Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
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As they got fresh and got out .. the servants informed that Rohit sir left to airport by 5 am itself..Mahesh was amazed.. with this guy .. he used to be one of the laziest guys.and now he is working so much... that's why he is becoming so rich....Mahesh and Swathi reached home.. and during discussion with nirmala aunty ..he told her that they will bring pramila aunty also home as they are earning a bit well now and can afford her.. Nirmala aunty was so happy ..Swathi was shocked to hear this new development..but she kept if pramila aunty is there nirmal aunty would be more manageable..

Swathi was busy in household chores and making arrangements for dresses...She complained about the sarees and dresses..Mahesh decided to use credit card and get her a saree and the evening.. the whole half day went in arrangements for swathi .. Mahesh went to office to first half to give away his responsibilities to someone temporarily..

Aman had been in touch with Mahesh about the developments.. Aman was told he by mahesh that he wanted to leave in second half as Swathi wanted to do shopping for events.. Aman surprisingly gave 25000 cash to Mahesh for shopping.. Mahesh was surprised... why he was giving.. Aman explained.. that since the cost is bcos of the event the same should be borne by him.. Mahesh felt so happy and that his credit card was saved..

Evening they went to shopping and Swathi was told about the incentive of 25 k... she understood that it was for her.. she dint knew how to take it... whether it was a kind gesture or gesture to get her??? she got busy with shopping and she spent the whole amount on dresses for her , chotu and mahesh... Mahesh had asked her to take fancy and party wear only ...

As the fashion demanded most of the dresses have been transparent ones... Mahesh also dint nirmala aunty won't be seeing them...Swathi seem to be excited as first time she is gonna wear such ... sarees and the blouses were readymade..and were most of the time backless or almost minimal covering... she thought..these might tempt Aman more for her..a quick smile passed in her ... wish rohit was here she thought....

Mahesh got home back spent time with family and pramila aunty was to come by morning.. everything was set and they slept early , as they need to get up early and travel 3 hours from city to resort..

They set the journey in maruthi 800 and as the jaguar they have been using last one week , made both of them feel like they are travelling in a auto ....Swathi was missing rohit... and his comforts.. and her body was feeling a bit itchy as she has been regularly getting some stuff for her body...

They reached the resort.. the security guards looked at their maruthi 800 and then at them and let them im… Swathi .. looked at it and it was a beautiful resort fully maintained very well .. it was lush green . and may be more than 200 acres property… she was amazed by its scenic beauty … surrounded four sides by greenery.

The reception place was so inside.. They parked their vehicle and the luggage was taken by the bell boys…. The manager enquired.. and knowing its Mahesh .. he welcomed him warmly .. And was explaining the beauty to the resorts to them…
Sir aman sir is our regular guest..his sister marriage also happened here 3 years back .. now .. its good to see them again … we had allocated almost half of the resort for this event… we have different kind of rooms for different people.. I guess you are so important to him .. Mahesh smiled…. Why do u think so … naresh.. he enquired… because the quarters arranged is in presidential suites..which has 6 rooms .. which he generally shares with close ones.. Swathi and Mahesh felt nice .hearing that…

As they entered the suite.. they were stunned.. it was like a palace and not like a hotel inside.. the rooms were so lavish.. and the rooms were in such a manner that each room can be independent.. but can be interlinked to other that based on the need interlink to other rooms can be connectd and disconnected.. amazing planning they thought for weddings and events…

The room given to them was so cosy and nice.. it hada lavish bed .. sofa and all things to prepare tea and… lovely bathroom with transparent glass doors… but only legs can be visible if someone bathes.. its like a dream house for Swathi. She was so happy seeing that lovely room… this is only possible if money is there… Rohit coming into her life is making all sense for her…

Swathi was feeling so good and chotu was sleeping… Aman called Mahesh and told him he is in the resort..mahesh left .and Swathi decided to bath … seeing such a lovley atmposphere… she knew Mahesh wont come back soon and chotu was sleeping
 horseride  Cheeta    
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She stepped into bathroom .. there were lot of creams .. and lovely herbal soaps..everything reminded her feeling like a queen …. She put the water into the tub and pulled the liquid soap and mixed…. She was feeling like a queen now .. as she entered .. she watched her body . which was fleshy but yet ..Flat and inviting… she could feel the marks made by Rohit on her wasit due to lot of pressure…such a hunk he is .andhow strong was his… hmmmm ..wish she allowed him to suck her lips.. the pussy lips… it would hve been so good to feel his tongue..there… if Mahesh dint walk in tht day ..he might have….but t hank god Mahesh dint see..
The thought of Rohit was making her leak..but she knew she cant think about him for a week..but suddently she heard a phone call in the and she realised her bathroom was near to some exhaust fan .. and she could hear the other side some shouting.. it was Amans voice

He was shouting at someone..and she got scared..if it was Mahesh.. she feared a lot…but after few words .. bleakly she could understand it was on phone.. and she was relaxed it may not be Mahesh

Latha - you do what you want.. I hardly care anything. It would have been good if you were here today ..but you always behind those tenders contracts what shit.. What will you do .. if u cant enjoy these and savour these moments in life…
I know you are doing this for our company..but don’t you think ..we should enjoy what we are earning.. I m hosting this party just to maintain human relations and client relations.. pls alteast come tomorrow…. Not on the day of the party ..

Swathi felt sad for him… and she thought these are the problems of going behind money.. he was shouting too much over pitch.. and she was surprised that such a soothing voice aman had such a bad and high tone…

Aman continued shouting oh latha.. 50 crores deal ??? comeon we are dealing more here.. tender ..big ones..and you are worried about small ones… comeon latha .. it’s a lovley resort..we can make it as honeymoon..but … do fuck whatever u want then ..[he disconnected the call and she could hear a bang on the door]
Swathi was feeling so sorry for Aman such a lovely gentleman he is ..She thought.. he is craving to be with his wife..and latha mam is … hardly caring… poor guy …

She spent almost 2 hours in the bath .. and had put on a saree but old one.. and the best one she had.. it was covered blouse .. and but had a lovely opening in back .that can show her back a lil more than normal…

Swathi was waiting for Mahesh to come ..for lunch ..she called him.. and he asked her to come to the lunch lounge..and bring … chotu too

Swathi walked in the richness was making her comfortable and her attitude of being a queen was coming back slowly into her .. the stewards everyone was so polite to her and guided her to the lounge…

Aman and Mahesh were already sitting there.. she wished aman gently with her eyes … and moved to get a small plate for chotu to eat first.. it was wonderful place.. One side pool ..Other side lush green carpet spread almost half acre… it was so wonderful place to sit and enjoy u r food she thought

She was sitting and making chotu eat .. and often Aman and her eyes met.. she was feeling sympathetic for him.. While he was feeling that her looks are so inviting and maybe she started liking him he thought..

Chotu finished lunch and wanted to play in grass. She allowed him and came to their seats while they were discussing ..

Swahti – Hi sir.. how are you . hpe im not disturbing your discussion P{she could see heis eyes red.. with anger.. and he smiled… Swathi’s looking into his eyes made aman feel so good for her]

Aman – Not at all …

Mahesh smiled and asked her to sit…

Mahesh – Sir so total 86 rooms have been booked and around 200 guests are expected .. of them 145 would be staying in resort and remaiing would come from outside…
 horseride  Cheeta    
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These are the quotes for the room’s .and food …aman looked at it… hmmm they are the best and professional .. the quote is almost around 1.02 crores…
Aman had a look and kept it aside.. Swathi saw those figures and her eyes became so big.. for 200 guests its so costly … man … he is really spending this party lavishly ..and it shows.. Mahesh started discussing about menu for the guests food for 3 days

Swathi took the quote and was going through...something caught her attention and she interrupted their discussions

Swathi – Sorry sir… .mahesh … is this the new quotations ?

Mahesh looked weirdly at her and said - Yes..

Swathi- I think then they are overcharging us ?

