Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Author's note: This story is the latest in a 6 part series. Here's the sequence:

1: He Fucked My Girl

2: All In My Head

3: Making It Work

4: Consequences

5: Life After We

6: Cheating and Rivals

[Note: All characters in this story are 18 or over.]


-- xleglover
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Cheating and Rivals - Part 1

Book 1: Cheating

~~~~ A few years ago, when Jen was in high school ~~~~

Sophie bopped up to the BMV convertible. "Hi dad," she said greeting her father with a kiss on the cheek. "Paige and Jenny will be over in a sec."

Frank Tower (Sophie's father) nodded and looked passed his daughter to the crowd of high school students. His eyes quickly found Paige and Jenny. They were among a group of other high school seniors.

He looked briefly at Paige. A pretty brunette, big breasted (especially for an 18 year old) although a little heavy in the ass and hips. Then his attention quickly moved to Jenny.

Jenny Johnson. From what Sophie said, the most popular girl in school. Frank had to admit, Jenny was easy to like. Always bubbly and smiling, easy to laugh, never an unkind word to anyone. Cheerleader captain and homecoming queen. Definitely Miss Popular.

Frank looked Jenny up and down. Definitely easy on the eyes. Pretty face - beautiful even - long blonde hair, slim figure, killer long legs. Tiny tits, but her incredible ass made up for it.

Frank had heard Jenny was dating Colin, the high school's star quarterback. He wondered if they were fucking.

Frank averted his eyes as Jenny and Paige turned from their group and walked over. "Hi Mr. Tower, sorry for making you wait," Jenny said giving Frank a bubbly smile.

"No worries," Frank said giving Jenny a friendly fatherly smile that belied his less than fatherly thoughts just a few moments ago.

"Hi Mr. Tower," Paige said. She looked into his eyes as she smiled at him. Unlike Jenny's, Paige's smile was knowing, as if she shared a secret with Frank.

"Hi Paige," Frank said, also looking into the young girl's eyes as he smiled back.

Frank drove to his house and the 3 girls hung out until dinner. Jenny liked Sophie and enjoyed hanging out, but she always felt a little uncomfortable in her house. Mr. Tower was the richest man in town, and one of the richest in all of Boston. They lived in a palatial mansion on a big treed estate. Being there always impressed her, but intimidated her too.

As dinner time approached Frank offered to drive Jenny and Paige home. "I hear you're in the school musical," Frank asked Jenny as they drove. "What's it, Chicago?"

"Yeah, opening night's in two weeks!" Jenny said excitedly. "Mr. Hayden's choreography's so freaking amazing, I can't wait!" Mr. Hayden was the history teacher and director of the musical.

Frank stopped the car in front of Jenny's house. "I'll be there opening night," he said giving Jenny a friendly smile. He was amused and charmed by her youthful exuberance.

"Really?" Jenny asked, surprised at his interest.

"Jenny's the lead," Paige said.

"Is that right? Roxie or Velma?"

"Roxie," Jenny said surprised again. "You know Chicago?"

"I've seen the musical a few times," Frank said smiling at Jenny. "New York, London, Paris. Also at the Opera House in Boston of course."

"Oh ah, yeah, of course," Jenny said, surprised and impressed. She suddenly felt anxious. "We're not that good," she said nervously. "You probably won't like it."

"Nonsense, you're a wonderful dancer," Frank said giving Jenny an encouraging smile. "I saw you last year in Swan Lake. You danced Odette beautifully."

"You saw me in Swan Lake?" Jenny said shocked. It was a small community theater production, hardly anyone saw it.

"You're really talented Jenny," Frank said smiling at her.

"Um, thanks," Jenny said blushing, not used to such praise from adults. Then, trying to be polite, she asked "Um, do you want to come in and say hi to mom and dad?" Frank and his wife Sally were good friends with Jenny's mom and dad.

"Thanks but I better get Paige home," Frank said. He gave Paige a smile, who was sitting shotgun next to him.

"Okay, thanks for the ride," Jenny said, giving Frank a look. "Bye Paige."

With Jenny looking the other way, Frank watched as she got out of the car. Her already short skirt hiked up as she got out and Frank admired her long slim legs. She was wearing off white cable knit tights. Jenny Johnson definitely had incredible legs.

With Jenny gone, Frank turned his attention to Paige. "Hi," he said smiling at her.

"Hi Frank," Paige said back, smiling adoringly at him. She loved calling him by his first name. Of course she could only do that when they were alone.

"You look amazing," Frank said putting his hand on Paige's thigh. Like Jenny, Paige was wearing a short skirt and tights (although Paige's legs weren't nearly as long and shapely as Jenny's). "Want to go for a ride?"

"Sure," Paige said smiling at him. She didn't make him take his hand away. In fact she parted her legs slightly, encouraging him.

Frank drove to a parking lot behind a warehouse. He owed the warehouse so he knew it was deserted this time of night. He smiled at Paige, tenderly stroking her cheek. "Come here," he said opening his arms for her.

Paige moved into Frank's arms willingly. She responded as Frank kissed her.

Frank fondled Paige as they made out. He opened her blouse and expertly unsnapped her bra with an experienced flick of his fingers. Then his hands were on Paige's tits. Her young breasts were magnificent! So large and ripe!

Paige was soon gasping. She'd been with boys before - boys! - but never a man like Frank. He kissed so much better, and knew just how to touch her. Paige was so excited she knew her panties were soaking.

"We don't have much time," Frank said, gasping himself.

"It's okay, I told my parents I'm studying with Sophie," Paige said.

"Sally and I have a party tonight," Frank told her.

"Oh," Paige said, disappointed and annoyed. She frowned thinking of Mrs. Tower. In the past she always liked Sophie's mom. Now though she considered the old lady a competitor.

"We can see each other Saturday," Frank offered.

"Okay," Paige said immediately her mood brightening.

"For now, do this for me, okay?" Frank said, putting his hand behind Paige's head. He pulled her cute face down to her lap.

Paige didn't hesitant. She loved Frank. She opened his pants, took out his hard cock, and took him into her mouth.

Frank rolled his head back as Paige began working on him. For a young girl she was pretty good at giving head. But it was her age that really turned him on. He was 42 and Paige was 18, barely legal! Twice her age!

Frank was tempted to draw it out, really savor the blowjob the 18 year old slut was giving him. But he didn't want Sally to suspect. So he made himself cum fast. That was actually easy to do. He thought of Jenny Johnson. Easily the prettiest girl in town, maybe the entire Boston area. If only her tits were bigger. But still ... in his head he remembered watching Jenny in Swan Lake, dancing around in a revealing leotard and tights. He remembered the pool parties last summer, seeing pretty Jenny in the pink string bikini ... moments later he grunted and came in Paige's mouth.

Fifteen minutes later Frank was at home, having dropped off Paige at her house. He gave Sophie a kiss on the head - she was doing homework - and then went to his wife in their bedroom.

Sally was getting ready for the party at their country club. When they met just after college, Sally had been just 23 and a striking girl. Auburn hair and big breasts (he was a tit man). Now at 39 she was still attractive. Her hair was still red (although mostly out of a bottle) and her face pretty. To his disappointed though, her once wonderful breasts sagged like pancakes.

He couldn't help comparing his wife to Paige. Well, there was no comparison. Paige was fresh and ripe. It wasn't Sally's fault, she was over 20 years older. But it wasn't his fault either, that he was attracted to young girls like Paige. He was a man after all.

Jenny cheered at the basketball game on Saturday. In addition to being the star quarterback, Colin was the star of the basketball team. He was tall and muscular and super quick. He averaged almost a triple double and was a lock for All-State for a third year in a row.

Colin took Jenny out after the game. They'd been going steady for almost 6 months. It was inevitable, the star athlete and the prettiest most popular girl. They loved each other and were already dreaming about a life together. Their friends and families thought they were like a Disney love story.

After burgers with the basketball team and the cheer squad, Colin drove to a ridge overlooking the town. Everyone called it Makeout Point. He put his arm around Jenny and she snuggled into him.

"You were freaking awesome tonight Colin," she gushed. He'd scored over 30 points, more than half his team's total score. Jenny was a big sports fan, and she'd had a crush on Colin since he transferred to their school last year. She loved going out with such an incredible athlete, and he was SOOO hot! Colin was her dream come true, the type of guy she always dreamed about!

"Thanks babe," Colin said, pulling Jenny to him and kissing her. He was ready for a serious make out session. He deserved it, after being the star and leading his team to another W.

Jenny giggled as she pulled away. "Have you heard from Penn State?" she asked playing with the buttons of his shirt.

"Yeah, full ride," Colin announced proudly. "Coach Paterno said I might start as a freshman."

"Wow, as a true freshman?" Jenny said amazed, her eyes going wide. She loved college football and knew oftentimes freshman were redshirted. She also loved Penn State - and Joe Paterno! - and it had always been her dream to go there.

"How about you?" Colin asked stroking her back. He noticed she was wearing a bra. He didn't know why, her tits were so small she didn't need one. He wished she'd go braless sometimes, the idea turned him on. But Jenny Johnson was too goody-two-shoes for that. Oh well, he intended to married her, so he'd have a lot of time to get her to loosen up.
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"Um, I think I have a chance," Jenny said hesitantly, sounding worried and uncertain. She'd never been a good student but the last 2 years she'd worked super hard and gotten her GPA to an A-. Also she had a lot of activities and community service and tons of recommendations, and her last SATs were decent. The problem was, it wasn't enough to get accepted to Penn State, she needed a scholarship too, because her parents couldn't afford to pay for college.

"I'll take care of it for you babe," Colin said confidently. "I'll talk to Paterno. He'll pull strings for my girlfriend. Don't worry Jenny I'll get you in."

"No," Jenny said firmly. Colin had offered this before and this was a sore point for her. "Stop asking Colin, I want to do it on my own. Don't you dare talk to Coach Paterno about me."

"Okay, okay," Colin said backing off. Jenny could be a bitch sometimes (she had a nasty temper) and he didn't want to ruin the evening. "Come here," he said pulling her back to him. He covered her lips with his.

He loved kissing Jenny. Her lips were so full and soft.

He fondled her tight body as he tongued her. He began undressing her. Her cheerleading outfit was hot but a pain to take off. First the vest. Then the tight turtleneck. He paused there, not rushing with her bra. If he went too fast sometimes she'd get scared and stop him. But if he nuzzled up her neck (she loved that) and lightly fondled over her bra (her nipples were super sensitive), then ...

"Oh god Colin," Jenny moaned, arching her back.

Colin inwardly grin, feeling like he just swished a 3. Reaching behind her, he expertly unsnapped her bra with an experienced flick of his fingers.

He tossed the lacy bra away and cupped her tits. They were small but so sweet and shapely. One nipple he rubbed between his thumb and finger. The other, he sucked into his mouth.

"Oh god!" Jenny moaned through gritted teeth. Her breasts and nipples were so sensitive, it was almost painful. But the pain made the pleasure SOOO freaking amazing!

She never imagined it could be this good! She'd had boyfriends before, but they were BOYS! Colin was her first MAN (she thought of Colin as a man even though he was just 18, like her), and he knew how to make her feel SOOO GOOD!

Colin relished feeling up Jenny's body. So slim, so tight, so soft. And he loved the way she responded to his touch. It'd taken him 5 months to get this far - 5 fucking months to get the bra off this chick! - but the way she moaned and writhed under him he knew she loved it, she was a slutty wildcat under her good Catholic girl façade.

He ran his hand over her leg as he continued rubbing and sucking her nipples. He moved his hand under her cheerleading skirt. She moaned as he rubbed her mound, even grinding against him. Colin thought she was going to cum. But then she abruptly pulled away.

What the fuck?! Not again!

"What's wrong?" Colin said, exasperation and frustration in his voice. How many times had Jenny done this, stopped just as things were getting good? EVERY-FUCKING-TIME!

"I'm sorry Colin, I can't," Jenny said, hurriedly putting her bra and turtleneck back on.

"Why?" Colin said angrily. "Every other girl puts out!"

"I'm not every other girl," Jenny said bristling.

Colin heard the angry undertone in Jenny's voice and forced himself to calm down. He'd get nothing tonight if Jenny went ballistic. "Of course you're not honey, you're the best," he said in a softer voice. "But we love each other right? We're gonna get married. So why are we waiting?"

"I don't know baby," Jenny said, melting at the tender expression on his handsome face. "I'm just scared."

"But why? You love me right?"

"Of course baby," Jenny assured him, rubbing his chest. She didn't know why she was so scared, there were a lot of reasons. It didn't help she grew up a conservative Catholic where sex before marriage was a sin. That didn't stop her older sister Emma of course, who let her boyfriend get her pregnant. Emma dropped out of college and married the father Vick. That really scared Jenny, she didn't want to wind up like Emma.

Jenny didn't want to tell Colin the real reasons for her concern. Colin had his choice of girls, she didn't want him to think she was frigid. So she blurted out, "I can't in my cheer uniform." It WAS a concern for Jenny, but like reason #19.

Colin laughed. "We'll take it off, it won't get dirty," he told her with a chuckle.

"That's not it," Jenny said. She was going to wash it anyway, she always did after games. "The cheer squad is my team, I'm the captain, it'd be disrespectful."

Colin laughed again, this time derisively. "Cheerleading isn't a sport, you girls are there to look good and cheer us on," he said dismissively.

Jenny's eyes went wide with shock. "Cheering IS a sport!" she insisted. "It takes quickness, coordination, strength. I've been dancing and doing gymnastics as long as you've been playing football and basketball."

"Dancing's not a sport," Colin scoffed. "Okay, maybe gymnastics, but not dancing."

Jenny glared at Colin. She loved him, but sometimes he could be so infuriating. "YOU try standing on your toes!" she snapped at him. "YOU try doing splits!"

"Okay, okay, I give up, dancing is a sport," Colin said laughing. Jenny glared at him, knowing he was patronizing her.

"I'm sorry okay?" Colin said seeing her anger. "Come on, don't be mad. We won the game tonight, I dropped 35. The Penn State coach was there, I might play basketball AND football. Think of it, your boyfriend a two way star at Penn State. You'll be the envy of every girl on campus. Besides, I like watching you dance, so it doesn't matter if it's a sport or not, right?"

"Yeah, okay," Jenny said under her breath, looking down and feeling deflated.

"Come on, don't be upset," Colin said, putting his finger under her chin and raising her face to look at him. He chuckled and said "You're the prettiest girl in school, what else do you need?" He gave her what he thought was an encouraging smile. "Okay?" he asked.

"Okay," Jenny said in a barely audible voice, looking down at her feet again.

"Come here," Colin said pulling her into his arms again. "You're so fucking beautiful," he gushed. He kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth.

Jenny let him kiss and tongue her. She let him fondle her. That's all she was, right? A pretty face and sexy body. Something to be kissed and touched.

She let him take off her turtleneck and bra again, she let him fondle her again. It wasn't long before her body responded, before she was kissing him back and moaning to his touch. She couldn't help it, that's just how she was.

Colin reached under Jenny's short cheer skirt again. His hand covered her mound, he rubbed her. He inwardly smiled as Jenny parted her legs. Yeah, he was gonna pop her cherry tonight. In his car, his Fire Mustang, in her cheerleading outfit. He always knew Jenny Johnson was a slut. He loved her, her pretty innocent face, but he knew there was a whore inside desperately wanting to come out. He reached into the waistband of her panties and tugged them down.

It took all Jenny's will power to snap her legs shut and push Colin's hand away. "I can't Colin," she said gasping. She pulled her panties up and adjusted her skirt. She wasn't ready for this, she didn't even have any condoms.

"Fuck Jenny!" Colin said angrily, throwing his head back in frustration. He was so close, he almost had her panties off! "You can't fucking leave me like this!"

"I'm sorry baby," Jenny said consolingly, rubbing his chest. She knew how guys were, especially guys like Colin. When they got this excited they needed relief or they couldn't function. She knew what her job was, what guys like Colin expected of her. What she had to do to keep a man like Colin.

Playing with the buttons of his shirt, Jenny offered "I can take care of you, like last time."

Colin looked at her, a smile coming to his face. "Yeah? Now you're talking babe."

Jenny ran her hand over Colin's crotch, feeling the erection inside his pants. She opened his pants and took him out, using both hands to hold him.

"You have a nice touch," Colin whispered, his breathing getting heavier at the feel of Jenny's small soft hands around his shaft.

"Yeah?" Jenny whispered back, her eyes on his big cock.

Colin put his hand behind Jenny's head, lacing his fingers through her lush blonde hair. "You like holding my cock, don't you?" he asked knowingly.

Jenny didn't answer, afraid to admit it to herself as much as Colin. But the fact was, she DID like it. She'd felt other guys before, rubbed them, but always through their pants. Colin's was the first she'd held in her hands. Although she'd done it a few times now (maybe half a dozen times), his penis still amazed her. It was big in her hands, feeling so heavy. Hard like granite, yet with soft skin like a baby's. It was so long and thick she couldn't imagine it inside her. Yet her pussy throbbed at the feel and sight of it, instinctively craving it.

"You love my cock, don't you Jenny?" he asked, giving her a knowing grin.

"Colin, god," Jenny said with a nervous giggle. It DID excite her, but she had a hard time admitting it. That was what it was like growing up Catholic, she felt guilty about everything.

Jenny deflected his question by unbuttoning his shirt. "You took off my shirt, I get to take off yours," she said with a crooked grin. She opened his shirt to reveal his chest. It was dark but she could see him in the moonlight.

God he was so gorgeous! He had muscles everywhere!

She ran her hands over his chiseled chest, her lips following her fingertips. She felt dizzy with excitement. His body so turned her on! Colin turned her on!
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She moved her hands back to his cock. She held his shaft with one hand. With the other she cupped his balls. His sack felt tight, and heavy.

"Fuck Jenny," Colin groaned at the feel of her soft hands on his cock again. "You're fucking teasing me," he said with a laugh. In a lower, lustful voice, he said "Come on, suck me off." With his hand still holding the back of her head, he pulled her face to his crotch.

Jenny's heart pounded as Colin forced her head down to his cock. She opened her lips and took him into her mouth.

Colin looked down at Jenny's pretty face as she opened her mouth wide to swallow his big cockhead. Three times! This was only the third time she'd blown him, in 6 fucking months! Normally he would've dumped a girl long ago if she didn't put out. But Jenny was so incredibly gorgeous. Even more important, he loved her.

He wanted to fuck Jenny's face hard. But he didn't want to scare her off and anyway, she was special to him, he didn't want to treat her like the cheap sluts he normally hooked up with. So instead of being aggressive he stroked her blonde hair and said encouragingly, "Yeah babe, just like that, suck it, yeah, use your hands too, yeah, stroke me as you suck it, yeah ..."

It was clear Jenny didn't know what the fuck she was doing with the big cock in her mouth. But Colin liked that. It proved she wasn't experienced, she hadn't gone this far with any guy before him. Even better, she was a virgin. Eventually (soon) he'd take her virginity, which was the way it should be since she was going to be his wife.

"Yeah, suck me, stroke my balls, yeah," Colin said, moaning and rolling his head back. Jenny might not be experienced but she had a hot mouth and soft hands. He stroked her bare back as she sucked him, then he reached under and caressed her tiny tits.

Jenny gasped when she felt Colin's hand on her breast. She had his beautiful cock in her mouth and hands, and now he was rubbing her ultra-sensitive nipple. It was too much! She felt like she was going to pass out with excitement! Her pussy throbbed! She wanted so bad to reach down and play with herself but she was too embarrassed to do that in front of Colin.

She heard Colin groan "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Then she felt his balls tighten and his cock jerk. A moment later his cock flooded her mouth with his semen.

Jenny had to force herself not to gag. The first time she blew him, she pulled off as he came and he shot all over her clothes. That wasn't good, having to sneak into her bedroom at home without being seen. Also, Colin got angry and derided her for being clueless.

