Adultery Making It Work by xleglover-COMPLETED
(Author's note: My stories are based or inspired from real life things that have happened between me and my wife Jen. So in all my stories the characters are Mike and Jen and you can think of the stories as alternative universes of our life. This particular universe started with "He Fucked My Girl" and then continued with "All in My Head." This is the third story in this series.)


-- xleglover
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Making It Work Ch. 01

Mike and Jen took the next week off, talking, hugging, holding hands, working things out. Mid-week they flew to Seattle. They spoke to people at the West High School and really liked them. They looked for houses and found a cute bungalow overlooking the water with a cozy backyard. They took long walks and bike rides. They loved the big hills and the charming restaurants overlooking the water.

Johnny gave Jen major heartburn about taking so much time off right in the middle of the Google project. "Mike and I went through major drama last week Johnny, I need some time," she told him. "Allie can cover for a while."

They got back Saturday night. They spent Sunday as they'd spent the rest of the week, talking and reconnecting, holding hands, trying to get over the last week.

They didn't make love though. Mike seemed reluctant to do that, which worried Jen.

Monday, Jen woke up with the sun coming up, with Mike spooning her. She sensed he was awake, so she turned around and kissed him. "Hey you," she said softly. He looked tired. She asked "Are you okay?" He'd talked to Eric (his boss) late into last night.

"Yeah," he said looking unsure. "I don't know about Seattle. I like it ... but it might be hard to turn down the partnership offer. And we love New York."

"I'm good either way baby," she assured him. "You know that right?"

"Yeah," he said. "Thanks."

They hugged and Jen put her leg over his. She ran her foot over his leg. She'd worn white cotton bobby socks to bed, the ones with delicate lace trim, because she knew they turned Mike on. She'd also worn matching white lacy cotton panties, the kind a co-ed would wear. She wanted to be sexy but not slutty for him.

He hadn't been interested last night, but she was going to try again. She wanted so bad to make love, to reconnect in the most intimate way possible.

She ran her toes up and down Mike's calf. She made sure the lace trim ran against his skin. She softly ran her nails down Mike's chest and then cupped his crotched. She felt him get hard.

She put her arms around him and they kissed. Soon they were making out.

She pulled away from him just long enough to pull off his old frat t-shirt she slept in. She was relieved when his hands and lips went to her breasts and nipples. "That feels so good," she said encouraging him.

Jen kissed down his body. His erection tented his boxers. She pulled them off and took him into her mouth. When he was ready she moved up his body. She peeled off her school girl cotton panties and squeezed his hand, putting the lacy material into his hand. She rolled onto her back, pulling him with her, on top of her. She reached down and guided him into her.

"Make love to me baby," she whispered to him. She held him tight and kissed as he moved back and forth inside her. She wasn't going to let him go, she wanted him to cum inside her. Moments later he did.

Jen had to go to work. So did Mike. She made breakfast for him. Then in the shower she went down on him until he came in her mouth. As she'd done repeatedly that week, she hugged him tight and told him over and over again how much she loved him and how sorry she was about last week.

Later at work Scott walked into her office, closing the door behind him.

"Go away Scott," she told him coldly.

"Sorry again about the video," he said. She'd screamed at him more than once about it over the phone since Vegas.

"That was a real asshole move," she told him angrily. She gave him a what-the-fuck glare. "Seriously Scott, what were you thinking?"

He shrugged. "I was pissed you broke it off with me."

"Deal with it," she said dismissively. "Since you're here, tell me where you are on Google." Scott reluctantly gave her an update on where he was.

When he finally left Jen scrunched her eyes closed, calming herself. Why did he have to be so gorgeous?

Later Allie bopped into her office. "So how's bubble boy?" she asked dropping into the chair.

"He was really upset Allie," Jen said to her best friend. "He was dealing with major drama at work, and then Scott sends him the video."

"Was that video hot or what?" Allie said giggling gleefully. Scott had sent it to her too.

"God Allie don't start," Jen said. "Mike was really upset. He almost left me."

"Again? Like after Ricky?" Allie shook her head. "What's his problem?" she said. "Does he or doesn't he get turned on with you fucking other guys? Come on, that video was a cuckold's dream!"

"Don't call him that, okay?" Jen snapped.

Later Jen nervously approached Johnny's office (her boss). "Mike and I are thinking about moving to Seattle," she told him.

"You're bailing on me?" he said. "What about Kelloggs and Google?"

"Allie can take over Kelloggs," she suggested. "She and Scott can work together on Google."

Johnny shook his head. "Allie might be able to handle Kelloggs, but no way can they bag Google without you. You can't do this to me Jen, I put my neck out for you. You've got to finish Google. Listen, you can work remote from Seattle if you need to."

Jen sighed back in her office. She knew Mike wouldn't be happy if she kept working closely with Scott.

That night Mike said the partners were going all out to convince him to stay. "Have you decided?" she asked.

"Not yet," he said. "I feel like we need a change, but the partners are giving me the major hard sell."

"I'm good either way," she said hugging him. She hoped, though, he decided to stay. She liked the excitement of New York City. Seattle was okay, but nothing like NYC. But she'd go with Mike's decision whatever it was. He was her husband after all.

"Um ... Johnny is giving me a major guilt trip," Jen said. "He asked me to stay until we do the Google pitch." She quickly added, "But he said it would be okay to work remote from Seattle."

"Okay," Mike said tentatively. "You're still working with Scott?"

"Yeah," Jen said hesitantly. "I mean, he's on my team."

She saw a cloud pass over her husband's face. "I broke it off with him baby," she said hugging him. "You believe me, right?"

"Yeah," he said. "I guess he's still your bud though?"

"No, not after he did that video and said those things to you," she told him.

The next morning on the way to work, Jen stopped at a Starbucks for a skinny latte. A good looking guy flirted with her in line. He leaned close to her and said "You've got great legs."

She smiled politely. "Thanks, my husband thinks so too," she said using her standard brush off line.

Later Scott came into her office. He closed the door behind him.

"Open the door Scott," she said.

He gave her a grin. "Why Jen? Scared to be alone with me?"

"Scott, open the door," she insisted glaring at him.

He moved behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, massaging her. "You're stressed," he said.

"Go away Scott," she said pushing his hands away.

"Come on, we're still friends, right?" he said massaging her again.

"Not since you sent that video to Mike," she said pushing his hands away again. She gave him a WTF look. "And saying those things to him?"

"I said I'm sorry," he said pouring on the charm. "Look, I understand Mike, I get what he's into. I'm the bull in his fantasy. I was just role playing. Jen, you've got to believe me, I thought he'd get off on the video."

Scott's hands moved from massaging her shoulders to caressing her neck and behind her ears, really sensitive spots for her. Jen felt her nipples harden. She pulled away from his hands and stood up. "Yeah right Scott," she said sarcastically. "Can you leave please? I've got a lot of work to do."

Scott saw her hard nipples denting her blouse and smiled a knowing grin, but he left. Jen sat down and gripped the arms of her chair. "Get control of yourself," she scolded herself.

Mike was hard to figure out sometimes. A big part of what he got out of seeing her with other men was the angst and hurt. He often said jealousy increased his excitement.

She didn't really understand why Mike felt so threatened by Scott (okay, before the video). To her, Scott was a nice guy, talented at marketing, gorgeous with a great body and freaking amazing in bed. They had stuff in common and she liked hanging with him. She half believed him about the video (but it was still a shit move). She wasn't in love with him. He was a FWB, a fuck buddy she enjoyed hanging with.

But Mike was too threatened by Scott. That was why she broke it off with him, because her with Scott upset Mike too much, into bad upset territory.

Later that night at home Mike said, "Baby, I feel like an ass about this Seattle thing. It's not fair to you. You've worked as hard as me in your career."

"Honey, I'm okay with moving to Seattle," she said reassuringly. "I can get a job anywhere."

"Yeah, but New York City is the place to be for marketing," Mike said. "So let's forget about Seattle okay?"

Jen smiled beaming at her husband. "You're such a great guy," she gushed. Despite all she'd done to him he still put her first. "Does that mean you're taking the partner offer?"

"I'm not sure," he said shrugging. "I'm thinking of getting a teaching gig here in the city. Would you be okay with that?"

"Absolutely baby, I'm good with whatever you decide," she said affectionately running her hand through his hair.

Later in bed she was on top, riding him. On top was her favorite position with Mike because she could better control how he rubbed against her. He wasn't that big, but she always liked feeling him inside her.
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Now though it wasn't about love, it was about lust. She needed an orgasm, needed the release, especially after that afternoon with Scott. She pressed against him so his cock rubbed against her clit. She was getting close, if he could just keep from cumming a little while longer.

Then she felt Mike's cock twitch and she knew he was cumming. No not yet, she whimpered to herself, but she didn't say that. Instead she forced herself to moan and she cried "I'm cumming!"

A little later she snuggled into him, his arm around her. "That was really good, you're amazing," he gushed.

"You're freaking amazing too mister," she said back. It wasn't the first time she'd faked an orgasm with Mike, and it wouldn't be the last. All girls faked it sometimes. It was just something you did to make your man feel good.

A little later Mike's breathing became regular. She looked at her husband's face. Deciding he was asleep, she turned onto her back and reached a hand into her panties. She closed her eyes and rubbed herself. She fantasized about Scott, from that afternoon. In her fantasy, Scott roughly bent her over the desk. He lifted her skirt and then rammed his big thick cock into her pussy, taking her bareback because it felt better that way. He yanked hard on her hair as he rammed her, licking up and down her neck. Just as he came he pulled out, twisted her around and shot his jizz all over her face and into her hair.

Jen barely suppressed a moan "yeah Scott" as she came, her body arching and her toes curling. After recovering she realized what she'd almost said and closely studied Mike's face. She was relieved to see he was still asleep. She turned to her side and backed into him so their bodies touched. She silently chastised herself. "How stupid can you be!" she scolded herself.

The next day at work Jen told Johnny they weren't moving to Seattle. He was clearly relieved.

Allie bopped in and insisted they go to lunch. They went to a trendy restaurant down from their office.

"I'm glad bubble boy got real about Seattle," Allie said. "I bet you're relieved."

"I would have gone," Jen said.

"You would have hated it," Allie insisted.

Jen shrugged.

"So you're really cutting Scott off?" Allie asked.

"Allie, really?" Jen said with a scowl. "After the video? After Mike almost bolted? You're really asking me that?"

"Jen, admit it, Vegas was so hot!" Allie said gleefully. She added in a delightful whisper, "We haven't shared a guy since college!"

Jen couldn't help giggling at the memory. She got embarrassed and covered her face with her hands. "I can't believe we did that!"

"We should do it again," Allie urged her. "We'll tell Scott to lose the camera this time."

"No Allie," Jen said, shaking her head but still laughing.

"Come on Jen," Allie insisted. "Invite Mike. He can watch. That's what he's into, right?"

"Allie just stop," Jen said.

Allie smiled, an evil mischievous glint in her eye. "How did bubble boy like seeing me in the video? Did he say anything about my big tits? He always looks at them you know."

"Fuck off okay Allie?" Jen said angrily kicking Allie under the table.

Allie laughed. Then she teased, "Think about a repeat with me and Scott, Jen ... it'd be so hot. I'll even let Mike fuck me."

"Fuck you Allie!" Jen hissed angrily.

"I'm just joking!" Allie said laughing hilariously.

Later Scott came into her office. He was looking gorgeous and charming as usual.

"What do you want Scott?" she asked tersely.

"Jen, come on, I've apologized about the video, and we have to work together on Google. You can't keep giving me this attitude."

Jen took a deep breath. "Okay, you're right, I'm sorry," she said in a more normal voice. "Let's start over. What's going on?"

They talked about his tasks on Google. They moved to the sofa to spread out some drawings. As they finished up, he put his hand on her knee. "So you're serious, it's over?" he asked.

She took his hand off her knee. "Yes Scott it's over," she said, but this time without anger. "I'm married, you know?"

"I thought Mike was into it," he said. Then he quickly added, "Not counting the video, okay, that was a dumb shit move. But I thought he was into everything else."

"No, not anymore," she said shaking her head.

"So he gets to decide when it ends?" Scott said sharply. "It's all up to him?"

Jen shrugged. "He's my husband," she said.

"If you weren't married ..."

"Scott, don't go there okay?" Jen said.

They paused. Then Scott said, "It's just ... I like hanging with you. Are you saying we can't hang together anymore?"

Jen shook her head. "That wouldn't be a good idea," she said.

"That sucks Jen," he said frustrated. "There's a real connection between us. I know you feel it too. You've got to give me something. You can't just cut me off like I never happened."

"Scott ..."

"We're so good together!" he said.

"Stop Scott ..."

And then Scott's lips were on hers, his tongue in her mouth. Jen pushed against him but he was persistent, and soon she was kissing him back. He kissed along her neck and moved his hand between them, cupping and fondling her breast. When he rubbed her nipple through her blouse and bra she moaned into his mouth. It felt so good.

Then she felt his hand on her leg, moving under her skirt. She felt his hand moving up her thigh, over her stocking tops. She felt his hand on her bare skin, caressing her there, her ultra-sensitive inner thigh. She found herself parting her legs.

Then his hand moved up more. She felt his hand cupping her mound. He tugged at her panties, pulling them to her knees. She heard him opening his zipper ...

"Scott, stop!" she cried, pulling away from him and standing up. They were both panting. "You need to leave, now," she said pulling her panties up.

"You want me as much as I want you," he insisted.

"Leave Scott," she said pushing down her skirt.

"Fuck Jen, you're soaking wet, I felt you!"

"Leave!" she hissed angrily.

He shook his head and frowned at her. He pulled up his zipper and left.