Aman looked interested ..if it was other than Swathi . he might not.. but lil curious he was how …

Aman – Why do you think so ?? swathi

Mahesh – me and sir have both seen the quotes

Swathi - Sir after GST has come.. they can’t charge service charge again after GST is charged.. this is around 5% on the bill amount

Mahesh took the quote and saw that .. Yes sir she is right .. ya sir its overcharged.. almost 5 lacs

Aman – Wow ..Swathi … you don’t at all seem to be a housewife.. you seem to be good in money matters… that’s nice…

Aman immediately called the manager .. and he scolded him …. He said this is fraud…the manager clearly knew that and excused that he doesn’t know finance matters.. will get the revised quote…

Swathi said… if you don’t revise.. we can approach the GST helpdesk naresh …she almost was authoritative on him

Ya sure mam ..we will get it revised.. thanks..he left..murmuring something

Mahesh was pretty happy .. and he remember rohits words.. that swathi will show his intelligence.. and she is strongly proved it to aman .. and aman is clearly impressed with her .. with this he thought.. he was happy that rohits plan was working ..And it will relieve him from so much work torture..

Aman looked at her and her lips ..and then her body .. Swwathi could feel his eyes moving.. she was happy that she saved 5 lacs rupees… and interestingly she felt his eyes moving and more proud to her…those eyes made her body more warm … and somehow his stature made her look at aman once more… and their eyes met..

Swathi bend her eyes down in shy…

Aman – I think Mahesh you should go and review things personally once.. visit all the rooms once and see if everything is correct and also get the revised quotes… Did you call the HR guys also to come and help you

Mahesh Yes sir.. ill do that.. ya copule of admin guys are coming… for help
Aman – you check the top executive rooms and remaining they can do ..

Swathi felt his voice not to be as authoritative as it used to be . .may be bcos they are in resort or may be bcos of arugment with latha…she was looking at aman and feeling sympathetic for him

Mahesh stood up to leave did Swathi ….Swathi was looking for chotu..aman was reviewing his phone .. swathi went to bring chotu as Mahesh left..he was making her run.. and aman was watching them.. its so good to have ur kid with you ..but latha and him .. have put him .. in hostel. Making him study … things… alone.. he felt sad for his son..

He got up and started coming towards.. chotu .. but he missed and Swathi almost hit Aman .. Aman .. held her and his hands touched her body and both of them smiled..her touch was so good for him but she quickly took her back

Sorry sir.. She said and without looking went to chotu and held him ..and mockingly hit him .. for making her run so much ..she was panting so much

Aman - He is cute kid like you swathi..

Swathi – Thanks sir… you always over praise me

Aman – not at all .. I dint do that… you see.. you are gorgeous. They were walking towards their rooms….

Swathi could see his face .. really sad.and she felt so sad for him…

Swathi – Sir you seem to be troubled?

Aman – No no not at all ..why do u think so … Swathi [his tone was struck with kind of sadness]

Swathi – Sir how abt a coffee …. [she was feeling headache as she dint have from morning..also she thought it will change his mood a bit .. if she spend he is alone]

Aman – oh sure .. in my room ? he looked into her eyes

Swathi – Ya sir.. chotu is here too na [she said it wanteldy as it wont give him any wrong thoughs]

Aman – ya ya swathi .we can order milk or some drink for him too

Swathi – They enter the room and it was so big and marvellously had everything inside.. whtever u wanted..

Swathi went to the phone..she ordered one coffee for aman and tea for her and an icecream for chout..hearing icecream chotu was so happy …he hugged her..and kissed her cheeks

Aman- Wow its so good to kissed by your son isn’t.. . we are llosing thse stuff .. in the race of money
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi felt sorry for him… sir but you are enjoying the best life isn’t it…

Aman – ha ha yay a … the other side of the river is always green …is what you see..everyone has problems swathi … its just that its better to cry sitting in a BMW rather than on a bike…

Swathi – wow sir .. you are really so good gentleman…
Coffee arrived and she served the coffee to him. And chotu was amazed with such a big icecream

Swathi made sure he won’t spoil the things around.. he made him sit in the sofa… and put the carton channel..she stuffed him with towel not to spoil his dress

Aman – see this is what my kid is not getting swathi … [sipping his coffee and swathi her tea]..see.. its so wonderful to take care of your kid by yourself na.. I tell latha to be in india and look after him atleast in the night..and we don’t need to put him in hostel..but ..she doesn’t [his tone became low more]

Swathi was feeling bad for him …

SWTHI – sir .. but she is doing for his future na …

Aman - Don’t… you think around 1000 crores is enough for her sons fut[he stopped almost tears in her eyes… Swathi got up and went to him and held his sholders stanind]

Sorry ..sorry swathi I just got carri …….ed..[he wanst able to compelte his words]

Swathi sat besides him ..sir.. its ok.. things will get settle

Aman felt so she sat besides him….im sorry for spoiling your time swathi

Swathi – No no sir. . you said im your friend na… cant a friend do this much

Aman Oh you dint want to be na

Swathi was feeling a bit surprised … and somehow she was feeling so hot .s.eeing aman . so near..she thought he is so handsome..and yet.. he is soft and fragile… oh … her eyes wer looking at him with a bit of some hotness..but she was concerned for him too as latha never cared about him.

She slowly got up .. from her place.. Aman held her hands .. pls stay na.. its so good if ur around.. I don’t want to miss such a nice friendship ..and don’t want to be latha… s thoughts will bot[[his tone… going down again ].her me.. bother me .. he compelteld

Swathi sat she ditn have any work and chotu had lot of time to finish his icecream..she put hand on his shoulders.. and caressed a bit .. to get set right.. aman .. recovered back .. somehow he was feeling intimate with her.. and he slowly pacified himself.. not to spoil this situation

Swathi – sir its ok ..

Aman- Call me aman .and if u r around me things will be ok .swahti [he slowly let his head on h er shoulder

Swathi – Felt weird..but he needed some solace she thought and she allowed him to keep his head..but somehow such closeness is making her weak for him

Aman – OH swathi .. ur such a caring person.. and you are intelligent too

Swathi – Thanks sir.. (she was more impressed with intelligent word for her)
His breath was hitting her neck constantly now.. it was so warm..

Sir.. .. now you are ok sir ..she asked she was getting hot with such a closeness and warm..

Aman – hmm swathi .. But its so nice to stay like t his.. his hands moved to her waist and she felt his warm hands…

Swathi knew he wanted her closnes.s.. and slowly she felt him nearing .. and his hands held her… waist..she tried to wiggle a bit..

Aman was feeling so nice wit her and he slowly put his lips on her neck … and simulatneuly he supported her back with the pleasure. Swathi tried to move out of him.. sir pls..what are you doing…

Aman kissed her deep and made her close to him.. aah swathi .. .you are such a caring person… swathi was feeling his hot lips on her neck hmmmmm she was pushing his shoudlers back and trying to move…

Sir pls … don’t do ur employees wife..swathi was saying

Aman – hmm you are my friend swathi .. and he kissed his lips on her throat… and turned her to him… swathi had to push her head up making space for him to kiss more…. She was feeling hot… now.. Aman kissed her throat and back to neck .. and his hugged her now and swathi was moving close to him… her hands were on his chest trying to stop the hug..but her raising her head up for allowing him to kiss made him a bit confident for her…

Aman held her back and pushed her to him… her glass bangles sound was making him mad… that sound he loved.. which shows how enjoying it would be to kiss when that sound comes.. he was kissing her kissing her neck compeltey and slowly … her fingers were in his hairs…

Oh swathi .. her hot breath was falliong on his forehead as he was kissing her chin… now her hands were nt stopoing his chest while one hand was caressing his hairs.. oh sir .. pls stop it.. pls. for god sake

Aman knew she wont allow him long… he slowly moved his lips and put his lips on hers… Swathi was dumbstruck .. her eyes wide open and her senses stopped working… she dint even have a chance to stop .. as his lips locked hers and was sucking his lips.. swathi was trying to push him.but he held her strong..the space was so less between them to push him.. her lips were like tender strawberries.. he sucked he rlips into completely her.. swathi ditn submit to him.. her lips were closed… she was wriggling ..

