Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"You look lovely Jenny," Frank said looking her up and down. She was still dressed in her Belmont High cheerleader uniform. "Just how I remember you in high school."

"Shut up and just tell me Frank," Jen scoffed.

Frank smiled. He put his hand behind Jen's knee. It was one of her most sensitive erogenous zones. So sensitive it was painful if not touched right. But Frank knew how to touch Jen. He understood her body. With his fingertips he lightly caressed her, applying just the right pressure at just the right speed at just the right places.

Jen's face flushed with desire. "Stop," she said, pushing his hand away. Her freaking body was already too fired up. "Just tell me."

"You know you captivate me Jenny," Frank said smiling into her lovely face. He put his hand behind her knee again. But he didn't caress her. Jen let him keep his hand there.

"So beautiful. So alluring," Frank continued. "The gracefulness of a ballerina. By the way, my friends on Broadway want to meet you. I called them while you were with Colin."

"Frank," Jen said with exasperation. "Can you just tell me?"

Frank chuckled. He said, "You know, of all your high school friends, I believe you were the last to lose your virginity."

"What, you hired perverted private detectives to spy on us?" Jen said derisively.

Frank grinned. He was clearly enjoying this. "No Sophie told me," he said.

"Whatever," Jen said with a shrug.

"But you made up for it," Frank said. "You lost your virginity to Colin." It was half question, half statement. Jen's silence confirmed it. He said "You had an affair with Hayden."

"It was when Colin broke up with me," Jen said defensively.

"I know that Jenny. I've worked out the timing," Frank said. Seeing her surprise, he smiled and said "I think about you a great deal Jenny. A great deal." He caressed up her leg.

Jen gave him another shrug. She felt his hand move under her short cheerleading skirt. She didn't stop him.

"You met Mike," Frank said. "You dated. Married. But there were rumors Jenny. It's a small town and you're the prettiest girl by far. People talk."

"So whatever," Jen said with a self-critical voice. "You already know I'm a slut."

Frank nodded, as if agreeing with her. He said "But there's an innocence about you Jenny. A freshness. You're kind and compassionate. You're outgoing and bubbly. But you're insecure too. You want to be loved. But you're afraid no one will love you." Frank's hand moved to her ass under the short cheerleading skirt. He caressed her over the thin blue briefs. Blue was the school color of Belmont High.

"Why are you saying all this?" Jen said. She was breathing hard. "Why Thomas?"

"Because you are a slut Jenny," Frank said, emphasizing "are." But he didn't say it cruelly. It was more like he was stating a fact about her, like "you have blue eyes." "And that's what sluts do. They fuck fathers and sons. That's why you fucked Thomas."

"I didn't know he was Mr. Hayden's son," Jen insisted.

"Yes you did Jenny," Frank said knowingly. "Perhaps not consciously, but inside you knew he was your teacher's son. It got you hot because you're a slut. You need to accept that. You say it but you don't accept it. You are a slut Jenny." Once again Frank emphasized "are." He moved his hand to Jen's front. He softly rubbed her clit over the thin cheerleading briefs. Jen's eyelids grew heavy with lust. Her lips parted and she moaned slightly.

"I accept you that way Jenny," Frank said as he stroked her. "You're a slut and I adore you. You captivate me."

Jen stared into Frank's eyes, her breathing getting heavier.

"Did you enjoy the sex with Thomas?" Frank asked as he continued to stroke her. "Did he make you cum?"

"No," Jen said, the one word answering both his questions.

"Tell me the truth Jenny," Frank said looking intently into her eyes. "I want you to tell me the truth."

Jen stared at Frank, waiting.

Continuing to stroke her, Frank asked, "Now that you know Thomas is Mr. Hayden's son. You know for certain. You want to fuck him again, don't you?"

Jen's lips parted in a small O. Her heart pounded. She felt dizzy. "I told Thomas I'd come back," she said meekly, her voice shaking.

"Of course you did Jen honey," Frank said approvingly. He patted her tight ass. "Good girl Jenny," he said smiling at her. He stood up and kissed her tenderly on the cheek. He whispered into her ear, "You're learning. You're accepting who you are. Now go back to Thomas."

Jen stared at Frank. Then she nodded. On shaky knees, Jen walked back up the stairs to the bedroom.

Thomas was still on the bed when she opened the door. "Is everything okay?" he asked looking anxious.

"Shhhhh, everything's fine," Jen said putting a finger to his lips and getting on the bed with him. She finished undressing him, taking off his shirt and socks. "You have a nice body," she said huskily, running her hands over his chest.

Before Thomas was just a boy. He was still a boy. But now he turned Jen on. She wanted him desperately!

"Thanks," Thomas said breathlessly. Her touch was like electricity on his skin!

Jen took off her cheer vest and then the turtleneck. Then she took off the briefs. Now she had on only the short blue pleaded skirt, while ankle socks and saddle shoes. "Come here baby," she said pulling him too her. She kissed him and soon they were making out. But it wasn't the tentative kisses like before. Jen urgently pushed her tongue into his mouth. A fast learner, Thomas did the same. Soon they were passionately making out.

Jen urgently pulled Thomas's hands to her body. She encouraged him to touch her, she showed him where and how to touch her. Jen touched him too, hungrily caressing his chest, his back, his legs and ass.

"God, god," Thomas said panting when Jen finally broke their kiss. "This is the most exciting time of my life."

"We just started," Jen told him. She pulled her long blonde hair back, then she lowered her head and went down on Thomas. She wanted him in her mouth. She paid attention this time. Did he taste different from his father?

Jen gave the young boy her best blowjob. She worshiped his cock. When he came she swallowed all his cum.

Like a dirty slut, Jen raised her head and opened her mouth. "Oh god," Thomas groaned seeing her pretty mouth full of his milky cum. "Oh god," he groaned again as he watched her swallow it.

Jen wrapped her arms around his neck and they made out again. Thomas was a young horny teenager in bed with a really hot girl. He got hard again fast. Breaking their kiss, Jen looked into his eyes and said "Remember me Thomas. I'm Jenny. Jenny the cheerleader."

"I will, I'll always remember," Thomas gushed, reverently looking back into Jen's eyes.

"The way we did it before, that's making love," Jen said. "That's what you do with your girlfriend or wife." She got another condom and rolled it on his hard cock.

"Yeah?" Thomas said not understanding.

Jen got on her hands and knees and looked over her shoulder at him. "But I'm a slut Thomas. You fuck sluts." She pulled Thomas behind her. Reaching under her she guided Thomas's cock to her pussy. "You fuck sluts like dogs. Come on Thomas, fuck me hard. Like a dirty slutty dog. Fuck me hard like a slutty whore!"

Although bewildered, Thomas managed to give Jen what she wanted. Thomas didn't last long but it was long enough. Jen screamed as she came on his cock.

A male valet (he said his name was Kevin) came into the bedroom to help Thomas get dressed. Jen was stretched out in the bed, her fucked pussy exposed with her skirt pushed up around her waist. Her long shapely legs looked even more enticing than usual with her pretty feet in the school girlish ankle socks and saddle shoes.

Kevin tried to avert his eyes with little success. Jen barely noticed he was there, her nympho body basking in the orgasm but still desiring more. She wanted Frank. She craved him! At that moment no one else mattered. Not Mike, not even Anna. No one. Only Frank Tower. Regret would come later. But at that moment she was his. She would do anything for him!

"Well, bye Jenny," Thomas said shyly.

"Bye baby," Jen said smiling at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a sloppy open mouth kiss. Like a true slut she grinned lustfully at him and said "You're a good fuck."

Frank came in. He took in the scene before him. Jen stretched out on the bed. Her cheer outfit strewn around the room. Frank saw 2 used condoms on the floor. He nodded approvingly. Jenny understood. No reminder was necessary. Her pussy was his. Only he took her bare.

Frank sat on the bed next to Jen. He put his hand on her upper thigh next to her just fucked pussy. Jen arched her back as if inviting his fingers into her. "Fuck me Frank," she said throatily. "I want you inside me." Without his asking she raised her arms above her head. "I'll cum on your cock. I will," she promised.

"I'll fuck you," Frank said. "Put your cheerleader uniform back on."

Jen thought of Mike. Her sweet husband. "Frank, no," she said alarmed. "Please."

"Jenny, I love it when you beg. It gets my dick hard," Frank said grinning at her. He pushed two fingers into her pussy and immediately found her g-spot. Jen arched her back and groaned at his touch. "You knew I was going to fuck you in it. Just like you knew Thomas was Hayden's son. Tell the truth Jenny. You knew it."

Jen hesitated, looking into Frank's eyes. "I didn't know," she insisted.

"Yes you did," Frank said kissing her on the lips. "You're mine Jenny. Put your cheerleader uniform back on. Do it for me."

Jen paused, but then she got up. She put on the turtleneck and vest.

"The underwear too," Frank ordered.

Jen looked at Frank. Then she put on the panties and briefs.

"Brush your hair," Frank said. "And put on lipstick."

Jen did it. Now she was a Belmont High School cheerleader again. She got back on the bed with Frank. Thinking of Mike, she said "Please be careful with it."
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Frank took off his pants and got on top of Jen between her open legs. "Sure Jenny," he said smiling.

Frank was careful, he didn't rip anything. But when he came he pulled out and shot his load all over the cheerleader uniform. At Frank's orders, Hugh and Lou did the same thing.


Frank opened his eyes. He saw it was still dark outside. But there was a lamp on in the bedroom. He looked up. Jen was already up, getting dressed.

"Where are you going?" Frank said sitting up.

"Home," Jen said. Her hair was wet from showering. She zipped her jeans and pulled on a blouse.

"I'll take you home," Frank offered.

"No I have a flight," Jen said. "My taxi will be here soon."

"Jenny --," Frank began. He had a limo, a private jet. Why take a taxi or fly commercial?

"Frank just stop," Jen said holding out her hand. "I want to go home by myself."

Jen gathered up her cheerleading outfit. It was soaked with Frank, Lou and Hugh's cum. The cum was wet in places, dried in other places. Jen stuffed the soiled outfit in a plastic bag.

"So you're upset with me," Frank said, a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know what I am Frank," Jen said honestly.

"I'm giving you what you want," he said.

Jen held out her hand again. "Stop Frank," she said. She gave a humorless half laugh. "It's too early for that."

"Can you sit here, next to me before you go?" Frank said. "For a moment?"

Jen hesitated, but then she sat next to Frank on the bed. "We're exploring things Jenny," he said tenderly stroking her back. "I'm helping you discover the true you."

"I'm not sure I like the true me," Jen lamented. With her nympho lust sated (for the moment), her inhibitions and good sense had returned. "Frank, what if I see Mr. Hayden and Thomas together?" The thought horrified her.

"How many times have you seen Mr. Hayden since graduation? My guess is none," Frank said with a reassuring smile. "It'll never happen Jenny. I promise I'll never do that to you."

"Like you promised about my cheerleading uniform?" Jen said frowning at him.

"Alright, we had fun with that last night," Frank admitted with a grin. "But truly Jenny, it's just clothes."

"It's important to Mike," Jen said.

"I'll have it dry cleaned. Completely sanitized," Frank offered. "It'll be as good as new. Mike will never know. I won't say anything. You have my word on that."

Jen hesitated, then said "No, I'll take care of it."

"As you wish," Frank said with a shrug. "Jenny, next Saturday. I really would like to introduce you to my Broadway friends."

"Your friends?" Jen said with a skeptical laugh.

Frank laughed back. "Believe it or not, they really are friends. They're in the arts, not business, so I find it easier to ... temper my competitiveness."

Jen nodded, looking at Frank. It was shocking to see him acting so normal like a real person, especially compared to last night. "I'm not a real dancer," she insisted. "I have no talent."

"You're being too modest. You're a lovely dancer. You sing too, remember? Like an angel," Frank said with a tender smile, stroking her cheek. "And it's not always about talent. Often it's about presence. You have presence Jenny."

"Where can this go?" Jen asked helplessly. "I have a job. I need to make real money."

"You have me Jenny," he said with a kind smile. "I have money for you and Anna. For Mike too." He stroked her cheek again. With an encouraging smile he said "Meet my friends. I know you love the arts. If nothing else it'll be an enjoyable evening."

Jen was about to say "I need to check with Mike." But then she remembered their new game, about not asking him unless it was on the prohibited list. "Alright, next Saturday," she said. She even managed to give Frank a smile.

Frank smiled back. Pressing his advantage, he said "Jenny, I want you to think about Juliet."

"Frank this isn't the time," Jen said.

"I don't want you to be distracted next weekend. It's our time," Frank pressed. "I'll call Jules. We'll set up a date for Saturday."

"No Frank!" Jen snapped. "You have to let me do this my own way!"

Frank frowned at Jen but he let it go. He even said "You're right. I apologize."

Jen's hand was on Frank's thigh. She saw he had an erection and it was tenting the sheets. Frank gave her a "what can I do?" shrug, a sheepish smile on his face. "This is what you do to me. Whenever I'm with you. Or think about you. Which is often."

Jen looked thoughtful for a moment. She asked "You know Frank ... I was wondering ... about Lou and Hugh ... and Colin ... and Thomas even ..."

"Yes?" Frank said, prompting her. Was Jenny finally going to ask the question?

Jen thought about it. Changing her mind, she said "Never mind."

"Tell me what you're thinking," Frank said.

"No, it's nothing," Jen said.

Frank shrugged. He didn't press it. He knew she would ask eventually.

Jen smiled slightly, looking embarrassed. She pulled back the sheets. Looking at his hard thick cock her pussy began to tingle. "I have a few minutes," she said. She pulled back her long blonde hair. Then she went down on Frank.

It was a short flight and the traffic into the city was light (for once). Jen was home before 9am. Mike was awake, waiting for her. Anna was still asleep.

"How was it?" he asked after kissing and hugging her.

"Crazy," Jen said. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally.

"You sleep," Mike said.

"Okay," Jen said appreciatively. She let Mike lead her into the bedroom.

"What's in the bag?" he asked looking at the plastic bag in her hand.

"I'll explain later baby," Jen said nervously. She put the bag in her closet and closed the door. She knew Mike wouldn't look. He was too trustworthy for that. She undressed and got into bed. "Come here baby," she said reaching for him. Mike was wearing sweats. Jen pushed the sweats down. He was hard. She tugged off her panties and pulled Mike on top of her. She knew he needed release before she slept.

"So you had fun talking to Jim," she said giving him a knowing grin.

"Yeah," Mike said excitedly. "But I know you're tired. We'll talk about it later."

Jen smiled appreciatively at Mike. He was so kind and gentle. With him she always came first. She reached between their bodies to guide him into her.

Mike held back. "You can do it," he said looking into her beautiful face. "If you need to."

Jen didn't know what he was talking about. Then she remembered. She nodded at him. Then she licked spit on her hand. Mike watched intently as she used the spit to lubricate herself. Then, as if remembering, she rolled a Durex condom on his cock. "We're almost out," she said.

"I'll get more," Mike said breathing hard.

Jen reached between them again and guided his sheathed cock inside her. Mike's thin cock entered her without any resistance.

"You're so loose," Mike marveled. "Lou and Hugh fucked you too?"

Jen nodded. "Two other guys too," she said.

"God Jen," Mike gasped. But he wasn't being negative. It was more like awe. "God I love you so much," he gushed admiringly.

Jen couldn't help grinning. Mike's unconditional acceptance always centered her. He was her rock.

Mike said "Colin was one, right?"

Jen's eyes opened wide in shock. "How did you know?"

"He took you to Belmont," Mike said. "I'm getting to understand Frank."

"That's scary," Jen said with a laugh.

"Yeah," Mike said laughing back.

"You're not upset about Colin?" she asked. "I should've asked first."

"You're not supposed to ask, remember?" Mike said, touching his fingertip to her lips.

"Oh yeah," Jen said, remembering. She realized Mike wasn't upset about Colin.

Voicing her thoughts, Mike kissed her and said "You know that turns me on. Old boyfriends."

"Yeah," Jen said kissing him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight.

Mike slowly made love to his wife. He wanted to fuck her hard, he needed release. But he controlled his passions, wanting not just to cum but to reclaim her. So he made love to Jen. Jen welcomed it, and they kissed and hugged until Mike came. Jen didn't cum, but it felt good in her heart and soul.

As Jen drifted off to sleep, she said "Wake me up baby before lunch."

Jen woke up to Anna laughing and bouncing on top of her. Mike jumped on the bed too. Jen and Mike tickled Anna, and then Anna and Mike ganged up on Jen. Things got nasty when Jen and Anna attacked Mike. Mike HATED being tickled. He turned the tide by wrapping Jen and Anna in a blanket and then rudely dragging them out of the bed and across the family room. Then he jumped on top and tickled them both through the blanket. Jen and Anna were laughing with tears in their eyes when Mike finally let them go. "Just remember," he playfully growled in his best Batman voice. "I am your worst nightmare!"

They spent the day as a family. By silent agreement, Mike and Jen didn't mention Frank or their game. It was becoming their standard way of dealing with the "day after Frank." Be a family and reconnect. Wait until bedtime for the sexy talk.

In the afternoon Mike was engrossed in the Jets game. Jen had time. She had a full bottle of Woolite in their laundry closet. But her instinct told her to ask Mike first.

"Baby I might do some laundry," Jen said to Mike.

"Okay," Mike said as he watched the Jets play the Jags. They seriously needed to win this game.

"But there's something, you might not want me to wash," Jen said hesitantly.

"What?" Mike said, turning away from the game and looking at his wife.

"Something you might not want me to wash," Jen whispered, glancing nervously at Anna who was playing on the floor with her dolls.

"What?" Mike whispered back.

"The thing in the bag," Jen whispered nervously.

"Can I see?" Mike asked suddenly excited.

"Later baby," Jen told him. She didn't want to derail their family day. Lowering her voice even more, she said "You might get mad. But I think you might want to see it, before I wash it."
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"Okay," Mike said nodding his head.

"I guess I'd like to ask you right now not to get mad at me later," Jen said with a sheepish laugh. "But I guess that's not fair huh?"

"Did it break any rules?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Jen said. "I mean, not any we talked about. But I think it was a rule." Jen understood there were unspoken rules too. Like, never take off the Sophia ring. And don't let Frank fuck her and cum all over her cheerleading uniform.

Mike hesitated, anxious and conflicted about what Jen was going to tell him later. Defaulting to what he knew, he said "Well, if I can have honesty, it's easier to overlook mistakes." He said somewhat formally, like he was reading from a script.

"Um, okay," Jen said with a nervous laugh. That didn't sound like Mike.

"You know who said that?" Mike said as if answering her unspoken question. The Jets game was forgotten.


"Captain Kirk," Mike said. "In the Space Seed."

"Oh okay."

"You know the most recent Star Trek movie?" Mike continued. "It was a remake of Wrath of Khan, which was a continuation of Space Seed."

"Oh um, good to know," Jen said.

"In Space Seed, there was a character, Lt. Marla McGivers. She told Captain Kirk Khan was a better man. Can you believe it? Better than Captain Kirk. Because Khan was bolder, and more adventuresome."

Jen got it. She whispered, "Am I Marla? And you're Captain Kirk? And Frank's Khan?"

"Let's talk about it later," Mike said, his voice suddenly hoarse with excitement. He looked over at Anna.

"Okay," Jen said following his eyes. They didn't want their baby to hear.

"You know Marla?" Mike whispered to his wife. "She had short dark hair."

Jen looked at him sharply. She understood the significance of that. She whispered "The bag. It's not about my hair."

Mike nodded. His heart was pounding. He looked bothered too.

At that moment Jen's iPhone buzzed. She was grateful for the distraction. She read the text. Wanting to change the subject, she forced a laugh and said "Oh god."

"What?" Mike asked.

"It's my cousin Cindy," Jen said with forced cheerfulness. "You know I told you she has this flirtation thing going with this guy Michalis?"

Mike nodded. He didn't remember but he went with it.

"They trade poems," Jen said.

"Poems?" Mike said surprised. Grinning, he asked "Love poems?"

Jen was relieved to see Mike smiling. She said "More like dirty limericks. They usually start with 'there's this three-foot thirty-five inch chick ...'."

"That's Cindy?" Mike asked with a bigger smile.

