तो सीधीसादी लड़की है, अपनी पढ़ाई पर ध्यान देती है.’’

‘‘जानता हूं, पर आज पता चला है कि वह राजन के बेटे से दोस्ती बढ़ाए हुए है, जानता हूं कालेज में बच्चे एकदूसरे से बातें करते हैं, लेकिन सोचो बात इस से आगे बढ़ गई तो क्या करेंगे?’’

‘‘कुछ नहीं होगा. तुम चाय पियो वह आती ही होगी. पूछ लेना.’’ कह कर सरोज ने चाय का प्याला नरेंद्र के आगे रख दिया. थोड़ी देर में अनमोल आ गई. पिता को देख कर वह अपने कमरे में जाने लगी तो नरेंद्र ने टोका, ‘‘कहां से आ रही हो?’’

‘‘कालेज से.’’ अनमोल ने जवाब दिया.

‘‘ये योगेश कौन है?’’ नरेंद्र ने पूछा तो अनमोल चौंकने वाले अंदाज में बोली, ‘‘कौन योगेश?’’ अनमोल ने कहा, ‘‘पापा, कालेज में तो कई लड़के पढ़ते हें, मुझे हर किसी का नाम थोड़े ही पता है.’’

नरेंद्र समझ गया कि लड़की उतनी भी सीधी नहीं है, जितनी उसे समझा जाता है. लड़की पर ध्यान देना जरूरी है.

अपने कमरे में जा कर अनमोल ने किताबें मेज पर पटकीं और सोचने लगी कि जरूर पिता को शक हो गया है. अब सतर्क रहना होगा. वह काफी तनाव में आ गई.

अनमोल जानती थी कि जाति एक होने के बावजूद उस के मांबाप योगेश को कभी नहीं अपनाएंगे. वजह यह कि हैसियत में उस का परिवार योगेश के परिवार के मुकाबले काफी संपन्न था. देर रात फोन कर के उस ने यह बात योगेश को बता दी. योगेश ने कहा, ‘‘ठीक है, आगे क्या करना है देखेंगे.’’

   निगाह रखी जाने लगी अनमोल पर

दूसरी ओर नरेंद्र निश्चिंत नहीं था. अगले कुछ दिनों में उसे पता चल गया कि लड़की गलत राह पर जा रही है. इसी के मद्देनजर उस ने सरोज से कहा, ‘‘अनमोल अब घर रह कर ही पढ़ाई करेगी. इम्तिहान आएंगे तो देखेंगे क्या करना है.’’

अनमोल ने पिता की बात का विरोध करते हुए कहा, ‘‘लेकिन मैं ने किया क्या है पापा?’’

‘‘तुम अच्छी तरह जानती हो कि तुम ने क्या किया है. इस से पहले कि तुम समाज में हमारा सिर नीचा करो, मैं तुम्हारे लिए रिश्ता देख कर तुम्हारी शादी कर दूंगा.’’

लेकिन इस से पहले कि नरेंद्र अपने सिर से बोझ उतार पाता, अनमोल और योगेश ने घर मे भाग कर अपनी अलग दुनिया बसाने का फैसला कर लिया. एक दिन रात में जब सब सो रहे थे, अनमोल ने घर छोड़ दिया और योगेश के साथ चली गई. सुबह घर वालों ने देखा तो सन्न रह गए. बाहर वाला दरवाजा खुला था और अनमोल घर से लापता थी.

इस के बाद तमाम जगहों पर फोन किए गए लेकिन अनमोल का कहीं पता नहीं चला. कोई रास्ता न देख नरेंद्र अपने घर वालों के साथ योगेश के पिता राजन से मिला. उन की बात सुन कर राजन हैरान रह गया उसे कुछ भी पता नहीं था. राजन ने विश्वास दिलाया कि वह उन की बेटी को सही सलामत वापस लाएगा.

राजन जानता था कि बेटे की ये हरकत उस के परिवार को मुसीबत में डाल सकती है. उस ने अपनी रिश्तेदारियों में फोन मिलाए तो पता चला कि योगेश और अनमोल उस के एक करीबी रिश्तेदार के घर पर मौजूद हैं. उस ने अपने उस रिश्तेदार को सारी बात बता कर कहा कि वह तुरंत दोनों को साथ ले कर अटूस आ जाए.

ऐसा ही हुआ. अनमोल अपने मांबाप के घर आ गई. वह समझ गई थी कि योगेश के साथ अपनी दुनिया बसाने का सपना अब कभी पूरा नहीं होगा. अब उस पर बंदिशें भी बढ़ गईं. साथ ही नरेंद्र अनमोल के लिए लड़का भी तलाशने लगा. आखिर एक रिश्ता मिल ही गया. अनमोल का रिश्ता गाजियाबाद के भोपुरा निवासी नेत्रपाल से तय कर दिया गया.