He held her strong and kissing her lips .. and he licked her lips.. swathi ..was feeling so hot..but she dint allow him inside…he sucked her lips and allowed her to move more near by pushing himself more.. her lips were being eaten by her hubbys boss… and she is only given him that encouragement by asking for coffee and sitting besides him.. her eyes had a ray of tears and aman was least bothered he was hungry for love..and for enjoyment… he slowly left her lips and spoke on her lips.. oh swathi . ur so tasty..

As she was feeling so hot..but she knew.. it was too bad of aman .. she almost pushed him ..and took chotu and went away..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Jeez! Swathi is so overcome with the wealth and easily seduced by Aman.

She's allowed Aman to go too is she going to manage both Rohit and Aman?? Since this is Rohit's plan, I'm thinking of jealousies.....and impaired decision making.
And Latha? A woman can figure out what her husband is up to....

Looking forward to sparks flying soon!!
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi went to her room and closed it.. she was feeling like weird..being kissed by him..Chotu was playing his games in her mobile... she wasnt crying or she wasnt really feeling guilty .. but some where under she was thinking she is losing her morality , her faithfulness towards mahesh..what is happening to her. why is behaving like this.. .. she has allowed rohit to almost have her body... it made all sense with rohit atleast .. but why has she allowed Aman to kiss her... he was so hot for her.. is she so beautiful or is she being exploited .. or is she has become so bitchy ....

Mahesh is so slow in his.. while aman is wanting her madly.. while rohit seems to be enjoying her every inch... she is being enjoying three different versions..rohit is the best.. and Rohit is so nice to her.. and he reallly loves her..but why the hell she did not slap aman forhis act.. infact.. . she was looking at him ffreequently when he was talking..she somehow likes him? no no .. i must not get .. carried away..i have to control...I WONT ALLOW HIM AGAIN ..she thougt

she got a msg and it was from aman

Aman- Sorry friend.... i just got carried away

Swathi - sir you tell me friend and is this the way you behave with your friend? and your employees wife?

Aman - i am really sorry .. i just got carried away .... you were looking so beautiful.

Swathi knew ... he and her both got carried away..she dint find fault with him.. and it was her fault..that she hinted him . she is like friend sitting near ..and staring at his handsomeness. She inherently felt so happy that two rich hunks are behind her.. and she is getting all that she admired to have before her dads financial collapse...

Aman was feeling so loved for her..he wanted to meet her again ..

Swathi - Sir but this is not right.. sir.... im your employees wife... and have lto of respect for you sir

Aman - I am sorry ... your tea is here only Swathi...

Swathi- Its ok .. sir... im not in mood to drink tea .... thanks for the tea

Aman- R u still angry on me?

Swathi - Nothing sir.. but i dint like what you did?

Aman - I said sorry na... pls understand me .. Swathi

Swathi knew he was disabled for love..and he is really wanting her to give him some..she really felt sad for him.. that he has such a rich assets and money..but he is struggling for cash.. God never keeps anyone happy she thought... If he wanted ladies can be in queue for him.. but he wants love.. oh poor aman

Swathi - i do sir..but you have to understand me too na

Aman- I know swathi .. you angry on me still thats y u not coming.. im sorry

Swathi was feeling so bad for him..but why is she so concerned about him... is she falling for him.. .she is arleady doing mistakes by .. indulging with rohit..but rohit is her friend.. why is she doing this with him??
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Her body was really feeling aching ... now.. she is out of mind and out of heart..she dint reply to him.. as she knew if she goes aman will again act.. and she will have to she is feeling hot too..

There was a knock on the door.. Swathi got up feeling relaxed.. and happy that mahesh had come.. Chotu was busy with his phone... Swathi opened door and
Aman was standing...She dint knew how to react .. she smiled and immediately became serious.. and was standing ..there. not able to know how to react to him..

Aman waited till she made space for him to enter.. and he entered..

Aman- Im sorry swathi ... pls... talk to me na

Swathi - Sir ..chotu is here.. pls.. you leave.and Mahesh might come .. too

Aman - Then pls come na.. Lets have coffee and tea again ... and chotu can have icecream.. pls..

She was surprised bcos all the time authoritative.. aman is almost begging her..she was feeling proud and mad..she dint know what to do ..

Swathi - Sir pls dont embarass me

Aman - I want to make good of you friend .. pls dont say no... na.. wont you forgive your friend..(he was adamant and soft].. your friend is a sailor sailing on a boat without any directions and convictions..

Swathi smiled at his words and quotes..

Swathi - You are so impossible sir... you know how to play wiht your words..

Aman felt relaxed seeing that..

Aman- Thanks.. so tea in my room? Swathi dint repply

Aman called Chotu.. CHotu u want icecream? .. Chotu ran to him and walked along with him...

Swathi was fixed... she took the room key and slowly locked the key ... Aman was waiting for her to come .. and he was holding the door for her .as if the door falls .. he has to again open ...Swathi walked and said

Swathi - Sir let chotu have his icecream .. meanwhile ill help Mahesh.. you can tel me after he finishes..(aman was taken back with her words)

Chotu .. left his hand.. mom you also pls come.. ... na pls.. pls .. Aman quirked smiling and he was very happy with that development..Swathi also laughed seeing his devilish smile.. she knew he was so happy to spend time with her...

Swathi walked in and said .. sir only tea .nothing else... she after that realised.. that she is only unnecessarily giving him hints..Aman felt success as she entered the room and he locked the door after and followed her .. and he was looking at her lovely body .. ah .. she is really got the right curves and flesh... hmmm
Aman went to the phone to order tea and swathi waited and walked and opened the balcony door.. a cool breeze flew in making her happy..this wonderful place has wonderful weather too..she thought... she looked in from the second floor and she could see Mahesh a bit far as his t shirt was a good one today.. she wished..he came early today...

Aman was playing with chotu.. he felt so nice playing with him.. he told chotu that you can play with your elder brother his son is also cmoing ... Chotu was happy but his focus was on the icecream that was half left and his mom dragged him..... now he wants again aman promised him icecream

Swathi felt happy that aman is not got money on his he referred chotu and his son.... but she also felt..if he is thinking her like... no no .. it can't be.. i think he got carried away. thats why he kissed...her saree was moving and displacing due to breeze...

The service was dot.. the steward walked with icecream and tea.. Aman asked him to keep the cups in balcony. and he followed after the steward left into the balcony....he was fully tempted seeing her curves in full display ..due to breeze..he was getting hard for her.. Swahti realised aman is coming near..her heart skipped beating... oh god.. hope he doesnt do any stuff again .. this weather really can tempt anyone..god.. pls dont.. she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze...

Aman approached her.. he was fully tempted seeing her ... body exposed and her waist which was flesh. and her round hips.. was making him burn with desire.. her round boobs in blouse were a treat to him ..and his eyes..

Swathi knew he would again start.. and she knew he was watching her..... she was praying to god.. to make Mahesh come and knock the door... she was looking at him. now.. mahesh was quite far ..and cant ..even see here...She closed her eyes and was enjoying the cool breeze that was hitting her face...

Aman approached her behind.. Swathi was feeling the cool breeeze on her face..she was enjoying the air hitting her face softly..she felt a hot breath on her neck .. and she realised aman is behind her..her heart pace increased madly.. now.. she knew she is going to be eaten again .... she stood still

Aman let his hands touch her fleshy navel portion .. and he moved near her..
Swathi knew that its gonna happen... was she giving him hint by wantedly showing him her back.. aaaaaaah .. Swathi put her hands over his...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Aman moved more near to her and kissed her neck .. Swathi moaned.. sir ..what is this again you started..and tired to meekly remove his hands... Amans hands were similar to Mahesh .. not strong ... like rohit.. aaaaah .. but somehow his smell felt manly for her..and he kissed her neck and earlobes.. Swathi was moaning... sir pls ...this is not right... you are taking advantage of your posssssition...

