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"Yeah, I get it," Jen said. "It's getting serious?"
"I want him to stop seeing other girls," Allie said. "Or couples ... whatever." She giggled. She got serious again. "I told him I'd stop seeing anyone else too."
"Wow, you ARE serious," Jen said surprised.
"Maybe we'll open up our relationship later," Allie said with an I-don't-know shrug. "But starting out I want it to be exclusive, you know?"
"Yeah, I completely get it," Jen said.
They went out that weekend to celebrate, Mike, Jen, Allie and Darren.
"How's it working with Allie?" Mike asked Darren when the girls went to the bathroom.
"Great, she's an incredible lady," Darren gushed. "Damn Mike, first you save my career, then you hook me up with my dream girl. I owe you big time mate!"
"You two are going exclusive?" Mike said. "What about Stacy?"
"She and Jim will find someone else to play with," Darren said unconcerned. "I don't know Mike. I never thought I'd give up the big black cock thing. But I never met a girl like Allie before."
Darren saw the sudden distress on Mike's face. "What's wrong mate?"
"It's just ... sometimes I wish it could just be me and Jen."
Darren gave Mike a reassuring pat on the back. "It's just what you're into Mike. You both like it. Nothing wrong with that."
"I made Jen hook up with one of her old boyfriends. Her first real boyfriend, they dated forever."
"You made her?" Darren asked looking skeptical.
"Okay, I didn't make her," Mike said with a laugh. "I pushed her though." He hesitantly added, "It really bothered me, seeing her with him. They knew each other so well. So comfortable with each other."
"Then maybe you shouldn't go there again Mike," Darren suggested.
Mike shrugged, then gave an awkward laugh. "We agreed no old boyfriends."
"If it bothered you that much, that's probably a good idea," Darren chuckled.
"It really turned me on though," Mike said. His voice turned to a whisper. "It scares me sometimes Darren, my fantasies. It's like ... I get turned on the most if there's risk I'll lose her. How fucked up is that?"
"It's not fucked up Mike," Darren said reassuringly. "That's what the cuck fantasy is all about. But you gotta be careful mate. You gotta keep it a fantasy. Pushing Jen to date old boyfriends. Not a good idea. That's really stirring the pot. There are a lot of old emotions there. Do you really want to do that?"
Mike felt flushed. He was having troubling breathing. Just talking about it turned him on. "Darren -- that's what makes it so hot."
After lunch they decided to go to MOMA. Despite having been to New York countless times, Darren had never toured the museum.
Jen and Allie walked ahead with Mike and Darren a few feet behind.
"How's your sexy game?" Allie asked hooking her arm in Jen's. "Hooking up with Colin again?"
"We decided no old boyfriends," Jen said. "Mike got kinda upset at Homecoming."
"Well, hello!" Allie said with a laugh, rolling her eyes. Turning serious, she asked "Are you okay? You barely ate anything at lunch."
"I'm starting to feel sick all the time," Jen said grimacing at the prospect of months with morning sickness. Just then her iPhone buzzed. "Oh god," she said looking at the text.
"It's Colin. He's been sexting me, wanting to get together again. Oh my god." She glanced back to make sure Mike wasn't looking. Then she handed the phone to Allie.
Allie looked. Colin had texted Jen a picture of his erect cock and his lean six pack. "God what a creep," she said derisively. She gave the picture a longer look. "Kinda impressive though," she said. She'd never seen Colin nude. His cock was as big and magnificent as Darren's.
Jen took the phone back and looked at the picture. "Yeah," she agreed. Colin DID have an amazing body and an even more impressive manhood.
It happened in a split second.
Allie stopped at the crosswalk, seeing the truck speeding to beat the red light.
Looking at the picture of Colin's impressive manhood, Jen didn't see the truck. She walked into the street right in the path of the big speeding truck.
Seeing it happening, Darren yelled "Jen!"
Allie and people on the sidewalk screamed!
Jen turned and saw the truck. She froze. The truck was only feet away rambling towards her, its horn blaring and brakes screeching. She knew she was going to die. She only had time to whispered "Mike ..."
Then suddenly she was pushed away! She was thrown all the way to the safety of the other sidewalk!
She heard a sickening "THUNK!" as the truck slammed into human flesh!
It was Mike. He'd pushed Jen to safety a split second before the truck hit her.
Jen screamed "MIKE!" as she saw him lifeless in the middle of the street.
[Author's note: There are 2 acts to Consequences. This ends the first act.]
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Consequences Pt. 08
[Author's note: Everyone in this story is 18 or older.]
Mike's mom and dad got to the hospital later that day. Joe was with them. "How is he?" his mom asked crying.
"He's stable," Allie said. "He has some broken bones. The doctors are more concerned about internal bleeding."
"Oh my god," his mom cried, her hand going to her mouth.
"The doctors think he'll be okay," Darren assured them.
"Are sorry, who are you?" Mike's dad said.
"Sorry Mr. Andrews," Allie said. "This is Darren, my boyfriend."
Joe looked around. "Where's Jen?" he asked concerned.
Everyone looked at Allie. Tears welled up in her eyes. "She lost the baby."
"Oh no," Mike's mom wailed.
Later Jen was released from care. She joined Mike in his room. She sobbed seeing him laying broken and unconscious in the bed.
The doctor came in later. "He's stable," he assured her. "We've stopped the internal bleeding. His right leg is broken. He's very lucky though. He should make a full recovery."
"Oh thank god!" Jen cried, hugging Mike's mom, dad and Joe.
The hospital released Mike a week later. He was weak and had a cast on his right leg but otherwise he was okay.
"I'm okay baby," Mike assured Jen later at home. She'd been around him constantly, not letting him out of her sight. "How are you doing?"
"I'm okay," she said looking down. Suddenly she started crying. "I'm sorry, can't help it."
"It's okay ... we lost our baby," Mike said hugging her. Tears welled up in his eyes.
"You're upset about the baby too?" she asked seeing the tears in his eyes.
"What do you mean?" he said not understanding. "Of course I'm upset."
Jen cried tears of relief, burying her head in Mike's chest. "I thought I'd have to grieve by myself!" she sobbed.
"Honey it was our baby," he assured her, emphasizing "our." They held each other as they cried and mourned the loss of their unborn baby.
Later that week Jen worked up the courage to confess to Mike. "I was looking at a text from Colin," she confessed. "That's why I didn't see the truck."
"What did he say?"
Jen didn't want to show him. She was too ashamed, too guilty. But she had to show him. She couldn't survive this without him knowing everything.
She handed him her cell phone. Mike looked at the picture of Colin's well defined abs and hard cock on the screen. "He sent you this?" Mike said shocked. "You were looking at this?"
She nodded.
"What were you thinking?" he said angrily. "At the time, what were you thinking?"
She didn't want to say it, but she knew she had to confess, come clean. "I was thinking he looked really good."
A cloud came over Mike's face. He couldn't stand to look at his wife at that moment. He felt betrayed. "I need some time," he said looking away from her. "Leave me alone."
"Mike please!" she sobbed grabbing his arm. "I feel terrible about this! I need you! Please don't turn away from me!"
"Jen ... I just need some time okay?" he said not looking at her. She left sobbing.
He felt numb. He'd risked his life, gotten really hurt. Worse – so much worse – they'd lost their baby. It HAD been their baby. He'd gotten over the sperm coming from Tom. That didn't matter. Their baby. It'd been his baby, he was the father. A tear fell down his cheek at their loss.
But ... he knew it was unfair to blame Jen. Of course she'd look at the picture. What girl wouldn't? Of course she found Colin hot. They'd talked about it.
Yes, she'd gotten distracted crossing the street. But how many times had he looked at his phone as he crossed New York City streets? Many times a day probably. It'd just been terrible tragic timing.
It wasn't her fault. But she'd bear the guilt of this the rest of her life. God, he felt bad for being so hard on her.
"Mike?" he heard her say tentatively at the door. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah," he said. He held out his arms. She got onto the bed and snuggled into his chest.
"I'm so sorry," she sobbed.
"I'm sorry too, it wasn't your fault, it wasn't," he said holding her. They cried holding each other.
It took a few weeks before I started feeling like myself. I still had the cast on but I managed to get around on crutches.
Jen got assigned to lead a pitch for Memphis Global, the big worldwide retail conglomerate. They owned everything from grocery stores to pharmacies to car dealerships to furniture stores. They recently acquired the Best Buy, Staples and Home Depot retail chains, and they negotiating to buy CarMax. They controlled similar retail outlets in Europe and Japan, and had begun expanding into the growing and potentially huge Chinese markets.
This was a really big one, way bigger than Google if she could bring it in. She stayed home a lot with me, working from home. She was getting a lot of pressure from her partners to throw herself into the pitch, but she insisted on staying home.
She relied on Allie to carry a lot of the ball and I could tell it was stressing everyone out, especially her. But she insisted on staying home to take care of me, even though I told her I was fine and she should go do what she needed to do to land Memphis. When I recovered enough to return to work, I finally managed to convince her I was okay and she returned to work too.
She started working longer hours. Then she started traveling for meetings with Memphis execs, all over the world. Some weeks I'd only see her on weekends, and often she had to work then too. I missed her, but I was really proud of her. She was so talented, and it was really cool the way everyone respected her.
Despite being apart we were closer than ever. We did a lot of snuggling and hugging when we were together, a lot of talking and laughing. It was all good, I felt really close to her.
We hadn't had sex since the accident. We'd gotten each other off a few times – once or twice every couple of weeks maybe -- but no intercourse sex.
Why? I think for a lot of reasons. We both had to recover physically. Even after I'd recovered inside, the cast made intercourse difficult. More so though we were recovering emotionally.
There was a lot to process. We'd lost our baby. Should we try to have another one? Most importantly, how did our game factor into that?
We didn't talk about it, but we were still into the game. That type of thing – those urges -- didn't just go away. We both had these intense desires. I knew I did. And I was sure Jen did too. She'd enjoyed the game so much. You can't just turn that kind of thing off.
The fact Tom had gotten Jen pregnant ... that really turned me on and, at some level, it turned Jen on too. Should we explore that fantasy? What seemed like an impossible taboo before didn't seem so impossible now. I could and would accept the baby as my own, no matter where the sperm came from. We both knew that now.
Jen and Allie turned 27 (their birthdays were just a few days apart). Her team stopped working long enough to take them to happy hour to celebrate and they invited me of course.
I camped out at a table. It was too hard to mingle on crutches. Jen sat next to me. I got a scotch. She hesitated, then ordered a Cosmo. She could drink again, there was no reason not to.
"You should take it slow," I said putting my hand on hers. She hadn't had alcohol for months, I didn't want her to get drunk (unless she wanted to).
"I know baby," she said squeezing my hand back.
We got our drinks. The party was at full force by then. "You don't have to hang around me," I said with a laugh. I knew she wanted to socialize, that's how she was.
"I wanna be with you," she insisted.
"We have later tonight," I assured her. "Go ahead, have fun with your friends, it's your birthday." I gave her a grin. "You know I like watching you."
She grinned back at me. It was the first time we'd mentioned the game since the accident. "Okay mister, you asked for it." She got up and did her social butterfly thing.
I loved watching her. She moved around so gracefully thanks to her years of studying dance, like an elegant ballerina. She looked great. She'd gotten more into yoga lately. Exercising was like therapy to her. She had classes on her iPad, so even when she traveled she got in a work out. Her body was as firm and toned as ever. She looked amazing! I'd gained a few pounds since the accident, since I couldn't move around well with the cast. As I often did, I thought how lucky I was to have such a beautiful and sexy wife.
She bopped around and socialized. With her beauty and bubbly personality she was always the center of attention. I got aroused seeing her flirting. Flirting was part of her personality, she couldn't turn it off, but it wasn't too outrageous. Still this was the first time I'd seen her flirting with other guys since the accident, and it got me hard.
Darren was there with Allie. "You doing okay mate?" he said with an affectionate knock on my cast.
"Yeah, I'm good," I said. "How're you and Allie?"
"Brilliant!" he gushed. "She's an amazing girl. I owe you big time for introducing us."
"How're Jim and Stacy?" I asked lowering my voice.
"Still in Australia," Darren said also speaking low. "We email sometimes. Don't tell Allie that okay? It's a sensitive issue."
"I get it. They're okay?"
"Yeah. She's getting big. They talk about getting together after the baby, when they move back to London. They want to continue the relationship. Jim's into that, it gets him really hot."
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"I get that," I said my throat going dry. I totally understood Jim. It was just like how I wanted Jen to keep fucking Tom, before the accident.
Darren chuckled seeing my flushed face. He knew this was turning on. He was into it too, and he admitted as much. "It gets me hot too, the BBC stuff," he said. He shrugged. "Allie doesn't want me hooking up with Stacy though. I guess maybe we could swing with Stacy and Jim." He smiled, but it looked like a grimace. "I don't want her with another guy though."
He seemed to remember who he was talking to and looked embarrassed. "Sorry mate," he apologized. "I know that's your thing. But I don't want my girl with other guys."
"That's okay Darren, I get it," I said.
That night in bed I spooned Jen. She was wearing my old college shirt. Often when we spooned I cupped her breasts, but not in a sexual way. But this time I fondled her and rubbed her nipples. I was hot after seeing her flirt and also talking to Darren.
She turned around and we kissed. I was afraid she wouldn't be into it, but it got passionate pretty fast. I knew I was going to get some when she got on her knees and pulled off my shirt.
"I want to be inside you," I told her between kisses. I really did too. We hadn't had intercourse since the accident and I wanted to feel myself inside her.
"I want that too," she said and I could tell she meant it. God that made me feel so good!
Because of the cast we had to do it with her on top. She straddled my lap but she didn't put me inside her immediately. Instead she slowly stroked me.
We were silent for long moments. It was the elephant in the room, and we couldn't put off talking about it anymore.
"Are you back on the pill" I finally asked.
She shook her head no. "I wasn't sure ..."
There it was. Were we going to try again? And how did our game fit into this?
I'm not sure we were ready to decide, or even talk about it. I said, "I should wear a condom."
She hesitated, then said agreed. "Okay," she said. "But not this time. I want to completely feel you in me." She guided me into her.
Oh god. Her pussy felt SO FUCKING GOOD!
"Just tell me when you're cumming okay?" she said.
"Okay," I gasped. I knew I wasn't going to last long.
She moved up and down on me. We were hugging, her face almost touching mine. There was so much love in her face for me. I can't tell you how wonderful it felt, so incredible to be loved by such a perfect girl. I had never been happier in my entire life!
"You're the bravest man I've ever met Mike," she said as she rocked back and forth, so much emotion in her eyes and voice. "I love you so much. I could never love any other man. Never, never ..." We kissed.
"I'm cumming!" I said urgently moments later.
She quickly got off of me. She swallowed me and I finished in her mouth.
I knew she hadn't cum. Did she look disappointed I'd cum so fast? I hadn't given her any chance to cum, I'd been so hot for her.
I went down on her. Afterwards we fell asleep holding each other.
The next morning she left on another week-long business trip. I took my time getting ready for work.
In reality I didn't need to work anymore. I had way more money than we could ever spend, literally lifetimes of money. I had developed the basic concepts of Sapphire back in college. I got patents on them, so I owned Sapphire. Sure, my partners made a lot of money on Sapphire, so did a lot of other people like Darren and all the investors, but I'd always get my share whether I worked or not.
Sometimes I thought about retiring. I loved reading books. I could spend all day in the library reading books, and then come home and make Jen dinner and be with her. Jen could retire too if she wanted but I knew she'd never do that. She wasn't a loner like me who could spend all day alone reading books. She had to be around people, around the excitement. That was okay with me. I wouldn't mind spending my life taking care of her and whatever babies we had. I'd be happy being a Mr. Mom as long as I had her.
I fantasized about Jen with other men. Like, all the time. But especially when she worked late or traveled. Being apart played into my fantasies. I thought about her having an affair, cheating on me. Just the words "affair" or "adultery" got me hot.
I looked in the table next to the bed where we kept condoms. There weren't many left. I decided to stop by the drugstore and get more. I didn't know where this was going but the possibility got me dizzy with excitement.
Given our lifestyle, there were other condoms in the drawer, all XXL. They were for her lovers not me. My small cock would be lost in condoms that size. In a fit of uncontrolled lust, I took those condoms and threw them away. Then I masturbated furiously thinking about Jen getting fucked bareback by another man.
Later at the Duane Reade I bought a big box of the small size condoms. With my lust sated (at least temporarily), some common sense returned so I also bought two boxes of XXL condoms. The cashier was a young pretty girl. She gave me a quizzical look at the different size condoms but was too polite to say anything. I avoided her eyes and tried not to blush.
At home later that night I put the small condoms and one box of the XXLs in the bedside table. I put the other XXL box on the kitchen counter where we drop our keys at night. I didn't want to forget giving them to Jen. I didn't know how many she had in her purse (if any). If we were going to start playing the game again I wanted to be prepared.
She got home and we were busy all weekend. We had a party to go to, and we had dinner with Allie and Darren planned too. Before we knew it the weekend was over. Monday morning I noticed the XXL condoms were gone from the kitchen counter. That night when Jen wasn't looking I checked her purse. The condoms were there. I counted them. All there.
Sometimes I wondered if I would've been as obsessed with the cuckold fantasy if I'd married a different girl, a girl not as pretty as Jen. The cuckold fantasy doesn't work if you don't have a really pretty wife. Any girl – even not so pretty girls – can get picked up and laid if they want. As one frat brother used to say, it doesn't matter what she looks like after the lights are off.
But to really work the cuckold fantasy, your wife has to be REALLY pretty. Because then she's chased and desired by a lot of guys, really hot guys, confident players who don't care she's wearing a wedding ring. These guys not only want to bed her but make her their own, like owning the fastest car or the biggest high def TV.
My Jen was really pretty. And really hot. She was fresh faced and gorgeous. Her soft blonde hair, blue eyes and small breasts made her look younger than she was and achingly innocent. She had a firm butt and amazing long legs. Really incredible legs. She walked on her toes like an elegant ballerina. Her tits were small but, well, I liked that, some guys do. What she had was perfect, rounded and full, with upturned perky nipples. She was truly a wet dream.
She was flirty. She couldn't turn it off. Even before the game, before Ricky happened, she'd flirt with guys while standing right next to me, while we held hands even! She couldn't help herself. She liked male attention. She liked turning heads. When I called her on it, she'd apologize and make up for it (usually with great make up sex), then she'd do it again the next day! That's how she was. I accepted it because I loved her so much.
On top of all that, she was a really sensual person. She really loved sex! Once she got her cum face on she was lost. My cuckold fantasies started because she couldn't resist Colin's body after we'd started going out.
So, would I've been such a cuckold if I'd ended up with someone else? I didn't think so. I'd probably still have fantasies, maybe even acted on some of them. But Jen was like fuel on the fire with me. We played off each other. We were the perfect storm.
The problem with big intense storms though, sometimes the ships end up crashed and broken against the rocks.
We started having intercourse again. The cast made it awkward, but she'd always preferred on top with me anyway. Sometimes we'd do it in our bed, sometimes on the sofa. I liked the sofa better because I could more easily rub her nipples and kiss up her neck, two really big erogenous zones for her.
I was able to make her cum that way. Not always, but sometimes. She always made fun of my fixation on this, saying it wasn't important whether she came on my cock or not. But it was important to me. I'd seen her with her lovers, most recently with Colin. I'd seen how she responded to them. She never responded to me like that, never, not even when we first started going out.
But I could still make her cum on my cock. That meant a lot to me. Because if I couldn't ... well, what use was I to her?
She still had passion for me. Maybe I didn't rock her world like her lovers. But she got her cum face on when we fucked. I saw it in her face, lust for me. That was really important to me. I was her husband. I wanted her to desire me. I might be a cuckold, but I was still a man. I needed to know she still desired me, you know?
We didn't talk about starting the game again. After the accident we were both kinda hesitant. I was going crazy horny though with her away so much, fantasizing about her all the time. I wanted to start playing again. She did too I think.
