Incest Swati. By: indian_exec2000 (Completed)
indian_exec2000 is a well known Indian erotic story teller n unfortunately not active here. Few of his creations are posted here by Ramesh_Rocky n few yet to be posted.....

"Swati" is one of his popular erotic stories published long before......

Genre:  Romance,Erotic Couplings,Exhibitionist & Voyeur,Loving Wives

Hope you will enjoy the story ....
Namaskar Namaskar Namaskar
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
I hope u will continue the story from where Cotraja left it incomplete. All the best.
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Author's Note:

I am writing about events that happened long ago. I write with the benefit of hindsight as well as with the knowledge of Swati's innermost thoughts, feelings and motivations that she has so generously shared with me over the years.

I would appreciate receiving readers' feedback. That is a great motivator for an author.
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(Innermost thoughts oh an Indian girl....)

By: indian_exec2000

(Episodes Std. 15.09.2007 Ended. 12.03.2009)

== Heart happy Heart ==
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Ch. 01
Daughter of freedom fighters.

Ch. 02
They meet again.

Ch. 03
Swati visits Mumbai. Hot

Ch. 04
Swati & Sameer have a tryst at a wedding.

Ch. 05
Swati & Sameer attend a Mehendi ceremony.

Ch. 06
Swati & Sameer have a rendezvous at the coffee shop.

Ch. 07
Swati & Sameer take a taxi to Juhu.

Ch. 08
Swati & Sameer spend a night together.

Ch. 09
A lazy morning in Juhu hotel.
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Eagerly waiting
I am always grateful to the writers who pen down the stories and entertain me.

కథలు రాసి నన్ను రంజింప చేస్తున్న రచయితలు అందరికీ నేను కృతజ్ఞుణ్ణి
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Daughter of freedom fighters,......

I've known Swati ever since we were kids. We grew up in the same small city in Maharashtra. Our mothers knew each other as they belonged to the same little taluka town in the interior of Maharashtra. Since they came from the same place, they shared a natural affinity. So our families used to visit each other quite often and we children used to play together. Swati is around three years older than me and my earliest memory of her is that of a thin, gangly, bossy girl in pigtails towering above me. She is the eldest in a family of two girls and a kid brother, while I am an only child. She was (and is) a natural take-charge type and would always be the one to decide what games to play and she would be the one to take one's complaints to whenever there was a fight or a dispute. All of us kids just naturally accepted her writ.

Her parents' marriage had caused quite a scandal in its time. Her father Laxmanrao was an ambitious, smart, flamboyant, aggressive, wheeler-dealer lawyer / businessman / smalltime politician belonging to one of the so-called "backward" castes while her mother Kusum came from a conservative small town ***** family. They had met while both were studying in the city – she was enrolled in the medical school while he studied law. Both were active at the fringes of India's freedom struggle. However, those were the waning years of the Raj and the British had already made up their minds to cut & run at the earliest opportunity. So her parents had not had to face the lathi & rifle wielding might of the British security officer. Quite fortuitously, the timing of their entry into the freedom struggle had been exactly right: early enough to be rated as "freedom fighters" while not so early as to be actually put to the inconvenience of being sent to jail or worse. Laxmanrao was smart enough to extract the maximum advantage out of his status as a "freedom fighter" and (much later) as a "backward caste" person in post independence India.

Like many people belonging to the "backward" castes, Laxmanrao too had an enduring fascination about Brahmins & all things Brahminical. Although he was very proud of his own caste identity, it was his secret ambition to become a part of the Brahminical upper stratum of society. So, his falling for the slim, fair, pretty ***** medical student wasn't just the normal response of a red-blooded male to a desirable female. For him, her charms were multiplied a hundredfold because she was an alluring symbol of everything he aspired to become part of. He made up his mind to have her and set about assiduously to woo her. Although he was several years older than her, he was dashing and worldly, had excellent contacts and was adept at getting things done. Besides, he was swarthy, well-built and fairly good-looking in a rough-hewn, macho way.

Swati's mother Kusum was born into a poor middle class ***** family in a small taluka town. He father was a highly respected school teacher. He came from a very old fashioned, conservative family. However, he had enthusiastically and wholeheartedly adopted the progressive and enlightened values and attitudes preached by the many great thinkers and social reformers whom Maharashtra was blessed with in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Since he believed that educating the populace was the ultimate panacea to all the ills besetting the Indian society, he had chosen teaching as his calling. He had also supported & encouraged all his children (including daughters) to acquire the best possible education & become self-reliant. He was an ardent nationalist. He had inspired an entire generation of young people to make sacrifices in order to attain freedom from the oppressive British rule. He also firmly believed that the deeply entrenched caste system was at the root of most of the evil in India. So, it was no wonder that Kusum's family commanded the highest respect in the community, in spite of being poor.

Kusum was a very bright, idealistic & rather naïve young girl who had imbibed all the values & attitudes of her father. In reality, she was swept off her feet by the swarthy, bold, self-assured young freedom fighter taking so much interest in her. Her upbringing had not quite prepared her for this and she didn't know how to respond to him. After initially rebuffing his advances, Kusum had eventually succumbed to his persuasive charm. They had waited patiently while she completed her arduous medical course. He was always there to give her a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on, as needed. They gave notice of their intention to get married just a month prior to the date of her examination results & got married in a civil ceremony the very next day. Neither of them had any relatives in the city. So, there were only a couple of close friends present to witness the marriage.

Their families lived in distant taluka towns. The state of communications in the pre-independence days being what it was, they came to know about the wedding only when Laxmanrao & Kusum came to seek their blessings as man and wife. There was utter consternation all around. Kusum's father was the first to calm down & bless the couple. He could see that this was a logical culmination of the principles & values he held so close to his heart. After the arrival of Swati exactly nine months & nine days after her parents' wedding, Kusum's mother too reconciled herself to this unequal match.

Laxmanrao's parents didn't accept their ***** daughter-in-law. In fact, the elders of their caste panchayat decided to ostracize Laxmanrao & forbade their caste brethren to have any contact with him. They considered his marrying a girl from another caste to be an insult to the honor of their own. It was only years later, when continuing to isolate themselves from Laxmanrao's growing wealth, influence & power became detrimental to their self-interest did they finally reconcile with him.

Laxmanrao had all the right contacts in the new post-independence dispensation. If he had wanted, he could easily have arranged to get himself elected to the state assembly and become a minister too. He however preferred to operate in the background. He quickly grew adept at working the levers of the "license-quota-permit" system and soon acquired substantial wealth. He built a big bungalow in the best locality of the city and acquired a new Hindustan 14 car.

Laxmanrao was determined to ensure that his children had all the advantages that he himself had had to do without in his childhood. Swati & her siblings were always well dressed and attended the best English medium "Convent" school, rubbing shoulders with the children of other privileged parents. Laxmanrao had given his wife a free hand in bringing up the children. Kusumtai had largely succeeded in instilling in the children her own middle class ***** values like thrift, hard work and a respect for education. In consonance with her own progressive & liberal outlook, her children were encouraged to make friends across barriers of class, caste and gender. As her children grew up, they became aware of their parents' mixed marriage and implicitly understood that they too had the freedom to choose their life partners. In matters of sex, Kusumtai like most women of her generation was very conservative; her children were made to understand quite clearly that sex in any form before marriage was taboo.

Unlike Swati's mom, my mother had a rather more conventional life. She too had grown up in a poor but highly cultured ***** family. She had gotten married at nineteen to a groom selected by her parents. My father was a man of progressive values. He had encouraged his young wife to complete her education. I was born three years after my parents' wedding, a year after my mother had graduated from university with a first class honors degree. Post natal complications unfortunately rendered my mother unable to conceive again, to her lasting sorrow.

As I said, my early memories of Swati are of a tall, thin, gangly, bossy girl. I didn't take much of an interest in girls those days and she was just another playmate in my disinterested pre-adolescent eyes. What I distinctly remember is that she had a few rather prominent pock marks on her face, the result of a recent, particularly severe attack of chicken pox. Anyways, my father (who had a transferable job as a middle level civil servant) was transferred out to another town and we lost contact with Swati & her family.


We Meet Again

After an almost five year hiatus, my father was transferred back to our city. By this time, I was in high school while Swati was studying arts in a prestigious women's college. Kusumtai (Swati's mother) invited us to dinner one day and that's when Swati hit me between my eyes. I could hardly recognize her. She had filled out in all the right places and rather puzzlingly, seemed to have grown shorter as well. I later realized that she was of just about average height for an Indian girl and appeared shorter to me only because I had gained quite a few inches in the interregnum.

Her face was round. Her nose was short & up-turned. Her lips were full, almost thick. She wore her thick, silken, dark brown, shoulder length hair tied in a ponytail. Her skin was fair, smooth and velvety. She didn't have any problem with acne, the bane of many youngsters. Even the pock marks didn't look so prominent now. In fact they seemed to add character to her face. However her most striking feature was her large, sparkling, expressive eyes. They shone & danced mischievously as she spoke animatedly. In addition to the fact that all girls of a certain age look very pretty, her self confidence, grooming & manner of speech made her even more so, although she was by no means a raging beauty. That day she wore a simple cotton blouse and a matching, dark colored cotton skirt that modestly covered her knees. Her calves and ankles were slim & dainty. Although her blouse was loose fitting, it didn't conceal the fact that she had a well developed, high bosom. Altogether, she presented the picture of a healthy, wholesome, demure, yet very attractive young Indian girl.

I have always been a rather shy person and in her presence I became even more tongue-tied. In contrast, she was a fluent talker, liberally sprinkling English words in her conversation. She had well developed social graces and chatted effortlessly with us. I guess I had always been in awe of her & now, this new Swati almost seemed like a creature from another planet. She spent some time trying to draw me out of my shell and occasionally ribbed me and pulled my leg when I became even more solemn & withdrawn. At one point her mother gently admonished her and asked her to leave me alone. I couldn't get her off my mind for quite some time even after we had returned home.

In the weeks and months that followed, I found myself visiting Swati's home quite often. I got along particularly well with Swati's younger siblings – sister Kirti, who is about a couple of years younger than me and brother Kirit who is two years younger than Kirti. We enjoyed playing together. I am rather good at sports and loved to teach Kirti & Kirit to play badminton at a makeshift court they had in their backyard.

Whenever Swati played, my attention used to wander from the game and on to her figure. Some times, I was rewarded with a flash of cleavage or a quick glimpse of a shapely thigh as she ran & pranced around the court, chasing the shuttlecock; dressed in a skirt and Tee shirt. It was no wonder that the quality of my game invariably nosedived when I played against her. I fluffed the easiest of shots and on one occasion tripped & fell, much to the merriment of Swati & her siblings. I of course resented the humiliation, but swallowed it silently. In spite of this, my visits to Swati's home continued and my eyes always furtively searched for Swati whenever I visited them. I used to feel a palpable sense of disappointment if Swati was not around.

In those days Swati's attitude towards me was rather patronizing. Perhaps she still looked upon me as the brown, scrawny little boy of my early childhood. Or maybe it was because she had studied in an English medium "Convent" school she felt superior to those like me who studied in vernacular schools. She affected a "Convent School" accent and just barely hid her mirth at my attempts to speak English in my desi accent.

The only reason I could even understand English at all was because of my father. He loved the language. He had a fairly large and eclectic collection of books written in English, covering children's books, classics, thrillers and humorous books, non-fiction books covering current affairs, science, philosophy & so forth. He had always supported and encouraged me to learn English and given me free access to his library. We also used to regularly listen to All India Radio's English news broadcasts (I still remember Melville D'Mello's flawless English diction and velvety baritone voice). However, we always used to converse in Marathi, my mother tongue. So, although I couldn't speak fluent English, I had an excellent vocabulary; I could read effortlessly & also write reasonably well.

Swati was a bright student, always close to the top of her class. On the other hand, those days I was not particularly interested in studies; and although I never had any difficulty in scoring pass marks, my scholastic performance was nothing to write home about. This was perhaps another reason why she looked down upon me.

I naturally resented her attitude & sometimes wondered why she even bothered to talk to me if she felt that I was not her equal. It was only much later that I understood what made her behave that way. In spite of her scholastic performance & her father's wealth and influence, Swati had to suffer subtle discrimination at the hands of some of her class mates & occasionally also by some teachers, on account of her father's "backward" caste. This was all the more galling since she, like her father wanted desperately to be accepted as part of the high caste society. I was the unfortunate target of her anger & frustrations: being a *****, I symbolized her upper caste tormentors and was a soft target, not being able to hold my own against her verbal aggression.

And yet, occasionally departing from her condescending attitude, Swati could be quite sweet & nice too. I think that at a subconscious level, she too was attracted to me. After all, I had grown quite tall, had a powerful physique, was not bad looking and above all, I was a *****, that most desirable quality in her eyes. Perhaps her verbal put downs were an attempt to hide the attraction. Be that as it may, I didn't understand any of this at that time and the only reason I put up with her bitchiness was because I was so completely infatuated with her. I was willing to do anything to win her respect. She was well aware of my infatuation and was quite adept at keeping my attention riveted upon her. In retrospect, I think that many flashes of her hot young body that I glimpsed while we played badminton were not entirely accidental.

One day it transpired that Swati was having some trouble learning to ride a scooter and out of the blue, her mother Kusumtai suggested that I might be able to teach her. Actually, although I had been riding bicycles since early childhood, I had never ridden a scooter till then. However, I was not about to admit this. I gallantly agreed with her suggestion. It was decided that I would come by after a couple of days to give Swati a scooter riding lesson.

Our family didn't own a scooter at that time, so I spent a couple of hours with a scooter owning friend, learning the ropes of kick-starting the engine, changing gears & so forth. I am pretty good with my hands & feet and quickly mastered the skill.

On the appointed day, I went to Swati's house. I had bought some chikki (a sweet made from roasted peanuts & jaggery) on the way, from a roadside vendor. It was around half past six in the evening. It was the beginning of winter and dusk had already fallen. The air was cool but not yet chilly. Swati's mother was about to leave for her clinic as I arrived. She hurried out after welcoming me.

Swati wore a salwar kameez outfit that day and looked ethereal to my infatuated eyes. We shared the chikki after making sure that her mother had left – being a doctor, Kusumtai frowned upon children eating unhygienic street food. I explained to Swati the basics of starting the engine, operating the clutch, changing gears & so on. She barely paid attention and impatiently wanted to start the riding lesson right away. We decided that a large parade ground on the outskirts of the city would be an ideal place for the lesson, since there would be no traffic there. I drove the scooter to the parade ground while Swati sat side-saddle behind me.

At the parade ground she took the driver's seat while I sat behind & reached around her to steady the handle bars as she gripped them. This naturally brought us in close proximity and I felt an electric excitement run through my body. I wasn't too sure but I felt her breath quickening too. After a couple of false starts she got the hang of releasing the clutch without stalling the engine and we were soon circling the parade ground at a fairly fast clip.

I had withdrawn my hands from the handlebars and held the grip provided for the pillion rider, allowing her the freedom to maneuver the scooter. Yet I leaned anxiously forward, peering over her shoulder, ready to take control in case she faltered. Her soft fragrant hair brushed against my face and I breathed in her exciting feminine aroma. She was thrilled with her accomplishment and let out a whoop of joy, revving up the engine. She wiggled around a bit on the driver's seat to make herself comfortable and pushed back slightly, bringing her back in contact with my chest. I tensed up a bit but then relaxed, since she didn't seem to mind this contact.

"Ouch!" Swati suddenly shouted and the scooter wobbled. I immediately took control of the handle bars as she let go & started rubbing her eye. I slowed & stopped the scooter, managing not to fall. We dismounted and I pulled the scooter on to its stand.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Something went into my eye." She said, rubbing it hard. She was breathless and scared because of the close call.

"Let me see." I said, tilting her face up and peering into her eye. It was almost dark and I couldn't see a thing. I balled up my handkerchief, warmed it up by breathing hard into it and then held it against her eye, to provide some relief from the pain. After doing this a few times, the pain subsided and she was able to open her eye again. Perhaps the speck of dirt had been washed out by her tears. She breathed a sigh of relief and I was aware of her eyes glittering even in the semi darkness.

Then suddenly, she threw her arms around me and kissed me on my lips. That was my first ever kiss. Even today, I distinctly remember the smell of peanut chikki on her breath. I hugged her too & felt her trembling, soft body against mine. Almost immediately, she pushed me back & sprang out of my embrace.

"Let's go home. You better drive." She said in an unsteady voice.

This time, she sat astride on the pillion, throwing her arms around my waist & holding me tight. I was acutely aware of her soft breasts pressing against my back and the discomfort of my trousers constraining my hard-on. I drove as slowly as I could, to prolong the intimate moments. She let go of me only when we approached the city and could possibly be seen by passers-by. We didn't exchange a word on the way back to her home. Fortunately, there was nobody at home when we arrived. She quickly ran inside while I parked the scooter & then rode home on my bicycle.

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I did visit her home a few times after that, playing badminton with Kirti & Kirit, but Swati had become remote & withdrawn and just barely acknowledged my presence. In any case, she was in the final year of her Bachelor of Arts course while I was in the eleventh standard, a crucial year from the point of view of securing admission to a good college. The final exams were drawing near and so we both became busy with our studies.


Swati Goes To Mumbai

Swati had an artistic streak in her and was particularly good at drawing. I had seen some of her sketches & even to my untrained eye, they had looked beautiful. After graduation Swati joined a post-graduate course in fine arts at a well-known art school in Bombay (now Mumbai).

I surprised everyone including myself by scoring excellent marks in the high school final examination. I also sat for a competitive test & gained admission to the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.


In Mumbai, Swati suddenly found herself unshackled from many of the restrictions that a small town places on young, nubile girls. Moreover, in Swati's case, in spite of her attractiveness, her father's influence & power had made potential suitors wary of approaching her. Swati, having inherited her father's earthy, hot-blooded sensuality had found these restrictions all the more galling. It was no wonder then that in Mumbai she went a bit overboard with befriending boys and having a good time. She soon acquired a quite undeserved reputation of being a "fast" girl. She had an assertive, strong personality, quick wit and a sharp tongue. So, although she enjoyed being in the company of her many male admirers and reveled in the attention they bestowed on her, she never allowed anybody to take liberties with her, staying true to her mother's strict admonition: no canoodling and most certainly no sex before marriage. Nor did she ever violate the strict curfew rules of the girls' hostel she lived in. Until she met Satish, that is.



Satish was a tall, fair, well-built, handsome young boy, studying in St. Xavier's college. He had the looks and build of a Bollywood hero. He was the son of a powerful bureaucrat then posted in Mumbai. His family belonged to a wealthy, land-owning, well-connected North Indian ***** clan that traced its roots back to the days of the Mughal emperors. Over the centuries the clan had produced a galaxy of distinguished civil servants, academics, soldiers, diplomats and businessmen. Never had there been a time in the last four hundred years when there had not been clansmen in positions of power & influence in the durbars of rajahs & nawabs scattered all over north India, including the Mughal durbars at Agra / Delhi. The British era had been particularly propitious for the clan. Not only had they produced more than their fair share of Rai Bahadurs & Dewan Bahadurs, they had also accumulated immense wealth; lately by cornering lucrative war-time supply contracts.

Satish was an only son, born on the back of two daughters; the apple of his mother's eye. He had attended the best public schools; was urbane, polished and well versed in the airs and graces of high society. He was always well dressed, even foppish and never seemed to be short of money. He had access to all the good things money & influence could buy even in the socialistic era of the nineteen-sixties. His most prized possession was a shaft drive BMW motorcycle his father had bought for him from a departing West German diplomat. No wonder then that he was always surrounded by a bevy of girls.

Unfortunately, although Satish was reasonably bright, he was vain, weak willed, ambitionless and lacked a clear goal in life. The deficiencies in his personality and character had not been helped by the shortcomings in his upbringing. Being the only one to carry forward the family name, he had been coddled and spoilt from an early age. An overweening sense of superiority about his illustrious family and their rightful position in India's power elite had been instilled in him since childhood. It was not surprising therefore that he was rather self-centered and used to getting his way; his petulance and arrogance lurked just under the surface.