"Yeah, never ever say she's 6 feet," Jen warned.

"Well she's not," Mike said, always into numerical precision. An image of Cindy in 4 inch high heels flashed through his head. There was something really sexy about a tall girl in high heels. Then he thought about the poem. "Maybe 'chick' is their code word for 'dick'." He grinned. "It rhymes."

Jen laughed. She was relieved as he seemed to have forgotten the bag (for now). "Well, they do grow them big in the country," she joked. She rapidly typed a text to Cindy.

"What did you say?" Mike asked.

"What you said," Jen said giggling. She playfully elbowed Mike in the side. "Now she can asked him."

"Ask him?"

"Ask Michalis how big he is," Jen said with a playful "duh" in her voice. "Cindy can forward my text to him. It's easier if someone else asks."

"You think he'll answer?"

"They're flirting. Sometimes it's not the answer, it's the question," she said. She hugged and kissed Mike and said "That's how flirting works baby." Then Jen snuggled into Mike, pulling his arm around her.

Later that night after putting Anna to bed, Mike nudged Jen and said "So tell me what happened."

Jen gave Mike a weak smile. She said "Let's get ready for bed."

They brushed their teeth, Jen brushed her hair. Mike undressed to his boxers. Jen put on the white nightie. Then they got on the bed, on their sides looking at each other. Mike was already hard.

"Friday night it was just us," Jen said.

"Okay," Mike said, feeling immediate angst as Jen used "us" to refer to her and Frank.

"Frank played with my nipple rings," Jen said. "I thought they were still sore, but actually they're really super sensitive."

"He made you cum?" Mike asked.


"Just from playing with the rings?"


"Wow. Was it a good cum?"

"It was different, but really good."

"Okay," Mike said, the angst inside him growing.

"Are you okay baby?" Jen asked.

Mike didn't answer at first. When he did he gently touched her nipples over the nightie and said "Why do we call them rings? They're not rings. They're more like bars."

"Yeah. I don't know," Jen said. "When Allie had them she always called them rings."

"I guess it doesn't matter," Mike said with a shrug. He gently caressed her nipples over soft thin fabric of the white nightie. "I guess I'll have to learn how to touch you, like Frank," he said.

Jen heard hurt and jealousy in his voice. "It's better that way," she said reassuringly. "We can explore it together."

"Yeah, sure," Mike said. Of course she'd already experienced it with Frank. And he doubted he would ever learn, or play with the rings much at all. They were something Jen did with Frank.

"So then what happened?" Mike asked.

"Saturday got crazy," Jen said. She told him about Colin. "But I wasn't allowed to cum," she said.

"Frank said that?" Mike asked surprised.

"It's a game Frank plays," Jen said with a nod.

"So you play the game with Frank too?" Mike asked, the angst inside him flaring up again.

Jen realized her mistake. "I mean, it's not our game baby," she quickly assured him. Rephrasing it, she said "You know, Frank's mind fucks."

"Yeah, okay," Mike said but his angst was barely soothed. He forced a grin and said "So you must've been going crazy to cum. Because I know you're still hot for Colin."

"I'm not really," Jen said. "I mean, at this point he's just a guy with a big dick."

"Jen you used to love him," Mike said with a skeptical laugh.

Jen didn't even try to deny it. Instead she said "It was a different kind of love," she said. "Baby you know that. It was before I met you." She looked into his eyes and rubbed his chest. "Are you okay baby?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Mike said. He forced another grin. "You know how I get. I'm all over the place. But I'm good." He squeezed her hand. "Tell me what happened next. Who was the other guy?"

"You won't believe it," Jen said. "It was a serious mind fuck. Remember I told you about my teacher, Mr. Hayden?"

"It was Mr. Hayden?" Mike said his eyes going wide.

"Almost. It was --."

Mike got it. He did the math in his head. The age was right. "Mr. Hayden's son," he said incredulously, his eyes even wider.

"Yes," Jen said. "He turned legal this week. He was still a virgin."

"God Jen," Mike gasped, the words coming out like a moan.

"You think that's hot?" Jen said giving him a knowing smile.

"Incredibly hot!" Mike gushed. "God Jen," he moaned again. God he loved her so much! He was so proud she was his wife!

"I don't know, I'm still processing it," Jen said with an embarrassed laugh. "Want to know what's really fucked up? I wasn't into it. Not really. I mean, it was fun at first, but then it kind of got to be a job."

"Did you know who he was?" Mike asked excitedly.

"That's what's fucked up," Jen told him. "I didn't at first. But then I realized Thomas was Mr. Hayden's son. And I went crazy, a real freak. I got so slutty. I fucked him really hard and got off on it."

"It's okay baby, who wouldn't get turned on by that?" Mike assured his wife, kissing and hugging her.

"So you don't think I'm a freak?" Jen asked with a hesitant look on her beautiful face. "It feels like incest or something."

"It's not incest, you're not related to them," Mike assured her. He grinned. "Out of control though."

"And you love that right?" Jen said grinning at him. Their conversation was making her feel better about herself. She asked again "You don't think I'm a freak?"

"Maybe a MILF," Mike said with a grin.

"Or a cougar," Jen said with a laugh.

"God Jen that's epic," Mike said looking awestruck at her.

Jen felt all warm inside. Yeah, Mike was getting off on it, but she saw love and complete acceptance in his eyes. It wasn't like Frank saying "You're a slut, just accept it." With Mike it was "You're the most freaking awesome girl in the world, I'll always think that no matter what you do."
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"God I'm so hot I'm going to cum in my pants," Mike said, still grinning.

Jen giggled. "Well we can't have that," she said with a grin back. She took off her comfy VS cotton panties and pulled down Mike's boxers. She got on top of him. "No condom okay? I want to feel you." Without even waiting for an answer, Jen took his cock and guided her husband inside her.

"Thomas must be big," Mike said feeling Jen's looseness.

"Not really," Jen said slowly moving up and down her husband. "After Thomas, Frank, Hugh and Lou fucked me."

Mike moaned as she said that. "You like getting gang banged?" he asked excitedly.

"I'm such a nympho right now," Jen admitted, her cheeks going red with embarrassment. "I can't get enough."

"It's okay baby. I love you like this, when you lose control," Mike said looking into her eyes.

Jen looked back into her husband's eyes and saw total love and acceptance there. "I love you Mike," she said. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as they made love.

A little later they snuggled together. Mike didn't even bother to ask if she came. He knew she hadn't. But he knew she got a lot out of it too. The fact she didn't want him to wear a condom made him feel good. It helped them to reconnect as a married couple to be skin-to-skin.

"What's in the bag?" he asked. He was stroking her long blonde hair.

This was the moment Jen had been dreading all day. But she felt like she had to come clean without trying to spin the story. She owed Mike at least that much. Cringing inside, she said "It's my high school cheerleader uniform."

Mike abruptly stopped stroking Jen's hair. His body went rigid. With no emotion in his voice, he said "You wore it for Frank?"

"No, it didn't happen that way," Jen said quickly. She sat up so she could see Mike's face. "I know you're not going to believe this, but I decided to wear it for you. The padded bras, they filled out the top."

"But you wore it for Frank," Mike said accusingly.

"No baby, that's not what happened," Jen said stroking his arm. She hurriedly explained. "I put it on for Thomas. He's in high school. I thought it would make it more special for him." Jen squeezed Mike's hands. "I thought you would be okay with it. He's just a boy, a virgin."

"It was your idea then," Mike said frowning.

"I mean ... Frank suggested it," Jen admitted hesitantly. She squeezed Mike's hands again. "Thomas is just a boy. He's in high school. I thought it might turn you on."

"But then you fucked Frank in it," Mike said bitterly, knowing the truth. "And Hugh and Lou."

Jen wanted to explain but ... what was there to explain? "Yes," she admitted. She grimaced at the hurt look on Mike's face. "I never should have put it on," she said to herself as much as Mike. "I lost control. I always lose control."

Somehow Mike stayed calm despite his ache inside. "Yeah," he agreed. But it wasn't fair to blame her. Just a moment ago he said how he loved it when she lost control. "Why's it in a plastic bag?"

Jen hesitated, then said "... it's kind of messy."

Mike nodded, getting it. "From who?" he asked. "Thomas? Or the other guys?"

Jen looked down shamefully. "The other guys," she admitted in a low voice.

Mike nodded again. He understood of course. Frank purposefully shot his load on Jen's cheerleader uniform. He told Hugh and Lou to do the same. To rub Mike's nose in it. To let Mike know he was the first man to fuck Jen in the outfit (Thomas of course didn't count).

"I'm sorry Mike," Jen said, looking desperately into his face. She felt his hurt and jealousy, his feelings of betrayal. It pained her seeing him this way. What made it a million times worse was she knew she was the reason for it. "I never should have put it on."

"It's not your fault," Mike said, forcing a smile. His instinct was always to make her feel better. "You lose control. But I like that. Shit happens sometimes."

"Do you want to see it?" Jen said hopefully. She could tell Mike was hard. Despite it all this turned him on at some level.

"Maybe later," Mike said. At some level it did excite him. But at that moment he didn't want to see it.

"I'll wash it," Jen quickly offered. "It'll look brand new. I'll wear it for you."

"Yeah, sure," Mike said but his voice carried no enthusiasm.

"My other cheer uniforms are at home," Jen said, her voice sounding desperate. "I'll get mom to send them. I'll wear them for you. There's a lot. Ankle socks and saddle shoes. Pantyhose too. I'll do a fashion show for you baby."

"Yeah, let's do that," Mike said. But again he wasn't able to muster any enthusiasm.

Frank had done more than just rub Mike's face in it. He had marked his territory. Claimed it. Like an alpha dog. Jen's cheerleader outfits were Frank's now. Frank won; he took them from Mike. Now, if Jen wore them, he would feel like she was just condescending to him. Sharing what belonged to Frank. Out of pity.

Maybe that's not what Jen thought or intended. But that's how Mike felt. Yeah, it was exciting at some level. But he still had pride. Jen made her choice. He wanted nothing to do anymore with her cheerleader outfits.

"I'm sorry Mike," Jen said, her eyes tearing up. She felt his loss and it broke her heart. She felt so stupid. For years he asked her to wear her cheerleader outfit for him. For years! He practically begged her. She always said no out of some misplaced feelings of pride; like, she was better than that now. But now she ruined it for him. She felt loss for him and her. For both of them. Something they would never be able to share now. How could she be so stupid?!

"It's okay. It's part of the game," Mike said forcing another weak smile. "Shit happens sometimes."

Jen gave him an apologetic, regretful smile back. She reached down and cupped Mike. He was still rock hard. "Do you want to?"

"I'm kind of tired," Mike lied. "Let's go to sleep." He gently moved Jen to her side, facing away. Then he spooned her. It was Jen's favorite sleeping position and had become Mike's favorite too.

Jen was even more disheartened Mike didn't want sex. She didn't push him though, even though he stayed hard pressed against her behind. Eventually he softened as he fell off to sleep. But Jen didn't fall asleep until much later, staring at nothing in the night. "How could I have been so stupid?" she kept asking herself.

Jen decided not to wash her soiled cheer outfit. Later, when she had a moment alone, she folded it and put it in a more permanent zip lock storage bag (by then the cum was all dried; it reeked of musty man-ness). She put a note in the bag: "Dear Mike, I'm so sorry I ruined it for you. Someday I hope you'll forgive me. I kept it like this because I thought maybe you might want to see it someday. I love you more than anything baby. I'm so sorry."

Jen called her mom and she sent the cheer box. Jen put the plastic bag in the cheer box so the note was on top. She put the cheer box next to her memories box (Mike's, not her old boyfriends'). She knew sometimes Mike looked at it. Maybe he would look. She hoped he would.


JJ was in a briefing with the Big 4 at the CATF headquarters. These were the men most responsible for the defense of the United States against internal and external terrorist attacks. JJ frowned as aides provided status reports of hot spots around the world. As the briefing continued he grew more and more concerned.

During a break JJ pulled Colonel Banks aside. "I don't know Ethan," JJ said worriedly, motioning to the big screens in the CATF op center. "I don't like the way things are lining up. I feel like we're about to get hit."

"I feel the same," Colonel Banks said, looking just as concerned.

"What's the status of the quantum project?" JJ asked. "If we can get a breakthrough ...." JJ didn't need to say it, they both understood. If they could get a breakthrough on a quantum computer, even a partial success, they might be able to decrypt more emails and computer transmissions. Get advance warning on what might be coming their way.

"They seem to be going in circles," Banks said shaking his head.

"What about Mike Andrews?" JJ asked. "Is he contributing?"

"He's brilliant, but not fully engaged," Banks said, repeating the reports he'd gotten from Abraham and Allen. From Brent too, although he tended to leave out the "brilliant" part. "Still hasn't bought into what we're doing."

JJ scowled, feeling frustrated and helpless. "I met his wife," he said. "Jennifer. A beautiful girl. Stunning actually. She's working on Jasmine Kelly's campaign. Seems passionate about it."

"Okay," Banks said noncommittally.

JJ added "She's having an affair with Frank Tower."

Banks nodded. He knew more than he wanted to know about Mike and Jennifer Andrews. He got the information during the Liberty-gate fiasco. He didn't know how much JJ knew about their open marriage arrangement. He decided not to say anything. He was old school, didn't believe in interfering with what people did in private. It was like gays in the military. He might not agree, but if they didn't hurt anyone, it was none of his business.

"His idealistic views, his marriage – Mike Andrews is too unstable," JJ said. "I don't see how he can help us. And he's a distraction."

"I still think he has value," Colonel Banks said. "Whatever advances we've had lately on QC, they've come from him."

"Then we need to get him motivated," JJ said looking intently at Banks. "We're running out of time Colonel. Do what you have to do."


The next day Mike walked home from the subway. He was returning from teaching his high school math class. He took the long way, trying to clear his head. He was still trying to come to grips with what Jen did with Frank that weekend.

As Mike approached their loft apartment he saw a figure sitting on the outside steps. It was a girl with long blonde hair. His heart quickened thinking it was Jen. But as he got closer he realized it wasn't Jen.

"Jasmine," Mike said with surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Mike I'm in trouble," Jasmine said pleadingly. She looked scared, terrified even. "I didn't know who else to go to."

Mike stared at his friend. He said "Jasmine, what has happened?"


While Mike was talking to Jasmine, Jen sat in her office at work staring out the window at the New York skyline. She was trying to process everything. Frank was pushing all her buttons. Buttons she didn't even know existed.

She didn't feel like herself when she was with Frank. She felt like he was making her into something else. A girl in his image. A girl with pierced nipples. Who fucked old boyfriends. Fucked fathers and sons. With a wave of Frank's hand she fucked whoever he wanted.

She felt like a slut. Not a goddess. And she was getting off on it. That's what scared her most.

But she was hurting Mike. And she knew it would get worse. With Frank she couldn't control herself. Pierced nipples. Durex condoms. The cheerleader outfit. What was next?

Jen felt, eventually, it would end with Frank. It had to, right? But where would Mike be then? Where would their marriage be? Their family?

Mike wasn't pulling her back. If anything, despite all his conflict and angst, he was pushing her boundaries even more. Pushing her to Frank. Wanting her to do things for Frank instead of him. Wanting her to deny him. Mike was conflicted (like always) but was getting off on it.
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Look at this weekend. Okay, she really screwed up with her cheerleading outfit. But everything else Mike was ecstatic about. Fucking Mr. Hayden's son. It got him so hot. She wondered if, deep down, Mike hoped she would fuck both Mr. Hayden and Thomas at the same time someday.

And Colin was worse. Didn't he remember the last time? It led to her miscarriage, and Mike almost dying. It was like for Mike all that never happened.

Jen knew she was just as bad. In the heat of the moment she had no inhibitions or good sense. And Frank was pushing so hard. He was like a pusher and they were addicts. How much longer would it take? Before she let Frank cut her hair, tattoo her. Or worse.

Mike would hate it all. It would hurt him terribly. But he wasn't capable of stopping either. It was like a drug for him. When it finally ended with Frank, would Mike still love her? Would he be there? She couldn't bear the thought of life without Mike. Of losing his love and respect.

So if Mike wouldn't stop it, she needed to stop it. But the truth was – and this showed her sluttiness more than anything else – she didn't want to stop with Frank. Not yet. She – her body – she loved it too much. She craved it. Frank was like a drug to her too. And she wanted more. She was addicted.

At that moment Jen made a decision. She WOULD set Mike up with a girl. The thought of Mike with another girl drove her crazy. So if Mike was seeing another girl, she'd pay more attention to him, be more careful with what she did with Frank. She would think about the consequences of her actions more. It would be like the Golden Rule. It would give her the strength to control herself with Frank, while still allowing her to explore her desires with him.

At that moment Allie walked into her office. "You're still going this weekend right?" she said.

Jen had forgotten all about the Hamptons party. And now she had plans with Frank. "Um I don't think so," she said. "Something's come up."

"Are you serious?" Allie said, clearly disappointed. "What about our birthday party?"

"We'll get a drink this week," Jen said. But she knew her offer was lame. She felt terrible about backing out, as she knew the weekend was really important to Allie. Another casualty of her obsession with Frank Tower.

"Fuck you bitch, we'll party without you," Allie said dropping into the chair in front of Jen's desk. She looked at her friend. "What's wrong with you?" she asked, seeing the distress on Jen's face.

"It's nothing," Jen said. "I mean ... I don't know."

"What?" Allie pressed. She studied her friend. "This is about a guy right? You and Mike are playing your game again."

"Yeah ..." Jen admitted.

"So what's happening?" Allie asked. Anything to get her mind off her own problems.

"It's just stupid," Jen said in a self-critical voice. "I'm involved with this guy. It's getting kind of heavy."

"It always does with you and Mike," Allie said.

"Yeah ..." Jen agreed. "It feels different this time. Frank's not like other guys. Or maybe I'm different. I'm trying to control myself."

"Yeah right," Allie said skeptically. She knew the history of their game. "So how are you going to do that?"

"Something Keri said, what she does," Jen said. She hesitated, not wanting to say it.

"What?" Allie asked with an intrigued look on her face. "What?"

"I'm thinking about setting Mike up with a girl," Jen finally said.

"Are you serious?" Allie said disbelievingly. "Your bubble boy? You'll let him fuck another girl?"

"I don't want to," Jen said. "But it'll keep me from going too far with Frank."

"Why don't you just end it with Frank?"

Jen shrugged. Looking embarrassed, she said "I'm not ready for that."

"God Jen," Allie said incredulously. Shaking her head she said "Well, I don't know. I think you should dump Frank and go to the Hamptons with me. You, Mike and Anna. At least then I can be your wingman." She thought of her pending divorce and gave a humorless laugh. "Or you can be mine," she lamented.

"It's just ... I've got a date with Frank," Jen said apologetically.

Allie shook her head. As she left she gave Jen a sad disappointed look.

Jen returned to staring out the window. She didn't know what to do.

A moment later Allie abruptly walked back into Jen's office. Closing the door, she said "I'll do it."

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"I'll do it," Allie said. "I'll be Mike's lover."

Jen stared at Allie, her lips opening in shock.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 33

"What?" Jen said, looking shocked at Allie.

"I'll be Mike's lover," Allie repeated.

"Are you crazy?" Jen said looking bewildered. "You?"

"Why not me?"

Jen's head was spinning. "You want to?" she asked feeling flabbergasted.

"I don't know," Allie said, collapsing into the chair in front of Jen's desk. She looked as bewildered as Jen. "You know, after my father, I've known Mike longer than any other guy."

Jen thought about it. It was probably true. She met Mike when she was 19, ten years ago. Over the years Allie had a lot of boyfriends but almost all were short relationships lasting just a few months. She met Darren only a few years ago. So it wasn't surprising Mike was her longest male relationship after her father.

"I guess it kind of bothers me," Allie said. "I mean, Mike's your bubble boy, but he's mine too sort of. I don't like thinking about him with another girl."

"That makes no sense," Jen said with the bewildered look still on her face. "He's my husband, how does it affect you?"