नेत्रपाल एक दवा कंपनी का प्रतिनिधि था. 4 साल पहले अनमोल की शादी नेत्रपाल के साथ हो गई. वह रोतीबिलखती खाक हुए अपने प्यार के सपनों की राख समेटे सुसराल चली गई.

   अनमोल नहीं भूली अपने प्यार को

मांबाप ने सोचा कि चलो सब कुछ ठीक हो गया. लेकिन यह उन की भूल थी. 3 साल के प्रेमसंबंधों को भला प्रेमी प्रेमिका कैसे भूल सकते थे. समाज ने उन्हें जबरन अलग किया था. सीधीसादी दिखने वाली अनमोल अब विद्रोही हो गई थी. ससुराल में उस का मन नहीं लगता था. उसे अपनी स्थिति एक कैदी जैसी लगती थी. मौका पा कर वह योगेश से फोन पर बात कर लेती थी.

अपने काम में व्यस्त रहने वाला नेत्रपाल इस सब से बेखबर था. इसी बीच अनमोल गर्भवती हो गई, लेकिन वह अपने पति के बच्चे को जन्म देने के लिए तैयार नहीं थी. उस ने एक दिन नेत्रपाल से कहा कि अभी वह बच्चे को जन्म देने की स्थिति में नहीं है. पत्नी बच्चे को जन्म देने की इच्छुक नहीं थी. न चाहते हुए भी नेत्रपाल मान गया. उस ने पत्नी का गर्भपात करा दिया.

अनमोल की शादी के बाद घर वालों के दबाव में योगेश भी एक अन्य लड़की से शादी करने को तैयार हो गया. उस की शादी वंदना के साथ हो गई. वंदना को इस बात की भनक तक नहीं थी कि उस का पति किसी दूसरी लड़की से प्यार करता था और उसे ले कर भाग भी गया था. वह खामोशी के साथ पत्नी धर्म निभाती रही. बाद में वह एक बच्चे की मां भी बनी.

इसी बीच कंपनी ने नेत्रपाल को आगरा क्षेत्र का काम सौंप दिया. नेत्रपाल ने थाना सिकंदरा क्षेत्र की कालोनी शास्त्रीपुरम में किराए का मकान ले लिया और वहीं रहते दवा कंपनी का काम करने लगा. वह सुबह घर से निकलता और शाम को लौटता. अपनी पत्नी के प्यार से वह बेखबर था. उसे नहीं मालूम था कि पत्नी शादी से पहले किसी से प्यार करती थी.

शादी के बाद अनमोल जब तब पति के साथ मायके आती और उस के साथ ही वापस चली जाती. योगेश से मिलने का मौका ही नहीं मिलता था. लेकिन अब शास्त्रीपुरम में पति के काम पर चले जाने के बाद वह घर में अकेली रह जाती थी.

उस का अकेलापन एक ऐसे गुनाह को जन्म देगा, जिस में पूरा परिवार तबाह हो जाएगा, यह अनमोल नहीं समझ पाई. उस ने आगरा आ जाने की खबर अपने प्रेमी योगेश को फोन पर दे दी और अपना पता भी बता दिया. उस ने योगेश से मिलने की इच्छा भी व्यक्त की.

प्रेमिका के आमंत्रण ने योगेश में जोश भर दिया. वह भूल गया कि अब उस की भी शादी हो चुकी है और वह एक बच्ची का पिता है. उस ने तय कर लिया कि वह अपनी प्रेमिका से जरूर मिलेगा.

नरेंद्र ने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोचा था कि बेटी फिर से कोई गुल खिलाने वाली है. बेटा जूनियर डाक्टर था और बेटी की उस ने एक अच्छे परिवार में शादी कर दी थी. जबकि अनमोल इसी सब का फायदा उठाना चाहती थी. एक दिन दोपहर को योगेश अनमोल के पास जा पहुंचा.

   दोनों ने आगापीछा नहीं सोचा

लंबे अलगाव के बाद अनमोल उस के आगोश में सिमट गई. योगेश ने अनमोल को समझाने की कोशिश की कि अब कुछ नहीं हो सकता. वह एक जिम्मेदार पिता और पति बनना चाहता है. उस ने यह बात कही जरूर लेकिन चाहता वह भी वही था जो अनमोल चाहती थी. नतीजा यह हुआ कि दोनों समाज की आंखों में धूल झोंक कर एक ऐसे रिश्ते को निभाने लगे जिस के कुछ मायने नहीं थे.

