Lessons from Neighbor - Copied
Part 1: The First Lesson

Megan stretched cat-like as she reclined in the lawn chair in her backyard. Her long blonde hair was tied up on her head, except for a wayward strand dangling over the dark sunglasses, that covered her bright blue eyes. Several drops of sweat trickled down her shoulders. One got caught by the cup of the small, blue string bikini she wore and another dodged under the string and ran down her tan, flat stomach to disappear into her navel.
She stretched again and looked around. Megan was restless this afternoon. She had awoken very horny and as usual her husband, the Doctor hadn't been interested in taking care of her problem. She was waking up horny a lot these days and at 36, she realized she was at her sexual peak. Harold, the Doctor, on the other hand was 52 and by her calculations that put him about 35 years past his earlier male sexual peak. In fact, he had been about 20 years past his peak when they married 15 years ago.
Megan's mother had introduced her to the Doctor when she was 20 and she had immediately fallen for his distinguished looks and charming manner. They married a year later, Megan, a beautiful, shy, young virgin and Harold, a graying, busy surgeon. 
Megan had lived a very sheltered life. There were no children her age anywhere near her house growing up and she had attended a small private all-girls school. She had gone straight from living with her parents to living with the Doctor and had never gotten to experience life outside of a protected environment. She had a few friends back in school, but never a best friend until Betina moved in next door.
Betina and her husband, Jamal had moved in about a year ago. Megan had been dying for someone to talk to at that time. She did nothing all day, but sunbath, exercise, and cook dinner for the Doctor, which was usually cold by the time he got home exhausted at the end of a ten hour shift. Megan had even found herself watching soaps during the day. Overall though, she found them too raunchy for her.
Megan had observed with interest the house going up next door for months and had enjoyed talking to the nice construction workers. They seemed to come over to talk to her or to ask for something to drink, whenever she was out sunbathing. One very big man always seemed to be staring at her large breasts whenever he came over for a glass of water and he always made her feel uncomfortable. His stares always made her nervous and she would develop a funny feeling deep in her womb. This was about the same time she had started waking up horny all the time. She was glad when they finished the house, but missed having people to talk to. 
Megan was excited when the moving van arrived and had been ready to overcome her shyness and run right over to introduce herself when she saw Betina and Jamal. She had never had much experience around black people and decided to stay in the house and watch them through the curtains. Betina was light skinned, kind of plump, and she was dragging a young boy behind her. Jamal on the other hand was a six and a half foot dark black giant. He was wearing a tight tank top that showed off an impressive physique. Megan could swear that his muscles had muscles as she ran her eyes along his beefy arms.
A week later, Megan had been out sun bathing, she had still not gotten up the nerve to introduce herself to the neighbors when Betina made the first move. Betina called to her over the fence and introduced herself, it seemed that Betina was just as lonely for a friend as Megan was. The two women found themselves talking for hours. Betina invited her over to their house and she had met the black couples son, Anthony and Tina's husband, Jamal. He shook her hand and she noticed how her tiny white hand was completely engulfed by his big black ones. His stare reminded her of the big construction worker and she felt the funny feeling in her stomach again, making her a little flustered.
Megan noticed some pictures on the hall walls and was surprised to see they were of a bikini clad Betina in various poses.
"That's from before I had Anthony, of course," Betina said over Megan's shoulder. "I used to be a pretty hot model. You ever do any modeling?"
Surprised, Megan answered, "No why do you ask?"
"Your figure's so perfect for bikini modeling. Why if I had your breasts I could have tripled my income."
Megan was flattered and the two women talked all day, becoming close friends. Jamal was a former boxer and didn't work except for some lessons he gave at the gym every night for a few hours. Betina was starting a job at a cosmetics company in the fall when Anthony started kindergarten and she was desperately looking forward to getting out of the house. Megan wasn't able to have children and she envied Betina her family. 
Megan really enjoyed Betina's company. The only thing she didn't like was that her new friend had a potty mouth. She used words like "fuck" and "cock" all the time and she always had Megan blushing constantly. Megan also didn't like Jamal that much. He seemed to recognize how naive she was and was constantly telling jokes at her expense. The gullible Megan falling for them every time. They also appeared to have a better sex life then Megan did. Jamal apparently didn't have a problem taking care of his wife, and the way Betina talked, he "fucked" her constantly with his big "cock." 
Now, here it was, a week since Betina had started her new job and Megan missed her already. She stretched on the lawn chair again and fidgeted in her seat. Jamal was starting the lawnmower over in his yard. He wore nothing but a tight pair of jeans and she could see the sweat pouring down his black torso, causing his chest to glisten in the sunlight. He always seemed to be in the backyard during her daily 90 minute tanning sessions. He would either mow the lawn or lift weights while she sunbathed. He tried to talk to her a couple times but she always ended the conversation quickly since she didn't like being around him all that much.
Megan admired his body though, she tried to picture the Doctor with Jamal's physique and wondered what it would be like to be crushed beneath a muscular body with a big cock pounding into her. Ooops, she thought, Betina must be rubbing off her. She'd have to watch her mouth, besides if Harold had hands that big he'd make a crummy surgeon.
Megan was delighted to see Betina pop out of her house for a second and wave at her. Then Megan had an idea. Betina apparently had a great sex life, maybe she'd be willing to give Megan a few pointers on how to spice up her own.
Megan stood up and toweled the sweat off her body before running over to the gate in the fence to talk to Megan. Jamal had just finished the back lawn and she waved at him as she ran into her friends house. He watched the thong disappearing between her ass cheeks as she walked up the steps to the deck and the sliding glass door.
"Hi Megan," said Betina snatching up her car keys and purse. "How are things?"
"Oh Tina," said Megan, "I miss you so much."
"I miss you to honey," said the plump black woman, who gave Megan a quick hug. "Can't talk now though, I have to get back to work."
Megan sighed as her friend ran over to the door. "Tina, I have a problem, I was hoping you could give me some advice."
"Gotta run, honey," said Betina. "Ask me later or get Jamal to help you," and she ran out the door.
Megan turned to see that Jamal had followed her into the room and he was standing in the doorway to the back yard. 
"What can I help you with Megan?" asked Jamal. 
Oh nothing," she sighed. "I just wanted to ask Tina for some help with something."
"I'd be glad to help," said the black man.
"I couldn't, it's kind of personal," responded Megan. She started thinking it over. Maybe a man's perspective wouldn't be all that bad. "Jamal, maybe you can help me." Then remembering how he was always pulling her leg she added, "but you have to promise me you won't laugh or tell anybody."
"I promise," said Jamal adopting a dead serious expression on his face.
She took a deep breath a proceeded to fill him in on the lack of attention Harold was paying to her and her desire to improve her love life. How her and her husband only had sex about once a month with the lights off in the missionary position. Megan was relieved that instead of making fun of her, Jamal paid rapt attention to everythng she told him, interupting with questions every now and then.
"How long has this been going on?" asked Jamal.
"Well the first five years were ok, but the last ten sex dropped off a lot. Harold's always so tired after work and everything."
"So it's been ten years since you've had an orgasm?" Jamal asked.
Megan blushed, she wasn't really comfortable talking along these lines. "Sort of," she replied. "I think I had one the first year we were married."
Jamal nodded wisely. She had never had an orgasm. This was a dream "cum" true. A horny inexperienced white woman was asking his advice on sex. "Go sit on the couch, I think I have something that might help you."
Jamal went into his bedrom and started leafing through his box of porn. Then a wicked thought occured to him and he reached further back and pulled out a second box, a box that his wife didn't know about. This box contained all his interracial porn. Jamal had been dying to fuck a white woman all his life. He had grown up in a poor black neighborhood and hadn't had any chances to nail any white girls until his boxing career started taking off and by then he had met Betina. He pulled out a video entitled "Interracial Blow Jobs: See Hot White Chicks Sucking the Biggest Black Dicks. He popped it into the bedroom vcr and fast forwarded it past the title. Jamal ejected the tape and forced the grin off his face before returning to Megan.
Megan was siting on the couch in her little thong bikini fidgeting from nervousness. She looked up at him and he could see the hope reflected in her blue eyes.
"Well Megan," said Jamal popping the cassette into the living room vcr. "First things first, it sounds to me like neither you nor the Doctor have much experience with sex. So I'm going to start by showing you how to please him." He hit play on the remote.
Megan gasped in disgust, when she saw the screen. "Yuck," she said. "I heard there were movies like this." The tv showed a big breasted blonde slut crawling on her hands and knees over to a naked black man. The black man was huge and had what looked like a ten inch penis between his legs. It was the biggest, thickest thing she had ever seen and she gasped again, this time with fascination.
"What's wrong," asked Jamal fast forwarding it to the next scene.
"That penis," she exclaimed. "It's huge!"
"That one," Jamal said, pausing the tape at the part where the cock was spraying it's seed all over the white girls face. "It's about average." Jamal smiled at the look of shock on Megan's face. Then her expression changed to one of perplexion and Jamal knew she was comparing her husband's penis to the well hung studs in the video.