Jen smoothed her blouse and skirt. "Get control of yourself!" she scolded herself.

The problem was, she was still physically attracted to him. It wasn't too long ago they'd still been fucking. It was hard to turn off her body and desires just like that.

But it was over now. For her marriage, it had to be over. For Mike, it had to be over. She willed herself to ignore the longing in her pussy.

A little later her mom called. "Jenny is everything alright with you and Mike?"

"Yes, everything's fine, why are you asking?" Jen said.

"Sam's mother told me Mike moved out," she said. Then she added judgmentally, "What did you do to him Jenny?"

"Shit, this is the last thing I need," Jen thought to herself. To her mother, she was a fuck up and Mike was her knight in shining armor. Which he probably was, but she wished her mom would not always think the worse of her.

"Mom, everything's fine, okay? Mike and I are perfectly fine. He was just going through some drama at work," Jen said.

They talked some more, and then Jen said "How's dad mom?"

"He's the same," she said, sounding sad and resigned.

"Okay, well ... do you need anything?" Jen said. "Do you want to visit us for a while?"

"No ... I'll let you know if I need anything."

Jen loved her dad. He was her dad after all. But he was a real shit. He'd always been a handsome, charming man, and he was even more so now in his fifties. Growing up, her girlfriends always had crushes on him, and everyone liked him. He was charming and outgoing and had a way of making you feel like you were the most important person in the world.

But he also had a hard time keeping his pants zipped up. He had affairs all the time, even now. Her parents had separated multiple times, but her mom always came back because she couldn't resist him. But now, in her fifties, as he continued to sleep around, she was always sad and hurt, and humiliated because by now everyone knew her husband fucked around behind her back.

Later that night Mike asked "Does Scott still hit on you?"

Jen turned off the TV and looked at her husband. "Yeah," she admitted.

They were silent for a while. Then Mike said "I watched the video again today."

Jen turned on the sofa to look at him, one leg under her. "You did?" she said.

He looked sheepish. "Parts of it were hot," he admitted.

"What, of me and Allie?" she giggled.

"That was definitely hot!" he said laughing. "Have you ever done that before?"

"With Allie? Or with any girl?" Jen said with a giggle. "No and no." Then she looked kind of embarrassed. "We've shared guys before though." She quickly added "Before I met you."

Mike raised an interested eyebrow. "Who were the lucky guys?"

Jen blushed at the memory. "Once she talked me into a threesome with her boyfriend. Then she talked me into a threesome with a boy I was dating." She giggled. "She had the hots for him."

"Colin?" Mike asked.

"No," Jen said immediately. Thank god they'd never done that, Mike would really be upset. There was history there. "This was after Colin but before you."

"You didn't mind?"

"He wasn't you," she said smiling.

Mike smiled back, but his mind was still on the threesomes. "Has Allie ever talked about me?" he asked.

Jen straddled his lap. "You're bubble boy, remember?" she said. Then she frowned at him. "Why, are you saying you want a threesome with Allie?"

"No, I'm just curious," Mike quickly said.

Jen gave him a crooked grin. "That's good, because you know what happens to this," she said squeezing his crotch. He laughed.

"Would you like to watch me with another girl sometime?" she whispered into his ear, her squeeze turning into a soft stroke of his crotch.

"You'd do that?" Mike asked excitedly.

"Maybe," she said. "It wasn't terrible. But not Allie, that would be too weird. And you'd just watch, got that?"
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"Okay," Mike said laughing. "When?"

"I don't know!" Jen said with a nervous laugh.

Then she eyed him with a crooked grin. "Did you like seeing Allie's breasts?" she asked. "And if you say no I'll know you're lying."

"Okay, then yes," Mike said with a laugh.

"Wrong answer!" she growled, again squeezing Mike's cock, this time harder.

"Hey!" Mike laughed. Then they kissed and made out.

When they broke apart Mike ran his fingers over Jen's breasts, over her blouse. He unbuttoned the blouse and Jen pulled it off, shaking out her hair. He ran his fingers again over her breasts, this time over her bra. "Do you really wish your breasts were bigger, so Scott could fuck them?" he asked referring to what she'd said on the video.

She reached behind herself and unsnapped the bra, and then she took it off and threw it onto the floor. "These are yours baby," she said bringing his hands up to cup her small perfect breasts.

"Yeah, but I'm saying ... if you had big tits, you'd want Scott to fuck them, not me."

"No, I'd want you," she said kissing him.

"But you'd want Scott too."

"I broke it off with him."

"But if you hadn't, if you were still hooking up with him ..."

"Then I guess," she admitted.

"If you had the choice, you'd want him to fuck your tits, not me."

She kissed Mike's face, his cheeks, his lips. "Are we playing the game baby?"


She kissed Mike again. "Are you sure?"


"Then yeah, I'd rather Scott fuck my tits," she admitted.


"Because his cock is so big, and I'd want to see what that feels like," Jen said. She checked Mike's face. She saw mostly excitement but a little hurt too. She kissed his lips again. "I'm sorry."

"That's okay."

"Good upset?"


"Am I terrible?" Jen asked, her head on Mike's shoulder. "Sometimes I think I'm a nympho. I can't control myself."

"Like how you let Scott fuck you without a condom and cum inside you?"

Jen stiffened, afraid Mike was getting angry. But he was gently stroking her back, and there'd been no anger or hurt in his voice.

"I guess so," she admitted.

"Do you think I'm a jerk?" he asked. "I wanna see you with other guys, then I get upset."

"No," she said kissing him. "You're entitled."

"I mean -- even after the video -- I still get excited thinking about you with other guys."

"I know," Jen said kissing him. "That's okay."

"Did you get wet when Scott hit on you today?" Mike asked.

When Jen didn't answer, he said "Did you?"

"Yeah," she finally admitted.

A long silence. Then Mike said "I was thinking —"

"Wait," Jen said interrupting him. She got off him and pulled off her skirt and panties, leaving her in just stockings and heels. Mike stared at her tiny bush that was growing back.

Jen saw him staring. "What do you think?" she asked softly.

"Sexy," Mike said.

She ran her finger through the silky fuzz. "Still blonde," she said with a relieved giggle.

"What would you have done if it came back darker?" he asked.

"Probably colored it blonde," she joked.

"Really?" he said not picking up on her joking tone.

"My hair's not always gonna be this blonde you know," she said with a laugh.

"It won't?" he said running his fingers though Jen's long silky blonde locks.

"My god you don't know anything do you?" she said with another laugh, affectionately pushing against his chest. She straddled his legs and they made out.

They broke away both panting. Mike's eyes returned to the blonde fuzz above Jen's pussy. He fingered the soft strands. "What were you thinking when you let him shave it off?" he asked.

Jen didn't answer. Instead she kissed his lips and cheeks.

"You can tell me, I won't get upset," he said.

"You won't?" she said still kissing him.

"I wanna know," he said.

"I guess I wasn't thinking anything," she admitted. "I guess I just wanted him to fuck me." She looked embarrassed and anxious. "Terrible, huh?"

"I think you're the best," Mike said. He gave her an assuring, lustful kiss. "I think it's sexy how you love sex so much."

She smiled at him but still looked embarrassed.

Mike looked down. He ran his finger through the fuzz again. "This is kinda hot," he admitted.

She grinned. "Want me to shave it back off?"


"Okay, just let me know," she said.

Jen undressed Mike. Then he sat back down on the sofa, and she straddled his legs again. He was hard and his cock pressed against her pussy, but he didn't enter her. They hugged each other that way.

"Are you cold?" Mike asked.

"A little."

Mike reached for a throw blanket and put it around her.

"You were about to say something before," Jen said kissing his cheek.

"Just ... I wish we could figure out how to make the game work."

"I don't think we should play the game anymore," she said. "Not with other people."

"Do you really think that's possible? I don't want things to build up inside you, and then you cheat on me. I'd rather we do it together."

She pulled away and frowned. "You DO think I'm a slut, don't you?"

"Jen, no, I don't think you're a slut!" he assured her. "I think you're a goddess!"

She eyed him for a long moment. "A goddess huh?" she finally said, frowning at him. She got off him and kicked off her heels, then pulled off her stockings. Then she lay on the floor, on her stomach. "Come rub your goddess's back," she said.

Mike smiled and straddled Jen's butt and rubbed her shoulders and back. He reached for some oil. He poured some in his hands to warm it, then continued to rub her back. After years together he knew where she liked touched, exactly how much pressure to use. She moaned under his touch, and that made him feel good.

As he rubbed her he said, "I totally understand what it's like to lose control. I'm worse than you. You wouldn't believe what goes through my head."

"I think I have an idea," she said with a giggle.

"We're a dangerous combination," Mike said.

"Yeah," Jen agreed.

He got off her and lay beside her on the shag rug, on his side so he could caress her. He caressed down her back, along her sides (touching her breasts), and then her ass. He sensed her breathing quickening. He lightly ran his fingers between her ass cheeks and felt her pussy. She was wet.

"I guess what I'm saying is, it would be okay with me if you hooked up with someone. Just not Scott okay? Not someone you work with and see all the time."

As he spoke Mike continued to caress between Jen's ass cheeks, his fingertips lightly running from her pussy to her asshole.

"That feels good," she sighed.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"I don't know," she said. "I'm not sure it's a good idea." She turned around and reached for him. He got on top of her. "You don't have to worry about Scott though," she assured him. "He's an ass. It's completely over with him."

"It WAS over too," Jen said to herself, like a solemn oath. "It was!"

She gave her husband a teasing smile. "Come here and fuck your goddess," she said reaching between their bodies and guiding him into her.

"You like me calling you that," he said smiling.

"I think I do," she agreed smiling back at him. And then they made love.

The next morning Mike left early for work. Jen got ready for work, putting on jeans and flats. She looked at her calendar as she ate a light breakfast. It reminded her she had an appointment with Tom that morning, a storyboard artist she used to help with video mockups. She thought about it, and then impulsively changed out of the jeans and put on a short skirt, hose and heels.

She took the subway to Tom's studio. The train was crowded as she entered. A guy looked her up and down and immediately stood up, offering her his seat. Jen smiled thanks and sat down. Then she saw a pregnant woman standing and stood. It looked like the pregnant woman had been standing for a while. "Sorry," Jen said to her.
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"That's okay," the pregnant woman said as she gratefully sat in Jen's seat.

Seeing the pretty leggy Jen standing, two guys stood and offered their seats. Jen looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone there who needed to sit. Then she sat down, picking the seat next to the pregnant woman. "Sorry again," Jen whispered to the pregnant woman.

"That's okay," the pregnant woman said. She added with a giggle. "Use it while you got it." They shared a laugh.

Tom's studio was clean but cluttered. It was actually the top floor of his home that he shared with his wife Adria and toddler son Tom Jr.

Jen sat next to Tom as he went through a series of storyboards, a mock-up of a Google ad. She made some suggestions and they talked about some changes. Jen had her right leg crossed over her left knee, and with her short skirt she knew she was showing a lot of leg. She sensed Tom glancing at her legs as they worked but pretended not to notice.

Jen had known Tom for a couple of years, almost since moving to New York City. He was a talented artist and she often hired him for her projects. He was definitely cute and they had a mild flirtation going on.

Tom Jr. scrambled into the room. Jen laughed and bounced the toddler on her knee, and they played while Tom grinned. Tom Jr. grabbed some of the storyboards and messed them up. No harm was done, and both adults laughed.

Then Adria ran into the room. She slapped Tom Jr. on the butt and chastised Tom for spoiling the boy. This started an argument. Jen felt awkward being caught in the middle of it.

Adria apologized to Jen and the two girls shared a few moments of polite conversation. Jen didn't know Adria well. She seemed nice, but it seemed like she and Tom were always arguing.

"Sorry about that," Tom said.

"No worries," Jen said, but she still felt awkward. She left soon after that.

The next day Jen had lunch with Allie. "Mike gave his okay for you to fuck other guys again?" Allie said surprised.

"Will you keep your voice down!" Jen whispered, nervously looking around the restaurant to see if anyone had heard.

"Let's do it with Scott again!" Allie said eagerly.

"Are you crazy?!" Jen cried. "If Mike found out my marriage would be over."

"So he never finds out," Allie said. "It's not like you haven't cheated before."

Jen glared at Allie. "That was one time and you know it," she said in hushed tones. After graduation she and Mike moved in together in their apartment in SoHo. They were deliriously happy together, young and in love in an exciting city. She got hit on all the time (so did Allie for that matter). One time she and Allie went for drinks. Mike was out of town, so Jen drank more than she should have. A really cute guy hit on her and was persistent about it, and she ended up going home with him, a one-night stand. She felt terribly guilty afterwards, although she'd be lying if she said she hadn't enjoyed it. The guy had been an Adonis.

"Calm down," Allie said. "I'm just saying it wouldn't be the first time."

"I'm not cheating on Mike," Jen said, her tone final. "If you want Scott so much then take him, he's yours."

"You don't think I haven't already?" Allie said with a Cheshire cat smile.

"Then why do you want me?" Jen said exasperated.

Allie shrugged. "Mostly because Scott wants to. And Vegas was fun."

"It was fun," Jen agreed. "But it's a freaking bad idea, so stop asking okay? Anyway, I think our game playing is over. It was only two weeks ago he almost left me."

Later Jen guiltily thought about her one-night stand. It'd been the only time she'd cheated on Mike (and not told him about it), but there'd been other times she'd been tempted. She wondered if Mike was right, that she needed the game or she'd eventually cheat again.

Before Mike she'd been with -- well, more than a few guys. She was blonde, pretty, bubbly and popular so she never had a shortage of suitors. She'd never told Mike exactly how many. Whenever he asked she'd tease and say something like, "more than Emma Watson -- I hope." One reason she liked Allie so much is she was even more "worldy" than her.