A few weeks ago she was in Chicago (or SF or LA, I don't remember). We were talking after work. We always spoke at least once a day when she traveled. We both needed the connection.
I was feeling horny. I asked "Any one hit on you today?" I laughed to make it sound like a joke.
"Nope, in an office all day long," she said with a laugh back.
"So you haven't met anyone interesting at Memphis?" I asked. "Interesting" of course meant someone she wanted to fuck.
"No, I'm too busy for that," she said with another laugh. "Anyway, Memphis is a lot different from Google, way more conservative." She paused and when she spoke next I heard an interested smile in her voice. "Are you playing with yourself?"
We rarely had phone sex. I guess we both thought it was kinda silly. But here she was definitely ratcheting up our conversation. In truth I wasn't playing with myself. But now I undid my pants and took out my cock. "Yeah I'm horny," I said slowly stroking myself.
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"I knew it!" she said. "I'm kinda horny too."
"Are you touching yourself?"
"Wait," she said. I heard zippers and shuffling of clothes. "Yeah, I am now."
"Are you naked?"
"Yeah." She giggled. "Do you want me to put my high heels back on?"
I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, it would be hot thinking of her lying in bed naked with just her black high heels, playing with herself. "Yeah, do that," I said.
I heard more movement, then she said "Okay." She giggled. "Tell me a story. You're the one with the wild imagination."
I thought a moment. I needed to imagine her with someone. I said "Scott's there right?"
"Yeah, but no old boyfriends remember?" she said.
We were just playing, but I decided not to go there. "So tell me someone you've thought about lately."
"Well ..." she said hesitantly. "There's a guy at the Starbucks, Joey. He calls me no-whip Jen."
"Why's he call you that?"
"I don't get whip on my latte, to save calories," she explained. "Once he squirted a little whip cream on my wedding ring."
"What?!" I practically yelled, my dick getting hard instantly. "Why didn't you tell me this?!"
She giggled delightedly, hearing the excitement in my voice. "I can't tell you about all the guys who hit on me baby," she said feigning innocence. "There are so many."
The little teasing bitch!
"What's he look like? Are you attracted to him?"
"Um, yeah, he's kinda dreamy," she said with a giggle. "Allie calls him Shaggy. His hair flops over his face. It's kinda adorable." She giggled again. "He's young too, about 20."
"Okay," I said, the scene forming itself in my head. "He's in college so he takes you to his frat party."
"And I just go?" she interrupted.
"I tell you to go," I said.
"He takes you down into the basement and they've got a big keg. He gets you drinking beers and you start feeling drunk."
"Um ... I don't like beer."
"This is a fantasy, just roll with it," I said getting frustrated.
"Okay," she said with a giggle.
"He kisses and plays with you with a little," I said. "You get your cum face on."
"I hate when you say that," she said. "Cum face."
"It's what you look like when you get excited."
"Sounds ugly."
"Will you play along?!" I said annoyed.
"Okay, okay," she said giggling again.
"So he kisses you," I said. "You start getting hot. His frat brothers come down stairs and you pull away, embarrassed. You ask him if you should take your wedding rings off. He says no, he wants them to know he's fucking a married girl. He likes it when he can get a married girl to cheat."
"Okay," Jen said.
"He keeps giving you beers, getting you drunk. You do your social butterfly thing, laughing and flirting with all the guys. They're feeling you up, your ass and legs, and you're drunk so you don't stop them. Joey watches and he jokes to his frat brothers how easy it was to get you here, and how they're gonna turn you from a classy married girl into their cheap cock sucking whore tonight."
"Okay," Jen said. I heard her breathing getting labored.
"You're talking to a guy and then Joey presses against your back, sandwiching you between him and the other guy. They press their bodies against you. Both guys are really big and really hard. Joey kisses your neck and the other guy kisses your mouth. His tongue is down your throat. All the other guys are cheering them on."
"Yeah?" Jen said prompting him, her voice getting raspy.
"The guy in front opens your blouse. Joey unsnaps your bra and then you're naked from the waist up. Joey pulls your skirt up around your waist. The room gets quiet as everyone realizes they're gonna fuck you right there. Some guys start rubbing themselves thinking they're gonna get a turn too."
"What happens next?" Jen whispered, her voice hoarse.
"You get scared. You realize things are out of control. You're practically naked in a roomful of horny college guys. You try to get away but Joey holds you tight. The guy in front puts his hands on your shoulders and pushes you down onto your knees. He stuffs his cock into your mouth. You gag but he doesn't care. He starts fucking your face. Joey is holding you, egging him on to fuck your face harder. He's says he's gonna cum. Somebody yells not to cum in your mouth because they don't want to fuck you with his spunk all over your face."
"Mike ..." Jen moaned.
"He pulls his cock from your mouth. He pushes you onto your back and gets between your legs. You tell him to wear a condom and he laughs. He pushes in balls deep. You tell him not to cum in you. You tell him you're not on the pill. He laughs again and then he cums inside you. He yells I just got the married slut pregnant!"
"Ugh god!" Jen cried cumming on the phone. I head her panting into the phone. When she calmed down she gushed "That was freaking amazing!" She giggled. "Have you cum yet?"
"Not yet," I said.
"Okay, here's what happens next," she said. "I tell Joey to take me up to his room. I tell him I want to be alone with him because I really like him. His friends get mad but he doesn't care. In his bedroom I undress him. He has a really nice body. I touch him all over, especially his really hard chest and stomach. Then you walk into the room. I say you can watch us if you want, so you sit down and take out your penis. Joey's cock is so big. Way bigger than yours Mike. I can tell because you're sitting right next to him and his cock like towers over yours. I wonder how I ever cum on your cock Mike, I mean you're so tiny. I so want Joey's cock in my mouth. But I wanna be really pretty for him, so I brush my hair first and put on new lipstick. Mike I'm so into him! If we weren't married I'd definitely date him. Now I've gotten him really hard. He takes off my skirt, so now I'm just in thigh highs and heels. He kisses and touches me. He's driving me crazy, he kisses way better than you Mike, way better. But I've kinda forgotten about you even though you're right there, because I'm so into Joey, he's so freaking amazing. Then --."
"Oh god I'm cumming!" I screamed. My cock jerked and I shot cum all over my chest. As I panted I gasped "God that was incredible!"
"And Joey didn't even fuck me yet!" she giggled delightedly.
"I'm getting the cast off next week," I said one night.
"I know I'm so excited!" she said squeezing my hand.
"Why don't we go away to celebrate?" I suggested enthusiastically. "Some place warm, a beach."
"Where?" she asked hesitantly. I could tell she was weighing this potential vacay versus the mountains of work she had to do. It was already stressing her out.
"I was thinking Cancun," I said.
"Ugh, Cancun, now?" she said. "It's Spring Break. There'll be tons of people there."
"Yeah," I said squeezing her knee. I smiled into her eyes. "A lot of partying going on."
She tilted her head, a glint of interest in her eyes. A lot of college guys would be there. A lot of young hard male bodies. A big playground to start playing our game again.
"Maybe ..." she said beginning to look interested.
I pulled her to me. "It'll be fun," I said kissing her, caressing up her neck.
"Yeah?" she breathed.
"Yeah, a lot of fun. Exciting too," I said slipping my tongue into her mouth.
"You promise?" she asked working on my belt and fly.
"Definitely," I said thrusting into her.
We left for Cancun the next week, after getting the cast off. She arranged things so Allie and Scott would cover for her. I knew Jen was in the mood for sexy times when she wore a really short sundress on the flight down. It wasn't outrageously short. In fact, it was a Lilly Pulitzer dress so she looked kinda sweet and preppy. But the dress ended above mid-thigh.
On the plane I rubbed her back. I didn't feel a bra strap.
"You're not wearing a bra?" I whispered.
"I didn't bring any bras," she whispered back, batting her eyelashes at me.
Jen turned a lot of heads on the plane. We sat in first class (I was sticking rich after all) and the entire time I had my hand on her leg, tracing circles on her inner thigh.
"If you keep doing that we're gonna have to join the mile high club," she whispered to me. She had her cum face on.
"I'd rather you join it with them," I whispered excitedly, subtlety motioning to two beefy college guys across the aisle who couldn't take their eyes off her.
She looked them up and down. "You're so bad," she whispered back.
"Interested?" I asked, subtlety pulling her skirt up to show the guys more of her long shapely legs.
She stopped me. She said with an evil mischievous smile, "You wanna play huh? Just wait."
I was all over her as soon as we got to our hotel room.
"Wait," she giggled. She pushed me onto the bed so I sat on the edge. "I need to put on my bikini." She picked up her iPhone and moments later Billy Idol's "Eyes Without a Face" started playing. I recognized the song from her Sexy strip tease playlist.
"What are you doing?" I asked smiling.
"I gotta take off my clothes before I put on my bikini, right?," she said teasingly. She got between my legs and leaned into me. "You can't touch me," she said rubbing her chest against his face. "Got it?"
"This is how you take off your clothes?"
"Are you complaining?" she asked with a teasing smile.
"No!" I said immediately, making her giggle.
She wrapped her arms around my neck. She moved close like she was going to kiss me. I moved forward to kiss her but she pulled away at the last moment. "Bad boy, I said no touching," she said teasingly.
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"God Jen," I groaned.
"Guess what?" she said moving her face close to me again. She moved her lips to my ear. "I didn't bring any panties either," she whispered.
God, I almost came in my pants right there!
She turned around so her back was to me. She leaned her back into my front. I'd seen her do this with Colin. She put my hands on her flat tummy, then she moved up and down. My hands went from her upper thighs to just below her bosom.
"You're gonna make me cum," I panted.
"That's the point," she said. "Unzip me."
When I moved my hands she stopped me. "No, with your teeth," she said with a giggle.
Grinning I bit down on the zipper. She moved up unzipping her dress, but then I lost the zipper after a few inches. We laughed and tried again. It took two more tries until the zipper was down, with us laughing the entire time.
It was fun and silly, and broke the sexual tension which was good because I was seriously in danger of cumming in my pants. And it was a lot of fun! Our vacation was starting out great!
After she was unzipped, she stood up and let the dress fall around her ankles. Now she was naked except for her sexy ankle strap sandals. I loved these strappy sandals as they really showed off her pretty feet.
I reached for her because I was sooo ready for some sex, but she pulled away from my grasp.
"Nope," she said teasingly. "I told you I was undressing to put on my bikini." She put on a string bikini and then a cover-up.
"You're seriously going to leave me like this?" I asked incredulously motioning to my erection.
"Take a cold shower," she said laughing. She brushed her hair and put on lipstick. "I'm going to the pool," she said with a teasing smile. "Don't be too long hubby, I need someone to put lotion on my back."
My heart pounded as I watched the door close. Damn! I got undressed. I put on my bathing suit, but then I couldn't resist anymore. Standing in front of the toilet, I pulled my suit down. I pumped my cock and after just a few jerks I came into the bowl. I leaned on the sink as my breathing got back to normal. Then I cleaned up and pulled my trunks up, and went searching for my sexy wife.
I had to walk slow. My leg broke pretty bad and I had a limp. I was starting physical therapy when we got back, but the doctor already told me I might have a limp for the rest of my life, and it might actually be painful at times like arthritis. I was okay with that. My wife was safe and I was alive. Also, I'd never been a good dancer, so now I had a good excuse.
I found Jen at the pool right in front of our room. Clearly she'd picked it with my limp in mind. The pool was crowded with a lot of spring breakers, but she'd found 2 chairs. I guess I'd left her alone for 15 minutes or so. She was already getting chatted up by a college guy.
"Hey baby, what took you so long?" she said with a teasing, knowing smile. She glanced briefly at my crotch. She knew I'd jerked off!
She turned to her new friend. "Mike, this is Jamie, he's a senior at Miami." We shook hands. He looked disappointed to see me there. A few moments later he left. Jen watched him walk away. He had a good physique and a really good tan (which made sense since he want to college in Florida).
Jen put suntan lotion on. Then she handed me the bottle and laid on her tummy. "Put this on my back?"
"You didn't want Jamie to put it on you?" I teased.
"Nope, my man does that for me," she said. She looked at me and smiled. "You're my man, right Mike?" She emphasized the word "man."
I felt my cock stiffen. "I'm your husband," I said.
She gave me a long look, as if studying me. Finally she said, "Well, since you're not sure if you're my man, I guess I'll have to get someone else to put lotion on me tomorrow."
"Like Jamie?" I said my throat dry.
She looked at him across the pool. "Maybe. He's definitely a man."
Sometime later she asked "How's your leg honey?"
"A little stiff," I said. "Hurts a little."
She massaged my leg with suntan oil. She rubbed up and down my thigh, then my calf. She massaged my foot too, rotating my ankle. It wasn't sexual, but it felt great. My leg felt a lot better. "Thanks honey," I said.
"Of course baby," she said kissing me.
We went back to the room a little later. We were both so horny! We attacked each other in the room!
I moved to go down on her but she stopped me. "I want fucked!" she said. She paused. "Condom or no condom?"
I hesitated only a moment. There was so much in her question but now was not the time to talk about it. Thinking fast I said "I'll last longer with a condom."
"Definitely condom then!" she said. She ripped the foil package with her teeth and rolled it onto me. Then she straddled my lap and impaled herself on me. She moved up and down, rolling her hips, her eyes rolling back into her head. "Don't you dare cum!" she said as she got close. I thought of the Yankees pitching rotation and who would replace Rivera as closer to keep from cumming. Moments later her body jerked and her head rolled back as she climaxed.
She collapsed on my chest, panting.
I turned her over onto her back. As I did my hard cock fell out of her pussy. I could have taken off the condom. She saw me thinking about it, giving me an interested look. I left the condom on. I pushed back into her and came within moments. I pulled out, being careful to prevent the condom from falling off. I threw away the condom, then we both fell asleep into a nap.
I woke up with Jen snuggled into my chest, one of her legs dbangd over mine. It was dark, and from the clock I saw it was already 9pm. She woke up. We were both starving so we quickly showered and dressed and went out.
Things were moving fast. Before the accident we'd been playing the game all-out. We'd been exploring things and it'd been working. I wanted to play again. I wanted that thrill and pleasure again. I thought she did too, but she hadn't said so yet, not definitely. I brought it up during dinner.
"So ... are you interested in Jamie?" I asked.
She gave me a "I knew you were going to ask me that" smile. She laughed and rolled her eyes playfully.
I laughed back. I knew I was predictable and single minded. "Well?" I said smiling.
"You know what I think?" she said taking my hands. She smiled into my eyes. "I think you're the greatest guy ever, the best husband."
"Okay, okay," I said laughing. Enough of this lovey dubey stuff, I wanted to get to the good parts! "What about Jamie?"
"Stop, just listen for a minute," she said with a smile. "You're seriously the best guy ever. Do you know what my girlfriends are saying about you? My mom and sister? Everyone at work? Everyone I know! You're like everyone's hero!"
"Okay," I said looking down. I guess I didn't take compliments well.
She raised my face to look at her. "You're my hero Mike," she said looking at me. God there was so much love in her eyes! It made me feel so good!
"That's not the only reason why I love you, but ..." She paused, as if continuing a struggle she'd been having with herself. Finally she looked determined as if making a decision. She said "I'm gonna do this for you. But you need to know I love you more than anything. I'll never love any other man. I couldn't, it's not possible. You'll the only man I'll ever love. Do you understand that Mike?"
"Yeah," I said. She was blowing me away. I had a hard time responding.
"Okay," she said looking sheepish. "So you have three wishes."
"What?" I said not understanding.
"Three wishes," she said smiling. "I'll do anything you want."
It slowly dawned on me what she was offering. "Are you serious?"
"Yes," she said. "I'll do anything you want." She squeezed my hands again. "But you have to understand. I love you. Only you. Okay?"
"Okay, I get it," I said, my heart pounding in my chest. "Here's my first wish."
"You already know?" she said with a laugh. "You don't want to think about it?"
"I already know," I said grinning. "You know the phone sex we had? The way you treated me? I want you to treat me that way for the rest of this trip."
"Oh my god, why does that not surprise me!" she laughed. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," I assured her. "And no safe word. That would ruin it, if I could stop it. It stops when the vacation ends."
"Ooookay," she said with playful sarcasm. "But let's start tomorrow, I'm kinda tired."
The next morning she asked, "You're sure about this? Once we start we don't stop until we go home." We were in bed and she was giving me another leg massage. I was getting addicted to her massages! It made my leg feel really good.
"Yeah," I said excitedly.
She gave me a crooked grin. We got into our bathing suits. I knew she was serious about playing when she put on strappy high heels.
We went to the pool. Jen scanned around and then looked over at the beach.
"Let's sit on the beach today," she said.
"Okay," I agreed. Beach or pool didn't matter to me. Jen took off her high heels and threw them into her bag, and then we walked onto the sand.
She picked chairs next to a group of college guys. I realized then why she'd picked the beach. Jamie was in the group.
"Hey Jen, hi Mike," Jamie said.
"Oh hi Jamie," Jen said as if just seeing him. Playing hard to get! She smiled at him. He walked over and we shook hands.
"Wanna beer?" he said grinning. He was already drinking one.
"It's only 10!" Jen said with a laugh.
"It's happy hour somewhere!" Jamie said laughing. He got two plastic cups and pulled a towel off a keg. They'd buried a keg in the sand!
"Oh my god!" Jen said laughing. She took the offered cup from him. I told him thanks as he gave me one too.
"How long you here for?" Jamie asked.
"All weekend," Jen said.
"Cool, us too," he said, and he clinked plastic cups with Jen. As if remembering I was there, he clinked with me.
"Are you all from Miami?" Jen asked.
"Nope, they're from Florida State," Jamie said pointing to a few of the guys and girls. "We put up with them, ACC you know?"
"I wouldn't know," she objected. "We went to Penn State."
"Oh god Big 10 sucks!" Jamie said.
"You are so wrong!" Jen said and the argument began. Their argument included a lot of laughing and flirting.
A bunch of the guys and girls got up to play a drinking football game. "Come on Penn State, let's see what you got!" Jamie playfully taunted.
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"Mike's got a bum leg, but I can play," Jen said. She crossed her arms and pulled off her cover up, which was just a short sun dress. "Hold this for me okay honey," she said carelessly throwing it onto my chest. Without waiting for me to reply she ran off to join the game.
It was touch football, about half guys / girls. Jen was the oldest there (since she was 27 and the others were still in college) but you wouldn't know it by her youthful looks. She was by far the prettiest girl there.
There was a lot of flirting and touching going on. I quickly found out why they called it a drinking football game. With every touchdown, the other team had to chug a beer. After a couple of scores, the rules changed magically and both teams chugged a beer with each touchdown. Touching got more frequent and fragrant as the beer flowed, practically turning into tackle football. Jen seemed to be a favorite target. More than once the other team "fumbled" the ball right into her hands, and then immediately ran after her to tackle her. More than once I saw Jen adjust her bikini after a "hard tackle" (i.e. blatant fondle).
She finally returned to the chairs, laughing and walking next to Jamie. She was definitely way passed tipsy. Her nipples were hard and poked through her bikini top. "Hey baby," she said giving me a quick peck on the cheek. She grabbed her cover up and put it on. "They have a margarita happy hour but it ends in 5 minutes." She tenderly squeezed my bad leg. "I'll bring you back one okay?"
"Okay," I said.
Jamie lit a cigarette. He offered the pack to Jen. "Want one?"
"Oh god yes!" she gushed. She playfully took the one from his mouth. "I'll take this one," she said giggling. She took a long draw.
"I thought you stopped smoking," I said to her.
"Mike it's just one cigarette," she said dismissively.
"We better go," Jamie said impatiently.
"Okay," she said. Without another word to me she grabbed her high heels and ran along with him. She laughed and flirted as they walked to the pool bar, more than once leaning into him, her strappy high heels hooked in her fingers.
My heart pounded. I kept a towel over my crotch to hide my hard-on. I was so turned on!
I felt jealous and neglected. I let those emotions sweep over me. They felt delicious! And gut wrenching too. It was always a balance with me, between excitement and torment.
I knew she had no intention of coming back to the beach. She was teasing me, playing the game. Knowing she was just pretending helped keep my angst in check.
