Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi went to bath and had nice bath got ready well and applied lipstick and took chotu and went to college.. The college were celebrating its sports event celebrations and the chief guest was yet to arrive..
Nursery college kids were playing... some song... and Swathi was helping back stage the teachers... as the guest has arrived... there was a buzz and everyone turned back.. Swathi could not see as all the staff gathered and she was busy in making chotu ready for his gameplay... The chief guest was made to seat along with the principal in a side stage..which was put to allow to perform the kids.. Swathi looked at the chief guest and it was none other than AMAN....Swathi was fully surprised.. aman was busy with principal and the staff.. she was looking in admiration..such a nice guy ...he is fair, he is jovial , he is damn rich ... and still he is enjoying small small things..she thought...

Now the time for chotu to start his play and Swathi bought him from behind the stage..and its then when Aman saw her..he recongized her and waved hi to her... Swathi waved him back and went to back stage... Aman excused as the play was going .. saying that washroom and he went to the back stage..

Swathi - Hi sir how are you !!!

Aman- (hugged her gently) im r u swathi..its so good to see you .. (he felt so good in her hug) (swathi wasnt ready for that..but she dint say anything)

Swathi - Thanks you sir...

Aman : i dint knew you work in the college (his suddenly dead desire of that day what he saw her last party ...had again became live seeing her so gorgeous)

Swathi - No sir , i dont work ... mahesh mom doesnt like it... i just was helping them..

Aman - Oh is it..what crap..but anyways it's so good to see u ..after that party.. ur looking more beautiful today

Swathi - (blushed so madly)..thanks sir..(if aman had complimented earlier she would have been offended..but after meeting rohit ..she has been taking these compliments positively)

Aman - we should be meeting frequently ..not just in parties..swathi
Swathi - Oh ..sir... you are a big man you must be busy (swathi said hesistantly ..thinking what is he saying)

Aman- Come on ..swathi are like my friend ... dont be so formal with me ..

Swathi was surprised with his words..he is calling her friend..while he keeps scolding her hubby.. Swathi smiled..

Swathi - Sir you are so kind..but im just the wife of your employee..

Aman- Ya swathi i know..but mahesh is my employee..not you right..(he started walkign with swathi ..and swathi obliged)

Swathi - Thanks sir.. it would be an honour to be ... your friend..

Aman- Comeon swathi we are just friends... nothing formal between us (Swathi felt his hands holding her shoudlers...she was surprised..shocked and wasnt not able to decide feeling his hands)

Swathi - Thanks sir.. i really feel ur so down to earth (she lightly moved away from him...aman kept himself still) (he felt his hands to be gripping her..but somehow she was able to successfully escape that as amans name was called as chief guest...he realised its not good ..and left her shoudleer ssoflyt[
Ok Swathi ill wait for your call.. give me u r no (he said giving his card to Swathi)..Swathi was he hugged her again giving card and asking his no... Swathi shyly gave out her no..she could smell his nice body perfume which he had applied..she was sure he must have got hers too... he pressed her gently and left to the dias...Swathi felt his blazer and his chest close to her..and as he left she heaved a sigh...thank god he left..

Swathi was feeling so unusual of herself..earlier she never even would have looked into amans eyes also..and would always ignore him in all the parties..what is happening to her...She missed her sons performance , being with aman..she scolded herself and as she went back to dias .... aman gave out prize to her son and he kissed his cheeks..he dint kiss any other contestant..while he did he looked at swathi..Swathi smiled..

Swathi waitied till chotu finished getting ready and as performance of 5th class students started.. Chief guest started to leave... and she also she was taking auto..she got a msg..and it was amans mobile. no..she was surprised..that why did he msg...

Aman- Hi gorgeous...aman here

Swathi - Hi sir... how are you.. we just met na sir

Aman- ya i know ..but ur so beautiful..dint compliment you enuf...

Swathi - Sir ... you are over praising... latha mam is much much beauty than me...

Aman- I know..but are special... .Swathi

Swathi - What's so special ..sir..(Swathi started feeling a lil proud that aman is wanting to talk to her so badly she looked for herself in mirror in the auto..her lipstick was so thick and inviting she thought)

Aman- well thats what i need to find out na... but..where.. u never meet...

Swathi - We met already three times in last 6 months sir...

Aman - but never one on one right...

Swathi - Sir hows that possible... im just a normal employees wife.... and mahesh doesnt like this stuff

Aman- Comeon you dont talk like mahesh old fashioned swathi... you are my friend.... and not employee..right.... but it woudl be really good to make you my employee..if you want i can talk to mahesh about that

Swathi - No no sir.. he wont like it..and he might not like it if im trying to get recommended by you... no no sir.. dont do that

Aman- Dont worry .. ill do only what you like ..swathi ..anything that u wont like..i wont do..its just that i want to keep

Swathi - sorry sir.. im just ahousewife ... and i have my own concerns... we can meet wheenver there is a party or somethinng..thanks foryour kind words sir..

Aman- oh swathi ... you are such a wonderful lady..anways keep in touch bye..

Swathi - Bye sir...

Swathi was feeling so shy ..about gettign so many compliement suddenly from these two guys..both are rich ..both are handsome..both are better than mahesh.... oh ..what is she thinking.... comeon.. i have to stop my dirty thoughs...she went back to being with her son..and realised..she is loosing herself for her desires..she should not... she was trying to make herself determined..She could see amans car going... she sighed a relief..thats a bentley.. car..only a few hold in the city.. she thought ...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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In the evening as mahesh had come , she informed that aman has been the guest... he was surprised that boss dint tell that to him.. of course he doesnt tell everything that is his personal... Mahesh had lot of mails communication with latha over the conference booking..and collected lot of details and brochures of the same..

Mahesh was fully tired and dint want to work... Swathi applied him nice balm and oil and asked if he wanted to get fresh with hot water.. mahesh had dinner and had a nice bath ..and slept... Swathi approached him and held her hands over his undie...but mahesh wasnt in a mood... she kissed him and tried to excite him..but he excused and slept to other side..she left him and turned ...

As her mobile was silent..she saw a light come up.. one msg had good night from aman..while rohit send her a kiss pic... She replied to rohit

Swathi - Hi sir, how ru

ROhit - im good mam... whats up... sleeping?

Swathi - Ya .. just got into bed.. mahesh is sleeping.he is so tired..

Rohit- Ya i know poor soul..working hard

Swathi - Hmm ya ur right...

Rohit- so how was ur day...

Swathi - Oh ya it was surprising.. met Aman today?

Rohit- Aman? how come?

Swathi - he came to the event ... he met me separately..he said he wanted me to be his friend

Rohit- What ? what ? did he say that?

Swathi - ya ya .he said that mahesh is his employee..not me.. he is my friend.. he said.. if i wanted he will give me emplloyment..

Rohit - ( dint reply for some time)

Swathi - What happened.. feeling jealous ???

Rohit - Ya i am ... (but his mind was thinking something else)

Swathi - Dont be rohit... so r u comign tomorrow

Rohit - Yes if i get my mangoes

Swathi - Pls rohit ..dont say that and make me feel bad...

Rohit- Bhabhi ... see i promised you enjoyment and happiness... and i want to give you everything... i really started feeling so good from the time we met again
Swathi - Me too rohit .. no doubt ur acts make me so happy ... but .. we shud understand we have our limitations

Rohit - bhabhi you can have them with Aman ... not your rohit...

Swathi - Hmm rohit.. looks like ur jealous of him... my sweetu is.. jealous also?