One of her biggest fears was Mike would start thinking she was a slut. She liked the way he treated her like a princess. Like a goddess even. Men like Ricky and Scott certainly didn't treat her that way. They fucked her brains out, but didn't adore her like Mike, didn't see pass her looks to what was inside. She might be the pussy of the moment for them, but eventually they'd move on. She was smart enough to know that. She adored Mike too, he was her soul mate, although she knew sometimes her actions didn't show that.

Across town, Eric was frustrated with Mike. "Mike, why haven't you accepted the partnership offer yet?"

Mike shrugged. "Eric, this is a high stress job. Jen's job is high stress. I'm thinking about getting out of the fast track, for the good of my marriage."

"Mike, you're crazy," Eric jeered. "Jen's a pretty girl. She's sophisticated, a marketing super-star. Do you think she'll be happy with a high school teacher? Sorry to bust your balls but you know I'm right."

They talked some more. Finally Mike said, "Okay Eric, you're right. Okay, I accept the offer."

Eric had put his finger on exactly what'd been worrying Mike. Jen was so pretty, so sexy, so smart, so wonderful, a lot of guys would trade places with him in a second. There would be more Rickys and Scotts in the future. They didn't want just her body, they wanted her. He needed this job to compete with them.

The next week Allie popped into Jen's office. "You're coming to happy hour right?" she said.

"I don't know," Jen said. "This isn't a good time for me to go out without Mike."

"So bring him," Allie said. She added with a teasing grin, "We won't go to karaoke if that'll make him feel better."

"Fuck you Allie," Jen said.

Allie laughed. "You're going right?"

"I'll think about it," Jen said. She'd like to go to happy hour. She was a social butterfly and she liked to interact with people, that was how her brain was wired. She called Mike, "Hi baby. There's a happy hour tonight. Wanna go?"

Mike hesitated only a moment. "Absolutely, that sounds fun," he said. He was lukewarm to the idea, but he knew she liked to socialize, and he'd rather be with her than home alone.

Jen arrived at happy hour before Mike. She avoided Scott. She still enjoyed his company, but she'd gotten over her infatuation of him. She remained physically attracted to him, but the emotional connection was broken.

Scott tried a few times to bring her into the circle of people he was holding court for. But she sidestepped him and kept to other people. She didn't want Mike to arrive and see her talking to him.

She went to Mike as soon as he arrived. She kissed and hugged him. He was naturally reserved and quiet, but she held his hand as she socialized and made sure to include him in conversations.

To everyone's surprise, Mr. Winters showed up at the happy hour. He was one of the most senior and powerful partners at the marketing firm. Jen rarely saw him, much less talked to him. So she was stunned when he approached her. "Hello Ms. Andrews, congratulations on Kelloggs."

"Thank you sir," Jen said. Her head spun. She hadn't thought Mr. Winters even knew her name.

"I understand you're leading our Google effort," he said with an encouraging smile. "Keep up the good work, we're counting on you."

"Yes sir, I will," she said, shocked at getting a pep talk from him.

Then Mr. Winters turned his attention to Mike. "You must be Mike Andrews," Mr. Winters said smiling. He offered his hand. "I'm Josh Winters. I've heard amazing things about your Sapphire fund. Very impressive. Any possibility you have room for another investor?"

Mike shook Mr. Winters' hand. "The fund is closed Mr. Winters, but I'm sure I can get you in."

Mr. Winters smiled and squeezed Mike's arm. "Mike my boy, call me Josh."

Mr. Winters left with big smiles and handshakes all around. On her tiptoes, Jen whispered into Mike's ear, "Do you know how hot I am for you right now?"

Scott fumed seeing Mike get so much attention. He was a self-confirmed bachelor, a ladies man, a player. Still, he liked Jen a lot. A LOT. He didn't get what a knockout like Jen saw in the small-dicked geek.

Scott smiled inside. He knew Jen still had the hots for him. He'd get into her pants again, and when he did he'd make sure Mike knew about it. If that fucked up their marriage so much the better, then he'd have the pretty blonde all to himself.

Leaving the bar, Jen hugged Mike. "Do you know how freaking amazing you are?" she gushed. "You're so getting some when we get home."

Mike pulled Jen into a side alley and kissed her. "I have to wait until we get home?" he said kissing her again.

"You wanna do me here?" she giggled, running her leg up Mike's calf.

"Maybe not me," he said lust in his eyes.

Jen smiled mischievously. "Oh does someone wanna play?" she teased.

"Yessss!" he said excitedly. He kissed her again.

"Details please!" Jen said giggling.

"That bar over there," Mike said, picking out an ultra-trendy club that also had a reputation as a major meat market.

Jen gave Mike a sly smile. Why not? He'd earned it. She had major concerns about playing the game with other people, but letting him watch her flirt with some guys was harmless.

"I go in first, and you follow, right?" Jen said. They'd done this before.

"Yeah, I'll be watching," Mike said excitedly. He rubbed her back over her bra strap. "Take this off."

"You are SO bad," Jen playfully chastised.

Jen gave Mike a kiss, then she walked across the street to the bar. There was a long line, but the bouncer saw how good looking she was and waved her in. With both a sigh and a smile, she went into the ladies room and took off her bra. Luckily she'd worn a dark top so it didn't show.

Mike waited 15 minutes, then he approached the bouncer. At first the bouncer frowned, but then he smiled when Mike handed him a $100 bill. There were jeers and hisses but the bouncer let Mike in.

Jen sat at the bar. She was in her element. She was young and blonde. She knew she was pretty. And she knew how to flirt and tease. Having Mike there made her a little nervous. It was good and bad. Nervous to be on stage, but comforting he was watching after her.

A few guys hit on her. They were all good looking, but she picked a guy a little older than her. His name was Darren. He was handsome, tall, and broad shouldered. And very black. He had a British accent, which she found surprising and charming too. She wasn't into black guys really, but she wanted to make tonight extra special for Mike, as in their pillow talk he often fantasized about her and black men.

She let Darren buy her a drink, and then another. She'd had a couple at the happy hour, so she was definitely getting tipsy. He asked her to dance. She wasn't careful getting off the stool (on purpose) and her skirt hiked up flashing the lace of her stocking tops. She quickly smoothed her skirt, but Darren had gotten a good look.

She let him hold her hand as they walked to the dance floor. They danced a few fast songs. She loved to dance and he was a good dancer. She was having a good time.

A slow song started. He gave her an inquisitive smile. She smiled back and moved into his arms. They danced with her arms around his neck and his arms around her back.

They returned to their stools. She demurely held down her skirt as she sat down, so as to not flash him again. But when he put his hand on her knee she let him keep it there. Emboldened, he caressed her knee, moving up her thigh. She stopped him when he tried to get under her skirt, but still she didn't make him take his hand away.

She looked into his eyes as he spoke. She laughed at his jokes. She squeezed his hand and arm encouraging him to tell her more.

"Let's get out of here," he said.
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"Um, wait," Jen said. She looked at her phone pretending to read a text. But really she was calling Mike. This way he could listen. "I'm sorry, what?"

Darren smiled and caressed her knee. "Let's go to my place," he said.

She gave him an apologetic smile. "I can't, I'm married," she said holding up her left hand to show him her wedding ring.

"Where is he?" Darren asked.

"Traveling for work."

"He never needs to know," Darren said still caressing her thigh.

"I don't think that makes it right," Jen said laughing.

"Why are you here then?"

"He's traveling," Jen said with another short laugh.

Darren caressed her back, where her bra strap would've been if she hadn't taken it off. He smiled and she blushed. His message was clear. A married girl doesn't go braless to a meat market if she wasn't looking to be picked up.

He moved his hand to her thigh again. She stopped his hand as he tried again to get under her skirt. "Don't," she said.

"Come to my place," Darren insisted. "He'll never know."

Jen looked down, tempted but unsure.

"Hey sexy," he said. She looked at him. He leaned in and kissed her.

"I can't," she said breaking away after a few moments.

He kissed her again. This time she kissed him back. They made out. When they broke away Jen was panting. So was Darren.

"God you're beautiful," he gushed looking at her.

"I can't," Jen insisted.

Just then her phone buzzed. She read the text from Mike: "Bring him to our place," the text said.

Jen put the phone into her purse. "That's him, he'll be home soon. I have to go."

"Give me your number," Darren said.

Jen shook her head. Then she reconsidered. "Give me your card," she said. She took his card and left.

"Why didn't you fuck him?" Mike asked at home. They were in bed, still clothed, Mike caressing his wife.

"Didn't want to make it easy for him," Jen teased, her eyes closed, enjoying her husband's caresses.

"I didn't know you were into black guys."

"You know me, I like new experiences," Jen said.

"It was so hot seeing him kiss you!" Mike said excitedly.

"He can really kiss too."

"You'll call him?" Mike asked excitedly.

"Is that what you want?" Jen teased. "A big black man fucking your pretty white wife?"

"God Jen," Mike moaned.

"He felt so big Mike," she said. She unzipped Mike's pants and took out his hard cock, stroking him. "He'd stretch me so much I wouldn't be able to feel you after."

"Jen ....." Mike moaned his head rolling back.

"It doesn't matter though," she teased said stroking Mike faster. "You're so small I can't ever feel you inside me. Do you know you've never made me cum? I always fake it with you."

"Oh god Jen!" Mike cried and he came all over his wife's hand.

Later as they spooned in bed, Jen said "You know I made all that up."

"Not all of it," Mike said.

"Most of it," Jen giggled.

"But you want to fuck him right? That was true."

"We'll see," Jen said teasingly.

The next morning Mike left early for work. Jen masturbated in bed, and then again in the shower. Darren had really turned her on.

She'd been tempted to fuck Darren -- Mike wanted her to -- but she was unsure about the game. They'd played twice and both times almost broke up. She knew what the problem was. She had a hard time controlling herself once she got involved with a guy she liked. If she was into a guy, like she'd been with Ricky and Scott, she could lose herself in him, become infatuated with him. Mike got excited by that to a point. But she always crossed the line and ended up hurting him.

Later that week Mike said "Have you thought about calling Darren?"

"You've got a one track mind," Jen said laughing. She changed the subject, not wanting to talk about Darren or any other man except her husband. She was tempted but scared.

The next morning Allie popped into her office and closed the door. "God I can barely walk," Allie said. "Scott fucks like a god."

"Allie, really?" Jen said, not wanting to hear this.

"Jelly?" Allie said with a mischievous smile.

"Go away," Jen said. She pretended to go back to work but was definitely distracted.

In the afternoon Jen took her notes and computer and went to Starbucks. She needed caffeine and a change of scenery.

She was absorbed in her computer and a skinny caramel latte when Scott sat down next to her. "Surfing porn?" he said grinning.

"Go away Scott," she said.

"Go to my Facebook page, I've posted new pictures," he said. "From my buddy's bachelor party."

She rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, go to my Facebook page."

"Really Scott?" Jen derided him. "Facebook is so five minutes ago." She tried to keep a straight face but they broke out laughing.

"Okay bitch, then go to my Instagram page," he said still laughing. "So what are you working on?"

Jen showed him the Google spreadsheet she was working on. He had to move close to see her computer screen. He made some suggestions and soon it was like before, laughing and joking around as they worked.

After working for a while, Scott convinced Jen to go to his Facebook page. They laughed looking at more pictures of his friend's bachelor party weekend in Vegas.

"I really miss hanging with you," he said.

"Don't start," she said.

"Come on give me something. Admit you miss me a little, I'm dying here," he said giving her his most charming boyish smile.

"Whatever Scott," Jen said with a laugh.

"Why can't we be friends?" he asked.

"You know why."

"Come on, we have so much in common, we like hanging out ..."

"No Scott."

He shook his head frustrated. Jen's legs were crossed on the sofa and her skirt had inadvertently hiked up a little as they'd worked. She was showing a lot of leg.
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"God you have the greatest legs," he said admiringly.

"THAT's why we can't be friends," she said with a laugh, pulling her skirt down.

He put his hand on her knee. "I'll never feel these beauties wrapped around my waist again?" he asked giving her a lecherous smile.

"Nope," she said laughing again, pushing his hand away. She looked around. "Can you like keep your voice down?"

"Why do I need to keep my voice down, do you have something in mind?" he teased, caressing her thigh again.

"Don't you ever stop?" she said with another laugh, pushing his hand away again.

"God you're beautiful," he admired, stroking her neck.

"Stop," she said pulling away.

He caressed her again, running his fingertips along her neck and behind her ear. "I know where your buttons are," he said with a smile, lustfully watching her nipples getting hard in her blouse.

She closed her computer and hugged it against her chest. She got up her expression serious. "It's over Scott," she said curtly. "If you can't deal with that, you need to transfer off my team."

Jen left the Starbucks. Scott watched her leave. He smiled. He knew he'd get her eventually.

Instead of going back to work, Jen called her assistant and said she had an outside appointment, then she went home.

At home she felt flushed. Even though it was only mid-afternoon she poured herself a glass of wine and gulped it down. She kicked off her heels as she walked into the bedroom. She crawled into bed.

For a moment she put her arm over her eyes. Not able to resist further, she reached down and tugged her skirt up around her waist. With one arm still covering her eyes, she reached her other hand into her panties.

She was soaking. She ran her fingers up and down her wet pussy lips. Then with her fingertip she ran circles around her clit. "Yeah Scott like that," she whispered, her eyes closed, her fingers teasing her clit.

Scott had gotten her so hot. She missed his body, his cock, the way he treated her like a slut, the way he took control, the way he fucked her. She loved making love with Mike, but that's what it was with her husband, making love. Sometimes she just needed fucked, raw hard passionate dirty fucking.