Megan watched him fast forward it past another scene. The black penis in this scene was about an inch shorter then the previous one but it was a lot thicker. "Jamal, are all these white women with black men?"
"Yeah, sick isn't it." he lied. "One of my friends gave it to me as a joke."
"Here we go," he said stopping at the next scene and hitting play. The tv showed another blonde kneeling between the legs of the first black man. The blonde unzipped the man's pants and took out his long cock. She began kissing around the head and licking the sides lovingly. "I love sucking your black cock," said the blonde.
"You want me to do that," said Megan, a disgusted look on her face.
"Megan, a blow job is the greatest pleasure a woman can give a man. Look how much she's enjoying it. Trust me, you do this for the Doctor and he'll get so turned on he'll fuck your brains out."
"Jamal!" she said, surprised at his language, but loving the idea of having her brains fucked out. "Does Betina do this for you?"
"Whenever I tell her to."
Are you sure he'd like this?" she asked still staring at the tv screen.
"There isn't a man alive who doesn't like his wife to be on her knees sucking on his cock.
She blushed at his choice of words. She watched the blonde taking the black cock into her mouth on the screen and wondered how she managed to get it all in. It looked difficult, though her husbands penis was so much smaller then the black cock on screen that she would probably be able to do a fairly decent job on him. "Alright Jamal, I'll give it a try," she said nervously and stood to leave.
Jamal sensed her nervousness and said, "Good girl Megan, I just hope you do a good job cause....."
"Cause what?" said Megan sitting back down. His hesitation playing on her anxieties.
"Well, most women are pretty good at it by the time their twenty. I'm just worried that if you don't perform all that well, you might actually end up turning him off of sex even more then he is now."
Megan sighed, that was exactly what she was worried about. "What can I do Jamal, I'm desperate."
"Well there is one thing," he said feeling his heart beating rapidly in his chest. "No, never mind."
"No please tell me," she said taking his hands and staring into his eyes with a look of pure desperation on her face.
"I was thinking you should practise on me," said Jamal, adopting a very serious expression.
A look of horror and disgust crossed Megan's face. "Jamal, you should be ashamed of yourself. I can't cheat on Harold and just think about Betina."
Jamal tried to look indignant and then he laughed half heartedly, "Oh I get it, you think that oral sex is cheating." He tried to look hurt. "Megan, oral sex isn't cheating. I could never cheat on Betina or ask you to cheat on Harold. Only intercourse is considered adultery." I should teach acting instead of boxing he thought to himself when her expression went from angry indignation to one of confusion. 
"I..I'm sorry Jamal. I thought that...." 
"Its ok," he interupted. "I don't want you to do anything your not comfortable with. I just thought it could really help you out. If you want to risk it without practising then...."
"No your right, I'll do it," she said coming to a quick decision. "I'll do anything to improve my sex life."
And you will to, thought Jamal. "Good choice Megan, It's not hard to please a man once you've had a little practise." 
"Just tell me what I need to do to please you."
"Well," he said. "I'm not going to get much pleasure out of it, you being my wife's best friend and all. I'm just doing this to help you out."
"Thanks Jamal," she said a tear in her eye. "I think this may be the nicest thing anybodys ever done for me." Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all. "Where do we start?"
"Well, I'll pretend I'm Harold coming home from a hard day at work. You greet me at the door with a big kiss and I will say I'm really tired and go sit on the couch. You come over and kneel before me and look up at me while you take my cock out. I'll grade you on how well your doing so that you know what will make your husband happy. Just don't give up if I give you a bad grade. 
"Sounds reasonable," she said thinking it over. "Just remember, I'm not Betina. I've never done this before. Just don't think I'm stupid or anything."
"I don't think that," he lied. "It's just that your inexperienced that's all. Now lets get started." Jamal smiled at her then went out his front door. He came back in a second later and yelled, "Hi honey I'm home."
Megan smiled at him. He was trying to look all worn out and tired form work, like Harold did every night. Having a giant black man with a Herculean physique pretending to be her pudgy old husband was funny. She walked up to kiss him, but he stopped her.
"Wait, this isn't working," he said. 
"What's wrong?' she asked worried that she wasn't going to learn how to please Jamal. I mean please Harold, she corrected.
"You should surprise your husband by wearing something really sexy. Do you have any skimpy lingerie at home? White garters really turn me on."
"No," she said worried. "I don't own anything sexy. Isn't my bikini small enough?"
"Yeah, but I'm sure the Doctor has seen you in that a lot and I see you in it almost everyday. I'm used to Tina being naked when she sucks me off, because I like to play with her breasts. I'm just not sure I can mantain an erection long enough to teach you anything." Jamal felt his cock throbbing in anticipation.
Silly man, she thought, the solution was odvious. "I guess I can take the bikini off."
"Great idea," he said. "Just imagine how shocked the Doctor will be when he comes home to find you nude and it just might help me out also. Go ahead and strip."
Her hands were shaking when she reached around to untie her top. "Can you turn around please? Harold and I only do it in the dark and I'm not used to anyone seeing me naked."
"I'll just go outside and give you a couple seconds," he said going out the door.
Beth slipped off her top, jumping slightly as the material rubbed across her sensitive nipples. They were rock hard for some reason which was odd cause she wasn't the least bit cold. She slid off her thong feeling the wetness between her legs. Great, she thought, first I wake up like this every morning and now I'm starting to get horny in the middle of the day. In front of my best friend's husband no less. I hope he doesn't notice.
Jamal squeezed his cock through his jeans. I swear I can smell that needy pussy through the door, he thought. He reached over and turned the knob. "Hi honey I'm....," he stoped in exasperation. He was about ready to push the bitch to her knees and shove his cock into her mouth. She was standing slightly hunched over with one arm covering her breasts and her other hand covering her pussy. "Megan, what good is being nude if you cover yourself up?"
"I'm sorry," she said. "This is hard for me."
"It's hard for me too, but you've got to let me help you," he said adding. "Tina was right when she said you had a body good enough to be a model. You should be proud of what god gave you. Now lets try it again."
Jamal's teeth were clenched. If his wife had ever behaved like this he would of spanked her ass with his cock before stuffing all 12" into her rectum. He took a deep breath and opened the door. "Honey I'm..." he stumbled over the words in awe of the beautiful nude girl standing before him. Her pussy was adorable. It was well trimmed to fit into her bikini and it was as blonde as the hair on her head. Her aureola were tiny compared to the size of her breasts. They were only about the size of a quarter, but the nipples were gigantic, jutting out about three quarters of an inch. "I'm home," he finally finished.
"Hi honey," she said shaking from nervousness at appearing nude before a man for the first time in her life. She leaned up to kiss him and found herself being crushed against his bare chest. She could smell the sweat on him from mowing the lawn, but she actually found it pleasant instead of offensive. His tongue was pushing against her lips and she parted them to let it inside her mouth. Megan found herself melting in his arms, but came to her senses and pushed him off. "Jamal, what are you doing?"
Still holding her, he said, "I'm just giving you my welcome home kiss."
"Harold doesn't kiss like that."
"He doesn't? How's he kiss then?" he said feeling her lips against his. They never parted and they touched his lips for a fraction of a second. It wasn't even a peck. "You two really do need my help. We'll try it again and this time you initiate the kiss. One really good kiss can have your husband ready to do whatever you say."
This time the "Hi honey, I'm home," was barely out of his mouth before she had thrown her arms around his broad shoulders and her tongue was pushing into his mouth. Jamal reached down and put his hands on her ass cheeks pulling her tight against his body so that she could feel how big his cock was. She seemed to pause for a minute when he rubbed his cock along her belly but she continued to kiss him. They kissed for several minutes before he pulled her off and said, "Alright Megan, I give you an "A" on kissing ability." He watched her beam with delight at the good grade before saying, "I've had a really rough day at work." Jamal went over to the couch and collapsed on it, spreading his legs. "What's for dinner?"
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Megan smiled seductively and dropped to her knees crawling between his legs. "I don't know about you Harold, but I know what I'm having for dinner." Megan smiled up at Jamal and unbuttoned his jeans. She found her eyes wandering up and down his granite chest and abdomen as she slowly unzipped his jeans. She could feel his penis jump underneath his briefs as she finished. Her mind must be playng tricks on her because it felt immense. She ran her hands around the inside of his jeans and around to his hard ass. He lifted his hips and she pulled his jeans off and threw them behind her.

Jamal sat there clad only in a small pair of white briefs that contrasted with his dark black skin. His penis stretched out the briefs almost to the breaking point and it moved of its own accord underneath the cotton.
Megan found herself somewhat intimidated, but she swallowed and reached into his briefs. She lifted the elastic and his penis burst free of it's prison and jumped into her hand. She held a penis bigger then anything she had ever imagined could exist. It was bigger then the black penises in the video. It was thicker then her wrist and at least ten inches long and it wasn't even completely hard. It was dark black in color except for the pee slit which was reddish and oozing precum. "Oh my god," she cried caught of guard.
