Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"You know, Allie's hot but Jen's hotter," Jim said.

"Probably depends on who you ask," Mike said. Whether you liked pretty blondes with slim leggy ballerina figures or pretty brunettes with voluptuous classic hour glass figures.

"Yeah, I know, but for me," Jim said. He grinned and added "For you too, right mate?"

"Yeah, of course," Mike said, feeling uncomfortable talking about his wife with Jim (another cuckold).

Jim eyed Mike, sensing his discomfort. "No matter what you'll always see me as a cuck, right? I'm not mad. I get it. That's why you didn't want me with Jen. I'm just a cuck. I'm not good enough for your wife."

Jim was right but Mike didn't want to offend his friend. "Jim, listen -," he sputtered.

Jim moved closer and whispered into Mike's ear. "Think about this Mike. I would seriously like to get inside Jen's pants. Now, you think I'm a cuck. But think about it mate. Jen cumming on my cuck dick. I'll make her scream. How would that make you feel Mike? If your wife liked fucking me more than you? Getting cucked by a cuck. I know you'd get off on that kind of humiliation."

Mike looked at Jim. He was breathing hard.

"You're hard, right?" Jim said grinning knowingly. "That's okay. I get how you're wired. I'll push all your buttons. Like how about this? I'll make you suck my dick Mike. What will Jen think with my cock in your mouth? She won't respect you anymore Mike. She won't see you as a man. And when I cum on your face, I'll be taking the rest of your manhood. Jen will never want your pathetic cuckold dick inside her again."

Jim saw the excited, cuckold lust on Mike's face. "Just think about it Mike," he said grinning. "It'll be a lot of fun. And not risky, since I've got Stacy. I won't be trying to steal Jen from you."

Allie walked over. Jim smiled again at Mike, then went over to check on Stacy. "I guess we're about to start," she whispered. Noticing the look on his face, she asked "Are you alright? What were you and Jim talking about?"

"Nothing. Just ... stuff," Mike said evasively. He pushed thoughts of Jim and Jen out of his head.

Allie looked questioningly at Mike. Then she looked back to the bed. Darren and Stacy were already kissing. He was slowly undressing her. Allie looked distressed as she watched her husband with another girl.

Mike followed Allie's eyes and sensed her distress. He said "I don't get it. Next to Jen you're the hottest girl alive. Why would Darren ever want anyone else?"

Allie looked at Mike, a smile coming to her face. She said "For someone who never says anything, you always say the right things." Then she gave Mike a playful smirk. "I don't appreciate being #2. But since I'm ahead of Jasmine Kelly I guess it's okay."

At that moment Allie wasn't the "desperate wife trying to hold onto her husband" Allie. Instead she was the happy-go-lucky Allie Oh La La from college. She moved close to Mike so her big tits pressed against his chest. Cupping his erection, she seductively said "Have fun watching bubble boy. I'll be thinking of you as I rock Jim's world."

Allie grinned into Mike's eyes as she caressed his cock over his pants. Then she teasingly said "Hmmm, you really are small. Now I get why Jen fucks other men." With a giggle and a last squeeze of his cock, Allie turned and moved to the bed.

Mike watched Allie walk away. He was breathing hard.

Mike sat down as the action began in earnest on the big bed. Darren with Stacy, Jim with Allie. Quickly everyone was naked (although the girls still wore their stockings and high heels).

To his surprise though, Mike realized he wasn't interested with the action on the bed. He was hot and bothered but not from the fucking going on in front of him. Allie's taunt rang in his head: "You really are small. Now I get why Jen fucks other men."

And what Jim said: "What will Jen think with my cock in your mouth? She won't respect you anymore Mike. She won't see you as a man. And when I cum on your face, I'll be taking the rest of your manhood. Jen will never want your pathetic cuckold dick inside her again."

So Mike barely watched the couples fucking on the bed. Instead his thoughts were on Jen and what she was doing with Frank in Atlantic City.

One thing though Mike noticed. Two things actually. First, Allie looked really good in black stockings and high heels. Second, she was wearing the Fonzie charm around her wrist.

Mike's reverie was interrupted by Darren's angry shout. "Don't cum in my wife man!" he yelled at Jim. "Get away from her!"

It was like something snapped inside the big black man. Like he couldn't stand any more seeing Allie with another man. Darren looked like a raging madman. He brought his fist up to hit Jim, but in the close confides he was just as likely to hit Allie.

"Darren stop!" Mike yelled. He bolted from the chair and leaped in front of Allie to protect her.

Darren's blow hit Mike across the cheek, sending Mike's glasses flying. "Fuck Darren! Really?!" he yelled, grabbing at his face. It hurt!

Darren yelled "Stay out of this Mike! I'm a man! I'm protecting what's mine!"

"Then why don't you BE a man and move back home with your wife and son!" Mike yelled back.

Mike's words were harsher than any physical blow. The fight suddenly left Darren. In a softer voice he said "It's not that easy Mike."

Mike and Allie left soon after. As they were leaving, Mike glanced in a bedroom. Ally was there on the bed with 4 muscular black men. They were taking turns with her. Ally seemed to be loving it. Cole too. He was in a chair, stroking himself as he watched his wife getting banged. Mike noticed the black men weren't wearing condoms. He wondered if Ally was like Stacy; so in lust with black men she wanted their black babies. Maybe someday he'd see Ally again. If he did he'd ask her.


Later Mike taxied home with Allie. They rode in silence for most of the trip, each in their own thoughts. Allie finally said "Nice try back there."

"Darren got jealous. That's a good sign right?" Mike said hopefully.

"I guess," Allie said with a humorless laugh. "At least he's still going to counseling with me." She touched the bruise on Mike's cheek. "You know bubble boy, you have to stop jumping in front of buses."

"At least I'll get a lot of kudos from Jen," Mike said.

"She will DEFINITELY give you a lot of kudos or I'll kick her ass," Allie promised. She looked seriously at Mike and said "You know Mike, all you have to do is say stop. That's all. Say stop. And Jen will stop. I know she will."

Mike said "I guess I don't want her to stop."

"But, at some point it might change," Allie said. "Jen might not stop if you ask."

"We might be there now."

"No I don't think so," Allie said. She looked frustrated at Mike. "God why do you do this? Don't you remember Vegas, when you were broken up? Why risk it?"

Mike hesitated, then said "It's like a drug I guess. We can't stop."

"God," Allie lamented, shaking her head. She took his hand in her hands. "I never thought I'd say this. But you are a good man Mike Andrews."

They were sitting close together. The Fonzie charm dangled from Allie's wrist. Mike touched it. In touching it, he touched Allie's wrist. His hand moved over her wrist. Was it a caress? Or an accidental touch?

Allie took Mike's hand. She knew her best asset were her big breasts. With other guys that's what she'd use. But she knew Mike was a leg man. So she pulled Mike's hand to her thigh.

Mike's heart pounded as he felt the silky nylon. Looking into his eyes, Allie pulled his hand under her dress. Now his hand was on the lacy tops of her stockings.

"Jen doesn't let you make her cum," Allie whispered. Mike shook his head.

"Too bad. For you," Allie whispered tauntingly. She pulled his hand higher up her leg. Now his fingertips were on her soft bare skin above the lacy stocking tops.

Allie was looking in Mike's eyes. "You think you can make me cum?" she asked as she slowly parted her legs.

Mike was breathing hard, looking back into Allie's eyes. Abruptly he pulled his hand away.

That seemed to snap Allie out of a trace. She looked embarrassed and squeezed her legs tightly together. She wrapped her arms around herself like she was cold. They were silent for long moments.

"Can I ask you something?" Mike said, breaking the silence. "I won't tell Jen."

"Okay," Allie said warily.

"You slept with Colin didn't you?" Mike asked.

Allie stared at Mike, not answering. She was about to lie. Then she decided to tell the truth. She said "Of course I slept with Colin. I slept with all Jen's boyfriends. She probably slept with my boyfriends. It was college, we were wild. It didn't matter." Then Allie understood. She gave Mike one of those bitchy, sassy grins. "What, you're upset I never hit on you?" she asked with a knowing smirk.

Mike didn't answer, his cheeks going red.

Allie's expression softened. She said "I didn't hit on you Mike because I knew Jen loved you. I'm not a complete bitch." Although then Allie was ashamed again as her words were in conflict with what happened just moments ago. Again they lapsed into silence.

The taxi arrived at Allie's house. She moved to get out then stopped and turned back to Mike. She said "Don't tell Jen ... she might not let us hang out anymore."

Mike looked back at Allie. Not tell Jen what? About Allie cheating with Colin? Or what just happened?

Mike knew it was both. After a moment's hesitation he nodded and said "Okay." At that moment, Mike realized how easy it was to keep secrets from your spouse when you were involved with someone else. Another person added unpredictable dynamics. They pulled you where you wouldn't go otherwise.


Mike didn't see Jen's text until he got home and checked on Anna. It said "Can I be a little late? I forgot about the doctor's appointment to remove my tat."

Mike stared at the text. Jen had decided to remove her tattoo. They talked about it but she never asked for his permission. As her husband he should get some say about what she did with her body. But Jen made this decision herself.

Mike knew she was doing it for Frank. Just like, as Allie said, she pierced her nipples for Frank. Mike felt like he was losing control of his wife. She did things for Frank, not him. She obeyed Frank, not him. He felt minimized. He felt like a third wheel.

Why did it get him so hot?

Mike was tempted to say no. But he didn't for 2 reasons. First, because he wanted the tattoo gone. Second, because he didn't want to say something and have her ignore it (as he suspected she would). Because that would further diminish him in her eyes.

So Mike texted back: "Sure. We'll be here when you get home."

Mike undressed and got into bed. His cock was incredibly hard. He needed release.

He stroked himself fantasizing about Jen with Frank. But then his thoughts switched from Jen to Allie.

He remembered his hand on Allie's toned thigh, feeling the silkiness and lace of her stockings. As he came, Mike was fantasizing about kissing Allie and exploring higher up her short skirt.

His orgasm was powerful. But afterwards he felt ashamed and guilty, like he just cheated on Jen.

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Jen wore jeans, a casual top and flats to breakfast. She wore no makeup (other than a little lipstick) and put her hair in a high ponytail. She didn't want to give Ricky any ideas. She also told Ricky to meet her at a Starbucks. She didn't want anything even remotely romantic.

When she arrived Ricky looked passed her shoulder and asked "Where's Mike?"

"He's on a work call," Jen lied. "He's really big at Apple now." Mostly true. "He's trying to get off the call to join us." Another lie.

"Okay," Ricky said with a slow nod. He looked at Jen like he was studying her. Jen felt like he knew she was lying.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" Jen asked as they ate bagels and sipped coffee.

"Off and on, nothing serious," Ricky said. He was wearing his uniform again. He looked really good.

"You leave your rings upstairs again?" Ricky asked. He was smiling and looking at Jen's ringless left hand.

"Ah ..." Jen sputtered as she tried to come up with another lie.

"You're not wearing your wedding ring," Ricky said. "You dress like you were dressed last night. You and Mike are swinging again. And Mike isn't here, is he? Come on Jen, just admit it."

There was something about Ricky's demeanor that irked Jen. He was so confident, arrogant even. He'd always been that way, but he seemed more so now, probably because of his success in the Marines. Once Jen found that attractive. Well, she still found that attractive. But it irked her. And why did he have to look so handsome in that uniform?!

"We never stopped swinging," Jen blurted out, hoping the shock would take Ricky down a notch or two.

Ricky nodded slowly. "So Mike's not here," he said.

"That's right. I'm with my boyfriend," Jen told him. "His name's Frank."

"How many boyfriends since me?" Ricky asked.

"I don't feel like getting into it."

"A few?"

"A few," Jen answered with a shrug.

"Come up to my room," Ricky said.

"You work fast," Jen said with a laugh.

"I don't have much time," Ricky said with a grin. "I'm flying out later. So how bout it?"

"No way," Jen said with another laugh.

"Why? Frank'll get mad?"

"It's not about Frank," Jen said looking seriously at Ricky. "It's about Mike. And you know that Ricky."

They looked at each other in silence for a few moments. Then Ricky said "Give me your hand."


"Just give me your hand," Ricky said with a boyish grin. "For a minute."

Jen hesitantly extended her hand. Ricky took it. He held her hand palm up with one of his. With his other he caressed her wrist. "This still get you hot?" he asked with a grin.

"Ricky come on," Jen said pulling her hand back.

But Ricky held her hand tight. His face went serious. "I'm flying out tonight," he told her. "My unit ... they send us places."

"What? Where?" Jen said looking concerned.

"I can't tell you where," Ricky said. His face was deadly serious. "It's kind of funny running into you here. Closure, you know?"

"Ricky ..."

"Does this still turn you on?" he asked again. He was still caressing her wrist.

"... yes," Jen hesitantly admitted. Her wrists were big erogenous zones for her. But they were super sensitive so she had to be touched just right; else it was painful (kind of like the back of her knees, or her feet). Ricky still knew how to touch her. She felt herself getting wet.

"Come up to my room," Ricky pleaded, still looking serious and maybe desperate too. "Just one more time. I'll never tell Mike. I swear. In a week it probably won't matter anyway."

"Ricky ..." Jen said helplessly.

Suddenly Ricky burst out laughing. Jen's eyes opened wide not understanding at first. Then she got it. He was dicking with her!

"You shit!" she said angrily. "You asshole!"

"My god you fell for it," Ricky said still laughing.

"I did not!" Jen sputtered, feeling like an idiot. Glaring at him she said "How many girls have you picked up with that line?"

"Honestly? None," Ricky said. "Most girls aren't as gullible as you."

"Fuck you Ricky!" Jen said angrily. She started to stand up.

"I'm sorry," Ricky said reaching for her. "Okay, gullible's the wrong word. You're trusting, and naïve sometimes. But those are good things."

Jen glared at him. "How dare you?" she said incredulously. "After what happened?"

Ricky's smile disappeared. He said "So that WAS it."

"No it wasn't," Jen told him. "But what you just did. It was still shitty."

Ricky and Jen stared at each other in silence. It was like they were continuing a conversion from year ago, in LA.

Finally Ricky said, "I really do have to fly home later. We don't have much time."

"I'm not going up to your room," Jen said stubbornly.

"Well, you know me Jen," Ricky said, his mood turning melancholy. "I always wanted more than just sex anyway."

Jen stared at him, like she couldn't believe he was giving her shit about this. After so many years. "I'm not getting into this with you," she said.

"Okay, whatever," Ricky said.

"Whatever," Jen said back. They were silent for long moments. Then Jen got up. "I have to get back to Frank," she told him.

"What's Mikey doing while you're with your boyfriend?" Ricky said, contempt in his voice.

"Don't call him that."

"YOU called Frank your boyfriend," Ricky pointed out.

"I mean Mikey," Jen said. "Don't call Mike that."

"You called him that," Ricky reminded her.

"I did not."

"You did."

Jen glared at Ricky. She hissed, "I never want you to talk to Mike."

"Why? Afraid I might say something?" Ricky said tauntingly.

"I've told Mike everything," Jen insisted.

Ricky looked at Jen, studying her. "No you haven't," he said. It was a guess, but Jen's grimace told him he was right. "Maybe I will call Mikey."

Jen slapped his face. "DON'T - YOU - DARE," she hissed.

Jen glared at Ricky. Her hand stung. Ricky wasn't hurt by the slap - he was a Marine after all - but it shocked him.

Jen turned to go but he grabbed her wrist. "You haven't told him," Ricky said looking into her eyes. "Because you're afraid."


"That was fast," Frank said when Jen got back to his room. Jen shrugged but didn't say anything.

"Your conversation with Ricky didn't go well?" Frank asked.

Jen shrugged again. She said "Sometimes it's not fun dredging up the past."

Frank nodded. Inside he smiled. Perfect.

His dick was hard. Manipulating people got him hot. He pulled Jenny to him and ran his hand over her ass.

"I'm not in the mood" Jen said pulling away. "Can we go? I need to get home."

Frank frowned at that. He didn't like being put off. "You have an appointment with the doctor," he said.

"Oh," Jen said. She had forgotten all about it. "Um ...," she said pulling out her phone. There was a text from Mike. It said: "Sure. We'll be here when you get home."

"Okay then," Jen told Frank.

Frank nodded and smiled. He touched her tummy. "You should exercise more," he said.

"What?" Jen said, disoriented at the abrupt change of subject.

"I think you've gained weight," Frank said. He grinned. "Perhaps too much caviar and foie gras."

Since being with Frank, Jen had developed a taste for rich foods like caviar, foie gras, truffles and vintage champagne. With her challenging job, the 2 men in her life as well as being a mother, she wasn't working out as much. She probably had gained a few pounds. But was it really noticeable?

"You're still beautiful of course," Frank assured her. "Just, perhaps not as toned." He patted her ass. "Not as tight."

"Oh," Jen said, feeling alarm in the pit of her stomach.

"So, we'll helicopter back to the City," Frank said changing the subject again. "Meet with the doctor. Then I'll take you home. But first ..." He pulled Jenny back into his arms and undressed her. "You're in the mood when I say you're in the mood Jenny," he said as he pulled out his dick and got between her legs.

Jen didn't resist but she reached for a condom. Frank frowned but he let her roll it on him. Then he pushed into her body. Jen didn't cum though. She was too worried about the weight she'd gained, and whether she was beginning that slope downward that all girls went through (unless your name was Christie Brinkley), when she wouldn't be hot anymore.


Anna was napping when Jen got home to the loft apartment. Mike and Jen embraced. "Crazy weekend," Jen told him.

"Me too," Mike said. Jen tilted her head wanting to hear more. But Mike turned her around. He said "Let me see."

As Mike pulled up her top Jen undid her tight jeans and shimmied them down a few inches. "Wow," Mike said looking at the space just above her shapely ass cheeks. The tribal tattoo used to be jet black. Now it was a soft gray and fuzzy at the edges. "This from one treatment?"
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"Yeah, I know, right?" Jen said smiling. "The doctor says I'm responding well. He thinks two more treatments and it'll be completely gone."

"Frank will like that," Mike said sourly.

Jen turned around. She wrapped her arms around Mike's neck and pulled him to her. With Mike sitting and her standing, she hugged his face into her tummy. "You'll like that," she corrected him. "I will too." After a moment she asked "Tell me what happen last night. I called you."

"Did it hurt?" Mike asked gently touching her lower back. He didn't want to talk about last night. He still felt guilty masturbating to images of Allie.

"It hurt like a bitch," Jen said with a helpless laugh. "It still stings but not so bad." She nudged him with her knee. "So tell me what happened last night." She sat down next to Mike and looked at him.

"It was crazy," Mike said. "We went to a sex party."

Jen gawked at Mike. "You went to a sex party? With Allie?"

Mike nodded. "Darren was there. So were Jim and Stacy," he explained. "They swapped partners. It was supposed to be closure for Darren with Stacy, and get him to feel what Allie feels when he's with another woman."

Jen was silent, processing this. Then she asked "This was part of their counseling?" When Mike nodded yes, she asked "Why were you there?"

"I guess if something went wrong," Mike said. "And they did. Darren got jealous. It got ugly."

Then Jen noticed the bruise on her husband's cheek. It was faint, that's why she didn't notice it before. "Oh my god," she said gently touching his face. She knew what happened immediately. Mike threw himself in front of Allie, to protect her. That was her husband. She was both proud of him, and bothered too. Mike protecting Allie made her jealous.

"So, you're Allie's hero. Did she give you a thank you fuck? Or at least a blowjob?" Jen was grinning to make it sound like a joke but there was an unpleasant edge in her voice.

"No it's just ...," Mike started, and then he laughed at himself.

"What?" Jen asked, the edge still in her voice.

Mike shook his head, like he couldn't believe himself. He said "They were going at it in bed, Darren with Stacy, Jim with Allie. It was wild, all this sex going on. But the whole time I was mostly thinking about what you were doing."

Jen was so relieved! Even in a sex club Mike's thoughts were on her! But she played it cool, not showing her relief, kind of playing hard to get. She gave Mike a sassy smile and said "Just mostly?"

Mike grinned. He didn't tell Jen about what happened later in the cab of course.

Mike moved his hands under Jen's top, cupping her small breasts. She wore a padded bra but when he squeezed he felt the nipple bars.

Jen pulled away. "I smell like smoke," she said with a weak smile. She hated that about casinos. You always came home smelling like a cigarette. "Let me take a quick shower."

Before Mike could say anything she dashed into the bathroom. She locked the door and quickly undressed. She took out the sponge and flushed it down the toilet.

After her shower, Jen found Mike in the bed. "When'd you put Anna down?" she asked.

"Just before you got home," Mike said.

Jen nodded. She knew they had another hour before Anna woke from her nap. She dropped the robe she was wearing and got into bed next to her husband. He was naked too. They hugged. The full body skin-to-skin contact felt good. It helped them reconnect.

Jen felt Mike's erection pressing against her thigh. She reached down under the covers and wrapped her hand around his hard shaft. "You play with yourself last night?" she asked. When he nodded, she asked "Fantasize about Allie's big boobs?" While, like before, she smiled like it was a joke, there was an edge in her voice and anxiety in her eyes.

