Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
Each and every word till last para was masterpiece in itself. The conversation part among three of them was spellbinding and how it altogether led to that kiss was simply outstanding, which shows how hard  the author has put his brains into use to make the first contact happen between Meera and Desai. It was actually the hardest and most exciting part that how things will mold into Desai's favour since Desai is the changed man at present and he wouldn't have tried to seduce Meera , So it was a thoughtful scenario which eventually lead to starting of their intimacy and their first touch and I must say to was handled quite well but could have been a bit better if author had elaborated a little more on the part where Desai touched Meera's hand and kissed her.The way it started with the condition of wine,Whiskey and that smell thing, was simply breathtaking and extremely exciting. The events  which led to kissing were so logical that I wished their conversation part should never end. It was sooo damn erotic.

BUT WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED IN THE LAST PARA? My excitement fell straight from top floor and I went limp in a second.I was so disappointing and bad that I sooooo wish that I hadn't read the last para and wish i could undo reading it the moment I read the line of those 2 guys entering hall. Why the hell those two men were needed at this point of time?. I still can't believe what just happened. It literally gave me a headache. You completely messed it krish. Was the last para actually written by you?I doubt it. 
Why don't you make Meera naked in front of whole society, that would be even better. Right ?? Why make her embarras and lose her respect infant of 2 guys. You just made Meera a characterless and cheating wife in front of 2 un required people.  WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT MAN !!!!
        Now I'm sure, Desai will impress Meera by showing what he can do. Desai will show his power and make that guard and watchman disappear.
I don't understand, why do you always have to turn the story 360 degree at instant into something which reader never expected.You think readers always praise that ? Let me tell you its a NO , they don't. Here you over estimated this and in turn it back fired and fell flat.I wish I had never read the part next to the point where krish and Meera Kissed because after that 2 disappointments were given to us. First this bringing 2 guys out of no where and second , you again made Meera engage with Desai when Krish is not even watching them.

 I sooooo damn knew that as soon as Meera and Desai are alone, we won't know what they are doing and at instant she would be found in undressed state and this would happen only when krish is not watching.I now you don't care but I am sick of this thing happening each and every fucking time. Why the hell Krish is always missed out from the details which lead to start of intimate things with Meera.You always make him reach either when everything has already happened or when it has already started and is in the middle state. This is such a fucking turn off when we don't get to know what actually happened in real which led to things. 
    Now we readers along with Krish would never know how Desai and Meera ended up like that in semi nude state.The starting part of every intimacy is the most exciting and here you again snatched it away from us. What conversation actually happened between Meera and Desai after they headed for hall which eventually made Meera half naked? What were they talking while going towards hall? We will never get to know these details because it's now Meera who will be telling all these details to Krish in her own words and language.This thing has been done repeatedly and it has started to cause frustration.
    I am seriously sick of this thing that we don't get to see things happening live from Krish's end. I so damn knew that after the kiss something illogical will happen and magically Meera would be found in intimate state in mid way. It would have been so so better if removal of Meera's clothes and how it all started would have happened when Krish was watching them hiding somewhere. I can't believe you fail to understand the point that conversation or things done just before getting intimate actually is the reason which excites the most.Thats why we do fore play before sex and not start with direct fucking instead. Like we don't start watching porn when its already in middle because we like to see the story even in porn that how it all started. You should understand this Mr Author if you want to get better at your job. 
ALSO DEAR AUTHOR, DON'T WE ALREADY KNOW THAT DESAI HAS ALREADY FUCKED MEERA 2 YEARS BACK AND THAT TIME ALSO IT HAPPENED WHEN KRISH WAS NOT WATCHING THEM and later on details were revealed from Desai or Meera's end. Same thing you are doing here.So, Whats the use of repeating it the same way because again we all will be hearing it from Meera's point of view about hall's proceedings. Trust me these small things matter a lot. 
At least this time think differently & make it happen live when Krish is watching them from beginning itself without missing any details where he doesn't have to depend on Meera to tell him the details part later on but yeah it would be better if he is hidden some where and not known to Meera because only then Krish would find out the real version of horny Meera . She might get conscious if she knows Krish is watching her and may be she would remain in shell as its the human nature. Also,I felt Meera shed her clothes too easily .Did she ever show even some fake objection to Desai when Desai must be trying to get intimate with her in hall. 
     How awful and idiotic it sounds that Krish who is so desperate and horny at the moment gets engaged into drinking just after his wife leaves for hall with Desai and he doesn't even care to instantly go and follow them so that he can eavesdrop on them to know how things are proceeding when Meera and Desai are alone, instead he is drinking and shagging in washroom.WOW !! Does this even make any sense? 
and on top of that another major blunder that Sadashiv and watchman also saw Meera in that state.I completely fail to understand why you are making Meera naked in front of whole world. These things were meant to be discreet between Meera,Krish and Desai and discretion is more exciting than being public.
In next update you can also include more people from society who gets to watch naked Meera. That would ensure the disaster of this masterpiece.