She fingered herself. Mid-way through she impatiently tore off her blouse and bra. She used one hand to fondle her breasts and rub her nipples as she used the other to rub her clit. "Fuck me Scott, fuck me, yeah like that Scott, stick it all the way in, harder Scott harder," she chanted fantasizing about being roughly fucked by Scott's long thick cock.

Afterward she felt guilty and dirty. She undressed and got in the shower. She sat down in the corner and hugged her legs to her chest, sobbing as the shower rained down on her.

She pulled herself together and called Mike. "Will you be home regular time?" she asked after telling him she was home.

"Yeah," he said concern in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"Just needed a mental health day," she said. "Can we go to the bistro tonight?"

Jen hugged and kissed him when he got home. "Is everything okay?" he asked.

"I'll tell you at dinner, okay?" She hugged his arm tight as they walked the short distance from their loft to the bistro.

"What's new with Sapphire?" she asked after the waiter brought their drinks. Mike got a scotch with one big round ice cube and Jen a glass of the house sparkling wine. He said reporters were calling for interviews. Sapphire was becoming big time national -- even worldwide -- news. "Oh baby I'm so proud of you!" she gushed.

Mike knew something was bothering her, and he had a good guess what. "So what happened?" he said. "Did Scott hit on you again?"

She blushed, nodding. She told him what happened.

"Do you want him?" Mike asked. Jen didn't answer.

The waiter came to take their order. They ordered things they often got. A mixed plate of meats and cheese, an arugula salad with fresh shaved Parmigianino and drizzled with EVOO, and warm crusty bread with rich French butter. They ordered a cheap bottle of Bordeaux. As they requested, all the food came at once and they shared like a picnic, sipping wine as they took bites here and there.

"What are you thinking?" she asked nervously.

"Do you love him?" he responded.

"God no Mike!" she said immediately, "I don't love him!" But then she hesitantly admitted "But I guess I'm still attracted to him."

Mike didn't say anything, processing his wife's admission. He poured the rest of the wine into their glasses. The cocktails and wine helped take the edge off. "I still think about you with other guys," he said finally. "I can't help it."

He paused. "I can't handle seeing you with Scott again," he said finally. "But maybe another guy ..."

"I don't think we should play the game again," she said. "I don't want to lose control again."

"It's not just you," Mike assured her. "I lose control too." His urge to see her with other men was as strong -- stronger maybe -- as her urge to be with other men.

After pausing he said "It'll be better with someone you're not buds with, someone you don't work with." Then he hesitantly asked, "Or is it just Scott you want?"

She blushed embarrassed. "I shouldn't want anyone but you ..."

"But you do," Mike said. He quickly added "You know that's okay with me."

She gave him a crooked smile. "We are SO weird." They shared a laugh.

She looked down like a shy little girl, embarrassed. "No, it's not just Scott," she said answering his question. She put her head in her hands, laughing nervously. "God Mike I can't believe the conversations we have!"

Mike laughed too, feeling relieved it wasn't just Scott she wanted. He hugged her. "This is another way we're made for each other," he joked.

"I guess," she laughed. "Are we always gonna be this demented?"

He hugged her tighter. "It's okay we're like this baby. We just have to figure out how to make it work."
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Making It Work Ch. 02

A few nights later after a lot more talking, Jen found Darren's card in her purse and dialed his number. She put her hair behind her ear and brought the phone to her ear. "Hi Darren, it's me, Jen."

Mike moved closed and Jen tilted her iPhone so he could hear. They talked and laughed for a while. Mike saw a potential connection between them. He felt jealous, but excited too. One of his biggest fantasies was to see Jen with a well hung black man. Also, despite what happened with Ricky and Scott, it was more exciting for him if she had some emotional connection with her lover, but not head over heels like those other two.

"So ... are ya still up for hooking up?" Jen asked.

"Yeah babe, you name the time and place," Darren said.

"I need to tell you something," Jen said. "My husband Mike, he lets me sleep with other men. So he'll be there."

Darren laughed. "No worries, I know guys like your husband."

The next Saturday Mike and Jen met Darren at a bar for drinks. Darren shook Mike's hand. Jen let him kiss her on the cheek. Jen sat next to Mike, with Darren across from them. They talked, and it was clear Jen enjoyed Darren's company. But whenever Mike started feeling like a third wheel, Jen hugged his arm and brought him into the conversation. Mike could tell Jen was trying to not repeat the same mistakes of Ricky and Scott.

Mike and Jen took a cab to their loft apartment, and Darren followed in another cab. Jen snuggled into Mike's arms in the cab.

In their apartment Mike put on some slow music. He danced with Jen, and then she danced with Darren. They danced close together, and soon they were making out and fondling each other.

They broke apart, panting. Jen gave Darren a kiss and softly said "I'll meet you in the bedroom."

Once Darren was gone Jen sat close next to Mike. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," Mike said, although while excited he felt anxious and jealous, but it was a vicious circle as that increased his excitement.

Jen straddled his legs and kissed him. They made out. They got up and walked to the bedroom, Jen holding Mike's hand.

Jen's eyes went wide seeing Darren. He'd undressed. His body was muscular and jet black. He had tattoos on his arms and chest. But it was his cock that really drew her attention. It seriously had to be close to a foot long, and thick. "Fuck," Jen said under her breath, dropping Mike's hand and walking to the bed as if mesmerized.

"Like what you see babe?" Darren said with a confident grin.

"My god," Jen said awestruck looking at is cock.

"Not used to something so big?" Darren said grinning at Mike.

"No freaking way," Jen said, crawling onto the bed and taking his cock in her hands. It took both her hands to hold him.

"No so fast," Darren said. He pulled her to him and they made out.

Mike sat in a chair, his cock tenting his pants.

Darren stopped kissing Jen and said to Mike, "So Mike, tell me where your girl likes to be touched."

Mike hesitated, then said, "Her neck is really sensitive."

Darren smiled at Mike. He kissed Jen on the mouth again, and then kissed down her neck. Jen moaned rolling her head back, and Darren kissed down her throat, making her nipples rock hard.

After a while Darren broke the kiss. "Strip," he ordered Jen. On her knees on the bed, she reached behind her and unzipped her dress, and then pulled it off. She reached behind herself and unsnapped her bra. She took the bra off, leaving her in just her thong panties, stockings and high heel pumps. The panties were pink satin with lace edging. Her stockings were sheer nude, and shiny. The pumps were shiny black patent leather with 4 inch stiletto heels.

Not taking his eyes off Jen's body, Darren asked Mike, "What else does she like?"

"The back of her thighs, just below her ass," Mike said. "And her nipples."

Darren sneered at Mike, as if saying "Are you really going to tell me all your girl's secrets?" Then he caressed Jen just below her ass, making her moan. He cupped her tits and rubbed her nipples with his fingers. She moaned again, her head rolling back. He looked at Mike and chuckled. "Pretty soon I'll know your girl's body better than you."

Abruptly Darren grabbed Jen's hair and pulled hard, mushing her face against cock. He laughed when Jen yelped. "Let's see what you can do," he said pulling her hair again to move her lips to his cockhead.

Jen knew she was good at giving head, but she'd never had anyone as big as Darren before. She licked his shaft up and down to get him wet. Then, while holding his shaft with both hands, she took him into her mouth. He was so thick she could only swallow about 3 inches. She bobbed up and down, her head and hands moving in sync.

"Yeah, that's it slut, suck it," Darren said. "You like black cock, don't you slut?"

Jen looked up at Darren with heavy lidded bedroom eyes, her lips wet, and said "Yeah."

She sucked him more, managing to get another inch into her mouth.

"Not bad," Darren said. "But you can do better than that." With his fingers gripping her silky blonde hair, he pushed her face down, forcing more cock into her mouth and down her throat. He moved her face up and down, stuffing more of his cock into her mouth with each downward thrust, making her gag. Her saliva ran down her chin and neck as he fucked her face.

After one downward thrust he held her head tight, lodging his thick cock in her mouth and down her throat. Jen flailed her arms as she couldn't breathe. Mike was about to come to her aid when Darren lifted her head up, Jen gasping for air. Her face was covered with spit and his pre-cum.

Darren pointed Jen's face at a mirror. "What do you see?" he asked her.

"I look like a slut," Jen said, her face dripping with spit. Darren laughed.

Then he moved Jen's face so she was looking at Mike. "Look what I've done to your wife's pretty face," he said laughing. "Wait til you see what I do to her pussy."

Then Darren pushed her head down again, shoving his cock back down her throat.

He fucked her face more. Then he threw her down on the bed and got between her legs. He threw off her heels and stockings. "Bitch, don't wear this shit, I wanna to see your white skin!" he growled. He ripped off her panties and then he slapped her ass hard, once and then twice. Jen yelped with pain.

"I know you like it slut!" he yelled, slapping her ass again and again. Jen cried in pain but she had her cum face on.

Then he got between Jen's open legs. He rubbed his big cockhead between her pussy lips. They were swollen and glistened from excitement. Supporting his weight on an elbow he held his shaft with his other hand, the big bulbous cock head positioned at the entrance of Jen's pussy.

As he pushed in, Jen said, "Wait Darren -- condom."

Darren scoffed. "Come on babe, you ain't gonna make me wear a rubber."

"You have to," Jen said.

Darren motioned to Mike. "Mike doesn't want me to use a rubber." He smiled smugly seeing the uncontrolled lust in Mike's face. "You want my black cock bareback inside your pretty wife, don't you Mike? You want me to pump my black baby juice into her white pussy, don't you?"

Mike hesitated, his lust overwhelming his good sense. Darren laughed.

Jen reached into the nightstand and got a condom. Sitting up, she said to Darren, "I'll put it on for you." He scowled but didn't protest anymore.

She tore the foil with her teeth. Using both hands she rolled the thin protective sheath over Darren's cock. It barely fit, stretching to capacity, and it only went half way down his shaft. But there was some empty space at the tip to hold his cum.

Jen put her arms around him. They kissed and made out. She rubbed his chest and whispered into his ear, low enough so Mike couldn't hear, "I don't want to use it either. But we have too." They kissed again.

Mike watched the tender moment and his jealousy and anxiety spiked.

Darren got on top of Jen. "You ready for it?" he said to her, and she nodded eagerly, her cum face on. Supporting himself on his elbows, Darren pushed in applying steady pressure. "Ugh god!" Jen groaned as his fat cock head pushed into her. Her nostrils flared. "So fucking big!"

Jen gritted her teeth as Darren pushed more in. He took his time, steadily pushing more and more into her pussy. Finally he was in balls deep.

"God you fill me up!" Jen gasped.

For a while Darren didn't move, letting her get used to his size. Then slowly he stroked back and forth. "Oh god! It feels like you're tearing me apart!" Jen cried. She quickly added, "Don't stop! It feels freaking amazing!"

Darren marveled at the feel of Jen's pussy. It felt so good! So smooth, tight yet soft. He wondered if she knew how good her pussy felt compared to other girls.

Darren fucked her faster and harder. He put her legs over his shoulders. He dug his feet into the bed for added leverage and really banged her. Soon Jen's moans were continuous, "Oh god oh god oh god ..."

"You like that bitch?" he taunted her. "You like fucking a black man?"

"Yes! God! I love fucking you!" Jen moaned as her orgasm neared.

Jen's back arched and she cried out as her orgasm hit. Darren didn't stop. He pounded her relentlessly through her climax, and that made her orgasm go on and on. She made sounds Mike had never heard before, not with Ricky or Scott, certainly not with him. She clawed into his back as if imploring him not to stop.

Then he slowed down, slowly deep stroking her. "God you feel so good inside me," Jen gushed looking into his eyes. "I've never cum like that before."

"Whiteys can't compare to black boys," he said grinning. "And I'm just getting started."

"Well I'm ready for more," she giggled, beaming back into his eyes.

"Yeah? I guess your white pussy likes my black cock, huh?"

"God yeah you're freaking amazing!" Jen gushed.

They kissed, his large black hands entwined in her silky blonde hair, her arms around his muscular neck. "Who owns your pussy Jen?" he said between kisses.

"You so do Darren," she said with a giggle and smiling into his eyes.
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Darren turned to Mike. "Hear that Mike? Her pussy's mine already." he said laughing. Jen looked at Mike too. She didn't laugh, but she had a delighted smile on her face.

Darren turned Jen around onto her hands and knees, and then their fucking turned torrid again. He fucked Jen so hard and fast the bed was in danger of breaking. As he slammed her he reached under her and fondled and rubbed her nipples. Suddenly Jen's body convulsed on his cock with another orgasm. It was a huge orgasm too, her entire body shaking uncontrollably and she let out a long soulful moan.

After she recovered Darren turned her onto her back, and they kissed. Darren continued to fuck her with long slow strokes.

"No man has ever made me cum like that before!" she gushed.

"You shouldn't have waited so long for black cock," Darren teased.

"I guess so!" Jen giggled.

"You're my white bitch now right?" he said smiling.

"Darren, I am SOOOO your white bitch," she said smiling back. They both laughed, and looked in Mike's direction. There was a delighted twinkle in Jen's eye as she looked at her husband.

Turning back to each other, they kissed and whispered. At one point Darren whispered something to Jen, and she turned and looked at Mike, a mischievous smile on her face. Mike had his cock out and was stroking himself. His cock was small; it barely extended beyond his hand. Jen giggled and they whispered to each other. With a laugh Jen said "I don't think so!" Darren laughed back, and they kissed and made out again.

Their fucking picked up again, this time missionary. Jen ran her hands over his ripped chest, his six pack, his muscular arms. With fascination she traced the tats on his arms and chest.

"You like my black body bitch?" he hissed.