अनमोल और योगेश जिस रास्ते पर चल पड़े थे, वह फिसलन भरा था, जो धीरेधीरे दलदल बन गया. ऐसी दलदल जहां से निकल पाना मुश्किल ही नहीं, असंभव था. अनमोल का दिल दिमाग बेकाबू था. वह चाहती थी कि वह नेत्रपाल के साथ वैवाहिक बंधन से मुक्त हो कर एक बार फिर आजाद जिंदगी जिए और योगेश के साथ अपनी दुनिया बसाए.

यह अलग बात थी कि योगेश के पास अपनी निजी आय का कोई साधन नहीं था और न ही वह अपनी पत्नी और बेटी की जिम्मेदारियों से मुक्त हो सकता था. योगेश जानता था कि वह अपनी बेटी और पत्नी का गुनहगार है, लेकिन यह नहीं जानता था कि यह गुनाह उस की जिंदगी ही छीन लेगा.

18 अगस्त, 2018 की रात करीब साढ़े 8 बजे एक युवती बदहवास सी थाना सिकंदरा पहुंची. उस से थानाप्रभारी अजय कौशल से कहा, ‘‘सर, जल्दी चलिए, वो लोग उसे कार में कहीं ले गए हैं और उसे मार डालेंगे.’’ युवती थाना इंचार्ज को समझा नहीं पा रही थी कि कौन किसे मार डालेगा. अजय कौशल ने संतरी को पानी लाने को कहा. युवती ने पानी पी लिया तो अजय कौशल ने पूछा, ‘‘हां, अब बताओ क्या बात है?’’

इस के बाद युवती ने जो कुछ बताया उसे सुन कर थानाप्रभारी के होश उड़ गए. उन्होंने ड्राइवर से तुरंत गाड़ी तैयार करने को कहा और पुलिस टीम के साथ उस युवती को ले कर शास्त्रीपुरम पहुंचे. तब तक रात के साढ़े 9 बज चुके थे. इलाके में गहरा सन्नाटा था. आसपास के मकानों के दरवाजे बंद थे.

अनमोल ने दरवाजा खोला तो अजय कौशल ने अंदर जा कर देखा. कमरे का फर्श गीला था. अनमोल ने बताया कि फर्श का खून उसी ने साफ किया है. अब तक वह सामान्य हो चुकी थी.

उस ने थानाप्रभारी को फिर पूरी कहानी सुनाई कि कालेज के समय से वह योगेश से प्यार करती थी. दोनों शादी भी करना चाहते थे, लेकिन समाज के आगे उन की एक नहीं चली.

योगेश की भी शादी हो चुकी थी. दोनों का मिलनाजुलना मुश्किल हो गया था, पर जब नेत्रपाल का तबादला आगरा हो गया तो हम ने शास्त्रीपुरम में किराए का मकान ले लिया. यहां आ कर योगेश से मिलने का रास्ता भी साफ हो गया था. जब भी मौका मिलता हम मिल लेते थे. नेत्रपाल दोपहर में कम ही आता था. जब उसे आना होता था तो वह फोन करता था.

आगे की पूछताछ में जो बातें पता चलीं, उन के अनुसार, 19 अगस्त, 2018 को अनमोल ने योगेश के वाट्सऐप पर मैसेज भेजा कि वह आ जाए. योगेश अपने लिए नौकरी ढूंढ रहा था. नौकरी के लिए उस ने कई फार्म भी भरे थे. वह दोपहर को घर से यह कह कर निकला कि फार्म भरने आगरा जा रहा है. लेकिन वह गया तो वापस नहीं लौटा उस के घर वाले परेशान थे. बहरहाल, अनमोल ने पुलिस को पूरी बात बता दी. उसी के आधार पर पुलिस ने छानबीन की.

   आशिक की मौत

हालांकि अनमोल के अनुसार उस ने फर्श से खून साफ कर दिया था, लेकिन दीवारों पर खून के धब्बे थे. पुलिस की क्राइम टीम ने उन धब्बों को उठा लिया.

अनमोल ने आगे जो बताया उस के अनुसार क्राइम की तसवीर कुछ इस तरह बनी.

अनमोल ने योगेश को घर बुला लिया था. जब दोनों प्यार के क्षणों में डूबे थे, तभी नेत्रपाल आ गया. दरअसल उसे पिछले कुछ दिनों से पत्नी पर शक हो गया था. पति को आया देख अनमोल घबरा गई. उस ने योगेश को स्टोररूम में छिपा दिया. नेत्रपाल ने कई बार घंटी बजाई, लेकिन अनमोल ने दरवाजा नहीं खोला. वह काफी घबराई हुई थी, कपड़े अस्तव्यस्त थे.

कुछ देर बाद दरवाजा खुला तो नेत्रपाल ने पूछा, ‘‘दरवाजा खोलने में देर क्यों हुई?’’

‘‘मैं नहा रही थी.’’ अनमोल ने कहा.