Swathi was feeling that such a rich person is wanting her as a friend and want to make her ... love.. and here she is denying him.. yes she has to . .hmmm .. his hands circled on her waist and he was kissing her neck fully deep now.. Swathi lifted her head and put on his shoulder... he was kissing her neck deep till ears and he licked her earlobes... Swathi was enjoying this...she dint know why and how
her fleshy belly was gettign soft squeese and his hand made movements from her saree to her blouse.... he was going slow and sure.. he dint hurry .. his hands were caressing the space between the saree and blouse.. aaaaaaaaaah he was kissing her neck madly....Swathi was getting mad with him... she held the railing so tight and was subsidig her feelings.. she was trying to jerk his face off.. but the effort was too little...

he pushed her hairs to the front.. and he slwoly looked at her blouse.. she was not as fair as latha.. but her body was spotless... he slowly kissed her neck openign to the back.. hmmmmmmmmm aaaaaah swathi.. my dear.. his lips mixed with hot breath was making her mad...she clearly was enjoyng this ... he rubbed his lips on her back kissing every inch on her back .. he kissed her every inch on her naked back.. thank god she ditn wear a backless she thought.. he was going down as he kissed her..... more and more.. and she was giving him access... his hands were getting more aggresive now ..a.s he squeesed hier fleshy waist down the navel .. hmm swathi had to moan more hard this time...

he locked her with his hand over her wasit and he moved near her ..there bodies were sticking to each others now.. and swathi lifted her hands and moaning...

Aman wanted her taste again ..he made her face bent and without speaking anything. he put her lips on to him.. Swathi wriggled out him... but he again locked her face over with his lips .. her head was resting on his shoulders and he was kissing her lips planting his...her neck was paining in that position but her lips dint open yet..and she was not able to understand what's happening

Aman held her near they were almost near.. his body was touching her she could feel the hotness and pushed him back and tried to push him turing ..
Sir what are you doing pls? she was strugglign for breath .. as he contiusuly was trying to lick her lips wihich were closed...

Aman.. Swathi enjoy our friendship na .. pls..[he h eld her waist and pushed near to her]

Swahti pls stop for gods sake aman..what you doing.. her face twisting trying to escape him..

Swathi .. look at me... She looked into his eyes.she felt it fully to be with love.. pls swathi.. we have to enjoy the lovely time we have... god doesnt give everyoen everything.sometiems you need to cross your ilmits.. to get that extra things

Swathi knew he was right..she was too doing the same thing...she is crossing her limits.. she llooked into his eyes.. he move near her lips.. ths times both of their lips met simultaneously she was accepting his kiss now.. and slowly let her lower lips into his lips..letting him suck.. it... hmmmmm swathi ... was feeling so hot
she was sucking his upper lips.. she was feeling different with Aman. with Rohit it was like she wanted him to suck and suck her.. but with aman its like only a new feeling.. and wanted feeling..but not liek the same one she wants with rohit... she was different.. but continued her kiss she sucked his upper lips as he was sucking her lower lips.

Slowly swathi was feeling so hot with such a long kiss..and slowly she herself led her tongue into Amans.. aman was hungry for her and he welcomingly accepted her kiss and their tongues started oozing the saliva out... her hands were hugging him and his hands were on her back makign her more near.her boobs were o his chest and they were enjoying the kiss ..

There was a knock on the door.. and Swathi pushed aman off... she was scared... thinking but relaxed. as it might be steward who haas come to clean the tea...

Aman wiped his lips and Swathi went to chotu who was finishing his ice-cream..Aman was furious as the steward breaked his chance to explore swathi more..he opened the door at fast pace..wantign to scold him... it was mahesh ..and Aman was lil struggled and shocked and recovered .. ya mahesh come in

Mahesh was surprised to see Swathi ..but he felt relaxed after seeing chotu eating icecream.Swathi almost ran out of blood in her face..but she recovered and said .. your son is making your boss buy him icecreams..

Aman smiled.. ya.. swathi.. he is like my son too na.. so cute your son is.. mahesh..Mahesh felt happy and he was delighted .... but somewhere he was scared as to how to blast his resignation..

Swathi ... isnt chotu sleeping liek everyday mahesh asked..thinking ... Swathi ..replied..he slept in the car na.htats why he wasnt sleeping

Aman interuppted and said.. ya and i asked swathis help in typing out some emails for me mashes..she has good speed.. the latpop was open on the tea table.. Swathi looked at aman a bit angrily ..that he is leading to this makign mahesh get a doubt on her

Mahesh was feelign happy that she is able to exhibit her skills and she is becoming a good replacement for his position he was thinking..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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ये बीच में क्यों आते है जब कुछ प्यारी घडी आती है

रावण, इडियट, बॅड बाॅय
ऐसे शब्द बहुत ही प्यारे है, सबसे ज्यादा पसंत आया
राssss वण
भरे हुए आम
Smelling plot is wonderful making Swati's juices flowing.
Superb story dear writer.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi excused as chotu had spilt his icecream and took him to her room and cleaning... she was feeling hot and guilty .. as to whats happening to she being exploited of her beauty .. and she herself was enjoying this.. she had bath with a bit cold water to drench her body thirst.. she was unable to decide what to wear ...

Meanwhile Aman and Mahesh were discussing the update and Latha had called Aman.. Latha informed that they have got a tender of Rs. 50 crores .. Aman congratulated her ..Latha informed that one of her friend has helped them in getting contract and she has invited her friend also to the event in India..

Aman once again congratulated her and said no issues..many of your friends have already been invited.... Aman was happy ... that he got a good news after his counter with Swathi...he thougth..

Anamika has messaged Mahesh about update..earlier he used to get irritated with her... but after Rohit's talk..he felt sorry for her.. he updated her and asked about Rohit..she had no info of him..

Aman asked Mahesh and Swathi to join him for dinner h e was alone..and tomorrow we have lot of work to do ... Mahesh said fine..he will come around 8 pm to the restaurant..

Aman knocked door of Mahesh and Swathi opened door..she got a bit worried seeing her..he enquired for Mahesh.. She allowed him to enter saying he is getting fresh...

She informed mahesh that Aman sirhas come.. Aman was looking at chotu and he could see mahesh dress being put by Swathi..he always wanted someone to take care of his needs as swathi is doing... he was looking at her..and she was embarassed by his looks

Swathi - Sir pls dont look like that.. its so .. embarrassing... you have crossed your limits today

Aman- Ya what to do .. wish i had one caring wife like you .. see how much care do u take of mahesh and his needs (feeling sad)

Swathi- Sir you have so many servants to take care off .. why do you need madam ?

Aman- swathi ... somethings have to be only by one who care... if servants .. are there.. latha is for what?

Swathi- You mean she should not work and be a housewife sir?

Aman- Nah i m not saying that... but running for money leaving son and husband ...just only for money is not making sense.. she can work here from India and be available for the family na..its not like she is making a big business out there... she could have done more than what she is doing abroad..just sitting from india..She wants to be independent..

Swathi could feel his pain.. poor guy... he really is missing his caring person... and Latha..

Swathi - Sir but latha also must be wanting to be on her own

Aman- I really dont understand this ... Swathi ... if you h ave to be separate to prove your independent..then you should not get married....

Swathi knew he had a point... She felt so happy being a housewife suddenly ..and she knew even if there was no sex between her and Mahesh for months.. there being together had helped her get out of many troubles including the ones by nirmala aunty...

Swathi felt that being independent is not important.. being interdependent is important.. not always money decides marriages and happiness...she thought

Swathi felt happy more hearing that problems are not common for her only .. even a person with crores is almost in tears.... so she should really stop worrying about hers and enjoy her life.. Enjoy? the one she is doing with rohit and now with aman? no no ..she should not... but she remembered amans words that you should cross limits to get something extra.. but .. she is dual thoughts..she scolded herself that ..never in life will get clarity for her..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Aman touched her back and she quickly responded and moved away sir Mahesh is here... Aman smiled and felt happy that if not Mahesh she might have .. she is unnecessarily giving him hints she thought...