Mike wasn't a good liar so he didn't try to lie. He laughed and said "They don't suck." Then, quickly changing the subject, he added "I like thinking about you though."

"Oh is that right? Like what?" Jen said teasingly. She was still smiling but now the smile was authentic. She liked it when Mike's thoughts were on her. That's how it should be. She should be the only girl in the world he ever thought about or wanted.

"Tell me what happened in AC," Mike said.

"Tell me first what you've been thinking about," Jen said back. She hadn't yet decided what to tell her husband about Ricky. She wanted to put off that conversation as long as possible.

Mike hesitated. Then with a sheepish smile he said "I like when you do things without asking me."

"I know that," Jen said with a grin. "What have I done lately?"

"Removing your tattoo," Mike said. He gently touched her lower back. "We talked about it but you never asked me."

Jen slowly nodded. She knew he was right; she hadn't asked him. Still, it wasn't like getting a tat; in fact it was the opposite. And he wasn't upset - he was still hard as a rock - so she went with it. "What else?" she asked as she slowly stroked him.

"I like when we're together," Mike said. "The 3 of us."

"When I'm with Frank, and you're watching?" Jen said, the smile still on her face. She was happy he didn't mention their group including Allie. "Like the limo after the happy hour? You hated that."

Mike smiled sheepishly again. He said "It's like what you said about Frank forcing you in the stairs. I hated it and loved it. You might not remember. But after you both came, you looked over at me. You covered yourself up."

Jen did remember. She looked guiltily at her husband. "Sometimes I get so into it, I worry what you think about me," she explained.

"I think you're a goddess," Mike said earnestly.

Jen smiled and pressed her forehead against his chest, like she was embarrassed. After a moment she asked "So what was hot about that?"

"Being a cuckold means you're a third wheel," Mike explained. "It turns me on when you treat me that way."

"I don't do it on purpose," Jen said honestly.

"It happens when you're really into a guy," Mike told her. His message was clear. Jen was really into Frank Tower.

After a moment's hesitation, Jen admitted in a soft voice "I guess so." She kissed him but she didn't need to - Mike wasn't upset. At least not bad upset. She continued stroking him. He was so hard.

"Denial gets me hot too," he added. "Like how I couldn't touch you, or talk to you."

"Mike you hated that," Jen said with an incredulous laugh.

Mike smiled sheepishly again. "As long as we get to reconnect after," he said thinking about the Jen Meter inside him.

"Okay I'll remember that," Jen said with another laugh. Getting serious she said "So Frank's working for you too."

"Yeah he's working for me," Mike conceded. Then he added "As long as he ends eventually."

"He will," Jen assured him, although she was encouraged that Mike said "eventually." She gently added "I don't get why he bothers you so much though. He's so much older. You can't really think I'm going to leave you for him."

Mike frowned at his wife. "So you're saying, you want it to be permanent."

"I'm not saying that," Jen said.

"Then what are you saying?" Mike said back. He was getting agitated.

Jen kissed him. "Calm down baby, we're just talking," she said soothingly. "You know how we talked about the future, when I'll have a couple steady lovers?" Jen said. "It'll be nice if we know them."

"So you want Frank to be permanent," Mike said with exasperation. Why won't she give him a straight answer?! "That sounds like a poly relationship," he said scornfully. Mike wasn't into poly. He could share Jen's body but not her heart. No way. Not acceptable.

Jen kissed him again, trying to keep him from getting angry or upset. "No, not poly," she assured him. She knew all the terms from going on the websites Mike liked. "Poly means love. I only love you."

"Then I don't get it," Mike said. "Why Frank?"

"Because he's exciting," Jen admitted. "He pushes my sub buttons and makes it feel real. You get off on it too honey, you just said so. So say we move to Florida or a beachy place like that. We'll only see Frank a few times a year. Just enough to be exciting without threatening."

"What about when he wants more of your time?" Mike said skeptically.

"I'll tell him no," Jen said firmly. When Mike continued to look skeptical, she said "I don't want hookups and one-night stands. I want a relationship. And Mike honey, you want that too right? Most men aren't interested in that; they want a girl who's wife potential. Frank's perfect. He's almost 60. He's not looking for a wife."

"You say Frank won't be permanent, now you say you want him to be permanent," Mike said frustrated. "Which is it Jen?"

"Mike, baby, when you say permanent, don't you really mean love?" Jen said gently. "Don't you mean seeing him a lot like now? I don't love Frank. And I'll only see him a few times a year."

"He'll be your permanent boyfriend," Mike said with a frown.

"You can call him that if you want," Jen said. She gave him a knowing, teasing grin. "You're the one who likes calling him my boyfriend mister. I call him that only because you do."

Mike felt like he was being manipulated. Out maneuvered. It was always that way with Jen. She used his words against him. She used his fantasies against him.

As if reading his mind, Jen said reasonably "We don't have to decide now. Just something to think about. Maybe I'll have 2 boyfriends. Like with Jamie and Alex. To make it less threatening for you."

"Who?" Mike asked. He felt his tension growing. Jen was talking like it was already decided, by her; they were just working out the details. She was acting like before, when "who and when" were completely up to her and he had no say.

"I don't know," Jen said. "It's just an idea."

"Not Drums," Mike said firmly.

"No," Jen agreed immediately.

"Or Clint," Mike said warily.

"Of course not baby," Jen said gently stroking his cheek.
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Mike didn't say anything for long moments. "I talked to Jim," he finally said. "He still wants you. He says I'll love it, being cucked by a cuck."

Jen understood his abrupt change of subject. "You think Jim should be my other boyfriend?" she asked.

"I don't know," Mike said. It wasn't up to him. She had to choose. That's the way his C fantasies worked.

Jen thought about it. She looked at him knowingly and said "You'd love that right? If I liked fucking Jim better than you. Since I do see him as a cuckold. So if he fucked me better, it would drive you crazy right?"

Mike stared at Jen but didn't say anything. He was breathing hard.

"But I'm not attracted to Jim," Jen said honestly. She giggled and said "Whenever we talk about him I picture him wearing girl's panties. So I can't see him as my other boyfriend."

"So you don't respect Jim as a man," Mike said.

"Respect's probably not the right word," Jen said thinking. "I don't know." She kissed Mike and giggled. She joked "I guess I only have room for one cucky in my life."

"Do you respect me as a man?" Mike asked. He was anxiously looking in Jen's eyes.

"You're the smartest, bravest man I know," Jen said immediately.

"But do you respect me as a man?" Mike pressed.

"You're talking about this?" Jen said squeezing his erection. When Mike nodded, she squeezed him again and said "This is my favorite one."

Jen got on top of Mike. She guided his cock towards her pussy.

"Condom?" Mike asked.

Jen shook her head no. She lowered herself onto him.

Mike knew what that meant. "You let Frank cum inside you, didn't you?" he asked.

"Yeah, he came inside me a little," Jen admitted, wrapping her arms around Mike and kissing him.

Almost immediately Mike lurched and came inside Jen. Jen locked her lips over his so as he came he moaned into her mouth.

Jen continued to kiss Mike as he came down from his orgasm. She could tell from his tense body that he was bothered. Of course he was. She was ovulating and another man came inside her. Yet, she also knew he just had an amazing orgasm. Mike's conflict again. He hated it, but loved it too. Really loved it.

"Anna will wake up soon," Jen said soothingly. "I'll tell you all about it later." She liked teasing him. Make him wait. She'll tell him later.

"Jen -," Mike said. He looked anxious, almost panicked.

"Everything's okay honey," Jen promised. They heard stirring in the next room. Anna was waking up. "Come on, let's get our banana." She pulled Mike out of bed and they got dressed. Jen snuggled into him and held his hand as they went to get their daughter.

Cheating and Rivals Part 45

"Do I look fat?" Jen asked Mike. She was standing naked in front of a full length mirror. They were getting ready for bed after spending a good family day with Anna.

"Fat?" Mike said with an incredulous laugh.

"Frank mentioned it," Jen said turning this way and that as she looked at herself in the mirror. "He says I've gained weight."

Mike frowned at that. He didn't like another man critiquing his wife. He especially didn't like Jen caring about another man's critique. Still, he looked at his wife's body. Well, maybe she had gained a little weight. But he liked the way she looked. She looked a little softer, curvier. Honestly he thought she looked as fit and sexy as ever. "You look amazing baby," he said.

"You have to say that, you're my husband," Jen scoffed as she continued to look at herself. "I have gained weight you know. Since going with Frank. Too much caviar and truffles I guess."

"Well la tee da," Mike said with a grin.

Jen grinned back at him. "That sounds so uptown huh? Sorry. I just meant, he eats really rich foods."

"Not exactly tofu and quinoa?" Mike joked, mentioning staples of his wife's normal diet.

"No," Jen said back with a laugh.

"You look amazing honey," Mike assured her. With a smile in his voice he added, "Still fuckable."

"Just still?" Jen said pursing her lips. It was her greatest insecurity, the day men said "Remember when Jen used to be hot?"

"That's not what I meant," Mike said with a laugh.

"Well, I think I need to diet and exercise more," Jen said. "I'll leave work early. I have less to do now." She'd given notice and had already transferred most of her clients to other partners like Allie, Scott and Johnny. "Anyways I need to get in better shape before rehearsals start." Duncan was almost done selecting the cast and understudies. Rehearsals would start in a few weeks, around the holidays. Opening night was still up in the air as Duncan was focusing mostly on the traveling ensemble. But Duncan said February or March.

"For Frank too right?" Mike said sourly.

Jen finally tore her eyes away from the mirror and slipped on the white nightie. "Hey mister, you benefit too if I stay hot," she told him.

"You're already superhot," Mike assured her, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist.

"I just need to firm up a little," Jen said. "Anyways, you're a third wheel so your opinion doesn't matter. Right?" She said it with a smile, like a joke, but there was an edge in her voice.

"That's right," Mike said hesitantly. He took her hand so she sat on the bed next to him. "We need to talk about last night. You let Frank cum in you?"

Suddenly Jen was annoyed. "Mike it's no big deal," she said with a touch of irritation. "It was just a little bit. People aren't rabbits. I'll be fine."

Mike was taken aback by Jen's dismissive attitude. No big deal? She was ovulating and it only takes 1 sperm to get pregnant. "You were supposed to use condoms," he reminded her.

Jen sighed inside. Forcing herself to be patient, she said "You know how things happen with the game. It didn't work out that way. Frank promised to pull out. And he did pull out, except at the start. So he only came in me a little. I douched. I'll be fine honey. Don't worry."

Still frowning, Mike said "This is really important Jen. I don't understand how you're being so flippant about it. Douching after? That doesn't work."

"God Mike come on," Jen said irritably. "Tell the truth. You want me to get pregnant. You talk about it all the time. It's your biggest fantasy."

Mike stared incredulously at his wife. "Jen it's only a fantasy," he said looking disbelieving at her. "It's like your bang fantasy. I don't want it for real."

Jen looked away feeling properly chastised. Why the heck was she being so bitchy?

But she knew why. She'd had all day to think about it, all day for the emotions to fester and bubble up to the surface.

It was the sex party he went to with Allie. A sex party, really? Why didn't Allie tell her about it? And - more importantly - why didn't Mike ask her permission before going? She was his freaking wife! He didn't think he needed to talk to her before going to a SEX party with ANOTHER GIRL?!

There was another reason she was so agitated. Ricky. Seeing him again stirred up old memories. Old doubts. Old emotions.

With these thoughts swirling in her head, Jen blurted out "Frank set me up with Ricky."


"This weekend," Jen said. "Frank set me up with Ricky."

Mike's eyes went wide. "What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing," Jen said with a shrug. "Frank wanted me to fuck him. But I didn't."

Without thinking Mike said "Why not?"

"God Mike," Jen said with an incredulous laugh. "I don't fuck every guy off the street."

"But, Colin, Tom ...," Mike sputtered. He didn't understand. She fucked Colin and Tom at Frank's command. His bodyguards, those older men. So why not Ricky? He wasn't some guy off the street.

Reading Mike's thoughts, Jen said "Ricky was our first. We were learning how to play the game. We made mistakes. Both of us Mike. I mean, Ricky freaking fucked me on our wedding night; you didn't. Was that a good idea?" She laughed but it was without any humor.

Mike nodded slowly, processing all this. With a forced grin, he said "Who should I worry about more? Frank or Ricky?"

"Neither," Jen said with another laugh. "But if you want me to say someone, then Frank, because by now Ricky's back in LA."

"So you're not suggesting Ricky as your other boyfriend?" Mike asked referring to their conversation from that morning.

"God no," Jen said with a laugh.

Mike studied his wife, as if weighing her words. Then he reached under the white nightie and caressed her back. "You're right. Another man getting you pregnant is a big turn-on for me," he admitted.

"I know," she said laughing again.

Then Mike added "So is losing you to another man. I don't want it to happen. But it's a fantasy. I can't help it."

Jen looked at Mike. "I know," she said again. There was no laughter this time. After years of playing the game she understood his cuckold fantasy. Well, sort of understood. It was like being able to recognize the symptoms of a disease but not understand the disease itself. She didn't understand why, if Mike truly loved her, he wanted to share her with other men. By now she should be over these doubts. Mostly she was. But seeing Ricky again stirred up old memories and fears, old emotions and insecurities, old doubts.

"So, you want to lose me to another guy huh?" Jen said with a forced grin.

"Not in real life," Mike said. "It's like your -."

"Like my bang fantasy," Jen said finishing his sentence. "But if I was really bangd, we're still together. If your fantasy comes true, we aren't. Have you thought about that?"

"It's just a fantasy," Mike said. "It won't come true."

"If I'm bangd, I'd be a basket case, but you'd help me through it," Jen said, pressing the point. "If we broke up, I'd be a basket case, but another man would help me through it. Is that what you want?"

"Jen, no," Mike said earnestly. "I told you, it's just a fantasy. I never want it to happen for real. I can't live without you."

Jen pursed her lips, thinking. She said "Well, if that's your fantasy, you must be okay with Frank being my permanent boyfriend. Because losing me to Frank must turn you on."
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"I don't want that for real," Mike said again, getting exasperated. He squeezed her hand. "Come on honey."

"But the risk gets you hot."

Mike hesitated. But he had to admit, "Yeah it does." He quickly added "That doesn't mean I want him to be permanent."

Frustrated and annoyed - and raw over the sex party and seeing Ricky again - Jen snapped "You're a third wheel Mike. So what you say doesn't matter. Right?"

Mike hesitated again, then he quietly said "Right." At that moment he was incredibly horny. "Baby ...," he said as he pulled her cotton panties down her legs. That special word - their pet name for each other - came out like a moan.

Jen was angry and hurt. He wanted sex now? Really?! She wasn't going to deny Mike, but she wasn't going to be loving about it. So she spat out "Put on a condom."

Rather than make Mike pause, Jen's command seemed to inflame him more. He hurriedly reached for a Durex condom and rolled it on. Mike pushed in. The extra thick condom reduced sensitivity. He wasn't able to fully enjoy the silky smoothness of Jen's pussy. Yet, he still came after just a few strokes.

"Mike, come on," Jen said irritably a few moments later, pushing against his chest. Mike pulled out and Jen immediately rolled to her side, away from her husband.

Mike disposed of the condom and then spooned Jen. After a few moments of silence, he said "You're pissed at me."

Jen didn't respond. But yes, she was mad, and hurt.

Reading her thoughts, Mike said "If I didn't love you so much it wouldn't be a turn on. I know I'm fucked up. But it's all about you. It begins and ends with you. At the sex club I wasn't interested. Because it wasn't you."

Jen still didn't respond. She still felt raw. But she pulled Mike's arm tighter around her and snuggled into him.


The next day Jen stormed into Allie's office. "What the fuck? A sex club?" she said irritably.

Allie's eyes opened wide with alarm. Then she realized Jen said "sex club" not "taxi." So Mike hadn't told Jen what happened after the sex club in the taxi. Allie breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry. It came together at the last minute," Allie said honestly.

"You couldn't call me? Or text me?" Jen said angrily.

"Jen, I was really nervous," Allie said. There was desperation in her voice. Hearing that calmed Jen down.

"Did it help? With Darren?" Jen said in a more reasonable voice. She sat down in the chair in front of Allie's desk.

"I don't know," Allie said. "Does jealousy mean he still loves me? At least he's still going to counseling with me." With a grimace she asked "How's Mike's cheek?"

"The swelling's almost gone," Jen said. In a chastising tone she said "You can't put him in a position like that. You know how he is."

Allie nodded. Mike was the kind of guy who would throw himself in front of a bus (literally). "I'm sorry," she said regretfully. "It was Darren's turf. Stacy's too. I didn't want to go alone." Trying to retake the moral high ground, she said (a little sarcastically), "I would have asked you but you were with Frank. How did that go by the way?"

Jen grimaced and it wasn't because of Allie's sarcasm. "He set me up with Ricky," she said.

Allie's eyes went wide. "No fucking way," she said astonished. She got up and pulled her best friend to the sofa so now they were sitting next to each other. "Tell me everything!" she said.

"It was a scam," Jen said. "Look." She handed Allie the card. It said:

For our men in service. A fully paid trip to the Borgata in Atlantic City. Not a scam! Everything will be pre-paid. Go to the B Bar on Saturday night and you might see an old friend. Thank you for your service to our country.

Allie's jaw dropped as she read it. "And you were at the B Bar," she said.


"Oh my god," Allie said the look of astonishment still on her face. She started laughing. Seeing Jen's frown she said "Oh come on, this is hilarious."

"It's not funny if you're living it," Jen said.

"Did you fuck him?"

"Of course not."

Allie looked skeptically at her best friend. "Tell the truth," she said.

"I didn't!" Jen insisted.

"But you wanted to right?" Allie said with a grin.

"God you're a bitch," Jen said with a sigh.

Allie laughed. "What about bubble boy?" she said. She teased, "Was he disappointed? Maybe he wants to pull out your wedding dress."

"I am going to seriously hurt you," Jen said looking for something to throw. Allie started laughing again. Jen couldn't help it. She smiled. Then the smile turned into a laugh too.

"My god, life in Andrewsville is always so exciting," Allie said with a big grin on her face.

"Well I'm glad we can entertain you," Jen said sarcastically. "What about you? Swapping partners in a sex club. How was Jim by the way?"

"I was distracted by Darren," Allie said with a shrug. "But honestly? He was good."

"Did he make you cum?" Jen asked with an intrigued smile.

"He might have I think, but that's when Darren went Rambo," Allie said.

"Oh, okay," Jen said. She gave her a sideways look. "So how'd you get off then? My husband help out with that?"

"Jen don't be an idiot," Allie deflected. "Bubble boy is bubble boy. You know that. And no offense, but if I need fucked it won't be Mike. He does it for you but not me." Then she cattily added, "Or I guess he doesn't do it for you huh?"

"Okay, I get it, stop, I'm sorry," Jen said in a conciliatory voice. "You don't have to be mean."

"And by the way, if I want a man it'll take me like 2 seconds," Allie said. "You're not the only hot girl."

"Okay Allie, I said I'm sorry," Jen said. "And Mike does do it for me."

"Yeah right," Allie said skeptically. "That's why you fuck around so much."

Jen winched at her harsh comment. "You know I do it for Mike," she insisted. "Yes, for me too, but you know how much Mike's into it. You know that."

"Okay, okay," Allie said relenting. "Just don't get on my ass when I hang with him after you tell me to hang with him." Allie knew she was going overboard. But she wanted to kill any suspicions Jen might have of what she did with Mike in the taxi.

"Okay," Jen said as it was her turn to relent. After a moment she said "Anyways, Mike probably'll be with me more. When I'm with Frank. He wants that. So he won't be hanging with you as much."

"Okay, whatever," Allie said with a shrug, pretending like she didn't care. "It's not like we hang that much anyway."

"Okay then," Jen said with a shrug herself. She got up. "So I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah, later," Allie said. At that moment her phone rang. Allie nodded to Jen as she turned to the phone. As she did her wrist came into view. Jen saw that Allie was wearing a silver bracelet. Hanging from the bracelet was the Fonzie charm.


Jen left work early and went to the gym. She did a challenging workout, first an advanced hot yoga class, then a series of core exercises (lunges, planks, crunches) and finally a long stretching session. By the end Jen was gasping for air and drenched with sweat but she was committed to toning and firming up her body. And "no more truffles or foie gras" she told herself (she would still allow herself caviar and champagne though; she was human after all).

When she got home Mike and Anna were out. Mike's note said they went to the market for groceries. Jen showered and put on a bra top and yoga pants. She poured herself a glass of white wine and sat down with Mike's diary.

She was reading it a little at a time. It was a hard read; almost everything bothered her. Reading about his time in jail - the torture, his fear and isolation; his pain and distress dealing with PTSD; his relationships with other girls. Almost every word made Jen wince. Because of that she was able to read only a few pages at any sitting.