"It's just ...," Allie stammered, trying to explain. It was hard to explain because she didn't understand it herself. "Okay, you and me, we're sluts, we fuck anything that moves. But Mike's different. He's always goo-goo eyes with you. He'd never cheat on you. And I kind of got used to that. It's comforting. That certainty. It was like, one noble guy in the entire world. So, if you're going to set Mike up with another girl, I want to be the girl. Cause then it's still the three of us. Does that make sense?"

"It makes no freaking sense," Jen said scoffing. But in a way it did make sense. In a demented crazy wild kind of way. It was also kind of sweet. "I don't know Allie," she said. "This is really hard for me. It'll be easier if it's not a girl I know. You're my best friend."

"Mike's seen me naked. He's seen me fucking," Allie reminded her. "I've seen him naked. God Jen we almost did him together that time in Vegas. I get what you're saying, but it's got to be easier too knowing it's me." (Author's note: Consequences Part 5)

"I don't know," Jen said hesitantly. But even as she expressed doubt she saw the advantages. There wasn't anyone she trusted more than Allie (other than Mike). She wouldn't try to steal him away. On top of that, Allie had no relationship with Frank. So, unlike with Juliet, Jen didn't have to worry Frank would try to use Allie to dick with Mike. She knew Allie would never do that anyways.

But at the same time, Jen didn't like the idea of Mike getting intimate with Allie. They were best friends after all, like sisters. What would their relationship be after this particular "game" was over?

On the other hand, Allie was Jen's opposite. Brunette versus blonde, big busted versus tiny ones, voluptuous and curvy versus slim and leggy. Jen knew Mike preferred her looks. So that was another reason she was less likely to feel threatened by Allie.

"Why do you want to do this?" Jen asked.

"I don't know," Allie said with a humorless laugh, looking bewildered again. "It's fucked up, right? Me and bubble boy? God .... But, I mean ... it would be nice to hang with a guy who's not a complete jerk. You know?" Allie laughed again. "I've dated a little since the separation. I get horny right?" Another humorless laugh. "Guys are worse now than before. And I'm still dealing with Darren." She looked disheartened and tired. "I guess I want to take a break from men. But sometimes it's nice to hang with a guy." Allie shrugged. "I guess that's why."

"So ... you're not actually thinking about sex?" Jen asked hopefully. Could this be another Claire set up? That would be perfect!

But her hopes were dashed when Allie said with an evil smile, "Ah no. You fucked Darren. Pay back is a bitch, bitch."

Jen looked shocked at Allie, her mouth dropping open. Then Allie broke out laughing. "Oh my god, your face!" After she stopped laughing she said "I'm fucking with you of course."

Jen gave Allie a tight smile.

"It's up to you. What are you going to tell Mike?" Allie asked. "Doesn't Keri set her husband up with actual lovers?"

Jen frowned at that, knowing Allie was right. She might not be reined in with Frank if Mike was just in a platonic relationship with another girl. There had to be at least the possibility of sex.

Maybe that was the key. "Possibility." Mike was intimidated by Allie. Even with her blessing, he might not actually do anything with Allie. And it wasn't like Mike was Allie's dream stud. So they might not do it even if they had a hall pass from her. Yet, the "possibility" of them fucking might be enough to rein her in with Frank. Maybe this was the perfect setup!

Wanting to test her theory, Jen hesitantly asked "So ... you're attracted to Mike?"

Allie knew this was a loaded question. She carefully said, "I think he's cute. I always have. In a geeky sort of way. I'm not a size queen like you." She laughed nervously. "But it's not like I've waited all these years to jump his bones. You're the one looking for a fuck buddy for him. I'm just offering to help." Allie eyed her best friend. "Are you really serious about this?"

"I mean ...," Jen sputtered. Was she? Was she really serious about this? As if talking to herself, she said "I don't want to hurt Mike. But I'm not ready to end it with Frank. It works for Keri ...."

Allie saw her friend's conflict and uncertainty. "I've got an idea," she said. "Your date with Frank – is it an overnight thing?"

"Yeah, I think," Jen said, not sure where Allie was going with this.

"How about this?" Allie said. "You do your thing with Frank. I'll go to the Hamptons with Mike." Before Jen could say anything, Allie said "Nothing will happen. We'll just talk, hang out. And this way too, Anna and DJ can play."

Jen stared wide-eyed at Allie. The idea was crazy. But it kind of worked too. Their friends would be there but Allie knew how to handle things. Also, this way – and she knew this was selfish – she could spend Sunday with Frank. She wouldn't have to rush home that morning. But that wasn't her main reason, Jen told herself. The main reason was to rein herself in with Frank. To keep Mike from getting bad hurt.

"So you're really up for this?" Jen hesitantly asked Allie.

"I can't think of anyone who would make Darren more jealous," Allie said with a laugh. She said it as a joke but she was serious too.

"Darren jealous of Mike?" Jen said, not understanding.

Allie laughed at Jen's bewilderment. Although again her laugh had no humor. She said "You're so clueless about Mike sometimes Jen."

Jen nodded slowly, trying to process that. Trying to process everything. Finally, making a decision, she said "I'll talk to Mike."

"That should be fun," Allie said with a grin.

"Allie, before anything happens – I mean anything – you have to talk to me," Jen told her best friend.

"I will," Allie assured her.

"And you have to tell me everything," Jen said.

"Of course I will," Allie promised.

"And if I stay stop, it stops," Jen said.

"Jen, honey, you can trust me," Allie said earnestly.

"And Allie," Jen said. There was one more, really important thing. "If something does happen, you have to use condoms."

"You know I hate condoms," Allie said immediately.

"Allie ..." Jen said. She didn't want Mike bare inside Allie. Also, she didn't want any chance – ANY chance -- of Allie getting pregnant. She couldn't stand that thought. "He's my husband."

Allie sensed Jen's concern. She said "I'm on the pill. And you can wrap bubble boy in plastic all you want. But is that really going to get you what you want? You can't control it Jen. Isn't that the point of all this?"

Jen slowly nodded her head. She knew Allie was right. "Just tell me before anything happens," she said.

"I will Jen," Allie said, squeezing Jen's hand. "I promise."


The first part was easy. Mike found Willy's computers and servers on the internet. He inserted a worm to erase all the data.

Then it got harder. It was possible Willy kept backups of Jasmine's sex tape on DVDs or hard drives not connected to his computer. Mike needed to physically search Willy's home. To do that, he needed to find Willy. That wasn't easy, because Willy moved around a lot to prevent people like Mike from finding him.

But no one was completely off the grid. It wasn't possible in today's world. Especially for Willy, whose business depended on the internet.

Mike studied Willy's credit card statements. A pattern emerged. Mike thought about it. The code would be straightforward to write, but it was a lot of data to collect, organize and process. It would take a lot of computers to make happen. If it worked though, he'd find Willy in a day or two.

Time was short. Willy had told Jasmine (actually, Leo) he would release the sex tape on his website if she didn't immediately pay his blackmail demands. So Mike wrote the code. It took most of the day to write and distribute.

Now came the really hard part. Mike wasn't a field agent. He needed one.

Mike flew down to the CATF headquarters. He got lucky as he didn't run into anyone. He wanted to do this fast. In and out. Fortunately he already had his man. He choose him from hacking into the CATF's files of its field agents. This guy was a free agent, officially a "contractor." Mostly he worked for the CIA but he did jobs for CATF too (apparently Colonel Banks was close with the director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center).
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Mike hacked into the CATF's attendance log (everyone had to sign in and out). He got lucky. His man was inside the CATF's headquarters.

The agent was in the break room drinking coffee. "You're Mitch?" Mike said, sitting at the table across from the man.

Mitch looked up. He had dark hair and a dark complexion. He wasn't tall, maybe Mike's height. But he was powerfully built, like an NFL linebacker (actually he played lacrosse in college, at Syracuse). Mitch had a dangerous aura around him, like a predator. Maria was right. The field agents oozed testosterone. It was more than that thought. Mitch looked dangerous, even sitting at the table with a coffee mug in his hand.

"Who are you?" Mitch asked. He had a gravelly, serious voice.

"Mike Andrews," Mike said.

Mitch gave Mike a long look. He'd heard about the "Phantom." And he read the papers. He said "What do you want?"

"An operation," Mike said. He passed a thin folder to the agent. "His name's Willy, a porn operator. He's got a sex tape on a Senate candidate. He's blackmailing her. I'm taking care of his computers and servers. But I need someone to search his home. And to make Willy understand he should leave the candidate alone."

Mitch didn't touch the folder. He asked "Why do you care?"

"She's a friend," Mike said.

Mitch gave Mike another long look. Then he opened the file. He wasn't surprised when he saw the candidate was Jasmine Kelly. He read the papers. He knew about "JasMike."

"Why should I care?" Mitch said.

Mike was ready for this question. It was why he picked Mitch. "Jasmine's a good American. She's running for the Senate. That makes Willy a terrorist. You don't like when terrorists target Americans, especially women." Mike had read Mitch's file. About how his college girlfriend and his wife were both murdered by terrorists.

Mitch's head snapped up. He gave Mike a dangerous look. "Be careful," he warned in his hard gravelly voice.

Mike was scared. It wasn't smart to try to manipulate an assassin. Somehow he kept his hands from shaking.

Once again Mitch studied Mike. Mike's audacity shocked him. To approach out of the blue and drop the operation on him. Of course the op wasn't sanctioned. Did Andrews know how many laws he was breaking? Actually, Mitch figured Mike probably did know and he was doing it anyway. God, the stupidity. No wonder this asshole ended up in jail over Liberty-gate.

But Mitch knew there were other words to describe what Mike was asking. Bold. Idealistic. Courageous. Those words fit Liberty-gate too. And maybe this country needed more of that. Fuck the rules and just kick ass over what was right.

Mitch tapped the file. "You're sure Willy's at this location?"


"How'd you find him?" Mitch asked.

"It wasn't hard," Mike said, trying to sound confident.

"Not hard huh?" Mitch said. He eyed Mike, studying him. In the end, his decision was based on a basic human emotion. Curiousity.

"Alright, I'll do this," Mitch told Mike. "But then you owe me. Someday I may call you for a favor."

Mike nodded slowly, cautiously. The favor would involve computers of course. He wasn't going to give Mitch a blank check. He said "And I'll listen. If I agree with what you're doing, I'll help."

Mitch looked at Mike, studying him again, taking the measure of him. Finally he said "Fair enough." He turned back to the file. "ROE?"

"Nothing permanent," Mike said. "But make sure Willy understands he should leave Jasmine alone."

"You're sure Willy's at this location?" Mitch asked again.

"Yes," Mike said. "But he moves around. It has to be done fast."

Mitch thought about the logistics and timing. Finally he said "It'll be done in a few days. A week at most." Without another word Mitch was gone.

Mike went straight to the airport. He had about an hour before his flight back to LaGuardia. He went to the bar and ordered a scotch. His hands began shaking. He swallowed the scotch in a single gulp and ordered another. He gulped that one too. But still his hands shook.

In a way, helping Jasmine was a welcome distraction because it helped take Mike's mind off their game, off Jen's growing relationship with Frank. But he had just made a deal with an assassin. Was it a deal with the devil? And he just broke a lot of laws (both US and foreign). If Banks found out ....

Mike thought about more jail time. Of being separated from Jen and Anna again. But he had no choice. Jasmine needed help. He owed her. More importantly, she was his friend. But if Banks found out ....


The next day Jen got home from work late as her client meeting went long. She and Mike played and snuggled with Anna a little while, then they put her down to sleep for the night.

It was awkward afterwards with Mike. There was still the "cheerleader outfit fiasco" hanging over them. Still though, she wanted to talk about that weekend. About her date with Frank that Saturday. And Allie. But she didn't know how to start. It didn't help Mike seemed distracted by something. Was it Frank? Her intuition told her it was something else. CATF?

For his part, Mike struggled about whether to tell Jen about Jasmine. On the one hand, he knew Jen would blow up if she learned he helped her. But it would be worse if Jen found out another way (like, for example, if Colonel Banks found out and threw him in jail). In the end, Mike decided not to tell Jen, for 2 reasons. First, because he didn't want to get Jen involved; if the shit hit the fan he didn't want to implicate his wife. Second, he was still pissed about her cheerleader outfit. Maybe it was childish, but he felt she didn't deserve to know.

As the evening wore on, Jen decided she had to just come out and talk about things. After all, it was already Wednesday night. If anything was going to happen that weekend, they had to talk about it now.

"So ... remember Bobby and Grace are renting that house in the Hamptons this weekend?" Jen said to Mike.

"Yeah, we're going to that?" Mike said.

"Well, um ... Frank asked me out," Jen said hesitantly.

"Oh," Mike said. He forced himself to stay calm. After all, this was the point of their game. She was "dating" Frank. He asked "What's going on? Anything special?"

"Frank is kind of obsessed with my dancing," Jen said with a laugh. She brushed a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "He has this wild fantasy of me on Broadway. Helping me reach my Broadway dream. So he's introducing me to some people."

Jen's words seemed to stop Mike in his tracks. He asked "Producers? Directors? Writers?"

"I don't know. Maybe. He calls them his Broadway friends."

Mike nodded, processing all this. He said "I never knew that was your dream."

"I mean, maybe back in high school. That's every girl's dream," Jen said. With a laugh in her voice she added "But now it's more Frank's dream than mine."

Mike nodded again. His head was spinning. He said "I'll support you if you want to give it a try. I'll call Apple or Google, maybe Facebook or Microsoft, get a real job."

"Mike you're as crazy as Frank," Jen said with a laugh. "I take dance classes at the gym, that's all. I have no talent. And I'm almost 30. Girls on Broadway are young."

"You have incredible talent baby," Mike said encouragingly, squeezing her hands. "Think about the Rockettes. You could do those routines. And you'd make an incredible Rockette. From there you could go on to musicals."

"You just want to see me dancing around in leotards and tights," Jen said giving her husband a knowing grin. "But I like my life Mike. I like my job. And I don't want you to work for those big companies. I like you're home a lot. I love our life just the way it is."

"Then why meet with Frank's Broadway friends?" Mike asked.

"Because it's fun and exciting," Jen said. "But it's just fantasy Mike. It's not really going to happen. It's just part of the game."

Mike nodded, thinking again. He wasn't so sure. What if Jen WAS offered a spot on the Rockettes? Or as the understudy to the female lead in a Broadway musical? How could she turn that down? With Jen's gorgeous looks, her long incredible legs, her singing and dancing talent -- was it that farfetched? Especially with a powerful and wealthy benefactor like Frank Tower behind her?

This was Jen's dream. She downplayed it, but Mike could tell. And Frank was making it come true for her, not him.

Mike played it out in his head. Jen excitedly hugging Frank when she got the part. Holding his hand as they celebrated. Spending more time with the rich and powerful Frank as she became a starlet. Jen would be on Mike's arm at openings as they had to keep up appearances as a married couple. But she'd make eyes with Frank all night long, and afterwards she'd be in his bed.

Mike played it out, like a movie in his head. The jealousy, the feelings of inadequacy, having less of Jen's time and attention, of being minimized in her eyes as Frank became a bigger part of her life. It was like a wave of angst washing over him.

Mike played more of the movie in his head. Jen would quit her job to follow her dream. Frank would offer to support them. But Mike swore he would never let that happen. He would call Apple, work 10 jobs if he had to, but he would support his family. Even as Jen got closer to Frank, spent more time with him, maybe fell in love with him. He would support his family. He would support Anna.

But Mike didn't show any of these dark thoughts to Jen. Because the fact was, he did want her to perform on Broadway. It was a voyeur's and cuckold's dream. Jen dancing around on stage in leotards, short skirts, stockings and high heels. Countless men in the audience admiring her beautiful face, tight body, long legs. Maybe getting hit on by famous actors. Mike practically shuddered from delicious cuckold lust and angst.

"Are you alright?" Jen asked in her soft voice. She saw the conflict, hurt and excitement in her husband's face. "It's just a game baby."

"It's your dream," Mike said, his voice hoarse with excitement.

"It really isn't," Jen said. She rubbed Mike's arm. She didn't know exactly what was going through his head but she had an idea. She said "It's okay to think about it baby. Play with it, let it get you hot. But don't get upset. Because it's not going to happen. It's just part of our game."

Mike nodded but he barely heard her. "Are you auditioning Saturday?" he asked.
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"I don't think so," Jen said. Honestly she hadn't thought about it. "I'm not bringing any dancewear."

"But Frank could give you that," Mike said. "Or maybe you'll just sing for them."

Jen could see Mike was agitated. Excited but seriously bothered. She rubbed his arm again. "What's wrong baby?"

"I want to be there when you audition," Mike said.

Jen could tell this was important to him. "Of course baby," she assured him, rubbing his arm again. "But I don't think it'll get that far."

Mike doubted that. He was sure Frank would make it happen. "I want to be there," he insisted.

"You will baby, I promise," Jen said. Mike was really agitated by this. She wasn't sure why but it was really important to him. Like her cheerleader outfit.

The memory got her scared. Being at the audition was really important to Mike. Jen truly meant what she said, that he would be there (if it really happened). But in the heat of the moment, would she break that promise too? Like her cheerleader outfit? Jen knew the answer was probably yes. Unless she could find a way to control herself.

"I want to talk about something," Jen said hugging his arm. "Something important."

Mike nodded. He waited for her to say something.

"I know I've been terrible lately," Jen said looking pained and regretful. "I should stop with Frank. And if you want me to I will. But honestly I don't want to. Not yet."

"I don't want you to stop either," Mike said. Frank was pushing both their boundaries. It was hard, painful sometimes. But so exciting too.

Also, he didn't blame Jen. Sex was a powerful drug. Just look at what happened to Jasmine. She wasn't nearly as sensual as Jen. Yet, Jasmine allowed her passions to almost destroy her life.

Jen was an extremely sensual girl. Once her nympho switch got turned on, she craved sex all the time. Mike knew he pushed her. He added combustible fuel to the passionate fires burning inside her. Add to that Frank, who was tapping into her submissive fantasies. When Jen was like this, she had a hard time controlling herself. Mike understood this. And, to be truthful, Mike liked it when his wife was like this. Because it fueled his own fantasies.

"But we have limits, remember?" Jen said hugging his arm. "Things we've talked about. And other things too. Things you don't have to tell me. I know they're limits."

Mike nodded, waiting.

"But I keep fucking up," Jen admitted, looking regretful and ashamed. "Like my cheerleader outfit."

Mike nodded again. The reminder was like a blow to his gut. But he didn't say anything, continuing to wait for Jen to make her point.

"So, I have an idea for trying to control things," Jen said. "We tried it before and it kind of worked then. So I think it'll work now. Keri and Jim do it. It helps them."

"What?" Mike asked.

Jen hesitated. She had a hard time saying it. Finally she blurted out "Maybe you should see another girl." She added, "A little."

Mike's jaw dropped. "Someone besides you? I don't want anyone else."

"It'll be like Claire," Jen said.

"That was fake."

"I know," Jen said. "But before I found out it was fake, it helped. I thought about you with Claire. It bothered me. So it cooled things down between me and Ricky. See? It's a way for me to control myself."

Mike stared at Jen. Was this what Maria said? If you want to break up with a guy, you set him up with another girl.

All his insecurities rushed to the surface. About why a gorgeous girl like Jenny Johnson would date and then marry a less-than-handsome geek like Mike Andrews. Especially since he had a small thin dick and couldn't give her the toe curling orgasms of men like Ricky and Scott.

Feeling like he was teetering on the abyss, Mike said "Jen if you want a divorce just come out and say it."

Jen's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. It was the first time Mike had ever said the D word. It sobered her. Completely.

"Mike I don't want a divorce," she said immediately. "This isn't about that. But never mind. It doesn't matter. I'm ending it with Frank. It's over." Jen hugged herself into Mike. She clung to him, her arms around his chest, her legs tangled with his. It was like she was trying to make them into a single person.

"I'm sorry," Mike said after a few moments.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's my fault," Jen said hugging him tighter. "Let's not talk about it anymore."

"Maybe we should," Mike said.

"I don't want to," Jen said. She wasn't being a martyr. She wasn't mad at Mike, or resentful, or being stubborn. But she was done with the game. If the game got to the point where someone said the D word, then it was over. She lost all interest in the game. Over. Done with. Caput.

"It can't end like this," Mike said. "You've got the rings. The bras."