Jamal smirked looking down at the stupid white girl staring in awe at his cock. "What's wrong Meg, your doing fine."
"Your huge," she said yanking the briefs down so that she could see all of it. She ran her eyes up to the fat head and down to his large hairy testicles.
"Who me," he said trying not to laugh. "There's a lot of cocks bigger, but I guess I"m a little above average. How big is Harold?"
There was simply no comparison between the Doctor's little four inch noodle and the black serpent that writhed in her hand. Megan suddenly felt cheated and she couldn't bare to tell Jamal the truth. She lied for the first time in her life, "He's about eight inches I guess."
Jamal nodded, "That's not to bad. Mine gets to be exactly 12" when completely hard, but eight is enough. Anything under seven is considered below average, under five and you might as well not even bother having sex." He saw her wince at that and knew he was on his way to fucking his first white slut. "If your only going to hold it Megan you're going to get an "F"."
This brought her out of her reverie and she said, "Where do I start?"
"Do like the girl in the video did and lick around the head and then up and down the sides before taking whatever you can into your mouth. Your lucky I'm bigger then Harold because after me, eight inches will be easy."
She nodded, thinking that she could learn how to handle Harold by sucking on Jamal's pinky. She leaned forward towards his cock, seeing it stiffen up a little more as her lips approached his cock head. "Jamal, just remember to warn me before you cum, so I can pull it out."
"Yeah sure Meg," he said sarcastically though she wasn't paying attenion to him and didn't catch it. "Just keep in mind that you won't get an "A" unless you swallow my cum. Be sure to swallow your husband's because a blow job is essentially worthless unless the man cums in the woman's mouth."
What a shame, she thought. I really would like an "A" in this class. She leaned forward and stuck her tongue out towards the precum dripping from the plum colored head of his massive penis.
Megan could feel her own juices flowing as her tongue tentatively touched the slit on the end of his penis. It leaped away from her tongue from excitement and fell back forward before her lips. His penis was a little crooked and as she ran her tongue around the shiny dome of his cock head it grew another inch straightening out. Megan sucked the whole head into her mouth and it grew to full erection. The cock head was in her mouth and his penis was rising towards his belly. It was so strong that it was pulling her forward and she lost her balance letting it fly up to smack against his rock hard stomach. It took both her hands to bend it back down towards her mouth. It was like having a piece of steel in her mouth. Megan had never touched her husband's penis outside of intercourse, but she still knew it never got this hard. She finshed polishing the dome with her tongue and she started nibbling down the sides. She was trying to picture the girl on the video tape but all she could think of was the powerful ebony shaft before her. She raised it up and kissed the big hairy balls hanging low underneath it. His crotch had a strong musky scent that she found intoxicating. Harold's testicles disappeared into his scrotum but Jamal's were at least five times larger. I wonder what that means, she thought?
Jamal's eyes were half closed as he watched her licking aound his cock. It was as if everything else had ceased to exist for her except for his black monster and he smiled knowing she'd be back for more before the week was out. "Your doing ok, Megan," he said. "Your about a "D". That's not bad for a first time effort."
Megan immediately doubled her efforts attacking his cock. She was going to get a "B" if it killed her. She wasn't going to swallow his cum or she'd shoot for an "A". She opened her mouth wide and loosened her jaw, swallowing about half his penis before gagging. She began running her mouth up and down his shaft while holding her lips tight around his shaft. Beth looked up at his face hoping to see some sign that he was enjoying it. His face was expressionless, though she could see sweat on his brow.
Jamal was in awe of Megan's cock sucking ability. It had taked him years to train Betina to be this good. A few more times and this white slut would pass his wife in skill level. "Very good Megan. Your about a "C" now." He felt Megan loosen up her throat and she swallowed about eight inches. "Oh, that's better, "C+"."
Seeing those long nipples of hers jutting out, Jamal couldn't resist leaning forward and reaching out to tweak them. She didn't stop blowing him, but looked at him questioningly. "I always play with my wifes breasts when she blows me," he explained. "It'll help me think of her."
Megan hated herself at that moment. The first thing that popped into her head was that she wanted to hurt her best friend so that she could have this black cock all to herself. She didn't want him to think of his wife while she was doing this to him. Megan's moan was muffled by eight inches of black cock as he gently played with her nipples. She decided at that moment that she was going to get an "A". Megan wanted him to think of her whenever Betina sucked his cock from now on. She forced nine inches into her throat, finding she needed to come up for air after every couple of swallows. She contented herself to teasing his pee slit with her tongue and licking around the head while she caught her breath. She was pretty sure he was enjoying it.
"Yeah baby," he said. "Suck on that big cock."
"What did you say?" she asked between licks.
"Men find it a big turn on to talk dirty during sex," he informed her. "You should tell the Doctor how much you like sucking on his big eight inch cock. Try it on me. Look up at me and tell me how much you love my big cock."
Megan felt like she had betrayed Jamal by lying to him about the size of her husbands little penis and she felt ashamed for lying to such a kind man. "I..I love your penis," she tentatively said.
"Call it a cock, it's more erotic."
Megan wasn't one for foul language. Thinking of it as a cock was one thing, saying it was another, but she figured what was the harm. "I love your big cock." and then added, "I love your big black cock." Megan began attacking his wonderful cock aggressively, managing to swallow ten inches, before coming up and telling him, "I love sucking on you black cock." or "Your cock's so big and hard, I love it." Megan had ceased thinking about her husband a long time ago. The entire focus of her life at that moment was making Jamal cum. She knew she was doing a good job when he started bucking his hips.
"Oh god, this is great," he cried. ""B" no "B+". Then Jamal seemed to let out a cry of anguish and he shouted, "Forgive me Tina, but it feels so good, I love it."
Megan wanted to shout with joy, but couldn't take her lips of his cock. She had won and he was about to reward her because she could feel his big black cock vibrating in her mouth as he neared orgasm. Poor man was so upset that he had forgotten to warn her that he was about to cum. She felt the head swell up and she slid all but the head out of her mouth. His cock head was throbbing in her mouth and she could tell that the long pee slit was opening and closing. Then it bucked in her mouth, leaping up against her top lip before falling back down. She felt his hot cum strike the back of her throat and then it leaped again, this time filling her mouth with his seed. She could taste it on her tongue and she loved it, swallowing to make room for more. Megan clamped her lips down to hold it still and she could feel it's powerful vein pulsing as it continued to pump sperm into her mouth. Regretfully Megan needed to catch her breath and she pulled back only to have a large strand of semen splatter against her forehead and then he came on her breasts. She now understood what his big balls were for. She caught her breath and saw that his cock was deflating rapidly. Megan wrapped her lips around it and swallowed as much as she could. She squeezed her lips tight and tried to milk out all his left over cum. When she felt that she had sucked him dry, she let his limp cock plop out of her mouth thinking that it was still twice as big as her husbands. 
"A+," said Jamal, covering his face with his hands to hide a devilish grin. He had always been told that white women knew how to treat black cocks, but hadn't quite believed it until now. "Oh Megan," he moaned. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to enjoy it, but it was the best blow job of my life."
"Don't worry Jamal," she tried to comfort him. "You had no idea I'd be so good at it. It's not your fault."
"Your right, I'm sorry for getting so upset. Your one incredible lady. Harold's one lucky guy."
Harold? Oh yeah her husband. "Speaking of Harold," she said glancing at the clock. "That can't be right, I swear we started fifty minutes ago."
"I'm sorry, but I enjoyed it so much, I came pretty quickly. I usually last a lot longer. I'm sure Harold will do better." 
She was looking at him kind of funny as she pulled her thong on, noticing how wet the area between her legs was. Beth tied her top on and thanked him before turning around towards the back door.
"Don't thank me," he said staring at her in awe. "Your going to do great."
Megan was filled with pride and knowing he was probably still staring at her, She put an extra shake into her walk, wiggling her bare ass as she left his house.
Jamal started laughing as soon as she left. She'd be back for more. 
The Second Lesson 
Megan's bikini bottoms were soaked as she unfolded her chair and laid down on her back, out in the sun for the first time in five days. This part of Texas got some pretty big storms from time to time and the one that had blown in out of the gulf the last five days was no exception. She had spoken to Betina a couple times on the phone over the last week, but she hadn't seen Jamal since he had graciously taught her how to give blow jobs. Megan wanted to tell him that Harold really loved them and that his lessons had really improved her sex life, but the only sex life that improved at all was the doctors. He had flipped out the day she had greeted him naked at the door and he had just about fainted when she took his little penis into her mouth. A few drops of semen had trickled out of his penis after a couple minutes and he had thanked her profusely. Now all he wanted from her was a blow job once a day. Not that she minded giving them, it's just that he still hadn't touched her pussy and she was hornier now then she had been on the day that she set out to ask Betina's advice on spicing up her love life. It wouldn't have been so bad if his tiny balls could produce more semen, since she had developed a taste for sperm. His small loads just caused her to crave more. 