The hardest part was reading about Mike's relationship with Jasmine. But as she read Jen realized Mike and Jasmine didn't love each other (she suspected that but the diary confirmed it). They were close friends and had sex. But it wasn't passionate sex. It was more like a relationship of convenience - 2 friends who came together for a few months of their lives.

Mike's relationship with Tara was similar. Mike liked Tara and they had sex. But that was all. Jen suspected Tara wanted more. Maybe Jasmine did too. But for Mike they never became romances. There was no infatuation. He never got close to loving either girl.

Something else too. To Jen, Mike was a very passionate, horny guy. He wasn't the best lover. But he loved sex. They had sex almost every day especially (as now) they were playing the game with a man she was into. Sometimes more than once. Often Mike got so horny and lustful he exploded as soon as he entered her. Mike's hands were on her constantly. It was like Mike was in a constant state of arousal.

But the Mike in the diary seemed like a different person. Yes he was physically attracted to Jasmine and Tara. Yes they had sex. But the lustful, always horny Mike she knew wasn't the Mike in the diary. And there was a big thing missing from that Mike. A thing so huge she almost didn't recognize that Mike.

The Mike from the diary never talked about his cuckold fantasies. It was like they weren't there. That Mike was still brilliant, shy, kind, considerate. But stripped of his cuckold fantasies he was a different person, at least sexually. No, more than just sexually. Without his cuckold fantasies Mike wasn't happy. The Mike of the diary seemed to be going through the motions of life rather than actually living.

Last night Mike said "If I didn't love you so much it wouldn't be a turn on. It's all about you. It begins and ends with you." Jen thought about that. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Did Mike love her so much his fear of losing her got sexualized somehow? Or at some point Mike's latent cuckold side got turned on and that drove his love for her?

"Does it matter?" Jen mused to herself. After all, either way he loved her. As long as he loved her, did it matter why?

One thing was clear from the diary. Mike wasn't happy without the game. Sometimes Jen felt guilty with how much she enjoyed being with Frank (or Scott, or Tom, etc.). The diary made her feel better. Yes, she loved the game. But in playing the game, she made Mike happy. So it was a win-win. They just had to be careful.

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Wednesday was Jen's birthday. The happy hour the week before had been her celebration with Allie of their mutual birthdays. But Wednesday was her actual birthday. It was a big one, she was turning 30.

Mike, Jen and Anna went out for a family dinner to celebrate. Since it was a special occasion, Jen wore stockings and high heels for Mike. He was thrilled of course. He couldn't keep his hands off her legs (Mike was a major leg man and loved when she wore hosiery). All dinner long he touched her under the table. Jen laughed and batted his hands away. Mike laughed too. It was a lot of fun. And Anna loved it. She didn't understand the sexual undertones of course. She just saw her mommy and daddy were happy and loved each other. To a 3 year old, that's all that mattered.

Mike and Anna gave Jen her birthday presents. Mike had taken Anna shopping and Anna picked out all the gifts.

The first was a DVD of Elmo's favorite Sesame Street episodes ("so we can watch cartoons together mommy," Anna explained). The second was Elmo cotton socks ("to keep your feetsies warm mommy," Anna said as Jen grinned at the cute white bobby socks). The third was Elmo sugar cookies ("for your tummy mommy" Anna said; the box was open and one cookie missing; "I got hungry mommy" Anna explained).

Mike and Jen grinned at each other as Anna carefully explained each gift. Finally Anna handed Jen a card. It was a happy birthday card. Anna crayoned it herself. It was the 3 of them (drawn as stick people) in Central Park under "their tree." Anna was between her mother and father, holding their hands. They all had big smiles. Anna, a budding cupid, had drawn a big red heart at the top, with a line to Mike's head and one to Jen's head. "See mommy? Like that," Anna said.

Jen grinned at Mike and squeezed his hand. "Yes Anna, just like that," she said hugging her daughter and husband. She leaned over to Mike and said "I love you. This is the best birthday ever."

When they got home there was a black Mercedes sedan outside their building. Frank's sedan. Mike frowned at Jen, as if saying "This is our time together."

Jen nodded at him. "Give me a minute," she whispered.

Mike nodded but he was still frowning. He took Anna up to their loft apartment while Jen walked over to the sedan.

Hugh got out and opened the door. Jen got into the car. Frank was there of course. "Happy birthday," he said smiling at her.

"How long have you been here?" Jen asked.

Frank shrugged like her question wasn't important. "I want to give you your birthday gift," he said.

"You already gave me a gift."

Frank looked at her neck. She wasn't wearing the diamond necklace.

Reading his mind, Jen said "Frank, this is a family night. I couldn't wear the necklace."

"Why not?"

"You know why not," Jen said.

Frank shrugged again. "I have another gift for you," he said.


Grinning, Frank said "An orgasm."

"God Frank," Jen sighed.

"It would be a tragedy to celebrate a birthday without an orgasm, don't you think?" Frank said teasingly. Then he looked at her sternly. "You weren't planning to disobey me were you?"

"No," Jen said.

"What were your plans?"

"Not have an orgasm I guess," Jen said with a helpless laugh.

Frank put his hand on Jen's leg. On her stockings. "You wore this for Mike?"



Jen gave Frank a "what the fuck?" look. "We're going to have sex tonight," she said in a "you should know this" tone of voice.

"But it's your birthday," Frank reminded her, emphasizing the word your.

Jen rolled her eyes. With exasperation she said "Mike fucks me on my birthday. He fucks me on his birthday. He fucks me on national holidays. I'm his wife. He fucks me whenever he wants. And I know he's going to want to fuck me tonight."



"No," Frank repeated. "Only I will have you tonight."

"Oh my god Frank," Jen lamented. "No power games tonight, okay? It's our family night. Anna's here."

"I'll come up after Anna goes to bed," Frank said. "But only me Jenny. Only me. Do you understand?"

Jen realized she was breathing hard. And she was getting wet. "I need to talk to Mike," she said.

"Tell him what you wish," Frank said. As Jen started for the door he grabbed her wrist. "But Jenny - I'm not wearing a condom tonight."

"You have to Frank," Jen said. A girl was still fertile for a day or two after ovulating. It was still a risky time of the month for her. "You have to," she insisted.

Frank looked stubbornly at Jen. Finally he relented and said "Very well. But not this weekend."

"Okay then," Jen said. She knew her cycle (so did Mike); this weekend was fine.

In Frank's world, he never gave something without getting something back in return. "You sleep with me tonight, not Mike."

"You mean sleep-sleep?" Jen asked.

"Either that or no condom," Frank told her. He smiled like he was being reasonable. "Your choice."

"Anna -," Jen said with concern.

"I'll leave early," Frank assured her. "You have my word."

Jen looked at Frank, considering. "This is Mike's fantasy," she told herself. "Being a third wheel. The risk of losing her. I'm doing it for him." But Jen knew she was doing it for herself too. She had a major cum face on. Frank did that to her. His arrogant, commanding attitude. Being submissive to him. It never failed to arouse her.

"I need to talk to Mike," she said. Then she quickly added "If we do it he gets to watch. And he can sleep in the bedroom if he wants."

"Not in the bed," Frank said.

Jen hesitated, then nodded. With her pussy throbbing, she got out of the car and went to talk to her husband.

In the loft apartment Anna was enthralled by the new Elmo DVD. Jen motioned Mike to the side.

Playing with the buttons on Mike's shirt, Jen whispered "Frank wants to get together. After Anna goes down."

"Here?" Mike asked. "Right now?"


"Do you want to?" Mike asked. He already knew the answer though. Jen was breathing hard and had a major cum face on.

"... yes," Jen said after a moment's hesitation. "I'm sorry Mike. It's just, right now, he does it for me." She gave him a weak smile and joked "Kind of like one more birthday present."

Mike reached under her skirt. She was soaking. She spoke to Frank for less than 10 minutes, but in that short time he managed to transform Jen from a dedicated mother and wife to a horny bitch in heat.

"Just right now?" Mike asked. "The other night you said you want Frank to be your permanent boyfriend."

"You know I was just teasing," Jen said.

"So Frank's not permanent?" Mike asked.

Playing with the buttons of his shirt again, Jen said "Baby, let's just talk about tonight."

Mike frowned. He said "So if you see him tonight, you'll still want to see him this weekend too?"

"Um, yeah," Jen said. "If that's okay?"

Mike hesitated. He allowed the delicious cuckold angst to wash over him. "It's like our wedding night," he said excitedly.


"It is," Mike said. "Another man having you on a special day. Instead of me."

"Shhhh," Jen whispered, putting a fingertip to Mike's lips. She looked worriedly at their daughter. "Anna might hear." She pulled Mike deeper into their apartment. They could still see Anna but it was less likely the 3 year old could hear them. She grinned at him and said "That gets you hot right? Kind of like a birthday present for you too?"

Mike grinned back at Jen. He knew she was manipulating him, using his fantasies against him. But he also knew it wasn't fair to be critical since he mentioned it first.

Still playing with the buttons of Mike's shirt, Jen said "You know it's still a risky time of the month for me?"

Mike nodded.

"I told Frank he has to wear a condom," Jen whispered.

Mike nodded again and said "Good." He was proud of his wife for drawing the line with Frank.

"But, you know Frank, there are always conditions," Jen said.

"What?" Mike asked warily.

"We can't have sex tonight," Jen told him. "And I'll sleep with Frank, not you."

Mike frowned at the conditions. At both of them, but mostly the second one. Seeing his frown, Jen quickly assured him, "You can sleep in the bedroom. Just not on the bed." Using his fantasies against him again, she gave him a sly grin and said, "Won't that get you hot? You can watch us snuggle and fall asleep. You'll really feel like a third wheel Mike."

Jen's words tore at his heart. But they got his dick hard too. He knew with her nympho switch on, her body craved Frank's body. At that moment she would say practically anything to get him to agree. But at least she was asking him, so Mike felt he still had the final say. That was something. A big thing.

"I'll need to be with you after," Mike said, thinking of the Jen meter inside him.

"Of course, we have tomorrow night," Jen assured him.

Mike frowned at her. "What about the weekend?"

"Well, I mean ...," Jen sputtered. "I'll be home by lunch Sunday."

Mike stared at his wife. She planned to be with Frank Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. Since when did Frank get so much of her time? It used to be one night. Now 2 nights were the standard?

Reading his thoughts, Jen rubbed his arm and said "You'll be with us Saturday. You like that right? Watching us be a couple? So we just won't see each other Friday night."

"And Sunday morning," Mike said bitterly.

"You like when I come home freshly fucked," Jen whispered with a teasing grin. "This way I'll sleep in at Frank's. I won't need a nap when I get home."
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Mike would rather Jen came home early and nap here instead of stay longer at Frank's. And would she really be sleeping at Frank's, or fucking? But he thought about it. He would have tomorrow night. Then all Sunday afternoon and evening. And at least part of Saturday. That was enough of Jen's attention to fill up the Jen Meter. So he'd be able to enjoy the cuckold angst without going over the cliff. And this way he got to spend more time with Anna. Now that he was working for Apple he had less time during the week to be with their daughter. He missed that quality time with her.

"Okay," he finally said. "I guess this is okay."

Jen grinned excitedly at Mike and squeezed his hand. She was clearly delighted. "I'll tell Frank."

Mike grabbed her hand. He said "So you're really infatuated with him."

"You want that right?" Jen asked. She knew her husband didn't want her to just hook up with guys. He wanted her to develop a bond with them. That's what she wanted too.

"Yeah but, I don't want it to be permanent Jen," Mike said. It was an ongoing conversation between them.

"Let's just focus on tonight honey," Jen said. Sensing he wanted a more definitive answer, she said "It won't be permanent. He'll get tired of me or I'll get tired of him. So don't worry baby."

Mike slowly nodded. He wasn't happy with that answer. But really, wasn't that how it always was? Jen's affairs ended when she got tired of her "boyfriend." That was the thing though. In the past Jen always ended it. Would she ever tire of Frank? And if Frank was the one who ended it - if she was the dumpee instead of the dumper - how would that affect them?

"Can you start Anna's bath?" Jen asked him.

Mike nodded. He went into the bathroom with Anna. Hearing the water run, Jen went into the kitchen for privacy. She got a sponge and pulled up her skirt. Her thong was soaked. She took it off then inserted the sponge. She got one of Sally's panties (it was light pink) and put it on, knowing Frank would like that. Then she called Frank and told him to come up in 30 minutes.


"Take off your clothes," Frank ordered. They were in the bedroom. Before starting, Mike made sure Anna was sound asleep.

Frank was sitting on Mike and Jen's marital bed, lounging there as if he owned it. Jen stood in front of him. Mike sat in a chair off to the side.

Jen took off her dress, letting it fall to the floor around her feet. She reached back and unsnapped her bra. Soon it lay on the floor next to the dress.

Frank smiled seeing the light pink lacy panties. But he frowned at the stockings. Hosiery was Mike's thing, not his. "Take off the stockings," he ordered.

With a glance at her husband, Jen stepped out of the high heels. She rolled off the thigh high stockings and dropped them on the floor next to her dress and bra. She stood up and was about to step back into the high heels when Frank stopped her. "No leave those off," he told her. "Put socks on. The ones you wear to bed." Frank liked that. In his mind, this way he was fucking the "real Jen."

Jen usually wore cotton socks at night because her feet got cold. She reached into her dresser but Frank stopped her again. "Wear those," he said pointing. It was the Elmo socks, the one's Anna picked out for her birthday present.

Jen looked over at Mike. She hesitated, giving him a chance to object. But he didn't say anything. He looked bothered, but beside himself with uncontrolled lust.

Jen pulled on the Elmo socks. They were slim bobby socks, the kind cheerleaders wore with saddle shoes. Jen folded the tops down to form a cuff at her ankles. The socks were virgin white. Each sock had a furry red Elmo on the cuff.

"Now the jewelry," Frank said. "Take it off. Those rings and the bracelet."

Jen didn't hesitate to take off her wedding and engagement rings. After all, they played the "wedding ring game" all the time. But she hesitated before taking off the tennis bracelet. She looked at her husband again. Still Mike was paralyzed, unable to say anything. Since Mike didn't object, Jen took it off. She laid the tennis bracelet - Mike's birthday gift - next to the rings on her dresser top.

Jen knew what Frank would command next. His diamond necklace. She didn't want Frank to order Mike to put it on her; she didn't want to subject her husband to that level of submissiveness. So she picked up the necklace and handed it to Frank. "Put it on me?" she asked Frank. She turned around and held up her long, lush blonde hair. Now she and Mike were facing each other. They looked into each other's eyes. Still Mike didn't say anything, but inside his emotions were churning.

Frank stood up and clasped the necklace around Jen's slim elegant neck. Frank sat down as Jen turned around to face him again. She was about to drop her hair when Frank said "Leave it up."

With a shrug, Jen pinned up her hair. Now she looked like a short haired girl. Just as Frank liked. Still blonde though; that was something for another day, Frank thought.

Frank grinned as he looked Jen up and down. She was all his. Her breasts with his diamonds in her nipples. Her sexy stomach with his diamonds in her belly button. Her ass and pussy too, since she was wearing the panties he gave her. On top of that, he was gradually reshaping her pussy to fit his thick cock. And of course, Jenny was wearing his diamond necklace. Frank glanced over at Mike and grinned. He silently thought "How does it feel to watch as I slowly make Jenny my girl?"

Mike was reeling. He felt on the brink of the abyss, especially when Jen offered to put on the diamond necklace, asked Frank to fasten it around her neck. He felt there was nothing left of his wife that belonged to him. He felt betrayed too. Not only was Jen - as his wife - giving herself to Frank. But wearing the Elmo socks, she was giving herself to Frank as Anna's mother.

Then Jen moved her right hand behind her back. Mike could see but Frank couldn't. He watched as Jen wiggled her ring finger at him. The Sophia ring. She was still wearing the Sophia ring. Jen was sending Mike a message. This was all a game and she was just playing along. Frank could believe what he wanted but to Jen it was all make believe. It wasn't real. To Jen, only Mike and Anna and their life together were real.

Mike forced himself to calm down, to compose himself. It was just a game. He told himself to enjoy the scene in front of him and not get bad upset.

"Who are you?" Frank asked Jen. His arms were around her. He was caressing her ass, his fingertips tracing the lace of the light pink panties. "What you said in our room at the Borgata. Say it again. Who are you?"

Jen whispered something, so low Mike couldn't hear. Frank grinned. "Louder," he ordered.

"I'm your slut," Jen said. Her voice was still low but Mike heard it, and just like that his composure evaporated. Jen had gone beyond being a slut. She was Frank's slut. Mike heard it in her voice. She wasn't joking or just saying it. There was conviction, certainty in her voice. Jen BELIEVED she was Frank's slut. She BELIEVED she belonged to Frank.

Without even touching himself, Mike came in his pants.

Mike panted after cumming. It took a moment to refocus. At first he was mortified Jen and Frank had noticed. But they were too occupied with each other. Mike found himself wishing Jen had noticed. He wished Jen would look over and give him an understanding smile. But no. Jen only had eyes for Frank.

It was like in the limo for Mike. A series of images. Jen started on her elbows and knees. She whimpered as Frank pounded her from behind, her hands clawing at the sheets.

Mike knew his wife loved this position. It was probably her favorite. But they rarely had sex that way. Mike's cock was too small; too short. He continually fell out so it was always frustrating for both of them. By silent agreement they rarely tried doggy anymore.

Mike knew it was no hardship for Jen though. She got what she needed from her lovers. As that thought passed through Mike's head, he heard Jen scream into the pillow (fortunately the scream was muffled so Anna didn't wake up). Jen's first orgasm on her birthday. She got it from Frank, not him. Mike felt himself getting hard again.

Jen turned Frank over so he was on his back. She got on top. For a moment Mike had a clear view of Frank's cock. The man truly was thick. Mike was relieved to see he was wearing a condom. He was so thick though it only reached halfway down his shaft.

Jen reached down and guided Frank back into her. Then she rocked up and down on him. She leaned down and kissed Frank. Frank put his hands on Jen's hips. He held her ass suspended a few inches above him. Now he was doing the work, slowly thrusting up and down. They kissed as they fucked (or, as Mike saw it, made slow love).

From his vantage point, Mike was able to clearly see Frank's cock moving in and out of Jen's pussy. He was surprised to see that, like Jen, Frank was completely hairless (Jen had a small landing strip but from behind she looked completely bare).

Frank truly was thick. He stretched Jen so much her pussy appeared molded around his shaft. Before long Mike heard the telltale moans and whimpers from his wife. Jen was close again. Moments later Jen buried her head in Frank's muscular chest as her orgasm hit. Mike's eyes drifted to her feet. The red furry Elmos smiled at him as Jen's toes curled in orgasmic pleasure.

Jen's orgasm pushed Frank over the edge. His ass muscles clenched as he rose up from the bed, burying his cock balls deep in Jen's pussy. His hips jerked. Jen said Frank always came a lot. It was a really dangerous time of the month for Jen. Mike hoped to god the condom didn't break or leak. But frenzied with cuckold lust, part of him hoped it would.

Mike watched his wife tenderly kiss and hug Frank in the afterglow of cumming together. Frank's cock was still inside her, their bodies still intimately connected.

Frank rolled Jen over. Now they were on their sides, still facing each other, still connected by his manhood. Jen's long shapely leg was over Frank's hip. Their arms were around each other. They whispered sweet nothings between kisses. Mike got anxious. Frank was still inside Jen. He had to pull out before he got soft and the condom fell off!
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Not once did Jen look over at Mike. Not once did she even acknowledge his presence. It was like she forgot all about him. "You did it Jen," he thought bitterly to himself. "You made me feel like a complete third wheel."

Jen reached down and pulled Frank out of her. Mike was relieved to see the condom still on with no breaks. At least she did that.

With the lovers so preoccupied with each other, Mike took the opportunity to clean up. He grabbed clean clothes and quietly went into the bathroom.

When he came out Jen was waiting for him. "Where's Frank?" Mike whispered. Looking over Jen's shoulder, the bed was empty.

"Getting a drink," Jen whispered back. She touched his chest. "How are you?"

Even in the dark light of the bedroom the huge perfect diamond around Jen's neck sparkled like a mini-star. "I guess you really like his birthday present," Mike said with a tight smile, looking at the diamond.

Jen didn't understand though. "We're both liking the extra birthday present he's giving me," she said with a giggle, referring instead to this spur-of-the-moment fucking session with Frank. She moved close and cupped his crotch. "I saw you cum. You weren't even touching yourself."

"You notice?" Mike said surprised.

"Of course I noticed baby," Jen said, smiling into his eyes. She grinned mischievously at him. "Feeling like a 3rd wheel yet?" she said with a giggle. She squeezed his crotch. Feeling him already hard again, she said with another giggle "I guess so."

Mike's spirits lifted. She wasn't ignoring him on purpose! She was just playing!

"Where are you sleeping tonight?" Jen asked.

"I thought, on the sofa," Mike said, motioning to the sofa behind them.

"Let us fall asleep first," Jen told her husband with a playful conspiratorial smile. "Then get in bed next to me. Frank won't notice. He sleeps like a rock."