Rohit (felt so good as she referred him sweetu) ya cant miss my lovley bhabhi ... her everything belongs to me

Swathi - Shut up raavan.u got more than u have to. now stop

Rohit- Pls bhabhi .. dont stop both of us from this....u know how much i love

Swathi - No rohit.. pls... understand ur bhabhi

ROhit- Bhabhi .. i understood u ... thats why ..i m doing this...

Swathi remained silent..she wanted him to do that to her mangoes too ..

Swathi - Mahesh .. will be around tomorrow..its sunday ...

Rohit - Dont worry bhabhi .... im ther to take care na....

Swathi - chi .. raavan ur so bad.. u always make me... do what i dont like..

Rohit- Sorry bhabhi ... but i know u like it

Swathi- Hmmm very much ,,..

Rohit.. - Right now as im talking to u .. i feel like havingu bahbih ..

Swathi -i am already feeling on u me rohit... over me..

ROhit - Aaah bhabh i(swathi was loosing her control..) ..ah i want those mangoes bhabhi

Swathi - no .. no they are not urs.. ok sleep.. . bye...Swathi abruptly ended the she was leaking down .and she dint want to push her she might want somethign inside...

Next day being sunday, mahesh got up late... as he got call from Rohit... Rohit asked mahesh and swathi to come over to his house.. so that they can discuss about the new office and even swathi can provide some inputs.. Mahesh was fine with it..he said he willl come by 12 pm..

Mahesh asked swathi to get ready and take chotu also with them... Swathi was feeling that her blouse knots are going to be madly handled today... She went insdie and cleaned her armpits small hairs.... applied facial and applied to her body the liquid soap and was alrready ..for rohit for her mangoes
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Mahesh got ready and meanwhile the jaguar arrived..mahesh felt so happy as he dint want to drive the maruthi 800 anymore...that too on a sunday.. Mahesh and swathi along with chotu bid bye to aunty and said they might get late... and asked her to sleep if they dont come early... Mahesh and swathi were chatting and swathis mind was on the day hows it gonna turn...

As they entered the gated community..the last house was of Rohit.s..which was bigger than all the houses inside and Swathi was awestruck ..aas its like a dream home..she was mesmerized the way with almost a half acre of house.... and nice garden.... swimming pool..nice steps leading... Mahesh and swathi were almost dumbstruck..seeing Rohits house...

Rohit welcomed them and took them to the first floor ,w ehre the view was fantaastic.. ROhit bought the scotch ..and mahesh was liek wow..that the best brand..

Rohit said after we discuss on the plan... ROhit saw Swathi and then at her breasts and looked back..Swathi understood..she showed him her tongue...
all three sat down seriously ..rohit has almost made the plan... it was a big office he planned almost 8 floors.... he wanted the best guys to sit on the top floor... including Mahesh and himself.... Mahesh was delighted to hear that.... but aman wont leave me he said....

Rohit - I know..he will leave u ..if u .. r replaced by someone else...

Mahesh- But its tough rohit... as he doesnt like anyone soon

Rohit- The problem i see is you are getting tired mahesh .. with so many works on u .i want u to focus on just only one work ... i know im pushing u hard

Mahesh felt so happy that rohit had so good concern about him..

Rohit - Thats why i think you should quit job and join us.. you have big responsibilities waiting

Mahesh- how can we rohit..we have 2 months more still for our plans to be executed..we need lot of infor form Amans sources
Rohit - I have a plan but.. u should hear out it completely..after this... first lets take inputs from Swathi

Swathi told her that having transparent glasses will make sense..and which are fully covered by plants.she showed ap icture i whats app... all of them liked..
Lovely ..swathi .. Mahesh said..
Chotu came then ..and was asking and crying and doing all stuff distrubing them..Rohit said to Swathi .. you and chotu have somethign and u can sleep and mahesh will talk ... (rohit took the scotch )

Swathi ..felt relived that she is going to be spared... she and chotu had food ..which was lovely prepard...Swathi went up and feeling lil sad that her preparations are going waste... she made chotu to sleep slowly

Rohit- I want you to be free from tensions Mahesh.. i want you to come out may be in the next 15 days from aman

Mahesh- How .. rohit.. hows it possible... bcos we need to work on so much

ROhit - I nkow its tought..but i cud see u wearing out very fast..look at you .. if u go with this pace..i thinkill loose my best guy

Mahesh - had a peg - thanks rohit i really appreciate your concern but its a matter of only two months...

Rohit- What after 2 months? who will get that info for us?

Mahesh - May be ..we cant after that...

Rohit - May be we can if u agree to what i propose...

Mahesh - Did i say no to you anytime..

Rohit- See Mahesh ... aman has decided to give good accomodations to best staff he has ....and thats going to be nice accmodations.... liek a villa kind of thing ..near to the office...

Mahesh - How do you know that..

ROhit - Ofcourse they will be only till the employee is with the company...I know...if you agree.. we can have our person still after you leave...

Mahehs- How rohit?

Rohit- Make Swathi to work in your place...

Mahesh - What???? that possible...

Rohit - Im sure ur clever enough to do that.. you will have 3 good days at the anniversary in resorts..and Swathi is intelligent..she can impress with him her knowledge..and slwoly you can bring that topic to aman saying that your planning to get into your own business..and he says you cant leave abruptly ..and may be you can ask him to give Swathi a chance ...we will have our source of information flow...

Mahesh - Rohit .. but u know mom na... Swathi can handle this ... but .. mom...

Rohit- Come on mahesh (pouring his third peg.. being started working nicely and mahesh was feeling so high] ... you have to convicne her..that your 3 lacs salary and her one lac salary can make your problems vanish
Mahesh- how come mine is 3 lacs? its just one lac right?

Rohit- Mahesh... dont be will be my employee..senior mgmt guy .. your salary will be 3 lacs
Mahesh was so happy ... Let me think about this ..rohit... ill do somehting
this week you can enjoy lot of ur drinks..even in the resorts... so think about it..(mahesh had quick ones 2 more and had food]

ROhit- now lets sleep .. man... im sleepy .... you also go to swathis room now

Mahesh- Na... not good with so many pegs..ill lie down here..

ROhit - no no come to my room then... he took mahesh .and both had a chat on one more peg in the bed .. mahesh slept as he had...

Rohit had 3 pegs.. and was a bit high...but he was feeling nice.. he locked the door and went outisde and slwoly pushed the door of Swathis room

Swathi was sleeping ..and chotu was sleeping... he slwoly lift chotu and kept him in the small bed in the big bedroom..Swathi got up due to sounds.. she quickly sat on bed and understoo d everyhting..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Quote:Indian Prince
interesting Rohit going to use Swathi as a bait in Aman's office knowing that Aman will use her too

rohit progressing well. Mahesh not know what is cooking in evil mind of rohit

While I wait anxiously to hear whether Swathi gives in to the lure of success, power and constant sexual advances, it is nice to read about the corporate intrigue that is developing.

Despite her desires, she is constantly concerned about her loyalty to him at the height of her desires. She clearly recognizes Mahesh's hard work to clear their debts and his loyalty to his old but cheating friend. This is so endearing of her.

It would be great if Mahesh and Swathi have the last laugh!!!

Excellent seduction by Rohit and bringing in Aman angle is also upping the ante.
Marvelous writing.
Keep going harthick.
Waiting for the following updates.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi had wearing a legging pant and salwar ..she had covered her body as she was feeling so cold in the centralised AC room… she wrapped the bedsheet and was looking at Rohit….

Swathi - Where is Mahesh?

Rohit – He is sleeping in my room…

Swathi – So what you doing in my room….Mahesh will wake up anytime.. go na pls

Rohit - well after my dish.. Bhabhi …

Swathi – Shut up … Rohit.. pls leave na….

