Adultery Adventures of Ruby (Naïve and Innocent housewife)
Ruby finds herself on the couch in the exact same position physically as in the animal Ruby's narration, with one leg bent at the knee on the couch and the other on the floor as if one guy is in her pussy and the other in her ass. She starts to shake with the sudden orgasm she gets by just hearing the narration from the animal. She shudders and fall flat on her face onto the couch, where the first guy would have been, according to the animal Ruby.
The sound of the door bell ringing brings Ruby back to the real world. Ruby quickly realizes her situation and runs into the bedroom to change her panties. She checks herself in the mirror and makes herself presentable.
She slowly walked towards the door and opened it, to find the same delivery guy standing there.

He smiled and asked her, "Can I get a glass of water?"

A new adventure coming up.........
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
great.. waiting for the new adventure.. pls make it more of daring and nude in public types
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Wow. Waiting for the new adventure.
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Super.. good one
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Please dont write in one or two lines. Consolidate as big update and post
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Ruby has turned BAD.. waiting to see what is more in the store.
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please update
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pls update dude
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Waiting for the next update
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pls update
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Heart Heart Heart
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[+] 1 user Likes Herbiee's post
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Hi. Any chance of seeing an update soon.. its been long
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All Ruby could say was "Just a minute", turned around and almost ran into the kitchen. Her heart was beating very fast. She just had a wild thought about being ravished by this guy and a minute later, here he is. "Should I invite him in?" she thought. The animal Ruby was nowhere to be found now. She was going on and on about the "possibilities" and "fun" Ruby could have and was explaining them in great details which made Ruby cum a few minutes ago., but now that the scenario can be turned into reality, she just disappeared. It was only the sane Ruby talking now.
"What is wrong with you? Fantasizing is one thing but acting on it is crazy. Just give him some water and get rid of him." she said.
Ruby took the glass of water to the door and was still hoping for the animal to speak up and to give her enough time, she was walking very slowly towards the door. The animal finally spoke, "You don't have to drop your pallu or anything, just invite him in, just to be polite."
"I know your definition of being "Polite". Don't even think about it." warned the sane one.

Ruby reached the door only to find Sid behind the delivery guy. He was all smiles and said, "Hola Bhabhi!" The delivery guy had a scared look on his face and turned around to see who it was. He then took the glass of water from Ruby, finished it and handed it back, but did not leave. Sid started talking to Ruby assuming that the delivery guy would leave. "Varun called. He told me to tell you that he misses your cooking. He has been very busy with taking care of things back home."
Sid paused after noticing that the delivery guy was still there. He made a annoyed face and asked him sarcastically, "Need anything else? Coffee? Tea? Whisky?"
The delivery guy said, "Sorry" and quickly walked away.

As soon as he got into the elevator and disappeared, Sid said, "I don't have anything against the working class folks bhabhi, but this one seemed very odd. You have to be very careful with men like them, especially when you are alone at home. Good thing I was here, not sure what was going on in his mind. Be more careful na bhabhi!"
That was a reality check for Ruby. She could feel her sweaty palms. The sane one started yelling, "Did you even realize the danger you were in? He could have strangled you to steal stuff. Sid saved your life by showing up at the right time, you idiot. Don't get me started on what you and your other bigger idiot Ruby did that night going to the theater. "

Seeing Ruby lost in her thoughts, Sid said, "Hello..1, 2, to to bhabhi."
Ruby came back to earth and smiled. Sid asked, "What happened?"
Ruby replied, "Nothing. Come in. Want some chai?" Sid nodded and followed her in and settled on the sofa and picked up the TV remote and started browsing the channels.
"So, what is new?" Ruby asked from the kitchen as she started making chai. "Nothing much" said Sid, but was giggling. Ruby noticed this and asked him, "Someone is very happy. Care to share the reason?"

Sid said, "Actually bhabhi, some of my friends from college have planned an outing." "Nice" Ruby replied walking into the hall with two cups of chai. She handed him a cup and settled on the chair opposite to him and started sipping her chai.
Sid replied, "Just a few friends" and giggled again. Ruby got the hint and asked, "Friends or girls friends?"
Sid responded, "You are very smart bhabhi. How did you figure it out?"
Ruby liked the compliment and replied, "Just one of those women intuitions. Do you have a girl friend?"
"He He" Sid could only manage to giggle.
"Good for you." Ruby said with excitement. "Can you show me her picture?" she asked.
Sid took his phone out and started going through it and just before he would show it to Ruby, paused and said, "Promise you won't tell anyone."
Ruby said, "Sure Promise."
Sid then showed her a picture of a girl with a sweet smile. "She probably is 19." Ruby thought. "Show me more pictures of her." She asked.
Sid replied, "Only if you do me a favor." Ruby said, "Sure, what do you want?"

