Adultery Dhika - An Innocent Angel
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Any update on the update bro  Smile Smile
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         School was lovely as usual, but she did not see Sharmi or the twins today. Sharmi was on leave, and when she tried calling her, she did not get a response either. 

         Twins on the other side were busy with their classes. Dhika was not teaching their class anymore due to the half year-end teacher swap, which made her and twins both sad, but not that much because she knew she would see them soon enough and often. 

         The thought of seeing the twins soon enough brought an unbidden smile in her....

          It was a very late return today and time was almost 6 PM when she left the school, and it was drizzling when she was driving back home......

          Almost near her apartments, she noticed Chotu working in the store. She thought to stop by and to talk with him, but seeing him very busy at work, she decided to let him be and reached the apartments. 

          Putting her bag on the sofa, Dhika proceeded to the aunty's house to pick up Pappu.....         

          After her last encounter with uncle, Dhika did not see him at all. Morning, when she went to drop Pappu at their house, Uncle was not there and even now when she went to pick him up, Uncle was not there again. She came to know from aunty that Uncle was visiting a friend of his in a nearby village......

          It made Dhika to wonder if their unintentional episode was what made uncle awkward and flee from facing her....

          If anything, Dhika was equally flustered about facing him.....

          Aunty told her that Pappu did not sleep in the afternoon and so by the time Dhika brought him back to their house, Pappu was tired and drowsy. Feeding, and putting Pappu to sleep in her bed, Dhika refreshed and changed into a comfortable dress, and she came into the hall to watch something in the TV. 

          Not expecting anyone, she wore a small black skirt which was loose and free flowing, along with one of the white full hand shirt which she got from the twins in Swiss.... 

          It was cold outside but a little humid inside at the same time. So, she wore the full hand shirt, but donned only a few buttons of the shirt. 

By then it was already raining hard and Dhika worried how John would come home safely.......

          Laying in the sofa,.... Dhika was watching songs when she heard the door bell.....

Ding Dong.....

          Not expecting John already, she curiously stepped towards the door and when she saw through the peep hole, she couldn't see anyone.....

          With a little caution, Dhika opened the door to peek outside........

          Just as she opened the door, she saw an Amazon delivery person leaving down the stairs. It was usual for Amazon delivery person to leave the parcel infront of the house and leave without waiting. 

          She wondered if John had ordered something and picked the parcel into the house......

          Closing the door, she came to the sofa with the box to examine what it was.

           It was a fairly large box, gift wrapped, with a small card attached to it. 

          There was no sender name or address, but had a small card which said only three words............

                                 " Hello Beautiful...

                                                    ~ Stranger "

Dhika: Stranger ?? who could that be.... did they deliver to wrong address

           Dhika checked and the To address was to her indeed....
           Without waiting anymore, Dhika ripped the wrap and opened the box.....

           She had no clue who had sent it, but what was inside made her mouth smile wide.......

Dhika: Little heartsss......

           There were so many big packets of Little hearts biscuits, which were her favorite.... and by now she was a little sure that this was John's work, because only he and her parents know it was her favorite....

           Just as she was looking at them,.... she heard the door bell ring again........

Ding Dong.......

John: Dhika open the door.........

Dhika: coming dear,.... she stood up to move towards the door......

John: open soon,.... we are drenched to the bone......

Dhika: we?

           Dhika wondered who it might be and she stopped in her tracks thinking if she should change her dress before opening the door, but by then John called for her couple of more times,.... and so, Dhika hopped on her toes and opened the door......

John: sorry dear,..... I couldn't call before as it was raining and I didn't want him to catch cold. He was standing in rain long before I picked him up........

          Dhika wondered whom John was referring to, and looked at the tall person standing a little afar and removing his shoes, facing the other direction......

          Just before Dhika could ask John who it was, the stranger turned and it was Leo...

Leo: Hello Bhabhi.....            

Dhika: Hey Leo,... long time no see......

          Dhika greeted him with a warm smile and got the bag from him. Welcoming him inside,.... she took their belongings inside the house........

          Both John and Leo exchanged a subtle look at each other, more like a glance before following her.......

John: wow.... is she aware of.....

          John doubted if Dhika was aware of what she was wearing and how she was wearing it,.... 

          Dhika wore a very small loose skirt which ran till her mid thighs, but the highlight was her shirt,..... 

          Eventhough it was a full hand shirt, Dhika had put only two buttons inbetween her breasts and rest of the shirt was free flowing......