So the next time she forced herself to take his ejaculation into her mouth. Her intention was to spit it out after he was done, but he came so much she had no choice but to swallow. Again she had to fight off gagging and throwing up, but managed to do it. At the time she thought it gross, swallowing his sperm, but in retrospect it wasn't so bad.

Jenny was better prepared this time. She was ready for the powerful streams of cum shooting out of his cock, ready for the ballooning of her cheeks as he filled her mouth, ready for the creamy texture and manly taste. As she swallowed, she found herself thinking this wasn't bad at all, in fact she kinda liked it.

Jenny slowly withdrew after Colin finished and began softening, being careful to limit contact with his penis as he was really sensitive after cumming.

"God Jenny that was so fucking great!" Colin said laughing. Jenny grinned and felt proud at having taken care of her man.

"We better get going, I've got practice tomorrow," Colin said pulling up his pants.

Jenny kept smiling, but inside she was bothered. After what she just did, didn't she get a kiss, a hug? Now that he'd gotten off, he didn't seem concerned at all about her.

She got dressed and they drove home in silence.

As Jenny drove home with Colin, Frank was deep stroking Paige in the apartment he kept for hookups. Her 18 year old pussy felt so fucking good, especially compared to his wife's. After having 3 children, Sally's pussy didn't feel nearly as good as it used to, and of course Sally's body wasn't as firm and tight as Paige's.

Frank's affair with Paige had begun about two months ago. He'd watched Paige grow up from a cute chubby girl with a pony tail to a pretty girl with long brown hair and big tits.

It hadn't been hard seducing Paige. He was good looking, charming and mature. Paige hadn't been his first choice. He'd much rather be fucking Jenny Johnson. But Paige had been available and easy, and he was all about taking advantage of easy opportunities.

"You're on the pill now right?" Frank asked Paige between kisses.

"Yeah," Paige said through heavy lidded eyes and flushed cheeks. She'd gone on the pill at Frank's urging soon after the start of their affair. Frank hated condoms and truthfully, so did she.

"God I'm almost there," Paige moaned, arching her back as Frank pounded her.

"Cum with me baby," Frank urged her, putting her somewhat chubby legs over his shoulders and mauling her big fleshy tits as he fucked her harder and faster. Moments later they both cried out in orgasm, Frank cumming in Paige's 18 year old pussy.

Jenny held back as rehearsal ended and the other students left for home. "Um, Mr. Hayden?" she hesitantly asked. "I don't feel like I'm doing the jail scene right."

"Nonsense Jenny, you've got it spot on," Mr. Hayden said.

Jenny looked doubtful. "I mean, can we run through it again?" she asked looking concerned.

"Okay, fine," Mr. Hayden said with a laugh. He watched as Jenny danced across the stage. He didn't know what she was talking about. Her execution was perfect. She truly was a talented dancer. On top of that she had a lovely singing voice.

He clapped as she finished. "Jenny that was perfect," he gushed.

"Um, thanks Mr. Hayden," Jenny said, feeling a little better. She was nervous with opening night so close. They chatted as they got ready to go.

Jenny was wearing a sport top that showed off her flat tummy, black leggings and black ankle strap dance shoes. As they spoke, Jenny put her right foot on a chair, undid the ankle strap, and then took off the dance shoe. She put the shoe in her bag and took out a black Mia flat. She slipped the flat on. Then she repeated the process with her left foot. It was how she did it all the time, she wasn't trying to flirt.

But it was impossible for Mr. Hayden not to watch. Jenny had the most incredible legs.

He felt himself stiffening. It was hard not getting distracted around a beautiful nubile teenager like Jenny Johnson. He'd been a teacher for over a decade and seen a lot of pretty high school girls. But Jenny was the prettiest and most alluring. There was something about her. Blonde and blue eyed, fresh faced, bubbly and engaging, she seemed so innocent. Yet, she exuded sensuality. The way she glided across the room like an elegant ballerina, the way she looked into your eyes like you were the only person in the world, the way she dressed (always calling attention to her ass and legs in skinny jeans or short skirts and tights).

Jenny said bye and left, not noticing Mr. Hayden looking at her.

Later that week Jenny was with Colin again at Makeout Point. They were making out. Colin had Jenny's top and bra off. His shirt was off too, and Jenny was caressing him as much as he was caressing her. His chiseled chest and washboard abs sooo turned her on.

Colin snaked his hand under Jenny's short skirt. He felt her mound, she was definitely moist. He hooked a finger into the waistband of her tights and tugged them down. He expected her to stop him, but to his surprise she actually lifted her butt to help him. He eagerly peeled the tights down her legs to her knees, pulling her panties down at the same time. Now she was naked under the skirt, her pussy was there for the taking!

While still kissing and tonguing her, he moved his hand back up her skirt. He cupped her pussy lips, his thumb rubbing a spot just above her clit. He didn't feel any hair, Jenny kept herself completely bare!

Colin rubbed Jenny's love button. Jenny immediately groaned and raised her hips, pressing her pussy against his hand. Jenny was so into it, it was clear she wanted fucked! Colin pushed Jenny onto her back and got on top of her, between her parted legs. He unzipped his pants and took out his cock. Tonight he was going to get her cherry!

Jenny was panting, her pussy throbbed, her body was on fire! She so wanted Colin, wanted his cock, wanted to feel him inside her! She was tired of being a virgin, all her friends had lost their V cards long again, she was tired of being the good Catholic girl. More than that she wanted Colin! He was so handsome and sexy, he was like Michelangelo's David (although with a bigger thing!). She loved Colin, she wanted him to take her virginity.

Earlier that week she'd bought a box of condoms. She was so embarrassed she drove to the next town to buy them, not wanting to run into anyone she knew. The act of buying the condoms both excited and scared her. This was real, it was going to happen!

But as Colin got on top of her, as he spread her legs, she had second thoughts. Abruptly she closed her legs and pushed him away.

"Fuck Jenny not again!" he said angrily. He'd been so close! His cockhead had been against her pussy lips!

"Not like this Colin," Jenny said tears falling down her cheeks. "I don't want my first time like this, in your car at Makeout Point."

"God, girls!" Colin thought to himself, exasperated. "Everything had to be romantic." But he was smart enough not to voice his thoughts, not if he wanted to get into her pants. Instead he hugged and kissed Jenny and said in a soft voice "I have an idea. Your opening night is Saturday, right? How about then? Like a celebration."

Jenny nodded. That would make it special. "Not in your car, right?" she asked.

"What the fuck was wrong with his car?!" Colin thought to himself. But again trying to act the sensitive, understanding boyfriend, he smiled and said "Of course not. I'll get a hotel room."

Opening night was an unqualified success and Jenny was brilliant as Roxie. Jenny had a big smile of relief on her face as the audience rose and gave her a long, enthusiastic standing ovation. After the cast took their bows Mr. Hayden pulled her aside. "You were wonderful Jenny, but you missed a couple cues," he pointed out gently.

"Oh um, I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'll be better tomorrow, I promise." Jenny knew she missed those cues. Worse, a few times she almost slipped in her routines. She'd been distracted by what was going to happen tonight. Scared, but excited too. Really excited.
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Jenny met up with Colin backstage. He had a silly grin on his face, knowing what was about to happy. "Stop," she whispered to him, not wanting people to guess what they were about to do. While she might not be as conservative a Catholic as her parents (especially her father), this obviously had to be a secret. She had her reputation to think about after all.

Holding Colin's hand, she went searching for her parents. She mostly wanted to see her father. He rarely went to any of her school activities, but last night he promised to attend her opening night performance. She was the star tonight, she got a standing ovation! There was no way her father couldn't be proud of her.

But her heart sank when she saw her mother alone. Mom forced a smile and said "Your father wanted to come, but something came up."

"Oh," Jenny said terribly disappointed. Why wasn't he ever there? Didn't he care at all about her? Trying to hide how upset she was, she asked nonchalantly, "He had to go to work?" Her father worked at the loading dock, he got called in at odd hours sometimes.

"I don't know," Mom said looking sad. She looked like she was about to cry.

Jenny suddenly felt worried for her mom. She reached for her and said "Mom are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Mom said forcing another smile. "I'm sure you have a party to go to."

"Yeah but ..."

"I'll be fine," Mom said still wearing the fake smile. She glanced at Colin. "You two go ahead."

"Let's go," Colin said impatiently after they were out of ear shot of Jenny's mom.

At that moment Sophie and her mom and dad approached. "Jenny you were so awesome!" Sophie gushed, hugging her friend. Sophie's mom hugged her too.

"You were wonderful," Frank agreed, smiling. He gave Jenny a large bouquet of roses. "Congratulations for tonight, you were truly brilliant. You're very talented."

"God Mr. Tower, thanks," Jenny said her eyes wide as she looked at the flowers. They looked and smelled so wonderful! Why couldn't her dad be more like Sophie's father?

"Come on," Colin urged Jenny as they moved away from Sophie and her parents.

"I've got to change," Jenny said. She was still wearing the costume from the closing scene, a sexy short black dress with a garter belt, black stockings and heels.

Colin looked her up and down. "Leave it on," he whispered to her excitedly.

"Seriously?" Jenny said with a giggle.

"Yeah you look so hot dressed like that," Colin gushed giving her another up and down look.

Jenny giggled again. Actually she wasn't surprised, she wasn't so naïve to not know the effect stockings and a garter belt had on men (even though she preferred tights, they were way more comfortable!). "Okay," she whispered to him. Luckily she'd worn a long coat tonight. She put it on. "Let's go," she said with another whisper, talking Colin's arm.

Mr. Hayden watched as Jenny left with her quarterback boyfriend. He noticed she hadn't change out of the sexy Roxie outfit.

Inside their room at the motel next to the highway, Colin pulled Jenny into his arms. He was more excited than normal having seen Jenny and the other girls dancing on stage in stockings, garter belts and high heels. Chicago was a great show! He never knew theater was so good.

He kissed and tongued her, excitedly running his hands all over her body. Jenny never dressed like this. She was partially tomboy and usually wore jeans. Sometimes she wore skirts and tights. But never this, a revealing dress, nylon stockings and stiletto high heels.

"Wait baby," Jenny said giggling, pulling away from him. "I've got to change."

"Leave it on," Colin urged her. He wanted to fuck her in the stockings and high heels.

"I can't," Jenny said. "I can't get this outfit dirty, I have to wear it at the performance tomorrow night." She picked up a bag and kissed him. "I'll be right back." She went into the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, Jenny undressed. She carefully folded the dress and put everything in the bag. She was extra careful with the nylons, not wanting them to run (they were expensive!).

She put on a short silk negligee and thong panties. Then she brushed her hair and touched up her makeup (a little lipstick and blush).

She was nervous, but not about Colin. She wasn't worried about pleasing him. Yes, it was prideful, but she knew he'd be happy with her. She was pretty and had a nice body. She wasn't experienced - this was her first time after all - but she wasn't worried about Colin being disappointed. He was a guy after all!

She was worried about the pain of course. She'd heard horror stories from her friends. Mostly though she worried about whether she would like it. She'd given herself orgasms. Would this be better? Would she even cum? She was 18, she'd thought about this moment for years, built it up in her head. What if she didn't like sex? That would be so terrible.

She shyly stepped out of the bathroom. To her surprise, Colin was naked and lying on the bed. She blushed when she saw he was slowly stroking himself. "God Colin," she said with a nervous giggle, covering her face with her hands.

He grinned and reached for her, pulling her into his arms. "Sexy," he said admiringly, running his hands over the silky pink negligee. He kissed and fondled Jenny, leaving her gasping. Then he pulled off the negligee, and Jenny made no move to stop him. She was ready. This time she was ready.

Colin pulled Jenny next to him, onto her back. He looked her up and down, taking his time, seeing her whole naked body for the first time. "Fuck Jenny," he said as if in awe. "God you're hot!"

His compliment made her glow inside. Jenny loved praise and attention, craved it even, it helped her self-esteem and fulfilled her longing to be loved (although at 18 she wasn't emotionally mature enough to think of it in those terms).

But then Colin ruined it when he looked at her small breasts and frowned. Jenny felt insecure about her small breasts. They were only an A cup. "But they're perky, that's good right?" she thought silently to herself. Guys were all the same, they loved big boobs. Jenny didn't understand why hers were so small. Mom was a 36C, and her sister Emma 38D (even bigger now since having the baby). Jenny prayed every night for a late growth spurt and bigger boobs (Jenny breasts did get bigger by the time she met Mike her sophomore year in college, but only going from an A cup to almost a B cup).

Oblivious to Jenny's hurt feelings, Colin leaned down and kissed her. As he slipped his tongue into her mouth he caressed her body. Colin was a good kisser and knew how to touch a girl. Jenny was soon moaning and writhing under him, her hurt feelings all but forgotten.

As he kissed and fondled her, Colin slid her panties down her long shapely legs. When she raised her butt off the bed to help him he realized this was really happening.

After the panties were off he took a moment to look at her pussy. Two thin lips pressed tightly together to form a short slit, the lips just barely a shade darker than the surrounding skin. Her clit at the top covered by a thin sheath of soft skin the same color as the lips. Completely bare of any hair too.

"Fuck Jenny," Colin gushed admiringly. He'd seen a bunch of pussies by that point in his life - both in real life and porn on the internet - and hers was the prettiest he'd ever seen. "You shaved for me?"

Jenny gave a weak embarrassed smile. Yes, she shaved and used cream to keep herself completely bare. Not necessarily for Colin though. She looked at the internet too - she might still be a virgin but she wasn't naïve - and she liked the clean innocent look of a bare pussy (and it made her feel sexy too!).

She couldn't help blushing though. She was completely naked in front of a guy! Yes Colin was her boyfriend, but she still felt shy and bashful.

Colin ran a finger up her slit, and then around her clit. As he did he looked at Jenny's face. Her lips were parted, her cheeks flushed and her eyes heavy lidded. In the future, Mike would call that her cum face.

Then Colin pushed a finger into her pussy, just to the first joint. God she was tight! He watched Jenny's pretty face again. Her lips were pressed together and her nostrils flared. He pushed his finger deeper, to the second joint.

"Ugh, god," Jenny moaned. Colin's finger was inside her! They were both naked and he had his finger inside her! She felt so naughty! Her heart pounded, and she was so excited! She felt about to cum and he wasn't even inside her yet!

He wrapped a leg over hers so he was half on top of her. He kissed and fondled her ripe naked body, his hands moving over her breasts, her sexy flat tummy, her legs, and her pussy.

Jenny couldn't take it anymore! She wanted it! She grabbed his arms and tried to pull him on top of her.

Colin laughed. "Fuck you're a horny slut," he laughingly joked.

Jenny's cheeks flushed at being called a slut. But it was accurate, at that moment, she FELT like a slut! The realization made her even hornier!

Colin wanted it as much as her. He got on top of her, moving her legs apart. He took his cock in his hand and rubbed the cockhead up and down her slit, making sure to rub over her clit.
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"God Colin," Jenny moaned, raising her hips to press against him.

Colin laughed again. "You so want this, don't you?" he said grinning. "See? We should've fucked a long time ago." He pressed his cockhead against her pussy lips and asked "Ready?"

Jenny was sooo ready! But she still had enough wits to say "Condom Colin." She reached into her bag and handed him a small square package.

Colin nodded and took it from her. He was disappointed, he preferred fucking bareback. Who didn't? But he didn't want a baby any more than Jenny.

He opened the package and rolled it on. "Ready?" he asked her again.

Jenny nodded, both scared and excited.

Colin spit on his hand and rubbed the saliva over his condom sheathed cock. Then, using his hand as a guide, he pressed his cockhead against Jenny's slit between her pussy lips.

"Ugh!" Jenny cried as his cockhead popped into her pussy.

"Fuck!" Colin groaned after he was a couple inches inside her. The bitch was tight! He realized he was panting. So was Jenny. Her pussy was tight and he had a big cock, it'd taken a lot to penetrate her. He leaned down and kissed her, giving them both a breather.

After a few moments, supporting his weight on his elbows, he slowly pushed more of his cock inside her. He encountered resistance. This was it. He looked into Jenny's eyes. She knew it too.

Digging his toes into the mattress and gripping Jenny's shoulders, he pushed hard into her pussy. There was momentary resistance, then it gave way. Jenny cried out in pain.

"Are you okay?" Colin asked.

Jenny nodded, although there were tears in her eyes from the brief pain. "I'm okay," she whispered.

"Good girl," Colin said. Still leaning on his elbows, he pushed deeper into Jenny. He had a big grin on his face. Three. Counting Jenny, he'd now deflowered 3 girls. (It was great being a star quarterback, he got a lot of opportunities for pussy.) Jenny was special of course, but that didn't stop him from lumping her along with the other cherries he'd taken.

Colin wasn't even half in and already he was sweating again. Jenny was too, their bodies glistened with perspiration. This was hard work! Yes he had a big cock, but he never had this problem before with other girls (even the 2 other virgins). Jenny was so fucking tight!

Colin looked down at Jenny beneath him. She had her jaws clenched and her nostrils flared. Tears watered her eyes. Clearly his big cock inside her hurt. But she wasn't telling him to pull out. He liked that. "Good girl," he said giving her a kiss.

Colin withdrew and pushed back in, hoping to get deeper that way. It worked a little. He did it again, and again. Without even realizing it he was fucking Jenny (albeit with half his cock).

The fucking felt good! So good Colin practically gasped. It shocked him, he'd never felt anything like it before. Jenny's pussy felt amazing! It wasn't just the incredible tightness. Her pussy was so soft and smooth, like a super snug velvet glove around his cock.

"This is good," he panted to Jenny between the half thrusts, his words coming out like a moan.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Jenny agreed, her eyes closed and breathing hard. Suddenly she cried out, arching her back and digging her curled toes into the mattress. She was cumming! Waves of orgasmic pleasure shot through her body!

As Jenny came her pussy reflexively contracted. That extra stimulation pushed Colin over the edge, and he came too. His orgasm was just as intense as Jenny's, and they clutched each other and cried out as their orgasms ripped through their bodies.

Colin collapsed onto Jenny, gasping. Jenny was gasping too, her head spinning, reveling in her first orgasm from intercourse.

She was ecstatic! This had been wonderful on so many levels! First, she was no longer a virgin. Second, the orgasm had been so freaking good! Third, Colin had cum too, so she'd pleased him. Fourth, she discovered she loved sex!

Colin pulled out. She immediately felt empty, disappointed. It was a relief too though, it wasn't easy having something so big inside her.

Jenny glanced down, relieved to see the condom still covering his cock. She was astounded at the amount of sperm filling the reservoir at the tip. Thank god he wore a condom because she wasn't on any birth control.

"Sorry I came so fast," Colin said sheepishly. "I couldn't help it, your pussy felt so good."

"Really?" Jenny said incredibly pleased with herself. "I made you feel good?"

"Yeah Jenny, your pussy's incredible," Colin said kissing her. "You know, I was barely inside you. Give me a few minutes, I'll be ready to go again."

"Um, not tonight okay?" she said rubbing his chest. "I'm kinda sore." He'd been only partly inside her? God she'd felt like he was splitting her apart! She worried about the next time, trying to fit all of him inside her. But the thought got her excited too. He had more to give her? Her pussy tingled with anticipation. She really was sore though, there was no way they could do it again tonight.

"Okay," Colin said, clearly disappointed. He brushed a stray lock of blonde hair from her face. "You should get on the pill," he told her.

"Yeah," Jenny said. With that one word she admitted (to him and herself) this wasn't a one-time thing. There was no way she could stop now. Sex was so freaking amazing! She'd done it only once, and she already loved it!

On Monday at lunch Jenny joined Sophie and Paige at their table. She had a glow on her face and her best friends both knew immediately.

"You went all the way with Colin didn't you?" Sophie asked her eyes wide.

"Tell the truth!" Paige said excitedly.

"Hush!" Jenny said looking nervously around them in the cafeteria. Then she nodded and a big smile formed on her face, not able to conceal her jubilation. She had to tell someone, and they were her best friends.

"Was it good?" Sophie whispered.

"Um ... it didn't suck," Jenny said with a giggle.

"Did you cum?" Paige asked.

