10-05-2022, 02:02 PM
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.

Incest Happy Fuck Valentine's Day!
10-05-2022, 02:02 PM
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 02:04 PM
The meeting concluded, I checked my e-mail to see if, in the past hour, any urgent fires had been lit that I needed to address. Seeing nothing, I called my sister. Tory must've been sitting on her phone, as quickly as she answered.
"Johnny..." I could hear that my baby sister was crying. "T-bird, what's going on? Why so sad, sweetie?" "I'm not just sad, I'm pissed!" she spat. "Fucking Jackson! Fucking college guys! Fucking men!" I waited her out. When Tory got revved up, she needed to vent before getting to the heart of the matter. "Fucking college! Fucking life!" I waited some more. Tory sobbed a couple of times, then I heard a deep, shuddering breath as she tried to pull herself together. Tory sniffed. "Jackson dumped me!" "Aww, I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm not trying to make you feel worse, but I did tell you four months ago that dude was a fucking idiot." What do you call that sound that's half-sob, half-laugh? Well, Tory did that. "You were right! The fucker!" "Tell me what happened, T." "There's not much to tell," she sniffed. "He sent me a text. Six months together, and he dumps me with a fucking text!" "Did he tell you why?" "No. Just that he doesn't want to see me anymore. He's blocked me on all his social media. I tried to call him, but that goes straight to voicemail - the fucker." "So Jackson is an idiot and a coward, but you gotta admire his tech-savvy ways, huh?" Just a single sharp bark of a laugh, but no sob. I hoped that was progress. We agreed Tory would come to my apartment after I got off work and we'd talk more over dinner. Arriving home, I did a half-hour on the elliptical in my building's gym, ordered too much Thai food for delivery, grabbed a quick shower, and was getting dressed when I heard PING!Here. entry door 8375. My door's open. Tory swept through the door a few minutes later, made a beeline my way, and threw herself against me, her head on my chest as she sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her, one hand on her lower back, the other on the back of her head, smoothing her hair as I murmured soothing shushing sounds. Eventually, one long sniffle and Tory's hands went to my chest, pushing herself back as she looked up at me. Reaching behind myself without looking, I grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped a runner of snot from my baby sister's pretty face. Well, her usually pretty face. Right now, her eyes were red from an afternoon of crying, her makeup was smeared, and oh man! was that more snot dried onto her face? Sometimes, it wasn't easy being a big brother. "Come with me, sweetie," I said, leading her by the hand to my bathroom. I sat her down, wet a washcloth with warm water, and gently cleaned her face as best I could. Tory sat silently, anxiously wringing her hands while she submitted to my ministrations. I wondered if people ever outgrew their childhood roles. Four years older than Tory's 19, I'd been the one to take care of my only sibling while our parents worked. "Well, look at you!" I pronounced, my hand on my sister's chin as I assessed my work, "there's my pretty girl." Tory managed a weak smile. She looked a helluva lot better than she had a few minutes ago. Only time would take care of the redness and swelling around her eyes, but at least she wasn't a snotty mess anymore. "Thank you, Johnny," Tory said gratefully, then sighed. "I'm sorry I'm such a train wreck." "Ohh, sweetie, you're not a train wreck. You're 19. That's about the age when you find out life can really suck sometimes. I wish there were a way you could grow up without that lesson, but it just doesn't happen that way." My doorbell buzzed. "That's dinner." "Thai?" Tory asked hopefully. "Of course, sweetie," I smiled. "Nothing cures sorrow like spicy Asian food." "And wine?" she hinted. "Two glasses, no more." "Awww," she complained. "Hey, you came to your brother, so you get your brother's help. If all you want is to get stupid drunk, you can head back to your sorority house right now. I'm sure they'll be happy to get you all kinds of fucked up, then point you in the direction of the next hot idiot fratboy." Tory shook her head. "I don't want to go back, Johnny. I'm not sure I ever want to go back." Tory had followed in my footsteps, attending my alma mater. I'd graduated the year before she started her freshman year, and had found a reasonably good starter job in the same city, over 1,100 miles from where we'd grown up. I wasn't financially set, but I had my own apartment, while a lot of my contemporaries were sharing living expenses, and, in my opinion, trying to extend the drunken haze of college life. Even though my sister lived just a few miles from me, we hadn't seen much of each other - between college and her sorority activities, she kept a pretty busy schedule. "Wow," I said as we grabbed plates and glasses. "This guy really did a number on your head, didn't he?" "He couldn't have fucked me up worse if he'd planned it. Red or white?" "The meat's chicken. Should be a Riesling in the fridge," I said. Tory uncorked the wine as I unpacked the food. "Did you get Pad Thai?" she asked hopefully. I nodded. "And Drunken Noodle, Basil Fried Rice, Mango Curry, and spring rolls." "That's a lot of food!" Tory exclaimed. "Are there more sisters I don't know about coming by for food therapy?" I shrugged. "I didn't know what you'd feel like tonight; plus I never met leftover Thai food I didn't like." As we ate, we caught up, talking about her classes, my work, and movies - anything but the reason she was there. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 02:05 PM
Midway through her second glass of wine, Tory was relaxed enough to get down to it.
