10-05-2022, 03:57 PM
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.

Taking Mom to the Movies
10-05-2022, 03:57 PM
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 03:58 PM
My mother looked like a combination of beauty and heartbreak.
It was evening and she sat by the dining table with a big glass of wine. She was wearing a beautiful black dress, which elegantly showcased her womanly figure. Her hair was perfectly done. Her make-up was also beautifully done, except for the smeared mascara around her eyes from the tears. I had just come home from an evening college class and I saw her looking devastated. "What's wrong?" I asked, walking towards her. "Remember that date I told you about? Well, it's not happening anymore." She had been excited all week to go on a date with a big shot attorney. They worked at the same law firm where my mother was a legal assistant in another department. They had been talking for a while, and when he finally asked her out, she was thrilled. "I'm sorry to hear that." "It's no big deal," she replied, taking another sip of wine. "I'll order us some pizza later." I wasn't an expert on women, but I knew that my mother wanted company. I couldn't just walk away when she was so vulnerable. What kind of son would I be if I simply turned away? "You look great tonight," I said, sitting down next to her. "This guy sounds like a real idiot." She smiled. "Thanks. You're sweet." "Of course I am." She smiled again. "So what's a handsome young man like you doing being single?" "Long story." She checked the clock. "It's only 5:46. Do you have anything better to do?" "I guess not." "Then tell me. Why are you still single?" I shrugged. "College girls are different. I don't know. I guess I'm old fashioned. Women these days mostly care about their phones and their online status. Or they like to go to clubs. I just like to go out and do normal stuff." "So there aren't any college girls who like doing normal stuff and aren't obsessed with their phones?" my mother asked, almost in a state of disbelief. . "Well, of course there are, but they're hard to find. Or they're already dating someone." "If only the women of this world could realize what a wonderful and sexy man you are," she said playfully. "There's no need to get sarcastic here." "I'm only teasing," she replied, taking another sip of wine. "So what about you? How come you're single?" She thought for a moment. "I've always been raised to be an independent woman. Part of that means working all the time. And maybe I set my standards too high for what a good man is." There was a brief look of sadness in her eyes when she spoke. She turned her attention away from me and took another sip of her wine. It was sort of an awkward moment between us. "You sound like you have regrets," I replied, nearly doing an impression of a therapist. "I suppose I do. I've turned down a lot of really good men over the years. Usually it was because of my hectic work schedule. Sometimes it's because I thought someone better would come along." "Well, you deserve the best." She took another sip of wine. "That's what I've always thought. But I'm not getting any younger. When I was your age, all I had to do was put on a tshirt and jeans and I was able to turn every head in the neighborhood. I didn't need make-up or any fancy clothes. Now, I'm a little older." "You know, some guys actually prefer older women," I replied, trying to comfort her. "I know. I still get glances from a lot of younger men. It's flattering. But they're not my type." "You'll find someone soon. I promise." She managed to crack a smile. "I'll order some pizza now. I feel like binging on carbs and cheese." "Good idea." She thought for a quick moment. "You know what? Screw that guy. Why should I let him ruin my night? Who the hell does he think he is?" My mother suddenly got her energy and fire back. I hoped it wasn't the wine talking, but she looked energized. At least she wasn't going to be depressed for the rest of the night. "You sound like you're back to normal," I gladly noted. "I spent a lot of time to look good for tonight. So why don't we go to a fancy restaurant together? I still have the reservations for 8 o'clock. It'll be a fun date. My treat, of course." Suddenly I found myself in an even more awkward position. How weird would it be to go out on a date with my own mother at a fancy restaurant? "Do you really think that's a good idea?" I asked as nicely as I could. Her eyes suddenly showed signs of being depressed again. "You're not interested?" she asked, hiding her sadness. The look in her eyes and the tone in her voice put me in an impossible position. What kind of person would I be if I refused and made her cry all night from being heartbroken? "I'm interested. It sounds like fun." A beaming smile quickly appeared on her face. "I knew you'd join!" she beamed. "Change your clothes. Wear something nice. It's going to be fun." My mother took a final sip of the wine, stood up, and gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek. She also gave me a tight hug and she thanked me for going. *** जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 03:59 PM
We arrived at the fancy restaurant before 8. To my surprise, my mother had changed into a different dress. It was bright red, sleek (which showcased her voluptuous body) and it even showed her cleavage. Being a professional woman, she rarely ever showed her cleavage. But tonight, for whatever reason, she decided to show it off. I tried my best not to look at her boobs.