She had barely begun her daily ninety minute tanning session when she heard the sliding glass door at Jamal's house open and he walked out into the yard. He saw her and waved before removing his weights from the shed. Jamal was wearing just a small bathing suit that showed off his well sculpted physique and he faced her as he began lifting his dumb bells. The sunlight reflected off his black skin making him appear radiant like some kind of god and her eyes wandered up and down his body, pausing on his bathing suit. He was over a hundred feet away and even that far, she swore she could make out his large bulge. The cock under those shorts had enough sperm to feed her for a week at a time. As long as oral sex wasn't cheating, maybe Jamal would let her suck him off once or twice a week? She'd never get up the nerve to ask him to do that for her, but she could ask his advice on her current dilemna. 
Megan glanced at her watch, realizing that an hour had passed already and all she had done was stare at Jamal lifting weights. Time sure had a funny way of flying whenever he was around. She got up off the cot and walked over towards his yard, unconciously putting the sway back into her hips that she had first done when leaving him after sucking on his cock. 
"Megan, great to see you," he yelled over the fence at her. "I've been dying to know how your love life's improved." 
Megan opened up the fence and walked up to him looking a little chagrined. "Yes, it has impoved a little." 
"That's great," he said smiling down at her. "Glad I could help. I've given some more thought to your problem and I think you need to experiment with some new sexual positions." 
"Like what?" she asked. 
"Come on inside," he said. I got a new video to show you." 
Megan followed Jamal into his house watching his butt flex under his shorts with each step he took. He went to the bedroom to get the video and she found herself thinking about him while he was gone. It was hard to be in the same room with him and not to be between his legs telling him that she loved his big black cock. Maybe, with the right amount of will power, she could offer to suck him off agan as a way of thanking him for his help. 
Jamal returned with a tape in his hand and said, "I bought this hoping it might help you." He popped it into the vcr and hit play. 
Megan felt her heart thumping in her chest as she moved forward to view the screen more closely. The movie was called "Amateur hour" and she was eager to see some more big penises. The opening scene was of an older white man wth a paunch making love to a chubby white woman who was on her knees, facing away from the guy. The man's penis was slightly bigger then Harold's, but still only half as big as Jamal's cock. 
"Man, that guys tiny," said Jamal and he fast forwarded to the next scene, and then the next. All the actors were white and out of shape. All the men had penises between five and six inches long. All were bigger then Harold and Jamal made comments about each of them, calling them wimps or half-men or saying how odvious it was that the women were faking enjoyment. He didn't know how much this was hurting Megan because she had lied to him and said the Doctor's penis was eight inches. 
When it was over he pulled the tape out "I'm sorry about that, I should have watched it first. Men like that don't know anything about satisfying a woman. Wait here and we'll try another one." 
Jamal returned to his bedroom closet and pulled out another tape from his secret collection. This was titled "Blacks fucking Blondes: The Biggest Blackest Dicks Fucking Hot White Chicks." He left the slipcase in the closet and like the last tape he wound it forward past the title before returning to Megan, fidgeting on the couch. 
Megan was prepared to be disappointed again but perked up when she saw the well muscled black man on the screen. He reminded her a lot of Jamal though his cock was only ten inches long. The blonde in the scene also resembled herself, though Jamal pointed out scars under her breasts and said they were fake, where as Megan's were all natural. The movie was about a gang of well-hung black men who set out to seduce all the young wives in a rich, all white neighborhood, just before robbing them. There were five black men and all had cocks from nine to eleven inches. They were all well muscled, like Jamal and all the woman were attractive blondes with big fake breasts. 
They watched most of the movie and Jamal pointed out the various sexual positions. He said that a lot of women loved being fucked doggy style and that many prefered being on top so that they could control penetration. "Of course," he added. "Those positions all require some practise to make the sex really enjoyable." He paused hoping she would overcome her silly anti-intercourse morality against cheating and beg Jamal to let her practice with him. Unfortunately, it looked like she hadn't even heard him. 
Megan stared raptly at the various sex scenes. The men all seemed to be incredible lovers and the women were going wild in whatever position they were being fucked in. Megan was so envious that she found tears running down her eyes and she put her face into her hands blurting out, "God, I'm so horny." 
Jamal slid over next to her and put a comforting arm around her bare back just under her bikini top. "Megan what's wrong? Don't tell me you still haven't had an orgasm?" He listened to her blurt out the whole story and he laughed and said, "It's your fault for being so damned good at sucking cocks." Jamal turned serious sayng, "But tell me something, don't you enjoy it when he reciprocates?" 
"What do you mean?" she asked. 
"When the doctor performs oral sex on you." 
"Oh he's never done that," she said shocked that Jamal would even suggest it. 
Jamal looked over at her with a disgusted expression on his face and said "Like this." He forwarded the tape to the last scene. The black man with the biggest cock was getting a blow job from one of the women. Then he picked her up and threw her down planting his face between her pussy. Jamal interupted saying that oral sex is always reciprocal. The man had spread her pussy and the woman was screaming in orgasm after orgasm. At one point she yelled, "You're so much better then my husband." and the man took his wet face of her pussy long enough to say. "White boys don't know anything about eatting pussy." Megan could see that his chin was soaking wet just before he dived back down. Eventually she begged him to stop and fuck her screaming, "I love your black cock, your so much bigger then my husband," as he fucked her with all eleven inches. The movie ended with her looking at the camera all covered in his sperm saying, "Black cocks are the best."
"Jamal," she asked kind of dazed. "Can I borrow this tape?" 
"Be my guest," he replied.
"It looks wonderful," she said after a minute.
"Oh it is Meg," he informed her. "Many women like it as much as they like actual sex."
"I hope I can talk Harold into it," she said shaking her head to try to clear it of all the images of well hung black men. "What did he mean by, White boys don't know how to eat pussy?"
"Oh nothing," Jamal said. "It's just a movie. You can't take porns too seriously."
"I see," she replied. He seemed to be evasive and she suddenly became suspicious. Something was wrong here. She couldn't quite figure it out, but the answer was just under the surface of her brain. "Jamal, You said that oral sex is always reciprocal. How come you didn't do that to me after I gave you the blow job?"
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I wanted to," he said, "but I figured you'd want to save your first time for your husband, since you only really enjoy it with someone you truly love. "If you'd like, I can show you how it's done. Betina considers me quite good and you can use what I show you to teach Harold. 

"Yes, I think that sounds like a good idea," she said proud that she didn't sound to eager. "Where do we start?"
"Just go ahead and take off your bikini and sit on the couch," he said. "I'll take care of the rest."
"Alright," said Megan. She reached around back to untie her top and stopped when she realized he was watching her. Then thinking he had already seen her naked, so what the hell, she removed her top. Megan smirked in satisfaction at the way his eyes immediately zoomed in on her erect nipples. She found she kind of liked undressing for a man and wiggled her hips seductively as she slid her bottoms off. Megan was rewarded by movement from his cock swelling in his shorts. She suddenly felt sorry for Jamal, she was much better looking then his wife and her breasts were a lot bigger then Betina's. This must be very hard for him. She gasped, when the head of his cock pushed out about two inches from the leg of his shorts, like a long black python struggling for air. A cock that large apparently could get very uncomfortable at times. Megan's legs were weak and she sat down on the couch and held her knees together. She kicked her bikini out of the way and stared at his crotch expectantly.
She watched Jamal walk over to her and he kneeled down before her legs. She felt a shiver run up her spine when he began pulling her knees apart. "Jamal, aren't you going to take your shorts off?"
"It's not necessary," he responded, then added, "Why?"
So I can see it again, touch it, taste it. Because it's the proudest, most incredible thing I've ever seen. All this immediately ran through her mind, but all she said was, "It looks very uncomfortable."
"Hmmm, maybe you're right," he said standing back up. The slut wanted to see his cock again. Jamal stood as close to her as he could and very slowly began to undress.
Megan unconsciously leaned forward to get a closer view. He unbuttoned his shorts and pulled the waist out, reaching in and with some difficulty, he pulled his cock out of the leg and adjusted it so that it stood upright, the proud head reaching up past his navel. She watched Jamal slowly unzip his shorts revealing more and more to her until finally it fell forward before her mouth. It reminded her of a tree faling in the forest and she almost cringed expecting to hear a crashing sound. It just hung, swaying seductively several inches before her mouth, like the snake charmers of India only in this case the snake was charming her. Without thinking, she leaned forward and put her lips around the head, licking around the pee slit to taste his pre cum and she felt it grow to its full twelve inches, once again becoming as hard as steel.
Jamal smiled, but he stepped back away from her mouth saying, "Thanks Megan, but you don't have to do that, you've already passed that class."
Do what? Megan thought. Then she turned red with embarrassment. It had been an automatic response to seeing his cock before her face. She hastily thought of an excuse and stuttered out, "I j-just wanted to t-thank you for all your help."
"No thanks are necessary," he said falling to his knees again. Jamal placed his big hands on her knees and pulled them apart lifting up her legs so that he could get a good look at his first white pussy, framed prettily by her blonde pubic hairs. 