Jenny nodded, a blush coming to her cheeks. "It felt better than my hand," she said giggling again.

"Oh my god you slut," Sophie whispered back playfully. All 3 girls giggled delightedly.

"Is Colin big?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah," Jenny said. Although Colin was her first, she'd seen naked men on the internet. She was sure Colin was bigger than average.

"How big?" Paige asked pressing for information.

"I mean, I didn't have a tape measure with me," Jenny joked.

"What about the hand test?" Sophie said.

"The hand test?" Jenny asked not knowing what she was talking about.

"Oh my god, you don't know this?" Sophie scoffed playfully rolling her eyes. "If a guy can fit in your hand, he's super small. Two hands, average. Three hands, longer than average."

"That's just how long he is," Paige chimed in. "You use the toilet paper roll test to measure how thick he is. If he can easily fit in a toilet paper roll, he's a pencil dick. Barely fit, about average. Can't fit, he's thick."

"So I'm supposed to carry a roll of toilet paper with me?" Jenny deadpanned.

"You do it in your head you dumb blonde bitch," Paige playfully derided her.

"Okay," Jenny said laughing.

"So what's Colin?" Sophie asked Jenny. Both Sophie and Paige looked intently at Jenny, hanging on her every word.

"Um, definitely 3 hands," Jenny said with a wicked grin. "And bigger than a toilet paper roll."

All 3 girls broke out in giggles. "Oh god Jenny you're so lucky, guys like that are rare!" Sophie gushed, giving Jenny an envious look.

Paige thought Jenny was lucky too. But she wasn't envious. She didn't need to be, because Frank was just as big. Of course her affair with Sophie's dad was a secret. But she liked thinking about Frank, it always made her heart flip and her pussy tingle.

Between classes Jenny saw Colin down the hall, talking with his football and basketball friends. The sight of him made her weak-kneed. She was intensely attracted to him, he was everything she wanted in a man. Tall, gorgeous, broad shouldered, athletic, confident, charming. Her heart always did a flip whenever she saw him, it'd been that way even before they started dating.

But now. Now she saw him in a different light. He was her lover. The sight of him made her pussy tingle, made her body crave him. And, on top of all that, Colin passed the hand and toilet roll test. She giggled inside at that.

Colin saw her and immediately walked over. "Hey babe," he said giving her a quick kiss. A brief peck was all that was allowed in school. "Want to get together tonight?" he said giving her a knowing look.

"Yeah, but not for that," Jenny whispered to him. She hurriedly added "I want to, but I'm still kinda sore. Later okay?" She hugged his arm. Getting on her tiptoes she whispered into his ear "I definitely want to."

"Sure, okay," Colin said grinning at her. Sure he wanted to fuck Jenny again, but he could wait. After all it was a compliment that his big cock had gotten her pussy sore. And there were other girls he could get his rocks off with. Amanda, the pretty 22 year old drop out who worked at the mall, and Tracy, the college sophomore at the local community college. Jenny had no clue about the other girls of course. They didn't mean anything to him, they were little more than hookups. He loved Jenny, but a man needed a lot of pussy. And after all he was entitled. He was a star quarterback, he was going to start for Penn State, he was a lock for the pros. Men like him were entitled to as much pussy as they wanted. But what he did with other girls didn't affect his feelings for Jenny.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 02

[Continuing Book 1, Cheating ...]

In his history class, Mr. Hayden gave his class a pop quiz. There were a lot of unhappy groans but he didn't care. The truth was, he was too distracted to do a lecture.

The source of his distraction was sitting in the front row, right in the center. Jenny Johnson. During their performance on Sunday, as he watched Jenny sing and dance in the sexy black dress, stockings and high heels, all he could think about was whether she'd fucked her boyfriend Colin in that outfit. He'd been distracted the entire performance, wondering if there might be cum stains on the teenager's dress or black stockings.

Now the source of his lust was sitting right in front of him. And it WAS lust. Oh, he'd never act on it, that was a recipe for disaster. But more and more – especially this year since she was in his class and they worked so closely together on Chicago – he fantasized about Jenny when he was beating off or making love to his wife.

Teenage girls. It was unfair really. So fresh and ripe, so young, so tight, so firm. It was impossible for a middle aged man not to be distracted.

And Jenny Johnson was something else. Long, lush blonde hair. A cover girl pretty face (she really should consider modeling). A slim figure, amazing ass and legs so achingly long and shapely ....

He looked at her as she took the test, although of course he wasn't obvious about it. When she concentrated, like now taking the test, she constantly twirled a blonde lock of hair with her finger. It was an absent minded thing, she probably didn't even realize she was doing it. It was adorable though!

There was another thing Jenny Johnson did that positively drove him wild. She usually wore flats or sneakers. When she wore flats she often arched her foot when her legs were crossed. Again it was an absent minded thing, but seeing the elegant arch of her pretty foot while wearing black flats always made his cock twitch.

As class ended the students filed out, each dropping their quiz on his desk. Jenny held back. She approached Mr. Hayden after everyone had left.

Jenny was practically in tears. "I didn't do well," she said putting her quiz on his desk. "I didn't do the reading. I was so busy with the play. I know that's not an excuse ...."

Her voice trailed off. Then with a trembling voice and tears welling up in her eyes, she said "I really need an A in your class. I need straight As this semester or I won't get a scholarship."

"Jenny, Jenny, it's okay," Mr. Hayden assured her with a kind smile. "This was a practice test, I'm not grading them. I doubt any of the students did the reading." To emphasize his point, he tossed the stack of tests in the trash can.

"Oh my god, really?" Jenny said relief on her face. "Oh thank you Mr. Hayden!" Feeling incredibly relieved, she gave Mr. Hayden a hug. "I'll do the reading tonight," she promised.

Mr. Hayden hugged her back. He'd never been so close to Jenny before. With their bodies pressed together and their arms around each other, Mr. Hayden felt Jenny's slim18 year old body. She was just as tight and firm, yet soft, as he always imagined.

He knew he needed to break the hug before he got hard. But he lingered a moment. For whatever reason – maybe to be polite – Jenny lingered too.

Mr. Hayden couldn't help himself. When would he ever hug Jenny Johnson again like this? He let his hand drift down her back. He stopped short of her ass, in fact he willed his hand to stop before it reached the top of her skinny jeans. But just before he pulled his arms away he felt the waistband of tights. Jenny was wearing tights under her jeans.

Mr. Hayden ended the hug and they stepped away from each other. To his relief Jenny didn't seemed to think anything was out of the ordinary.

Jenny said goodbye and was about to leave when Mr. Hayden said "Jenny can I ask you something?" He felt awkward, he knew this was crossing the teacher/student line, but he had to know. He forced a chuckle to hide his nervousness and to make it sound like no big deal. "I have a daughter you know, she's 6. Even at 6 she's head strong, never likes her clothes. I was wondering, do you always wear tights under your jeans?" It was a lame excuse for the question, the excuse didn't even make sense, but it was best he could do spur of the moment.

"Um, yeah, usually," Jenny said. She shrugged as if not knowing why herself. "I get cold sometimes. And I like the feel of tights, I always have, I don't know why. Maybe because of my dance classes." On the other hand, Jenny hated the feel of pantyhose.

Mr. Hayden nodded and forced a smile. Doing his best to keep his voice from cracking, he said "Thanks, I'll tell my wife we should buy more tights for our daughter."

After Jenny left, Mr. Hayden rushed to the faculty bathroom. Fortunately he had the next period free. He went into a stall and sat down, taking out his cock. He was so hard. He stroked himself as he imagined making love to Jenny Johnson. In his fantasy, he unbuckled her jeans and pushed his hand down her tights, rubbing her clit to make her wet. He got on his knees and pulled down her jeans. He took a moment to look at her long shapely legs in the black tights. Then he buried his face in her crotch, loving the feel of the tights against his nose and cheeks as he licked her clit through the stretchy material. He laid her on her back on his desk. Opening her legs, he ripped a hole in her tights, then pushed his cock into her 18 year old pussy. As he fucked her, she rubbed her tights-clad feet in his face, and he sucked her pretty toes into his mouth.

Mr. Hayden came moments later, gasping. In the sanity that comes after an orgasm, he felt ashamed for fantasizing about Jenny this way. She was only a teenager, and his student. But what could he do? He was really into legs and feet and Jenny had all that, plus the beautiful face of an angel.

Outside Mr. Hayden's classroom Jenny smiled. She wasn't naïve, she knew Mr. Hayden had just hit on her. But it wasn't a major come on. She liked Mr. Hayden, he was harmless. She didn't care if he grabbed her ass. The truth was, Jenny kinda had a school girl crush on her history teacher. She thought he looked cute in the wrinkled chinos he always wore, and his loose rumpled button down cotton shirts didn't hide his broad shoulders. He looked good for a 40 something guy!

The rest of that semester (their last in high school) Colin and Jenny had sex at least once a week. It took 2 more times before Colin got balls deep into Jenny. Jenny learned she adored sex! Even better than chocolate (maybe!). She loved Colin's big cock too. She loved the feeling of being completely full, she loved how his long thick cock touched and rubbed every part of her. It still hurt some, but she was getting used to his size, and somehow the pain – the reminder of how big he was – made the sex even more exciting. (Jen didn't realize it at the time, but being taken by a muscular alpha guy with a big cock feed into her submissive tendencies.)

They were insatiable for each other! They would've fucked all the time like newlyweds but it was hard finding places to be alone (Colin couldn't afford to rent a hotel room very often).

In March, Jenny and her family went to a March Madness party at Sophie's house. Mr. and Mrs. Tower often hosted parties around sporting events (their last party was the Super Bowl). It was mostly due to Mr. Tower, a big sports fan. In fact, that was probably why Mr. Tower got along so well with Jenny's dad, they both loved sports.

Big TVs were positioned around the house playing different basketball games. There was always a big crowd clustered around Mr. Tower. It wasn't just the fact he was the host. Mr. Tower was charming and engaging, a charismatic man's man, so both men and women were drawn to him.

Jenny and Sophie mingled through the crowd, stopping every now and then to watch a few minutes of a game. Jenny looked at Mr. Tower holding court with the big smiling crowd around him. Her mom and dad were in that group. So were Paige and some of her other girlfriends from school. Sophie often joked her father was the dad all her friends had crushes on. Jenny's dad was like that too, although to a lesser extent.

"I'm gonna bolt," Jenny whispered to Sophie about midway through the party.

"You're meeting Colin?" Sophie whispered back with a conspiratorial smile.

Jenny nodded, grinning. Her mom and dad would be here at the party at least another two hours, she and Colin had that much time to be alone at her house.

"You slut," Sophie teased grinning.

"You're just jelly," Jenny teased back.

"I am!" Sophie admitted with a giggle. She was sexually active too, but her current boyfriend (a college freshman) was just average by the hands/toilet roll tests.

Jenny snuck through the house, trying not to be seen as she made her way to the back door. She was pretty sure her parents wouldn't notice her absence, and if they did she'd tell them she got a headache and went home early.

In the back hallway she stopped to fix her pantyhose. She'd dressed special for Colin, wearing a short dress, pantyhose and 2 inch heels. (The pantyhose were the big deal for her. She didn't like them. In contrast to cotton (or soft wool) tights, she didn't like the feel of nylon. As she got older she grew to like pantyhose and stockings, learning there were different qualities of nylon. In her early twenties, when she worked in New York City and couldn't go bare legged, she discovered the wonder of high quality, low denier stockings and pantyhose. It was like encasing her legs in silk! It felt incredibly luxurious, and sexy too. It cost a lot of money because boutiques like Wolford, Agent Provocateur and even Victoria's Secret were expensive, but then she found StockingsHQ, the Internet store in London.)

With her right leg slightly ahead of the left, Jenny pulled the pantyhose up at the knee of her right leg. She did it again at mid-thigh, and then again just below her crotch. Once satisfied, she shifted her weight to her right leg and repeated the process with her left leg. The last adjustment (pulling her pantyhose up at her crotch) caused her skirt to hike up.

At that moment, with Jenny's dress bunched up practically to her waist, Mr. Tower walked into the hallway. He was carrying two champagne flutes. He stopped in mid-stride, his mouth opening in surprise and his eyes focusing on Jenny's exposed legs and panties.

"Oh," Jenny said, surprised and alarmed. She hurriedly pushed her dress down. "Sorry."

"No worries," Frank said with a chuckle. "I was looking for you actually. Here." He handed Jenny one of the champagne flutes.

"Oh um thanks," Jenny said hesitantly. She'd drunk alcohol before of course – she liked it – but this was the first time an adult had given her a drink.

Frank chuckled again. "I know you're only 18 like Sophie, but you're not driving right?" He clinked Jenny's glass. "I wanted to congratulate you again for Chicago, you really were brilliant."

"Um, thanks Mr. Tower," Jenny said hesitantly. She felt awkward as this was probably the first time she'd ever had a private conversation with Sophie's dad. She took a sip of the champagne, shyly keeping her eyes down.
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"You're almost in college, you should call me Frank," Frank said with a friendly smile. He casually leaned his back against the wall. "So I hear you're going to Penn State?"

"Not yet," Jenny said. "I'm wait listed."

"I'm sure you'll get in," Frank said encouragingly. "Pick a major yet?"

"I think marketing," Jenny said taking another sip of the champagne. "I'd like to minor in dance too."

"Ah, you want to dance professionally?" Frank asked clearly interested.

"I'm not good enough for that," Jenny said. She shrugged. "Just for fun."

"You're a wonderful dancer," Frank gushed. "If that's your dream, I say go for it."

Jenny couldn't help smiling, pleased at his compliment. She took another sip of the champagne. It was nice having an adult speak to her like an adult. He seemed sincerely interested in her. It felt good, sipping champagne and talking to him, and the champagne gave her a warm glow.

"Refill?" Frank asked, producing an open bottle of champagne from somewhere.

"Um, sure," Jenny said holding out her glass. "Thanks Mr. – I mean thanks Frank."

"This is Dom Perignon, a really good champagne," Frank said as he filled her glass.

"Oh, I've heard of it," Jenny said. She wasn't sure if she had, but she wanted to be polite. She definitely liked it.

"Another good thing about dancing, it'll keep off the freshman 15," Frank said with a grin.

"I'm not going to gain 15 pounds," Jenny said with a laugh. She couldn't imagine gaining 15 pounds, she'd be obese.

"That's good, you wouldn't want to lose your figure," Frank joked. He teasing poked her in the stomach, like he was tickling her. Then he ran his finger up her stomach a few inches. She definitely had a firm, flat stomach.

Jenny giggled at the tickling.

"You're ticklish," Frank said with a big grin, stepping close to refill her glass again.

"Yeah," Jenny agreed still giggling. She held out her glass and didn't retreat as Frank stepped closer.

They chatted some more, now barely a foot apart. Jenny felt tipsy as she downed the second glass of champagne. She wavered on her feet and Frank steadied her, putting his hand on her back just above her ass.

Jenny of course knew Mr. Tower was flirting with her. She got hit on all the time, she knew the signs. She was incredibly flattered a man as charming, handsome and rich as Mr. Tower was paying any attention to her.

She knew how to flirt back. It was fun, like a game. Like, how much attention can you get from a boy?

Jenny allowed herself to stumble into Mr. Tower's arms, falling into his chest. As part of the fake stumble, she "accidentally" pressed her knee between Mr. Tower's legs.

Frank wrapped his arms around Jenny, to steady her. "Sorry Mr. Tower," Jenny said giving him her most innocent look, looking at him with her big blue eyes. Rather than pull away, she lingered in his arms. She didn't even pull away when he began stroking her back.

"Call me Frank," Frank reminded her. He continued to stroke her back, his hands moving down towards her ass.

Jenny started feeling uncomfortable when she felt his erection press against her tummy, and his hands move onto her behind. When Frank said "You're very pretty Jenny" and lowered his head to kiss her, Jenny knew for sure her little flirtation had gone too far. This was Sophie's father after all.

Jenny quickly pulled away. "Um, I've got to go," she hurriedly said turning to leave. "Bye, um, Frank."

Jenny borrowed Sophie's bike and rode it home. It bothered her Sophie's dad had come on to her. But it delighted her too, it was like an ego boost, and after all she'd kinda encouraged him. In the end she decided it was harmless. After all, Mr. Tower had probably been drunk. She decided to pretend like it never happened. In fact, it was the last time Jenny thought about Mr. Tower for years.

Colin was waiting in the garage when she arrived. They hurried to her bedroom. Within moments they were naked. Colin got on top and mounted her.

Colin flipped Jenny over onto her hands and knees, into the doggy position. This was Jenny's favorite position. It made her feel so naughty, so out of control, and she loved how Colin reached under her to squeeze her tits as he fucked her hard from behind.

Jenny came, and Colin followed a few moments later. Jenny was on the pill now so Colin fucked her bareback. She sooo liked it better this way. Skin on skin felt so much better, and the feel of Colin's cum hitting her walls in powerful bursts really turned her on.

They collapsed onto the bed, panting. They both looked at the clock and grinned excitedly at each other. They had enough time to do it again!

As Colin recovered, he caressed Jenny's small breasts. "You hate my breasts don't you?" Jenny asked bothered.

"I don't hate them," Colin said with a laugh.

"You wish they were bigger," Jenny said.

Colin shrugged. Laughing again he said "Bigger is better right?" He pressed his half hard cock against her thigh. "You like big, right?"

"What can I do Colin?" Jenny said, annoyed and hurt. "This is who I am."

"Tell you what," Colin said, smiling and trying to sound supportive. "When I get drafted and get my first check, the first thing I'll do is buy you bigger tits."

Jenny bristled at that. "Not a new car?" she asked sarcastically.

"You come first with me babe," Colin said oblivious to Jenny's sarcasm and hurt feelings. He was hard again. He got on top and fucked her again.

The next day, Jenny went to the Victoria Secrets at the mall. She bought padded bras to increase her bust. In the dressing room, she put one on under her blouse. She looked in the mirror. The bra made her look bigger, maybe like a B cup. Walking through the mall back to her car (she borrowed her mom's car), she noticed guys looking at her bust. She usually liked attention but not this time, because she felt it was fake. Jenny mostly wore padded bras from that moment, until she met Mike.

At the March Madness party, Frank frowned as he watched Jenny walk away. The bitch had clearly come on to him. She might be a good dancer but she was a lousy actress. Frank easily saw through the "stumbling into his arms" thing. (Jenny got better at subtle flirting as she got older.)

Frank had to adjust his pants. The cock teasing slut had gotten him hot, she'd been practically rubbing her thigh against his cock. Holding her in his arms .... Fuck she had a tight, ripe body.

Frank rejoined the party. He mingled until he saw Paige, and surreptitiously whispered into her ear "Basement 30 minutes."

It was risky, fucking Paige with the party going on. But Jenny had lit a fire in him and he needed to put it out. He loved his wife Sally but she didn't do it for him anymore, not with her pancake tits and cellulose thighs. He was rich, successful and powerful. He gave Sally everything she wanted. He felt entitled.

His affairs were usually with married women, often times wives of men he knew. They were the safest. Unlikely to talk, low risk of disease. Also it was hot taking what belonged to another man. He was a wolf and other men sheep. In business he took their money, in life he took their women. He always got a charge shaking a man's hand at the country club after fucking his wife. He'd grin inside and think to himself "I fucked your wife, I spermed her, I beat you."

Fucking a young thing like Paige was riskier. She was more likely to talk to her friends or get emotionally attached. He knew he should cut it off with her, but there was something so wicked about fucking a girl more than half his age, a girl he watched grow up, a girl the same age as his daughter.

"We need to be quick," Frank said to Paige as he locked the basement door. He kissed her as he unbuttoned her blouse and groped her big fleshy tits. Paige let Frank do whatever he wanted to her, she was just happy to be with him.

Frank twirled Paige around and bent her over the sofa back. He yanked up her skirt and pushed down her tights and panties, then he sunk his cock into her tight 18 year old pussy. As he fucked Paige, he closed his eyes and imagined he was fucking Jenny Johnson.