"You've got an awesome body," Jen purred, continuing to caress him.

"Say black body!" Darren ordered.

"Your black body is really hot," Jen said.

"Better than Mike's?"

Jen looked at her husband. She looked up and down over his soft body. "I think you probably work out more than him," she said with a giggle.

Their fucking started up again, and soon reached a fevered pitch. "Who do you belong to bitch?!" he hissed banging her so hard the headboard slammed against the wall.

"You! I'm your white bitch!" Jen cried as Darren fucked the shit out of her.

Darren's huge muscular body tensed. "I'm cumming slut!" he growled. "I'm cumming!

"Yeah yeah, cum in me, cum in me!" Jen urged him.

Darren lunged over and over into Jen, his body shaking with orgasm. After he was done he lay on top of her, his cock still buried deep inside her.

After about a minute Jen stroked his back and said, "Um, Darren?"

He reluctantly pulled out. Jen said "Careful okay?"

Darren held the condom as he pulled out. There was a ton of cum in the reservoir. To his horror Mike saw milky cream at the base of his cock. Darren had cum so much the condom couldn't hold it all. Mike worried some of Darren's cum was inside his wife.

Mike had cum while they fucked, and now the post-orgasm depression and anxiety he always felt at times like this hit him like a ton of bricks. Jen snuggled into Darren's arms and they kissed and whispered to each other. She didn't even look his way. That was the part that hurt most. Not able to watch anymore, he got up and left the bedroom. Jen didn't look up as he left.

Mike sat on the sofa. He knew what would happen now. They'd kiss and whisper sweet nothings, and then they'd fuck again. They'd fuck all night long, and then she'd fall asleep in his arms. Just like Scott, like Ricky. It was starting all over again.

Why had he agreed to this? No, not agreed – pushed Jen to do this. Whatever happened to his promise to himself never to let another man touch her? He knew how Jen fell for guys, became infatuated with them. Sooner or later she'd meet a guy where the infatuation wouldn't wear off, where she'd fall in love for real.

To his surprise, about 10 minutes later the bedroom door opened and Jen stepped out. She wore her favorite fluffy cotton robe. She sat on the sofa next to him and leaned into him. His feelings were too raw to put his arm around her, but he didn't push her away. She held his arm, putting her head on his shoulder.

Darren came out a few minutes later, fully dressed. Jen looked at him but didn't let go Mike's arm.

"I had a great time," Darren said.

"Me too," Jen said smiling at him.

"Let's do this again," Darren said.

"We'll see," Jen said noncommittally, but she gave him a warm smile. Then he left.

Jen put her head on Mike's shoulder again. "Are you okay baby?" she asked.

"That was intense," Mike said after a few moments.

"Yeah." She paused, then admitted, "I got out of control again."

"Yeah," Mike said.

She hugged him. "You know I didn't mean what I said."

"I know," Mike said. Then after a moment he added, "It's just hard hearing you say it."

"It got you kinda excited though, didn't it?" she asked after a pause.

"Yeah ... but ..."

"What?" Jen asked.

Mike didn't answer at first. He didn't want to come across even more pathetic. But finally he said, "Seeing you with guys like Ricky and Scott, and now Darren ... I mean, how can you possibly get any pleasure from sex with me?"

"Mike, I love sex with you" she said reassuringly. Seeing his doubt, she said "You give me love, no one else does that."

He chuckled wryly, but without any humor. Her answer wasn't satisfying. But what else could she say? He decided not to push it. Instead he said "Do you want to see him again?"

"We'll see," she said, her head on his shoulder again.

"I can tell you like him. There's a connection."

"We'll see," she said again with a shrug. "He's okay I guess. Maybe some time." She snuggled into Mike's arm.

They spent the rest of the weekend together, just them. Jen gave Mike her exclusive attention and he began feeling better. When they made love Jen definitely felt looser, but by Sunday night her pussy started feeling normal again. Jen never mentioned Darren or getting together with him again.

On Monday Jen found it hard to concentrate. Darren HAD rocked her world. He treated her like a worthless slut and fucked her rough. She didn't get that from Mike. To be fair, she didn't want him to treat her that way.

She'd always had a submissive streak. That was part of why she was attracted to confident (borderline arrogant) aggressive men like Ricky and Scott. Darren upped the ante on aggressiveness, and it scared her how turned on he'd gotten her.

Left to herself she might've been tempted to get together with him again right away. But she was determined to do it differently this time. She didn't want to lose herself again, and she certainly didn't want to hurt Mike. A little hurt was okay – he'd told her jealousy increased his excitement – but too much hurt lead to bad things.

But she couldn't stop thinking about Darren. She'd never been interested in black guys before. He was a lawyer in London but it looked like he was in New York a lot (he'd gone to Harvard law; she'd Googled him). She liked how he went from sophisticated to ghetto.

She went to his Facebook page and looked at his pictures. There were a lot of pictures of him with pretty girls, most of them white. She smiled. He was so a player. There were pictures of him at the beach, in a bathing suit. His body was incredible and some of his European bathing suits left little to the imagination. She realized she was stroking her inner thigh as she looked at his pictures, and her pussy throbbed. "Get control of yourself!" she chided herself with a giggle. She exited Facebook, straightened her skirt, and tried to concentrate on work.

Later that afternoon Sophie, an old high school friend called. "Jen, you're coming to my baby shower right?"

Shit, she'd forgotten! Sophie was pregnant with her first child. "Definitely, I wouldn't miss it," Jen said. After she got off the phone she rummaged in her purse and found the invitation. The shower was in a couple of weeks.

Jen worked out after work. Scott was there. He flirted and hit on her. She laughed and talked with him, but didn't flirt back (not too much). Her pussy still tingled from earlier. The memory of Scott fucking her in the alley flashed through her mind. She knew he'd be more than willing to take care of the itch in her pussy, not caring it'd been another man (Darren) who'd gotten her hot.

But it was a fleeting thought. It was over with Scott, it had to be.

Mike greeted her at the door when she got home. He'd made dinner and there were wine and candles on the table. "Oops," she thought to herself. She should've known Mike would want to talk about Darren. She should have come home instead of working out first. Here she was in a sweaty sports bra and tights, her hair in a ponytail.

"Give me a minute," she told him with a kiss. She showered quickly, brushed her hair, and put on a little makeup and lipstick. She put on a tight crop top (no bra) and low rise skinny jeans, showing off a lot of her flat sexy tummy. Underneath she had on a red lacy thong, knowing Mike thought it was super sexy if it peaked above her ass. Under the jeans she also put on black cable knit knee high socks, knowing how Mike loved them.

They had a quiet dinner and then sat on the sofa. Jen gave him a lot of openings to talk about the weekend but didn't push. She knew he was conflicted about it and needed to go at his own pace.

She put her feet in his lap. He rubbed her feet and she felt a tingle in her pussy. She liked her feet rubbed and he was good at it.

"About the other night," he began. "It got pretty insane."

"Yeah," she agreed.

"Thanks for making Darren wear a condom."

"You don't have to thank me baby," she said squeezing his hand. "It's SOP."
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"I meant ... I mean, you said you lost control ... I lost control too," he said, trying to tell her he'd been that close to letting the black man fuck her bareback.

Jen understood. She squeezed his hand again. "I get that baby."

"It was so hot," Mike gushed. "Seeing him kissing you, his black skin against yours ..."

"You liked that?"

"Yes!" Mike said, the one syllable coming out like a moan. With her feet still in his crotch, she knew he was hard.

"What else did you like?"

"How did he feel inside you?" Mike asked.

"Freaking amazing," Jen said. "He's SOOO big."

"You came big time on his cock," Mike said.

She nodded, smiling.

"How many times?"

Jen thought about it, and then said "It was kinda like one long orgasm."

"Wow," Mike said. "You said no one's ever done that to you before?"

Jen heard excitement in her husband's voice, but anxiety too. She moved closer to him. "Are you okay baby?" she asked rubbing his arm.

"You said you belonged to him."

Jen softly rubbed Mike's erection over his pants. "Are we playing the game baby?" she asked.

"Yeah ... I think so."

"Only think so?"

"You said your pussy belonged to him ..."

She unzipped him and took out his hard cock. "Did you get upset when I said that?"


"Bad upset?" she asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Remember, you're the one who told him where to touch me."

"Yeah," Mike admitted.

Jen straddled Mike and they kissed and made out. Mike's hands moved to Jen's pants. She got up and together they pulled off her tight jeans and panties. She got back on his lap and they kissed again.

Then Mike moved her onto her back and got between her legs. Her pussy looked normal again. The lips glistened with excitement, but they were tight instead of gaping like after she'd fucked Darren. Mike went down on her and did his magic.

"God yes I so need this!" Jen thought to herself. As he ate her out she fantasized about Darren fucking her. When Mike went lower and licked and tongued her asshole, she moaned and imagined it was Darren with his head down there. But Darren was too much of an alpha male to lick a girl's asshole. So in her fantasy she imagined Mike licking her asshole as Darren had his cock deep in her pussy, fucking her. With that thought in mind, her body shuddered with a powerful orgasm.

"God baby you're so freaking amazing at that," she gushed, pulling him up and kissing him.

Mike gave his wife a moment to recover, then he asked "Did you fantasize about Darren?"

"Yeah," she sheepishly admitted. She didn't describe her fantasy; she knew that would be crossing the line. But she saw lust in Mike's face. She took off his shirt and pants.

She ran her fingers along his chest. "He has a better body than you," she said.


"Yeah. His body is so hard and tight."

"I'm not?"

"No," she said kissing Mike's chest. "We're playing the game, right Mike?"

"Yeah," Mike said.

Jen slid onto her knees. Mike sat up. Jen opened his legs and she got between them, taking his cock in her hand. "His cock is a lot bigger than yours," she said.


"Yeah. A lot bigger." She lowered her head and licked Mike's shaft, then bobbed on him for a few moments.

"Want me to tell you something?" she asked.


"Are you sure?" she said. "It's really bad."

"Yeah, tell me."

She licked Mike's shaft. "He wanted me to tell you to sit on the bed next to him. I'd take turns going down on you and him. That way I'd really see how big he is, and how small you are."

Mike's heart pounded and his head spun. He felt ready to burst. "Why didn't you?"

"I don't know," she said kissing the tip of his cock. "Would it turn you on if I did that next time?"

"There's going to be a next time with Darren?"

"I don't know," she said kissing his cock again. Then she straddled his legs and they kissed and made out.

"He came a lot," Mike said. "The condom didn't hold it all."

"I know," Jen said reaching down and guiding him into her. She slowly moved up and down, her arms around Mike's neck, kissing him.

"Some of his sperm may have gotten into you," Mike said.

"I think some did," she said, moving up and down on his cock. She pulled Mike close so her lips touched his ear. "You know he was really deep inside me when he came, right?"


"Yeah. He pushed all the way in. Even with the condom I felt him cum."

"Okay," Mike panted.

"So the sperm that leaked out got really deep inside me."

"Jen ..." Mike groaned.

"Mike ... the pill doesn't always work," Jen said. "I might be pregnant with his black baby right now."

"God Jeeeeeeen!" Mike cried as he came.

Later in bed they were on their sides, looking at each other. "You know I was just playing the game, right?"

"Yeah," Mike said.

"All those things I said about him owning me," she said. "It was kinda like stuff in stories, you know, the ones you show me on Literotica?"

"So you didn't mean it?"

"Of course not," she said kissing him. "Are you okay?"


Jen rolled over and Mike spooned her. She thought about earlier that day when she stalked Darren's Facebook page, how she desired him. She thought about how she'd been tempted by Scott. She thought about how she'd fantasize about Mike licking her ass while Darren fucked her. Suddenly she started crying. She loved Mike, yet treated him like shit. Why couldn't she control herself?

Hearing her cry, Mike hugged Jen closer. "What's wrong baby?" he asked.

Jen didn't answer, still softly sobbing. Mike kissed his wife's neck, trying to comfort her. She eventually cried herself to sleep. Mike couldn't sleep though. He wondered if he was doing the right thing, pushing her to be with other men. Jen had a big sex drive. He couldn't keep her satisfied, he knew that. With the game they did it together, instead of behind his back. And he got off on it too, big time.

Darren made him nervous. It'd been so intense, and clearly he'd rocked Jen's world.

The things he'd said. Wanting to own her. Demeaning him in front of her. Had that been just a game, role playing? Or maybe Darren got off stealing away white wives?

Ironically, Mike had stalked Darren's Facebook page too. He'd see the same pretty white girls Jen had seen. Unlike Jen, Mike hacked Facebook and went to the pages of some of the girls. Most were single.

But many were married. And of those, more than a few were divorced. Of course, maybe those girls had hooked up with Darren after their divorces. Then again, maybe Darren was the reason for the divorces. Did Darren get off breaking up white marriages?

Mike decided to avoid mentioning Darren again.

On Friday Jen's team planned to go to happy hour. "How does happy hour sound?" she said to Mike on the phone.

"I don't think I can make it, we have a major report on Sapphire to get out tonight," he told her.

"I probably should make an appearance," she said.

"That's okay, you go, I'll meet you at home," Mike said.

"I won't be too late," she assured him. After hanging up with Mike, her iPhone rang. Her pussy started tingling when she saw the caller ID. It was Darren.

"Hey you," she said into the phone, pushing her blonde hair behind her ear.

"I had a great time the other night," Darren said.

"Me too," Jen said.

"Hope I wasn't too rough."

"No, I ...," Jen blushed embarrassed. "I kinda like that." She could hear him smile as if he knew.

"You're gorgeous, you know that?" Darren gushed. "You have an amazing body."

"Thanks!" Jen said thrilled at his compliment. "You do too."