"I'll take the rings out later and give them back to Frank," Jen said. "The bras too. Everything."

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not mad baby," Jen said honestly, tenderly holding Mike's face in her soft hands and looking into his eyes. "But saying the D word isn't acceptable to me. If you think I'm thinking that, then we have to stop. You see? I'm not saying we won't play again someday. But this game needs to stop right now."

Mike nodded, not knowing how he felt about that. After a few moments he asked "Who's the girl?"

Jen hesitated. She finally let Mike go and raised up on an elbow to look at him. She said "Allie."

Mike stared at Jen for a moment, then he started laughing. "Allie?" he said laughing hard. He laughed so much tears formed in his eyes.

Jen couldn't help smiling. "I'm sure she'll appreciate all the laughing," she said with a wry grin.

"I just ...," Mike said, shaking his head as his laughter finally died out. "Allie, god ...," he said with wonder, not able to stop smiling. Allie Oh La La and him. They hated each other. Okay, maybe not hate, but far from like. It was like the biggest joke ever.

"Why not Allie?" Jen said smiling now, getting into the spirit of it. "Don't tell me she's not hot. I've seen you look mister. And she's freaking awesome in bed. Trust me."

"You would know," Mike said giving Jen a mischievous knowing grin.

"Yes I would know, jerk," Jen said, giving Mike a playful scowl and punching him in the stomach.

"So Allie was Frank's idea?" Mike asked.

"No Frank wants to set you up with a Juliet chick," Jen told him. "You'd love her. She looks like Jasmine Kelly. Except she's younger, prettier, has bigger tits and doesn't dye her hair blonde. Your basic nightmare. But she's nice which makes it worse."

Mike nodded slowly. He was pretty sure Jasmine was a natural blonde but he didn't say that of course. And given recent events, he had a hard time thinking about Jasmine in sexual terms. "So, this was Frank's idea?" Mike asked.

Jen shook her head. "Keri's actually," she said. Then she admitted "But Frank's all over it."

"Of course he is," Mike thought to himself. "Get me out of the way so he has more time with my wife." He wasn't sure whether to be flattered or pissed that they talked so much behind his back.

Jen read his thoughts and conceded "Frank wasn't worried about you." She gave Mike a weak smile. "But I was. I swear to god Mike. This wasn't like what Maria said."

Jen reflected that Maria was causing her a lot of trouble. WTF? They were supposed to be sorta friends. Girls didn't do that to other girls.

Jen continued, saying "I mean, if I was really trying to break up, would I pick Allie? I'd pick Juliet. I picked Allie because I know she won't try to take you away from me. I trust her. Juliet is nice but I don't know her that well. I don't really know her at all."

"I just needed to make sure," Mike said.

"I get that honey."

"I'm sorry I said divorce," Mike said.

"You better be," Jen said, frowning at him.

"But I don't want to stop playing the game," Mike said. "I'm not ready for that. And I know you aren't either."

"I don't know Mike," Jen said uncertainly.

"You say you're exploring things with Frank," Mike said. "I'm exploring things too, with you. Like you doing things for Frank and not me. Denying me things. With other guys, it's always exciting. But you're too nice sometimes. Remember those times with Jamie, when you were mean to me?"

"That got you so hot," Jen said grinning at the memory.

"Got you hot too," Mike pointed out with a smile.

"Okay, guilty," Jen said with a laugh.

Remembering how Jim said it, Mike said "That was like Cuckold 101. What you're doing now is a lot hotter."

"Okay," Jen said with another laugh. Then getting serious, she admitted "It gets me hot too. Really hot. It's like, I'm a bottom with Frank. But a top with you. And that gets me really hot. I guess I like controlling you." Jen laughed again as if needing to ease the tension. Then she got serious again and said "I like it you're my sub. You're my sub, you know that right?"

Mike didn't answer. But there was lust written across his face. Jen's too. "That's okay baby," Jen whispered. Her voice was husky from excitement. She pushed her finger into Mike's mouth. "You don't have to say it. We both know."

Mike was breathing hard. His eyes drifted to Jen's legs. Her feet.

Jen followed Mike's eyes. She was still in her work clothes. "Oh that's right," she said. "I'm not wearing high heels for you anymore." She tossed off the high heels. "Or stockings," she added, running her smooth shapely calf over Mike's hand so he felt her bare, stocking-less legs.

"At least I'm saving money," Mike joked.

"Yes you are," Jen said, pulling his hands to her legs. "So you won't buy stockings anymore? To save money?"

"No, I'll buy all the stockings you want," Mike said, his voice dry from excitement.

"But I don't need stockings now do I?" Jen asked, running her bare foot up his chest. Mike's hands were still on her firm thigh, slightly under her dress.

"No," Mike said, his voice throaty.

"Because I'm not wearing stockings anymore," Jen said, running her bare foot up Mike's neck, her pedicured toenails scrapping along his skin. "You love them, but Frank doesn't."

"Yeah," Mike said.

"Yeah what baby?"

"You're not wearing stockings because that's what Frank wants," Mike said.

"That's right baby," Jen cooed, running the sole of her bare foot across Mike's mouth and cheeks. "God this is getting me so hot," she said delightedly. She pulled up her dress and tugged at Mike's hair. "Eat me baby. My cucky boy. Eat me."
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Mike enthusiastically pulled off Jen's panties. They were moist with her excitement. He got on the floor on his knees and pulled her forward so her butt was just on the edge of the sofa. He opened her legs and lowered his head. He worked this magic on her excited pussy and clit.

"Oh yeah baby, yeah," Jen moaned. Mike was soooo good at this! She felt an orgasm approaching.

But then she remembered Frank's command. To make herself cum even when Mike went down on her. To deny her husband the satisfaction of giving her an orgasm. The thought got Jen even more hot!

"Wait baby, wait," Jen said, pushing Mike's head away and squeezing her legs together. She reached into her bag. She felt around until she found it. "Frank gave me this," she told Mike showing him the metal vibrator. "See it's about as big as you baby," she said with a giggle. She saw Mike was breathing hard, cuckold lust in his eyes. He was loving this.

"You're not allowed to make me cum baby," Jen said, running the vibrator over his lips. "Frank says so."

"I can't make you cum?" Mike said, dumbly repeating her words.

"No honey, you can't," Jen said tenderly stroking his face. She teased "I don't need you for that anymore. I've got Frank. And this little thing."

Mike looked like a hurt puppy. But still there was lust in his eyes and across his face.

"You can help though," Jen offered. "Lick my pussy baby. But not my clit." She opened her legs and pulled Mike's face down to her sex. But then Jen had a better idea. An inspiration. "Do something for me honey," she said eagerly, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Lick my ass. Will you do that for me baby?"

"Yeah, yeah," Mike said excitedly. He was panting now.

Mike pulled Jen further off the sofa. Holding her behind the knees, he spread her wide and lifted her up. Then he eagerly went down on her asshole, licking around and over, reveling in the sweet bitter muskiness.

"Oh god yeah, yeah," Jen moaned. She loved ass play. She always had, but even more lately with Frank's finger, and being DPed by Hugh and Lou. But it was best with Mike. Her sweet husband's tongue. He'd do anything for her! God she loved it! It was so hot!

Jen twisted the vibrator, turning it on. She rubbed it against her excited clit. Oh god! Mike's tongue in her ass and the vibrator on her clit. This was nirvana! Moments later she exploded in a massive orgasm!

Her body shuddered with orgasmic aftershocks. Then she giggled, both delighted and embarrassed by her brazen, naughty behavior. She pulled Mike to her and lavished his lips and face with kisses. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, swirling his tongue with hers. She was crazy for him!

Jen yanked off his pants and climbed onto his lap. "Oh I know what to do with cucky boys," she playfully teased with a taunting smile. She got a Durex condom and ripped the package open with her teeth. She rubbed the condom across his face. "Feel it Mike," she said teasingly. "With this on your little cock your sperm will never get inside me." She kissed up Mike's cheek to his ear. "What do you think of that baby? Do you like that?"

"God yeah," Mike groaned. He was so hot his body was practically shaking.

"So only Frank's sperm gets inside me?" Jen teased even more. "You like that baby?"

"Oh god yeah," Mike moaned.

Jen smiled at him. "I thought so," she said with a giggle. She rolled the condom on Mike's cock. Then she guided him into her. "I know what you want to hear," she said looking into his eyes. "I can barely feel you. There's no way I'll cum. It's true too. Frank takes all my horniness."

"Oh gawd!" Mike cried as he came.

A little later Mike and Jen were snuggling in bed. They were on their sides, looking at each other. "Was that too much?" Jen asked.

"Don't ask," Mike said kissing her lips. "You can tell when it's too much, right?"

"Yeah," Jen said. She could tell when he got bad hurt.

"So don't ask," Mike said again.

"Okay," Jen said smiling at him. She liked it better that way too.

"I don't want you to stop with Frank," Mike said. "Not yet."

"... I don't either," Jen hesitantly admitted. "But I don't want us talking about breaking up or divorce again. I don't want that. I can't handle talking about it."

"Okay," Mike said, kissing Jen again. "I don't want anyone but you."

"I know. It's for me," Jen assured him. It wasn't just to control herself. That was the main reason. But there was emotional drama that went with her side of the game. Maybe it would be good if Mike got a taste of that. Because he needed to control himself too.

With a frown, Mike asked "What happens now?"

Jen said "I guess the plan is I'll go out with Frank. And you and Anna will go to the Hamptons. Anna can play with DJ, she'll love that. And you and Allie can talk a little."

"I can't imagine Allie," Mike said dubiously. "There's no way."

"This weekend is just talking," Jen assured him. She laughed anxiously as she added "I can't imagine it either. I have to get used to the idea. But nothing's going to happen this weekend. Just talk."

Mike nodded, thinking about it. He was always back and forth with the game. With some bitterness he said "So Frank gets you for the weekend. Again."

"We'll be back together Sunday night," Jen assured him.

"He gets you all Saturday and all Sunday," Mike said.

"Not all," Jen said. "Saturday night, a little Sunday. Mostly I'll be here."


"Yes baby, alone," Jen assured him, squeezing his hand. "Don't worry honey. I won't be with Frank much."

Mike frowned. He doubted that. Maybe that's what Jen believed. But once Frank got his hands on her ...

Jen sensed Mike's concerns. She saw he already forgot all about Allie. That comforted her. Part of her – a big part -- hoped Mike and Allie's hanging out would turn into a platonic friendship, like with Claire.

The thing was though, she knew Allie. When the curvy brunette tried – and really Allie didn't have to try too hard -- she could be irresistible to men. Mike didn't know that part of Allie because she never tried with him. Also, Allie was new. Jen of all people understood the power of NRE.

Jen saw the benefits of Mike spending some time with Allie. But she wanted to make sure her husband's big head and little head both remained firmly focused on her.

And Jen knew how. How to raise the stacks in their game to make sure Mike's thoughts and attention stayed on her even while he was with Allie.

"So, I saw Paige the other day," she began. "She told me something."

"What?" Mike asked. The Hamptons and Allie were completely forgotten.

"She thinks Frank might be sterile," Jen said. "It happened after his wife died. He got sick, there were complications. She heard Frank talking to the doctor."

Mike was silent, processing this. Finally he said "You think Frank told Paige to tell you that?"

"I thought of that. I don't think so. Not the way it came up," Jen said. "Paige told me she's not sure. It's just something she heard."

"Do you think he is?" Mike asked.

"I don't know," Jen said. "I guess it's possible."

Mike was again silent as he took all this in. Jen reached out and squeezed his bad leg. As she frequently did (at least once a day) she began massaging him. She asked, "So ... you still want me to push your boundaries?"

Mike immediately got hard. "Like what?" he asked excitedly.

Jen gave him a knowing smile. She said "Like ... do you want me to go off the pill?"

Mike's eyes went wide. "Are you going to tell Frank?"

"No, only we'll know," Jen said, still massaging his leg. She edged her hands higher up his thigh towards his cock. She saw he was hard again. "I'll make him pull out or use condoms when it's dangerous."

Mike's breathing caught at her words. "And if he's sterile it won't matter anyway," he said, his voice hoarse from excitement.

"Exactly baby," she said, her hands moving to cup his erection. She softly massaged him there.

"How long will we play?" Mike asked excitedly.

"Until you say stop," Jen said smiling mischievously at him. "Until then though, you have to use condoms. Every time." She leaned down and kissed her husband's erection. "That's what you want, right baby?"

"Yeah, yes," Mike said. He was practically panting now. "You said Frank cums where he wants."

"Frank's just a guy, I can handle him," Jen said confidently. She looked into Mike's eyes and stroked his face. "If something does happen you'll be there right Mike?"

"Yeah, I'll always be there baby," Mike promised looking back into his wife's eyes. "I'll always love you Jen."

"I need you to say that a lot," Jen said, insecurity creeping into her voice. At that moment, she was more thinking about the Allie game than the pregnancy game. She was more worried about the former than the latter. Pulling Mike on top of her, she said "Make love to me baby."


Jen took off work Friday to spend the day with Anna. Then on Saturday morning, she helped Mike finish packing. She was nervous and conflicted about sending her daughter to the beach without her, and her husband to another woman.

Mike sensed his wife's unease. "We don't have to do this," he offered. "We'll stay here. You can still go out with Frank and sleep over."

Jen gave Mike a weak smile. It was tempting, to have her cake and eat it too. But she knew how that would turn out. Actually, the fact she was so uneasy meant this was working. "No, you should go," Jen said squeezing his hand. "Anna's looking forward to playing with DJ. And Allie's lonely. She'll like the company."
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Mike didn't get that. Allie (like Jen) was the IT girl among their friends. She was always surrounded by people, the center of attention. On top of that, since she was separated and back on the market (kind of), she'd have tons of male suitors. When Mike said that, Jen said "It's not the same baby. She doesn't have the history with those people she has with you."

Mike nodded but didn't understand. He and Allie had history?

Mike had more important (and exciting) things to think about. He hesitantly said "So about the other night ...."

Jen looked at Mike not sure what he was talking about. Then she nodded, remembering. She opened her lingerie drawer and pulled out her birth control pills. "So, throw them away?" she asked her husband.

"You're sure you can control Frank?" Mike asked. Could she make Frank wear a condom, or at least pull out, when she was ovulating (and just before)? He knew pregnancy was possible only the days before ovulation (about 5 days) and then during ovulation (about 2 days). So it was dangerous about a week every month. During that time Jen would have to abstain from sex with Frank (not likely) or make him use a condom or pull out.

"I think so baby," Jen said edging up to Mike. She reached down and touched his crotch. He was rock hard.

"Okay," Mike said as if making a decision. He took the small round pink packet. He punched out all the little pink pills and flushed them down the toilet. Jen could get more if she wanted of course but this was symbolic. She was now off birth control. Once the lingering effects of the pill were gone she would be unprotected. The thought made Mike shiver.

"Are you okay baby?" Jen asked.

"Yeah," Mike said, his heart beating rapidly.

Jen moved her lips to Mike's ear and whispered "I'll stay off the pill until you say."

"Okay," Mike said his voice hoarse from excitement.

Jen looked at Mike. His face was covered with lust. She smiled at him and rubbed his chest. She silently locked their bedroom door. They could still hear Anna playing by the TV. Walking back to Mike, she got on her knees. Without a word, she took out his cock and went down on him. She was NOT sending Mike to Allie all hot and bothered.

After Mike and Anna left for the Hamptons, Jen trudged around the loft apartment. She cleaned up a little, did some laundry and caught up on work. She was excited about tonight, about meeting his Broadway friends. She was tempted to call Frank. Have him come over early. But she didn't, living up to her promise to Mike not to see Frank until that evening.


It was about a 3 hour drive to the Hamptons. When Mike was about 30 minutes away his cell beeped with a text. He looked at the screen. It said "It's done. Mitch."

Mike was happy and relieved. But seeing the text made him anxious too. He broke a lot of laws. He broke CATF policy (which might be worse). It would not be good if Banks found out (Mike knew that was an understatement). On top of that he now was in the debt of a ruthless American operative, an assassin (albeit a sanctioned assassin). Mike didn't feel comfortable. There were too many loose ends.

At the same time Mike couldn't help feeling proud of himself for pulling it off. His first operation. He grinned. Maybe he was a "secret agent man."

Mike called Jasmine. "It's done," he told her.

A huge wave of relief washed over Jasmine. Mike did it! But what did he do? Was it done done? Or done for now? She needed to know if there were future minefields she had to watch out for.

Jasmine needed details. But not over the phone.

"Where are you?" she asked urgently.

"Driving to the Hamptons."

Jasmine thought it was strange going to the Hamptons this time of year, but whatever. She was still in DC. She could fly to New York, drive up. "Can we meet later, after dinner?" she asked.

Mike thought about it. He probably could get Allie to watch Anna. "Yeah," he said. "But not at the house." He didn't want anyone to know about the meeting. He hadn't told Jen and didn't plan to. He didn't know how she would react if she learned he helped Jasmine Kelly. More importantly, if things blew up, he didn't want to implicate his wife in any way.

Jasmine didn't want anyone to know either. So far, only Leo and Deidre knew and she wanted to keep it that way. "There's a bar," she said. She told Mike the address and they agreed to meet later. Then she went to tell Leo and Deidre the good news.


Around 3pm Frank called. "May I come over?" he asked formally. "I have a dress for you for tonight."

"You do, do you?" Jen teased with a delighted laugh. "I have my own dresses Frank. I might not like one you picked out." She was sort of playing hard to get. But in reality her heart leaped at the sound of his voice. Also she was excited to wear another one of the custom designer dresses.

Frank chuckled. He read through her subterfuge of course. "I'll drive over now," he said. "And Jenny?"


"Wear high heels. Nothing else," Frank said. It was a command, not a request.

Jen stared at the phone as she hung up. No guy ordered her around like Frank Tower. Not Colin or Scott or Ricky. Certainly not Mike. Jen shivered. Her pussy was moist.

Knowing Frank would arrive soon, Jen hurried into her bedroom and undressed. She quickly did her makeup and hair. She got the bottle of Jenny and spritzed her neck, wrists, under her breasts and on her small trimmed landing strip. She put the bottle of Jenny back in its hiding place. She hadn't told Mike about it yet.

She went into her closet for high heels. Her eyes fell on the plastic bag containing her soiled cheerleader outfit. She suspected Frank might look through her things like at her parent's house. Jen put the plastic bag in her "Mike" mementoes box and placed it behind long dresses; she didn't want Frank to mess with any of that. Finally Jen stepped into Jimmy Choo 4" high heels.

Frank arrived soon after. He smiled seeing how she was dressed (or not dressed) and also her use of the Jenny perfume. "You look and smell lovely," he said pulling her into his arms.
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Moments later they were in bed – in Jen's marital bed with Mike – making love. As usual Frank held Jen's arms over her head. "Did Mike make you cum?" he asked looking in her eyes.

"No," Jen said honestly.

"Did you have sex?"

"Yes but I made myself cum," Jen said.

"Is he using condoms?"

"Yes," Jen said. Up to this point Mike hadn't always, but from now on he would. Jen didn't feel like giving Frank all the details. She certainly didn't want Frank to know as of that morning she was off the pill.

"Good girl," Frank said kissing Jen. "You're about to cum," he said knowingly.

"Yeah," Jen said. Her body was on fire with Frank. He REALLY turned her on. All the head games. His awesome body. His super thick cock. And, Frank knew how to fuck, especially now that he understood her body so well.

On top of that, sex with Mike left her longing (even when she made herself cum). Their game – like their sub/dom game – turned her on beyond belief. But from a purely physical point of view, Jen got little physical pleasure from intercourse from Mike. It wasn't satisfying sex. It was more like a tease.

Mike could be a good lover. A great lover even. He ate pussy better than anyone else, and when he tried he could often get her off with his cock (after all, size WASN'T everything). But when they were really into their game – like now – their sex was not nearly as satisfying. Was that because Mike couldn't compare to other men in bed? That was probably part of it (after all, size DID count). But sometimes Jen wondered if Mike was purposely a bad lover with her, so she would desire and crave other men more.

Frank sensed her thoughts. He said "I'm all you need."

"What?" Jen said, Frank's words breaking her out of her reverie.

"I'm all you need," he repeated.