The good news came in April. When Jenny got home there was a letter from Penn State. She hesitantly opened the envelope, feeling like her entire future hinged on the words written inside. For long moments she was too scared to read the letter. When she finally did she started crying. She got into Penn State! On top of that, the school awarded her a combination of scholarships and low cost loans to make it possible for her to go!

Jenny's mom was ecstatic, and so was her sister Emma. Jenny couldn't wait to tell her father. He loved Penn State football too (it was a big reason why Jenny liked it so much).
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Later that night Jenny excitedly showed her father the acceptance letter. "Penn State huh?" he said eyeing the letter.

"Yeah, we can go to football games together!" Jenny said excitedly.

"Not sure I can make it to games," father said doubtfully. They were middle class, but just barely so. Despite being a lifelong fan, Jenny's father had never been to a Penn State game, it cost too much.

He frowned as he read the letter. "I hope you're not thinking I'm paying your student loans."

"Dad, no," Jenny said softly. "I'll pay when I graduate."

"Okay," father said with an uncaring shrug, handing the acceptance letter back to her. "Well, congrats." He went into the kitchen for a beer.

Jenny stood there, arms at her side, watching him disappear into the kitchen. She was crestfallen. If he'd given her a big hug or said "I'll really miss you when you go to college," it would've made her day. Yet his first thought had been the student loans.

A few weeks later Colin drove Jenny to MakeOut Point. He pulled her to him, wanting to fuck.

"We can't Colin," Jenny said gently pushing him away. "I've got my period."

"Seriously?" Colin said frustrated.

"Sorry," Jenny said with a shrug.

"Okay well, come on," Colin said, putting his hand behind Jenny's head and pulling her face to his crotch. Jenny inwardly signed. She was the person in pain, she had to deal with the cramps, yet she also had to service him. What about her needs? But what could she do? This was what girlfriends did right?

With another sigh, Jenny opened his pants and went down on him.

The next day after school Jenny called Colin to invite him over to her house. She was still annoyed with him. With her period they couldn't have sex, but they were still boyfriend/girlfriend, they could hang out right? But Colin didn't answer his cell phone.

Later Sophie called. "Wanna go to the mall?" she asked.

"Sure," Jenny said with a shrug. She didn't have a lot of money but she enjoyed window shopping and browsing the sales and bargain aisles.

As they walked from Sophie's car to the mall entrance, Jenny saw a black Mustang with red fire stripes running down the sides. It looked just like Colin's car. Curious, Jenny walked over, with Sophie close behind.

As they got closer, Jenny saw the Mustang rocking back and forth. She looked inside and her hand went to her mouth. It was Colin. He had his pants down, and he was on top of a pretty brunette (Jenny later found out her name was Amanda and she worked at the mall). The brunette had her blouse open and her skirt hiked up. Colin was mauling her tits – which were enormous, DDs at least – while he fucked her.

Jenny cried out in horror and ran back to Sophie's car, crying. Sophie hurriedly followed. "Fuck!" Colin said at being caught. He tossed Amanda aside, pulled up his pants and ran after Jenny.

"Jenny wait let me explain!" Colin said grabbing her arm.

"You shit!" Jenny said tears falling down her cheeks. She pounded her fists against his chest. "You cheat! You cheater!"

"It's not what you think!" Colin insisted.

"You're cheating on me!" Jenny cried.

"But Amanda doesn't mean anything to me!" Colin said.

"You think that makes it alright?" Jenny said incredulously. Still crying, she ran to Sophie's car and the two girls drove away.

At home, Jenny's mom hugged and comforted her. "I'm sorry you broke up, but it's probably for the best," mom said consolingly. "I know Colin's type, he's not good for you."

"What do you mean?" Jenny asked her cheeks tear streaked.

"Just trust me honey," mom said with a sad knowing smile.

All week long Colin tried to get back together with Jenny. "We love each other, why are you so upset?" Colin implored.

"You cheated on me!" Jenny said incredulously.

"But I love you, and you love me too," Colin said reaching for her. "I'm sorry, I'll never do it again I promise."

Jenny wavered, but remembered her mother's warning. "No Colin," she said walking away, tears welling up in her eyes.

A few weeks later, Jenny was still trying to get over Colin and the hurt and humiliation of his cheating when she came home to her father yelling at her mother. She was coming into the middle of a big argument. She heard her father scream, "And I don't need that spoiled brat bragging about how she's going to Penn State games while I work my ass off putting food on the table!" Then she heard the door slam as he stormed out.

Jenny cautiously approached the kitchen. Her mother sat at the table, crying. "What's wrong mom?" Jenny said going to her.

"Your father left us," mom said, wiping tears from her cheeks.

"He left us?" Jenny said, shocked. Grief suddenly overwhelmed her. "He left us?" she repeated, tears welling up in her eyes.

Seeing her distress, mom took Jenny into her arms. "Why'd he leave us?" Jenny asked, tears falling down her cheeks. "Because of me?"

"No honey not you," mom said soothingly. She had trouble saying the next words, but she finally did. "Your father cheated on me. He's been cheating on me. I confronted him about it. That's why he left."

"Oh mom, he cheated on you?" Jenny said looking desperately at her mother, sobbing now. "What're you going to do?"

"I don't know," mom said, anguish covering her face. She was crying too. "I still love him so much!"

A few days later Jenny was still walking around in a stupor when Mr. Hayden approached. "Jenny are you okay?" he asked concerned. She hadn't been her usual bubbly self this week.

"I'm fine," Jenny lied, forcing a grin. She hadn't told anyone about her father's cheating and leaving, other than her best friends Sophie and Paige. She couldn't handle talking about it.

Mr. Hayden grinned and showed her a DVD. "Chicago," he said handing the DVD to Jenny. "You can add it to your portfolio, for when you audition for shows in college." Some of his students had videoed their musical production and used editing software on their Macs to produce a HD version of their show. "It's quite good, the DVD. I might show it next week in class."

"Awesome," Jenny said, trying to sound interested but not caring about the stupid video. Then an idea occurred to her. She asked "Um, can we watch it after school?" She hated her house now. Her father's words before he left echoed in her head whenever she was there. "Did he leave because of me?" she constantly wondered, the guilt overwhelming. She'd rather stay at school and watch the stupid DVD than go home.

"Uh sure," Mr. Hayden stammered. It was a dumb idea. An idiotic idea. A dangerous idea. Yet ....

Mr. Hayden hesitantly suggested "We could go to my house ...."

"Okay," Jenny agreed with an uncaring shrug. She didn't care where, as long as it wasn't her house.

Mr. Hayden lived in a small house on the outskirts of town. Usually he parked in the driveway. This time though, he drove into the garage and closed the garage door with the remote before getting out of the car. He didn't want his neighbors to see the young high school girl with him.

"Um, where's your wife?" Jenny asked as she glanced at the pictures in the family room. Judging by the pictures, Mr. Hayden and his wife had two kids, a boy and a girl.

"Mary and the kids are visiting her parents this week, in Alabama," Mr. Hayden explained. "She's pregnant you know, with our third."

"Oh I didn't know, that's awesome," Jenny said.

"She's due soon," he said. "This was her last chance to travel for a while."

"Oh okay," Jenny said as she looked at more pictures. She looked at their wedding picture. Mrs. Hayden had been really pretty. The next picture showed Mrs. Hayden in a cheerleader outfit. "She was a cheerleader?" Jenny asked surprised.

"Yeah, like you," Mr. Hayden said grinning at her. "That's how I met her. She cheered at Alabama, I played football."

"Oh wow, I didn't know," Jenny said, impressed. Mr. Hayden played college football? At a big school like Alabama? But then she always thought he looked athletic.

"Not as good as your Colin though," he said with a chuckle.

"He's not my Colin, we broke up," Jenny said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's okay," Jenny said with a shrug. She didn't want to think about Colin. She looked at recent pictures of Mrs. Hayden. She was still cute, although not the beauty from college. Kinda pleasantly plump. But still pretty.

"Wine?" Mr. Hayden said, offering Jenny a glass. He chuckled at her startled looked. "I drank when I was your age, I know how it is. Just don't tell anyone."

"Okay," Jenny said with a laugh, taking a sip of the wine. Actually she wasn't that surprised at being asked, not after drinking champagne with Mr. Tower.

Mr. Hayden looked at the pictures of his wife from college. "You remind me of Mary," he said.

"Seriously?" Jenny said with another laugh. She'd never met Mrs. Hayden in person, but from the pictures it was clear she was stacked!

"That's not what I meant," Mr. Hayden said with a laugh. "Your personality. You're bubbly like Mary, always saying the right things to make people feel good about themselves."

"Thanks," Jenny said, blushing at his praise. "I don't know. I guess I want people to like me."

"I think you're succeeding, you're popular right?" he said grinning at her.

"I guess," Jenny said with a modest shrug. She took another sip of the wine. Being popular wasn't all that people thought it was. It was a lot of work, like a competition.
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Mr. Hayden took a sip too, still looking at Jenny. So beautiful ... he felt like he was standing next to a model. A really young, gorgeous, painfully hot model.

Jenny kept a neutral expression as he stared at her. She didn't encourage him, but she didn't turn away either.

"How about we watch the DVD?" he said, finally managing to tear his eyes from Jenny. He put the DVD into the machine. As it started up he picked up the wine bottle and said "Refill?"

"Sure," Jenny said. She drank down the remaining wine in her glass, then offered it for a refill.

Mr. Hayden refilled his glass too, then they both sat on the sofa. Their production of Chicago began playing. Yet Jenny sensed his eyes were on her, not the TV screen. She noticed her skirt had ridden up when she sat. She felt Mr. Hayden's eyes on her legs. She could've adjusted her skirt to push it down, but didn't. She kept her eyes on the screen, pretending not to notice his looking.

"More wine?" he asked as the DVD went to the intermission.

"Let me this time," Jenny offered. She reached for the bottle on the coffee table, knowing the motion would cause her skirt to hike up higher. She refilled his glass and then her own. She didn't fix her skirt when she settled back into the sofa. She knew her skirt was way high up her thighs now. She pretended not to notice as Mr. Hayden stared at her.

Mr. Hayden edged closer to Jenny. He said nervously, "You know Jenny, you're about to graduate, you should call me John."

Jenny looked at Mr. Hayden. She could tell he was nervous, and was breathing hard. She was sure if she looked down she'd see an erection tenting his chinos. All of this reminded her of Sophie's March Madness party, of talking with Mr. Tower – Larry – in the back hallway. That'd just been a few weeks ago, yet everything in her life had changed. Her boyfriend cheated on her. Her father cheated on her mom and moved out. Both of them – the two most important men in her life – deserting her.

"Okay John," Jenny said, feeling empty inside.

As they watched the TV Mr. Hayden edged still closer to Jenny. The wine steeled his nerves and lowered his inhibitions. He put his hand on her knee. "You're a wonderful dancer Jenny," he said again looking into her lovely face. "So talented ... and so beautiful."

"I don't feel talented and beautiful," Jenny said. Both Colin and her father gone. What was wrong with her? She wasn't pretty enough to satisfy Colin. She wasn't a good enough daughter to make her father care.

"You are Jenny," Mr. Hayden assured her, moving his hand up her leg. "So lovely."

Jenny didn't love Mr. Hayden. She wasn't physically attracted to him. But, at that moment, she wanted to be with him. She needed him. She needed his approval. She needed his love.

So when Mr. Hayden lowered his head to kiss her, she didn't stop him. When he unbuttoned her blouse and unsnapped her bra, she didn't stop him. When he pulled down her tights, she didn't stop him. When he opened her legs, she didn't stop him. When he pushed his cock into her pussy, she didn't stop him.

Jenny got a look of him before he entered her. He was smaller than Colin. According to her school girl test, he was just over 2 hands (whereas Colin was 3 easy), and would easily fit inside a toilet paper roll (whereas Colin wouldn't). But with Mr. Hayden, Jenny discovered there was more to good sex than just size. Mr. Hayden had a lot of experience, he knew how to give pleasure. He made Jenny cum, and her orgasm was just as good as Colin ever gave her.

Mr. Hayden taught Jenny something else. The difference between fucking and making love. Whereas Colin fucked, Mr. Hayden made love. Jenny discovered the emotional contentment of making love. The closeness and intimacy were so wonderful, they almost made the orgasmic pleasure a secondary thing. (Almost.)

Regret fell over Mr. Hayden after cumming inside Jenny. He just cheated on his wife, the person he loved more than life, the mother of his children! To make things worse, she was pregnant with his child!

Jenny sensed his mood change. She quickly dressed. "I'll drive you home," Mr. Hayden said. Jenny nodded, as it was too far to walk.

Jenny directed Mr. Hayden to a dark park a few blocks from her house. "I'll walk from here," she said.

He nodded, appreciating her discreetness. He said "It goes without saying ...."

"I won't say anything," Jenny promised him.

They looked at each other in the moonlight, reflecting on what they'd just done. 43 year old teacher and 18 year old student. Mr. Hayden again had a hard time taking his eyes off Jenny. Her face so beautiful. Her body so tight and amazing. Her pussy beyond description. Despite his guilt over cheating, he felt himself getting hard. Even on her best day, his wife Mary didn't measure up to Jenny. He felt guilty at the thought, but it was true.

Jenny had a lot of emotions swirling around inside her. About her dad, Colin and now Mr. Hayden. They had no future, and she didn't love him anyway. She certainly didn't want to break up his marriage and family. But he was here, and she needed someone. She put her hand on his thigh and hesitantly asked "Can I see you again?"

"You want to?" Mr. Hayden said surprised. Even in his peak of youth, he never stood a chance with a girl as lovely as Jenny Johnson. Yet now she was offering herself to him again. He again thought of his wife Mary, pregnant with their third child. He knew it was a terrible betrayal, but when would he ever get another chance to be with a girl like Jenny again? He found himself saying "Yes, we can see each other again."

Jenny nodded. She whispered "When's your wife coming home?"

"Not until next week," he said, whispering back. Why were they whispering? He asked "Tomorrow?"

"Okay," Jenny said. She slid her hand to his crotch. She felt his hard-on. "I really enjoyed today," she said rubbing him. She grinned at him and said "You're freaking amazing."

Then she did something that blew Mr. Hayden's mind. She unbuckled his pants and took out his hard cock. Then she went down on him.

Mr. Hayden's body stiffened as he felt Jenny's lips around his shaft. "Oh my god, oh my god," he chanted inside his head. "My cock is inside Jenny Johnson's mouth!"

Jenny and Mr. Hayden saw each other every day until his wife and children returned home. Each time they made love in the marital bed he shared with his wife. They continued to see each other after that, going to hotels outside town.

Jenny's time with Mr. Hayden healed her somewhat. A glimpse of what real love was like. Because, even as he made passionate love to her, she could tell he loved his wife.

The irony of the situation didn't escape Jenny. Colin cheated on her, her father cheated on her mother. Now Mr. Hayden was cheating on his wife. She felt guilty, but not too much. Mr. Hayden was an adult, he was making his own choices. Anyway, Jenny had no intention of taking him away from his wife and children. She didn't love him. It was just, at that moment in time in her life, she needed someone. And he was there.

After a few weeks, Mr. Hayden felt himself falling in love with Jenny. She was so beautiful, both inside and out. It was when he started feeling love for Jenny that he knew their affair had to end.

They made love one last time. When they parted, Mr. Hayden felt his heart breaking. He loved his wife, but he wondered if he would ever get over Jenny Johnson. As a keepsake, Jenny gave Mr. Hayden her high school ring, the one she just got (as she was about to graduate). Mr. Hayden hesitated taking it. It would be bad if Mary ever found it. But he wanted something of Jenny, so he accepted her gift.

Jenny cried after their breakup. Not because she loved Mr. Hayden – she didn't. But because she was alone again.

Jenny's father moved back home a week before her high school graduation. "You're taking him back?" Jenny asked her mother, not knowing what answer she wanted to hear.

Mom nodded looking sad. "I love him," she said simply.

The night before graduation Colin came over. Jenny sat with him on the porch swing.

"I heard your parents got back together," he said. "That's a good thing right?"

"I guess," Jenny said with a shrug. She didn't know if it was a good thing or not.

"Do you think you can forgive me, the way your mom forgave your dad?"

"Have you been with Amanda?" Jenny asked.

"... yes," Colin admitted after a few moments, deciding to come clean. He hurriedly added "If we get back together I'll never see her again, I swear."

"God Colin how do you think that makes me feel?" Jenny said tears coming to her eyes.

"Jenny I'm sorry!" he said feeling bad. "I'll never cheat on you again, I swear!" At that moment, Colin was being honest. He desperately wanted Jenny back, he was more than willing to swear off all other girls. But he didn't live up to his promise. Once back with Jenny, and especially once he became a star quarterback at Penn State, he couldn't keep his eyes from wandering or his dick in his pants.

Jenny was sobbing. Colin took her into his arms. "Please Jenny, come back to me," he implored. "I love you so much."

Jenny forgave Colin, and they became a couple again. Her unconditional childhood love of him was broken though. But she thought they might someday have real love, like the love Mr. Hayden had for his wife Mary. And this way, as Colin's girlfriend again, she didn't have to be alone.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 03

Continuing Book 1, Cheating. This chapter takes place between Consequences Part 2 (the Crypts interlude) and He Fucked My Girl Part 1.


Doctor Waterman finished his examination of Mike, his first check up since moving back to the frat house. "The ribs are healing well," he said. "How are the headaches?"

"They're gone," Mike said trying to sound extra healthy. He was tired of bed rest, he wanted a normal schedule again. "The dizziness is gone too."

"You woke up this morning with a headache, and you got dizzy too," Jen pointed out, holding Mike's arm protectively. Looking at the doctor she said "He's getting better, but he still needs rest."

"But no migraines," Mike hurriedly pointed out.

The doctor nodded, agreeing with Jen. "You had a major concussion Mike, you need to take it seriously," he said frowning at Mike. "You can't rush it, otherwise you might have issues down the road."

Mike gave Jen a "thanks a lot" grimace after the doctor left. "I'm going crazy not doing anything," he complained. "I feel like a prisoner in the frat house."

"You need to get better baby," Jen said soothingly, hugging his arm. "Just another week or two."

As they walked out of the hospital, Jen saw the doctor and said to Mike, "Um, give me a sec okay?"

"Doctor Waterman?" Jen tentatively asked. "Can I ask you something?" She guided him into an empty consultation room.

"How can I help you?" Dr. Waterman asked.

"Um, I was wondering ...," Jen began. She felt embarrassed but she needed to ask. Even though they were alone she whispered, "Is Mike well enough for sex?"

Dr. Waterman managed to keep from smiling. Folding his arms and putting on his most clinical face, he asked "What kind of sex?"

Jen blushed red. "Um ... intercourse?" she said, her statement coming out like a question.

Somehow Dr. Waterman kept a straight face. He shook his head and said "I think it might be better to wait, probably another 2 weeks."

"Oh," Jen said looking disappointment. Still blushing, she stammered, "Um ... other kinds of sex?"

Dr. Waterman put his hand under his chin, as if he was giving her question a lot of thought. "Other kinds of sex are fine," he said after a dramatic pause. "As long as he doesn't jar his head."

"I understand, thanks Dr. Waterman," Jen said, hurrying away. Doctor Waterman watched Jen as she walked away, his eyes on her shapely ass and long legs. He shook his head enviously. "Mike Andrews is a lucky guy," he thought to himself.

Since Mike moved home, Jen spent more time with him at his frat house than her sorority. Most nights Jen went to her sorority house to sleep, but tonight she was sleeping over with Mike.

Inside Mike's room, Jen got ready for bed. She undressed to her panties and put on his frat t-shirt, the one she'd begun using as a nightgown.

Jen noticed Mike discreetly turned his head when she undressed. "You don't have to do that you know," she said smiling at him. "You can watch me undress. I'm your girlfriend right?" She sat next to him on bed so her bare knee touched his hand.