But somewhere I feel ,May be Krish was dreaming all this as he was a little high and Meera shaking him off his dream to say that she is now taking Desai to the hall for dinner.
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(02-03-2022, 03:23 AM)critic_honest Wrote: But somewhere I feel ,May be Krish was dreaming all this as he was a little high and Meera shaking him off his dream to say that she is now taking Desai to the hall for dinner.

That would be the best option to save the situation, to enchant us readers and fan's all over again
with this explicite story ... 

I now feel like listening to the group:
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams 

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Meera is so defenseless against desai. Desai can breed her anytime he wants.,anywhere he wants.
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Great narration. Desai, Krish and Meera talks were interesting and enjoyable. At the end of the episode there was a big surprise. Krish know how to narrate the things. As per my thinking Desai is not neutral by himself as written many times after he modify himself. It may be his new tricks to attract Meera. Also as per Meera's various comment it is clear that her attitude toward Desai changed gradually. Once Desai run behind Meera to fulfil his dream. But his effort become useless. So he may change his plan and become inert from his end. Some where it found that Meera jealous and upset about Maitrei desai relation. Finally during kissing Meera by Desai, he stopped himself first. His retardation may attract Meera to him more. This way day by day Meera's attraction to Desai increased.

Krish is very intellectual writer. In every episode writer know how to keep reader thinking about what next. I think the last para is a dream sequence of Krish.
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(02-03-2022, 03:23 AM)critic_honest Wrote: Each and every word till last para was masterpiece in itself. The conversation part among three of them was spellbinding and how it altogether led to that kiss was simply outstanding, which shows how hard  the author has put his brains into use to make the first contact happen between Meera and Desai. It was actually the hardest and most exciting part that how things will mold into Desai's favour since Desai is the changed man at present and he wouldn't have tried to seduce Meera , So it was a thoughtful scenario which eventually lead to starting of their intimacy and their first touch and I must say to was handled quite well but could have been a bit better if author had elaborated a little more on the part where Desai touched Meera's hand and kissed her.The way it started with the condition of wine,Whiskey and that smell thing, was simply breathtaking and extremely exciting. The events  which led to kissing were so logical that I wished their conversation part should never end. It was sooo damn erotic.

BUT WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED IN THE LAST PARA? My excitement fell straight from top floor and I went limp in a second.I was so disappointing and bad that I sooooo wish that I hadn't read the last para and wish i could undo reading it the moment I read the line of those 2 guys entering hall. Why the hell those two men were needed at this point of time?. I still can't believe what just happened. It literally gave me a headache. You completely messed it krish. Was the last para actually written by you?I doubt it. 
Why don't you make Meera naked in front of whole society, that would be even better. Right ?? Why make her embarras and lose her respect infant of 2 guys. You just made Meera a characterless and cheating wife in front of 2 un required people.  WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT MAN !!!!
        Now I'm sure, Desai will impress Meera by showing what he can do. Desai will show his power and make that guard and watchman disappear.
I don't understand, why do you always have to turn the story 360 degree at instant into something which reader never expected.You think readers always praise that ? Let me tell you its a NO , they don't. Here you over estimated this and in turn it back fired and fell flat.I wish I had never read the part next to the point where krish and Meera Kissed because after that 2 disappointments were given to us. First this bringing 2 guys out of no where and second , you again made Meera engage with Desai when Krish is not even watching them.