After about 30 minutes I gathered our stuff and walked back to the pool bar. It took some time because my limp made it hard to walk over the sand.
I saw her at the bar. She was sitting on a stool, her legs crossed. She wore only the bikini and the strappy high heels. At some point she'd taken off the cover-up. Jamie sat close to her. As they laughed and flirted they were very touchy-feely.
She smiled seeing me. "Hi baby," she said giving me a kiss. She turned towards me so she wasn't so close to him.
"Happy hour's still on?" I asked sarcastically.
"Oh darn I forgot!" she said. She quickly turned and grabbed a plastic cup. "Here's your margarita," she said looking apologetic. The ice had long melted. She turned to the bartender, "Manuel, can you freshen this up?"
"Forget it," I said bitterly. I felt like leaving. Even knowing she was playing I felt annoyed and hurt.
"Come on Mike, don't be a baby," she said with a laugh, giving Jamie a quick smile. She hooked her arm in mine keeping me there.
The bartender served a round of margaritas. "Thanks Manuel," she said to him with a smile. "This is my husband Mike."
Manual gave me a friendly smile and we shook hands over the bar.
"Here," Jen said handing the margarita to me. She sounded tipsy and slurred her words a little. "You need to catch up."
I did need to catch up. I needed to take the edge off to survive Jen's torment. It was my wish, but it was still gut wrenching. I gulped the margarita and Manual quickly made me another.
I pulled over a stool because my leg was starting to ache. Jen had turned back to Jamie, laughing and talking again. Their knees almost touched.
It was a big rocking party, the Miami and Florida State college students having a big combined happy hour. Jen seemed to know everyone. She talked and laughed with a lot of people but gave most of her attention to Jamie.
Jamie lit a cigarette and gave it to Jen. Then he lit another for himself. She inhaled the cigarette closing her eyes momentarily as the nicotine flowed through her body.
She saw my scowl. "We're on vacation, okay?" she said dismissively to me.
I felt anger growing. Okay, this was my wish, I got that. But she knew I hated smoking. She was going too far with the game.
The sun had set and the band was playing a funky reggae tune. "I feel like dancing," she said. She looked at me, but knew my bum leg made it impossible for me to dance.
"My husband hurt his leg," she said to Jamie. "Come on," she said with a laugh, pulling him off the stool. They laughed as they drunkenly stumbled for a moment.
Jen squished out the cigarette. She reached down and took off her high heels. "Hold these for me okay?" she said dropping her heels into my lap.
She looked at me and saw the cloud over my face. She lean towards me. I thought she was going to say something like "I'm just playing baby. Do you want me to stop?"
Instead she whispered harshly "Lighten up Mike, god we're on vacation."
I felt shaken. Manual must have noticed because he looked at me with a raised questioning eyebrow, silently asking if I wanted another one. The margarita was typical resort quality, in other words, expensive with little alcohol. I needed something stronger. "You got a single malt scotch?" I asked him. He nodded and set me up.
There was a lot of rubbing and bumping on the dance floor. It looked like a big frat party.
Jen danced close with Jamie. She turned so her back was to him. She leaned into him, raising her arms and wrapping them around his neck. She slid up and down the front of his body in sync with the sexy beat of the music, like the strip tease she'd done with me.
They finally returned after 30 minutes on the dance floor. Jen's body glistened with sweat and her hard nipples poked through her bikini top. Manual served new drinks and Jen gulped down the margarita. She had her cum face on.
One of the cups of her bikini top had shifted with all the bumping and grinding, revealing a little of her areola. "Jen, come on," I said annoyed fixing her bikini top.
"Don't worry Mike, it's nothing I haven't seen before!" Jamie said drunkenly. He and everyone around laughed. My anger burned and I wanted to punch the bastard!
She leaned towards me and I thought she was going to chastise me again. Instead she gave me a big sloppy open mouth kiss. She squeezed my crotch. I was hard of course. "Don't drink too much, I'm gonna need this tonight," she said. She said it loud enough so everyone could hear, and she rolled her eyes while looking at her new friends as she said it. Everyone laughed, and I knew they were laughing at me. I felt my face flush and my erection shrunk, like she'd emasculated me. She felt me soften and she gave me a "Seriously?" look.
After a while people began drifting off, friends going out to dinner, couples going to their rooms to fuck. There was only a few of the group left. Jen wandered off with Jamie, back to the dance floor. The dance floor was still crowded. I could just barely see them on the far side, but they were like shadows in the darkness. I thought I saw them kissing.
Jen returned with Jamie later. She made a point of fixing her bikini top. She was holding his hand although as she approached she let his hand go. She looked flushed. She definitely had her cum face on.
I instinctively looked at her neck. There was a red mark there, he'd given her a hickey. I got so pissed! "You let him do this?" I hissed in a low voice touching her neck. I moved to get up. I so wanted to punch Jamie! He was bigger than me and I had a bum leg, but I didn't care!
"Will you calm down?" she said impatiently. She added dismissively, "It's no big deal." She said to Manual, "Can you give my husband another drink? He still needs to get in vacation mode."
I drank the scotch and started feeling drunk. Jen was talking with a group of Jamie's friends. She came back and said, "We're going to Jamie's room. They bought some weed."
My head was getting cloudy with alcohol. But I couldn't believe she'd just said that. "You want to smoke pot?" I said derisively. "Seriously Jen?"
"If you don't want to then fine, I'll see you later," she said impatiently.
"Forget it, I'll go," I said. Even though I was furious with her she was still my wife, I needed to make she was safe.
"Whatever," she said. She sounded disappointed I was joining them.
She grabbed the strappy high heels from my grasp. She sensed Jamie's presence behind her and smiled at him. She held onto his shoulder (instead of mine) as she slipped on her right high heel and then her left. I wondered how in the world I'd so quickly lost being her man.
I walked behind them, not quite able to keep up with my bum leg. She managed to not hold his hand although she playfully bumped into him constantly as they laughed and flirted.
Jamie was sharing a condo with a bunch of his buddies. Now there were about a dozen people in his room, including me and Jen, as joints were passed around the room. Like everyone else, I was drunk and rapidly getting stoned.
I closed my eyes for a second. Or maybe it was minutes or even longer, I didn't know. Some people had passed out. Others were necking. Jen and Jamie had disappeared.
Then I sensed motion in the dark hallway leading to the bathroom. I looked and was barely able to make them out. She still only wore the bikini and high heels. Jamie had Jen pressed against the wall. They were seriously making out and his hands were roaming her body.
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She had one leg curved around his leg, the stiletto of her high heel digging into his calf. I could tell by her cheeks he had his tongue in her mouth. She had her hands inside his bathing suit kneading his muscular ass as he fondled her sexy body.
Jamie pulled a cup down exposing her breast. He lowered his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth.
Jen moaned and rolled her head back. But then she pushed him away. "No Jamie," she protested. "Mike's right there."
"So what?" he said uncaringly, pulling her back to him. He hooked a thumb into her bottoms and pulled them down. Clearly he intended to fuck her right there in the hallway!
"Stop Jamie!" she pushed him away. "He's right there! He's a shit sometimes but he's still my husband!"
She fixed her bikini and hair then walked to me. "God he's passed out," she said impatiently. I guess I must have looked passed out. I was so drunk and high I could barely keep my eyes open, I was looking through my eyelashes.
"God he looks like a sorry ass!" Jamie laughed. "He's gonna be hurting tomorrow."
"Help me get him home okay?" she asked Jamie.
Jamie was a big guy. He was able to pull me up and get his arm around me. "Fuck he weighs a ton," he complained.
"He's gained weight lately," Jen said. "His leg."
I managed to half walk with my arm around the younger muscular man. He carried most of my weight. In our room he pushed me onto the bed and I collapsed face down.
"Be nice," Jen giggled.
"Fuck I feel like I pulled my back!" he laughed. "Tell him to go on a diet!"
"I'll see what I can do," she said laughing with him.
He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "Jamie he's right there!" she whispered.
"He's dead to the world," Jamie said looking at me.
Jen studied me. "You think so?" she asked.
"Yeah, he's not waking up," he said kissing her. He reached behind her and pulled the strings of her top. He tossed the top onto the bed, right next to my face. "Anyway do you care?"
"Of course I care, he's my husband," she protested, but she didn't stop him as he cupped and fondled her naked breasts. He kissed her and she kissed him back.
He paused kissing her long enough to say, "You said he lets you fuck around."
"Yeah but not when he's passed out," she said with a laugh.
"So you want to stop?" he asked as he cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples.
She moaned and studied me again. "Fuck it," she said. She turned off the light. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
She moved him to the sofa. He said down and she got on her knees. The sofa was under the window so it was illuminated by the light outside. They were angled to me and only a few feet away so I saw them perfectly in profile through my closed eyelashes.
She helped him pull off his shirt. She'd see his chest before of course on the beach, but she still smiled approvingly. She scrapped her nails down his well-defined chest. "Nice," she said smiling into his eyes.
He smiled back at her. "So you fuck around a lot?" he asked.
"Only when I need to," she said pulling down his bathing suit, her eyes fixed on his crotch. She liked what she saw. Really big, really thick, really hard. She wrapped her hands around him.
"How often is that?" he said grinning.
"A lot," she admitted with a laugh, then she stole a glance back at me. Satisfied I was still passed out she looked back at Jamie. Smiling she put a finger to her lips, telling him to be more quiet.
"You're a big boy," she whispered, slowly stroking him up and down.
"I've never had complaints," he said with a smug smile.
"Confident aren't you?" she said with a crooked grin. "I like that." She lowered her head and took him into her mouth. He moaned and rolled his head back.
From his face I could tell he wasn't going to last long, not with her twirling her tongue over the flat of his shaft. "Hold up," he said yanking her hair, pulling her face off his cock.
He stood her up and pulled down her bikini bottoms. He smiled approvingly at her completely bare pussy. "Why don't college girls shave like this?" he said smiling, rubbing his thumb over her completely bare skin above her clit.
"I always did," she said straddling his lap.
"Mike's a lucky guy," he said grinning.
"I think you're the lucky one tonight cowboy," she said. She reached into her bag and pulled out a condom. "Here," she said giving him the square foil package. He quickly ripped it open and rolled the condom on. She reached between them and guided his sheathed cock to her pussy lips.
"God!" she grunted as his cockhead penetrated her. "Go slow okay?"
"You're so fucking tight!" he gasped. He turned her over onto her back. He slowly penetrated her with his thick long shaft. I noticed she was still wearing the strappy high heels.
He finally got balls deep and started rocking back and forth.
"Oh god you feel so fucking good!" she gasped as he fucked her.
I couldn't resist anymore. I sat up on the bed and opened my eyes completely. I reached into my bathing suit and stroked myself.
Jen sensed movement and turned her head. She locked eyes with me for a moment. Then she turned back to Jamie, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss as he fucked her.
He put her legs over his shoulders and started fucking her faster and harder. She gripped the sofa cushions for dear life, wailing as he fucked the shit out of her. "I'm fucking cumming!" she screamed and her back arched in a massive orgasm. I came with her, my spunk splattering the inside of my bathing suit. Moments later Jamie grunted. His hips jerked as he came into the condom.
I guess I passed out after that. I woke up still in my bathing suit. The sun was coming up.
Jen wasn't next to me. I looked over at the sofa. She and Jamie slept on the sofa. They were still naked. Jen even still had the high heels on. She was curled into his arms. Seeing her sleeping in his arms felt like a kick in my gut.
Soon after they woke up. The three of us looked at each other. To say it was awkward was an understatement. Jen kicked off the high heels and pulled a blanket around her. She got up and walked to the bathroom. On the way she gave me a kiss.
"How's your head?" she asked.
"Probably drank too much last night," I admitted.
"Me too," she said with a weak smile. "How's your leg?"
"A little stiff," I said.
She got on her knees and rubbed my leg. As she did I reached into the blanket and cupped her breast. "Not now Mike," she said pushing my hand away. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her and went into the bathroom.
Jamie and I looked awkwardly at each other. "Dude I'm so hung over," he said groggily. He got a beer from the in-room bar. "You mind? Tail of the dog you know?" I nodded to him. He opened it and took a long chug.
My head was pounding. Too much scotch, too much weed. Jamie got out another beer and offered it to me with a raised eyebrow. What the hell, I thought. I couldn't feel any worst. I nodded and took the beer from him and took a long drink. I did feel a little better.
Jen came out this time in a short robe. She looked hung over too. But she still looked sexy and so gorgeous, her blonde hair tussled and falling over her pretty face. She saw us drinking beers. She took my beer and drank some, looking into my eyes.
"I better get going," Jamie said awkwardly, seeing us reconnecting as a couple.
Jen went to him. She rubbed his muscular chest, giving him a knowing, crooked smile.
"I'll see you later," he said grinning back.
"See ya," she said. She gave him a quick kiss to the lips.
Jen sat next to me on the bed. I felt bothered and upset, but also really horny. I pulled the belt and the robe fell open. In addition to the hickey she had love bites on her neck and tits.
"I wish you wouldn't let him mark you," I said.
"It's not a big deal," she said. "They'll be gone by the time we get home. Anyway, people will think you did that to me."
"People here will see," I said.
"We'll never see them again," she said. She took another drink of the beer and I could tell it was making her feel better too. "I'm glad that trick still works," she said smiling. "Come on, let's get up I'm starving."
"Wait," I said putting my hand on her thigh. I was really hot after last night. I wanted her.
"I'm really hungry Mike," she said pushing my hand off and getting up.
Okay, whatever. I'd get her after breakfast. I tried getting up but I got dizzy. "I need to sit here a minute," I said.
"Okay," she said. She went into the bathroom and I heard the shower running. She came out with her hair up and a little make up on. She dropped her robe and rubbed moisturizer lotion all over. Then she put on a different bikini, a cute pink one with while polka dots. Today her cover up was a denim miniskirt and a tank top. She wore flip flops instead of high heels. She said "I'm going to breakfast. I'll meet you at the pool."
That surprised me. I thought she'd wait for me to feel better, maybe nurse me a little. She wasn't showing any sympathy for me, and she hadn't said a word about yesterday. Then I realized she was still playing the game. The thought excited me, but it felt like dread too.
I took her hand and pulled her down to sit next to me on the bed. "Jen we need to talk," I said. "I don't think I can take another day like yesterday."
She looked at me, studying me. Then she got up. "I'll see you later," she said. She leaned towards me and scrunched up her nose. "You should take a shower, you smell kinda rank."
Fuck I thought. She was serious about this game, no safe word. I had two more days of this!
She hadn't even taken care of me and I was hard as a rock. I reached down and wrapped my hand around my cock. I thought of seeing Jen sleeping in Jamie's arms. I came after only a few jerks. I wiped myself with a towel and then closed my eyes, gasping from my orgasm.
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I must have fallen back asleep. When I woke up I saw it was late afternoon. I hurriedly showered and put on a new bathing suit, then I went in search of Jen.
She wasn't at the pool or the bar. I went to the beach and saw some people from yesterday. "Have you seen my wife?" I asked one of the girls.
"She's snorkeling with Jamie," the cute girl said motioning towards the ocean. I remembered her name was Tara. She looked at me with a smile on her face. Her girlfriends looked at me too. Clearly they knew Jamie was fucking my wife. I moved away feeling like a cuckold.
The resort had some great reefs and Jen and I'd talked about snorkeling them. I'd been excited to explore them with her and I was annoyed she'd gone with Jamie. I got we were playing the game, but we were still on vacation together. This was our second of three days and I felt like we hadn't spent any time together.
I sat on a beach chair waiting for them to return, getting more annoyed and angry with each minute. A beach boy came by. I realized I was starving and ordered a cheeseburger and fries and a big bottle water. I felt dehydrated and needed the fluids.
Finally an hour later they emerged from the water. "Hey sleepyhead," she said seeing me.
"I thought we were going to snorkel together," I said with barely contained anger.
She gave me a WTF look. "It's not my fault you slept all day," she said, irritated. "What was I supposed to do, do nothing while you slept off your hangover?"
Jamie seemed amused by our spat. Some of his friends were smiling. I noticed Tara had a frown on her face.
"Here dude, you can borrow my gear," he said dropping his flippers, snorkel and face mask at my feet. "It's really awesome reefs."
"Yeah Mike you should go," she said consolingly. She squeezed the water from her hair, then she brushed it. I was hoping she'd offer to go with me, but those hopes were dashed when she pulled up her mini-skirt and put on lipstick.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"We're going to the bar, it's happy hour," she said. She leaned over and put her arms around my neck. She gave me a brief kiss. "You definitely should see the reefs, they're freaking awesome. You can meet us at the bar after you're done." She looked at my half eaten bacon cheeseburger and fries. "You might wanna go easy on the burgers and fries," she said patting my stomach. "You could lose a little weight."
My heart pounded as she walked away with Jamie and his friends. She never looked back at me. I couldn't believe how mean she was being to me. She was ignoring me, and when she wasn't ignoring me she was putting me down. Had it only been yesterday morning that she'd told me how I was her hero and how she loved me so much?
I decided to snorkel. I really did want to see the reefs. And I needed time to think what to do next.
I put on Jamie's gear and swam out to the reefs. The water felt great, and my bum leg didn't hinder me. As I looked at the reefs and sea creatures, I thought about how Jen was treating me. My pulse immediately quickened and I got hard. Despite the turmoil in my heart, how she was acting was turning me on like crazy, really pushing all my cuckold buttons.
I couldn't resist. I poked my head over the waves and saw no one close within 200 feet. Putting my head back into the water, I reached into my bathing suit and stroked myself. I lasted longer this time since I'd recently cummed. I slowly stroked myself, thinking over the last 24 hours, enjoying the deliciousness of not only Jen's sex with Jamie but also how she was denying me attention and practically ridiculing me. My body shuddered and I had an incredible orgasm. I managed to pull my cock from my suit as I came so as to not soil my suit.
After my breathing returned to normal I swam back to the beach. I toweled off and put my shirt on. I decided to join everyone at the bar.
Jen was just playing the game, I kept telling myself. She loved me. I was her husband. I was her man. This was Wish #1. She was just playing out my fantasy. It was an act, that's all.
She wasn't at the bar. Neither was Jamie. I couldn't bear the humiliation of asking Jamie's friends where they were. Anyway, I had a good idea where they were.
I walked to our room. Standing outside the door I could hear them. They were having sex.
Feeling numb I put in my cardkey. The lock clicked open and I stepped inside. Jen was on top, riding him hard.
She looked over at me. Irritation soon replaced the lust on her face. "Come in if you want but close the freaking door!" she said impatiently.
I realized the door was wide open and anyone walking by could see them doing it. Jamie said "Yeah, not cool man."
I stepped in and let the door close. Despite my heartache I couldn't help admiring how gorgeous and sexy Jen was. She still had on her bikini top and mini-skirt. It looked like the only thing she'd taken off before mounting him were her bottoms. Somehow seeing her partly clothed made her look even more sexy.
I had an overwhelming urge to touch her. We'd had practically no physical contact for almost a whole day and I was dying to feel her.
I sat on the side of the bed. I pulled the strings of her bikini top then stroked her back, kissing down her spine.
"Not now Mike!" she said irritably, pulling away from my hands and lips. She looked on the brink of an orgasm and clearly I'd interrupted the build-up. She grabbed her now untied bikini top and threw it to the floor. She pulled Jamie's hands up to cup her tits. "Rub my nipples baby!" she practically begged him. Her eyes rolled back into her head as he did. Her face was a mask of lust. She sensed I was still sitting next to them on the bed. "Sit over there, I'll take care of you later," she said to me.
I felt incredibly rejected and heartsick, useless. I sat on the sofa as Jen rode Jamie's impressive manhood, moving up and down and rotating his hips. "Oh god!" she cried, her head rolling back as she came in a thunderous orgasm
Jamie took over, holding her hips as he violently pumped her. Moments later he cried out in orgasm, his hips jerking widely as he came! I hoped she'd had the presence of mind to make him wear a condom.