"What are you going to order?" she asked with her eyes on the menu. "I don't know. Everything looks really good." "Maybe you have your eyes on something that's not on the menu?" she replied, looking at me with a faint smile. There was a slightly mischievous look on her face, as if she had caught me glancing at her breasts. I wasn't sure if she had actually caught me though and I tried my best to act natural. "I'll have whatever you have," I replied, putting the menu down. "Nice choice. I know exactly what to order." My mother signaled an attractive young waitress, who came to our table with a polite smile. My mother ordered us some expensive steaks, along with some expensive drinks. I couldn't believe how much she was willing to spend for dinner, but then again, she wanted the night to be special. The waitress commended us for our choice. "We also have a special promotion tonight. We're offering a 50% discount for desserts to couples here on a date. Will you two be interested in that?" My mother briefly looked at me and smiled, before returning her attention back to the waitress. "That sounds lovely. Can we pick later?" "Of course," the waitress replied, collecting our menus. "Let me know if you need anything else." "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" my mother asked the waitress. "Of course." "What makes you think we're a couple?" The waitress suddenly looked dumbfounded. "I assumed you were couple because of the way you two had been looking at each other all night. Did I make a mistake? I apologize if I did." My mother smiled at the young waitress. "No. There's no mistake. Thank you." The waitress gave another nice smile before leaving. As soon as the waitress turned around, my mother and I gave each other a surprised look, like we were holding back our laughter. "Did that just happen?" I asked my mother. "Apparently so. I certainly wasn't expecting anyone to think that we were a couple." "She did have a point though. You're dressed like you're on a date." "Are you talking about these?" my mother said, gesturing towards her cleavage. "Yeah," I awkwardly replied. She briefly looked down at herself. "I know, it's a little provocative. I bought it a few days ago." "It looks great on you." "Thanks. Plus you've been glancing at my cleavage since we got here. That's definitely a good sign." When my mother finally acknowledged that she knew I had been looking at her cleavage, I felt like I wanted to crawl under a rock. "What did you expect?" I shrugged. "That dress is eye catching." She smiled, "Don't be so uptight. We're here to have a good time, right?" "Yeah." "If that's the case, do you have any other plans tonight?" I was surprised that my mother asked if I had plans. She obviously wanted to do stuff after dinner. "No plans," I simply replied. "Then how about we go to the theater after this? There's a movie I really want to watch. It's a French erotic thriller. It's screening for a limited time only. Are you interested?" Deep down, I was relieved. It was only a movie, and an erotic thriller too. I was glad we didn't have to do any weird date night activities. I nodded. "Sure, that sounds cool. I actually love those kinds of movies." "You don't mind that it's French right? You realize that there's going to be subtitles, don't you?" "Do you think I only watch action and horror movies?" I asked with a smile. She raised an eyebrow. "I didn't realize that you had grown to become a more sophisticated person." "What can I say? I'm a sophisticated guy." "Good. The movie is supposed to be intelligent and artistic, which I really like. But I have to warn you, apparently there are some overly explicit sex scenes in the movie." "That doesn't bother me at all," I smiled again. "Then it's settled. We're officially on a date." "A date huh? Are you sure you're up for that? You've had a lot to drink already. You've been sipping wine all evening." She raised her glass and took another sip. "Believe me, I have a very high tolerance for alcohol. I can drink more than most men and I still won't feel drunk." "Really?" I asked. "Then why bother drinking at all?" "Wine helps me relax. Plus it's healthy in moderate doses." "Good point," I replied. "Just promise me you won't get drunk and act like a complete slob." She took another sip of wine, then she winked at me. "That's a promise I intend to keep." Part 2 of 3: Movie Theater Fun Since my mother had paid for the fancy restaurant meal, it was only fair that I paid for the movie tickets. I even bought us a giant order of buttery popcorn, which she loved, and a soda for us to share. The theater area was mildly crowded, but when we went to our screening room, there was hardly anyone there. We sat in the back and there was 4 people sitting up front. "I guess artsy French movies aren't as popular as they used to be," I joked when we sat down. My mother thought it was a funny comment, but she contained her laughter. "Not everyone appreciates foreign movies," she replied playfully. "Not like they used to." The container of popcorn was on my lap because she didn't want any stains on her expensive dress. We started to eat while watching the different commercials on the big screen. I playfully chewed the popcorn loudly, which I knew annoyed her. "Buttery," I said jokingly while I ate loudly. She bumped me with her elbow and smiled. "Knock it off." "What?" "The chewing." "Yeah, I think that's really annoying also. People who eat loudly in a movie theater are the same class of people who use their cell phones during the movie. They need to be kicked out." "I agree wholeheartedly," she replied, taking more bites of popcorn. "If anyone texts during the movie, I expect you to go tell the manager." "Maybe we'll get free tickets for next time." "Maybe." We continued eating the popcorn. It was nice having a special moment with my mom. Both of us were always busy, so it was nice to go out and do something with her. I'm sure she felt the same way. "This is a lot of fun," I told her simply. She looked at me and smiled. "You know, to be honest, this is the most fun I've had in a long time." "Really?" "I'm serious. I've had such a great time tonight. You rescued me from being miserable after my date canceled at the last minute." I could tell from her voice that she was genuinely touched. I hadn't realized how much she enjoyed the evening. But it made sense. She rarely dated and she worked a lot. "I'm glad to be of service," I replied. "We should do this more often. We have such great chemistry together." I was slightly taken aback by my mother's choice of words that we had 'chemistry' together. But I understood exactly what she meant. The lights started to dim just as I saw my beautiful mother smiling at me. The previews started and we turned our attention towards the big screen. Ten minutes later, the movie started. A while after, I realized the movie was much more entertaining than I had expected. It was exciting, thrilling, and dramatic. I found myself getting pulled into the story. Nearly an hour into the movie, the first major sex scene began. The lead female character, a security officer detective, had just gotten naked for the first time. She looked gorgeous. To the surprise of everyone in