Rohit put his hands and pulled her bedsheet once… since she already knew he might do that she was gripping that she fell in the cosy bed springing on the springsbed… her body was completely on the bed .. with her boobs sticking to bed and she lifted her head and said..

Swathi- Hey raavan … you have to be gentle… she smiled..

As he did that her salwar completely displaced and her butts from the tight leggings..was looking round and awesome… she pushed her salwar and…

Rohit Oh my god bhabhi.. they are round too.. ( he grew so tight seeing that..and his bulge was quite visible, as Rohit was wearing track shorts…Swathi saw that and just bend her neck to check Chotu)

Swathi – Shutup raavan… she flipped and slept straight on bed ..( she could see that Rohit was clearly excited seeing she is … as she can feel her boobs going up and down … breathing heavily)

Rohit – Oh bhabhi …. You are a bed queen… you should always be in bed… oh my god… really it feels like… im with a lovely woman…fully ripe for me..

Swathi – Oh Rohit … you .. are such a bastard… you are talking to your best friends wife… you idiot (she was blushing..and was encouraging him with more lusty words)

Rohit- Yes .. he is my best friend and you are my girl friend..and we are dating… and mating..

Swathi – Shut up… im not gonna do the second one… look at your eyes you raavan.. ur eating me with your eyes.. raavan(she was teasing him]

Rohit got to the end of the bed and was watching her feet…he touched her feet which was cleanly nail painted..he touchéd her feet and she smiled… he gently pressed them and massaged..

Swathi – Oh Rohit how good it feels when you press them .. massage them more na… (her tiredness seem to be vanished at once.. feeling his hands for more than 5 mins)

Rohit – Ya bhabhi … you really need a real good massage….

Swathi – Yes Rohit you nice it feels to feel a man pressing a lady legs.. you are my slave (she laughed)

Rohit – Yes bhabhi I am … I am your slave… slave for your beautiful nature… for your beautiful attitude.. for your aromatic armpits..tasty lips… smoothy navel… blasting back.. and juicy mangoes….

Swathi – Shut up ..raavan..stop it there now …

Rohit kissed her toes softly …. Swathi rubbed her toes to Rohits face..they were clean and Rohit kissed them… Swathi immediately withdrew as she felt tingling sensation under her toes when Rohit kissed them..

Rohit held them back and slowly took her toes once again . and kissed her toe fingers.. Though she does lot of household chores her heels dint have any cracks …

Rohit liked that she takes lot of care of her body..that’s why he is behind her so much…he again kissed the heels and this time held tight ..swathi could not withdraw this time..and she madly laughed.. asking him not to do.. that laugh of her was making things more hot for Rohit.. her laugh was filled with fun , lust and want of her body being ..getting ready for love…

Rohit slowly kissed her ankle..and slowly rubbed his face to her toes and slowly licked the feet… Swathi was moaning..she is surprised that Rohit really had art of making love at weird places and surprisingly she is loving whatever he does..

Rohit slowly making himself comfortable started kissing her toes… then slowly kissed her legging… hmm Swathi was twising and rubbing her toes one on one..

Rohit was slowly coming up..he kissed her knees…. Swathi bent forward little and held his head to proceed she knows if he proceeds where will he go..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Rohit – Relax bhabhi …. Just enjoy the show..he put his lips on the thigh hmmmmmmmmmm..

Swathi – (she was breathing a lot) Rohit .. pls .. lets be in our limits… pls.. (her hands were becoming weak)

Rohit .. – Bhabhi …don’t worry ill not do anything that will bother you ..

Swathi relaxed her hands… Rohit slowly started kissing her thighs ..and he slwoly lifted her salwar till the navel…Swathi closed her eyes in pleasure and pain …Rohit lifted his head and watched her… her tight leggings were really tight ..her thighs were thunderous had made Rohit made..fueling to it was her triangle shaped.. panty.. and he could see clearly the triangle… the lovley triangle..he is going to reach soon.. .by making her his slave..he is gonna make that triangle ..of him..soon..but he knew he is gonna take time…

Swathi was shivering ..and her belly was giving jerks …that pain is killing her with pleasure..and Rohits hands on her thighs were driving her crazy..Both were madly hot for each other… one wanted to get her everything.. other wanted not to be enjoyed..but she is enjoying the most of it..

Rohit was kissing her thighs madly ..and what was making him mad was..he never thought her thighs were so fleshy curvy.. and legging has made that more beautiful.. that tight legging of hers had perfectly made a V in between her thighs…
That view was making his cock go mad..he slowly was reaching.. there and
Swathis fingers were stopping him..he reached the triangle

Swathi – Hey bastarrdddddddddd--- No… you are not going to kiss it…I am gonna kill you …

Rohit – Oh bhabhi ..its wonderful.. its so nice.. aaah what a view it has… he was starign at it..

Swathi – Pls Rohit.. pls don’t do this… pls I beg you … (Rohit could see a thin layer of tear on her ..which she thought its her precious treasure..)

Rohit – (he dint want to make her pain) ok bhabhi ..but let me just smell it …I promise you I wont touch my lips. Just will smell it…

Swathi pushed her head back to the pillow.. why you making me do this Rohit.. aaaaaaaaaaah as her pussy started leaking madly …bhabhi ..just relax pls…. he held her hips.. and slwoly making space for him.. and he could feel the panty line of Swathi over the leggings… Swathi was pushing her head into the pillow..she was not happy but with whats happening..but she wanted it to happen..

Swathi shivering.. pls don’t touch it Rohit… all that she could keep saying..Rohit dint want her queen to feel bad.. but he dint want to leave that either.. he slowly made his face go near the triangle..Swathi could feel the pressure building….

Rohti rubbed his fingers over the panty line… and Swathi held his fingers and almost pinching them .. to stop… Rohit softly kissed her fingers.. and he rubbed his finger thru her panty line from triangle to hips and back.. Swathi was leaking madly….

Swathi never imagined… Rohit to attack her this way .. her thighs were so tight and close… it was almost impossible for her to leave them… Rohit reached her triangle… and his face and his breath was falling on her..she could feel the heat of his breath even over above her dress..

Rohit .. was talking over the triangle..oh bhabhi looks so cute from this view… I promise I wont kiss it right now…. Pls separate your thighs..(Rohits smell of whisky and her smell making the room so hot for them .. she slowly spread as she trusted him..that he wont kiss there…

He slowly bought his face in the middle of her thighs and lifted her legs slowly..swathi lifted her face and looked at him.. what is he doing.. she saw his face smelling the panty and the view of that was so good..wish she had allowed him to kiss it… oh that thought is making her leak more… he started smelling there.. and she could feel the hot breath over her panty lining

The smell there was driving crazy … to Rohit.. it was smelling like something exotic perfume and not the foul smell which usually comes out … it was driving him crazy.. Rohit was sticking to his words..and he dint touch his lips..h e just kissed her thighs.. his hands were under her butts now. Her round butts were very much in his hands .. he smelled her.. he knew if he continued he will remove everything..slowly Rohit proceeded upwards…

He slowly kissed her navel and licked it completely…Swathi was shivering madly as he started kissing her navel... she held his head madly and presssing... she has leaked madly.. rohit allowed her to ease out...and she had an orgasm....she was shivering madly... and her juices leaked and wet the panty and the legging... Rohit kissing her navel slwoly moved down ... and he could see her legging wet..Swati was dying with shame...

He again went back to her triangle and saw her legging wet... he put his nose there and smelled it... aaaaaah ... Swathi could not control.. and sticked her legging to Rohits face and made him smell more.. she lifted her bums and pushed her legging triangle to his face and her triangle touched to his face.. ROhit started smelling it more and more...