Jen fell onto his chest, both of them panting. When their breathing got back to normal, Jen pulled off his cock. To my relief I saw a condom. As she pulled off, Jen held the condom so it didn't fall off. She collapsed onto the bed next to him.
They seemed to forget I was there as he put his arm around her and she laid her head on his chest. After a few minutes her eyes opened and she looked surprised, like "oh yeah you're here." She gently pushed Jamie. "You better go," she said.
Jamie got up and put on his bathing suit and t-shirt. "Meet you later right?" he asked looking at Jen.
"You betcha," she said smiling into his eyes.
As he passed me he said "You've got a great wife dude." He slapped me on the back.
Jen and I looked at each other for long moments after he left. This was the time in our game when she usually hugged and kissed me and made me feel better.
This time though she said "God Mike you have the worst timing."
I took a step back. "How was I to know you were here?" I said.
"You were snorkeling, I thought we'd have at least a half hour," she said sounding annoyed.
She walked over to me on the sofa. She got on her knees. "How's your leg?" Her voice carried lingering irritation but concern too.
"It's fine," I snapped feeling hurt and neglected.
She scowled at me like I was being a baby. She rubbed and massaged my leg as she'd done before. Despite my anger and hurt I admit it felt great, easing the stiffness and pain. Even though it was a non-sexual massage, just feeling her soft hands on me got me hard.
I looked into her eyes, wanting her. She said she'd take care of me, and I wanted her.
She knew what I was thinking, what I wanted, what I needed. Abruptly she got up and moved towards the bathroom. "I've got to get ready," she said.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going with Jamie and his friends to dinner, then we're going dancing."
"Jen, wait," I said grabbing her arm. "I get you're playing the game. But this is our vacation. We haven't spent any time together."
"You can come along if you want," she said. She made me feel like a tag along, a third wheel.
"Jen stop!" I said my voice almost cracking. "I can't take this anymore. You win, I quit. I want to stop playing."
She looked at me for long moments. It was like she was studying my face, looking inside me. Finally she said "I don't want to be late." She moved towards the bathroom.
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Something inside me snapped. She was MY wife! Her body was MINE! If she was going to play this game then I was at least going to enjoy her body too!
I threw her onto the bed and yanked off the mini-skirt. I pushed down my trunks and got between her legs.
"If you're gonna do it then put on a condom!" she hissed at me. When I hesitated she growled "WEAR – A – CONDOM!"
"Here!" she said. She grabbed a condom from her bag. She ripped it open with her teeth and rolled it onto my cock. "Go ahead," she said laying back down, opening up her legs.
I rammed into her getting balls deep in a single thrust. As I fucked her I fondled her body and kissed her. She didn't stop me but there was no passion in her actions. She let me kiss her but she didn't return my kisses. She had her hands on my back but she didn't caress me. It was like she had no desire for me. Like she didn't care. Like I meant nothing to her. Like she was along just for the ride.
She said, "Hurry up and finish, okay? I don't want to be late." There wasn't anger in her voice. There was no emotional good or bad. It was like "can you take the dog out?" She was more concerned about finishing so she wouldn't be late meeting Jamie.
All of it ... ALL OF IT ... got be SO- FUCKING – HOT.
I lunged once more and came.
I collapsed on her. Before my breathing even returned to normal, she said "Can you get off me Mike? I have to get ready."
I rolled off her. I felt so rejected, so useless. With my lust sated the heartache returned. I put my arm over my head. I felt so lost.
Then she did something completely unexpected. She took the condom off my soft dick. Holding the condom up she let my cum fall into her mouth, swallowing all of it. Then she lowered her head and licked my cock clean.
Without a word she got up and went into the bathroom. I heard her get in the shower.
I was so startled I couldn't move. I realized she'd given me a silent message by swallowing my cum and licking me. This WAS all just a game!
She came out wearing a robe. "Are you getting in the shower?" she asked. "I don't want to be late."
"Yeah," I said. As I walked to the bathroom I paused. "Do you mind?" I said opening her robe. There were more love bites on her neck, shoulders and breasts. I ran my finger along them on her neck.
"Not now Mike we have to get ready," she said pulling away from my touch. "Hurry up okay?"
When I got out of the shower she'd finished her hair and makeup and was wiggling into a dress.
"Zip me?" she said turning around and holding up her long blonde hair. I zipped her up. She looked stunning! The material of the dress was summer light weight so her nipples were outlined in the material. The dress ended way above her knees, just 2 or 3 inches below her pussy. The dress was another Lilly Pulitzer so despite all that she still looked innocent and sweet, believe it or not.
"You look amazing," I gushed.
"Thanks," she said. She put a hand on the dresser to steady herself as she put on her high heels. "Jamie has a friend, Larry. His roommate at Florida. He's really nice."
"Okay," not knowing where she was going with this.
"I'm just saying," she explained. "I don't want you to freak out."
"Okay," I said cautiously, still not sure where she was going. "So you might hook up with Larry instead of Jamie tonight?"
"No Mike," she said giving me a "how can you be so dense" look. "I might hook up with both of them."
"Oh," I said dumbly.
"Can you handle it?" she asked impatiently. "Because if you can't we'll go to Jamie's condo."
"I can handle it," I said my throat suddenly very dry.
She smiled at me. She tenderly ran her hand across my cheek. "Thanks for letting me do this. Sometimes I just need to let go, you know? It's been so stressful at work this is really helping." She gently squeezed my crotch. "It doesn't mean I don't love this. You know that, right?"
"Yeah," I said my heart beating wildly. If she touched me any more I was seriously going to cum in my pants.
"Do you mind sleeping on the sofa?" she asked. "It might be a long night."
"Sure okay," I said my head spinning with excitement.
She looked me up and down. I was only in my boxers, I wasn't close to being ready. "I've gotta go, I told Jamie and Larry I'd meet them for drinks," she said. "Meet us after you get dressed."
Then she was gone, the click of her high heels disappearing down the walkway. God. I'd never seen her in a threesome with 2 guys. We'd had them a couple times, with me being the second guy. I could barely breathe.
This all turned me on so much. Not just the sex. But the way she was treating me. Like I didn't mean anything to her. I guessed it was wrapped into the risk of losing her. Whatever it was, what she was doing was really pushing my cuckold buttons. It was gut wrenching, but also turned me on so much.
I knew I needed some release if I was going to make it through the night. I went into the bathroom and pulled out my hard dick. I stroked myself in front of the toilet. I'd just cum earlier with Jen so it took me some time to cum. That was okay, I slowly stroked myself playing back the last 24 hours in my head. As I did sometimes, I used my other hand to caress the underside of my balls as I slowly stroked myself. I probably beat off for about 15 minutes. It was worth it though, when I finally came it was an amazing orgasm.
I got dressed and went to the bar. Jen and Jamie weren't there. They weren't at the restaurant either. I saw Jamie's friends. I went up to Tara, the cute girl I'd spoken to earlier. "Have you seen Jen?" I asked her.
"She went with Jamie and Larry to Senor Frogs," Tara said.
She left without me. I couldn't believe it. Just like the snorkeling. She left without me.
I tried her cell but she didn't answer.
I moved to go but Tara stopped me. "There's no point in going there, they're probably bar hopping," she said. She motioned to the empty chair next to her. "Have dinner with us."
Why not? I had nothing else to do.
I talked to Tara and found out she was a computer science major with a minor in finance. I actually found myself enjoying talking to her.
"Your wife is really pretty," she whispered to me. "You really let her sleep with other guys?" She looked a little embarrassed. "Jamie is a big talker."
"We, ah ... we swing," I whispered back. I didn't want to admit to this pretty young girl I was a cuckold.
"So you have sex with other girls too?" she whispered sounding intrigued.
I could have lied and said yes. But I couldn't bring myself to do that. Other cuckolds will understand. Saying you sleep with other girls bursts the bubble on the fantasy.
"No," I said.
I guess she saw I was embarrassed. She didn't ask anything else. Instead she turned to the other side and talked to her friend again.
I put money on the table to pay my share and moved to get up. Tara turned to me. "Do you want to hang out tonight?" she asked me.
I looked at her surprised. Why would she want to hang out with me? I was almost a decade older than her. I didn't have a beach body like all her guy friends. I was a pathetic cuckold who let his wife fuck other men, whose wife didn't think enough of him to even tell him where she was going.
She must have read my mind. She smiled at me. "I think you're kinda cute. And I like shy geeky guys."
I gave her a long look. She really was a cute girl. I knew what she was offering. If I wanted her, I could have her.
But ... that wasn't what my fantasy was about. And I'd never cheat on Jen, no matter what she did to me.
"I better get going," I said. "But thanks. Thanks a lot."
"Okay," Tara said giving me another pretty smile. She moved her hand under the table and squeezed my thigh just below my dick. "Let me know if you change your mind."
I left the restaurant feeling better. Getting hit on by a pretty girl always does wonders for a guy's ego.
I started getting worried about Jen. Cancun was safe, but it WAS still Mexico. And what did I really know about Jamie? I seemed to recall meeting Larry briefly, but that was it. I tried calling but she didn't answer. I texted her, "R u ok?"
She didn't respond. After an hour I was seriously getting worried. Still she wasn't answering her phone. I texted her, "Where R U? R u ok? Call me!"
Another hour passed. She'd been gone 4 hours! I was going crazy with worry! Now her phone went right to voice mail. I texted her, "CALL ME NOW OR I'M CALLING THE COPS!!!!"
A few minutes later she texted me. "I'm fine Mike. We're coming back." She hung up.
I stared at the phone in disbelief. I was her husband. She'd been gone for hours with almost strangers and without a single call or text. And that's all I get? No explanation? No apology?
About 30 minutes later my phone rang. It was Jen! "Are you alright?!" I said urgently.
"Mike, god, I'm fine," she said.
My anger spilled over. "Where the fuck have you been?" I demanded. "Why didn't you meet me at restaurant?!"
"I told you I was going out with Jamie and Larry," she said with forced patience. "When you didn't show I thought you changed your mind and decided not to go."
I remembered how I'd taken my time beating off. "That doesn't explain you not calling me," I said angrily. "Do you realize how worried I was?"
"Mike calm down," she said. "This is Cancun. It's more American than Miami! And I was with Jamie and Larry. Okay, I get you don't know Larry, but you know Jamie now."
We were silent for long moments. Everything she said made sense, but I was still angry.
I finally broke the silence. "Where are you now?" I asked.
"I'm with Jamie and Larry at the bar," she said. "Are you freaking out about this? If you are I'll go to Jamie's condo."
Her words stabbed me in the heart. She didn't say "if you're really upset I'm cancel tonight and come home to you." Instead she was saying "if you're gonna be pathetic about this I'll spend the night at their place."
And I was pathetic. Because despite how she was treating me, I desperately needed to see her. Sometimes I called it getting my Jen Fix. I needed my Jen Fix, I needed us to be in the same room even if she was with other guys and I was just watching.
"I'm okay," I assured her, forcing the anger and hurt from my voice. "You can come here."
"Okay," she said her voice softer now too. "I know it's hard for you sometimes Mike. You know how I lose myself when I get into a guy. Just remember, when this is over I'll be going home with you, not Jamie."
"Okay, yeah I get it," I said. Somehow her words didn't make me feel any better. "Can I asked you ... are you really into Jamie, or both Jamie and Larry?"
"Just Jamie Mike," she answered.
"Then why Larry?" I asked. I didn't want to start another fight but I was curious.
Jen hesitated, then said "Larry's a virgin. That's why he's here in Cancun. Jamie is helping him take care of that."
"Oh," I said. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. "So you're --."
"Yeah," Jen said with a smile. "I'm going to help Larry with that too."
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Consequences Pt. 09
Jen said they'd finish their drinks and then come over. My cock was so hard! I hurried into the bathroom and jerked off into the toilet. I couldn't remember when I'd beat off so much. But I needed the release before things got started. I cleaned up and pulled up my pants. I got a spare pillow and blanket from the closet and put them next to the sofa. I turned the lights off, leaving only the light next to the bed on. Then I sat on the sofa and waited.
About a half hour later the door opened. Jen smiled appreciatively seeing me sitting on the sofa, leaving the bed for them. She introduced me to Larry. I said hi to him and Jamie.
She came to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Then she moved her lips to my ear. I assumed she'd tell me how much she loved me. Instead she whispered into my ear "If this gets too intense for you, maybe you should leave. I wanna make sure this is really special for Larry since it's his first time, and I don't want you ruining it for him. Okay?"
I guess I looked shocked because she said "Are you going to be able to handle this Mike?"
"... I'll be okay," I managed to say.
She gave me a long look. Then she said "Okay." She gave me another quick kiss on the lips. "I know this turns you on." She gently squeezed my crotch. "I know it's hard too. Just remember, I belong to you. They just have me this weekend." She squeezed my crotch again. "I'll take care of this later mister," she said with a smile.
What she said made me feel better. Also, I kept reminding myself she was just acting, she was just playing the game, my Wish #1.
She turned back to Jamie and Larry. She gave Jamie a long kiss. Then she went to Larry. "Hi," she said to him, stroking his cheek.
"Hi," Larry said, looking embarrassed and shy. Unlike Jamie who was tall dark and handsome and really confident, Larry was tall and skinny. He seemed shy and awkward, nervous around girls (especially beauties like Jen).
Larry looked younger than Jamie, by a few years. Jen had said Jamie was a senior at Miami, so he was 20 or 21. Larry didn't look older than 18.
Jen got on her tiptoes and kissed Larry softly. He kissed her back but he wasn't aggressive about it. "You kiss really nice," Jen gushed, rubbing his chest. He beamed at her compliment. She moved forward, pressing her body against him and kissed him again. Soon they were making out.
She broke their kiss long enough to say, "Put your arms around me, I like that." He put his arms around her waist and she put her arms around his neck. Their kiss when on and on.
"You can touch me if you want," she said looking into his eyes.
"Where?" he panted looking both excited and hesitant.
"I really like my breasts touched," she said. She took his hands and put them on her breasts so he cupped them. She put her hands over his. "See how my nipples are hard? You got me excited."
"Really?" he said amazed.
"I told you, you kiss really nice," she said smiling into his eyes. "Rub my nipples with your finger and thumb. Yeah like that. Yeah, that feels good. Yeah ..." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again. They made out like that as he fondled her breasts through her dress.
"Your breasts feel so amazing!" he gushed when they finally took a break from their kiss, both of them panting.
"They're kinda small, I wish they were bigger," she said.
"They're perfect!" he gushed.
"Thanks!" she said smiling into his eyes. "I usually wear a bra you know. I'm not usually this slutty." She giggled.
"I don't think you're a slut," Larry assured her immediately. He looked nervously over her shoulder. "Is that really your husband?"
"Yeah," she said glancing indifferently at me. "He likes watching me with guys. Just pretend like he's not there. If it bothers you I'll tell him to leave."
My mouth opened in shock. Would she really kick me out? How could she even say that?
"It's okay, I guess," Larry said timidly.
"Okay," Jen said. "Wanna take off my dress?"
"Yes!" he said excitedly.
Jen turned so her back was to him. She held up her long blonde hair. "Go ahead," she told Larry. She winked at Jamie. She didn't look at me at all.
Larry's hands must have shaken because it took some time before he unzipped her dress. Finally he did and Jen let the dress fall around her ankles. She daintily stepped out of it.
She wasn't wearing anything underneath so now she was down to her strappy high heels. Larry's eyes bugged out looking at her sexy back, firm ass and long shapely legs. "God," he practically moaned eating her up with his eyes.
She turned around grinning at him, with her arms teasingly covering her breasts. He looked her up and down, his eyes eventually focusing on her hairless pussy. "Goooood," he groaned. I thought he was going to cum in his pants. Honestly I wouldn't blame him if he did.
"Hello, I'm up here," she giggled. He tore his eyes from her pussy and looked up at her pretty face with a sheepish smile.
"Ready to see my little boobies?" she asked teasingly. He nodded vigorously and she giggled again. Then she dropped her arms, exposing her breasts to him. "Ta ta!"
He looked at her breasts for what seemed like an eternity, not able to take his eyes off them.
"Um, hello, a compliment would be nice right now," she teased.
"They're ... they're perfect!" he gushed.
"Thanks," she said taking his hands and kissing them. She put his hands over her breasts again. Now he was cupping her naked breasts. "Rub my nipples like before. Yeah, with your thumb and finger. Yeah ... you have a really nice touch. Yeah ..."
They got on the bed and they kissed again. Larry's hands were all over her. Sometimes she'd say "yeah like that" or "a little softer" or "over a little, yeah right there."
During this time, Jamie sat on the other side of the king bed. I thought he might be feeling neglected the way Jen was giving Larry all her attention, but he seemed fine with it.
"Time to undress you," Jen said. She took off his shirt and pants. Then she pulled down his shorts. She smiled at him. "You have a big one."
"Mine isn't as big as Jamie's" Larry lamented.
"You're more than big enough," Jen said smiling into his eyes. She leaned over and whispered into his ear "You're bigger than my husband." Even though she whispered I could clearly hear her words.
"Really?" Larry said glancing at me.
"Yeah," Jen said whispering into his ear again. "Way bigger."
Larry WAS bigger than me. About an inch or two longer, and thicker. Once again I wondered how Jen could enjoy sex with me.
Jen glanced at me and we locked eyes for a moment. I think she saw the lust in my eyes. She turned back to Larry.
They kissed again, their naked bodies entangled. His hands were all over her. His caresses were more effective and soon Jen was moaning. He was a fast learner. She had her cum face on.
Jen touched him too but she stayed away from his penis. I guess she realized that, as a virgin, he'd cum immediately if she touched him.
"I want you inside me now," Jen finally said, both of them gasping. "Are you ready?"
He suddenly looked worried, scared even. "I've never done this before."
"I know that silly," she said tenderly stroking his face. "Don't worry, I'll help you."
She reached into her bag and got out a condom. "I'd let you do me without one since it's your first time, but I'm not on the pill."
"That's okay," he said. I was grateful she was being anal about condoms.
She tore the package with her teeth. Then she gingerly rolled it down his shaft. Halfway down his body jerked and he came into the condom.
"Damn!" he gasped, disappointment and embarrassment on his face.
"That's okay!" she assured him immediately. She hugged and kissed him. "It happens all the time, especially the first time." She took the condom off and wiped his cock with a towel. "We'll try again in a minute."
"Hey Jen - maybe since we have some time ..." Jamie said. His face was covered with lust.
Jen knew immediately what Jamie was saying. So did I.
She looked from Jamie to Larry. "I'll be right back," she said to Larry, stroking his cheek and giving him a quick kiss.
She went to Jamie and took his hand. "Let's go to the patio," she suggested. She held his hand as they walked across the room to the sliding glass doors. Clearly she didn't want to psych Larry out his first time by having him see the much more experienced Jamie fucking Jen's brains out. I was really impressed with how gentle and caring she was being with Larry.
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They walked right by me to the private patio. Almost as an after-thought, Jen said, "You can come out here Mike if you want." I felt neglected and like a third wheel, but I didn't want to miss anything I followed them out to the patio, closing the door behind me.
It was fast and rough. Jamie pressed Jen against the wall, kissing and fondling her. Jen kissed him back just as frantically. Gone was the patient, loving, considerate Jen from just a moment ago with Larry. Now she was a lust-stricken slut who wanted fucked hard. Also, unlike with Larry, she wasn't in control. Jamie was in control!
"Condom, condom!" Jen said urgently giving him the square package (she must have carried one in her hand). Jamie ripped it open and rolled it onto his cock. Then he bent at the knees to get the right angle, and thrust up and penetrated her pussy! Jen grunted at the penetration! She immediately wrapped her long shapely leg around his and then they were urgently humping each other.
It took only 5 minutes. I saw Jen's toes curl in her strappy high heels as he made her cum on his sheathed cock. And then he growled and came into the condom. I came too, shooting my spunk onto the patio.
Panting, Jamie pulled out of Jen. Jen had the presence of mind to say "careful" as he pulled out, not wanting the condom to slide off.
Jamie leaned against the wall as he caught his breath. Jen leaned into his chest as she panted. He put his arms around her.