the audience, the female character got down on her knees and began to perform oral sex on a guy. It wasn't fake either. It was clearly displayed on the big screen. "Can you believe they're actually showing that?" my mother whispered in my ear. "French people are so open minded." "I know," I whispered back. When I looked at my mother to reply, I saw her licking her lips. Maybe it was the saltiness of the popcorn, I thought. The oral sex scene was still going on and I saw my mother licking her lips again. The level of discomfort I felt reached a whole new level. Not only were we watching a hardcore sex act on a giant theater screen, but my mother looked like she was getting aroused. I was also getting more aroused when the lead female actress was bent over, naked, and taking it from behind. "This is such a dirty movie," my mother whispered. "I know." I could tell she was breathing heavier. My mother was definitely aroused. My own arousal also grew as the explicit sex scene continued. I wished I could have relieve myself, but I couldn't. I briefly thought about going to the bathroom to masturbate so I wouldn't have a weird bulge in my pants. But the movie was too good to miss. After the sex scene ended, the movie went back to telling a story. After all, the movie was supposed to be a thriller, which it was. The next few scenes were filled with twists and turns in the story. My mother's eyes were glued to the big screen as she tried to reach in my direction to grab more popcorn. Her hand accidentally touched my lap. It was getting awkward. Suddenly, her hand reached down in a swooping motion and she accidentally touched my hard cock through my pants. I was mortified. I was caught by my mother for having an erection during the movie. I immediately tried to adjust myself, but she clearly felt what it was. My mother looked at me with a surprised expression. She knew I was embarrassed. "Sorry," I whispered. "That was my fault," she whispered back, with a sense of understanding. "Don't be embarrassed. It's perfectly normal during a movie like this." "Let's just forget that it happened," I whispered, adjusting my pants again. Even though I felt completely humiliated, my erection didn't go away because more sex scenes came. This time, the lead actress went undercover inside of a French brothel. There were beautiful naked women everywhere. And the sex was very hardcore. My mother leaned towards me and whispered, "You know, drinking wine always makes me horny. So I know exactly what you're going through." The awkwardness reached uncharted levels. My mother didn't seem to mind. She simply returned her attention towards the big screen as if nothing was out of the ordinary. I guess all those drinks she had throughout the evening was beginning to take its toll. My mother reached over again to grab the popcorn on my lap. This time, her attempt was successful and she took a big bite of the popcorn in her hand. I began to feel strangely aroused over the risks my mother was taking each time she tried to grab popcorn. It felt like an innocent act of eating popcorn had suddenly become a game of sexual roulette. Minutes later, my erection finally began to fade. The movie had some very interesting dramatic scenes. At that point, my guard was slowly coming down. Another major sex scene came. It was an explicit lesbian encounter featuring the lead actress. The scene was enough to arouse me again. My mother's hand searched for the popcorn again while her eyes were on the screen and she wasn't paying enough attention to make sure that her hand went to the right place. Her hand roamed around the darkness, dangerously close to my privates. Before I could prevent her from touching me, she accidentally reached down and felt my hard cock again. It was another extremely awkward situation which could have easily been avoided. Instead of being shocked, she turned to look at me with a smile on her face. "Enjoying the movie so far?" she whispered teasingly. "Yeah. I guess so." "Looks like you're enjoying this film more than I am." I shrugged. "It's a good movie." "Does wine make you horny also?" she asked bluntly. "Jeez, mom. Inappropriate." "Me? Inappropriate?" she whispered. "You're the one with the hard-on." There was no rebuttal to my mother's humiliating comment. I simply stayed quiet and returned my attention towards the movie, hoping my mom would do the same and forget about this. We continued watching the movie and in the corner of my eye, I saw it: My mother began to rub her leg in the dark. I watched as she slide her hand beneath her dress, towards her thigh. She continued rubbing herself in the darkness. I glanced at her face and she licked her lips again. I looked down and she was rubbing her inner thigh, close to her crotch. She quickly glanced at me, realizing that she had been caught. Then she moved her hand away and pulled her dress back up. "You weren't supposed to see that," she whispered. "Who's being inappropriate now?" "I told you already, too much wine does certain things to me." "Let's pretend this isn't happening." I tried my best to keep my eyes on the movie. But from that point, all I could think about was my masturbating mother and her sexy legs. "I haven't gotten laid in over six months," she whispered in my ear. "I'm so freaking pent up right now, it's unbelievable. Especially with this movie and all that wine I drank earlier. My gosh." My discomfort reached new levels. I couldn't believe that my sophisticated and professional mother was suddenly becoming so brazen and open about sex. The wine was clearly taking effect. "You'll get through it," I shrugged, not knowing what else to say. "This movie is two-and-a-half hours long. We're going to be here for a while. Would it bother you if I touched myself?" I was completely stunned by my mother's question. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. By the look on her face, and the sound in her voice, she seemed completely serious. "How am I supposed to answer that?" I shrugged again. "Just keep your eyes on the screen." She spread her legs and I saw her hand in the darkness slip underneath her dress. "Mom, you're drunk." "I'm not. I have a very high tolerance for alcohol remember? It's just that... I can't help myself." I could see in the darkness that my mother's hand was busy moving underneath her dress. She was touching herself between the legs in a very sexual way. Her dress was partially lifted and I saw both of her thighs. Worst of all, I was getting aroused watching my sexy mother pleasure herself. "Stop doing that," I whispered. "We're going to get kicked out of here. We'll be lucky if the theater doesn't call the cops on us." "Who's going to find out?" "Someone in the front row might. Or an employee might come and check. They do that sometimes." "Relax," my mother replied, with a slightly slurred speech. "We'll be fine. Don't be such a wimp." जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:00 PM
Suddenly my mother's high tolerance for alcohol wasn't so high anymore. She was slowly becoming inebriated, even though she hadn't had a drink for a while. It was slowly kicking in for whatever reason and it was happening while she was sitting next to me during a movie.
