Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"I'm here," Mike said reaching the bed. He bundled Jen in a sheet, not even bothering to find her dress. Mike wasn't a super-strong guy, but Jen was a slim girl. He picked Jen up and moved towards the door. "That's it for tonight guys," Mike said as he carried Jen out of the room. The men looked disappointed but didn't stop him.

Mike lucked out and quickly found a taxi. To explain the sheet around Jen, he told the driver his wife wasn't feeling well.

"That was out of control," Jen whispered to Mike as the taxi drove them home. She tenderly stroked Mike's cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I came in my pants," Mike admitted with a sheepish grin.

Jen giggled. She reached down and cupped his crotch. He was already hard again. "I'll take care of this when we get home," she promised.

"You're not too sore?" Mike asked.

"I probably am," Jen said. She gave him a sly smile. "I have other ways of taking care of you mister."

"Would you rather have fucked Deshawn?" Mike asked.

"Not really," Jen said. "He and Stacy have things going on. I don't want to get involved in that. Also, I mean ... he's not human." Jen giggled. "I don't see how Stacy can take him. I was seriously afraid he'd hurt me."

Mike kissed Jen on the lips. "Yeah, his black cock would ruin your pussy," he whispered into her ear.

Jen giggled. Mike had the strangest ways of saying things. But she knew (from reading stories) that his way of saying things fed into his fantasies. "Yeah baby, Deshawn would have ruined me for your little cock," she said teasingly.

"Jen ..." Mike said, her name coming out like a moan.

Remembering the stories, Jen added "Deshawn would have resized my pussy for his beautiful black cock. Will was bad enough. He's so big and he fucked me so hard." Jen squeezed Mike's cock. "I doubt I'll be able to feel your little thing inside me."

"Baby ..." Mike moaned.

"Not that I need you," Jen said, continuing the tease. "I've got real men like Will to satisfy me. God Mike, I came all over Will's cock, twice. He was so freaking awesome. He made my pretty toes curl in my high heels."

"God Jen you're gonna make me cum in my pants again," Mike groaned.

Jen giggled. She glanced at the taxi driver. He was definitely paying attention to what was going on in his back seat. "Fuck it," she thought.

"We can't have that," Jen said giving him a sly mischievous smile. Shifting on the seat, she unzipped Mike's pants and took out his cock. He was messy from cumming in his pants earlier. First Jen lovingly cleaned him with her tongue, swallowing all his spunk like it was delicious nectar. Then she went down on her husband.


Mike was distracted the next week, thinking about the party. Jen seemed open to going again. But did Mike want to?

Too many men at the party had wanted to fuck Jen. If they went again there was a good chance it would happen. Mike loved seeing Jen with other men. But did he really want to see Jen gang banged? To pull a train with a line of seriously hung black men?

And what was going on with Jim? At the party he was putting the moves on Jen. Mike didn't get that. Jim was a cuck, he was in a cage, he wanted black men to seed and impregnate his wife. How did Jim hitting on Jen fit into that cuckold fantasy? Mike realized though that people had different shades of desire. Maybe fucking other girls somehow fit into Jim's version of cuckolding.

Wanting to get his mind off the party, Mike picked up the thumb drive Colonel Banks had given him. So far Mike had not been able to figure out its contents. There was a blob of data on the drive, but Mike had no clue how to decipher it. Mike knew a few things about encryption, and he knew how to hack into things. As far as he could tell though, the data blob was just gibberish, there was nothing there.

Then Mike had a thought. What if the data blob WAS gibberish? What if it was a red herring?

Continuing that hypothesis, Mike explored the rest of the thumb drive. It was empty. The data blob was the only file on the drive. Otherwise, the drive had random 1s and 0s, just like the empty space on any other thumb drive.

Having another thought, Mike ignored the data blob and concentrated on the empty space. Were the 1s and 0s really random? Mike ran a series of mathematical analyses against the 1s and 0s. Eventually a pattern emerged. There wasn't a lot there. In fact, it was just one word. But the one word sent a chill down his spine.

Colonel Banks had given Mike a secure number. Mike called it. "It says Brussels," he said.

"What?" Colonel Banks said, not understanding.

"The thumb drive," Mike said urgently. "It says Brussels."

It took Banks only a moment. "Fuck," he said. Then he hung up the phone and was gone.

Mike stared at the thumb drive. He had no idea where it came from, who it came from. But Mike listened to the news. There was a G8 meeting the next day, and the Vice President would be there. The meeting was going to be in Brussels. Was there going to be a terrorist attack tomorrow in Brussels?


"Are you okay?" Leo asked Jen as she walked in. "You're limping. Did you hurt your leg?"

"Oh, um, it's nothing," Jen said. She still wasn't walking right since getting fucked so hard by Will that weekend. She couldn't tell Leo that of course. She hoped she wasn't blushing.

Still, thinking about the party made her pussy tingle. It'd been incredibly exciting, getting fucked so good and cumming with so many hunky men watching. She'd been this close to calling for another man to fuck her after Will. That's how horny she'd been. But she didn't do it because of Mike. Unlike things she'd done in the past, she didn't want to get so out of control that he'd get bad upset.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to go to another party. She needed to talk to Mike. No matter what, the party reminded her how much she craved sex. She'd been insatiable during parts of her life, and she felt like their recent game playing had flicked that "nympho" button back on inside her. The way she was feeling now, it was like the way it'd been with Ricky and Scott, Alec and Jamie. Right now she thought about sex all the time, she was horny all the time, she couldn't get enough.

Jen sat down with Leo and Deidre and they worked on Jasmine's image campaign. After a while a staffer poked his head in. "Leo, you wanted to know when the Ringer got here?" the staffer said.

"Oh yes, great," Leo said.

"The Ringer?" Jen asked.

Leo grinned. "That's what we call Jasmine's finance manager. He's amazing at fund raising, we're running laps around the other candidates. I thought you should meet him. You'll be working with him. We'll need to coordinate Jasmine's image campaign with the Ringer's fund raising. You might have heard of him. He's from Boston too."

"Oh," Jen said, trying to catch up. Then her mouth opened in surprise when the Ringer walked into the room.

"Jenny Johnson, it's been a long time," the Ringer said, smiling at Jen.

"Oh my god," Jen said shocked. "Mr. Tower."
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 13

Author's note: It's funny how readers who are not into the cuckold fantasy read this story and say I'm taking the C stuff too far, how terrible Jen is to Mike, how Mike needs to stand up for himself. And then other readers (often through PMs) say I'm not going far enough, how Jen really needs to cuck Mike and how he just needs to bend over and take it. As I've said before, I enjoy getting all comments. I find the different points of view interesting.

In some of my earlier stories, I drifted too far to the extreme and wrote myself into a corner. As I've mentioned before, with this series I've tried to be as realistic as possible, asking myself what the real Mike and Jen would do given the situations they find themselves in. I'm Mike so that's fairly easier. It's harder with my wife Jen, but since I know her really well I think I can project pretty good (by the way, someone asked via PM if Mike and Jen are our real names; the answer, as you may have guessed, is no).

When I write I let the characters talk. I've heard real writers say that before, and I was surprised as anyone when it really happened. The characters talk as I write. If I write something that's wrong, it bothers me so I rewrite until it feels right for that character.

Some people have asked for clues on what happens next. The problem is, I don't know yet. I know how the story ends. But I'm not certain of everything that happens getting there, as it depends on the characters. Will Jen put Mike in a cage? Will she deprive him of sex? Will they experiment with pregnancy again? I think I know, but even I'm not certain until we get to those points of the story. I do know what the ending is, and why I'm calling the next story Sabbatical. But that's about all I know for sure.


Cheating and Rivals - Part 13

[This chapter continues Book 2: Rivals]

Later that night Mike and Jen were in bed, after putting Anna down. Jen was in her new white nighty, on her back, her legs open for her husband. "You're still swollen," Mike said as he lay between her legs, gently fingering her pussy lips.

"I'm still sore," Jen said. "Will fucked me really hard."

"You liked it though," Mike said with a kiss to her clit.

Jen shuddered as Mike kissed her ultra-sensitive bud. "You know I like it that way," she said.

"You wanted Deshawn," Mike said, more statement than question.

"You know I'm not into black guys," Jen said. "Anyway, it's too complicated with Stacy and Jim."

"But you wanted him," Mike said, gently stroking between her pussy lips.

"Are you going to tease me all night?" Jen said with a frustrated laugh.

"Tell me," Mike said.

"Yeah, I wanted Deshawn," Jen admitted. "I thought you might get upset." When Mike didn't say anything, she asked "Would you have gotten upset?"

"I don't know," Mike said honestly. "Maybe not bad upset."

Jen sensed her husband was conflicted about the party. He was like that with his C fantasies. Changing the subject, she smiled and said "Is my pussy still pretty?"

Mike gazed at his wife's pussy. The lips were still red and swollen, and they gaped a little, but it was still so pretty and sexy. It was like a teenager's pussy (although at the moment it looked well used). "It's beautiful," he gushed. He went down on his wife, gently licking her to orgasm.

"God that was so good," Jen gushed, panting and aglow from the wonderful orgasm Mike just gave her. "I so needed that."

"Still hot from the party?" Mike joked with a grin.

"I guess," Jen admitted with a giggle. She reached down to Mike's cock. He was rock hard of course. "Time to give something to this big guy."

"But I'm not big," Mike said referring to their play in the taxi.

"Baby you know I was teasing," Jen said earnestly. She reached into Mike's shorts and wrapped her hand around his shaft. "Yours will always be my favorite one."

Mike only partially believed his wife. But he didn't hold it against her; that was the point of the game after all. "I need to tell you something," he said. He moved up the bed so he was next to her.

"What?" Jen asked.

"This arrived the other day," Mike said, handing Jen the results of the paternity test.

"Oh," Jen said, reading the test results and seeing that Drums was Anna's biological father. They were silent for long moments.

The test was a reminder that Jen had let another man get her pregnant. Jen knew that. "I'm sorry," she said to Mike, waves of guilty and remorse hitting her.

"I'm not," Mike said, reading her melancholy mood. "We have Anna."

Suddenly Jen started crying. Mike pulled her into his arms. "It's okay. We have Anna. I wouldn't change anything."

"I know," Jen said between sobs. "I'm so bad."

"You're not honey," Mike assured her. "I understand what happened."

"It's just ... what I did to you," Jen said still sobbing. "And Joe ..."

"What about Joe?" Mike asked. He held her as she continued sobbing. Finally she calmed down. He asked again "What about Joe?"

"I don't know," Jen said tears still flowing down her cheeks. "I guess, I hoped it would be Joe. I knew it wasn't. All the chemo. But I hoped."

Mike's fears and insecurities about his brother rose to the surface. He had to know. "Because you loved Joe?" he asked.

"Of course I loved Joe," Jen said. "If Anna was Joe's ... it would be like he was still here with us."

"Yeah," Mike said, feeling like Jen had stuck a knife in his heart.

Jen heard something strange in Mike's voice. She looked at him. He looked anxious, hurt. "What's wrong baby?" she asked.

"Can I asked you something?" Mike said. When Jen nodded he asked "If Joe was still with us. If Anna was his baby. Would you -."

Jen interrupted him. "You mean if Joe was the biological father. Anna is your baby."

"You just said if Anna was Joe's," Mike pointed out.

Jen gave him a frown. "You know what I meant," she said.

"Okay, well ... my question is, would you sleep with Joe?"

Jen saw where this was going. She gave Mike a sly smile. "Is that what you would want?"

"You always had a crush on Joe," Mike said.

"Not really," Jen said, giving her husband a quizzical look. "We flirted sometimes ..."

"You just said you loved him," Mike said.

"Baby, of course I loved him, he was my brother," Jen said. "He was your brother. I love you, so I want to be close to your family. For you."

"Okay," Mike said, although he didn't seem convinced.

Jen straddled Mike's lap. She took his head in her hands and frowned at him. "Baby, what is going on in this head of yours?" she asked. "Okay, if you wanted me too, I would've had sex with Joe. But it would've been pity fucks, that's all."

Mike's eyes widened at how Jen's comment so closely followed his fantasy. He said "It might start as pity fucks."


"I don't know," Mike admitted, feeling foolish. "The game. Sometimes it takes me to bad places."

"You need to stop fretting about it baby," Jen said. "I love you." She kissed him tenderly. "Okay?"

"Okay," Mike said, forcing a grin. He felt better, but it was one of those things he'd never know. That was probably a good thing, but it also left things unresolved.

"You'll be okay, if we keep playing the game?" Jen asked wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes.

Mike was hard. Despite his mixed feelings sometimes, he definitely wanted to keep playing. Even the bad things, like his recent paranoia about Joe, got him hot. The doubt and angst hurt but were so delicious too. He was addicted to their game.

"Yeah," Mike said. He reached between them, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. "You're too sore?"

"I'm okay," Jen said, knowing her husband needed release. She reached down and took his cock. She gently slid down onto him.

"How do I feel?" she asked.

"You feel incredible!" Mike gushed.

"Not loose?" Jen said with a giggle, remembering their pillow talk in the cab.

"You're not as tight as usual," Mike said. "You're always that way, after being with someone."

Jen slowly rocked up and down on her husband. "Does that get you upset?" she asked with a kiss to his lips.

"Yeah. Good upset," Mike said. "It turns me on."

They made out as Jen continued rocking on him. Mike reached under the white nighty and fondled her breasts.

Panting, Mike said "You want to keep playing?"

"Yeah," Jen said, panting too. She was grinding on Mike's cock, rubbing his shaft against her clit.

"You want to go to another party?" he asked.

"Maybe," Jen said, feeling an orgasm approach. She knew Mike was close too. "Can you hold off? I'm also there."

"I think so," Mike said. "Would you fuck Deshawn?" he asked, returning to their earlier conversation.

"Not Deshawn, he's Stacy's," Jen said. "Maybe another black guy."

"Are you into black guys now?" Mike asked.

"No, I just want to try one," Jen said.

"You talk about them like meat."

"How do you think they see me?" Jen said with a giggle.

Jen's comment made Mike feel better. She saw it as just sex. "You want just one?" he joked with a grin.

Jen gave him a sly smile back. "Is that what you want baby?" she teased. She was riding him harder now. "To see me gangbanged by black men?"

"Maybe," Mike said.

"If we go to another party it might happen," Jen said.

"I know," Mike said. They kissed and fondled again, more urgently now. Then they both came.


A couple weeks later, Jen met with Leo, Deidre and Frank Tower about coordinating Jasmine's image campaign and fund raising. Afterwards Frank invited Jen for a drink to catch up. Jen had a white wine while Frank ordered tequila.

"How's Sophie?" Jen asked. "God I haven't talked to her for forever, since her shower." (See Making It Work - Part 2)

"She's good," Frank said with a tight smile. "She and Paul have 2. They live in Houston. She's got her own life now. I don't see her often."

"Oh," Jen said feeling bad for him. "I'm sorry Mr. Tower."

"Frank remember?" he said with a smile. "I'm happy for Sophie. After her mother died ... I'm happy she has Paul and the kids."

"I heard about Mrs. Tower," Jen said. Frank's wife had died of cancer a couple years ago. She reached over and squeezed his hand. "I'm so sorry."

"I wasn't the best husband," Frank admitted. "But I think I made Sally happy."

"I'm sure you did," Jen assured him. "You always seemed so happy together."

Frank gave Jen a thankful smile. "So what about you? Marketing star. Married to Mike Andrews, the brilliant inventor of Sapphire and misunderstood patriot." He chuckled. "You've been busy since high school."
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"I guess," Jen said with a laugh back.

"And you have a daughter I hear," Frank added with a smile.

"Yes, Anna, she's wonderful," Jen gushed.

Their drinks were empty. "Another one?" Frank asked, hailing the waiter.

"Maybe one more," Jen said. She needed to get home and didn't want to be tipsy. But she was enjoying talking to Frank. Growing up, Mr. Tower always seemed larger than life. Rich, powerful, huge mansion, vacation homes all over the world, expensive cars. Yet now Frank was treating her like an adult, an equal. She was enjoying talking to him.

The waiter arrived. Frank said "Another 4 Copas Blanco for me. Jenny, another white wine?"

"Yes, thanks," Jen said. "I go by Jen now."

"Oh right, sorry," Frank said. Smiling, he gave her an appraising look. "You look wonderful Jen. What are you, 29 now, the same age as Sophie? You look better now than in high school."

"Well, thanks," Jen said, brushing her hair behind her ear and shyly looking down. Frank took the opportunity to give Jen a long look up and down. Jenny still had the fresh face of a teenager and the petite body of a ballerina. The same beautiful face and blonde hair (Frank preferred brunettes but there was no denying the beauty of Jen's long lush blonde hair). Better yet, she'd added a few sexy curves in her ass and hips. And she still had those long incredible legs.

Jen felt Frank looking at her. Without even thinking, she subtlety adjusted in her chair, causing her skirt to hike up a little, revealing more of her legs to his eyes. She couldn't help it, she loved flirting. The fact this was MISTER TOWER - the richest and most power man she knew growing up - made it even more fun and exciting.

Their drinks arrived. Jen watched as Frank took a sip of the tequila. "I've only ever had tequila in margaritas or shots with lime," she said with a laugh.

Frank smiled at her. "This is white organic tequila, estate grown blue agave. It's very smooth. Want to try?"

"Sure," Jen said, not knowing what all those words meant but thinking it sounded impressive. She took the glass from Frank and took a sip. "Wow, it is smooth," she said, impressed.

"Taste the hint of pepper?"

Jen took another sip and concentrated. Her eyes went wide. "Oh my god yes," she said, surprised at the tequila's subtle nuances. "I never knew tequila was so good."

They talked for a little longer, then Jen said she had to get home. "You know, we barely knew each other before," Frank told her with a smile. "I've enjoyed this."

"Me too, definitely," Jen said, smiling back. "I guess we'll be working together."

"Yes, I guess we will," Frank said. "Can I be candid? Jasmine's not my favorite person. I'm helping as a favor to her father." Frank chuckled. "He's not my favorite person either. But he's a good business partner. I've made a lot of money with him over the years."

"Oh," Jen said, suddenly liking Frank even more (once again proving the axiom true, the enemy of my enemy is my friend). "I can't stand her."

Frank grinned. "You'll have to tell me sometime how she roped you in. Jas has a way of doing that. Anyway, what I want to say is, now with you here, I'm actually looking forward to working on Jasmine's campaign."

Jen opened her mouth in surprise. She'd never felt so flattered. "God Mr. Tower - I mean Frank - that's so nice," she sputtered out.

Frank gave her a big smile. They hugged goodbye. Frank hugged her close to him, probably closer and longer than appropriate. Jen let him. Always the flirt, she reached up on her tiptoes and gave him a peck goodbye, letting her soft lips linger a moment on his cheek. They shared another silent moment smiling at each other. Then Jen caught a cab home.


"You won't believe who's working on Jasmine's campaign," Jen told Mike later that night after putting Anna down to bed. "Frank Tower. Sophie's dad. You remember, my friend from high school? She was one of my bridesmaids. He chairs Jasmine's finance committee."

"You still talk to Sophie?" Mike asked.

"Just on Facebook sometimes," Jen said with a shrug. "We kind of lost touch. I guess she moved to Houston. Frank doesn't see her either." Jen giggled. "It's weird calling him Frank. I keep calling him Mr. Tower, I can't help it."

Mike slowly nodded, looking at his wife. "Have I met him?"

Jen tried to remember. "I don't think so. He wasn't at our wedding. Anyway, I'll be working with him. Kind of weird working with a friend's dad." She giggled again. Mike thought she was starting to sound like a silly school girl. "Anyway, you will. Frank invited us to a basketball party at his house next weekend."

"You accepted without asking me?" Mike asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby," Jen said rubbing his arm. "I thought you'd want to go. Frank always had the best sports parties growing up. You know, Superbowl, Final Four. He's having a playoffs party with, um, Cleveland and San Francisco."

"Golden State," Mike corrected her. "The series might be over by next weekend."

"Yeah," Jen said. "Frank said we'd watch the women's soccer World Cup then. He said that might be a better game anyway."

Mike frowned. He noticed how Jen was suddenly saying "Frank said" a lot. It bothered him she accepted Frank's invitation without asking him first.

Jen read her husband's mind. She knew he hated parties, especially where he didn't know anyone. He was shy and hated small talk. "I'm sorry baby," she said rubbing his bad leg. "I should have asked you first. A lot of Jasmine's staff will be there. I guess I want to get to know them better, since I'll be working with them."

"You've changed your mind about Jasmine, you want to work on her campaign?" Mike asked gently, knowing Jasmine Kelly was a sensitive topic with his wife. "Now that I'm consulting with the government, we don't need her as a backup anymore."

"I know," Jen said, still rubbing Mike's bad leg. "I don't like being around Jasmine. Just like you wouldn't like being around Clint, right?"

"Yeah," Mike agreed.

"It's more like, this is opening doors for me," Jen said. "Marketing for political candidates, it could lead to things, like movie stars and sports. Also, politics are interesting." Then she admitted through gritted teeth, "Jasmine's positions don't suck." As if wanting to get that bad taste out of her mouth, she said "And they're paying me a lot. Now I understand why they have so much money. Frank is a freaking awesome business man."