"Your pussy is amazing," he gushed. "I've never felt a better one."

"Um, thanks," she said glancing nervously out her office door. Although she was on her cell, she closed the door. Now that no one could possibly hear, she said "No one's ever filled me like you."

"Not Mike, that's for sure," Darren said with a chuckle, having seen Mike's small penis.

"Um ... no," Jen giggled.

"Let's get together again," Darren said.

"I'd like to, but I can't," Jen said.

"Why not?"

"Darren, remember, I'm married," Jen said.

Darren shook his head. "I don't get it, what's the deal with you and Mike?"

"It's complicated," she said with a giggle.

"I've been with other white couples before," he said.

"You have?" Jen said playing dumb, but of course she'd seen Darren's Facebook page.

"Yeah, I've fucked a lot of white wives," he said. "No one as pretty as you," he added.
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"Oh, that's soooo nice to hear," Jen said sarcastically. They shared a laugh.

"But I've met cucks like Mike before," he said.

"Please don't call him that," Jen said.

"Okay, whatever," he said with a shrug. "I'm just saying, I get what's inside his head. I bet he loved watching us, didn't he?"

"Sorta," Jen said. "I told you, it's complicated."

"So when can we get together again?"

"We'll see," Jen said. "Maybe a few weeks."

"How about lunch? I'm in New York this week. We'll just talk."

"Yeah right," Jen laughed.

Darren laughed back. "Seriously, just lunch. I'd like to get to know you better."

Jen was tempted, but ... "Darren, that's not a good idea," she said.

"Okay," he said with a shrug. "But tell me something Jen."


"Who owns your pussy?" he said playful mischief in his voice.

"Did you really just ask me that?" Jen said with a laugh.

"I know you Jen," Darren said, his voice now hard and serious. "You're a slut for black cocks. So who owns your pussy?"

"Darren --."

He cut her off. "Are you a slut?"

"Darren, come on --."

"Shut up bitch and answer me!" he growled. "Or next time I'll whip your ass! Whip your ass good! Now answer me, are you a slut?"

Jen hesitated, then said "Yes."

"You're a slut for my black cock. Say it Jen."

"I'm a slut for your black cock," Jen said as if mesmerized.

"So who owns your pussy Jen?"

Breathing hard, her pussy burning, Jen said "You do Darren."

Jen was distracted at happy hour. She felt guilty about her conversation with Darren. If Mike heard it he'd be terribly upset, and he'd have a right to be. She should've just said "I can't see you again Darren" and hung up. Instead she'd been disloyal to Mike and said terrible things. Again!

"Why am I like this?" she thought. "Why can't I control myself?" Maybe her mom was right, she was a fuckup.

To Mike's surprise, the Sapphire report was easy to prepare. It was only 730. He decided to go to the happy hour. Maybe Jen could leave early and they could have dinner together.

Scott sidled up to Jen. She'd kept her distance from him, but she was distracted and anyway it didn't matter since Mike wasn't there. As usual, Scott was the center of attention, but she was only half listening. She was still thinking about her earlier call with Darren, chiding herself for acting so foolish.

"Jen did you hear me?" Scott asked.

"Sorry, what?" she said, distracted by her thoughts.

He held a lit cigarette. "Want one?" he asked.

Jen was a social smoker. She didn't often smoke because Mike didn't like it (cancer ran in his family; his brother had cancer but thankfully it was in remission; he had an aunt and uncle who died of lung cancer). But a cigarette sounded really good, it would help with her frazzled nerves. "That sounds good," she said smiling.

Scott put the cigarette in his mouth and pulled out the pack for another one. It was empty. "Sorry, you're out of luck," he said.

Jen gave him a WTF grin. "You offer me one and you're out?" she said mischief in her voice.

"Tough luck babe," Scott said with a chuckle.

With a crooked smile on her face, Jen swiped the cigarette from Scott's lips. "Your tough luck BABE," Jen said laughing.

"At least share it," he said laughing.

"Okay," she said. She took a long drag then gave it back to him. She'd at least mostly comply with Mike's wish that she not smoke.

The bar was crowded but Mike finally found Jen. She was about 20 feet away. She was with a group of people but she was off to the side, talking to Scott. They were laughing and talking, like they were the only two people in the world. He watched as Jen took Scott's cigarette from his lips and took a long drag. Then she gave it back to him. The way a boyfriend and girlfriend would share a cigarette.

A flood of emotions filled Mike. Jealousy, anger, hurt, insecurity. Had Jen lied to him about breaking it off with Scott?

At that moment Jen turned and saw Mike. Her heart leaped at seeing her husband and a big smile came to her face. But then she saw the dark expression on his face. For a moment she feared Darren had recorded their call and emailed it to Mike, like Scott had done with the video. But Darren wouldn't do that, not if he ever wanted to see her again.

She rushed to Mike and gave him a kiss and hug. "What a surprise baby!" she said. She rubbed his arm looking into his face. "Are you okay?"

Mike glared passed Jen at Scott. Jen followed his eyes and saw Scott smoking. She played back in her mind what Mike had seen. "Oh shit," she thought.

"Okay, I know what you saw, but I wasn't flirting with him," she said. She grabbed his arm and moved him towards the exit. She wanted him alone so she could explain. The last she needed is Scott coming over and doing an alpha male move on Mike. "Let's get out of here baby."

They went to their favorite bistro, down the street from their Soho loft. "It was a dumb thing," she explained. "He offered me a cigarette – I'm sorry honey but I had a rough day – and then he was a jerk and told me he didn't have any. So I took his from him." She squeezed his hand. "I gave it back though, I didn't smoke all of it."

"Okay," Mike said feeling foolish.

"Do you believe me?" Jen asked.

"Yeah," he said, squeezing Jen's hand. Later that night they made love. Mike made sure she came with his tongue, and then they fucked as they kissed and held each other.

That Saturday Jen had to go to Sophie's baby shower. She got up early and packed. "I'll be home tomorrow night," she said kissing Mike goodbye.

In their apartment, Mike watched the video again, stroking himself. He paused a moment looking at the naked Allie. She was really hot, her big natural tits so different from Jen's tiny ones, and her legs were almost as shapely as Jen's. But he skipped to where Scott fucked Jen bareback. He came as Scott shot his cum inside her.

As he recovered, he felt so pathetic and conflicted. He couldn't stand to see Jen talking to Scott, yet he beat off to him fucking his wife bareback. "I'm so fucked up," he thought to himself.

Jen took the Acela train north to a small town outside Boston, where she grew up. She arrived a little after lunch and her mom picked her up. The dreaded interrogation began immediately.

Mom: I thought Mike was coming.

Jen: It's a baby shower, he'd hate it.

Mom: He could've stayed with me and your father while you went to the shower.

Jen: Mom, really?

Mom: You look like you've lost weight. Are you eating?

Jen: I'm fine mom.

Mom: You need to take care of yourself to have a healthy baby.

Jen: I know mom.

Mom: Are you and Mike trying?

Jen: I'm only 26 and he's 29. We have a lot of time.

Mom: There's nothing better than a baby to make sure a man stays with you.

Jen: I don't need a baby for that mom!

Mom: Mike's a really sweet boy, he takes good care of you. You better be good to him.

Jen: I am Mom!

Sophie picked Jen up on her way to the shower.

"God I need a drink!" Jen said after spending the last 3 hours with her parents.

"Wish I could have one," the very pregnant Sophie said.

"Don't worry I'll drink yours," Jen said.

The shower passed slowly. Jen looked at her old high school friends (8 years after graduation). Almost everyone was married, many were pregnant or already had children. Everyone looked happy. She wondered if any were fucking other men with her husband's permission (and encouragement), as she was doing. She strongly doubted it. Once again she felt like a slut and wondered what was wrong with her.

More than a few complimented her on her looks. "God Jen you haven't aged a day," Cathy said.

"You look younger now than when we graduated," gushed Mary.

"How do you stay so thin?" Kylie said with more than a little envy.

After the shower ended Jen helped Sophie pack the presents into the car. "How's Mike?" Sophie asked. "I heard about his Sapphire thing."

"Really?" Jen said surprised.

"My dad heard about it," Sophie explained. "You know how he's into investing. He wanted me to ask if he could invest."

"I'll ask Mike," Jen said flattered. She knew Sophie's dad was stinking rich. In fact, Sophie had always been the richest kid in school, by far.

"Um ... Colin asked about you," Sophie said hesitantly. "He said he might stop by."

"Oh Sophie ..." Jen sighed.

Jen had dated Colin in high school, in fact he'd been her first love. He'd been the star quarterback and she'd been a cheerleader and the homecoming queen. He took her virginity, and with him she discovered how much she loved sex. They both went to Penn State. Everyone assumed they'd marry (except Jen's mom, who didn't like Colin). He got a football scholarship and even got drafted into the NFL (he only lasted a couple of years, but still). But he cheated on her their freshman year at Penn State, and then she found out he'd cheated on her in high school. She broke up with him with a broken heart. Then she met Allie and went kinda boy crazy.

"I know Jen," Sophie said feeling really bad. "I'm sorry, he sorta tricked me into telling him about the shower and you coming."

Just then Colin walked him. "Hey Jenny," he said kissing her on the cheek. "How about a drink to catch up?"

"I really can't Colin," Jen said.

"Come on, we haven't seen each other in years," Colin insisted. That was true. She hadn't seen Colin since college, although that last meeting had been unpleasant. Still, she reluctantly agreed to have a drink with him.

"You look amazing!" he gushed.

"Thanks," she said. He did too, although she didn't say that. He was older but still gorgeous, and the years only enhanced his charm. From the way his clothes fit, he still had his lean muscular football body. Also, she was well aware of the impressive package he had in his pants. He wasn't huge like Darren, Scott or Ricky, but he'd never failed to make her cum (even the first time when he took her virginity).

They talked and laughed, gossiping about common friends and reliving shared memories. She found herself having a good time and one drink lead to another. Pretty soon she was buzzed.

"Are you married?" she asked.

"Divorced twice," he said. He shrugged. "I guess I'm comparing everyone else to you."

"I'm sorry to hear about your divorces, but I'm sure that's not true," Jen said. "I think the last time I saw you I'd just found out about – what was her name? Mandy?"

"Mindy," he said. Jen had gotten back together with Colin more than once, and each time he cheated on her again.

"I'm sorry about those girls Jen," he said. "What can I say? I was the starting Penn State quarterback, girls were always hitting on me. You know what I'm talking about. I'm sure guys hit on you all the time, you're so beautiful."

"Yeah, well, I'm happily married now," she said, holding up her left hand.

"Really?" he said looking skeptical. "I've heard you're not happy with Mike."

"Who told you that?" Jen snapped.

"Just rumors," he said. "You know this is a small town, people hear things. Something like you left Mike and moved in with a guy. Ricky I think?"

Jen frowned. "Well it's not true," she said. It bothered her rumors had made it all the way here, and how close the rumors touched on the truth. No wonder her mother had been giving her a hard time earlier.

Colin drove Jen home. "Wanna come to my place for a night cap?" he asked.
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"I don't think so," Jen said with a laugh.

He put his hand on Jen's knee. "I've always thought you had the best legs," he said.

She pushed his hand off. "Mike thinks so too," she said coldly.


"I go by Jen now," she said coldly.

"Come on, you'll always be my Jenny," Colin said putting on all his charm.

Colin parked in front of her house.

"It was nice seeing you again Colin," she said politely.

"Wait," Colin said holding her arm. "It's early, let's talk some more."

"I don't think you want to talk," Jen said scornfully, moving to open the door.

"Wait, can you just stay a minute?" he said sounding almost desperate. "We were together a lot of years Jenny, can you give me just 5 more minutes?"

She sat back down and they were silent, both looking out the front window.

"Remember how we used to drive out of town and park with the top down, looking at the stars?" Colin said. "We used to dream about our future, you and me. Whatever happened to those dreams Jenny?"

"We grew up Colin," Jen said.

"Yeah, grew up," he said with a bitter laugh. "I thought I'd be an NFL quarterback. You know Belichick was grooming me to take over after Brady retires? Then I blow out my knee and just like that, NFL dreams over. Now I'm selling used cars. God what a caricature I've become."

"Come on Colin, you own 5 car dealerships and I've seen your house, it's a freaking mansion, you're doing fine."

Colin looked at Jen and smiled. "You always made me feel good about myself," he said. He brushed her cheek. "I can't believe I let you get away."

"I better go Colin ..."

"Do you ever think about me?" Colin asked.

"I mean, yeah Colin, sometimes, we were together for a long time."

"We had some good times huh?" Colin said brushing his hand across Jen's cheek again, this time his fingers trailing down her neck, touching her just as he remembered she liked being touched.

"Yeah, a lot of good times," Jen said, looking into his eyes.

"God Jenny you haven't changed," he gushed his fingers caressing her neck, "You're as beautiful as ever, more beautiful even."

"Colin, I ..."

Colin pressed his lips against Jen's. She resisted but he held her tight. He was a good kisser and remembered how Jen liked it, just the right amount of pressure, just the right amount of tongue. He caressed Jen's neck as he kissed her. Eventually he felt her kiss him back, meeting his tongue with hers.

He trailed his hand down Jen's neck, along her shoulder, and then down her side. He caressed small circles on her side, just barely touching the side of her breasts. His lips moved from her lips to her neck, kissing and nuzzling her, just as he remembered she liked it.

"Colin no we can't do this," Jen moaned, her eyes closed and her head rolling back. Next to Mike, Colin knew her body better than anyone in the world.

Colin bit and sucked at Jen's neck, right where it met her shoulder, and as he did he moved his hand to her breasts. He cupped her breasts, rubbing her nipples through her blouse and bra. Colin's fingers moved to the buttons of her blouse. He unbuttoned them one by one.