Swati Gets Married

Satish & Swati had met at a party and fallen hard for each other. Satish had everything that Swati wanted in her man: the looks and build of a bollywood hero, a background of wealth & privilege and a ***** to boot! To cap it all, Swati had been "shafted by his shaft drive motorbike" as she ruefully put it many years later while resting in my arms. Satish on the other hand was utterly captivated by the bright, smart, self assured, sexy, articulate young Swati who was so totally unlike any girl he had met till then.

They were soon inseparable. They bunked college and spent many an afternoon together, chatting in coffee shops, watching matinee shows, going on long drives on the powerful BMW bike and once in a while making out in the privacy of an obliging friend's bedroom. Although Swati was as passionate & hot-blooded as they come, she never allowed Satish to "go all the way", in spite of his desperate pleading & entreaties. She was very firm that to attain that prize, he would have to marry her first. This was a blow to Satish's pride; he had rarely had to take a no for an answer.

Weak willed & indecisive as Satish was, he waffled and procrastinated for a long time before finally proposing marriage. Swati was only too glad to accept, and immediately demanded to be introduced to his parents. Satish was realistic enough to know that his parents would never accept a "half-caste" Maharashtrian girl as their bahu (daughter-in-law). He didn't have any idea how he was going to broach the subject with his parents. He kept putting the matter off until one day Swati served him an ultimatum: there would be no more meetings until she was introduced to his parents. Fortunately, Satish was spared the pain of breaking the news to his parents when Satish's married elder sister accidentally found out about the relationship. When confronted, Satish had sheepishly admitted that he wanted to marry Swati.

With this, all hell broke loose in Satish's house. His hypertensive mother threw the mother of all tantrums and took to bed, refusing all food and drink, reducing Satish to a quivering lump of jelly. His father Santosh Kumar had a sound appreciation of his son's capabilities & character and knew that he would never be able to make the grade in the civil services entrance exams. He had therefore nursed dreams of setting Satish up in business and had even short listed marriageable girls from wealthy families of their own caste who could bring in a large enough dowry for the purpose. He was not prepared to see his dream shattered by an uncivilized, upstart half-caste ghati (a derogatory term North Indians sometimes use to describe Maharashtrians) girl. He was a powerful, influential bureaucrat with connections in high places. He immediately called his good friend, a highly placed security officer officer and asked for help to try and scare the girl off or, if absolutely essential, to bribe her to leave his son. His friend listened and promised to see what he could do. When his friend called back the next day, Santosh Kumar broke into a cold sweat.

"Do you know who her father is?" His friend asked Santosh Kumar and then proceeded to describe the reach and power of Laxmanrao's connections, right up to the highest political levels in New Delhi. Santosh Kumar was left in no doubt that Laxmanrao could be really bad news for anybody who dared to cross his path and that he was quite capable of ruining not merely Satish's life but also Santosh Kumar's career if he chose to.

"It is best to reach a compromise" was his last piece of advice as his friend hung up on Santosh Kumar. This left Santosh Kumar in a pretty pickle. He thought long and hard trying to find a way out. He made some more discreet enquiries about Swati & her family, probing for some weakness. He soon came to know about Swati's ***** mother & Laxmanrao's hunger for assimilation into the upper caste society. He developed an even greater appreciation of Laxmanrao's wealth & political connections. Gradually, it dawned on him that there was a real opportunity here. His spoilt, good for nothing son might actually have hit the jackpot, he realized.

Santosh Kumar's illustrious forefathers had been adept at reading straws in the wind and ingratiating themselves with ascendant political forces early on. That had been one of the secrets of the clan's great success. This faculty seemed to have curiously deserted the clan elders when in the late nineteenth century the forces of nationalism had risen from the ashes of their defeat in the 1857 War of Independence and slowly but inexorably gathered strength in the twentieth century, eventually resulting in the overthrow of the British Empire. As a result, there was not a single member of the clan in the nationalist movement in the pre-independence era and none in the political establishment, post Independence. Santosh Kumar had had to face many occasions to rue this grave omission. Being a hard nosed pragmatist, he now saw an opportunity to set the matters right by gaining a toehold in the political establishment. Thus it came by that Santosh Kumar decided to approach Laxmanrao to ask for Swati's hand in marriage for his son!

How Santosh Kumar managed to get his wife to agree to the match is an interesting story in itself but it need not detain us here. Suffice it to say that he succeeded as he usually did when he really put his mind to it.


To her credit, Swati never thought of using her father's power & influence to coerce Satish's family to accept her. Having delivered her ultimatum to Satish, she stood fast and waited. Her parents didn't have any inkling about this storm in her life. She called her father only after she had been dropped back to her hostel by Santosh Kumar and his wife after a high tea at their residence, during which they had formally welcomed her as their future bahu.

Soon, Santosh Kumar met Laxmanrao and all matters related to the forthcoming wedding were sorted out. Laxmanrao was very happy for his eldest and favorite daughter. She had done him proud; he could hardly have picked a better groom for her had he tried. He was determined to use this occasion to display all his wealth, power and connections. Needless to say, the wedding was a grand affair, running to five days. It continued to be the talk of our town for many years. After the wedding in our city, there were glittering receptions held in Mumbai as well as in New Delhi, attended amongst others, by prominent state and national level politicians and cabinet ministers. Even a usually blasé Santosh Kumar was dazzled. The brilliant display of power & wealth also served to nip in the bud incipient murmurs of protest by Santosh Kumar's clan brethren about the caste of the new bahu.

The newly weds eventually settled down in New Delhi where Santosh Kumar had been transferred to, on a plum posting (one of the early benefits of the recent alliance). Satish soon started an import-export business and became sole selling agent for several large European companies. Canny and farsighted Laxmanrao had ensured that Swati's name was included as an equal partner in the business. Apart from the huge profit the business generated on its own, it also served as a convenient conduit to siphon Santosh Kumar's "other" income to safe havens in Swiss banks. It was a dream arrangement that benefited everybody at the cost of the poor Indian taxpayer.

Although outwardly things were hunky dory for Swati & Satish, clouds had soon started appearing on the horizon. It had emerged that Satish had an inordinate fondness for liquor and an inability to hold his booze. Worse still, there had been whispers about his dalliance with other women. Not one to take things lying down (with one exception!), Swati had kept a careful watch and caught Satish red-handed. He had failed to convince Swati that he was "merely trying to comfort an old friend". There had been a flaming row and Satish had finally tearfully asked her forgiveness, promising to behave himself & never to stray again. It was in such circumstances that Swati had decided to take a break and arrived in our city to spend a week with her parents.


We Meet Once Again

At that time I was in the second year of my course at IIT Kharagpur. It seemed that I had a natural facility for engineering and was soon rated as one of the better students of my class. Unfortunately, I suffered a severe bout of typhoid and as soon as I had recovered sufficiently to be able to travel, my hostel warden had packed me off home, to recuperate & regain my strength. My professors had promised to help me to make up for lost time after my return so that I wouldn't have to lose a semester.


Long ago, my grandfather had purchased a small plot of farm land quite far from the city, bordering a "state highway" that was at the time little more than a dirt-track. He thought that the farm would supplement his small income as an astrologer. He had however proven to be an indifferent farmer. His son, my father had decided to quit farming and become a civil servant instead. Unlike many other small farmers, my grandfather had avoided falling into a debt trap and had eventually been able to bequeath the farm and a little house he had built on it, to my father. The farm had not been tilled in a long time. Instead, a neighbor's cattle were allowed to graze on it, in return for a small compensation. Over time, the city had grown and the state highway had been metalled and asphalted. Our farm & house were now just on the outskirts of the city.

When my father had last been transferred to the city, I was in high school. My mother had taken up a job as a school teacher. This not only helped her to do something useful with her education, she was also able to supplement my father's meager income (he was an honest civil servant, a species that was quite common in those days but is now perhaps on the endangered list). Within a year and half, my father was transferred out to a taluka town again. However, my parents decided that my mother & I should continue to live in the city so that my education and her job continued undisturbed. Soon we had moved from my father's official quarters to our little house. Although it was rather far from the city, we were hardy folk and riding twenty kilometers a day on a bicycle was no big deal for us. My mother continued to live by herself in our little house even after I had moved to IIT Kharagpur, since my father was soon due to retire & return.

It was early spring. Lush green grass grew on the farm and a mixed herd of cows and buffalos grazed on it. Mango & peepal trees grew along the boundary. It was late morning and my mother had already gone to school after cooking my lunch. I was pottering about the house, fixing some broken gadget. It was quiet and peaceful, the buzzing of bees, chirping of birds and the occasional snorting & snuffling of grazing cattle being the only sounds in the background.

The putt-putt-putt of a scooter intruded upon the peaceful scene; I looked out and saw Swati alighting. Since I was at IIT Kharagpur when she got married, I had missed her wedding entirely. In fact this was about the first time I was seeing her since our memorable scooter lesson more than two years ago. My pulse quickened and my heart jumped into my mouth when I saw her.

"Sameer! What a great surprise. What are you doing here? Where is Pushpa mawshi (aunty, a reference to my mom)?" She rattled off.

"And what brings you here? How long are you going to be in town? By the way, you look great!" I rattled off my own questions and a spontaneous response to her appearance.

She beamed at my compliment. It was true too. Although she was dressed in a simple cotton sari, she looked radiant. Although still slim, she seemed to have filled out a bit and her smooth fair complexion positively glowed. Her large, expressive eyes flashed and danced merrily. She wore a pinch of sindoor (red ochre powder) in her hair parting, a mangalsutra (gold necklace with black glass beads) round her neck and green glass bangles on her wrists, all symbols of her married status. A furtive inspection showed that under the pallu of the sari wrapped securely around her shoulders, her blouse was well cut and snug fitting. It had a largish neck opening; a departure from the rather more modest style of her earlier years. Even from the way she carried herself and her sinuous movements, it seemed that after marriage she had overcome some inhibition and found a new confidence to let her sensuality show through. Altogether, she looked vivacious, ravishing and sexy.

Strangely enough, it seemed that I too had lost my earlier awkwardness & reticence. My recent scholastic success and the opportunity to interact with a cosmopolitan crowd of bright students from all over the country had greatly boosted my self esteem as well as my command over spoken English. We were soon chatting away happily, bringing each other up to date with the recent, eventful happenings in our lives.

She wanted to be shown around our little farm; she wanted to sketch some nature studies, she said. We continued to chat while we took a leisurely stroll, picking our way around clumps of weeds and lumps of fresh cow dung.

"How is Satish? Is he going to be here too?" I enquired after her husband.

"Oh, he's fine. No, he won't be coming. He is too busy with his business." She responded, looking away quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly.

"So, have you found a nice girl friend in Kharagpur?" She asked mischievously, changing the subject.

"No… No such luck." I responded.

"Oh come on, don't tell me there are no pretty girls on the IIT campus!" She ribbed me.

"Well, there is a nice girl, but I don't know how to talk to her." I admitted after she had probed a bit; and then told her about a dusky, doe eyed Bengali beauty, the daughter of our math professor whom a lot of us boys used to moon over.

"I am sure she must be dying to talk to you too! After all, you are quite a stud, so tall and strong! Look at those biceps!" She teased huskily, looking into my eyes and playfully gripping my upper arm.

"Oh, maybe." I responded non committally.

"Maybe you should give her scooter riding lessons!" She said, giving me a sideways glance. Blood rushed to my ears. Although my dark complexion hid my blush, she sensed my acute embarrassment and laughed out aloud. She once again had succeeded in turning me into a stammering idiot. I felt my anger rising but that merely made me more tongue tied. We strolled on. Once in a while she daintily raised the hem of her sari to avoid getting it soiled by the wet, overgrown grass. She followed my eyes as they furtively glanced at her slim ankles and shapely calves & smiled mischievously. Once she paused to admire a pretty flower and bent to pluck it. Her pallu just naturally slid a bit and I got a quick eyeful of the tops of her plump bosom. She noticed that too; arching a saucy eyebrow as she readjusted her pallu. The whole act was repeated again after a while. In short, she was once again being her old teasing & flirtatious self, getting a kick out of my discomfiture.

We soon reached the other end of our little farm and stopped near a beautiful stand of mango trees. Both of us were sweating after our walk through the sunny field. She unwrapped her pallu and fanned herself with it. I couldn't help noticing the dark circles of sweat that had formed under her armpits.

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"Oh, just look at those mangoes!" She exclaimed, looking up. A profusion of plump raw green mangoes could indeed be seen growing in the upper branches of the trees.

"I would love to taste them. Can I have some?" She begged.

"Of course." I said gallantly. A few well aimed stones brought down half a dozen fruit. The sharp smell of resinous sap oozing from the stems of the mangoes tickled our noses. Swati squealed in delight and gathered the fruit in her pallu.

"Wow! What perfect aim!" She gushed admiringly. I blushed & squirmed in pleasure.

"Well… oh thanks! Let me get us some salt." I stuttered.

"OK, come back soon. In the meantime, let me sit down for a while. The sun is getting to me." She said, indicating a little shelter at the edge of the field. I almost ran to my house and then hurried back, clutching some salt & chilly powder in my fist. In my hurry, I forgot to bring a knife.

There was a little rough shack off to one side, on the border of our field. It was used mainly by cattle herders to store odds and ends and as a rain shelter. It was small - around 8ft long and 6ft wide. There was a rough brick wall at the rear while the remaining three walls were made of woven bamboo mats tied to wooden posts. The corrugated tin roof was supported on posts and joists made of jungle wood. It was about 7 ft high at the rear and sloped down to 6 ft on the front. There was a long waist high wooden worktable placed against the rear wall. A little above the top of the table, the wall had a small rectangular window that had wooden bars running vertically. There was a small door, made of bamboo frame and woven bamboo mats in the front wall. The door could be held shut by a hasp made from a length of coir rope that could be secured to a stout nail driven into a wooden post. The floor was nothing more than compacted earth, about six inches higher than the surrounding ground, just enough to keep rain water from trickling in. Running along the rear wall on the outside was a trough of water for the cattle to drink from.

I had to stoop to go in through the low door. Swati was sitting on the wooden table & fanning herself. The mangoes were lying on the table. The shack was redolent with the mixed scents of stale smoke, dried cow dung patties (these are used as a fuel) and the tangy fresh smell of raw mangoes. Above all of these, my sensitive nose picked up the heady feminine scent emanating from Swati's young body.

"Let's eat mangoes!" Swati trilled. Since I had forgotten to bring a knife, I peeled the thick green skin off of a mango with my teeth, wiped it on my kurta and offered it to her. We were soon enjoying the sharp, sour, tangy raw mangoes, dipping them into the salt and red chilly powder, accompanied by loud appreciative smacks and sharp intakes of breath to cool our tongues. Swati wiped my palm with a piece of raw mango and savored the last morsel. She then leaned forward and licked up the remaining bit of salt & chilly powder off of my palm. That was an incredibly sensuous thing to do. A bolt of electricity shot through my body and I started trembling.

"Oh look, there is some mango sap on your cheek!" She said, looking up. I touched my cheek and felt something sticky on my beard. Well, although I was nineteen, my beard was actually little more than a soft fuzzy down that needed to be clipped once a month or so.

"Wait, let me clean it up. You will get a nasty rash if it rubs on your skin." She stopped me just as I was about to wipe it off myself. She then proceeded to carefully mop it with her pallu, her face just inches from mine. There was a magical moment of silence as I stood still and listened to her soft breathing.

"You may touch them if you wish." She said huskily as she caught me looking at her breasts.

"What! No… no…" I stammered.

"Oh come on, don't act so innocent! I know you have been dying to touch them for years!" She said impatiently and sat up straight, thrusting her bosom out. Almost in a trance, I raised my hands and rested them on her blouse covered breasts, pressing lightly to feel their soft springiness.

"Wait a sec." She murmured and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. She pulled the blouse & bra up and her beautiful, plump breasts popped out, topped by stiff pink nipples. I went almost berserk and grabbed her breasts, mauling them roughly.

"Not so hard! Gently, gently…" She whispered, wincing in pain. I immediately restrained myself and started caressing them lightly, feeling her stiff nipples tickle my palms. I bent and closed my lips around a nipple.

"Aah!" She sighed ecstatically and arched her back, thrusting her soft breast into my face, as I suckled. Then suddenly, she grabbed my hair and pulled me off of her breast. She threw her arms around my neck, closed her thick, full lips over mine and started sucking and nibbling at them. I embraced her and straightened up, holding her tight against me. This lifted her off the table and her feet dangled in mid air, since I am at least eight inches taller than her. Her soft, bare breasts flattened against my chest and I could feel the vibrations of her throaty moans & her rapid, irregular heartbeat. Her tongue probed my lips, then slipped in and started dueling with mine. Our kiss deepened and my hard cock poked her thigh. I leaned forward, the better to kiss her. This bent her neck back at an awkward angle. She broke the kiss and motioned to me to support her neck. I changed position slightly, supporting her neck in the crook of one arm while the other held her against my chest; thrusting my hip to pin her against the table. Her arms clung around me as I started to kiss her back and thrust my tongue into her hot mouth, savoring the sweet smell of her breath and the tangy taste of raw mango.

Without breaking our kiss and still securely supporting her neck, I slipped my other hand between our bodies, fondling and kneading her breasts, taking extra care to be gentle. My hand wandered all over her back and then cupped her full ass cheek. She kept responding to my love play with throaty moans, little jabs of her tongue against mine and thrusts of her hips against my torso. Suddenly, she disengaged and held me off at arms length.

"Let's do it!" She whispered urgently.

My legs trembled violently and I could barely stand. She reached under her sari, pulled her panties down, stepped out of them and then hopped on to the worktable, pulling her sari up to expose her thighs. I in the meantime struggled to strip off my trousers and shorts. My cock sprang out, pointing upwards and tenting my kurta. As I pulled up my kurta she feasted her eyes on my thick, throbbing, hard cock, its blunt head completely wet and drooling with sticky fluid. She hitched her sari above her hips and I could see her wet pink labia nestled in a thick bush of curly black pubic hair. She spread her thighs and placed her feet on the edge of the table.

"Come." She murmured as I stepped between her outspread thighs. I felt the firm yet gentle touch of her fingers on my shaft, as she guided my cock into her pussy. Her inflamed labia spread and enveloped the head of my cock in their wet heat. My arousal was already at such a pitch that this last bit of stimulation was enough to push me over the edge. I ejaculated, sending spurt after spurt of thick, gooey semen spraying all over her pussy and thighs, matting her pubic thatch.

At that vulnerable moment, she held the power to make me impotent for life. Her slightest expression of disappointment, let alone disapproval would have scarred me for ever. But, bless her soul, she was completely unfazed by the premature peaking of my passion. She treated it as the most natural thing in the world and continued to kiss and caress me. She held my head to her soft bosom, cooing gently and showering affection upon me. Slowly, I felt my limp cock stir to life again. She felt it too, as it poked her belly. She reached down and gently caressed my cock, and soon it was hard again, raring to go.

Once again, she guided it to the entrance of her pussy. I was now much more in control of myself. I twitched my hips and felt the welcoming heat of her pussy engulf my cock. With a couple of thrusts I buried the whole of my cock inside her.

"Aahhh…" Swati sighed as she felt my thick cock deliciously stretch her cunt. She wrapped her legs around my hips and leaned back, rested her head against the wooden bars of the window and supported her elbows on the table.

"Do it!" She urged, looking into my eyes. I pulled back a little and thrust in. It felt wonderful. I soon got into my stride and started pumping hard. There were slapping and slurping sounds as our bodies slammed together and my hard cock drove air in and out of her cunt. Her eyes became unfocussed and half closed as she felt the ecstasy of her response slowly build up.