 I sooooo damn knew that as soon as Meera and Desai are alone, we won't know what they are doing and at instant she would be found in undressed state and this would happen only when krish is not watching.I now you don't care but I am sick of this thing happening each and every fucking time. Why the hell Krish is always missed out from the details which lead to start of intimate things with Meera.You always make him reach either when everything has already happened or when it has already started and is in the middle state. This is such a fucking turn off when we don't get to know what actually happened in real which led to things. 
    Now we readers along with Krish would never know how Desai and Meera ended up like that in semi nude state.The starting part of every intimacy is the most exciting and here you again snatched it away from us. What conversation actually happened between Meera and Desai after they headed for hall which eventually made Meera half naked? What were they talking while going towards hall? We will never get to know these details because it's now Meera who will be telling all these details to Krish in her own words and language.This thing has been done repeatedly and it has started to cause frustration.
    I am seriously sick of this thing that we don't get to see things happening live from Krish's end. I so damn knew that after the kiss something illogical will happen and magically Meera would be found in intimate state in mid way. It would have been so so better if removal of Meera's clothes and how it all started would have happened when Krish was watching them hiding somewhere. I can't believe you fail to understand the point that conversation or things done just before getting intimate actually is the reason which excites the most.Thats why we do fore play before sex and not start with direct fucking instead. Like we don't start watching porn when its already in middle because we like to see the story even in porn that how it all started. You should understand this Mr Author if you want to get better at your job. 
ALSO DEAR AUTHOR, DON'T WE ALREADY KNOW THAT DESAI HAS ALREADY FUCKED MEERA 2 YEARS BACK AND THAT TIME ALSO IT HAPPENED WHEN KRISH WAS NOT WATCHING THEM and later on details were revealed from Desai or Meera's end. Same thing you are doing here.So, Whats the use of repeating it the same way because again we all will be hearing it from Meera's point of view about hall's proceedings. Trust me these small things matter a lot. 
At least this time think differently & make it happen live when Krish is watching them from beginning itself without missing any details where he doesn't have to depend on Meera to tell him the details part later on but yeah it would be better if he is hidden some where and not known to Meera because only then Krish would find out the real version of horny Meera . She might get conscious if she knows Krish is watching her and may be she would remain in shell as its the human nature. Also,I felt Meera shed her clothes too easily .Did she ever show even some fake objection to Desai when Desai must be trying to get intimate with her in hall. 
     How awful and idiotic it sounds that Krish who is so desperate and horny at the moment gets engaged into drinking just after his wife leaves for hall with Desai and he doesn't even care to instantly go and follow them so that he can eavesdrop on them to know how things are proceeding when Meera and Desai are alone, instead he is drinking and shagging in washroom.WOW !! Does this even make any sense? 
and on top of that another major blunder that Sadashiv and watchman also saw Meera in that state.I completely fail to understand why you are making Meera naked in front of whole world. These things were meant to be discreet between Meera,Krish and Desai and discretion is more exciting than being public.
In next update you can also include more people from society who gets to watch naked Meera. That would ensure the disaster of this masterpiece.

But somewhere I feel ,May be Krish was dreaming all this as he was a little high and Meera shaking him off his dream to say that she is now taking Desai to the hall for dinner.

Spot On! Wish it was a dream...Krish go back and edit it man...Meera losing her reputation is worst thing that can happen to this story. Anybody who needs to see her nude need to get permission from Krish lol
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Fulfilling fantasies in absolute secrecy would be lot better than making meera a whore for neighborhood gentlemen and ladies (who feigns they are better than everyone) to gossip around. You know every human being in a way when it comes to sex does have a kinky side about their fantasies. All of them perverts in their own (but going blood related incest is not kinky but gross, i can't appreciate that). And doing adultery under the consent and volition of people who involved and related to their sexual life is good. If krish wanted this to happen and meera doesn't have a problem, desai can have her. But involving third parties who hasn't anywhere in their fantasies is dangerous and bummer. If only this was just a dream. Everything was good untill thoe two watchmen had to witness what they shouldn't. That would be ok if krish is the only guy entered to the scene. That way both meera and desai wouldn't panic maybe continue what they doing for krish.
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looking forward the sunday's update hopefully.. Keeping my fingers crossed..
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Welcome back Krish,