Mike nodded slowly, taking this all in. Jen's words "Frank is a freaking awesome business man" rang in his ears.

Jen was still rubbing Mike's bad leg, working on the kinks. "Are you doing your stretches and exercises honey?" she asked.

"Yeah, I try to," Mike said.

"You have to baby," Jen urged him, her fingers digging deeper into his thigh muscles. She did this a lot, massaging him. Mike's leg probably would never be like before the accident. (See Consequences - Part 7) He still walked with a slight limp. But regular exercise and stretching would limit the pain and stiffness and prevent it from becoming chronic.

Mike took Jen's hand from his leg and kissed it. "How old is Frank?" he asked.

"How old?" Jen said. She thought about it. She remembered Sophie saying her parents had married young. "I don't know. Early 50s?"

Early 50s. Mike knew his wife had a thing for older men. Like Clint and Mr. Hayden (her high school history teacher). Jen had been naughty in high school. During a break in her relationship with Colin, she'd had a brief affair with Mr. Hayden. Had she done that with anyone else?

"Did anything happened between you and Frank in high school?" Mike asked.

A smile came to Jen's face. She'd known once she started talking about Frank Mike would want to play. She said "Well -."

"Wait," Mike said, putting a finger to Jen's lips. "Let's get ready for bed. Put on the nightie okay?"

"Of course baby, I always wear the nightie," Jen said.

"I know. I like seeing you in it."

In their bedroom, Mike watched as his wife undressed and put on the white nightie. He definitely liked seeing her in it. The nightie was short, not even reaching her mid-thigh. She looked really leggy in it and he loved that.

Normally Jen would wear comfy VS cotton panties to bed under the nightie. But she knew they were going to play, so she didn't bother. Knowing Mike was watching, she took her time brushing her long blonde hair to a silky luster. Then she put on red lipstick that made her lips look wet.

Jen picked up a bottle of moisturizer. She always used moisturizer in the morning and evening to keep her skin soft and youthful looking. "I'll do that honey," Mike offered.

"Okay," Jen said with a smile. She never passed up a massage!

Mike poured lotion onto his hands. Like a good husband, he rubbed his palms together to warm the lotion. He started on his wife's arms then moved to her legs. He rubbed up and down, going beyond just applying lotion. He gave her a massage, working his palms and finger tips into the muscles of her toned shapely legs.

Jen's legs were amazing. So long and shapely. Toned like a dancer's. Her skin so smooth and perfect she looked air brushed.

Jen moaned as Mike rubbed her. She could tell he was worshipping her legs, her body. She loved when he devoted all his attention on her (well, she liked it when any guy did that, but Mike was special of course). Also Mike was teasing her, scbanging his nails behind her knees, lightly tickling the soles of her feet, getting close to but not touching her clit. Her husband wasn't the best lover. But knowing her body so well, he could always turn her on. (It wasn't the turning on part that Mike lacked. It was finishing her off. Jen craved getting fucked hard and dirty like a slutty whore. Mike didn't have the personality for that. Also, he was too small, and didn't have the muscular body to pound her into the bed. But that didn't mean she didn't love when he made love to her. She just needed more sometimes. That was the whole thing about their game.)
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Mike saw Jen's nipples harden and dent the thin cotton fabric of the nightie. He warmed more lotion in his hands, then worked under the nightie, rubbing her flat tummy and small breasts.

"Tell me about Frank," he said, tracing circles around her nipples with his fingertips.

"Mike I can't concentrate if you do that," she said with a laugh.

Mike grinned. "Tell me," he said thumbing her nipples.

Jen arched her back at his touch. "Jerk," she said with a gasp. "It wasn't much. I was a senior. A party at his house. He was drunk. He gave me champagne. He kind of hit on me."

"Kind of?" Mike prompted.

"He was drunk," Jen said. "I was flirting with him."

"That's all?" Mike asked disappointed.

"Sorry baby," Jen said with a laugh, hearing his disappointment. "I was going with Colin then."

"Is he handsome?" Mike asked.


"Frank," Mike said with a grin.

"Yeah he is," Jen said. Wanting to give her husband an image, she said "Distinguished handsome. Like Clint. Instead of handsome handsome. Like Scott." Mike didn't like it when she mentioned Clint. But Jen knew it was okay since they were playing the game.

"Okay," Mike said, his heart pounding and finding it hard to breathe.

"You like that baby?" she teased with a smile. When playing the game, she knew it turned him on when she talked about her old lovers.

"Yeah," Mike said this throat hoarse from excitement. "Did you flirt with Frank today?"

Mike was still working her nipples. Also, he'd begun rubbing her clit with his other hand. "Are you close to cumming?" she asked him. "If I get on top, can you hold off?"

"I'm not sure," Mike said honestly. "I'll try."

Jen pushed Mike onto his back. She pulled off his boxes. Whipping off the white nightie, she straddled his legs. Taking his cock into her hand she guided him into her. "Yeah, I flirted with Frank today," she said as she slowly rocked on her husband's cock.

"What'd you do?"

"I showed him my legs," she said with a sly smile. "And let him hug me."

"He hugged you?"

"When we said bye."

Mike nodded, imagining his wife letting the older man press his body against hers. "Do you want to fuck him?"

"He's my friend's dad," Jen pointed out, still moving up and down on his shaft.

"That's hot," Mike said.

"Mike you're so bad," Jen said with a laugh.

"You don't talk to Sophie anymore," Mike pointed out.

"Still," Jen said. "Anyway, this is a new business for me. I don't want to mess it up by sleeping around."

"Frank won't say anything," Mike pointed out.

Jen thought about it. Mike was probably right, Frank would have as much to lose as her, probably more. The possibility of fucking Frank Tower sent a chill through her. The fact Frank was Sophie's father made the prospect even naughtier. "I'm hot all the time Mike," she said, grinding on his cock, wanting to cum. "I feel like I'm a nympho again."

"I like you that way," Mike said encouragingly. "I like when you're so sensual."

Jen laughed. Mike said "sensual," anyone else would say "slutty." Then her face turned serious. She felt herself getting close to the edge. She usually didn't cum this fast with Mike, she normally had to work harder. Flirting with Mr. Tower must've gotten her hotter than she realized. "Oh god, baby," Jen moaned, rolling her head back as her orgasm washed over her.

It was an okay orgasm. Not spectacular, but okay. Jen realized Mike was looking at her. He'd seen her cum with other men. He'd seen her have mind-blowing orgasms, he'd seen her scream and thrash around. He knew the difference between the orgasms he gave her and the ones she got from other men.

Jen didn't try to lie to him. Rather, she leaned over, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you baby," she told him.

"Are you still horny?" he asked.

"I'm fine," Jen said.

"But you are," Mike pressed.

"You know me," Jen said with a shrug. "I'm a nympho."

"Tell me about Frank," he said.

"I guess I had a crush on him in high school," Jen said. "All the girls did. They had the biggest house, the nicest cars. I spent a week at their house at the Shore once, it was freaking amazing. Frank's handsome, he was always nice to me. So yeah, I guess I had a crush on him."

"Would you have fucked him?" Mike asked.

Jen continued to slowly rock on her husband's cock. She realized he HAD lasted until after she came. He was better at that now since they got back together, lasting longer, holding off until she came. He was so sweet. Feeling so much affection for him, she leaned over and kissed him again.

"What was that for?" Mike asked.

"Because I love you," Jen said smiling into his eyes.

"Would you have fucked Frank? Mike asked again.

Jen smiled. It was funny how Mike's desire to see her fuck other men interrupted even their most intimate moments as a married couple. Or maybe that's what he wanted? When she was feeling the most affection for him, he still wanted her thinking about letting other men have her.

She thought about Mike's question. She'd fucked Mr. Hayden, so she certainly wasn't an angel. "If I wasn't so obsessed with Colin? If I thought Sophie and her mother wouldn't find out? Yeah, probably. If he wanted me."

"He wants you," Mike said. "You could seduce him if you wanted."

"Yeah, I could," Jen agreed. She wasn't being boastful. But she knew the effect she had on men.

"You can fuck Frank if you want," Mike said, giving her permission. "You have a free pass, you fuck anyone you want. Just tell me about it."

Jen looked into her husband's eyes. "I'll never keep anything from you again," she promised. She kissed him. Then she giggled, remembering their recent cheating games. "Unless you want me to."

Mike grinned. But his smile was contorted because he was close to cumming. "Do you need more honey?" he asked as his orgasm approached. "Do you want to call a guy to come over?"

"Not tonight honey I've got to work early tomorrow," she said.

"But you need more right?" he pressed.

Jen knew Mike wanted the truth, he didn't want her to sugar coat it. She hugged him and kissed his lips, then kissed down his cheek to his ear. "Yeah, I'd love a big cock right now," she whispered into his ear. "But not now baby, I have to get up early."

"This weekend," Mike offered.

Jen would love to play this weekend. She had a major itch that needed scratched. But they had Frank's party. "What ifs" went through her head and they made her shudder. "Yeah, this weekend," she whispered sultrily, flicking her tongue in her husband's ear. Mike came moments later.


As Mike and Jen were making love, Stacy got her period. "Damn," she said to herself. She went to tell Jim.

"I'm sorry honey," Jim said, just as disappointed as his wife. "But it's just the first try with Deshawn."

"But it was perfect timing," Stacy said, pouting. She'd been at her most fertile the night of the party (the one they went to with Mike and Jen). Deshawn had cum a lot inside her. Why wasn't she pregnant?

"I know," Jim said gloomily. "Maybe it's Deshawn."

"No, D told us, he shown us pictures," Stacy insisted.

"Yeah," Jim agreed. That evening when they first met Deshawn had been so hot (before meeting in person they corresponded via email and texts). Deshawn showed them pictures of white wives he'd bred. There were 3, all pretty white wives. Deshawn had before, during and after pictures of the wives. Before pregnancy, during and after giving birth. They included casual shots of the wives (with and without their husbands) as well as pictures of getting fucked by Deshawn. The pictures were labeled. Some of them said:

"The night we met" (Deshawn fucking wife #1)

"He likes helping me out" (Husband of wife #2 guiding Deshawn's cock into his wife's pussy)

"She goes off the pill" (Wife #3 smiling into the camera as she tosses her birth control pills into the trash)

"No more condoms with this wife" (Wife #1 pulling the condom off Deshawn's cock before he enters her again)

"She's falling in love with me" (Wife #2 tenderly kissing Deshawn as he's on top fucking her)

"She gets me hard so I'll fuck her again" (Wife #1 licking Deshawn's asshole)

"Nice ring" (Wife #3 desperately clutching Deshawn's muscular arm as he fucks the shit out of her; the diamonds of her wedding and engagement rings sparkle with the flash of the camera)

"The night I bred her" (Deshawn smirking into the camera as he holds wife #2's legs open, her pussy gaping open and thick cum leaking out)

There were also pictures of the wives holding their new babies. Some with their husbands, some with Deshawn. There were more pictures of Deshawn fucking the new mothers (it was easy to tell these were "after" pictures as all the white wives had gained weight during their pregnancies and their breasts were bigger from the milk they carried).

There was no doubt the babies were half black. The pictures were numbered. Baby #3, Baby #5, Baby #8. Deshawn had fathered other babies but the mothers weren't white wives so he didn't keep pictures. (Two of the other babies had black mothers; the other 4 had white mothers but they were single, not married. "Shit happens," Deshawn had said with a grin.) Deshawn told them Stacy's baby would be his 10th.

Deshawn called it his "Black Bull Resume." Jim couldn't wait until the dominant black man added his wife to the book.

But Jim pushed these memories out of his head. He didn't want to get hard, because that would hurt in his cage.

"Maybe it's me," Stacy said with what sounded like a sob.

"It's not you honey," Jim assured her. "We have Dannika."

"But maybe something's happened to me," Stacy said feeling like she was about to cry. She had girlfriends whose bodies changed after giving birth, making it hard to get pregnant again.
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"Come on honey, don't think that way, it's too early for that," Jim assured her. "We've only tried once with Deshawn. You and Deshawn can try another position next time." When Deshawn had cum, they'd been in the missionary position. Most people thought missionary was best for conception, but that wasn't true. There were better positions to get pregnant, like the Cat and Sissors positions.

"You're right," Stacy said. But she knew she didn't have much time with Deshawn. A beautiful man like Deshawn was in high demand. Yes, right now she had Deshawn's attention but it wouldn't last forever. She wished she was as pretty as Jennifer Andrews, she might keep Deshawn forever; but she knew she wasn't. Eventually Deshawn would tire of her and move on to other white girls. Of course, things might be different if she got pregnant with Deshawn's baby. Because of that Stacy felt a sense of urgency.

Jim moved closer to his wife. He nuzzled her neck and cupped her breast. "Honey this talk is getting me hot," he said working on the zipper of her dress. "Can you let me out of my cage? I don't care you have your period, I'll clean up. Or a blow job ..."

"Not now honey," Stacy said pushing her husband's hands away. "You know I need to save myself for Deshawn. So my body's ready for him next time."

"But that's 4 weeks away," Jim complained. "And you'll be exclusive with Deshawn then." He felt jealous and hurt. It was always that way with cuckolds, their conflict of emotions.

Stacy inwardly sighed. She couldn't deal with Jim right now. She had enough to worry about with Deshawn. Somehow she had to convince the black man to abstain from sex until her next fertile period, to increase their chances of conception. That wasn't going to be easy with a man like Deshawn. She had to concentrate on how to do that. She didn't have time to deal with her husband's insecurities.

"Honey, why don't we do what we did last time?" Stacy suggested, referring to how they dealt with Jim's sexual needs before when she'd been with Darren. For about a month she'd given herself exclusively to Darren. At the beginning she let Jim continue to fuck her (with a condom), but after a couple of times she cut him off, wanting to save her affections and passions for Darren to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Jim hadn't been able to handle being completely deprived of her affections and body. Her husband wasn't a true cuckold, there was some alpha in him (after all, he'd been a bull earlier in life).

They solved the problem by getting Jim a fuck buddy. It hadn't been hard to find a willing girl. Jim was handsome, had a good body, and had a decent size cock for a white man (around 7 inches). Stacy didn't care if Jim fucked other girls. She kept him in a cage because it was fun, but she wasn't possessive of Jim the way Jen was of Mike.

"You mean get a lover?" Jim asked suddenly interested.

"Yes," Stacy said, trying to be as sweet as possible. "Why don't you talk to Jen? I know you're attracted to her."

"Mike seemed to have a thing about me and Jen," Jim said doubtfully. He'd love to fuck Jen but Mike was his friend, he didn't want to get him mad.

"Honey, Mike is a cuck, a closet sub," Stacy said. "You know how sub cucks are, they say no but mean yes. Besides, he owes us. We've let him watch me. And, I've offered myself to him, at least twice. If he's a real friend he'll help us and share Jen."

Stacy pulled down Jim's pants. She got the key from her bag and unlocked the cage. Then she carefully took the cage off her husband's cock. He instantly got hard. "Come on Stacy, just a hand job," Jim pleaded, lunging forward to try to push his cock into his wife's hand.

"No Jim I'm saving myself for Deshawn," Stacy said with a giggle. "Your cage is off. Go talk to Jen."


Mike was at home playing with Anna when his iPhone rang. "Hello?" he said.

"Mike, I'm sending you a website address," a voice said. It was Colonel Banks.

"What happened in Brussels?" Mike asked.

"Don't you watch the news?" Banks said.

Mike did keep up with the news, especially lately, especially about Brussels. The G8 meeting had been "postponed." The official excuse had been unexpected fluctuations of the dollar and Euro that required rethinking of certain policy initiatives.

"I want to know what happened," Mike insisted.

Banks frowned into the phone. He didn't like having to explain to subordinates. But he needed more from Mike. "We had leads of 3 potential targets," Banks said. "The House Speaker, Secretary of State, and VP. Your information confirmed the target."

Banks paused to let that sink in. Then he started again. "I'm sending you the URL of a website," he said. "I need you to hack in."

Before Mike had a chance to respond, Banks said "And Mike. Don't get caught."


Jen was in her office furiously working to catch up. She was coming to enjoy working with Leo and Deidre (and Frank was an interesting twist as her pillow talk with Mike proved) - and she hadn't had to interact with Jasmine at all, which was key - but it got her behind with her core clients. Her partners enjoyed the money Jasmine's campaign was adding to their coffers, but most of the revenue still came from Google, Memphis and Kelloggs, as well as a few other keystone clients.

Jen's intern Biff hesitantly poked his head into her office. "Ah, Ms. Andrews?" Biff said. "You have a visitor. Someone named Jim."

Jen watched as Biff walked away. He was only 19, a college student, an intern. It was only a semester gig, he'd be leaving soon. She'd miss him. He was bright, a little shy, and sooo cute. And what a nice ass.

Jen walked out to the reception area. "Oh," she said surprised. It was Jim, Mike's friend and Stacy's husband. "Jim, what a surprise."

"I was hoping to talk to you," Jim said smiling at her. "Can I buy you lunch?"

Jen looked at her watch. To her surprise it was way past noon. She realized she was hungry. She still had a pile of work to do, but she had to eat sometime. "Okay," she told Jim.

They went to a deli down the street from Jen's office. Jen ordered a mixed salad and Jim got a pastrami sandwich. Jen felt uncomfortable being alone with Jim. He was little more than a stranger, but they'd shared a lot. It was a peculiar combination. It would've been different if Mike or Stacy had been there, but being alone with Jim felt weird.

"So I guess you're wondering why I'm here," Jim said.

"Well, yeah," Jen admitted with a laugh. "Are Stacy and Dannika okay?"

"Dannika's wonderful," Jim said lighting up at the mention of his daughter. "It's Stacy why I'm here."

"Is everything okay?" Jen asked suddenly concerned. She knew Jim and Stacy had gone through some rough patches in the past.

"We're good, better than good," Jim assured her. "This is about that. You know about Dannika right?"

"Yes," Jen said, correctly assuming he was talking about their pregnancy fantasies (and realities).

"We're doing that again," Jim said.

Jen nodded. She knew that too. Why was he telling her this? She felt uncomfortable not knowing where this was going.

Jim sensed Jen's unease. He said "I'll get to the point. When we do this, Stacy's exclusive with Deshawn. It'll probably last a month or two. Last time with Darren, Stacy let me take a lover."

Jen got it. "You're saying me?" she asked incredulously.

Jim gave her a shrug and embarrassed smile, which answered her question.

"I mean, why do you need a lover?" Jen said flustered. "Isn't that part of it?"

"Being deprived?" Jim said. He flushed, embarrassed, as this was getting really personal. "Stacy and I started with swapping. We drifted into cuckolding, mostly because of the pregnancy fantasy. I'm not a true cuck like Mike. No offense, I'm don't mean to put him down. It's just, I can't deal with being cut off. Not just sexually, but emotionally too. That's what happens when Stacy gives herself to another man. It happened with Darren, and it'll happen again with Deshawn."

"So I'm your band aide," Jen said sarcastically. "You want to fuck me to tide you over."

"You make it sound so terrible," Jim said with a sheepish laugh. "You might enjoy it. I've never had any complaints."

Jen looked at Jim, as if for the first time. He was definitely cute. She found his Australian accent charming. From the way his clothes hung on him, she could tell he kept in shape. She remembered Stacy saying Jim used to be a bull. Looking at him, she definitely saw how that might be the case.

"Why me?" she asked.

"You're kidding right?" Jim said with a laugh. "Because you're a very beautiful, desirable girl. Isn't that enough?"

Jen frowned at him. "What does Stacy say?" she asked.

"She suggested you," Jim said candidly. "Jen, I'm not looking for a long term relationship. Maybe a little romance, I like that. But I'm no threat to Mike, he's my mate. I'm looking for fun without complications. Mike can watch, he can be part of it, I'm good with whatever you want."

Jen raised an eyebrow at Jim, intrigued. "Mike can be part of it?"

"Sure," Jim said with a grin. "I'm bi. Or bi tendencies, I don't know." He laughed. "Stacy and I have done a lot of shit. What about you?"

"No comment," Jen said laughing back. But she was definitely intrigued. Jim was bi. Mike wasn't. She considered the possibilities.

"Casual sex among friends," Jim said grinning mischievously at her. "What could be more fun?"

"Um, maybe a game of Scrabble?" Jen joked, smiling back. She looked at Jim again. He was cute, definitely fuckable. And she had a longing between her legs. They were playing the game again, Mike had given her a free pass. Why not Jim? He was safe, he was cute, he was Mike's friend. And he was bi. The possibilities sent a shiver down her spine.

"I'll talk to Mike," she promised him.

"Brilliant," Jim said, giving her a big smile.

Jim walked Jen back to her office. Her iPhone rang as they arrived. It was her client Memphis. Jen walked into her office, forgetting all about Jim and entirely focused on the needs of her client. Unnoticed by her, Jim followed her in. He closed the door. As he did, he exchanged a look with Jen's intern Biff.
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Biff was in awe of Jen. He was a college sophomore, a communications major. His class had analyzed case studies of Jen's Google and Memphis campaigns. He thought she was brilliant, a marketing genius.