Mahesh knocked the door and asked swathi to give his dress..she smiled and they whispered to each other and she got the dress..aman felt so happy seeing those happy couple and intimate small moments... he dreamt as if latha is giving a towel when he is in bathrooom..

Mahesh quickly changed and came out and apologised for making aman come .. Aman was quite ok and he said it's ok.... so whats the plan now mahesh?

Mahesh - Sir we can have discussions about the music , the events , games etc over dinner

Aman- Ya so why dont we do it in my room..we can have swathi also for disucssions ..she will be an asset (he smiled.. )

Swathi - (hope he doesnt act romantic again .. she had put on a nice legging and salwar top over it ) Sir i have to make chotu sleep .. i might not be joining you

Mahesh- Swathi ..let him have dinner and sleep .. after that you can join... its better for you to also understand corporate matters na (he was wanting her participation... to make sure aman is gettigna feel of Swathis capabilities)
ok cool then .. Mahesh..lets discuss in my room ..all of them followed into her room.

Swathi was feeling weird with Mahesh around.hope aman doesnt act funny.... Aman ordered food meanwhile chotu was playing in the other room of the suite which was in Aman sirs room..

As food arrived, drinks also had come was for the first time..mahesh is going to have drinks with aman.. mahesh felt like he is becoming a big man too now slowly.... he felt lil proud of his progress and all good things bcos of Rohit he thought...

Swathi looked at mahesh and hinted him not to drink much as he had lot already past week..Aman was watching their eye conversations.. as mahesh pleaded..He laughed at both of them... Swathi felt shy being caught.. you know the best feelings and language spoken is with eyes na ... what swathi .. h elooked at her juicy lips..which he had kissed... the lipstick was quite glossy and inviting he thought..

Swathi felt shy and smiled... Aman said let him enjoy this week swathi ... dont stop him... Swathi smiled..and took chotus food and served him .. after around 45 mins.she made chotu sleep and came back to the discussion table

Swathi sat silently as both were sipping their ..she is slowly now accustomed to the whisky smell..all bcos of that idiot Rohit... she was really longing to meet him.. and it's almost a week .. oh she is missing him..a lot . and the way he makes out..his strong body. His strong grip.. hmm wish she can allow him more and more on her.. oh man the way he eats her..

Aman looked at her and was feeling like kissing her .. she looked at him.and got his feelings..she looked at mahesh and smiled and was involved in dicussions.. she gave lot of inputs in decorations and games to be organised..she laughed at those mind games.. Mahesh said why ? Swathi informed.. this is not an interview or corporate events..this are the events organsied with family and fun..hence the games should be fun..and applicaiton of mind is not needed.. Aman also agreed and they decided to change the games after dinner .... Mahesh agreed too as aman has agreed too..

Food had come and they were having the food and Aman was longing to have a kiss with Swathi ..both of their eyes met frequently ..Swathi was loving this attraction from her hubbys boss.. Aman enquired Mahesh about the arrangements.. and he said he has seen all the rooms and they are quite good

Aman- Good take the help of the two admin guys also

Mahesh - Yes sir .. they hve also come..they are tired and retired to sleep early

Aman- What about the swimming pool arena, the dance area?

Mahesh- Saw the swimming pool..but dint see the dance area and sound quality

Aman- Oh thats important na mahesh..... how can we miss that .its very important na ..

Mahesh nodded yes sir.

Aman- Do one thing why dont you and swathi go guys can have dance and check the quality

Mahesh - Ya we will do that sir..

Swathi- How can we ? Chotu? if he wakes it will be a mess

Mahesh - Ya... .then ill only go and check .... alone

Swathi - Ok... (she also wanted to go with mahesh..but she knew if chotu wakes up he will cry a lot..and they wont even know]

Aman - he can stay with me Swathi go

Mahesh - No sir.. if he doesnt find his mom..the whole hotel roof top will blast ..(all of them laughed)

Aman - Ok then me and Swathi will work on the games till the time you come back.

Swathi - was surprised sir.. I think better ill take chotu bcos if he wakes it will be a mess .. and it will disturb you

Mahesh - Swathi its just 9 pm now... ill be back by 10 ... we can go after that.. first do some work on the games part na...

Swathi looked at Mahesh like an idiot..what does he know..what's gonna happen.. Aman was feeling so happy with this development... he looked at her and she looked at him

Swathi - Ok Mahesh .. come back soon
As mahesh left.. the steward walked in and cleaned all the plates..there was a kind of silence before the storm ... aman thought..he was looking at her lustily and
Swathi looked at him and was calm.... she knew her any hint will make him mad for her..

Swathi went inside chotus room .. Steward left..Aman locked the door and came into the room.. Swathi was putting chotu .. properly in shape and was putting the bedsheet over him..She was bending over the bed and her ass was compeltely visible due to bending and her salwar came a bit up...

Aman looked at her and was instantly hard for her.. He moved near and held her waist and held her..Swathi wasnt surprised ..but she pushed him sir ..what are you doing.. pls leave me

Swathis ass was fully feeling round over her leggings .... Aman could not help put touching his pants to her ass ..she got up instantly when she felt his hard one over her ass.. She pushed him a bit back to make space for her.. Sir what are you doing.. pls...

Aman- Swathi pls .. be my friend na.. give me your love to me also

Swathi - sir what are you saying.. pls lets be in our limits. we cant do this.. she was stopping him

Aman- Hugged her and his hands were on her back and he was kissing swathis neck ..

Swathi - pls sir dont do this to me.. pls i beg you .. there words were in whispers and it was making them more hot ... as chotu was sleeping they were talking slwly

Aman - Swathi i need your love .. i need your care .. i need your beauty . pls... dont stop me ..

Swathi - Sir pls understand im a housewife and dont spoil my life..pls...

Aman - I promise you Swathi ..your life will be better from now on .. i assure ... i promise you ..just give me your love to me .. he was speaking on her neck ears and cheeks ...

Swathi turned to him and looked he was so cute for his face..he was fair ..handsome .. and was clean ... Sir how can we do this pls...don't do this ... im your friend..not y our girl friend.. [she was speaking with her lips with glossy lipstick so near to him.. it was making him mad..he hugged her more tight to her...
Aman was so hot for her and he looked at her and both their eyes met..Swathi closed her eyes and opened her lips ... Aman put his open lips into hers and they locked their lips ..her hands went into his hairs and his hands went to her butts..he was considering like he is won the war and locked her lips and was sucking them deeply ....he hugged her fully tight... her breasts were on his chest and he could feel them like soft balls..his hands were making his way and he let his hands slip under her salwar and held her waist from back .. he could feel h er soft back ..
Swathi opened her eyes and pleaded him with her eyes .. Aman hugged her more and making near and their lips were serving the tongues and the juicy saliva of Swathi to him...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi was now willingly offering him her tongue and sucking it back.. Aman had increased his weight on her breasts to feel them more..she was bending.. and she struck the bed .. both of them fell on the bed .... she could feel how soft was the bed ... ah .. and aman felt it more soft as he fell over her and her breast getting crushed under his chest

She was feeling his chest over her boobs and allowing him to occupy her as her lips were getting sucked by him .she was encouraging him by running her fingers in his hairs and being kissed and licked .. as the bed was too big and comfortable. It dint disturb chotu from his sleep...

Aman was caressing her neck as he was kissing her lips and slowly his hands made movement from her neck to her boobs and he held them.. Swathi wriggled and bite his lips softly and removed his hands...

He presssed his chest more on boobs and made gap as swathi allowed her lips more..his tongue was exploring her lips and tongue completely ..and now again his hands went to her boobs.. t his time his pressed them softly .. she again removed his hands and allowed him to kiss more into her..

