Adultery Pinky seduction goes wrong with servant
Later in night when she was having sex with Atul she found that she was not able to enjoy it. She could not fathom why, maybe because she is tired, but soon she realized it was due to lack of excitement. She felt the urge only when the days event flashed before her eyes, the teasing with the boys and the hard cock of Sidharth in her mouth. She came hard imagining the muscular Sidharth between her legs. She even felt guilty afterwards.

After the sex Atul lay awoke for a long time thinking about his wife and Sidharth. He knew that Sidharth would be fit and fine in few days and will be back to fuck his wife, little did he knew that he has already started with mouth fucking her. He cannot talk about this with Pinky as it will reveal that he has attacked Sidharth. He tried to look for reasons for her falling for Sidharth but could not think of any. He has always found her actively participating in sex and even initiating it also and he always thought that he was good enough for her. Now after he has witnessed her with Sidharth his delusion was shattered and he realized that her libido cannot be satisfied by just one man. But he cannot just keep quiet and tolerate her adultery, he has to do something about it. He found only one option right now i.e. to seek transfer from the city. He remembered how the other officer whose wife Sidharth was fucking also did the same thing, he got himself transferred away. Maybe sometime later after they move away he can talk to Pinky about this. After making this decision he felt relaxed and fell asleep.
Next day in the office Atul decided to talk to his boss Mr Raj Pratap Singh, he was the director of FRI and Atul was having good relationship with him. He was the top boss at FRI and had good connections which could help him in getting transfer. Mr Singh was a senior IFS officer in his fifties and he also resides in a bungalow in the same FRI complex where Atul resides but was still some distance from his house as the place is spread out in a very large area.
"What!!! You want to be transferred," he was shocked when Atul asked him for help. They were sitting in Singh's office.
"Yes sir, actually I am not getting any good results in my research and I want to be transferred to some other place."
"Rubbish, I know your research is going on right track, you only joined us this year."
Atul made up some story about his work-related problems and asked him to help him in transfer.
"Ok, I will see what can be done, but before I forget I must invite you, Pinky and your lovely daughter to our 25th marriage anniversary party this Saturday evening," he spoke.
"Ohh... congratulations sir."
"Thanks, and make sure you attend with your family, the party is at my bungalow and I am inviting few of my close friends only."
Atul nodded and assured that he will be there. He came out of his office in deep thoughts and decided that he will get a nice gift for them for the anniversary and then he will again talk to him about transfer on Monday, he will definitely help.
At home, Pinky was not feeling good as her mensural periods started and her back was paining. Next couple of days went by uneventful partly due to Pinky's mensural periods and partly as Sidharth was recovering at home. Finally, Saturday arrived and Pinky was not too excited about it as she had earlier attended Atul's office parties and they turn out to be boring. She never enjoyed gossiping with the wives of other officers from FRI. However, she paid attention on dressing and wore her best salwar kurta. The kurta had a deep neck revealing a generous cleavage. She wore a light makeup and tied her shoulder length hairs into a bun. When she came out of the room Atul's jaws dropped looking at the sexy figure.
Pinky was feeling horny as her periods ended today and she always feel aroused during this time. She saw the face of Atul and smiled,
"Be aware tonight," she whispered.
Atul felt his cock twitch and he forgot all about her infidelity and wanted to grab her right then and there but then the face of Sidharth flashed before his eyes and all he could think of was that she is hot for her lover. Then his attention was diverted when Anaya pulled his hands,
"Daddy let us go," she was ready.
Pinky felt relaxed when she found out that the guest at the party were very limited and only one or two couples were from office. The party was stretched out from there drawing room to the back lawn. They settled down in drawing room while Anaya ran around the house. Pinky has met Mr Singh and his wife earlier also and she liked his wife, they go along well. As regards Mr Singh he always had a lecherous eye on Pinky. She had felt it earlier too but nothing threatening.
Today also when he saw Pinky he was mesmerized by her youthful yet fully developed beauty. He looked at the full ass which was accentuated by the tight dress, and felt his cock stir. Pinky saw him leering at her and felt strangely aroused as if she is exposing herself. She congratulated the couple on their anniversary and Mr Singh held onto her hand longer than required, maybe fantasizing those soft hands wrapped around his cock.
They were still exchanging pleasantries when Pinky saw Manoj approaching them.
'O my god this guy,' Pinky recognized the guy whom she met couple of days back on the hills and she remembered how she travelled with them on the bike and how he felt her up.
'What is he doing here?' she thought.
As he approached closer he also recognized Pinky and was startled.