          There wasn't much of any cleavage visible, but if one should pay close attention, her white bra was slightly visible under her shirt.... and her cute little button navel was full well at its glory........

          When she dropped Leo's bag and turned and raised her hands to tie her hair, Both John and Leo's eyes went big....

          Her hands went above her head, stretching her dress in her breasts' area, making her already big breasts look even bigger.... ~~

                   [Image: fa5e443b4b56a02bcb73d41c371a6fa0.jpg]

            With her looking at them now, Leo quickly but politely averted his eyes and turned away......

            Confused as to what happened, Dhika looked towards John for an answer,...

John: looking hot,... my dear wife...... he teased with a smile......

Dhika: hot ?.... what.......

            Thats when realization hit Dhika like a hammer...... 

             Her eyes bulging into bubbles,.... she took a run towards her bedroom........

Dhika: ohgoddd...... stupid stupid girl.... won't you ever learn......

             Cursing herself, she took one of John pull over and wearing it, she checked herself in the mirror.....

             It covered her entire upper body and ran a little below her hips.... She was a little hesitant about wearing such a short skirt, and thought to change into a sweat pant, when suddenly John called for her to bring some towels......

             Hearing the cry from John, she ignored her thoughts when she recalled how drenched they both were, and picking two towels, she ran into the hall again.....

Dhika: why did you have to come in rain,..... couldn't you have waited somewhere ?

Leo: my fault Bhabhi,... I was at the train station, and there was no place to shelter...... By the time John came, I was already fully drenched and seeing me like that, he picked me up and drove fast.....

John: but no use... we look like soaked chicken.......

Dhika: eeee.... stop laughing and dry soon..... get out of the cloths first.......

             She saw as Leo just stood there sheepishly without removing him dress, but just using the towel to dry himself....

Dhika: oh sorry,... Leo, please come,.... you can use the bathroom......

             Dhika guided Leo to bathroom,... and leaving him there, she came back to hall....

             By the time she came back, John was already down to his boxer and was rubbing himself all over with the towel she gave him.......

Dhika: hitting him hard in his chest,.... you couldn't say I wasn't dressed properly,... she made a pouty angry face......

John: aaahhh,.... oi, I thought you knew......

Dhika: ahhnn, why will I come out dressed like that knowingly.....

John: hehe... it okay leave... its just Leo......

Dhika: what okay leave... she hit him again......

John: hehe..... ok ok, do me a favor and fetch me a part of shorts and t shirt and ask Leo if he wants one too......

             Without giving him an answer, Dhika went into the bedroom.....

             John too noticed a box full of Little Hearts biscuits laying near the sofa....

Going near the bathroom door,... Dhika called for Leo....

Dhika: Leo, do you want one of John's shorts and T shirt,..... ?

             Dhika supposed he would answer from the other side, but in an instant, the door opened....... and Dhika's eyes bulged again......

             Leo had stripped of his cloths and wrapped the towel properly around his waist, but what made Dhika feel a jolt was Leo's torso...

             Leo was 25 years old, but looked way younger and he too had a ripped body like Bantu. He was definitely taller than Bantu, with much broader shoulders. 

             Dhika wasn't sure if it was the wetness from rain or if he had washed himself, but his torso was glistening with droplets of water, and Dhika felt a gush inside her.......

Dhika: uhn..hnn........ she blinked

              Her eyes just began to betray her, but lucky for her, Leo interrupted....

Leo: yes please didi.... that would be wonderful.....

             Saying, he closed the door without waiting for her response......

             Feeling awkward, Dhika moved to the wardrobe to get dresses for both of them.......

Dhika: uffffffff....... she didn't know what to think

             Shaking him image out of her head, she left the dress for Leo and went to meet her hubby.....

John: you ordered biscuits from Amazon ??

Dhika: me ?? I thought you did...... and why did you gift wrap it.....

John: what ? ... I did not order anything dear......

Dhika: what ? John it came with this card, and I thought it was you playing with me...... she looked a little worried

              John looked at the note from the card,... and both blinked at each other, but before they could talk anything else, Leo came outside wearing John's cloths and the towel in his hand.......

              Dropped the note down and setting the box aside, Dhika got the towel from Leo and went into the kitchen.......

              Soon the dinner was ready and John and Leo joined in the dining where Dhika served them food.....

Dhika: So Leo, last time you were here, you were looking for an apartment... are you moving in soon ?