Swathi who said not to touch her there.. pushing herself to make him touch ..she could feel his face and smelling her leaked juice... aaaah what a feeling it was for hers... she leaked more and pressed her triangle to his face and she could feel his nose on it..

Rohit was loosing his control as she pushed her paradise to him.. he smelled her by pushing his nose ..and slwoly decided to get it swathi herself was offering him her paradise.. he slowly smelt the lvoely juice... it smelled so exotic to him... Swathi got a bit relaxed her orgasm phase finished... she could not ask rohit to stop smellling her .as she herself offered..she was thinking god what is she doing... Chotu took a turn and fell from the sofa bed and got up..he saw ... rohit in betwen her thighs..but he was too young to understand what was happening...

Rohit and Swathi quickly got up and lifted hit his head and he was crying madly.. it was not serious...but since he was in sleep ..he was scared and hugged him mom.. Swathi and Rohit llooked into each others eyes... Swathi hugged him .. and Rohit left the room and went and slept in his room.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi caressed Chotu ..but she was breathing heavily... as he slept she went to washroom... This rohit idiot.. is making her heavy... till now she was feeling heavy in her boobs and now down to ... Why did she even allow him .. there ..and how shamelessly she was offering him without he even making him... she really wanted him to kiss there..never Mahesh at least dint even have a look at it...

she came back and slept on the bed.. it was a cosy bed.. with nice interiors.. it feels like she is really queen like this.... if she is getting this comforts . why shouldnt she enjoy.. Mahesh anyways is more interested in other things than her.. why not to enjoy this life...oh if chotu dint wake up ..she would have really made him kiss..she is the only one whos stopped him... but what to do the orgy had made her do..and how bad was rohit..he was smelling her juice... bad raavan.. but she is not being sita... she is being a bitch now... she thought..she was feeling ashamed of herself..but somehow it dint make her determined to make Rohit stop...infact if rohit wanted to lick now there..she is ready to shed her leggings..oh god.. she is becoming so mad for him..and she imagined his tongue over there ..and mere thought made her leak again this time with more juices.... she relaxed now..and felt shame of herself.. she slept for an hour . untill the servant knocked his door for tea..

Meanwhile Rohit and Mahesh got up and Rohit said to Mahesh not to inform about our plan to introduce Swathi into Aman's she should not think that we are wanting to work her for our requirements.. she is a self made women and make her feel that she got the job based on her talent.. Mahesh nodded in agreement.

Swathi got up and took her tea and asked about mahesh and rohit..she went to their room and Swathi knocked the door ..but it was already open .... Swathi smiled to them.

Swathi sipping her tea - So you guys are out of your hangover

Mahesh- Well i am still dizzy... but the brand is too good rohit

Rohit - Dont worry ... Second round will clear the dizziness

Swathi - Are you guys gone mad ? Rohit you are spoiling him

Rohit- Ya bhabhi i just got mad .... im really feeling so high now after what i had {he looked at her legging ..]

Swathi - Come on Rohit .... be in limits na .. its not good to have too much of anything...[mahesh was unaware of their meanings]

Rohit- Bhabhi i hardly had anything.. .. it was .. not complete..until second round happens..and i have to have mangoes too that i got from the farm....

Swathi was blushing red as she know what he meant..

Swathi - Mahesh when will we leave? chotu has college too tomorrow ? and you also told that you had to leave early as thursday onwards you have your anniversary celelbrations... you anyways going to have lot there as i wont be there to stop you for three days..

Mahesh- May be this time you can come to stop me !!!!!

Swathi - What me??? (she was surprised.. that as nirmala aunty will never allow her to go such lot of men drinks and eat women with their eyes]

Mahesh - Ya this time its for 3 days and its with family ..lets go with chotu...

ROhit- ya that would be a good relief for all of you .. and you also get time to think about what to do in future mahesh.

Swathi was so happy hearing that..she will get to see a proper office outing this time...

Rohit- So bhabhi .. can i hve my second round and then the mangoes

Swathi - Pls rohit ... dont start it again ..Mahesh is already not in senses

Mahesh - Im a strong guy .. im alright swathi.. pls .... let rohit have na what he wants to ... its his house..

Swathi - [you fool hubby..he is asking for your wifes lips.. both up and down .. and you giving him permission] but Mahesh ... you will be here and you won't be able to wake up after second round...

Rohit - Its ok Swathi ...

Mahesh got a call from Aman ..and he stood and went to balcony to talk to her.. Aman asked mahesh to go on Tuesday itself to the resorts , as this is a 15th anniversary and very important for us as many clients are coming... Mahesh said ok sir and he will pack his things and go to resort.. Aman said hope you are coming with family...

Yes sir he replied both Swathi and Chotu .. but ill ask them to join on it will be a extra cost to the company .. Aman was silent ...
Sir what happened .. mahesh checked if the line is cut.. Nothing mahesh .. i was thinking you can take Swathi and chotu on tuesday are one of my trusted employees..if not on whom is going to spend..

Ok sir thanks .. Aman replied even he will also come to the resorts and start staying from tuesday and they can review things for Thursday on wards ... Aman was quickly calculating how to impress Swathi .. but he doesn't know anything about her..much..her tastes.. etc.. how to impress her...bcos she dint give any cognizance to his moves on that event day.. she was homely . .and that's was making his cock tight for her...he knew any wrong step.. and all his company reputation... latha .. will kill him.. Also Latha would be coming on Thursday from Singapore... and that evening... the party is there.. but amans lust for Swathi is high and dry..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Aman decided to take her any which ways he can her figure was great and he at a age of 38 is really feeling high for her ... adding to that her right way of application of make up .. her sweet smile and clean .. was tempting him... he wanted to use this stay at resorts as a platform for making swathi to get laid with him...

Swathi meanwhile made chotu ready and Rohit was closing his eyes sipping his tea and enjoying the old songs .. he had a love to the olds songs both in hindi and telugu ... he really loved them bcos the lyrics were understandable.. music was soft and lyrics were not dominated by drums and rockymusic... when he is enjoying..he listens soft songs....but for outside world ..Rohit is a modern guy with rock and jazz music... everyone thinks that he is a hunk and metro sexual .. but inside he is a lovable person and has emotions and tastes for him... definitely he was a play boy ..and the worst or best part of him was he uses to use people to get a benefit...but only good was that he never ditched them without money or a reward .. ofcourse the reward made the people happpy

Swathi came back with chotu who was playing games in mobile..Mahesh was still on phone.. and they could not hear what he was talking so much with aman he was out of the glass door..

Swathi - What are listening to these songs?

Rohit - Oh hi bhabhi ... ya ..when im happy.. i do

Swathi - Oh whats made you so happy (swathi was exicted to hear) ...?

Rohit - Well got something nice today to smell .(he llooked at her with lust)

Swathi - You bad ass !!!! such a bad guy are you ... you re such a despo...

Rohit - Do you really think im a despo bhabhi?

Swathi - No you are nt ..but you make ppl struggle so badly .... you re a bad guy .... rohit...

Rohit - Ya but with pleasure right??

Swathi - hmm yes... you are such a wonderful person to make love rohit.. you should get married soon.

Rohit - Bhabhi .. no marriage for this life... im happy being single....

Swathi - Comeon dont say that.. some lucky gal must be made for you ... and to take enuf of your apetitie for fruits and food (swathi laughed.. whenever she laughed teasing him ..he felt like pushing her bed and make her fully deep into his...) she should be really strong and should be able to take hours of your play ...
Rohit - ya bhabhi ... just someone like you ... who can take me ... enuf .... and anyways you are there for me na

Swathi - Shut up rohit.. we should understand we live in society and we have our restrictions..and i have my problems... and i have my ways of dealing with it

Rohit - I know bhabhi ..but i want u to be wihtout problems... i want you to puruse your dreams... you know what i thought of giving u job.. but i think you might assume im giving job bcos of mahesh and our intimate moments.. and i know you wont like it..