He hadn't been able to believe his good fortune when he was assigned as Jen's admin for his semester internship. That was especially true when he found out how beautiful she was. Brains and looks! She was gorgeous! Half the time he had a hard-on from being around her. Often after work he had to beat off to relieve the tension (he was between girlfriends so had to rely on his hand).

Biff had heard the gossip about Jen. He heard stories of an incredible pool party in Vegas. He heard rumors of Jen's affairs. The rumors only increased his wonder of her. She seemed so together, so confident. She knew she was talented and beautiful, so she did what she wanted. He was in awe of her.

Biff sensed something when Jim followed Jen into her office and closed the door. It was the look the 2 men exchanged. Trying to be a good admin, and envying Jim, Biff canceled Jen's afternoon appointments.


As she often did, Jen gazed out the window as she talked on the phone with the Memphis execs. She turned around as the call ended. "Oh," she said surprised seeing Jim there. "I thought you left."

"I wanted to say a proper goodbye," he said grinning at her.

"Oh okay," Jen said with a laugh. She gave him a hung. As she did she felt his erection pressing against her tummy. "Um ... you're not in a cage?"

"Stacy let me out," Jim said. "She knew I'd be seeing you and Mike."

Intrigued, Jen asked "How often does she let you out?"

"Just once since the party," Jim said. "And now."

"Seriously?" Jen asked surprised. The party had been weeks ago. He'd cum just once since then?

Jen would never do that to Mike, deprive him that way. Also, she wanted her husband inside her. It was part of being married, part of being in love, that physical connection of being one.

"When do you think Mike will decide?" Jim asked. He looked desperate. Jen understood why, since he'd only been allowed a single orgasm since the party.

"It might happen tonight," Jen said knowing her husband. After all, last night Mike had offered to call a lover for her (who would he have called? Josh? Will?). Jen wouldn't mind playing the game tonight. The naughtiness of being Jim's sex toy while Stacy gave herself exclusively to Deshawn was getting to her. She'd already been craving a good fucking and now it was even worse. God she was a slut! But Mike loved her and wanted her this way, so she felt good about herself.

"Do you want to feel it? You wanted to at the party," Jim said with an eager grin.

Jen gave Jim a knowing look. She knew what he wanted. A quickie. She couldn't blame the poor boy.

Jen thought about it. She knew Mike would go for Jim's fuck buddy arrangement. Even more than her, the whole scenario would get Mike hot (Jim needing pity fucks because Stacy was depriving him to devote herself to another man). Also, it turned Mike on when she played with people they knew. Like Ricky (his college roommate), Scott and Tom (her co-workers), and Frankie (his fraternity brother). Knowing the man fucking her intensified the game for Mike. So Jen was certain Mike would approve of Jim.

But should she do something with Jim now, before Mike gave his okay? She didn't need Mike's okay before doing something with a guy. She had his hall pass. Doing something now with Jim would be kinda like cheating on Mike. She knew her husband got turned on when she "cheated" on him. She had to tell Mike after of course, but that was her plan anyway.

Also, she felt sorry for Jim. Only 1 orgasm since the party? The poor boy looked desperate.

There was also a good practical reason to get Jim off now. If they did play tonight (and she was sure Mike would want to), she didn't want Jim to cum too fast. She wanted to enjoy the fuck.

"Hmmm, let's see," Jen said with a sly smile, moving towards Jim. She reached down and cupped him. She gave his hard shaft a stroke. She said with a giggle "Definitely a penis in there."

"That's all I get?" Jim said frustrated when Jen took her hand away.

"You should be happy I did that," Jen teased. "Your wife's not giving you any." Jen had a big smile on her face. This was fun, she was getting into this game.

Jim sat down on the sofa. "Can I beat off looking at you?" he asked pleadingly. "Can you unbutton your blouse? Please?"

Jen had a slight smile on her face as she looked at Jim. He might have been a bull in the past, but now he was definitely full on cucky. He kind of sounded ... pathetic. Suddenly Jen saw Jim in a new light. Just minutes before, she kind of thought Jim was hot. She still thought that to a degree, after all he was cute and seemed to have a nice body. But now she didn't have as much respect for him.

Jen thought about her husband. Mike was into the cuckold fantasy too. She knew a certain amount of humiliation and angst got him hot. But she never thought of him as less of a man, and certainly not pathetic. She had tons of respect for him. Mike was freaking brilliant, and the bravest man she knew. Her husband was a cuckold, but that didn't make her love or respect him any less.

But maybe she felt that way because Mike WAS her husband. How did other people see him? Well, she knew that right? The bottle blonde bitch Jasmine Kelly wanted Mike. So did Tara. So did other girls (Jen suspected).

Then Jen had a thought. Was Mike a cuckold only with her, or with all girls? She suspected only her (as she couldn't imagine Jasmine Kelly having patience for that sort of thing). But if that was true, what was it about her that drove Mike to be a cuck?

"If you won't unbutton your blouse, can I see more of your legs?"

Jim's question broke Jen from her reverie. "What?" she said.

"Can you raise your skirt Jen?" Jim asked again. "Please?"

God he was practically groveling. Jen looked at his crotch. His erection dented his pants. "Take it out," she said. "I want to see it."

Jim quickly took out his cock. Jen was impressed. It was a nice cock. Jim wasn't huge, but he might pass her old high school two hands & toilet roll tests. It surprised Jen. She'd assumed all cuckolds were small. Like Mike.

Jim was shaved completely clean. His skin was noticeably dry and red (and flaking a little) at the based on his penis and around his balls. "What happened?" she asked.

"Stacy kept me in the cage too long," he said.

"Oh sorry," Jen said.

"You know what's worse?" Jim said. "If you're caged too long, you get smaller. I used to be bigger. About a half inch longer."

"You're kidding?" Jen said with a "seriously?" voice.

"I might get it back, once my cock is used to being free again," he said.

"You sound disappointed," Jen said with an incredulous laugh.

"When I was a bull I wanted to be bigger," Jim said. "Now that I'm a cuck I -."

"Stop," Jen said laughing. "Take it from a girl's perspective, you want to be bigger."

Jim gave her a hesitant smile. "It's all fantasies you know," he said. "Otherwise I'm a normal guy."

Jen felt like she might have offended him. "I know that Jim," she assured him. She walked closer, giving him a grin as she kneed his legs apart. Then she got down on her knees between his legs. "I think you have a nice cock," she said taking him into her hands. She stroked him up and down.

"I'm bigger than Mike," Jim said.

"Yes you are," Jen agreed.

"Does he make you cum?"

"All the time," Jen said.

Jim looked sad. "Stacy hardly ever cums with me anymore," he said.

Jen felt sorry for him. "Maybe she's not trying hard enough," she said.

"Do you have to try with your lovers?" he asked.

Jen didn't feel like talking anymore. She concentrated on stroking him. She considered where to let him cum. He might cum a lot after being deprived so long and she didn't want to risk getting it on her, especially her hair and clothes (it was easy to wash her face).

Jim's breathing quicken. He was close to cumming. "Can you lick your hands?" he asked. "My skin's kind of dry after being caged."

"Problem solved," Jen thought. She said to Jim "I can do better than that." She pulled her hair to the side, then lowered her head and took him into her mouth.


Mike was annoyed with Colonel Banks. He didn't like being ordered around. He also didn't like doing things without knowing the back story. Why did Banks want him to hack into the website? Who did it belong to? How did it threaten the security of the United States?

Whatever. Mike turned to the task at hand. The website turned out to be a challenge. Hacking in was relatively easy. Doing it without being noticed was a lot harder. It took the rest of the morning and most of the early afternoon. The fact Mike had to take care of Anna slowed things down, especially when the little girl had an accident in the bathroom (they were potty training her). "I wonder if James Bond has to deal with this," Mike muttered to himself as he cleaned up Anna's accident.

As afternoon became evening Mike called up Colonel Banks on the secure line. "I've got it," he said.

"What, already?" Banks said surprised. He said urgently "Email it to me."

"No," Mike said.

"What? No?" Banks growled on the phone.

"The URL is a company in France," Mike said. "France is our ally. How do I know this is legal?"

"Don't fuck with me Andrews!" Banks yelled. "This is important!"

"I hacked in faster than you thought," Mike said. "You have the time to explain it to me."

Banks was silent for a few moments, although Mike could practically sense the other man's glare on the other side of the phone. Finally Banks gave in and impatiently said, "Look, the French company is a front for ISIS. It's being used to funnel money to their satellite groups. If we hack in, we can try to follow the money to track them down."

Mike considered. Banks could be lying. But why would he waste time doing that? Also, while hacking in, Mike had noticed links between the company and Iraq and Syria. "I left a back door," he said. "I'll email instructions to you."

Then Mike added, "Banks. Next time, I want a full briefing before, not after." He abruptly hung up the phone.

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Jen rushed home after work. She was so excited! Jim had cum gallons, she was barely able to swallow it all without soiling her blouse.

Jen didn't mind swallowing cum. It turned her on actually, it was such a naughty submissive act. And Jim hadn't tasted bad.

Jim had felt good in her mouth too. Long but manageable. Thicker than expected. Jen couldn't wait to get his cock inside her pussy. He might be a cuckold, and a bit pathetic, but a nice cock was a nice cock and Jen needed it.

That's what she wanted! A good fucking! Jim's manhood was big enough to satisfy her, especially his girth. Even if he was a passive cuckold, Jen could get on top and ride him hard until she came. That's what she craved, the feeling of being full, and a massive orgasm!

Jen looked at her watch. 630. They'd put Anna down at 715. Talk to Mike to fill him in. That wouldn't take much time, she knew he would be up for it. Say 15 minutes. Call Jim, he taxies over. 8 o'clock. An hour and a half. In 90 minutes she'd be fucking Jim. She couldn't wait!


"What's got you so happy?" Mike asked his wife a little later. He was grinning. Jen had gotten home all smiles and looking excited.

"Later after we put Anna down," Jen said grinning. She leaned over and whispered "We might play the game tonight."

"What game mommy?" Anna said, the toddler hearing everything between her parents.

Mike's eyes went wide, suddenly excited. Keeping her eyes on him, Jen said to their baby, "A mommy-daddy game pumpkin."

After feeding Anna, they played games and then read stories until the baby fell asleep. Mike practically dragged Jen out of the nursery and into the living family. "What?" he asked excitedly.

Jen giggled. "You won't believe what happened today," she said excitedly. "Jim came to see me."

"Jim, as in Stacy and Jim?" Mike asked, suddenly wary.

"Yes!" Jen said still excited. She didn't notice Mike's mood change. "You won't believe it. He wants to do me. And Stacy wants him to."

"What?" Mike snapped, getting angry.

Jen didn't noticed Mike's anger, she assumed he was just excited. "Yeah! Stacy's focused on Deshawn, she's depriving Jim. So she let him out of his cage and said he could play with me." Jen edged towards her husband and gently squeezed his crotch. She teased "Jim's kinda big too. He's bigger than you baby."

"What did you do with him?!" Mike shouted angrily. He was so loud it was a miracle he didn't wake up Anna.

"What?" Jen said, finally realizing something was wrong.

"What the fuck did you do with Jim?!" Mike hissed in a lower (but more dangerous) voice now. "Did you fuck him?!"

"Mike, what?" Jen said confused. "You said you wanted me to. You said I had a free pass."

"But not Jim!" Mike yelled glaring at her. He had his fists clenched. Jen noticed and was suddenly afraid. This was not like Mike at all. What was going on?

"But he's your friend," Jen said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. She rubbed Mike's chest. "You like when I play with people we know. You say that all the time."

"But not Jim!" Mike repeated, suddenly gripping Jen's shoulders hard.

"Mike you're scaring me," Jen whined tears flowing down her cheeks now. "I don't understand, what did I do wrong?"

Jen started sobbing. Her crying seemed to break Mike out of his furious rage. Feeling numb he let her shoulders go. Jen immediately collapsed into his chest, gripping his shirt. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she said between tears. "I thought you'd like it."

"What did I do wrong?" she asked as she continued crying. "You wanted to play last night. You said I could. Jim's your friend. What did I do wrong?"

"Jim's a cuckold," Mike growled in a low voice. His fury was gone but he was still angry. "You can't be with him. I told you at the party."

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"When we were watching Stacy and Deshawn," Mike said angrily. "I told you Jim's not allowed to touch you."

"Mike, baby, I'm sorry," Jen said calming down a little but her cheeks still wet from tears. "I'm sure you did but I don't remember."

"Don't you remember Jim touching you?"

"I mean, kinda I guess, I don't know," she sputtered, telling the truth. So much had happened that night and Jim was not the man (men) she'd been focused on. "Mike baby, I'm sure you told me but I don't remember." She kissed his arm. "I'm so sorry baby."

Still not understanding, Jen gently asked "You're upset because Jim has fantasies like you?"

Mike hesitated. He didn't want to answer. It was too demeaning, too revealing of his insecurities. But he realized he had to explain or else this might happened again. "Jim's a cuck like me," he explained. "What if you like fucking him? What if you got infatuated with him? What would that say about me?"

Jen nodded slowly, processing this. She was beginning to understand. Her physical attraction to gorgeous, well-endowed alpha guys was one thing. Mike could understand why she would prefer "real men" like that over him. But all that didn't work with a cuckold like Jim.

Jen marveled at the subtleties of Mike's fantasies. What turned him on, what didn't, and how a slight change this way or that could turned things from one to the other. But maybe everyone was like that. Take herself. She was physically attracted to men she knew weren't good for her. How fucked up was that?

"I understand now baby," Jen said. She kissed him. "I'm sorry." She kissed him again. "I won't do it again." She kissed him yet again.

"Did you fuck him?" Mike asked, his emotions still raw.

"No, I ..."

"What?!" Mike growled.

Jen buried her head in Mike's chest. She whispered "I went down on him."

"He came in your mouth?" Mike said glaring at her. "You swallowed it?"

Jen hesitated. "... yes," she admitted.

"Take off your clothes," he demanded.


"Take off your fucking clothes!" he repeated angrily.

Jen quickly stripped. "Should I leave the stockings on?" she asked meekly.

"All of it!" Mike said with a glare. Jen quickly took off her high heels and peeled off her stockings.

Mike pulled Jen into their bedroom and pushed her onto the bed. He impaled her in a single thrust. He fucked her hard and fast. "You're mine!" he said looking into her eyes.

"I know, I'm yours," Jen agreed.

"You do what I say!" Mike said pounding her pussy.

"I will," Jen promised.

Mike came, lunging into his wife, shooting his cum into her.

Afterwards Jen cuddled Mike. She kissed him over and over. "I belong to you," she said reassuringly. "I'm your wife, I'm yours."

A little later Jen was on her side and Mike was spooning her. She looked off into the darkness. Their love making (fucking) had been different. None of their usual pillow talk. Mike hadn't asked how big Jim was, whether she found him attractive.

The fucking hadn't been about pleasure, or their game. It'd been about Mike reclaiming her. Making her his again.

Jen felt Mike's hand move to her pussy. She felt his other hand cup her breast and thumb her nipple. "You haven't cum," he whispered into her ear.

Jen turned around to face him. "You scared me," she said to him.

Mike didn't apologize. Yes, he felt regret and the anger was gone. It wasn't really Jen's fault, he did give her a free pass, and hadn't fully explained his reservations about Jim. But he couldn't apologize.

Jen didn't make it hard on him. "I'll always be your girl," she said kissing his lips. "I'll always be yours."

Mike kissed her back. As they made out, he played with her breasts and clit. Jen reached down and stroked his cock (he was hard again).

Soon they found a rhythm. Knowing each other's bodies, they adjusted so they would cum together.

Their tongues danced as their orgasms hit. Mike's ejaculation splashed against Jen's stomach as her toes curled and she moaned into her husband's mouth from her climax.

They held each other tightly, panting into the other's face. Physically and emotionally exhausted, they both drifted to sleep. Just as Jen fell asleep, she realized she lay in Mike's cum. She didn't mind, that's where she wanted to be.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 14

[This chapter continues Book 2: Rivals]

The next day, Mike got a call on his iPhone while at school. It was Colonel Banks. "You want to be briefed?" he said. "There's a meeting this weekend."

Mike considered for a moment. Then he said "Where?" Banks gave him a flight number out of LaGuardia, then hung up.

"You're sure this is a good idea?" the Secretary of Homeland Security said doubtfully. "Bringing him in?" The FBI and NSA Directors looked concerned too. This was the unofficial "Big 4," the men most responsible for the defense of the United States against internal and external terrorist attacks. (The CIA Director, being an ineffective political appointee, wasn't part of their group.)

"He hacked into the ISIS website in less than a day," Banks reminded the group. "Our people would still be trying to decipher that thumb drive."

"He's susceptible to extortion, blackmail," the NSA Director said waving Mike's file. They all knew about Mike's lifestyle (and had salivated over the pictures of Jen in the file, although none would admit that).

"I doubt it," the FBI Director said. He'd studied the file too. "I don't think they care what people think."

"I agree," Colonel Banks said. He remembered Mike's interrogation. "We put him through a lot and he never cracked. He's a tough fuck."

"Forget all that," the Secretary said impatiently. He was the most political of the group, with ambitious aspirations of higher office someday (maybe with the next administration if Hillary didn't fuck it up). "It's JJ we have to worry about. If he hears about this -."

"Why does he need to know?" the FBI Director said.

"Are you serious?" the Secretary said with a humorless laugh. "This is Jonathan Jakes we're talking about."


"You didn't call," Jim said to Jen on the phone. He was clearly disappointed.

"I talked to Mike," Jen said lowering her voice even though she was alone in her office. "He doesn't want to."

"I knew he had something against me," Jim said sourly.

"It's not that Jim. He likes you, you're his friend," Jen assured him.

"Then why?"

Jen hesitated. She didn't want to betray Mike, but felt she owed Jim some explanation. She said "Because you have fantasies like him."

Jim didn't understand. "Because I have fantasies ..." Then he got it. "Mike doesn't want his wife with another cuck?"

"That's it," Jen said with a laugh. She had the strangest conversations.

Jim thought about it for a minute. "Can I talk to him about it?" he asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Jen said warily.

"We're mates right?" Jim pressed. "So I should be able to talk to him about it."

"I don't want trouble Jim. Mike got really upset last night."

"You told him what we did?" Jim asked.

"I tell Mike everything," Jen said bristling.

"Everything?" Jim asked with a raised eyebrow. "You told him I fingered you, and you came hard?"

Jen grimaced. It'd been after Jim came in her mouth. She'd been soooo hot. And she thought she had a freaking free pass! She hadn't been able to resist when Jim reached under her skirt. "I'd rather you didn't tell him that," she said whispering again.

"I won't," Jim promised. "But I need to talk to him. We need to clear the air between us."


Later that night, Mike said "I can't make the party on Saturday. I have a meeting with my new job."

"The government job?" Jen asked surprised. Mike hadn't mentioned it since that meeting with Colonel Banks. "What's the meeting about?"

"Just background briefing, nothing exciting," Mike said, trying to downplay things. He didn't know what he was allowed to say to Jen.

Jen gave him a knowing smile. "Is this an excuse so you don't have to go to the party?"

Mike grinned. "That's just a side benefit," he joked. He looked at her with a sly smile. "This way you can get to know Frank Tower better."

Jen sighed inside. Back and forth, back and forth. That's how Mike was. Last night he'd been so upset about Jim. Now he wanted her to play with Frank? Alone, without him?

Speaking of Jim, she needed to tell Mike something. "Jim called me," she hesitantly told him. She quickly added "I told him you said no. He said he'll call you."

Mike's smile faded. "Fine, I'll talk to him," he said with his lips pressed together.

Jen took his arm, leaning into him. "When will you be home baby?"

"Sunday afternoon probably, why?"

Jen kissed his arm. She said "You said we'd play this weekend."

Mike looked at his wife. She kind of had a cum face on. "You're horny after talking to Jim?" he said eyeing her.

"Not Jim, I don't care about him," Jen said, wishing the Jim thing had never happened. "I'm just horny," she said with an embarrassed giggle. She kissed his arm again. "You like me this way right?"

Mike couldn't help grinning. "Yeah," he said. "Why don't you play with Frank?"

"Too complicated," Jen said. "Besides, I want you there. It's our game." She kissed his arm again.

"You think Frank would be okay with me watching?" Mike asked.

"If I ever do something with Frank - which I doubt - I'll make sure you get to watch," Jen assured him.

Mike grinned at his wife. "After I get home Sunday then," he suggested.

"Should I call someone?" Jen pressed.

"You ARE horny aren't you?" Mike teased with a delighted laugh.

"Don't be a jerk," she said with a pretend pout and hit on his arm. "So should I set something up?"

"You have someone in mind?" Mike asked, excited and intrigued.

"Yeah but ... I'm not sure I have the guts to do it," Jen said with a downcast smile.

"Who? Deshawn? That other black guy?" Mike asked excitedly.

"Carl," Jen reminded him. "I'd rather not say. In case I chicken out."


(Saturday morning)

A car met Mike at the Ronald Regan airport and drove him to the headquarters of the Cyber Anti-Terrorism Task Force (CATF) located a few miles outside Washington DC in Virginia. He felt growing anxiety as they neared the facility where he'd been held prisoner and tortured for almost a year. He forced himself to not show his nervousness, he didn't want to give Banks that.