"What are you standing there, come..." Mrs Singh hailed him closer.
"I guess you have not met our son Manoj," she introduced him, "he is studying engineering ."

Manoj looked at her dumb faced.
"Where are your manners," Mrs Singh scolded finding him looking blankly at Atul and Pinky.
"Ohh... sorry... "Namastay... uncle," he spoke to Atul and then mumbled some greetings to Pinky also, he was not able to bring himself to call her aunty as he has called her husband uncle.
Mrs Singh then went on to introduce them to Manoj. Pinky understood his predicament and smiled inwardly, she knew that it's a shock for him as he believes her to be a student of his age.
Atul noticed the strange behavior of Manoj and how he was looking at Pinky, but he was not able to understand anything but then he also noticed his boss feasting his eyes on Pinky. For a moment Atul felt a bit proud that he had such a sexy wife which could stir lust in father and son alike but the next moment he was ashamed of himself for letting this kind of thoughts come to his mind.
Manoj soon excused himself and went away, while Mr Singh took Atul away to the makeshift bar at the corner and they mixed with the other guys who were already drinking, the women were having fruit juice and were chatting amongst themselves.
Party was pretty boring; some music was played but nobody was dancing and guests made their own groups for drinking and chatting. Pinky soon found herself alone and she wandered to the kitchen looking for some food but there was none.
As she was there Mr Singh walked in,
"Hi," she smiled.
"I must say Atul is a very lucky guy," he said looking at her animatedly.
She knew what he was getting at but she played innocent, "Why?"
"He has such a beautiful wife," he spoke.
"Ohh... come on you are just being nice," she pretended to be shy.
"No... no... you are amazing," he admired her body lewdly. Pinky didn't knew what to say she just fiddled with the glass of orange juice.
"What are you drinking," he enquired.
"Orange juice."
"Why not spike it with some vodka," he spoke with a glimmer in his eyes and quickly produced a bottle from the kitchen cabinet.
"Oh... no... please," she giggled, "no lady is drinking."
"No one that you can find out," he smiled meaningfully, "why do you think I am came here looking for the bottle of vodka... there are ladies quietly mixing it with the juice."
He opened the cap and gestured for her glass. "This party is going to be interesting," Pinky thought and let him pour some in her half-filled glass.
She sipped and made a bad face and he giggled, "perfect drink... no smell and goes perfectly with the juice."
"You wait here, I'll pass this bottle to my wife and will be back with some snacks," he left.
Pinky gulped down the drink quickly and walked out of the kitchen. She joined the group of ladies and saw Mr Singh hurriedly going back to the kitchen to look for her, she smiled and felt the same feeling as she uses to get as a teenager exposing and teasing her teachers.
Pinky was talking to Mrs Singh and other ladies when Anaya returned to her side feeling bored.
"Mummy I want to go home."
"Why baby we just came," she asked.
"I am getting bored."
There was no other child of her age with whom she can play. Mrs Singh understood and called for her son.
"Hey Manoj what are you doing... take Anaya to your room and give her some video games to play," she told him.
Anaya was happy listening to this and quickly walked with him to his room. As Manoj guided Anaya, he looked at Pinky mischievously from the corner of his eyes. After the initial shock his confidence was back and he was happy to see her again. He was surprised to find that she was indeed a mother of a six-year-old girl.
Pinky was also relaxed now and felt a fire building inside her remembering what happened that afternoon. She was already feeling horny and now after seeing him smiling mischievously and his father trying to sweet talk her she felt her pussy getting wet.
She saw her husband was busy with men and Mr Singh was going around from one place to another looking for her. He saw her standing with the ladies and wanted to come over when he stopped as he saw his son Manoj appeared before her side.
"So, you are really a housewife," he spoke.
"Ahm... yeah... I told you," she replied with a straight face.
"Are you angry with me."
"What do you think I should be... happy?"
"I am sorry for that day but I thought you to be a collage girl," he spoke but he never looked apologetic.
"You mean to say that if I am a collage girl you are justified in doing what you did," she retorted back.
"No... No... I didn't mean that.... But you are so beautiful and hot that I got carried away."
She didn't say anything and walked towards the food table.
He followed her, "I am really sorry for that day."
"I heard you the first time," she picked up some snacks.
Manoj looked expectantly at her and mouthed please. Pinky enjoyed the situation and very well understood that he is just trying to talk her up.
"Where is Anaya," she changed the topic.
"Ohh she is playing games on my computer," he pointed to the room upstairs.
"I better check on her," she walked towards the room with Manoj right behind her.