"Yeah," Mike said, amazed at how fast things had changed. It took weeks before she let him inside her blouse. Their sex so far had been limited to some oral (and not much of that!). Now, all of a sudden, it was okay for him to watch her undress? But then, he did save her at Crypts. Being a hero had its rewards!

Mike caressed her knee. Her legs were amazing, long, slim and shapely, so smooth and unblemished like they were airbrushed.

"Feels good," Jen whispered, letting him touch her.

"Yeah?" Mike asked, moving his hand higher up her inner thigh

"Yeah," Jen said, the one word coming out like a moan. She closed her eyes and her breathing got harder as Mike caressed her, especially as he moved his hand up her leg towards her panties. She needed sex as much as Mike, maybe more. It'd been weeks - months! - since she last got fucked. It was the longest she'd gone without sex since losing her virginity to Colin (and to her regret Colin was the last to fuck her) (Author's note: See Consequences - Part 2). She so needed laid!

She and Mike hadn't gone all the way yet. Originally it'd been because she wanted to go slow. She knew from the start Mike was special, and she didn't want him to think she was easy. Then when she was ready Crypts happened, and since then there'd been no opportunity to fool around, not with Mike recuperating in the hospital. Mike had only recently been released from the hospital, and they'd been little opportunity with his family around all the time. Tonight was practically their first time alone since Crypts.

Now, she so wanted to jump his bones! She needed it! But she couldn't, it was literally doctor's orders.

Mike needed release, she saw it in his eyes. It wasn't her way to leave her man with blue balls. Giving him a playful, sexy smile, she began working on his belt.

The door opened as she was pulling down his pants. It was Sam.

"Shit guys don't you know how to use a lock?" Sam said disgustedly, averting his eyes from the scene on Mike's bed. He loved Mike like a brother, but at the moment he was girlfriendless and the last thing he needed was to see his roommate getting his rocks off (especially with a hottie like Jenny Johnson).

Jen hurriedly covered herself and Mike with a blanket.

"Sorry Sam," Mike said, but he was grinning as if saying "I know you wish you were me." They were best friends and gave each other shit all the time.

"Um, Sam, could you give us a minute?" Jen asked. "Like, um, a half hour?"

"Yeah, sure," Sam said with a huff.

Jen locked the door behind Sam. Then she walked back over to the bed, again bumping her knee against Mike's hand. "Hi," she said to him, smiling.

"Hi," Mike said smiling back, caressing her leg again.

Jen crossed her arms in front of her, then pulled off Mike's frat shirt. She stood in front of him, completely nude except for cotton panties.

"God Jen," Mike gasp, barely able to breathe as he gazed at her bare breasts. "You've so perfect."

"You really like them?" Jen asked.

"They're perfect," Mike gushed, looking at them practically reverently.

Jen broke out in a big lopsided smile, clearly pleased by Mike's unabashed praise. He was the first guy she ever met who seemed to PREFER small tits!

"You can touch them you know," she said with a giggle, pulling his hands up to cup her. Her breathing got hard again as he fondled her. Mike didn't have the most talented touch, but her nipples were super sensitive and she was already going out of her head horny.

She knew they didn't have much time, not with Sam waiting outside. She pushed him onto his back. She gave him a crooked smile as she finished pulling off his pants.

Mike's heart was pounding! Was this it? Was she finally going to let him fuck her?

Reading Mike's thoughts, Jen rubbed his arm and said "Dr. Waterman said we have to wait."

"What?" Mike said, not understanding.

"We have to be careful baby," Jen said softly stroking his cheek. Giving him an encouraging smile, she said "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Pulling her long blonde hair to the side, she lowered her head and swallowed Mike into her mouth.

It was easy for Jen to take all of Mike's penis into her mouth. She was used to going down on guys like Colin, all bigger than Mike. She thought back to the hands/toilet roll test from high school. Mike didn't measure up favorably against that test. But she didn't care, he was the only man she wanted.

After cumming, Mike tried rolling Jen onto her back so he could eat her out. He could tell she was horny by her flushed cheeks, heavy lidded eyes, parted lips and heavy breathing (he started thinking of that as her cum face).

But Jen wouldn't let him. "I don't want you to shake your head," she told him. "Besides, Sam is coming back in a minute. Don't worry, I'm fine."

Jen put his frat t-shirt back on and rolled over onto her side, holding Mike's hand so he spooned her from behind. She faced the wall away from Sam's bed on the other side of the room. Sam found them that way a few minutes later, spooning under the blanket with the lights off. Sam undressed and got into bed.

In the darkened room, Mike quietly curled his arm under Jen's body, cupping her breast with his hand. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

"Shhh," Mike whispered back. He began kneading her breast and rubbing her already hard nipple through his t-shirt.

"Stop Mike," Jen whined. She was already horny, the last thing she needed was teasing.

"Let me take care of you," Mike whispered. He slipped his other hand into her panties and began rubbing her clit.

Jen's breath caught as she felt Mike's finger on her clit. Mike was seriously doing this, with his roommate just steps away?! She worriedly glanced over her shoulder towards Sam's bed. In the dim moonlight he looked to be asleep. If she pushed Mike away the noise would probably wake Sam up. Her body could definitely use an orgasm. She decided to go with it.

But Mike's touch was more enthusiastic than talented. His desire to take care of her needs was sweet, but he'd have to do better to get her off. She put her hand over his, guiding him to how she liked being touched. Where she liked it, how fast, how hard. After a few moments he got it. Not perfect, but enough to make her cum. "Feels good baby," she whispered encouragingly.

Jen's praise made Mike's heart leap. He moved his other hand under the t-shirt to her bare breast. With that hand he thumbed her hard nipple while with the other he rubbed her clit.

Jen bit into the pillow to stay quiet. She still couldn't believe Mike was doing this with Sam in the room! But the shit was definitely going to make her cum!

Jen barely stifled a moan when Mike began kissing up her neck behind her ear. She was so close! She clamped her hand over Mike's, not to stop him, but to get him to rub her clit harder. Mike did, and moments later Jen's orgasm rolled over her. She bit into the pillow again as her body shuddered with orgasmic pleasure.

She panted into the pillow as she recovered from her climax. It wasn't the best orgasm she'd ever had, but it was probably the kinkiest with Sam just a few feet away in the other bed. She realized the kinkiness made it more exciting.

She turned around to face Mike. "You bad boy," she whispered, grinning at him in the moonlight. "What got into you?"

"I like making you feel good," Mike whispered smiling back at her. It made him feel good to give her pleasure.

"You do huh?" Jen said, smiling and beaming at him. Mike was so unlike every other guy she ever dated, especially Colin. With Colin, it was all about him, it was her job to pleasure him. With Mike, things were equal, it was about pleasuring each other. Jen snuggled into Mike's arms, feeling happy and secure.
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A few days later, Jen was leaving her modern dance class when she saw Colin waiting for her.

"Can we talk?" Colin said approaching her.

"We don't have anything to talk about," Jen said coldly, moving away from him.

"Jenny, come on, hold up," Colin said, catching up to her. "How's Mike doing?"

"Oh like, you're worried about him now?" Jen said sarcastically. "After you and your friends ganged up on him?"

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Colin said exasperated. "I told you, things got out of control. I didn't have anything to do with those Mexicans."

"You hurt him as bad as those thieves," Jen snapped. She looked incredulously at Colin. How could he possibly think he was innocent in this? "You covered your ass good, with that thug Sandusky."

"He's a good coach," Colin insisted.

"He's a thug!" Jen hissed. "And you're an ass, for showing him those pictures! How could you Colin?"

"The coaches put a lot of pressure on me when you pressed charges," Colin said looking sincerely regretful. "What'd Mike say?"

"What do you mean?"

"Coach Sandusky showed Mike the pictures, to get him to drop the charges," Colin told her.

Jen's eyes grew wide in surprise and alarm. "What?" she said, her words so soft they were barely audible. A cold shiver ran down her back. Mike saw the pictures? She turned, suddenly needing to see Mike.

"Wait, Jenny," Colin said, grabbing her wrist.

Jen turned to him. "What?" she snapped, pulling her hand away.

Colin looked embarrassed. He looked awkward too, not used to being in situations like this. "I'm sorry, things got out of hand," he said looking regretfully. "I'd like to, you know, apologize to Mike sometime."

Jen looked at Colin. She'd known him since high school, loved him once. He wasn't a bad person. A player, an arrogant jock, but not a bad or evil person. Jen could tell he was regretful over what happened at the Crypts. "I don't know Colin, we'll see," she told him. Then she hurried to Mike's frat house.

Mike's eyes lit up when he saw Jen. "Hi," he said smiling at her.

"Hey baby," Jen said smiling back. Mike reached for her and she melted into his arms. "Um, can we talk?" she said awkwardly.

They went to his room and sat on his bed. Mike saw she'd just come from her dance class. She was still in her dancewear with a loose Penn State sweatshirt on top. She had her hair up in a ponytail, and her cheeks were still flushed from the exercise of the dance class. She looked so adorably beautiful! He wanted to hug her, kiss her, make love to her. But he tried to avoid coming on too strong, as he didn't want to scare her away.

"Um, I ran into Colin today," Jen began. "He, ah, he feels bad about what happened. He'd like to apologize sometime."

Mike nodded slowly. He didn't like talking about Colin, and he didn't like the fact Jen had seen him. It wasn't about what happened at Crypts. Mike felt insecure around Colin, especially since he knew he wanted Jen back. Why would a pretty, popular girl like Jenny Johnson want to go out with him, when she could be going out with a guy like Colin? He knew his insecurities about Colin were irrational. Colin had cheated on Jen multiple times, and did nothing at the Crypts to defend her. All signs pointed to Jen being completely over him. But still, Mike couldn't help feeling uneasy whenever Colin came up.

"You met up with Colin?" Mike asked cautiously.

"I didn't meet up with him," Jen said, hugging his arm reassuringly. She knew about Mike's insecurities about Colin and all her friends, the "populars" as he called them. "We ran into each other, we talked for a few minutes."

"Okay," Mike said still being cautious and wondering where Jen was going with this.

"Um ...," Jen began. She paused, not knowing how to begin the conversation. Finally deciding to be direct, she said "Colin said Coach Sandusky showed you pictures? Of me and Colin?"

"Yeah, when I was in the hospital," Mike said.

Jen edged up to Mike so her shoulder touched his. "Why didn't you tell me baby?" she asked. "Did you get upset seeing them?"

"Colin's an ass for giving them to Sandusky," Mike said.

"Yeah, I know, but ... I'm sorry I let him take them," she said regretfully.

"That's okay," Mike said with a laugh. "I don't blame him."

"Seriously?" Jen said. She tried to give Mike the evil eye, but she ended up grinning, relieved he wasn't mad.

Mike shrugged and laughed again.

"So, um, what happened to the pictures?" Jen cautiously asked.

"Sandusky didn't leave them," Mike said keeping a straight face.

"Oh okay," Jen said. She was relieved, but still unsure. Had he seen it, noticed? She could gamble he didn't, but if he had it would be better to talk about it. She moved even closer to Mike and took his hand. "Mike, you know I'm completely over Colin right?"

"Yeah," he said putting his arm around her.

Jen snuggled into his arm. She began to nervously play with the buttons of his shirt. Wanting to get it over with, she blurted out "The last time I was with him, I think it was after we met." She hurriedly added "But it was before we were exclusive."

"It's okay baby," Mike said soothingly, hugging her closer to him.

"Baby" had become their pet name for each other, and Jen was relieved to hear him call her that now. "So, um, you saw the picture?" she asked hesitantly.

Mike paused, then admitted "Yeah I saw it." It was a picture of Jen with her face and hair splattered with Colin's spunk. The picture's timestamp made it clear it'd happened after they started dating.

"It was the only time," Jen assured him, holding his hand. "And only because we weren't exclusive yet."

"It's okay honey," Mike said kissing her forehead.

Jen pulled back a little so she could look into his eyes. "I'm just saying, I'd never do something like that now. Not just cause we're exclusive. But because ... because I love you Mike."

Mike's eyes grew wide. She just said the L word! "I love you too," he gushed as his heart did cart wells. He blurted out "I've always loved you."

Jen gave him a crooked grin. "You have huh? But you waited for me to say it first, right?"

Mike went red-faced at being busted. "That's okay," she said with a smile in her voice, hugging him. She had to admit, he'd played it smart. If he'd come on too strong things might have turned out differently.

"I hope you know what you're getting into," Jen told him. "I get kinda possessive."

Mike's head was spinning. She wanted him! Jennifer Johnson really wanted him! "Possessive is good," he managed to sputtered out.

Jen couldn't help smiling. She was charmed by his "I can't believe this is happening" reactions. It made her feel good inside, that he was so happy she was with him. It was like, he was putting her up on a pedestal. Guys had lusted after her, loved her maybe, but no one had ever adored her like Mike, accepted her unconditionally. That really made her feel good inside.

As they hugged, Mike's hand moved down her back, to her ass. He caressed her there, his fingers tracing along the leg openings of her leotard, then his hand drifted to her tights-covered thighs.

"You're really into legs, huh?" Jen said with a giggle.

"Yeah," Mike admitted. He'd learned he could be honest with Jen, as she never made fun of his kinks. "Your legs."

Jen crossed her arms and pulled off the sweatshirt. She wore only a leotard and tights (underneath the leotard she had on a sports bra). She straddled Mike's thighs and said "You like my dancewear?"

"Yeah," Mike said, his heart pounding. He cupped her breasts and fondled her. Even through the leotard and sports bra he could feel her nipples hardening.

Jen put her arms around his neck. Smiling at him with a sparkle in her eyes, she asked "Last semester, that ballet recital I was in ... you went to every show, to see me, huh?"

"Yeah," Mike admitted.

Jen looked into his eyes, her face more serious now. "You HAVE loved me forever, huh?" she asked. Suddenly she desperately needed to know. Now having admitted their love, she needed to be sure of his love of her.

"Yeah, from the moment I saw you," Mike said truthfully.

Jen's smile returned as her heart leaped inside and a warm glow spread all through her. "Well, good, that's how it should be," she said grinning crookedly at him. She leaned in and they kissed. "I bet I know what you'd like," she whispered huskily into his ear.

She tossed off her sneakers, then got her ballet slippers from her bag. Standing in front of Mike (who was sitting on the edge of the bed), she put her right foot on his knee. His heart pounded as he looked at her slim pretty foot, his eyes focusing on the thin seam of her tights running over her toes.

Grinning at Mike, Jen slipped her foot into the pink ballet slipper. She carefully wrapped the pink ribbon around her calf. She repeated the process with her other foot.

When she was done, she took a step back and did a pretty pirouette. "You like?" she asked, still balanced on her tiptoes.

"Yeah," Mike said, his eyes eating Jen up, especially her tight ass and long sexy legs. The ballet slippers and pink ribbons crisscrossing up her calves made her look so sweet and innocent, yet so painfully sexy.

"Do you like this?" Jen asked in a sexier, sultry voice as she put her right foot back on his knee.

Mike couldn't stand it anymore. Like a man possessed, he urgently hugged her leg to him, running his face over her tights-clad knee and calf, his head spinning with lust as he felt the soft pink lace of her ballet slipper run across his cheeks.

"That's it baby," Jen said encouragingly, tenderly stroking his hair as he practically worshipped her leg. She leaned close and whispered into his ear, "Maybe someday I'll wear the ballet outfit from the recital for you," she whispered into his ear.

"You'd do that?" Mike said, his words coming out like a moan. His cock was so hard it hurt.

"I love you baby, I'll do anything for you," she promised him. Then she slid to the floor, onto her knees, and went down on him.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 04

Author's note: Yes, there are some continuity problems with this long story. For example, in the last chapter Jen admits being with Colin once after she started dating Mike. But in fact Jen had already told Mike that in an earlier chapter (which I discovered after posting the last chapter). And I'm sure there are some other inconsistencies.

In a story this long - and given the fact this is a hobby and I only have so much time to write it - there are going to be some inconsistencies like this. I think they're minor, but you can judge for yourself. I hope they don't hurt your enjoyment of the story.


Continuing Book 1: Cheating. This Part 4 continues the flashback from Part 3.

A week later Mike moved out of the frat house into a one bedroom apartment. It dug into his savings but it was worth it, because Jen essentially moved in with him (officially she still lived in her sorority house, but she spent most nights with Mike).

A few days later Mike had another checkup. Dr. Waterman grinned at Jen as he gave Mike a clean bill of health. Jen blushed, but she and Mike exchanged an excited smile.

The couple rushed back to their new apartment. Jen offered to change into something slinky, but Mike stopped her. "I love you just the way you are," he said. She was wearing her typical tom boyish outfit: jeans, loose blouse and sneakers. To Mike she was the most adorable, sexiest girl alive (especially since he knew she wore tights under the jeans).

In a fairy tale, their first love making would have been long and passionate, exploring, taking their time and ending in mutual delicious orgasms. But they were too worked up for patience. They'd both gone without intercourse for months, Jen's last time with Colin, and Mike with his last girlfriend almost a year ago.

Their lips barely parted as they urgently tore at each other's clothes, both of them kicking off their shoes. Mike got on top and Jen parted her legs. "Jen, I don't have a condom," Mike said suddenly remembering birth control.

"It's okay I'm on the pill," Jen said. "Come on baby," she said desperately, grabbing his ass and pulling him towards her. She so needed laid, it'd been so long!

Mike pressed his cock between her pussy lips. But he had a hard time getting in. By that time in her life, Jen had had a few lovers, Colin as well as a number of short term hookups and boyfriends she had during her many breakups with Colin (usually after she caught him cheating). But her teenage pussy had tightened back up after not getting fucked for months and Mike (being relatively inexperienced) struggled to get inside.

Both got frustrated at Mike's failed attempts to penetrate her. Finally Jen said "Let me baby." They switched positions, with Mike on his back and Jen on top. Being much more experienced, she expertly took his penis in her hand and lowered herself onto him. There was initial resistance, but being thin (and because she was soaking), he easily slid inside her.

"Oh god!" Mike gasped at feeling Jen's exquisite pussy for the first time. So warm and tight, so silky smooth.

Jen lowered herself so Mike was completely inside her, then she remained still. She knew by the desperate look on his face he wouldn't last long, but she hoped by going slow he'd be able to hold out for a little while. She wanted to make their first time really good for him.

After Mike seemed to calm down a bit, Jen moved up and down on his shaft. She was used to longer strokes with Colin. With Mike's smaller penis she had to adjust so he wouldn't fall out of her.

Jen leaned forward to kiss Mike. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you baby," she said as they kissed and made love.

"I love you too baby," Mike gushed, reveling in the intimacy and pleasure of being inside Jen for the first time. "You feel so good."

"You feel good too," Jen said her heart full of love.

Moments later Jen felt Mike's cock twitch inside her. She knew he was about to cum. She squeezed her pussy muscles and fucked him harder and faster to increase his pleasure. "Cum inside me baby!" she said urgently.

Mike cried out as he came, bucking up and down, his body tensing and spasming. Jen locked her lips on Mike's, wanting her tongue in his mouth when he came.

Jen held Mike tight as he came down from his orgasm, panting in her face. She felt happy and content.

"Did you cum," Mike said, his question coming out like a statement, knowing she hadn't. He sounded disappointed.

"No, but it's okay," Jen said deciding not to lie. An orgasm would have been nice, but for her their sex had been about emotions, not physical pleasure, and on that level it'd been wonderful, the best.

"Let me take care of you," he said rolling Jen onto her back and getting between her legs.

"Mike, baby, I'm fine," Jen assured him. She could tell he didn't really want to eat her out, not after just cumming inside her. Guys had such phobias about sperm (even their own), and Mike was no different.

"I want to," Mike insisted. He lowered his head and tentatively licked Jen's clit.

Jen could tell this was really important to him. He clearly had been disappointed when she didn't cum from their love making. She wondered if this had happened to him before with other girls, not able to get his partner to cum during intercourse. Up to that point, she hadn't asked Mike much about his previous girlfriends. Truth was, she didn't like thinking about Mike with other girls. Just the thought of him with another girl ... well, it got her upset.