Megan shivered watching him stare at her pussy, knowing that he was seeing more of her then anyone, including Harold ever had. She was embarrassed by how wet the area between her thighs was. He began moving his head slowly forward. Her nervousness caused her to blurt out, "Do you do this for Tina?"
"Almost every night," he responded looking up at her, his brown eyes staring directly into her blue ones. "Just remember, you'll only really enjoy this with Harold. You'll get some pleasure out of this, but don't expect to orgasm until your with someone you love."
Megan nodded. She was starting to think that the female orgasm was just a myth. She watched him break eye contact and bring his mouth up to her crotch. She could feel his hot breath on her vagina and she tensed up waiting for something to happen.
When it did, she jumped about a foot off the couch at the shock. His tongue just flickered out lightly touching her labia. It had been so long since anything had touched her vagina, that feelings she had long forgotten reawakened, sending waves of pleasure into her brain. She felt an unfamiliar feeling growing deep within her and the intensity of it scared her a little. Jamal was pushing her legs back even further spreading her open wide before him. He leaned down and she gasped as his tongue touched her anus. She had never, ever considered this as a source of sexual pleasure, but there was no denying how good it felt as he licked around the rim and cupped his tongue pushing it slightly into her tight little rosebud. She felt his tongue spread flat again as he licked his way up the sensitive area above her anus and then along her pussy. Megan clenched her hands on the back of the couch as his tongue penetrated her and she could swear it was as big as the doctor's penis. He thrust his tongue in and out of her a couple of times before continuing upwards, licking along her labia and nibbling on her mound. Her insides were going nuts and she wanted to scream in frustration when he paused.
Jamal looked up at the wild eyed woman and said, "Do you like having your pussy eaten?"
"Yes, I love it," she gasped. "Eat my pussy."
Jamal attacked her pussy quickly running his tongue along her slt, from her anus to her mound. Her body was responding to his skills and she was constantly raising her hips, like she was imagining herself getting fucked. He could hear her making little whining sounds in the back of her throat and he cupped his tongue running it around her throbbing clitoris.
Megan's eyes flew open when he started licking around her clit. "Jamal ple-ease s-stop n-now," she begged. "Something's wrong, I feeel f-funny." He didn't stop and she knew that her face was frozen in fear. "Oooh my god," she screamed. Megan unclenched her fists from the couch and grabbed the back of Jamal's head, pulling his face into her pussy and holding him tight, feeling his long tongue thrusting in and out of her. Her whole body was trembling and she raised her hips to match the thrusts of his tongue. Megan felt her pussy spasming for the first time in her life and she screamed out with pleasure, "I'm cuuummminng."
She collapsed back on the couch with relief. Oh my god, she thought, they're real. How have I managed to live without it and fucking Betina's probably had one every night she's been married to Jamal. She looked down, Jamal was still eatting her pussy and she was still bucking her hips into his tongue. She felt another orgasm growing and it exploded from her body, and then another, and another. Megan passed out from the pleasure.
"Eat my pussy you big black stud," she yelled down at him while tweaking her nipples. Megan could see the scars from her boob job underneath her breasts. She came again and Jamal looked up at her and said, "White boys don't know anything about eating pussy." Megan looked aound, the five black men from the video were standing around her holding their large erections. Harold was behind them tied up in a chair. Jamal disappeared and one of the black men positioned his cock at the entrance to her pussy. "No," shouted Harold. "I can't cheat on my husband," screamed Megan watching the large black cock push into her. "I'm your husband now slut," said the black man. He pulled her on top of him and she rode up and down his cock cumming continuosly. "I love black cock. Your so much better then my husband," she told him. "No," shouted the doctor again. Then one of the other men shoved his cock in her mouth and another bent over and started licking around her ass hole with his tongue. She fucked them in every position from the movie and finally after hours of orgasmic pleasure, it stopped and she awoke.
As Megan slowly returned to reality, she immediately felt guilty for cheating on Harold in her dream, but then she dismissed it as meaningless. She opened her eyes and stared at Jamal. He was still kneeling between her legs, staring back at her with a big grin on his face. His entire face from his nose to his chin was sticky with her juices.
Jamal returned her stare. He felt so powerful when he saw the look of awe and on her face. Then she was leaning forward and kissing his lips, mumbling "Thank you," over and over again. Her tongue pushed at his lips and he parted his mouth and let her inside. He kissed her back for a minute before pushing her back, and standing up. He let his massive cock dangle teasingly just before her face and within seconds she had fallen to her knees before him and taken it in her mouth. He could see the adoration in her eyes as she looked up at him, her lips wrapped around the head. It wouldn't be long now and he'd be shoving it into her tight white pussy. "Megan," he said looking down at her. "You don't have to do that."
Megan was suddenly afraid he was going to take his cock away from her. She took her mouth off his shaft and began stroking it with her fist while looking up at him. "Yes I do Jamal, you said that oral sex is always reciprocal."
"You're right Megan," he said. "I guess it won't hurt to do it one last time."
"Besides," she said looking at him seductively, "I love having your big black cock in my mouth." Megan swirled her tongue around the head before swallowing about half of it. As she felt it throbbing in her mouth, she wondered if she could truly give it up. I was born to have this cock in my mouth, she thought. She hadn't felt this complete and fulfilled for... well since the last time she had sucked him off. For the first time in her 36 years of life, Megan knew what it felt like to be a woman. She decided that if it was to be the last time, she was going to make it count for something. Megan, arched her neck and swallowed all 12 inches into her throat, kissing the base of his cock with her lips.
"Oh dear god!" said Jamal. No woman had ever swallowed his entire cock before, not even his wife, who had plenty of practice. Her mouth and throat was so warm and wet, that Jamal grabbed the sides of her head and began fucking her face rapidly.
Megan jumped when he grabbed the sides of her face. His large black hands nearly covered her head and she could feel the raw power in his arms. He was so strong that it frightened her as he forced her head back and forward, her lips tightly wrapped around his cock. Finally, just when she thought she couldn't take any more he pulled it out of her mouth.
"There's one more thing I'd like to show you," he said looking down at the white woman kneeling before him. "Lie down on your back." 
Megan lied down on the carpet and Jamal immediately straddled her stomach, nestling his cock between her breasts. He squeezed her big tits around his cock and began to slide it between them.
"This is called titty fucking," he told her, then seeing that she was having trouble seeing, he paused long enough to reach up and grab a pillow off the couch, so that he could prop up her head.
Megan could see his cock sliding between her breasts. It would burst out from between her tits, it's eye open from the friction and poke at her lips. She opened her mouth and was able to get about two inches in, when he slid it forward. This was also the first time she got to see the contrast between his black skin and her white skin and she found it very erotic.
Jamal moved his hands around so that he could twirl her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He had never seen nipples that long and they facinated him. His gentle ministrations began to have an affect on her, and she started writhing around beneath him moaning everytime his cock slid out of her mouth. Her eyes were open and staring at him with that same mixture of awe and adoration she had given him after he had given had licked her pussy to numerous orgasms. He had seen that look from Betina and dozens of other black women from before he got married, but it felt even better coming from a married white woman. In fact the look was turning him on so much that he felt the sperm begining to churn in his balls. With some difficulty, he squeezed her breasts together with one hand and brought his other hand around behind him, to her pussy, holding two of his fingers straight out. This lesson should teach the white slut that she got her pleasure from giving him pleasure.
Jamals playing with her nipples and the sight of his huge cock sliding between her breasts had her horny again. She watched the head of his cock swelling up and it turned even blacker as he approached orgasm. She desperately wanted him to cum in her mouth and she was thrilled to see his big pee slit open and ready to blow as it approached her. Then, without warning, his fingers jabbed into her pussy, bigger and thicker then her husbands penis and her hips bucked as she screamed in orgasm, missing his cock. It slid up her chin and erupted. She felt a long stream of his sperm strike her from her forehead to her chin, covering one eye lid. Megan didn't want to miss his next blast and struggled back up to meet the next thrust of his cock. She could feel her pussy still spasming around his fingers as another orgasm came. Luckily, his cock slid into her mouth and she felt it fill with his semen. His long black cock slid back out of her mouth and it disappeared entirely between her breasts, but another jet of semen flew out to splatter on her chest. Then his cock came forward, cum dribbling constantly from the head. His thrusts were becoming less powerful and she could see a little less of his cock coming out of her breasts with each thrust. Finally, she watched Jamal just tip over and with a groan he collapsed beside her panting. 
Megan checked the time, realizing that she had been over here for three and a half hour. The movie was only 90 minutes long, which ment that he must have eaten her pussy for over an hour. She stood up and quickly pulled on her bikini, fumbling with it because one of her eyes was closed since it was covered in his cum. 
Megan warned him that Tina and Anthony would be home soon and she grabbed the video and ran out the back door. 