Anaya was busy on the computer, "hey baby have you eaten anything," she enquired.
"No mummy I don't want anything."
"I know once you got hooked on games you will lose your appetite."
Pinky looked around the room and found it look typically like a room of a college student, a single bed in the center, table with books scattered all over, she smiled examining it.
"Not tidy," he grinned sheepishly.
"What is there," she pointed towards a door.
"That's my sister's room," he opened the door, "she is now in Delhi, couldn't make it tonight for the party."
Pinky nodded and stepped into the room and found it neat and clean, "see you can make out from the room that it belongs to a girl, I don't know how you boys can live in such a mess."
"Yeah girls are a beautiful specimen created by god... like you."
Pinky giggled, "very philosophical."
"And you are the best of those creations," he took the opportunity, "it was not my fault that I mistook you for a collage girl." He was now animatedly looking at her from top to bottom.
"Ok... ok... now you have enough of eye feasting," she chuckled.
Manoj also giggled, "Common... I can never have enough... that day too you refused to take second trip to your car."
"Were you out of your mind... how could you dare such a thing in middle of the road," her face turned red but her heartbeat increased.
"Now we are in a room," he spoke meaningfully.
"Just shut up," she spoke in a hoarse voice. Manoj was looking directly at her lovely cleavage and Pinky's breathing became heavy. Ever since she saw him she was feeling naughty and was reminded of that afternoon. She knew that given an opportunity he will try to take advantage and she too wanted to have some fun but she knew that if she continues now she will lose control. Manoj took a determined step towards her.
She gave him a stern look, "What?"
He stopped in his tracks and could not dare to touch her, "Umm... I... just wanted to look..."
"You already had enough fun that day," she spoke.
"Noooo...," he looked pleadingly towards her.
She enjoyed this and saw a bulge in his pants, "don't walk into the party with that bulge," she giggled and walked out.
As soon as she was back in the party Mr Singh magically appeared beside her,
"Where were you, I have been looking for you in the kitchen."
"Ohh I went upstairs to look for my daughter."
"Don't worry about her Manoj will take care of her," he spoke and called Manoj who was standing near the stairs.
"Take some food for Anaya and go upstairs," he ordered him.
"It's no problem I will take it," she spoke but Mr Singh didn't want her to be busy with her daughter so he insisted on Manoj to take care of her. Once he left he offered her Vodka and asked her to come to kitchen to spike her orange juice. Pinky was feeling a little buzzed as the first drink was kicking in now and kind of felt good.
On her way to kitchen she bumped into her husband,
"Hey how it's going I saw were talking to Mr Singh," he enquired.
Pinky had a mischievous grin on her face, "Yup... your boss seems to be having a great time feasting his eyes on your wife."
"What!!!" he observed him to be ogling her but he didn't expect that Pinky knew about it and was actually having fun out of it.
"Yesss and he is also trying to get your wife drunk," she showed the juice glass in her hand and gestured towards kitchen.
"You seemed to be already drunk," he spoke but Pinky was already walking towards the kitchen. He watched as she disappeared behind the kitchen door. She walked back to Atul after some time with the drink in her hand.

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"See," she showed him the drink.
"Yeah, how many of those have you taken?"
"Just the second one, dear," then she came closer and whispered, "don't worry I won't let him take advantage of my drunken state."
"Yeah... yeah," he murmured while Pinky giggled.
"Where is Anaya," he asked, "we should be going home now."
Pinky started to laugh.
"What!!! Why are you laughing?"
"You are so jealous and insecure, the moment you learned about your boss is goggling me you want to go home," she laughed again.
"No... no... it's not like that," he spoke sheepishly, "just go easy on them," he pointed towards her glass.
Just then some of the colleague called and Atul got busy with them. Although he was with them but was not able to pay attention to what was the discussion as his mind was wandering to Pinky and his boss. He watched from the corner of his eyes as his wife was again going towards the kitchen and Mr Singh following her. He felt a strange sensation... jealously yes but not like what he felt when he saw her with Langa. He saw his wife walking to the kitchen with a sexy movement of her ass, her hips were accentuated due to the tight Kurta she was wearing and he felt as if she deliberately swayed that voluptuous ass. He adjusted his cock which was getting hard every second. Then they disappeared behind the kitchen door.
Pinky was feeling light headed after the second drink and was having butterflies in her stomach when Mr Singh commented on her being hot and sexy. Clearly, he was now getting bold in flirting with her. Last time when she was in kitchen with him he called her sweet and beautiful, but now he graduated to calling her hot and sexy.