Swathi -( she was feeling happy that rohit thinks so good about her ) - Thanks rohit..

Rohit - Thats why i think you should get a job in amans company based on your credentials...

Swathi - I have already got that thought rohit..but you know na nirmala aunty and mahesh...

Mahesh just walked in and Swathi changed topic... you should get are getting old..

Mahesh - Sorry guys . it was Aman. he was talking casual stuff and asked us to come on Tuesday itself to resorts .. Swathi was surprised .. that she will be a getting almost 5 days relief from household chores and relief

Rohit - Thats nice Mahesh.. even im going abroad on some work we should be fine meeting after your visit ...

Swathi - Ok so shall we leave now {she looked at rohit teasing him ]

Rohit - lets have second round na my friend.. im wanting some more of it what we had in the morning.. [looking at mahesh ..but she knew it was for her]

Swathi - I havent bought any extra dress rohit..and chotu has spoiled by chotu ... pls understand that its not that nice [she had leaked madly in the evening and wanted to change the dress ]

Rohit - Bhabhi you can wear some dress.. there are more dresses in the wardrobe

Mahesh- How come you got ladies dresses man ???

Rohit - Ha ha ..those were bought during the time of preethi when she was my girlfriend... they are unused and new ones... but i think it will be legging or jeans...

Swathi - Ok then ... second round is on for you then !!!!! [rohits eyes dazzled as his eyes met with swathis...]

Rohiit - Thanks bhabhi .. it will be in the same place ... i really loved that place... for having second round

Swathi- its your rohit.. your wish ....[swathi was feeling so embarassed but she is talking so like this infront of her hubby and he is thinking that they are talking about drinking place... and he is lil surprised why they need to talk about that so much ]

Rohit quickly sprang from his bed and he called the servants and asked them to prepare heavy snacks and food .. and he went to the bar room along with mahesh ..

Mahesh - Ya we need to cover for the entire week rohit.... the second round of drinks (laughing)

Mahesh got a message from Anamika , rohits secretary checking for the status of tender documents.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Mahesh felt irritated seeing her msgs every day on the status.. she is such a mess he thought

Mahesh - Your secretary is such a bad follow up lady man i say ...[say about her msg]

Rohit - ha ha ya.. .. she is so particular about my stuff mahesh .... it took lot of time to train her like that

Mahesh - ha ha .. acha .. your stuff ? what all you made her train to ? [Mahesh started talking jovially]

Rohit - Nah...!!!! i have a rule ... no affairs in office man....

Mahesh- She looks great na ... just that she is got a few extra pounds

Rohit - Acha so this is what you see when i ask you to come to office [rohit teased him]

Mahesh - oh looks like someone is jealous here for his seceratary [mahesh gave it back]

Rohit- Nah man!!! i i pity that lady .. you remember that kedarnath fiasco which occured few years back

Mahesh - Ya so?

Rohit - She lost her hubby and in laws in that fiasco...only fortunate thing was she was pregnant that time and dint go to kedarnath..otherwise she would have died too.. it took her a year to get out of the problem... she came back after an year to me... and told her problem.. i felt so sorry for her mahesh... i put her on she hasnt anyting else to do ..she is taking care of her work and son ..

Mahesh - oh thats bad ..what happened... to her

Rohit picked up a new brand and came to the bar counter.. so what did you think about your resingation and swathis induction?

Mahesh - well i need to convince mom first yaar... then i don't know how to make aman convince... like we decided ..she wil complain that she will be alone .... etc..

Rohit - I know at their age they dont like to be alone..why dont you bring her sister whos in will be great time pass for those oldies

Mahesh - Man you nailed it.. that's a great idea to make her feel ..that i care for her..bcos she keep complaining to me about swathi and me changing after marriage... you ahve solution for all problems Rohit...
[the snacks arrived and they had chat while they were sipping and rohit was playing old songs]

Swathi meanwhile shred all her clothes in washroom , as chotu was playing in mobile and having snacks... she wanted to do tub bath..but she dint know how to operate and use it..but she found lot of lotions, body creams , mositurisers
she got a beep on her mobile and Aman had sent a friendship forward msg ..she dint reply anything to him. Another beep came in and it was rohit

Rohit - What is getting ready for my second round

Swathi - What does sir want? shall i come and beat u

Rohit- anything is fine for me beat me love me...

Swathi - oh my sweetu ...

Rohit - im on for second round...

Swathi - [she is confused .... but wanted it ...] - no rohit pls

Rohit - Bhabhi .. i want mangoes and the butter smell that comes out after sometime

Swathi - chi ... chi ..idiot... you have made it already mess here..

Rohit - oh shall i come and clean it... with my tongue..without any wrapper on it

Swathi - Chi.. bastard..ill kill u ....

Rohit - tell me how you serving me ? my mangoes and smell butter

Swathi - You wont get both choose one ..(she msgd and realised..aah.... she is giving him clear hints now... she wanted but ..she dint wanted to s how]

Rohit - Hmmm what do u want me to eat .... ? my sweet mangoes or smell the butter

Swathi - you can smell the butter ...but without opening the cover
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Swathi was feeling so excited that she herself is openly inviting him to smell her most precious asset>? she is feeling so bad...for going so low in her mind... but her mind is not working..her heart is... she really wanted rohit to kiss her there..bcos she never got one.. she wont get mahesh cock also fully ... as his doesnt stay strong for long like rohits... dont know how rohits cock and lenght is ??? she shook her head as she got another msg..

Rohit - hmmm pls give some discount to this poor guy na

Swathi - Ya what?

Rohit - Ya butter smells good when its fresh and just out..and un wrapped

Swathi - Rohit .. pls dont talk like that... now put the phone down ...Mahesh is there and i need to get ready also

Rohit - So then ... smell butter ... wrapped ..but not wrapped

Swathi -= What do y ou mean...?

Rohit dint reply after that .... She was scared if Rohit is going to kiss her lips down without any thing? she felt a chill in her spine... she looked down and realised its leaking... and the her pussy hairs have grown out ..and will be embarssing for her ..for rohit to see.. What? she is thinking about his embarassement to see her pussy hairs.. means she is ready to show him.. her ? no no ... she will not allow him any cost....

Aman messaged again this time..

Aman- hi swathi ..gorgeous... see you on Tuesday at the resorts.

Swathi had a nice bath with the best cream she felt..she really felt like her body had nice caring..she made sure that she had peed and made h erself clean three times there..she applied even a milky cream there...
she went to the wardrobe and found new inners and variety of dresses..she picked up a black was not transaprent.and felt silky for her..she put it on ..and matching bra and she made sure that leggings was tight ..she felt as if she ditn wear anything... so light yet ..matched with body colour of her..she looked for a salwar that would ccover her til knees..but she could barely found and she had to wear a top with covering till just below her paradise...

Swathi went down and found both friends busy in talking and drinking. .. Mahesh saw her and was so hot seeing her... first time he glanced her for so long after many days may be months... Rohit just showed his appreciation by way of kiss and tongue.he was wanting to get it soon.. the thing he wanted.. but he equally wanted the mangoes too... he looked as if he wants her ..right now

Mahesh got back to his words and pegs..and Rohit was stealing his views..

Swathi served chotu and he was eating..without doing any fuss ..she was surprised... but he is eatign ..bcos it was his fav junk food .. pizza...