"Harder… harder…" She intoned, her hips thrusting back against mine. Her breasts jiggled and bounced as her whole body jerked like a rag doll in time with my energetic thrusts. Both of us were completely crazed with passion and oblivious to the creaking noises the old, rotting wooden bars of the window made as her head was rhythmically forced against them.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack as one of the wooden bars broke. Splinters of wood flew in all directions; one of them ricocheted off the tin roof and embedded itself in my bare bottom. I felt a sharp jab on my posterior and stopped in mid thrust.

"MOOO!" A cow drinking from the trough outside the shack called out, startled by the sharp crack of the wooden bar. She snorted loudly and the sweet, fresh, grassy smell of cow's breath wafted in through the window.

I was still hard and buried deep inside Swati. Both of us giggled at this second interruption of our coitus. She kept stroking my back and I was about to resume my labors when her hand inadvertently nudged the wooden splinter sticking out of my buttock.

"Yeooow!" I yelled. This was something that needed immediate attention. I reluctantly pulled out of her; my cock started losing its hardness.

"Let me see!" She said examining my posterior while I bent over the table with my ass sticking out in a most undignified posture. She grasped the splinter between her fingernails and pulled at it. The wood was rotten and weak, so although most of the splinter came out, a little piece remained embedded.

"Hmm… This needs a little more work." She said. She fished around in her bag and came up with a safety pin. She then proceeded to dig out the offending little piece of wood, while I clenched my buttocks, gritted my teeth and barely suppressed the urge to yell out. She was finally done.

"Here it is." She said triumphantly, holding up the troublesome little speck on the tip of her forefinger. I didn't bother to look up and she gave a playful little slap on my rump.

There was a suspicious silence for a while. I straightened up and found her shoulders shaking, eyes watery and a fist thrust in her mouth, as she tried to prevent herself from laughing out aloud. The moment my eyes met hers, she burst out in hoots of laughter. I started giggling too; but then, all of a sudden something inside me snapped and my mood changed. All of my long repressed anger and resentment against her burst out.

"Don't you dare laugh at me, you bitch! I'm going to teach you a lesson." I yelled at her. She was taken aback at my outburst, and was completely unprepared when I grabbed her and forced her face down on the table, and gave a couple of whacks on her bottom.

"What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" She gave an outraged shout and tried to wriggle free. But I was not done yet. I was far stronger than her and easily kept her pinned down on the table with one hand while dragging her sari up with the other, exposing her round, full, smooth buttocks. I then landed a couple of juicy whacks directly on her bare buns. She continued to scream and protest, but there was a qualitative change in her voice. A couple of more whacks, and the fight seemed to go out of her. She stopped struggling. A low moan rose from her throat and she started to tremble all over. That was a turning point in our lives. Up until then she was the one who drove our relationship; now I was in command.

I felt blood surge into my cock and it once again stood erect, pointing upwards and throbbing in time with my heartbeat. My arousal was heightened even more when I noticed that the fair skin of her ass had turned a deep shade of pink and saw pussy juices trickle down her inner thigh. There was a couple of jute sacks lying folded in a corner. I hurriedly spread them on the floor while Swati lay unmoving, bent over the table, eyes closed.

Swati had been outraged, shocked and humiliated as the first stinging slaps had landed on her bare bottom. Never in her life had she been treated thus. Her total helplessness against the continuing assault had further deepened her humiliation and rage, until an emotional dam had burst and she had suddenly felt all the fight go out of her. By a curious quirk of human psychology that I haven't understood, all that pent up emotional energy had found an outlet in an intense sexual arousal. But now, she was just a passive participant, ready to do my bidding.

"Come." I whispered, raising her gently. She opened her eyes. They were wet with tears and shone with a peculiarly intense passion as she stared at my throbbing cock while I stripped off my kurta and became stark naked. I lowered her on the sacks, making her lie on her back. I raised her thighs and spread them apart; then knelt between them. As she looked on intently, I held my thick hard cock and rubbed it along her wet slit. She raised her hips and wiggled them to welcome my cock into her pussy. Once again the blunt head of my cock nestled between her inflamed, red labia. Having already ejaculated once, I now had plenty of staying power. I grasped her hips and slowly pushed in, savoring the feel of the soft, silky walls of her cunt stretch and rub past the head of my cock. I pulled back and then thrust in deeper still.

As I pulled back and thrust in again to the hilt, it was Swati's turn to climax prematurely. I felt the ripples of her contracting pussy around my hard cock and heard her ecstatic moans. However, unlike my premature climax, hers did not signal an end. It was just the beginning of a long and glorious series of climaxes like waves rolling in one on top of the other during high tide. She tightened the hold of her legs around my hips as I pumped energetically. I felt a surge of pride, exulting in my ability to bring this sensuous, sexy, thus far unattainable creature to experience such peaks of passion. I sensed my own oncoming climax. Wanting to prolong our pleasure, I paused; allowing the critical moment to pass, playing with her breasts and licking her lips before resuming my lusty thrusts. I did this a couple of times more until finally I could no more resist the oncoming tide. My cock spurted load after load of semen deep inside her and I collapsed on top of her.

We lay entwined for many sweet minutes, savoring the dreamy intimacy of post coital release. Reluctantly, I got up and then helped her up too. She stumbled as she took a step; her legs had gone weak after all that she had gone through and it took her a while to find the strength to move. There was a large wet splotch on the sack where our love juices had dribbled out. Fortunately, there was a rusty half full bucket of water and a dented aluminum mug in one corner of the shack. Swati turned her back to me, tucked her sari around her waist, squatted on her haunches in one corner and washed herself clean. I was mesmerized by the slap-slap sound of water splashing against her pussy. I could see purple marks on her round, full buns and an impression of the coarse weave of the sack on the delicate, silky skin of her bare back, along with a few lacerations where her skin had chafed against the sack. After completing her ablutions, she turned around and spotted my cock that had incredibly enough become hard again.

"My God! You animal!" She exclaimed, a hand flying to cover her mouth. Her still naked breasts swayed deliciously from side to side as she ducked to avoid my embrace.

"Sameer, enough is enough! Do you want to kill me? I must go home now. My mom must be wondering what happened to me." She said. I agreed reluctantly.

Without a trace of coyness, she tucked her breasts back into the bra, reached behind to close the clasp, and then pulled the blouse in place. She put on her panties, loosened and re-dbangd the sari, ran a brush through her disheveled hair and tied it into a loose knot. All her movements were incredibly graceful and sexy. But more than that, it was the easy, trusting intimacy with which she allowed me to share those moments with her that I found most exciting.

"Do I look OK?" She asked.

"Perfect!" I responded.

"Liar! I have to peek into a mirror and make sure everything is OK." She said. I pulled her to me and we exchanged a long, lingering kiss. I allowed her a few minutes head start before I dressed and emerged from the shack; she had suddenly become coy about our being seen coming out of the shack together. She had already locked herself into the bathroom by the time I reached home. She was out in ten minutes, perfectly groomed once again. Only the slight inflammation of her eyelids betrayed the intensity of passion she had so recently experienced. She kick started the scooter and drove off in a swirl of dust.

That first fuck of my life was also one of the most memorable…

End of Ch. 01....
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This is really wonderful erotic story.
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They meet again.......

I have sometimes wondered, many years after the event, what made Swati & I do what we did. Or rather, what made her do what she did, since what I did was perhaps no different from what any other nineteen year old boy with raging hormones would have done, given the opportunity.

Swati was after all a recently married Indian woman in an age when female adultery, apart from being completely taboo was virtually unheard of in our society. Nor was she a slut or an easy lay. It had all started off as innocent flirtation and leg-pulling of a kind she had been doing with me for ages. I don't think she would have done that with any other male acquaintance. Perhaps she thought of me as a "safe" & nice guy to have some innocent fun with and hence became a bit more uninhibited than she intended. But it was a slippery slope that she had stepped onto and had soon reached a point where she couldn't stop herself. I suppose her husband's recent peccadilloes also had something to do with it; although knowing her as I do, she would never have thought of doing it as revenge. If one were so inclined, one could even detect the hand of fate propelling us inexorably forward on our preordained, intersecting trajectories. After all, our encounters had been accidental, not contrived by us.

In the end, I think more than anything else it was the sheer chemistry between us, simmering under the surface for many years that had suddenly burst forth under propitious circumstances. So spontaneously & naturally did it happen and so intense were the passions that we experienced together; neither of us felt any guilt. Instead, the lasting impression in our minds was one of wonder, awe even; as if we had been blessed with a divine gift. Although no words were exchanged, we both knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship. Neither of us knew where we were headed, but we looked forward to the future with anticipation…


A few days later, my mom told me that Kusumtai (Swati's mother) had invited us to dinner. My mother had begged off, since she had a lot of answer papers to grade. But she had promised to send me (talk about the hand of fate!). She had also told Kusumtai to cook something light & simple, since I was still recuperating from my illness.


Kirti, Swati's younger sister was in her last year of high school. She was an even better student than Swati. She was very diligent and hard working, attending coaching classes after school so that she could score well enough in the school leaving examination to gain admission to the best college in town. Kirit, the youngest and the only son was a bit roly-poly, jolly, dreamy, happy-go-lucky boy. Although he eventually proved himself to be the brightest of the lot, he had given no inkling of his future brilliance up until then. At that time he was off on a camping trip with his boy-scout group.


"It is open!" I heard Swati shout when I reached her home & rang the bell.

It was around 7 PM. Dusk had just fallen. There was nobody at home except Swati. Her dad Laxmanrao was away (as usual) on one of his long & frequent business trips. Her mom Kusumtai was at her clinic; she was expected to return after 9 PM. Kirti was at her coaching class, expected back by 8:30 PM. Kirit was going to return only the next day. Swati was busy in the kitchen, perhaps trying her hand at cooking some additional dish to supplement the efforts of the cook, who had already left for the day after making dinner.

"Sit down & make yourself comfortable. I'll be out as soon as I have finished kneading this dough." Swati called out, peeping out of the kitchen.

"Alright." I said, taking in Swati's visage. She was dressed in an informal, workaday cotton sari. She also wore a cotton apron that covered her front. She didn't betray any awkwardness about our meeting at my farm a few days back. I did feel a bit shy, though. I also felt nervous & excited, just to hear her voice and be near her again. I tried to distract myself by reading a magazine lying on the center table in the living room.

"Sameer, will you please tie this apron again?" Swati called out.

She stood in the doorway between the kitchen & living room. She held her hands in front of her since they were messy with partly kneaded dough. The knot of the apron had worked loose behind her back. Her face glowed with the sweat of her exertions in the hot kitchen. She was trying to blow back a strand of hair that had fallen across her brow. There was a streak of flour on her cheek. Her bright, expressive eyes looked sexy; there was a peculiar "look" in them.

"Sure." I said.

"Is it OK? I hope it is not too tight." I asked as I stood behind her and securely re-tied the knot of the apron.

"No … I mean yes … I mean it is OK." She stuttered, rather uncharacteristically.

My nostrils flared as they picked up her feminine scent in the hot kitchen. I put my arms around her and hugged her from behind, feeling her soft body against mine.

"Sameer! What are you doing! Stop it!!" She whispered. She still had her hands extended forward, not wanting her clothes to become messy with dough.

I untied the apron, sneaked my hands under her arms and beneath her pallu and slowly caressed her breasts.

"No! Don't…" She gasped. I bent and kissed the side of her neck. An artery gently throbbed just under the soft skin. I licked it. Her skin tasted salty. My fingers undid the hooks of her front opening blouse, and then opened the clasp of the bra at her back. Reaching inside, I fondled and kneaded her bare breasts.

"Does it feel good?" I whispered in her ear.

"Unhh… nnn… nice…" She moaned.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, pinching her nipples.

"No… uh yes! … noo… nice…" She responded as I played with her nipples, occasionally pinching them harder, then again rolling them gently between my thumbs and fingers. She was breathing erratically by now. She turned her head sideways and offered her lips for a kiss. I captured them between mine and played my tongue on them, then lightly nipped her full lower lip.

I felt her knees going weak. Supporting her under her armpits, I half walked, half dragged her to the kitchen sink and washed the mess off her hands. I then guided her out the kitchen & through the closest door. It led us into her parents' bedroom. It was lit by the dim twilight filtering in through the windows. There was a large double bed right in the middle. I had a quick impression of a rather untidy room with clothes strewn all over the bed. As soon as I released her, Swati collapsed on the bed. Her pallu slid to one side and revealed her bare her breasts rising & falling rapidly. I reached inside her sari and felt my way up to her panties. My hand felt the moist heat of her aroused pussy as I reached for the waistband & pulled her panties down and free of her legs. I reached in again and probed her bare pussy with a finger. It was completely wet and slippery with her secretions.

"Uhh… uhh… uhh…" She moaned throatily. I pushed her sari up to uncover her legs and stroked her thighs. I stood up and quickly stripped off my trousers & shorts, freeing my hard cock. Her eyes once again latched on to my cock. I was about to kneel between her legs when she stopped me.

"Wait! Please get a towel." She said, glancing at the wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe and fished out a large turkish towel. She raised her hips and I impatiently spread it under her, not bothering to remove the clothes she was lying on.

"Sameer… do it quickly please… Kirti will be returning soon." Swati whispered urgently. I needed no urging. I quickly mounted her and with a little help from her, my cock found the entrance to her pussy. There had hardly been any time for foreplay, perhaps no more than five minutes. Yet, she was hot, wet and ready to welcome my cock. A couple of thrusts lodged it up to the hilt inside her. She wrapped her legs around my hips and I started banging away. There was no premature ejaculation this time.

"Hmpf… hmpf… unhh… aahhh…" She grunted and moaned, thrusting her hips back against mine. The tempo of our lovemaking slowly increased and then reached a crescendo as she climaxed and let off a long, low groan "Uuuhhh…". Seconds later, I climaxed too, nipping her plump shoulder & pumping my semen deep inside her pussy. I then flopped on top of her. The whole thing was over in perhaps no more than five minutes.

I caressed her face and kissed it all over, lingering on her closed eyes, licking the salty sweat on her brow, nibbling her lips, fondling her swollen breasts while she lay back and enjoyed the affection I showered on her…

"Sameer… Get off! What do you think you are doing?" She tried pushing me off of her as she felt my cock hardening inside her. But I refused to decouple and started twitching my hips again.

"Are you mad? Kirti will be here any moment!" She said, almost in panic.

"Help me to do it quickly then." I said. She had loosened the grip of her legs around me. Raising myself on my elbows, I pushed my hands under her and grabbed her shoulders to prevent her from slipping away from under me. I then unleashed a series of hard thrusts, withdrawing almost completely and then plunging in till the head of my cock knocked at her cervix. This time, I was intent on achieving my own climax and continued to pound her mercilessly until I climaxed once again. Tears streamed out of her eyes as she too experienced an intense orgasm. Only then did I look at my wrist watch. It was 8:20 PM. Kirti could indeed be returning any moment.

"Let's go!" I said. But Swati threw her arms and legs around me; not wanting to lose our precious moments together. I regretfully disengaged, quickly wiped her wet pussy with the towel and gave her a hand to get up. I cleaned myself up and got dressed, while Swati scooted off to her room with the soiled towel. Just five minutes after I had settled down on a sofa chair in the living room, turning the pages of a magazine, the bell rang. Kirti walked in as I opened the door.

"Sameer dada (elder brother)! How are you! My God, it's been so long since I last saw you. Where is Swati tai (elder sister)?" Kirti gushed enthusiastically. She was genuinely happy to see me.

"Oh, Swati was busy in the kitchen. I think she is getting dressed now." I said smoothly and proffered her a little gift that I had brought. Soon, we were chatting away thirteen to the dozen, bringing each other up to date with happenings in our lives. She had absolutely no idea of what had happened between Swati & I just a few minutes back.

Kirti had really grown since I had last seen her. She was tall with a slim, athletic build. She had a smooth, brown complexion, an oval face, high cheekbones, naturally fine arched brows, big eyes, shapely nose and Cupid's bow lips. In short, she was classically beautiful. Her build and facial features were not unlike Smita Patil's (a great actress of yesteryear) except that Kirti lacked her smoldering sensuality. In fact, Kirti radiated a serene, childlike innocence. Perhaps her natural feminine instincts towards the opposite sex had not yet been awakened. She had none of Swati's sauciness. What a contrast between two sisters!

Swati joined us after a while. She had showered, changed into a formal silk sari and put on make-up. I hadn't seen her so dressed up till then. She really looked fetching. Between them, the two sisters quickly finished whatever remained to be done in the kitchen & then joined me in the living room. Soon, Kusumtai too arrived from her clinic. We sat down to have a pleasant dinner. Swati was a little subdued and avoided talking to me directly except for monosyllabic responses when really needed.

It was getting late. Kusumtai excused herself, saying that she had had a long day. Swati, Kirti & I continued to chat for a while and then I looked meaningfully at my watch. Kirti too begged to be excused, saying that she had to be up early the next day. I got up and took leave of them.

"Wait a minute. I'll walk you to the gate." Swati said without looking at me, and then quickly went to her room. When she joined me again, she had something in her hand. We walked to the gate, my bicycle by my side.

"When are we meeting again?" She asked, looking directly into my eyes. Her hand clutched mine. I saw again the "look" in her eyes that I had seen a few times in the past few days & now understood its meaning. She was aroused & ready to be taken right then & there. I felt a stirring in my loins again.

"Uh… I don't know… Look Swati, we didn't plan any of this… Things just happened… But we both know you have a commitment. So let's just leave it at that. Maybe we'll meet again just as we met this time. Maybe we should write to each other…" I said, gently disengaging my hand. There was a long moment of silence.

"No… I don't think writing is a good idea. Someone will find out. But Sameer, here is something I want you to keep for me." She said, thrusting an envelope in my hands.

"You may see it if you like." She said when I looked at her questioningly. I opened the envelope, took out a piece of stiff white drawing paper and peered at it in the dim light of the lamp at the gate.

I was stunned. With a few deft pencil strokes, she had captured on paper the soul of my vibrant, throbbing, erect phallus (if indeed phalluses have souls). The proud angle at which it jutted, the crooked, turgid vein running along its length, the shiny wetness of the taut skin of the crown, the curly dark undergrowth from which it sprang forth, even its slight leftward bend, all had been recorded with an admirable economy of effort. She had not signed the sketch.

"Wow!" I said. My cock became painfully hard again. I could see why she wouldn't want to keep it; for fear that someone might find it.

"Don't worry. I'll keep it safe." I promised and started to put the sketch back in the envelope.

"Wait a sec." She stopped me. She bent and carefully pressed her lips on the paper. The pink 'O' of her lipstick was imprinted around the head of the phallus.

"Don't ever lose it." She whispered as I pocketed the envelope.

Strange as it might seem today, neither of us had heard of, let alone experienced fellatio at that time. Pure carnal instinct must have inspired her to leave the imprint of her lips around the representation of my cock.

Within the next few days, Swati & I left for New Delhi & Kharagpur, our respective destinations.

End of Ch. 02....
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Swati visits Mumbai........

While there can be no doubt that what had happened between Swati & I was nothing short of adultery & fornication, it did have a salutary impact on her marriage. Our little affair brought her morally down on the same level as her husband. Satish had awaited Swati's return with some trepidation and was rather pleasantly surprised by her sweet & pleasant demeanor. She had really forgiven him, he was happy to note. Both of them made a genuine effort to work on their marriage and succeeded in rekindling the fire between them. The next two years were the golden period of their marriage.

Swati set about systematically to imbibe the customs, traditions & rituals of her husband's family. She mastered the names and the intricate web of relationships between near & distant members of the family; friends, retainers and servants. She was soon able to recall all important birthdays and anniversaries. Above all else, she took pains to understand the likes & dislikes, quirks and habits of her immediate family, i.e. her parents in law, her husband's sisters and Dadima, Santosh Kumar's widowed mother and the grande dame of the family.