Tory told me that Jackson (why do parents give their kids last names as first names, anyway?) hadn't given any indication that anything was wrong between them. He hadn't seemed any different to her, hadn't been unusually absent or anything. I could tell she was trying to find fault within herself. "What do you think?" she asked, having said all she needed to. One thing I respected about Tory is she didn't mind advice. It didn't mean she'd take it, but she was smart enough to listen to other people's opinions. "Well," I began cautiously, "I think being 19 sucks, and that's from my personal experience. You try to have an 'adult' relationship without understanding what that really entails-" "I'm not naïve, Johnny!" Tory interrupted defensively. I held my hands up in conciliation. "I'm not saying that in any way, T-bird. I'm talking about the emotional cost of relationships, especially of finding out the hard way about trusting people who maybe don't have your best interests at heart." I paused to let her process that. Tory seemed to take that a little better. "So, what then? How do I know who I can trust and who I can't?" I laughed this time. "You figure that out, can I please be the first one you share that information with?" "Why? You and Cheryl have the perfect relationship! How is she, anyway?" "Cheryl? Pretty good, I guess. Last I heard, she's really liking California." "California? What's she doing there?" "Living. She got offered her dream job, and moved there about six weeks ago." "Ohmygod! Johnny, why didn't you tell me? Are you ok?" As over-emotional as my baby sister could be, she had a heart of gold. Leave it to her to put her pain aside out of concern for me. "I didn't tell you because I am ok." "But you guys were together forever!" "Well, three years, yeah. A long time." "Are you doing the long-distance thing, then?" "No. We made a clean break, parted on good terms." Tory looked stunned. "I just can't believe it. It seemed like you guys were really good together." "We were good together; very good. Sweetie, just because a relationship doesn't last forever doesn't mean it wasn't good. There's still value in it. That's what I meant earlier. Let me ask you this: are you heartbroken right now?" "Of course I am." "See, and I didn't even realize you wanted to marry Jackson. Had you guys set a date? How many kids did you want with him?" "Whoa, whoa! Slow down, big brother. We never talked about marriage. I'm not even sure I was in love with him." "Then maybe, sweetie, you're just hurt, and not heartbroken?" I watched as Tory processed this, then as two tears streamed down her cheeks. I reached toward her, and she grasped my hand with both of hers. "So you're saying what, exactly?" "I'm saying that maybe this can be a learning experience and not the actual end of the world. I know it hurts, sweetie and I know it sucks. Rejection always does. But maybe, just maybe, you can focus on the good parts of the relationship, think about what you learned from it, and not worry that Jackidiot isn't mature enough to know how, or even to care enough, to end a relationship honorably." "Jackidiot," Tory snorted. "That's pretty good. Or Jackass-son." "That's even better," I chuckled. "But listen, ok? Don't repeat those names to anyone else. Take the high road here. He already proved he wasn't much of a man, and I always knew he wasn't good enough for my sister." "You're the best, you know that?" Tory said, getting up to hug me. She nestled