I heard her clothes ruffling as she slid her panties to the side and touched herself. I couldn't help myself and I took a few glances at my mother's hand masturbating in the dark theater. It was so hard to look away. Her legs looked amazing. Her breaths became heavier. "Mom, are you really doing this right now?" I asked with concern. "It's harmless." I continued watching her casually touch herself. Her hand continued moving while her eyes remained focused on the movie screen. "We're in a public place," I whispered. "Aren't you afraid of getting caught?" "If I was afraid, I wouldn't be doing this. Aren't you also aroused?" "I'm not." She reached over and grabbed my crotch again. This time, I was only partially aroused. She gave it a hard squeeze and then let go. I immediately felt embarrassed again. "You feel pretty aroused to me," she replied playfully. "It feels like you need relief." "I'll be fine." My mother had always been a blunt and outspoken woman, but this was ridiculous. She turned to look at me. "So, do you intend on handling that thing later?" "None of your business. Jeez, mom, you're drunk." "I'm not drunk. I'm thinking perfectly clear. You're a young healthy man. There's no need to keep yourself pent up. It's not healthy." "I'm fine." She moved her mouth towards my ear. "It's been a very long time since I've touched a man's penis. What do you say? Are you interested?" जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:01 PM
My eyes widened as I looked at her. It wasn't a joke. She was completely serious about wanting to touch my erection.
"No. Of course not." "Really?" She reached down and caressed my erection. It felt sensational. It had been a while since I had sex, so any touch from a woman was appreciated, even from my own mother. She continued rubbing me and I just sat there enjoying every second. When she squeezed it, I let out a small gasp. "You sound pretty interested," she whispered. "What's it going to be? Are we both going to sit here and suffer? Or should we have some fun tonight on our date?" I was quickly becoming weak to my mother's sexual advances. Her hand felt so good. It felt amazing. I couldn't say 'no' anymore. She had a great point. Both of us needed relief. I placed the container of popcorn on the empty seat next to me and I prepared for whatever my mother wanted. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, caving in. She smiled, "Take it out. I want to play with it for a moment." "Are you sure you aren't drunk? I don't want to take advantage of you." "I'm a grown woman and a consenting adult. I know exactly what I want." "God, I can't believe this is happening." "There's nothing to be shy about," she replied. "I'll give you a hand." She reached over with both hands and she began to unzip my pants. It was a surreal moment. I kept my eyes on the four people sitting near the front, in case someone turned around. We stayed quiet enough so that no one could hear. With my hard cock free, my mother immediately grabbed it and stroked it. After a few quick strokes, my mother lifted the armrest which separated us and she bent down to suck the head of my cock. It happened so fast that I didn't know what to think. It was really uncomfortable having my own mother do that to me, but it felt so good that I couldn't bring myself to stop it. I felt her wet tongue swirling around the swollen head of my cock. And I felt her warm mouth sucking as hard as she could. The movie screen suddenly brightened and I looked down to see a clear view of my mother's beautiful face in my lap. Her lips were wrapped tightly around my erection as she bobbed her head up and down. I moved her long hair away from her face so that I could get a better look at her. It was a completely surreal sight. I looked up again to make sure that no one was looking at us. I was scared of getting caught. But we were safe. When she lifted her head, there was a loud plopping sound from the suction. She looked at me and she used the back of her hand to wipe away the excess saliva around her mouth. Her hair was a mess from all the bobbing she did. "Did you like that?" she whispered. "It was amazing," I replied awkwardly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now I need you to return the favor. I'm really wet downstairs." With that said, my mother leaned back in her seat and pulled her panties down to her ankles. She spread her legs and lifted the bottom of her dress. The movie screen was bright, so I saw the glistening fluids between her legs. Her pussy looked inviting and dripping wet. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Touch it. Rub it. Do whatever you want." Without much thought, I touched my mother's thigh for the very first time in my life. It was soft and womanly. I gave it a nice squeeze. She felt the way that a real woman should. My cock became even stiffer and my newfound lust for my mother was clouding all judgement. I slowly moved my hand down her leg and towards her crotch, which made her gasp. I touched her wet pussy and she moaned. Before I could slip my fingers inside of her pussy, someone in the theater got up and left the auditorium. I became nervous and moved my hand away. I also put my throbbing hard cock back inside my pants and zipped it up. "I'm sure he's just going to the bathroom," my mother whispered in my ear. "Hopefully." It felt like an eternity while we waited. My mother and I were equally horny. After a few more minutes of sheer torture, the man finally came back and sat down in his seat. "You see, I told you he was just using the bathroom," my mother whispered again. "Thank god." I slid my hand back down my mother's thigh. I was becoming more aroused by the second. I touched the outside of her warm pussy again. Suddenly, she put her hand over mine, pushing me away. "I'm not interested in that anymore," she said. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:01 PM
or a moment, I felt crushed. I wondered how she could suck my cock and have me rub her pussy, only for everything to come to an abrupt ending. But then I saw the mischievous smile on her face and I knew she had other deviant plans.
She quietly stood up and positioned herself over my lap while still facing the big movie screen. She wanted to fuck and I definitely wasn't in the mood to refuse. I brought my pants down as fast as I could. She slowly lowered her body and I held my hard cock upwards. We did things quietly as my hard cock entered my mother's hot pussy. I had to clench my mouth shut to suppress a moan. I also heard my mother holding back a moan as I entered her all the way. Her pussy felt warm, wet, and tight. It was heavenly. As I went all the way inside of her, I squeezed her body tightly with my arms while she was sitting on my lap. All of her weight was pressed on me. It was extremely uncomfortable in the theater seat, but the intense feeling in my cock was worth it. "You feel so fucking good," I whispered in her ear while her voluptuous body was on my lap. "We better be quiet," she whispered playfully. "We don't want anyone to hear what we're doing." With that said, she slowly raised her body with my throbbing hard cock still in her pussy. Then she clench her vaginal muscles as hard as she possibly could and then she slowly lowered herself back down. It was the height of sexual pleasure. Not even college girls could do what my mother was doing. I gasped loudly. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:02 PM
She turned her head to face me with a smile. "I thought I told you to be quiet? If you're going to be noisy, then we can't do this anymore."