‘‘ऐसा लग तो नहीं रहा.’’ नेत्रपाल ने कहा. तभी उस की नजर स्टोर के अधखुले दरवाजे पर पड़ी तो उस का शक बढ़ गया. उस ने स्टोर का दरवाजा खोलने की कोशिश की तो अंदर से जोर लगा कर किसी ने दरवाजा खोलने नहीं दिया. नेत्रपाल समझ गया कि उस का शक सही है.

तभी अनमोल ने कहा, ‘‘उसे छोड़ दो प्लीज, उसे जाने दो वह निर्दोष है. मैं ने ही उसे बुलाया था.’’ गुस्से में भरे नेत्रपाल ने अपने ससुर नरेंद्र को फोन पर सारी बात बताई. कुछ ही देर में नरेंद्र और उस के भाई का बेटा वहां पहुंच गए. इस के बाद योगेश को स्टोर से बाहर निकाला गया. तीनों सरिया और लोहे की रौड से योगेश पर टूट पड़े. अनमोल ने उसे बचाने की कोशिश की तो उस की भी पिटाई की गई. तीनों ने पिटाई से खूनोंखून हुए योगेश को देखा तो उन के होश उड़ गए. वह बेहोश हो गया था. इस बीच अनमोल को एक कमरे में बंद कर दिया गया था. उसे यह पता नहीं था कि योगेश मर गया था या जिंदा था.

8 बजे के करीब तीनों ने जब योगेश को कमरे में डाला तब वह मर चुका था. अब उन्हें पुलिस का डर सताने लगा था. कमरे का दरवाजा खोल कर अनमोल को बाहर निकाला और उस से चुप रहने को कहा गया. फिर वे चले गए. अनमोल ने कमरे से बाहर आ कर खून सना फर्श साफ किया और थाना सिकंदरा पहुंच गई.

उधर राजन और उस का बेटा शिशुपाल योगेश की तलाश कर रहे थे. दूसरी ओर पुलिस को योगेश की बुलेट मोटरसाइकिल पड़ोस के एक घर के सामने मिल गई. रात भर पुलिस तीनों को आगरा की सड़कों पर तलाशती रही. आखिर अगले दिन दोपहर को पुलिस ने एक मुखबिर की सूचना पर नेत्रपाल और नरेंद्र को दबोच लिया. पुलिस ने राजन को भी घटना को सूचना दे दी थी.

आरोपियों ने बताया कि उन्होंने योगेश को मारापीटा और बेहोशी की हालत में उसे जऊपुरा के जंगल में फेंक आए. उन की निशानदेही पर पुलिस ने योगेश का शव जऊपुरा के जंगल से बरामद कर लिया. आरोपियों ने कत्ल में इस्तेमाल सरिया और लोहे की रौड भी बरामद करा दी.

पुलिस ने तीसरे अभियुक्त अनमोल के चचेरे भाई को भी गिरफ्तार कर लिया. बाद में तीनों को अदालत में पेश किया गया. उन के साथ अनमोल को भी अदालत में पेश किया. उस पर सबूत नष्ट करने का आरोप था. इन सभी के खिलाफ राजन ने भादंवि की धारा 302, 201, 364, 34 के अंतर्गत मुकदमा दर्ज करा दिया था. अदालत ने आरोपियों को जेल भेज दिया.

अपनेअपने जीवनसाथियों से असंतुष्ट योगेश और अनमोल ने विवाह के बाद भी टूटे सपनों को फिर से संजोने का प्रयास किया, जो गलत था. इस का नतीजा भी गलत ही निकला. इस चक्कर में कई जिंदगियां बरबाद हो गई.     ?

-कथा में सरोज नाम बदला हुआ है
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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रंग और रोशनी: शादी की बात सुन प्रिया सकपका क्यों गई?

मनीष और प्रिया एकदूसरे से प्यार करते थे. मगर जब बात शादी की आई तो प्रिया सकपका क्यों गई. क्या वह सिर्फ मनीष का इस्तेमाल कर रही थी.

प्राची भारद्वाज
Jul 12, 2022

मनीष अपनी पत्नी मुक्ता के साथ बरामदे में बैठा शाम की चाय की चुसकियां ले रहा था. दफ्तर में बीते दिन के कुछ रोचक पल मुक्ता को सुना रहा था. मुक्ता भी उस के साथ अपने दिन भर के अनुभव बांट रही थी. अरेंज्ड मैरिज और नईनई गृहस्थी के अनुभव. बहुत कुछ था दोनों के बीच साझा करने को.

‘‘वाह, एक तो तुम्हारे हाथ के बने समोसे और वे भी एअर फ्रायर में. स्वाद भी और सेहत भी. एक अच्छी पत्नी का फर्ज तुम बढि़या ढंग से निभा रही हो.’’