Satish was of no help at all in her efforts. However, she found an ally in Pratibha, her eldest sister-in-law, the one who had found out about her affair with Satish. Pratibha also lived in New Delhi, not very far from Swati's home. The two women got along well. Since Pratibha too had recently gone through the experience of adjusting to the ways of a strange new family, she went out of her way to help Swati. Dadima soon warmed to Swati. She liked Swati's sincerity and cheerful demeanor. Santosh Kumar was also impressed by Swati's quick mind and easy grasp of current political & economic affairs.

However, what really secured Swati's rank high in the pecking order of the family was the birth of her son, a little more than a year after her return to New Delhi. The entire family was overjoyed by the arrival of a male heir. Even Swati's mother-in-law thawed. A daughter was born just fifteen months later. Swati became busy as a full time housewife and mother of her two adorable and energetic kids.

Santosh Kumar had built a large, beautiful kothi (house) on one of the many plots of land he owned in New Delhi. Satish, Swati & the two kids moved into the new house in due course, while Santosh Kumar along with his wife & mother continued to live in his official quarters. In keeping with the family's style, there was a full retinue of servants at Swati's beck and call, including an ayah to look after the kids.

Swati's close friend Priyanka was getting married in Mumbai. Swati decided to attend the wedding. Besides the importance of the occasion, Swati also badly needed a few days' break. Her kids were to be left in the care of the ayah, under the supervision of Pratibha Bua (father's sister) whom both the kids adored.


I completed my course and graduated from IIT Kharagpur with an excellent score. Unlike many of my colleagues, I decided not to go to USA. I soon joined a large and prestigious multinational company as a management trainee. It was a coveted job with a "four figure" salary (those days, anything over a thousand rupees a month was considered to be a king's ransom). The company laid great stress on training and grooming its future managers. In that laid-back age, the training period stretched to three languid years. Apart from exposing the young trainees to the company's business, a lot of importance was given to the development of a personal rapport with the company's executives, as well as with people from customers' and suppliers' companies. Great emphasis was also placed on teaching proper etiquette, dressing & deportment to the future managers. As a part of my training, I was posted for a few months at a time at various establishments of the company that were scattered all over the country.


Although we never wrote letters, Swati & I had kept in regular touch by exchanging birthday greetings, Diwali & New Year cards and kept each other informed about our changing addresses. One day, while I was posted in our Mumbai office, I received a letter from Swati. She wrote about her plans to visit Mumbai, and wondered whether I might be able to meet her. She was scheduled to arrive on Saturday, just a couple of days ahead.

"You bet!" I muttered as my heart skipped a beat.


I reached the Santacruz airport a good one hour before the scheduled arrival of her flight on Saturday morning. Those days, there was only one terminal for domestic as well as international flights; there were just two or three daily Indian Airlines flights between New Delhi & Mumbai. Being a Saturday, there were very few people at the terminal. The flight landed only half an hour late, a record of sorts for Indian Airlines. In a few minutes I spotted Swati walking out through the gate into the arrival hall. Her eyes lit up as she saw me.

"Sameer! It's great to see you again after such a long time. I wasn't sure my letter would reach you in time. My God, you look wonderful!" She gushed, smiling delightedly.

"Thanks… You look great too. How are Satish & the kids?" I blushed at her compliment and formally enquired after her family.

"Oh, they are fine… Ah, here is my driver." She spotted a man carrying a placard with her name on it. Soon, her baggage came out and the driver loaded it onto a cart (those days, there was virtually no security; anybody could walk into the baggage delivery area). The driver led us to a white Ambassador car with tinted glasses, a ubiquitous symbol of power & privilege. It was parked just outside the terminal building in the no-parking area. The driver had instructions to drop "Swati madam" off at the MLA's Hostel in downtown Mumbai and thereafter be available at her service throughout her stay in Mumbai. The MLA's Hostel was in theory intended only for housing out of town members of the legislative assembly when it was in session. In practice, its facilities were enjoyed by powerful people with the right connections, who often had nothing to do with the legislative assembly. The accommodation and transportation arrangements had all been made by Laxmanrao for his darling daughter Swati.

"So, what are your plans for today? Are you working?" Swati enquired.

"No, we have a five day week so I am free on Saturdays & Sundays." I replied.

"Oh, good. Why don't you ride with me? Let's talk on the way." She suggested. I agreed immediately.

She told me about her friend Priyanka's marriage schedule & about her plans to do some shopping and if possible to meet a couple of business associates. I told her a little bit about my job. The conversation was however rather stilted. She sat far apart from me, her handbag & vanity case placed between us. She wore lightly tinted sunglasses and most of the time gazed out the window, trying to avoid looking at me. After a few half-hearted attempts at reviving the conversation, I too lapsed into silence, taking my time to properly look at her.

She was dressed in a fashionable, expensive looking salwar-kameez outfit with a generously proportioned neck opening. She had put on perhaps fifteen pounds since I had seen her last. Her figure was now distinctly plump. The dupatta carelessly wrapped around her neck did nothing to conceal her large, well shaped bosom that swelled out of the neck of the kameez. Her décolletage was invitingly soft, deep and creamy. Her breasts jiggled & danced deliciously as the car proceeded on its bumpy ride on Mumbai's pot-holed roads. Her hips too had broadened after having endured two pregnancies. Her waist looked curiously small, perhaps in contrast with her enlarged hips and bosom or maybe due to the perfect cut of her expensive kameez. Her complexion was smooth and clear and her face had not lost any of its youthful attractiveness. And yet, she was rather quiet and subdued, not at all like the effervescent, cheerful, mischievous Swati of yore. A few times, I caught her stealing a sideways glance at me and immediately spotted the familiar hungry "look" in her eyes. That was enough to create a stir in my loins. She too spotted me catching her "look" and responded by wrapping her dupatta securely around her shoulders and looking away.

"I will get off at Marine Drive & meet you at the MLA's Hostel in an hour. Do release the driver for the day." I scribbled on a piece of paper & passed it to her. I didn't want the driver to spot me going into the MLA's hostel. She tucked the paper into her bosom after reading it and gave me a quick nod, then again determinedly looked out the window.

I got her room number from a bored looking man at the reception desk of the MLA's Hostel and proceeded to her room. It was situated on the uppermost floor, in an area reserved for VIPs. The rooms here were all air-conditioned. The door opened almost as soon as I knocked on it. Swati closed the door after me and stood leaning on it.

"What took you so long?" She asked, and rushed to me without waiting for my answer.

"Oh, God! How I've missed you." She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tight, burying her face in my neck. Sobs wracked her body and I felt her hot tears on my shoulder. I held her tight against me and straightened up, lifting her feet off the ground. Her soft body molded itself against mine, from bosom to thighs. I crooned gently while stroking her back and cupping her generously enlarged buns.

There was a credenza placed along the wall at the foot of the bed. I seated her on it after sweeping off stuff lying on top. My heart beat fast as we tried to kiss. Both of us were so breathless and panting with excitement that we were just about able to brush our open lips against each other's. I quickly ran my wet tongue over her lips. My fingers fumbled with the dainty little buttons of her front-opening kameez. In my impatience, I ripped the kameez open down to her waist, sending buttons flying all over. As I pushed the kameez over her shoulders, the creamy expanse of her shoulders and her full breasts encased in a lacy bra were revealed for my eyes to feast on. Her deep pink aureoles were visible through the thin fabric of the bra. I got rid of the dupatta wound round her neck, then reached behind her, unclasped her bra and roughly pulled it off.

Her glorious breasts rose & fell as she panted. They had grown noticeably larger since I had last seen them. Although they sagged a bit after two pregnancies, they still looked very beautiful & sexy. The complexion was pale and velvety smooth; a network of fine blue veins was visible just under the translucent skin. The aureoles were puffy and the nipples were stiff and erect.

"Unnhhh… unhhh…" Swati moaned as I stroked her naked breasts.

"Aahh… sss… aiee… slowly… no, harder… nice…" She kept moaning and whispering as I fondled and kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples, sometimes gently and sometimes roughly.

"Aieee…!" She screamed as I bent and kissed her plump shoulder, and then couldn't resist biting hard on it. My lips traveled down and fastened around a stiff nipple, suckling it. When I came up for air, I saw a trickle of blood running down her shoulder where I had bitten her. I licked it up and kissed her, making her taste her own blood as I thrust my tongue into her mouth.

We gazed at each other, our faces just inches apart while her fingers unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders. Her fingers ran through my springy chest hair & over my rippling pectoral muscles, and then rubbed my nipple. As my nipple stiffened, she pinched it hard. I responded by squeezing her breasts until she cried out in pain. When I released her breasts, they had turned a deep pink and were visibly bigger with all the extra blood that had rushed into them. I shrugged out of my shirt and took off my vest.

I lifted the hem of her kameez and she wiggled her hips to help me free it from under her ass. She lifted up her arms and allowed me to pull it off of her body. I bent and buried my nose in her furry armpit, sniffing the ripe yet exciting odor. Both of us were now naked above the waist. I loosened the knot of the drawstring holding her salwar in place and slipped my hand inside the waistband of her panties. I felt the silken curls of her pubic hair brush my fingers.

"Mmmhh… uuhhh… unhhh…" She kept moaning as I stroked her crotch.

"Aieee…!" She screamed as I got hold of a single pubic hair and tugged it sharply. My fingers slowly traveled down and entered her hot wet slit, after pushing aside the outer lips.

"Uh.. uh.. uhhh…" Swati responded as a finger entered her hot love tunnel and my thumb found her stiff clitoris. She started jerking her hips as my finger stroked in and out of her cunt while the ball of my thumb strummed her clitoris. Her eyes shut tight and her head thrashed from side to side until she climaxed hard and slumped back against the wall. I waited for her to come out of her trance, my fingers still inside her pussy. When she finally opened her eyes the lids were heavy and inflamed. Her swollen breasts shone with sweat, in spite of the air conditioning. I stepped back and struggled out of my trousers and shorts. When I started to pull her salwar off, she stopped me.

"Sameer, please do me in bed." She begged. I picked her up easily and lay her down in bed. I quickly stripped off her salwar and panties. She lay naked before me, awaiting my pleasure, looking hungrily at my hard swollen cock. It was a glorious sight; this plump, hot, sexy, young bahu (daughter-in-law) of a great khandaan (dynasty) & mother of two kids panting like a bitch in heat, thighs spread apart, waiting shamelessly to be mounted by her young lover. My cock swelled even more at the sight. I went down on my hands and knees and straddled her, then moved slowly, slowly, dragging the tip of my cock over the rolling hills and valleys of her delectably soft body. I started at her thighs and moved up to her pubic thatch. She spread her thighs further apart, thinking that I sought her vaginal opening. But I kept moving upwards, caressing her belly button and the valley between her heavy breasts with my cock. My cock head slowly brushed her nipples; the hollow of her throat and the delicious cleft on her chin, leaving a thin, sticky trail of secretions on her skin. All this while, she squirmed sexily in response to the touch of my cock across her body; moaning softly and looking alternately at my cock and into my eyes, her eyes heavy lidded with arousal. My cock finally hovered just above her half open lips.

"I've never…" She responded to my unvoiced demand. I simply lowered my cock a little, just half an inch away from her mouth. She breathed in the male scent of my cock and opened her lips a little wider. Her pink tongue was visible.

"C'mon, you have wanted to do this for ages. Do it now!" I whispered hoarsely. After a little hesitation, her tongue crept out and flicked lightly across my cock head, tasting my salty pre cum. I encouraged her by brushing my cock head on her lips. She licked the crown of my cock again, a little more firmly.

"Aahhhh…" I exhaled pleasurably and my hips jerked involuntarily, pushing my cock into her mouth. Swati's hand sneaked up and lightly held my shaft as she started licking all over the crown of my cock, lapping up the slimy pre cum as it leaked out of the slit. She pulled back the foreskin and ran her tongue over the ridge of the crown. Her lips closed over the crown and her cheeks hollowed as she started to suck. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the intensely pleasurable feel of her hot mouth around my cock. I pulled out abruptly with a loud popping sound, as soon as I sensed the beginning of my climax. A thick string of slimy fluid, a mixture of my pre-cum and her saliva ran between her mouth and my cock head. I gripped the base of my cock hard and waited for a few seconds until the critical moment passed. Swati waited with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yess…" She whispered.

"Beg!" I demanded.

"What…?" She responded, a confused look in her eyes. I simply thrust my cock up in the air, looking at her.

"Ohh… Sameer, please. Please do it…" She whispered.

"Do what?" I teased.

"Please…oh… please fff… fuck me!" She panted and actually blushed while uttering the f word. I felt even more blood rushing into my already hard cock. I couldn't have waited even if I had tried. I knelt between her outspread legs and rested my bottom on my legs. I lifted her legs and placed them on my shoulders. I gripped her thighs and pulled her to me, her bottom sliding over my thighs, until her vagina just brushed the tip of my cock. Swati's fingers spread her outer lips apart and allowed me to position my cock between her inflamed red inner lips.

"Hmfff…" Swati grunted as I pulled her hard towards me and impaled her on my cock. Her eyes filmed over with lust as she felt my thick cock deliciously stretch open the walls of her cunt and get buried fully inside her. I slowly leaned forward, doubling her over until her thighs pressed against her heavy breasts and my face was inches away from hers.

I started thrusting slowly, reveling in the feel of her tight, hot, wet satiny smooth cunt walls slide over my cock. Even after two pregnancies, her pussy muscles were well toned and gripped my cock tightly. I gradually built up my tempo, stopping occasionally to re-position myself, or squeeze a breast or exchange a wet open mouthed kiss and then resuming even more energetically...

"Hmpf… hmpf… hmpf…" She grunted lustily as my cock plunged in and out of her tight cunt and my shaft rubbed her clitoris.

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"Harder… harder…" She intoned hoarsely, her eyes tightly shut as she concentrated her whole attention on the wonderful orgasmic sensations emanating from her pussy and suffusing her whole body. I started slamming hard into her, intent on taking my pleasure until I finally climaxed and dumped a huge load of my thick, sticky semen deep inside her cunt. We lay coupled together for long minutes, enjoying the intimacy of each other's sweet breath and the touch of skin against skin, until my cock finally shriveled and slipped out of her pussy. She giggled & squirmed as a thick mixture of semen & pussy juices oozed out and tickled her sensitive skin.

"Oh God! I really needed that!" She sighed, brushing her lips against mine.

We both soon fell into a short but refreshing post coital slumber, our arms and legs entwined. When I stirred awake it was just past one o'clock in the afternoon. My fingers crept between her open thighs and gently explored her slit as she slept peacefully.

"Nnnh…" Swati responded softly to the stimulus while still asleep and then suddenly woke up and closed her thighs together.

"My God! What time is it? I'll be late for the mehendi ceremony!" She exclaimed in a thick, sleepy voice.

"Don't worry, my pet. It's only one o'clock in the afternoon." I soothed her.

"Thank goodness!" She sounded relieved.

"When are you supposed to get there?" I enquired.

"The ceremony starts at six o'clock. But I could go an hour late, nobody will notice." She responded. She was fully awake now.

"Good! That gives us plenty of time!" I said, pulling her to me.

"Sameer! You are impossible. Look how sticky and icky I am! I badly need a shower and then I need to eat! I am starving!" She exclaimed, pushing me away.

The fact was that I too was ravenously hungry. After a brief consultation we decided not to waste precious time in going to a restaurant. I got dressed and went out to get some take-away food while Swati scooted into the bathroom. Being a bachelor, I knew all the good food joints in the area. I returned about three quarters of an hour later, with a generous parcel of kheema pao (spicy minced meat and bread rolls) from a well-known Irani restaurant, a big box of fresh, lip-smacking Bengali sweets and a few bottles of Coke to quench our thirst.

Swati looked fresh and cool as a cucumber in a thin silk dressing gown, having had a nice long shower. Her hair was still tied in a knot on top of her head, to avoid getting it wet. Her thick nipples poked through the fabric of the gown. She clearly wasn't wearing anything underneath. I on the other hand was hot and sweaty, having trudged through the moist afternoon heat of Mumbai. I took off my shirt and vest and wiped my sweat with the damp towel recently used by Swati. I could smell her feminine scent on the towel. My cock twitched in the confines of my trousers. I opened the food parcels and a couple of Coke bottles and spread them out on the small tea table. There was no crockery or cutlery in the room. Even the couple of glasses available looked suspiciously smudged. The MLA's Hostel was not exactly a luxury hotel.

"Come here, my pet." I called her, seating myself on an armless chair. She came and sat sideways on my lap, wrapping an arm around my shoulder to steady herself. We fed each other morsels of delicious, hot kheema pao interspersed with swigs of Coke. We licked and sucked each others' fingers. Every now and again, we kissed, dueled with our tongues and sometimes playfully pushed half chewed food into each others' mouths. Our hands and mouths became sticky and messy. Crumbs of food fell all over us and scattered on the floor.

All of a sudden, I belched loudly, venting gas from all the Coke I had been drinking. At this, both of us burst into loud guffaws. Her breasts jiggled & bounced deliciously as she went into paroxysms of uncontrollable laughter; I had to steady her with my arm, lest she fell off my lap. Then Swati too unburdened herself with the mother of all burps, sending both of us into another fit of hysterical laughter. When we finally stopped laughing we felt breathless, drained & light headed; our stomachs ached.

Suddenly the mood changed. I tugged open the knot of the sash at the waist of her gown and pulled it off her shoulders. She wore nothing underneath. She shrugged off the gown, changed her position and now sat facing me; her legs straddled mine and her arms wrapped around my neck. I placed my hands under her heavy breasts and hefted them, feeling their weight. I kneaded and fondled them gently yet firmly, feeling the mammary glands slither hither & thither under a deep layer of fat. My greasy fingers pinched and rolled her nipples until they became stiff and shiny. All the while, Swati kept looking deep into my eyes, keeping steady and not reacting at all, except for the little, almost inaudible moans that involuntarily escaped her lips.

"Oh God, Sameer! You know how to push exactly the right buttons!" She whispered hoarsely. An unmistakable scent of arousal wafted up from her open pussy. I felt her warm juices trickle down on my trousers. My hand crept to her crotch, but she stopped me.

"No, wait. I want to pleasure you. Just sit still." She said. She pecked my lips & then ran her tongue over my chin. Although I had shaved in the morning, we both could feel the rasping of her soft tongue over the short stubble.

"Ouch!" I yelled as she nipped my chin, drawing blood.

"Touché!" She whispered naughtily, then licked it up and kissed my lips, making me taste my own blood. Her lips then traveled down the side of my neck and on to my shoulders, leaving a trail of soft little kisses and licks of her hot, moist tongue. She traveled down and buried her nose in the curly, springy mat of hair on my chest.

"Ahh…! You smell so wonderful!" She whispered. Her lips traveled to my nipple and fastened around it. She sucked and licked it just as I had done to her nipple.

"Ohh…! You don't know how good this feels." She said, rubbing her nipples against my chest hair. All this was incredibly hot and arousing. She could not reach any lower while still seated on my lap, so she got up and crouched between my knees, her mouth continuing its slow downward journey, lingering for a while at my belly button and finally reaching the waistband of my trousers.

She knelt at my feet, untied my shoelaces and removed my shoes and socks. Her soft hands massaged my feet for a while. She then reached up, unbuckled my belt and opened my trousers. I raised my hips off the chair to allow her to pull my trousers down and off my legs. I now only had my shorts on, tented by my massive erection. Swati leaned forward so that her face was inches away from my crotch. She breathed in the sweaty, masculine smell of my crotch, tinged with her own scent, since I had not washed myself after our last coupling. She then started kissing my crotch over my shorts, at first lightly and then deeply with an open mouth, almost sucking my cock through the thick knitted fabric of the shorts.

I looked on through half closed eyes, my hands behind my head, as a naked, wantonly aroused Swati slowly worked herself into frenzy, enjoying every moment of the pleasure that she was so generously giving me. Finally, she hooked her fingers in the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down; I raised my hips off the chair to let her remove them. She stared mesmerized at her prize, my lusty, hard, thick, dark cock jutting proudly upward, its crown pink and slick with slippery secretions oozing out of the slit.