Aman let his hand go down and slwoly hugged her more hodling her ass and slwoly held her ass..Swathi grew more wild and pushed her breasts more to his chest.. aaaaah aman was igniting her fully now..his hands were palying on the ass crack and he was kissing her neck .. Swathi was murmuring aand asking him to stop... the sounds of the kiss were making mad each other .. he let his fingers rub in her ass crack..and swathi pushed his face on to her boobs.. it was getting hot for her now... and she was moaning uncontrollably now...
he looked at her and she felt shy..he opened his tongue and she too opened hers and the tips of the tongues met .... aman was licking her and his hands slwoly went to her boobs again.his continuous attack there were making her weak and this time she just put her hands over his and dint remove it..he was giving them a gentle squeeze.. this is third pair of hands that are touching them now...
he kissed her breasts over the salwar now.. one hand on her left breast and his face was pressing the right breast... aah swathi wanted to push him..but her hands were holding and pressing his head to her more and pushing her breasts more into him...

Aman other hand was busy in making her more near and this time he let his hands insdide her salwar behind..he was completley getting access to her naked back just that the bra was the only thing he could feel .. he was kissing her breasts and pressing his face and one hand..aaaaaaaah this was getting more hot and hot for both of them.... Aman opened hi s mouth and puffed her right breast and he could feel her spongy boobs over the top.. aaaaaah man he is really enjoying her soft ones...

Swathi was surprised the way she was allowing him to take h er..but what can she do when the situaton has become so hot .. she wanted them to be badly sucked .. when rohit had started all this .. from then she had never got anything on her boobs .. not even from mahesh... oh poor rohit .. wanted them to get a lot..but she only dint give him.. now aman is going to have them.. no no she will not... she tried to push aman.. and aman turned and made swathi on him

Swathis breasts were pressed on his chest and his hands were pulling the top lil and enjying her naked back .. aaaaaaaah her asss was one he wanted to get..but she was a bit down .. and he coud not get.. them.. Swathi ..was pleading him not to go ahead. .pls lets stop aman.. pls lets for gods sake. .aaaaaaah she was talking on her lips over his chest and her lipstick entirely was gone..and her tender lips could be seen..he though there is no need for her to apply lipstick... both were breathing heavily and they were taking a break

Oh swathi .i need your love . pls dont stop me [his hands were busy on her back ... every inch of her back being explored]..Aman had a handsome face and Swathi really liked seeing him... she really felt sad for him whenver thought of Latha came to her..she moved forward and locked his lips and was sucking ... Aman was now able to get her ass into his hands.. as she had moved above him to kiss his lips... aman put his tongue into her and was holding her butts into his hands nad pushed her more itno him.. his hard one was hitting her thighs and she rubbed it a bit.. wanting to feel it.. aaaaaaah the bodies were sticking without a gap between them

Aman slwoly squesed her ass madly as her breasts wer giving him more softness of hers and the lips were eating each other.. this is wonderful combination he thought..he was getting out of breath and wanted those melons in his lips
Aman left her hips and slwly pushed her top up now .. inch by inch.. Swathi knew ..time has come to get rid of her top... aaaah she was allowing him to pull it up.. and he got the bra clips into his hand .. he caresssed them ore and slwly wsa pulling the top.. up.. Swathi broke her kiss and sat .. they were madly breathing..

Swathi .. pls let's stop it now.. sir.. [she let her hands over her breasts and dint wnat to loose her top..]

Aman - Swathi.. why should we stop when we are enjoying..its crime to stop now.. pls .. he sat and hugged her to give support to her and feel her comfortable with him.. they were in a hug as his lips kissed her neck ... she was caressing his back and head and feeling his lips on her neck ..she was madly hot .. now...
Aman slwoly put his hands on her top..he was giving her time to sync for him... and slwoly started pulling the top up.. Swathi closed her eyes and a drop of tear appeared out as she closed.. .Aman licked it ... and spoke on her... dont worry dear.. we will enjoy this... Slowly she started lifting her hands up ...allowing aman to lift her stop..she could feel the chill of the AC on her back and her navel..she hugged him more ..

Swathi turned her back to aman now..she was feeling dyingly shy .as he was lifting.. she spread her hands and slowly the skin of her lvoely smooth both was unveiling..Aman was going mad seeing her.. as slwoly her body started to shine in the golden lights.. her pink bra mixed with her golden skin was amazing to watch .. her body was feeling so hot .. and he slowly lifted the top and threw it away...Swathi looked at the top getting flying in the air.. her hands slowly covered her bra and blouse..she felt so mad.. of herself for doing this.. she won't forgive herself... aman was enjoying the view of her back ..with such a spotless back .. he was getting mad .. for her now

Aman let his hands circle her waist and it was a perfect way to grab her .. her fleshy navel invited his hands and made them rest on her navel.. he decided to slwoly remove his shirt too.. Swathi felt his hands leaving.. and looked back as to why he left.. her eyes became big as swathi looked at him removing his shirt..she was dying of shyness and looking at him.. he was no body builder..but he had no fat accumulated... he was plain from top and he had a flat belly.. he had a bit of hair in his chest and one could say aman was no hunk nor average man.. he was a gentelman with a charm.. their eyes met and swathi ..bend her face in shame..

Aman knew her position..but he dint want to drift .from what he wanted..if he gets mercy on her.. he will be fasting for life..she is in a position not to say no to aman now.. he had made her burn so much.. and he slowly kissed her neck .. and put his hands back on her navel hugging almost near to him. and both the fleshy bodies met.. just for swathis bra band behind.. she was breathing madly and she could feel her hotness ..

Aman slwoly kissed her neck and slwoly moved his lips form neck to back ..and his handsmoved from navel to the top..aah .. he was feeling mad for her fleshy body ...she is really the perfect doll .. he thought

The bodies were gettign sweat now.. slowly swathi was bendingher neck up and feeling his kisses sound..she looked at chotu who moved a bit and then became sound again.. she was feeling his hands travelling from neck to and her aaaaaaaaaah boobs now.. her boobs were only covering her half cleavage.. and his hands slowly occupied the boobs over the bra..she bite h er lips...his hands were warm and he cupped her boobs into his hands..the fleshy body succumbing to his hands..

she put her hands over his and getting kissed and her hands pressed his hands making him squeese them more.. they are going to be taken now.. oh my god.her feeling was so hot and she turned her face to look at him. he smiled almost thanking her and sucked her lips .. lustily u ..her tongue was getting sucked as her boobs were madly squeesed in his hands...she held his chin and cheeks and allowing him to kiss and squeese
both were kissing till she had run out of breath..Swathi could feel her juices now flowing..she is surprised that when Rohit just kissed her pussy lips were too wet..just by his kiss..he was something she thought...

Aman slowly put his hands on her bra hooks and Swathi moved out and pushed herself on bed between the pillows.. sleeping fully and covering her face..
it made aman more hot. he slowly slept on her ass and made her feel cock.. Swathi moaned and the bare top bodies touched as he kissed her neck ... and kissing on and on ..the feel of her ass over his cock made aman more hot and he pushed nd rubbed the crack was perfectly fitting his cock.. swathi imagined that his tool is big ..enuf.. better than Mahesh.. her slutty thoughts were prevailing over her...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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The feeling was so good to feel a man's hard cock in her ass... Swathi was feeling the pleasure new and hard...Aman was kissing her spine and slwoly reaching.. while his hands were not leavign her soft boobs and she was feeling them more... aman was frequently rubbing his tool up and down making her feel it more.. due to leggings so tight and sticking she was almsot feeling it.. as inside
he left the boobs and slowly guided his hands to the back hooks of the bra..Swathi was waiting for the inevitable to happen..

Chotu moved but dint wake up.. Swathi and aman watching him with a bit of scaredness.. Chotu stablilised and sleeping..

Aman licked her earlboes and swathi moaned.. Aman entered his hands insdie her bra now.. and her soft bra showed him the way and the soft juicy boobs of the beautiful lady were first time being touched naked by other than her hubby... she was allowing this and feeling his rubbing cock more and gettign mad. the hardneess was making her leak.. down..