Looking into his eyes, Jen said "Yes." It was true. Frank took all her horniness.

"You don't need Mike," Frank said.

"I do," Jen objected. Mike was still her soul mate, her life partner, her best friend. And his fantasies became hers. Her thoughts flashed to Mike with Allie in the Hamptons. She wondered what they were doing.

"Not for sex," Frank pressed.

"What?" she said, his words interrupting her thoughts again.

"You don't need Mike for sex," Frank repeated.

"No, not for sex," Jen agreed. Not for physical sex. Not when they were playing their game.

"It's fine to still be friends with Mike," Frank said, kissing her lips. Then he rubbed her nipples and twisted the nipple bars while still pounding her. That pushed Jen over the edge. She screamed as her body convulsed in a massive orgasm.

Jen panted under Frank as she recovered from her orgasm. Then she said "Let me on top. I want to make you cum."

They rolled over so Jen was on top. She looked into his eyes as she moved up and down, squeezing her pussy muscles to give him more pleasure. "I can make you cum too," she told him.

"Yes," Frank said, his breathing heavy as he basked in the smooth silkiness of Jenny's incredible pussy.

"I'm all you need," Jen said still looking into Frank's eyes, emphasizing the word "you."

"Yes," Frank agreed again, stroking Jen's beautiful face with his fingertips.

"Do you still fuck other girls?" she asked.

"Yes," Frank said honestly.

Jen frowned at that. She said "We're supposed to be dating. Exclusive."

"Are you still having sex with Mike?" Frank said, knowing the answer.

"You knew what you were getting into," Jen pointed out.

"You fuck other men," Frank pointed out.

"Only when you say so," Jen said.

"Jenny honey," Frank said stroking Jen's cheek. "Are you that upset? That jealous?"

"What if I said yes Frank?" Jen said, continuing to rock on him, milking his cock with her pussy muscles. She ran her nails up his chest. "If I told you I was really jealous." She leaned down and let her long silky blonde hair brush across his face. "Would you like that?"

"Yes," Frank said looking into Jen's eyes. "I would like that very much Jenny," he said with labored breathing. "But Jenny. I only have you for an evening. A weekend at most. I'm a man. I need more."

"So, if I gave you more?" Jen asked, still looking into Frank's eyes. "If I spent more time with you?"

"Yes, yes, that would make a difference," Frank said eagerly.

Jen moved on his cock harder and faster. "Cum for me baby," she urged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Cum inside me baby," she said as she kissed him. Moments later Frank exploded inside Jen.

Frank panted as he came down from his orgasm. He rolled over so they were on their sides, their faces close, their bodies still connected.

"Did you mean that?" Frank said looking into Jen's blue eyes. He gave her a tender kiss on the lips. "All that you said?"

"No," Jen said simply. "I was dicking with you."

Time seemed to stop. "What?" Frank finally said, his eyes wide.

"You fuck with me Frank," Jen said. "You say, 'it's okay to still be friends with Mike.' I mean, really? Well, guess what? I fuck with you too."

Frank's face went from surprise to disappointment to anger. "You bitch!" he yelled, pulling out of her pussy and throwing her across the bed.

"It's not all one way Frank," Jen told him. "And you DID know what you were getting into."

"Fuck you!" Frank yelled angrily, storming out of the bedroom.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 34

"Did you mean that?" Frank said looking into Jen's blue eyes. He gave her a tender kiss on the lips. "All that you said?"

"No," Jen said simply. "I was dicking with you."

Time seemed to stop. "What?" Frank finally said, his eyes wide.

"You fuck with me Frank," Jen said. "You say, 'it's okay to still be friends with Mike.' I mean, really? Well, guess what? I fuck with you too."

Frank's face went from surprise to disappointment to anger. "You bitch!" he yelled, pulling out of her pussy and throwing her across the bed.

"It's not all one way Frank," Jen told him. "And you DID know what you were getting into."

"Fuck you!" Frank yelled angrily, storming out of the bedroom.

Whatever, Jen thought. She sighed, knowing she had to apologize to Frank. She picked up her iPhone first. No texts from Mike. She frowned. He must've arrived by now. No calls or texts? She wasn't surprised though, Mike was terrible at staying in touch. Still, she wanted to know how things were going, especially if Anna was okay. She quickly texted "Hey baby. Did you make it okay? Having fun? How's Anna? Seen Allie yet?"

Then she got out of bed. She decided to leave the high heels on. Then, on impulse, she put on Frank's shirt. She took a selfie of herself and texted it to Mike. Then she went outside to Frank.

"I don't wish to speak to you right now," Frank growled at her. Anger and hurt were written across his face.

Jen sighed inside. Even grown men - powerful men - like Frank Tower could pout like little boys sometimes. "I'm sorry okay?" she said edging up between his legs. She climbed onto his lap. "I'm in a bitchy mood. Mike's at a party in the Hamptons. With Anna."

Frank glared at Jen as if demanding more of an explanation. "I did what we talked about," Jen explained. "I set Mike up with a girl."

"Who?" Frank said.

"My friend Allie," Jen said.

"We agreed on Juliet," Frank said.

Jen knew he was going to say that. "Frank it doesn't matter," she said. "I mean, it matters, but it doesn't. All that matters is Mike is spending the weekend with Allie. So we get to spend the weekend together. That's what we want right?"

Frank nodded. But he was still smarting, hurt by Jenny's ruse in the bedroom.

Sensing his hurt, Jen wrapped her arms around Frank's neck and kissed him. "I'm sorry," she said in a soft voice. "I'm a bitch sometimes. I AM jealous. I guess I don't understand how we can be exclusive if you're seeing other girls."

"It's only sex Jenny," Frank said. "And we don't see each often enough."

"I can't give you anymore Frank," Jen said, looking into his eyes and affectionately brushing her fingers through his hair. "I'm a mother. I'm already spending too much time away from Anna. Like this weekend."

Frank frowned at that, not liking the situation. But at least Jenny's reason was her child and not her husband. And Anna was certainly an adorable young girl. Frank knew situations and relationships could change over time. Often they did change.

"Well, let me just say," Frank said. "I consider myself exclusive to you. Because you're the only girl I've opened my heart to. Ever, other than Sally."

Jen couldn't help smiling at that. And blushing too. Affectionately brushing her fingers through his hair again, she smiled and said "Sometimes you're really sweet." She gave Frank a soft kiss on the lips and said "I love Mike. But I think I've kinda opened my heart to you too. I get like that." She grinned at him and said "You know I had a major crush on you in high school."

"I wish I'd known," Frank said grinning back.

"But you were already banging Paige," Jen said with a laugh. But then she remembered Sally. "Sorry," she said sheepishly, feeling like her foot was in her mouth.

"Not my best moment," Frank admitted looking regretful and ashamed. "I had many bad moments with my marriage."

Jen knew he was talking about his cheating on Sally. "I have too," she said. Looking just as regretful and ashamed, she said "I've cheated on Mike. I told him eventually. But I still cheated."

Frank certainly understood why a gorgeous, wonderful girl like Jenny Johnson would cheat on a barely average husband like Mike Andrews. If Jenny was his wife, she'd have no need to cheat.

"Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to you," Frank said looking into her eyes. "Because we're so much the same."

Jen wasn't sure if she wanted to be the same as Frank Tower. She didn't say that of course.

"I like this," Frank said touching his shirt.

"I like it too," Jen said smiling at him. She moved her lips up to his ear. "It smells like you. I like that."

They kissed. To his surprise, Frank found himself getting hard again. Jen felt it too. She reached between their bodies and guided his cock into her. She clenched her teeth at the penetration. He was so freaking thick!

Frank was a top. So he rolled Jen onto her back on the sofa. Holding her hands over her head, he long stroked in and out. They looked into each other's eyes as they made love. Frank pushed all Jen's buttons and soon she threw her head back as she had another incredible orgasm on his beautiful thick cock. Afterwards Jen kissed and caressed Frank until he came again in her pussy.

Jen thought about that morning. Going off the pill. But it was only that morning. She was still safe.

Frank carried Jen to the bed like his bride. They snuggled and took a short nap (Jen wore his shirt while she slept). After about an hour they woke up to the ring of Frank's phone.

Frank spoke a moment and then hung up. He stroked a stray blonde hair from Jen's beautiful face and softly said "Time to get up Jen honey. It's Claudia."

"Claudia?" Jen said trying to wipe the sleep from her eyes.

"And Annette and Bridget."

"Bridget?" Jen said not understanding.

"They're here to help get you ready," Frank said. "For our date tonight. With my Broadway friends."

Jen had practically forgotten. "I don't need help," she said getting out of bed. "I'll take a quick shower." She needed it after having sex 2 times (and Frank cumming inside her twice). She knew her body probably reeked of sex.

"Jenny they're your personal staff," Frank told her. He tenderly stroked her face. "You're with me. This is your life now. You deserve this. Enjoy it."

There was a world wind of activity when the "stylists" arrived. Claudia and Annette carried bundles of dresses, shoes and makeup. They both kissed Jen warmly and fussed about her. They good naturedly teased her about wearing Frank's shirt.

Bridget arrived a few minutes later. To Jen's surprise, the younger girl carried a fold-up table. Also, while Claudia and Annette were both wearing expensive, trendy dresses, Bridget was in a bra top and yoga pants. Bridget took the table into the bedroom (saying she needed to "set up") while Claudia and Annette continued to fuss over Jen.

"All ready," Bridget said a few minutes later.

"You go ahead Jenny darling. We'll draw your bath," Claudia set.

"My bath?" Jen said with a laugh. Did she really just say "draw your bath"? But anyway, Jen let Bridget lead her into the bedroom.

"A massage table?" Jen said surprised.

"I'm a masseuse too," the seamstress said. "You're auditioning tonight? So exciting!"

"Um, I don't think so," Jen said, remembering her promise to Mike.

"Well, just in case," Bridget said with a warm smile. "We want all the kinks out."

Jen let Bridget help her onto the massage table. The young masseuse/seamstress worked on Jen with lavender scented oils. "This'll make your skin really soft," she said as she rubbed the lightly scented oil into Jen's muscles. Jen had to admit, Bridget knew what she was doing. The massage felt fabulous!

Bridget saw Jen's iPhone on the dresser. "I'll mute this so it doesn't ring," she said, not wanting anything to interrupt the relaxing massage. "I'll turn it back on after."

Okay," Jen mumbled, already in major relaxin' mode.

After about 45 minutes Jen was completely relaxed. "Almost done Bridge?" Annette whispered, peeking her head into the bedroom. "Jenny's bath is ready."

"Yes she's ready," Bridget whispered back. They were whispering to maintain the relaxing Zen spa experience. She said "Here let me help you up Jenny." Bridget and Annette walked Jen to the bath, fussing over her like mother hens.

Jen was surprised and delighted to see the bath filled with vanilla scented bubbles and rose pedals. She let Bridget and Annette help her into the bath. As she soaked in the tub, Bridget knelt next to her head and continued the massage of her neck and shoulders.

As Jen soaked in the bath, Frank sat on the sofa in the living room. There was a tequila in his hand but he didn't touch it. He frowned at the wall, feeling troubled.

He was used to being in control. He liked it that way, with all things, both in business and his personal life. He wanted to be in absolute control. But he didn't feel that way with Jenny. The way she dicked with him earlier in bed. The way she chose Allie instead of Juliet. He felt like she was controlling things instead of him. It was a new experience. It made him desire Jenny more.

Jenny needed to understand he was in control, not her. Frank knew she was a sub. She knew it too but resisted her true nature. Jenny needed to give into it. Give into him (because her "husband" certainly couldn't give her what she needed). She would be happier that way. So Frank picked up the phone and made a few calls.

After the bath, Annette did Jen's makeup while Bridget knelt on the floor and gave Jen a pedicure. Claudia showed Jen the dresses she'd brought and the girls talked about the best one to wear tonight.

Jen had never felt so pampered! She felt like a princess with Claudia, Annette and Bridget her handmaidens. It was so much fun! It was like a spa and shopping day with her best friends. Except she got all the attention. Jen couldn't help feeling special and privileged. Like Cinderella with not one but 3 fairy godmothers.
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After finishing her makeup, Annette stood behind Jen as they looked in the mirror. Jen almost didn't recognize herself. Annette used heavier make up than what Jen normally used. "Frank likes an older more sophisticated look," Annette explained. Jen normally used light make up, knowing Mike liked a younger, fresher look. Now though, Jen looked more like a movie star about to hit the red carpet. Jen decided to go with it. After all tonight she was with Frank, not Mike.

Still looking in the mirror, Annette stroked her fingers through Jen's long, lush blonde hair. "Your hair's beautiful but maybe a little too long honey," Annette said. Smiling she said "You'd look better with a little trim. And Frank likes shorter hair."

"You know I'm married?" Jen whispered to Claudia and Bridget as well as Annette. "My husband likes my hair long."

"I understand honey," Annette whispered back. "But it would only be an inch or two. This isn't really about Frank. You'll look better, I promise. I own a salon, I'll take care of you. Your husband will probably not even notice. If anything he'll think you look even more beautiful."

Jen knew Annette was right. Mike liked her hair "pass her bra strap." But really, at the moment, her hair was too long. If she cut it an inch, even two, she'd look a lot better and her hair would still fall pass her bra strap. But if Jen cut her hair now, even a tiny amount, Mike would have a meltdown. It was on his list. And he WOULD definitely notice. "I better not," she told Annette with a weak smile.

After finishing with Jen's hair and makeup, the stylists helped her dress. Jen was relieved to see Claudia had selected one of the padded bras, especially since the dress was clingy. Jen didn't want to meet Frank's Broadway friends with her nipple rings hanging out there.

To her surprise though, Claudia laid out a garter belt and stockings. Seeing her surprise, Claudia said "Frank picked out the lingerie."

"Oh," Jen said. She hesitated only a moment, thinking of Mike. Then she carefully pulled up the silk stockings. Annette and Bridget helped to attach the garter snaps. Jen couldn't remember the last time she wore hose. It felt comfortable and reassuring, like an old friend.

After slipping on the dress and high heels, Jen had an idea. "Can you take a picture?" she asked Claudia, handing over her iPhone. Jen sat on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs. She tugged up her skirt a little so a lot of her legs was showing. Claudia snapped a few pictures. "I'll be right out," she told them. "I need to check in with my husband." The stylists smiled politely and left the bedroom to give Jen privacy.

Jen checked her iPhone. Mike had texted back after she sent the picture of her wearing Frank's shirt. Finally! He said: "We got here okay. At the beach now. Ocean too cold for swimming but Anna is making sandcastles with DJ."

Jen frowned at Mike's unemotional "just the facts" message. She sensed he was bothered by the picture. Well, Jen kind of wanted him bothered. To keep his thoughts on her instead of Allie. She noticed his message didn't mention Allie. Were they hanging out? Had they talked?

They must be together since Anna and DJ were playing. But maybe not. Allie trusted DJ with Mike. Jen was DJ's godmother and Mike his unofficial uncle (Allie was Anna's godmother). DJ really liked Mike. So Mike might be watching both kids at the beach while Allie partied at the house. That would be so like Mike. And so like Allie. But Allie was supposed to be with Mike to take his mind off her and Frank.

The idea of "Allie with Mike" bothered Jen. She knew she was all over the place on this stupid arrangement/setup idea. Why couldn't Mike just stay her bubble boy? But she knew why. No sense in second guessing herself.

At that moment though, Mike wasn't with Allie. He wasn't even at the beach house. He was with Jasmine Kelly. Alone. In her car.

Jen called Mike. No answer. She wasn't surprised. Coverage at the beach was always spotty.

So instead Jen wrote another text to Mike. She wrote: "So glad you're having fun baby. Missing you and the banana. Take tons of pics! Is Allie with you? Anyway, I'm wearing stockings for Frank. Knew you would want to see. Call me when you get a chance. Love you lots! Jen."

Jen looked at the message before sending. She wanted Mike anxious and a little bothered. Distracted. That's why she took the picture. But she didn't want him hurt. Thinking about it, she changed the text to say: "So glad you're having fun baby. Missing you and the banana. Take tons of pics! Is Allie with you? Anyway, I'm wearing stockings tonight. Knew you would want to see. Love you forever! Your Jen (forever!)."

Satisfied with the text, she attached a picture (making sure to pick one showing a lot of leg as well as her high heeled feet) and hit send. She thought about waiting for a text back but Mike didn't check his cell often. Checking herself in the mirror (Annette really used a lot of makeup on her) she left the bedroom and rejoined the others.

The stylists were waiting. They fussed over Jen some more, making slight changes to her hair, makeup and dress. Looking into a mirror, Jen couldn't believe how she looked. She truly looked like a glamour movie star! "God I feel like Cinderella," Jen said awestruck to her stylists.

"That's exactly what you are Jenny darling," Claudia gushed excitedly. All 3 girls were excited for Jenny. "Have fun tonight. Break a leg with Frank's Broadway friends."

Frank was discreet enough not to insist walking with Jen from the loft apartment to the car. So he was outside waiting. Jen joined him in the car (Hugh and Lou were driving).

"You look incredibly lovely Jenny," Frank gushed, his eyes sparkling as he took all of Jen in.

"It's Claudia, Annette and Bridget," Jen said modestly.

"No Jen honey it's you," Frank assured her. "You're truly stunning." Jen couldn't help smiling at him.

"So, stockings?" Jen said with a grin.

"My friends are somewhat old fashioned. They appreciate a woman in hose," Frank explained. He grinned and said "No accounting for taste."

"Oh my goodness, Frank Tower just made a joke," Jen teased grinning at him.

Frank grinned back. He put his hand on Jen's exposed thigh and said "It's not my preference, but I certainly appreciate your lovely legs in silk."

"Um, well, let me get Google to translate that," Jen said, teasing at the formal way he often said things. They shared a laugh. "So, Frank, your friends. Is this a casting couch kind of thing?"

"You're asking if I want you to have sex with my friends?" Frank said.

"Yeah," Jen said with a laugh. Maybe he had as much trouble understanding her as she did him sometimes.

"If I told you to have sex with them, would you?"

"I mean ... yeah," Jen said.

"You haven't met them yet," Frank pointed out.

Jen felt like Frank was testing her. Playing with his tie, she said "I'm sure they're handsome and charming like you."

Frank gave Jen a calculating look. She knew that look. Whatever she just said, it somehow fit into his plans for the night. She suddenly felt hot and her pussy tingled.

"Yes they are," Frank agreed after a moment. "But no, you won't have sex with my friends. This is real Jenny. I want you to follow your dream of dancing on Broadway. And my friends are truly interested in meeting you."

"Frank, I have no talent," Jen said for the umpteenth time. "And it's not my dream."

"It used to be your dream," Frank said confidently. "You gave up your dream after you met Mike."

"Okay, maybe in high school, maybe even when I started college, it was my dream," Jen admitted (after all, she minored in dance). "But it's not like I gave it up because of Mike. It's I grew up. And anyways, Mike is like you, if it was up to him I'd be a Rockette. But that's not what I want."

"Jenny, I'll make your dream come true," Frank promised. "Mike couldn't but I will."

"God Frank," Jen lamented with a laugh. "Not everything's a competition."

"Perhaps not," Frank said looking deep into her eyes. "But everything important is."

Jen sighed but decided to let it go. After a moment Frank said "You spoke to Mike?"

Jen shook her head no. "We texted."

"You sent him pictures?" Frank said having spoken to Claudia. "What?"

"Frank some things are private," she said.

"Why does this have to be private?"

Jen felt foolish so she decided to tell him. "A picture of me in your shirt," she said. "A picture of me in this outfit." Frank didn't respond. Sensing his disapproval, she asked "What?"

Frank shook his head and chuckled (as if to himself). He said "For a moment I allowed myself to feel good seeing you wearing my shirt."

Jen was touched and charmed by his show of vulnerability. Yes, usually he was the manipulative Master of the Universe Frank. Often a pushy ass. But the more time they spent together, the more he opened his heart to her.

Squeezing his hand, Jen said "I always wear my boyfriend's shirts." She squeezed his hand again making it clear HE was her boyfriend. "But if it'll get Mike excited, why not share it with him? I want him to enjoy it too." She knew Mike would hate the pictures and love them too. Mostly love them.