Her breath felt cool against the wet crown of my cock since it speeded up the evaporation of moisture. Then I felt her hot little tongue lap greedily at it. She repeated the process many times, first breathing on it, and then licking. All of this was so unbelievably sensuous; I could bear it no more. I grabbed the knot of her hair and pulled her head back.

"Oh God, Swati! I am going to fuck your mouth!" I whispered.

"Yess…!" She hissed. She took in as much of my cock as she could, her lips closing in an 'O' around my shaft. I started jerking my hips, my cock plunging in and out of her mouth while she sucked, trying to match the rhythm of my thrusts. Neither of us had experienced this before and our technique was far from perfect. She gagged several times as my cock head pushed in a bit too deep. I winced a few times as her teeth inadvertently scbangd against my sensitive skin. However, the sheer passion that we had aroused in each other was so great that it transcended the limitations of our imperfect technique and I exploded into one of the most intense orgasms of my life. Amazingly, she too experienced a violent orgasm as she felt my hot semen spew into her mouth. She buried her face in my crotch, swallowing some of my semen while the rest trickled out of the corner of her mouth and dripped on my pubic hair. We both remained where we were for several minutes, slowly returning to earth after having scaled incredible peaks of passion.

I raised her and led her to the bed. I could see copious amounts of her pussy juices that had trickled down the inside of her thighs…

End of Ch.3....
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Swati & Sameer have a tryst at a wedding.........

I lay Swati down in bed and wiped her mouth, thighs and pussy with a damp towel. A shiver ran through her frame, so I covered her naked body with a sheet and lay down on my side next to her, my head propped up on one hand.

"My God, Swati! That was the most incredible thing that ever happened to me. Where did you learn to do that?" I asked, running my fingers through her tresses that had worked loose and spilled around her face in a dark halo.

"I am so glad I was able to please you. I didn't know what I was going to do until I did it. I think you inspired me." She responded with a shy, rather wan smile.

She looked like a happy but tired schoolgirl, ready to go to sleep after a vigorous evening romp. Her face was devoid of makeup, unlined, serene and innocent. Tenderness welled up in my heart and I kept stroking her face gently with my fingers while my lips pecked her forehead and closed eyelids until she slipped into a light sleep. I drew back a little and lay looking at her admiringly in the soft light filtering in through the curtains. She woke up with a start perhaps fifteen minutes later; she groped until she found me and then hugged me hard.

"Ohh Sameer, please hold me tight!" She whispered. Her voice was almost panicky. I felt rapid heart beat hammer through her ribcage as I drew her into my embrace.

"Shhh... shhh..." I soothed her until she quieted down.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. I suddenly felt you had gone & I was left all alone in the world, in this strange room!" She responded, sounding scared.

"Shhh... I'm still here." I murmured.

"Promise you'll never leave me." She begged.

"My darling Swati, I'll always be there for you." I promised sincerely. She heaved a sigh of relief and snuggled closer; her tense body slowly relaxed against mine as I continued to stroke her soothingly.

Gradually, I became conscious of the warmth of her body that lay in my loose embrace, covered only by a thin sheet. Without conscious effort, my caresses slowly became more erotic. I sensed a change in the rhythm of her breathing. When her eyes opened, they were certainly not those of an innocent schoolgirl; they were heavy lidded and the fire of arousal smoldered in them. Her lips were half open and her pink tongue peeped out. I grabbed a handful of her thick, lustrous hair and turned her face towards me. As I lowered my face towards hers, her lips opened, waiting for my mouth to claim them. We exchanged a long, lingering French kiss; my tongue exploring the warm recesses of her sweet mouth. We were both breathless when we reluctantly ended the kiss. Her hand crept between our bodies, seeking my crotch. I caught her wrist and stopped her.

"Wait. Hold still!" I commanded. She lay unmoving, wondering what was coming next.

I peered closely at her face. I spotted a pock mark high on her cheek. It was barely visible; one would not have noticed it unless one was looking for it. I pecked at it, gave it a lick and then lightly nipped it. I spotted another one near the corner of her mouth and repeated the process. I languidly continued my exploration until I had covered all the pock marks on her face.

"Sameer, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Don't you like it?" I replied with a question.

"Yes I do, but I still want to know what it is." She responded. I then told her about my childhood fascination with the chicken-pox marks on her face.

"I have dreamt of kissing them ever since!" I concluded.

"Oh my darling! That's so romantic! You are such a wonderful man. Are you done now?" She asked contentedly.

"Not at all. I have just begun! Today I am going to see each and every mark on your body." I responded.

I slowly pulled down the sheet and uncovered her smooth creamy shoulders. I found a pock mark on her left shoulder and gave it my special treatment. I continued my slow exploration of her silken soft, fair, fragrant skin, uncovering it a few inches at a time. In addition to the few scattered pock marks that I discovered on her torso, I paid loving attention to her nipples; to the fine, almost transparent down growing on her breasts; to her navel and most of all to the stretch marks that adorned her belly, looking like clotted cream. Finally, her triangular pubic thatch was uncovered. I buried my nose in it and sniffed her sweet, exciting feminine odor.

By now, my cock had become fully erect and wet with slippery pre-cum. Swati too had become breathless with arousal. I pulled the sheet off completely and straddled Swati's naked body on my hands and knees in a '69' position. I nudged her thighs apart and started kissing her pubic thatch, slowly moving towards her slit. My cock hovered over her face while I spread her outer lips with my fingers and my tongue boldly licked her juicy, wet slit.

"Hnhh..." She grunted and her body jerked in response. Her fingers gripped my shaft and she tried to lick my cock head. But somehow, we could not manage to simultaneously manipulate each other's genitals with our mouths. I motioned to her to lie still and then started licking up and down her wet slit. I had never directly tasted her pussy till then, although I had quite liked its second hand odor on my fingers and on her mouth, transferred there by my cock. I found the real stuff to be much earthier, richer and more exciting. I also liked the salty taste and slippery consistency, rather like egg white. I uncovered her stiff, red nub and ran my tongue over it.

"Aieeeeee..." Her body jerked with a hair trigger response and her thighs closed around my head as she climaxed hard.

"Oh... oh... oh..." She continued to pant for some time. After allowing her to recover, I spread her thighs open again. My tongue circled her clitoris gently and my lips closed over it.

"Aaaahh..." She hit another climax as soon as I started to suck her clitoris. Her hands held my head pressed against her pussy while her hips jerked against my face as she worked through her second orgasm. When I felt that she had relaxed, I started flicking my tongue across her clitoris, licking up her salty secretions.

"Unhh... unhh... unhh..." She responded to the flicks of my tongue, jerking her hips so hard that I had to hold her thighs down to retain control over her thrashing body.

"Ooohhh... God..." She bucked violently as she climaxed hard again. It had taken her just a wee bit longer to climax a third time. When I tried to start again after a while, she grabbed my hair and pulled my head off of her pussy and clamped her thighs shut. She had had enough.

"Sameer, no more please. I'll die!" She whispered.

My mouth and cheeks were completely wet and smeared with her sticky, fragrant juices. I turned around and kissed her mouth, then allowed her to lick off all her secretions from my face. My cock had softened a bit, but was still erect. After a while I felt her fingers on my shaft.

"Let me do it now." She begged.

I again moved into a '69' position above her and lowered my cock into her mouth. Her lips closed around my shaft and her tongue licked the crown. I started shallowly fucking her mouth, but soon discovered that she couldn't take it in much beyond the crown.

"Just a minute. Let's try another position." I told her. I got up and positioned her so that her head hung over the edge while she lay on her back on the mattress. In this position, her throat was aligned with her lips. I then knelt on the floor and lined up my cock with her open mouth.

"Alright. Let's try this slowly. Take in as much as you can without gagging. OK?" I asked. She nodded.

She held my shaft with her fingers and guided my cock into her mouth as I twitched my hips and thrust in. We soon got the hang of the technique. She matched my thrusts with sucking and swallowing motions of her mouth and throat; her hand firmly gripped my shaft and controlled the depth of penetration. She was able to take much more of my cock in than earlier. Once I was sure that she was comfortable and could control the depth of my thrusts, I started fucking her mouth in right earnest; concentrating my attention on getting my own pleasure. Swati was soon letting my crown to go past her glottis without gagging or choking. As the endgame approached, I grabbed her swaying breasts and pounded her mouth until I finally went over the edge and had a hard, intense climax, spurting semen in her mouth.

The quantity of semen this time was much less than my earlier orgasms. My gonads hadn't had enough time to fully recharge my fluid reservoir. Swati swallowed all the semen I produced and then daintily licked her lips, looking like a cat licking up cream. I rose from the floor and flopped on bed, exhausted. But Swati was not yet finished. I felt her nudging my thighs apart and then felt her hot wet tongue lick my cock clean, starting from the base and finishing at the crown, even pulling back the foreskin and cleaning up the area under it. So exhausted was I that my cock had no strength to respond to this stimulation. She finally wiped my entire body clean with a damp towel, paying close attention to my crotch. She covered me with a sheet and disappeared into the bathroom. I drifted off to sleep. I woke up perhaps half an hour later to find Swati curled up next to me, looking at me with a half smile playing on her lips. She had showered again and brushed her hair. She wore a fresh nightie. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon. We still had two or three hours in hand. We were in no mood for any more hanky panky. We slipped into an easy, intimate conversation, sharing our secret thoughts and feelings. I was shocked and saddened by things Swati told me about her marriage...


Although her father had ensured that Swati was made an equal partner in her husband's business, she had been happy to let Satish manage it. Initially it ran well but unfortunately, the business had soon started facing difficulties. Those were the days of the "license-quota-permit" Raj. There was no competition worth the name and once the necessary permissions were in place, huge profits were almost guaranteed. Although running the business should have been easy enough, Satish had proved to be unequal to the task. One of the prime requirements of the business was discretion and an ability to keep important clients as well as powers that be in good humor. Unfortunately, Satish's false pride tended to raise its head at the most inopportune moments. He was also prone to blabber under the influence of alcohol. A combination of hubris and alcohol had led him to commit several highly embarrassing & damaging gaffes.

When it became apparent that he needed help, Swati had started providing discreet, behind the scenes support to her husband. She had proved herself to be a natural at it. Her astute handling of several delicate situations had made a deep impression on her father-in-law Santosh Kumar. Although Satish nominally remained the boss, effective control of the business had soon passed into Swati's hands. She had started doing double duty, managing the house & raising the kids as well as running the business.

The business had soon recovered; Satish had not. Swati's success juxtaposed against his own failures had been too much for his fragile male ego to handle. He had perversely started blaming Swati for all his troubles. Had they been living with Satish's parents, things might not have gotten out of hand. But unconstrained by the fear of inviting parental displeasure and intervention, heated arguments had started breaking out more and more often between the couple. Satish's problem with alcohol had become worse. He had started spending more & more time with "friends". Most of them in fact were hangers on and sycophants intent on having a good time at Satish's expense. With his looks, wealth and family name, he had never had a problem finding pretty girls willing to warm his bed. With his marriage to Swati stretched almost to breaking point, he had started womanizing in right earnest. That was his way of reaffirming his masculinity. Even worse, he had stopped making an effort at hiding his many affairs.

The marriage had been reduced to a sham and the couple now slept in separate rooms. Her two young kids and the business needed her. Divorce was not an option: in those days that would have left her without her kids, without a roof over her head and in all likelihood without an income. Her pride would never have let her return to her parents.

Swati knew she was trapped. She carried a heavy burden on her shoulders. She was facing the situation with fortitude and courage, determined never to accept defeat. Satish's elder sister Pratibha was the only one in the family with whom Swati could share her troubles.

"Without PratibhaDidi(elder sister), I would long ago have broken down." She concluded.

I voiced my sympathy and offered to do whatever I could to help her. But we both knew there was precious little that I could have done...

"Tell me about your sister-in-law. She seems to be a very nice person. Isn't it rather unusual for her to sympathize with you rather than side with her brother?" I asked.

"PratibhaDidiissokind hearted! Sometimes she understands things even without my telling her. It's almost as if she feels my pain in her own heart. I am really lucky to have her as my friend. And she is so beautiful!" Swati responded.

"Hasn't she tried to talk some sense into her brother?" I asked.

"She tried a few times but she just doesn't seem to be able to get through to Satish; nobody does." Swati said with a sad shake of her head.

"Anyways, enough of myrona dhona(whining). Let's talk about something else." She said.

I enquired after her sister. Kirti had always wanted to become a doctor like her mother. She had succeeded in scoring well enough to gain admission to the medical college and was in the final year of her course in medicine.

"Wow, that's fantastic. There is one more scholar in the family after you!" I said.

"Oh, I am no scholar and you know it." She replied modestly.

"Well, you certainly are very smart and very artistic too!" I said sincerely.

"Thank you!" She blushed prettily at my compliment and slapped my thigh playfully.

"By the way, your paper is safe with me." I said; referring to the sketch she had made of my penis. She stuck her tongue out at me as I laughed out loud.

"Anyways, tell me more about Kirti. With her looks she must be having plenty of boys chasing after her!" I commented.

"WithBaba's(Dad's) name & reputation boys in our city dare not flirt with her. But once she leaves our city for her post graduation, I don't know what might happen. Oh, she is such abholi bhali(innocent) babe in the woods. I sometimes worry that she will fall for some rogue one day and ruin her life." She responded, with sisterly concern on her face and a touch of exasperation in her voice.

"I'm sure you will be able to give her good advice when she needs it." I commented.

"Ha! Look at the mess I've made of my own life. I dare not give advice to anybody, least of all to Kirti." She said with an angry toss of her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Come on, Swati! Don't be so hard on yourself. These things could happen to anybody. And your life is not in a mess. You have two beautiful children who adore you, you have married into a greatkhandaan, you have all the comforts that money can buy, and your parents love you. Besides, you are doing a great job running the business. Even Satish, maybe he will change one day." I soothed her.

"Thanks for cheering me up! Most of all, I am lucky to have friends like Pratibha Didi & you." She responded, brightening up as she looked at the positive side of the situation.

"Swati my darling, I'll always be there for you." I said, tenderly running my fingers through her hair. She gave me an almost sisterly peck on my cheek.

"So, tell me about yourself. Have you found a nice girlfriend yet? What happened to that Bengali beauty in Kharagpur?" Swati asked.

"No... I haven't had any luck so far. I don't know what happened to that Bengali girl. I think she moved to Kolkata." I responded.

"No pretty girls in your office?" Swati persisted.

"Well, actually the receptionist cum telephone operator is quite pretty; very sexy in fact." I said.

"Wow! What's the problem then?" Swati asked, wide eyed.

"She is already married." I told her.

"God, Sameer! You seem to have a talent for falling for married girls!" Swati laughed out.

"Of course not! I haven't fallen for her and I didn't fall for you either. It's you who fell for me." I retorted.

"Oh yeah? Swear to God you didn't fall for me!" Swati challenged.

"Well, actually when I fell for you, you weren't married; so that doesn't count." I explained.

"Ah, so you admit you did fall for me! Anyway, I always knew." She said smugly.

"Hm! And what about you, when did you fall for me, may I ask?" I enquired.

"What makes you think I ever fell for you?" She asked, naughtily arching an eyebrow.

"No? Then why did you kiss me during the scooter riding lesson? And what about the time you seduced me, an innocent nineteen year old virgin boy on a visit to my farm, hey? Why, you almost bangd me!" I retorted.

"I didn't! In fact it is you who spanked me and forced me to submit to your lust." Said Swati.

"You did too! Swear to God you didn't fall for me." I whispered; my face was close to hers. The mood had changed again; the air once again crackled with sexual tension.

"Well... yes! Honestly, I think I fell for you the moment I set my eyes on you when you returned to our city & came to dinner at our place. I noticed how tall you had grown and how strong & manly you were. I used to try to imagine what it would be like to be crushed in your embrace... You know Sameer, I used to get wet, just daydreaming about you... about us together." She confessed in a barely audible voice.

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her open, softly yielding lips. Her body melted in my embrace. I could feel the heat of her moist pussy through the thin fabric of her nightie. My hands crept downwards, stroking her buns. Then, her hands pushed against my chest and she reluctantly disengaged from my embrace.

"Sameer! Do you know how sore I am down there? I don't think I can do it for another month! Besides, if I don't start dressing, I will be late for my friend'smehendiceremony." She said.

"Oh, OK. Actually I am feeling sore too. I think you might have nicked my cock with your teeth." I said.

"Don't use dirty language with me!" She said, blushing upon hearing the word 'cock' and slapping my rump playfully.

"Can I watch while you get dressed?" I begged her.

"Oh God, haven't you seen enough of me yet? Besides, you will get in my way and delay me further. I think you better go." She said firmly.

"Alright, if you say so." I responded, a bit crestfallen.

"Sameer, I have an idea. Why don't you come to themehendiceremony too? I'll introduce you to my friends as my cousin. After all, our mothers are almost like sisters, aren't they?" Swati said with a gleam in her eyes.

I was reluctant at first but then agreed after a bit of persuasion and a promise of being introduced to some pretty girls. We decided to get to the ceremony separately, since going together might have raised eyebrows, both at the MLA's Hostel as well as at themehendiceremony. Besides, I urgently needed a shower and a change of clothes...

End of Ch.04 ....
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Swati & Sameer attend a Mehendi ceremony........

I lay Swati down in bed and wiped her mouth, thighs and pussy with a damp towel. A shiver ran through her frame, so I covered her naked body with a sheet and lay down on my side next to her, my head propped up on one hand.

"My God, Swati! That was the most incredible thing that ever happened to me. Where did you learn to do that?" I asked, running my fingers through her tresses that had worked loose and spilled around her face in a dark halo.

"I am so glad I was able to please you. I didn't know what I was going to do until I did it. I think you inspired me." She responded with a shy, rather wan smile.

She looked like a happy but tired schoolgirl, ready to go to sleep after a vigorous evening romp. Her face was devoid of makeup, unlined, serene and innocent. Tenderness welled up in my heart and I kept stroking her face gently with my fingers while my lips pecked her forehead and closed eyelids until she slipped into a light sleep. I drew back a little and lay looking at her admiringly in the soft light filtering in through the curtains. She woke up with a start perhaps fifteen minutes later; she groped until she found me and then hugged me hard.

"Ohh Sameer, please hold me tight!" She whispered. Her voice was almost panicky. I felt rapid heart beat hammer through her ribcage as I drew her into my embrace.

"Shhh... shhh..." I soothed her until she quieted down.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. I suddenly felt you had gone & I was left all alone in the world, in this strange room!" She responded, sounding scared.

"Shhh... I'm still here." I murmured.

"Promise you'll never leave me." She begged.

"My darling Swati, I'll always be there for you." I promised sincerely. She heaved a sigh of relief and snuggled closer; her tense body slowly relaxed against mine as I continued to stroke her soothingly.

Gradually, I became conscious of the warmth of her body that lay in my loose embrace, covered only by a thin sheet. Without conscious effort, my caresses slowly became more erotic. I sensed a change in the rhythm of her breathing. When her eyes opened, they were certainly not those of an innocent schoolgirl; they were heavy lidded and the fire of arousal smoldered in them. Her lips were half open and her pink tongue peeped out. I grabbed a handful of her thick, lustrous hair and turned her face towards me. As I lowered my face towards hers, her lips opened, waiting for my mouth to claim them. We exchanged a long, lingering French kiss; my tongue exploring the warm recesses of her sweet mouth. We were both breathless when we reluctantly ended the kiss. Her hand crept between our bodies, seeking my crotch. I caught her wrist and stopped her.

"Wait. Hold still!" I commanded. She lay unmoving, wondering what was coming next.