into my lap with her arms around my neck. "What would I ever do without you?" "Probably be stuck taking advice from a bunch of sorority sluts who don't know anything about relationships except how to deepthroat," I said with a laugh. "Hey!" Tory slapped the back of my head playfully. "I'm one of those sorority sluts, remember?" "I don't need to hear my baby sister is a slut, thank you ever-so-much." "I didn't mean...it's not like... I'mnot a slut. I just meant I'm in a sor-" I shushed her. "I know what you meant, sweetie. No offense to the Greek system; I just never saw the point of it. I went to college to get a degree and start my life." "Maybe that's what I should be focused on," Tory mused. "That's your choice, but it's not something you need to decide tonight. You have too much going on as it is to make any big decisions right now." "Johnny, you really are the best big brother ever. I feel like I have a little bit of perspective now. I just wish I knew what was wrong with me that he-" "Shut up, sweetie. There isnothing wrong with you. Your relationship didn't work out, that's all. Every relationship ends in a breakup until you find the one that lasts forever - and that one ends in death, so there's always that to look forward to!" I grinned. "Well, that's not morbid at all!" Tory laughed and hugged me tight, then pulled back and looked into my eyes. "I love you so much. Why can't I be with someone like you?" "Umm, because I'm your brother, and I read that sort of thing can result in birth defects in offspring?" I teased. "Don't be silly, Johnny. You know what I mean." Tory chewed her full lower lip thoughtfully. "But what if I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I'm not doing enough?" I shrugged. "I honestly can't imagine you not being enough for anyone. But if you really want that kind of feedback, you'd have to ask the guys you've been involved with." Tory was silent for a moment. "People," she said quietly. "What's that?" "People. I'd have to ask the people I've been involved with, not just guys." "Oh. I didn't know-" "Well, it's not the kind of thing I'd post on social media," Tory said, "but yeah. A big sister from my sorority freshman year. She was really nice to me, and so patient-" "I really don't need to know that much about your personal life, Tory. Why don't we watch a movie or something?" I asked, sliding her off my lap as I quickly stood. "I'm sorry. Was that over-sharing? Did I make you uncomfortable?" she asked, looking concerned. "No, it's not that. Don't worry. Hey, how about I put on a nice Disney movie for my baby sister?" I teased. जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
10-05-2022, 02:05 PM
I couldn't tell Tory the real reason for my abrupt action, which was the erection I was getting with her on my lap, thinking about her being seduced by and fucking an older woman. Could I be blamed? I was a young, healthy guy who'd been alone for a month and a half. Having a pretty girl on my lap and hearing her talk about sex was bound to have an effect. It didn't help that the girl in question was my extremely desirable sister. This wasn't the first time I'd found myself aroused by her, not by a long shot. Tory was a very good-looking girl, extremely pretty edging across the line into the realm of being gorgeous. She was petite and strong, her body slender from years of modern dance classes, leanly muscled and toned. Her sitting on my lap confirmed she had an incredibly firm ass.