मनीष के कथन पर मुक्ता शरमाते हुए हंसी ही थी कि तभी मनीष का दोस्त गोपाल आ गया.

‘‘आओ गोपाल, बैठो. मुक्ता 1 कप चाय गोपाल के लिए भी हो जाए.’’

मनीष के कहते ही मुक्ता फुरती से रसोई की ओर चल दी.

‘‘क्या दोस्त, मेरे आते ही भाभी को भगा दिया? खैर, अच्छा ही किया. आज मैं तुझे एक समाचार देने आया हूं. तेरी प्रिया अपनी मां के घर वापस आ गई है. मुझे आज बाजार में मिली थी. मैं ने जैसे ही तेरे बारे में खबर दी तो, वह तेरा फोन नंबर मांगने लगी… कहने लगी उस का फोन चोरी हो गया था, इसलिए तेरा नंबर खो गया.’’

आगे गोपाल ने क्या कहा, वह मनीष को सुनाई नहीं दिया. वह तो प्रिया का नाम सुनते ही अतीत की गहरी खाई में गिरता चला गया. 6 माह पहले तक इस नाम के इर्दगिर्द ही उस का पूरा जीवन सिमटा था. उस की प्रिया, उस की जान, उस का प्यार…

कमल की पार्टी में प्रिया अलग ही चमक रही थी. कौन था ऐसा पार्टी में जिस की नजर उस पर न पड़ी हो. मनीष अपने शरमीले स्वभाव के कारण बस दूर से ही उसे निहार कर खुश था. पर पार्टी के बाद जब पता चला कि प्रिया का घर मनीष के रास्ते में आता है, तो उसे घर छोड़ने का काम उस ने सहर्ष स्वीकार लिया. प्रिया की आंखों और मुसकराहट में भी तो कुछ महसूस किया था उस ने. रास्ते में पता चला कि प्रिया कालेज में पढ़ती है. मनीष कालेज की पढ़ाई के बाद प्रशासनिक सेवा की परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहा था.

‘‘तब तो तुम बहुत मेधावी होगे. मुझे जो समझ न आया करे उसे क्या तुम से समझने आ जाया करूं?’’

‘‘जब तुम्हारा मन करे,’’ मनीष ने बिना देर किए कहा. आखिर अंधा क्या चाहे 2 आंखें.

मनीष अपने मातापिता की इकलौती संतान थी. उस के पिताजी नौकरी के सिलसिले में अकसर दौरे पर रहते थे और मां इतनी सीधी थीं कि प्रिया का घंटों मनीष के कमरे में रहना उन्हें जरा भी नहीं अखरता था. प्रिया के घर जाने में मनीष को किसी बहाने की जरूरत न थी. प्रिया की मां अकसर घर से बाहर रहती थीं. पति से उन का तलाक हो चुका था.

धीरे-धीरे मनीष और प्रिया के संबंधों में प्रगाढ़ता आने लगी. कुछ दोष उम्र का भी था. कच्ची उम्र, सतरंगी सपने. बिना आई लव यू कहे भी दोनों एकदूसरे को अपने दिल का हाल सुनाने में सक्षम थे. दोनों को एकदूसरे का साथ बहुत भाता. जब साथ न

होते तब व्हाट्सऐप पर हरपल की खबर रहती. प्रिया मनीष की हर बात में अपनी हां मिलाती. मनीष उसे नित नए कपड़े, नेलपौलिश, लिपस्टिक, परफ्यूम इत्यादि देता रहता. यहां तक कि प्रिया की औनलाइन शौपिंग के लिए उसे क्रैडिट कार्ड भी मनीष ने ही दिया था. इस के बदले में प्रिया ने मनीष की हर कमी को पूरा कर दिया था. उस ने कभी मनीष को स्वयं को हाथ लगाने से नहीं रोका था. शायद मनीष का शरमीला स्वभाव उसे आगे बढ़ने की स्वीकृति नहीं देता यदि प्रिया ने उस दोपहर अपने अकेले घर में स्वयं को मनीष को न सौंप दिया होता. उस अनुभव के बाद मनीष का मन प्रिया के बिना कहीं लगता ही नहीं था. दोनों एकदूसरे के घर, कमरे में एकांत तलाशते. एकदूसरे के बिना स्वयं को अकेला पाते.

‘‘प्रिया, मैं तुम्हारे बिना नहीं जी सकता. तुम्हारे मेरी जिंदगी में आने से पहले मेरा जीवन कितना सूना था. तुम ने उस में रंग और रोशनी भर दी.’’

मनीष प्रिया के प्रेम की लहर में बह जाता-

‘‘जीना हराम कर रखा है मेरी इन आंखों ने,

खुली हों तो तलाश तेरी और बंद हों तो ख्वाब तेरे.’’