Sid started explaining the plan his friends had for the week end. "We will be going to a remote location in the outskirts of Mumbai. We are three boys and we are asked to bring our girl friends."
We have rented a guest house that belongs to some business man. The plan is to have some "Privacy" with our girl friends and no interruptions." He giggled again.
"He He..don't give me any more details. I get the picture." Ruby blushed imagining all 3 couples in their private rooms having "Fun".
It reminded her of her college days. A lot of boys used to ask her out in the pretext of a tour or a trip to some exotic location. She never agreed as she was always scared of being alone with strangers.

She was always curious and secretly wanted to go on one such tour just to see what goes on there, but could never pack the courage to go through with the plan. Listening to the young guy explain what happens there, her curiosity started to grow.
"This is a great opportunity to know what goes on there." said the animal. "You were not even talking a while back, what happened now, you are all courageous and all?" mocked the sane one.
"Shut up! Ask him for more details, Ask him, Ask him." the animal pushed Ruby.

"Tell me, how long has she been your girl friend?" She asked.
"To tell you teh truth bhabhi, I have known her for only a couple of days." He replied.
"What? and she is okay being alone with you?" Ruby was surprised.
"Actually bhabhi" he paused, "Promise you won't tell Rahul." and continued only when she said she will not tell anyone.
"I don't have a girl friend. The other two boys do and they wanted to spend quality time with their girl friends and their parents and the girls' parents did not agree. So, they have been trying different things to get their permission but failed.
Early this week, one of the two friends, Kumar, invited me to his house for lunch and introduced me to his parents. I didn't know why he was being very nice to me all of a sudden as those boys never used to include me in their circle and used to call me a nerd.
His dad was very impressed with the grades I was getting and was very happy that his son is friends with me. He said, "My son's grades would improve now that he is friends with you and not the other awara one he calls friend."
That very evening, I was invited for dinner by Ravi, the other one. That is when I realized that the duo are using me to show their parents that they are friends with the right kind now to gain their parents' trust.
The next day, they told me that their parents are okay for them to go on the trip they have been planning as long as I am also going. I guess their parents think I will keep them in check."
Ruby was listening to all this as if it was the story line from a movie and was amazed that things like these happen in real world.
"Which brings me to the main topic, bhabhi!" Sid said.
"Main topic?" Ruby was puzzled.
"The trip costs money for renting the place, transportation, food etc. All my friends have wealthy parents, so money is not an issue for them. I need to borrow 10,000 rupees from you. I will return it in a week." He said.
Ruby smiled and replied, "Of course. When do you need it by?"
"Today is Thursday and we will be leaving on Friday evening. Can I have it by tomorrow 4PM?" Sid responded.
"Ok. I will go to the bank in the morning and draw the money."
"Thank you bhabhi." Sid could not control his excitement and started to shake her hands roughly.
"Arey, Arey. Control yourself yaar. Don't break my arm. BTW, why are you this excited?" She asked.
"Nothing bhabhi. No reason at all." He replied.
"Dhut, liar! I won't let you go until you tell me the reason, in detail." Ruby was adamant.