Frank came into the bedroom a moment later. He held 2 glasses. To Mike's surprise, he handed him one of the glasses. "Highland Park," Frank said with a smile to Mike. Jen smiled appreciatively at Frank and squeezed his hand. Mike hated seeing that. He would rather Frank give him swamp water so he wouldn't get Jen's approval. But Mike knew if he refused the drink he'd be the villain and Frank would be even more of a hero in her eyes. So he gave Frank a fake smile and took the offered drink.

Frank and Jen got back into bed. Frank wrapped his arm around her. They shared the tumbler (Mike assumed it was tequila rather than scotch) as they kissed and whispered sweet nothings again. Eventually Frank laid the tumbler on the side table and pulled Jen into his arms.

Their sweet kisses turned into a make out session. Frank's hands eagerly roamed over Jen's body. It was like he couldn't get enough of her. Jen was the same way. She ran her fingertips and nails over his powerful arms and chiseled chest; her hands eventually made their way to his manhood.

Jen pulled her long blonde hair to the side and took him into her mouth. Frank was only half hard; Mike remembered Jen telling him that Frank had a difficult time getting an erection more than once an evening. Jen worked him with her mouth and hands. Frank moaned as Jen sucked him and caressed his body. She managed to get him hard again. She put a condom on him.

Frank took Jen from behind, like before. This time though, Jen's face was pointed at Mike. Jen's eyes rolled up into her head as Frank pounded her from behind. At one point Jen looked at Mike. She seemed surprised to see him there; once again, in the throes of passion with Frank, she had forgotten her husband was there. "He fucks me so good baby," Jen said to Mike. She said it soulfully, like she was in a confessional. A moment later she came. Her face was amazing. There was nothing more beautiful than his wife's face when she was orgasming.

Frank rolled Jen onto her back. He finished in the missionary position, looking into Jen's eyes and kissing her as he came.

Panting, Frank pulled out and collapsed onto his back. Jen took off the condom and rolled it in tissues. Then she snuggled into him, her head on his chest, her leg over his. Mike watched as they snuggled and whispered. This was the hardest part, seeing his wife being so intimate with another man. Hearing them whisper and laugh. Her head on his chest. His arm protectively around her. Her fingers playing with his. Playing with his hair. Tenderly stroking his arms and chest.

It was hard for Mike. Really hard. When cuckold angst turned from exciting to despair. Yeah, being a third wheel was thrilling. Delicious. But it got to a point where it hurt too much. Where his heart hurt so much he couldn't breathe.

Mike looked at Jen's feet again. The Elmo socks. Not too long ago they were having a family dinner. Jen had said to him, "I love you. This is the best birthday ever." And now this. Now this.

Mike listened as their breathing got heavier and regular. They were asleep.

Mike stood up. He thought about leaving. Sleeping outside in the family room. Make Jen feel bad.

But it was like the other night at the happy hour. The evening played out exactly as they planned. Jen did nothing more than what he agreed to. Was it fair to be mad at her if he agreed to it ahead of time?

Moving silently and gently, Mike undressed and got into bed next to Jen. Jen was snuggled into Frank. Mike gently touched her back. He was hoping she was only pretending to be asleep. Not that he expected sex, or she would snuggle with him. But just if she would look back, smile at him, maybe squeeze his hand. It would be enough to fill his Jen Meter.

Jen didn't look back. She was sound asleep.

Mike thought about spooning her, as he usually did. But no. Not with Jen snuggled into Frank's body. So he rolled to the other side. Just a few inches of empty mattress separated their bodies. But to Mike it felt like there was an ocean separating them.

Mike woke to the bed shaking and Jen's moans of "Oh god oh god oh god." He looked over. Jen was on her back, her legs open. Frank was on top, pounding away at her.

Mike wondered if Frank was dicking with everyone, saying he could only get hard once a night. This was the 3rd time in less than 12 hours. Frank seemed pretty virile to Mike.

The word made Mike pause. "Virile." No way Mike believed Frank was sterile. He looked between his wife's legs. Thank god Frank was wearing a condom.

Mike looked at the clock. It was just before 6am. True to his word, Frank was leaving before Anna awoke. But he wanted another piece of Jen before he left. Or maybe it was Jen who initiated it. After all, she wouldn't see Frank again until tomorrow night ("a whole day!" Mike thought sarcastically). Maybe she needed a morning fuck (and orgasm) to make it that long.

Mike's thoughts were interrupted as Frank said to him "Mike. Do me a favor and put on a pot of coffee."

Frank said it as he continued to long stroke Jen's pussy with his thick cock. Mike didn't hesitate. He said scornfully "Fuck you Frank."

Before Frank could respond, Jen moaned and her back arched. She was cumming. Mike's eyes were drawn to her feet. She was still wearing the Elmo socks. Mike watched as Jen's toes curled in Anna's birthday gift to her. Elmo smiled at him. It was like he was taunting him.

Frank gave Jen tender kisses as she came down from her orgasm. While still out of breath, Jen reached over and squeezed Mike's hand. "Make coffee baby," she said. "Please. I need it."

Mike stared at his wife. Can't she see what she's asking? But Mike got out of bed and went to the kitchen. As he closed the bedroom door he heard Jen say to Frank, "You need to finish baby. Anna will be up soon."

"I'm almost there," Frank assured her. He was breathing hard.

Jen wrapped her arms around Frank's neck. Pulling him down to kiss her, she lovingly said "Cum inside me baby."

Mike closed the door. He clenched his eyes shut, his emotions in turmoil.

Jen did it all the time but it never failed to hurt. When she called her boyfriend "baby." It was their pet name for each other, yet she used it with her boyfriends too. Every time she did it, it felt like she was ripping out his heart.

Jen and Frank emerged from the bedroom about 15 minutes later. Mike was relieved to see Jen wasn't holding his hand. Anna usually slept longer but sometimes she woke up early. It would not be a good thing if Anna saw her mother holding another man's hand or snuggled into his arm.

Jen's hair was disheveled and her face flushed. She looked freshly fucked (which she was of course). She was wearing her long fluffy cotton robe. Mike glanced at her feet. She was still wearing the white Elmo bobby socks.

Frank actually looked dapper in his dark slacks and dress shirt. How was that possible, that he looked so debonair after fucking and before a shower?

"Thanks baby," Jen said to Mike as she took the coffee mug from his hand. She smiled appreciatively at him. As Jen sipped his coffee, she leaned into Mike. Mike automatically wrapped his arm around his wife. Frank was on the other side of the kitchen, pouring himself a mug of coffee. Mike and Jen were the couple again and Frank was the 3rd wheel.

Mike's thoughts flashed to last night. Then Jen was sharing Frank's tumbler of tequila. Now she was sharing his mug of coffee. Was this how Jen signaled who she belonged to? Last night, she was Frank's. This morning, his. All based on whose cup she drank from.

Frank's phone buzzed. He looked at it. "Hugh's downstairs," he told Jen.
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Jen looked awkwardly at Mike. She said "Um, honey? Anna. Can you ...?"

Mike understood. Jen wanted to say goodbye to Frank. The way a girl would say bye to her boyfriend. He moved to Anna's door so if she woke up early he could head her off before she saw her mother kissing another man. Mike felt like the 3rd wheel again. The cuckold husband.

Jen held Frank's hand as she walked him to the door. Mike could see them but not hear. They embraced. Kissed. Whispered. Kissed and whispered again. Then Frank hugged her tight. They kissed once more. Finally he left.

Mike moved over to his wife. She seemed lost in thought, not noticing his approach. "Missing Frank already?" Mike asked. He wore a smile to make it sound like a joke but there was a bitter edge in his voice.

"Sorry," Jen said as she emerged from her reverie. She smiled at Mike and squeezed his hand. "Sometimes Frank can be sweet. I know you probably hate hearing that. He's never as sweet as you. But he's just so different when he acts like a normal person. It's always kind of shocking."

Mike slowly nodded, processing this. "So what'd he say?" he asked.


"What sweet thing did he say?"

"Oh, nothing really," Jen said with a shrug. "He wished me happy birthday. Said he really liked me. He can't wait until tomorrow. Just normal stuff. That's why it's sweet."

"Tomorrow night," Mike said.


"You're not seeing Frank until tomorrow night," Mike said. "Not tomorrow. Tomorrow night."

"Of course baby," Jen assured him, squeezing his hand again. "That's what I meant."

Mike almost winced when she called him "baby." "I've mentioned this before," he said. "I wish you wouldn't call him baby."

"Oh," Jen said, surprised. She honestly didn't realize she was doing that. "I'm sorry. Sometimes it slips out. I'll pay more attention."

"It's not a big deal," Mike said trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm just saying ..."

"Of course honey," Jen assured him, squeezing his hand again. "Baby is for us. I'll do better. I promise."

Mike frowned when she called him "honey." He wanted her to call HIM "baby." Then Mike mentally shook himself; he knew he was being a child. "Will you calm down!" he silently chastised himself.

Jen stroked her finger down Mike's chest. "So have fun last night?" she asked with a grin.

"You had a good birthday," Mike said. Even though his stomach was still churning he forced a grin.

"Well yeah," Jen said with a laugh. Inside she was elated. She got it from Frank 3 times! The most ever in 1 night! "Not sure I'll be able to walk right today," she added with a laugh, referring to getting fucked THREE times by such a thick cock. God she was in heaven!

"He really stretches you," Mike said.

"Frank's a big boy," Jen agreed with a grin. "You had fun though right?" she asked. With a giggle in her voice she joked "Right, my little cucky?" She put her hand over Mike's crotch. He was hard of course.

"It was tough sometimes," Mike admitted.

"Did I go too far?" she asked him looking concerned.

"I guess ... it would have been nice if you looked at me sometimes," Mike told her. He felt like a pathetic wuss. But he needed to get this off his chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jen said. "I thought you wanted me to pretend like you weren't there."

"Were you just pretending?" Mike asked with a laugh. The laugh was without humor and had some bitterness in it.

"Of course I knew you were there Mike," Jen assured him. She rubbed his arm. "I love you. I can't help but know you're there."

"So you really were pretending?" Mike asked again. This time, though, there was hope instead of bitterness in his voice.

"Of course I was pretending," Jen said rubbing his arm. She looked at Mike's face. "Oh my god, you're really upset. I'm sorry baby." She wrapped her arms around Mike and hugged him tight.

"I'm okay, it's just ... I'm okay," Mike said. His words came out like a relieved sigh. He closed his eyes as his wife hugged him. He felt the Jen Meter filling up. He felt better. He felt calmer.

They heard rumblings from Anna's room. Their daughter was waking up.

"I'm going to hop in the shower," Jen said pulling away from Mike.

"Just a minute," Mike said holding Jen tight. The Jen Meter had been dangerously low. He still needed more of her attention.

"Um, baby?" Jen said uncertainly. She whispered "I know I smell like sex."

"Yeah okay," Mike said. He let her go.

Jen cupped his erection. "I'll take care of this tonight mister," she said with a grin at him.

Cheating and Rivals Part 46

Maggie arrived at 9am, around the same time Jen left for work. The college student was almost their full time nanny now. Maggie was okay with that. She was finding NYU to be a bore; she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. Until then she liked being Anna's nanny. For one she loved the little blonde pipsqueak. For another she was fascinated by Mike and Jen's lifestyle. She was secretly keeping notes. She thought some day she might write a book.

Mike went into the small alcove of the loft apartment that he called his home office. He opened his Mac and began his work day. The Apple work wasn't hard; there was just a lot of it. He was paid well though so he didn't complain. It felt good being the breadwinner again. That was how it was supposed to be. The man was supposed to support his family.

Around lunch time Mike got an email from Colonel Banks. An email to decrypt. He immediately shifted over to that project. The CATF work was more challenging and interesting and he felt he was doing something useful. Decrypting the email was a challenge but by the end of the day he got it.

Mike frowned as he read the message. It again mentioned "the Twins." He knew there was a fierce debate within the US intelligence community about the Twins. What did it mean? Two targets? Two operatives? A codeword that had nothing to do with the number 2?

Mike had read all the messages about the Twins (he had a hand in decrypting almost all the messages). His gut feeling was "the Twins" referred to 2 targets. But it was just a feeling, he didn't know for sure. He forwarded the decrypted message to Banks, hoping his team could make sense of it.

A few minutes later Banks sent another email. Mike's heart sank as he read it.


Jen took her time getting to work. She had nothing pressing going on, now that most of her clients had been transferred to other partners. Rather than miss her old responsibilities, she felt an exuberant sense of freedom. She never wanted to return to the high pressure life of advertising. And, with how much Apple was paying Mike, she didn't have to.

Jen was excited about the prospect of Broadway for a year or 2. Then, after she got that out of her system, she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. Of Anna, and another baby. Jen had come around to what Mike wanted. Like her husband, she wanted another baby.

Jen made 3 stops on the way to work. The first was a custom framing shop. When she left, Anna's birthday card was mounted in a beautiful antique frame.

Next Jen went to the Sesame Street store on Broadway. Mike thought Anna's birthday gifts were surprises. They weren't (other than the sweet birthday card). Anna was only 3 years old. She told her mother everything. In fact, Jen had taken Anna to the Sesame Street store many times. Anna picked out the presents with Jen weeks before Mike took her to the store. So last night with Frank, Jen knew something. The Sesame Street store stocked a ton of the Elmo stocks.

Jen bought a brand new pair of the Elmo stocks. Anna would never know the difference. No one would; they were all the same. They were just silly Elmo socks after all.

Jen had the original pair in her pocket. They were soiled now after last night with Frank. As she left the store, she dropped the original, soiled socks in the trash can.

Finally Jen stopped at the Starbucks for coffee. She ordered her normal coffee concoction, a skinny caramel latte with no whip. Behind the counter a young man grinned and said "Hey no-whip Jen."

Jen turned and smiled at him. It was barista boy. "Hi Joey," she said. She couldn't believe he still worked there. Surely he must have graduated from college by now? But maybe he was going to grad school.

Joey came around the counter and tried to flirt with Jen. Jen knew the signs; he was hitting on her. Hoping she might go to bed with him again.

Jen though had no interest in Joey. Their romp together had been fun. But right now she only had eyes for Frank Tower. Joey didn't measure up to her current boyfriend. Most men didn't.

A slight shudder ran through Jen's body as she thought about Frank. A smile crossed her lips too, remembering that morning and the sweet things Frank said to her. She still couldn't believe she was involved with him. She had a big crush on Sophie's dad in high school (most of her friends did); and now she was his girlfriend. It's funny how life turned out.

As she walked out of the Starbucks, with the framed birthday card and new Elmo socks in her bag, Jen was thinking about Frank Tower.

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Jen left work early and did another challenging workout. After the gym she stopped at the market. She got Mike's favorite dinner - steak and potatoes. She wanted to make tonight really good for her husband since she was going to be spending so much time with Frank this weekend. Yes, Mike would be there Saturday night but she would be with Frank, not him (and of course, with Mike with them, he had no reason to hang with Allie). After tonight, she and Mike wouldn't be "us" again until she got home on Sunday. So Jen wanted to make tonight really special for Mike.

Jen kissed Mike and hugged Anna when she got home. Then she hopped in the shower (she was sweaty after the gym). As she lathered her breasts her fingertips touched the nipple bars. Jen clenched her teeth to stifle a moan. Her pierced nipples were SO sensitive. She touched the nipple bars again and her eyes rolled up into her head. She was learning how to play with the nipple rings to give herself pleasure.

As the hot water splashed down on her body, Jen thought about giving herself a quick orgasm. But then her thoughts turned to Frank. She wasn't allowed to cum. "Fuck" she sighed to herself. And Mike will want sex tonight. He'll want to talk about last night. That could go an hour or more. The entire time he'll be touching her. And their pillow talk always got her hot. But she wasn't allowed to cum. Fuck!

"It'll be okay," Jen thought to herself. Yes, tonight would be frustrating. But she'll see Frank tomorrow. 24 hours from now his thick beautiful cock will be inside her. And she was safe so that meant he didn't have to use a condom. Skin-to-skin always felt so much better. She liked feeling him cum inside her too. The taboo, naughtiness always turned her on - another man (not her husband) filling her with his seed. She had to admit, Mike's pregnancy fantasy factored into it. For Mike it was the ultimate cuckold fantasy. In some ways it was for Jen too, pushing her sub-space buttons - submissively letting another man breed her. Jen shuddered. Some words were so powerful. Master. Slave. Breed.

Top. Bottom. Conception. Those were better words. Safer. Not as wicked or arousing. Easier to maintain control.

Jen felt guilty as she did her hair and makeup. This was Mike's night. She shouldn't be thinking about Frank, especially since she'd be back with him tomorrow night. So Jen dressed extra special for Mike. She put on nude pantyhose over a thong, and then wiggled into skinny jeans. Mike loved that "pantyhose under jeans" look.

Jen was unsure what top to wear. Then she saw the black stretchy top from the weekend, the one she wore playing craps with Ricky and to Jasmine's party. It was already back from the dry cleaner. Impulsively she pulled the top on. Just like the weekend, she went braless. She spritzed on Mike's perfume, Romance. She had on his jewelry, her wedding rings, the Sophia ring and the tennis bracelet (she obviously didn't put on Frank's necklace). Jen knew Mike would like this outfit.

Mike was in the kitchen when Jen came out. He was making Anna's dinner, mac and cheese and steamed broccoli. Anna was by the TV watching the new Elmo DVD.

Jen hugged Mike from behind. She was shoeless because she wanted to make it easy for Mike to see her pantyhose feet. But to make sure he noticed she inched her foot under the leg of Mike's pants. Mike's libido jumped when he felt the nylon against his ankle.

He turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist. "What's the occasion?" he asked with an excited grin.

"Oh, I'm kind of chilly," Jen said with a feigned nonchalant tone of voice. She teased in a whispered voice "I'm not wearing pantyhose for you. You don't rate, you're just a cucky." Jen smiled to make sure Mike knew she was just teasing him.

Smiling back, Mike inched his fingers under Jen's top and fingered the pantyhose waistband that extended beyond her skinny jeans. "But I'm allowed to touch this?" he asked. "You're mine tonight?"

"I'm always yours baby," Jen assured him.

"You're Frank's slut," Mike whispered, using her words from last night. He was excited but, as always, bothered too.

Jen glanced nervously at Anna. But their baby was too engrossed in Elmo to hear their conversation. "That's just the game Mike," she said. "You know that." She pressed herself against him. She felt his erection, and he knew she felt his erection. "Don't play hurt," she said gently chastising him. "I know you got off on it. I saw you cum."

"I came," Mike admitted sheepishly. "But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt."

Jen eyed him with a crooked grin. "You know I was just pretending," she said. "And I know your hurt gets you hot."

Mike couldn't help smiling back. She was right. Hurt, jealousy, angst, feeling like a third wheel - those emotions were like gasoline to the burning fire of his cuckold fantasies.

Mike's eyes drifted to her chest. The filmy top left little to the imagination. It looked painted on her braless tits. "Nice top," he said with a grin.

"I know, right?" Jen said with a giggle. "Frank got it for me. Do you like him better now?" She grinned to make it clear she was joking.

"Yeah right," Mike said with a sarcastic smirk back at her.

"Frank made me wear it Saturday night," Jen whispered, an excited, disbelieving look on her beautiful face. "With a really short miniskirt, and fuck-me heels. God I looked like a slut. Ricky saw me."

"That's what you were wearing when you saw Ricky?" Mike asked, surprised and excited.

"Yes," Jen said. After a moment's hesitation, she said "I met him for breakfast on Sunday."

"What happened?" Mike asked. His heart was beating wildly.

"He hit on me," Jen said simply.

"Again?" Mike said, knowing Ricky hit on her Saturday night too. "How'd he look?" Mike's cock got harder - uncomfortably harder - when his wife said "Really good."

"Were you tempted?" he asked.

Jen hesitated a moment. Then she told the truth. "Yes."

Mike looked at his wife. He was practically panting. He said "I would've been okay with it if you slept with him."

Jen didn't want to talk about Ricky. She didn't want to bring him up, but she had to tell him about the breakfast. Jen gave Mike one of her standard lines. She gave him a playful, teasing smile and said "At least you're consistent baby." Then she quickly changed the subject, away from Ricky. She said "Jasmine saw me in the outfit too. God she hates my guts. She's a real bitch too. She won't let me resign. I feel like a slave."

"But, don't you want to help her win?" Mike said gently. "You like her policies. And if they delay the Supreme Court confirmation we'll need another Democrat in the Senate."

"I'll vote for whoever Democrat wins the nomination," Jen said.

"But don't you think Jasmine has a better chance in the general election?" Mike said. "She's about as moderate a liberal as you can get."

"She's not going to win," Jen said harshly. "Too many people still think she's an ESPN bimbo."

"But, do you think she's a bimbo?" Mike asked. "I don't."

Jen glared at Mike. "No Mike, I actually don't think Jasmine's a bimbo. But I don't need to hear you defend her. I mean, really? Do you hear me talk about Clint?"