"I'll be quiet. I'll be quiet," I whispered, almost pleading with her to continue. "Good," she replied, turning to face the movie screen. My mother continued her sexual motion. She would slowly raise her body and then gently bring it down while clenching her vaginal muscles so there would be a tight grip of my cock. It was like sexual torture. At that point, I wanted nothing more than to get up and rip her clothes off and ravish her from behind. But we would have been caught if we did that. Being quiet and sneaky in a movie theater was part of the exhibitionist fun. It's what my horny mother wanted. Her pace began to increase. She stopped clenching her vaginal muscles which allowed her to gyrate on my cock even faster. I put my hands on her hips as she moved and she began to quickly bounce on my lap in quick movements. But we still tried our best to keep everything quiet. "Holy shit," I whispered in her ear. "My pussy is on fire," she whispered back. "Rub it for me. Rub my clit." As she continued to bounce of my cock, I wrapped one of my arms around her stomach and held her tight. With my other hand, I rubbed the outside of her pussy. She was right. Her pussy was completely soaked and her vaginal fluids were everywhere. It was nice and warm. When I rubbed her clitoris with two fingers, I heard a soft gasp. I knew I was doing something right. I could feel my mother's body slightly tremble. She was getting double the pleasure, since she was riding my cock and I was rubbing her swollen clit. Her pace began to slow down since she was overwhelmed with pleasure. But I didn't allow it. I pinched her bare ass and she knew to speed up again. "Jerk," she whispered playfully. "Don't slow down. I'm close." "So am I." "Let's wrap this up before the movie finishes." I responded by rubbing her clitoris in a really fast circular motion, which instantly sent a jolt through my mother's body. Her back arched for a moment and she gasped. When she regained composure, she continued riding my cock at a fast pace, trying her best to be quiet and discreet about it. I could feel her begin to squirm and shake while I held her body. Both of us were reaching our sexual peaks. The feeling was undeniable. Both of us were on the verge of a major orgasm. "Cum in my pussy," she whispered. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:11 PM
With that said, my mother clenched her vaginal muscles and she slowly rode me. It felt like a powerful grip. She was planning to milk me for every drop of cum that I could produce. And it was working too. I was close to an orgasm, but I didn't want to cum that fast. I wanted my mother to cum first. So I continued rubbing her clitoris and pussy.
She squirmed while she rode me. Her back arched and she leaned on me, while her pussy maintained its tight grip on my raging hard cock. I tried my best not to cum until my mother did. It was the gentlemanly thing to do. My mother leaned forward and held onto the seat in front of us. She slowly rode my cock while clenching her vaginal muscles. While I continued rubbing her clitoris, a rush of fluids began squirting down from her pussy. It was making a huge mess everywhere. She did her best to suppress her moans. She came silently, but her body was trembling as the fluids ran down her legs, onto my pants, and onto the floor. I came deep inside of my mother's pussy. I shot severally loads of cum, which felt so good that I nearly shouted, but I held in the noises. At that point, both of us had experienced mind-boggling orgasms. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:12 PM
My mother leaned back and rested against my body again. Both of us were spent. And we were breathing heavily. My cock was slowly becoming flaccid inside of her.
"You're the best," she whispered. The ending credits for the movie began to roll. Some of the lights were returning in the auditorium. "Shit. We better get dressed." My mother stood up and used some napkins to wipe the vaginal fluids around her legs. I did the same, then I quickly zipped my pants. My mother pulled her panties back up and we tried to act natural. I picked up our container of popcorn and soda, and we left the auditorium. . जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:12 PM
Late Night Epilogue
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:13 PM
he car ride home was mostly silent. It was an awkward situation for both of us. We had just engaged in hot incestuous sex and neither of us knew how to react to it. Who would?
I pulled into the driveway and parked inside the garage. When I turned the car off, my mother just sat there silently. There was a blank expression on her face "What...have...we...done?" my mother asked, shaking her head. "I can't believe this." Everything had finally sunk in to my mother. The alcohol had worn off and she was finally thinking clearly again. At that moment, I felt like the biggest jerk in the world for taking sexual advantage of my semi-drunk mother. "I'm sorry. I should have stopped it." My mother put her hands on her face. "Don't blame yourself. It was my fault." "No, mom, I should have..." "Don't tell anyone," she said, turning to look at me. "Promise me that you'll never tell anyone about this. I'll be ruined. My life would be completely ruined if anyone knew what we did." "Of course. I promise." My mother didn't say anything back. Instead, she just got out of the car and went inside the house. I sat there for a moment feeling like an asshole. Thoughts and questions swirled through my mind. How could I have done such a thing? How could I have let any of that happen? Would she ever forgive me? Inside the house, I noticed my mother's black panties on the floor. It was an odd sight because my mother is such a neat person. She never leaves clothes laying around. She must have been devastated. I picked up the panties to bring to my mother's room. They were soaking wet with her vaginal fluids and probably my cum as well, which must have been dripping out of her. When I went up the stairs, I saw my mother's dress on the floor. I wondered how devastated she must have been since she was throwing her expensive clothes around the house. My mother's black bra was also on the floor. A part of me was becoming slightly aroused again. I picked up her bra and carried all of her clothes. I was almost afraid to look inside of her room. I figured she must have been a complete wreck after having sex with her own son inside of a movie theater. She must have been furious with me. When I looked in my mother's room, I saw her bare backside. She was completely naked, from head to toe. She was standing in front of her dressing room table, removing her jewelry. I stood there frozen. After taking off both earrings and her necklace, she walked to her bathroom and I saw her completely naked for the very first time in my life. Her body looked beautiful. It was mature and sexy. Her breasts sagged a little and her body looked luscious with the right amount of womanly curves. She was completely unabashed being naked in front of me. "I desperately need a shower," she said, standing naked. "I'm sure you could use one also. We're both pretty filthy right now after everything we've done tonight." "Yeah," was all I managed to say. "Care to join me? I could use someone to scratch my back." "Are you sure?" जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:14 PM
he smiled, "You're the one who made me squirt tonight. It's only fair that you help clean me up, don't you think?"