"No Colin stop," Jen groaned. Then Colin's hand was inside her blouse. He pushed up the lacy bra, and then his hand was on her naked breasts. He fondled her roughly, his thumb rubbing her hard nipple. Then he lowered his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth. "Oh god!" Jen moaned arching her back.

He moved his hand down her flat stomach to her skirt, moving to the hem. With both hands he tugged her short skirt up around her waist.

"No Colin we can't do this!" Jen said alarmed trying to wiggle away. But Colin was much stronger and he held her. He kissed her again to shut her up, his hand caressing her breast again, touching all her erogenous zones. He moved his hand to her leg again. He caressed her thigh, and when his fingers trailed to her inner thighs he felt her legs part slightly.

Inside Colin laughed. This was too easy. All it'd taken was a sob story, and now he was moments away from sinking his cock into Jenny Johnson's married pussy (Johnson was Jen's maiden name). Jenny was the same stupid blonde, the same horny slut she'd always been.

He thought back to high school and college when they were dating. He had pretty naive Jenny around his finger even as he fucked tons of girls behind her back. She eventually found out, but she always forgave him, always opened her legs for him. In truth he was still attracted to her, she was still stunning and smoking hot. But he had his choice of high quality pussy now. Really, he just wanted to see if he could still get into her married pussy after all these years. So far things were looking good.

He moved his hand up Jen's leg, caressing her inner thigh. He stopped when he felt her stocking top. "That's something new," he thought to himself, pleased with Jenny's new choice in hosiery. He moved up her thigh, feeling the bare skin above the stockings. Then he reached her panties. She was soaking wet. Again Colin inwardly chuckled. What a slut! This was too easy.

He curved a finger in Jen's lacy pink panties and tugged it down her long legs.

"No, no, no," Jen protested squeezing her thighs closed, but Colin laughed and ripped the panties off. She heard him undo his belt buckle and zipper, and then he was on top of her. He moved between her legs, forcing them open, and then she felt his hard cock pressing against her pussy. "THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!" she screamed to herself. She felt him pressing into her. "HE'S NOT EVEN WEARING A CONDOM!"

Suddenly there was a loud bang at the window. "What the hell is going on!" Jen's mom yelled from outside the car.

"Oh shit!" Jen said. "Colin get off me!" she yelled pushing him off. She hurriedly buttoned her blouse and pulled down her skirt, and then ran from the car into the house. She ran into her bedroom and threw herself onto the bed, curling into a ball and sobbing.

A few minutes later her mom walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "Please mom, I know I'm a fuckup, just leave me alone okay?" Jen said crying.

Jen felt her mom tenderly brush her hair with her hand. "My little Jenny ... it's okay, it's okay," she said soothingly, hugging her.

After a few minutes with her mother's calming, Jen stopped crying. "Don't feel so bad," her mom said. "Colin's a predator."

"I have to tell Mike what happened," Jen sobbed.

"Yes you will. Colin likes to talk. Mike's bound to hear eventually." Her mom touched her neck. "Especially ..."

Jen looked in the mirror. Colin had marked her with a hickey. "Fuck," she said under her breath.

Her mom brushed her hair again and she smiled, but without humor. "I always said you were too pretty for your own good." She paused, and then tentatively asked "Jenny, I've heard rumors about you and a boy – Ricky?"

Jen looked down, shamefaced. "Another Colin ..." she said. "It's over though."

"Mike forgave you?"

"Yeah but ..." Jen said. She thought passed Ricky, to Scott and Darren. She thought of the game. "It's complicated."

"Men like Colin and this Ricky – they might look nice, but they don't stay around. They won't take care of you," her mom said. Her eyes looked sad. She had personal experience of this.

"I know," Jen said. She looked down. "It's just ..."

"I know," her mom said, understanding in her eyes. "I'm the same way. I'm attracted to men like that." She smiled, but there was only sadness. "Why do you think I'm still with your father?"

"Oh mom ..." Jen said, her words almost a sob. She loved her father, but he was such a shit!

"Don't worry about me," her mom said wiping away a tear. "I just want you to be happy. Mike's a good boy. You have to hold onto him, even if you don't love him."

"I do love him!" Jen insisted.

Her mom looked puzzled. "Then why do you do this?"

Jen put her head in her hands and cried. "I don't know!" she sobbed.
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The next day Jen called Mike after boarding the train home. "You'll be at the train station?" she said. She had a desperate need to be in his arms, to confess everything and hear him forgive her.

Her anxiety increased the closer they got to NYC. Mike hated Colin. There was history there. In college after she got serious with Mike, Colin tried to take her back. They'd been a terrible confrontation. Even now, years later, Jen couldn't bare thinking about it.

Colin had been THE worst person to hook up with. Well, maybe second worse, after Scott. Jen put her face in her hands. "I am such a fuckup" she scolded herself.

Mike and Jen hugged and kissed in the train station, and again when they got home. Mike was clearly horny (having watched the video more than once). "I really missed you," he said.

Mike had made a light dinner. They ate and then went to the sofa, kissing and making out again. Jen decided to tell him right then, to get it over with. She straddled his legs and hugged him. She wanted to be touching him when she told him.

"I need to tell you something," she said kissing him.

"Okay," he said his arms around her.

"You're not going to like it," she said trying to prepare him.

"Is it about Scott?" he said his eyes narrowing.

"No, that's totally over," she said quickly. Then she added hesitantly "But you might think this is just as bad. Even worse."

"Okay," he said warily.

She wanted to hide somewhere. But she'd already started, she couldn't stop now. "I saw Colin last night," she said.

Mike's back stiffened and he glared at Jen. "What happened?"

Jen told him the story, about Colin showing up at the shower, her getting a drink with him, and then the drive home.

"What happened then?" Mike said glaring at her.

She looked away, not able to stand the glare of his eyes. She hugged him. "Please don't get mad. You have a right to be mad, but please --."

"WHAT HAPPENED JEN?" Mike practically yelled.

Jen's eyes watered and a tear fell down her cheek. She'd worn a turtle neck to hide the hickey. Now she took it off. Mike's eyes went right to the hickey on her neck.

Then Jen reached back and unsnapped her bra. She took it off, shamefaced. Colin had left a hickey on her breast too.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jen said sobbing, hugging him tight.

"Did he fuck you?" Mike asked angrily, pushing her away.

"No!" she said, and through her tears she told Mike the rest of the story. She said Colin forced himself on her. She admitted though he'd gotten her wet.

Mike was angry and hurt, but he was also aroused. He pulled Jen to him and kissed her, even as tears fell down her cheeks. He pushed her onto her back and pushed up her skirt, and then he tugged down her tights and panties.

He got between her legs and took out his cock and then he rammed balls deep in one thrust. Jen wasn't wet and it hurt, but she didn't care, she wanted it to hurt, she deserved whatever punishment Mike wanted to give.

"You wanted to fuck him didn't you?" Mike hissed pounding his wife.

"No, no!" Jen cried.

"Yes you did! You just told me! He got you wet!" Mike growled fucking Jen hard.

"But I didn't want him!" Jen insisted.

"Yes you did! At least tell me the truth! You wanted him to fuck you! You wanted to feel him inside you! GOD JEN AT LEAST TELL ME THE TRUTH!" Mike screamed. Now tears were falling down his face too.

"Okay, you're right, I did want him to fuck me, I wanted him!" Jen confessed.

Mike lurched and came. They lay intertwined, both of them crying.

Eventually they moved to the bed. They spooned as darkness fell.

"I'm such a slut," Jen said with a sob. "I can't control myself. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Just tell me this," Mike said. "Do you still love him?"

"God no Mike!" Jen said immediately, turning around and pleading into Mike's face. "I can't stand him! What's wrong with me? I let a guy I can't stand almost fuck me!" She started crying again.

Mike let her cry herself out. He kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. They were quiet for a long time, 30 minutes, just hugging each other.

Then Mike said, "Remember the other day, when I told you how I stalked you after meeting you in the record store?"


"I learned about your on-again off-again relationship with Colin. And I heard about how you went out with a lot of guys."

"You mean how I was an easy lay and fucked around a lot," she said belittling herself.

"That's not how I saw it," Mike said firmly, kissing her again. "I saw a bubbly girl, full of life. A girl who knew what she wanted and took it. You intimidated the hell out of me. I mean, you had everything. Beautiful, smart, great personality. Believe it or not, it actually made me feel better you slept with a lot guys, but didn't' really date any of them. It meant you saw through them and didn't like what you saw. It gave me hope. Because I thought maybe you'd see the real me and, you know, you'd like what you saw."

Jen looked into Mike's face. "How is it freaking possible you can make me feel good about being a slut?" she said amazed. She giggled, and they shared a laugh. They kissed and hugged.

"You wanna know something else?" Mike said.


"It actually turns me on you slept around," Mike admitted.

"It doesn't bother you I'm a skanky slut?" Jen said with a self-reproachful laugh.

"I don't think you're a slut," Mike said reassuringly. "You have a big sex drive," he said with a laugh, "But you're too sweet and wholesome to be anything close to a slut."

"God Mike you put me on this pedestal ..."

"Sorry --."

Jen interrupted him, "That's okay, I like being up there." They shared another laugh.

She snuggled into Mike's arms. "Will you always think I'm your goddess?"

"Always," he said truthfully, kissing her.

"Even when I do stupid stuff like this weekend?" she asked.

"Yes," he repeated. "Just tell me about it okay?" He kissed her. "Like you did."

"All I have to do is tell you?" she asked. "You'll always forgive me? You promise?"

Mike nodded. "Just don't fall in love with anyone else, okay?"

"Okay," Jen agreed kissing him. "That seriously won't be a problem."


"Hold me tonight okay?" Jen said.

"I will."

"Don't let go," Jen said.

"I won't," Mike assured her.

They held each other and fell asleep.
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Making It Work Ch. 03

"Just got a call from Google," Johnny said a few weeks later. "You need to get out to Vegas this weekend. Another big trade show. Bring Allie and Scott, you need to impress."

"Our pitch isn't ready," Jen objected.

"This isn't about the pitch," Johnny said. "They want to meet the team. You need to impress, or we don't get a chance to make the pitch."

"Okay," Jen said. She didn't want to go to Vegas with Scott. She knew she wouldn't do anything, but she didn't want to upset Mike. "Johnny, I've been thinking Scott might not be the best person for my team."

Johnny raised an eyebrow. "Is this about the rumors?"

"Rumors?" Jen said blank faced, playing dumb.

Johnny laughed. "Jen, don't worry about it. This is advertising, not Washington DC. No one cares if you screw around. Hell, with your looks, people would think something's wrong with you if you didn't screw around. Listen, you can dump Scott later if you want. Frankly I think he got too much credit for Kelloggs, you did all the heavy lifting. But he makes a good impression with women and Keri O'Reilly is leading the Google side."

"Keri O'Reilly?" Jen said awestruck. Keri was a legend in advertising. She was credited with inventing many of Google's most profitable online advertising techniques. She was a VP at Google and a lot of people said she'd be CEO someday, and she wasn't even 40 yet.

"Yes, Keri fucking O'Reilly," Johnny said, "So organize your team and get your cute fanny out to Vegas."

"Okay," Jen said. She decided it was the right time to talk to Johnny about something. "I need someone to help with online video."

"I thought you use that storyboard artist, what's his name, Tom?" Johnny said.

"Yeah, but he's a contractor, I need someone here," Jen said. "I'm thinking of hiring Calvin."

Johnny raised an eyebrow. "You just fired him -- now you want to give him a promotion? Come on Jen, he fucked up, we almost lost Kelloggs over it."

"He was on my team, I'm the boss, I'm the one who fucked up," Jen insisted.

"Fine, whatever, do what you want," Johnny said, but he gave his prodigy an approving look, as if saying "good call, nice to see you're growing up."

That night Jen told Mike about Keri O'Reilly and Vegas. "She's a legend Mike. We studied her in college. I can't believe I'm going to meet her," Jen said excitedly.

"Scott will be in Vegas too?" Mike asked, excited for Jen but anxious too.

"Yeah but ... you trust me right?" Jen said hugging him. "I'm so over him."

That night they made love, but she could tell Mike was bothered. She swore to herself she wouldn't lose control in Vegas. She would not fall under Scott's spell. She -- would -- not.

"Nervous?" Allie said the next Thursday as they waited in a conference room of the Wynn in Vegas. A series of meetings with Keri were planned for that weekend, and they were waiting for her to arrive for this kickoff meeting.

"I can't believe we're about to meet Keri O'Reilly," Jen said butterflies in her stomach.

"Me too," Allie said. She was just as excited and nervous as Jen. Scott was excited too but he didn't show it, trying to look cool.

Allie got close to Jen. "I'm hooking up with Scott tonight," she whispered in Jen's ear. "Wanna join us?"

"No," Jen said firmly.

"Okay, your loss," Allie said with a laugh.

Then the door opened and a group of people walked in, Keri O'Reilly and her main staff. Her staff was in their late 20s/early 30s. At 26, Jen was the youngest person in the room (Allie was older by a few months, and Scott was 29).

Keri O'Reilly was gorgeous at 39. She had a thick luxurious mane of long brown hair with just the right amount of red highlights. She was taller than Jen by a few inches and had a large bust, flat stomach and long shapely legs. She had 2 adopted children but had never given birth, keeping her body tight.

She always dressed to the 9s. Today she wore an elegant yet sexy (and very expensive) dress, shiny black hose and black high heel sandals. The dress had a scoop top that showed the soft swell of her large breasts. She looked tanned, confident, so together. Jen felt incredibly intimidated.