"I'm sorry," Mike said. He shrugged and said "I thought, working together, you might become friends."

"Mike, I will never be Jasmine fucking Kelly's friend," Jen hissed in a low voice. "She yelled at me Saturday. And do you think there's a difference between anyway and anyways?"

Mike stared at Jen. "What?" he said not understanding.

"That's what I said!" Jen said angrily.

Their argument cast a chill on the evening. They went through the motions with dinner and putting Anna to bed.

Later after putting Anna down, Jen leaned into Mike and said "Sorry I went psycho before. Jasmine's a sore subject."

"Sorry I got you into it," Mike said regretfully. Jen only agreed to help Jasmine's campaign to get Jasmine's agreement to be a backup plan in case CATF went after Mike again.

"It's actually not horrible," Jen said. She always had an interest in politics. And she reconnected with Frank through Jasmine's campaign. So Jen really no reason to complain.

"Let's go to bed," Jen said. She pulled Mike's arm around her waist. In doing so, she slid his hand under her blouse so his hand was on her pantyhose waistband.

Their bed was still messy from last night. As Mike watched, Jen quickly re-made the bed with new sheets. Then she sat Mike on the edge of the bed. She stood in front of him.

"You didn't have to do that," he told her. It was his cuckold side talking.

"Anna might get in with us later," Jen reminded him. Often Anna came over at night. And the 3 year old almost always got in bed for a snuggle in the morning.

"Oh yeah," Mike said as if saying "duh." The last thing he wanted was their bed smelling like Frank if Anna was in bed with them.

"So you wore this Saturday night?" Mike asked, gently stroking the sides of her breasts. The black stretchy top was so tight and diaphanous it was almost like caressing her skin.

"Yes," Jen said. "With a short mini-skirt." She gave a laugh and said "You would've loved it. I was showing a lot of leg."

Mike grinned. He asked "You were wearing Frank's necklace?"


"Put it on now," Mike said.

Jen couldn't help grinning. It wasn't a ha-ha grin though. Mike was all over the place about things. Things turned him on, but upset him too. He was like a pendulum, always swinging back and forth. But, she knew he was this way. If she wanted to play the game - and she did want to keep playing - she had to live with it. Just like Mike had to live with her failings. She was selfish. She let her sexual urges control her. She didn't always tell the truth (or the whole truth). She was - to be brutally honest - a cheat (at least when view from outside the context of their game).

The funny thing was, Mike got off on all that. Jen's failings made her the perfect girl to cuckold him. Of course, what really mattered was Mike loved Jen desperately. That's what made her the perfect cuckoldress for him. In fact, Jen was the only girl in the world who could make Mike's fantasies come true. Because Jen was the only girl Mike would ever love in his life.

Jen got the necklace from the top of her dresser. Standing in front of Mike and looking into his eyes, she flipped back her hair and then fastened the necklace around her neck. "What do you think?" she asked with a crooked grin.

Mike stared at the big diamond, nestled in the soft swell of her breasts. "Nice," he said, his heart beating fast.

"Don't you think it would look better, like this?" Jen asked as she squeezed her tits together, making herself look bigger. "If I got a boob job?"
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"You're perfect the way you are," Mike said pulling her hands down. He looked lovingly (and lustfully) at her tiny perky tits. "Remember, that's on my list."

"Okay," Jen said with a laugh. No boob job. Although part of her still longed for a bigger bust. "Guess what? I got something," she said reaching for her bag. She showed Mike the framed birthday card.

Mike grinned seeing it. He said "Nice. Anna will love that."

Jen grinned back at her husband. She carefully put the frame on the table next to her side of the bed. Then she reached into her bag again and pulled out the new pair of Elmo socks.

Mike's eyes opened wide in surprise. "You bought new socks," he said.


"What happened to the other ones?"

"I threw them away," Jen told him.

Mike stared at his wife. He'd been bothered by this all day. Now though it seemed ... okay.

As if reading his thoughts, Jen asked "Feel better?"

"Yeah," Mike said honestly. His emotions were still settling down about Jen wearing Anna's gift for Frank. But he did feel better about it. After all, they were just a $3 pair of tacky Sesame Street socks.

Mike undid Jen's jeans and pulled them half way down her hips. He ran his fingertips over her pantyhose, his leg and hosiery fetishes throttling his lusts into overdrive. Then he pushed Jen's top up over her braless breasts. He cupped Jen's small breasts and sucked one of her pierced nipples into his mouth.

Jen moaned as her head rolled back. Mike wasn't nearly as skilled with the nipple rings as Frank. But he was learning. It felt good. With Mike working on her with his hands and mouth, Jen soon got her cum face on.

"I've got to work this weekend," Mike said (it was the email he got from Colonel Banks). His hands were inside her jeans caressing her tight, nylon clad ass.


"Banks contacted me," Mike explained. "I have to be at CATF this weekend."

"Oh," Jen said. It took her a moment to realize the ramifications. No Frank this weekend. No orgasms. Not until next weekend. Oh god. Fuck.

"You still want to see Frank," Mike said. It was half question, half statement.

Jen looked at her husband. There was something in his voice. Then she got it. This was a test. He played with her body until she got her cum face on. Only THEN did he tell her about the weekend. Mike was testing her. The little shit.

"I won't see Frank," Jen assured him. She saw the relief in Mike's face. She was kind of annoyed at his test. But she understood his insecurities. And, to be honest, she liked the fact Mike had rules. No boob job. No cutting hair. No Frank when he was away. It meant even though he shared her, he still wanted her as his. That helped her insecurities.

But still. No orgasm for an entire week. She was going to go freaking out of her mind!

Reading her mind, Mike said "You won't let yourself cum?"

"Frank's rules," Jen told him sourly. "Only when I'm with him."

"But how will he know?" Mike asked, frustrated and annoyed. He didn't like the control Frank had over his wife.

Jen put her fingers over Mike's lips. "Stop Mike," she said gently. "I have to do what Frank says."

"So you really are Frank's slut," Mike said bitterly.

Jen tenderly ran her fingers through Mike's hair. "Right now I am," she said in a soft voice. "Not forever though."

"But you want Frank to be permanent," Mike spat out.

"You know that's not true," Jen said reasonably, kissing Mike's forehead. "I'll only see Frank 2 or 3 times a year. That's not so bad right?"

"What if Frank says I can't have sex with you anymore?" Mike said bitterly.

"I'd never agree to that," Jen assured him. She scooted Mike onto the bed and pulled off his pants and boxers. Then she took off her top and jeans and got on top of him.

"What about yesterday?" Mike reminded her.

"That was just last night, and you agreed to it baby," Jen said with a kiss to his lips. She was straddling his hips. She rubbed her pantyhose clad pussy over his hard cock. "Do you like this?"

Mike loved it! He hadn't seen or felt his wife in nylons for so long! But still ...

"What if Frank says I can't have sex with you anymore?" he asked again.

"I'd never agree to that," Jen assured him. "Baby, don't fret about things like that. You're number 1 with me."

"I don't feel like number 1 sometimes," Mike lamented, remembering last night.

"You are Mike," Jen assured him looking into his eyes. Then she gave him a crooked, knowing grin and said "You loved last night." She reached down and tore a hole in the pantyhose. As she lowered herself on his hard cock, she said "Right?"

Mike's eyes rolled up into his head as he felt the exquisite silky smoothness of his wife's pussy. "Uh god," he moaned.

Jen unbuttoned his shirt. She ran her nails down his chest as she rocked back and forth on his cock. "Right?" she asked again.

"Yes, I loved it," Mike admitted. The words came out like a moment.

"I knew it," Jen said with a grin. Then she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and kissed him as she moved up and down on his cock. "Baby, you're Number 1 and there's no Number 2," she told him between kisses. "Remember, Frank's just a game." Mike came moments later.

Later they snuggled, on their sides looking at each other. The moonlight in the window was just enough for them to see each other. "I was thinking," Mike said as he stroked his wife's long blonde hair. "Why don't you and Anna come with me this weekend? You can meet the people I work with. You can go to the zoo and the Smithsonian with Anna, and we can go to dinner in DC."

"Oh. That's a good idea," Jen said. She wanted to learn more about his work at CATF. And it would be good to catch up with Maria. "Yes, let's do that."

"So ... it'll be hard not seeing Frank?" Mike asked.

"I'll survive," Jen said with a laugh. Yes, she was disappointed about not seeing Frank. But she was quickly warming to the idea of DC for the weekend. She definitely wanted to meet the CATF people Mike worked with.

"Will your body?" Mike joked. He knew his wife had a super high sex drive, especially when they were playing the game and her nympho switch was on. Going an entire week without a good fucking - and no orgasms - would be torture for her.

"Well ...," Jen said with a helpless laugh.

"I'll call Frank," Mike suggested. "Get you a hall pass."

Jen's eyes went wide. Did Mike realize what he was offering? Mike - her husband - was going to ask Frank - her master - if she was allowed to cum this weekend? Mike was going to lower himself like that? He'd be submitting to Frank's power over her; over both of them.

"Are you serious?" she asked, astonished. "You'd really do that for me?"

"What?" Mike said, not understanding why Jen was treating this like such a big deal.

Jen excitedly ran her fingers over Mike's chest. "Mike, baby ... if you ask Frank's permission, you'll be submitting to him." There was an excited sparkle in Jen's eyes as she continued. "Think about it baby. If you ask Frank to let me cum this weekend, you'll be telling Frank you admit he's my top, and he owns my pussy. And more - you'll be his bottom, like me. Because you know you have to ask Frank's permission to let me cum."

Mike didn't see it that way. In his mind, the conversation would go something like this: "Hey Frank. How about we knock off the 'no orgasm' game this weekend? You agree to that and I'll let you have a night with Jen next week." To Mike it was a simple agreement between guys. You do this for me and I'll do that for you.

Still ... all this clearly got Jen hot. Mike liked it when his wife was dizzy with kinky lust. So he went with it. With a grin, he said "So, you want me to ask Frank?"

"Oh god yeah," Jen moaned. Her hands were all over her husband. "You'll do that for me baby? You'll be Frank's bottom? You'll hate it right? Being submissive to Frank."

Mike's smile disappeared. "I'm not submissive to Frank," he said firmly. "I'm not his bottom."

Jen had a huge cum face on. That's what made it so hot, that Mike hated it! Something isn't humiliating if you want to do it.

"But you'll do it baby? For me?" Jen cooed, her eyes sparkling with delight. This was so hot! Mike doing things he hated, for her! She loved that!

"I'll call Frank tomorrow," Mike said simply. He still didn't understand why Jen thought this was such a big deal.

Jen sensed that. She wanted to make sure Mike understood what might happen. "You know how I get Mike," she said urgently. "Sometimes I lose control. You'll have to set boundaries. You'll need to tell me when to stop."

"What?" Mike said not understanding.

"You know how excited I get when you're my bottom?" Jen said, trying to explain.

"Yes," Mike said. He remembered those times. When he licked her clit as another man pounded her pussy. When she made him suck Mal and let him cum on his face.

"If you bottom for Frank," Jen said. She shuddered like she was close to an orgasm. "It'll get me so hot, I might lose it."

"I'm not going to bottom for Frank," Mike scoffed. What was she talking about?

But Jen knew better. If Mike asked Frank for permission, to allow HIS wife to cum, he would be opening a big Pandora's box. Frank would then have power over Mike. And that power would come from being in control of Jen's body. She shuddered at the thought. Her body, being controlled by Frank, and being used to control Mike. To make him do things, agree to things, he didn't want. God, she had to stop thinking about it or she would cum!

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"So, let me make sure I understand Mike," Frank said the next day on the phone. "First you announce you're taking Jenny away for the weekend. Taking her away during my time with her. And now you ask for a favor. Tell me Mike, how would you feel if I did the same to you?"

Mike frowned. He didn't like being put on the defensive. And he didn't like the way Frank called the weekend "his time" with Jen. There was nothing about Jen that was "his."

But Mike knew that wasn't true. After all, wasn't he on the phone right now asking Frank for permission to allow his wife to cum this weekend? Didn't Jen herself admit she was Frank's "slut" and his "bottom"?

Taking a conciliatory tone of voice, Mike said "Listen Frank. I don't like it when Jen's with you when I'm away. I'm sure you can understand that. I know you and Jen are playing a no orgasm game -."

"It's not a game," Frank said firmly.

"Okay, whatever," Mike said with a shrug. "All I'm asking -."

"Do you know why I control Jenny's orgasms?" Frank bluntly asked Mike.

Mike hesitated. Then, trying again, he said "All I'm asking -."

But Frank interrupted again, saying, "Because that's what Jenny wants. She wants a man to control her. That's why she fucks who I say. That's why she only cums when I allow. She wants to be controlled. You're not that man Mike."

"This is my wife you're talking about," Mike reminded him.

"Yes she is," Frank said with a shrug. "What's your point? And please don't attempt another sophomoric fire alarm demonstration. All my computers and systems have been hardened against attack. It was an amusing trick but you'll never do it again."

Mike frowned, his cheeks going red.

"You're asking me for permission to allow Jenny to cum," Frank continued. "So why do you matter? No offense, but it's a fair question, isn't it? Yes, of course, you matter with Anna. But I'm referring to sexually. How are you relevant in Jenny's sexual life?"

Mike's cheeks burned with humiliation. But his body betrayed him. He was hard. And that humiliated him even more.

Mike tried to get back to the point of the call. He said "All I'm asking, is you ease up this weekend. In exchange, you can see Jen on Monday."

"I'll take Monday," Frank said agreeably. "But I also want to see Jenny this weekend."

"Frank I just told you -."

"I do a great deal of business with the CATF," Frank informed Mike. "I can easily schedule meetings with Colonel Banks this weekend."

Mike was immediately alarmed. "I work with Banks," he said. "I work with a lot of people there."

"Jenny and I will be discreet," Frank assured Mike.

"What does that mean?"

"You know what it means Mike," Frank said with a condescending chuckle. "I will fuck Jenny all weekend. I will do whatever I want with her. She is, after all, my slut. But, I will endeavor to do so such that our relationship is not apparent to your co-workers."

Mike stared incredulously at the phone. He said "You're crazy."

Frank chuckled again. This time it was almost a good natured chuckle. "Come now Mike. I'm sure the potential risk appeals to your ... predilections."

"Anna will be there," Mike whispered. His voice was so dry from excitement it was barely audible.

"Say again?" Frank said, not able to hear Mike.

Mike coughed to clear his voice. "Anna will be there," he said in a louder voice.

"I assure you Jenny and I will be discreet," Frank promised again.

Mike knew it was a bad idea. But his cuckold fantasies were too powerful. "You can't do anything in front of my co-workers," he said, trying to set boundaries.

"I do not like being ordered," Frank said sternly. Then he said reasonably "But I'll take that as a request. Let me assure you. I will avoid doing anything conspicuous with Jenny in front of your co-workers. Come now Mike. Enough of this charade. Let's be honest. You want this. That's why you called me."

Once again Mike stared at the phone. Was Frank right? Did he want Jen to cuck him in front of his CATF co-workers? Did he want everyone to know Jen needed more? That he was unable to sexually satisfy his wife?

Everyone else knew. People at Penn State (including his fraternity brothers since it was unlikely Drums kept his mouth shut). Their neighbors. People at Jen's work. So why not his CATF co-workers? Is that what Mike wanted? The entire world to know his wife was cuckolding him?

"Alright," Mike finally agreed, his heart pounding in his chest. "But nothing in front of Anna. Nothing."

"Agreed," Frank said. "Bring your nanny. What's her name - Maggie? Otherwise Anna may see something."

Mike didn't like being ordered around by Frank. But what he said made sense. "Okay," Mike agreed.

"Mike, let's be clear," Frank said. "Nothing conspicuous in front of your co-workers. Nothing in front of Anna. Otherwise Jenny is mine this weekend."

"Jen's not yours," Mike said stubbornly.

"I'll rephrase," Frank said, again being agreeable. "You won't interfere with my interactions with Jenny."

Mike remembered Jen's concerns from last night: "You know how I get Mike," she had said. "Sometimes I lose control. You'll have to set boundaries. You'll need to tell me when to stop."

If Mike agreed to Frank's demand, he wouldn't be able to tell Jen to stop. He'd have to go along with everything. He would be giving Frank control of Jen for the weekend while they were surrounded by his CATF co-workers.

"Alright," Mike agreed as delicious cuckold angst washed over him.

"I'm going to tell Jenny our bargain," Frank warned. Mike could go back on his word but then he would look like a liar to Jenny. Either way he would win.

"You don't have to," Mike said. "I'll tell her tonight."

"Good man," Frank said, grinning into the phone. He felt triumphant. "Then I will see you tomorrow."

As Mike hung up the phone, he knew he just made a deal with the devil. But then why was he so turned on?


Once again Jen left work early and did a hard workout. Her body hurt but it was a good hurt. The kind of hurt that said your workouts were paying dividends.

Mike waited until after putting Anna down that evening to tell Jen about his conversation with Frank. "You said what?" she said shocked.

Mike again recounted his conversation (and agreement) with Frank. Frank would be at CATF this weekend too. Other than the 2 conditions - nothing conspicuous in front of his co-workers, and nothing at all in front of Anna - Jen was Frank's this weekend.

Jen stared incredulously at Mike. She expected Frank to make demands, and Mike to give into some of them. She didn't fault Mike for that; Frank was a force of nature, and he was pushing her husband's C buttons. But Frank there this weekend? Playing in front of Mike's co-workers?

Jen didn't want that. The prospect of meeting Mike's co-workers made her nervous. Jen might be the proverbial (and literal) prom queen, but the people Mike worked with were geniuses. She couldn't help feeling intimidated. She certainly didn't want to play the game around them.

On top of that, Anna was going to be there. She didn't trust Frank's "nothing around Anna" promise. In such close confines - they were staying in a small hotel room after all - shit might happen.

"In front of your friends?" Jen said incredulously. "No Mike."

"He agreed to be discreet," Mike said.

Jen couldn't help laughing, but it was without any humor. "This is Frank Tower," she said. "His discreet's probably different from our discreet. Anyways, if we play, even if we're careful, they'll be rumors."

"You always say we can deal with rumors," Mike reminded her.

"Mike that's with people I work with," Jen said with exasperation, emphasizing "I." "Or our neighbors. Or our friends. I'm here. I can deal with it. But this is people YOU work with. I won't be there to help you."

Jen was a marketing chick. She knew how to shape messages, how to pivot and spin. She knew how to deflect criticism from Mike to her. And that's what she wanted. She would rather people think she was a cheating slut than think negatively of her husband. Mike was shy. He was a gentle soul. With real world things he was naïve. He wasn't good dealing with people. She was worried about him if his co-workers whispered cruel things behind his back if she wasn't there to protect him.

"Jen -," Mike objected. He read her thoughts. Well, she was wrong. He could handle himself. He was offended she thought differently.

"Mike you need to trust me," Jen said with a soothing hand to his chest. "I'm a popular remember? I know how these things go."

The next day (Friday morning) Jen called Frank. "You're not going to CATF," she told him.

"My meetings with Colonel Banks and JJ are already set," Frank said with a "what can I do?" tone of voice. "I'll be discreet," he assured her. "We'll be discreet."

"We're not getting together Frank," Jen said.

"Of course we're getting together," Frank said matter-of-factly. "We'll be together tonight. We'll be together tomorrow. And we'll be together Monday."

Jen frown. "You're talking about me like an object," she said. "I have no say in this?"

"No you don't," Frank said brusquely. Jen's cheeks flushed at his arrogance and gall. He talked like he owned her.

Like he owned her. Like he was her Master. The thought made Jen's flush deepen and she felt herself getting moist.

"Jenny, I just want to see you," Frank said with a softer voice. "I thought we had an arrangement. Saturday night. Perhaps Friday too sometimes. Is that too much to ask?" When Jen didn't answer he asked again, "I miss you Jenny. Is 1 or 2 nights a week too much to ask?"

As always, Jen was charmed by Frank's show of vulnerability. "You have to understand," she said, her voice softer too now. "I'm married. Things aren't always going to work out."

"The prospect of not seeing each other disappoints you as much as me," Frank said knowingly. When Jen didn't answer, he said "Give me something Jenny. At least admit that."

"Okay yes, I'm disappointed," Jen admitted. "But Mike has to work this weekend. You know he doesn't like us together when he's away."

"That's childish Jenny and you know it," Frank said judgmentally.

"Frank stop okay?" Jen said. "If it's important to Mike then it's important to me. Besides, I can't be away from Anna when he's away."
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"Bring Anna with you," Frank immediately suggested.

Jen stared at the phone with shock. She said "You know that's not freaking possible."

"Anna's already met me," Frank reminded her. "You can tell Anna I'm a family friend. I'll invite others so the child won't see us alone. It'll be a party. We'll do it over Christmas. Anna will get presents, she'll love it." With a chuckle he added "Anna can call me Uncle Frank."

"Oh I'm sure Mike will love that," Jen said with a laugh. "No Frank, not happening."

"At least think about it," Frank pressed. "For the future. Perhaps Christmas. Just consider it."