Hot or not, though, this was Tory, my own sister. I couldn't do anything to make my attraction to her go away. Even during the most sexually intense periods of my relationship with Cheryl, I would fantasize that it was my baby sister I was with. I didn't feel guilty for those thoughts; I knew that everyone, every day, has multiple thoughts they shouldn't act on. I just needed a little break to pull myself together. As I walked away from my pretty little sister, I called "Why don't you pick something for us to watch? I need to use the pisser." "Ladies and gentlemen, my brother, the poet!" I heard Tory call. I took her humor as a good sign. While I was in the bathroom, Tory snagged some chips and drinks and was waiting on the couch for me. "Movie snuggles!" she cried happily, reaching out to me and opening and closing her hands like a baby wanting to be picked up. I settled next to my sister with a smile, pleased she remembered this sweet, innocent part of our youth, and even happier that she could take comfort in it after the shit day she'd had. Tory nestled against me, her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her. "What are we watching?" I asked her. She had pulled up my movies on demand. "Well," she said, "you know when a girl's brokenhearted- er, hurt, rather- she's all about sappy chick flicks, right?" I groaned. "Yeah." "There are dozens of them available now. Several I've been wanting to watch, too. But then I thought maybe I could try not wallowing in self-pitying, stop whining, and do something nice for my big brother. So, it's your call. Die Hard or Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?" I kissed the top of her head. "You know me so well. Let's see, Die Hard is for Christmas, and a western sounds good. Let's watch Sundance." "Is it ok if I crash here tonight?" "Of course it's ok." "Then, since I'm not driving... maybe I could have just one more glass of wine? Please?" Those pretty blue eyes, begging me from beneath those ash-blonde bangs, that adorable pout... I never could say no to her, but I could still be a responsible big brother. "I'll need your car keys, sweetie. You're not driving anywhere." Tory dangled them in front of me, smiling. "I thought you might say that. Here you go!" "Did you just manipulate me, T-bird?" She grinned and shrugged. "You love me anyway." "Tis true, woe betide me." "And I love you, you big dork!" "Then woe betide you, too." I smiled. We put on one of my all-time favorite movies. Tory wasn't at all into it, I knew, despite the years I'd spent trying to get her to see it for the classic it is. She was doing this for me. After finishing her third glass of wine, she slid down, laying her head in my lap, her hand on my thigh - not up high enough to be dangerous in a boner-causing sense or anything, but it sure felt nice. Twenty minutes later, she was breathing deeply, the alcohol and an emotional day combining to allow her some much-needed unconsciousness. I continued watching the movie, my hand resting comfortably on Tory's hip. Even focused on the movie, I thought how nice it was to have some human contact, even if it wasn't leading anywhere. About the time Butch says to Sundance, "Kid, the next time I say let's go someplace like Bolivia, let's go someplace like Bolivia!", I realized my hand had been moving slowly over my sister's body. I looked down to see me caressing the swell of Tory's perfect ass - way more on the cheek than the thigh - and saw her top was no longer tucked into her jeans, but rucked up, exposing her beautifully tanned, taut midriff. "Whoa!" I gasped, startled. I pulled my hand off her and pulled her top back down to cover her. "Why'joo stop?" I heard my sister murmur sleepily. "Felt nice." "Sorry," I whispered. "I'm gonna call it a night." "You're no fun, big brother," she muttered. "Yeah, well-" I had no idea how to finish the sentence. "I'll get you a pillow and blanket." "Kay. 'Night. And thank you. I needed this." For a second, I panicked. Thank me for what? Fondling her while I thought she was asleep? Then I realized she must've meant for being there for her earlier. "Anytime, sweetie. I just hope you never have to feel hurt like that again." "Huh? Oh, yeah." I kissed my sister's cheek, then went to my room, where I fell right to sleep. I dreamt of delicious things I really shouldn't have. February 11 I woke early to start my morning gym routine; I stretched out, did some calisthenics, then got on the elliptical again. After showering, I headed out to the kitchen in my robe, then thought to check on my baby sister. Going to the living room, I saw Tory still asleep. Shaking her gently, I suggested she get up for college. "Not going today," she said sleepily. "OK. How 'bout some breakfast?" "An omelet would be great." "Sorry. I don't have any eggs. Fruit and an English muffin ok?" "Do you still not cook?" Tory would choose now to fully awaken, just in time to pick apart my shortcomings. "Sure don't. I mean, I can, a little. I just don't like cooking for myself." "Well, then whatever you have will be fine." As Tory and I ate breakfast, she thanked me again for last night. "You know, I feel better, but I'm not sure I've really processed it all." "That's not surprising, sis. Six months is a long time. It might take you a while to work through it." "I'd just wish I knew why," she sighed, resignedly. "You know what really sucks, sweetie? You might never know. So, why not make up your own reason? Say he broke up with you... I don't know... because he was too cheap to buy you a Valentine's gift." Tory looked up suddenly, realization on her face. "Son of a bitch! He dumped me just before V-Day? That fucking prick!" "Sorry, T-bird. I didn't realize you hadn't pieced that together yet." जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी हम अकेले हैं.
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