When Frank still didn't answer, Jen said "Let's not talk about Mike anymore. He's with Allie. I'm with you." She squeezed his hand again. "Don't you see that means something?"

"Yes Jenny I do," Frank finally said. He squeezed her hand back. Inside though, he wondered if HE was a pawn in Jenny's game, like others were pawns in his. The thought disturbed him, but made him want Jenny even more. And he WOULD have her. Never in his life had he failed to get what he wanted. And he wanted Jenny Johnson.

They arrived at the restaurant. Before getting out, Frank said "May I send Mike a picture?"

"Um ... what?" Jen asked hesitantly.

"Lou, turn the light on please," Frank ordered. He handed the bodyguard his iPhone. Frank put an arm around Jen and they posed. He pulled Jen close to him so their cheeks almost touched. Lou took the picture and handed the phone back to Frank.
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Frank keyed in a text: "Jenny and I are about to go to dinner. I hope you're enjoying your evening with Allie. Give my regards to Allie and Anna."

Frank showed the text to Jen. She read the text and looked at the picture. They were smiling, sitting close, Frank's arm around her. They definitely looked like a couple. Jen knew it would turn Mike on to see the picture. It would upset him too. But not too much. Just enough to keep his thoughts on her. On top of that, Frank's message was surprisingly civil.

"Okay," she said handing the phone back to him.

"I can send it?"

"Yes," Jen said.

Frank hit send. "May I text Mike other pictures?" he asked.

Jen thought about it. This was a big part of what Mike got out of the game, seeing her with her lover ("boyfriend"). It would excite him, keep him on the edge. He might get bothered and upset, but that was part of it for him (he reminded her that all the time), and anyways they would be back together tomorrow.

Making a decision, she said "Yes, if you're nice like the other one. And thank you for asking."

Dinner was at Masa. Jen had heard of the famed Japanese restaurant but had never been there (dinner was over $1000 per person!). She was shocked when Chef Masa himself joined them for a pre-dinner drink of sake. If was the first time Jen had ever had sake. It was heavenly!

They dined in an elegant private room (all paid by Frank of course). Four couples joined them as well as 2 single guys. They were all mostly in their 40s and 50s. Jen learned the men were the producers of current Broadway musicals - Wicked, Phantom, Beautiful, Spring Awakening; major A-list productions like that. The producers were handsome and distinguished looking like Frank. The wives were attractive if not beautiful. They looked to be original wives. Their marriages seemed happier and more secure than Frank's other "friends" who had young beautiful trophy wives.

It was clear the producers were taken by Jen's stunning beauty and bubbly personality. They talked about possible roles in their musicals.

The producer of Spring Awakening - Duncan - was the most interested (he was 1 of the 4 men who was married). That made sense, because Wendla, the main female character of Awakening, was a 14 year old girl. Even with the heavier makeup, Jen looked young and fresh. She looked ripe. "You can sing and dance?" Duncan asked.

"She has the voice of an angel," Frank said, answering for Jen. "And she's a striking dancer. Jenny has incredible presence on stage."

"Frank, I mean ..." Jen began with an embarrassed laugh. "This is all flattering but I can't do it. My last show was high school." She gave another embarrassed laugh.

Duncan gave Jen a kind understanding smile. "You've seen Spring Awakening?"

"Yeah, god, I love it," Jen gushed. "I saw it when Lea played Wendla." It was the first Broadway show Mike took her to see when they moved to New York (at Jen's urging). The coming of age story of the young Wendla, her first love, pregnancy, abortion. Jen balled at the end. Spring Awakening was Lea Michele's breakout role in the original production of the musical, before she became famous in Glee.

"So you know My Junk?" Duncan asked. "Would you sing it for us?"

"What? Here, now?" Jen asked looking nervously at Frank. He had a knowing smile on his face. He set this up!

"I have the lyrics," Duncan said taking a folded paper from his coat pocket. "Can you sing just a little bit?"

"Um ..." Jen said uncertainly, her cheeks going red.

"Just the beginning," Duncan pressed with an encouraging smile, offering the paper to her. "It's a cast song but that's okay. Just to the refrain Jenny?"

"I, um, I know the words," Jen said nervously brushing her hair behind her ear. She'd listened to the soundtrack a million times and sang "My Junk" more than a few times in the shower.

Jen took a sip of water then stood up. She took a deep breath to compose herself. Then she began singing.

"In the midst of this nothing, this miss of a life

Still there's this wanting just to see you go by

It's almost like lovin', sad as that is

May not be cool, but it's so where I live

It's like I'm your lover or more like your ghost

I spend the day wondering what you do, where you go

I try and just kick it but then what can I do

We've all got our junk, and my junk is you

See us, winter walking after a storm

It's chill in the wind but it's warm in your arms

We stop all snow blind, may not be true

We've all got our junk, and my junk is you."

When Jen finished, the room was silent. She brushed her hair behind her ear again, looking down at her feet. She felt nervous, shy and embarrassed. She finally mustered the courage to look up at the people around the table.

The producers (especially Duncan) had their mouths open, shocked and impressed. The wives began clapping. Frank had a big proud smile on his face.

"Here's the thing Jenny," Duncan said excitedly. "The current cast is going on tour. Eventually they'll settle in London for a year. We're auditioning for a new cast for our Broadway show."

"I've never performed professionally," Jen objected. "My last show was high school."

"No one has," Duncan said, excitement in his voice. "That's our angle. A fresh show with a cast of all new faces. The timing couldn't be more perfect."

"You'll have to cut your hair short," Frank said. "And dye it black."

Jen looked sharply at him. He had a triumphant smile on his face.

"That's true," Duncan agreed. He missed the sudden tension between Frank and Jenny. All he cared about was his show. And Wendla had brown hair. She wore it just pass her shoulders (not close to her bra strap).

"I can wear a wig," Jen said. She couldn't believe she was talking about really doing this. But to be on Broadway! If just for a little while. A year, maybe two. Could she pass that up?

Duncan frowned not liking the wig idea. "There's a lot going on backstage," he said. "Wigs are just another complication." He didn't understand Jenny's reluctance. Actresses often had to change their appearance to match the characters they were playing.

Jen frowned. She thought about Mike at the Hamptons with Allie. This was not going to work. It was on Mike's list. Her hair. She couldn't cut it and she certainly couldn't dye it black.

Duncan looked at Jenny. Young and beautiful, fresh faced, innocent, ripe. A lovely singing voice. She would make a perfect Wendla, the young girl who was just discovering her womanhood in the musical. He didn't know what Jenny's hang up over hair was, but he didn't want to lose her over that. He said "I'm sure we can work something out. Let's schedule an audition and go from there."

As dinner ended Jen was beside herself with excitement. Broadway! Even if it never happened it was still hugely flattering that a famous producer and musician like Duncan would consider her for a major role in this production.

Jen wanted to tell Mike the exciting news. Mike was more than her husband. He was her soul mate and best friend. If she didn't tell him, it was like it didn't happen. Until she told him it wasn't real.

Frank went to get her coat. Jen took the opportunity to check her iPhone. She did a heart flip seeing a text from Mike. It said "Anna's great. Already asleep. We went to that pizza place for dinner."

Jen frowned. Just that short text, and another unemotional one at that. No pictures of Anna. He didn't try to call. WTF? Was he upset about the pictures? Then Jen had a disturbing thought. Maybe he was having fun with Allie. Allie promised not to do anything. But you can still do a lot without doing anything. Jen of all people knew that. Feeling anxious and jealous, Jen was about to speed dial Allie when she realized it would be no use, the restaurant was too loud. So instead she texted her best friend: "What's happening? Where's Mike? What are YOU doing?!!"

Allie texted back immediately. She said "Will you calm down. Mike had a heart attack seeing those pics. He's probably someplace wanking off. Don't worry he's still your BB."

Jen smiled with relief at Allie's text. (BB meant bubble boy of course.) So maybe Mike was hanging with Allie (with Anna and DJ) but his attention WAS focused on her. She liked having her bubble boy wrapped around her finger.

And this arrangement seemed to be working. She was definitely spending lots of time thinking about her husband even while on her date with Frank.

Jen wanted to call Mike. If he WAS someplace playing with herself (she giggled at that) she could make it fun for him. But she eyed Frank walking back from the coat room. She didn't have time for phone sex or even a quick call. So instead she texted him: "Hey baby - Just had dinner with the Broadway crowd. Lots to tell you! Want to talk to you. Call me! Love you bunches, your baby."


"I can't believe I'm really thinking about this," Jen said excitedly when they were in Frank's Central Park penthouse. "God Frank is Duncan for real?"

"The role's practically yours," Frank said grinning at her. "Just an audition. Sounds like a formality. I think Duncan's set on you."

Jen eyed Frank. "You're not forcing Duncan?"

"All I did was tell them about you and set up dinner," Frank said honestly. "This is you, not me. I give you my word."

"Oh my god, oh my god," Jen squealed delightedly. She was sitting on the edge of the sofa and stomped her high heeled feet over and over like an excited little girl. "Broadway! I can't believe this is happening!"

Then reality kicked in. "How much does it pay?" she asked looking concerned.

"Jenny I'll take care of you and Anna," Frank assured her. Anticipating her objection, he added "And Mike too of course."

Jen shook her head knowing Mike would never agree to that. Before doing that he'd quit teaching, get a job with Apple or Google or something. Jen thought about it. He already offered to do exactly that. Jen got excited. Maybe he could do that for a couple years then go back to teaching. They'd have to get a nanny for Anna. But then, shows were at night. She'd have more time to spend with Anna during the day. That was a major plus. Mike could take care of Anna at night while she was performing. Maybe this could work. Jen couldn't believe she was actually planning like it might actually happen.
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"I'll talk to Mike about it," Jen finally said.

"Do you really need to ask him?" Frank said disapprovingly.

"Yes Frank I do," Jen said with a "seriously?" laugh. "This is about our real life."

"So I'm not real?" Frank asked frowning.

Jen smiled at him. Pulling up her skirt, she got onto his lap, straddling his legs. "You Mr. Frank Tower are so real," she said wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling into his eyes. "Do you know how hot I am for you right now?" she said. She pulled his hand to her panties to show him how wet she was. Then she gave him a long, open mouth wet kiss.

They made out for a while. When they finally stopped both were panting. Still exuberant about Broadway and Spring Awakening, she gushed "This night's so amazing! God I feel like a princess! Cinderella!"

"Yes, a Cinderella princess," Frank agreed. "Jenny will you do something for me?"

"Of course baby," she said, beaming into his eyes. She kissed him again. "Anything."

"Walk over there," he said.

"Um, okay," Jen said uncertainly. She got up and walked to the middle of the room, her high heels clinking on the imported Italian hardwood floor. Frank stared at her but didn't say anything, like he was waiting.

A man walked into the room. He was older (40ish) and had a greasy complexion, receding hairline, a heavily pock marked face and a major paunch.

Frank said "Jenny, this is Jimmy."

Three men were with Jimmy. They were older too and if anything were even uglier and fatter than Jimmy.

Jen looked from Frank to Jimmy and his friends, then back to Frank. Surely Frank didn't expect her to have sex with these fat, ugly men? Hugh and Lou were right there. They were handsome and buff. Why not them? Or one of his Broadway friends. Okay, not Duncan, he was married and going to be her boss (if she got the gig and decided to take it). But his other Broadway friends were all dapper looking and distinguished. Two of them were single (at least they didn't wear wedding rings). Why not one of them? Or both for that matter. Why these fat ugly men?

"You don't lie Frank, she's a hot one," Jimmy said giving Jen a big leering smile. His teeth were smoke-stained almost black. He walked up to Jen. "We're going to have some fun tonight. Aren't we baby doll?"

Jen looked at Frank. He nodded at her, an intense look in his eyes. He DID want her to fuck these men! Not just Jimmy but all 4!

Here she was, feeling like Cinderella. She had a chance to star in a Broadway musical. And now she was going to degrade herself by fucking these old men. These fat ugly men soiling her body, violating all her holes. All because Frank wanted it. All because Jen really wasn't a Cinderella or any other Disney princess. She was a slut. Jen shuddered at the thought.

"We're going to have some fun tonight, aren't we baby doll?" Jimmy asked again smiling lecherously at Jen.

Jen looked at Frank again. He had that same intense look. She lowered her eyes submissively.

Jimmy grinned. Without warning, he grabbed the back of Jen's head. He pulled her to him and kissed her open mouth. Jimmy pushed his tongue into her mouth. His breath stank of cigarettes, beer and his last meal of cheap fatty food. Jen felt like she was going to gag.

Jen was too occupied to notice Frank taking pictures and video.

Jimmy broke off the kiss. He tugged at Jen's dress. Jen stopped him, again looking at Frank for help. Did he really want this? Really want her to do this? Frank made no move to help her. In fact, he nodded approvingly at Jimmy.

Grinning, Jimmy pushed Jen's hands aside and pulled up her skirt so it bunched around her waist. Jen flushed at his manhandling, and being so abruptly exposed to the eyes of Jimmy and his friends. She knew now Frank wasn't going to help her. He wanted these fat ugly men to have their way with her. She felt helpless and humiliated. It all aroused her!

Jimmy hungrily leered at her tight sexy ass and long shapely legs. He pulled at one of the garters and let it go like a rubber band. Jen yelped as the garter slapped across her sensitive thigh. Jimmy and his friends laughed.

"You're a pretty girl," Jimmy said running his calloused hands over Jen's beautiful face. As if reading her thoughts, he said, "You think I'm ugly. Think you're better than me."

"No," Jen lied sounding anxious and scared.

"I got what you want though," Jimmy said, pulling Jen's hand to his crotch. He was hard and felt really big. "Frank said you like big cock."

"No," Jen said again, this time her voice quivering. Jimmy and his friends laughed. Frank smiled. They all knew she was lying. They all knew she was a slut for big cock.

Jimmy took off his shirt. He had a major beer gut and his chest and back were covered with unattractive wiry black hair. "I bet you like the pretty boys," he said. "You think I'm ugly. Not good enough for you." Jen didn't say anything.

"Bend over," Jimmy ordered. When Jen didn't move, he repeated in a harsher voice "Bend over bitch."

Jen looked at Frank. There was no help there. Blushing, Jen bent over at the waist. Her skirt was still bunched around her waist so her behind and legs were completely exposed to Jimmy and his friends.

Jimmy admired Jen's tight ass, caressing down her crack that was barely covered by her lacy black thong. "Damn man...this bitch has a fine ass!" He rubbed a finger against Jen's sensitive asshole, making her suck in her breath. Jimmy grinned. "Fuck she's a horny slut. Stand up bitch."

Jen stood up straight again. She felt shaky in the high heels and reflectively put her hand on Jimmy's hairy shoulder for balance. She immediately pulled her hand back, repulsed by the feel of him. It's like she wanted to wash her hand. "That's alright baby doll, you can touch me all you want," Jimmy said with a grin. His friends laughed.

Jimmy got on his knee and pulled her thong down her long stockinged legs. Jen submissively stepped out of them. Jimmy was eye level with Jen's hairless pussy. Her pussy lips glistened with moisture. "This cunt is really creaming," he said grinning at his friends. They grinned back, their eager eyes on Jen's pussy too.

"Take off the dress bitch," Jimmy ordered as he stood up. Jen flushed. She wished Jimmy would just fuck her. Hold her down and take want he wanted. Force her. "bang" her. Instead he was making her cooperate. Make her a complicit accomplice. It was more humiliating and demeaning to willingly go along with what this fat ugly man wanted.

But anyway, Jen reached behind her. She undid the hook at the top then pulled the zipper down. She let the dress fall off her body.

Jen thought about how just a few moments ago she felt like Cinderella. Now her Cinderella dress lay bundled around her feet. Her face felt hot and her pussy tingled as she stood almost naked among these fat ugly men.

"Man this bitch has a fine body. Frank says you got a brat kid at home. Is that right?" Jimmy asked.

Jen nodded.

Jimmy shook his head in awe, taking in Jen's flat stomach, slim hips, tight ass, long toned legs. "Man!" he gushed admiringly. "The bitch has one fine body. Even after having a kid. What do you think boys?"

The other men grinned and nodded eagerly. They were ogling her body too. One of the other guys (his name was Danny) said "Made for cum dumping." They all laughed.

Jen felt completely humiliated by the way these crass ugly men were inspecting her body, talking about her like she wasn't even there. She felt like a piece of meat. To them her only purpose in life was to satisfy the sexual carvings of men. To them she was no more than a sex toy. They didn't care about her brain or her personality. All they cared about was her body. Her mouth, her pussy, her ass. Places for their cocks. That's all they cared about. Despite her disgust, her face felt hot and her pussy throbbed.

Still on his knee, Jimmy was eye level with Jen's pussy. He reached out and stroked a finger between her lips. He said, "I like when a cunt keeps her pussy completely shaved...smooth." Then he touched her tiny trimmed blonde landing strip. "I like this too. Sexy. You know that's sexy, right bitch? That's why you keep it this way. Looking sexy. To get more cock."

Jen didn't respond. Jimmy grinned knowing he was right. "You love cock, don't you baby doll?" he asked. He abruptly pushed a thick finger into her pussy, making her grunt. "That's what Frank says. You're a slut for big cocks. Right baby doll?"

Jen didn't answer. She was breathing hard with Jimmy's finger inside her. She felt violated. But she didn't move away from his hand. At that moment she wanted more fingers inside her! She knew Jimmy was right. Frank was right. She WAS a slut for big cocks.

Jimmy pulled out his finger. His finger was wet with Jen's juices. Jimmy stood up and walked to his friends, showing them his wet finger. They are grinned. They all knew Jenny wanted it. She was more than ready for their cocks.

Jimmy said "Why don't you take off that bra, baby doll."

"I'm not your baby doll," Jen said, finally pushing back against his crassness.

"Oh yes you are," Jimmy said smiling lecherously at her. "Right Frank?" he said looking at Frank.

Frank was still sitting. He looked interested. But he wasn't like Mike. Frank was more like, dispassionately intrigued. "Do what he says Jenny," Frank ordered Jen in a stern voice.

"That's right, do what I say Jenny," Jimmy said with a sneering laugh. He said "Jenny" in a contemptuously way, as if saying she didn't deserve to have a real name, bitch-slut-cunt-whore were all the names she needed.
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Jen looked at Frank for a moment. Then, with her cheeks burning, she reached behind and unsnapped her bra. She pulled the straps off her arms and let the bra drop to the floor next to her dress. Now Jen only wore the garter belt, stockings and high heels.

"Oh my will you look at that," Jimmy said his eyes going wide seeing Jen's pierced nipples. "A sweet little thing like you with hardware like that. Guess you are a bitch in heat, no matter how sweet you look." Jimmy curled a finger at her and said "Come here baby doll. Don't be afraid. I'm going to make you feel soooo good." From the side Jimmy's friends laughed.

Jen walked the short distance to Jimmy. He walked around her, admiring her body. Jimmy hugged her from behind. His hairy pot belly pressed against her bare back and she felt his erection on the upper swell of her ass. She felt a slight tickle as Jimmy's abundant chest hair touched her smooth, creamy skin.

Jimmy moved Jen's hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck. Despite herself, Jen moaned. Jimmy sucked on the juncture where her slender neck met the shoulder. He grabbed her small, perky tits and squeezed them, rolling her hard pierced nipples.

Jen moaned and whimpered, breathing hard from the pleasurable sensations coursing through her tight body. Her eyes glazed over as Jimmy kissed and sucked on her sensitive neck and played with her tits. Thinking of Mike, she said pleadingly "Please no marks."

Jimmy looked at Frank. Seeing him nod "yes", Jimmy continued to suck hard on Jen's neck. When Jimmy finally pulled away there was a red hickey on her neck.

"Slut, now it's time for you to take care of my cock," Jimmy said as he leered at her. "Get on your knees and take out my cock bitch."

Jen submissively got on her knees. Breathing hard, she unbuckled and unzipped Jimmy's pants. It took longer than it should because her hands were shaking. "It's okay baby doll, my cock ain't going nowhere," Jimmy said with a grin. He and his friends laughed.