Leo: oh no didi,... I am going to stay back at Pune for a few more months. 

Dhika: oh, what happened ?

John: boss needs him there for sometime and so....... He would be coming here after a few months perhaps.....

Dhika: oh ok ok.... you have family there Leo ?

Leo: no didi... I am living alone only..... Parents are in native.......

            John, Leo and Dhika chatted for a while, and then Dhika brought a pillow and bedsheet for Leo to sleep in the hall in Pappu's bed, while Pappu slept with them in their bedroom.......

============= ~~

            Morning, when John woke up, he saw Dhika standing there in bra and panty surfing through her wardrobe....

John: is that what you gonna wear.... lucky Leo.... 

Dhika: whattt ? dutt, you dirty fellow. I am just thinking what to wear. Most of my cloths are in laundry....

John: don't sweat it, just put on a robe, Leo will leave in sometime....

           Dhika gave him a doubtful look, but did what he suggested. She picked a small shorts and wearing it, she covered herself in a modest household robe which covered her from top till her mid thighs. It did not even show a hint of her cleavage but the robe was hugging her body like a banana peel....

           When Dhika and John came out, Leo was already awake and he was in the kitchen making coffee.....   

Dhika: oh Leo, you could have called me..... she rushed to the kitchen...

Leo: its nothing Bhabhi, here.....

            Leo handed a cup to Dhika and took two and moved to the living room, one for him and one for John..

            While all three sat in the living room, chatting, Dhika was feeling more acquainted to Leo. 

            Leo was charming and polite in nature. Always taking her side whenever John teased her for anything and everything. Soon, the entire room was filled with fun and laughter.....

            As Dhika was laughing whole heartedly, her robe became a little loose and soon, she was sporting a little cleavage..... and both John and Leo noticed it......

            Since it was very small, none of them bothered much, but a light smile appeared in the corner of John's mouth, when he noticed Leo taking hint of what was happening to her dress....

            Leo wasn't flirting with Dhika or anything, not even trying to peek under her dress, but when something that was supposed to be hidden, takes a peek outside, it was everyones nature to steal a glance and that was the only thing Leo did....

            No sooner than 5 minutes, Dhika's robe gave in, and it split where her breasts were forming a decent valley and looking at it, Leo quickly averted his eyes and made awkward stances.....

John: hehe.... Dhika.... don't make Leo uncomfortable....... he teased her....

Dhika: what ?? what did I do......

             When Dhika traced to where John was looking at her..... she turned red.......

Dhika: Blushing...... John.... you couldn't tell any sooner ? .... Saying, she wrapped her robe tight shut and glared at John...

John: hehe... don't get angry now... see Leo, he is not even looking at you...... 

              And that was true. When Dhika looked at him, Leo was looking away from her, trying to pretend that he didn't know what they were talking about,...... but Dhika saw an awkward smile on his face.....

John: Dhika, Leo is a perfect gentleman. You should see all the girls hitting him in office and not once, he had flirted back.......

Leo: oh, enough John.. I am going to bath...

              Leo couldn't handle John boasting about him, or was it teasing - Leo wasn't sure. But either way, he wasn't going to sit there for it.... He grabbed a towel and excused himself to go to bath....

Dhika: Johnnnn..... why didn't you say sooner.... she hit him playfully.....

John: hehe.... its okay don't worry. Its only Leo. 

              Giving him a stern look, Dhika took the coffee mugs and went into the kitchen to wash them and prepare breakfast........

              Standing in the kitchen, she saw the box of Little Hearts laying the corner.....

Dhika: Johnnn...... she shouted

John: startled,.... what, what happened ???

Dhika: we almost forgot about this gift.......

John: pheff... I thought someone came to rob us..... he gave her a stern look.....

Dhika: don't play John. Someone has sent this, and I have no idea who.....

John: Could it be the twins ?

             Asking it, John gave her a naughty little grin before turning back.......

            Seeing the grin on his face, Dhika suddenly remembered about the questions that John had asked her last time in bed, and the blood rushed to her cheeks.....

Dhika: Twins ? no,.... no,... could not be........

John: are you sure ....... he teased her with more grin......

             John knew not to tease her too much with the twins or else she may curl back into her cave not long before..... So, he made sure to thread the topic of twins very carefully.....

             Dhika did not really heed to what John said later, but rather, her thoughts were about what John said earlier.....

Dhika: It could be Bantu..... ! but why would be mention as stranger ??