Swathi looked at her mobile and whats apped aman

Swathi - Thanks sir.

Aman- Oh cool... will be happy to see you and spend with you some time this time

Swathi - Sir pleasure will be mine..bcos you are such a gentleman

Aman- Thanks swathi... and you are a beautiful lady...

Swathi - sent a smiley

Aman- so nice profile pic in saree.. you look gorgeous... so Mahesh was saying that you really like to go places , meet people.. work and enjoy your life

Swathi- Sir .. yes sir.. i always had a passion .. but thats not the case now..after marriage lot of t hings change sir

Aman- Ya i with me

Swathi - Sir you ? Latha madam is such a beauty ..she is milky coloured queen and you ?

Aman- Hmm ya but almost 20 days she is in singapore, australia etc.. where do we get time to spend ..and make love

Swathi - Sad sir..

Aman- Ya Swathi .. God doesnt give everything to everyone.bcos if he does..god wont be remembered..

Swathi - Ya sir.. he does ..but he also gives good friends to take care ...

Aman- Ya swathi ..even i feel the same..maybe you are one of those friends..

Swathi - Sir you are linking two impossible things.. first we being friends . .and second you are so rich and i m just your employees wife

Aman - Richness ? friendship? both are different swathi.. i want to be rich in your friendship .. and im sure we can be ... you are so sweet and caring.. thats what a guy needs isnt it?

Swathi - Not always sir.. some need money ..some need life to enjoy ...

Aman- Hmmm anyways ..but im sure we can both explore the optiosn of being happy

Swathi - we ? how sir .. i dint get u ..
Chotu finished dinner and Aman replied..lets discuss on Tuesday ...

Swathi was felt like she is being targeted.. and aman was trying to make some good of his love life...a chill flashed in her spine..what? he thinking her to make love for him? no no ..what ..i cnat think like this .. if not ..then why is he messaging her this time..and talkign like this.i think he is wanting something from her..and she know ..what is it..
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Folks, we have a Mahesh, Rohit and Aman are after Swathi. Yes, Mahesh too...he see's her in a new's the skin tight leggings and short top!! (With skin tight leggings, it reveals everything but it doesn't. Women are so devious!!)

Swathi recognizes this. Rohit and Aman are scheming. Only Mahesh is working hard to improve their situation. As other commenters have said, there will be jealousies. All Swathi's cunning will be needed to stay ahead. And will she recognize a rejuvenated Mahesh???

Thanks for your quick updates.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Quote:Indian Prince

Just notice few things...

1. Mahesh is working hard ..Swati sees this.

2. Rohit is a good manipulator - Swati knows this.

3. Both Aman and Rohit are after her, approach is different and Swati knows this too.

4. Her own suppressed desires which both Rohit and Aman would bring forward, and make her feel that she can realise those, rather give her those subject to her submitting.

5. Mahesh is not good in bed.

6. Seems in the end it would be Swati controlling the strings of both of her lovers, or make one fight against the other to end up with one whom she likes, evidently she will favour Rohit as a bonding has been developed. And it is for this very purpose she is being planted there, which Mahesh would spill out under alcoholic influence. Now the woman in her would surface up, to use those who used her, while satisfying her carnal desires too where Mahesh lacks.

My view only, lets see how writers develops the story.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Selfishly, I hope that Swathi and Mahesh turn the tables.

I was just doing a bit of research for another story and there are some interesting facts about men like Mahesh and their sexual prowess or lack of. A lot of it has to do with perception by both man and woman. The Mahesh character is clearly hard at work, often tired and worried about income, debt, etc. These overcome the typical sexual attraction towards a female. The resulting frustration by the woman is classic. Overcoming these problems is all about dealing with those perceptions. The physical size is rarely the real issue.

Of course I'm reading a lot into what the writer wrote but I think Mahesh suddenly being aroused by the way his wife dressed may be just the catalyst for change.

I agree with Indian Prince that the woman in Swathi will rise and she will use those who used her though I'm not sure we'll actually see her satisfying her carnal lust just yet. For me, the slow seduction is what drives this story. Once she's eaten the forbidden fruit, it's essentially over, it becomes a different story.

So we wait to find out what the writer decides......
Its so good to see so many different opinions , views , thoughts and suggestions... even im not sure how this story will turn out to be. and how will it end..... but anywhich ways ill make sure the excitement would not die down ...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Chotu slept as she was messaging aman.. She made him sleep in the sofa and went to both friends..

Swathi - Arent you completed yet?

Mahesh - Its just stared Swathi ..we are only on second peg ...

Rohit - I think lets stop with one more we both need to go tomorrow

Mahesh - I am not gonna stop my friend.. let me enjoy my time.. pls don't put restrictions .. im feeling so stressed out these days...this is the only relief for me

Swathi - Stop it mahesh .its almost i guess your 7th peg from morning

Rohit - Ya i think you should stop mahesh

Mahesh- Not today ..

Rohit - Bhabhi ..shall i make you also a drink?

Swathi - No rohit.. i never tasted...

Rohit - Try it na ?. wha tmahesh ...does she need permission from you?

Mahesh - Na!!!i already told her.. jsut she can for fun..but she doesnt even like the smell so what to do..when i have this . i wont have that (he winked at rohit .saying no bed)

Rohit - ya bhabhi has different way to taste (he remembered that day she allowed him to kiss a lot when he had it.. and she really loved and tasted it so well..he looked at her.. he looked at her lips and showed his tognue ... wanting a kiss]

Mahesh was enjoying his drinks .. and Rohit poured a mocktail for her prepard by him... he went behind mahesh to give it to her.. she took it .. and looked at his eyes angrily ..

Rohit kissed her lips ...and pushed his whisky into her and left her lips... and went back .. She looked at him angrily .. she could not even shout at him ...

She gulped the entire and looked at him very angrily.. which slowly turned into a smile.. this guy really is such a hunk …. He makes me do weird things and still im liking this…. Mahesh was in his way … and he got up to get to washroom …
Swathi looked at him angrily … and as he left. She went and hit Rohit … what were you doing…. Don’t you know.. How dangerous it is .. If he sees us ?

Rohit replied… ok ok I won’t do anything when he is around. But do everything.. when he is not around .. that’s ok ???

Swathi – Ya that’s what I was saying … What??? Not everything… not everything (she hit with a pillow ..He is playing with his words)

This time she sipped his whisky peg and kissed his lips along with her tongue and made him taste her kiss and the whisky …. Rohit was surprised this time..but he happily gulped..she went back to her place..

Rohit and Swathi … were smiling sheepishly as Mahesh came back.. its so relief after holding yourself for so long..down .. and then you go to washroom Mahesh joked .. Swathi hit him with pillow and Mahesh laughed at her…

Rohit – Guys I think we should have dinner and then retire to bed .. tomorrow morning we have our programmes to take care

Swathi – Yes . ..

Mahesh- No Rohit .. couple more pls….

Rohit – Lets have dinner … swathi bhabhi also needs to sleep na … we can continue… after dinner… let bhabhi have sleep … and her second round

Mahesh – Second round for Swathi ?

Swathi was shocked… he is too drunk..this guy is gonna make her die

Rohit calmly said.. – Yes her second round of sleep..she already had her first round right….

All of them laughed out loud… Swathi was so relaxed..she thought Rohit is out of his mind..she picked up one more pillow and this time went behind to hit him.. jovially …. Mahesh was laughing and Swathi went behind to hit Rohit.. Rohit held swathi not to hit and swathi was hitting .. him.. Mahesh was laughing out more loud… he is feeling so relieved and happy for spending a day ..he liked to .. friends.. family .. and alcohol.. As swathi hitting him .. he held her not to hit..but without Mahesh seeing he put his hand on her boobs and squeezed.. she left out a pain sound and hit him again.. and moved away..