"Nothing bhabhi, I haven't been on a trip like this ever before and so was excited." He replied.
"No, I am not convinced. You are hiding something. Tell me please." She pleaded.
Sid wasn't budging.
Ruby said, "You know I haven't been on any trip like this during my college days and I can never be on one. So please at least tell me na what happens there?"
Finally Sid agreed. He said, "Though I am not 100% on what happens there, bhabhi, Kumar and Ravi have been on several such trips and with different girls."
"Not their girl friends?" Ruby was surprised.
"Not always, bhabhi. They told me that college girls would also look forward to enjoying at such trip, with dancing, drinking etc, which they can't do because of the restrictions their parents enforce." He said.
"I know all about that. Don't look at boys, don't talk to them, always have girl friends only, don't stay late at college, my parents did not even let me take the extra classes to get better grades as they are after 5PM." she said and made a very sad face.
"I know", Sid continued, "So these girls tag along with wealthy boys like Kumar and Ravi to, you know.." and stopped and just giggled.
"No I don't know, why don't you tell me?" Ruby replied smiling.
"You know, drinking, fooling around, etc". He said
"No, I need specifics of "Etc"" Ruby wasn't letting it go, as she might not get another chance to hear these things.
Sid replied, "Bhaaabhiii, you will yell at me and call me a pervert if I tell you what Ravi told me. So let it go na?"
"No No No, I will not let it go." Ruby replied, "Details please."
"Okay..okay..I will tell you what I heard from Ravi so far." Sid continued, "While there would be beers and other drinks, Kumar and Ravi start with normal games with the girls, like antyakshari and others, after a few drinks when the girls get a little buzzed, they move on to spicy games like Truth or dare - you know the one where everyone sit in a circle and a bottle is put in the middle and spun. Where ever the bottle comes to a halt, the person the bottle's mouth will be pointing to would have to pick either truth or dare.
Truth is to tell a very uncomfortable truth about yourself and dare is to do some task written on pieces of paper they pick from a box."

"That doesn't seem very naughty! Why were you so excited?" Ruby wondered, "He is still hiding something."
She did not have to ask him. Sid continued, "The game it seems goes on for a bit and then the boys act like it is getting boring and pulls up another "sealed" box. They would tell them that it is the same game but for ages 18 and up for college level boys and girls.

Of course the girls all agree to playing this. The boys make them before they start. So the girls cannot say no to any dare that comes out of the box. And of course the boys change the rule to "Dare only" to keep it "interesting"."
"This is getting interesting" The animal said in Ruby's head. Ruby could notice her breathing getting heavy.
What the girls do not know is that it is always the boys picking the slips out of the box. Ravi told me that this one time, he wanted to "do" it so badly with a new girl that joined them on that trip, he wrote a slip himself and pretended to draw it from the box."
"What do you mean "Do" it?" Ruby asked Sid, though she knew what it meant, knowing Sid, she wants to make sure if he knew.
"You know, "doing" it." Sid said uncomfortably.
"No I don't" Ruby replied in a stern voice.
"Make the girl do some perverted thing, I guess. Ravi hadn't told me what it was." Sid replied getting up.
" don't have to leave. Achcha baba, I won't ask what it means. Why don't you stay for dinner and tell me more about what goes on those trips?" Ruby asked.
"I have to complete some class work bhabhi and so will be going to the university computer lab. Besides, I had the conversation about that only once with Kumar and Ravi. They haven't told me many details yet. I will ask them next time I meet them. So, you will give me the money tomorrow?" Sid asked.
"Yes, of course." She replied, "Promise me you will tell me everything that happened on your trip after you come back."
Sid said, "Sure, bhabhi." and started to walk out, when Ruby asked, "Will Ravi and Kumar be at the lab this evening?"
"Y..Y..Yes" Sid replied, not expecting that question from Ruby.
"Can you come for dinner after you finish your class work?" She asked him in a low voice staring at the floor and not meeting eyes with him.
Sid looked surprised as it might get late, Ruby added, "I am very bored yaar."
Sid said, "okay, it might be sometime after 10."

"No worries. I will be waiting. Then you can tell me what "doing" it means. Make sure you get more details from Kumar and Ravi." with a smile.
"Not sure they would share their secrets with me, bhaabhi!" Sid tried so that Ruby will let it go.

Ruby in a very jovial tone replied, "Then threaten them that you will not go with them if they don't tell you everything. They need you to accompany them, remember? Else their plans will be ruined."
"So get going." she smiled and before Sid could react, closed the door not giving him a chance to protest.

Ruby started preparing for dinner but the animal was narrating several scenarios that could happen at those tours. Ruby was enjoying all that and was also getting excited. She could not wait for Sid to come back and tell her more juicy details.

Ruby was so excited when she heard the door bell ring. She in a great mood opened the door and welcomed Sid.
He was giggling a lot and Ruby figured, he might have talked to Ravi and Kumar and smiled to herself.
After dinner, Sid settled on teh couch and starting fipping teh TV channels and Ruby took her time cleaning up after them and joined him.

"Soo" she said smiling. "So what , bhabhi?" Sid acted all innocent.

"Common, Sid. Stop playing." She showed mocked anger.
"Ok, ok, bhabhi! I talked to them. They are the real perverts." Replied Sid.