Jamal followed her out the door, still naked, griining at the comical sight she presented. Half her face was covered in his sperm as was her chest, and it was liquifing and dripping down her body. She couldn't walk straight, with one eye closed and as she walked back to her house she kept looking back at him, with that same look of awe, then she'd look down at his cock still fat and erect before walking a few more steps. When she had finally made it to her house, he yelled out, "Megan, another A+."
"You too teach," she yelled back before going inside to clean up.
Jamal watched her go, his grin turning to a predatory smirk. What would her next lesson be?
Part 3: The Third Lesson
Megan kissed her husband goodbye and went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She left the coffee percolating and went to take a shower. 
She returned after showering, a towel wrapped around her body, and another around her long blonde hair. She plopped down on the couch with a sigh. The doctor was starting to lose interest again. At first the blow jobs had so excited him, he was asking for them twice a day. Now, it was once every other day, pretty soon, she was sure, it would be down to once a month. She had talked Harold into trying to give her oral sex. It hadn't been all that bad, but he clearly didn't enjoy it, and he stopped every couple of minutes to ask her if she'd had enough. Jamal, on the other hand, had seemed to love eating her pussy. Four days ago, Jamal had given Megan the first orgasm of her life, and then he had preceded to give her many more. God, I need to cum again, she thought. Then she remembered the video.
Megan ran to the bedroom, removed the interracial video from it's hiding spot, and quickly returned to the couch. She rewound it and hit play, then remembering the coffee, she ran to the kitchen to get herself a cup missing the title screen. 
Megan leaned back on the couch watching the first scene with the guy that looked like Jamal and the blonde that resembled her. Something had been nagging at the back of her brain ever since Jamal had taught her that oral sex wasn't adultery and she thought the answer was somewhere in the movie. All the big black cocks in the movie were making her horny and she wondered briefly what a really big cock looked like, since Jamal had said that these guy's nine and ten inch rods were about average sized. He had also called men bigger then Harold, tiny or half-men. She wondered what it would be like to have a cock as big as Jamal's inside her and tried to picture the doctor with a big penis. The image in Megan's mind caused her to giggle, because she could only picture Harold with a big black cock. She had never seen a white cock that was averaged sized, so she had trouble coming up with an image of a big white one in her mind.
Megan leaned back and undid her towel. She wasn't a very sensual person, but for the first time, she began touching her own body in a sexual way. She tweaked her nipples with her fingers as she watched her favorite scene in the movie. The white wife on the screen, had been the one who resisted the most. The black gang leader had pushed her down on the bed and began slowly removing his clothes while the panic striken blonde looked on. "That can't be real!" she exclaimed upon seeing his cock. She struggled to get away, but the strong black man forced her to her knees and shoved his cock in her mouth. She tried to fight it, but after awhile the woman got into sucking him off. She came back to reality when he said it was time to fuck her. 
Megan ran her hands down her stomach and into her curly blonde pubic hairs. She knew that it was wrong, but Megan pushed her two fingers into her pussy, when the man on the screen pushed his cock into the woman for the first time. The woman screamed, "Nooo, I'm married, I can't cheat on my husband." The woman was crying and struggling saying "No" over and over again, until the black man's thrusts began to produce results. Her "No's" changed to "Yes's" and she began to fuck him back, after awhile screaming, "This can't be happening. I'm cuummming!"
Megan was running her finger around her clit rapidly to the erotic scene before her. She saw the black man pull his cock out and he sprayed the slut's belly with a load of semen that rivaled Jamal's. Megan came when he did, crying out with joy at experiencing another orgasm. How can it be a sin, when it feels so good. Megan felt a great relief spread through her mind and body when she orgasmed. She now knew a way to make herself cum, so that if she was never able to orgasm with Harold in the future, she could still give herself satisfaction. She hoped that the new sexual positions they were going to try tonight worked since she really wanted to experience an orgasm with the man she loved.
Megan relaxed and decided to pay attention to what they were saying in the movie. All the sluts were saying things like, "oh dear god! You're twice as big as my husband," or "I love your black cock, it's so much bigger then my husband's." It ended with the one wife looking at the camera and saying, "Black cocks are the best."
Megan pondered over what all this ment. The movie seemed to be saying that black men are so good in bed, that even the sanctity of marriage didn't matter. Course, Jamal had said that you can't take these movies too seriously. Oh well, she'd have to give it more thought later, but for now she had to get dressed.
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Megan dressed and began blow drying her hair, while planning her days shopping trip. She had to get some groceries and she had promised Harold that she would buy some sexy red lingerie to wear for him tonight. Jamal had put the idea into her head the day he had given her the blow job lesson, though he prefered white lingerie.

She wanted the doctor nice and excited for when they tried sex "doggy style" tonight. Something about being on your knees, at the mercy of a man fucking you from behind really excited her.
She grabbed her car keys off the counter and paused seeing Jamal out in his back yard. He was just puttering around doing nothing and she realized she was missing her tanning session. She had only spoken to him a couple times since the last lesson and he seemed very interested in how things were going with the doctor. It was nice having a best friend that cared so much for her. She left for the grocery store.
Last night hadn't gone as planned. The doctor hadn't seemed to like her white lingerie very much. She told him she wasn't happy with the red lingerie they were selling and would try somewhere else. Harold hadn't seemed too interested in sex that night and she had taken his litle penis into her mouth to make him hard enough to fuck her from behind. Unfortunately, he had squirted his small load into her mouth after a couple minutes. She had tried wrapping her big breasts around his penis to make him hard again, but nothing had worked. She also found it funny that his penis completely disappeared when surrounded by her large tits. Megan spent another restless night. It had been over two months now since she had felt his penis in her pussy and she was growing even more desperate.
The next day, she got up and instead of putting on her bikini, she put on the lingerie. She would ask Jamal what was wrong with it, she thought as she rolled up the lacy white nylons and hooked them to the garter. He wasn't in the yard, oddly enough, and she put on a coat and walked over towards his back door.
She knocked and waited a few minutes before hearing his heavy footfalls approaching the door. She saw the door open and said, "Hi J-." She stopped, he was completely naked, his fully erect cock all glistening and shiny before her all covered in some kind of lubrication. He had odviously been masturbating
"Hi Megan." he said smling down at the white woman staring at his cock, completely fixated on it. Underneath her coat, he saw her legs. covered in lacy white nylons and arched his eyebrows in delight. "Come on in," he said turning into his house. He watched her eyes follow his cock and like a zombie she followed it into his house.
"So Megan, not sunbathing today?" he asked as they sat down on the couch.
She shook her head, still staring at his cock now pointing straight up as he sat next to her. This was also the time of day, Jamal usually did his yard work and she would of been worried enough to check on him if he wasn't in the yard while she was sunbathing. He must be real horny to stay inside like this.
"How you been? Is Harold treating you any better?
She finally looked up at him. "Jamal, why are you naked?" she asked.
"I got real horny watching a video," he replied. "Want me to go put some pants on?"
"No!" she said, a little too hastily. "It's alright by me." Though it is a little hard to carry on a casual conversation with a 12" black cock dangling before your eyes, she thought.
"Yeah, I saw it was you and... well you've seen me naked before and when this thing gets hard it stays hard until I cum, plus it's really uncomfortable shoving it into a pair of pants, I didn't bother getting dressed." 
"I understand," she responded.
"So Megan, what brings you over here?"
"I wanted to show you something."
"Go ahead," he said eagerly. 
She stood up and began removing her coat. "I want you to tell me what's wrong with this outfit," she said removing her coat. "Harold didn't seem to care for it."
"Harolds an idiot, you look incredible" he said staring at her in awe. She stood before him clad in a small lacy white bra and panties. A matching garter surrounded her thin waist just below her navel. She was a dream come to life.
"Thanks," she said blushing at the compliment. "I thought it looked nice, but he wanted red."
"I prefer white," he said smirking at her. "I thought you had bought that for me for a minute."
She let out a nervous laugh to match his chuckling. There had been plenty of red outfits, but something had drawn her to the white. "So what are you watching thats got you so horny," she said trying to change the subject and sitting back down.
"Please leave it off," he said noticing she was reaching for her coat. She smiled at him and left it off. "I'm just watching another porn. It's about something I really enjoy, but my wife doesn't really care for it.
"Show me?" she asked, wondering what the very open-minded Betina could be bothered by.
She saw him hit play and there on the screen was another black man fucking a white girl from behind. She saw Jamal's hand go straight to his cock.
Megan crossed her fingers and gulped, hoping he wouldn't reject her. "J-Jamal, why don't you let me take care of that for you?"
"I'd love it Megan," he said delighted, "But you don't have to."
Megan got to her knees and crawled over to him, his cock seemed to quiver in anticipation. She felt complete as soon as her hand wrapped around the thick rod. She bent forward and ran her tongue around the head and up and down the sides. She paused long enough to say, "I really enjoy sucking on your cock. Feel free to call me whenever you want me to do it." She saw Jamal nod eagerly and she grinned knowing that once his cock was in her mouth, he wouldn't have been able to say no. He really was quite naive.