I peered closely at her face. I spotted a pock mark high on her cheek. It was barely visible; one would not have noticed it unless one was looking for it. I pecked at it, gave it a lick and then lightly nipped it. I spotted another one near the corner of her mouth and repeated the process. I languidly continued my exploration until I had covered all the pock marks on her face.

"Sameer, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Don't you like it?" I replied with a question.

"Yes I do, but I still want to know what it is." She responded. I then told her about my childhood fascination with the chicken-pox marks on her face.

"I have dreamt of kissing them ever since!" I concluded.

"Oh my darling! That's so romantic! You are such a wonderful man. Are you done now?" She asked contentedly.

"Not at all. I have just begun! Today I am going to see each and every mark on your body." I responded.

I slowly pulled down the sheet and uncovered her smooth creamy shoulders. I found a pock mark on her left shoulder and gave it my special treatment. I continued my slow exploration of her silken soft, fair, fragrant skin, uncovering it a few inches at a time. In addition to the few scattered pock marks that I discovered on her torso, I paid loving attention to her nipples; to the fine, almost transparent down growing on her breasts; to her navel and most of all to the stretch marks that adorned her belly, looking like clotted cream. Finally, her triangular pubic thatch was uncovered. I buried my nose in it and sniffed her sweet, exciting feminine odor.

By now, my cock had become fully erect and wet with slippery pre-cum. Swati too had become breathless with arousal. I pulled the sheet off completely and straddled Swati's naked body on my hands and knees in a '69' position. I nudged her thighs apart and started kissing her pubic thatch, slowly moving towards her slit. My cock hovered over her face while I spread her outer lips with my fingers and my tongue boldly licked her juicy, wet slit.

"Hnhh..." She grunted and her body jerked in response. Her fingers gripped my shaft and she tried to lick my cock head. But somehow, we could not manage to simultaneously manipulate each other's genitals with our mouths. I motioned to her to lie still and then started licking up and down her wet slit. I had never directly tasted her pussy till then, although I had quite liked its second hand odor on my fingers and on her mouth, transferred there by my cock. I found the real stuff to be much earthier, richer and more exciting. I also liked the salty taste and slippery consistency, rather like egg white. I uncovered her stiff, red nub and ran my tongue over it.

"Aieeeeee..." Her body jerked with a hair trigger response and her thighs closed around my head as she climaxed hard.

"Oh... oh... oh..." She continued to pant for some time. After allowing her to recover, I spread her thighs open again. My tongue circled her clitoris gently and my lips closed over it.

"Aaaahh..." She hit another climax as soon as I started to suck her clitoris. Her hands held my head pressed against her pussy while her hips jerked against my face as she worked through her second orgasm. When I felt that she had relaxed, I started flicking my tongue across her clitoris, licking up her salty secretions.

"Unhh... unhh... unhh..." She responded to the flicks of my tongue, jerking her hips so hard that I had to hold her thighs down to retain control over her thrashing body.

"Ooohhh... God..." She bucked violently as she climaxed hard again. It had taken her just a wee bit longer to climax a third time. When I tried to start again after a while, she grabbed my hair and pulled my head off of her pussy and clamped her thighs shut. She had had enough.

"Sameer, no more please. I'll die!" She whispered.

My mouth and cheeks were completely wet and smeared with her sticky, fragrant juices. I turned around and kissed her mouth, then allowed her to lick off all her secretions from my face. My cock had softened a bit, but was still erect. After a while I felt her fingers on my shaft.

"Let me do it now." She begged.

I again moved into a '69' position above her and lowered my cock into her mouth. Her lips closed around my shaft and her tongue licked the crown. I started shallowly fucking her mouth, but soon discovered that she couldn't take it in much beyond the crown.

"Just a minute. Let's try another position." I told her. I got up and positioned her so that her head hung over the edge while she lay on her back on the mattress. In this position, her throat was aligned with her lips. I then knelt on the floor and lined up my cock with her open mouth.

"Alright. Let's try this slowly. Take in as much as you can without gagging. OK?" I asked. She nodded.

She held my shaft with her fingers and guided my cock into her mouth as I twitched my hips and thrust in. We soon got the hang of the technique. She matched my thrusts with sucking and swallowing motions of her mouth and throat; her hand firmly gripped my shaft and controlled the depth of penetration. She was able to take much more of my cock in than earlier. Once I was sure that she was comfortable and could control the depth of my thrusts, I started fucking her mouth in right earnest; concentrating my attention on getting my own pleasure. Swati was soon letting my crown to go past her glottis without gagging or choking. As the endgame approached, I grabbed her swaying breasts and pounded her mouth until I finally went over the edge and had a hard, intense climax, spurting semen in her mouth.

The quantity of semen this time was much less than my earlier orgasms. My gonads hadn't had enough time to fully recharge my fluid reservoir. Swati swallowed all the semen I produced and then daintily licked her lips, looking like a cat licking up cream. I rose from the floor and flopped on bed, exhausted. But Swati was not yet finished. I felt her nudging my thighs apart and then felt her hot wet tongue lick my cock clean, starting from the base and finishing at the crown, even pulling back the foreskin and cleaning up the area under it. So exhausted was I that my cock had no strength to respond to this stimulation. She finally wiped my entire body clean with a damp towel, paying close attention to my crotch. She covered me with a sheet and disappeared into the bathroom. I drifted off to sleep. I woke up perhaps half an hour later to find Swati curled up next to me, looking at me with a half smile playing on her lips. She had showered again and brushed her hair. She wore a fresh nightie. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon. We still had two or three hours in hand. We were in no mood for any more hanky panky. We slipped into an easy, intimate conversation, sharing our secret thoughts and feelings. I was shocked and saddened by things Swati told me about her marriage...


Although her father had ensured that Swati was made an equal partner in her husband's business, she had been happy to let Satish manage it. Initially it ran well but unfortunately, the business had soon started facing difficulties. Those were the days of the "license-quota-permit" Raj. There was no competition worth the name and once the necessary permissions were in place, huge profits were almost guaranteed. Although running the business should have been easy enough, Satish had proved to be unequal to the task. One of the prime requirements of the business was discretion and an ability to keep important clients as well as powers that be in good humor. Unfortunately, Satish's false pride tended to raise its head at the most inopportune moments. He was also prone to blabber under the influence of alcohol. A combination of hubris and alcohol had led him to commit several highly embarrassing & damaging gaffes.

When it became apparent that he needed help, Swati had started providing discreet, behind the scenes support to her husband. She had proved herself to be a natural at it. Her astute handling of several delicate situations had made a deep impression on her father-in-law Santosh Kumar. Although Satish nominally remained the boss, effective control of the business had soon passed into Swati's hands. She had started doing double duty, managing the house & raising the kids as well as running the business.

The business had soon recovered; Satish had not. Swati's success juxtaposed against his own failures had been too much for his fragile male ego to handle. He had perversely started blaming Swati for all his troubles. Had they been living with Satish's parents, things might not have gotten out of hand. But unconstrained by the fear of inviting parental displeasure and intervention, heated arguments had started breaking out more and more often between the couple. Satish's problem with alcohol had become worse. He had started spending more & more time with "friends". Most of them in fact were hangers on and sycophants intent on having a good time at Satish's expense. With his looks, wealth and family name, he had never had a problem finding pretty girls willing to warm his bed. With his marriage to Swati stretched almost to breaking point, he had started womanizing in right earnest. That was his way of reaffirming his masculinity. Even worse, he had stopped making an effort at hiding his many affairs.

The marriage had been reduced to a sham and the couple now slept in separate rooms. Her two young kids and the business needed her. Divorce was not an option: in those days that would have left her without her kids, without a roof over her head and in all likelihood without an income. Her pride would never have let her return to her parents.

Swati knew she was trapped. She carried a heavy burden on her shoulders. She was facing the situation with fortitude and courage, determined never to accept defeat. Satish's elder sister Pratibha was the only one in the family with whom Swati could share her troubles.

"Without PratibhaDidi(elder sister), I would long ago have broken down." She concluded.

I voiced my sympathy and offered to do whatever I could to help her. But we both knew there was precious little that I could have done...

"Tell me about your sister-in-law. She seems to be a very nice person. Isn't it rather unusual for her to sympathize with you rather than side with her brother?" I asked.

"PratibhaDidiissokind hearted! Sometimes she understands things even without my telling her. It's almost as if she feels my pain in her own heart. I am really lucky to have her as my friend. And she is so beautiful!" Swati responded.

"Hasn't she tried to talk some sense into her brother?" I asked.

"She tried a few times but she just doesn't seem to be able to get through to Satish; nobody does." Swati said with a sad shake of her head.

"Anyways, enough of myrona dhona(whining). Let's talk about something else." She said.

I enquired after her sister. Kirti had always wanted to become a doctor like her mother. She had succeeded in scoring well enough to gain admission to the medical college and was in the final year of her course in medicine.

"Wow, that's fantastic. There is one more scholar in the family after you!" I said.

"Oh, I am no scholar and you know it." She replied modestly.

"Well, you certainly are very smart and very artistic too!" I said sincerely.

"Thank you!" She blushed prettily at my compliment and slapped my thigh playfully.

"By the way, your paper is safe with me." I said; referring to the sketch she had made of my penis. She stuck her tongue out at me as I laughed out loud.

"Anyways, tell me more about Kirti. With her looks she must be having plenty of boys chasing after her!" I commented.

"WithBaba's(Dad's) name & reputation boys in our city dare not flirt with her. But once she leaves our city for her post graduation, I don't know what might happen. Oh, she is such abholi bhali(innocent) babe in the woods. I sometimes worry that she will fall for some rogue one day and ruin her life." She responded, with sisterly concern on her face and a touch of exasperation in her voice.

"I'm sure you will be able to give her good advice when she needs it." I commented.

"Ha! Look at the mess I've made of my own life. I dare not give advice to anybody, least of all to Kirti." She said with an angry toss of her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Come on, Swati! Don't be so hard on yourself. These things could happen to anybody. And your life is not in a mess. You have two beautiful children who adore you, you have married into a greatkhandaan, you have all the comforts that money can buy, and your parents love you. Besides, you are doing a great job running the business. Even Satish, maybe he will change one day." I soothed her.

"Thanks for cheering me up! Most of all, I am lucky to have friends like Pratibha Didi & you." She responded, brightening up as she looked at the positive side of the situation.

"Swati my darling, I'll always be there for you." I said, tenderly running my fingers through her hair. She gave me an almost sisterly peck on my cheek.

"So, tell me about yourself. Have you found a nice girlfriend yet? What happened to that Bengali beauty in Kharagpur?" Swati asked.

"No... I haven't had any luck so far. I don't know what happened to that Bengali girl. I think she moved to Kolkata." I responded.

"No pretty girls in your office?" Swati persisted.

"Well, actually the receptionist cum telephone operator is quite pretty; very sexy in fact." I said.

"Wow! What's the problem then?" Swati asked, wide eyed.

"She is already married." I told her.

"God, Sameer! You seem to have a talent for falling for married girls!" Swati laughed out.

"Of course not! I haven't fallen for her and I didn't fall for you either. It's you who fell for me." I retorted.

"Oh yeah? Swear to God you didn't fall for me!" Swati challenged.

"Well, actually when I fell for you, you weren't married; so that doesn't count." I explained.

"Ah, so you admit you did fall for me! Anyway, I always knew." She said smugly.

"Hm! And what about you, when did you fall for me, may I ask?" I enquired.

"What makes you think I ever fell for you?" She asked, naughtily arching an eyebrow.

"No? Then why did you kiss me during the scooter riding lesson? And what about the time you seduced me, an innocent nineteen year old virgin boy on a visit to my farm, hey? Why, you almost bangd me!" I retorted.

"I didn't! In fact it is you who spanked me and forced me to submit to your lust." Said Swati.

"You did too! Swear to God you didn't fall for me." I whispered; my face was close to hers. The mood had changed again; the air once again crackled with sexual tension.

"Well... yes! Honestly, I think I fell for you the moment I set my eyes on you when you returned to our city & came to dinner at our place. I noticed how tall you had grown and how strong & manly you were. I used to try to imagine what it would be like to be crushed in your embrace... You know Sameer, I used to get wet, just daydreaming about you... about us together." She confessed in a barely audible voice.

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her open, softly yielding lips. Her body melted in my embrace. I could feel the heat of her moist pussy through the thin fabric of her nightie. My hands crept downwards, stroking her buns. Then, her hands pushed against my chest and she reluctantly disengaged from my embrace.

"Sameer! Do you know how sore I am down there? I don't think I can do it for another month! Besides, if I don't start dressing, I will be late for my friend'smehendiceremony." She said.

"Oh, OK. Actually I am feeling sore too. I think you might have nicked my cock with your teeth." I said.

"Don't use dirty language with me!" She said, blushing upon hearing the word 'cock' and slapping my rump playfully.

"Can I watch while you get dressed?" I begged her.

"Oh God, haven't you seen enough of me yet? Besides, you will get in my way and delay me further. I think you better go." She said firmly.

"Alright, if you say so." I responded, a bit crestfallen.

"Sameer, I have an idea. Why don't you come to themehendiceremony too? I'll introduce you to my friends as my cousin. After all, our mothers are almost like sisters, aren't they?" Swati said with a gleam in her eyes.

I was reluctant at first but then agreed after a bit of persuasion and a promise of being introduced to some pretty girls. We decided to get to the ceremony separately, since going together might have raised eyebrows, both at the MLA's Hostel as well as at themehendiceremony. Besides, I urgently needed a shower and a change of clothes...

End of Ch.05 ....
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Swati & Sameer have a rendezvous at the coffee shop.........

I woke up late on Sunday morning. The medicinal cream had done some good to me too. The soreness and inflammation on my penis had disappeared. After having a late breakfast and spending a lazy morning lolling around and reading the newspaper, I got ready. I reached the coffee shop at around one o'clock in the afternoon. Swati was nowhere to be seen.

I chose a small square table for four in a shielded nook. The table was located in a corner formed by two walls. There was an angled sofa along the walls and two dining chairs along the two opposite sides of the table. A large tablecloth hung down at least a couple of feet from the table top. I seated myself on the sofa with my back against a wall. Although the table was located in an unobtrusive nook, I had a clear view across the restaurant from my seat. I explained to the maitré that I was expecting a lady friend and asked him to guide her to my table when she arrived. I was ravenously hungry again and ordered a ham & cheese omelet and toast. Swati appeared just when I had polished off the omelet and was about to order coffee.

"Hello! Boy, you look gorgeous!" I exclaimed, taking her in as she stood, waiting to be seated.

She was wearing a special wedding outfit; a heavy Benares brocade sari and a matching blouse. She wore beautiful, intricately crafted gold ornaments around her neck, in her ears, on her wrists almost up to the elbows and also around her upper arms. There was a tiny diamond stud in her nose. A tinkling sound accompanying her movements indicated that she also wore anklets with tiny bells. Her flowing sari almost swept the floor. The pallu of the sari was wrapped securely around her shoulders. Not an inch of skin was visible except for her face, neck and forearms; quite a contrast with the daringghagra-cholishe had worn the previous night. And yet, she looked as attractive and sexy as ever.

"Thank you!" She beamed at my compliment as she sat down next to me on the adjoining seat, on the sofa along the other wall. We sat quite close to each other; her knees brushed mine and we could look at each other without craning our necks.

"How did the wedding go?" I asked.

"Oh it was wonderful! Priyanka looked so happy & beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"Have you had lunch yet?" I enquired.

"Actually, the wedding feast is right now going on. But I am not hungry. I sneaked out to be with you here!" She said.

"Good! Let's order something for you then." I offered. We decided to order a fresh lime juice for her; she would perhaps eat something a bit later.

"So, what's your schedule?" I asked.

"There is going to be a reception in the evening. Later in the night, there will be thebidaai(farewell to the bride) and Priyanka will leave for hersasural(her in-laws' home). She & her husband will be flying out on their honeymoon tomorrow." Swati told me.

"That means you are going to be busy till late in the night." I said.

"That's the original plan." She said. Did that mean she was thinking of changing the plan? A faint hope arose in my heart.

"Swati, could you not excuse yourself from the evening revelries? Maybe you could say you are unwell or that something important has come up." I suggested hopefully.

"And why should I do that?" She enquired, arching a naughty brow.

"So that you could curl up with a nice book and go early to bed, like a good girl." I said sarcastically. She responded with peals of laughter.

"And when are you returning to Delhi?" I enquired.

"Actually I have to meet a big client tomorrow. After the meeting I am catching the early evening flight." She replied.

"Where is the meeting going to be?" I asked. She named an address not very far from the airport.

"That's great! Let's check you out of the crummy MLA's Hostel and move to a nice hotel in Juhu. That will be most convenient for you. Please say yes, Swati! I want to spend the night with you." I pleaded with her.

"Hmm... Let me think about it. What happens if the hotels in Juhu are all full? Will you take me to your room then?" She asked.

"Well, I am sure that won't happen. But just to be certain, I'll right away go to Juhu and book a room in a good hotel." I said.

In those days, telephones in Mumbai were notoriously unreliable and besides I wasn't even sure whether a hotel would accept a telephonic request for reservation from an unknown person. I was about to signal the waiter to bring our check when Swati stopped me.

"Relax, Sameer. I've already arranged everything." Swati said with a naughty smile.

"My God, you mean you already thought of all that?" I exclaimed.

"Great people think alike, you know!" She responded.

"And fools seldom differ!" I completed the proverb. Both of us burst into laughter.

"By the way, where is that driver of yours? I don't want him to see us together; otherwise your Dad will soon come to know." I said.

"Oh my God, I hadn't thought of that! I'll release him as soon as we've eaten." She said, biting her tongue.

Her face was flushed. I felt her hand creeping into mine & holding it tight. It was warm and moist. I responded by holding it between both my hands and squeezing it. I then opened her hand and ran my thumb in circles around her palm. I immediately sensed a change in her breathing and she quickly withdrew her hand.

"Sameer, how are you today? Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Oh yes! I'm feeling on top of the world. I slept very well!" I announced cheerfully.

"And what about you? Are you feeling better now?" I asked, referring obliquely to the itch she was suffering from yesterday.

"Oh... that... that is fine now." She said, coloring at the memory of our little run-in on the previous evening.

"Great! That cream did some good to me too!" I responded. Her blush deepened and she pinched my thigh.

"Did you get a good night's sleep too?" I enquired.

"No... actually I didn't sleep too well. In fact I kept tossing and turning all the time." She responded, looking at the tablecloth. I noticed dark circles under her eyes, camouflaged by the expertly done makeup.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me there are bedbugs in this hotel!" I joked.

"Of course not, silly! Can't you guess the reason?" She asked archly.

"Ah! I see!" I exclaimed as the penny dropped.

"I missed you..." She whispered, looking into my eyes and then quickly averting her gaze.

"I wanted to be in your arms..." She continued, staring at the tablecloth.

"Yes..." I prompted her, my cock stirring to life.

"Wanted your lips on mine..." She went on in a barely audible whisper.

"Go on!" I said hoarsely. I felt her hand on my thigh.

"I wanted your arms to crush me in your embrace... make me breathless..." She continued.

"And?" I encouraged her. I felt her hand creep up my thigh towards my crotch.

"My... my ni... nipples ached for your touch." She said, a blush spreading on her face, her eyes still staring at the tablecloth. I grabbed her hand, opened it and placed it on my crotch. Her palm must have felt the heat of my erect cock through my trousers.

"Look at me! Are your nipples aching now?" I asked hoarsely, pressing her hand against my crotch.

"Yes!" She responded, looking directly into my eyes.

"Is your cunt wet?" I asked in a low whisper.

"Unh... yes." She said, unable to suppress a small moan. She made no objection to my explicit language.

"Are you ready to take my cock right now?" I provoked her. She silently nodded her assent.

"Will you let me fuck you now, on this table, with all these people looking on?" I challenged her, looking around us. The coffee shop was quite crowded, though not full. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to us.

"Yes!" She whispered boldly. Her eyes glittered, her face was flushed and the eyelids were inflamed. Her hand continued to stroke my crotch.