After they caught their breath they moved towards the sliding door to go back to Larry. Jen said "Give me a sec with Mike."
After Jamie went inside and closed the door, Jen sat next to me. To my surprise, she leaned into me. I put my arm around her. I expected another rebuke from her, but instead she snuggled in closer. It was the most physical contact we'd had in almost 2 days and it felt good.
She looked at me. "Kinda wild huh?" she said. She was still catching her breath.
"Yeah," I agreed. I brushed her hair with my hand.
She kissed my cheek and said, "Jamie fucks better than you, but I'll always be your girl." She gave me a teasing smile. She squeezed my thigh. "Let's go back in baby."
I followed her back into the room, closing the door behind me. I felt off-balance with Jen's hot and cold treatment of me. Maybe that was her intention, her way of turning my wish into reality. Anyway, if that was what she was trying to do she was succeeding.
Inside I went to the minibar and poured myself a scotch. I held a beer up to Jamie. He grinned and nodded. I handed him the beer.
Jen got back into bed with Larry. Both were on their knees. She put her arms around his neck and tenderly kissed him. She was the patient, loving, considerate girl again. I couldn't believe how she was switching personas so quickly and effortlessly. It was like she sensed what a guy wanted and needed in a girl, and she became that girl. She was really blowing me away.
She kissed down Larry's chest. She looked up at him and smiled. "Has a girl ever gone down on you?" she asked.
"I've gotten blow jobs before!" he insisted.
"Okay, just curious," she said soothingly. Larry seemed so young, could he really be 21? "You'll have to tell me how I rate. Just remember, always tell a girl she's the best, even if she's not." She giggled. Then she lowered her head.
Before Larry knew it, his cock was inside Jen's mouth. He moaned with pleasure. I couldn't believe how lucky he was! His first time was with a girl as gorgeous, sexy and frankly as caring as Jen!
I was a little surprised Jen went down on him. I'd have thought he'd pop immediately again. But of course Jen had a lot more experience than me on how far she could push a guy before he came.
Jen raised her head after just a couple of minutes. "So where do I rate?" she asked with a teasing smile, her lips wet.
"God you're incredible!" Larry gushed.
"Good boy," Jen said smiling, approving of his answer. "Ready to lose your v-card?" she said with a giggle.
"Yeah, yeah!" he panted.
Jen reached over and pulled another condom from her bag. She handed it to him. "Maybe you should put it on. Do you know how?"
"Yeah, I think," he said taking the package. He opened it and rolled it on his shaft. He had some trouble because it was his first time, and also because he was so thick.
Jen noticed. Larry was probably thicker than Jamie, although not as long. "I'm gonna enjoy this," she said to no one in particular.
After he had it on, Jen kissed him and then rolled onto her back. She pulled him on top of her. "It'd be easier if I was on top, but it'll be better for you if you're on top," she told him.
"Why?" Larry asked like an eager student.
"The first time you're with a girl, always take her on top," she said to Larry.
"Most girls like it when the man takes control," she explained.
"What about from behind?" Larry asked.
"That's okay too," Jen said. "But you can't kiss from behind, and girls like being kissed when they make love."
"Okay, I get it," Larry said. Getting bold, he smiled and said "So does your husband do you on top?"
"He does me wherever he wants, he's my husband," Jen said. She smiled at me. Then she looked back at Larry. "Come on cowboy, you ready?"
She reached between their bodies and gingerly took hold of his cock, being careful not to stroke or stimulate him. She guided him to her pussy lips. "Yeah, okay, now push in, push in hard."
Larry pushed but his cockhead was so thick it wouldn't go in.
Still gingerly holding his shaft to guide but not stimulate him, Jen said patiently, "You have to push hard baby. Don't worry about hurting me. I want you inside me. Come on baby. Use your legs, push hard, push really hard."
Taking Jen's advice, Larry dug his toes into the mattress. Holding Jen's shoulders for balance, he pushed hard. His face contorted and I saw the cords in his neck strain as he pushed his thick cockhead hard into Jen's pussy lips.
"That's right baby, that's right, keep going, keeping going," Jen encouraged him. Suddenly his cock penetrated her and she grunted at the sudden fullness. She grimaced at being penetrated with something so thick. "Fuck!" she cried.
"Oh god this feels so fucking good!" Larry gushed immediately pushing farther in.
"Wait wait baby!" Jen gasped pressing her hands against his chest. "You're really big, you need to give me time to adjust."
"I'm really big?" he said looking amazed and pleased with himself.
"Yeah you're a really big boy," she assured him. "You feel really good too. Are you about to cum?"
"No I think I'm okay," he said.
"Okay then come here," she said wrapping her arms around his neck. "Remember I said girls like being kissed? Kiss me while I get used to you. But don't move. Just kiss."
They kissed. "It's okay to use your tongue," she breathed. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, encouraging him to do the same to her. "You can touch me while we kiss," she said. He explored her body with his hands. "Stop if you think it'll make you cum."
"Okay," he said, kissing and fondling her, pushing his tongue into her mouth.
After a while Jen said "Okay Larry, push more into me now, yeah, like that, not too fast, okay, yeah, a little more, yeah, a little harder, yeah, feels good, yeah, yeah." Eventually he was balls deep. There was sweat on his and Jen's brows from the exertion.
"Are you okay?" she asked, her arms around his neck. She kissed him tenderly.
"I think I'm all the way inside you!" he gushed.
"Yeah, I think you are," she said smiling into his eyes. "You feel good too."
"Really?" he said delight in his eyes.
"Yeah, REALLY good," she gushed. She ran her hands over his chest. "You've got a great body."
He beamed into her eyes. "Your body's so hot!" he gushed.
She smiled at him. "Okay, now move back and forth a little," she said. "Um ... no ..."
Larry had trouble establishing a rhythm. "God I'm sorry," he said clearly feeling bad. "You're so tight, it's hard to move."
"You know you just gave me a really big compliment right?" she said beaming into his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed again.
She tenderly rubbed his chest. "Let me tell you what's wrong," she said gently. "You're really big. That's a good thing right?" She giggled. "My pussy's stretched tight around you. It's feels great!" She giggled again. "That's why it's hard to move. So you have to fuck me really hard." She rubbed his chest and arms. Even though he was skinny he had a good physique. "You need to use these awesome muscles of yours and fuck me really hard. Really slam me. Don't worry you won't hurt me. I like it hard, all girls do."
"Okay, okay, I get it," he said. He dug in his feet and pulled back hard. Then he pushed in hard. He did it again and again, pulling back farther, slamming in harder, getting into rhythm, gaining more confidence.
"Yeah, yeah, like that Larry," she gasped. "Feels good, you feel good."
"Yeah? You like it, really?" Larry said.
"I like it so much you're gonna make me cum if you keep doing what you're doing," she playfully threatened, her head rolling back at the pleasure.
"Really?" Larry said shocked. "I wanna make you cum!"
"Then ... then ... just a little more," Jen moaned, moving her hips in sync with his. "Don't cum a little longer, okay? I'm almost there. Yeah feels good. Can you rub my nipples? Like before. Yeah, like that, yeah, a little harder Larry, pinch them, yeah, yeah. Oh god, oh god! Fuck me hard Larry! Oh god! Harder! God! Larry god! I'm cumming! You're fucking making me cum! God, god, god! OH GOD! FUCK JAMIE YOUR FREAKING BABY BROTHER IS MAKING ME CUM!!"
Jen suddenly wrapped her arms tight around Larry's neck and she kissed him hard. She groaned into his mouth as the stilettos of her strappy high heels dug into the mattress, her back arching in a glorious orgasm.
"Oh god I'm cumming too!" Larry wailed. He slammed Jen harder as he climaxed, his hips jerking over and over, and that seemed to make Jen's orgasm go even longer. Larry jackhammered her shooting more and more sperm into the condom until finally he collapsed onto her chest.
Jen and Larry panted into the other's face. To the side Jamie hooted and started clapping. Jen and Larry started laughing, both of them looking sheepish.
Jamie joined Jen and Larry on the bed. The two guys joked with Jen, tickling her. They were all laughing, giddy even, rejoicing Larry's first time. "You're no longer a virgin bro!" Jamie yelled with a big grin. "And you made her cum too! My baby brother's first time and he makes her cum!" Jen smiled sheepishly as the two brothers high fived each other.
"Careful," Jen said with a laugh. She held the condom on his shaft as Larry pulled out of her. She took off the condom and dropped it into the trash can next to the bed. Then she wiped Larry's cock with a towel.
"You were incredible!" she gushed to Larry, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. "You DID make me cum. It was really good too." She laughed. "I wasn't expecting that!"
I was still trying to process all I'd seen and heard. Larry was Jamie's younger brother? His brother?!!
My heart beat wildly. I felt manic, like how you feel after having way too much caffeine. Or how you feel when you're way turned on, when you're turned on so much your hands shake.
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I'd cum while Larry fucked Jen. But I was still full of lust! That's how crazy turned on I was. I knew beating off again wouldn't help. Have you ever been so turned on an orgasm doesn't help? Your dick goes soft after cumming, but you're still full of lust? That's how I was.
I needed a break. I couldn't take more, not at that moment.
I grabbed the pillow and blanket and opened the door to the patio. I looked back. Jen's eyes were closed and her head rolled back. Jamie was kissing up her neck and playing with her tits. Larry was between her legs, licking her, I guess getting practice with another part of a girl's body. Round two had already started.
I sat on the recliner. I felt stunned, shocked, lustful, bothered, excited, jealous. I ticked the points off in my head. Jen had neglected me all weekend, barely spending any time with me, ridiculing me sometimes. She'd given her body to Jamie, at least 5 years younger, while giving me almost nothing. She just had a threesome and gave an innocent virgin boy probably the best first fuck in recorded history. And, the virgin (Larry) was Jamie's kid brother. His brother! His fucking brother!!
My mind reeled as I tried to process all this, especially the last part. His brother! His VIRGIN brother! God ...
By luck I'd carried the scotch out with me. I gulped it down and wished for more. Then I realized I'd hung my bathing suit and t-shirt on the patio to dry. I put them on and went to the bar.
The bar was mostly empty. Manuel was there and he served me a scotch. He didn't ask where Jen was. I guess he knew. I sucked down that scotch and Manuel set me up with another.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. My heart leaped thinking it was Jen. But when I turned I saw it was Tara.
She looked at my bathing suit. "I'm going for a moonlight swim too," she said. She was in her bikini and she seemed drunk. "Come on, join me." She ordered a bottle of champagne and two glasses from Manuel.
I let her lead me to a hot tub. Even in my stupor I noticed she detoured to take us to an out-of-the-way hot tub. We got in. I was chivalrous enough to open the champagne and pour us both a glass.
"I'm so glad college is almost over," she said. "It's so boring. College guys are so boring. Like all the guys here. You know?"
"You think Jamie's boring?" I said with a sarcastic laugh. "You know what he's doing right now, right?"
"Fucking your wife's brains out?" Tara said harshly. In her drunken state she slurred her words. She gave me a sympathetic look (or was that pity?). "I don't get Jen. Why would she want an asshole like Jamie when she has you? I mean, yeah, I get he's probably a great fuck, but he's barely gonna graduate."
"You've never been with him?" I asked. I poured her more champagne.
"Yuk! You're kidding right?" Tara scoffed. "He's such a player. I want someone serious. A guy who can put together more than 3 word sentences."
"I guess Jen's needs are more basic," I said with a bitter laugh.
"Why are you with her?" Tara asked. "I mean, I get it, she's pretty. Prettier than me." She laughed. "But you're Mike Andrews. Why do you put up with it?"
I stared at her, startled. "Have we met before?" I said stupidly. "I mean, I know we've met ... obviously ... but do we know each other?"
"I told you I'm a computer science major," Tara said with a shrug. "You're pretty famous. You know, in a Bill Gates sorta way."
I looked at Tara, as if for the first time. She was really pretty, a brunette. Curvier than Jen, bigger breasts. Her tummy was a little rounded but otherwise she had a really nice body. Definitely attractive. Not as gorgeous or super hot as Jen, but still ... In college, I would've thought her way out of my league, just like Jen.
She saw me checking her out. She said "Here, let me." She picked up the bottle of champagne and refilled my glass. As she did she "accidentally" brushed her big breasts against my cheek. I felt myself get hard.
As if embarrassed by her boldness, she sat back against the other side of the hot tub. "So you really let your wife sleep with other men?"
"I don't know how much sleep they get," I joked.
She could tell I was full of shit, that I was tormented by this. "Why do you do it?" she pressed.
I shrugged. "I'm one of those guys who gets off on it," I said honestly. "I like seeing her with other men." After a moment I added "I can't really satisfy her."
She gave me a "seriously?" look. "Mike, you've got a tongue right? You've got fingers. I assume you have a penis." She frowned at me. We were both pretty drunk by that time. "Believe me, you can satisfy her. And it doesn't matter how big or small you are."
"Okay," I said looking away. I couldn't believe we were talking about this, but like I said, we were pretty drunk.
"You're really cute, you know that?" she said with a smile. "And you're kinky. I like that. I hope Jen knows how lucky she is."
"She says she loves me," I said.
Tara nodded. "And I bet you adore her, huh?" she said with a shake of her head. "Why do the pretty blondes with long legs get all the great guys?" She studied me. As if making a decision, she took the bottle and chugged it, as if for courage. Then she slid over to me and put her hand over my cock. "Do you ever have fun too, when Jen's with another man?" she said with a sultry smile. She gently squeezed my cock. "This is more than enough to make me happy." She leaned in and kissed me.
We both were drunk. I was way horny. I guess she was too. That's how it happens, right?
I kissed Tara back. I wanted her. I wanted to ravage her young hot body and make her scream my name. I wanted to make her cum on my cock. I wanted to feel like a man!
But I couldn't cheat on Jen. I couldn't do that to her. I loved her too much.
I gently pulled away from Tara. Disappointment filled her eyes. No one likes being rejected.
"It's not you Tara," I assured her. "I think you're really hot. But I can't cheat on Jen."
"Seems kinda unfair," she said bitterly. "She's fucking Jamie right now, isn't she?"
"Yeah but ... that's how it works with us. Honestly she's the only girl I want."
"Okay," Tara said resignedly. "Do me a favor? Don't talk about this."
"I'll never say anything," I promised.
Tara got out of the hot tub and started walking away.
"Hey Tara," I said. She turned to me. "Call me if you need a job after college."
Her eyes went wide. "Are you serious?"
"Sure. It'll be a good CS job, I promise." Being a partner who brings in a ton of money has its advantages.
"God Mike, thanks! The job market really sucks, I'll definitely call you!" she gushed. She looked overjoyed. "I can't believe I'll be in New York City!"
I got out of the hot tub after Tara left. There was still champagne in the bottle. I carried it with me back to our room.
I squeezed through the privacy shrubs onto the patio. I looked in the glass doors. They seemed to be taking a break. Jen was between them and they were laughing and talking. They were all naked. Jen looked incredible laying between the 2 naked guys. She was naked too although she still had the strappy high heels on. Somehow wearing the high heels made her look even sexier.
There was a lot of playful touching going on as they talked and joked around. These moments were the most gut wrenching. The moments leading up to or after sex.
The touching progressively got more intimate. Soon Jen and Larry were kissing while Jamie kissed her from behind. The two brothers taking her. Again. I watched for a while but it was too much.
I was turned on and hard. But most of all I wanted my wife back. I missed her. It wasn't just the sex. I wanted to hold her, talk to her. I wanted to be the one in bed joking around with her.
Here's the funny thing. You know what hurt the most? When she went snorkeling with Jamie and not me. We snorkeled on beach vacations, we always had. That was something we did together. It was something she should have done with me, her husband. That bothered me the most.
I put the pillow on the recliner and laid back. It was getting chilly so I pulled the blanket over me. I looked up at the stars and sipped the rest of the champagne.
Despite the heartache and angst, part of me didn't want it to end. The dark emotions were so intense, so delicious. I'd never been so turned on - so constantly turned on - in my life.
I was hard again. I took out my cock and stroked myself. For a moment I thought of Tara. But my fantasy quickly switched to Jen. She was my muse, only her. I beat off listening to the sounds of sex coming from inside. Listening to Jen's moans, her whispers.
I came after just a few moments.
I must have passed out. When I opened my eyes the sun was just coming up.
I tried to get up. My head spun. Note to self: scotch, hot tub and champagne do not mix.
I sat still for a moment and the spinning stopped. My stomach felt a little queasy but otherwise I felt okay.
I cautiously approached the glass doors. I looked in. They were all still asleep, their naked bodies entangled. Jen's head rested on Jamie's arm, her arm thrown over his chest. Larry spooned her from behind. She was no longer wearing the high heels. Her pretty bare feet were tangled with Larry's legs behind her.
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It was hard to look at my wife sleeping like that. Her sleeping with another man (or in this case, men) really bothered me. Like I said, the sex part wasn't so hard. It was the stuff before and after that were hard.
It got me hot though. Fortunately the patio was private. I pulled my cock out. I stroked myself as I looked at them sleeping. As I came I managed to shoot my spunk onto the shrubs instead of the glass doors.
At times like this I always got depressed after cumming. I needed coffee. Maybe caffeine would pick me up. I still had my bathing suit and t-shirt on. I probably looked like a mess, but it was early.
I walked to the restaurant. Luckily I didn't run into anyone I knew. I particularly didn't want to see Tara, that would be too awkward.
I got two cups of coffee. Jamie and Larry could get their own fucking coffee.
I slipped back onto the patio. I sat back down onto the recliner, sipping my coffee.
Almost immediately Jen came out onto the patio, wearing a robe. See saw me and said "There you are!" She looked relieved. She saw the second cup of coffee and said "You just saved my life!" She kissed me, then picked up the coffee. She recognized immediately I'd gotten her a skinny caramel latte, her favorite. "You're pretty amazing, you know?" she said giving me a crooked grin.
"No whip too," I said smiling back.
She smiled and then took a sip of the coffee. "I so needed this," she gushed.
"Long night huh?" I asked, a little sarcasm in my voice.
"Long weekend," she corrected. She heard the sarcasm in my voice and put her finger to my lips. "We'll talk in a minute. I need to say goodbye to Jamie and Larry."
Handing me her coffee, she went back into the room. I watched from the patio. Jamie and Larry had gotten dressed. Jen went to Larry first. "You're really a great guy," she said rubbing his arm and smiling into his eyes. She gave him a peck on the lips.
After a night with Jen Larry was much more confident. It was like a different person. He wrapped his arms around Jen and turned the peck into a lingering, passionate kiss. Finally Jen broke away. "Wow," she said amazed, smiling into this face.
"Can I see you later?" Larry boldly asked. "You're not leaving until tomorrow right?"
"Um ... thanks but I wanna spend today with my husband," she said. "I had a great time last night." She got on her tiptoes and whispered into his ear. I could just make it out. "I'm so happy I was your first. Remember me okay?"
Jen turned to Jamie. "See ya later Miami," she joked with a playful smile.
"You too Penn State," Jamie joked back. They laughed and hugged. "Call me if you've ever in Miami."
"Okay," Jen said with a laugh. They did a silly fist bump and then he and Larry left.
Jen came back out to me on the patio. She sat down next to me on the recliner. I handed her the coffee and she sipped it.
"So it's over?" I asked referring to my first wish.
"I'm ready for it to be over," she said.
"Me too," I agreed.
"Did you enjoy it?" she asked looking at me.
"Honesty?" I said. "It was the most exciting time in my life. Also really troubling. But ..."
"But?" she prompted.
"Part of me is disappointed it's over," I said. "Part of me wants to keep playing."
She nodded, looking straight ahead.
"How about you?" I asked.
"It was the same for me," she admitted. "I want to talk to you about it."
"Okay," I said. I grinned at her. "First though ..."
She smiled at me. I took her hand and we walked back inside. I took off my t-shirt and bathing suit and she took off her robe. We got into bed and hugged. Just hugged, her skin against mine, nothing between us.
I pulled away and looked her up and down. She still had the prettiest face. She still had the sexiest body. If anything she looked even more incredible with her new tan (and I found bikini lines really sexy since they showed how skimpy her bikinis were!).