Mike met with Allen and Trent. Allen was Chief Scientist. Trent was Banks's Chief of Staff.

"Where's Banks?" Mike asked.

"Colonel Banks doesn't attend these low level meetings," Trent said dismissively, emphasizing "Colonel."

Mike immediately disliked Trent. Also, he found Banks's power games to be childish.

Mike knew Allen from before, when he'd been held prisoner here. He could relate to Allen better, since he was a scientist. He considered Allen almost human, if that was possible in this godforsaken place.

Trent and Allen briefed Mike on the current terrorist landscape. They briefed him on the bad guys, their leaders, their tactics, their funding sources. In the modern world, computers and the internet were critically important to every organization and that included terrorist groups. If CATF could tap into that, electronically infiltrate terrorist computers and communications, then the world would be a lot safer for everyone.

Then it was Mike's turn. To a large audience, he explained how he deciphered the thumb drive and hacked into the ISIS website. Most of the audience (all software and intelligence gurus from CATF, NSA, FBI and CIA) had heard of Mike through Sapphire, Liberty-Gate and Apple. The meeting went long into the evening as they peppered Mike with questions. By the end of the day Mike was exhausted and collapsed into his bed. He called Jen briefly to tell her he was okay but was too tired to talk about her day.

The next morning (Sunday) was more of the same. As Mike was about to go catch his flight back to New York, he was briefly introduced to the CATF's "brain trust," a small group of men and women tasked with solving the biggest cyber threats facing the United States. Everyone was gray haired and at least 25 years older than Mike. There were more than a few Nobel Laureates among the elite group.

Mike raised an eyebrow at a long series of mathematical expressions scratched on a white board. "What's that?" he asked.

"Our quandary," Abraham said with a humorless laugh. Abraham was one of the Nobel Laureates and the unofficial leader of the brain trust. "As you may know, we're close to developing quantum computers. MIT is close. So is Intel. Other companies are close too, including a few outside the US. Here's our quandary. Is it possible to break encryption done by quantum computers? If not, then the United States needs to ban or severely limit their development."

"You're just trying to figure out if it's possible?" Mike asked, intrigued.

"You make it sound so easy," Abraham said with another humorless laugh. Some of the others laughed too. He motioned to the complicated math on the board. "We've been working on it for a year."

"But," Mike said, pointing to a point halfway down the white board. "It looks like you're using a deterministic approach."

"That's right," Abraham confirmed, looking curiously at Mike.

Mike studied the board. He said "I'm not sure the solution time is bounded by a polynomial. I think it's an NP problem, not a P-problem." Among mathematicians, NP was "nondeterministic polynomial" and P was a problem bounded by a polynomial.
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Abraham's mouth dropped open. "You're saying -."

"I don't know, I only just looked at it," Mike said. "But maybe it makes sense to look at it using a nondeterministic Turing approach."

Allen walked into the room. "We have to get you to the airport," he said.

Mike hurriedly said goodbye to Abraham and the rest of the brain trust, then picked up his small travel bag. He limped slightly as he followed Allen out.

Mike was intrigued by their "quandary" but he needed to get home. He wanted to find out what happened last night at Frank's party, and he hoped to play the game tonight. Thinking of that, he called Jen.

"Hey baby," he said when Jen answered. "I'm on my way to the airport. How did it go last night?"

"Can you talk?" Jen asked.

Mike eyed Allen, who was driving. "I guess not," he said.

"I'll tell you later then," Jen said. "How'd your meeting go?"

"How's Frank?" Mike asked.

"I'll tell you later baby," Jen whispered.

Mike's cock twitched in his pants. If Jen was reluctant to say on the phone, then something must have happened with Frank. "What are you doing now?"

"I'm getting ready to go out," Jen said. "Maggie's babysitting again."

"So ... you called your friend?" Mike asked, eyeing Allen again.

"Yeah ... I kinda hope something happens tonight," Jen whispered.

Mike could hear the horniness in his wife's voice. She probably had her cum face on. He desperately wanted to know what happened last night and who she was about to meet with. "Am I meeting you at home, or someplace else?" Mike asked choosing his words carefully so as not to reveal anything to Allen.

"We're meeting at Death & Co.," Jen said, referring to the latest "it" bar in New York City where they handcrafted classic and new wave cocktails.

"Okay," Mike said.

"How'd your meeting go?" Jen asked again.

"Good, I'll tell you later," Mike said evasively. "I'm looking forward to tonight. I love you."

"I am too," Jen said with a giggle. "I love you too baby."

After hanging up, Mike asked Allen "What can I tell my wife about what I'm doing for CATF?"

"You shouldn't say anything Mike," Allen said seriously. "I don't mean to be melodramatic. But it's for your family's safety."

"What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"It's always been a concern, but it's worse now with social media," Allen said. "Your wife might say something on Facebook. You don't want to be targeted."

"Targeted by terrorists? In New York City?" Mike said incredulously.

"You and your wife travel abroad, right?" Allen said. "Don't call attention to yourself Mike. We fighting ruthless, evil people. You don't want to get on any lists. This is a dangerous business, you have to be careful."


As Mike drove with Allen to the airport, Colonel Banks stared at the monitor showing the brain trust furiously debating Mike's idea. They were erasing the bottom half of the board and frantically scratching out new equations. He assumed they were following up on Mike's idea. A nondeterministic Turing approach? What the fuck was that?

How was it Mike Andrews deciphered the thumb drive when his staff failed? How did Mike Andrews hack into the ISIS website in under a day? How was it possible Mike Andrews hand waves at a white board and sends his brain trust of Nobel Laureates scrambling?

"What the fuck do I have with Mike Andrews?" Colonel Banks wondered to himself.


[Flashback to 6AM Saturday morning]

When Mike awoke Jen was already up, looking at him. "When do you go to the airport?" she asked.

"Not until 8," Mike said.

"Anna's not up yet," Jen said. She had a desperate look on her face. She traced her fingertip along Mike's lips. "Can you do something for me baby?"

Mike grinned at her. He pulled the covers off and got between his wife's legs. She wasn't wearing panties, she must have already prepared for this. Her pussy lips glistened with excitement. "You're wet," he said.

"I can't help it," Jen said with a giggle. "I told you my nympho switch is back on."

"Do you fantasize about big cocks at work?" Mike asked running his finger between her lips.

Jen moaned and arched her back as he touched her clit. "I try to keep busy," she joked. She reached for his head. "Come on baby," she said pleadingly.

Mike never denied his wife. He lowered his head and began eating her. It didn't take long before Jen was writhing on the bed, and then she came all over Mike's face.

Jen had barely stopped panting when she pulled Mike on top of her. "I want you inside me," she said, still clearly horny.

"You should save yourself for Frank tonight," Mike teased.

"Nothing's going to happen with Frank or anyone tonight," Jen said. She pushed Mike onto his back and got on top, straddling his hips. With her hand she guided his cock into her.

"Have you set it up for tomorrow?" Mike asked excitedly as Jen rode on top of him.

"I'm still thinking about it," Jen said.

"Why won't you tell me who it is?" Mike asked.

Jen grinned. "Because it's fun making you wait," she said with a sly smile.

"Bitch," Mike said grinning back.

"You'll see how much a bitch I am if you cum too fast," Jen said, closing her eyes and riding her husband hard.

Afterwards Mike showered and dressed. "What are you doing today?" he asked.

"Just hanging with Anna until the party," she said. "Maggie's babysitting."

"I guess they'll be playing the World Cup," Mike said. "Golden State won in 6 games."

"Oh," Jen said with a shrug. She didn't really care what game they showed. The only sport she really liked to watch was college football.

"It should be good," Mike said, always the sports fan. "They're playing China. If they win they'll probably play Germany, the number one team. Their best player is coming back from injury."

"Oh, okay," Jen said trying to sound interested but not doing a very good job. She thought soccer was cool (especially women's soccer) but had never really gotten into it.

Mike tenderly ran his hand through her long blonde hair. "It's really okay with me if something happens tonight," he said encouragingly.

Jen gave him a weak smile. She was still gun-shy after what happened with Jim. She didn't want to play again unless Mike was involved. Also, she was nervous about doing anything with Frank. Yes, she was attracted to him and maybe still had a school girl crush on him. But what if she was reading the signs wrong? She didn't want to offer herself to him and then be snubbed. That would be too embarrassing.

"We'll see honey," she said noncommittally.


[Saturday evening]

Jen wore a sundress and heels to the party. She was afraid of being overdressed but this was a work thing after all.

Frank's apartment was in a high rise building right next to Central Park. It was one of the most luxurious buildings she'd ever been in. When Jen walked into his apartment she realized she was underdressed, not over. While she was in a casual sundress, the men wore expensive Italian suits and the ladies wore designer cocktail dresses. Jen frowned, embarrassed at her faux pas. They were only watching the freaking World Cup, why all the Prada and Versace evening gowns?

Jen hid her embarrassed and tried to mingle. She was tongue tied though. She couldn't believe all the famous people there. Well known politicians, actors and professional sports athletes. Was that Al Gore over there? Talking to Beyoncé? She felt like she'd stepped into another world.

Jen spotted Frank across the room. She thought he looked handsome and dashing in his suit. She marveled how men got more handsome and desirable as they aged, whereas girls just got old.

A lot of people surrounded Frank, seeming to hang on his every word. Jen recognized many of them from TV. It reminded her of his parties growing up. Now though, Frank was holding court with movie stars and Senators instead of people from their neighborhood. She couldn't help being impressed.

Jen finally ran into someone she knew. Leo. He looked nervous. "What's wrong?" Jen asked.

"Jasmine's talking to JJ," Leo said looking across the room.

Jen followed Leo's eyes. She saw Jasmine Kelly talking to an older man. Her heart sank seeing what Jasmine was wearing. An elegant Chanel dress. God. Now she felt even worse in her casual sundress.

She looked at the older man. He was balding, thin, just barely taller than Jasmine in heels. He looked unremarkable. Why was Leo so nervous?

"That's JJ?" Jen asked. "Who's he?"

"The maker of dreams," Leo joked. "Special Advisor to the President. Influential, powerful. He's been with 3 administrations."

"Bush too?" Jen asked surprised.

"JJ's well respected," Leo said with a nod. "That's what makes him so powerful."

"He doesn't look powerful," Jen said looking at JJ. She wasn't being mean, just making an observation. "I've never heard of him."

"Beware of the people who walk in the shadows Jennifer," Leo said sagely, patiently explaining the way things worked in the real world. "They're the ones with the real power."

Jen looked at Leo. He could be describing himself, as he walked in the shadows too.

"By the way, did you and Mike get what you wanted from the government?" Leo asked.

"It's complication," Jen said evasively. She didn't want to get into it with Leo. Wanting to change the subject, she looked back at Jasmine talking to JJ. She was good at reading people. She furrowed her eyebrows as she read Jasmine's and JJ's body language. "Jasmine's trying too hard," she whispered to Leo. "Whatever she's saying, he's not listening."

Leo looked even more worried. "That's not a good thing," he said. "We need JJ's support in the party." He looked at Jen. "You need to tell her."

"Me?" Jen said looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"You're on the team now Jennifer," Leo said. "I know you're not best friends. But you agree with her positions, right?"

"Ask Deidre," Jen said stubbornly.

"Jas'll listen to you on something like this," Leo pressed. "Look Jennifer, I know you don't like her. But who would you rather see in office? A conservative Republican?"

Jen sighed. "Whatever," she thought to herself. She moved across the room, waited for a good moment, then tapped Jasmine on the shoulder.

Jasmine's smile disappeared when she saw it was Jen. The 2 women were silent, looking at each other, like 2 boxers in the ring before the start of the fight. It was the first time they'd been together since Jen's "You're not giving yourself a chance to win" speech.
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Jen had to admit Jasmine looked beautiful. Part of her was glad Mike wasn't there. In fact, honestly, she'd been relieved when Mike said he wouldn't be able to go to the party.

Jen tried to be as diplomatic and non-confrontational as possible. "You're trying too hard," she said gently.

"What?" Jasmine said frowning at Jen.

"You're pressing too hard," Jen whispered. "I can see it. People aren't listening."

"I'm being myself. I'm talking about issues I care about," Jasmine said exasperated. She'd swallowed her pride and followed Jen's advice. Now the flat chested bitch was giving her shit about it?

"Yeah but, maybe ease into it," Jen said, thinking fast. She looked at the TVs playing the women's World Cup soccer match. "Do you know anyone on the US team?"

"I did a story on Alex Morgan and Abby Wambach," Jasmine said.

"Talk about that," Jen suggested. She'd vaguely heard of the players, especially Wambach.

"I'm trying to distance myself from ESPN," Jasmine said frustrated and impatient.

"Jasmine, ESPN is part of you, everyone knows you worked there," Jen said. "This is a sports party, it's appropriate. Talk about the players, what they're like, tell funny stories. Give people a reason to listen to you. Then ease into your positions."

Jen sighed as Jasmine glared at her. She could feel Jasmine casting daggers into her back as she walked away. Whatever, she did her best.

Jen looked over to Frank. He was still holding court, the crowd even larger now. She'd hoped to talk to him. Maybe flirt a little. She enjoyed his company, and liked when he looked at her.

Frank Tower surreptitiously watched Jen as she mingled and moved through the crowd. Every male head turned as she passed. He wasn't surprised. Jenny Johnson was exceptionally beautiful. She looked striking in the slim, simple sundress, a stunning contrast among the sea of expensive (and many gaudy) cocktail dresses.

Frank compared Jen to Jasmine Kelly. Both blondes were beautiful (although he preferred brunettes over blondes). Jen more leggy, Jasmine more busty. But their tits weren't the only difference.

Jasmine was ambitious, pushy, hard-driving. People skills weren't her strength (although she could be charming when she tried). When Jas was focus on something - a story, an election - she was relentless, it was like she had blinders on.

In contrast, Jenny Johnson was adorably charming, always smiling and laughing, so engaging and captivating. She'd been that way as a girl, the most popular girl in high school. She was still like that, although now she was more mature and sophisticated. Combined with her physical beauty, Jenny Johnson was delightful and practically irresistible. (He knew she was Jen Andrews now, but he still thought of her as Jenny Johnson.)

A little while later, Jen turned and found herself looking at the face of Frank Tower. "Frank," she said surprised.

Frank smiled at her. "Like the view?" he asked waving at the large window. His apartment was on the 80th floor and had a stunning view of Central Park.

"It's awesome," Jen said amazed at the incredible view.

"Leo has us going to Chicago for a fund raiser," Frank said.

"I know, he told me," Jen said with a quizzical look. "Why would people in Chicago donate to Jasmine?"

"This is Hillary's former seat," Frank reminded her. "Democrats all over the country want to see a Democrat win. Do you have a moment? I want to show you something."

"Sure," Jen said.

Frank led her down a hallway. Jen noticed as people looked their way. She felt flattered that Frank was paying her so much attention.

Frank led her to an elevator. "This goes to my office," he said as they stepped in. Jen watched as the floor indicator went from 80 to 5. They stepped out into a huge office. The office was just as luxurious and richly decorated as Frank's apartment.

"This is your office?" Jen asked in wonder.

"I work here when I'm in the City," Frank said.

Jen assumed Frank wanted to show her something involving Jasmine's campaign and their upcoming fund raiser. But instead Frank led her to a balcony. "I wanted to show you the view of the Park from this floor," he said motioning at Central Park. "The high view is impressive, but it's like a painting. I prefer this lower view, it's more real."

"Yeah," Jen said seeing what he was talking about. "It's like you're in the middle of Central Park."

"Exactly," Frank said smiling at her. "So how do you like the crowd?" he asked motioning up to his 80th floor apartment.

"Kind of intimidating," Jen said with a laugh.

"Not exactly one of our neighborhood parties in Belmont," Frank said with a grin. Belmont was where they lived, a small town outside Cambridge, MA.

"No," Jen agreed with another laugh. "Do you still have those parties?"

"No, not since Sally died," he said, sadness coming over his face. He forced a smile. "I should though. You'll come right?"

Jen noticed his mood change. His wife had died over 2 years ago yet he still wasn't over her. Hoping to cheer him up, she gave him a big smile and said enthusiastically, "I'll definitely be there."

There was an awkward silence. Jen glanced to the right and saw a reflection of herself in the glass door. Wanting to change the subject, she bemoaned, "God, I can't believe how under-dressed I am."

"You look wonderful," Frank said giving her an up and down look. "Gorgeous as always."

Jen was used to compliments over her looks, but coming from Frank she couldn't help blushing. She rubbed her arms. It was chilly outside.

"You're cold?" Frank asked. He was looking at her chest, not her face. Jen knew what he was looking at. Like her breasts, her nipples were small. But when they got hard, they got really hard. The chill in the air was making her nipples hard, and she knew they were denting her dress even through her bra. That's what Frank was looking at. "Perhaps we should go back inside," he said, his eyes lingering on her chest.

"Alright," Jen said, pretending not to notice his stares. They walked back in. "You have a lot of art," she said looking at the walls of his office.

"One of my indulgences," he said with a chuckle. "I collect Impressionist art. Let me show you." Frank walked Jen through his gallery, explaining the history of his favorite pieces. As an art fan, Jen was stunned by his collection. Renoir, Pissarro, Monet, Matisse, Cezanne, van Gogh. She felt like she was back in her college art history class. She knew Frank was rich, but she never realized he was this rich.

As they toured his collection, Frank walked just behind Jen. Jen's sundress was partially backless, from just below her bra strap to a few inches above her ass. Walking behind her, Frank had a great view of her toned back. The sundress hugged her curves, so his view also included Jen's incredible ass. He found himself getting hard.

As they moved from a Renoir to a Matisse, Frank put his hand on Jen's bare back like he was guiding her. Jen felt his hand on her back of course. She didn't encourage him. She didn't okay his touching with a smile, or lean back into his hand. But she didn't pull away from his hand either.

Frank stood close behind Jen as they looked at the Matisse. Despite his wealth, his hand felt rough and calloused. Jen liked that. For a moment, she imagined those rough hands on her breasts, on her ass, rubbing her clit. The thoughts made her pussy tingle.

Frank stood so close behind Jen she could feel his breath on the back of her neck as he described the Matisse. There was electricity between them. Jen found herself breathing harder. Did Frank feel it too? The sexual tension?

Jen knew if she took a half step back she would rub up against him. She didn't, but was tempted. She wanted to know if he was hard. She wanted to know if he was big.

Then as he pointed out a detail in the painting, Frank leaned closer. He momentarily pressed his crotch against the back of her thigh. Was it intentional? It didn't matter. Jen knew now. Frank was hard and felt big.

Jen was so horny. Her nympho switch was back on, and that thing with Jim - while a disaster - had also been a tease. She needed fucked.

Jen imagined Frank pushing her against the wall right next to the Matisse. She imagined him pulling up her skirt and ripping off her panties. She imagined him taking out his cock and ramming it into her. She knew he would fuck her hard. Frank was that kind of man.

Jen felt flushed with these thoughts. Would she let him fuck her if he tried? She had a thing for older men, and Frank was handsome, powerful, charismatic. The wicked naughtiness of fucking her friend Sophie's father turned her on even more. Frank was unattached so she wouldn't have to deal with the moral issues of bedding a married man. On top of all that, she had Mike's permission to do what she wanted.

At that moment Jen's iPhone rang. She looked at the screen. It was Mike.

"Hi baby," Jen said into the phone. She looked at Frank and mouthed "my husband." She stepped a few feet away. "How'd your meeting go?" she asked.

"Pretty exhausting, I'm wiped," Mike said. "I'm going to bed. I just wanted to let you know I'm okay." Jen had worried about Mike returning to the place they held him prisoner. Mike had been anxious about that too but hadn't told her that. "Are you at the party?" he asked.

"Yeah, you won't believe all the famous people here, I saw Beyonce," Jen gushed. She decided not to mention to Mike that she was with Frank at that very moment. She knew Mike would ask a lot of questions, and that would be uncomfortable with Frank standing just a few feet away.

After hanging up with Mike, Jen said "I guess we should go back up."

"Oh alright, if that's what you want," Frank said looking disappointed.

Jen saw his disappointment. She suspected he was hoping for more than just a tour of his art collection. Jen was definitely tempted to get intimate with Frank, and she knew Mike would be all for it. But ironically, talking to Mike had broken the moment. After hearing her husband's voice, she felt uneasy about doing anything with Frank. She wasn't sure why since Mike was encouraging her to sleep with Frank.
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Back on the 80th floor, Leo watched as Jasmine talked to JJ. Unlike before, JJ was all smiles now, laughing and actively engaged in an animated conversation with Jasmine. Leo grinned happily. "Whatever Jennifer said to Jas worked," he thought to himself.

Speaking of the devil, Leo noticed Jen and Frank coming back into the room together. Leo had an idea of Jen and Mike's relationship (he thought they were swingers). He also knew something of Frank's reputation and history. Was there something up between Jennifer Andrews and Frank Tower?

"Whatever," Leo said with an unconcerned shrug. In a campaign there was always some fucking among the staff. It was inevitable given the long hours and close quarters. As long as Jen and Frank kept it out of the newspapers (and internet blogs), he didn't care what they did together. Especially since they were both really important to Jasmine's campaign.