Jen pulled down his pants and shorts. Jimmy's cock was in an unkempt nest of wry dark hair. His hygiene was definitely lacking as there was a slight smell of urine. But his cock was big. Long and thick. She saw he was uncircumcised.

"You know what to do baby doll," Jimmy told her.

Jen took his hard uncircumcised cock in her hands. She slowly moved her hands up and down his thick shaft, feeling the thick veins. She was mesmerized by Jimmy's cock. It looked mean and dangerous yet felt so velvety. Jen pulled the foreskin back exposing the thick cock head which was leaking pre-cum.

"Lick it cunt," Jimmy said to her. The crude and degrading way he was talking to her was actually turning her on. She stuck her tongue out and licked the leaking pre-cum. Then she took the fat cock head into her mouth.

"Oh yeah bitch, show me how you suck cock," Jimmy moaned, his eyes rolling back into his head.

Jen licked Jimmy's hard cock up and down and then took his uncircumcised cock into her pretty mouth. She bobbed up and down on his hard meat, her long blonde hair swaying back and forth. She managed to work half his long thick cock into her mouth.

"Yeah slut, suck it good. That's it. You love my cock ... you slutty cunt ... don't you? Come on slut, take it all."

Jen bobbed up and down on his cock, moving her pretty hands on his shaft in sync with her head. Somehow she was able to take his whole cock inside her mouth, controlling her gag reflex and relaxing her throat muscles. Jen's pert, cute nose was buried in Jimmy's thick curly pubic hairs at the base of his cock. She was disgusted by his taste and the smell of urine but it turned her on too.

"Damn! This bitch is one fine cock sucker. A true slut," Jimmy said enthusiastically as he looked down at Jen's beautiful face, his cock stuffed in her mouth.

Jimmy abruptly grabbed her hair and pulled her off his cock. "A beautiful face like yours, it looks better getting face fucked." He grinned at his friends. They grinned back. They knew what was about to happen. "Keep your mouth open. Put your hands on my ass. I'm gonna fuck your pretty face."

Jen did as he asked. She opened her lips and put her hands on his fat hairy ass.

Jimmy slapped Jen's pretty face with his big hard cock. "You want it bitch?" he taunted. "You want me to fuck your mouth like a slutty pussy?" When Jen didn't say anything he got pissed and said deridingly "Stupid blonde cunt."

Still holding her hair, Jimmy slowly pushed his cock into Jen's open mouth. He pulled back, then pushed back in. Each time he pushed more of his shaft into her. Then he started moving faster and harder, using Jen's mouth like a fuckhole.

Jimmy pounded Jen's pretty face with his cock, making her gag and choke. Saliva ran down her chin and neck. Sometimes Jimmy pulled out to let her catch her breath. But then he rammed his cock right back down her throat. Jimmy kept fucking her mouth brutally as her face got flushed and tears ran down from her innocent blue eyes.

Jimmy abruptly pushed Jen off his cock. "Suck my balls," he ordered, holding up his shaft towards his big potbelly. Jen submissively bent lower and sucked on his hairy, wrinkled, nut sac. She licked his balls, taking his balls one by one in her mouth and sucking on them. Jimmy moaned with pleasure.

After some time he grabbed Jen's hair, pulling her mouth away from his hairy balls. "Look at me bitch. Open your mouth."

Jen submissively looked up and opened her mouth. Jimmy drooled his slimy spit into her open mouth. Jen swallowed Jimmy's disgusting spit, the depravity making her pussy throb.

"Man you're a dirty slut," Jimmy said with a lecherous grin. "You love sucking cock don't you bitch?"

Jen kept looking up at him but didn't respond. Jimmy slapped her hard with his hand. Her right cheek instantly turned red. Jen was stunned by the stinging pain.

"Answer me you stupid blonde cunt," Jimmy snarled at her. "You love cock don't you?"

Jen was panting hard but still didn't answer. Jimmy slapped her face again. This time her left cheek turned red.

"No more Jimmy," Frank ordered from his chair. He didn't want to take the chance of marring Jenny's sweet beautiful face.

Jimmy glared at Frank. He grabbed her hair and roughly jerked her head back. Hugh and Lou, watching from the corner of the room, protectively moved towards Jen. Frank stopped them with an upraised hand. Jenny needed to learn to obey.

"Say it slut!" Jimmy snarled at Jen. "You're a slutty cunt and you love cock. Say it!"

"Yes," Jen finally said. She looked resigned and defeated. Yet, her body burned with submissive lust.

"Yes what you stupid blonde cunt?" Jimmy snarled derisively. "Tell me how much you love my cock!"

Jen felt completely humiliated. Broken. Defeated. All her self-respect gone. But her body burned with desire. She wasn't Cinderella. She wasn't a goddess. She was a slut. It was true. A slut. That's all she was.

Looking up at Jimmy with her big blue eyes, she said "I love your cock. I love it in my mouth."

Jimmy smiled triumphantly. But that wasn't enough. "Dumb blonde cunt. Open your mouth." Jen submissively opened her mouth. She kept it open even as she knew and dreaded what was about to happen. Jimmy spit into her mouth again.

Frank noticed Jenny's purse vibrating. He opened it and saw it was her iPhone. Mike was calling. In fact he'd called and texted a number of times. Frank noticed the phone was on mute. He thought about it, then put the phone back in Jenny's purse. Then he texted Mike.

Jimmy turned around and sat down in a chair. "Bring your worthless ass over here," he ordered. "Fucking white whore. Crawl to me on your hands and knees, like a dog."

Jen did what Jimmy ordered. She got on her hands and knees and crawled over to him, her high heels scbanging along the rich hardwood floors. Her cheeks burned with humiliation and arousal. Her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was soaking.

"What you waiting for dumb cunt," Jimmy said derisively. "Suck my cock." Jen took his cock into her mouth. After sucking on his cock for a little bit, Jimmy ordered her to suck on his balls again.

Jen bent below and started pleasuring his wrinkly, hairy balls. She swirled the tip of her tongue around the ball sac. She took each ball one by one all the way into her mouth, sucking on them. She licked along the vertical line in the middle of his sac.

Jimmy rolled his head back and moaned loudly with pleasure. He grabbed the back of Jen's head and pulled her lower. "Lick my crack bitch. Do it. Lick my ass."

"No," Jen said pulling back.

But Jimmy held the back of her head, pulling her face down so her pretty pert nose pushed into his disgusting crack. "Do it bitch," he ordered. "Lick my ass you dumb whore."

"No," Jen whined, trying to pull away. "Frank, no. Goddess. Goddess."

"Stop Jimmy," Frank said immediately.

"Fuck Frank you said I could do whatever I wanted with this cunt," Jimmy snarled glaring at Frank. He looked angry, annoyed and frustrated.

"Jimmy ..." Frank said in a low dangerous voice. Hugh and Lou looked poised to strike.

Jimmy warily eyed the bodyguards. But Frank scared him more. "Fuck it," he said, relenting. "Stand up slut."

Jen submissively did as he asked. Jimmy dragged her by her hair to where his friends were sitting. He roughly threw her to Danny. Jen fell down clumsily with her face landing in Danny's lap. She looked so undignified. Jen felt so humiliated and defeated at being handled so roughly by this fat ugly man. But her face was covered with lust. She was incredibly aroused.
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Jimmy slapped her ass hard. "Bitch on your feet. Stand up and bend over. Keep your legs straight."

Jen got to her feet. Jimmy again slapped her ass, harder this time. She yelped loudly and lost her footing. Usually Jen was elegant, like a ballerina. But now she fell down on the floor clumsily. She felt so humiliated and defeated. So worthless.

Jimmy bent down and slapped Jen's face again. So hard Jen teared up and her eyes saw unfocused flashes of light. Frank frowned but he let it go this time (Jimmy wasn't wearing any rings to potentially scar Jen's beautiful face). After all the whole point of this was to further break Jenny's spirit.

Jenny was too independent. Frank wanted to break her. Return her to that teenage Jenny he first met. That beautiful, sexy, fun-loving, flirty girl. But that Jenny was also fragile. So fragile she allowed even a feeble boy like Colin to dominate her. Well, Frank was anything but feeble. Jenny needed to realize she was weak and delicate. Breakable. Once that happened, she would opened herself to him. Then Frank would own her. Not just her body, but her mind, her spirit, her heart. And he would never let her go.

Jimmy snarled derisively at Jen, "Stupid cunt you can't even stand up." He grabbed her hair and jerked her up onto her feet. Jen looked like a complete mess, like slutty trash. She had a major cum face on.

Jimmy held her hips as he forced her head down towards Danny's crotch, bending her over at the waist. Her beautiful face was red from all the slaps.

From his vantage point Jimmy saw juices leaking from Jen's pussy. She was so turned on her upper thighs were slick with her moisture. "Fuck this bitch wants it bad," he marveled.

Jimmy lined his fat cock with Jen's wet slit and was about to push in when Frank said "Condom Jimmy." Jimmy looked disgustedly at Frank but rolled on a condom. Then, he bent his knees and with one savage thrust filled her up with his pelvis smashing into her tight sexy ass.

Suddenly Jen came! She gasped loudly and her mouth opened wide at the unexpected orgasm. Her hands reached out desperately to grab something, latching onto Danny's knees. Jen came hard. She stretched out onto her tip toes in the high heels, her body writhing as waves of orgasmic pleasure coursed through her body again and again.

"Fuck Jimmy you made the bitch cum," Danny said with an amazed crooked grin.

"Yeah the stupid cunt must've been ready to pop," Jimmy said with a grin back. He rolled his head back at the feel of Jen's smooth silky pussy. "Oh man this bitch has a sweet pussy!" He held her hips as he pushed all the way in, bottoming out. "Fuck she's tight too," he groaned with pleasure.

"Danny stick your cock into the cunt's mouth," Jimmy said to his friend. He grinned at Frank and said "Don't be too rough. Frank won't like it if you mess up the cunt's pretty white teeth."

Danny didn't have to be asked twice. He hurriedly pulled out his cock and stuffed it into Jen's mouth. Jen moaned at the double penetration.

Jimmy had his cock buried deep in Jen's pussy. He slowly withdrew his cock, keeping just the tip of his cock inside her. Then he savagely slammed the entire length of his 8 inch cock back in. Jen gasped loudly as Jimmy bottomed out in her pussy and his pelvis slammed against her ass again. He then again slowly withdrew his cock and Jen whimpered in anticipation. Jimmy smiled at hearing her whimper. Without any warning he again slammed his hard cock into her pussy. His thrust was so hard he pushed Jen onto her tip toes and also forced Danny's cock down into her throat.

Jimmy started fucking Jen hard and fast. Again and again he bottomed out in her pussy, his pelvis slamming into her ass.

Jen was like a see-saw. Jimmy slammed in, pushing Jen onto her tip toes and onto Danny's cock in her mouth. Then Jimmy pulled back, Danny's cock sliding from her mouth. Back and forth like that, Jen as a see saw, getting it at both ends.

The living room of Frank's penthouse was filled with the noise of flesh hitting flesh and the loud moaning, groaning and grunting from Jen's mouth around Danny's fat cock. She was being thoroughly used like a slut. Jen felt like a cheap whore. A true slut. God she loved it! Soon she was in the throes of another massive orgasm. Jimmy fucked her through the intense orgasmic sensations.

Jen pulled her mouth from Danny's cock. "Please stop ... please stop ... Jimmy please stop," she said through labored breathing, reaching back and pushing against Jimmy's hip. She needed a break from the hard fucking after her intense orgasm.

But Jimmy immediately grabbed her neck and pushed her face back down onto Danny's cock. "You fucking worthless whore! You stupid blonde cunt!" he growled. "We'll stop when I say stop!" Jimmy pounded Jen even harder and faster.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum!" Jimmy moaned.

"Jeez Jimmy, you loser, popping off so early," Danny said laughing derisively. They'd been fucking for barely 10 minutes.

"I know Danny but man this bitch has a sweet pussy," Jimmy groaned rolling his head back. Then suddenly his body tensed and he pushed deep into Jen. He gripped her hips tight, holding her in place, as his body convulsed into a massive orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck," Jimmy moaned. God it was a fucking good orgasm! What a sweet pussy!

Panting, Jimmy pulled out. The reservoir of the condom was full of his baby making juice.

Jimmy took off the condom. He grabbed Jen's hair and pulled her off Danny's cock. He pulled her hair so she was looking up at him. "Open your slutty mouth cunt," he hissed at her.

Jen hesitated, knowing what was about to happen. The fat ugly man disgusted her, and what he intended was repulsive. But she submissively opened her mouth. Jimmy emptied the condom into her mouth, squeezing from the closed part of the condom to the open end so as to feed Jen all of his sperm. Jimmy grinned as he watched the cunt work her throat muscles to swallow his entire heavy load.

Then Jimmy collapsed onto the floor. "Man the bitch really drained my balls," he groaned.

Jen collapsed on the floor too. She lay on her back with one arm over her eyes. Her sexy svelte body was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her breathing was ragged. Her face was still red from the slapping. Her stockings were laddered and the stocking tops soaked with her sex juices.

But there was no relief for Jen. Danny and the other 2 guys took off their clothes. They got on the floor with Jen. They moved her around like a sex toy, penetrating all her holes at the same time.

The 4 fat, ugly men used Jen's body for their pleasure for hours. Jen lost count of her orgasms. Finally she passed out from exhaustion. It was only then that Frank ordered Jimmy, Danny and the other 2 men to stop.


Claudia, Annette and Bridget entered the room. With concerned looks on their faces, they tenderly washed and tendered to Jen's bruised, battered, well fucked body. They put ice on her bruised face. Jen was only half conscious.

Bridget rolled off the laddered stockings. She unhooked the garter belt. Both were wet with semen and Jen's juices. Bridget held both with just her fingertips, not wanting to touch the pungent sex juices. She looked at Claudia as if saying "what should I do with this?"

Claudia said "Just throw them away."

Jen woke up enough to say in a barely audible voice "No, I want them."

Claudia shrugged. She said to Bridget "Put them in a plastic bag."

After the stylists finished cleaning and tending to Jen, Frank lovingly carried her to his bedroom, like a groom carrying his bride. In bed, he tenderly kissed Jen. He helped her put on one of his shirts to wear as a nightie. He put lace edged, white cotton socks on her feet, knowing she got cold at night. Then he pulled her into his arms. They slept holding each other.


The sun was bright in the sky when Jen woke up the next day. She slowly opened her eyes. Her entire body ached. She had a hard time moving.

Frank was holding Jen in his arms. He was awake looking at her. He brushed a loose strand of blonde hair from her face.

"You're beautiful when you sleep," Frank said looking lovingly into her eyes.

"What time is it?" Jen asked. She gently probed her face. It still hurt from the rough treatment last night. She certainly didn't feel beautiful.

"A little after noon," he said.

"Oh god I've got to go," Jen said moving to get out of bed. She winced at the pain. Her body was really sore and stiff. And her face hurt. "Where's my phone?"

Frank shrugged.

Jen got out of bed. She was in Frank's shirt and the white socks. She saw Frank taking a picture of her. "It's too early Frank," she said with a humorless laugh.

Frank shrugged again.

Jen found her purse and pulled out her iPhone. "God," she lamented to herself. There were lots of texts and calls from Mike.

She opened the texts and read the conversation. There were lots of texts last night from Mike. Things like "I just called" and "are you ok?" and "Pick up I'm getting worried." Then he abruptly stopped texting and calling.

"Oh god," Jen said to herself. Mike was hurt. Really hurt. She grimaced inside. She did it again. Again!

How did she not hear the phone ring or the buzz of incoming texts? Then she saw her phone was on mute. The massage last night! Bridget muted her phone. They both forgot to unmute it. "Fuck" Jen said under her breath. She immediately called Mike. The call went straight to voice mail. "Fuck" she said again. This was not good.

Jen looked at the texts again. She saw there was a new conversation, a group text between Frank, Mike and her. WTF?

She opened the conversation. There was just one text, from Frank. It said "Mike - Jenny's too busy to talk. Pictures from tonight. Enjoy. Frank." Following the text were pictures of her getting banged by Jimmy and his 3 friends. Jen looked at the timestamp. Mike stopped calling and texting last night right after Frank sent this.

"Why'd you send this?" Jen asked Frank accusingly.

"You gave me permission," Frank said simply.

"But why?"

Frank shrugged. "I sent just pictures, no video," he said, as if that made everything okay.

"You took video too?" Jen said alarmed. She grabbed his phone and looked at the videos. She shook her head as she watched herself being such a nasty slut - and loving it.
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"If Mike saw these videos," Jen thought to herself, horrified by the idea. It would be like the Scott Vegas video. But then she had an idea. She used Apple Airdrop to copy the pictures and videos to her iPhone. Then she deleted them from Frank's phone.

"I'm in so much shit. I've got to go home," Jen told Frank. She picked up her overnight bag. It had a change of clothes. She took off Frank's shirt and the white socks then quickly dressed. She saw the bag with the soiled stockings and garter belt. She stuffed it in her bag.

"Just wait Jenny," Frank said. "Sit with me a moment. Let's talk about last night."

Jen hesitated. She needed to get home, call Allie, find out where Mike and Anna were. But she wanted to talk about last night too. So she sat down on the bed next to Frank, pulling one leg under her.

"So what?" she asked.

Frank put his hand on her thigh and caressed her. "Don't," Jen said stopping him. "Just talk. Tell me why."

Frank looked annoyed but didn't force caresses on her. He kept his hand on her leg though. "Your audition for Duncan," he began.

"I need to talk to Mike about it," Jen said cutting him off. Seeing Frank about to object, she said "Stop Frank. I need to talk to Mike. Now tell me why those men."

"Your tattoo," Frank said, reaching behind and touching her lower back.

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"I believe Spring Awakening has a brief nude scene," Frank explained. "You should have the tattoo removed."

"What?" Jen said again, trying to catch up.

"I know an excellent doctor," Frank continued. "Two, perhaps three visits. Gone. You'll never know you had a tattoo."

Jen stared at Frank. Ignoring his tattoo sidetrack, she asked with exasperation, "Why Jimmy?"

Frank looked even more annoyed but didn't push the audition or the tattoo issues further. "You know why."

"No I don't," Jen insisted.

"You will do what I say Jenny," Frank said matter-of-factly, like it was a law of the universe.

"But why those men?" Jen asked emphasizing "those."

"Because you do what I say," Frank said impatiently, like talking down to a student who wasn't getting it. "You fuck who I say. Even men like Jimmy and his friends. You belong to me Jenny."

Understanding came to Jen. If she was willing to fuck a disgusting man like Jimmy, then she would fuck anyone for Frank. Fucking handsome hot men like Hugh and Lou (even the young but cute Thomas) was easy. Allowing fat ugly men like Jimmy and his friends to gang bang her showed the control Frank had over her. Showed his dominance over her, and her submission to him.

Despite herself Jen shuddered. Being dominated like that. Submissive to not just Frank but also the fat ugly Jimmy and his friends. Letting them use her, violate her, cum all over her. She shuddered again.

Frank looked at Jen's face and smiled. "You're getting your cum face on Jenny."

Jen glared at Frank. "I've got to go," she said brusquely.

Frank grabbed her wrist. "You belong to me Jenny," he said again. "Let go. Give yourself to me. You know that's what you want."

Jen stared at Frank, not saying anything. She was breathing hard.

Frank pulled back the sheets. He was hard. Jen looked at his hard cock, at the thick vein running the length underneath. God he was so big and gorgeous. She felt herself getting wet, her pussy getting ready to take his thick cock. Despite her body being sore and needing to go home, she felt longing in her pussy.

"Suck me Jenny," Frank said. "Take off your clothes. Get back into bed. And suck me."

Jen hesitated. Her face felt hot. Her pussy was wet. But Mike was out there someplace, hurting.

Frank put his hand behind Jen's head. He pulled her face towards his manhood. "You know you want this," he said. "I'll make you cum. You know I will. You want me. We both know it."

Somehow, Jen managed to pull away. "I've got to do," she said. At the door she turned and looked at Frank again. She looked at his face. At his manhood. Then she willed herself to turn back to the door. She opened the door and left.


Jen hurried to their loft apartment. Mike and Anna weren't there.

She tried calling and texting. Mike didn't answer. She tried Find My iPhone. His phone wasn't there. He turned it off? He was that upset?