As soon as she entered the kitchen he pulled out the vodka bottle from the drawer.
"No... no... I have had enough," she stepped back.
"Common... last one," he insisted and came closer.
"Are you trying to get me drunk," she giggled.
"Yes... that is precisely my plan to get you drunk and take advantage of you," he too laughed. As he tried to pour some vodka in her juice glass she pulled back her glass sharply and the juice spilled over her dress.
"Ohh shit," she exclaimed.
"I am sorry, I am really sorry," he apologized and kept the bottle on the counter and grabbed some tissues.
"Let me...." he started to wipe off the liquid from her abdomen area.
"I think it will leave a stain, where is washroom I should wash it," she spoke.
"Over there in my bedroom," he pointed towards a door. She rushed out and found herself in a passage. Mr Singh guided her to the room at the far end of corridor and pointed towards a door in the room. She entered the washroom and stepped behind the door. As she took a glance around she found a mirror on the opposite wall through which she saw Mr Singh standing uncertainly in the dimly lit bedroom.
Her heartbeat increased as an idea came to her mind and she felt nervously excited about what she was about to do. 'He can see her through the mirror,' she thought and left the door half open. She reached behind her back and pulled down the zipper of her kurta.
Singh always has a fascination for this lady, he has seen her on other occasions also and always found her to be dressed in clothes that highlighted her perfect body. Today was no exception the kurta was tightly hugging her shapely body and while he was brushing the juice off her stomach, he swore he felt the depth of her navel button. He always admired her from a distance and never actually thought of flirting with her but tonight one thing led to another and he was pleasantly surprised that she doesn't seems to mind the flirting. Suddenly he felt as if his heart will stop beating, he saw the reflection of Pinky in the mirror who has taken out her kurta and was cleaning the spot with a wet tissue over the sink.
Pinky watched from the corner of her eyes and saw him staring at her in disbelief. She felt the familiar adrenaline surge in her blood which she felt when someone watched her. She felt a strong desire to take off her clothes and expose herself completely, but she controlled herself and pretend to wash the kurta. Singh watched in awe the toned abdomen with deep navel button and the luscious looking boobs still clasped in bra.
He cannot believe his luck, he was glued to his place watching the perfect body of Pinky, the lowers were still on and he wished to see more when she slowly untied the knot of her salwar and let it fall on her ankles. His mouth fell open and he walked closer to get a better look of her slender legs and the basketball size of the ass cheeks which were barely covered in the tiny skin-tight panty. He can now clearly see the white triangle of the panty and can also visualize the swollen pussy inside. He placed his hands on the door frame for support. He was so close to her that Pinky can hear his hard breathing.
She bends down showing her round ass to him and slowly took the salwar out of her legs and hung it on the door. Now she was standing in just her bra, panties and high heels. Singh licked his dry lips while Pinky felt her pussy dripping but she continued to pretend as if cleaning her dress.
Singh adjusted his hard cock and could not control any longer, he wanted to feel the softness of her body in his arms,
"Can I help you," he stepped in.
"Ohhh..." she seemed to be surprised, "what are you doing here."
"Thought you might need some help," he closed the door. Pinky's body shivered as she heard the door lock, she remembered the time when she was in a toilet of a train in a similar situation and got frightened, but now she was not scared rather trembling with desire.
Atul was feeling uneasy as quite sometime passed and neither of them appeared back from the kitchen. He looked around and then casually strolled towards the kitchen. Inside he found nobody but saw the open vodka bottle sitting on the counter along with the two half filled glasses. He was puzzled, he never saw them coming out. Then he saw the other exit door and walked out of it into the corridor feeling scared what he might find.
He walked slowly and saw no one until he reached the far end and peaked inside the bedroom, he saw his boss standing at the door of the bathroom but he cannot find his wife anywhere. The room was dimly lit but the bathroom light was bright, suddenly he saw her, inside the bathroom in just her white bra and panties. Even before he could assimilate the situation, Mr Singh entered inside and closed the door. The room was even darker after the light coming from the bathroom door was shut.
His worst fears were coming true, her words rang in his ears "your boss is trying to get me drunk." Is she really drunk or is she just a slut, fucking any guy who cares to ask? He walked like a zombie towards the door and thought what should he do, should he barge in? But then he remembered what he saw that afternoon with Langa and shivered, he didn't want to see something like that. He sat down on the bed with his drink. He cannot believe that she can fuck a guy in afternoon and then without any hesitance fuck him in the night, no guilt, no remorse, like a casual routine. Just before coming to this party she was hinting for a night of hot sex with him and now she is having sex with a man she had just met.