She swallowed his entire cock in her mouth, noticing it tasted like strawberries and was becoming warm in her mouth. She looked up at him questioningly and he told her that it was called "motion lotion" and it heated up when friction was applied. She returned to blowing him, thinking that his natural taste and odor were better then the strawberries. He began bucking his hips and she noticed his eyes were riveted to the screen. 
Curious, Megan nibbled on the side of his cock so that she could watch the screen. The black guy was still fucking the blonde from behind. Are there any black men with small cocks, she thought looking at the screen? It was big, thick, and moving rapidly in and out of... "Oh my god!" she cried out. "He's fucking her ass!"
"Yeah," said Jamal. "This is an all anal video. Betina really doesn't enjoy doing it, but I love it."
Megan was facinated. She quit blowing Jamal and sat at his feet slowly stroking his cock with one hand while watching the movie. The men were all well-hung blacks and the women all white. "Is this another gag gift from a friend?"
"No," said Jamal. "I bought this myself. I've been thinking about white women a lot lately."
Megan found herself becoming aroused by the action on screen. The women all seemed to struggle at first, but once the cocks were all in, they seemed to enjoy it. "I thnk I'd like to try this," she said watching the screen.
"Harold's a lucky man to have you," Jamal told her and he patted her head as she continued stroking his cock. "You just be sure to use plenty of lubrication, because it always hurts the first time.
Megan watched the screen, "Jamal is it hard to do?"
"Only for the woman. It is quite painful, but that fades quickly. The few women who let men do it to them, end up loving it."
"Jamal," she said seriously. "Would you be willing to teach me how to do it?"
"Sure Meg," he said. "Take your bra and panties off and get down on your hands and knees. Do me a favor and leave the garters and nylons on."
Her heart was beating rapidly as she removed her bra and unhooked the garters long enough to slide down her panties. Megan hadn't thought twice about strpping before him this time. She got down on her hands and knees. Her pussy was soaked as she thought about what she was about to do. This was the position that she had wanted to try with Harold.
Jamal grabbed the bottle of motion lotion and kneeled behind her. She shivered in anticipation as he rested his foot long monster between her cheeks. "Wait Jamal," she said. "Anal sex isn't cheating, right?"
"Of course not Megan," he replied as he poured the gooey red liquid all over his cock and her ass. "We wouldn't be doing this if it was cheating."
Jamal removed his cock from her cheeks and leaned forward, blowing softly on her ass. He was rewarded by a soft moan from Megan as the motion lotion began heating up. He ran his finger down her crack, teasing the cute little rosebud of her ass. He felt her shiver as he pushed just the tip of his finger into her ass. He twirled it around in circles, trying to loosen her up a little before pushing his finger in up to the knuckle. Megan seemed to like it, pushing her ass back to get more of his finger inside. He obliged her and pushed all his finger in. He heard her sigh when he pulled it out. Jamal pushed two fingers in and she tensed up with a moments pain as he pushed both fingers all the way in.
Megan moaned from the pleasure coming form her ass. Her entire rectum was tingling as he continued to blow in her crack and his fingers pushed the motion lotion deep inside her.
Jamal decided that she was as ready as she was going to get and kneeled up again, resting his cock back on her cheeks. He poured more lotion on his cock and rubbed it all around making sure it was completely lubricated.
Megan smiled and closed her eyes as she felt Jamal pushing down on his cock as he slid it between her cheeks. This was what she wanted, to be kneeling before a man with her crotch thrust up, to be used for his pleasure. She moaned as his cock slid down to her rosebud, poised to enter her. "Oh Jamal," she moaned, "please put it in." She clenched her eyes tight as she felt him push down so that the head began to enter her, stretching her wide. Megans eyes flew open when the pain hit, this wasn't what she had expected. "Jamal stop! It hurts." Jamal hadn't heard her and she pushed up on her hands to crawl away, crying out as her action pushed another inch inside. She tried to crawl forward, but his strong hands gripped her waist, holding her tight. She let out a little scream as he pushed yet another inch inside. His cock was so hard and unbendable that her ass yielded to it, stretching out even further. "Jamal," she said crying. "Please pull it out. I changed my mind.
"Shut up and take it slut," he yelled. "Once you give your ass to a man there's no going back." He looked down at his cock and saw that about four inches was disappearing into her stretched out ass hole. The thickest part was inside, so that the worst of it was over. She tried to struggle again and he held her still as he began pushing more in. "Don't worry, I'm only going as deep as your husband will. You should be grateful."
Megan cried out again as he pushed eight inches in. The pain wasn't as bad now, but it was still uncomfortable. "I l-lied," she sobbed. "Harold's penis is only four inches. Please take it out." Megan jumped when his hand smacked down on her ass cheek and then he switched and spanked her other cheek.
"This is for lying slut," he growled as he rammed another two inches in. "Never lie to a man. Your purpose is to serve."
Megan was huffing and puffing like a woman giving birth, as she tried to get used to it. He had stopped and was just holding her still with ten inches of his steel hard cock buried in her ass.
She was begining to think that she was doomed to spend life with his cock buried inside her as the minutes passed. The pain was slowly fading. Jamal was starting to scare her. His friendly demeanor was slowly disappearing with each lesson, to that of a strong, powerful man who used a womans body for his own pleasure, from grabbing her head to fuck her mouth to relentlessly pushing his giant black cock inside her ass. The heat from the lotion and the combination of pleasure and pain from her stinging ass cheeks began to produce results. Megan felt her juices dripping down her thighs and found she liked the thought of being taken by a man and serving him. Some of the tension left her and she softly moaned.
Jamal felt her sphincter relax and he began to slowly move his cock around inside her. 
"Yes," she moaned. "Fuck my ass."
"You didn't say the magic word," said Jamal holding his cock still again.
"Please fuck my ass."
"That's better," he said with a smirk on his face. Jamal pulled his cock out so that the ridge of the head popped out and then he slammed ten inches back in. He began fucking her hard so that he was pushing her forwards, her nylon covered knees scbanging the carpet. "You like having my cock in your ass. Don't you slut?"
"Y-yes," she said still huffing and puffing. "I love having your cock in my ass."
"Would you like to cum, slut?"
"Y-yes p-please."
"Then beg!" he shouted.
"P-please J-jamal," she gasped. "Make me c-cum. I need to cum."
Jamal grabbed her shoulder with one hand and brought his other down under her leg to her pussy, teasing her slit with his fingers. "If you want another A, your going to have to take it all."
His teasing was driving her insane. "I want an A," she cried. The pain returned briefly as he pushed his entire cock inside her, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure she felt as his fingers entered her pussy and began playing wth her clit. It felt like her entire crotch was exploding as she had the biggest orgasm yet. Her ass and pussy clenched tight as she screamed with joy and collapsed, passing out.
She awoke to the relentless pounding of his cock in her ass. He was fucking her hard and fast, his big oversized balls slapping against her thighs. His fingers were still circling around her clit, slowly moving, waiting... Megan gasped feeling him swell up even bigger and his fingers speeded up again. His cock was so tightly held by her rectum that it couldn't jump as he started cumming, but she felt the blood rushing through the large vein on the bottom and it was pumping, pumping her full of sperm. His fingers triggered another orgasm and she screamed once again from the unbelievable pleasure.
Megan finally felt him pull his cock out of her ass, hearing farting sounds as the trapped air was released. Her rectum didn't seem to contract very much and she was afraid that it would remain a gaping hole forever. She looked back over her shoulder at her ass cheeks, still red from where he had spanked her.
Megan crawled over to her lingerie and stood up, feeling his sperm squirt out of her ass as her cheeks clenched. She didn't bother getting dressed, putting her coat on around her nude body and shoving her underwear into the pocket.
"A+," said Jamal as she passed him.
Megan just nodded walking to the door, Jamal following her.
She walked bowlegged back towards her house, feeling his semen squirting out with each step. Her legs could barely hold up her body weight and she looked down at them seeing that she had ripped her nylons around the knees. Now that the sexual high was gone she felt a little sick to her stomach. He had used her, calling her a slut and she had loved it. She looked back at him, still with awe, but the adoration was gone replaced by a look fear. Not fear of him, but fear of how her body was responding to him. Megan decided then, that she would avoid him and not look back.
She looked back... he was still watching her.
Chapter 4: The Final Lesson
Megan was a wreck as she saw her husband off to work, several days after Jamal had taught her about anal sex. She had played with the doctor's little prick the previous two nights and he hadn't been able to get an erection. Megan had gotten used to constantly yearning for a cock in her pussy, but she wasn't used to needing a cock in her ass. She desperately wanted to get butt-fucked again. Finally, last night, Harold had gotten a partial erection. She had told him to put it in her ass and he had given her a look of such disgust, that he had made her feel ashamed of herself. With one beat of his heart, his erection had shrunk and he turned his back to her, to go to sleep. He had still seemed upset with her as he left for work this morning. 