"Are you sure? You won't back down?" I egged her on, trying to test how far she would go.

"I... I'm sure!" She answered. Both of were completely crazed with lust at that point.

"Let's do it then!" I moved as if to get up.

"I am ready!" She responded. Her hand braced itself on my thigh and she moved to get up too. It was clear that she meant what she said.

"Swati, Let's sit down!" I was forced to back down. She had won the test of nerves. Even so, I could actually see disappointment on her face.

"But I am going to do you later today, come hell or high water. That's a promise." I said.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Do you know what I want to do right now?" I asked.

"What?" She queried.

"I want to smell your cunt! And I want to smell your breasts too!" I said.

"What!" She exclaimed, astonished.

"Just wait here a minute." I told her.

I got up and went to the pastry counter. I explained to the girl at the counter that I needed a small paper bag to hold a little gift for my lady friend. I returned with a paper bag printed with the hotel monogram. The waiter had just arrived with our order of coffee and fresh lime juice.

"Swati, listen. Please go to the ladies room, take off your panties & bra and bring them back for me in this bag." I instructed her.

"Sameer, we shouldn't!" She demurred rather unconvincingly.

"Why not?" I demanded.

"Oh...I don't know. But please don't make me take off my bra. My nipples are so tender; they will get bruised by the brocade blouse." She said.

"Alright. In that case, stuff this handkerchief in your blouse and return it to me after a while." I told her, proffering my handkerchief.

She stuffed the handkerchief between her breasts after taking a quick look around. She securely wrapped her pallu around her shoulders and went to the ladies room. She returned perhaps ten minutes later. There was a half smile on her flushed face. Her eyes were heavy lidded and she was panting as if she had just climbed a couple of flights of stairs. She sat down heavily beside me, wiped her brow and took a sip of juice. She then placed the paper bag in my outstretched hand. I opened it, buried my nose in it and sniffed deeply. Her hot, rousing feminine scent overwhelmed my senses; more blood flooded into my cock and it felt painfully confined in my trousers. I reached down, unzipped my fly and freed my cock. It immediately sprang out, the tip almost touching the under side of the table.

"Stroke my cock!" I whispered an order.

She sat on my left, so her right hand could easily reach my cock. I felt her moist, warm hand close lightly around my shaft and start stroking it slowly up and down, sending intensely pleasurable feelings down my spine. The large tablecloth hid everything that was happening underneath. Only tell-tale movements of her arm & shoulder and the expressions on our faces could have betrayed us to an attentive observer. My hips involuntarily jerked up and I bit back a moan. The goldenkanganson her wrist clinked as he hand worked up and down my shaft.

"Take yourkangansoff!" I whispered. She paused to slip them off and put them in her handbag. Her hand was back on my shaft again, slowly stroking it up and down.

"Ah... That's good!" I whispered; my eyes glassy.

Her thumb ran across the crown of my cock, smearing my secretions all over it. Her grip tightened a bit as she continued to stroke up and down my shaft. Her touch was delicate yet sure & firm. She knew exactly how to pleasure a man's cock. I tried to maintain my composure by studiously looking out the window, while she pretended to concentrate her attention on the glass of juice. There was a barely discernible movement of her shoulder under the cover of her pallu as she continued to pleasure me with her hand. Her thumb running over my crown became wetter with additional secretions dribbling out of my pee slit. She looked surreptitiously around her, drew her hand out, licked up her thumb and then continued with pleasuring me. Once in a while, she stopped & disengaged completely, allowing both of us to cool off a bit and then resumed her ministrations again. This must have gone on for at least twenty minutes when I sensed the beginning of my orgasm.

"Stop! Just hold me tight at the base. Don't move!" I said; my face contorted in lust. She complied. For good measure, I clamped my fist over her hand, making sure that my oncoming orgasm was choked off. We were just lucky that at that moment there was nobody near us; otherwise we would surely have been exposed.

Although I successfully avoided climaxing, my cock remained defiantly hard and erect. Swati took a break to visit the ladies room. While she was gone, I slid into her place on the table. When she returned, I motioned to her to sit on my right. It was now my turn to pleasure her. She mouthed a silent "no" and sat down on the chair opposite me. She returned my handkerchief that had nestled between her breasts for quite some time now. I appreciatively sniffed the aroma before putting it in my pocket.

"Can I have my panties back now?" She asked shyly.

"No." I said rather petulantly, disappointed with her refusal to sit by my side.

"C'mon, don't behave like a little boy! I still have some goodies for you." She said. Her mood had changed. Her arousal seemed to have subsided and she had become playful.

"Would you like to order something for the lady to eat, sir?" The waiter appeared.

I heard a tinkling of her anklets and felt her foot touch my leg, even as the waiter hovered over us. I ignored it, thinking that it was accidental. Her foot started rubbing my leg and moved up slowly while she studied the menu. Her anklets continued to tinkle gently. She kept a studiously neutral expression on her face while she kept her foot in contact with my leg even as she discussed the various choices with the waiter. She in fact deliberately shook her leg several times to make her anklet tinkle as the waiter noted down her order.

"Swati, why are you doing this?" I asked after the waiter left.

"Why am I doing what?" She asked innocently.

"You know what." I queried.

"Don't you like it?" She said, lasciviously running her tongue over her lips. Her big toe was now stroking the inside of my thigh.

"I do, but there is a problem." I said. I explained that my erection refused to subside and that I couldn't stuff my cock back in my trousers until it became at least a little softer.

"Why don't you just let me relieve you? Your problem will be solved in a jiffy." She said reasonably.

"No no! Not here in this restaurant." I exclaimed. The idea was preposterous.

"Why? Just a while back you wanted to do me on the table!" She reminded me.

"I don't want to waste my juice like this. I'd rather pump it inside you!" I explained lamely.

"Yes! I remember your promise and I am going to hold you to it. But still, you didn't do me when I needed it so bad! Now you have to suffer for it." She said.

Her eyes glinted evilly and color appeared on her cheek. Her mood had shifted mercurially and she had again become aroused; but still she wanted to torment me some more. She withdrew her foot and straightened up. She looked around. The restaurant was almost empty now. Nobody was paying any attention to us. She rearranged her pallu so that it securely covered her neck, shoulders and torso.

"Look!" She said.

Her hands slowly drew the edges of her pallu apart to reveal the low neckline of her brocade blouse. Only I, sitting directly in front of her could see the tops of her breasts and her cleavage. Her pallu covered her modestly in all other directions.

"You like?" She whispered, looking at me.

"Yess!" I hissed.

She pushed her breasts up & together so that they were almost ready to burst out of her blouse. My cock throbbed painfully and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Holding her breasts up with one hand, she slowly undid the topmost hook of the blouse. Her fingers lazily caressed the creamy expanse of her skin and then undid the next hook. I spotted the waiter coming to our table with our order. She sensed his arrival from the mere movement of my eyes and covered herself up quickly.

As soon as the waiter had served our food and left, Swati was up to her tricks again. With great effort I refrained from touching my hard cock. I was at the tipping point; the slightest touch could have resulted in a massive ejaculation. By the time she finally undid the last but one hook of her blouse, the edges of the pallu had closed in again. Working under the cover of her pallu, she drew the two halves of her blouse as far apart as she could with the last hook still engaged and tucked them in so that they couldn't close.

"Look here!" She whispered.

In the background behind Swati was the expanse of the large restaurant, lit by the diffuse light of the late afternoon sun. A few guests sat scattered across the restaurant and a couple of waiters flitted about on their errands. Our corner table was in a shaded area, lit by a small spotlight shining overhead. Swati drew apart the edges of her pallu and revealed her twin treasures to my hypnotized gaze, lit by the overhead light. Her full, beautifully smooth and fair globes were almost fully exposed. They were framed by the heavy gold necklace from above, the edges of her brocade blouse from the sides and the lacy bra from below. The dark pink aureoles and nipples were visible through the translucent fabric of her bra.

"Oh God, Swati... I... I...!" I was rendered speechless.

Her fingers pulled a breast out of the cup and played with the nipple. Only after allowing me almost a full minute to feast my eyes on the display did she finally tuck in her breast again and her nimble fingers quickly refastened her blouse. It was one of the most erotic sights I've ever seen. I don't think any of the strip shows that I have seen anywhere in the world come even close to the sheer eroticism of the display that Swati, thebahu(daughter-in-law) of a noble, wealthykhandaan(family), mother of two kids and a successful businesswoman in her own right put on for me in an open restaurant, in broad daylight, knowing fully well that the danger of exposure was possibly just a footstep away.

"I don't think I can get up for another hour!" I whispered hoarsely.

"Let me help you!" She whispered back.

Her anklet tinkled as she leaned back and extended her foot up my leg until her toe brushed my hard cock. I couldn't help grabbing her ankle and pressing the sole of her foot on the underside of my cock. It was an extraordinary feeling as the tough, thick, smooth skin of the sole of her foot rubbed on the sensitive skin of my cock.

"Swati no! Don't move!" I warned her.

I was as determined as ever to not ejaculate there. She held her foot steady while I kept it pressed against my cock for a long moment. I willed myself to push it back so that it no longer touched my cock. I started to knead and massage her foot. Her lust filled eyes became almost slits as her eyelids swelled. She couldn't prevent a moan from escaping her lips as my hands wandered over her smooth calf.

"Will there be anything else, Sir?" The waiter materialized suddenly. Swati's food lay untouched on the table.

"No... I don't think so. Could you please pack this for us?" I responded, pointing to the food.

"Certainly, Sir." The waiter replied.

"Umm... On second thoughts, could you please get me another coffee?" I said.

"Most certainly, Sir!" The waiter said, then collected all the plates and disappeared. It was past five o'clock in the evening.

"I'll have to wait a long time after you've gone, before I can move from here. But you are going to pay for what you just did!" I promised Swati, indicating my crotch with a glance.

"Let's see who pays for what!" She responded breathlessly to my challenge.

It was agreed that she would return to the MLA's Hostel, pack and wait for me, while I would return to my room, pack a few essentials and pick her up. I am sure that her face would have betrayed her state of arousal to anybody who cared to look at her closely enough as she left to say her goodbyes.

Half an hour passed before I was able to tuck my cock in and leave the restaurant without drawing attention to myself...

End of Ch.06 ....
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Swati & Sameer take a taxi to Juhu.........

I hurried home from the hotel, showered, stuffed my toothbrush, shaving kit and a change of clothes in an overnight bag and caught a cab to the MLA's Hostel. It was around seven o'clock in the evening when I reached there. I carried Swati's panties in my pocket, the ones she had taken off and given to me in the coffee shop in the afternoon.

The person at the reception counter insisted upon calling Swati on the intercom before allowing me to proceed. She opened the door the moment I knocked; she was expecting me. She had already showered, changed into street clothes and had almost finished packing. She wore a snug fitting, white, three quarter sleeved and V necked top made from thick knitted cotton with buttons running down the front. It was tucked into a dark blue, thick cotton wrap-around skirt. The skirt was bias-cut and molded itself snugly around her hips; its hem reached below her knees. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail and I didn't see any makeup on her face. She wore simple flat heeled sandals.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, studiously trying to ignore the faint profile of a nipple poking out and the fluid movement of her breasts as she moved about. It was a clear giveaway that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath.

"No, I'm almost done." She replied.

Both of us were brisk and businesslike as we moved her bags out. Soon, we were down in the lobby. She had wrapped a large, thin dark colored shawl around her shoulders just before leaving the room. She waited in the lobby while I went to get a cab. There were many Premier Padmini taxis waiting outside. I chose one that looked new, was decently upholstered and had tinted glasses. I got our bags loaded in the boot while she slid into the rear seat and placed her vanity case & handbag in the middle of the seat. I got in after her and the taxi moved off. The driver was pleased to get a fare to faraway Juhu. Being a Sunday, there was no office traffic and the roads were comparatively less crowded. It appeared that the driver was also the owner of the taxi; he drove at a steady pace, not trying any heroics to get past slow moving vehicles ahead of us. That suited us just fine. I complimented him and asked him to keep driving slow and steady.

The Premier Padmini is much less wide than an Ambassador car; with Swati's vanity case & handbag between us, both of us were rather cramped in our respective corners. However, I made no move to rearrange her stuff. After our afternoon tryst at the coffee shop, I didn't trust myself in her close proximity. I glanced sideways & saw her fidgeting with a corner of her shawl. She seemed to be struggling with herself. A while later, her hand stole across and clasped mine; she seemed to have resolved whatever issue she was struggling with. I clasped back, looking at the driver. He was a middle aged, bespectacled Sikh man; his attention was focused on the traffic.

I quickly moved Swati's stuff to the end of the seat so that she could snuggle up to me and rolled up the tinted window glasses. In a couple of minutes, she had wrapped my hand around her shoulders, spread her shawl to cover both of us and rested her head on my chest. The wonderful smell of her freshly shampooed hair filled my nostrils. Soon, her fingers started playing with the buttons of my shirt. In a short while, she had opened a couple of buttons; her fingers had sneaked in and started running through my chest hair. I started getting hard again. I hugged her tighter. She snuggled even closer, grabbed my hand hanging down her shoulder and pressed it to her breast.

"Swati, don't! Let's wait till we reach the hotel!" I whispered; but my hand grasped her full breast of its own volition.

"Ahh… nice…" She shivered deliciously, completely ignoring my verbal admonition and responding to my fingers instead, as they rubbed her nipple. Her fingers reached my nipple and started rubbing it in response. I had by now surrendered to my lust. A couple of buttons of her top popped open as I thrust my hand inside and grabbed her naked flesh.

"Unhh… harder!" She whispered against my chest, her eyes shut tight as she concentrated her attention on the erotic sensations emanating from her breasts. I kept kneading her breasts one after another while she encouraged me with her moans and rubbed her body against mine. I caught the driver stealing a look at us through the rear view mirror.

"Swati, I think the driver is watching us!" I whispered.

Although the interior of the cab was dark and her shawl covered our bodies, what was going on underneath could have easily been guessed by even a casual observer. She looked at the driver, making no attempt to move apart. At that moment, the driver was looking ahead. As if willing him to look at us, she stared at him through the mirror and pressed my hand harder against her breast. I realized that Swati was actually getting a kick out of canoodling in the presence of the driver! Although her strip show in the coffee shop had been spontaneous and unplanned, it seemed to have awakened a latent exhibitionist streak in her. Apparently I had a real sex maniac on my hands.

I completely lost control over myself; I was after all just a young boy in my early twenties with no sexual experience beyond what I had gained with Swati. I released my grip around her shoulders and circled her waist with my arm. She moved forward a bit to make place for my arm at the back. My hand rested on her thigh. My fingers soon located the end of her wraparound skirt and crept inside.

"Hnhh…!" Swati's hand flew to her mouth to cut off a moan as soon as I started stroking the bare skin of her plump, taut thigh. She deliberately looked away, staring out the window. But her thighs spread apart, inviting me to stroke their junction. I felt the moist heat emanating from her pussy as my fingers slowly inched up and eventually reached her crotch, over her panties.

"Mff…!" She uttered a muffled moan in spite of trying to control herself.

A shiver passed through her body. I realized that it was almost impossible for her to control her moans. I dug into my pocket and drew out her panties. She allowed me to stuff them into her mouth and clamped her hand on her lips again. My fingers boldly crept under the elastic waistband of her panties and started playing with her pubic hair. Her moans were almost inaudible now, although I could feel their vibrations through her chest. However, her face was so crazed with lust that it had to be hidden from the driver at all costs.

"Lean forward, Swati!" I whispered after I had arranged Swati's vanity case on her lap. She folded her arms on the vanity case and buried her face in them.

"Memsaab ki tabiyat kharab hai kya?"

"Is madam unwell?" The driver asked.

"Nahi. Aise hi thoda chakkar sa aa gaya. Aap chalaiye."

"No. She's just a little giddy. You carry on driving." I responded.

"Achha (OK)." He replied with a knowing smile.

Swati lifted her head, looked at me through her eyelashes and ran her tongue on her lips. She had heard the conversation, but clearly didn't want me to stop what I'd started. However, the curled up position of her body made it almost impossible for me to reach her pussy from the front. So I rocked her forward and made her raise her ass slightly off the seat. I pulled her skirt out from under her ass and pulled her panties down from behind. I was now able to push my hand in from behind her so that when she rested her ass again, she sat on the palm of my hand.

Her head remained buried in her arms and her curled up position concealed her face from the driver. My finger felt its way around and familiarized itself with her anatomy from its rather awkward position. Soon, my finger was stroking her slit up & down at a slow, tantalizing pace. The motion of the taxi on the potholed roads also provided random, occasionally rough stimulation to her sensitive pubic area. My fingers and in fact the entire palm soon became completely wet with her lubricious juices as I continued to finger fuck her. My finger in turn rubbed her clit, her labia and thrust in & out of her cunt. I felt shudders course through her body as she hit climax after climax. Swati kept wiggling her hips and moving her thighs to make my finger touch all her sweet spots, getting the maximum pleasure out of the finger fucking. At one point her thighs spread so far apart that her vanity case slipped down and she doubled over, her ass almost lifting off the seat. This gave my hand more room to maneuver. I took full advantage, thrusting two and then three fingers in her cunt. Simultaneously, my wet thumb circled her anus and gently rubbed across it. A violent spasm gripped her body & she went rigid for a few moments as she experienced a very hard orgasm. I heard her exhale jaggedly after a few seconds and then her hand removed mine from under her ass. After lying doubled up for a few minutes, she slowly rose & sat upright again. I offered her my handkerchief. She removed the panties stuffed in her mouth, wiped her face and tried to rearrange her features into a semblance of normalcy.

"Thank you. I really needed that!" She exhaled with a sob. She looked completely drained.

"My pleasure!" I replied. I meant it. There were several minutes of comfortable, intimate silence between us.

"I never knew even fingers could be so magical!" She whispered. I clasped her hand in response. She caught the driver looking at her through the mirror. She stared at him until he looked away. She was completely unfazed by the knowledge that the driver had probably guessed what had happened between us.

"Sameer, I don't know what I'm going to do when I return home. I'll miss you so!" She said.

"I'll miss you too, my pet!" I responded.

"You know, after having such a wonderful time with you, I'll hunger for more… I don't know how I'll be able to relieve my tensions!" She blurted out, avoiding the use of the word "sex".

"That's simple. Why don't you just masturbate?" I asked.

"Oh! Is it that simple? Is that what you do?" She asked.

"Sure! I just imagine I am inside you when I do it! Of course, it's never as good as the real thing, but good enough!" I told her, making masturbatory movements with my fist.

"And since when have you been going this?" She enquired.

"I don't remember… Ever since I was in high school, I think." I responded.

"My God, I could never have imagined you had such dirty thoughts about me in your mind! You looked so bhola bhala (innocent) then." She exclaimed.

"Oh come off it! Didn't you tell me yesterday that you used to get wet thinking about me? Have you really never masturbated?" I asked.

"I never did it before marriage. For the first few years after marriage I didn't feel the need. Satish & I were good… in bed… you know, in spite of our fights and arguments. But, it's been really bad after the birth of my daughter. I've already told you about his… his affairs with all kinds of sluts and prostitutes. We haven't slept together for a long time." She said shyly. I pressed her hand comfortingly.

"Sameer, I want you to teach me… how to do it." She said.

"Absolutely!" I said.

"You know, a… a friend told me she uses an artificial… th… thing! I don't know if that's what I need too. But I'm not sure how I could get one. She got it from abroad, I think." Swati said.

"H'm! Well, let's see!" I responded.