"How so?" Ruby was not letting go.

Since it is about Ravi and Kumar and not about himself, Sid freely started to spill the beans.

"You have to thank me bhabhi. Ravi and Kumar were not giving me any details and were only interested in getting their assignments done and were pushing me to give them my assignment sheet so that they can copy from it. At one point, I put my foot down as you had suggested and told them that I will skip the entire trip if they don't give me all the details."

"They were surprised to see this side of me. I was always the one being pushed around by them and they were taken back when I said it out loud. They discussed among themselves for a bit and gave me all the details. He..He. I showed them, Didn't I?" Sid giggled.

"Good for you" Ruby encouraged him more to be bold from now on. "What did they tell you about the party games?"
"During summer holidays, they went to Ravi's uncle's guest house which was located in the outskirts of Mumbai. They went with 3 girls. Their girl friends and another girl they met online."

After a few mundane games and a few rounds of beers, Ravi made his girl friend pretend to be very bored and want to switch to another adult game. The new girl was not sure but went along with the other two girls.

They took out a deck of cards and started playing poker. The new girl was good at poker and in no time she started winning big and Ravi and Kumar almost lost all their money. Pretending to get some drinks, Ravi and Kumar took their girl friends aside and cooked up a plan to cheat so that the new girl will lose. They hid another deck of cards under the couch cushions and started taking cards from it.

As soon as the new girl lost her money, Kumar's girl friend pretended to lose money too and suggested they continue the game but with betting something else. The new girl was not sure but agreed as the other girls pressured her.

First, they played for some mundane tasks like who ever loses should get the drinks or snacks or do sit ups etc.
After a few turns, Ravi said, "Let us make this more interesting." and took off his shirt when he lost. This surprised the new girl but they let her win for a couple of rounds and she got Kumar's shirt as well as Ravi's girlfriend's ear rings. This was to make her not to object.

Then the cheating began. Ravi winked at his girl friend and Kumar's girl friend and they started taking cards from the other deck.
On one round, Ravi got junk cards, the new girl, Gracey got two kings. The river was a queen. Everyone else folded. Ravi replaced his cards with two queens from the second deck and won that round.
Gracey said, "Okay, what do you want me to do?" hoping that it would be some task she would have to perform.
Ravi said, " Your bra." Gracey was surprised and said, "No..No"
Then immediately Ravi's girl friend said, "Don't be a spoil sport. You took my golden ear rings when you won, why can't you give him your bra?"

Gracey did not want to lose the ear rings, so slowly got up and walked to the other room and came back holding her bra and tossed it at Ravi. He took it a smelled it loudly making everyone laugh.
The next round was no different, Kumar won and asked for her , you guessed it, bhabhi, panties.
She again walked into the other room and came back with her panties and gave them to Kumar and said, "I don't want to play anymore."
Fearing she would quit, Kumar said, "okay, okay let us go back to betting on some tasks", so she agreed.
The next task Gracey had to go was to give Ravi's friend a kiss on her lips. Then perform a sexy dance.
Noticing that Gracey was buzzed, Ravi said, "Give me a lap dance."
Gracey was surprised but everyone acted as if there is nothing wrong with it. She slowly got up and started moving her hips in front of Ravi.
After the next round, Kumar asked for Gracey to kiss him. She was buzzed and the other girls made it sound it a cool and brave thing to do. So she placed a quick kiss on his lips.
After they noticed that Gracey does not want to bet the ear rings, Ravi said, "From next round, things will have to get bolder."
They made sure Ravi's girl friend loses the next round and he said that she would have to spend 5 mins with him in the next room.
Gracey asked, "5 minutes doing what?" and the answer was, "Any-thing Ravi wants."
Gracey said, "No, I don't want to play anymore!"
Kumar quickly said, "You don't have to. You still have the ear rings, remember?" knowing full well that it is her weak point.
And just to make sure she wouldn't stop playing, Ravi said, "The rule for stopping the play is that everyone has to agree. If not the player who won big in the initial rounds will quit and walk away with all the winnings. The other players should get a chance to win their money/items back. If any player wants to quit in the middle, he or she would have to give back what they won but cannot take back what they lost."
That sealed her fate. Not wanting to part with the ear rings, she agreed.
They all cheated from that point and Gracey ended up with 30 minutes of "anything goes time" each with Ravi and Kumar, but kept those fake golden ear rings."