             She wasn't sure, yet she reminded herself to check with the twins later......

             Both John and Dhika were lost in their own works, when suddenly they heard the door bell.....

Ding Dong......

             Before Dhika could even think who it could be, there came a voice from the other side.....

Chotu: didi.... open..... I brought the groceries.......

             The previous day, Dhika had ordered groceries to Maami and She had promised to deliver fresh stock once they arrive the next morning.......
              Hearing Chotu's voice, and seeing John going to open the door....... a lot of thoughts swirled in the mind......

Chotu: didiiii......di......

John: opening the door, welcome sir.... how are you ? 

Chotu: not expecting John,.... Sir,,... I... I am good, thanks.... I brought groceries......

             Without saying anything, Chotu came in and sat on the floor without so much as looking around the room and he started pulling everything out of the bag, onto the floor.......

             Seeing startled Chotu, Dhika couldn't help but giggle to herself, and at the same time, she also wondered what thoughts ran in John's mind.... 

             This was the first time Chotu, John and Dhika, all three were together in close quarters after John told her that Chotu came to see him after he had accidentally cummed on her hands....

             John went and took a seat on the dining table with his mobile, while Dhika went to greet Chotu. Asking him about his whereabouts, she began picking up the vegetables and started stocking them in the refrigerator.....

              As Dhika and Chotu were going about with their works, John noticed how now and then, without anyone's awareness, Chotu was stealing glances at Dhika milky thighs.......

              Also, with the constant bending and picking up the groceries had loosened Dhika robes again and a good part of her cleavage was feasting Chotu's eyes.......

John: does she know ?

              Ignoring Chotu, John's eyes went wherever Dhika went, hoping to know if she was aware that she had a wardrobe malfunction....... but it seemed to John that she was not......

              Just as she finished putting everything in the fridge, she wiped the sweat off her brow, and then only when she wiped the sweat from her neck and below it, she noticed that her robe had moved from it place.......

              Quick as that, her eyes darted straight up, and her hands shot to tight the dress again,.... but John was almost sure that there was a twinkle in her eyes before it vanished.....

It was there are not, John wasn't sure and whether Dhika had it or not, she hid it better even if she did.......

                As usual, before anyone could say anything, he picked his bag and bid bye in general and ran outside the house..... ~~

John: Hey Chotu,... money !!.... the boy vanished before he could call out.....

Dhika: hehe, he does that when he is startled !.... don't worry, I will pay Maami when I see her next.....

John: Startled ?

Dhika: hehe... he may not have expected you to open the door, he gets spooked easily.......

John: apparently, not by you..... he gave a sheepish grin and moved to the sofa....

               Dhika did not fail to recognize John's subtle grin but did not provoke back....... At the back of her mind, she remembered John's three questions and wondered when Chotu may pop up in one of them......

               The thought made her blush a little, and at the same time, she felt a tingle between her legs........

               As Dhika was trying to shook all those thoughts away... John called her.....

John: Dhika, I almost forgot, I will be going to Pune for 3 to 4 days for work.....

Dhika: what ? when ?..... I just came back and you are leaving already ??

John: Just a few days dear..... I will be leaving tomorrow with Leo........

              Before Dhika could say her protests, their bedroom door opened and out came Leo wearing nothing but the towel.....

Dhika froze where she stood...... 

              Leo muscles looked like they were chiseled, glistening wet with droplets of water smeared on them..... and Dhika saw that he had great abs and biceps....

              Something about a muscular body always attracted Dhika, and so far, she had only seen them in movie.... except for Bantu..... 

              John who was watching Dhika knew exactly why she froze in place. It was not news to John that she liked a well chiseled body, because for a long time now Dhika had been asking John to get abs, teasing him by comparing him to movie heroes. 

              Not that John was fat. If anything, he was fit as a fiddle, but did not have abs like Leo, or Bantu for that matter.....

Leo: sorry, forgot my cloths,.... he said in general and without looking at anyone, he picked his bag and went inside the bedroom.....

              Only when Dhika heard Leo' voice, she got a grip and she turned away from the hall......

Dhika: oh Dhikaaa...... she glared at herself

              She hit her head herself and went back to work.....

              Soon food was ready and Pappu too woke up and all four had food at the table, where the couple talked more about John's trip to Pune......

              After food, John and Leo left to work, while Dhika took Pappu for his bath and later, she left to school........

=============== ~~

              It was about 7 PM when John came back and woke Dhika..... 