"That makes a lot of sense." My mother smiled and walked inside of her bathroom, completely naked and unashamed. I followed her, removing my clothes in the process. The End
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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:17 PM
Karen would always remember the first time she saw her son masturbating.
It happened months ago. Tom had just turned 19. She wanted to surprise him on the midnight of his birthday with a gift while he was still watching tv in the living room. (10-05-2022, 04:17 PM)neerathemall Wrote: Karen would always remember the first time she saw her son masturbating.
It happened months ago. Tom had just turned 19. She wanted to surprise him on the midnight of his birthday with a gift while he was still watching tv in the living room. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:18 PM
he held her son's gift and walked towards the living room without making a sound -- and what she saw left her stunned: Her son was watching softcore porn on tv. As she quietly stepped closer to the couch, she could see that he was pleasuring himself.
Her heart pounded. She couldn't believe that her wholesome young man could do something so brazen in their living room. Sure, she knew that all boys were especially horny at that age, but this? In the same house while he thought his mother was sleeping? But above anything else, she couldn't believe how she felt about seeing him pleasure himself so explicitly. Karen had only been with one man her entire life, and that was her ex-husband. Her favorite fantasy was to watch him masturbate while looking at her, but her ex-husband always laughed it off and was reluctant to do it because of how ridiculous it seemed. Now there she was, the middle of her legs becoming wet, watching her son jerk off. She was aroused and she knew it. She tiptoed back to her room before she could get caught and she did something she NEVER thought she would EVER do -- she fantasized about her son. *** जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:18 PM
This looks good," Tom said as he went to the kitchen for breakfast.
She smiled, "Thanks. I was supposed to meet some clients this morning, but I got a message last night that they had to cancel. My boss said I could finish my report at home, so I figured I might as well do some cooking and catch up on chores." "That's cool," he replied while eating. "I've got an exam today and it's a real pain in the ass. But seriously mom, you work too hard and you should try relaxing a little." "If I relaxed during my free time, then who would cook and clean for my college boy?" "Good point. In that case, just work the amount that you need and don't tire yourself out too much." She playfully slapped him on the arm. "Very funny. You know, if I didn't love you so much, I'd force you to do your laundry and clean your room." He finished his food and kissed her. "Then I guess I'm lucky to have such an awesome mother. I wish I could stay and eat, but I have to meet some friends for last minute studying. It's the only way I can be as smart as you, right?" "I'm glad we agree on that," she replied as he smiled and left. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:19 PM
After cleaning the dishes and vacuuming the carpet, Karen went to her son's room to do his laundry. She pulled off the pillow case on his bed, and when she grabbed the blanket, she saw something that left her as speechless as the day she caught her son masturbating: There was a photo of her underneath his blanket.
'What's this doing here?' she thought to herself. It was a photo of her in a one-piece bathing suit from a summer vacation they had two years ago. The picture itself was from a photo album which she kept in the closet in the hallway. But what was it doing on his bed? A realization came over her. When she vacuumed his room a moment earlier, she had picked a few pieces of used tissue paper off the floor and threw them in the trash. 'Oh god,' she gasped. 'Was my son thinking about me?' Karen felt torn. She felt disgusted and betrayed that her son could do such a thing with her picture. But on the other hand, she couldn't be mad at him because a few months ago, she had watched him masturbate and then she fantasized about him afterwards. The thought of her son masturbating to her picture made her feel inexplicably naughty, but in a good way. She even felt flattered by it. Almost without thinking, Karen walked to her room to grab an even more private photo of herself which she hid in a drawer. It was a rare picture of her in a small bikini at a pool party with close friends. She went back to her son's room and tucked it neatly under his blanket for him to 'use' later. *** The rest of the day was as usual. She did her work, cooked, had dinner with her son, and watched tv before calling it a night. Also as usual, Karen ended her day by washing up and putting on her flannel pajamas before heading to bed. But when she exited her bathroom, she saw her son walking towards her bedroom. And by the look on his face, he had something important to say. "Mom... Were you... did you clean my room today?" he asked uncomfortably, standing in her room. "Of course I did," she replied casually, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "Your room didn't just clean itself, you know." "I know that. But my bed... did you..." She softly smiled, "If you're referring to the picture left under your blanket, then don't worry, it wasn't a ghost that put it there -- I did." "Am I missing something?" he asked. "I mean, shouldn't you be mad at me? Aren't you upset at all?" "I'll answer your question on one condition," she replied. "What's that?" "I want you to tell me why you were using my picture. And I want an honest answer." "Is this necessary?" She nodded. "It's necessary if you want me to answer your question. Don't worry, I'm not judging you for this. Answer truthfully." "I don't know. There's nothing else to use around here." "Wrong answer. We have cable tv and the internet. Now tell me why you were using my picture." He paused for a moment. "Fine. Being completely honest here, I've always thought of you as being my ideal woman. You're smart, classy, caring, and you're really really sexy. I know you're my mom and everything, but that's just how I feel." "That's very sweet of you to say," she replied, feeling genuinely touched by his words. "Now it's your turn. Why did you leave your bikini picture in my room?" She sighed, "Since you were so open and honest, here it goes; I've always been excited by the thought of a man pleasuring himself. Don't ask me why, but it just gets me going. Your father rarely ever let me watch him masturbate, and on the rare occasions he did, it would only be for a quick few seconds and he would laugh before stopping. Then a few months ago, I saw you... you know..." "You caught me jerking off? जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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10-05-2022, 04:20 PM
She nodded, "In the living room late at night. I saw you masturbating, and truthfully, a big part of me was very aroused. And when I saw my picture in your bed today, I was flattered by it. In fact, it turned me on in a strangely erotic way."