After Sid narrated what happened, Ruby asked him, "Did you find out what they did in those 30 mins with Gracey?"
"They did not want to tell me this at all, bhabhi, even after I threatened them with cancelling the trip." Sid replied.
"Oh..hmm. I thought you managed to get all the details." Ruby said sounding very disappointed.
"But, I did." Sid exclaimed with excitement.
"How?" Ruby eyes glowed.
"They needed my assignment, remember?" Sid said laughing.

"Ooh, you really, showed them." Ruby said.
"Ok, ok, But before I forget, bhabhi. I need to get the money by 4PM. Can you please get it by then?" He asked.
"Sure, ofcource" She replied forgetting that she had to take Mr.Sharma to teh hospital that day.
"Ravi took Gracey into the room and sat on the bed. She slowly walked into the room and just stood there and asked what she needs to do?"
Ravi told her to change into a professional attire and pointed her to a bag of clothes/costumes he put next to the bed. "Make sure you dress as if you are a secretary to a higher official." he commanded.
She took the bag and walked into the bathroom.
Kumar and the girls walked into the room and set up cameras in all corners of the room. That seems to be their regular routine.

Then they all went out of the room and Ravi closed the door but did not lock it and sat back on the bed as if nothing had happened.

Gracey came back dressed as an office secretary.

Ravi told her, "This is the role play I want."

"Role play?" Ruby asked?

"The participants will get into some characters to make it interesting, bhabhi. Like cop-thief, Boss-employee, blackmail scenario. Let me send you a link with such scenarios." saying this, took his mobile out and messaged Ruby an link to some role play web site.
He was too excited to tell his bhabhi that he managed to accomplish getting juicy details from his friends and did not want to be interrupted in telling the story.

He continued.

"Ravi told her that he is her boss and she is his secretary. The scenario is that she messed up big time and needs to please him to keep her job."
"What do I have to do?" Gracey asked innocently.

"Anything to please me." Ravi replied and suggested, "how a woman would PLEASE and man!"

Gracey hesitated, but Ravi pushed her by saying, you have to get a "Yes' out of me within 30 mins. I not the timer will reset over and over until you do."

With no other option, Gracey slowly approached him and started moving her hips in front of him as if she is giving him a lap dance.

Ravi quickly moved and got hold of her dress and slipped the sleeves off her shoulders and pulled them down exposing her naked boobs.
She was caught off guard and gasped.

The other three walked into the room and the two girls picked up the cameras to shoot the scene, while Kumar joined Ravi saying, "Let me collect my winnings also at the same time Ravi does his."

They ended up spending almost an hour and half with her, while everything was recorded.
Pulling her panties down, squeezing her boobs, making her suck their cocks, drilling her other hole while Ravi drilled her front hole. They just went berserk on her He He." Sid did not hold back and narrated everything he heard from them.
"After they were done with her, her entire body was covered with their semen. They showed me a short clip and it was amazing." Sid said in excitement.
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"The best part it seems is that since it is all on tape, Gracey can never say no to anything Ravi and Kumar asks of her. Now she is their private pet and it seems started enjoying the dominance and has become a member of their inner circle to trap other new recruits."

Ruby just stayed very quiet and Sid slowly realized he might have given too many details.

They both kept very quiet for almost 5 mins and then Sid slowly said, "Do you think I am a pervert, bhabhi?"

Ruby was actually getting very wet listening to these things and as usual, the animal in her head started making her imagine the whole ordeal with Ruby in Gracey's shoes and someone making her do things she normally wouldn't and she liked the master slave aspect of the role play.

She came back to earth when Sid asked her this question.

Not wanting to make it awkward, as he would go back to being the shy Sid again because she loved hearing these kind of things, Ruby smiled and said, "No I don't think that Sid." Slowly patting his cheek.

"You are young kids. And you have urges. It is normal." That reminded her of the conversation she had with Varun, after coming back from the hospital.
Again things became awkward as no one spoke for a while.
Sid said, "Oh..look at the time, bhabhi. I will take my leave now. Good night. Don't forget about the money. Ravi and Kumar will kill me if I don't show up with the money by tomorrow evening. They have to pay advances to make the necessary arrangements.

They are very excited as this time there are 3 new girls, first timers."