All this talk of masturbation and dildos had made me hot, but also a bit awkward. Swati was actually running an import-export business, so it should not have been difficult for her to get herself a dildo from abroad. But obviously, she was too embarrassed or inhibited to do it. Then suddenly an idea struck me. We were just approaching Citylight cinema in Mahim. I stopped the taxi & got off to do a little shopping. From the vegetable market I bought some cucumbers and long, cigar shaped eggplants; the vegetables had the approximate shape and rounded, blunt end of an erect phallus. The surface of the eggplants was smooth & shiny while the cucumbers were slightly rough, knobbly & textured; in terms of rigidity & springiness, the eggplants were somewhat softer than a human phallus whereas the cucumbers were a bit harder. I chose the veggies in assorted sizes. From a chemist I also picked up a few packs of condoms, lubricating cream and a bottle of coconut oil. I was rather excited when I returned to the taxi.

"Just you wait till we reach the hotel, my pet! Tonight is going to the best night of your life. Even better than your wedding night!" I promised.

"God! I'm again turning mushy down there!" She whispered. This was after she had just had at least three hard climaxes! Her hand crept into my crotch. I pressed it hard against my erection and then moved it away with conscious effort.

"Don't! I don't want to cum in my pants." I said hoarsely.

"OK, my stud! Let's not waste your energy here. I want it all for myself." She whispered in my ear. She saw the driver looking at us through the mirror. Her tongue snaked out and slowly licked my earlobe. She was really getting a thrill out of teasing the poor man. I saw him squirm in his seat. I think he too was having a problem with his hard on…

End of Ch.07 ....
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Swati & Sameer spend a night together..........

We reached the hotel in Juhu at half past eight in the evening. Swati had requested her friend Priyanka's father to make the hotel arrangements. His secretary had made the reservation in Swati's name. The girl at the reception was polite & helpful but we sensed awkwardness in her manner.

"Is there a problem?" Swati asked.

"No problem, Ma'am. We have a room reserved for you. But... well... we were expecting only one guest." The girl stammered apologetically.

"Oh, I see. It seems that there has been a mix up. Are you telling me that you don't have a double room available?" Swati asked.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. The room we've reserved for you has two single beds instead of a double bed. But let me check if we have a double room vacant." The receptionist said, apologizing profusely.

"Oh, don't bother. We'll manage." I interjected smoothly. I was impatient to get into the room as soon as possible.

"Thank you very much, Sir!" The reception girl was relieved. She offered to send up someone to join the beds together. I thanked her and told her that we would call in case we needed help. The bellboy saluted smartly after depositing our bags in the room and collecting a tip. I locked the door after hanging the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob. At last we were alone. We had the full night to ourselves...


"Let me change into..." Swati started talking.

"No! Just take off your sandals, wash your feet and come back quick!" I cut her off brusquely. She knew better than to argue. She soon returned from the bathroom & found me sitting on a chair.

"Just unbutton your top slowly. I want to see your breasts." I commanded.

She stood about five feet away from me. She took her time unfastening the buttons one by one until she reached down to her navel. Her eyes glittered with a strange light.

"Ahh. Just pull it open please!" I ordered.

She slowly complied. Her full, plump, fair breasts topped with deep pink aureole and thick, stiff nipples were exposed before me. Her breathing was ragged and I could see an artery throbbing in the hollow of her throat.

"Are you wearing panties?" I asked.

"Yes." She whispered.

"Take them off now!" I instructed her.

She reached under her wraparound skirt, pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. Her heavy breasts swayed deliciously as she moved. She placed the panties in my outstretched hand and then waited for further instructions.

"Lift your skirt up and show me your cunt!" I ordered.

She had long since stopped objecting to my explicit language. She in fact seemed to be getting get a kick out of it. She grasped the hem of the skirt with both hands and slowly inched it up until her pubis was fully exposed. Unbidden, she spread her legs apart and thrust her hips forward to better expose her pussy.

"You know, you are a real sexy, horny bitch! Aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes!" She whispered.

"Are you wet?" I asked. She nodded. But the question was superfluous. I could see her secretions trickle down her inner thigh.

"You know my pet; you have been a very wicked girl. First, you exposed your breasts in an open restaurant. Then you made me finger fuck you in a taxi!" I said hoarsely. She nodded, a half smile playing on her lips.

"And you almost jerked me off in public!" I accused her. She nodded again.

"And you enjoyed it all, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yes." She whispered.

"For all that you need a punishment, you bitch! And you are going to get it!" I growled.

"OK!" She whispered again.

"But I'm in two minds. I have not come since yesterday and I need it real bad! What should I do first; punish you or fuck your mouth?" I asked.

"Whatever you want... I'm yours..." She whispered submissively, her eyes downcast. The tremor in her voice betrayed her excitement.

"Let's toss a coin, then. Heads, you get spanked, tails you suck my cock. OK?" I asked. She nodded her acceptance. I pulled out a coin from my pocket & tossed it.

"Tails it is! Come here my pet, first you are going to suck my cock." I said. She came & stood close by me.

"First take off my clothes." I instructed.

She undid the buttons and pulled off my shirt & vest. She knelt before me & removed my shoes & socks. She then unbuckled my belt, opened my trousers and pulled them off. Finally she hooked her fingers in the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down. My aching cock at last sprang free and stood erect, pointing upwards. I was fully naked now, while she still had her skirt & top on. Although the top was unbuttoned to the navel, its lapels had pulled almost closed, revealing only a narrow vee of her fair, creamy skin.

"Tie your hair in a knot!" I ordered. She complied. I grabbed the lapels of her top and dragged them off her shoulders, exposing her beautiful shoulders and plump breasts.

"Now pleasure my cock, my dear Swati! I want it real slow and sweet. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this!" I exclaimed.

I held her by the knot of her hair and pulled her mouth towards my throbbing, drooling cock. She closed her eyes and concentrated her full attention on pleasuring me. Her hand gripped my shaft and her lips closed around it. Her tongue alternately danced on my crown and licked the underside of my cock. I reached down with my free hand and kneaded her breasts.

"Mmh... mmh... mmh..." Tiny moans sounded as I started thrusting my cock into her mouth. She matched the sucking of her mouth and the swallowing movement her throat muscles with the rhythm of my thrusts, letting my crown go past her glottis when I thrust in. It had been almost twenty four hours since I had last ejaculated and I had come close to climaxing several times that day; in fact my cock had been either fully hard or semi erect almost throughout the day. So it was no wonder I couldn't last very long. In just a few minutes, Swati brought me to a massive orgasm. I pumped spurt after spurt of my thick, creamy semen into her mouth. She swallowed most of it; a little trickled down the corner of her lips. She gathered it up with a finger and licked it up. Her eyes betrayed how aroused she had become while sucking my cock.

In just one day, she had not only overcome all her inhibitions about fellatio; she had actually started to enjoy pleasuring me and developed a taste for my semen. I am not sure whether this was because of her eagerness to please me or because she was just naturally inclined to be a good cocksucker (remember how long ago she had imprinted her lips on the sketch she had drawn of my cock); probably a bit of both, I guess.

She sighed in relief, rested her head in my lap and relaxed with her eyes closed. My fingers played with the knot of her hair while I took pleasure at the sight of a half naked Swati resting against me, her breasts shiny with the sweat of her exertions. I waited a few minutes for her breathing to return to normal. Then, I tightened my grip on the knot of her hair and pulled her head up.

"OK, my pet, get ready for your punishment. Stand up!" I said, looking into her eyes. She scrambled to her feet and stood close to me. I could smell her pussy.

"Take off your skirt!" I whispered.

Her fingers searched for the knot on the belt of her skirt and fumblingly undid it. The skirt loosened but still remained in position around her hips for a while. Then slowly the weight of the skirt pulled it down and it lay pooled around her ankles. Her white top was unbuttoned to the navel and its lapels were half open, leaving a triangular area of her torso bare. The lower edge of the top just reached her pubic thatch. A few buttons below the navel still held fast.

I pulled the edges of the top apart and the remaining buttons popped open too. I pushed the upper part of her top halfway down her arms, then roughly pulled the lower corners together & tied them in a tight knot just below her breasts. The knitted cotton fabric of the top was thick & strong, yet soft and pliable. The top was now tightly tied around her torso; her upper arms were pulled against her body and the knot in the front supported her breasts from below so that they jutted out provocatively, beautifully framed by the top. The lower part of her body was completely naked. I held her by her shoulders and slowly turned her around so that she could see herself in the full length mirror on the wardrobe.

"Don't you look like a slut waiting for her punishment?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded.

"Come, get it then!" I exclaimed.

I led her to bed and made her lie face down. I knelt by the side of the bed. Her taut, full, fair buns lay exposed within easy reach. As soon as my hand touched her skin, she clenched her ass, expecting a blow. But I was in no hurry. I took pleasure of her ass, slowly caressing and fondling it. I grabbed handfuls of her ample buns, squeezing and pinching them to my heart's content. Swati gradually relaxed and started enjoying the massage. Little moans of pleasure escaped her lips. Her fists tightened, gathering the bed sheet in their grasp.

"Whap!" I suddenly landed an open handed slap on an ass cheek.

"AAHH..." She screamed in surprise and pain. Her ass jiggled and slowly started turning pink. A second later, I landed another hard slap on the other cheek.

"AIEEE..." She screamed again. She groped and found a pillow. She thrust her face in it to stifle her screams.

"Just raise a hand if you've had enough, OK?" I asked. She nodded, her head still buried in the pillow.

Over the next ten minutes or so, I must have delivered at least ten hard slaps on her ass, interspersed with gentle caresses and soothing noises. Her muffled screams heightened my arousal and egged me on. I am physically quite strong and the spanking must have stung her just as badly as it hurt my hand. The deep red color of her ass was proof of that. However, the real turn on for her was not so much the force of the blows as the randomness of the timing. When at last I stopped, she was sobbing. Never once did she raise a hand to signal me to stop. Her face was an indescribable mask of lust as I turned her over. Her profusely leaking pussy had left a large wet splotch on the sheet while she received her punishment.

The strong, aphrodisiacal odor of musk emanating from her pussy simply cried out for attention. I re-positioned her so that she lay on her back across the bed, her feet resting on the carpet. I nudged her thighs apart and knelt between them, feasting my eyes on her inflamed red cunt surrounded by her curly black pubic hair and framed by her plump, fair thighs. Sticky, slippery secretions continued to drool out of her pussy. My nostrils were suffused with the erotic, musky odor of her aroused cunt as I leaned forward and took a deep breath. My tongue eagerly lapped her slit and licked up her secretions dribbling out in a steady stream.

"Uff... Aahhh... Aahhh..." Swati responded, bucking her hips. She had to be held down by her thighs while I continued to probe her pussy with my tongue until I found the entrance of her cunt. I started tongue fucking her and allowed my senses to be overwhelmed by the feminine aroma and salty taste of her secretions. Swati held a pillow against her face to muffle her screams as she hit climax after climax; she had never experienced tongue fucking before. My cheeks had become completely wet with her juices by the time Swati pulled me off of her cunt and closed her thighs. I got up and lay down by her side, regaining my breath.

"Lick me off!" I invited her after I had rested for a while.

My stubble made rasping noises as her soft tongue licked my cheeks clean. She then gave me a long, lingering French kiss, her hot little tongue darting into my mouth. For long minutes we lay resting on our sides facing each other. Our fingers caressed each other's skins. I undid the knot of her top and freed it from her body. Angry red welts had formed on her delicate skin where the tight knot had dug in while she had lain face down. As I soothed the welts with my fingers, her aureole puckered up and her nipples tightened.

"Are you ready for the next course?" I whispered. She nodded.

The single beds were placed perhaps three feet apart. I got up and brought a large, thick bath towel from the bathroom. While she lay watching me through slitted, half closed eyes, I spread the towel on the carpet between the beds. I propped up several pillows against the sides of the beds, facing each other.

"Make me hard again, my pet!" I commanded her.

Although my cock had already become erect when first I spanked her and then tongue-fucked her, I wanted her to make it fully hard for the next act. I straddled her on my hands and knees and positioned my cock at her half open lips. She engulfed the crown of my cock with her mouth. Her tongue and lips went to work on the crown while her hand stroked my shaft and soon made me fully hard again.

I then sat down on the towel and reclined against the side of a bed, resting on a pillow. My legs were spread out and while my arms rested on the bed. My cock jutted straight upwards, bobbing a little with my heartbeat.

"Come here!" I beckoned her. She got up and stood before me, her feet straddling my thighs.

"Now, I want you to sit down in my lap and take my cock in!" I instructed her.

She braced her hands on my shoulders, widened her stance and bent her knees. Her cunt was splayed wide open and I could see her glistening inner lips as she lowered her pussy towards my cock. I steadied my cock with one hand while she moved her hips to position the entrance of her pussy on the crown of my cock. Soon, my cock head was lodged between her labia and a shiver ran up my spine as I felt her hot cunt.

"Ahh...! Now, take it in reeeal slow!" I whispered.

She started lowering herself slowly, feeling her way down. My cock had penetrated her cunt perhaps by just about an inch when suddenly she winced in pain and stopped.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's too tight..." She whispered, still grimacing.

"I think we need more lubrication." I said.

I made her smear my pre-cum all over my crown and shaft. She scooped up her own copious secretions and rubbed them also on my cock. For good measure, I dribbled my saliva on her fingers and made her spread it too. Soon, the entire length of my cock was slick and shiny like polished mahogany. Once again, she positioned herself and fitted her labia on my cock head. This time there was just a momentary pause as my cock met with a little resistance and then it went in smoothly as she slowly sank into my lap. Her calves were folded under her thighs and her knees straddled my hips. The feel of her hot, satin smooth cunt walls stretching open and sliding past my cock head was extraordinary. There were beads of sweat on Swati's brow and upper lip due to all her exertions. But there was also a happy smile of achievement on her lips.

"Oh, it feels so good!" Swati whispered, stirring her hips a bit. I felt her pussy muscles tighten around the base of my cock.

"Yes!" I replied.

"Let me do it again!" She said.

I nodded. Having already ejaculated once, I was in no hurry. We had the whole night ahead of us. She slowly rose until my cock came out completely with a sucking sound. Once again she lowered herself on my cock and with just a little effort, let it sink fully inside her.

Having mastered the technique of impaling herself on my cock, she now started raising and lowering her cunt over my cock, while her hands tightly gripped my shoulders and her nails dug into my skin. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the intensely pleasurable sensations she felt as she rode my hard cock and got her cunt reamed. Soon, she was panting with the effort and her entire body was bathed in sweat. Apart from the pleasure I was getting through my cock, I also was treated to a visual feast of her bouncing breasts shining with sweat as a wantonly sex crazed Swati repeatedly jerked up and down my cock. My sensitive nose was overwhelmed by the ripe, strong, rousing odors of her gushing cunt, sweaty armpits and hot breath. She kept going until at last, her legs faltered and she couldn't do it any more.

"Oh God, Sameer! I can't go on! I am so tired!" She said with an exhausted smile on her face as she sank into my lap.

It had been an intensely pleasurable experience. However, neither of us had climaxed although at times I had come close. My cock was still fully buried inside her, as hard as ever as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips.

"Don't worry, my pet, just relax and let me do it!" I told her. She nodded gratefully.

"Just get off for a moment." I told her.

She reluctantly pulled her cunt off of my cock with a sucking noise. I then made her recline on the pillows placed against the bed opposite me; her legs stretched apart and bent at the knees, her elbows placed on the bed behind her. I grasped her calves and placed them over my shoulders. I made her raise her hips, supporting her weight on my shoulders and on her elbows while I held my cock and maneuvered it to the entrance of her pussy. As soon as I felt her labia spreading out to welcome my cock head, I thrust in; my cock went in halfway. Swati then lowered herself and relaxed against the pillows, taking my cock fully inside her. She tightened her pussy muscles around the base of my cock, acknowledging the receipt of my full parcel.

It was a wonderfully convenient and comfortable position. We sat opposite each other on the towel spread on the carpet and reclined on pillows resting against the two beds. Our torsos formed two arms of a 'V', joined at the genitals. Her legs rested on my shoulders & her thighs touched my chest. My legs straddled her hips. My hard cock was securely buried inside her cunt. We both folded our hands behind our heads and stared benignly at each other; we could see each other fully. All the interesting parts of her anatomy, like her face, breasts, thighs and legs were within my easy reach. I started by massaging her calves and thighs, since they had borne the brunt of all the hard work she had been doing.

"Ahh... That feels so good!" Swati whispered; her cunt gratefully tightened around my cock.

I jerked my hips and stirred my cock inside her cunt. She too was able to rub her cunt against my cock by moving her hips. We started an unhurried copulation, rubbing our genitals against each others' while taking in the sight of our naked bodies joined at the crotch. On an impulse, I grasped her ankle and brought her foot in front of my face. It was small, dainty & well shaped with a deeply arched instep. Her toenails were neatly trimmed & coated with red nail polish. The sole was smooth & warm to the touch. Swati closed her eyes and enjoyed the pleasurable sensation as I kneaded her heel and the ball of her foot. She squirmed in pleasure and her cunt contracted around my cock when I planted little kisses on her sole and sucked her big toe.

Placing her leg back on my shoulder, I turned my attention to her open, furry armpits, running my fingers through the sweaty armpit hair. I brought my fingers to my nose and inhaled deeply. Swati had showered perhaps three hours back, just before we had started from the MLA's Hostel; that had washed away all her day's sweat & odor. After that, she had been almost continuously in a state of sexual arousal; that gave her armpits a wonderfully ripe, musky and pleasant odor.

Once again, we resumed fucking lazily, jerking our hips back & forth while looking dreamily into each other's eyes. After enjoying the languorous copulation for a while, I stopped.

I reached under her and kneaded her plump ass cheeks. My fingers then found the wet junction of our genitals. I brought up our mingled juices on my fingers and held them at her lips. She languidly licked them clean and then sucked on them, one by one. I brought up some more juice and licked off my fingers. We continued to enjoy our unhurried intercourse for a long, long time, until suddenly my mood changed and I stopped moving my hips.

I reached out and grabbed both her breasts and kneaded them roughly; then rolled her nipples and pinched them hard.

"Aieee...!" She screamed.

Her cunt once again tightened around my cock and her eyes filmed over. She was clearly getting excited by the rough play.

"Uhh..." She gasped as I slapped her breast playfully. In response, she stirred her hips and contracted her pussy muscles around my cock.

"Ahhh..." She grunted as I slapped her other breast. She twitched her hips again to rub her cunt against my cock. I kept randomly slapping her breasts and her thighs while she responded by thrusting her cunt against my cock and tightening the grip of her pussy muscles around it. The slaps were light and playful, just hard enough to sting but not hard enough to hurt. We continued this game for a long time, until both of us felt the gradual but inexorable onset of climax.

"Sameer, get on top of me and do me hard!" She demanded.

She was now thirsting for a regular fuck. One after the other, I folded my legs under me so that I squatted on my heels. Then I grasped her outstretched arms, pulled her off the pillows and swung her around so that both of us were now seated parallel to the beds, in the space between them. My cock was still buried to the hilt inside her. Her legs were on my shoulders, her ankles locked behind my neck. I gradually lowered Swati till she lay on her back. Since her legs were on my shoulders, her hips were raised off the carpet. I grabbed a couple of pillows and placed them under her ass. She doubled over like a jack knife as I leaned forward and rested my elbows on either side of her chest.

"Are you ready?" I asked her.

"Fuck me haaard!" She responded, impatiently twitching her hips.

Immediately I started thrusting mercilessly into her, my cock head knocking at her cervix. There were obscene slapping, slurping and farting noises as our bodies slammed into each other and my hard cock pumped air in and out of her wet cunt. My vigorous onslaught immediately sent her over the edge and she experienced a series of intense orgasms. I continued to ram her poor, abused cunt until I too went over the edge and felt jet after jet of my semen spurt into her hot pussy. I continued to twitch my hips even afterwards till my cock finally softened and could no longer remain inside her. I collapsed on top of her, my full weight resting on her soft body. Our mingled sweat ran down in rivulets while she gently ran her fingers over my back and through my thick hair, making low, soothing sounds. When I finally regained my strength and lifted myself off of her, her breasts peeled off my chest where our dried sweat had caused them to stick.....

End of Ch.08 ....
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