              Pappu and Dhika were sleeping in their bedroom when John came back, and he made sure to wake Dhika up without disturbing Pappu.....

Dhika: Heyyy..... Hey John, when did you guys come back ??

John: just now.... and its just me.... Leo went to meet some of his friends....

Dhika: ok ok .... let me get up and make coffee......

John: I will make coffee.... you get ready.....

Dhika: get ready ?.... where ?

John: Today is Raj's birthday and Sharmi invited us.... she said a small dinner with just them and us......

Dhika: thinking for a moment,.... she called you ? and not me ?

John: hehe..... you can take it up with her, but first get ready now......

              Giving him a stern look, Dhika got up as John proceeded to leave the room. Just as he reached the door, he turned back.....

John: Dress something better, not like a Grandma....

              Saying, he ran before whatever Dhika threw, hit him.....

              Dhika was going through her wardrobe to pick something nice... 

              First she chose a modern dress, but then remembering how Raj liked Sarees, she started browsing through her saree collection....

              Most of her Sarees were either traditional or too simple to wear and she did not have much sarees which would suit as a party wear..... but then one particular saree caught her eyes.....

               It was an elegant one John had brought longingly for her, and so far, she had only worn it in the confines of her house and nowhere else.....

               Blushing, she thought if it was appropriate to wear it.....

With a little hesitation, she still wore it and stood infront of the mirror.....

               It was a simple yet sexy Saree, with beautiful floral patterns from waist to feet, but above the waist it was like a see through mirror.... 

               To compensate the see through material, she had a nice enough modest blouse, which covered her bust, leaving only a hint of the shadow of her milky valley.....

               She looked absolutely gorgeous and she had worn the saree such that it exposed her midriff but only till top of her navel. Her cute little navel was not exposed......

                 [Image: kajal-agarwalss-hot-saree-stillshd-wallp...-decsa.jpg]

             John was astounded when he saw Dhika in his favorite saree and felt a little jealousy creep inside him as he thought that she wore this for Raj..... But at the same time, he felt a pride looking at his gorgeous wife, and a naughty feeling inside him thinking that other men, including Raj would envy him.....

             Not wanting to wake up the sleeping Pappu, John put him in Aunty's bed, and also handed his key to her for Leo who would return to their house late evening.......


+ ~~

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Dhika: Are you sure these flowers are enough ? shouldn't we buy some gift ?

John: hehe Dhika, he is not a little kid.... may be a bottle of wine to go with the flowers ?.....

Dhika: hmmm... may be yes.... flowers seem too little......

              John picked a nice vintage wine and when they reached Raj's house, the gate was already open for them......

              Parking the car, Dhika and John walked towards their door......

Dhika: Do you know how old is he turning ?

John: may be 35, no clue.... how old is Sharmi ?

Sharmi: Girls never say their age..... hehe.... not even their friend's age......

John: oh yeah..... I couldn't guess if you are 29 or 39...... 

              Hitting him, Dhika rang their bell.......

              Dhika knew Sharmi was a few years older than her, but she did not remember how many years exactly.... She approximated Sharmi to be around 32, and Raj same as what John guesses......

Opening the door, Raj appeared in a cool white Tunic and a matching linen pants.... He had his hair dyed stark black, with a few strands of white hair left near his temple...... it was a nice touch

Raj: Welcome welcome.........

              Taking turns, they hugged each other and both John and Dhika wished him...... 

              Thanking them, Raj did not fail to compliment Dhika on her beautiful saree, when they heard a sound coming towards them.....

Sharmi: heyyyy..... you wore saree too ?

              Dhika and John turned to see Sharmi coming out of the living room, wearing a what looked like a Saree.......

              It was a saree, but Dhika thought her blouse looked more like a bra than a blouse, and she wondered how come Sharmi was wearing a Saree today.... but soon came to a conclusion that it must be for Raj's sake..... being it his birthday......

              While Dhika was wondering this, John did not have any problem accepting the sexy girl walking towards him.......

              John saw Sharmi's little blouse and her bosom that stood perky, while her Saree hid nothing of her midriff... with her entire navel and hips feasting to his eyes...... 

              He saw that she too had a plump belly button like Dhika....

              In his mind, he was comparing Sharmi's body to that of Dhika's..... Sharmi had small assets compared to Dhika... her little compact boobs, and little bottom, and a tad shorter in height, but other than that, both Dhika and Sharmi had similar flat stomach and slender slim legs.......