Frank led Jen to a TV and they watched the game. "Do you like soccer?" he asked Jen.

"I've never really gotten into it," she admitted. As she watched the action on the screen she added "It's exciting though."

"It's a great sport, especially now with the US team," Frank explained. "A lot of interesting plot lines. Like Abby Wambach and Alex Morgan. They're both forwards. Abby has the record for most goals. Abby's retiring, and Alex is rising to take her place as the face of the US team. Abby followed Mia Hamm, and now Alex is following Alex. It's really interesting, the dynamics of the US team."

"Yeah," Jen said, her eyes moving between the TV and Frank. Suddenly she was interested in the game. Somehow he made it more than a game, he made it about people and the human drama.

Jen sensed people looking at them. Frank was the host of the party and in high demand, yet he was spending a lot of time with her. And here she was, with a big wedding ring on her finger, spending a lot of time with Frank. She needed to be careful, she didn't want rumors. "Frank, could you get me a drink?" she asked.

"Of course," Frank said, moving to the bar. With him gone, Jen used the opportunity to mingle with other people.


[Sunday morning]

When Jen woke up she was horny. She'd left Frank's party horny and gone to sleep horny. God she was such a slut!

Jen pushed her hand into her panties. She needed an orgasm before starting the day. She pulled up the white nightie so she could play with her nipples as she rubbed her clit. Just as she felt an orgasm approach she heard the pitter patter of little feet. Anna! Jen barely had time to push down the nightie and fix her panties before Anna walked into the bedroom.

"Hi mommy," Anna said smiling and climbing onto the bed.

"Fuck," Jen silently thought as she hugged her daughter. Her pussy throbbed, she so needed release. But now she wouldn't have a chance to get herself off until Anna's afternoon nap.

She knew it wouldn't matter though. Rubbing herself to an orgasm would provide only limited relief. She needed to be penetrated, filled, stretched. Jen had toys but they only went so far. What she needed was a man who would take control of her body and fuck her really hard and rough.

Mike would be home later today. While she loved her husband dearly, she knew he wouldn't be able to give her what she needed. Mike fulfilled her heart and soul, but not her body. Not when she was nympho horny the way she was right now.

Jen had a backup plan, a potential lover for tonight. She'd been reluctant to call him, but now she really needed it. She was fairly certain Mike would get off on her chosen lover, but she'd make sure before doing anything. Still, she had to set things up. With a mischievous smile, she picked up her phone and sent a text to the man she had in mind.

[Sunday afternoon at Reagan Airport outside DC]

Mike thanked Allen for the ride and entered the terminal. He looked unhappily at the flight status board. His flight was delayed. He'd hoped to meet Jen at home and go over to Death & Co. together. Now with the delay of his flight he'd have to go directly to the bar and meet Jen there.

His phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. He frowned seeing it was Jim. "Yes?" Mike said tersely.

"Hey mate, it's me, Jim," Jim said. He'd heard the displeasure in Mike's voice. "Do you have a minute Mike?" he asked warily. "I want to clear the air about Jen."

"You hit on my wife," Mike said accusingly.

"You're right Mike, I fucked up," Jim admitted. "I should have talked to you first."

"Yeah, you should have," Mike said, angry and annoyed.

"I fucked up Mike," Jim said again. "I just thought, I don't know ... I guess I thought you'd get off on it."

"With you hitting on my wife?" Mike asked incredulously.

Jim felt just as incredulous. "Mike, I mean, come on," he said gently. "I know you're into that."

"Not with you!" Mike growled. His voice was getting so loud people in the airport were turning to look at him. Mike moved to a semi-deserted area of the gate.

"I knew you had a problem with me," Jim said. "Is it because I'm a cuck? You know I used to be a bull."

"I don't get that," Mike said.

"Yeah well," Jim said with a laugh. He didn't quite get it either. He shrugged. "I'm decent looking, never had complaints in bed. I guess I kind of fell into it. When I was young my purpose in life was to get as much pussy as possible." Jim laughed at himself. "One night I hooked up with a married woman. She seduced me, not the other way around." He laughed at the memory. "She wasn't hot - I mean, she was okay - but any pussy feels good in the dark, right?" He laughed again. "That started it. I discovered married pussy was easier to get than single girls. Then I started meeting dudes who got off seeing their wives fucked. That started me being a bull."

"So, how did you become a cuck?" Mike asked, so intrigued by Jim's story he forgot his annoyance (at least momentarily).

"Fucking around was just a hobby," Jim said. "I had normal relationships too. My girlfriend before Stacy - her name was Penny - she caught me cheating. It's a long story - we broke up, got back together, talked a lot. Anyway, me and Penny ended up swinging together. That's when it started Mike. I saw Penny with her legs up in the air getting fucked by another man, and that got me more turned on than the pussy I was fucking. That's how the cuck thing started."

"So I understand you Mike, I know what gets you hot," Jim continued gently.

"What's that?" Mike shot back, although he knew what Jim was going to say.

"Your pretty wife giving another man a blowjob while you're home taking care of Anna," Jim said simply. "Come on mate, be honest. We're friends. Don't tell me you haven't jacked off on that."

Mike flushed. Recovering, he sarcastically shot back, "Friends, right. You seduce my wife without talking to me first."

"I said I was sorry," Jim said. "I was gonna talk to you. It wouldn't have been just me. We'd do Jen together."

"Oh, so you had it all figured out," Mike said with icy sarcasm.

"No Mike, that's not what I meant, it's just a possibility," Jim said imploringly. Showing his sexual frustration, he said "Stacy's got me all fucked up. It's starting with Deshawn, just like with Darren before."

"What's she doing?" Mike asked, suddenly interested.

"She's exclusive with Deshawn right now," Jim said. He added bitterly "Deshawn moved in. He's sleeping in my bed, eating my food. They're not fucking, Stacy's getting over her period. But they're hugging, holding hands, kissing. She's treating me like a roommate, not her husband. She won't hug me, the most I get is a peck on the cheek. I can't touch her or see her naked. She says she has to give herself completely to Deshawn to have a better chance of getting pregnant."

"I thought that turns you on," Mike said, his cock achingly hard in his pants.

"It does turn me on, that's why I need a fuck buddy," Jim said with a laugh.

"But why MY wife?" Mike said.

"It doesn't have to be I guess," Jim said, resignation in his voice. "It'd just be nice if the girl was a friend." He gave another suffering laugh. "It'd feel good to have some female affection."

Mike didn't respond as he processed this. Jim wanted more than just sex with Jen. He wanted to cuddle, hold hands, whispered sweet nothings.

"I know what you're thinking," Jim said. "I'm not trying to cuck you Mike. We could share Jen. Threesomes, you know? It'd only be a few weeks, two months max. By then Stacy will be pregnant."

"What happens then?" Mike asked, his voice hoarse from excitement.

"It depends on Deshawn," Jim said with a shrug. "He'll still be around. I know Stacy wants that. But men like Deshawn, he'll move on to someone else. He gets off fucking white wives, getting them pregnant. Once he's knock up Stacy he'll want another girl. He might try to hook up with Jen." Jim added a laugh to make his last statement sound like a joke.

"Jen's not into black," Mike said. "We haven't talked about another baby."

Jim asked hesitantly "Do you want that? Stacy could talk to Jen."

"... I don't know," Mike said after a long hesitation.

"Mike are you as hard as I am?" Jim asked with an embarrassed laugh. "Just talking about it gets me hot."

"Yeah," Mike agreed with his own laugh.

"Can you think about it? About Jen?" Jim asked pleadingly. "She's so beautiful. And a friend. It'd just be mercy fucks, I swear Mike."

"You're asking for more than that," Mike pointed out.

"I'm not trying to cuck you," Jim pressed. Laughing to make it sound like a joke, he said "Think of it as a new twist in your game." Then he added seriously "It'll just be temporary, a couple months max. Then I'll have Stacy back."

Mike didn't say anything for long moments, thinking. He finally said "I'll think about it."
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 15

[This chapter continues Book 2: Rivals]

Jen sat across from Biff in her office. All afternoon she'd recited status updates and action items as her intern Biff frantically took notes. As evening descended they were finally done. "Thanks for coming in on a Sunday," she said giving Biff a grateful smile. She motioned to all the client files strewn around her office. "I got behind working on Jasmine's campaign. Today's been great to catch up."

"It must be great working for Jasmine Kelly," Biff gushed.

"Not really," Jen said with a sour look. "She's not like on TV. She's not a nice person."

"Oh," Biff said surprised. "Do you trust her?"

Jen frowned. That was a complicated question. The bottle blonde bitch around her husband? Definitely not. But as a reporter, a politician? Jasmine had helped Mike. She was a liberal Democrat but was open to traditional conservative positions like defense and tax reform. She was passionate about things she cared about. "I guess," Jen reluctantly admitted with a shrug.

Wanting to change the subject, Jen smiled and said "You have to let me buy you a drink. For helping today."

"Oh okay," Biff said, surprised but definitely up to spend time with his beautiful boss.

"Awesome," Jen said giving Biff another brilliant smile. "How about Death & Co? We can taxi over."

Jen purposefully stood in front of Biff as they waited for a cab. She could feel his eyes on her ass. She'd noticed him looking at her throughout his semester internship. She'd done some looking too (although she was more subtle about it). Bill was smart and shy. He reminded her a little of Mike. And Biff was sooo cute with his curly brown hair, bright blue eyes and boyish grin.

Once at Death & Co Jen sat with Biff at the bar. She noticed him watching as she crossed her legs. While her outfit appeared casual, she'd spent extra time thinking about what to wear for her young intern. She wore skinny jeans with cute black ankle boots that made her long legs seem even longer.

Jen also had on a casual peasant top. The top was loose so it didn't hug her body. But the top had a swoop neckline that afforded peaks of the swell of her bosom. Also, when she leaned over you could see right down to her belly button. Underneath the top she wore a silk, unlined lacy bra that molded itself around her small perky tits.

"You know, I'm only 19," Biff said looking anxious as the bartender approached.

"Oh, like you don't have a fake ID," Jen teased with a laugh.

"Yeah but, I'm not sure it'll work here," Biff said glancing nervously around the crowded bar. He was used to flashing his fake ID at dive bars around campus, not uber trendy "Sex In the City" type bars like Death & Co.

"Be confident and you'll be fine," Jen whispered to Biff as the bartender approached. She squeezed his thigh encouragingly.

"What can I get you guys?" the friendly bartender asked moments later.

"A Cosmo for me," Jen said.

"I, ah, I guess I'll have a Corona," Biff said nervously.

The bartender eyed him suspiciously. "Got an ID?" he said.

"He's with me," Jen said before Biff could say anything. She gave the bartender a mischievous, dazzling smile. "I'll make sure he gets home okay." Jen gave Biff a motherly pat on his leg.

The bartender looked at Jen's beautiful face, her sexy smile. "Okay, whatever," he said with a chuckle. He'd bartended for years, seen a lot. So a hot older chick wanted to get laid by a teenager? So what? He had no problem with that. In fact, he was envious of the kid.

Biff frowned. On the one hand he was ecstatic to be out alone with his boss. He so admired Jen, she was a marketing genius. On top of that, she was drop dead gorgeous. She had it all, and she intimidated the hell out of him. The fact she was 10 years older made it even worse. But still, he was a guy and she was a girl. He didn't like the fact she covered for him.

"I am confident you know," Biff said. "I'm just getting used to this bar's vibe."

"I know that Biff," Jen assured him, giving his thigh another reassuring squeeze.

Biff's cock jerked when Jen touched him. She'd touched his leg three times now. WTF? Then it occurred to him. Was it possible his boss was hitting on him? No, no way. He was a nub college sophomore. She was Jen-FUCKING-Andrews, the marketing god, the conqueror of Google and Memphis, the political consultant of Jasmine Kelly, the gorgeous hottie with legs that didn't quit. No way Jennifer Andrews was interested in him.

Then again ... there were those rumors about Jen. About the wild parties in Vegas and Penn State. About hooking up with Scott and other guys in the office. About how she lusted over big cocks and getting fucked hard from behind.

"What are you thinking?" Jen asked.

Biff blushed, realizing he was staring at Jen. Fortunately he was saved when the bartender delivered their drinks. "Lime?" the bartender asked.

"Uh, no thanks," Biff said.

"Here's to your internship," Jen said clinking Biff's limeless Corona with her martini glass. "It's almost over right?"

"Yeah, 3 more weeks, I'm gonna miss it," Biff said honestly. He loved working for Jen, her clients were incredibly exciting. Getting to be in her company on a daily basis was a big bonus of course.

"You let me know if you ever need a recommendation," Jen told him.

"Thanks Ms. Andrews," Biff said.

"Oh god, will you stop calling me that?" Jen said with a laugh. Squeezing his leg again, she said "You make me feel so old."

Biff's cock jerked again. "She's touched me 4 times!" he thought to himself.

"Call me Jen," Jen continued smiling at him. "So what's the story with Biff?"

"It's my dad's name," Biff said.

"You're Biff Jr.?" Jen said with a grin. "You know how preppy that is right? I bet you're on the squash team at NYU."

"Crew," Biff said grinning back.

"That's just as bad," Jen said with a laugh, squeezing Biff's thigh again.

Biff's cock jerked again at Jen's hand on his leg. He was starting to get hard. He didn't know what was going on. Jen seemed to be flirting with him. Then again, maybe she was just being friendly. Biff had an aunt who was about Jen's age (his dad's youngest sister). Because they were only about 10 years apart, his aunt treated Biff more like a friend than a nephew. Was that what was going on now? Jen was treating him like a friend instead of her intern, since his internship was ending?

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Jen asked as she sipped her Cosmo.

"No, Mandy and I broke up," Biff said. "We've been going together since high school. We needed a break."

"Oh I'm sorry," Jen said, rubbing Biff's leg again. Biff was seriously starting to get hard. He hoped Jen didn't look down at his crotch and see his erection, that would be too embarrassing. "Do you think you'll get back together?" Jen asked.

"I don't know, probably," Biff said with a shrug. "I thought we should see other people."

"You mean you want to see other girls," Jen said with a "I get it" teasing smile. The bartender came back and they ordered another round. There was a break in their conversation as the bartender served up another Cosmo for Jen and Corona for Biff.

"So how's that working for ya?" Jen asked when they were alone again (to the extent you can be alone when shoulder-to-shoulder in a crowded bar).

"Seeing other girls?" Biff asked.

"No, drinking Coronas without a lime," Jen teased. "Yes, seeing other girls," she added with a laugh.

Biff took a moment to answer. He felt way off-balance. Jen was older, successful, and incredibly beautiful. He felt like she was a supernova and he just a meaningless thing lost in her stunning brightness. What the heck was he doing here drinking with Jennifer-FUCKING-Andrews? He felt so out of his league.

Still, Biff didn't want to come across as a wimp. The fact was, he held his own with the girls.

"I do okay," Biff said modestly.

"Okay, details please," Jen said with a laugh, taking a gulp of her Cosmo.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like, when did you break up with Mandy?" Jen asked. "How many girls have you been with since then?"

"Been with?"

"You don't know what I mean?" Jen teased challengingly.

"I know what you mean," Biff said defensively.

Jen heard the defensiveness in the 19 year old's voice. She smiled at him and said "Don't get upset Biff we're just talking." As she said that she squeezed his thigh again. Jen knew she was egging Biff on but that's what girls did to boys.

"Okay," Biff said uncertainly. He still felt off-balanced but he definitely liked when Jen touched his leg.

"So ...?" Jen prompted with a sly smile.

"We broke up in February," Biff said. He proudly added "I've been with 8 girls since then."

"You broke up with Mandy on Valentine's day?" Jen said. "You're a real heartbreaker Biff."

Alarmed, Biff hurriedly said "No I -."

"I'm just teasing Biff," Jen said with a laugh. "There are more breakups around Valentine's day than any other time. I think I read that in Cosmo."

"Yeah," Biff said uncertainly, looking relieved that Jen didn't think harshly of him.

"Hmmm, 8 girls in 4 months," Jen said, looking off into the distant as if contemplating Biff's score ratio. As she did Jen trailed her fingertips down the edge of her swoop top. Just as she reached the soft swell of her breasts, she trailed her fingers back up. She pretended to do this absentmindedly, but she noticed Biff's eyes glued on her fingers. She'd already noticed his hard-on, and saw the tent in his pants getting even bigger.

"Did you say something?" Jen abruptly asked, her fingertips finally stopping their up and down movement and resting on the gold chain around her elegant neck.

"Uh, no," Biff said, jerking his eyes from Jen's chest back to her face.

Jen smiled. She said "8 girls in 4 months, you're a real player Biff."

Biff was starting to get when Jen was serious and when she was teasing. He could tell she was teasing now. "I guess," he said with a grin back.

Jen's smile widened, pleased. She leaned closer until her lips almost touched his ear. Biff's breath caught, both because Jen was so close now he could smell her perfume and the vanilla strawberry scent of her shampoo, but mostly because now he could see right down her front! He had a clear view of her bra! It was pink and lacy and sheer. He could see her nipples!
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"I'm not surprised," Jen whispered into Biff's ear. "You're a cutie Biff."

Jen slowly leaned back, taking her time to give the 19 year old a good look down her blouse.

Biff didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt flushed. His cock was fully hard now, in fact it was the hardest it'd ever been.

"Cat got your tongue?" Jen teased with a knowing smile. "Are you okay?" she asked, putting her hand on Biff's leg again. This time though, instead of giving him a quick squeeze, she ran her hand up his thigh. She stopped just before the outline of his erection in his pants. She kept her hand there as she asked again "Are you okay honey?"

Biff's eyes grew wide. "She called me honey. Jen Andrews called me honey! And her hand's practically on my cock!" The 19 year old's head was spinning, he felt like he was going to pass out.

At that moment Jen glanced across the bar. There he was! Mike! Her heart did a flip when she saw her husband. She made eye contact with him, a silent message passing between them. Then she got off the stool. "I'll be back," she told Biff. "Little girl's room."

Jen and Mike met in the darkened corridor leaning to the bathrooms. She immediately pulled Mike deeper into the corridor to a darkened alcove.

Jen felt out of control! Flirting so brazenly with her young intern made her feel wild! She was in full nympho mode now!

"God I missed you!" Jen told Mike as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips against his. The married couple kissed urgently, their hands all over each other.

"Did you fuck Frank last night?" Mike asked between kisses.

"No but I wanted to," Jen said honestly. "God I'm so hot baby. If I don't get fucked soon I'm going to explode."

"Who is that?" Mike asked, still urgently kissing his wife.

"My intern, Biff," Jen said kissing her husband back. Giggling delightedly, she added "He's only 19, a college sophomore at NYU. Isn't he cute?"

"He looks like he's crushing on you," Mike said. He'd arrived about 15 minutes ago and immediately saw that Biff was enamored with his wife.

"Really?" Jen asked with another giggle. She liked the idea of a 19 year old crushing on her, it definitely boosted her self-esteem. "Does that bother you?"

"No," Mike said with just a moment's hesitation. Their game was always more intense when there were emotions between his wife and her lover, not just great sex. "Are you crushing on Biff?" he asked excitedly.

"Oh you'd like that right?" Jen asked with a laugh. She reached down and squeezed his cock, noticing he was rock hard. Playing into her husband's fantasies, she gushed "Biff's adorably cute, he's got the bluish eyes, and god what an ass. Yeah, I could definitely see myself with that boy."

"For just a while though right?" Mike asked, his insecurities flaring. It was the never ending cuckold conflict.

"Of course baby," Jen said rubbing her husband's chest reassuringly. She smiled inside. She knew she was pushing Mike's buttons, but she liked when he was jealous. It showed that he loved her, even though he was willing to share her body (and her affections) with other men. In some ways, Jen was more insecure than Mike. So she needed that emotional reassurance from Mike to have fun playing their game.

"How should we do this?" Jen asked her husband.

"Maggie's with Anna?" Mike asked. When Jen nodded, he suggested "Hotel room?"

"Maggie can't stay much longer," Jen said nixing that idea.

"I'll go home and let Maggie go," Mike said.

"Okay but ... it'd probably be better if Biff didn't know you were there," Jen said, knowing the college sophomore might get freaked if her husband watched as they fucked.

"I'll stay in Anna's room," Mike said, knowing their daughter was a sound sleeper. "He won't know I'm there."

"Okay but ..." Jen said uncertain, playing with the buttons on Mike's shirt.

"What?" Mike asked seeing his wife's apprehension.

"I might be with Biff a while," Jen said hesitantly. She remembered how Mike got upset when she lost control with Scott (and other men), ignoring Mike as she enjoyed the bodies of her lovers (and they enjoyed hers).

Mike's cock pulsed at the thought of his wife spending all night with Biff. Jen had a major cum face on, it would take a lot to satisfy her. Biff was young, he probably had the stamina to go multiple times. How many times would Jen cum on his cock? How much time would the sophomore spend in her exquisite pussy? Over the course of a night, would it be measured in minutes or hours? What shape would his wife's pussy be in when she finally came back to him. Mike was small, below average. Would Biff ruin her for him?

Mike felt the lust of cuckold angst as he said "I'm good with that. But he has to be gone before Anna wakes up."