Aman moved his hands inside the bra and he made swathi turn her back to his front and he was holding .. both were breathing heavily as amans hands cupped her boobs.. it was so wonderful body touch .. as his bare chest was on her back and his hands on her bare chest.. and he kissed and squeese them .. and slwoy due to the pressure building swathi was breathing heavily... and he licked her earlboes and bite her neck softly .. Swathi could not contain the excitemetn and she moaned and was whipsering his name .. oh aaaaaaamaaaaaaaaan ................ oh aman ..dont ... do it.. oh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmman ..

due to her moanign hard... Chotu woke up and started to cry ..both quickly wrapped a bedsheet over swathi .. and Aman was s hocked and suprirsed... he took his shirt and quickly left ... Chotu was crying its a new place to him..

Swahti took her salwar and put it on suddenly and since his mom was not taking him near .. he was crying more.. Swathi put her salwar and took chotu..he was crying..

There was a knock on the door and Mahesh had come.. Aman opened the door and welcomed mahesh and mahesh hearing chotus cry and played with him.. Swathis hair was disturbed and chotu was crying over her neck and shoulders.. Mahesh took chotu and caressed him and Swathi set her hairs right.. she was feeling so happy that there was a break ..but internally she was dying to get sucked .. on her boobs..

They all came and Aman was looking at Swathi... and he was disturbed he could not get what he wanted.. he wanted Swathi madly now..after feeling her soft boobs..he looked at her and smiled.. Swathi smiled back too and teased him .. with a kind of lusty look ..he looked at her boobs and then at her eyess and showed his lips as if he wnated to suck them....

Swathi ..was smiling and raised her boobs more by deep breath.. oh man she was teasing hhim madly..Mahesh excused himself and wished good night and all of them left to their room..Swathi was leaving and Aman kept his hand on her ass once as they were exiting..she calmly exited ..he had got more than what he wanted..Swathi thougth.. he is freely putting his hands everywhere now..

They bid good night and went to their room..Swathi was feeling hot ..after mahesh and chotu slept..she took a bath ..Swathi could hear some meek voices...and then sometime later there was a shouting from Aman .and she knew again they are having arguments... she wasnt feeeling to listen any of it... and she cleaned herself.her panty was fully wet... and leaked a lot.. but surprisinlgy she dint get any orgasm...

Swathi cleaned and went and hugged Mahesh and slept...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Quote:Indian Prince
so chotu broke the trance, now that aman has got more free hands than what Rohit could get in so many days, lets see how this turns up

Arousing updates.
The name of thread should be changed as she is doing it knowingly not unknowingly
And hope there will cheating parts too sure.
Hope Mahesh comes into the picture with some suspicions about her behaviour and waiting to see how he is going to handle it.
Keep going.....
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Make romantic emotions longer time. Don't let Swati submission early. Drag it as much as possible. Otherwise story looses curiosity. Waiting for next update.
Make this Sunday more Happy.

मजा आया पढने में.
यार अमन, तुने स्वाती का रोम रोम को हाथ लगाया
दो दिन में उसको नंगा करने में सफल हो जाओगे तथा चोदने में
हम पढेंगे तुम कैसा चोदते हो मुस्लीम लंड से
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi got up around 8 and by that time Mahesh and chotu were playing in the sofa.. Mahesh dint bother to disturb her as there was no house hold chores..She smile to both of them and got up.. she finished her bathroom chores and came out ..Mahesh had ordered ginger tea for her.. Swathi felt so good as Mahesh remembers her likes. still ..she felt bad for making out with Aman..she looked out of the window and saw aman coming back from gym sweating from the windows..
she went back to the tea and thanked Mahesh for such a wonderful time in the resort

Mahesh said.. its all bcos of this guy Rohit. we are getting all good things in life..Swathi was thankful to rohit and wished he was around.. definitely she would have given him some nice things to him.. but aman was stealing the show..
Mahesh said its becoming tough to get out of amans company now ..he is being so nice to him now... but Rohit is giving him big salary ...

Swathi smiled ya... thats true..we should settle fast now and take out all our debts.. we don't know how things can move.. its better as soon as we can ... Mahesh ya... true ..Swathi..wish we could fetch you also a job..Swathi was surprised.. .. Mahesh himself was proposing.. .. Why don't you speak to Rohit? Swathi asked him...

Mahesh dint say no or yes.. he just said..let's see...

Swathi was in nighty and she was feeling too lazy to get fresh now... Mahesh left for work ..and she saw both aman and mahesh..Chotu also went along with mahesh..... Swathi thought good that he is spending with chotu.. walking towards the venue places... There was a knock on the door and she went and opened the door thinking it must be Aman... The lady steward politely asked as she opened the door.. Mam Aman sir has asked if you would like to take a body massage .. Swathi was surprised hearing that...

Swathi said no .she is not interested as she wasnt in a mood to go out.. she said the same.. The lady steward still politely said .. mam we will do it here and we will do with lady massagers only..Swathi was fine with that and she allowed her..
Swathi went and removed her dress and came back ... she was in her bra and panty .and she wrapped her body with towel and came... the massage started at 9 and ended by 10 30..Swathi was so relaxed and sleeping... as the massage went .. it was quite professional and no extra behaviours by the Staff.. By the time the massage was over Swathi was sleeping

The lady massager woke her up as she finished..Swathi apologised as she slept.. The lady replied mam ..its quite natural if you really enjoyed Have a happy day.. Swathi felt happy and thanked aman, as her body was feeling so light and free... she went to shower had a nice bath ...she put on a night pant and t she had no plans to go out ... she checked herself.bcos she never gets a chance to wear like this ones at home.... She was looking beautiful with her boobs perfectly hugging the t shirt and her pants was tight at the triangle..and free from there down...She was feeling sleepy and she moved to bed..

Swathi slept for more than an hour..and she got up relaxed..she was feeling so elite and like a queen.this is life she thought..she was feeling pampered and relaxed..she was not feeling like having breakfast .. and she got up and ordered a tea and crossiant for her ...

The door rang and she opened the door as her urge for tea was high .. It was Aman.. and she smiled at him.. "good afternoon sir" .. hope i dint disturb you...
Swathi unwantedly welcomed him and

Swathi : No sir.. thanks for the massage...
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Aman- Hope you liked it ? you should try some day ... the sauna bath too

Swathi - Sure sir.... if i get time..

The steward walked in with Tea.. Swathi smiled ..

Swathi: Sir let me order coffee for your sir?

Aman- Let me have tea along with the steward kept the entire tea pot there...

Swathi- Sir you are changing your tastes?

Aman - Yes for you .Aman smiled.. Swathi looked at him understanding him..

Swathi- Sir where is mahesh and chotu ?

Aman- Oh they are having their time..chotu wants to go and play games in the game Mahesh took him...

Swathi - Oh.. thats nice...

Aman- Hope im not distrubing your time?

Swathi- Sir i had a nice massage and a good sleep. thanks for your lovely offers sir.. can we share our tea now

Aman - Sure Swathi .. i would really love to share with you ... Swathi was understanding what he meant..

She was feeling uncomfortable with such an attention and pampering... man..where is this leading too... if you want to become big and earning that all what you need to go through... she was thinking something..

Aman- What happened swathi?[he himself got up and gave tea to her and he took his cup]

Swathi - Thanks sir.. Is madam coming today night sir?

Aman- No swathi..she will be coming tomorrow from singapore along with her friend who has helped her getting tender.

Swathi- Oh what tender sir?

Aman- Oh dint i tell you she got a tender of 50 crores for the company?

Swathi - No sir.. thats a good news .. see sir how capable she is?