              Sharmi seemed to be compact to him, while he knows Dhika to be quite a handful.......

Grinning on his own, he stood like a fool..... as Sharmi came and threw herself on John

                      [Image: Shriya-Saran-In-Blue-Saree.jpg]              

Dhika: punching his stomach with her elbow...... enough eating her with your eyes......

Sharmi: hehe.... why, are you feeling jealousy ?....

               Dhika blushed at the comment of Sharmi, but giving her a playful angry look, she followed Raj into the house......

               Raj had ordered a wide variety of delicacies which the couple enjoyed along with the vintage John gifted him....... 

               As usual Dhika opted for a juice, but seeing Raj too, to give her company..... she thought it was his birthday and he should enjoy....

               Thus, for everyones delightful surprise, she took a glass of wine.... just so that Raj would have one too........

As the conversation proceeded.....

Dhika: Raj,.... if you don't mind... how old have you turned ?

Raj: haha..... do I look very old ?

Dhika: no no... just me and John were talking and I just wanted to know.....

John: I said thirtyyy..... five ?

Raj: haha... you guys are kind.... I turned 50 today......

John: what ????

Dhika: don't kid Raj.... please tell.......

Sharmi: hehe... it is true darling.... but doesn't my boy look younger than yours....... she winked at her

John: Raj,.... you are doing hell of a job to look this younger... I can't believe at all

Raj: haha... thanks John

Dhika: oh my god..... Raj.... I mean Raj Bhaiya..... oh, I have been calling you by name.... sorry.......

Raj: haha... its okay. I prefer people calling me by my name.....

Dhika: oh no, no way..... sorry Bhaiya...... 

Raj: making a little sad face... now you are making me feel old.......

               Dhika knew Sharmi married a person older than her from the talks in the school during her marriage, but she had no clue in heavens that Raj would be this old. But true to Sharmi's words, Raj did not look his age at all.... She wondered perhaps it was because of the way he dressed......

Food and wine flowed while the couple had a lively conversation,.... and soon they settled in the sofa.......

               As expected, Sharmi sat in one sofa with John, leaving Raj and Dhika to take the other one......

               John noticed that Dhika was sitting closer to Raj than she has ever and was enjoying his company more to his liking...... 

John: perhaps it is the wine.....

              When Dhika finished her first cup, Sharmi refilled it and Dhika's did not protest much.......

Soon the conversation came to who was looking more beautiful in the saree..... since Raj was fond of Sarees...... and pretty soon, Dhika and Sharmi were quarrelling like little children....

Dhika: Bhaiya,... you say.... I won't trust John...... who is looking more beautiful in saree......

              Asking him, Dhika stood up and made a gracious pose.... to which Sharmi countered and she too stood up to give a sexy pose....

              While both were standing there exposing their attire waiting for Raj to comment,.... it was John who responded...

John: it would be very tough to say..... Sharmi has a nice navel...... he saw Dhika and winked......

            As Sharmi laughed looked down at her tummy.... Dhika opened her mouth at her husband comment and looked at him in disbelief......

            Giving him a stern look, Dhika turned with a fierce force and went inside a room......

Raj: John..... don't provoke their fight.... haha... she might get hurt.....

John: hehe... hurt ? you don't know Dhika.... she never gives up.... 

             John had a faint idea where Dhika might have gone.......

Standing in the bathroom, Dhika saw herself in the mirror once again.....

             Walking fast strides made her a little dizzy and she held the rail for support......

Dhika: Nice navel huh ? donkey.......

             Bringing her hands to the folds of her saree on her tummy,... Dhika pulled her stomach inside and lowering the saree "just an inch" below,.... Dhika looked at herself.....

Dhika: Nice navel my a**... oops....she burped.......... I should not have drunk two cups of that wine... hehe.....

             Enjoying her look herself,.... Dhika boldly left the bathroom and entered the living room again......

             Making an entrance, she came so fast that she felt dizzy again,..... but as to regain her composure, she subtly held the wall and making herself straight, she made a gorgeous pose, again now.....

John could see she was feeling tipsy.....

             Raj on the other hand, saw more than that.....

             He saw Dhika had such slender hips, and her navel was fully visible now that her saree was "almost 3 inches" below it...... For her size, her tummy was even much flatter than Sharmi's and he did not fail to notice her slender hourglass figure.....