"All I can say is -- wow! You always were a cool mom, but when it came to the magic s-word, I've always thought you were a real prude because of how conservative you always act," he said, referring to sex. She smiled, "It's getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow for work. We better get to sleep." "I guess so. But, um, do you think we can finish this conversation another time? It's a pretty important topic if you ask me." "Sure. But only if I get to ask you one last personal question?" "Anything," he replied. "Do you plan on using my picture before you go to bed?" she asked. "Do you plan on masturbating with it?" "Jeez, mom, you've put me on the spot." "I'll take that as a yes," she smiled. "Would you rather see the real thing, or do you prefer the picture?" "Are you asking what I think you're asking?" he asked in a state of disbelief. Karen nodded to her son. "I am. But only if you promise not to tell anyone. I don't even want to think about what people would say about me as a parent." "Mom, you know that there's no way I'll ever be stupid enough to ruin what I think you're offering. And I would never hurt you like that." She grinned, "Good. Now you can start by pulling down your shorts and having a seat on my bed." "Me?" he asked with a confused look on his face. "But I thought... I thought you were the one who was going to show..." "I am. I want to watch you masturbate in front of me. And in exchange, I'll show you my breasts. That's our deal. We both get what we want out of this. Sound fair?" His hands slowly made its way around the waistband of his shorts and he gave it a gentle tug downwards. "It does sound fair," he said. "God, this is going to be embarrassing. But it's worth it to finally see those breasts of yours." With one swift motion, Tom bent down to pull his shorts and underwear off, leaving him naked from the waist down. "Oh my, you've grown," she told him, with a sense of approval over his manhood. He smiled at his mother. "Thanks. Now where do you want me to do it?" "On my bed with your back against the wall. I'm sure that would be comfortable for you." He did as he was asked, sitting on her bed pressing his back against the wall. Karen's eyes lit up as she saw her son's erection. "Looks like you don't need me to show any skin. You're aroused enough just being an exhibitionist to your mother." "I'll admit that it's hot being naked in front of you. And it's even hotter knowing that you enjoy it. But of course, I do need to see something. A deal is a deal, remember?" Her hands unbuttoned the top of her pajamas. "You're right. A deal is a deal." Just when enough buttons were undone, she spread open the material covering her chest, and she exposed herself to her son. Her heart was pounding as she watched her son's eyes grow along with his cock. Her breasts were completely exposed for him. It was sinfully arousing for her to see her son slowly start to masturbate in front of her, while his eyes were locked onto her bare medium sized breasts, with her pink nipples becoming stiff. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:20 PM
"You seem like you're enjoying yourself," she asked, breaking the slight awkwardness in the room.
"I am," he said while masturbating. "This is so hot. You have such an amazing body, mom." "Thank you. I'm enjoying this as well. Do you need extra stimulation?" She didn't wait for her son to answer before she started cupping the round bottoms of her breasts and played with her hard pink nipples. She found herself inadvertently becoming even more aroused, as her breasts and nipples have always been very sensitive, and it was clear to her that her son was enjoying the show as his breathing and stroking became harder. "Oh god. Keep playing with those tits, mom. I can't believe this is happening." Watching a guy masturbate up close was one thing, but seeing her son do it while looking at her breasts drove her wild. Her secret masturbation fantasy had finally come true, along with the added taboo of incest to make things even hotter. She held in her emotions and excitement as she continued to fondle herself for him. It wasn't long before he exhibited all the tell-tale signs of having an orgasm; a sight she hadn't seen from a man since she became a single woman. "Cum for me," she said innocently. "I want to see you cum." His hands stroked faster and his moans became louder. His back suddenly arched, his muscles stiffened, and a flurry of his sperm shot up in the air and all over his stomach. He didn't stop stroking until he was completely drained, with his eyes never leaving his mother's body. Then when it was over, he collapsed and went completely limp. She smiled, "That was an impressive amount of fluids you released. Looks like you've inherited more than just your father's good looks and charm." Tom didn't reply, he just laid there, recovering, while Karen closed her top and reached over to grab a few pieces of tissue paper from the bedside table to toss on her son's stomach. "Thanks," he replied, using the tissue to clean himself. "I haven't felt anything like that in a long time. I mean... actually doing that in front of you and seeing you touch yourself was almost better than hooking-up with classmates. It just... you know..." "I know exactly what you mean. The taboo of mother/son incest can be quite thrilling to some people, and it looks like we fall under that category. Just don't ask for it again. Not anytime soon. This might be a one-time thing, okay? I don't want things to get out of hand between us-- no pun intended." "I guess so," he complained. "But I'm glad I got to experience this." *** जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:20 PM
The next morning. Karen sat at the breakfast table looking like her prim and proper self. Her hair and make-up were perfectly done, and she wore an expensive outfit in anticipation of an important meeting.