"I'm trying to picture you dressed as Santa Claus," Jen joked with a laugh.

"I think I'm more the Grinch type," Frank joked back, grinning into the phone. "So you'll think about it?"

"No I'm not going to think about it," Jen said with another laugh. "Anyways first we have to get through this weekend."

"Well, I have rearranged my schedule to be with you this weekend in Washington," Frank told her, getting serious again. "So I will be there."

"There's still the same problem," Jen said referring to the Christmas party idea. "Anna will be there."

"I've booked a room in your hotel," Frank said. "You'll come to me after Anna goes to bed. You'll spend the night with me. The child will never know."

Jen flushed at Frank's words. You'll come to me. You'll spend the night with me. Frank treated her like she was his property. Like he was her Master.

Jen's body tingled. She couldn't help a shudder.

"Stop fighting it Jenny," Frank said like he was reading her thoughts. "Give into it; into me. I know you want to. As do you."

Jen hesitated. Then she said "I won't let you embarrass Mike in front of his friends."

"Are you using your safe word?" Frank asked.

"I will if I have to," Jen warned him. But she didn't say "goddess." So she was not telling him no.

Frank grinned. He knew he won. He said "Jenny, this weekend you'll wear the panties. Exclusively."

Jen was okay with that, except she knew Frank's unspoken rule. Only he fucked her when she wore his wife's panties. "I won't say no to Mike," she told him.

Frank smiled knowingly. He said "You still don't understand Jenny. Your husband is a cuckold. You won't need to say no because he won't ask."


Anna was a big hit at CATF. The QC team fawned over her, especially the younger women like Maria, Anne and Martha and the older team members like Abraham and the rest of the brain trust.

Of course, Jen got a lot of attention too. From the men. For the most part though, these mathematicians and computer scientists weren't players and everyone respected Mike. So no one hit on Jen or even tried flirting with her. But there was a lot of discreet stares and whispers (especially among the younger men) at how lucky Mike was to bag such a gorgeous and sexy wife.

It was a work day though and the QC team was in the middle of an important meeting. So, after about 30 minutes of introductions, Jen and Anna left for the hotel. Maria set up an impromptu get together for later. It was Friday night after all and the 2 girls had a lot of catching up to do.

As Jen was leaving, she got a text from Frank. She showed Mike her phone and he read it. Frank's text said "Join me in my room when you get to the hotel."

They were surrounded by the QC team so couldn't openly talk. Jen raised an eyebrow at Mike. Mike felt himself stiffening. Jen saw excitement grow on his face. She didn't want him to lose it in front of his co-workers so she moved close and whispered so only he could hear "calm down."

"Go ahead," Mike whispered back.

"You're sure?" Jen asked. "I can see him while Anna's napping."

Mike nodded his agreement. "You'll be back when I get there?" he asked.

"Of course I will baby," Jen whispered back with a squeeze of his hand.

Colonel Banks and JJ watched the QC meeting via CC TV. Now that Mike was fully engaged the team was making steady progress. Brent and Abraham were major contributors and the young Maria Fernandez showed flashes of brilliance. But most of the breakthroughs came from Mike. Still, a working quantum computer was nowhere in sight. One reason was clear. The group was leaderless. Without a leader the QC team often wasted valuable time on tangents.

Frank silently joined Colonel Banks and JJ. It took him only a few minutes to pick up on the dynamics. "They're floundering," Frank said. "What's Mike Andrews's role?"

Both JJ and Banks knew about Frank's affair with Jen. But both were more concerned with the QC project than the state of Mike's marriage. "He's smart. Intuitive," Colonel Banks said. "I wish he was more of a leader."

Frank shook his head. "Most people are followers," he said. "To be a leader you need courage; strength; confidence. Mike doesn't have any of that."

JJ eyed Frank. "I suppose you would know this," he said, a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

Frank grinned at JJ. It was the grin of one predator to another. "Oh yes, I know this," he said with a chuckle.

Focused on the monitor, Colonel Banks didn't pick up on the exchange between Frank and JJ. He said "I don't know about that. Mike Andrews is a tough fuck." He was referring to how Mike never broke during this captivity during Liberty-gate.

"Don't mistake stubbornness for courage Colonel," Frank said brusquely. "Would you follow Mike Andrews into the battlefield?"

Banks frowned at Frank. He motioned to the QC meeting on the big monitor screens. "That's a difference kind of battlefield. And yes, I think those soldiers would follow Mike. But he's reluctant to lead."

"You prove my point," Frank said with a shrug. "Andrews lacks what it takes to be a leader."

Banks didn't reply. It was pointless arguing with Frank Tower. He was clearly biased against Mike due to his intimate relationship with Jen.

Banks didn't get that. Jennifer Andrews seemed like a nice, ordinary girl. It was clear she loved Mike. She never let his hand go the entire time she was here. So why was she having an affair with Frank Tower?

But Banks knew why. He had Mike's file. They were swingers. Banks shook his head, not understanding such lifestyles.


The QC team meeting was not going well. They were making progress but it was slow going. At their current rate it would take years to get a working quantum computer.

"We need a breakthrough," Brent said to no one in particular. He looked defeated.

"It's the X factor," Abraham said, stating the obvious. He looked just as resigned. "It's what we've missing."

"Do you think it's possible?" Maria said looking to Mike. Abraham and the rest of the QC team looked at Mike too. Even Brent looked. While Mike wasn't the most "book smart" brilliant in the room, or have the lofty pedigree of most, the QC team had come to view Mike as the most intuitive. He was like a savant. He saw things others didn't see.

But Mike shook his head. He looked glum. "I don't see an easy path," he said looking regretful. He'd spent countless hours doing the math. They would solve the X factor eventually. But it might take years, even decades.

Cheating and Rivals Part 47

Jen took Anna to the National Zoo. She tried not to rush even though she was excited to see Frank. That made her feel guilty so she forced herself to slow down as they toured the exhibits. In fact, Jen went so slow (to ease her guilt) that after lunch it was an impatient Anna pulling her mother's hand to go home.

In their hotel room, a tired and cranky Anna fell asleep almost immediately. Jen went into the bathroom and put in a sponge. Coming out, she asked Maggie, "Can you watch Anna? I'm going out for a while."

Maggie gave Jen a delighted, conspiratorial grin. "You're seeing Frank?"

Jen nodded with a smile. "He's in the penthouse," she said excitedly.

"Well of course he is," Maggie said with a teasing grin. She whispered "Is the sex really that good?"

Jen rolled her eyes and pantomimed fanning herself. "It's freaking awesome," she gushed. "I'll see you later. Call me if Anna wakes up," she said as she headed for the door.

"But Mike's great too right?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah of course," Jen said as she hurried out the door.


"Turn around," Frank told Jen. They were in his penthouse. Frank was sitting on the bed, a rare and expensive tequila in his hand. Jen stood in front of him.

Jen turned around so her back was to him. "Pull up your skirt," Frank ordered. Jen did. Frank was pleased to see Jenny wearing one of the panties he gave her. "Take it off," he said. Jen pulled the panties down her long shapely legs.

Jen expected Frank to bend her over and take her. That's what she wanted. She wanted him to stretch her with his big cock. She wanted him to fuck her hard and make her scream as she came. To her surprise though, he said "Sit down. Here, next to me."

"What's going on?" Jen asked as she sat down next to him on the bed.

"Your oral skills are lacking," Frank said bluntly.

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"It's understandable," Frank said reasonably. "You're beautiful. You're sexy. You haven't had to work at it like most girls. I abhor rating systems. Life isn't quantitative, it's qualitative. But if I were to rate you, I'd say you're a 6, perhaps a 7."

"What are you talking about?" Jen asked.

"Your ability to give blow jobs," Frank said matter-of-factly. "You're a 6. I want you to get better."

Jen's jaw dropped as she stared at Frank with shock. She was speechless.

At that moment a girl walked it. It was Juliet.

"Oh my god Juliet," Jen said surprised. She rushed up and gave her a hello hug.

Jen quickly saw Juliet was high and probably drunk. "Are you okay?" she said concerned.

"My Alice in Wonderland," Juliet said, a big grin on her face. She tenderly stroked Jen's cheek. "Don't worry honey. I'm just how I want to be."

Juliet walked over to Frank. "Hey Uncle Frank," she slurred, a big grin on her pretty face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss. Then she got on her knees between Frank's legs. She looked over her shoulder at Jen as she worked on Frank's belt and zipper. "Come here Jenny," she said with a giggle. "I'll show you how to suck cock."
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Jen stared at Frank and Juliet for a moment. Then she moved to the door. "I'm leaving," she said.

"Sit down Jenny," Frank commanded.

"Fuck you Frank," Jen said glaring at him. She stormed towards the door.

"Don't you want to know what JJ thinks about Mike?" Frank said.

Jen stopped in her tracks. "What?" she asked.

"Sit down and I'll tell you," Frank said, patting the bed next to him. "After Jules gives you your lesson. Don't worry, Mike's not in trouble. Relax. Learn."

Jen sat down. She watched as Juliet took Frank's cock into her mouth. She bobbed up and down, each time taking more of his shaft down her throat. Juliet looked up at Jen, her lips wet with spit and pre-cum. Stroking Jen's leg, she said "You have to relax your throat." Juliet went back down on Frank. She kept her hand on Jen's leg, caressing her knee and inner thigh as she sucked on Frank.

After a few minutes Juliet looked up at Jen again. "See?" she said to Jen. "It's easy."

Jules lowered her head again. She licked Frank up and down. Then she played with his balls, gently taking each one into her mouth. She went lower, licking over his sandbar and moving dangerously close to his puckered asshole. Frank moaned like he wanted more. Juliet grinned at Jen and said, "See Jenny? Guys love that."

Jen flushed at the humiliation of another girl - a much younger girl - showing her how to give a blow job. On top of that, Juliet was talking to her like she was a child (like she really was a young naïve Alice in Wonderland).

Frank made it worse when he rolled his head back and said "Yes Jenny. Learn from Juliet. She gives the best head." His words came out like a moan.

Juliet continued to work on Frank. At times she got all of Frank's cock into her mouth (and down her throat). That shocked Jen. How did the bitch breathe?

Juliet licked down Frank's shaft. Frank raised up his ass encouraging her to go lower. Juliet did, this time swirling her tongue around and over Frank's puckered asshole. Frank moaned and arched his back in pleasure.

Eventually Juliet looked up at Jen. She asked "Do you want to try?"

"No," Jen said. She didn't like ass play. Well, she did, when it done to her. But she didn't like giving it. She rarely did it with Mike (only on really special occasions). She did it with Frank once because he forced her (sort of).

Juliet pouted at Frank. "Jenny isn't playing," she whined. "You said she'd play."

"Jenny, lay down on the bed," Frank ordered.

Jen looked at Frank. She could leave. Or say goddess. But ... she didn't want to. Being talked down to and humiliated by another girl. Frank demeaning her. Acting like she was his property to do whatever with. It all pushed her sub-space buttons. She hated it but loved it at the same time.

Jen meekly moved up the bed and got on her back.

Frank nodded at Juliet. "Go ahead, use her," he said.

Juliet grinned excitedly. She got on top of Jen, quickly unbuttoning Jen's blouse and pushing up her bra. She cupped and fondled Jen's breasts. "So tiny, like a little girl's," Juliet said with an eager sparkle in her eyes. Juliet thumbed Jen's nipples and played with the nipple rings. Jen moaned and arched her back. It was clear Juliet knew how to make a girl feel good.

Jen soon had a major cum face on. Sensing that, Juliet moved up Jen's body until her legs straddled Jen's head. "You don't mind, do you Jenny?" Juliet asked as she pulled up her short skirt and lowered her pussy to Jen's lips (Juliet wasn't wearing any panties).

At this point Jen was in heat. From her desire for Frank's cock. From the humiliation of the demeaning blow job lesson. From Jules working on her tits. Boy or girl, Jen didn't care. So without hesitation she licked Juliet's clit.

"Oh fuck yeah," Jules moaned, lacing her fingers in Jen's lush blonde hair. She rolled her head back as Jen ate her.

Frank got on the bed, straddling Jen's legs. He pulled Juliet's ass off Jen's face, pulling her ass to him, and pushing her down so she was on her hands and knees. Jen was looking up at Juliet's pretty face as Frank impaled her with his big thick cock. "Oh god yeah," Juliet groaned. "Fuck me Uncle Frank!"

Juliet pulled off her dress. "Lick my nipples Jenny," she begged as Frank fucked her hard from behind. Jen did. Within moments Juliet screamed as she came.

Frank was close too. But he wanted to cum in Jenny, not Juliet.

Frank pulled out and tossed Juliet to the side. He immediately pushed into Jenny. Jen clenched her teeth as Frank worked his cock into her. It hurt but this was what Jen wanted! She loved the feel of being stretched by Frank's super thick cock!

Frank rammed Jenny hard and fast. He grabbed Juliet by the hair and pulled her over. "Lick Jenny's clit," he ordered. Juliet didn't have to be asked twice. She eagerly lapped at Jenny's clit as Frank's big cock moved in and out of her pussy.

Jen arched her back with pleasure. It felt so good with both of them working on her! Moments later she came. Frank came too, shooting his cum deep inside Jen's womb (he wasn't wearing a condom).

Jen and Juliet collapsed on either side of Frank. All 3 were panting as they recovered from their orgasms.

Jen was unsure what to do next. She usually had the exclusive attention of her man. But here there was Juliet. Clearly there was something going on between Frank and Juliet. Jen wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Juliet was the first to get up. "I better go," she said.

"So soon?" Frank said.

"I have that meeting, remember?" Juliet said as she got dressed. She seemed sober now, no longer high.

"Hope to see you again Alice," Juliet said with a grin at Jen. Then she gave Frank a long goodbye kiss. "Bye Uncle Frank," she said with a giggle. "I'll see you in New York."

"Until then," Frank said smiling back at Juliet.

After Juliet was gone, Jen asked "So how long have you been fucking her?"

Looking unconcerned, Frank said "Since after our vacation in the Caribbean."

Jen frowned at his answer. She said "I thought we were exclusive."

"Jealous?" Frank said with a grin. "I'll stop fucking other girls when you stop fucking Mike."

That shut Jen up. She said "She calls you Uncle Frank."

"It's a jest. We're not related," Frank told her. "I've known Jules since she was a child. But the same is true of you."

Cattily she said "Maybe Juliet needs rehab. She's always high."

"I believe you also enjoy alcohol and recreation drugs from time to time Jenny," Frank said with a knowing smile. "Jules is fine. She's quite talented. She has a new business - Cupcakes by Juliet."

Jen's eyes opened wide with surprise. "She's that Juliet?" she asked shocked. Cupcakes by Juliet was the new thing in New York City. The specialty cupcake bakery and bourbon speakeasy was popping up all over New York. Velvety cupcakes and smoky bourbon - people seemed to like the combination.

Frank nodded. "That's her meeting," he explained. "She's expanding to Washington."

"Wow," Jen said. She was impressed (and envious). "Let me guess. You're helping Jules."

"No I'm not," Frank said honestly. "I offered. But Juliet is a trust fund baby. She is already quite wealthy. She doesn't need my help."

Jen nodded, processing that. Then she said "So what? Juliet's your new girl?" Jen forced a smile to make it sound like a casual question but inside she was jealous and anxious.

Frank easily saw through it though. With a shrug he said "You've made it clear you have little time for me."

"Frank I'm married. I'm a mother," Jen protested.

"And I have been accommodating," Frank said. "I'm willing to work around your schedule. During the day. Late at night. I have no wish to interfere with your relationship with Anna."

"I have a husband too," Jen reminded him.

"We could meet during the day without affecting Mike," Frank said. "Or at other times. Consider this weekend. A perfect opportunity. With Mike working, we could have spent time together without affecting him at all."

"You know how Mike feels about that," Jen said.

"He's being childish," Frank scoffed. "You know that Jenny."

"Mike and I have done this before," Jen told him. "We can't see each other too much Frank. It's dangerous."

"Why? Because you've grown too fond of me?" Frank said. When Jen didn't answer, he said, "If it was up to you - if Mike wasn't involved - would you see me more?"

"That question makes no sense," Jen sputtered. She felt flustered, on the defensive. "Mike IS involved."

Frank sighed. "Well then, we appear at an impasse," he said. "So now you understand why I'm also seeing Juliet. After Sally died I was alone for a long time. I no longer wish to be alone."

Jen pursed her lips. She didn't like the way Frank was using Juliet against her.

"You're breaking up with me?" Jen asked. At that moment, she wasn't sure how she felt about the prospect of breaking up. If Frank broke up with her, she would be hurt and disappointed; no one liked rejection. She liked Frank and their sex was freaking incredible. He was unlike any man she'd ever been with, especially the way he pushed so many of her sub buttons. But she'd feel some relief too as things were getting complicated with Frank. And, of course, she always had Mike. He was her rock.

"I want the opposite," Frank assured her. "I want you Jenny, not Jules. I want to see you more. A lunch or 2 during the week. An evening perhaps. Is that too much to ask?"

Jen nodded slowly, processing all this. Wanting to change the subject, she asked "What did JJ say about Mike?"
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Frank gave a bitter laugh. "You're ignoring my request?"

"I need to think about it," Jen told him. "You said you'd tell me what JJ said."

Frank sighed but he went with it. "I spoke to both JJ and the Colonel," he said. "Mike's too passive. Weak. He's not pulling his weight."

Jen frowned. "Mike's not weak," she said. "He's shy -."

"Shyness is a form of weakness," Frank told her. "You know that Jenny."

"That's not true," Jen said, her frown deepening.

"I do not wish to argue," Frank said tersely. "You wanted to know what they said and I told you. There, done. You may wish to speak to your husband but that is up to you."

Jen looked at Frank. After a few moments she moved to get up. "I better get back," she said.

"Please, stay with me for a little while," Frank asked, his tone softening. "You just got here."

Jen looked at the clock. Frank was right, she arrived just over an hour ago. It was only 2. Mike wouldn't be home for hours and Anna was still napping. "Okay, for a little while," Jen said getting back into bed. Frank pulled her into his arms and they snuggled.

"You look tired," Frank said.

"Yeah, we got up early to finish packing," Jen said with a yawn. Traveling with a toddler always took more time. She laid her head on Frank's chest. She had a lot to think about. Frank wanting more of her time. What JJ and Colonel Banks said about Mike. How Juliet factored into everything. But still she was tired and Frank's strong arms felt good. Within a few minutes she was asleep.

Frank stroked Jenny's long blonde hair as she slept. Was he interested in Juliet? Yes, of course, she was a lovely young girl.

Still, his primary focus was on Jenny. There were many reasons. Physically, Jenny was more beautiful. Jules had bigger breasts (his preference) but that flaw in Jenny was easily remedied. While both girls had bubbly personalities, there was a weightiness about Jenny; perhaps some might say demons.

Frank knew all about demons. A girl with doubts and insecurities (like Jenny) had a substance to her. Juliet on the other hand was, well, too young for Frank. Frank liked young to a point. But Juliet simply wasn't as interesting as Jenny.

So Frank was much more enamored and fascinated by Jenny Johnson. Admittedly, part of that was the way Jenny stubbornly held onto her husband Mike. There was challenge there, and Frank - being ultra-competitive - enjoyed challenges.

As Jenny slept Frank lightly stroked her back. That reminded him of her tattoo. Another couple laser treatments and the tattoo would be gone completely.

The tattoo gave Frank an idea. He grinned as he got out of bed and got a black sharpie from his briefcase. Moving back to the bed, he pulled the blanket away from Jen's pretty feet. Then, being careful not to wake her, Frank used the permanent black marker to write a small "F" on Jen's ankle.

Jen slept for 2 hours. She would have slept longer but Frank woke her up. "You see?" he said. "I have no wish for you to oversleep and damage your evening with Anna."

"Thanks," Jen said giving Frank a tight smile. She noted of course he mentioned Anna but not Mike.

Jen was still unsure how she felt about Frank's ultimatum of "spend more time with me or I'll dump you for Juliet." Yes, Frank was exciting. Thrilling even. But she worried what it might do to her marriage. She had no doubt she could get Mike to agree. Would that lead them into dangerous territory though?

Also, if she spent more time with Frank, Mike might spend more time with Allie. Jen didn't like that idea. An image of the Fonzie charm dangling around Allie's wrist flashed in her head. No, she definitely did not like that idea.

When Jen got back to their room Anna was just waking up. Mike got home at the same time. Anna was cranky and starving so they went to a diner down the street and fed her mac and cheese and a hot dog. Then they window shopped and people watched in Adams Morgan until it got dark. Back in their hotel room, they gave Anna a bath and read books until she fell asleep.

Now they were late for the happy hour with Maria and Brent. "I better take a shower," Jen told Mike. She had not had time for a shower before because Anna had been so cranky and hungry. She looked at Mike. He seemed bothered. "Are you okay?"

"We're working on something at CATF," Mike said. He looked unhappy as he remembered the QC meeting earlier that day. "Something important. It's not going well."