Mike quickly brought Jen to an orgasm with his tongue. Jen melted into his arms after cumming, her body aglow from her climax. This boy had a magic tongue!

Later that night they made love again. This time they did it missionary. Mike lasted longer this time, but still Jen didn't cum. But knowing it was important to him, she faked an orgasm. "That was freaking awesome!" she gushed. It HAD been awesome, emotionally. She was rewarded with a big smile from Mike. He looked kinda full of himself too, which she thought was cute.

They acted like newlyweds, fucking all the time. Living together in Mike's apartment, they could do it whenever they wanted. So they did, once or twice a day! They couldn't get enough of each other.

Mike and Jen became inseparable and grew closer. One morning Mike came up behind Jen as she was getting dressed. He liked watching her dress (just as much watching her undress), and she didn't seem to mind.

Jen stood at her dresser with her lingerie draw open. Standing behind, Mike kissed her shoulder as he watched her pick out underwear. "Why don't you ever wear these?" Mike asked touching a small pile of bras Jen rarely wore.

The bra in Jen's hand - the one she picked out for today - was padded to make her look bigger. The bras Mike touched were all unpadded.

"Um - I feel better wearing these," Jen said referring to the padded bra. She usually wore padded bras. They added about a cup size.

"Why?" Mike asked.

"Um ..." Jen said, feeling embarrassed. She was happy with her body, except for her small breasts. She didn't want to admit that to Mike. No one liked talking about their flaws or insecurities.

Mike read her mind. "You're perfect," he said reaching around her front and cupping her small breasts. "I love you just the way you are."

"You think so?" Jen asked, turning around to look into his eyes. She blushed, embarrassed to talk about it but wanting to know. "You don't wish I was bigger?"

"Your breasts are perfect," Mike said sincerely. He gave each of them a loving kiss. "They fit you, your dancer's body."

"Yeah but, you like looking at girls with big tits right?" she said with a tight smile.

"No I don't," Mike said. "I mean, sure, I look. But I like girls like you."

"So you admit you look," Jen scoffed, pushing Mike's hands off her and moving away to finish dressing. But she had a big crooked grin on her face. That day, she wore one of her unpadded bras. She did the next day too, and the next. A couple weeks later, after Mike assured her repeatedly he preferred the natural look of the unpadded bras, Jen threw away almost all of the padded bras (keeping just a couple for certain outfits).

The school year ended and they decided to spend the summer in State College, living together in Mike's apartment. Mike got a summer job as a research assistant in the computer lab, and Jen worked as a children's counselor at a women's clinic.

On a Saturday a few weeks into the summer, Jen went to her sorority house. She'd mostly moved all her stuff to Mike's apartment, but there were a few last things she needed. Being summer and the middle of the day, the house was empty. As she neared her bedroom she saw the door was partially opened. She grinned as she heard moans and grunts coming from the room. Allie was getting fucked!

Feeling mischievous, Jen peeked in. Allie was on her elbows and knees, and a guy she didn't know was fucking her from behind. Jen couldn't help noticing the guy was ripped, like an Adonis. As the guy banged Allie with long, hard strokes she saw he was really big.

Jen had intended just a quick peek, but she was mesmerized by the hard fucking Allie was getting. So she stood in the doorway, watching. She watched as Allie came hard on the guy's cock. Then, moments later, she watched as the guy came, grunting and ramming Allie's pussy hard from behind.

After cumming, the guy collapsed on top of Allie. He slowly slid his cock out of her pussy. Jen saw his cock was covered with milky sperm, and she saw sperm leak from Allie's pussy (which gaped open from getting fucked by such a big cock). Allie hadn't made the guy wear a condom. She was on the pill, just like Jen. She also preferred skin-to-skin (again like Jen).

Still panting, Allie glanced towards the door and saw Jen. "Jen," Allie said surprised.

"Oh sorry," Jen said, ducking away and hoping they wouldn't realize how long she'd watched.

"Jen honey, wait, I want to talk to you," Allie yelled from the bedroom. Jen was so embarrassed she wanted to get out of the sorority house that very moment, but instead she sat down in the common room and waited for her best friend.

Allie joined her a few minutes later. She wore a t-shirt and shorts (and clearly wasn't wearing a bra). She was holding the guy's hand. Jen was relieved to see he was dressed too, although his loose t-shirt didn't hide his broad shoulders and lean physique, and she noticed he fit his jeans very nicely (and of course she'd seen what he had inside those jeans).

Allie did the introductions. His name was Brian and he was a contractor, doing some work on the sorority house. Allie and Brian hugged and kissed, and after promising to call later, Brian left to get back to another job site.

"God you reek of sex," Jen said after Brian was gone.

"I know, isn't it great?" Allie said delightedly. They both laughed and then hugged. The best friends hadn't seen each other since the school year ended.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were staying home the summer," Jen asked.

"God my parents are impossible," Allie lamented. "I'm staying here a couple weeks, I need a break." She scowled at Jen and said sarcastically "Thanks for returning my calls."
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"Oh um, sorry," Jen said. Not only had she not returned Allie's calls, she'd lost touch with all her friends. "I've kinda been busy with Mike."

"God Jen really?" Allie derided, rolling her eyes. "What's the first rule? Never lose friends over a boyfriend. Friends are forever, boyfriends are temporary."

"Maybe not this boyfriend," Jen said softly.

Allie's mouth dropped open. "Jen are you serious?" she scoffed. "You're only a sophomore, you're too young to be thinking anything permanent."

"I'm a rising junior, just like you," Jen corrected her. "And I'm not saying permanent. I'm just saying Mike might not be temporary."

"What the fuck's the difference?" Allie said sarcastically.

Jen thought about it. "I don't know," she said with a laugh.

"You're such a dumb ass blonde," Allie said shaking her head. "I need a drink, come on."

"I'm not going anywhere with you until you take a shower," Jen said with a laugh. "God Brian's sweat is all over you."

Allie pushed her big tits in Jen's face and gave her a wicked, mischievous smile. "I know, don't you want to lick it off?" she teased playfully. The two best friends laughed and hugged again.

"So you and bubble boy are getting tight?" Allie asked later at the "We Are" bar, a pub just off campus notorious for accepting fake student IDs (neither Jen or Allie were legal drinkers yet).

"Yeah," Jen said a dreamy smile coming to her face.

"God stop you're going to make me throw up," Allie scoffed. "So what about your friends, you're dumping us?"

"I'm sorry Allie," Jen said squeezing her friend's hand. "You know, Mike was hurt, I had to take care of him."

"Yeah ..." Allie said, relenting. She'd been there, she knew how scary it got. Wanting to change the subject, she took a sip of her beer and gave Jen a crooked grin. "So how's the sex with bubble boy?"

"The sex is fine with Mike, thank you for asking," Jen answered, giving Allie a prim and proper look.

"Oh come on, details!" Allie pressed with a delighted smile on her face. "Does he make your toes curl? Does he make you scream?" She added with a giggle "Can you walk after fucking him?"

"Sex with Mike is wonderful Allie," Jen said with that dreamy smile again.

"What?" Allie said giving her friend a frown. "Doesn't sound like hot sweaty sex to me."

"This is better than hot sweaty sex," Jen told her.

"So you're saying your sex isn't hot and sweaty," Allie said crossing her arms. She had a knowing look on her face, as if saying "I'm not surprised, Mike doesn't look like a good fuck."

Jen knew exactly what Allie was thinking. "God Allie," she said bristling at the criticism of her boyfriend. "Our sex is awesome, okay?" she said irritably.

"Does he make you cum?" Allie shot back. "And don't try telling me that's not important."

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Jen scoffed. "I cum enough."

"Enough?" Allie scoffed back. "Doesn't sound like freaking awesome sex to me," sarcastically doing air quotes around "freaking awesome."

"Okay, I'm out of here," Jen said throwing money on the bar top and rising to go.

"Jen honey wait," Allie said grabbing her arm. "I'm sorry, I'm just upset I never see you anymore."

"Okay," Jen said accepting Allie's apology. "But I have to go, Mike is waiting at home."

"Okay, whatever," Allie said. "You're going to Tony Tony's Fourth of July party right?"

"I don't know," Jen said noncommittally. She knew Mike wouldn't have fun, all the "populars" would be there.

"Jen you have to, you can't just drop off the face of the earth," Allie urged her. She grinned. "I'll be nice to bubble boy, promise."

"So, um, there's a big Fourth of July party at Tony Ton ... um, Tony's," Jen said hesitantly, barely stopping herself from saying "Tony Tony." She didn't want to have to explain how Tony got his nick name. "You remember him?"

"Yeah sure," Mike said. Forcing enthusiasm into his voice, he cheerfully said "We should definitely go."

"You want to go?" Jen said surprised.

"Definitely, we don't have any other plans right?" Mike said forcing a big smile on his face.

In truth, the last thing Mike wanted to do was to spend time with Jen's friends. But he worried about Jen becoming a hermit. HE was a hermit. He was anti-social to a fault. But that wasn't Jen, and he didn't want to change her. First, because he knew she'd resent it later on. And second, what attracted him to Jen was her bubbly, outgoing personality, and he didn't want to change that. Also, while it made him nervous to be around her friends, he knew keeping her away from them was unfair.

Jen found herself getting excited as the fourth approached. She missed seeing her friends and a lot of them would be at Tony's party (either because they were spending the summer at State College or making a special trip for the party). Even more, she was excited to go to the party with Mike. He was quietly well known around campus, both because of the Barnes award, and also what he did at Crypts. She was proud to be his girlfriend, and looked forward to people seeing her on his arm.

The day of the party she wore a light summer sundress and flats. Underneath she wore a bikini because it was going to be a pool party at Tony's apartment complex. Because she was using the sundress kinda like a cover-up, she picked out one of her shorter ones. She wore it for Mike, she knew he had a thing for legs.

Mike hid his nervousness as they drove to Tony's place. "It's just one day, don't act like a fool, don't fuck things up," he kept telling himself.

Jen stayed closed to Mike's side at the party. That was a relief, but as the day progressed he could tell she was eager to talk and catch up with friends. "You don't have to babysit me, I can take care of myself," Mike said. He made sure to smile so she wouldn't think he was upset.

"I'm not babysitting you honey, I want to be with you," Jen insisted, hugging his arm. But in truth she was longing to socialize with her friends. That was her nature, she was a big extroverted social butterfly, she couldn't help it.

"I'm fine, I was going to go inside and watch the game anyway," Mike said.

"Oh, um ... so I guess I'll hang out here a while," Jen said hesitantly.

"That's cool, I'll see you in a little bit," Mike said giving her a quick kiss. Although he plastered a smile on his face, Mike's anxiety level spiked sky high as they parted.

As he walked to the game room, he felt a soft hand on his arm. "Hey Mike," he heard a pretty voice say.

Mike turned and saw a pretty Spanish girl. It was Maria Fernandez, an undergrad in the engineering department. Mike knew her from TA'ing her freshman and sophomore calculus classes. They chatted a few minutes. She heard about what happened at Crypts and asked how he was feeling.

"You're going with Jennifer Johnson?" Maria asked impressed, glancing at the other side of the pool where Jen was talking with friends.

"Yeah," Mike said.

Maria nodded, looking at Mike as if seeing him in a new light. Then she asked "So when are you doing the Barnes Fellowship? This year, right?"

"Ah, I'm not sure I'm going to do it," Mike said uncertainly.

"Are you serious?" Maria said shocked. "That's the best part!"

"Yeah well ..." Mike said evasively. Just then he noticed Allie standing off to the side with a couple of guys. She was looking at Mike, giving him a quizzical look.

Mike went inside the game room. He kept one eye on the baseball game and one eye on Jen outside at the pool.

"Hey Jen, you remember Brian," Allie said, smiling as she walked up with her contractor lover. "This is her friend Wesley."

"Oh hi," Jen said looking at Brian and then Wesley, and then back at Brian. She blushed slightly, the memory of Brian fucking Allie from behind flashing through her head. She saw Wesley had the same broad shouldered, hard abs physique of Brian. She wondered if he sported the same impressive package inside his swimsuit as his friend.

"I heard Mike talking to Maria," Allie told Jen.

"Mike knows Maria?" Jen said with a frown, looking over towards the game room.

Allie gave her an "I don't know" shrug. "He's your boyfriend," she pointed out. Then she asked "What's the Barnes Fellowship?"

"What?" Jen asked, having never heard of it.

"So what's your major?" Wesley asked Jen.

"Oh um, marketing and dance," Jen said distractingly. "What's the Barnes Fellowship, and how does Mike know Maria?" she thought to herself. Then Jen saw Maria on the other side of the pool, flirting with a group of boys. Jen frowned seeing Maria in an incredibly skimpy bikini, more revealing that hers. But Mike was nowhere around Maria. That made her feel better.
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"That's a unique combination," Wesley said with a grin. "I graduated a few years ago. I got a marketing gig at Hershey."

"Really?" Jen said suddenly interested. For obvious reasons she was interested in the kind of jobs marketing grads got. Just then they were joined by a number of their friends, mostly guys. The guys gave Jen and Allie a lot of attention. Jen did her social butterfly thing and talked to everyone, but she mostly focused on Wesley because she wanted to find out what he did at Hershey.

Allie pulled Jen over to the keg. "Isn't Wesley hot?" Allie whispered to Jen as they refilled their red Solo cups with cheap beer. "He likes you, he told me."

"Allie you know I'm with Mike," Jen whispered back. She sipped the beer. The combination of sun and alcohol was making her tipsy.

"A little fun on the side," Allie teased, bumping her hip against Jen's. She was also tipsy. "Come on Jen, I can see it in your eyes, you need a good fucking."

"Allie stop ..."

"If you don't hook up with Wesley I'll do you myself," Allie joked sultrily pressing her big tits against Jen's tiny ones. She teased, "You need fucked babe." They both laughed, partly because of the beer, but also thinking of the collection of sex toys (including a big strap on dildo) their sorority kept for gags with new recruits.

Allie's face turned serious. "Jen honey, you can't go from a heavy relationship with Colin to a heavy relationship with Mike," Allie said. "You need to have fun, date a lot of guys. Trust me, Bubble boy will still be there. Look at Wesley, he's gorgeous. You're too young to play house with Mike, go have some fun."

"Hey come on let's hit the pool," Brian said coming up to Jen and Allie.

"Yeah, you guys look too serious for a pool party," Wesley said grinning at Jen. He put his hand on her back. "Am I going to have to throw you in?" he playfully threatened, grinning at her.

"You know I'm still wearing my dress," Jen said to Wesley in a dismissive, chastising tone.

Undeterred by her brush off, Wesley grinned and said "I'll help you take it off." He gave her a movie star smile. Then his eyes moved up and down her body, as if eating her with his eyes. He really was gorgeous, and he was clearly hitting on her! The combination (along with the alcohol) sent an exciting shiver down her back.

Jen looked over at Allie. Allie had a "come on let's have fun" smile on her face. Jen glanced towards the game room. She didn't see Mike, he must still be inside watching the baseball game.

"Fuck it," Jen thought to herself. "Okay whatever," she said to Wesley with a crooked grin and a laugh in her voice. Crossing her arms in front of her, she whipped off her sundress and then kicked off her flats. Jen let Wesley take her hand. Smiling and laughing, they jumped into the pool together. Allie and Brian jumped in too, along with a bunch of other people.

Mike's gut tightened up as he watched Jen talk to guys. With him not there, it was like a swarm of guys vying for her attention. The fact she looked so pretty and sexy in the short sundress didn't help.

Mike saw Jen talking mostly to Allie's friend. He was clearly hitting on her, and if anything, Jen was encouraging him.

Jen had this thing when she spoke to people, especially guys. She'd look into a guy's eyes as he said something to her, giving him all her attention like he was the only person in the world. She'd laugh whenever he told a joke, no matter how dumb. When she said something, she'd touch his hand or arm when making a point, and sometimes got close and whispered things into his ear. In other words, Jen didn't just talk to guys, she flirted with them. That was how Jen was acting with Allie's friend. He was hitting on her, and she was flirting back.

Mike found himself intensely jealous. But he was rock hard too. It was like at the football game a few months ago. Watching Jen flirt with another guy turned him on.

Mike watched as Allie's friend laughingly pulled Jen towards the pool, obviously egging her to jump in. Jen was laughing too, putting up only light resistance. Giving the guy a crooked grin, she whipped off her sundress. Then she jumped into the pool with the guy. As she did, she held the guy's hand.

She fucking held the guy's hand.

Mike knew he should go out to the pool. He should confront Jen, tell the guy off, and then drag her ass home. But he couldn't move, it was like his feet were glued to the floor, his eyes glued to the pool. He was rock hard watching Jen flirt and laugh with the guy.

Mike needed to calm down. He couldn't go out to the pool with a hard-on tenting his shorts. Despite being sexually worked up, he felt heartsick. Just that morning, Jen seemed to be his completely. When they woke up she said she loved him, and they made love. Now, just hours later, it was like she forgot he even existed. She was having the best time with another guy, and he was just a geeky math student who got in the way of the butt of a shot gun. A geeky student with a hard on.

Mike finally forced himself to leave the game room. He walked to the pool. Jen was still there with her new guy friend, laughing and horsing around. Even as he got angrier and more upset, he willed his cock not to get hard again.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned. It was Colin.

"Hey man," Colin said. "Got a minute?"

"No I don't, I need to get to Jen," Mike thought to himself. But he said "Yeah, sure." He let Colin lead him to a quiet corner.

"I just wanted to tell you things got out of hand at the Crypts," Colin said. "Didn't mean it to go down that way."

Mike nodded, but didn't say anything. Was this Colin's version of an apology?

"Okay, well, that's all I had to say," Colin said with a shrug. As a passing shot he said "Take care of my girl for me."

"She's not your girl, she's mine," Mike said glaring at Colin.

"Sure, think that if you want," Colin said with an arrogant laugh. "But Jenny's always come back to me."

"Her name's Jen," Mike said angrily at Colin. Both guys glared at each other. Colin was half a foot taller and at least 50 pounds of muscle heavier, but Mike's hands were clenched into fists and he was ready to fight.

At that moment Jen appeared. "Hey baby," she said taking Mike's hand. She squeezed herself between Mike and Colin, defusing any possibility of a fight. "Come on honey, I want to show you something," she said leading Mike away.

Mike saw the party was quiet, everyone looking at them.

"Jenny," Colin said calling after her.

"I'm with my boyfriend Colin," Jen said without even turning to look at him. She tightly held Mike's arm as she led him away.

Mike felt like he should be thrilled, with Jen loudly announcing to all her friends - all the populars - that he was her boyfriend. But the memory of Jen flirting with that guy and playing with him in the pool - and holding his hand - still weighed heavily on his heart.

They left the pool area and followed a pathway that lead up a hill. At the top of the hill they sat in a grassy alcove. They actually weren't very far from the pool distance-wise. From the alcove they could easily see the pool, but from the way the hill and alcove were positioned, no one at the pool could see them.

"You've been here before?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Jen said, leaning her head on his shoulder and still holding his arm.

Mike looked around. This was a perfect make-out spot. In fact, the only reason to come here was to make out. Had she been here with Colin? Was he going to follow them here? His body tensed going into fight mode, preparing for the worst.

"Never with Colin," Jen said reading his thoughts.

So with other guys, Mike thought. How many guys?

"You know I've had other boyfriends, right?" Jen said reading his mind again.

"So why'd you bring me here?" Mike asked, still feeling mad and upset.

"Why do you think, you goof," Jen said with an affectionate smile in her voice, straddling his lap. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

They kissed and petted. Mike realized Jen had put her sundress back on with the wet bikini underneath. "Are you cold?" he asked rubbing her back. The sun was going down and sometimes State College could get chilly at night, even during the summer.

"I like you holding me," Jen said melting into his arms.

"Who was that guy at the pool?" Mike asked. After making out his anger was gone, but he still felt jealous.