Jamie and Larry had left love bites along her neck, shoulders and breasts. I kissed them all.
She stroked me. I got hard, but not completely hard. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"I've been masturbating a lot," I said sheepishly.
"Oh," she said with a giggle. "That's okay, I'm kinda sore. But I want you inside me."
She got on top and we kissed. God it felt so good to kiss her, to hold her!
As we kissed she reached between our bodies and continued to stroke my cock.
She got up and straddled by hips. She continued to stroke me. With her other hand she scrapped her nails lightly over the underside of my balls. I was rock hard now.
She looked into my eyes and said, "Mike I think we should use a condom."
I looked back into her eyes. "Yeah," I agreed.
She got a condom and rolled it on me. Then she lowered herself on me. She felt a little loose, but still incredible.
"You told Larry girls want their men on top, they want their men in charge," I said as she rode me.
"This is us baby," she said kissing me. "I like being on top, you know that."
I didn't last long, even with the condom on, even with her looseness. I grunted and came. I felt bad, she hadn't come close to a climax. She read my mind and said "It's okay I knew I wasn't going to cum."
We got room service. After breakfast I said "Ready to talk?"
She turned up her nose. "It kinda stinks in here." The room did stink of sex. We opened the glass door all the way to air out the room and called housekeeping to clean up (we left a big tip).
"Maybe we can find a hot tub someplace," she suggested. "A private one."
"I know the perfect place," I said. I led her to the hot tub from last night.
"How did you find this place?" she asked as she got in. She looked at me with a curious look on her face. The hot tub was off the beaten path and hard to find.
"I came here last night," I said.
"I wondered where you disappeared to," she said.
That surprised me. "You knew I wasn't there?"
"Of course I did Mike," she said.
We sat across from each other, just like Tara and I had last night. We were silent for a while, relaxing in the hot bubbling water.
"Why'd you leave last night?" she asked. "You said all this excited you?"
"It was TOO exciting," I said. "It felt like I was going to burst. I needed air." I added "It bothered me when you snorkeled with Jamie. And left for dinner without me."
She looked at me for a long time, studying me. "That's what you wanted though, right Mike?" she asked.
"I guess ..." I admitted. I added more definitively, "Yeah, I did."
"You wanted me to be mean to you," she pressed. "You wanted me to ignore you."
Her tone was harsh. "Are you mad at me?" I asked.
"Yes. No. I don't know." She laughed without humor. "Your fantasies are hard sometimes Mike. I told you I'd do anything with your 3 wishes. You wished and I did it."
I suddenly appreciated what she'd gone though. It hurt her to be cruel to me. It would be like asking me to be mean to her. I wouldn't be able to do it.
"I'm sorry honey," I said hugging her. "The snorkeling thing. It must've hurt you to leave me behind."
"It did, and it didn't," she said.
"What do you mean?"
"I got into the game," she admitted. "I liked it. I know that's terrible ..."
"It's okay baby, it's what I wanted," I assured her. I grinned at her. "So it turned you on to be mean to me?"
She smiled back sheepishly. "I wasn't really trying to be mean to you. I mean I was pretending at first, but then later once I got into it ... It was more like, I knew what I wanted, and you got in the way," she said with an uncertain laugh, as if coming to grips with all of this. "I liked the control."
"Okay," I said processing what she said.
"I feel bad now," she said looking at me with a guilty face.
"It's okay baby, it turns me on too," I assured her.
She smiled at me, relief on her pretty face.
I had a sudden urge. I reached under the water and hooked her bikini bottoms with my thumbs. "Raise up baby," I said.
"Mike, seriously?" she said with a nervous giggle, but she raised her butt up. I pulled her bottoms off her legs.
"Make sure you don't lose that," she giggled looking at her bottoms in my hand.
I smiled at her. I caressed her inner thighs. She parted her legs, then lowered herself into the water more so only her head was above the bubbling hot water. I traced circles around her clit. "Feels good," she sighed.
"Are you sore?" I asked, my fingers lightly rubbing around and over her clit.
"Yeah, but that feels good," she said her eyes closed.
"At the football game. You let the guys touch you? You didn't make them stop?"
"I did at first," she said. "But then I let them."
"They weren't nervous, that I was right there?" I asked, lightly rubbing her clit.
"I told Jamie you liked watching guys fuck me."
I raised an eyebrow at her. "You only told Jamie?"
"There were a few guys there when I told him," she admitted. She gave me a mischievous smile. "Some girls there too."
I thought about that. "That must have blown their minds," I said with a grin.
"Um, yeah!" she said with a laugh.
"Was Tara there?" I asked.
Her eyes opened. She studied me. "I think so. Why?"
"I talked to her some," I said with an innocent shrug. "I had to talk to somebody, you were gone so much."
"Okay ...," she said with a frown.
"Move over here a little," I said. "Open your legs a little more." Now there were three jets massaging her clit, along with my fingers.
"That feels freaking awesome," she gushed. She quickly forgot about Tara.
"Do me a favor," I said. "Take off your top."
She looked at me. I don't know why I asked. Maybe because I wanted her to do what I said. To reestablish my place as her husband, the man she listened to.
Without saying anything, Jen reached behind her and pulled the strings. Then she handed her bikini top to me. Now she was completely naked under the water.
I put both her top and bottoms on the ledge next to us. I got in front of her, kinda floating in the water, with my arms on either side of her, boxing her in. I leaned in and kissed her. I kissed down her neck. "You let Jamie give you a hickey on the dance floor," I said.
"Yeah," she admitted.
"You knew I'd get mad."
"Yeah, I did," she admitted again. "He was my man Mike," she bluntly said looking into my eyes. "I let him do whatever he wanted to me."
Her answer surprised me. Bothered me. Turned me on.
"You know how I get," she said soothingly. "How I get lost in it."
"I'm your man Jen," I insisted.
"You weren't the last 2 days, Jamie was," she said looking into my eyes. "But you're my man again." She looked at her discarded top and bottoms on the ledge. "So I'm letting you do whatever you want to me."
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"What else do you want to do to me Mike?" she asked.
She saw the hunger in my eyes. She reached under the water and pulled off my bathing suit. Then she switched with me so I was sitting down on the seat under the water. She leaned into me, her tits pressed against my chest. She wrapped her hands around my cock and stroked me. She kissed me as she jerked me off.
I came. Then I insisted on getting her off with my fingers. I worked her gently because she was sore. Afterwards we hurriedly got back into our bathing suits, giggling like kids who'd done a naughty thing. We went back to our room to shower and change.
We got into fresh bathing suits. Jen put on a cover-up over her bikini, another one of those really short sundresses held up by a thin spaghetti strap on each shoulder. I put on a polo shirt with my bathing suit.
We went to the hotel restaurant for lunch and sat outside on the large patio overlooking the ocean. We saw a lot of Jamie's friends. While polite, Jen's demeanor made it clear playtime was over and she was mine again.
Jamie and Larry came over. Again she was polite, but essentially gave Jamie the cold shoulder. She was gentler with the young Larry but he got the message too and left.
It was good spending alone time with Jen, just us. I needed time to reconnect, and I think she felt the same way.
After lunch we went to the beach. Jen took off her sundress cover-up and I took off my polo shirt. Jamie and his friends were around. Again she was polite but she made it clear she was with me. They must've been confused seeing us together again after what'd happened the last 2 days, but I didn't care. It was great to have my wife back, I didn't care what they thought.
Jamie came by and offered Jen a cigarette. Jen looked at me. I didn't like her smoking. I had a thing against smoking because my brother Joe was a cancer survivor. She'd smoked the other day with Jamie but now the game was over. She looked at me and then Jamie and shook her head. I guess he was hoping to get her alone so he left disappointed.
Jen sat on the edge of the recliner her feet in the sand. She had her elbows on her knees and her chin rested on her hands. She looked at me. "I know you don't like smoking," she said. "But you can't control me Mike. I like a cigarette now and then. I don't smoke a lot. I'll be okay."
"I guess I don't understand smoking," I said. "Why do you like it so much?"
"It calms me," she said. "It's not easy playing the game sometimes. Meeting new people. Flirting. Competing with other girls. Always having to be pretty and sexy." She laughed. "You try it sometime, it's not easy. A cigarette helps take the edge off."
I thought about what she was saying. "I get it," I said nodding. "But we're not playing the game right now."
"You don't think so?" she said with a laugh. "This time yesterday I was with Jamie and his friends. They're still here. You don't think that makes me nervous?"
"Yeah, I see," I said. I never really saw it from her point of view, but now I understood. It was like what they say in high college, it's hard work to be popular. "Do you want me to get you a pack?" I said as a peace offering.
She gave me an appreciative smile. "No, it's better I don't have a pack because then I will smoke too much. I'm going to bum one off Jamie. Is that okay? Don't worry, I'll be a good girl."
"Okay," I said reluctantly. But she was right, she was her own person, I couldn't control her. I wouldn't want to control her.
Jen walked over to Jamie and his friends and bummed a cigarette from him. He was more than happy to give her one. I was relieved to see she at least didn't flirtingly take the one from his mouth. Instead he gave her one and then he lit it while she held it in her lips.
I tried not to stare. Everyone knew my MO by that time, but still I didn't want to be obvious about it. Anyway, I didn't want anything to happen today. I wanted to just relax with Jen on the last day of our vacation.
She came back about 10 minutes later. "See, just a cigarette, no gang bang." She said it kind of dismissively.
I felt like she was being sassy with me. I asked "Are you mad at me?"
She was laying on her stomach, her head resting on her crossed arms. "No," she said turning her head to look at me. "I kinda like bossing you around," she said with a playful, mischievous smile. "You know, the control thing." She reached behind her and pulled the string at her back. "Rub lotion on my back baby."
I smiled and got up. Kneeling on the sand I rubbed lotion into her back, giving her a mini back massage. "So I'm man enough to put lotion on you?" I joked, referring to our joke the other day about how only "her MAN" was fit to put lotion on her.
"You're my cuckold," she said a twinkle in her eye. "But you'll have to due today."
Her words aroused me. But they bothered me too. "Jen ... I like being your cuckold. I want to be your cuckold. But I'm still your man."
"I was just joking Mike," she said with a laugh.
"I know, but ... the games we play, sometimes I worry ... will you ever lose respect for me?"
"It's just a game Mike," she said. "I told you, you're the only man I'll ever love."
Her answer wasn't quite satisfying. I didn't know what it was. It was like she had an edge to her today.
Later I said to Jen, "Let's snorkel the reefs."
"Okay," she agreed with an indulgent laugh. She realized snorkeling together was important to me. I knew it was dumb, but we'd snorkel together at every beach vacation we'd ever gone on. I liked traditions.
We rented gear and walked to the ocean. We walked by Jamie and his friends.
"Give me a sec," she said to me and she walked over to Jamie. She and Jamie walked a few feet away, just far enough to be apart from the rest of his group. I waited as they talked. They laughed and a few times Jamie whispered into her ear. Each time Jen laugh and shook her head no.
By this point I was pretty sensitive about her paying attention to Jamie. I started getting annoyed as the seconds passed. She finally returned.
"What was that about?" I said annoyed.
"Mike it was nothing," she said with a laugh. "I was barely gone."
I realized she was right. She'd been gone just a few minutes. I realized something else. I was aroused.
She gave me a knowing grin. Holy shit, she's dicking with me! She's pushing my cuckold buttons. I couldn't help smiling back at her.
We had fun snorkeling together. We snorkeled side-by-side. Often times we held hands or our bodies would be touching as we moved through the water or stopped to look at sea life.
We went back to our room after snorkeling. It was mid-afternoon. We got into bed to take a nap. We kissed a little but sex was out of the question. We were both exhausted. Jen was sore, and I'd cum so much I wasn't sure if I could get hard again any time soon.
When I woke up I WAS hard. Jen had my cock in her mouth. "Hi sleepyhead," she teased looking at me with bedroom eyes. I'd cum so many times already that weekend, including two times with her today, but still she got me off really fast.
After I came she snuggled into my arms. "I really do love you baby," she said.
We fell asleep again. When we woke it was well passed sunset and we were both famished. We decided to go into town for dinner.
Jen got into the shower first. She always did because it took her longer to get ready. When I got out of the shower she was doing her hair and makeup. I was ready when she was still deciding what to wear.
She put on a slinky black dress. It was held up by two spaghetti straps and ended mid-thigh. I loved that dress on her. It really hugged her curves and showed a lot of leg. She normally wore a strapless bra with it, but she'd left the bras (and panties) at home. That was okay with me! I loved it when her nipples dented what she was wearing.
I sat on the bed watching her get ready. I loved watching her dress! She knew it and gave me a crooked grin. "At least be useful, zip me up," she said with a smile, turning and holding up her long blonde hair.
I smiled back and zipped her. Then she picked up black strappy high heels. "I love it when you wear these shoes," I said.
"Fuck me pumps right?" she said with a laugh.
"Not just that," I said laughing back. "I like how they only have two thin straps, over your toes and around your ankles. You know how pretty I think your feet are."
She laughed. "You've so got a foot fetish," she playfully teased me. Then she looked at me, as if thinking of an idea. She handed me the high heels and then put her right foot on my thigh. "Ok cucky, put the shoe on me."
"Yes 'mistress' Jen," I jokingly said smiling at her. I carefully put her pretty foot in the shoe and did the strap around her slim ankle.
"Good boy," she said. She put her right foot down and then raised her left foot to my thigh. After I put the shoe on, she teasingly pressed the stiletto against my crotch. I was hard of course. "Good cucky," she said with an amused smile.
We took a taxi to a really good seafood restaurant. I don't remember the name but it was really good.
It was still early after we paid the check and I didn't want to go back to the hotel yet. Jen didn't look like she was ready to go home either.
I asked the taxi driver good places for a drink and people watching. He named a few places.
Jen said "How about Coco Bongo?"
"That's very good too senorita," the driver said.
"Sure, let's go," I said a little hesitantly. I wondered where Jen had heard of it.
Coco Bongo was trendy, high energy and packed. In the Cancun heat there was a lot of beautiful flesh on display. We found a spot at the bar and I ordered margaritas.
I was only half surprised when Jamie and his friends showed up. I was annoyed though. "Did you know he was going to be here?" I demanded.
She shrugged. Clearly she did.
We formed a circle and talked. He and his friends talked mostly about their upcoming graduation and trying to get jobs. They were young (almost a decade younger than me), but nice enough.
Larry wasn't there. Tara was, at first. We said hi and chatted a little. "Sorry about last night, I was really drunk," she whispered to me out of earshot of Jen. "Were you serious about the job?"
"Yeah, absolutely," I said.
Tara and Jen seemed to have a staring contest at each other. I guess deciding discretion was the better part of valor, Tara drifted off to say hi to other friends who arrived. I didn't see her again.
Jamie asked Jen to dance. She looked at me, and I gave her a "whatever" shrug. She went off and danced with him. At least she sort of asked me, I thought to myself.
I watched them dance. It wasn't the dirty dancing like before. There was some touching, but that was inevitable given how packed the dance floor was. Still, I didn't understand what was going on. I thought the game - my Wish #1 - was over.
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They came back after a couple of dances. Jen looked flushed. She gulped down her margarita.
I pulled her aside. "What's going on?" I demanded.
"Mike I'm just dancing," she snapped frowning at me. Her tone softened and she rubbed my arm. "It's just dancing Mike."
I tried to calm down, suppress my jealousy. It WAS just dancing. She loved to dance. I didn't, and I couldn't anyway with my bum leg. I tried to bury my anger and insecurities and enjoy the evening. It was the last night of our vacation after all.
I got us another round of margaritas. We stayed talking in the circle with Jamie and his friends. Jen wasn't paying any more attention to Jamie as anyone else. I drank my margarita and tried to enjoy myself.
Everyone went off to dance again. I stayed behind drinking my margarita. They started dancing as a group, in a circle, everyone having fun. They danced a few dances. One by one they returned to where I was, sweating and gulping down beers or margaritas.
Jen and Jamie didn't return, and I couldn't see them on the dance floor.
It was obvious what was going on. I was pissed. I went looking for them. The more I looked, the more pissed I got.
I finally found them in a half lit hallway that led to a store room. They were kissing, locked in an embrace. More than that, Jamie had his hand up her skirt. And she wasn't wearing panties! She had her leg around his. She was practically dry humping him! I was furious!
"What the fuck is going on?!" I yelled pulling them apart. "Get away from her!" I yelled at Jamie. I was ready to slug him!
"Dude, calm down," Jamie said his hands up.
"You better go Jamie," Jen said looking at him and me.
"Yeah, leave!" I said scowling at him.
"Whatever!" he said disgusted, pushing passed me.
I turned and glared at Jen. She looked guilty, but there was something else too. Annoyance? Impatience? She had a lot of nerve!
"Was he fingering you?!" I demanded.
"God Mike ..." she said.
I was furious. She was MY wife. MINE! I pushed her against the wall and kissed her open mouth. I pushed my tongue into her mouth. I pulled up her skirt and grabbed her thigh, wrapping her leg around me. If she wanted fucked in this bar I WAS GONNA DO IT!
"Mike come on," she said pushing me off. She looked around embarrassed.
"What, you'll let Jamie fuck you here but not me?!" I snarled at her, feeling angry, hurt and jealous.
"Mike, honey, I'm sorry, it just happened," she said rubbing my arm. "Come on let's go home."
In the taxi I didn't say anything to her. I was so pissed!
She leaned into me and rubbed my arm, looking into my face. I avoided looking at her but I didn't push her away.
In our room I roughly threw her onto the bed. I was pissed but turned on too! I jumped on top of her, tearing off her clothes, kissing her everywhere.
I pushed up her skirt and yanked apart her legs. She was naked under the dress. I got between her legs and pulled out my hard cock.
"Condom Mike," she said reaching for one.
"Fuck you!" I growled pinning her arms over her head. I was tired of her games. She was my wife! I'd fuck her any way I wanted! I rammed my cock into her bareback!
"Mike pull out before you cum," she warned.
"I'll cum wherever I want!" I yelled. She was my wife! She was mine!
God her pussy felt so good!
"I'm fucking cumming!" I cried moments later.
"Don't Mike!" she warned. At the last moment I pulled out and came all over her stomach.
I guess we called a truce. We put on robes and walked to the private hot tub. Luckily it was empty (I was afraid Tara might be there with a friend or two). We dropped our robes (both of us completely naked) and got into the hot bubbling water.
"So what was tonight all about?" I asked annoyed. My anger was still there but I had it under control (for the moment).
She was across from me, floating in the water. She pressed her pretty feet against my chest.
When she didn't answer I said "What's going on Jen?" My anger was returning.
"Rub my feet," she said pressing her toes against my chest.
I gave her a WTF look. But I took her feet in my hands and rubbed her soles, working on her arches and heels the way I knew she liked it. She closed her eyes.
"Why'd you kiss him Jen?" I said annoyed. "The game was over."
She swam over to me, straddling my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "I love you Mike," she said hugging me tight. "More than anything. You know that right?"
I was really confused now.
"What's going on Jen?" I said. I wasn't angry anymore. I just wanted to know.
"You can't control me Mike," she said. She said it gently, but it was like she was chastising me. "I can do what I want."
"What does that mean?" I asked. "You're my wife! You're mine!"
"Yep, I'm yours" she agreed. "You're my husband, and I love you."
"So you were just teasing me tonight?" I asked.
She didn't answer. She straddled my lap and hugged me, but she wouldn't answer.
We didn't make love that night. We were both too tired, too sore, too emotionally spent, too sexed out, too everything. But we held each other close in bed as we fell asleep.
I was the first to wake up. Jen was nestled in my arm. She liked to be snuggled when she slept.
I carefully peeled back the blanket, exposing her. We'd been together for years but I never tired looking at her face and body. God she was hot!
I decided to give her a special wakeup. I moved down and gently parted her legs, careful not to wake her up. Then I lightly and slowly licked between her pussy lips. She smelt like the chlorine of the hot tub but that was okay. Even after years of being together I was in lust with her body, I couldn't get enough of her!