Jen smiled at him. She liked he used "we" about the CATF. Mike was shy but he needed to be less of a loner. Feeling part of a group was good for him. That's what his doctor said and she believed it too. It was clear he was forming a bond with the other scientists at CATF. Not so much with Apple.

"You'll figure it out baby," Jen said encouragingly. "You always do." She rubbed his arm. "Mike, maybe you should go full time with CATF," she suggested. "Quit Apple. I'll stay at my job. Anyways Jasmine's not letting me quit."

"What about Broadway?" Mike said surprised.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter," Jen said. "Broadway would be fun. But where you work is more important." Actually, she wasn't thrilled by the prospect of going back to marketing. And she would be terribly disappointed to give up Broadway. But Mike was more important, so if he was forming a bond with the CATF people she wanted to support that.

"It's more important where I work? Why?" Mike said not understanding.

Jen didn't want to tell Mike her reasons. If she said "to help your PTSD," Mike (with his silly male pride) might INSIST she go to Broadway. Jen wanted to change the subject. She knew how to do that with her husband.

"Actually I bet you don't want me to shower," Jen said with a sly mischievous grin.

Mike got it immediately. Smiling back, he asked "You fucked Frank?"

"Of course we fucked," Jen said grinning at her husband. She moved close and put her hand on Mike's crotch. "You'd like that right? If Frank was still inside me when we're with Maria and Brent." She was pleased when she felt his cock twitch.

"You'll probably want to wear Frank's perfume too," Mike said excitedly.

"Okay, yeah," Jen said with a giggle. She hadn't thought of that but she went with it.

So Jen didn't shower and, at Mike's insistence, she wore a short skirt and spritzed on Frank's Jenny perfume. Also, again at his insistence, she wore her hair up. She definitely looked like Frank's girl.

Mike's excitement grew as he watched Jen put on one of the lacy panties Frank gave her. "This is what Frank wants me to wear," she explained.

"All weekend?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Jen said. She looked at Mike, as if waiting for him to say something.

Mike moved close. He reached under Jen's short skirt and ran a finger between her pussy lips (over the lacy panties). "I guess I won't be getting any of this," he said. He knew Frank's rules too.

"I guess not," Jen said looking intrigued at Mike. She remembered what Frank said: "Your husband is a cuckold. You won't need to say no because he won't ask."

"You're not allowed to cum with me anyway," Mike reminded her.

"That's true," Jen said. She moved her hand to Mike's crotch again. He was incredibly hard. She lightly rubbed him over his pants. "You like Frank's rules baby?"

Mike nodded. He was breathing hard, in major cuckold-space now. He said "You don't need me. Frank gives you everything you need."

Jen could tell Mike was way into his C fantasies. Going along with it, she said "That's true. He gives my body everything I need." Then she tenderly stroked his cheek and added "But not my heart."

Mike only heard the first part, not the second. His face was covered with cuckold lust. Jen stopped rubbing him, not wanting him to cum in his pants. She didn't want him to be all hot and bothered when they were out with Maria and Brent. So she got on her knees and took out his cock. She swallowed him (unlike Frank, she could easily get all of her husband's cock in her mouth). Mike came almost immediately.

Mike and Jen took an uBer to the Georgetown bar where they were meeting Maria and Brent. As they rode Jen reflected on their game. This is when it worked best she thought. When they were together. This way, Jen could get Mike super-hot, and also deal with his hurt, head it off before it got to bad hurt. So maybe she would spend more time with Frank. That would be a lot of fun actually; the way Frank pushed her sub-space buttons was incredibly thrilling. But it would have to include Mike. She wanted him to be there. And, of course, there was the added benefit that if Mike was with her, there was no reason for him to see Allie anymore.

At the bar Mike, Brent and Maria talked about the QC project. Jen didn't have much to contribute; everything was way over her head. But that was okay. It was so rare to see Mike talking with people. Even rarer to see him WANT to talk to people. Jen was having fun listening.

Also, Mike never made Jen feel like a third wheel. He sat close to her and was always holding her hand and constantly trying to involve her in the conversation. Jen realized she didn't do nearly as good a job when they were with her friends and co-workers. But she told herself Mike wanted it that way; he wanted to feel like a third wheel. Whereas with Jen, if Mike ever made her feel unwanted she would immediately and completely fall of the cliff into the abyss. That was just how she was. Jen had to be the focus of Mike's universe or she wasn't happy.

"What's this X factor you keep talking about?" Jen asked.

"It's what we call it," Maria explained. "A quantum computer's supposed to think like a human. A really fast human. We're got the fast part worked out. We're stuck on the human part."

"There's been a lot of research on mimicking human thinking," Brent said picking up the explanation. "But not enough to make a quantum computer. Our computers are fast. But there's no inspiration. No human ingenuity."

"The X factor is like, making a computer think like a human?" Jen said, trying to process all this. "So, like, the computer doesn't have to cover every possibility. It can put 2 plus 2 together and leap ahead, not wasting time on irrelevant stuff."

"That's exactly right!" Brent said enthusiastically. In just a few moments Jen picked up on the essence of the X factor. He was impressed. So was Maria.
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Mike was proud of his wife. His big smile showed it. Jen couldn't help blushing a little at getting praised by all these super-smart people.

"So we're stuck," Maria said glumly. "We can make faster and faster computers but until we figure out the X factor we'll never make a quantum computer."

Jen shrugged and said "Well, maybe you ought to make a human think faster like a computer."

"What?" Mike said looking at his wife. There was something in what she said. The gimmer of an idea.

"You know, like the X-Men movies?" Jen joked.

"Oh yeah like making a mutant," Maria said with a grin.

Mike stared at his wife, a big smile coming to his face. The X-factor idea was forgotten; this was way better. "I can't believe you just brought up the X-men movies," he said, a delighted smile on his face. "It was like when Allie brought up Harry Potter."

Jen slowly nodded, a fake smile plastered on her face. She and Mike had been together for over 10 years. In all that time, he had never, ever, mentioned Allie unless it involved her. Until now. The memory of the Fonzie charm dangling from Allie's wrist flashed through her head again.

"Jen, what's the F?" Maria asked looking curiously at Jen's ankle.

"What?" Jen said. She was disoriented and didn't know what Maria was talking about.

"The black F on your ankle," Maria said.

Jen's legs were demurely crossed. She looked down at her ankle. So did Mike. They both saw a black F. It was about 1 inch high. A black F.

Jen was just as surprised to see it as Mike. She immediately knew what happened. Frank wrote the F on her ankle while she was napping in his room. The shit.

But Jen was still bothered by Mike's reference to Allie. So without thinking she blurted out "Oh that. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo."

Mike's jaw dropped. "Since when?" he said.

"Recently honey, just today," Jen said with fake sweetness. Wanting to make sure Mike understood exactly when, and with who, she added "When Anna was taking a nap. That's when I decided to get a tattoo."

Mike's eyes went wide. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jen was going to let Frank brand her with his initial?!

Maria and Brent looked at each other, sensing the sudden tension between Mike and Jen. "Um, Jen, what does F stand for?" Maria hesitantly asked.

"Family," Jen said without any hesitation.

"Oh, ah, that's so sweet," Maria said awkwardly. She shared another glance with Brent.

The 2 couples split up soon after with Maria and Brent sputtering a quickly conceived excuse about a vague dinner reservation.

Mike was reeling. Was Jen really thinking about letting Frank ink her ankle with his initial? To Mike that would be the greatest betrayal. To allow her lover to marred her beautiful legs and feet with a tattoo.

"Family? Really?" Mike hissed angrily. He managed to keep his voice low so other people in the bar couldn't hear. "You mean Frank right? Or fucking Frank. Maybe you're going to ink two Fs on your ankle."

"Mike," Jen began, realizing the charade had gone too far.

"When were you going to tell me Jen?!" Mike lashed out. "How could you even think about this without talking to me first?!"

Suddenly Jen got angry and annoyed. "Oh, so we've finally reached your limits," she scoffed sarcastically. "Getting pregnant's okay. Keeping my pussy just for Frank's okay. But no tats. You know Mike, sometimes I wish you were more possessive."

"What are you talking about?" Mike said angrily.

"I'm talking about me!" Jen said just as angrily. She was hurt now too. It was all coming out, all the memories and doubts that resurfaced after seeing Ricky. "I wish you were more possessive of me!"

"What are you talking about?" Mike said again. He was less angry now, but confused. "I am possessive of you."

Jen laughed. But it was a bitter laugh. "Mike you share me with other men," she said. "Not exactly the dream I had growing up."

"But ... you like that," Mike said, still not understanding. "We both like the game. That doesn't mean I'm not possessive of you."

Jen looked down. It was hard staying mad at Mike when he had that hurt puppy dog look on his face. And she knew she was being unfair. The game was as much her as Mike. Although, that didn't prevent Jen from still wishing her husband was more possessive of her.

"It's a bad joke," she said shaking her head regretfully. "There's no tattoo. I didn't notice the F until just now. Frank must have done it when I was sleeping."

Mike was relieved. But now he was more bothered about her "possessive" comment than the tattoo. He said "Jen I am possessive of you. I'm super possessive of you."

"I know," Jen said giving him a weak smile. "I guess, sometimes, it screws with my head."

"The game?"

"Yeah," Jen said. She almost added "And seeing Ricky again." But she didn't. She didn't want to open that can of worms. So instead she eyed him and asked "So exactly when did Allie bring up Harry Potter?"

Mike got it. Jen was an incredibly jealous person. Now he understood why she was so upset. Unfortunately, the answer wasn't going to make her feel any better. "When we were at the sex party," he said honestly.

"Oh okay, the sex party, perfect," Jen said with a humorless laugh.

"I don't plan on going to any more sex parties with her," Mike quickly added.

"Well that's something," Jen said with another humorless laugh. She decided to come clean with her husband. She said "I don't think Allie was a good choice. She knows too much about you."

"What?" Mike said not understanding.

Jen looked at her husband. Maybe Mike wasn't the best looking man around. While definitely cute, he wasn't gorgeous like Scott or Tom (or Ricky). But Mike had so much on the inside. He was a way better catch than any of those men. Most girls (the really pretty ones) never looked twice at Mike, so they never discovered all the really awesome things about him. But Allie knew Mike. She already knew those things.

Jen and Allie were best friends. They'd been through a lot. But Allie was on the rebound and could easily be tempted by a great guy like Mike. Jen realized she never should have let Allie within 10 feet of her husband. And they went to a freaking sex club together! Jen trusted Mike. But did she trust Allie?

"What do you mean, Allie knows too much about me?" Mike asked again.

"Never mind, it's nothing," Jen said with a tight smile. She didn't want to explain it to Mike. Maybe it was her insecurities, the fact she just turned 30 (and was feeling old). If Mike knew how great a catch he was, maybe his eyes would start wandering. Maybe at a girl like Juliet for example. She was younger, sexy and beautiful. In her worse nightmare, Mike dumped her for a younger, more busty version of herself like Jules. She was sure a free spirited party girl like Juliet would love to pay the game with Mike.

It was about 9pm when Mike and Jen got back to their hotel room. Anna was sound asleep. Since it was still early, Maggie went out to explore some of the DC nightlife.

"You're going to Frank's?" Mike asked. Jen heard some anxiety in his voice but mostly excitement. She could tell he wanted her to see Frank.

"You're not mad about the F?" Jen asked.

Mike thought about it. Her "you're not possessive enough" comment really threw him for a loop. Frank's F paled in comparison to that. Also, well ... it kind of turned him on too. More than "kind of" actually. Frank "branding" Jen with his initial. It really fueled his cuckold fantasies. And it was just marker. If it was a real tattoo that would be different. But this was temporary.

"Nothing bad happened," Mike said.

Mike's answer surprised her. But Jen saw the excitement in his face. She knew her husband was like that, often thinking with his little head instead of his big one. Frank's F did it for Mike. It was a way for Frank to subtly cuck Mike in front of his friends without starting rumors (or being permanent like a real tattoo.). For not the first time, Jen thought about how Frank was the perfect "boyfriend" for their game. He got them both off.

"No nothing bad happened," Jen agreed. "I'll tell Maria tomorrow I decided not to get a tattoo."

"What else happened today?" Mike asked, wrapping his arms around Jen's waist and pulling her towards him. Jen felt Mike's erection pressing against her.

"Wild stuff," Jen said with a laugh. "I think I told you about Frank's friend Juliet? We had a threesome."

Mike's jaw dropped. "You say that so casually, like it happens every day," he said with a laugh.

"I know, right?" Jen said with a laugh back. "This is Frank. He likes to play games."

With an intrigued smile Mike asked "So did you like it?"

Jen knew Mike was asking more about Juliet than Frank. Men were like that. "It didn't suck," she joked. With a shrug she added "A girl's fun sometimes."

"What's Juliet like?" Mike asked.

"Young. Beautiful. Big tits. Your basic nightmare," Jen said with a humorless laugh.

Mike heard the sourness in his wife's voice. He asked, "You're jealous of Juliet?"

Jen shrugged. Yes she was jealous. Frank was hers to keep though. All she had to do was give Frank what he wanted - spent more time with him. It wasn't like that would be hardship duty for her, and probably Mike would agree to it (look how easily he gave Monday to Frank, and how he wanted her to see him now). But sooner or later Frank would demand something she couldn't give without really hurting Mike and their marriage.
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"Yes I'm jealous," Jen admitted. "Does that bother you?"

"Yes," Mike said. His insides were churning. He wanted Jen to have feelings for her boyfriend, and jealousy naturally went with that. But he hated it too. There was always conflict with his cuckold fantasies.

Jen hugged Mike. "It'll end sooner or later with Frank," she assured him.

Mike was relieved at her words. He saw a glimmer of light at the end of the Frank tunnel. He said "You won't be happy."

"I'll be fine," Jen said with a laugh.

"What about your idea of seeing him a few times a year?" Mike asked anxiously.

Jen didn't answer. That's what she wanted. But she knew the idea upset Mike. Also, maybe Mike was right. Frank might not be happy with just a few hookups during the year. Then what? How much was she willing to sacrifice to hold onto Frank?

"We'll find someone else to play with," Mike suggested. He wanted to keep playing the game, but he wanted to move on from Frank.

"You're so predictable," Jen said with a grin. She reached down. He was hard as a rock. With a smile in her voice she said "Slow down cowboy. Maybe after a break. Anyways it takes time to find someone."

"We know people," Mike said. "Maybe Ricky."

Jen froze. She stared at her husband. "Why Ricky?" she asked.

"You said you were tempted," Mike reminded her. "He's in LA so not threatening. Maybe we'll go for a weekend some time."

"Whatever happened to our "no old boyfriend" rule?" Jen asked with a nervous laugh.

"We break that rule all the time," Mike said with a grin.

"Well yeah," Jen said with a laugh. "Not Ricky Mike. I told you. He was our first. We were young and stupid. We made mistakes."

Mike studied Jen. She went with Ricky to LA. She never told him what happened, other than they didn't have sex. He wondered if that was true. Mike wanted to asked "Did you almost leave me for Ricky?" But he didn't. It didn't matter. She left LA and returned to New York, to him. So a long time ago she chose him instead of Ricky. That's all that mattered.

"Okay, no Ricky," Mike agreed. He pulled Jen close to him. They hugged.

After a moment he asked again, "You're going over to Frank's?" He was caressing her ass. Clearly he wanted her to go. Since Mike saw an end to the Frank tunnel, it was easier to give into his cuckold fantasies.

"God Mike you're incorrigible," Jen said with a laugh.

"I can't help it. I like thinking about you with other men," he said with a sheepish smile.

"Well if I go to his room you won't just be thinking about it," she said with another laugh. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Maybe I'll just spend tonight with you."

"You should at least tell Frank you're not sleeping over," Mike said, pressing.

"God," Jen said with a half sigh/half smile. They both knew if she went to Frank's she wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning.

"You're supposed to be Frank's this weekend," Mike reminded her. He was still caressing her ass.

"Well, you're supposed to be his bottom," Jen said with a laugh. "Remember?"

"I'm not his bottom," Mike said firmly.

"I know you're not baby. But you're mine right?" Jen said, affectionately brushing her fingers through his hair.

Just the other night Jen got off thinking about Mike bottoming for her and Frank. The fantasy still turned her on but she didn't feel like it tonight. Maybe it was the F, or her "you're not possessive enough" thoughts, or their talk about Allie, or Frank using Juliet against her. For whatever reason she wasn't into Frank at that moment.

"Let's just be us this weekend," Jen told her husband. She reached under her skirt and shimmied out of Frank's panties. She also reached up and let her hair down. Both were symbolic. She wasn't Frank's anymore. She was Mike's again.

Mike's hands moved under Jen's skirt, onto her bare ass. He was disappointed but relieved too. They made love. Afterwards Jen took a shower to wash Frank from her body. The F on her ankle faded a little but was still there. The next day Jen wore the Elmo socks to cover it up.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 48-50

Cheating and Rivals Part 48

Monday Frank called Jen. "I ask for more of your time and you give me less," he said angrily to her. He was annoyed and hurt about not seeing Jen Friday or Saturday night.

"It's your fault," Jen told him. "You wrote the F on me."

"It was harmless," Frank said with a chuckle. He added lamely, "It was a small F."

"People saw Frank," Jen said with exasperation. "They asked about it. How do you think that made Mike feel?"

"So Mike is the reason I didn't see you Friday night? Or Saturday?" Frank said angrily.

"No I'm the reason," Jen said annoyed. "Don't try to make me feel sorry for you either. I'm sure Juliet kept you company."

Frank frowned. He considered. Perhaps playing the Juliet card had been a mistake. People responded differently to threats. Some people caved; others fought back. It was clear Jenny was a fighter. She had spunk. That made him like her even more.

Frank relented and said, "I apologize about the F." Then he added, "Can I see you tonight? I miss you."

Jen's heart melted. Frank said exactly what she wanted to hear. She wanted to see him too. But she knew how to play the game. Playing hard to get, she said, "Tonight's not good for me. Maybe Wednesday."

Frank pursed his lips. He didn't like being put off but a good negotiator knows when the other side has the upper hand. He said "Fine but, if you don't mind, just you and me on Wednesday." He forced a smile into his voice and added "We'll of course include Mike this weekend."

Jen thought about it. She knew Mike would agree (after all, he was the one who gave Monday to Frank in the first place). Also, there was a subtlety to playing hard to get. You couldn't play too hard, you had to give a little. "Alright then," she said. "Just you and me Wednesday. Then with Mike Saturday night."

After hanging up the phone, Frank stared out the large windows of his penthouse, looking over the treetops of Central Park. He wanted Jenny but she continued to resist him. The way she hung onto Mike annoyed and frustrated him.

Frank needed a game changer. Something to throw a wedge between the married couple. Then, once Jenny was vulnerable, once her spirit was completely broken, he would be there to pick up the pieces. Then she would be his. Not just sexually, as his slut -- she was already that. But completely. Her spirit and heart would be his as well, in addition to her body.

Frank had a game changer in mind. Ricky. He didn't know the complete story, but clearly their "game" with the young Marine did not end well. And Jenny hadn't included Ricky in her safe list. She included Frankie and Clint but not Ricky. An oversight or something else? Yes, Ricky was perfect for what he had in mind.


"So what's happening this week in Andrewsville?" Allie asked Jen later on Monday. She had a smart alecky grin on her face.

Jen still felt raw when it came to Allie. But she knew it was unfair, it wasn't Allie's fault Mike referred to her silly Harry Potter reference. And after all, it was just a silly Harry Potter comment. So she forced away her edgy feelings.

"This weekend was a flame out," she lamented. She was wearing skinny jeans and ankle boots. She took off her boot. She was wearing Anna's Elmo socks (she did laundry last night after getting home from DC). She pulled the socks down and showed Allie her ankle. The F was faded but still clearly visible.

"Frank wrote that on you?" Allie said her eyes going wide.

"With a black sharpie," Jen lamented. She had rubbed her skin practically raw yet the F was still there.

"So you dumped Frank?" Allie asked.

"No but I didn't see him," Jen answered.

"How's bubble boy?" Allie asked. "He have a melt down?"

"You know Mike," Jen said with a shrug. "If it'd been a real tattoo he might have killed Frank."

Allie said "Mike has a Rambo mode."

Jen slowly nodded, looking at Allie. Before Jen wouldn't think any of Allie's comment. But now it bothered her, because it showed Allie had some familiarity with her husband.

"Anyways, I think this actually turned him on," Jen said.

"God," Allie said with an amazed shake of her head. "So no Frank-fix until the weekend?"

"I'm seeing him Wednesday," Jen told her.

"Oh," Allie said. She hesitantly asked "So, ah, can I hang with Mike then?" She quickly explained "I went with Darren Jr. to three Chuck E. Cheese's birthday parties this weekend. It'd be nice to have an adult conversation." With a laugh Allie added, "No sex party. We'll go to a movie."

"Oh yeah, I guess," Jen said reluctantly. She couldn't really say no without offending her best friend. She didn't like the idea, but it was only a movie. "I'll tell Mike tonight."

The next day Allie called Mike. "Jen talk to you about Wednesday?" she asked.