इस प्रेम का असर मनीष की निजी जिंदगी में तो हो ही रहा था, उस की पढ़ाई पर भी पड़ने लगा था. उस की प्रशासनिक सेवा की परीक्षा की तैयारी में न तो वह लगन थी और न ही मेहनत, जिस की जरूरत होती है. प्रिया की सूरत और उस के सपने कभी उसे अकेला न छोड़ते. इस का नतीजा यह रहा कि वह परीक्षा में असफल रहा. अब चूंकि घर पिताजी की पेंशन पर चल रहा था, इसलिए मनीष को जेबखर्ची, क्रैडिट कार्ड इत्यादि सब बंद करने पड़े.

मनीष को आज भी अच्छी तरह याद है जब उस के मित्र परीक्षा में अनुत्तीर्ण रह जाने पर अफसोस करने आए थे. सब के साथ प्रिया भी आई थी पर उस के चेहरे पर अफसोस का कोई भाव न था, बल्कि जब उस के एक मित्र ने यह कहा कि मनीष प्रिया के कारण परीक्षा में पूरी मेहनत न कर सका तो कितनी बेहयाई से हंसते हुए उस ने कहा था कि वाह, एक तो फेल हो गए, उस पर तुर्रा यह कि इलजाम किसी और के सिर मढ़ दो. यह अच्छा है यानी उस के स्वर में हमदर्दी की जगह व्यंग्य था.

मनीष को प्रिया की यह बात बुरी अवश्य लगी थी, पर वह इसे प्रिया का अल्हड़पन समझ कर टाल गया था. अभी तक उस ने प्रिया से अपने जीवन का हिस्सा बनने की बात भी कहां छेड़ी थी. जब वह उस के जीवन में शामिल हो जाएगी, तभी तो एक की स्थिति की जिम्मेदारी दूसरे की भी होगी. उसे विश्वास था कि प्रिया के साथ से वह जीवन में अवश्य सफल होगा. इसीलिए जल्द ही बिना देर किए मनीष ने प्रिया के समक्ष शादी का प्रस्ताव रख दिया.

प्रिया स्तब्ध सी उसे देखती रह गई. फिर उस ने साफसाफ कह दिया, ‘‘कैसी बातें कर रहे हो मनीष? माना कि तुम मुझे अच्छे लगते हो,

पर शादी? शादी की क्या जरूरत है, मैं तो तुम्हारी हूं ही.’’

‘‘पर प्रिया ऐसे कब तक चलेगा? मेरे मातापिता मेरी शादी की सोचेंगे और आखिर तुम्हारी मां भी कब तक इंतजार करेंगी. उन्हें भी तो तुम्हारी शादी की चिंता होगी. मैं ने सोचा है कि कोई छोटीमोटी नौकरी तो मुझे मिल ही जाएगी. पिताजी ने एक जगह बात चलाई है, छोटी ही सही पर गृहस्थी का बोझ मैं उठा लूंगा.’’

‘‘छोटीमोटी नौकरी? समझने की कोशिश करो मनीष… पैसे के बिना जीवन क्या है? देखो, आजकल तुम न तो मुझे कोई उपहार दे पाते हो और न ही मेरी खरीदारी करा पाते हो. ऐसे में भला शादी की कैसे सोच सकते हो? वैसे भी शादी का मतलब है खाना पकाना, घर संभालना, बच्चे पैदा करना और फिर उन का पालनपोषण और भविष्य की चिंता में घुलते रहना. बदले में एक ढर्रे की जिंदगी. मुझे इन सब से चिढ़ है. मैं एक स्वतंत्र विचारों की लड़की हूं. मेरी मां को ही देख लो. आज अकेले कितनी प्रसन्न और मस्त हैं. मैं भी वैसा ही जीवन चाहती हूं.’’

प्रिया के इस उत्तर ने मनीष को निरुत्तर कर दिया. उस दिन के बाद से मनीष को न जाने ऐसा क्यों लगने लगा जैसे प्रिया उस से कतराने लगी है, जैसे उस का व्यवहार ठंडा पड़ने लगा है, वह उस से किनारा करने लगी है. वह कई दिनों तक उस से न मिलती, न ही फोन पर संपर्क करती. कहीं टकरा जाने पर बहानों की कतार लगा देती, ‘‘बस इतना ही जान पाए अपनी प्रिया को तुम मनीष? मैं तुम्हें कैसे भूल सकती हूं? मैं स्वयं को भूल सकती हूं पर तुम मेरी हर सांस में बसते हो…’’

बात इमोशनल ब्लैकमेल तक पहुंच जाती. मनीष पूछना चाहता कि इतनी चाहत है, तो छलकती क्यों नहीं है तुम्हारे चेहरे पर? पर डरता था कि कहीं बात साफ करतेकरते वह प्रिया को खो न बैठे. उसे इंतजार मंजूर था पर अपने सुनहरे स्वप्नों की उड़ान में दरार नहीं.