Inside the bathroom Singh grabbed her from behind, her bra was on the floor and her juicy white boobs were crushed by him.
"No... What are you doing," she murmured.
"Mumm..." he grunted something and squeezed them hard and pinched the soft areola.
"Ahhh... nooo..." she arched her body and her head rested on his chest when she bent backward.
For a fleeting second Pinky thought what she was about to do, she would be cheating on her husband but then she has already crossed that line with Langa and now it seems easier. She felt the bulge and knew that he is going to fuck her and she wanted that to happen. She looked at their reflections in the mirror on the sink and saw the aroused face of Mr Singh on her neck, he was biting her neck like a vampire, his hairy arms were wrapped around her breasts and the thick fingers were pulling and pinching the soft flesh. She saw her own aroused face and could not recognize it as her, it felt as if she was watching some porn movie unfolding before her eyes with a 4D experience.
"Ahh... ugg... ohh... noo," she heard her own groaning.
"You have a lovely body that I love to explore but tonight we don't have much time," he spoke and pulled her panty down her slender legs.
"Ohh... look at these," he spread the ass cheeks and rubbed his thumb at the puckered hole. Pinky felt the thumb spreading her ass hole.
"Ahhh.... Ohh," she squirmed. He inserted half of his thumb inside her ass hole and fucked her for couple of seconds with it.
"Ok... no time for these," he bent her over the sink, "I am going to fuck you," he whispered. He pushed upper half of her body over the sink's marble top, Pinky felt the cold stone beneath her stomach and her legs leaving the ground.
"Ahh...," she tried to wiggled as she felt the cold but he kept her pressed hard. She could watch in the mirror as he opened his zip and fished out a thick looking cock.
"Stay......... don't move," he panted and spread her legs wide, she felt the thick rod finding its way and within no time he was buried deep inside her.
"Ahhh...," Pinky cried out as she felt completely filled.
Singh grabbed her shoulders and started to fuck her hard and fast. The mixed animalistic sounds from both of them filled the small bathroom.
"I promise you Pinky," he spoke while watching his cock slip in and out of her pussy, "we will do it again when I will send your husband away for work and fuck you all night."
Atul had his eyes pressed against the small key hole in the door and could see both of them right in front of him. Pinky spread out on the sink top while his boss was pounding her pussy by holding her waist with both hands. He was getting a 360 degree of panoramic view with there faces in the mirror and asses right in front of his eyes.
Singh was now pounding her in earnest and was smacking her white ass with each thrust. Atul can see the look on Pinky's face and knew how much she was enjoying this treatment. Atul stayed glued to his place until he heard the loud grunting noise and saw him pumping his load in her pussy. The pounding stopped and the place was filled with the noises of heavy breathing. Singh pulled out his cock glistering in her juices and wiped the liquid on her ass, Pinky stayed lying on the sink top, while Singh started to zip up.
Atul quietly stepped back and walked towards the party like a zombie. He sat on the sofa and gulped down his drink watching his boss appearing from the kitchen. Pinky took some time to arrive but when she was in the room she was dressed properly and nothing give away that she was getting her pussy pounded in the bathroom couple of seconds before.
Atul was sitting in his bedroom after they came back home from the party and his mind was still occupied with the thoughts of what he saw in his boss's bathroom. Pinky came to the bedroom after putting their daughter away on bed and started to change into the night gown. Atul felt his cock rock hard and he grabbed her from behind.
"Ohh...," Pinky got startled but then she felt the hard cock poking on her bums.
"What!!! you are hard... its very late Atul," she understands what he wanted and tried to avoid it but Atul bends her on the bed and pulled her panty down.
"First let me get washed," she tried to get away.
"No," he patted her ass and saw red finger marks from the slapping Singh gave her. He caressed the marks on the butt and then he saw little teeth marks on her neck, his breathing got hard. He held her waist and thumped his cock into her well lubricated pussy.
"Ahhh..." Pinky groaned as a hard cock entered her pussy for the second time tonight.
Atul started to hump her hard, face of Mr Singh flashed before his eyes and he pictured him pounding his wife. It was too much for him and within seconds he blows his load inside her already filled pussy.

Thanks to "Tantrik" for the original one 
[+] 4 users Like hotguydelhi_sidharth's post
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This is one of your best stories. You could have continued this story as a series. Because, this story got off to a good start, and going on a good track. You have the opportunity to make this a long story. But I know you are a short story writer. Anyway, short n Stunning story. Thanks to original author either.
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Superb updates
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Super hot story
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