After Sid left, Ruby started thinking about the whole story and slowly slipped into sleep.
The next morning, Mrs. Sharma called her on her mobile and reminded her of the doctor appointment her husband had that day.

Ruby replied, "Give me half hour and I will be at your door." She quickly got ready and went downstairs.
The day went very normal. Ruby took Mr.Sharma to the hospital. She called Amit to check on how much "Fun" he is having and when he will be back.
At about 2 PM, Mr. Sharma came out to the waiting area and Ruby took him to the medical store to pick up his medication.
Then they got out of the hospital and Ruby checked the time and it was close to 3PM. She quickly excused herself and went to the nearby ATM to draw money but it was out of order.
So she got into a taxi with Mr.Sharma and told the driver to make a stop at an ATM.

He turned around and told her that there was an issue with the systems and quite a few ATMs in this part of Mumbai are out of order.
Not knowing what to do, Ruby asked him, if he can take them to the bank close by.
He said, "oaky" and took them to the nearby bank and there was a huge crowd. Everyone was trying to draw money.

It took Ruby a lot of time to get into the bank and finally managed to get the money. She checked the time and it was 5:20PM by the time she got out.

She asked the taxi wala to hurry and as soon as they got to their apartment, she paid the taxi wala and rushed to her apartment by just saying bye to Mr.Sharma. She normally makes sure to drop him at his apartment and chat with his wife for a bit before she leaves.

She called Sid on his mobile as soon as she reached her apartment but the phone was turned off.
She went to their apartment and knocked but no one answered. She called Rahul and he answered after a few attempts and told her that he had to go to his cousin's wedding to his home town and will not be back until the next week and told her that he does not know where Sid is.

Ruby waited for a while and called Sid an few more times and then left.

She came back to her apartment and started preparing for dinner. At around 10PM, she got a call from Rahul.
He sounded worried. He asked Ruby, "Sid called me and told me that he got into a minor accident and so had to go to the hospital. I asked him what kind of accident and how did he manage to go on his own. He refused to give me more details. He said, I will talk to you later and hung up. Do you know what happened, bhabhi?"

Ruby was surprised. She thanked him for the update and told him 'No, I don't" not wanting to tell him about Sid's weekend plans.

She then called Sid on his phone but he did not answer. She went to their apartment only to find it locked from the outside. She came back home and that is when she realized there were almost 1 missed calls from Sid that evening and a few texts.
The text messages said, "Where are you, bhabhi?"
"Call me"
"It is almost 4PM"
"Where are you?"
She cursed herself for not checking the messages before. She probably was in the line at the bank when all this happened and she could not hear a thing as her phone was in her purse and she was in the long line to get to the teller.
The next morning, she woke up early and called Sid an couple of times and then went to their apartment. It was not locked fro the outside but no one answered the door.
She called Rahul, but could not reach him.
She cam e back to her apartment and at around 1PM, Rahul called her.
He said, "Bhabhi, I have sad news."
Ruby got very scared and asked him, "What is it?"
"I called a few friends of mine as Sid was not giving me all the details of the accident. No one knew what happened, but one of Ravi's other friends told me what happened and about teh weekend plan Ravi and Kumar made with Sid.

Those boys are spoiled brats, bhabhi. I did not expect this to happen." He said.

"What the hell happened?" Ruby almost yelled into her phone as she could no longer take the suspense.

"Apparently Sid told them that he would chip in Rs20,000 and that he has 10K but will get the remaining 10K by Friday evening. Also, looks like he misbehaved with them when they asked him for his assignment paper as well, angering them. But on Friday, he could not arrange the 10K he promised and the guy who was supposed to give Ravi and Kumar some controlled substance man handled them as they could not get him his money on time.

All this lead to the "minor" accident Sid told me. Ravi and Kumar beat him up. I should have been there. I could have stopped this from happening. Poor Sid is in a lot of pain it seems. He had to drag himself to the hospital and get treated.
Please look after him, bhabhi until I come back." Rahul pleaded.

Ruby could not even breath after listening to this.
Getting no response from her, Rahul said, "Hello, Hello, can you hear me?"

Ruby said, "Yes, Yes. I will take care of him." and hung up.
She tried calling Sid again and went to his apartment and rang the door bell. He did not answer.