Jen tried calling Allie. Her call wouldn't go through. God, the Hamptons had such god-awful cell service!

The thing was, Jen didn't understand WHY Mike was so upset. Okay, she spent yesterday with Frank. But that was the plan. She got fucked. Mike knew that would happen. That was the whole point of their game.

Yeah, there was Duncan and Spring Awakening and the possibility of cutting and dying her hair. But Mike didn't know any of that yet.

So why was he mad? Okay, yeah, Frank sent those texts and pictures. But Jen understood Mike. She was able to gauge how things would affect him. The texts and pictures would excite Mike. He might get jealous and hurt some, but not bad hurt.

So why was he so upset?

As the day wore on, Jen got more and more worried and agitated. Where was Mike? Where was Anna? Were they hurt? Did they get into a car accident? Jen sat down and pressed her palms against her head. She was so frustrated and worried! She hated this! She hated not knowing! Where were they?!

She tried calling Allie again. They connected for a moment but then the call dropped. Fuck! When were they going to fix the freaking cell coverage in the Hamptons?!

Allie called back moments later on a land line. "Where are you? Where are Mike and Anna?" Jen asked urgently.

"I'm at the house, helping Bobby and Grace clean up," Allie said. "Mike and Anna left a couple hours ago."

"Two hours ago?" Jen practically screamed into the phone. "They should be home by now!"

"Jen, calm down," Allie said soothingly. "Maybe he ran into traffic."

"But he's not answering," Jen said feeling panicked. "He turned off Find My iPhone."

"Maybe he ran out of power," Allie said reasonably.

Jen frowned. That wasn't like her uber-responsible husband. If he was running out of power he'd stop and buy a charger. "What happen?" she asked worriedly. "Is Mike upset?"

"Well ..." Allie said hesitantly.

"What?" Jen said urgently. "What happened? Tell me!"

"It kind of slipped," Allie said apologetically, clearly embarrassed and regretful.

"What slipped Allie?!" Jen said desperately.

Allie told her.

"Oh god," Jen lamented. Now she knew why Mike was so upset!

"I'm sorry, we were talking, it slipped out," Allie said apologetically. "Does it really matter? I mean, after all that happened after?"

"God Allie, you know it matters," Jen said squeezing her eyes shut. Fuck, fuck, fuck ... Fuck!

Allie nodded, grimacing. Yeah, she knew it mattered. Especially with Mike. "I'm sorry Jen," she said apologetically.

"What happened this weekend?" Jen asked.

"Between me and Mike? Nothing," Allie said with a short laugh. "He thought about you all weekend. Don't worry Jen he's still your bubble boy."

Jen smiled briefly. But it was bittersweet since she was so worried.

"Let me know when Mike and Anna get home," Allie said. "I'm worried too."

They hung up. Jen pressed her palms against her head again. Knowing why Mike was upset answered her question but it didn't help her anxiety, worry and distress. Where were they?! She felt about to cry from worry and frustration.

Then Jen heard voices on the other side of the door. Leaping off the chair, she ran across the room and threw open the door.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 35

Mike was about 30 minutes away from the Hamptons when his cell beeped with a text. He looked at the screen. It said "It's done. Mitch."

Mike was happy and relieved. But seeing the text made him anxious too. He didn't feel comfortable. There were too many loose ends.

At the same time Mike couldn't help feeling proud of himself for pulling it off. He called Jasmine. "It's done," he told her.

A huge wave of relief washed over Jasmine. But she needed details. They agreed to meet for a drink later that night.


Mike held Anna in one hand and their suitcase in another as they opened the door of the Hamptons house. But as soon as they walked in Anna bolted. She was so excited! The beach! A big weekend party!

Anna was a blonde haired ball of energy and she loved water and sand. The fact it was chilly outside and too cold for the ocean was no deterrent to a determined 3 year old. Anna also loved parties. She was a big social butterfly just like her mother. She was so excited she barely noticed her mother wasn't with them.

On top of that her good friend DJ was there. Anna immediately rush off in search of him. Mike ran to catch up. Most everyone else was already there and he said quick hellos as he tried to keep up with Anna.

There were 15 or so couples there along with about 10 kids including Anna and DJ. There were a few singles there too, but not many.

Anna quickly found DJ. He'd been looking for her too. They squealed with delight seeing each other and ran off to play, holding hands. Mike ran after them and almost ran head first into Allie.

"Calm down they'll be fine," Allie said grinning at him. "Bobby and Grace hired 4 teenagers as baby sitters. It's like a day care center downstairs."

"Oh okay," Mike said suddenly feeling awkward. He always felt awkward around Allie. Now, on top of that, there was this crazy idea of them hooking up as part of the game.

Allie felt awkward too. But like Jen, she was super-outgoing so she was always able to get pass awkward situations. She grinned and said "Come on let's go check on the kids."

As they walked downstairs they passed and said hello to many of the other party-goers. Almost everyone was paired up, married or in serious relationships. Mike remembered these Hamptons weekends in the past when most were single.

Reading his mind, Allie said "I guess everyone's growing up."

"Yeah," Mike agreed. "Probably a lot of weddings next summer."

"Yeah," Allie said with a laugh. But there was sadness there, not humor; her love life was going in the opposite direction.

They got to the playroom downstairs. It was a big room with lots of toys and an Xbox connected to a huge TV. Anna and DJ were playing with the other kids (all about the same age). The kids were being carefully watched by the 4 teenage girls.

Mike and Allie sat off to the side and watched the kids play. "Seems under control," Allie said.

Mike picked up on Allie's melancholy. He said "Sorry to hear about you and Darren. Are you still trying to get back together?"

"We did therapy," Allie said looking sad and resigned. "Darren comes over once a week to see DJ. But we barely talk. Like there's a wall between us."

"It's all about his fantasies?" Mike whispered.

Allie didn't respond. She looked sad and resigned. As if trying to force herself into a good mood, she grinned and said "Come on bubble boy, I need a drink." She got up and started walking up the stairs.

Mike looked over at Anna. She was in paradise playing with DJ and the other kids and the 4 teenagers seemed to have everything under control. He looked at the stairs. Allie was already half way up. She wore short shorts. Allie's legs weren't as good as Jen's but they were ... really nice. Not as long, or slim, or shapely, but better than most. Way better. Mike got up and followed Allie up the stairs.

Upstairs, Allie was already surrounded by a bunch of guys. That didn't take long. Mike wasn't surprised. That was how it always was with Allie and Jen. They were men-magnets.

Allie was laughing and joking with the guys. She was like a different person now, the melancholy of a few moments ago forgotten. It reminded Mike of the old Allie, the happy-go-lucky Allie who partied hardie with guys like Scott. Mike wondered. Which was the real Allie? This one? Or the one downstairs of a few moments ago?

Mike watched Allie flirt for a few moments. When Jen flirted it was like a subtle tease with everything having elusive sexual undertones. Jen kept you guessing. Was that an accidental touch or an intended caress? Did she mean to reveal so much thigh when she crossed her legs? Was that smile and whisper into your ear an invitation?

Allie was different. She was out there, bold and deliberate. There was little subtlety. She took what she wanted. If she wanted a guy he knew it. Unlike Jen, with Allie there were no doubts or questions. Like Jen though, Allie was so beautiful and sexy she almost always got what she wanted.

Maybe that was the difference between the 2 best friends. Jen wanted to be pursued and conquered; she wanted to be taken. Whereas Allie took what she wanted. Jen was a bottom and Allie a top.

Mike was happy to see Allie getting so much attention from the guys there. Both to get her mind off Darren, and also to keep her away from him. He always felt awkward around Allie. He felt even more so now with this crazy idea of them hooking up. How ridiculous. They were so different. Yes they had history but it was mostly bad (or at best indifferent) history. Also what about Darren? He and Darren were friends. Mike wasn't going to betray a friend by doing something with his wife even if they were heading towards divorce.

Mike got a beer and mingled a little. When people asked (and everyone did), he said Jen got hung up at work.

Mike went back downstairs to the playroom. The babysitters were feeding the kids a late lunch of hot dogs and mac & cheese. Mike didn't want to be a helicopter parent. At the same time, he didn't enjoy mingling and all the mindless chit-chat of the party. So he grabbed a hot dog and went out to the porch next to the playroom. He read his Kindle while eating the hot dog and sipping his beer.

Around mid-afternoon Anna came outside. DJ was with her. "Daddy let's go to the beach," she said tugging his arm. DJ tugged his other arm. Mike laughed and got up. "Let's find your mom," he said to DJ.

Allie was upstairs among a crowd of people. She was talking with RH. Mike didn't know him well, only that his parents loved "Happy Days" and named him Ron Howard. No wonder the dude went by his initials.

RH had separated from his wife a few months ago. He and Allie were flirting. Mike wasn't surprised as RH was definitely a Scott-type looks-wise. "Well good," Mike though. RH was a nice enough guy. On top of that he wore a Mets jersey. Maybe he and Allie could hit it off and help each other get over their failing marriages.

Approaching Allie, Mike said "I thought I'd take the kids to the beach."

"Oh okay, that sounds like a good idea," Allie said.

"I can handle it," Mike offered giving RH a slight nod. He didn't want to interrupt RH making moves on Allie.

"I'll go," Allie said putting her beer down. "See you later RH," she said with a smile.

"There's a bonfire later," RH said.

"Cool beans," Allie said, giving him a smile and lingering look before turning away.

Mike and Allie agreed to meet outside by the dunes in 15 minutes. He took Anna to their bedroom to get dressed. (Mike lucked out. In the lottery, he and Anna got a bedroom. No such luck for Allie and DJ though as they had to sleep in cots hostel style in the playroom downstairs.)

As they got into their bathing suits, Mike's iPhone buzzed. His heart leaped when he saw it was a text from Jen. It said "Hey baby. Did you make it okay? Having fun? How's Anna? Seen Allie yet?"

There was a picture attached. Of Jen. It looked like a selfie.

Mike's eyes went wide. Jen looked gorgeous as usual. But her hair was tussled and her cheeks flushed. She looked freshly fucked. On top of that, she was wearing a man's dress shirt.

Frank's shirt.

In their game, there were some things that really got to Mike. You'd think seeing Jen going down on a guy or getting fucked, or a guy splattering her beautiful face with his cum, those types of things would be the worst. But they weren't. Not even close.
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Jen smiling and making eyes with a guy. Holding his hand. Kissing him. Sharing sweet nothings. And wearing his shirt. Intimate things like that were the worst. They made his cuckold angst go into overdrive. And they got him really hard.

This wouldn't do of course. Tenting his bathing suit. Not around Anna and DJ. And certainly not around Allie.

Mike turned his thoughts to sports. The Mets and Jets, that always did the trick. The collapse of the Mets in the World Series. The litany of Jets embarrassments, like the butt fumble and the backup linebacker breaking the starting quarterback's jaw (probably deserved but still embarrassing, especially when Ryan immediately signed him).

That did the trick. Mike lost the erection. Wanting to keep it that way, he decided to wait until later to text Jen back. There was another reason he didn't text back immediately. In her text, he sensed Jen's need for an update on Anna. That made sense, probably all mothers were wired that way, having the need to know the whereabouts of their children at all times.

Well, Jen made her choice. She was with her boyfriend in New York, instead of here in the Hamptons with her husband and daughter. She was getting fucked and cumming on Frank's cock. She was wearing his shirt. So if she had to wait for an update on Anna, too bad.

Mike knew that was unfair. After all, he encouraged her to stay in the City and meet Frank's Broadway friends. Still, she didn't have to enjoy it so much. Barely the afternoon and already fucking Frank? Whatever happened to not spending too much time with him?

The water was too cold for swimming but that didn't stop Anna and DJ from splashing at the edge of the surf and making sand castles. Mike managed to put lotion on Anna before she ran off with DJ. With her fair, lily white complexion (just like Jen's) he ladled on the sun tan lotion. Allie sprayed on lotion but wasn't as concerned about sun burn given DJ's caramel colored skin. She wasn't worried too much about herself either, not with her olive Mediterranean complexion.

Mike and Allie sat next to each on the sand as they watched the kids play. She wore a short stringy sundress with a bikini underneath.

"Heard from Jen?" Allie asked.

"She texted me."

Allie heard something in Mike's voice. She asked "Can I see?"

Mike was a private person so his instinct was to say no. But he didn't want to be rude and Allie knew all about their game. On top of that she was Jen's best friend. So he handed his phone to her.

Allie read the text: "Hey baby. Did you make it okay? Having fun? How's Anna? Seen Allie yet?" She grinned when she looked at the picture of Jen looking freshly fucked and wearing her lover's shirt. "You two are so out of control," she said with a laugh.

"Thanks a lot," Mike said with a laugh back, but it was without any humor.

Allie studied Mike for a moment. "Why do you keep doing it if you hate it?" she asked.

Mike shrugged but didn't say anything. Allie frowned at him. Feeling annoyed, she said sarcastically "You know Mike, it's easier to have a conversation if you actually talk instead of grunt all the time."

Mike frowned back at her, stung by her rebuke. This was the Allie he knew. But while Mike was anti-social to the point of being a recluse, he didn't want to be impolite. He said "Sorry. I guess it's a defense mechanism. When I don't have a good answer."

"Most times people don't have good answers," Allie told him. "That's why we talk. To work things out."

"Yeah," Mike said with another shrug, feeling chastised. At least this time he added "yeah" to his shrug.

"You know she's just dicking with you," Allie said. "Wearing his shirt."

"Wearing his shirt after sex," Mike pointed out with a "yeah right" tone of voice.

"I so don't get you bubble boy," Allie said with a laugh. "You want it but you don't want it."

Again Mike shrugged but didn't respond. Allie shook her head but didn't give him shit this time.

"So what did you say back?" she asked.

"I haven't," Mike said.

"What?" Allie said her eyes going wide with surprise and alarm. "You've been here for hours and haven't called Jen to say you're okay? She's probably worried sick."

"I doubt that," Mike said, waving his phone to remind Allie about Jen's freshly fucked look.

"God Mike, don't be an ass," Allie said disapprovingly.

Allie's judgmental retort stung. Mike knew she was right. He gave up the silent treatment and typed a message to Jen. He still felt raw about the picture so his text was pretty unemotional. It said "We got here okay. At the beach now. Ocean too cold for swimming but Anna is making sandcastles with DJ."

Jen didn't see the text until later. At the moment she was being pampered by her stylists.

Mike and Allie were silent for long moments as they watched the kids play. Finally Allie said "So you asked about Darren."

"Yeah," Mike said turning to her.

"I wanted to ask you about him," Allie said. "I don't get him. Maybe you do."

"Okay," Mike said. He waited for Allie to explain.

"So yeah, it's about his fantasies," Allie said, answering Mike's question from before. She was talking about Darren's BBC fantasies and his desire to bed married white wives. "It's made a wall between us."

"I thought you worked that out," Mike said.

"We opened our marriage," Allie said with a nod. "But the sex isn't enough for him. He wants to get other white girls pregnant. Like Stacy. That's fucked up Mike."

Mike nodded. He understood how it was with black bulls like Darren and Deshawn. The turn on for them. Mike was on the other side of the equation and it turned him on too.

Reading his thoughts, Allie shrugged and said glumly "No offense."

"That's okay. It is fucked up," Mike agreed.

"So - can he change?" she asked.

Mike thought about his own fantasies. Can HE change? "I'm not sure," he said honestly, answering for both himself and Darren.

"That's so fucked up," Allie said, frustrated and angry. "I don't want my husband getting other girls pregnant. Is that too much to ask?"

"No," Mike said honestly.

"What about you?" Allie said challengingly. "You want other men to get Jen pregnant?"

Mike's cheeks reddened. "It's a fantasy," he said defensively.

"But it happened twice," she pointed out.

Mike's face clouded over. They both knew the first time ended in a miscarriage for Jen and almost death for Mike. "Sorry," Allie said.

"The first time was an accident," Mike said. "The second time, we weren't together."

"Yeah but, are you still playing that fantasy?" Allie asked, although now her voice carried less of an edge.

"Allie, look, I said it was fucked up," Mike said evasively. "But sometimes fantasies are hard to stop. Don't you have fantasies?"

Allie gave Mike a withering, derisive look. It was like she was saying "Do you seriously think you're good enough to hear about my sexual fantasies?"

It reminded Mike of college. Back then she gave him that look a lot. Back then it was "Don't even think about it bubble boy. You have no chance with me. I'm so far out of your league we're not even on the same planet."

After a moment Allie's expression softened. She said "Sorry. I guess that's my defense mechanism."

Despite her apology, Mike felt small and awkward. Like the way he felt around Allie back in college. She was the uber-popular chick and he the shy math geek. Jen was super-popular too. But Jen was bubbly and friendly; she wanted everyone to like her even the non-populars. Allie was feisty and aloof; she didn't give a fuck if you liked her or not. Of course, most people did (especially men).

Mike gave Allie a shrug but didn't respond. They sat that way for a while, not talking, watching the kids play in the sand.

"So anyway ...," Allie said to break the silence.

"Darren probably can't change," Mike said. "But you can still make it work. You just have to find a middle ground."

"Like what?"

Thinking about Jen going off the pill but making Frank pull out or use a condom, he said "Something that'll make it feel real for Darren. But not really be real."

"I don't know," Allie said gloomily. "I think he wants it to be real."

"If he loves you, he'll meet you halfway," Mike said encouragingly.

"Do you think Darren still loves me?" Allie asked hopefully.

"I don't know Allie," Mike said honestly. "I haven't talked to Darren in a while."

Allie looked distressed at his answer. She said "You know Mike, most people would say 'yeah Allie, Darren definitely loves you. He just needs time.' Something like that."

Feeling like he put his foot in his mouth, Mike stammered "Sorry, I -."

"That's okay," Allie said with a humorless laugh. She looked sad and resigned, but perhaps a little grateful too. "I'm tired of bullshit. Maybe time to face reality. No more bullshit." She went silent, looking contemplative.

Mike felt like an idiot. He hadn't helped the situation at all. It was at awkward times like this he didn't know what to say. That's another reason he loved Jen. She took care of all this. She always knew what to say to make people feel good about themselves. If she was here Mike would've been able to let her handle it. He could relax knowing Jen would handle it.

They were silent for a long time, watching the kids play, watching the sun set. Finally Mike stood up and said "We better get the kids dinner."

"Yeah, good idea," Allie said. She stood up too and shook the sand off. Still looking melancholy, she said "I don't feel like going back to the house. There's a pizza place down the road."

"Sure," Mike said. They corralled in the kids and the 4 of them walked to the pizza joint.

As they shared a cheese pizza, Mike said "RH's a nice guy."

Allie knew where Mike was going with this. Still looking melancholy, she said "Nice try bubble boy. But I'm not looking for a weekend fling."

"Doesn't sound like the Allie I know," Mike said giving her a grin.

"What?" Allie said with a surprised laugh.

"The 'fuck the world' Allie. The 'I'm better than everyone else' Allie. The 'in your dreams' Allie. The feisty Allie. The in-your-face Allie."

"Thanks a lot. You make me sound like such a nice person," Allie lamented.

"I'm just saying, the Allie I know would say 'fuck Darren,' and then she'd fuck RH's brains out. And love it."

"I don't know Mike," Allie said doubtfully. She knew he was trying to cheer her up but she wasn't feeling it. She felt sad and resigned, tired, defeated even. "I don't think that Allie exists anymore."

Mike felt sad too. He said "That's too bad. I like that Allie. I miss her." To his surprise, Mike realized what he said was true.

Allie stared at Mike. She looked down, like she was blushing. "Okay, whatever," she said with a grin.

It was dark when they left the pizza joint. The sandy sidewalk was lit by a few scattered lamp posts. Just ahead, about halfway to the house, were a few tough guys hanging out next to a beat up Dodge Challenger. They looked like day laborers, heavily muscled and tattooed. They were drinking beer and smoking weed. Allie was on their side of the sidewalk holding DJ and Anna's hands. All the men hungrily eyed Allie in her short sundress. She felt a tingle of fear and clutched the kids' hands tighter.

Mike moved so he was between the men and Allie and the kids. One of the men saw it and shouted out "Don't disrespect us man, we ain't gonna do nothing."
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