Jen looked relieved. "Of course baby," she said rubbing his chest again. "He'll be gone way before that." Then she stroked Mike's erection again. "Anyway, I want some of this tonight too mister."

Mike smiled weakly at Jen. He knew she would barely feel him inside her after a night with Biff. It occurred to him that they didn't know if Biff was well endowed. At least, he didn't. Jen probably did, she always seemed able to pick the well-hung guys. Voicing his thoughts, Mike grinned and asked "So does Biff pass your hands and toilet roll test?"

Jen grinned at the memory of her high school test for measuring a man's endowment. "I'm pretty sure," she answered, having checked out Biff from afar for the last 6 months. "That turns you on right?" she asked wrapping her arms around Mike's neck and giving him a kiss.

"Yeah, that he's bigger than me," Mike admitted.

Jen giggled. It never ceased to amaze her that, because of his C-fantasies, her husband seemed to relish having a small penis.

"You better get going," Jen told Mike, rubbing his chest again.

"You want to get back to Biff," Mike said stating the obvious.

"Yeah I do," Jen said with a giggle. "I want you to tell me all about your trip."

"Okay, later," Mike said.

"Yeah, later," Jen agreed.

Jen walked back to Biff. "You didn't pick up another girl while I was away?" she said teasingly as she sat on the stool and crossed her long legs. "You're not as much a player as I thought."

Biff grinned uncertainly. He'd thought hard while Jen was away but still couldn't figure out what was going on. Was she really hitting on him? Maybe she was just being friendly, her flirting due to the Cosmopolitans (she seemed to be tipsy from the alcohol). Yeah she was superhot and he'd love to get into her pants, but he couldn't risk making a move on her. If he was reading things wrong it could mean the end of his career before it even started.

Jen knew her lipstick was smudged due to kissing Mike. She took out a small round container of pink lip gloss from her purse. She dabbed a bit on her finger, then used her finger to apply the gloss to her lips. Biff couldn't help watching of course, and Jen took her time so as to give the 19 year old a good show. After she was done, she wiped her finger on a napkin and dropped it next to her martini glass. Biff found himself staring at the sexy pink smudges of the lipstick on the napkin.

Somewhere in his brain Biff registered that Jen was talking to him. "What?" he said stupidly, finally pulling his eyes from the napkin. Not able to help himself, his eyes focused on Jen's lips. The pink lipstick fit Jen with her long blonde hair, blue eyes and angelic face. Jen didn't have super full lips (nothing like Angelina Jolie), but the lip gloss emphasized what she had, and it gave her lips a wet sexy look. Biff couldn't stop from staring at Jen's lips and mouth.

"Hello, Earth to Biff," Jen said with a smile in her voice.

"What?" Biff said again, finally tearing his eyes from Jen's mouth.

"Can I give you some advice?" Jen said with a laugh. "When you're talking to a girl, look at her eyes, not her mouth."

"Oh uh ...," Biff stammered, his cheeks turning deep red.

"Unless you're hitting on her," Jen said.

"What?" Biff said confused.

Jen gave Biff a sly smile. "Are you hitting on me Biff?" she asked in a half serious voice.

"No, god, Ms. Andrews, I mean Jen, I'm not," Biff stammered, completely off balance now.

"It's okay Biff," Jen said with another laugh. Squeezing his leg again, she said "If you call me Ms. Andrews again I'm going to have to hurt you."

Biff gave Jen a weak embarrassed smile. He didn't fail to notice that Jen touched his leg again. Again!

"But you know ...," Jen said as if thinking. Coming to a decision, she crossed her arms and said "Okay, go ahead, hit on me."

"What?" Biff said, really confused now.

"Make a move on me," Jen said with a grin. "You're a player right? Scored with 8 girls. I want to see what you've got."

Biff looked bewildered at Jen. Was she serious?

As if reading his mind, Jen said "I'm serious, I want to see your moves. Wait." She gulped down the rest of her Cosmo and ordered another one from the bartender. "Okay, go ahead," she said. She was slurring her words now, and only part of it was pretend. Jen was petite, so she couldn't help getting tipsy from 2 Cosmos.

Biff looked at the girl sitting across from him. Jennifer Andrews was gorgeous, probably the prettiest girl he ever met. She was incredible sexy with those long legs and tight ass (and her tits in that pink bra looked really good too).

Jen was definitely halfway drunk, and had just ordered another Cosmo. Biff knew the advantages of alcohol. Four of those 8 girls - maybe 5 - had been drunk when he got into their pants. It wasn't bang, no one was complaining - but the alcohol clearly lowered the chicks' inhibitions.
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Now here was Jen, a super hottie, flirting with him and tipsy on vodka. This might be his only chance in his life to get inside Jennifer Andrews' pants. He should go for it! Even if he was reading things wrong, Jen wouldn't say anything, she had more to lose than him.

"Okay, so you want me to show you my moves," Biff said as he mustered up his courage.

"Ah yeah, I've said that like 3 times," Jen said with a sarcastic "hello!" tone of voice.

Biff frown at Jen. Her bitchy, challenging attitude was getting to him. But he was getting used to it so he found himself not as intimidated as before.

"So, I'd start by buying you a drink," Biff said.

"I've already got a drink," Jen said dismissively as her new Cosmo (her 3rd) arrived.

Biff frowned again. More of that bitchy attitude. "Okay, I'd tell you how hot you are," Biff said.

"Not bad, girls like compliments," Jen said, but her tone was still dismissive. "But words only go so far."

"I've only started," Biff said sounding miffed.

"Well hurry up," Jen said taking another big gulp of the Cosmo. She leaned in close to Biff and said "Here's the thing Biff," she said slurring her words. "I AM hot. I can have any man I want. Trust me, I know. If you want me, you have to take me. Are you man enough for that?"

Biff was taken aback by Jen's words. He'd been drinking too, matching Jen's Cosmos with his Coronas. With his inhibitions and good sense lowered by alcohol, he said angrily "God you're a bitch."

Jen smiled. "That's better," she said.

Her words made Biff even angrier. "You want to know what I'd do if you weren't my boss?" he said challengingly.

"Yeah I want to know," Jen said with the same challenging voice.

"I'd do this," Biff said as he grabbed Jen's stool and pulled her close to him.

Jen giggled delightedly like she was on an amusement park ride. Then she said tauntingly "That's all?"

"I'd do this," Biff said roughly pulling her into his arm.

Now their faces were so close their lips almost touched. Serious now, Jen said "That's all?"

Biff pulled Jen's face to his and kissed her. She let him. In fact, she kissed Biff back. They made out. Finally Jen pulled away. They were both panting.

"That's all?" Jen whispered, looking into Biff's eyes.

Emboldened, Biff reached up and put a hand on Jen's breast. He fondled her through her blouse and bra. Jen's eyelids got heavy and her lips part as he thumbed her nipple.

"Folks, come on," the bartender said disapprovingly, noticing how the couple was drawing the attention of the people at the bar and adjacent restaurant.

Biff continued to fondle Jen, ignoring the bartender. Jen made no move to push Biff's hand off her breast. Breathing hard, she whispered hoarsely "That's all?"

Biff moved his other hand to Jen's thigh. He pushed his fingers between her crossed legs, towards her pussy.

Finally Jen stopped him. She abruptly stood up, pushing his hands away. She moved closer and pressed her body against his. As she did she cupped his erection. She needed to check.

It only took a moment. Yeah, he was big enough. He had the manhood to satisfy her.

Jen threw bills on the bar, flashing the bartender a brief thank you (and apologetic) smile. She grabbed Biff's hand and led him out of the bar.

Jen noticed all the people staring as they made their way to the exit. She didn't see anyone she knew, which was a good thing since her intentions would've been clear to even a blind man. She was going to fuck a guy who was clearly younger, too young to be her husband.

But even if people she knew had been there, Jen didn't care (at least at that moment). She was too out of control, too horny! God she needed fucked! And the fact she was about to ravage a 19 year old sooo turned her on! She felt like such a cougar and it was sooo exciting!

In the taxi Jen was all over Biff. She pulled his hair hard and looked into his eyes. "I like fucked rough, can you do that?" she asked challenging.

"Yeah, yeah," Biff promised, his hands exploring Jen's body over her clothes.

"Don't ask, take what you want," she said pulling even harder on his hair. "Can you do that? Can you give me that?"

"Yeah," Biff said. He pushed her hands away and pulled her to him, covering her lips with his and forcing his tongue down her throat. "Yeah, like that, like that," Jen thought as she let Biff kiss and fondle her.

At the loft apartment Jen led Biff into the master bedroom she shared with Mike. "What about your husband?" Biff asked warily.

"Don't worry, he's away," Jen said going with their story. "Stay here, I have to tell the babysitter she can go home."

Jen closed the door to the master bedroom and went into Anna's room. Mike was there with Anna. The baby was sound asleep.

"What took so long?" Mike asked. He looked bothered and impatient, but excited too.

"You always think it's so easy," Jen said with an exasperated laugh. She softly stroked Mike's cheek to take the sting out of her words. Then she walked over to their daughter. "How's Anna?"

"She's good," Mike said. "I gave her a bath after Maggie left. We read books until she fell asleep."

"You're such a good father," Jen said stroking Mike's cheek again.

"Biff's in the bedroom?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, I should go back," Jen said. "I'll crack the door open."

"Okay," Mike said eagerly.

"I feel wild Mike," Jen confessed, rubbing his chest again. "It might get wild tonight."

"You know I like you out of control," Mike said honestly.

Jen looked again at her husband, giving him a weak smile. Then she went back to her 19 year old intern and soon to be lover.

In the master bedroom, Biff looked unsure how to start. Jen sat on the edge of the bed as Biff stood. She gave him a sexy smile as she curled a finger into his belt and pulled him towards her. "Take off your shirt," she told him.

Biff smiled, clearly relieved that Jen (his boss) was taking control. Jen eagerly watched as Biff unbuttoned his shirt and his chest came into view. Jen liked what she saw. Being on the crew team definitely made his body lean and hard. She ran her hands up his chest, tracing along the ridges of his six pack and outline of his well-defined pectorals. Jen had a thing for athletes and his young strong body was getting her so hot!

Not able to control herself, Jen abruptly pulled Biff onto the bed, onto his back (his feet were still on the floor). She excitedly ran her hands up and down his muscular chest as she kissed him. "You've got a nice body Biff," she told him between kisses.

"You haven't seen the best part yet," Biff joked (but he was serious).

"I'm getting to that," Jen said with a laugh.

Jen slid onto the floor. She got on her knees, between his legs. She ran her palms up his legs, moving past his knees and up his thighs towards his manhood outlined in his pants. She grinned at him and said "I bet you never thought you'd see me here."

"Yeah," Biff said, getting up on his elbows and looking at his beautiful boss on her knees between his legs. "It's hot though."

"Yeah, it's hot," Jen agreed, dizzy with lust. She was 29 years old, married and a mother, the boss at work. Yet here she was, submissively on her knees between the legs of her young, 19 year old intern. This scene was so freaking hot she could barely breathe!

Jen put her hands on Biff's crotch. He felt big. "Nice Biff," she said approvingly. All Biff could do was nod.

Jen reached up and unbuckled his belt. She undid the snap, then pulled down his zipper. Gripping the waistband of his jeans she pulled down. Biff helped by raising his butt.

Jen pulled Biff's jeans down, pulling his shorts down at the same time. She stopped when his cock popped into view.

Jen's eyes focused on his manhood. Biff definitely passed the hands/toilet roll test, but he wasn't huge. Jen smiled inside, thinking that seemed right. No one named Biff should have a huge cock.

Jen took his cock into her hands, feeling his hardness, the heat of his passion. "Nice Biff," she said to her young intern.

Jen took her hands off his cock. She spit on her palms, then she wrapped her fingers around his shaft again. She slowly stroked him up and down. Biff moaned and rolled his head back.

As Jen stroked her young lover she thought of her husband. Was he watching? She looked over her shoulder at the door. The crack in the door was dark but she thought she saw a person there. Mike. He was watching. Well, of course he was. He got off on this.

At that moment Jen felt like a vamp, a dominating cougar. She was in control, not Biff and certainly not Mike. Jen had a submissive streak - it was more than a streak actually - but at that moment she was the alpha in the room. She said to the door, to Mike, "Don't touch yourself."

"What?" Biff asked not understanding.

"Nothing," Jen said turning back to him from the door. She lowered her head and took Biff's cock into her mouth.


Mike was slowly stroking himself when he heard Jen say "Don't touch yourself."

It surprised him. Jen had never said that before. Was she worried he'd cum too fast? But why would she care, she had Biff?

The fact was, Mike enjoyed stroking himself as he watched Jen with another man. He knew the right pace and pressure to keep himself on the edge without cumming. So he enjoyed playing with himself as he watched, it increased his pleasure. If he couldn't touch himself it wasn't as enjoyable for him, it was like denying him pleasure.

But Jen had clearly told him not to touch himself. She must have something in mind. A new angle on their game? Mike was intrigued, but he wanted to cum too. He knew he could cum now and still be ready for Jen later.

Reluctantly, Mike put his cock back into his pants.

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"Fuck, fuck!" Biff moaned as Jen bopped her head on his cock. He warned Jen "I'm gonna fucking cum!"

Jen took him out of her mouth and said "Go ahead and cum. Cum on my face." She pointed his cock at her open mouth as she rapidly stroked him.

Hearing his beautiful boss say "cum on my face" jolted Biff over the edge. He clawed at the sheets as his body jerked upwards. "Oh fuck!" he screamed as he had a massive orgasm.

Milky sperm exploded from Biff's cock. Jen took the first spurt into her mouth, but the second and third splashed across her lips, nose and cheeks, even some in her eye and her hair.

"Oh god you cum a lot," Jen said with an astonished smile on her face. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was covered with Biff's cum. "Not exactly suitable for the office," she joked.

"No," Biff agreed. He had a stupid smile on his face. His boss, Jennifer Andrews, just blew him! And his jizz was all over her pretty face! He couldn't stop smiling, he felt so full of himself.

"Let me clean up," Jen said getting to her feet. Biff was surprised when Jen opened the bedroom door instead of the bathroom door. "I'll be right back. Stay here, I don't want my baby to see you."

Jen closed the door behind her. She found Mike a few feet away. She took his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips against his.

Mike recoiled at the wetness of Biff's sperm on Jen's lips and face. He pushed away but Jen held him tight. After a few moments Mike gave into it and made out with his wife. He tasted the male muskiness of Biff's seed on Jen's lips and inside her mouth.

Jen finally pulled away from Mike, panting. She looked at her husband's face. Now, like hers, his face was wet with Biff's cum. She almost came at the sight, a moan escaping her lips as she looked at Biff's sperm on her husband's face.

"You're messy like me now," she whispered, her voice hoarse with excitement. With her finger she scooped cum off Mike's cheeks. She licked her finger, then cleaned Mike again. Jen did this repeatedly until her husband's face was clean.

"Now you clean me," Jen told Mike. As she had done, Mike used his finger to scoop Biff's cum off her cheek. He offered his finger to Jen, to lick it.

"No Mike, like how I did you," Jen said excitedly. She had a major cum face on. "Do it baby," her pretty face aglow with eager anticipation. "Do it for me."

Mike wasn't surprised by Jen's request. He didn't want to do it, creampies weren't part of his fantasy. But he'd done things before for Jen, worse things. With a resigned look on his face, he reluctantly licked Biff's cum off his finger.

"That's it baby," Jen said eagerly, a delighted sparkle in her eyes. "Do it again, clean me." She moaned as Mike scooped another dollop of Biff's cum off her face and swallowed it.

"God honey," she moaned. "Wait." She unbuttoned and unzipped her skinny jeans, then pushed Mike's hand into her panties. "Do it again, and touch me."

Jen's blue eyes were excitedly locked on Mike's reluctant face as he scooped more of Biff's sperm onto his finger then licked it off. At the same time, with his other hand, he fingered her pussy and rubbed her clit.

Suddenly Jen groaned and her body shuddered. She arched up on her tiptoes and frantically hugged Mike's arm as she came all over his hand. Her body convulsed as her massive orgasm seemed to go on and on.

"Oh god, oh god," Jen panted as she collapsed into her husband's chest. "Thank you, thank you," she gushed.

When she recovered, she got a wet towel and lovingly cleaned her face and Mike's. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "You're the best lover ever," she gushed.

Jen snaked her hand between their bodies to his crotch. "You're not playing with yourself right?" she said with a crooked grin.

"No," Mike said, feeling a mix of emotions.

Jen sensed his conflict, his hurt. "It's okay baby," she assured him. "You're so freaking awesome." She kissed him again before moving back to Biff. "I'll be back soon. I'm almost done with him."

Mike doubted that. Jen had barely started with Biff, she even still had her clothes on. He knew from experience she would be with Biff for hours, maybe all night long (but before Anna woke up he hoped). But Mike nodded, knowing when Jen got so sexed up like this he had little influence over her. After all, he DID like seeing her out of control.

Jen found Biff on the bed, fully nude, stroking himself. He was already hard again. "I'm ready for round 2" he said with a silly smile on his face.

Jen smiled weakly at him as she sat on the edge of the bed. She suddenly wished Biff was gone. Yes, seducing a 19 year old - her intern! - was exciting in a taboo sort of way. Biff was cute and had a nice body, and it was fun being the dominating cougar.

But all this wasn't really her. She'd had to taunt Biff so he would make a move on her, but she didn't like being the aggressor. She liked being the one pursued, being taken, being forced to submit to a confident, aggressive man.

Jen had been with younger guys before of course. Jamie (and his then-virgin brother), barista boy ... Those times had been fun but, like Biff, they weren't so appealing now. Maybe it was because Jen was approaching the big 3-oh. A college sophomore like Biff just didn't do it for her like before.

A big reason she picked Biff was she thought it would excite Mike if she seduced someone so young (and someone she worked with). Now she wished she set things up differently. If Mike was in bed with them it would be more exciting. She grinned inside. Way more exciting. But she suspected the young, still naive Biff would freak if Mike was there.

She wrapped her hand around Biff's cock and stroked him. While not huge, it was impressive. He certainly had enough to take care of the ache in her pussy. So Jen decided to make the most of tonight. Also, she wanted to give her husband a good show. It was THEIR game after all.

Biff hesitantly reached up and cupped Jen's tits. "Are you going to take this off?" he asked timidly.

Jen gave Biff another weak smile. He was getting a little bolder, but his question had come out like "May I have another cookie ma'am?" Biff might eventually grow up to be a confident man, but he certainly wasn't there yet.

"Hey listen, we need to talk about something," Jen said as she continued to lightly stroke Biff's shaft. "Don't talk about this at work okay?"

"I won't," Biff said immediately.

"It's just, I know there are rumors about me," Jen said. "A lot of them are true," she admitted with a laugh. "But if you tell people we hooked up it'll be a hassle for me."

"I won't say anything Ms. Andrews - um, Jen," Biff sputtered.

"I said I'd hurt you," Jen teased, smiling and squeezing his shaft (hard but not too hard). Biff gave an embarrassed smile back.

"Can I ask you something?" Biff said, his curiosity overcoming his nervousness.

"Go ahead," Jen said with a laugh. She knew this was probably not good.

"Did you have a thing with Scott?" Biff asked.

Jen frowned. "Is that what Scott says?" she asked.

"You know, guys talking in the break room," Biff said evasively, not wanting to rat on Scott. Biff admired Scott a lot, in some ways even more than Jen. He was curious but didn't want to get Scott in trouble.

Jen gave Biff a look. Then she said (just as evasively), "Things happen in advertising."

She was annoyed at Scott. She knew her affairs were well known secrets at work, and she didn't really care what people said about her. She was pretty much bullet proof at work and if anything the rumors enhanced her standing (this was advertising after all). But Scott shouldn't openly talk about it. Was he so immature he had to brag to college interns?

Jen had been head over heels with Scott once, and he'd been the focal point of their game a few times since then. But at that moment Jen knew she would never do anything with Scott again.

Then a thought occurred to her. A way to get back at Scott. Glancing at the crack in the door, she knew it would excite Mike too.

"Wait here," she told Biff. Jen went into her walk-in closet. She striped off her clothes. She put on stockings, a g-string and high heels. Then she searched in her lingerie drawer. She found it and pulled it out.

It was a pink bustier. Scott's bustier. Well, not Scott's anymore. Tonight it was Biff's.

Biff's eyes went wide when Jen came out of the closet. "God," he groaned at the sight of her. She looked like the hottest Victoria Secrets model imaginable!

Jen moved close to Biff. "Scott gave me this," she said, taking his hands and putting them on the bustier.

Biff's head spun with lust as he felt the silky material and hard ribbing underneath. "God you're so sexy," he gushed looking at Jen in awe.

"You can tell Scott I wore this for you," Jen told him as she pulled his hands up to her breasts. "But just Scott okay?"

"Okay," Biff promised. He was practically salivating at the sight of Jen.

Jen pulled the bustier down, exposing her breasts to Biff's eyes. "You like?" she asked with a sly smile.

"God," Biff moaned as he looked at his boss's small yet perfect breasts for the first time, her incredible body reducing his vocabulary to one syllable words.