i am very confuse about the story where the story heading after all the things the couple face before they didn't learn anything from past. early in the story Meera was very strong opinion on Desai now she is half naked in front of him why is it because of Krish or her anger for krish reaction on her fling with her boss. it is creates so munch confusion in readers because the characters behaves so unusual(Money thing and now the public show). what is future for Krish and Meera As a couple?

Thank you for the update.
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Krish when we can have next round of discussions going by current trend i shouldn't ask you for next 1 month which the time you took for last consecutive updates respectively. I called discussion because that is what this is u post 1 or half page of story then people will comment for next two pages with their taught some even fight ha ha ha so better we can call it conference also.....
Ok posted message here to know when can we have next conference on behalf of all attendees simply coming and visiting would be waste of time if speaker doesn't want to share his taught tomorrow. So please tell us what to do ha ha ha ha ??????
[+] 1 user Likes The Last samurai's post
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Mostly krish would update today or tomorrow if not only next Sunday. Tomorrow he will be busy with football match i feel. 

Krish, by tonight it will be clear whether KBFC  would qualify for playoffs or not, so update it tomorrow or Monday if possible.
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I have to say this to dear Author and my fellow reader friends:

Krish, we all know and understand that you put immense hard work and writing such erotica is not at all easy. We all have seen that most of the readers got disappointed just because the way things ended in the last update but here I would like to put in some praise for each and every word you wrote other than last para. We can not just ignore that and just because of ending ,we can't give negative reviews for the whole update. I feel positive reviews do need to come in.we can't simply discourage you just because the way things ended in the update. You are mature enough to understand the reviews of readers were filled with anger/discouragment because the level they are attached to this story is unimaginable.This is not just a story for us and all this because of you. So, I hope you will take positivity even from negative feedback which you always do.

While reading the complete update , I want to convey that you never forget to mention the much needed minute details which makes the story alive in itself. The complete update was wrapped with some awsome details. May it be how the venue hall was decorated or even how things things were placed inside the hall. You described the venue as if we were standing there in the hall. The part where you gave complete description of what Meera wore for the evening and how she was looking did not go unnoticed. Her Legenga , duppata , blouse depth and amount of cleavage she was showing , such details are really appreciated and we just love that you go into such details.They really help build the imaginations.

You even add those little banter conversations between Meera,Desai and Krish which does not let us get off the idea that this is just some erotica. For instance the first funny conversation between Meera and Desai when latter one just stepping in their house about Plane incident which made Meera laugh was a good one. The complete angle you created about smell thing from whiskey thing was damn good.
Because of your minute details and all such small/long conversations ,we can't differentiate if the story is fiction or real which is the best part. I just love reading and noticing such small details. Thank you for such detailed thinking  and putting efforts of such level.

For instance these few dialogs/details did not go unnoticed and they immensely aggravated the intensity and aliveness of story.This I'm adding because we readers never appreciate you for such minute level thinking but here I want you know that we do notice such things : 
>'Meera somehow missed wearing vermilion on the day of her Anniversary and Sheetal pointing it out ' : was an interesting thought you added and that too she missed on her Anniversary night.
> "Was Desai on this Flight? " : It showed Meera unconsciously is concerned about Desai's well being. It gives a good angle to the story that how the most hated person turned into a one who is being cared now. Interesting !!
>'I noticed she was missing her duppata' :This line really affected and made me instantly imagine how Meera must be looking at that very moment and how the view must be for Desai since Krish had described how her cleavage looked in blouse. (First I thought may be Meera undid her Duppata on purpose but I guess Meera was in the same state when Desai came, so she didn't do it intentionally. Guess Desai was just Lucky)
>"I had my plan to gift a fabulous gift for you" : Along with Meera even I was disheartened that I couldn't see what he could have gifted. May be it among other things a dress for Meera ? which I'm sure Meera would have worn later on. Its interesting to image Meera in Desai's gifted dress.But ultimate gift which I feel would be something different.