Swathi – come let’s have dinner guys…

Mahesh – Serve me snacks only … no food for me [he was pouring one more peg… for himsleff]

Rohit- Stop it Mahesh now…. Now you should sleep … and go to bed

Swathi- I ll kill him .. if he comes …

Rohit - Swathi .. bhabhi .its so good that Mahesh is able to take so much ..and still talk like this.. he is strong ..

Swathi – Ya ya only in work and this…

Rohit – So what you want him to be in ? (he whispered0

Swathi He must be like you …. 9her toes touched to his as they were having dinner)

Swathi was feelling really hot inside .. its like a volcano inside her.. she needs to be relieved… her boobs and her vertical lips were so heavy for her..she needed something to be done on them..

Rohit finished his dinner quickly… he took one more peg in hand..

Rohit- Bye Mahesh good night …I leave that to you .. when you want to sleep.. ill have one more peg and then go to sleep

Mahesh – Sure man..thanks for wonderful day Rohit.. its been fruitfull..we finished our talks .. our strategies as to how we get info..and then whole day with family and friend… its so good man.. im feeling really blessed now..

Rohit – Hugged him ..he took chotu and other hand a peg of whisky.. and left … sleep in guest or my bedroom… Swathi bhabhi will kill you …

Swathi – No doubt …

Rohit went inside swathis bedroom made chotu sleep and came back to his bedroom ..switched off and closed the door from outside..and he went to swathis bedroom again ….

Swathi and Mahesh were talking..

Swathi – Now come on Mahesh you had too much

Mahesh – Pls dear..let me remove my stress out pls..

Swathi – She caressed his hairs lovingly .. she liked the way he asked her..she kissed him on forehead and said good night…

Mahesh – Good night Swathi dear

Swathi went to her bedroom ..and thought Rohit must be drunk .thats why he is slept..she felt lil happy and more unhappy that her second round is not gonna happen
 horseride  Cheeta    
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As she closed the door ..she saw the whisky peg and the bathroom shower running…She knew Rohit was inside… how dare he is.. She knocked and asked him..what is he doing in her bedroom

Swathi – You idiot.. you here?

Rohit – getting fresh…

Swathi – You have your room right .. why my room

Rohit – My second round…

Swathi was happy hearing that. She went and opened the balcony glass doors.
Switching of the main light a cool breeze followed. She felt good after long hours in AC room

Rohit got fresh and came out with shorts and sleeveless t shirt.he was looking dying handsome.. he is really well built….he took the peg along with him..Swathi could hear him coming..she was leaning to the balcony…

Rohit saw her.. man her..ass … it was so round and since she was leaning the top could not cover her round assets… whoever invented this hosiery cloth as legging should be given nobel peace award brings so peace with love… he thought…
As it was the corner villa .. there was open land everywhere else..which led to a small pool lake…. Everything appeared dark .. the street lights on the other side …were flashing their shadows in the pool… the moon was shining so bright in the waters…

Rohit – What is my lovely bhabhi doing ? (his manhood is fully erect after he saw her ass)

Swathi – Rohit its so wonderful place .. really life must be like yours…

Rohit hugged her tight….from behind.. and kissed her neck – its ours.. life is ours from now on

Swathi Hmm Rohit … my sweetu … his freshness made her soothe a bit.. and his whisky was not that bad ..she thought…

Rohit kkept his peg in her hand and asked to sip …She did it and gulped.. it..

Rohit lifted her top ..he wanted to see how lovely her ass is… Swathi dint stop him… her round ass which was fully visible for him .. with curves over her leggings… He leaned into her ..she had one more gulp ……. He made sure that … ..exactly placing his cock in her ass crack….

Swathis eyes opened big feeling his hard one.. oh my god… then she closed her eyes… and swallowed the whisky…Rohit hugged her tightly and kissed her neck and put this shorts on her ass aaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Swathi could feel it was not going to be easy to handle rohit for her…he really looked like a man with a strong was definitely rock solid..for her.. and she moved a bit more into her..nto wanting to allow him

Rohit held her hips and pushed his shorts more into her ass crack… Swathi moaned..she wanted that badly…Rohit was madly … he pushed his cock iand it settled in her ass crack….aah it was his dream to put it like that..but without anything

Rohit started kissing her neck and held her hips and pushed and rubbing his cock madly into her… she was encouraging him now by holding his head.. his one hand moved to her side boobs from armpits and held her boobs tightly pressing..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah swathi was out of breath ..

Swathi was mad and pushed her ass more into him to feel it..she thought she will die bcos of no breath .everything is making her mad.. aaaaaaaaaaaah Rohit…
Rohit looked down and made space between them looked at her ass crack and exactly placed it again in middle and pushed it .. aaaaaaaaaaaaah bhabhi
He slowly held her and kissing her . her boobs were in his one hand.. he slowly run the other hand into her leggings triangle… all the parts were occupied by him now..and Swathi was dyign for breath … he turned her face to him and put his lips on hers and started kissing …. All her body parts were now under control of Rohit…
Bothe their lips were enjoyigng each other ..but it was not ewasy for Swathi to control… she just held his hands bleakly …but she knew that’s not going to stop Rohit..

She bite his tongue and was hungrily feeling his hands over his legging triangle. She put her hand over his hand and rubbing along with him as her lips were being sucked by her lover

Her lover tried to insert his hand in the legging she pushed him at once behind and she was breathing heavily idiot what you doing…
You just said ..second round.. she was panting heavily now

They both gained conscious now..and looked at each other… rohti softly kissed her lips. .. don’t stop making me love to u .. swathi bhabhi

Rohit . pls …only do what I asked you to … don’t go beyond..ill die ..i cant do that…

Rohit put his hands on the salwar and asked her to lift her hands….

Swathi – Rohit pls… not there… she held her salwar

Rohit – I wont… but I just wanted you to be free..[she lifted her hands and Rohit was only a salwar bra on her body ..and her boobs were quite evident as they popped out..Swathi felt so soft and her body was responding to the sitatuon..

Her pussy was leaking…. And it made wet the legging and the silky panty…
Both hugged each other and their lips met … oh it was getting so hot for them now.. sthey strated making sounds of kiss madly…. Swathi felt like she has to give in much she has to struggle.. poor Rohit .. has been wanting her madly ..he is taking care of them so much ..and she is thinking to return his favour…

His rock solid cock was hitting her navel ..she was rubbing more there… she wanted to touch and check its length..but ..she wsas scared..if he does..he wil not stop…

With great difficutly she held his head and asked. Pls dontoo do this..just take ur butter smell and go ..pls ..she almost pleaded him ..but she dint wanted that in her heart.. given a chance she wanted to ride him.. and drink all his cum…

Rohit started kissing her neck and slowly moving his head into her cleavage..he rest his hands on her waist and hips an dput his face deep inside her boobs…
swathi pressed his face more to her boobs… he proceeded further down..Swathi felt so happy that Rohit is a good boy and is following her instructions… he kissed her navel and was reaching his destination paradise…

He kneeled before her ..and her mound was perfectly captured in a triangle… he pushed his face into hers and kissed it….she could not stop him… she infact dint want to stop him… he kissed her exactly at the palce where she was wet and smelled her… aaah …...she was leaking inside. His hands went to her round butts and one finer pressed into her asshole..she pushed her pussy more inot his face as he did that… he srated kissing her pussy over the leggin and she was leaking madly..she was caressing her fingers in hairs and pulling them …

He slowly took his face looked at her and pushed his face back again and kissed them time..he tired to get her upssy lips ..but it was so tough for him … but her smell was making him crazy for her more…

Swathi .. was shivering under knees..and she was enjoying this lovely treatment …. Wish it was Mahesh doing..she would have kicked everyone else…

Rohit held her legging and pushed it down .. Swathi held him ..and dint allow him to do .