                      [Image: kajal-agarwalss-hot-saree-stillshd-wallp...-km187.jpg]


Dhika: what do you think now Bhaiya......

            Raj looked into Sharmi's eyes for a quick second before turning back to Dhika,... while in that one second, Sharmi gave him a quick wink and a naughty smile.......

Raj: if I say my wife looks more beautiful in saree, I would be lying.......

            Giggling and blushing like a shy little girl,.... Dhika hopped on her toes, before settling next to Raj.....

Raj: Smiling, sorry John..... if I was over my line......

John: over your line ??.... you saw your wife kiss me last time..... Nothing like that Raj.... I appreciate you appreciating her beauty......

             Hearing this, Dhika blushed even more......

             Talking for a good half an hour, the couple stood up to part their way,.... but Sharmi and Raj wouldn't let them.....

Raj: Definitely no John,... you both had wine and so, you are not driving home now. Stay and you can leave in the morning.......

              Sharmi snatched the keys from John and wouldn't give it back......

So, after a little back and forth, John and Dhika agreed to stay....

              John called and informed Leo about their stay, while Dhika called aunty to keep Pappu with her for the night......

              Sharmi showed Dhika and John to their guest bedroom and laid out robes for them to sleep comfortably....

              Usually Raj and Sharmi slept in their bedroom on the third floor, but owing to their favorite guests, they too decided to take the other guest room in the ground floor.....

              Just as she was leaving, Dhika turned back and she saw Sharmi standing soo close to John, with her one hand on his chest and one on his hip, with her eyes looking into his. She doubted if Sharmi had kissed him when she was not looking, but she was too tipsy and too good a mood to care about it now.

For the real reason she turned back, she walked towards Raj, and giving him a tight embracing hug, she kissed him sweetly on his cheeks......... Her entire breasts were smashing against Raj's left arm and left shoulder.

Dhika: Happy Birthday Raj......

              She smiled and walked away as John and Sharmi looked at her and then at each other,.... and then towards smiling Raj....


              Feeling tipsy and light headed,..... Dhika slept as soon as she hit the bed, snuggling against the warmth of her hubby.....

              She wore the silky robe which Sharmi gave them, but John decided to sleep in his boxer.......

Somewhere around 2 AM, Dhika woke and felt very thirsty.....

              Getting up, she tightened her robe which was hanging loose,....and opening the door, she went towards the kitchen.......    

The room was dark, let alone for the moon light......

              She saw the moon light fall on a naked white back...... and even before her mind could register the image, her mouth spoke.....

Dhika: Sharmiiiii..... Dhika was dumbstruck.....

              Sharmi was standing there topless with her back towards Dhika, and she was wearing nothing but a small panty......  From the glistening of her body, Dhika felt like Sharmi had just come out of a steamy sauna.....

                     [Image: EhoPgx7XYAEUGUX.jpg]

               Turning her head sideways,... Sharmi glanced at Dhika with a smiling face.......

Dhika: aeeee... why are you roaming naked.......

Sharmi: hehe.... no, I'm not. I have my panty on....

               Saying, Sharmi began to turn....... 

Dhika: aiii...... don't turn.......

Sharmi: hehe... why, afraid of little breasts ? what are you ? a little boy ?

Dhika: closing her eyes with her hands..... eeee.... dutt... shameless girl......

                For a couple of seconds, Dhika did not hear anything but then suddenly she felt a warm breath in her neck.....

Sharmi:    she whispered in a sexy voice.....

Dhika: whatttttt................

                Dhika opened her eyes wide,... and saw Sharmi standing very close to her.... merely inches away......

                Dhika eyes quickly fell down below Sharmi's neck as she saw a cute little pair of boobs with nipples hard and pointing straight at her..... Seeing it, her eyes widened ever more......

                Coming closer,.... Sharmi gave a quick peck on Dhika's lips.... and said.....

Sharmi: To John, from me.......

...............and while Dhika stood there stunned with her hands on her lips,..... she saw Sharmi run, giggling.