"Come here honey," she said taking Biff's head in her hands. She pulled his lips to her nipples.

Jen rolled her head back as Biff sucked her ultra-sensitive nipples. She glanced over her shoulder at the crack in the door, knowing Mike was watching. She mouthed "I love you" at her husband as Biff worked on the part of her body most sensitive next to her clit.

Biff ran his hands all over the bustier as he licked and sucked Jen's nipples. He had seen movies and pictures of girls dressed in lingerie and high heels of course, but he'd never actually been with a girl dressed that way. Up to that point in his life he'd only been with girls his age, and they mostly wore jeans and plain cotton bras all the time (although most nowadays wore thongs). He'd never been with any girl as sexy as Jen, not even close.
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Jen had a major cum face on as Biff practically worshipped her breasts and nipples. She needed him inside her! She crawled on the bed, onto her hands and knees. With heavy lidded eyes she looked over her shoulder at Biff. "Fuck me like a dog," she told him. "You can do that, right Biff?"

"Yeah, yeah," Biff said eagerly. He hurriedly got on his knees behind Jen.

"Condom Biff," Jen told him.

"Okay, yeah," Biff said. He reached for his pants and pulled a condom from his wallet. He frantically rolled the sheath on his shaft. As he did Jen reached behind and pulled the g-string down to her knees.

Biff positioned himself behind Jen again. That's when he saw the tribal tattoo on Jen's lower back just above the crack of her tight ass. "God" he moaned as he looked at the sexy tattoo.

"What's taking so long?" Jen asked impatiently. "Do it Biff."

"Okay okay," Biff said. He worriedly added "I might not be able to last long."

"Just do it Biff."

Biff took his cock in his hand. He adjusted so his cockhead touched Jen's pussy lips. Then he pushed into Jen's body.

"Oh god," Biff groaned as his shaft penetrated his boss's body. Jen wasn't super tight like the almost virgins at NYU, but her pussy felt amazing, so silky and smooth around his cock. He'd never felt anything so good!

Jen pushed back against him. "Come on," she said, the words coming out like an irritated whine, wanting fucked so bad.

"Okay okay," Biff said. He took Jen's slim hips in his hands and began moving back and forth. "God I'm really doing it, I'm fucking my boss" the 19 year old thought incredulously to himself.

But Biff couldn't last. Jen was too sexy and her pussy felt too good. After fucking less than a minute Biff lurched and came into the condom.

"Oh god I'm sorry," Biff lamented as he softened.

"That's okay," Jen said. She smiled at Biff but inside she was dying. God she so needed fucked long and hard! She needed an orgasm!

Biff pulled out. Feeling self-conscious, he took off the cum soaked condom and rolled it in a tissue. "Did you cum?" the 19 year old asked hopefully.

"Seriously?" Jen thought to herself. But she didn't say that of course. She gave Biff an encouragingly smile and took the condom from him. "You have another one right?"

"Uh ... yeah," Biff said surprised.

Giving Biff a sly smile, Jen pulled her hair back then went down on her young intern. She used all her oral tricks and after a few minutes Biff was hard again. "Thank god for teenagers," Jen thought to herself.

This time Jen mounted him on top. She could control things better this way. She pulled Biff's hands up to her breasts as she moved up and down his shaft. "Squeeze my nipples Biff," she told him as she rode him hard. "Harder Biff, harder."

"Yeah, yeah," Jen panted as she felt an orgasm build. "Please don't cum," she silently pleaded. Just a little longer ...

"Ugh god!" Jen groaned as her orgasm hit. Her head rolled back and her back arched as orgasmic pleasure flooded her body.

The amazing beauty of Jen's face as she came pushed Biff over the edge (her convulsing pussy helped too). Jen collapsed onto Biff's muscular chest as she came down from her orgasm.

Jen looked at Biff as she panted into his face. Normally after cumming she liked snuggling and kissing her lover. But - now satiated - it felt awkward to do that with her young intern.

Jen pulled off Biff's softening cock, being careful not to pull off the condom. Biff took off the condom and added it to the tissue on the side table.

Biff felt more confident now. He made Jen cum! Also, he got off 3 times! He felt like a fucking machine!

Biff gave Jen a confident grin and reached for her. He hoped to get more of his boss's sexy body. He was already getting hard again, what with Jen still in the pink bustier, stockings and high heels.

Jen gave Biff a polite smile and pulled away from his hands. She originally intended to spend more time with Biff, maybe most of the night. But now, having cum twice, she lost interest in Biff. Yeah he was good looking and had a nice body. But he was too young and too timid. Also, frankly, he was at best an average lover.

"You better get going," Jen said. "Mike will be home soon."

"I thought he was traveling," Biff said.

"Yeah but ah, sometimes he comes home early," Jen said thinking fast. She added with a whisper "I don't want my daughter to wake up and see you here."

"Okay," Biff said clearly disappointed. He got dressed.

"You'll keep quiet right?" Jen asked as she walked him to the door.

"Yeah," Biff said. "As long as I can tell Scott ..." he thought to himself.

"Here, a souvenir," Jen said with a giggle. She put her g-string in his hand.

"Can I kiss you?" Biff asked with puppy dog eyes. He was clearly crushing on his boss.

"You better not, my daughter," Jen said whispering again. Wanting to throw the poor boy a bone, she pecked him on the cheek. "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" she said. She pressed her finger against his lips. "Remember your promise."

After closing the door behind Biff, Jen whispered into the seemingly empty apartment "Mike?"

Mike appeared from their coat closet. He walked up to his wife and stroked the pink bustier. "You wore this for him?" he asked, clearly turned on.

"Yeah," Jen said with a giggle. "You like that?"

"What will Scott say?" Mike asked as he stroked the pink satin.

"I don't care," Jen said dismissively. She clutched Mike's hands. "What do you say?"

Mike pulled his wife into his arms and kissed her open mouth. He pushed his tongue down her throat. "I can taste his cum in your mouth," he said, the words coming out like a moan.

"I can taste his cum in your mouth too," Jen said giggling. She laughed seeing Mike's immediate frown. "I know you like it," she said reaching down and cupping his erection. He was so hard!

"I don't know," Mike said doubtfully.

"Mike baby, you can't fool me, I know what you like," Jen said confidently.

Mike frowned and was about to respond when they heard Anna crying. "I'll get her," Jen said. She playfully poked a finger in her husband's chest. "Don't try to fool me mister," she said.

Jen pulled on a robe and went to comfort her daughter. She sat on the bed and snuggled Anna. "It's alright honey, just a bad dream," she said soothingly to her toddler.

Anna played with Jen's robe. "Pretty mommy," Anna said when she saw the pink bustier. She touched the satin. "Soft," she said.

"I like wearing pretty things for daddy," Jen said giving Anna a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Fancy shoes too?" Anna asked looking at her mother's feet. Anna called high heels "fancy shoes."

"Yeah, daddy likes when mommy wears fancy shoes," Jen said.

"Oh," Anna said, as if her mother's words were the key to the universe. But the meaning wasn't important to Anna. All that mattered was mommy was doing nice things for daddy. For a baby like Anna, all that mattered was mommy and daddy were happy and together.

Jen rocked Anna until she fell back asleep. Then she went back to Mike, dropping the robe along the way.

She found him on the bed. She undressed him, then straddled his hips. "You're saying you didn't like it?" she asked continuing their conversation. She touched his erection. "It looks like you liked it."

"I haven't cum yet," Mike said.

"Poor baby," Jen teased with a giggle, clearly pleased he did as she said and didn't play with himself.

Mike frowned. He had so many questions and sometimes their conversations seemed to go around in circles. "Why do you like it so much?" he asked.

"You know I like making you do things," Jen said.

"But why?" Mike asked. She'd said that before but never explained it.

"I don't know," Jen said honestly. She leaned over and kissed his chest. "Why do you like seeing me with other guys?"

That shut Mike up. He was obsessed with their game, but couldn't really explain why it excited him so much.

Starting to feel bad, Jen kissed Mike's chest again. "Do you really hate it? I didn't go too far tonight." She was talking about times she'd manipulated Mike to lick another man's cock, to even suck another man. Compared to that tonight had been tame.

Thinking of those times, Mike's cock jerked.

Jen felt the movement and gave Mike a smile. "See?" she told him.

"That doesn't mean anything," Mike insisted. He said again "I haven't cum yet."

Jen sighed. "I know you're not gay," she assured him. "It's just ... I don't know ... taboo. Like girls making out. You like seeing that right?"

"Yeah," Mike was forced to admit.

"So what's the difference?" Jen asked.

"You like it," Mike said.

"Oh you think so?" Jen said with a laugh. Such a typical male answer. "I do it to turn guys on. To turn you on. I don't really like it."

"You fucked Keri," Mike pointed out.

"I kinda had to, I was trying to win Google," Jen reminded him.

"But you liked it," Mike said.

"Yeah, but ..." Jen began with an embarrassed laugh. Then she repeated "I kinda had to."
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Then Mike got it. It was the situation. Jen wanted the Google account. She fucked Keri to get it. Being forced - forced to fuck, forced into submissiveness - that turned Jen on.

"If you really hate it I won't do it again," Jen said. Then she added "But I think you like it."

"I don't," Mike said with an embarrassed laugh.

"Baby, I get you don't like it," Jen said stroking his chest. "If you liked it, it wouldn't be as exciting."

Mike frowned at the paradox. Before he could respond Jen added "But it doesn't suck right?"

Mike couldn't help laughing at the double entendre. Jen realized what she said and laughed too. She leaned over and kissed him again. "You got off on it," she whispered to him. Mike knew she was talking about that time with Mal. "I fantasize about that all the time."

"You do?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Jen said, an excited sparkle in her eye. She stroked his cheek. "When he came on your face."

Mike jerked his face away from her hand. He cock was throbbing.

"I get you hated it," Jen whispered. "You did it for me. Because you love me. Right?"

Mike didn't say anything. He was so close to cumming. If Jen flicked her finger across his shaft he'd explode, but then he'd get no pleasure out of it (it would be like a ruined orgasm).

"I do things for you I don't like, like ..." Jen thought about it. Then she saw the tissue on the side table. She opened the tissue and showed Mike the 2 spent condoms. One held more cum than the other. She picked that one up, holding it from the open side so the cum didn't spill out. "Like, I'd swallow Biff's cum if you wanted. I wouldn't like it, but I'd do it if you wanted. Do you?"

Mike couldn't answer. He could barely breathe.

"If you want I'll pour his cum on my face," Jen offered. "Do you want that?"

"Jen ..." Mike croaked out.

Jen lightly dragged the closed end of the semen-filling condom across Mike's chest. "If you want I'll push this into my pussy," she said. "I'll squeeze it so Biff's sperm gets inside me. Would that turn you on baby?"

"God Jen," Mike groaned. He was seconds from cumming.

Jen knew it too. She got off her husband and squeezed the base of his shaft. "Not so fast mister," she told him. Mike was still at the brink, but the painful constriction so close to his balls prevented him from cumming. "I do a lot of things to turn you on. I don't always like them. So sometimes you have to do things for me."

Mike nodded, still unsure.

Jen smiled at him. She saw the uncertainty in his face. But that was okay, it was part of the fantasy. Now that they were playing the game again, now that her nympho switch was back on, her fantasies from before were coming back ... of a dominant alpha man doing things to Mike. And to her. Making them both do things, pushing their boundaries.

"Sometimes I feel out of control," Jen said, just as excited as Mike now, practically dizzy with lust. "You need to stop me if I go too far."

Mike finally broke his silence. "I like when you're out of control," he said giving her an encouraging smile.

Jen smiled at him. He always made her feel good about herself, no matter what she did. "You need to cum huh?" she asked. She was hot again, she wanted Mike's tongue on her clit. But it was his turn.

"Yeah," Mike said. "Why did you tell me not to play with myself?"

"I don't know," Jen said honestly. The idea just popped in her head and she went with it. She thought of Stacy putting Jim in a cage. Was that it? To control Mike's orgasms? But she'd never put her husband in a cage. Never ever.

"It's time to take care of you mister," Jen told him with a sly smile. "Remember, I do things for you I don't really like."

"Like what?" Mike asked.

"Like this," Jen said. She moved down until her pretty face was under Mike's balls. Then she licked his asshole as she stroked his cock. Mike groaned at the exquisite feel of his wife's soft tongue probing and rimming his tender ass. Moments later he erupted in a glorious orgasm.

The next morning as they dressed Jen said "Remember I'm going on a fund raiser this week."

"You're going with Frank?" Mike asked giving her an excited mischievous smile. "Any potential there?"

"He's hot," Jen admitted with a giggle. "But too complicated. He's still friends with my parents, too risky."

Mike shrugged noncommittally. He thought it was doable. Just get Frank to agree not to say anything, why was that so hard? He said "You had fun at the party?"

"Yeah, his apartment's amazing," Jen gushed. "He has an amazing view of Central Park. He showed me his art collection."

"How was it?"

"Freaking awesome," Jen gushed, her blue eyes sparkling from the memory.

"I'm surprised he didn't hit on you."

"He kind of did," Jen admitted with a grin.

"You didn't go for it?" Mike asked.

"I'm not that much a slut," Jen said with a laugh. "There were people there ..."

"But you would have otherwise?" Mike said, pressing.

"I don't know," Jen said evasively. She frowned at her husband. "Stop pressuring me Mike," she snapped.

"Okay, sorry," Mike said, giving Jen a frown back.

Jen felt bad. Especially after last night when they talked about exploring new things. Frank was definitely hot. He had the confident alpha guy thing going. Her school girl crush kind of made it taboo which added to the excitement. Frank was a widower so no moral issues there. She clearly had the green light from Mike. So why was she holding back?

"So you'd be okay with it, if something happened?" Jen asked kind of shyly.

"Definitely," Mike said, his eyes lighting up. He added encouragingly, "Your parents are workable. Frank spends most of his time here right? And you're not close to Sophie anymore."

"Yeah," Jen agreed, although she was still unsure. It was like Mike was ticking off the potential issues, offering solutions to them all. But for some reason the prospect of Frank Tower concerned her.

"Do you have condoms?" Mike asked, his eagerness apparent.

"Uh, yeah, I think so," Jen said with an awkward laugh. As a married couple they had the strangest conversations!

"How are you going to handle Biff?" Mike asked.

"What?" Jen said, confused at the abrupt change in subject (and men!).

"He has a big crush on you," Mike pointed out.

"Don't worry, I can handle Biff," Jen assured him. If she could handle a man like Frank Tower, she certainly could handle the 19 year old intern. She already had an idea for handling Biff. A win-win. Or a win-win-win, Jen thought to herself with a giggle.

A little later, as they fed Anna, Mike said "I might see Jim while you're away."

"Oh," Jen said surprised. "You've worked out -."

"We're still friends," Mike told her. They had to be careful what they said with Anna right there.

"Oh, that's good," Jen said. Glancing at Anna and being careful with her words, she asked hesitantly "Will you, ah, see Stacy too?" She didn't want Mike to watch Stacy with her black lover. But how could she deny Mike from watching (it was just watching), given what he let her do?

Mike read her mind. "Not without you there," he assured her.

Jen smiled at Mike, clearly relieved. The fact was, she didn't like the idea of her husband getting turned on by another women. Even if it was just watching.

"I'm actually rethinking Jim's idea," Mike told her.

"Oh," Jen said. She was surprised but not excited by the idea.

Mike sensed her ambivalence. "You don't like the idea?" he asked.

Jen shrugged. She'd had a brief liaison with Jim - he came on to her and, thinking she had Mike's permission, she went down on Jim and he fingered her. But Jim's cuckold mannerisms had been a turn off. Mike had C fantasies too but, unlike with Jim, they didn't bother her. In fact they were a turn on, with his fantasies becoming hers. Of course, Jen loved Mike, whereas Jim was just a casual friend.

"I guess I'm okay with it," she said.

Still somewhat conflicted about the idea and remembering their conversation from last night, Mike grinned and said "It's easier for me you're not thrilled with the idea."

Jen grinned back. She moved to Mike's side and sat on his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smiled into his eyes and said "See, we do things for each other."

Mike wrapped his arms around Jen's waist. "Yeah, as long as it doesn't suck," he joked. They laughed at their inside joke.

Anna laughed too and bounced in her chair. She didn't understand what they were talking about. She just liked seeing her parents hugging and happy.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 16

[This chapter continues Book 2: Rivals]

"Oh god," Jen silently lamented the next day when she saw Biff. The young college sophomore had a silly grin on his face and followed her around like a lovesick puppy. He was majorly crushing on her!

Jen knew rumors would soon spread about last night. She didn't mind the rumors; with her reputation, probably a lot of people in the office already figured she was sleeping with her cute 19 year old intern. She actually was more concerned about Biff. It was flattering he had a crush on her (she was 10 years older after all), but she didn't want his internship to end with a broken heart.

Jen had a plan though. It only took one phone call. As she suspected, it was easy.

With that done, Jen gazed out her window and reflected on her life. Here she was, less than six months from 30. Married, a mother, professionally successful. And, she had a big reputation for sleeping around. Biff had proved it last night when he asked about her affair with Scott. If he knew (a college intern) then everyone in her office knew. It wasn't just the office either. She had a reputation at Penn State, at home in Belmont, even around the neighborhood where she lived with Mike and Anna.

To her surprise, her slutty reputation didn't bother her. Or at least, it didn't bother her much. All she cared about was what Mike thought of her. And he thought she was sensual, he encouraged her affairs, he liked when she lost control.

She remembered reading in college, something a President said (she couldn't remember which one). Something like "To people who don't matter it matters, to people who matter it doesn't matter." That's how it was. For Jen, the only person that mattered was Mike and to him she was a goddess.

Later that day Biff came into her office. Jen knew it was trouble when he closed and locked the door behind him.

He moved close and hesitantly said "Last night was incredible."

Jen's heart melted a little hearing the hesitancy in his voice. His love sick puppy dog eyes charmed her. God he looked young. And vulnerable. She didn't want to hurt him.

"Yeah, last night was awesome," Jen said giving him a smile. She gently added "But Biff, you know it was a one time thing right? I'm married, I have a baby."

"Oh," Biff said looking disappointed. He asked hopefully "We can't still see each other?"

Jen smiled weakly. Yeah, Biff had definitely heard the rumors about her affairs with Scott and Tom. Those relationships had lasted months.

"No honey," Jen said gently. She ran her hand down his cheek consolingly. As she did her wedding ring sparkled in the sunlight as if to emphasize what she said next. "I'm married. Sometimes I fool around, but I love my husband."

"Oh," Biff said, looking down. He looked crushed.

Jen felt sorry for him, and guilty. She put her plan into effect. "I've set something up for you. For the last part of your internship. You'll intern for Google as Keri O'Reilly's assistant."

Biff's eyes lit up with surprise and excitement. But it was mixed with sadness and resignation. "You're getting rid of me right?"

"No, I'm rewarding you for being such a great intern. And a great guy," Jen said with another consoling stroke of his cheek. She added encouragingly "Biff honey, go to Silicon Valley. It's all paid for. Have fun, meet pretty Stanford girls. Then, when you go back to school, forget all about me."

"That'll be hard," Biff said with a crooked grin.

"I'm already taken Biff," Jen said giving him a kind smile.

Biff left for San Francisco later that week. Jen knew Keri might seduce Biff. He was, after all, a real cutie (and what an ass!). And Keri was a bigger slut than her!

Keri might even keep Biff as a sometimes lover. She had them sprinkled throughout the world. But Keri would make sure it didn't get emotional with Biff. She was able to keep her distance that way with her lovers, whereas for Jen emotions seemed to be always part of it.

Why was that? Was it her? Or was it because Mike liked it that way? Probably both, Jen thought to herself. That was why their game was so exciting, and dangerous too.

Later that day Jen saw Scott eyeing her, like he wanted to talk. Jen grimaced. She didn't feel like dealing with Scott. She finished a few things and left work early. She had to pack, she had the fund raiser trip with Frank the next day.

"You'll be with Frank?" Mike asked later as he watched Jen pack.

"I won't be with him," Jen corrected. "We're doing events together."

"You'll be together," Mike pointed out.

"I guess," Jen said with a laugh as she carefully placed dresses in her suitcase. "Don't get ideas Mike. I told you, I don't feel comfortable doing anything with Frank."

"But you're hot for him right?" Mike said pressing. He definitely liked the idea. He got turned on by the taboo kinkiness of his wife having an affair with an older man from her childhood, the father of one of her school girl friends. Also given the age different, Mike wouldn't feel threatened by Frank. From his point of view, Frank Tower would be perfect as Jen's next lover.

"Mike ...." Jen said with an exasperated sigh. He was pushing so hard. She did think Frank was hot and the kinkiness of it all turned her on too. But something about Frank scared her. She couldn't put her finger on it, but her instincts were telling her not to start something with him.

"Should I give you another care package?" Mike said with a grin, referring to the time he slipped a package of stockings and condoms in his wife's suitcase before she hooked up with Carrington (when she was pitching for Universal Mortgage and Life).

"No I'm fine Mike," Jen said with an exasperated laugh.

"You have condoms, just in case?" he asked.

"I used to be a girl scout, I'm always prepared," Jen joked through a tight smile. She was getting annoyed at her husband.