I Don't Know but it had always made me curious what if Meera was some real character ,then how would she look alike. There is this girl on Instagram and I don't know why butI always relate Meera with her appearance and it helps me imagining Meera because she matched with details Krish gave us about Meera.For my fellow friends her id is : shambhavi1997
(May be she with a bit bigger boobs can be related with Meera. Although everyone must be having some or other person whom they must be connecting her with. I'm always curious if anyone has better option.Do share with us LOL. (Other one I found was _mithuvigil_. Even she gives same looks as that of Meera)

I have a point which I want to convey to  all my reader friends. I think we should stop adding comments & predicting what would happen next in the story . We can always enjoy ,praise or comment about the update author gave but should stop sharing the ideas that what would happen next and I have a strong reason for it , hope you all will abide by me if I'm not wrong.
I know we all get curious after reading update and put in our imagination to guess what will happen next in the story but I think this plays negative for our Author and in turn for us as well. I'm sure among all the ideas which all readers share about future happenings, some fill in correct and due to this ,Author must get into confusion because we all know that  Krish has the habit to prove  all readers wrong so that everyone gets surprised when he finally updates and for doing so he might have to change the script which he already had in mind because some reader already shared the same idea.This thing even might delay the update from krish as he would be again changing the script to make it different from all the readers point and sometimes I assume in doing so, it worsens the script to which we readers ultimately complain.Its just a thought and I don't know if Krish would agree with me .

I read some reader say that now Meera and Krish will now shift to Desai's flat but is there any need to do so and put pressure on Author to change the script if this really is supposed to happen.Why ruin it? I think we should keep these points to ourselves and should enjoy the already shared update. I'm not complaining in any way but just sharing an idea which I thought of. Even I also do same thing sometimes but I think I will stop that now onwards and will restrict myself to present update. For instance just to share a spoiler even I thought that the ultimate gift which Desai will give to Meera of  could be a child along with some other materialist gift and the child will belong to Meera and Desai because we have seen Meera  taking Krish's response several times on how he sees the perspective of Pawan accepting baby from another man although Meera would never think this as a possibility and she would never plan this but you never know what circumstances may happen.We also know Desai doesnt use protection so lets see what Krish and Meera has to say about this if something happens in future. oops i should not have spilled that idea but  that I did just to  validate my point and I will stop doing that. I will also request my other reader friends as well to do so and stop predicting the future aspect of story. Moreover , Krish can also help me if I'm wrong.

Thank again dear author for providing your writings. Hope you will post update and won't take long time of month to update as it really starts frustrating us.

[+] 3 users Like critic_honest's post
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Any chance of update today ?
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KBFC have qualified now
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I agree with "critic_honest" and put my signature to every word except "the ultimate gift" 
in the form of a child, generated from Desai !
Rather, I think Desai, in the back of his mind, envisaged his house as the "ultimate gift" for 
Meera and Krish.

You mention, (to possibly put this in perspective) Pawan and the impregnation of Sheetal by 
a stranger -who is not her husband- and the dismissiveness of Krish in this matter.

Firstly, Pawan was/is not capable of genereting a child.
Secondly, Krish did not want to betray Meera and felt remorse towards her. That was why he 
did not go for it and dismissive this attitude. 

Krish is capable of impregnating Meera at any time, besides he has impregnated Das's sister-in-law
"Neetu" in the past and is now a father, even if the child would not be generated with Meera.

So he does not need Desai or anyone else to stand in for him to impregnate Meera.

I think and hope that in the foreseeable future, "when the right time comes" Meera and Krish 
will start planning their family and receive their own child.

Krish is a very good narrator and a gifted writer. 
His style is unique.
I read his stories with pleasure and satisfaction ... again and again.

Thank you for that ...

In this sense
All the best

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Meera would love to have the seeds impregnating her to be from a real man, so that if it is a boy, another girl will not get affected like her. If she gets imgregnated from krish, she will give birth to a wimp child and in future, her daughter in law has to open her legs to another man like her for good sex.
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waiting from Bangladesh
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