................Continued  Heart
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Fantastic update. Sharmi waiting for john. Will they exchange the rooms now ?
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Nice update...
Good buildup for something big n erotic...
Keep it coming...
Like Reply
Great update but nothing more happened. But interested. This updates looks like the author is planning to take this story to the next level. You play all the characters, trying to add new characters too, and unexpected storylines .... I do not know what would happen next, but I'm damn sure its scenes will get even hotter in the upcoming updates. Waiting for your next update.
[Image: 39-D5-F55-B-E86-C-464-A-A145-8-A223-EEE5550.jpg]
[+] 3 users Like Herbiee's post
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(25-05-2022, 02:02 PM)Herbiee Wrote: Great update but nothing more happened. But interested. This updates looks like the author is planning to take this story to the next level. You play all the characters, trying to add new characters too, and unexpected storylines .... I do not know what would happen next, but I'm damn sure its scenes will get even hotter in the upcoming updates. Waiting for your next update.
[Image: 39-D5-F55-B-E86-C-464-A-A145-8-A223-EEE5550.jpg]

Yes, the last update is a setting stage. That's why the title of the update is so. ( Episode Titles )

Every once in a while, an update would need to take a step back to set plots for storyline.
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Bro its too mich slow.
[+] 1 user Likes Sunnyraj's post
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Suggestion - When Sharmi came close to her, she could have given a light pull to the string of the robe, playfully, making it loose & open from the front. Maintaining eye contact with Dhika, without looking down, she could have given a quick peck and giggled off... Leaving Dhika with an open robe in someone else's house.
[+] 1 user Likes emily.babe135790's post
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Something great in the making

Keep the flow take it slow

May be some fun from dhika Raj waiting
While sharmi busy with john
Like Reply
Well when started reading the update

No Bantu Bobby
No Chottu
No Uncle

All of sudden parcel from Stranger.. Who is this Stranger who knows Dhika's Favourite biscuit

Then with John, Leo is back.... Came back to screen long time after introduction... So much changes to Dhika since they met...

Then Raj's birthday party that too private party

Dhika having wine... Wine causes jealously feelings.. jealously feelings results in exposure
Was she exposing her navel just out of jealously feelings ? or wine made her bold to feel as she was in Swiss with twins (that's without wine)

Then they stayed back... I thought she will jump in front of Raj... But no... It was Sharmi and that too topless

Nice plot build up .... Good you gave short break to twins and Chottu

Waiting for the impact of topless Sharmi on Dhika and the five day gap where John travels to Pune

Will there be an aftermath update before the next major update
[+] 1 user Likes listener098's post
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(25-05-2022, 02:57 PM)DevilMayCare Wrote: Yes, the last update is a setting stage. That's why the title of the update is so. ( Episode Titles )

Every once in a while, an update would need to take a step back to set plots for storyline.

[Image: 06299164-721-C-4-D1-D-8404-839-A0-A0-D68-BE.gif]
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What is Sharmi planning? Waiting curiously. . .
[Image: 41752725-D5-F5-417-F-BC30-70-B112-A64572.jpg]
[+] 4 users Like Herbiee's post
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Nice update. Sharmi has her eyes on John for sure. It will also be interesting to see who the stranger is. Leo's timeline is way too delayed. John leaving for 3-4 days could be the beginning of next level.
[+] 1 user Likes dragonslair's post
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(26-05-2022, 12:15 AM)listener098 Wrote:
Well when started reading the update

No Bantu Bobby
No Chottu
No Uncle

All of sudden parcel from Stranger.. Who is this Stranger who knows Dhika's Favourite biscuit

Then with John, Leo is back.... Came back to screen long time after introduction... So much changes to Dhika since they met...

Then Raj's birthday party that too private party

Dhika having wine... Wine causes jealously feelings.. jealously feelings results in exposure
Was she exposing her navel just out of jealously feelings ? or wine made her bold to feel as she was in Swiss with twins (that's without wine)

Then they stayed back... I thought she will jump in front of Raj... But no... It was Sharmi and that too topless

Nice plot build up .... Good you gave short break to twins and Chottu

Waiting for the impact of topless Sharmi on Dhika and the five day gap where John travels to Pune

Will there be an aftermath update before the next major update

You have shared a sort of YouTube review  Shy
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Brother aftermath tell us
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(26-05-2022, 01:10 AM)Herbiee Wrote: What is Sharmi planning? Waiting curiously. . .
[Image: 41752725-D5-F5-417-F-BC30-70-B112-A64572.jpg]

Awesome pic 
Little more slender... Sharmi is lean and 32B cups perhaps....
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Super bro
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(26-05-2022, 07:30 PM)DevilMayCare Wrote: Awesome pic 
Little more slender... Sharmi is lean and 32B cups perhaps....

[Image: 1-C5724-A0-EF2-F-420-A-989-A-41-FE72-FC3748.gif]
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