"Allie's friend, Wesley," Jen said. She felt guilty, knowing she'd been bad. "Sorry. I get flirty when I drink." Then she admitted, "Allie's a bad influence sometimes."

Mike felt better, talking about it. At least Jen didn't pretend like nothing had happened, that would have hurt.

"I love you Mike," she said hugging him tighter. "Sometimes I flirt, I can't help it, but it doesn't mean anything." She almost added Colin always got mad at her flirting, but she knew mentioning Colin right now would be a bad thing.

Mike felt incredibly better after hearing this. He said "I love you exactly how you are, I don't want you to change."

"You like seeing me flirt?" Jen joked with a laugh.

"No, not that," Mike said with a laugh back. "I like watching you talk to people. You walk around, like a graceful ballerina, you talk to people, you make them happy, feel good about themselves."

"Stop!" Jen said with an embarrassed laugh, blushing at his compliments. "Like you know all this."

"We've been dating a while, I've been watching you," Mike said grinning at her. He didn't mention before they started dating he'd watched her from afar. He didn't want to freak her out, make her think he stalked her.

"You've been watching me huh?" she said grinning at him, her arms around his neck. "I like you watching me." They kissed again.

"I'm all wet," Jen said with a giggle. Her wet bikini had soaked through her sundress. "Help me baby," she said rising up on her knees. Mike reached up her dress and pulled the strings of her bottoms. He pulled them off, dropping them on the grass. Then Jen pulled the strings of her top. Soon after it landed on the grass next to her bottoms.

"Much better," Jen said sitting on his lap again.

"Yeah," Mike said looking at her front. The wet sundress molded itself around her tits. She looked achingly hot!

"You're so perfect," he gushed, cupping her. Her nipples felt hard in the palms of his hands.

"So how do you know Maria?" Jen asked abruptly.


"Maria Fernandez," Jen said. "How do you know her?"

"She's in engineering, I think," Mike said with a shrug. "I TA'd a couple of her classes."

"Did you ask her out?"

"No," Mike said with a laugh.

"But you wanted to right?"

Mike studied Jen's face. She wore a smile and was keeping her voice light, like this was no big deal. But he sensed an edge to her questioning. "Not really," he said carefully. He grinned and said "I like blondes." He said it like a joke, but it was true, he was really only interested in blondes. Also Maria was out of his league (almost as pretty and popular as Jen probably), but he didn't say that of course.
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"Okay," Jen said with a shrug.

"What's wrong baby, you don't like Maria?" Mike asked, seeing Jen was upset.

"She's okay I guess," Jen said with another shrug. "I don't know her well." Seeing Mike waiting for more, she added "She's in Kappa Phi, you know the sorority across the quad from us?"

"Yeah, I think so," Mike said uncertainly, not sure if he knew that or not. He wasn't much into Greek life. He joined his fraternity mostly because his best friend Sam wanted to.

"I mean, it's stupid," Jen said sheepishly. "Last year, some of the frats did a calendar of the 12 prettiest girls on campus. Each month they counted down, from 12th prettiest to 1st."

"Real nice," Mike said sarcastically with a laugh.

"They're pigs," Jen agreed.

"So, ah, you were in it right?" he asked cautiously, knowing this was dangerous territory. "What number were you?"

"Allie was fifth," Jen said. "I was second with Maria."

"With Maria?" Mike asked.

"We tied," Jen said with a sour look.

"That's crazy, you're way prettier than Maria," Mike said immediately. "But, ah ... who was first?"

"Kelly Donovan, a cheerleader," Jen said with that same sour look. "Cheerleaders always win things like that."

"But baby, you're not upset right? It's just a stupid calendar. I mean, who decided anyway?"

"I told you it was stupid," Jen said with a shrug. "It's just, I don't like seeing you talking to her. Maria. You know how girls are, right? Maria knows we're going out, so she wants you."

"I doubt that," Mike said with a laugh.

"No Mike that's how it works. In my world, that's how it works," Jen snapped, looking deadly serious. "And don't tell me you don't think she's really pretty."

"Jen, baby, I'm seriously not interested in any girl but you," Mike said holding her head in his hands.

"Okay," Jen said softly, seemingly appeased. She snuggled into his arms. Sounding embarrassed, she said "I'm sorry for being so psycho. I told you I get possessive."

"That's okay," Mike said holding her tight. "Like I said, possessive is good." It WAS good too. Mike liked Jen got jealous, it meant she really wanted him.

"Can I ask you something?" Mike said.

"Of course baby," Jen told him.

"So, ah, what did you do up here?" Mike asked.

"With other boys?" Jen said with a short laugh. "You really want to know?"

"Yeah, I do," Mike said, his voice both hesitant and urgent.

Jen looked at him, tilting her head as if studying him. "I'll show you," she finally said. "You won't get mad?"

"No," Mike promised.

"Okay." She crossed her arms and pulled off her sundress. "Something like this," she said.

"Okay ...," Mike said, breathing heavy as he looked at her naked body.

Jen pulled down Mike's pants. Then she straddled his legs again. She lowered herself on his cock. "Are you okay?" she asked when he was all the way inside her. Was he okay she fucked guys here?

"Yeah," Mike gasped, feeling the wonder of Jen's wonderful, tight, silky smooth pussy.

"You know those guys didn't mean anything right?" she said as she moved up and down on him. "They were before you."

"I know," Mike said, breathing hard.

"Mike, you won't be a shit right?" she said looking into his eyes.


"You'll never cheat on me."

"Of course I won't."

"You promise?"

"I promise, I'd never cheat on you," Mike said solemnly.

Jen wrapped her arms around Mike's neck as she moved up and down on his cock. She adjusted herself so his cock rubbed against her clit. "Are you okay?" she asked. "I'm almost there."

"Yeah, I'm okay," Mike panted. He was surprised she was already close to cumming, it usually took her longer. It made him happy, clearly she was enjoying his cock inside her. He concentrated on baseball stats to keep from cumming, he wanted her to cum before he got his own pleasure.

Jen moved more urgently up and down on Mike's cock, shifting her position slightly so her clit rubbed harder against his cock. On top had become her favorite position with Mike. With Colin it'd been doggy, because she loved the feeling of being out of control, of being taken, of getting pounded. But Mike didn't like doggy. They'd tried it and both got frustrated, never able to find a rhythm. Part of the reason, Jen knew, was Mike's size. He repeatedly fell out when he tried pounding her hard from behind.

On top worked though. They could kiss, fondle each other. Also, she could control things and get herself off (without using her hand). Sometimes Mike could make her cum missionary style, but usually when she came with him during intercourse it was when she was on top.

"Um, baby, can you squeeze my nipples?" Jen asked with half closed eyes, biting her lip. "Oh yeah -- yeah -- yeah," she moaned, Mike squeezing her breasts and thumbing her nipples as she rubbed her clit against his cock. "Oh god!" she cried, digging her nails into his back as she came. Mike came soon after.

Later at home in bed, Jen asked, "Mike, what's the Barnes Fellowship?"

"It's no big deal," Mike said, looking sideways at Jen. "I've decided not to do it."

"But what is it?"

"Just a waste of time," Mike said evasively. "I've decided not to do it."

The next week, Jen met up with Allie at the We Are bar. "So where'd you disappear to at the party?" Allie asked as they ordered beers.

"You saw the drama between Mike and Colin," Jen said. "I had to get him out of there."

"You left Wesley hanging," Allie said. "He wasn't happy."

"Allie I have a boyfriend!" Jen said exasperated.

"When Colin was your boyfriend, we still had fun," Allie pointed out. Allie was right. She and Jen used to party and go clubbing all the time, flirting and fooling around with guys. More than once Jen ended up in a guy's bed.

"You know Colin and I were hot and cold," Jen said. "I never knew when we were together or broken up. Mike is different. I'm with him. God Allie, we're living together."

"You had fun in the pool with Wesley," Allie pointed out. "He told me."

"I was drunk okay?" Jen said feeling guilty. She'd flirted outrageously with Wesley, and they'd been touchy-feely under the water. At one point his hand had been in her bathing suit. And hers had been in his! It'd been more than just petting. Wesley had practically made her cum! That was why she came so fast with Mike, her body was already on the edge.

"Mike knows I'm a flirt," Jen said. "He's okay with it."

"He's okay with another guy fingering you?" Allie said with a surprised smile on her face.

"Will you hush!" Jen whispered, looking nervously around the bar. "Of course he doesn't know that." She gave Allie a threatening look. "And he doesn't need to, okay?"

"Don't tell me you didn't want to fuck Wesley," Allie whispered. She giggled. "I bet he's as good as Brian."

Jen knew Wesley was as big as Brian. And he knew how to touch a girl. But she'd been drunk. It was the sun and alcohol.

"Allie why do you want me to cheat on Mike?" she asked scornfully. But her scorn was directed at herself as much as Allie.

"Well, because, this is all he's got right?" Allie joked, wiggling her pinky.

"Okay I'm leaving," Jen said standing up.

"Will you stop," Allie said grabbing Jen. "You know that's the second time you've threatened to walk out on me."

"Well then stop being a bitch," Jen said scowling at Allie. "And answer my question, why don't you like Mike?"

"It's not I don't like bubble boy," Allie said. "I just don't want you to lose yourself in him. You do that you know. You lost 2 years of your life with Colin."

"I'm only 20."

"Exactly, you're just 20," Allie said, speaking from experience since she was just 20 too. "You should be having fun, doing crazy stuff, not playing house with a guy."

"I want to be with Mike," Jen insisted. "I love him."

"Oh god," Allie bemoaned. "Just like you loved Colin, right?" Seeing Jen's scowl, she said "Listen, I'm not saying break up with Mike. But what if it doesn't work out? Won't you regret it? I'm just saying, have fun, enjoy being 20. Hook up with Wesley. He won't say anything, Mike will never find out."

"You don't think cheating is wrong?" Jen scoffed.

"Mike hasn't given you a ring right? Okay, maybe you love him, I don't know. But remember your fling with your history teacher? He cheated, but that didn't mean he didn't love his wife."

When Jen got home later that day, she was surprised to see Sam there. He was at the kitchen table drinking beers with Mike. "Sam, what are you doing here?" she asked after giving him a hug hello.

"I'm taking a summer class, starts tomorrow," Sam said. "Mike said I could crash here a couple days? They're doing work on the frat house, it's uninhabitable for humanoids."

"Of course you can stay here," Jen said with a laugh. Mike and his friends always said things like they were in a science fiction movie.
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They decided to go to a pub for beers and burgers. Mike took a shower before going. With Mike not there, Jen asked "Sam, what's the Barnes Fellowship?"

"You know he won the Barnes award right?" Sam said. "It's the Fellowship that goes along with it."

"Is it important?"

"Yeah, it is," Sam said. "He'd be working with all the big wigs in math and finance, computers, internet security. Mike could pretty much write his ticket."

"Then why doesn't he want to do it?" Jen asked.

Sam eyed her. "It's in Cambridge," he said.

"Near Boston?" Jen said. "That's where I grew up."

"No Jen," Sam said. "The University of Cambridge, in England."

"You know the Barnes Fellowship?" Jen said to Allie the next week. "It's 6 months in England."

"It'll be good for him right?" Allie said immediately, delighted at the prospect of getting her wingman back. "He should do it."

"Allie, stop," Jen said knowing what her friend was thinking. She hated the idea of being apart from Mike for so long.

"It's only 6 months," Allie pointed out. "If you're so much in love, you can last 6 months. Anyway, he'll be home for Christmas right?"

"I guess," Jen said with a shrug, looking unhappy.

"You need to do it Mike," Jen told Mike later that evening. "You can't pass up this opportunity."

"I'm not going," Mike said stubbornly. He wasn't going to leave Jen. He'd found the girl of his dreams, he planned to marry her (although he hadn't brought up marriage yet). Somehow, miraculously, she loved him too. He wasn't going to risk that.

"Mike, baby, it's just 6 months," Jen said rubbing his arm. "We'll see each other at Christmas. It'll be good for your career."

Jen's words stopped Mike in his tracks. His career? Was Jen worried about whether he could get a job after college? But then, her last boyfriend (Colin) was a sure first round NFL draft choice, maybe a top 5 pick. As Colin's wife, she'd be set for life financially. What were his prospects, as a math major? Was Jen worried whether he could support her, provide for her children?

"Maybe I should do it," Mike said hesitantly.

Jen gave him a weak smile. "It won't be that terrible," she said. She didn't want him to go, but she felt like she had no choice. She didn't want Mike to resent her in the future, if he gave up this opportunity to be with her. What really convinced her though was Mike's mother. They'd gotten off to the worst start, with what happened at Crypts. If Mike gave up the Barnes Fellowship for her, what would his mom think? Not good things, Jen was sure of that. Jen hated the idea of Mike being away, but she'd just have to suck it up.

They continued to live together, but with their looming time away from each other, the rest of the summer was bittersweet. Jen was still loving to Mike, even more so as Labor Day approached. But Mike couldn't help feeling something was ending.

A few days before the start of the school year, they moved Jen's stuff back to the sorority house. Mike planned to bunk with Sam in the frat house the last couple days before flying to England. "What are you doing with the apartment?" Jen asked.

"I'm sub-letting it," Mike said. "His name's Ricky. We were in the same dorm."

The night before his flight, Mike and Jen made love and slept together in the frat house. (Sam crashed with another frat brother to give the couple space.) Jen clinged to Mike all night long and cried herself to sleep. Even though he hated seeing her crying, Mike couldn't help being pleased she was upset at his going. He certainly couldn't stand leaving her.

Jen drove Mike to the airport (she was going to take care of his car while he was away). She cried when she dropped him off, and on the drive home. She already missed Mike. And she hated being alone.
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Cheating and Rivals Pt. 05

[Continuing Book 1: Cheating. This Part 5 continues the flashback from Part 4.]

The first month apart passed slowly. Mike and Jen emailed and texted constantly, and called each other once a week (it was too expensive to call more often).

For Mike, being around and working with so many brilliant people at Cambridge was incredibly intellectually stimulating, and he was getting a lot out of it. But he missed Jen desperately, and couldn't shake a nagging insecurity that she would find someone else and break up with him before he got home.

Jen missed Mike terribly. Keeping busy helped. She worked extra hard on her grades, and continued working part time at the women's clinic to earn and save money. Mike had loaned her the money for her tuition that semester. At first she couldn't stand the thought of another person paying her tuition, as she wanted Penn State to be hers. She hadn't wanted Mike (or any other person) to make it his (even partially) by paying. But now that they were so close – a couple – and she trusted him, she didn't mind Mike paying. It was like how he paid for the apartment, and how he always paid when they went out. He was taking care of her, and she liked the feeling of being taken care of. But still, she wanted to make the effort of paying Mike back.

Later that week Jen went over to Mike's apartment, to get a text book she accidentally left there. She knocked on the door. She didn't know if the guy renting Mike's apartment was home, but she still had a key if he wasn't.

The door opened and suddenly Jen was looking at a tall muscular guy wearing only a towel around his waist. He clearly just got out of the shower.

"Um, I'm Jennifer Johnson," Jen said. "My boyfriend Mike rented this place to you? I left a book here."

"Oh okay, I'm Ricky," Ricky said moving aside to let Jen in. "Go ahead and get your book."

Jen went into the kitchen to get the book. She'd left it on top of the refrigerator of all places. When she got out Ricky had put on jeans and was pulling on a t-shirt. The t-shirt didn't hide his muscular chest and hard abs, and he wore the jeans well. Jen quickly averted her eyes, realizing she was staring.

"Want a beer?" Ricky asked grinning at her.

"Kinda early isn't it?" Jen said. It was only 3pm. Had he noticed her staring?

"I just got home from practice," Ricky said with a shrug.

"Oh, um, football?" Jen asked.

"No, baseball," Ricky said. Seeing her questioning look, he grinned and said "Yeah, it's not baseball season but we practice year round. You used to go with Colin right?"

"Used to," Jen said. "How do you know Mike?"

"We were in the same dorm freshman year," Ricky said.

"You're a grad student?" Jen asked.

"No, I'm kind of on the 6 year plan," he said with a laugh. "Or maybe it's 7 years. I got red-shirted, then took a couple years off. You know, grades. I'm technically a junior. Same as you, right? Sure you don't want a beer?" Ricky opened the refrigerator and bent down to get a beer. Jen's eyes followed him, focusing on his ass. He fit those jeans really well.

"Um, no, I better go," Jen sputtered, moving to the door.

"Maybe I'll see you around," Ricky said as he opened his beer.

"Yeah, maybe," Jen said, feeling flushed. She leaned against the wall outside Mike's apartment. "Wow, he's a hottie," she thought.

Back at the sorority house Jen found a red ribbon taped to her bedroom door. Jen shared a bedroom with Allie, and that was their "I'm with someone" sign (like a clothes hanger).

Jen rolled her eyes. This happened a few times a week, Allie hooking up with a guy. Her best friend was a nympho, she loved sex. But Jen knew she was just as bad. Back when they were together she was always in bed with Colin, and when they were broken up she had a series of short term boyfriends. The same was true with Mike, over the summer they had sex almost every day (in fact she couldn't remember a day when they didn't).

Jen stared at the red ribbon on the door, missing Mike. She wondered who Allie had in their room. Her thoughts flashed to Ricky, his muscular body damp from the shower, only a towel around his waist. She remembered how his stomach looked, hard and well defined, a patch of curly hair running up from the towel to pass his belly button.

Jen shook her head to excise these thoughts from her mind. Then she heard moans from the other side of the door, and the banging of the bed against the wall. Allie was getting fucked really hard.

Jen felt her nipples hardening, her pussy tingling. The problem was, Mike wasn't here. And they still had 5 months to go. Five freaking months! She consoled herself remembering Mike would be home for Christmas. She sighed and took her books to the common room.

Sometime later Jen heard Allie and her guy coming down the stairs. She went into the adjacent room, not wanting Allie to see her. She couldn't deal with Allie bragging about how good she just got fucked.

Allie walked the guy to the door. Jen saw it was Brian. He was in his contractor clothes: faded jeans, t-shirt and denim jacket, boots. Jen couldn't help thinking he looked really hot, so manly. She looked at Allie. Disheveled hair, flushed cheeks, a contented smile on her face. Allie looked freshly fucked and satisfied, having gotten pounded really hard. Jen couldn't help feeling envious.

Jen's thoughts flashed to Brian's friend Wesley, who fingered her in the pool. Her hand had been in his bathing suit too, and she remembered how big he was. She was certain that boy could fuck her hard, make the bed bang against the wall. Again she shook her head to purge these thoughts from her mind.

Allie kissed Brian goodbye then went back upstairs, probably to take a shower. She heard laughing in the common room as her sorority sisters got home from classes. There was a lot of excited gossiping about boys and dates, new relationships and romances. It was always like that at the sorority house, with many of the sisters studying at Penn State for their MRS degree.

But Jen's guy was in England. She felt lonely. Paradoxically though, she didn't want to be around her sorority sisters.

It was getting dark. She felt like a drink, so she drove Mike's car to the We Are bar.

The bar was busy with the after work crowd. Jen didn't want to get hit on so she sat at a corner high top away from the action. She flashed her fake ID at the waiter and ordered a lite beer.

As she sipped her beer, to her surprise, she saw Wesley sitting with people across the bar. Jen's cheeks flushed, remembering their flirting and groping in the pool, and her thoughts of him earlier that day.

Wesley had his arm around an attractive brunette. Jen noticed a diamond ring on the brunette's left hand. Wesley's engaged?

Jen hoped Wesley wouldn't notice her. She didn't want to revisit what happened at the pool. It was a mistake, it was over, done with. But after a while Wesley glanced her way. He gave her a slight smile and nod of recognition. Jen nodded back. To her relief, he didn't come over and talk with her. Jen hurriedly finished her beer and left.

Mike went to a pub for a steak and fries (or as the British called them, chips). People said British cuisine was boring, but Mike was a meat and potatoes guy so it was good with him. He was even getting used to the room temperature beer.