NO Rohit pls..dont do that pls.. bhabhi I listened to you na.. wont you .. I wont remove it fully ….just let me enjoy my butter from above panty.. pls…. don’t wont .. and shodnt remove ur hands pls…

She was having orgasm and weak ….she left her hands and Rohit pulled her legging down..But it could not be fully down. But eh could see her panty which was leaking… he immediately opened his tongue and licked it… oh the feeling was so good for her…her juices wear leaking nd Rohit kissing and licking it .. Completely … over her panty.. Her juices were fully released now… and she is madly relaxed….he was kissing her comeptley and his hands were over her butts on the panty .she spread her legs and gave him more access .. he let his tongue lick her entirely…

What they missed out … as they were playing .. is that Swathi dint lock the door.. and Mahesh opened the door… he was fully drunk and he came and straight slept on the bed..

Rohit got up abruptly and went … swathi was shocked and dint move… she realised her position and put her legging back and she went and closed the door… she came back and slept hugging mahesh … her heart beat was almost reaching that of HULK… if someone could measure it would have been 200 beats per minute.. she was so foolish not even to close the door…slowly her heart beat stabilised…as she knew this one week it will be only Mahesh and her…. Somehow their second honeymoon is going to be soon …
 horseride  Cheeta    
[+] 3 users Like sarit11's post
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Holy shit!!! That was so close!!!

Some observations:

Mahesh held his drink quite well....7 pegs or so. He wanted Swathi when in his bedroom but Swathi, who was more interested in the second round with Rohit, told him to sleep. Then he shows up in Swathi's room and falls asleep.

Was Mahesh really that drunk? He knew that he wanted to relieve his stress with Swathi. He was sober enough to go to Swathi's room, obviously looking for stress relief. Is the sight of Swathi in leggings turning Mahesh turning into the stud he never was?? Oh, my mind boggles!!

What else do we not know about Mahesh?? He's clearly the smarter guy - his ideas were used by Rohit. Is he really that blind?? Husband's and wives notice little changes in each other, though, admittedly, Mahesh has been very busy. Is he playing along, biding his time??

The plot thickens!!!

By the way, I don't know how you manage to write so much so quickly and include a twist but it is much appreciated.
Dear breville

Good observations. As usual.

Mahesh is getting excited seeing his wife in a new avatar. That's really encouraging. And I hope Swati would notice that too and pursue it.

Rohits and Amans will come and go. But Mahesh will be a good investment in the long run.

Finally it's completely up to her. The choice between seducing the husband or any third party singular number.

The methods will be identical for both.

Mahesh should also reduce his drinking. As Shakespeare says about alcohol, " it provoketh the desire but taketh away the performance."

 horseride  Cheeta    
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Yes, I'm hoping Swathi notices Mahesh's interest too. I'm waiting to find out where this leads to.....
"slowly her heart beat stabilised…as she knew this one week it will be only Mahesh and her…. Somehow their second honeymoon is going to be soon …"

Mahesh isn't a drinker, he's just taking advantage of Rohit's expensive alcohol today. .....actually, we all know that it is Rohit taking advantage of Mahesh.
I Think Aman will have swati before rohit..!!
 horseride  Cheeta    
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In the morning Swathi got up ... and mahesh got up suddenly and asked Swathi ..
Mahesh..- How come i am here? [he shaked his head]

Swathi .. you only came and slept here na?

Mahesh - Me ? i dont remember anything...? aah my head is breaking... he held his head..

Swathi caressed him... she caressed his body and slwlly reached his pants..due to being morning due to her hands the cock became tight...both of them smiled... they never got so much time with each other from last one year.... chotu college was gone... anyways...

Swathi was relaxed that mahesh dint see anything.... and was hot as she felt his cock..she slowly started kissing him and going down...she really wanted something to be done... she is feeling relaxed she had leaked last night a lot..when Rohit opened her legging...

Swathi went down and opened his shorts and pulled it down... hmmm it was hairy and she held his cock .. which was tight.. looking at him ..she kept her lips on the tip... Mahesh raised his hips and he was gettign more tight....
see this is how you remove stress mahesh ... see at your face ...[she kissed it again..the cosy environment..the AC made mahesh feel more hot ]

she put her lips on his cock .. and kissed it... Mahesh moaned... Swathi was fully hot ... as she wanted the cock in her .. and she was kissing the cock aggressively and sucking it madly...

Mahesh never liked swathi doing that he thought its not good..but tooday he was enjoying it.. and Swathi ... left his cock .. and licked with her tongue without touching..he was hot..and he pushed her on bed ... and pulled her leggings down and panty..and ... it was after so many years they were having sex in the morning..chotu was sleeping and mahesh had inserted his cock into her...she felt it so tight... she thuoght morning sex is better.. he is hard today than normal...

Mahesh was ramming her ..his head was blasting... due to hangover and he increased his pace and blasted in her too now..and laid over her.. ...Swathi felt his juices ..and her juices were oozing too. she wanted him inside more... but he was out... Mahesh left her and went to washroom...Swathi always wanted him to stay lil more time inside after he fucks her..but always he reomves as soon as he finishes...she threw the pillow to him.and hit him on his back..he laughed and went inside...
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Hope couple rekindle their romance and sex and become more stronger in their relationship.
Mahesh have to take care of swathis needs with more vigour and responsibility.
And she have to control her urges on other dalliances.
Hope the couple will stay long and strong.
Excellent short but sweet update.
Please proceed...

Dont know who is teasing who. But one thing is sure that writer us teasing the readers. Awesome update
 horseride  Cheeta    
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excellent narration. have nothing to say more. erotic story with this level of writing skill is very rare.

i have some thoughts. However its all up to you.
i think it would be more erotic that swati fall for rohit completely. swati is now struggling so much because she believes as an indian women she can't have extramarrital affair anyway. but her dream for luxurous life and lust for sex dragging her to cheat her husband. moreover rohit playing his games in those two things to get swati in his life. i think rohit personally and professionally a good person. he did not cheat with swati. he wants swati beacuse he fell in love at first sight. he loves her very much. he wants her in his at any cost but not by destroying mohesh. he wants to see everyone happy.

its rohit adventure to get swati completely. swati would also struggle and think what should she do now. finally swati choose rohit. and starting a new life with him.

on the other side aman is only hungry for sex. swati won't like his behavior when she will start her new job. one day aman force her to have sex but rohit interrupt them and then save her. rohit left the office by calling swati a slut. swati's feeling for rohit will increase more. but rohit avoid her.

i hope you will make it great erotic love story.


रोहितने घेतलेली कानाच्या पाळ्यांची, काखेतल्या सुगंधाची व मानेची असंख्य चुंबने. वाचून लंड भयंकर तापलाय.
स्वाती, माझ्या मित्राची बायको व दुसऱ्या मित्राची ममा
अशाच खट्याळ व डेरेदार नितंबिनी आहेत.
त्.ांना वश करायला हवे जसे रोहितने केले,
काकूंच्या डचकेदार नितंबांवर लंड घासायलाच हवा.
गळेपर्यंत, मग त्यांना कळेल की काय मस्ती आहे, का. गरमी आहे तया कुल्ल्यांमध्ये आणि वहिनीचे ते सुडाैल उरोज व कधी जंगल तर कधी शेव्ह केलेल्या गोऱ्या काखा चाटायलाच हव्यात.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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