Mike sensed her irritation. He put his arms around her waist and gently stroked her back. "I'm sorry I'm being pushy," he said looking into her eyes. "I'm just saying, I'm good if you want to do something on your trip. With whoever. It doesn't have to be Frank." He grinned and joked "I'm happy your nympho button is back on."

Jen frowned. The truth was, she WAS horny all the time now. But ....

"You're kinda making me feel like a slut," she said softly.

Mike immediately said "That's not –."

"I know you don't mean to," Jen said giving him a weak smile. "It's just ... I don't know ... I like the game. But it's got to work for me emotionally. Biff was fun. But now I have to deal with Scott, and Keri will give me shit for dumping him on her. It's not always easy to find people to play with."

"That's why Frank is perfect," Mike said encouragingly. "I get how you are baby, you need a relationship, not just a hookup. It's more exciting for me too when you have a boyfriend. Frank's perfect. He's single, you're attracted to him, there's chemistry."

"I don't know," Jen said uncertainly, feeling again her concerns about starting something with Frank. She was also worried about her husband. "You really want me to have a boyfriend again?"

"We both want to keep playing the game, right?" Mike said, brushing a loose strand of Jen's blonde hair from her pretty face. "It's easier when you have a steady boyfriend. More exciting too."

"Dangerous though," Jen said doubtfully.

"You know, it worked with Alex and Jamie," Mike pointed out. "It worked with Drums too. If Sapphire hadn't blown up in my face ...."

"Yeah," Jen said, pressing her cheek into Mike's chest and hugging him.

Mike kissed the top of her head, smelling the strawberry vanilla of her shampoo. "It did work," he said softly. "You broke up with Drums before Colin's party. I know there were lingering feelings. But we would've worked through them."

"Yeah we would have," Jen assured her husband. Whenever she broke up with a lover (a "boyfriend") she had feelings of sadness, loneliness, emptiness. But that was just being human right? Those feelings eventually went away. Well, maybe not completely. It was impossible to have such an intimate relationship with a guy without him becoming a part of you, if just a little. That was human too.

"Maybe we need to find you a new boyfriend," Mike suggested.

Jen was silent for a moment. Then she said softly "Yeah, maybe."


"Ever done one of these?" Frank asked Jen the next day in Chicago as they approached the ballroom in the Monaco hotel where the fundraiser was taking place.

"No," Jen said with a nervous laugh. "I have no idea what to do."

"Here's my advice," Frank said. "Just smile and be charming."

"What?" Jen said surprised, put off by his statement. Was that his opinion of her, that all she was, was eye candy?

"I guess Leo didn't tell you," Frank said with a chuckle.

"Tell me what?" Jen said warily.

"You're here because you run Jasmine's image campaign," Frank said. "But that's just part of it. The fact is, Jasmine wants you here because it shows she's reasonable and forgiving."

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"Mike and Jas split up. He went back to you," Frank explained. "Then Jas hires you. What does that say? It says she can work both sides of the aisle. She doesn't hold grudges, she's reasonable."

Jen stopped in her tracks, looking shocked. "So she's using me," she said angrily.

"Jasmine Kelly uses everyone," Frank said. He grinned. "She's good at it too."

"Mike broke up with Jasmine, did you know that?" Jen said. "It wasn't like her press release. It wasn't a mutual agreement." She did air quotes around "mutual." "Mike dump her. For me."

"Oh," Frank said. He was clearly surprised. "I didn't know that." Frank's eyes drifted to Jen's chest.

Jen's cheeks reddened. She'd always been insecure about her breasts. Mike said they were perfect, but they were small. Jasmine's were huge (and probably perfect too, she begrudgingly had to admit). Jen glared at Frank as his eyes lingered on her small bust. It was like he was thinking "What, Mike picked these tiny tits over Jasmine's?"

"What?" Jen growled.

"Nothing," Frank said, finally looking from her chest back to her face. He chuckled as if amused by Jen's reaction. "Listen, I told you Jas isn't one of my favorite people. I'd chose you over Jasmine too. Not even close."
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"Whatever," Jen said, only partially mollified. "I don't know what I'm doing here. I can't believe I'm helping Jasmine Kelly."

"I thought you liked her politics," Frank said.

Jen shrugged. She was in no mood to say anything nice about Jasmine Kelly. Which was a bad thing since she was about to co-host a fundraiser for the bottle blonde bitch's campaign.

"I heard Jas did you and Mike a favor?" Frank continued.

"Yeah," Jen said, then she realized she didn't get a chance to ask Mike how the CATF meeting went. She felt guilty about that. She rationalized it was because they spent so much time talking about their game. But she knew that was a lame excuse because Mike always made the effort to ask how her job was going.

Jen knew she was selfish. She'd always been that way. All her life, because of her striking good looks, she usually got what she wanted, especially from men. Especially from Mike. That didn't mean she loved him any less. She loved her husband with all her heart. But she guiltily knew she sometimes took Mike for granted. The fact was, though, Mike enabled her by always putting her on a pedestal.

"What was the favor?" Frank asked, intrigued.

Jen gave him an evasive shrug, not wanting to give Jasmine credit for anything. "So I'm supposed to just smile and look pretty?" she asked.

"You do that really well," Frank said with a smile, looking at her beautiful face. "Look, I'm just saying there's no pressure on you. I do these all the time. I can handle it."

"Okay, whatever," Jen said, feeling deflated. She felt like Frank was dismissing her, treating her like a little girl. That sparked something in her. She decided to show Frank she could carry her own weight.

For the next 3 hours Jen worked the room. She didn't know anyone there but that didn't matter to her. She poured on the charm and went into full-court turbo social butterfly mode. She told everyone who would listen how wonderful Jasmine Kelly was and how they should open their wallets and contribute tons of money to her campaign. She had to grit her teeth at first, but then it came easy because Jasmine's political and social views did mesh closely with Jen's. Before long Jen found herself talking passionately about Jasmine's positions and views.

Frank and Jen sat in the hotel bar after the fundraiser. His eyes were wide as he looked at the report. "We hit over 2 times our goal," he said amazed. "Almost 3 times."

"Good," Jen said simply as she sipped her white wine.

"It was you," Frank said giving Jen an admiringly look. "I watched you work the room. You were incredible."

"Thanks," Jen said, modestly looking down at her drink. Inside she was beaming! Hearing Frank's praise made her feel so good!

"I apologize for being so dismissive earlier," Frank said giving her an apologetic, lopsided grin. "I guess I still see you as Sophie's high school friend. I know how successful you've become. People say you're a marketing genius. It's just getting my head around that. I need to get passed seeing you as a teenager."

"That's okay," Jen said with a laugh, her head spinning from all the compliments. From Frank Tower no less!

"It doesn't help you still look like a teenager," Frank said, grinning as he gave Jen an up and down look.

"I'm almost 30," Jen pointed out, smiling back at Frank.

"You look like a college girl," Frank said. He eyed her, a curious look on his face. "Does that help or hurt?"

"In business?" Jen said. "It hurts sometimes. But helps too."

"Especially with men, right?" Frank said grinning. He looked down at Jen's lovely legs. "I saw you flashing some leg today."

"Men are so easy," Jen said with a laugh.

Frank gave Jen a look. So she wasn't opposed to using her body to get what she wanted?

Jen read his mind. "Hey, it was only a little leg," she said with a laugh. To emphasize her point, she playfully poked his calf with the stiletto of her high heel.

Frank practically jumped in his chair. A flash of sexual excitement crossed his face. It was only a moment but Jen noticed. It was her turn to give Frank a look. Poking him with her high heel really got to him. She'd have to remember that.

Frank was still looking at Jen's legs. He was about to say something but then stopped.

"What?" Jen said looking curiously at him.

"Just something Sophie used to say," Frank said. "You always wear hose. Sophie said that wasn't the style. Of course she said that a few years ago."

"It's still not stylish, not really," Jen said. "Look at movie stars, they never wear hose even in the winter."

Frank looked curiously at Jen, as if waiting for her to explain more.

"I used to hate wearing hose," Jen explain. "But Mike likes it."

"So you do it for him?"

"I wear my hair long, I use pink lipstick, I always wear high heels," Jen bemoaned. "Do you have any idea what it's like to wear 4 inch heels all day long?"

"I guess not," Frank said with a laugh. "So, if not for Mike, what would you do different?"

Jen thought a moment and then shrugged. "Wear my hair shorter I guess. Get a belly button ring. I don't know," she said with a laugh. "When you've been together so long, sometimes the line between me and us is fuzzy." She quickly added "That's a good thing."

"Yeah," Frank agreed with a chuckle. With a raised eyebrow he asked "Mike doesn't want you to get a belly button right?"

"I've never asked," Jen admitted. "He doesn't like body art or jewelry."

"So no tattoos?" Frank asked.

"I have a tattoo, on my back," Jen said. "I'd like another, behind my neck."

"But Mike won't let you," Frank said.

"It's not he won't let me," Jen said. "If he doesn't want it, I don't want it."

"But you said you do want it," Frank pointed out.

"See, that's what I mean," Jen said with a laugh. "The fuzzy line between me and us."

"Yes, I see," Frank said with a laugh back. After a moment's hesitation he said "Sophie has a belly button ring. At least I think she still has it. I haven't seen her in a while."

"You don't talk to Sophie?" Jen asked.

"Not often," Frank said with a shrug, suddenly looking melancholy.

Jen felt bad for bringing his daughter up. Were they estranged? She was curious but didn't want to pry.

But Frank offered "We used to be close. All 3 of us. But when Sally died ... it was hard."

"God I'm sorry," Jen said reaching over and squeezing Frank's hand.

"I wasn't the best husband," Frank admitted through a forced grin. He hesitated. Then, as if making a decision, he said "I cheated on Sally. We never talked about it, but I think she knew. I stopped when she got sick. But it was too late."

For some reason, Jen wasn't surprised to hear Frank cheated on his wife. While he and his wife always seemed loving and close, Frank was always around pretty girls. But from her own experience, she knew that cheating didn't mean he didn't love her. "I'm sure Mrs. Tower knew you loved her," she said trying to make him feel better.

Frank gave Jen an appreciative smile, but his eyes said "how would you know?"

Jen saw his doubt. As if making her own decision, she admitted "I cheated on Mike. But he knows I love him. He forgave me."

Frank raised an eyebrow at Jen. Actually, her confession wasn't a surprise. He'd heard rumors about Jenny Johnson. Also he knew how the world worked. Jen was sexy and beautiful, incredibly so. He had no doubt she got hit on all the time, notwithstanding the wedding band around her finger. Frank knew all too well how easy it was to slip up. And once you had a taste of that forbidden nectar it was hard to go back.

"I appreciate that Jenny," Frank said.

"I'm just saying, I'm sure if Mrs. Tower didn't say anything, she knew you loved her and she forgave you," Jen said earnestly.

"Thank you Jenny," Frank said giving her a tight smile. "Honestly I'm more worried about Sophie."

After a moment's hesitation, Jen offered, "I'll talk to Sophie, if you think that might help."

"You've lost touch too?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," Jen admitted. They exchanged Christmas greetings and spoke on Facebook sometimes, but otherwise she hadn't talked to Sophie in years.

"Thanks but I think no," Frank said. Forcing a grin he said "Things will work out eventually."

They decided to go to dinner after finishing their drinks. Jen was about to order another white wine when Frank said "How about a tequila?" He motioned to the drink menu. "They have an impressive selection here."

"Sure," Jen said, remembering how she enjoyed the tequila the other time with Frank.

Frank didn't order just two shots, he ordered a whole bottle of tequila. Jen noticed the bottle was over $1000! Well, whatever. Jasmine could afford it, especially after today.

Frank insisted they drink the tequila neat. He said ice would dilute the flavor and reduce the intensity and nuances of the blue agave.

Jen found the tequila strong but delicious. By the time their entrees arrived they'd gone through over half the bottle. Jen was definitely feeling tipsy. Even Frank who drank tequila all the time was feeling the effects of the 90+ proof alcohol.

They laughed over shared memories of their hometown of Belmont, as well as silly "Jasmine-isms," like when Jasmine ordered a vegan week in the office to protest cruelty of farm animals. (While Jen laughed along with Frank, she actually agreed with Jasmine's position; it was just, Jasmine used a hammer when a light touch would be more effective.)

When they were both well lubricated, Frank (with a gleam in his eye) asked "Do you still cheat on Mike?"
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Jen's smile disappeared. "No, I don't cheat on my husband," she said coldly.

"Sorry," Frank said, suddenly sobered by Jen's glare.

"Why would you ask me that?" Jen said tersely.

"Forget I said anything."

"No, tell me," Jen insisted, sensing he was holding back something.

Frank hesitated. Then he said with a shrug "I've heard rumors."

Jen was silent as she stewed over that. She knew she had a reputation and it was a small world. Colin probably talked. Jasmine probably talked too. Things got around. It was hard to deny. Jen didn't want Frank to think she was cheating on Mike. Mike wanted her to start something with Frank. She still had concerns about that. But if she did start something with Frank, it was important Frank knew she was doing this for Mike, it was the game they played together.

"Sometimes I mess around," Jen admitted with a shrug. "But Mike knows about it. I'm not cheating."

Frank raised an eyebrow at that. "You have an open marriage?" he asked.

Jen thought of Jasmine and the bare legged interns at her office. The last thing she wanted was people thinking Mike had a free hall pass. "No, just me," she said. She added "That's the way Mike wants it."

Frank thought about it. He was definitely intrigued by this (who wouldn't be?). "Mike's into sharing you?"

"Something like that," Jen said.

"Does he watch?"

"I'm uncomfortable talking about this," Jen said.

"You brought it up," Frank pointed out.

Jen looked incredulously at him. "No, you did," she said an edge in her voice. To emphasize her point, she dug her high heel into his ankle.

Frank jerked like last time. "Please don't do that again," he said with an unsteady voice.

Jen shrugged and looked away. She knew she was pushing his buttons but didn't care. Frank was annoying her.

Frank took a long look at Jen. She was definitely gorgeous. He preferred brunettes (his wife Sally had auburn hair) but Jen with her long blonde hair, beautiful face and blue eyes looked like a glamour magazine model. And those long legs were to die for.

He definitely wanted to get Jen in bed. He'd wanted her for a long time. He remembered his affair with Paige back when she was in high school with Jen and Sophie. Paige had been fun, but Jenny Johnson was the real prize.

Frank's reverie was interrupted when Jen abruptly got up and said "I'm going to my room."

Frank got up too and they went up the elevator together. When they arrived at Jen's floor, she stepped out of the elevator. Frank stepped out too and grabbed Jen's hand. He asked "Can I come to your room?"

Jen gave Frank a long look. She was still irritated with him, but ....

Impulsively, Jen reached up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around Frank's neck. She pressed her body against his and kissed him.

Frank was momentarily startled but he quickly got over it. He wrapped his arms around Jen and kissed her back.

As they kissed, Jen ran her high heel up Frank's calf. Frank groaned into Jen's mouth as he felt the stiletto run up his leg.

Then Jen abruptly pulled away from Frank. Panting, Jen looked Frank in the eyes and said "No." She turned and went to her room.


Mike had free time between his morning and afternoon summer school classes. He took out his laptop and worked on the latest problem from Colonel Banks. Banks emailed him about 1 task each week. They were difficult but not impossible. It really all boiled down to logic and math. Sometimes it was hard to find the thread. But Mike was pretty good at discerning patterns. Once he found the thread – the starting point -- things usually fell into place. It was just math, and math was logical. One led to two, and two lead to three.

Mike had been working on the current problem for a couple days. He was having a hard time finding the thread, and he was getting frustrated. His thoughts drifted to Jen. Last night she told him she kissed Frank. They had phone sex as she told him the story. God his wife was such a tease! He wished she would just do it with Frank. To Mike it seemed inevitable. They were both hot for each other, and Jen certainly had his okay. He knew his wife loved to tease, but she wasn't just giving Frank blue balls, she was denying him too!

Mike's thoughts drifted to Jim. They were meeting later tonight for drinks. He wondered if Stacy was pregnant yet. The thought made him lightheaded with lust.

Mike glanced back at the computer screen. Out of nowhere he saw it. The thread. He felt triumphant! Sometimes it was like that, it just came to him. It all fell into place after that. He sent Banks the solution in an encrypted email, then closed his computer.

Mike still had some time before his next class. He looked out the window, thinking about his life. He had a beautiful wife, a wonderful daughter. His marriage and family were strong. Mike was lucky to have Jen in so many ways. He knew he had unconventional desires. What if Jen wasn't willing to go along with his fantasies? Would he be as happy and content? Yeah, sometimes –often – their game led to tension and angst. But that was part of the thrill. A big part.

Mike didn't understand his desires, why he was the way he was. Maybe it was his insecurities. Did he have a need to offer Jen to other men to see if she would come back to him? So far she always had. How dangerous was that? The "so far" part? And how was it his brain & heart (and dick) sexualized it?

Jen's fantasies were easier to understand, but they were still complex. She was attracted to men who weren't good for her. Some might think that a mystifying conundrum, yet it was true of so many people (men and women).

More and more, Jen got off making him do things he didn't like. DID he like those things? No, not if considered in isolation. But in the context of their game? The fact was, humiliation was part of the cuckold fantasy. His fantasies went so far as to desire another man to impregnate her. How fucked up was that? He knew it, Jen knew it. Yet that aspect was part of their game. And it'd happened twice (once a miscarriage – and a bum leg -- once Anna).

Mike had limits though. He didn't want Jen to lose respect for him. He worried about that, because he often lost control in the heat of the moment. Their game was only part of their lives. Most of the time they were just a normal American family. Mike didn't want their game to taint the other parts of their lives.

Mike thought about his financial situation. Well, it sucked. Even with both his teaching and government gigs, he made way less than his job on Wall Street (not even counting the huge Sapphire bonuses he used to get). Jen made a lot more than him which hurt his pride. Also, it bothered him he was no longer able to give Jen things like before – nice jewelry, designer clothes, expensive vacations. Jen didn't seem to mind, but it seriously bothered him.

The thing was though, Mike liked teaching a lot more than Wall Street. He got a lot more out of it, the whole "guiding young minds thing." And, to his amazement, he was pretty good at it. He wasn't surprised by the teaching part, he'd been pretty confident about that part of it from his TA days. But the kids thought of him as one of the "cool teachers." He had to laugh about that one. All his life, he'd been intimidated by the "Populars." Now though, HE was a "Popular." How ironic life was sometimes. He imagined God looking down at them and chuckling.

Mike's thoughts turned to his work for CATF. He enjoyed the mental challenges. The money was decent (it more than doubled his income). He had the satisfaction of protecting our country. But that part worried him. Was he really protecting the country? Or just hurting people in other countries? He didn't trust Banks and his bosses. Those spy masters were all about "the results justify the means." Mike didn't believe in that credo. Yeah, we couldn't let another 9-11 happen. But what was the point if we destroyed our country in the process?

The quantum computer project bothered Mike. What were the government's intentions? The technology (if ever fully developed) should be open but it seemed like the government intended to keep tight control over it.

Mike had learned his lesson though. He wasn't going to be a hero again. No, he'd never risk going to jail again, his family was too important to him. But that didn't mean he had to help on the quantum computer project. Since that trip to CATF, he'd avoided any involvement with the "brain trust." He intended to keep it that way.

Later that night Mike met up with Jim at a bar. They chatted about meaningless things for a few minutes. Then Mike asked "How's Stacy? Is she still with DeShawn?"

"Yeah, but she's not pregnant yet," Jim said looking bothered.

"What's wrong Jim?" Mike asked.

"She's not pregnant yet," Jim repeated.

"That's a problem?" Mike asked not understanding. "I mean ... isn't the process part of it?"

Jim couldn't help laughing. But it wasn't a ha-ha laugh. It was more like a "yeah we get each other" laugh. "Yeah, I love seeing Stacy with DeShawn. But she's really worried. They've tried twice now."

"Sometimes it takes longer," Mike said. He knew better than anyone. Over the years they'd been more than a few times when Mike came inside Jen. Sometimes it'd happened when she was ovulating (or close to it). Not once did she get pregnant.

"Stacy's worried she won't be able to hold onto DeShawn," Jim said. He lowered his voice and said "They keep score. The hardcore black bulls. They keep score."

"Seriously?" Mike said surprised.

Jim nodded. "How many impregnations. How many babies. It's like fucking fantasy football. You get more points if she's white. If she's married. Bonus points if she's a newlywed. Baby girls get more points than boys."

Mike looked alarmed at the last point. "Jim, they're not ...."

"What?" Jim said seeing the alarm on Mike's face and not understanding. Then he got it. "No Mike, shit, that's disgusting!" he said vehemently.

"That's good," Mike said relieved. That was definitely NOT part of his fantasy. Freaks into that needed their dicks cut off! "Then, why more points for baby girls?"

"I didn't get it either," Jim said. "Then DeShawn explained it to me. You gotta remember, these bulls are uber competitive. It's almost like black supremacy. Screwing a white guy's wife isn't enough. Getting her pregnant isn't enough. Think about how it is with baby girls. She's 'daddy's little girl,' 'the apple of her father's eye.' It's the ultimate fuck you to the white husband. Even more than impregnating his wife."
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