After dinner he went back to his room. During the day he worked with some of the greatest minds on the planet. But at night his existence was mostly solitary. He was lonely, but paradoxically he didn't want to be with anyone. He was shy and introverted, a loner. It was just the way he was.

The sole exception was Jen of course. He missed her a lot.

He got out his computer and opened a folder of Jen pictures. There were a lot, he never tired of taking pictures of her. As he scrolled through the pictures, his heart ached at missing her. He also got hard. It was impossible for him to look at her without getting aroused.

Jennifer Johnson was a beautiful girl. Probably no guy in the world would dispute that. Some men though – men who liked exotic girls, hour glass curvy girls, sultry girls – those guys might not find Jen so irresistibly alluring.

But for Mike, physically, Jen had everything. She was a blonde, and her beautiful face had an innocence to it. Her dancer's body was mostly long shapely legs. Her hips were slim, almost like a boy's, and her ass tight and amazing, Years of dancing and gymnastics had made her body firm and toned, but not muscular. Her small breasts were perfectly shaped, and together with her blonde hair, blue eyes and farm girl innocent face, gave her a young, school girlish barely legal look.

It wasn't just her looks though. Jen had a bubbly, outgoing personality, and she teased and flirted in a charming way without even knowing it.

Mike opened up a hidden, secure folder. There was one sub-folder there. It was called "Jen with Colin."

Sandusky showed Mike pictures of Jen with Colin, threatening to anonymously post them on the internet if Mike didn't drop the charges against Colin. Mike had immediately agreed, and Sandusky took the photos with him.

Mike had immediately hacked into Penn State's computer system (it was easy, he'd done it before). As he hoped, the pictures were there. He downloaded them and deleted them from the Penn State computers.

Mike took out his cock and stroked himself as he slowly scrolled through the pictures. He didn't know why seeing Jen with another guy turned him on so much. It was like at the football game, and the 4th of July party. It made him upset and jealous, but turned him on to distraction.

Mike got to the last picture in the folder. It was his favorite one, the picture that turned him on the most. It showed Jen with Colin's spunk all over her pretty face and hair. What really got his blood boiling – what made his head spin – was the date in the lower right corner. It showed Jen had been with Colin, had sex with him, after they started dating. Jen had cheated on him! With that thought Mike came.

Mike panted as he came down from his orgasm. He cleaned himself and closed his computer. With his lust sated, Mike felt regretful and wondered about himself. Why did Jen with another guy turn him on so much?

Had Jen cheated on him? Mike was glad she'd brought it up the other day. Honestly he didn't care if technically she cheated or not. He was just glad she wasn't keeping secrets from him, and that she was his.

A couple days later Jen got a call on her cell phone. She looked at the caller id. It was Wesley! How did he have her number, and more importantly, how did he get programmed into her phone? Jen thought about ignoring his call, but her curiosity got the better of her and she answered.
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"Hello?" she said hesitantly.

"Hey it's Wesley, remember me?"

"Um, yeah, sure," Jen said. "Um, how did you get programmed into my phone?"

"I don't know, you're programmed in my phone too," Wesley said with a laugh. "We were pretty drunk at the 4th of July party, we must've called each other."

"I guess," Jen said with a laugh. Now that he said it she sort of vaguely remembered. "So what's up?"

"The other night at the bar," Wesley said cautiously. "I wanted to thank you for, you know, not saying anything."

"Um, sure," Jen said. She gave an embarrassed laugh and said "I guess I was really drunk."

"Yeah, me too," Wesley said with a laugh back.

"So, um, the girl at the bar ---."

"She's my fiancée," Wesley said. "Stephanie."

"Oh, cool," Jen said. "When's the wedding?"

"No date yet," Wesley said. "Steph's got another year of residency in Philly. Probably after that."

"She's a doctor?"

"Yeah, I lucked out," Wesley said with a proud grin in his voice. "Beauty and brains.'

"Yeah, you did luck out," Jen joked with a laugh.

"Hey, so you're a marketing major right?" Wesley said. "I can show you around the Hershey marketing department. Introduce you around. We're interviewing for next summer internships. Good experience, and pays pretty good."

"Really?" Jen said suddenly interested. A marketing internship on her resume would definitely help her job search after graduation. "When?" she asked excitedly.

"How about next week?" Wesley said with a laugh.

On Saturday Jen excitedly called Mike for their weekly phone call. They caught up and said the things lovers said to each other. Jen enthusiastically said "This week I'm touring the Hershey marketing department." She added excitedly, "They might give me a summer internship. And Professor Ambrose is giving me extra credit for the visit."

"That's so great baby," Mike gushed. "How'd you set that up?"

"Um, you know that guy from Tony's 4th of July party, Wesley? I ran into him at the We Are bar," Jen said awkwardly. She quickly added "He was with his fiancée Stephanie."

"Oh he's engaged?" Mike said. "What's Stephanie like?"

"Um, I didn't actually meet her," Jen said. "She's studying to be a doctor. She's doing residency in Philadelphia."

All of a sudden Jen realized how bad it sounded. Spending the day with a guy she'd flirted outrageously with. Her boyfriend in England, his fiancée in Philly. At the time she didn't think of it that way, but now saying it she realized it sounded bad.

She waited for Mike to explode. To tell her how stupid she was. Colin was like that. He was always calling her naïve and stupid, treating her like a silly dumb blonde.

To her surprise, Mike encouraged her. He said enthusiastically "That sounds great baby. You'll be able to network. It'll really help your resume."

Jen grinned and beamed into the phone. "That's what I thought," she said. She teased "Great minds think a like I guess." Jen still wasn't used to the differences between Mike and Colin. Colin would have derided and demeaned her. Mike was so different. He always encouraged her, always saw the positives, always made her feel good about herself. She felt aglow, she practically wanted to hug the phone.

"Um, have you checked your email?" Jen asked with a mischievous grin on her face. "I sent you something."

"You did?" Mike asked. He checked his email. Yes, there was an email from Jen there. She sent it about a half hour ago, just before she called. The email had a big zip file.

"Open it," Jen said with a giggle.

Mike opened the zip file. There were about a dozen pictures there. His eyes grew wide as he scrolled through them. They were pictures of Jen in a ballet costume, a leotard, tutu and white tights.

"I found them the other day," Jen explained with another giggle, referring to the outfit. "From the ballet recital you liked so much." Allie had taken the pictures, the entire time rolling her eyes and pretending to throw up.

"Yeah," Mike said his throat going dry.

"You like?" Jen asked. "There are a couple really leggy ones. I thought you'd like those."

"Yeah," Mike said again as he studied the pictures, the one word coming out like a moan. All of them (not just 2) showed Jen's incredible long legs, in white tights.

"I really miss you baby, I can't wait for Christmas," Jen said opening her heart to him.

"Me too," Mike said. He nervously asked "Jen, do you think I'm weird ... so into your legs?"

"God you're silly. I love it," Jen said with a giggle. "I'd rather you looking at pictures of me, than other girls." She hesitantly asked, "Will you, you know, have fun with them?"

"Yes, definitely," Mike admitted with a laugh.

"Well good, I want you to have fun," Jen said grinning into the phone. "I'll send you more. You look at my pictures mister, okay? Not other girls."

"You're the only girl I want," Mike said honestly.

"Good, that's how it should be," Jen said teasingly.

Later that week Jen drove the 2 hours from State College to Hershey. She dressed in her "interview" dress. It was the most expensive dress she owned, a designer "little black dress" she bought from a second hand consignment store. She also wore pantyhose and high heels. Knowing she rarely dressed this nice, she took a selfie and emailed it to Mike. In the email she wrote "For your collection I heart you. Your baby forever."

Wesley gave her the grand tour, introducing her to everyone. He let Jen sit in on strategy meetings, and even encouraged her input.

"My god that was so freaking amazing!" Jen gushed at the end of the day. "Thank you so much!"

"I think you got the internship, you made a big impression on my boss," Wesley said with a grin.

"Seriously?" Jen said her eyes going wide. "God thank you!"

"Come on, we'll get you checked in, then get a drink," Wesley said with a laugh. Wesley had set Jen up with a complimentary room at the "Chocolate Lodge," down the hill from Hotel Hershey. It was Hershey's dormitory for foreign kids who worked at Hershey Park during the summer. No frills, but clean and free, so Jen wasn't complaining.

After getting Jen checked in, Wesley took her to Houlihan's at the corner of Chocolate and Park not too far away. It was the best place for live music and craft beers, especially during the off-season. Some of Wesley's friends from the marketing department joined them. Jen had a great time drinking beer, listening to the band and laughing and talking with Wesley and his friends.

"So where did you meet Stephanie?" Jen asked Wesley as the bartender served her another beer. "Give me all the details," she added with a giggle as she crossed her legs. "You know girls, we can never get enough romance stories."

"There's not much to tell," Wesley said, glancing at Jen's exposed thighs. "We met in a bar," he said with a laugh. "I just graduated from Penn State, she was in med school. The rest is history, we've been together since, going on 4 years."

"And now you're getting married," Jen said grinning at him.

"Yeah," Wesley said smiling back.

"Kinda like Mike and me," Jen said. She was tipsy and slurring her words a little.

"So you guys are serious?"

"Oh definitely," Jen said. "I'm gonna marry him." She gave a surprised laugh, realizing what she just said. She and Mike hadn't mentioned the M word yet. She hadn't thought of their relationship in those terms, until that moment. After all, they hadn't been going together even a year yet, and she was only 20, a college junior. Yet, having said it out loud, she knew in her heart she would someday be Mrs. Michael Andrews.

"Sounds like we both have happy endings," Wesley said grinning at her. He offered his Dogfish Head beer bottle. "Here's to happily ever afters."

Jen clinked her Corona Lite bottle against his. "Happily ever afters," she said grinning back at him.

"By the way, my good friends call me Wes," Wesley said.

"So I'm a good friend? I'm flattered," Jen teased.

"You should be," Wesley said with a laugh. He glanced down at her legs again, liking what he saw.

Jen noticed Wes looking at her legs, but pretended not to. Okay, she was teasing him a little bit, not fixing her skirt as it rode up her thighs. But it was the most harmless kind of flirting. He was in a serious relationship with someone else, and so was she. She could flirt and tease a little bit and not worry about it. And anyway, Wes was gorgeous! It boosted her ego having a hunky guy like him checking her out.

One of Wesley's friends ordered Kamikaze shots. "Oh god I've already had too much," Jen lamented cautiously eyeing the shot in front of her.

"Oh come on, this is a family resort right?" Wesley joked.

"God really?" Jen said laughing at his joke. "Okay, whatever." Everyone at the table clinked their shot glasses and tossed it down, including Jen.

"Oh god," Jen said wavering in her bar stool.

Wesley quickly put his hand on her back to steady her. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah, just keep your hand there a second," Jen said. She looked at him in the eye as she put her hand on his, keeping his hand there. His hand was right above her ass.
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"Better?" Wesley asked, his fingers moving slightly like a caress, edging downward.

"Yeah, I feel better now," Jen said when his hand got to her ass. She looked away from him and pulled her hand off his. She started talking to one of his friends. Wesley got the message and pulled his hand away.

The group's laughing and talking continued for a while, then someone ordered another round of Kamikaze shots. This time Jen just laughed, giving into it. She knew she was getting drunk, but she was having fun with new friends, and anyway she didn't have classes tomorrow until the afternoon. They all clinked glasses and downed their shots.

This shot really hit Jen. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, holding onto the table for support.

"Are you okay?" Wesley asked, putting his hand on her again, on her ass. When Jen didn't say anything he began to openly caress her. (Jen's back was to the wall so no one at the table could see what he was doing.) "Are you okay?" he repeated.

Jen looked at him, her faced flushed, her heart beating wildly. "You better stop that," she whispered to him, so low only he could here. Wesley took his hand away.

They talked a little more, then Jen said to Wesley "Can you take me home? I think I'm gonna be sick." Jen's face looked green!

They said hurried goodbyes, then Wesley guided her to his car. Halfway there Jen suddenly bent over and threw up. Wesley had been through this with other girls (with Stephanie and others), so he immediately pulled Jen's hair up to keep the vomit from getting in her hair.

Jen felt better after throwing up, but she was mortified. She hated throwing up, she hated how it felt, she hated the taste, she hated everything about it, it was the most disgusting thing in the world, and she especially hated throwing up in front of Wes. Wesley assured her everything was cool, it happened to everyone. But Jen was horribly embarrassed. In his car she weakly said "Can you take me home?"

Inside her room she immediately went to brush her teeth. She brushed her teeth twice, and used mouth wash too. She studied herself in the mirror. Luckily none of the vomit got in her hair or on her dress.

Jen emerged from the bathroom looking sheepish. "Sorry about that," she said. "Thanks for holding up my hair."

"No worries, it happens to everyone," Wesley assured her. "How do you feel?"

"Better," Jen said. She did feel better too. She was still tipsy and lightheaded, but in a good kind of way. Throwing up made her stomach feel a million times better.

"That's good," Wesley said. He grinned at her and took a small zip lock bag from his pocket. "Ready to party more?"

"Oh my god, is that weed?" Jen asked with an incredulous smile.

"You said you're feeling better right?" Wesley said grinning at her. He rolled a joint. Then putting it between his lips, he lit it with a lighter and inhaled deeply, holding the sweet smoke in his lungs. He finally blew out the smoke. With a laugh he said "That's really good shit." He handed the joint to Jen.

Jen hesitantly took the joint. "It's been so long since I've been high," she said with a weak smile. In fact, she hadn't gotten high since getting serious with Mike. They'd never talked about it, but she knew he frowned at drugs, even harmless recreational ones like pot. They'd been inseparable so she never had a chance to get high (even though in her circle of friends drugs were everywhere; not just weed but coke too), and during those times when she wasn't with Mike she didn't get high because she knew he wouldn't approve.

But Jen was still tipsy and the joint was sooo tempting. She liked getting high, it was harmless and felt great. Also she felt a lot better after getting sick earlier.

"What the fuck," Jen thought to herself. As Wesley had done a moment ago, Jen put the joint to her lips and inhaled deeply. She tried to hold the smoke in her lungs but then she coughed it out. "God I'm out of practice," she laughed, her eyes tearing up a little.

She immediately felt the effects of the joint, a feeling of euphoria, lightheadedness, contentment. "God that is good shit," she said with another laugh.

They sat on the floor of Jen's room, laughing and talking as they smoked the joint. They finished the first one and Wesley rolled another. He ran to his car to retrieve a six-pack so they sipped beers as they talked and got high from the marijuana.

Wesley showed Jen pictures of Stephanie on his iPhone. She was pretty, if a little mousey and overweight. She wondered how a gorgeous guy like Wesley ended up with a cute but kinda plain looking girl like Steph. But then, people might be saying the same things about her and Mike. And to her, Mike was the most attractive man on the planet, if you considered both his insides and his outsides.

Then Jen showed Wesley pictures of Mike on her iPhone. They'd met at the pool party, but only briefly. "He's, I don't know ... he's my everything," Jen gushed as they looked at a picture of Mike.

"He completes you, like Jerry Maguire, right?" Wesley said referring to the old Tom Cruise movie.

"Yeah, like that," Jen said, appreciative that Wesley got it.

"That's just like me and Steph," Wesley said. "Happily ever afters, right?" he said with a big grin, offering his bottle.

"Yeah," Jen said with a laugh, clinking his bottle with hers. She leaned her head back on the bed and closed her eyes. "God I'm so high. And drunk too."

Wesley chuckled as he continued playing with her iPhone. "What's this?" he asked.

Jen opened her eyes. Seeing him with her iPhone, she said "Hey, what are you, a stalker?" She said it with a smile in her voice though.

She leaned towards him and looked at her iPhone screen. "Oh," she said as she saw what he was looking at. A smile came to her face. Feeling drunk, high and flirty, she said "That's my strip tease playlist."

"Seriously?" Wesley said with a laugh. He opened the playlist. It had songs like Pony, Buttons, She's Always In My Hair, Cream and Nice & Slow. "So you strip for Mike?"

"Not yet, we're still kinda getting to know each other," Jen said.

"Still getting to know each other, and you already know you want to marry him?" Wesley asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jen gave him a "that's how it is" shrug and smile.

Wesley picked one of the songs. She's Always In My Hair began playing. "So give me a dance," he said grinning at her.

"Yeah right," Jen said, smiling and rolling her eyes.

Wesley looked her up and down. He'd been stealing glances at her all night long. She was still in her little black dress and high heels. Sitting on the floor, her dressed had hiked up, and she was showing a lot of leg. She'd noticed him looking, but as before, she pretended not to. She also hadn't fixed her skirt. On purpose. Let him look, she enjoyed teasing and flirting a little.

"So dance for me," he said grinning at her. "Just this song."

"Not in this lifetime Wes," Jen said with a laugh.

"So who'd you strip for?"

"Colin," Jen said. She shrugged and said "We went out forever. Too long."

"But you liked stripping for him?"

"Wes, this is getting kinda personal," she said in a chastising tone.

"Sorry," Wesley said, winching at her rebuke. He looked deflated.

Jen felt bad at his reaction. He'd been so nice to her today at Hershey and at the bar with his friends, and she liked him. Throwing him a bone she said "Yeah, I liked stripping for Colin."

"You took it all off?"

"It's a strip tease," Jen said with a laugh, as if saying "hello!"

"Steph would never do a strip tease for me," Wesley lamented. "She's way too serious, career oriented."

"Sorry," Jen said. "You love her though right?"

"Yeah, of course," Wesley said a little too mechanically, as if giving the expected answer. He gave a resigned laugh as he said "Love doesn't mean good sex though."

"Um, Wes, TMI," Jen said awkwardly.

Wesley took a big drink of his beer. Then he said "How's your sex with Mike? I mean, compared to Colin?"

"I don't know ..." Jen began, feeling uncomfortable comparing Mike to her old boyfriend.

"But you know what I mean, right?" Wesley guessed having seen Mike. "Love doesn't mean good sex."

"Wes you're drunk," Jen said.

"You got that right," Wesley said with a laugh, taking another drink of his beer. He looked again at Jen's legs. She was exposed passed her mid-thigh. "So nice," he said putting his hand on her knee.

"Wes, don't."

Wesley took his hand off her knee but leaned in close so their faces almost touched. "You're really beautiful," he said looking into her eyes.

"Wes --."

Wesley kissed Jen. At first Jen kissed him back. Then she pushed him away. "I'm with Mike," she protested. "Think of Steph."

"I will," Wesley said. "But not right now." He kissed Jen again. This time Jen didn't push him away. She opened her lips, and let him slip his tongue into her mouth. She caressed his tongue with hers. She didn't stop him when his hands went to her breasts.

They urgently undressed each other. He pulled down her zipper and she unbuttoned his shirt. Wesley finished taking off his shirt as Jen worked on his belt buckle and pants. Within moments they were making out on the bed. Wesley was completely naked. Jen's dress was bunched around her waist, and she still wore her bra, thong and pantyhose.

Wesley worked his lips down Jen's neck, to her tits. He pushed up her bra. "Ugh god," Jen moaned as he sucked her nipple hard into his mouth.

She reached down and felt his manhood. He was hard. And so big. So gloriously big.

Inflamed by Jen's hand on his cock, Wesley moved up the bed, to her face. "Come on, do it," he urged pulling her head to his cock. Jen opened her lips and then he was inside her mouth.

Jen almost gagged as he pushed down her throat. But she didn't push him away. She reveled in the submissiveness of a big cock forced into her mouth, of being forced to go down on a guy. Wesley fucked her face. Jen teared up at the abuse she was taking, but still her nipples were rock hard and her pussy craved him.

Wesley felt heady with lust as he fucked Jen's cover-girl pretty face. But he didn't want to cum that way. He pulled out and then moved back down to her legs. He curved his fingers into the waistband of her pantyhose and pulled it down, as the say time pulling off her thong panties. Jen raised her hips to help him. Now she was naked too, except for her dress still bunched around her waist.
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