"Yeah. You want to see a movie?" Mike said.

"Sure, why not?" Allie said nonchalantly, trying to make it sound like it was Mike's idea instead of hers. She was in her Allie oh-la-la mode. With a teasing smile in her voice she joked, "I guess Jen wants to get rid of you so she can play house with Frank."

"Thanks a lot," Mike said. He acted offended but he was only joking back.

"Of course the bedroom is the only room they'll be playing in," Allie teased.

"So I guess I'm just supposed to take all this abuse?" Mike said with a laugh. He reflected how much his relationship with Allie had changed. Now they were good enough friends that he laughed when she teased him about their game.

Allie laughed back. She said "So pick me up at my place okay?"

"Pick you up? Is this a date?" Mike joked.

"Only in your dreams bubble boy," Allie oh-la-la said with a playful laugh.


Wednesday night in his Central Park Penthouse, Frank immediately ordered Jen to undress. Then he told her to lie on his bed.

Frank sat next to Jen on the bed and stroked her body. "You've lost weight," he observed.

"I've been working out," Jen told him. She was pleased he noticed.

"Very nice," Frank said. Then he frowned as he poked her stomach. It was clear he still didn't think she was toned enough.

"I've just started getting back into shape," Jen explained quickly.

"Well good," Frank said with a nod. He smiled as he poked her again. "It would be a shame if you got chummy. Although I'm sure men would still find you pleasantly plump." He said it as a joke but there was meaning there.

Panic flashed through Jen's eyes. That was her greatest fear, for men to say "Remember when Jen was hot? God, look at her now."

Frank saw the momentary panic in Jenny's eyes and inwardly smiled. He enjoyed manipulating people. It was so simple. Discover a person's fear and then play into it. Of course with Jenny he had an ulterior motive. Break her down and then build her back up. It was part of making her dependent on him. In fact, that was what tonight was about.

Frank tied Jen's hands and feet so she was spread-eagled. This surprised Jen because so far Frank's games had been more mental than physical. But being tied up and so vulnerable definitely aroused Jen. She felt herself getting wet.

Frank stroked her body. Then he fondled her small breasts. He was rough as he twisted and pulled the nipple bars. Jen moaned and arched her back at the intense pain/pleasure. Being tied up and helpless added big time to her arousal. So did the anticipation of not knowing what Frank had planned.

"You remember your safe word?" Frank asked.

Jen nodded as she looked at him with her big blue eyes. She felt butterflies in her stomach. If Frank was reminding her about her safe word then he must have something really wicked planned. Jen shuddered in excited anticipation.

Frank tied a blindfold around her eyes. "You're my slut," he said. He was caressing her naked body again.

"Yes," Jen agreed. With the blindfold on she couldn't see anything. She felt even more helpless and exposed.

"You fuck who I say."

"Yes," she agreed again.

"Tonight 2 people will fuck you," Frank told her. "You won't know who until after. Do you understand Jenny?"

Jen hesitated, then asked "Do I know them?"

"Yes," Frank told her honestly. "Do you wish to use your safe word?"

"Who are they?"

"You won't know until after," Frank said irritably. He hated having to repeat himself.

Jen hesitated. If she let Frank do this to her -- make her fuck people she knew without knowing who they were -- she would be surrendering completely to him. There would be no doubt. He would be her master, and she his slave. The thought made Jen shudder and made her even wetter.
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"Why are you doing this?" Jen asked.

"The weekend was mine," Frank said. "You don't break promises to me Jenny."

Before Jen could say anything, Frank added crossly, "No more questions Jenny." He asked again, "Do you wish to use your safe word?"

After another moment's hesitation, Jen said softly "No."

"Good girl," Frank said. He got off the bed. For long moments nothing happened. The wait drove up the sexual tension in the room.

"Frank are you there?" Jen asked into the darkness of the blindfold.

Then someone got on the bed with her. Jen felt lips on her lips. She knew immediately it was a girl.

The girl kissed and caressed her. The girl was hesitant at first. Jen guessed the girl was unfamiliar being with another girl. Jen heard whispers. Was Frank giving the girl tips?

The girl's kisses and caresses became more skilled. She kissed and fondled Jen's erogenous zones. Yes, Frank was giving her tips. Jen found herself responding. Soon she was moaning and writhing under the girl's lips and fingers.

Jen tried to guess who the girl was. Probably Juliet. But that didn't make sense. Jules knew how to touch a girl; this girl didn't. The girl with her now couldn't be Juliet.

The girl moved between her open legs. As she moved Jen felt a heavy dildo slide across her thigh. The girl was wearing a strap-on.

The girl rubbed the head of the dildo back and forth between Jen's pussy lips. "I'm gonna fuck you now bitch," the girl whispered. Jen thought she recognized the girl's voice but her voice was too low to place it.

The girl penetrated Jen with the dildo. "Ugh, god," Jen gasped. The dildo was really big. Not as thick as Frank but thick enough. "Go slow, please."

"Take it bitch," the girl whispered. Again her voice was too low for Jen to place it. Despite her threatening words, the girl did go slow. She gently eased the dildo into Jen. Jen's nostrils flared as she was penetrated and stretched. Her cheeks were red too. She was tied up, blindfolded, naked. So exposed and vulnerable. And here was a girl she knew, impaling her with a strap-on dildo. Jen was so humiliated. She was so aroused!

The girl moved back and forth between Jen's legs. She was fucking her. The dildo felt real, and it had an upward curve so sometimes it rubbed against her g-spot. The girl wasn't skilled at fucking another girl -- Jen guessed it was her first time -- but still it felt good. The intense humiliation and feeling of being helpless increased Jen's excitement and pleasure. She felt her body begin that delicious climb towards an orgasm.

Jen heard Frank say "Kiss her." Obeying him, the girl leaned down and kissed Jen. They kissed as the girl continued to fuck Jen with the strap-on dildo. Jen moaned into the girl's mouth. She was really close now.

With the girl leaning down, Jen learned more about her. The girl had long hair and big breasts, way bigger than Jen's. The girl was taller than Jen. She was curvy rather than petite.

Then suddenly Jen knew who the girl was. Jen was horrified, mortified. It was Jasmine Kelly!

Jasmine Kelly! Somehow Frank manipulated the bottle blonde bitch into this! Noooooo! Not Jasmine! Of all people not Jasmine!

Jen was about to yell out "Goddess!" But it was too late. Her back arched and her toes curled as her body exploded in a massive orgasm. But even as delicious pleasure shot through her body tears fell from Jen's eyes. It was too humiliating, too horrifying, her rival making her cum. Not Jasmine. Not Jasmine.

Jen's humiliation got even worse because as her body arched in an intense orgasm, Jasmine taunted "That's right, cum for me bitch." As she said that Jasmine squeezed Jen's tiny tits hard, increasing the pleasure of Jen's orgasm.

Jen was still panting, post orgasmic spasms still rippling through her body, when someone else got on the bed. Jasmine pulled out and the new person got on top of Jen. The new person kissed her. It was a man. The kiss was familiar. Yes, Jen knew him although she couldn't place him yet.

It happened really fast. Jen heard the man unzip his pants. Then the man's cock was inside her. The difference between real cock and fake cock was immediately apparent. Real cock felt so much better. Jen loved it! She craved it!

The man fucked her hard. The man wasn't wearing a condom. That surprised Jen. Frank always made them wear condoms.

The man was big and he knew how to fuck. He knew Jen's body too, caressing and kissing all her erogenous zones. "God yeah, yeah," Jen moaned. "You're so big. You're fucking me so good." Her cheeks reddened as Jen realized Jasmine Kelly was there and hearing her words. She was there seeing Jen act like a slutty cunt. But Jen couldn't help it. Not only did the man know how to fuck, he knew how to fuck her. This man knew her. He knew her body. He knew what she liked. He knew how she liked fucked.

The man roughly tweaked her pierced nipples and twisted the nipple bars. Jen grimaced from the pleasure/pain but it drove her freaking out of her mind! It threw her over the edge. Before Jen knew it she was cumming again! As the orgasm shot through her, so did the humiliation of knowing Jasmine Kelly was watching as she came so hard on the man's cock.

The man leaned down and tenderly hugged and kissed Jen as she recovered from her orgasm. The man hadn't cum yet. He slowly fucked Jen as he tenderly kissed her lips.

The man was still dressed. The man wore a wool jacket and pants. Ribbons and small metal objects pressed against her breasts as the man kissed and slowly fucked her.

Ribbons and small metals. Like medals. Wool jacket and pants. Like a uniform. Medals on a uniform.

Oh my god! Oh my god! It was Ricky! Ricky!

"Stop, stop! Get off me! Goddess!" Jen cried. She wiggled and squirmed, trying to get Ricky to pull out of her.

Ricky pulled out of Jen. Then she felt Jasmine get on the bed next to her. She felt Ricky move on top of Jasmine. Then there was motion. Grunts and moans. They were fucking. Ricky was fucking Jasmine!

No! This can't be happening! She hated Jasmine! Ricky -- HER Ricky! -- can't be fucking Jasmine! Not that witch! No! No!

"Stop! Goddess! Stop!" Jen yelled, trying to move but her hands and feet were still tied. The blindfold still covered her eyes.

"No Jenny," Frank said calmly. "You can't control what others do."

Jen was completely helpless, blindfolded and tied up while Ricky fucked Jasmine right next to her. It took only moments. Jasmine screamed as she came on Ricky's cock. Seconds later Ricky grunted and moaned as came inside Jasmine. Jen had never felt so humiliated to be tied up and blindfolded as people she knew fucked and orgasmed right next to her. She wept tears of humiliation and helplessness.

"Let me go, get this off me," Jen whined, squirming and pulling at the constraints. Frank calmly untied Jen. First her feet, then her hands. Jen immediately threw off the blindfold. She glared at Frank and the couple next to her with tear stained eyes.

Cheating and Rivals Part 49

Jen's eyes went wide as she looked at the people beside her. It wasn't Ricky; it was Frank's bodyguard Hugh, dressed like a Marine.

Jen also saw it wasn't Jasmine. But it was almost as bad. Paige, her childhood friend.

"Oh my god!" Jen cried, completely embarrassed and mortified. She bolted from the bed and ran out of the room.

"Jenny, wait!" Paige yelled. She grabbed 2 robes and ran after her friend.

"Jenny I'm sorry," Paige said as she caught up with Jen. She wrapped a robe around herself and one around Jen. "Frank said you were into bondage. He said you liked girls."

"Oh god I'm so embarrassed," Jen said, her cheeks red. "I thought you're not seeing Frank anymore."

"I'm not," Paige said. She looked embarrassed too. "Frank called me. He made sure Bob's busy." Bob was Paige's husband. He worked for Frank. "I don't see Frank ... often."

Jen slowly nodded. She got it. Paige hooked up with Frank every now and then. Exactly the setup she eventually wanted. So Jen couldn't fault Paige. Of course Bob didn't know whereas Mike did. Still, Jen was in no position to judge another girl's marital fidelity to her husband.

"I didn't know you liked girls," Paige said hesitantly.

"I don't," Jen said immediately. Then she admitted, "I mean, sometimes." Her face went red again. "I cannot freaking believe this. Why did Frank do this?"

Paige grinned. "I guess Frank wanted to see 2 old high school friends going at it," she said with a giggle.

Jen couldn't help grinning back. Yeah, that was probably it. She had a panic attack thinking it was Jasmine. But that had all been in her head. Probably Frank just wanted to see her and Paige fooling around. Her thoughts flashed to Sophie. A threesome of old high school friends. But that was gross of course, since Frank was her father.

Then Jen thought about Hugh. Frank dressed his bodyguard in a Marine uniform. It was clear Frank wanted her to think it was Ricky who was fucking her. Why?

"So Hugh's a hunk," Paige said with a delighted roll of her eyes.

"You need to meet Frank's other bodyguard, Lou," Jen said with a grin back.

"You've done them both?" Paige said, her eyes going wide. "Too bad he's not here."

"Yeah," Jen said, suddenly going melancholy. She wondered where Lou was. Not for sex. She just wondered where he was. She hadn't seen him lately. It was like he was avoiding her. Did she offend him somehow? She hoped to have a chance to apologize for whatever she did.

"So you really like your piercings," Paige said with a grin. She saw how Jen responded when Hugh played with them.

"I mean, yeah," Jen said with a giggle.

"I miss mine," Paige said. Then she added with a whisper "Frank gave me new ones. Like yours, but emeralds. That's my birthstone."

"What, just now?" Jen asked. She started to get it, how Frank convinced Paige about tonight. A romp with his handsome bodyguard. A little naughty bondage and girl-girl fun with Jenny. And most of all, new emerald nipple rings.

Paige nodded. "They're so awesome," she gushed. "But how can I wear them? Bob will ask questions. He'll know a guy gave them to me." She frowned. "Frank likes to play games."

"I know all about that," Jen said with a sigh. She moved her ankle so Paige could see the F.

"Are you serious?" Paige said, looking at the faded but still visible black F.

"Mike's friends saw it," Jen told her.

"Oh god, he must have been so pissed," Paige said.

"Actually he kind of got off on it," Jen said. She shrugged. "Mike's like that."

Paige's eyes went wide. "I can't believe what a bad boy Mike is," she said with awe. "You're so lucky though. You've got Frank and Mike."

Jen nodded. She knew she was lucky. "Mike doesn't like everything. He hates the piercings. He wants me to take them out."

"You better decide soon, otherwise they'll be permanent," Paige warned. Her nipples were like that. Even though she hadn't worn nipple rings for years, the holes were there and definitely noticeable.

"Yeah ...," Jen said, worried. Would Mike still think her small breasts were perfect if there were permanent little holes in her nipples? But, Paige had her nipple rings for years before taking them out. Jen had hers for months. Surely it wasn't too late, was it?
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"I better get back to my hotel," Paige said. "Bob might call." She reached out and grabbed Jen's hand. "I told Bob I'm visiting you."

"... okay," Jen agreed hesitantly. She didn't really want to be involved in Paige's cheating and lying to her husband, but her cover story was actually the truth.

After Paige dressed and left, Jen went back into Frank's bedroom. Frank was waiting patiently for her. Hugh was no longer there.

"Enjoy catching up with Paige?" Frank said with a grin.

"God you're a shit," Jen said with a laugh. She sat down next to Frank on the bed. Frank opened Jen's robe. She let him take it off her.

"You're not asking why?" Frank said, gently stroking the side of her breast.

"I'm sure it's some evil mad scientist thing," Jen joked. She pulled down Frank's pants and straddled his legs. "We'll talk later," she said and she reached a hand between them and guided his cock into her. "Fuck me Frank," she told him.

"Is this what you want?" Frank said as he moved Jen onto her back and pushed balls deep into her.

"God yeah," Jen moaned as Frank's thick cock stretched her.

"Hugh and Paige weren't enough?" Frank said tauntingly as he fucked her.

The humiliation turned her on. Being tied up and blindfolded. Helpless and exposed. A girl making her cum. Thinking it was Jasmine and then finding out it was Paige (almost as bad). Thinking it was Ricky fucking her. Ricky. It was all too much. Her body was on fire!

"Never enough," Jen groaned as Frank fucked her hard.

"You're such slut," Frank said deridingly.

"Yeah, yeah," Jen panted. "I'm your slut Frank. Your slut."

Afterwards Jen snuggled in Frank's arms. "Okay, I get Paige," she said. "But why Ricky?"

"It was Hugh, not Ricky," Frank said feigning innocence.

"I'm not stupid Frank," Jen said.

Frank chuckled. "No you certainly are not," he said giving her an affectionate kiss on the lips. "Why Ricky? It's clear isn't it? You have outstanding issues. You need closure."

"So you made Hugh pretend like he's Ricky, for my own good?" Jen said skeptically.

"Jenny I saw everything," Frank said. "When you thought Ricky was fucking Jasmine --."

"I didn't think Paige was Jasmine," Jen said immediately.

Frank looked at Jen and smiled. "Come now Jenny," he said. "I'm not stupid either."

Jen stared back at Frank. Finally she said "You were saying?"

Frank grinned at Jen's tacit admission. "You were distressed when you thought Ricky was fucking Jasmine. You tried to stop it."

"I hate Jasmine," Jen told him.

"If you say so," Frank said with a chuckle. "But I'm referring to your feelings for Ricky."

"I don't have feelings for Ricky," Jen said.

Frank gave Jen a knowing smile. "Come now Jenny," he said. "If that was true, why so distressed?"

Jen hesitated, then said "That was a long time ago."

"You just saw him," Frank pointed out.

"Because of you."

"Because of me," Frank conceded. They were silent for a few moments. Then Frank said "I've made inquiries. Ricky's only a Captain. He's lagged behind his contemporaries. Somewhat surprising since he holds the Medal of Honor. A rare achievement."

Jen shrugged. She actually wasn't surprised. Ricky was like a lot of her lovers (other than Mike). Handsome, charming, confident, great in bed. But not motivated. The kind of man a girl fucked but didn't marry (if she was smart).

"He has an opportunity for a significant promotion," Frank continued. "But he would have to move back to the east coast. He would spend time between the Pentagon and the Marine base just outside New York City."

"Why are you telling me this?" Jen asked.

"Because it's up to you," Frank said. "Do you want Ricky here?"

"That's not fair," Jen said. "This is his career."

"So you do care about him," Frank said.

Jen sighed. She said "I care about him like any old friend. It doesn't matter to me if he moves back. I won't see him."

"You're certain of that?" Frank asked. He looked knowingly at Jen. "Ricky won't become part of your game again?"

Jen hesitated, not knowing the answer to Frank's question; Mike was unpredictable sometimes. She said "What's your point?"

"My point is, you have unresolved issues with Ricky, that much is clear," Frank said. "You need closure."

"You mean, you want me to fuck him," Jen said.

"You'd rather Jasmine?" Frank joked with a grin.

"Fuck you Frank," Jen spat.

Frank's grin grew wider. Then he got serious. "I think both you and Mike need closure as to Ricky," he said. "If that involves sex, so be it."

"You're so full of shit," Jen said shaking her head. "So many head games."

"Yes, like tonight," Frank admitted. "You certainly enjoyed it."

"Yeah well ...," Jen said. She got out of bed. "I need to go home."

"I thought you were staying over," Frank said reaching for her.

"I need to see Mike," Jen said as she got dressed.

"To talk about Ricky?" Frank asked.

"No I'm not going to talk about Ricky," Jen said with a laugh.

"Will you ever tell Mike what happened when you were with Ricky in Los Angeles?" Frank asked. When Jen stared at him, he added "I don't know what happened. But clearly something did happen. Right Jenny?"

Jen continued to stare at Frank. Then she said "I've got to go." She moved towards the door.

"I'll see you this weekend?" Frank asked.

"Saturday. Mike will be with us," Jen told him. The firm tone of her voice left no doubt this was not up for negotiation.

Frank nodded. They stared at each other for a few moments. Then Jen left to go home.


"So we know no more than before?" JJ said, clearly frustrated. He was in a meeting of the "Big 4," the men most responsible for the defense of the United States against internal and external terrorist attacks. The Big 4 included Colonel Banks (as head of CATF), the Secretary of Homeland Security and the FBI and NSA Directors. The CIA Director, being an ineffective political appointee, wasn't part of their group.

"We know communication traffic about the Twins is increasing," the FBI Director said. "But we don't know the target."

"Or targets," the NSA Director added, alluding to the fact they still didn't know what "Twins" meant. "We're only able to decrypt a small number of intercepted emails. Any update on the quantum computer project?"

"The team's made good progress but they've hit a technical brick wall," Colonel Banks said. "I don't think we can count on that project to help with this threat."

Afterwards JJ pulled Banks to the side. "So your experiment with Mike Andrews failed," he said deridingly.

"Not at all," Banks said. "What progress we've made is mostly due to Mike. Building a quantum computer is an immense technical challenge. It may take years. You can't blame Mike."

"Well I am blaming Mike," JJ said angrily. "I'm blaming CATF, I'm blaming the QC team, I'm blaming you Colonel. I vouched for you. I said give the QC project to Colonel Banks, he'll make it happen. Well you've failed Colonel. And I'm sick and tired of you defending Andrews. I've said this before and I'll say it again, Mike Andrews is a traitor, he should be in jail not working for CATF."

"I disagree," Banks said firmly. "Frankly, I think we were wrong about Liberty-gate."

"What?" JJ snapped, looking shocked.

"Mike Andrews was right," Colonel Banks said. "We broke the law with the Liberty project. There are rules."

"There are no rules!" JJ said angrily. "Not when the safety of our country is at stake! We make the rules!"

JJ glared at Banks. "I think being around Andrews has compromised you Colonel," he hissed. "I think the President should reconsider if you're the right man to lead CATF."

Colonel Banks looked alarmed. CATF was his life. Serving his country was his life. "I have never been more committed to protecting our country," Banks said. "You know that JJ."

JJ softened. He said "We've been through a lot Ethan. You're my friend. I don't want to replace you. I just need to know I can count on you."

"Of course you can JJ," Colonel Banks assured him. "Of course you can."

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