‘प्रिया को पाने से पहले मुझे जीवन में कुछ और बुलंदियां भी हासिल करनी होंगी,’ सोच उस नेएक बार फिर प्रशासनिक सेवा की परीक्षा की तैयारी शुरू कर दी. अब की बार उस ने शुरू से ही पूरा परिश्रम करने की ठानी थी. कभीकभार फोन पर प्रिया से बात कर वह स्वयं को हलका महसूस कर लेता था.

फिर एक दिन प्रिया ने बताया, ‘‘मैं अपने मामा के घर जा रही हूं… तुम यों परेशान हो रहे हो जैसे मेरी शादी हो रही है. तुम क्या समझते हो मैं तुम्हारे बिना खुश रह सकूंगी? पर मैं यह सब तुम्हारे लिए कर रही हूं. मेरे यहां रहते तुम पढ़ाई में मन नहीं लगा पाओगे. यह हमारी परीक्षा की घड़ी है. मनीष इस में हमें पास हो कर दिखाना है.’’

बड़ी मुश्किल से मनीष का मन शांत हो पाया था.

प्रिया के जाने के बाद सुहावना मौसम भी बोझिल लगता. मानो अंदर का बुझापन बाहर की रौनक पर हावी हो गया हो. लेकिन समय अपनी गति कब छोड़ता है? परीक्षा की तारीख पास आ रही थी. किसी तरह मनीष ने अपना ध्यान पढ़ाई में लगाया. पर प्रिया के पत्र का इंतजार उसे रोज रहता. अंतत: 3 महीने बाद उस का पत्र आया. पत्र में प्रिया की मजबूरियों का बखान था…. मनीष के बिना वह कितनी अधूरी थी, कितनी तनहा. प्रिया की तड़प पढ़ कर मनीष की आंखें भर आईं कि क्यों वह बारबार प्रिया के प्यार पर अविश्वास की परत चढ़ा देता है? हर किसी का प्यार करने और जताने का ढंग अलगअलग होता है और फिर प्रिया एक लड़की है. कुछ शर्म, कुछ हया उस के व्यक्तित्व का हिस्सा है. जरूरी तो नहीं हर बात कही जाए, कुछ महसूस भी की जाती है. एक सच्ची प्रेमिका पा कर वह स्वयं को धन्य मान रहा था.

परीक्षा समाप्त हो गई. कुछ ही समय बाद परिणाम भी आ गया. इस बार मांपिताजी की प्रसन्नता का ठिकाना न था. घर पर दोस्तों के लिए एक छोटी सी दावत रखी थी. उस शाम मनीष को प्रिया की कमी बहुत खली थी. वह प्रिया को यह खुशखबरी स्वयं सुनाना चाहता था. उस के चेहरे की खुशी को वह अपनी आंखों से देखना चाहता था. फोन पर खबर दे कर वह इस दृश्य को खोना नहीं चाहता था.

मनीष ने कमल से प्रिया का पता मांगते

हुए, जो उस के अलावा प्रिया का भी दोस्त था कहा, ‘‘यार, प्रिया को यह खुशखबरी दे दूं…

सच कहूं तो मैं उस से शादी करना चाहता हूं.

हम दोनों ने अलग रह कर बहुत कठिन परीक्षा दी है. यह त्याग उस ने मेरी सफलता के

लिए दिया और अब जब मैं अपने पैरों पर खड़ा हूं तो…’’

‘‘अरे मनीष, तुम्हारे जैसा सुशील और लायक लड़का प्रिया जैसी तितली के जाल में फंस जाएगा यह तो मैं सोच भी नहीं सकता था. प्रिया जैसी लड़की सैरसपाटे के लिए ठीक है

पर शादी के लिए नहीं. क्यों अपने पैरों पर खुद कुल्हाड़ी मार रहा है?’’

कमल ने मनीष के मन की शांत झील में पहला पत्थर मारा था. उस ने प्रिया के बारे में जो कुछ भी बताया उसे सुन कर मनीष स्तब्ध रह गया.

‘‘प्रिया के प्रियों की संख्या का भान है तुझे? आए दिन वह किसी न किसी से रासलीला रचा रही होती है… उस की मां भी तो वैसी ही,’’ और फिर आगे कुछ कहने के बजाय कमल हंसने लगा.

‘‘बदलता है रंग आसमान कैसेकैसे.’’