Jamal had lied to her. Something had been gnawing at her brain since the second lesson he had given her. Now it was odvious, He had lied about her sex life improving or... he didn't no the truth himself. Harold, and the white men in the videos with their small penises, they could never truly satisfy a woman. Only big cocks, black cocks, could give a woman what she needs. Megan was doomed never to be satisfied during intercourse. 
Jamal had scared her the last couple times they had been together. The first time, he had roughly grabbed her head and fucked her face like she was just an object designed to make him cum. Last time, he had slammed his entire cock into her ass, telling her that it was her purpose to serve men and calling her a slut. He had spanked her cheeks and she had told him how much she loved having his cock in her ass. Megan had felt completely used and humiliated by his treatment of her. Worse then that, she wanted him to do it again.
Megan decided at that moment, that if Jamal didn't butt fuck her again, she'd go insane. She ran upstairs and took a quick shower. After drying her hair, she put some make-up on and grabbed her bath robe. She put the robe on over her nude body and walked out the back door.
Jamal answered his door after several knocks. He didn't look the least bit surprised to see her and he stepped aside so that she could come in.
"So Megan," he said, sitting down on the couch. "What can I do for you?" 
Megan let the robe fall to the floor and said, "I want you to fuck my ass again."
"But, I've already taught you how to do that," he replied.
"The doctor won't do it. I NEED you to shove your big cock in my ass again."
"Get on your hands and knees."
Megan flushed with excitement and dropped to her hands and knees, turning around so that her cute little ass was pointed at him.
"Not yet," he said. "First, I want you to crawl over to me and beg me to fuck your ass like the slut you are. Then, I want you to suck my cock until I tell you I've had enough."
Megan felt humiliated, but her body was automatically responding to his commands. She felt the moistness between her legs as she crawled over towards him, but then she was always wet around Jamal. 
"Please Jamal, fuck my ass," she begged. "I need you to fuck my ass again. I need your big black cock inside me."
"Why?" he asked.
"Becase I loved it," she said, crying now, "and because my husband won't do it."
Jamal looked down at Megan. She was between his legs now and unbuttoning his pants. "Your husband's a loser," he said as she began pulling his trousers off. "He'll never satisfy you with that little worm of his. He doesn't even know how to kiss a woman."
Megan nodded, it was all true. She yanked down his briefs, unconciously licking her lips as his big cock came into view. She watched it grow a little more with each beat of his pulse, before taking it once again into her mouth.
Jamal grabbed her blonde hair and held it off her face so that he could watch her suck him off. It felt great having a well-built woman kneeling before him, while swallowing his black monster into her pretty white face. He let her suck him for about twenty minutes before telling her to turn around.
Megan eagerly complied and quickly spun around. She felt him kneel behind her and then his cock's plump head was nudging at her back door. "Oooww," she jumped when he pushed the head in.
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Jamal yanked it out and ran to the bathroom to get more lubrication. Her saliva wasn't enough and he grabbed a bottle of skin cream out of the medicine cabinet. He was already rubbing it into his cock when he returned to her. He made sure it was completely covered and then rubbed some into her ass. His cock went in a lot easier this time.

Several months later.
The doctor had actually taken a vacation. She hadn't had Jamal's cock in her ass for six days and she was going crazy. The past few months had been wonderful. Two or three times a week, she would go next door and suck Jamal off or let him fuck her ass. Several times, Jamal even fucked her ass right after cummng once already in her mouth. The man was incredible. The only good thing about Harold's vacation was that he was hornier then usual and they had slept together twice in the last week. She didn't have an orgasm either time. Come to think of it, she had never had an orgasm with the doctor. Jamal alway made sure she came several times whenever he was with her. 
Megan had been trying to tan, but the lawn boy was sick and Harold had decided to mow the lawn himself, disturbing her. His weak little legs struggling to push the mower annoyed her and moping she walked back inside the house. Seconds later, the doorbell rang.
Megan opened it and was surprised to see Jamal standing there wearing only his bathing suit. "Jamal, what are you doing here?"
The big black man pushed his way inside and pulled Megan into the living room. "Hurry Megan," he said, dropping his suit. "Bend over."
"B-but the doctor?"
"Bend over the couch and watch him through the back door."
Megan nodded enthusiasticly and quickly stripped off her bikini. She bent over the couch and watched Harold struggling with the mower, through the large sliding glass door of their house, while Jamal stroked his cock.. Her pussy was dripping in anticipation of the butt fucking she was about to get.
Jamal rubbed his cock between her cheeks, causing it to grow to full erection. He looked at the quarter-sized hole that had once been her virgin ass-hole and positioned the tip of his cock on it. He pushed down, watching her ass stretching to accomodate him and feeling his dry cock scbang along the sides.
"Owww," she screamed, jumping at the friction. "Jamal, you didn't lubricate it."
"Shit! I forgot it."
"What are we going to do?" she cried frantically. "Harold isn't going to be much longer. We need to hurry."
Jamal sneered down at the stupid white slut's ass arched up to receive him. "I know," he said, "let me put it in your pussy. That will make it good and wet."
"Good idea," said Megan without thinking. "Just hurry." She couldn't wait to have Jamal's cock nice and wet, so he could shove it in her ass.
Jamal couldn't believe it was finally about to happen. He had wanted to fuck a white girl his entire life and now he was about to fuck just about the hottest white slut he had ever seen. He pushed down on his steel hard rod and placed the head on the entrance to her vagina. He slowly pushed it in, seeing her pussy open up to swallow his cock, her muscles clenching around it, trying to suck him in. They both moaned in pleasure as he pushed about four inches into her hot, wet hole.
Megan's eyes flew open as soon as the head penetrated her. She hadn't imagined sex could feel this good. Jamal had quickly pushed his cock in as deep as Harold had ever been, but the thick, black cock in her pussy felt so much better then her husband's limp little noodle ever could. The pleasure was so good, that it brought her to her senses, and she realized she was about to sin. Megan could feel an orgasm growing and if she didn't stop Jamal now she would experience her first orgasm during intercourse, from a cock that wasn't her husbands.
"Jamal, please take it out," she begged.
"Tell me you don't love having this cock in your pussy."
Megan shook her head in denial of how good it felt. "No, I love it, she sobbed in frustration, "but We're cheating."
"Oh god Megan, you're right," he said pulling it out.
Megan felt his cock slowly sliding out of her pussy. The pleasure center of her brain was screaming at her to put it back in. She felt the fat head of his cock starting to stretch out her lips, but instead of pulling it out, he buried about half his cock back in. Her pussy squeeezed down on the thick six inches inside, trying to hold it in, and before Megan could protest again, the orgasm exploded from her body, causing her to cry out with joy.
"Harold, I'm so sorry," she sobbed once she had recovered.
"Fuck the doctor," Jamal said working another inch in. "White men don't know nothing about pussy. Only a black cock can give you what you really need. Your pussy belongs to me now."
He was right. The movies had shown her how different white and black men were during sex. The women had all tried to fight it, but it hadn't been any use and they had submitted to the black men. Just like she was now.
"Oh fuck me," she moaned. "Fuck me with that big black cock. Your so much bigger then my husband." 
Megan couldn't believe how good it felt to have a real cock in her pussy. The joy she felt from feeling Jamal's cock spasming inside her mouth as he came or pumping her ass full of semen, was nothing compared to having him inside her pussy. He had worked about ten inches inside and her orgasms were cumming like a series of firecrackers. 
His white slut was fucking him back, raisng her hips to match his thrusts and Jamal decided she was ready to earn her last A. He grabbed her hips and pulled his cock out of her until the head was poised at her opening, before slamming one hard, foot long, black cock into her pussy. She screamed and bucked for about 30 seconds, but he just held on until she calmed down and started fucking him back again.
Jamal looked out the window and figured he only had about twenty minutes until the doctor finished mowing the yard. He worked his thumb into her ass-hole and began fucking her hard and fast, hearing the slapping sounds of his balls on her thighs.
"Your tight pussy gets an A+, slut," he said.
After awhile, Megan could feel his cock getting bigger. "My pussy belongs to you now," she moaned. "I only want your cock from now on."
The sperm was moving up from his balls fast and he bellowed as his cock begin to jerk inside her pussy, filling it with his cum.
Megans eyes rolled up in the back of her head and she wailed loudly as her biggest orgasm yet exploded within her, when she felt his sperm hosing the back of her pussy. Her scream was so loud that Harold had stopped the mower and was looking around. She saw him shut it off and he began walking towards the house.
Jamal had seen him too. He pulled his cock out and quickly put on his bathing suit. He said, "Straight A's, baby," as he playfully smacked her ass, before running out the front door.
Megan could barely move. She was frozen to the couch, with her ass thrust up over the side, but the doctor was getting closer, so she limped bow-legged towards the bathroom while cupping her hands under her pussy to keep Jamal's sperm from pouring out and staining the carpet.
Once safely in the bathroom she began to clean herself up. I'm gonna need more of that by the end of the week, she thought. "Fuck that," she said out-loud. "I'm going back tomorrow." 
The woman in the video was right. Black cocks are the best.
Megan had graduated.

The End
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