"Good morning, sweetheart," she said with a loving smile as her son came down. Tom smiled back and kissed his mother on the forehead before sitting down to eat. "Morning mom! I must say, you look extra wonderful this morning. And thank you for making this wonderful breakfast. Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite person in the world?" "Well aren't you cheerful today," she skeptically noted. "I don't think you've ever thanked me for anything. Please don't tell me that you've been possessed." "I'm in a great mood, especially after last night." "Oh, of course. That. It was a pretty outrageous night, I'll admit. And we both certainly got what we wanted out of it, no matter how taboo it was." "Does that mean you pleasured yourself afterwards?" he asked with a smile. "I guess there's no point in denying it. Yes, I masturbated after you left, and it was great. I know it isn't something that a mother should ever do with her son, but it's our little secret, right?" "You bet it is. Speaking of which, can we do it again really quick? I couldn't stop thinking about you all night, or all morning after I woke up. I could use the relief before class." "Didn't I say not ask me about it again?" she asked in a peeved tone. "Besides, you looked like you released a healthy amount of sperm last night, so I refuse to believe that you need 'relief' so soon." Tom gave his mother a serious look. "Mom, the amount that I shot last night is what I consider to be normal. I cum that much once or twice a day if I have to. After what we did last night, my body is practically on overdrive. I won't be able to concentrate at college today." "Then just masturbate the way you normally do." "I know that, but you've raised the bar after showing me your breasts. I've wanted to see that for a long time. Using my imagination or looking at pictures just won't cut it." She sighed and gave her son a playful smile. "You've made your case. I guess this is my fault for starting this whole thing. But make it quick since I have an important meeting to attend soon." Karen stood up and placed her hands around the lining of her jacket, preparing to take it off. But just as she did that, she stopped. "You know, it would take too much time for me to remove my entire top and put it back on. Plus I don't want to get any wrinkles on them. Do you mind if I show you my lower region instead?" Tom's eyes lit up at his mother's counter-offer. "Hmm... that would work." Her hands moved down to the top button of her pants. She undid the button, pulled her zipper down, and let her pants fall to her ankles. "Good," she said. "Then it should help you to finish faster. As I've said, I have an important business meeting this morning which I can't be late for." Karen brought her fingers to the top of her panties and yanked them down, letting them fall to her ankles as well, exposing her cleanly shaven crotch along with her bare vagina. "Like what you see?" she asked proudly. "Oh god mom, I love it," he replied gushingly. "You look sexier than any of the college girls I've been seeing lately." She smiled, "Thank you for the nice compliment. Now start stroking. I'm a busy woman." Tom got the message and swiftly pulled his shorts down to free his raging hard cock. He leaned back on his chair and started stroking. Karen pressed her rear-end against the table and spread her pussy lips apart for her son to get a better look. She loved teasing him and having that power over him. And it worked, his eyes were glued to her womanhood and wetness as he stroked himself even harder. "That looks like fun," she said, licking her lips. "You bet it is," he replied, staring at his mother's open cunt. "Do you want to try it? You know, stroke it for me?" "I can't. That would be crossing the line. Watching is one thing, but actually touching..." He stopped mom mid-sentence. "No one has to know, remember? Isn't that what you said to me? It'll be our secret, mom. Trust me." Karen gave him a skeptical, yet excited look. It was a look which said, 'Why the heck not?' "Okay," she replied softly. "You only live once, right?" She reached down and took her son's throbbing penis in her hand. Her heart raced as she crossed 'that line' for the very first time. Tom's heart raced as well. It was the first time in her life that she had ever given a guy a handjob, and it was with her very own son at that. It was an INCESTUOUS handjob. "God that feels good," he moaned. "Stroke it harder mom, faster." She heeded her son's words and gave him exactly what he wanted; what he needed to feel in order to cum. She gripped him tighter and stroked him. She loved how his eyes went from being glued to her open vagina, to being closed shut because of the incestuous pleasure he was receiving. Most of all, she loved having complete and utter sexual control over her own son. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 04:21 PM
"God... I'm going to cum... faster mom... harder..."
Karen did the cruel thing and instead slowed down. "What are you doing mom?!" he panted. "I need to cum sooo bad." She smiled and stroked him even slower. "I kind of like torturing you. It's fun watching you suffer." "Please!" he begged. "I'll do the dishes for a week! I'll do your laundry! Just let me cum already!" "That's not a bad deal. I accept." Karen's hand went in full motion and she furiously jerked him off. Her hand was relentless, but she found that it wasn't enough. Her son wanted more and she had a strong desire to suck it. So she bent down and took the cock inside her mouth. 'God, the flavor is even better than the smell, and the precum he has... my god!' she thought, while she was giving a slow, deep and wet blowjob. She didn't know which zone was wetter: her son's cock with the mixture of precum and saliva, or the zone between her legs. "Oh god!!!" he yelled. She didn't stop until every last drop of his 19 year old cum was drained from his body. And she loved every second of it. "Feel better now?" she asked rhetorically. "I feel like a new man," he panted. "I feel like I'm swimming in the ocean." She laughed and pulled her pants up. "Well, you're certainly swimming in something right now, but it's definitely not water." "Oh... right..." he replied, looking down at his mess. "Did you at least like doing it for me?" "It's not a bad way to start my morning." Before she left, Karen looked her son straight in the eyes and licked her fingers clean, eating his cum. She savored it and rolled it around in her mouth while Tom watched in delight as his sophisticated mother ate his cum. "Yum... You taste good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wash up and head to the office. Have a great day." She left the kitchen with a huge grin on her face. *** Her fantasy had finally come true. Not only did she get to watch a guy masturbate twice while admiring her body, but she got to masturbate him with her own hand. She sucked it too! It was all she thought about while at work. After a busy day in the office, Karen came home and immediately kicked off her shoes and breathed a sigh of relief. But just when she thought she was ready for a long break, her overly eager son came to greet her at the door. "Hey mom!" he smiled. "Have a good day at work?" "Hmmm... greeting me at the door and asking how my day went? I guess I should give you handjobs more often, maybe then you'll start helping with household chores regularly." report ![]() जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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