I licked circles around her clit. Then I softly flicked my tongue across her clit. I alternated between her pussy lips and clit. I also moved down and caressed her ultrasensitive sandbar with the tip of my tongue.
A moan escaped Jen's lips and her body moved. She was slowly waking up.
I licked a little harder. Her pussy was getting wet, her sweet natural scent replacing the chlorine. I soaked in her sexy sweet fragance and felt my lust building.
"Oh baby what are you doing?" she said sleepily, parting her legs wider. I did my magic on her clit, also inserting a finger inside her and fingering her g-spot. "Oh god baby!" she moaned, her head rolling back and her hands clutching the sheets.
She opened her legs even wider, giving herself completely to me. I kept her on the brink of climax for long minutes, wanting to draw it out and make her eventual orgasm more powerful and longer lasting. I was good at eating pussy and I knew her body really well. I kept her at the edge, almost there but not quite, teasing her, building her up and then letting her settle down. Soon her body was writhing under my tongue, her head thrown back, her hands clawing at the sheets.
She began grinding her pussy against my face. She grabbed my hair. "Oh god Mike oh god oh god!" she moaned.
Finally I let her cum, licking her clit hard while rubbing down on her g-spot. Her back arched and her toes dug into the mattress as she had a powerful wondrous orgasm.
I moved up the bed as she panted. I looked at her pretty face as she recovered. The look of her post-orgasmic beautiful face is so amazing, I can't even describe it.
I felt good inside, knowing I could still give her so much pleasure. She saw me looking and said with a crooked smile, "You're looking pretty smug mister." Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "That was an amazing way to wake up, thank you baby."
"How's your leg feel?" she asked. She got on her knees and gave me a leg massage.
"It's stiff," I said. "That feels good."
She massaged my leg for about 15 minutes. "I see something else's stiff," she joked looking at how my erection tented my shorts. I couldn't help it. I was already hot and the massage got me hotter (while also making my leg feel a lot better).
I looked at the clock. We needed to get going if we were going to catch our plane. "I guess we better start packing," I said, wanting sex but knowing we didn't have time.
She heard the disappointment in my voice. "I can take care of you," she offered with a smile.
"I want to," I said. "But we can't miss this plane. Remember you have a trip tomorrow." She had another business trip tomorrow.
"Yeah," she agreed. "Thanks honey for taking care of me." She hugged and kissed me.
Jen took a shower first. I went in next.
When I got out of the shower I couldn't help whistling at the way Jen was dressed. "Wow you look amazing!" I gushed.
She wore tight short shorts. They showed off all her long shapely legs and emphasized her tight butt, although they were just long enough not to show her ass cheeks. Her legs looked even better with her new tan. The fact she also wore strappy high heels really got my blood boiling.
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On top she wore a fitted blouse that showed off her slim figure. The blouse ended just above where the shorts started, so she was showing off a little of her flat tummy. The blouse was white and light weight, so if you looked hard enough you could just make out the dark of her nipples and aureole (since she'd left her bras at home). She looked achingly hot!
We ran into Jamie and his friends at reception. They were checking out too. "I'll be right back," she said. She walked over to him. I frowned but gave her space. He seemed pissed about last night. But he definitely checked her out in her slim leggy outfit, giving her long up and down looks. It made me wonder if she'd dressed this way hoping we'd run into him.
They talked a few minutes. By the end Jen had charmed him and he was smiling, even laughing. They hugged goodbye and she walked back to me.
"What was that about?" I asked, not able to keep annoyance out of my voice.
"Nothing honey," she said soothingly. "I just said goodbye." She leaned into me and took my arm. "Let's go home baby."
Jen turned a lot of heads in the airport. She was definitely high class eye candy! It felt great having her on my arm, it was like having a trophy wife!
We settled into our first class seats. I put my arm around her. "So I guess you're into Jamie," I said.
"I guess ... as much as I can be into a 21 year old," Jen said with a laugh. She squeezed my hand and laid her head on my shoulder. She lowered her hand and rubbed my bad leg.
I thought of what she said last night" "You can't control me Mike. I can do what I want."
I said "We need to talk Jen."
"I know honey," she said. "But not now, okay? I'm really tired. When we get home."
She slept all the way home on the plane, snuggled in my arm. It felt great holding her. My first wish had been really intense. I thought I knew what I wanted for my second and third wishes but honestly they scared me after what'd happened this weekend.
We were exhausted when we got home so we didn't get a chance to talk. Jen had to leave the next day for another business trip.
Her meetings around the country (and the world) were really intense. It wasn't like Google where they did a lot of prep and then had one big pitch meeting at the end. The companies owned by Memphis Global were too diverse for a single pitch. So Jen and her team essentially had to do separate pitches for each of the main Memphis companies. After all the pitches were done, the decision makers at all the companies would get together and decide whether to hire Jen's firm. So Jen and her team had to be on their A-game constantly for an extended period of time. It was really hard and stressful.
I started physical therapy after getting back from Cancun. My range of motion got better and it didn't hurt as much, but the therapist ultimately told me I'd have a slight limp for the rest of my life, and it'd hurt some off and on (like arthritis). Jen cried when I told her that. She still carried a lot of guilt. I did my best to console her. I didn't blame her. She was my world and she hadn't been hurt. All I had was a slight limp. I'd take that deal any day of the week.
Jen worked on Memphis Global constantly after Cancun. Finally a couple of weekends later she got some down time.
We were sipping wine after dinner. I had my arm around her and her head was on my chest. As I held her she rubbed my leg. She did that all the time now when we were together, rubbing my leg. It always felt great, not just the physical part of it, but also it showed how much she loved and cared for me.
"Can we talk about Cancun?" I asked.
"Sure," she said. She sat up cross-legged on the sofa looking at me. "I've wanted to talk to you too."
"About what?" I asked.
"You go first," she said.
"Okay," I said. But I didn't know where to begin. Finally I said "It was pretty intense. I told you - it was almost too exciting for me." I grinned at her.
"It was exciting for me too," she said grinning back. "I still can't believe how much I got into it."
"I was kinda surprised when you hooked up with Jamie the last night at Coco Bongo," I hesitantly said. I didn't want to start an argument but I needed to get this off my chest. "Then later you said you could do anything you wanted. That was kinda harsh Jen."
She didn't answer immediately, as if trying to process her own feelings. Finally she said "Keri has this thing that she's entitled to sleep with whoever she wants. Because she's so gorgeous."
I was surprised by that, and put off. "Do you feel that way?"
I guess Jen sensed my annoyance because she got wary. She seemed to struggle to articulate what she was feeling. "It's more like ... you push and push me to do things. To play the game. To be with other men. I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, I do. But you're the one pushing. Do you know what I mean?"
"Yeah, you're right," I agreed. I WAS the one always pushing and encouraging her to be with other men and test the boundaries of the game.
She looked relieved I saw it the same way. She said "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. You kinda lose some say Mike. It's my body. If I want to be with someone, I don't need your permission. I'll tell you about it after. I won't hide anything from you. But you can't control me Mike. I'm not your sex toy."
I leaned back against the sofa, startled by her words. She said it in a soft voice, but it was harsh. I didn't know how to respond. Finally I said "Is this about my cuckold fantasy?"
"I don't know. Maybe," she said. "I told you how I fantasize about a guy controlling me and you. I don't know if it started with your fantasies or if I already had that fantasy."
"Jen, you're my wife," I said. I emphasized "my."
"Of course I am baby," she said hugging my arm. "You're the only man I'll ever love. You know that right? This is just about the game. Do you want to stop playing?"
"Would you stop? If I wanted to stop, would you?" I asked, suddenly not sure of her answer.
"Of course I would baby," she assured me rubbing my chest. "Do you?" she asked again.
I thought of Cancun. How exciting it'd been. I thought of all the guys she'd been with. Yeah, it'd been hard sometimes. Really hard, more than once. But so exciting. And even the heartache and gut wrenching angst were exciting too. Someday we'd stop, I was sure. But I didn't want to stop yet.
"No, I don't want to stop," I told her.
"Okay," she said. "I don't want to stop yet either." She took my hands. "Since we're going to keep playing the game, we need to agree on this. I can do what I want, and I don't need to check with you first."
"Were you planning to fuck Jamie at Coco Bongo?" I said resentment in my voice now.
"I don't know," she said. "I didn't like it though when you showed up and made a scene."
Her rebuke felt like a physical blow. But god ... I was dizzy with excitement. "You'll tell me everything, right?" I said.
"Yes, absolutely," she assured me.
"Will I be able to watch?"
"It depends on where I am, who I'm with," she said. "I'll try to make it so you can watch, at least sometimes."
"Will you tell me before you hook up with someone?"
"I can't promise that," she said. "You know how it goes, right?"
"Yeah, I get it," I said. I didn't like her answer but I understood what she was saying. It was like in Coco Bongo with Jamie. Things can happen really fast.
"And you understand, if I do call, I'm only telling you, I'm not asking for your permission," she said. "I don't need your permission."
"Yeah Jen, I got that part," I said bitterly.
I was trying to process all this. I was her husband. As husband, her body was mine. Her lips, her breasts, her gorgeous legs, her pussy were mine. True, I shared her with other guys. But I was in control. She always had to check with me before being with someone, and I had veto power. If I said no, it was no.
Now she was asking me to give up control. I wouldn't just be sharing her incredible body. I'd be giving up control of her body. She could fuck whoever she wanted, whenever she wanted.
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I felt ready to burst! It was like in Cancun. I was so excited my hands shook.
"You'll stop if I say so?" I said. I wanted to make sure we were in absolute agreement on this. "The game ends if I say so, right?"
"Yes," she said without hesitation.
This was all so much to take in. "Are there any boundaries Jen?" I asked struggling to process all this.
"Of course there are baby," she said stroking my face. "We already agreed no old boyfriends right?"
"Yeah," I agreed.
"If you want more boundaries we can talk about them."
I thought fast but then slowed down. There was no rush, I could think about it and we could talk later. But two things came to mind immediately.
"Will you use condoms?" I said.
"Definitely," she replied immediately. It made me feel good she didn't hedge on that one. I think we both noticed though I hadn't asked her to go back on the pill. That 800 pound elephant was still something we had to talk about, but that was for another day.
"If you start getting close to someone, will you let me know?" I said. "I need to know if you start falling in love. Honestly if that happens I'll probably stop the game right there."
"Yes I'll tell you," she said with an unconcerned laugh. "But you don't have to worry about that Mike, I'm not going to fall in love."
This all seemed so sudden. But was it really? I thought back to what'd happened with Alec, and in Vegas. She seemed to be heading in this direction, wanting more control, deferring less to me.
"So what does this mean for me?" I asked. "Do I still get your body too?"
"Mike, god, of course!" she said immediately, squeezing my arm. "I'm your wife, I'm yours."
"But you prefer sex with your lovers," I said bitterly.
"You know I love sex with you," she said soothingly, rubbing my arm. She moved from rubbing my arm to rubbing my leg. "I love you baby." She continued to rub my leg. "How do you feel about all this?"
"Honesty? It really turns me on," I said with a laugh. I held out my shaking hand. "I'm so excited my hand is shaking."
"I thought so," she said with a crooked grin, looking at the tent formed in my pants. She gave it a gentle squeeze.
"I've got to ask you something," I said. "I need you to tell me the truth. I won't get mad, I promise."
"Okay," she said warily.
"Since the accident, we haven't had much sex. At least before Cancun. You've been traveling all over the place. Have you been with anyone?"
"No Mike I haven't," she said looking offended I'd even ask.
"Okay, sorry," I said backing off. But then I thought, what the hell. I asked "Have you been tempted?"
"What does tempted mean?" she asked with a shrug. "I see someone I find attractive. Maybe he hits on me. Does that mean I'm tempted?" Before I could respond she said "Were you tempted when Tara hit on you in the hot tub?"
My mouth opened in shock.
"When you left the room I thought you were really upset so I went looking for you," she explained.
"Nothing happened," I said truthfully. I couldn't help feeling good she cared for me enough to leave Jamie and Larry to look for me.
"I know, you were a good boy ... mostly," she said. "Mike ... if you ever want to be with another girl just tell me okay? I'll deal with it, but I'd like to know."
That surprised me. "I thought I was bubble boy?" I joked.
"You are," she said. "But it's not fair it's all one sided. I know how attractive you are to girls." She looked pained. "I wouldn't like it. But if you wanted to I wouldn't stop you. That wouldn't be fair."
"I guess money is an aphrodisiac," I said.
"Mike it's not your money," she insisted. "You're really a cute guy. You're so kind. You're brave. A lot of girls think you're hot, trust me on this one. I certainly think you're hot. And before you say anything, this thing is way big enough to satisfy girls, including me." She squeezed my cock. "Anyway, anything you lack here you more than make up for with your tongue. Do you have any clue how freaking incredible you are at that?"
I couldn't help grinning. "Okay. But just so you know, I'm not interested in any girl except you. Who else would make all my fantasies come true?"
"You know it mister," she said grinning at me and straddling my waist. She put her arms around me. "You still have 2 wishes you know."
I said jokingly, "How will that fit with your new found sexual freedom?"
Jen looked at me seriously. "Baby you always come first with me."
We made love after that. Although I guess you couldn't call it making love, because I was so hot by that time I could barely control myself. There was a lot of hugging and kissing though.
There were still so many unanswered questions from Cancun. They seemed less important now. I figured we'd talk about them as they came up as we lived this new phase of the game.
But there was one thing we HAD to talk about. As I held her after our sex, I said, "Jen ... Jamie and Larry are brothers?"
"I was wondering when you'd ask me about that," she said with a giggle. "Yeah. Larry's 18, a senior in high college. A virgin. Jamie brought him to Cancun to take care of that." She giggled again, covering her face embarrassed.
"So you agreed to -."
"Of course I agreed!" she said with a delighted smile. "How often does a girl get to take a cute boy's virginity?"
"God Jen ..."
"You think I'm a slut right?" she said looking embarrassed.
"No I don't think you're a slut," I said looking at her in awe. "I think you're the most amazing girl I've ever met!"
"Thanks baby," she said beaming at me.
"The fact he's Jamie's brother, did that turn you on too?" I asked.
"I guess," she said blushing. "I mean, guys fantasize about doing sisters, right?" She giggled. We both laughed.
"Larry made you cum ..." I said. "And it was his first time."
She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes. Clearly she'd known I'd bring this up. "Baby, I cum all the time with you," she said. "Yeah, I DID cum with Jamie his first time. But it was his first time! And he was Jamie's brother! Of course I was gonna cum."
"Okay, I get it," I said.
She kissed me. "I know I've thrown a lot at you tonight. I love you Mike. You're the most important person in my life." She kissed me again.
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Consequences Pt. 10
The next day was a lazy Sunday. We slept in late. Then we went to our favorite bistro in SoHo for brunch.
We were sipping coffee and reading the newspaper. Well, I had the newspaper in my hands but I wasn't focusing on the words. My mind was elsewhere.
"Jen, can we talk about what we talked about last night?" I said.
She put the paper down. "Sure baby," she said smiling at me.
I didn't know where to start. Finally I blurted out "How will this work?"
"I've kinda thought about it," she said. "I wanna do it so we both get what we want without putting our marriage at risk."
"I think that's a good idea," I said saying the obvious. A big smile came to my face. I felt so relieved hearing that! I'd agreed to give up control. That made me feel ... well, out of control. Her words relieved alot of my anxieties. "So what are you thinking? Do you have someone in mind?"
"Actually I do," she said with a smile. "You remember Alec, our IT manager who moved to London? I've seen him a few times on my trips."
"You said you haven't been with anyone!" I said immediately, my insecurities flaring up.
"No baby, I've seen him, talked to him," she said rubbing my arm. "He's helped set up some of our presentations with the Memphis companies in Europe."
"Oh okay, sorry," I said grimacing and feeling like an idiot.
"It's okay baby," she said rubbing my arm.
"So you're thinking of hooking up with him again?"
"Well yeah," she said. "I'm thinking a longer term thing."
"He'll be your boyfriend?" I said.
"That's what you call it," she said with a laugh. "I'm thinking more like a friend with benefits."
"A fuck buddy," I said grinning.
"That's what Allie would call it," Jen said with another laugh.
"It would just be physical then?" I asked. "You wouldn't get close to him?"
"I might," she said. "You know how I get. That'll be up to me and Alec, how far we want to take it. But you don't have to worry Mike, I'm not going to fall in love with him.
"Okay," I said uncertainly.
She heard the uncertainty and anxiety in my voice. "Mike I won't," she assured me. "I know that worries you. Part of the reason I picked Alec is because he's married."
"He is? I didn't know that."
"Yeah, he's married and has 2 little kids," Jen said. "He just wants a little romance and sex with no commitments, and that's all I want."
"Okay, yeah," I said thinking. "That does make me feel better."
"See baby?" she said reaching over and squeezing my hand. "This won't be so bad."
"Yeah," I agreed squeezing her hand back.
"I was thinking of someone else too," she announced.
"Oh," I said surprised.
"Yeah, you know," she said. "Jaime."
"From Cancun?" I said surprised.
"Yeah," she said smiling. "You know I've been going to Atlanta a lot? Miami's just a short hop from there."
"Okay," I said processing all this. "You already talked to Jamie about this?"
"Sorta," she said. "He's staying in Miami after he graduates. He got a job at the Delano in South Beach. He majored in hotel management."
"Okay," I said again. I didn't know what else to say. I was processing all of this.
Again she squeezed my hand. "You won't be worried about Jamie, right?" she said. "You can't think I'd ever fall in love with someone so young."
I thought about it. "Yeah, I get it, you're right," I said. I didn't say anything more as I tried to process all of this.
"Are you okay Mike?" she asked. "How do you feel about this?"
"It's a lot to digest," I said with a laugh. "Two boyfriends?"
"I thought two would be better because then I wouldn't be spending all my time with just one guy," she explained. "And I tried to pick guys you wouldn't be threatened by."
"Of course you're attracted to them," I said with a knowing grin.
"Well, yeah," she said grinning back. "But you know what else? They don't live here. So when I'm home it'll be just us. It won't be like before with Ricky or Tom when they were always trying to get me to come over."
"You've really thought this through," I said a bit stunned. I was alarmed by how much time she'd thought about this.
She seemed to read my mind. "Sorta yes, but not really," she said. She took my hands again. "Baby, I don't want you to think I think about other guys all the time. I like the game, it's exciting. But I'd stop playing right now if you wanted. If we're gonna keep playing though I wanna do it so it's exciting but doesn't hurt our marriage. Our marriage is my number 1 priority. You're my number one priority Mike."
Her words blew me away, relieving a lot of my anxieties. Yes, she'd spent time thinking about this, but a lot of it was coming up with a plan to make it work for both of us without risking our marriage. In fact, the more I thought about it the more I realized she was going out of her way to keep me from feeling threatened. Maybe I no longer had control over who she saw or when, but she was thinking about me a lot in making those decisions.
"You're my number 1 too Jen," I told her, squeezing her hands back. "I couldn't live without you. I really couldn't." We hugged and kissed.
I took her hands. "I guess I'm trying to get my head around you having 2 boyfriends," she said. "We've never talked about that before."
"Honey, they're not boyfriends," she insisted. "We can call them that if you want but I think of them as just friends I know in London and Atlanta. We'll get together and hang out sometimes when I'm there, that's all."
"You'll sleep with them," I pointed out.
"Well yeah," she said with a laugh. "That's the point right?"
We both laughed. It WAS the point of course, that was what the game was all about. "Will you sleep with them?" I asked.
She knew I wasn't talking about the sex kind of sleep. She squeezed my hand. "That's up to me baby," she said gently.
"I'm just asking," I said feeling a knot in my gut.
"Yes, probably, sometimes," she said. Seeing the hurt and anxiety on my face, she said "Baby I've got to make it work for me too."
"Getting your brains fucked out isn't enough?" I said sarcastically.
I regretted it as soon as I said it. Jen was the sweetest kindest girl but she also had a quick fiery temper.
"This ISN'T going to work if you're gonna make me feel like a slut," she said with a scowl. "I think I'm being fair Mike."