She came back and started thinking.
The sane Ruby said, "How could you do this to him, Ruby?"
"What did I do?" the animal responded.
"What did you do? Aren't you the one who told him to threaten Ravi and Kumar, just to get juicy details? Aren't you the one who promised to get him 10K by 4PM, but did not deliver? It was you all along." the sane one responded.
Ruby felt miserable.
She thought for a while and called Rahul. As soon as he answered, "Can you please call Sid and tell him you have ordered food for him and it will arrive in half hour?"
"Why bhabhi?" Rahul asked.
"No reason, I just want to surprise him by showing up with food." she forced a smile.
Rahul was not fully convinced as to why Ruby cannot go and ring the door bell herself, but as he was at a wedding, he said okay and hung up.

Ruby quickly started packing food for Sid. She walked out of her door in half hour and went and rang the door bell. A minute later, Sid opened the door and was surprised to see her.

Tears started to roll down Ruby's cheeks when she saw Sid's plight. His head, his arm ,shoulder, the left leg were in bandages.

Ruby realized that Ravi and Kumar have beaten him very badly for upsetting their plans after angering them by threatening to cancel the trip.

Before Ruby could say anything, Sid slammed the door shut and walked away.
Ruby felt even miserable and started ringing the door bell continuously. Sid refused to open the door but after some time opened it and said in a annoyed tone, "What do you want now?"

Ruby in a very low voice, said, "May I come in?"
Not to make a scene, Sid slowly managed to step aside and almost fell down while doing so. Ruby tried to hold him he made a hand gesture to let her know that he does not want to be touched.
Ruby understood that he is very mad at her. She slowly walked in and arranged the food on the table and turned around.
She found Sid still standing at the door as if he is waiting for her to leave.

Ruby was never in a situation like this before in her life, where she caused great harm to someone and had to apologize.
She did not know what to do.
But one thing is certain. If Sid does not forgive her, she will be miserable for the rest of her life.

She thought about the situation for a bit. If she leaves, Sid will never give her another chance to ask for forgiveness. She had to be firm.

So she made up her mind and slowly walked towards the couch instead of the door and sat down.
Sid was surprised and said, "Please leave."
"No" Ruby responded by picking up the TV remote and started to browse the channels, just like how Sid does when he comes to Ruby's house.

Annoyed, Sid walked away from there into his bedroom ad shut the door.
Ruby did not know what else to do. "Should I knock on teh door?"
She spent the next half hour contemplating what to do next.
After half hour, Sid opened the bed room door and slowly limped towards the kitchen and picked up a plate and limped back to teh dining table and tried getting some food and dropped the plate.

Ruby just looked at him but did not get up. Sid tried bending down to pick up teh plate but could not.
Ruby slowly got up onto her feet and walked towards the table. She picked up the plate and walked into teh kitchen, dropped it in teh sink and walked out side with a fresh plate.

She put some food in the plate and made Sid sit in a chair and then started to feed him.

He refused at first, but later gave in as he probably was starving.

His jaws were hurting and he could not chew the food properly. This brought more tears to Ruby's eyes
Sid noticed this but did not say anything.
After finishing the food Ruby went into the kitchen and by the time she came back, Sid had already walked into the bed room and locked the door.

Ruby did not know how to ask for forgiveness. She slowly started to collect teh dishes and walk out of the apartment when Rahul called her. She answered and told him that Sid ate and went to bed.
Rahul thanked her and hung up.

Ruby came back home and was going through her phone to kill time and found the link Sid had sent.
She was afraid to click it as she remembered Amit telling her that some links have virus.
She thought about it and then got her laptop and typed the link Sid sent in the browser and opened it there.
The link took her to a site that had a lot of role play porn fantasy ideas like, cop-criminal, maid, repairman and wife, step mom, secretary, sex workers, strippers, blackmail scenarios etc.
She found these very amusing and started googling each and every idea. She found quite a few videos where the female gets into a role to please the male and they are in POV (Point-of-View) videos.
She started watching them and started to masturbate at teh same time.

She gathered a lot of information and then moved on to search for truth or dare porn, poker porn and other things Sid mentioned while giving her all the juicy details of the trip Ravi and Kumar had.

She gathered a lot of information and something clicked in her mind.
How Ravi asked Gracey to "PLEASE" him. She started thinking about it.

"Can I "Please" Sid into forgiving me?" the sane Ruby asked.
"What?" the animal replied. "Do what to forgive us?"

"You know, making him feel good and please him." the sane one replied. The animal could not believe that it is the sane one saying this.

Ruby thought about it over and over.
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