मनीष की नायिका अचानक खलनायिका बना दी गई थी. उस के मन में उथलपुथल मची थी कि क्या सच में वह बेवकूफ बन रहा था या प्रिया जैसी प्रेमिका के कारण कमल उस से जल रहा है? उस का मन बेचैन हो उठा था. यह उस के जीवन का अहम निर्णय था. इसलिए उस ने खुद छानबीन करने की ठानी. मनीष ने काफी पूछताछ की. जितनी जानकारी मिलती गई, उस का मन उतना ही खिन्न होता गया. वह कितना पागल था प्रिया के प्यार में. प्रिया की रस घुली बातों में आने में उसे जरा भी देर न लगती थी.

‘‘ख्वाहिशों के काफिले भी बड़े अजीब होते हैं, वे गुजरते वहीं से हैं जहां रास्ते नहीं होते हैं.’’

अब मनीष की सफलता का परिणाम सुन कर शायद प्रिया शादी के लिए फौरन हामी भर

दे. विरह में बीते दिनरातों की व्यथा सुनाए. पर आंखों देखी मक्खी किस से निगली जाती है भला? इसलिए मां के बारबार पूछने पर मनीष ने उन की पसंद की लड़की से शादी के लिए हां कह दी.

उसी सप्ताहांत मनीष अपने मांपिताजी के साथ लड़की देखने उन के घर पहुंचा. लड़की सुंदर थी. उन्हें भी मनीष पसंद आया. रिश्ता पक्का हो गया. किंतु मनीष अपनी जीवनसंगिनी से अपने जीवन का अतीत अंधेरे में नहीं रखना चाहता था. अत: उस ने मुक्ता से अकेले में बात करने की इच्छा व्यक्त की. संकोचवश मुक्ता कुछ असहज थी.

मनीष ने ही शुरुआत की, ‘‘जब हम दोनों अपना पूरा जीवन साथ गुजारने का निर्णय लेने जा रहे हैं, तो हमें अपना अतीत भी साझा कर लेना चाहिए. मैं तुम से कुछ कहना चाहता हूं. पहले सुन लो, फिर जो तुम्हारा निर्णय होगा, मुझे मान्य होगा,’’ और फिर मनीष ने मुक्ता को प्रिया के बारे में पूरी ईमानदारी से सब बता दिया.

कुछ क्षण चुप रहने के बाद मुक्ता बोली, ‘‘चलिए, खट्टा ही सही पर आप को प्यार में अपना निर्णय लेने का मौका तो मिला… ताउम्र यह गिला तो नहीं रह जाएगा कि किसी से प्यार ही न कर सके. मेरा भी मन था कि मैं लव मैरिज करूं पर हमारे यहां तो लड़कियों का आंख उठाना भी वर्जित है.’’

‘‘तो तुम क्या इसलिए उदास लग रही हो?’’

मुक्ता चुप रही, लेकिन उस की आंखों ने हामी भर दी थी.

‘‘अच्छा किया तुम ने अपने दिल की बात मुझ से कही. हमारे बीच कोई संकोच नहीं होना चाहिए.’’

‘‘दरअसल, मैं भी चाहती थी कि जो खुशी प्यार में पड़े लोगों को महसूस होती है,

उसे मैं भी अनुभव कर पाती… प्यार में जिंदगी बदल देने वाले वे…’’ बोलते ही मुक्ता रुक गई. फिर जीभ काटते हुए कहने लगी, ‘‘माफ कीजिए, मैं भी पागल हूं, पता नहीं क्याक्या बोल रही हूं.’’

मगर उस की बातें सीधे मनीष के दिल तक पहुंचीं. कितनी साफगोई से मुक्ता ने अपनी ख्वाहिश उस पर जाहिर कर दी थी. ठीक ही तो है मनीष ने अपनी मरजी कर के देख ली और अब मातापिता की इच्छा से शादी कर रहा था. किंतु मुक्ता को अपनी मरजी का अवसर कहां मिला?

मनीष ने उसी दिन से मुक्ता के जीवन में प्यार का रंग और प्यार के खुमार की रोशनी भरने की जिम्मेदारी उठा ली. उस ने हर प्रयास कर के मुक्ता को प्यार में मिलने वाली हर खुशी दी. यहां तक कि शादी होने तक मुक्ता को लगने लगा कि जैसे उस की लव मैरिज हो रही हो.

सच कहते हैं कि शादियां ऊपर तय होती हैं. यहां जमीन पर तो हम सिर्फ उन का मेल कराते हैं. मनीष और मुक्ता असल मानों में हमसफर बने.

आज गोपाल फिर उसी भूकंप की खबर लाया था, जिस से कभी मनीष का संसार डोल जाया करता था. पर आज वह शांत था. उस का संसार प्रसन्नता के झूले में झूल रहा था और इस की डोर थी मुक्ता के हाथों में. दोनों प्यार में जिंदगी बदल देने वाले रंग और रोशनी अनुभव कर रहे थे.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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मामा की बेटी निशा की चुदाई
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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