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I said quickly. I didn't want to start a fight. "You're right, I can tell you're trying to make it work for both of us."
My apology calmed her down because her anger disappeared and she smiled at me. That was a great thing about Jen. She could flare off instantly like a supernova, but she just as quickly cooled down and she didn't hold a grunge.
"There's just one thing honey," I said gently, not wanting to set her off again. "Last night it sounded like you weren't going to try very hard to let me know what you're doing."
"I don't need your permission Mike," she said with warning in her voice.
"I'm not talking about permission," I said. "But I'm still your husband. I have a right to know where you are and who you're with. It's a safety issue Jen. Also, that way I'll be able to stay connected to you. That's really important to me Jen, I get lonely too when you're away."
She paused thinking. "I get your point," she said. "Okay, I'll do everything I can to keep you in the loop."
"Thanks baby," I said feeling relieved. "There's just a couple more things, and then I think I'll be good with this."
"Okay," she said.
"When you're with your boyfriends, I want you to wear your wedding rings," I said. "I want you to wear them all the time of course, but I especially want you to wear them when you're with them. When you're with them, they'll be your only connection to us. When you look at them you'll think of me."
She moved her chair closer to mine and hugged me. "Baby, I don't need my rings to remind me of you, I think about you all the time."
"I know how you get caught up in it when you're with another guy," I said.
"Even then baby I think about you, all the time" she assured me. "Anyway, wearing my rings won't be a problem. Jamie won't care. And since Alec is married he'll be wearing his wedding ring too."
"Okay," I said smiling at her. "Just one more thing."
"Okay," she said squeezing my arm.
"You said you'll always use condoms," I began.
"And I will," she assured me.
"The thing is, I know how things get," I said. "Anything can happen."
"Yeah, I guess," she said. "What do you think we should do?"
We both fell silent. It was the 800 pound elephant in the room again. She'd put the ball in my court. I could tell her to go back on the pill. But is that what I wanted?
"How about this?" she suggested. "If I ever think I might not want to use a condom with someone, I'll talk to you first. And if I decide not to use a condom, I'll be really careful. Does that work for you?"
"... yeah, that works for me," I said after a moment's hesitation.
Jen's next business trip to Europe was the following week. "Are you going to see Alec?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said. "Our meeting's in Paris and he's part of my team."
How convenient I thought. That gave Alec a legitimate excuse to be away from his family for a few nights. "You worked it out with him?" I asked. "The long term relationship thing?"
"That's not how it works Mike," she said with a laugh. It wasn't a mean laugh, it was more like a "get a clue, you silly goose" laugh. "We'll get together and see where it goes from there. I've told him I'm open to something more permanent."
"Permanent?" I said sharply, alarmed.
"MORE permanent, not permanent" Jen corrected me. "As in, not completely temporary." She rubbed my chest. "This is just fun baby, it doesn't mean anything. It's not gonna last forever."
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"Fun with romance thrown in," I said, feeling insecure and bitter.
"Maybe ... actually I hope so, that's part of the fun for me, you know that," she said. "Mike, come on, we talked about this. I'm not going to fall in love with Alec."
"Okay, okay, you're right," I admitted. I forced a grin. "You know what's hard? I won't be there. It's not just wanting to watch. Here in New York we'd at least see each other some."
"I'll call you baby," she promised. "Maybe next time you can be there. You still travel a lot to Europe too, right?"
It was a long week. Monday night she texted me "I'm with Alec. Probably will spend the night. Luv you."
Tuesday she called me. "Hey baby, how's your week so far?" she asked.
"Good," I said. "How're your meetings? How's Alec?"
"Good, and freaking good," she said with a giggle. "He's a lot of fun."
"Oh okay good," I said. I was both turned on and jealous. At that moment, the jealous part was winning. "Are you seeing him tonight?"
"Yeah," she said. I heard excitement in her voice. "I've actually got to go. I'm meeting him for dinner."
I tried to keep busy with work. We were developing a new version of Sapphire, one I was really excited about. This version would be much more assessable to the ordinary investor. We were close to rolling it out, needing only SEC approval.
I reviewed an email from the SEC where they requested code modifications. This was their third request in the last 2 weeks. I frowned as I studied them.
I called Eric, my old boss. In our firm's hierarchy I was actually above him now since at the end of the day all that mattered on Wall Street was how much money you brought into the firm. But Eric was still my closest confidant in the firm.
"Eric, have you seen the latest SEC request?" I said.
"Calm down Mike, you're being paranoid," Eric said as we continued a conversation we'd been having the last couple of weeks. "I've talked to a lot of other partners, including old man Jacob. You're the only one worried about this."
Jen got home Friday night. She was tired but she knew I'd want to talk about Alec.
I forced my concerns about Sapphire out of my mind. Maybe Eric was right, maybe I was being paranoid.
"You had fun?" I asked her.
"Yeah, Alec's great," she said. "I really like him."
"How was the sex?" I asked with a grin.
She sat on my lap and put her arms around my neck. "Freaking awesome," she said with a tired smile. She kissed me.
"Did you see him a lot?"
"Just Monday and Tuesday," Jen said. "His part of the meeting was done so he went home Wednesday."
That surprised me. "Oh ... were you disappointed?"
"Nope, I sent him home actually," she said. "Two nights with him was enough." She saw the relief on my face and laughed. It wasn't a mean laugh though. It was more like a "you're so predictable kind of laugh." She tenderly took my face in her hands and kissed my lips. "Honey, Alec and I are just having fun. Two nights was more than enough. He wanted to get back to his family and I wanted to get back to you." She kissed me again and said with a smile and a giggle, "Chill out a little okay?"
We didn't make love that night. She was too tired. She promised in a sleepy voice "Tomorrow morning I'm taking care of you mister."
And she did take care of me. I woke up with my cock in her mouth. Her soft blonde hair was tussled and fell over her pretty face. She looked so sexy! Looking at me with heavy lidded eyes she gave me a sexy smile and said "Ready to hear some details?"
Yes, I was definitely ready!
She slowly stroked me as she recounted what happened. They had to be discreet around the Memphis execs of course. She had to be careful around her team too since she was a partner now. They went out to dinner as a team Monday night. After dinner they took different taxis to his hotel. They were all over each other as soon as they were inside his room. They did it once and then she fell asleep exhausted from jet lag. She remembered him trying to wake her up for round 2 (he lived in London so didn't have any jet lag) but she was dead to the wind.
The next evening she told her team it was an "on your own" night. She was the boss after all. She was able to spend the whole evening with Alec.
"What'd you do?" I asked.
"He took me to the Eiffel Tower," Jen said. "At the top they sell glasses of champagne. We sipped champagne looking at Paris."
"Wow, sounds really romantic," I said, my heart heavy.
"It was," she gushed. "It was chilly so he held me as we looked at all the lights of Paris. Paris is really beautiful at night."
I guess she saw the cloud pass over my face. "What's wrong baby?" she asked.
"It's just ... I've never taken you to the Eiffel Tower, or Paris."
"Mike it's no big deal," she said.
"It is a big deal," I said bothered. "The first time of anything is a big deal."
"First doesn't mean better," she assured me. "Someday you'll take me up the Eiffel Tower and I'll forget all about Alec. I'm not kidding Mike. I will."
I dropped it. What else was there to say?
"Was the sex as good as the first time?" I asked.
"Better actually," she said. "We knew each other's body this time."
"Yeah okay," I said my cock jerking in her hand.
She grinned at my reaction. "Does that turn you on? That Alec knows my body?"
"Yeah," I admitted with a sheepish smile.
"Hmmm ... I bet I know what you want to hear," she said smiling back. She ticked off the points. "Is Alec bigger than you? Yes, longer and thicker. Did he make me cum during intercourse? Yes. How many times? More than once. Does he fuck me better than you? Um ... next question! Does he make me cum harder than you? Your tongue is freaking incredible mister! Does he turn me on more than you? Um, depends. Did I make him wear a condom? Yes, absolutely. Did I go down on him? Yes. Did I swallow his cum? Yes. Did -."
"Wait Jen!" I gasped. "I'm about to cum!"
"Okay, go ahead baby, cum," she urged me.
"I wanna make you cum too," I said.
"This is for you Mike" she said stroking me faster and scrapping her nails across the underside of my balls. "Cum for me baby, I want you to!"
A moment later I came. She took me into her mouth at the last second and swallowed all my cum.
We hugged and kissed a lot that weekend. I needed the reconnection, and I think she did too. Sometimes I wondered if that was the best part of the game. Not so much the sex, but the reconnection.
We had lunch at our favorite bistro down the street from our loft. I couldn't take my eyes off her.
After brunch we did one of her favorite things, shop for clothes! Jen was a real fashion plate and loved clothes. I liked shopping with her too. I liked seeing her try on new outfits and shoes, she was major eye candy! And she was also a lot of fun, like an excited little girl in a candy store.
As Jen tried on a dress the sun sparkled off her wedding ring. That reminded me. I asked "Alec was okay with you wearing your wedding rings?"
"Yeah, he wore his too," she said distractedly as she looked for a smaller size. "It actually never came up."
We were talking softly so no one else could hear. I asked, "You think Jamie will be the same way?"
"I'm sure he will," she said with a laugh. "I think banging a married girl is a big ego boost for him."
As we shopped more questions popped into my head. "Alec was okay with using a condom?"
"He didn't like it," she laughed. She smiled at me. "Remember, we didn't make him use a condom the first time." That was when she was pregnant and it didn't matter. "I told him I wasn't on the pill and he got it."
"Does he feel guilty cheating on his wife?" I asked.
"Maybe some, I don't know," she said. "He said he's lost his desire for her. He still loves her though, and loves their family."
"So he's had other affairs?"
"Probably," Jen said. "We didn't talk about it. We probably will if we keep seeing each other."
"You're going to keep seeing him then?" I asked.
"I think so," she said. "I like him. The sex is awesome. I feel guilty he's cheating on his wife with me. But he'd cheat anyway. At least with me I'm not going to try to steal him away."
It was weird talking to Jen like this about her boyfriend. It felt kinda abstract since it happened in London, so far away. It felt safer that way, I didn't feel as threatened. But I also felt disconnected. It was like a part of her life I had no involvement in.
"Are you okay baby?" she asked me. I guess I'd been quiet for a while.
"Yeah," I said. "You know, I think I would like to go the next time you're with him."
"I think that can be arranged," she said with a smile, leaning into me and giving me a kiss. She whispered "I like Alec and he works for me right now, but I kinda don't respect him because of the way he treats his wife. I know I'm part of that so I can't really judge him. I'm just saying, that's another reason I love you so much. Because you would never do that to me."
"I never would Jen," I assured her. "I'd never cheat on you. I love you too much. And you're the only girl I want."
"Okay then," she said giving me a crooked grin and beaming into my eyes.
I noticed the skirts and dresses she was buying were really revealing. Low necklines and really short, and really lightweight fabrics. They were all designer and too expensive to call slutty. In fact they were all classy. But really, really sexy and daring.
I mentioned that and she smiled. "Gotta impress in South Beach," she said giving me a teasing smile.
"So you're going to see Jamie?"
"I have a meeting in Atlanta in a couple weeks," she said. "I wanted to talk to you about that," she said squeezing my hand. "How does South Beach sound to you? I'd like to spend the weekend with Jamie."
"I thought I don't get a say," I said grinning.
"I don't want you to be alone all weekend when you could be at the beach," she said smiling back. She leaned into me. "It's your game too Mike. I want you to have fun."
"Okay, I'll go it sounds fun," I agreed still smiling.
"I'll be with Jamie though okay?" she said wanting to make sure I understood where I fit into all this. "I'm sure we'll see each other though."
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"Okay," I said hesitantly, the familiar knot returning to my gut. It was funny how a sentence or look from her could throw me for a complete loop.
For once she didn't have to travel and we had a great week together. We had dinner together every night. We didn't have sex every night, but we were constantly kissing and hugging and holding hands. She gave me all her attention. I began to think this out-of-town 2 boyfriend thing might work. It was exciting but just the right amount of risk. When she was home she was all mine. I think we were closer than ever.
The next Monday she left for meetings in Atlanta. We agreed to meet that Thursday in South Beach at the Delano.
By Wednesday my team had implemented the SEC's latest software modification requests. I ran some simulations and was troubled by what I saw. I decided not to talk to Eric or any of the other partners. While I saw a pattern in what the government was doing, the evidence was murky at best. They'd just blow me off again. I decided to wait to see if the SEC requested more changes.
I arrived Thursday looking forward to seeing Jen. I hadn't seen her all week and I missed her. I understood she was Jamie's girlfriend this weekend, but I hoped for some alone time with her before things got going.
I called Jen as soon as I arrived. She didn't answer. I called again. No answer. I called a third time. No answer. A few minutes later my phone rang. I saw it was Jen. "Hi honey," I said, "Where are you?"
"I'm with Jamie," she said. She was short of breath and I realized I'd interrupted them. She confirmed it when she said "We're kinda in the middle of something, I'll call you back later." She hung up.
I realized I'd interrupted their sex. I forced myself not to get upset. After all, that was the whole point of her spending time with him. I put on my bathing suit and went down to the pool to relax.
She called back an hour later. "Sorry about that baby," she said apologizing.
"That's okay, I get it," I said with a good natured laugh.
"Where are you?" she asked.
"At the pool just hanging," I said.
"Great!" she said sounding relieved. "You have fun tonight. I'll see you tomorrow."
That surprised me. "Wait," I said. "I'm not going to see you tonight? I haven't seen you all week."
"I'm going out with Jamie and his friends tonight," she said. When I didn't answer she said "Mike you know I'm with Jamie this weekend."
"I know but you said we'd see each other," I said.
"We'll see each other tomorrow, I promise," she said.
"Okay," I finally agreed. I wasn't happy but she was right, she'd warned me.
I hung out by the pool reading the latest John Grisham book on my Kindle until it got dark. I wanted to relax and enjoy myself so I tried not to get upset about Jen and Jamie. As it got dark I went up to my room. I showered and got dressed.
I went searching for a good scotch. I'm a social introvert. I like being around people, but I don't feel the need to interact with them. I know that probably sounds strange, but that's how I am. Anyway, the point is, I like people watching.
I found a place called Aromas right on Collins Avenue. They served high end single malt scotch and perfectly cooked steaks. I was in heaven!
I was lucky to get one of the coveted tables on the sidewalk. At the table I enjoyed my scotch as I watched people walk by. It was a great view too. Pretty young girls showing a lot of really nice long legs. The steak was excellent, a big marbled bone-in rib eye, charred on the outside and medium rare inside. I was alone but still I had a really good evening, sipping really good scotch as I watched a lot of shapely tanned legs walk by. I tried not to think about Jen and how I was missing her.
I walked back to the Delano around midnight. Well, staggered was probably more accurate. I felt half-drunk from the scotch. But I wasn't too bad. Once back I decided to go up to the roof top club.
The roof top at the Delano was THE happening place in South Beach. All the beautiful people were there.
I was hoping to see Jen there. After all, the Delano roof top WAS the place to be, and Jamie worked at the hotel. But they never showed up, at least not while I was there. At 1am I got up to go to my room.
I heard a name call me and I turned. It was Jasmine Kelly!
"Mike is that you?" Jasmine said surprised. "God, how are you?"
Pretty drunk I thought to myself. Of course I didn't say that. Instead I said "I'm good. What brings you here?" I tried not to slur my words.
"I'm doing a story on bullying in sports," she said. "I'm interviewing Coach Philbin on Saturday." She shrugged and grimaced. "I don't like doing sports stories. I'm trying to be a serious reporter. Whenever I do anything close to sports all the bloggers talk about how I should go back to ESPN."
"Bullying in sports is an important story Jasmine," I said. "And with your background in sports you probably can do a better job than anyone else at CNN. Coach Philbin will probably open up to you more than Anderson Cooper."
"You're a nice guy Mike," she said giving me a crooked grin. "Where's your wife? Are you here by yourself?"
"She's here. She's with girlfriends tonight," I lied.
"Okay you're single tonight so you have to have a drink with me," Jasmine said smiling at me.
"I'm kinda already smashed," I said.
"Then one more won't hurt!" she said with a laugh. She hooked her arm in mine. "Come on, one drink."
"Okay," I said with a laugh back. I joked, "Do me a favor though, no more pictures in the paper. That got me in trouble with Jen."
"Sorry about that," she said with another laugh. We walked to the bar. We got drinks and sat on one of the big rectangular cushioned lounge chairs.
I couldn't help noticing how stunningly beautiful she was. Of course I saw her all the time on CNN but she looked even more gorgeous in person. Jen wore her blonde hair long, but Jasmine's blonde hair was even longer. She had her legs crossed sitting on the lounge chair and was showing a lot of firm tanned thigh. My heart beat faster being so close to her. Jen has the best legs in the world, but sitting there at that moment, I think Jasmine's might run a close second.
We talked and laughed about everything and nothing. She was really easy to talk to. I was having a great time being with her.
Always the reporter, Jasmine eventually asked "What's new in your world? How's Sapphire doing?"
My face clouded over at the mention of Sapphire, and Jasmine saw it. She WAS a reporter after all. "What's going on Mike?" she pressed.
I don't know what came over me. Maybe because I was drunk. Maybe because I missed Jen. Maybe because Jasmine was beautiful and I didn't want her to leave. For whatever reason, I started talking.
"We've been working on scaling Sapphire up," I said.
"What's that mean?"
"The original Sapphire is structured for large investors," I explained. "It can handle small investors if they pool together, but the logistics are complicated. We've been working on a new version of Sapphire so any size investor can buy in."
"Okay," Jasmine said uncertainly. "So this is a big thing?"
"Sapphire is all about providing transparency to the market. If you've got transparency, you've got trust, stability, accountability. No more Wall Street scandals that crater the market and hurt the little guy. Everyone makes money, large and small investors. But right now the granularity of Sapphire is too big. What we're doing is scaling Sapphire to refine the granularity to the trade level."
"You mean ... transparency at the trade level?" Jasmine asked, processing what I'd said.
"Yeah," I said. She was getting it.
"Okay, I think I see the advantages," she said. "But transparency at the trade level? That sounds 1984-ish. Big Brother knows everything."
I nodded, impressed. She'd gotten it right away. "Yeah, that's the issue."
I could see the wheels turning in Jasmine's head. She was realizing the implications. The new Sapphire would provide a more stable, lucrative market. But at the expense of privacy.
"Mike, this sounds like a big story," she said her eyes boring holes into me.
I didn't say anything.
"Can I quote you? Will you do an interview?"
"No," I said. "This is all confidential with the SEC. You can't name me as a source."
"How can I follow up on this?" she asked.
"Call Ryan Hatch at the SEC," I suggested. "Tell him you've heard rumors. See what he says."
She nodded. "Mike, this story is huge," she said looking grateful. "Why are you giving me this?"
Because I'm drunk, I thought. Because I miss my wife and I'm lonely. And horny. Because you're gorgeous. Because you have amazing legs and look fucking incredible in those high heels!
"I better get going," I said instead.
She put her hand on my arm, stopping me. I couldn't help noticing how soft and warm her hand felt. "How can I thank you for this?" she said looking into my eyes. Was that an invitation in her eyes? An offer?
I felt my heart quicken. I stood up. "It was good seeing you Jasmine," I said. Then I went down to my room.
Inside my room I was surprised to see it was 4am. I'd spoken to Jasmine for almost 3 hours. Where had the time gone?
I checked my phone. Jen hadn't texted or called. Frustrated, I threw the phone on the bed. I tried not to be hurt, I tried to keep my anger in check. This was how the game worked. She couldn't be in two places. When she was with another guy, she wasn't with me. I signed up for this, I wanted this, and she warned me she was going to be with Jamie this weekend.
But she couldn't send me a fucking text?!!
I was horny. Yes, horny thinking of what Jamie was doing with my wife. I couldn't help it, even despite (or because of) my jealousy and hurt. I took out my cock and jerked off. As I fantasized about Jen with Jamie, images of Jasmine Kelly and her long legs flitted into my fantasies.
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