Aman- I never had any doubts on her capability swathi..its just that i dont want to loose her family or life ..just to prove her capabilities... capabilites are good for outsiders not for family.. family looks for love and caring .. not her capability to deal with outside world

Swathi was feeling so good as she was doing what was rightly needed for her family. giving her support to Mahesh , chotu and aunty..she started feeling good about her now slowly... she knew she will get a chance to work soon with Rohit too as Mahesh himself proposed for her job... maybe she will start feeling complete and happy soon then..and Rohit might give her that extra happiness too .. if she is willing to cross limits with him.. But what of aman?? he is looking at her like he is gonna eat her right now... She knew he has come to share her .. and not her tea..

Swathi - Yes sir you are right.. for a lady ... family has to be first.. so does she expect from her hubby..

Aman - You are right swathi..thats y i really like you .. you seem to be so sacrificed for them.. You are intelligent with a masters degree and yet you let go that for your family.. no wonder ..Mahesh is so happy even if he doesnt have money
Aman got up took her cup and his..and kept it aside..

Swathi - Sir ..ill keep it..pls...{he took and kept it aside... he went to the window and was looking outside]

Aman - See swath ..such a beautiful place.. and there is no one to sahre such a beautiful place..tomorrow afternoon onwards ill be busy with event and even if Latha comes ..we wont be spending much time... destiny is so bad i say
Swathi knew he was right..she got up from the sofa and was walking... towards him

Swathi - Hmm sir... sir you seem to be a true gentelman who is carving for his wife and Son.. i can see that you get sad... whenever u think about them.
Aman - Yes Swathi... im sorry ... just that i get carried away...

Swathi put her hand on his shoulders and caressed him..

Swathi- Its ok's good to feel that way...

She was feeling so sad for a person whose is so loving for his family... They saw some couples playing games from the window. And both of them were looking at them feeling how happy they are... when the wife and husband are together...
Aman looked at her ...both of their eyes met... Swathi felt shy and removed her hands ...she realised that she is giving him hints by touching him...she turned and started moving back to her seating place.. and dint want to give him any indications of her happiness.

As she turned .. Aman hugged her from behind... and held her close softly..he was not forcing her..Swathi remained still ..

Swathi - Sir pls lets not do this... pls sir.. im a married woman and its not good to betray your partner..for either of us
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Aman moved near her and made her feel how warm he is for her. Swathi was feeling so cared and she was feeling if she could help him in giving him some love he is missing.. Swathi removed his hands and scolded herself... dont think your sympathy for him as a weakness to him.. you have your family and child to take care off...

Swathi walked away.. Aman let her go..he wasn't wanting her by force..Swathi liked that..he respects women...

Swathi - sir yestereday we had crossed our limits.. sir.. pls lets not repeat this again.. she was saying as she was approaching the door..she wanted him to leave..

Aman was looking at her back and her ass and assets.... he followed her ...HE knew she was asking him politely to leave

Aman - I am not thinking so .. I am just getting what i want and what i love.. I love really spending time with you and wanting your love Swathi...

Swathi stopped and without seeing him answered

Swathi - Sir im already married and i have a family to take care..
Aman again slwoly moved near her..her ass was inviting him to hug her... he was amazed by the size of them and the roundness.. only ..few of them have such roundedness and not flat like many..even lathas butts are round he thought... but Swathis butts were round as well as they made a perfect shape in the tight pants.. every man would love to feel his cock in them....

Aman- i know you have so much love ... having your love willl make my love a bit compelte..but will not spoil your love swathi..your love will be as safe and as happy as it will be ...i promise that...
He held her again ..his words were creating magic and making her sympathy more for him...Swathi was in a fix.. she wanted him to go out.. but at the same she wanted those hands to touch her.. feel like yesterday.. she held his hands and removed them...again..she was confused.. she left him .. and she dint go to the doors..the room was so big... and so spacious..she went to the window looking out .... if Mahesh could come...this would be it..she will be so blessed....

Swathi is confused..why is she doing this..why cant she ask him to go out.. How can she... Aman is her hubbys boss...and knowing him... he has completely changed the way he is talking to Mahesh after she is become his friend.... he might rage aman..But aman dint seem to be of the saddist person..and even if he does..whats the scare..Rohit is there for them..

Aman - Swathi i know want to be my friend..but you are scared about mahesh ... I promise you that you will be safe with me..and i promise to take care of your happiness...i just want you to share your little love.. from your love ocean.which is not going to end anyways

Swathi was relaxed as he is not going to take mahesh..but just that he wanted her love..and he is trying to find his lost love of Latha in her...

Aman could not control more seeing her lovely ass and this time he held her by ass and kissed her neck..........Swathi squeezed her hands on the window grills... she felt his hands on her butts... she knew she has been tempting him
hmm swathi .. his hands held her butts an dkissing her neck ...Swathi was standing still feelng his soft lips and soft hands on her ass...he was so rich .. though he does his gym.his hands are soft and fleshy... the way he held them .. made her feel like a hollywood sex scene happneing..hmmmmmmm her earlobes were being licked ..and her hands held the window grill..she dint want to give any hint to him...

Aman slwly moved his hands from her butts and was travelling upwards... and he put his hands on her wasit and slwoly put his pants to hers... aaaaaaaaah she moaned now... she could really feel the hotness and the hardness...she bent her neck to the sides... and slid her hairs too the front... and her neck was so soft and exposed...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Aman rubbed his lips from neck to ears and back..he was repeatign that act.... she was soft like latha..but latha was more fair... and sensitivie..Swathis skin is absoultely goldy and shining.. and she coudl take lot of kisses... on her ...
Aman was so tight and he pushed his tight pants down.but his blazer was punishing the buttons were so tight... and pressing her back... she was feeling the pain..but the pleasure was subsiding it... Aman was growign hard and hot.. he let his pants press her butts..he felt like getting rid of clothese instantly ..he pressed more.. Swathi ... moaned and told him..your blazer buttons..

Aman realised that and quickly moved back he removed his casual blazer and threw it on bed..he again kissed her neck pushed her top a lil to her shoudler that made him more hot and he kissed every inch of her shoudler to neck ... Swathi dint still leave the grills she wasnt ready for this but his kisses are so wonderful for her.

Aman again hugged her and this time she could feel his cock more tigth and hard... it was getting irressitible for her.. and slwoly his hands moved to her boobs and he held them with both his hands and his lips ksising her neck........aaaaaaaaah sir... pls..............she was moaning and loosening her grip on the grill...

Aman wanted her hands over him.. he pushed his cock more into her and was trying to make space in her ass for his.. aaaaaaah his constant kisses and rubbing down are working the trick for him...

Swathi left the grill.. her hands covered his hands which were holding her boobs..she felt like she is going to burst.. in her bobos... sh ewas breathing heavily....aman squeesed them softly.... his fleshy hands over her hands made them feel like soft more.. she bend her neck over his shoulders and her hips moved back and felt his hard one more.............aaaaah............she was moaning now..........his hands were squeesign the boobs in circle motion and he occasionaly presses his hands cupping them and squeesing..

Her ass was enjoying its hardness and her soft hands over his was encouraging him to press them more.. her hands were over his and was enjoying his boddy totally on her... her massaged body was rejuvenating more with this massage...his hands slwoly squeesed so hard now.. she moaned..sir..slowly its paining...he squeesed them more.. and she moaned like more.. and she felt herself that she is enjoyiong this.. such a lovely place such a lovely time in the day to be eaten.....
she was enjoying his hardness in her ass and occasionally gripped with her ass crack.. it tempted him more and more.. this was becoming more and more fun for him..

Aman pinched her nipples and she moaned his circling his finger on her tits was driving her mad.. her bra was so soft... and she felt his pinches.. she moaned. more and more aman ..swloy let his hands go down ..and slwoly entered his hands inside her top.. Swathirealised that and pushed him .and turned to him..
Sorry ..sir .. pls dont do this.. pls.. she turned him and covered her hands on her breasts.. Aman knew its very tough to control now.. Swathi pls serve me your love .. i need your love .. he put his hands under her waist thru her top... Sir pls..dont do it .. pls .. i beg u ...sir.. pls leave me... her breath was so hot.and she turned her face to the side..bcos if he looks at her face s....she wanted him to do .it..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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