Jen nervously approached and started to introduce herself when Keri held up her hand. "You're the team leader?" she asked coldly.

"Um ... yes," Jen said unsure where Keri was going with this.

"Wait here," Keri said. She left the room and called Johnny. She and Johnny went way back.

"Johnny, why are you wasting my time?" Keri said angrily. "You sent me a little girl? She's your team leader?"

"Keri, hold on, you started young too," Johnny said.

"Fuck Johnny is she even out of college yet?" Keri snapped.

"Keri she led our Kelloggs team," Johnny said. "You told me you were impressed by that."

"Wait," Keri said, startled. "That young girl is Jennifer Andrews?"

"Yes, Jennifer Andrews, our team lead."

Keri considered. Yes, she'd been impressed by Kelloggs, so impressed she assumed the team leader would be much older. "Okay Johnny, I'll call you later," she said.

Keri went into the conference room. She sat down and without introductions said "Tell me about your Kelloggs campaign."

Jen and her team described what they'd done for Kelloggs. Keri let her team do the grilling. She listened and watched.

Keri was impressed by Jennifer Andrews. She knew when to let her team speak, and when to take control. It was clear immediately Jen was more polished and talented than either Allie or Scott.

Keri took a dislike to Scott, even despite his obvious charms; it seemed he took credit for ideas that were clearly Jen's. Interestingly, Jen let Scott get away with it but it was a good move as it helped build confidence in her entire team, and it was the team she was selling, not just her.

Allie was impressive in her own way, but unfocused. But Jen managed to turn Allie's shortcomings into advantages.

Keri was very impressed. Jen did an excellent job selling her team, which was critical to prove her ability to put together an effective advertising campaign for Google.

"That's enough," Keri said after 30 minutes. She stood and everyone else did too. Jen, Allie and Scott anxiously looked at her. She could tell them to go home right now if she wanted, and they'd know they'd missed the cut. But instead she said "Good meeting, we'll see you tomorrow." Jen, Allie and Scott wore big relieved smiles as they left.

Jen, Allie and Scott had a drink to celebrate their successful first day. "Joining us for dinner?" Scott said with a lecherous grin. Under the table he squeezed Jen's knee. Allie had a mischievous delighted smile on her face.

Jen pushed his hand away. "You two go ahead, I need to prep for tomorrow," she said, getting up and leaving.

She went up to her room. She stepped out of her high heels and undressed, taking off her dress, bra and thigh high stockings. She took off her thong too and put on comfy VS pink cotton panties with lace trim. She put on black leggings and Mike's old fraternity t-shirt. Then she took out her contacts as they were bothering her.

Feeling comfortable now, she called Mike and told him about her great day. He told her how proud he was of her and that made her feel good.

After hanging up, she spread the papers on the bed. Sitting cross-legged and putting on her glasses, she studied everything to get ready for tomorrow's meeting with Keri and her staff.

After a couple hours she heard activity in the room next door. By bad luck, Allie had gotten the room next door. Jen heard laughing and horsing around, and then she heard the unmistakable sounds of raw passionate sex. She heard Allie and Scott's grunts and moans through the paper thin walls, and then she heard slam-slam-slam as Scott fucked Allie so hard the bed rammed the wall with each thrust.

She covered her head with the pillow but it was no use, she still heard them. She felt flushed and a tingling in her pussy. "I've gotta get out of here," she told herself. She decided to go to the casino. She put her bra back on -- a white lacy silk bra with unlined cups that snapped in the back -- and a cute pink v-neck top that buttoned up the front.

She decided to leave the leggings on, but she didn't like how the panties underneath looked (she hated panty lines). She took off the leggings, then the cotton panties, then put the black leggings back on. She noticed the panties were moist. "God I'm such a nympho," she silently chastised herself.

The black lycra leggings ended a little above her ankles. She put on black flats that had thin ankle straps. The flats were thin and she liked them because it almost felt like she was walking barefoot, which she loved. They showed off the beginnings of her toes (Mike called it toe cleavage).

She brushed her hair and put it in a high pony tail, then she put on a little lipstick. She wasn't planning to meet or talk to anyone, but she was the kind of person who couldn't be around people without looking a little presentable. She kept her glasses on, not bothering to put her contacts back in.

She took the elevator down to the Wynn casino. It was 11pm and just getting crowded. She wasn't a gambler so it took a few moments to figure out how things worked. Soon though she had a plastic card with $20 credit on it. Then she sat down at a quarter slot machine away from the crowds.

She played and frowned at first. Why were the machines so complicated, what happened to just hearts and cherries?

"Trying to figure out how it works?" said a voice behind her.

Jen turned and saw a good looking guy, smiling at her. "I'm Dylan," he said, "let me explain." Dylan explained the different symbols and combinations of the slot machine. As he spoke he moved closer to Jen until his shoulder touched hers.

"Thanks," Jen said, politely moving away. She couldn't help noticing how good looking and fit he looked.

"Want one?" he said offering a cigarette.

Jen had the urge for one, and Mike would never know. "Sure, thanks," she said and he gave her one and lit it.

They chatted and laughed as they smoked and played the slots. She couldn't help flirting, it came natural. Dylan invited her for a drink but she begged off, and he reluctantly left.

A waitressed approached as Dylan walked away. "He's a cutie," the waitress said smiling.

"Yeah, but ..." Jen said, smiling and holding up her left hand.

"Me too," the waitress said, holding up her left hand. "Doesn't mean we can't look, right?"

"Yeah," Jen said and they shared a laugh.

"Can I see your ring? It's beautiful," the waitress gushed.

"Thanks," Jen said smiling. The 3 carat diamond ring was actually her "second engagement" ring. Her original had a sapphire, her favorite stone (also her birthstone). Mike always felt bad the sapphire was small (he didn't have much money at the time), so when he got his first big bonus check after their wedding he bought her the much more expensive diamond ring. Jen loved her original engagement ring, but of course no girl says no to a diamond ring.
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Nowadays she switched between wearing her first and second engagement rings (always wearing her wedding ring too of course). She probably wore the diamond more, not because it cost more, but because she was afraid the soft sapphire of her original engagement ring would chip. She always kept both rings with her though. The sapphire ring was in her suitcase upstairs.

Thinking about her original engagement ring, she thought about Mike's sapphire project. She wondered why he called it "sapphire," even though the project was jokingly named after making money. "Emerald" would have been a more apt name. Mike joking said the project was named "sapphire" because it was about "red hot money." But she wondered if Mike had named the project for her. She smiled thinking that.

"I'm Jen," she said with a smile.

"Emily," the waitress said smiling back.

"My husband would love your outfit," Jen said with a grin, looking Emily up and down.

"I know, right?" Emily laughed. She lowered her voice conspiratorially. "Sometimes my husband does me in it!" They laughed.

Emily wore a brownish form fitting halter dress that barely covered her ass and had slits up the sides. The dress was backless. There was no way Emily could be wearing a bra, although the dress had beads running from Emily's neck to below her breasts that hid her nipples. The dress was slinky and practically see-through. Underneath Emily wore shiny nude opaque pantyhose and ankle strap high heels. (Author's note: For an idea of Emily's outfit, see my Photobucket album:

"Don't tell anyone I told you that!" Emily giggled, and they shared another laugh. "You know, they sell a dress like this at Fendi at Ceasar's Forum shoppes." She touched Jen's ring and added with a giggle "It's ungodly expensive but you can probably afford it."

Jen laughed, looking down embarrassed. She looked at Emily's outfit again. Kinda like the Chanel dress, but only half the material -- which was scary. Mike would definitely love it.

Emily left and Jen turned back to the slot machine. After a few minutes a cute guy sat at the slot machine right next to her, even though the entire row was empty. "Hey I'm Kenley," he said after a few minutes.

Jen smiled politely and said "Jen."

"Any luck so far?" Kenley asked.

"Um ... I don't think so," Jen laugh, looking at the display and seeing she was down to seven dollars.

"Let me show you a trick," Kenley said reaching over and pressing a few buttons.

Jen tried it and immediately won 2 out of 3, pushing her credit back to $10. "I'm rolling now," she said laughing.

"Almost enough to buy a drink," Kenley said laughing back. "Speaking of a drink, wanna get one? You look like a wine aficionado. They have a great wine bar here."

"I do like wine," Jen said with a smile. She held up her left hand. "So does my husband."

Undeterred, Kenley asked, "He's here?"

"Nope. But --."

"What's the harm in a glass of wine?" Kenley said, giving her a charming boyish smile.

"I'm happy just hanging here," she said.

Kenley gave her a playful hurt look. "This is a brush off, right?"

"Sorry," Jen said with a polite smile and shrug.

Just then Emily returned, giving Kenley a serious up and down look as he walked away. "You do attract the cuties huh?" she teased. She handed Jen a glass of red wine. "On the house."

"Thanks!" Jen said.

Emily had a glass too and they toasted, then both took a sip.

"Here on pleasure?" Emily asked.

"Business," Jen said.

"Well hey," Emily said, "I'm getting off and my girlfriends and I are going out. Wanna come with us?"

"Me?" Jen said flattered and surprised.

"Sure, you're nice," Emily grinned. "And it's always more fun going clubbing with a boy magnet like you."

"I don't know about that!" Jen laughed. "What about your husband?"

"He doesn't mind," Emily said. "This is Vegas, right?" They shared another laugh.

"I kinda have to get up early tomorrow," Jen said begging off.

"Okay, no worries," Emily said cheerfully. "I work most nights so maybe I'll see you again."

A little later Jen got hit on again. She went up to her room feeling as flushed as before. Getting hit on by three cute guys hadn't exactly made the longing in her pussy go away.

Worse, Allie and Scott were still going at it in the room next door. She kicked off her flats and gulped down another glass of wine. She took off her blouse and bra and got into bed. Then she peeled off her tights. The crotch was moist.

She gave into it and rubbed herself. She fantasized about being taken by Dylan, Kenley and Brad, all at the same time. They were all really cute. She rubbed her clit and squeezed her breasts thinking about Dylan in her pussy, Kenley in her ass and Brad in her mouth, all of them treating her rough and dirty and calling her nasty names. Scott drifted into her fantasy, so did Ricky, even Colin. They had their hard cocks out, slowly stroking themselves as they waited their turn with her, calling her nasty names, egging the other guys to fuck her harder and finish so they could have their turn.

Then her mind drifted to Darren. At first her fantasy involved all the men, but then the white boys drifted away, intimidated by Darren's powerful jet black body and glorious cock.

She imagined Darren at the casino, forcing her down on her knees to blow him while Emily watched. "God Jen you're such a slut" Emily said watching Darren fuck her face, the saliva and Darren's pre-cum spilling from her mouth over her chin and down her neck.

Mike drifted into her fantasy. He was naked like Darren and playing with himself. His dick was so much smaller than the black man's.

Darren laughed seeing Mike's small penis. "Do something useful cuck, lick my ass as your pretty wife blows me," he ordered.

Mike hesitated.

"Do it Mike," Jen insisted with an intrigued delighted smile.

Looking defeated, Mike got on his knees and stuck his nose in Darren's black crack. Darren growled feeling Mike's tongue rubbing back and forth over his puckered asshole. "Yeah white boy that feels good," he said.

He yanked Jen's hair, pulling her off his cock and making her look at Mike with his nose pressed deep in his black crack. "What do you think of your husband now Jenny girl?" he said laughing.

"God Mike ...," Jen said with a disbelieving smile.

Darren grabbed Mike and roughly forced him around, so he was staring right at his big black cock. "What do you want your husband to do Jenny?" the black man asked with an evil grin.

Jen grinned back with a wicked excited smile. "Go down on him Mike," she urged her husband.

Her eyes squeezed closed, Jen moaned and arched her back as she came. "God you're so perverted," she thought to herself as she caught her breath. She shivered. Where had THAT fantasy come from? She gulped down another glass of wine.

Scott and Allie were still going at it. But with the release of her orgasm and the glasses of wine, she was able to fall asleep.

She woke up early the next morning -- she was on east coast time -- and called Mike. She told him about the night before and getting hit on by three cute guys (she didn't mention her fantasy). As expected, he got really excited.

"What were you wearing?" he asked excitedly.

"Just tights and flats," she said feigning innocence.

"So they saw your ass and legs!" he said laughing.

A little later he asked, "What are you up to this morning?"

"Probably gonna work out," she said. "My meeting doesn't start until 2."

"Maybe the guys will be there," Mike said mischievously. "Don't wear a bra to the gym."

"Mike-you-are-crazy!" she said, exasperated and playful at the same time.

Later she hesitantly said "Allie and Scott are in the next room."

"Oh," he said his voice suddenly wary.

"They're doing their thing, I'm doing mine," she assured him.

"Okay," Mike said.

After hanging up she got ready for the gym. She put on a thong and the black tights from last night. She was about to put on a sports bar but then thought of Mike. Feeling weird about the fantasy, she tossed the bra back into her suitcase and put on a crop top that exposed a few inches of her flat tummy.

She put on sneakers and then brushed her hair, putting it into a ponytail.

Then she took a selfie and emailed the picture to Mike. Her nipples were clearly outlined in the stretchy material of the crop top. She teasingly typed in "Think Kenley will like?" She'd told him Kenley was the cutest of the three, and the most charming.

There was a mirror in the elevator and she looked at her chest, turning this way and that. Not only did her nipples dent the material, you could just make out the dark of her nipples and areola through the material. God Mike ....
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Fortunately the gym was mostly empty. She put in her buds and got on an elliptical machine, working out to her latest favorite mix.

She was 30 minutes into her workout when Dylan walked up. Great, she thought. With the sweat of working out, her top was like a wet t-shirt, molded around her braless tits. They talked about 5 minutes. The entire time he couldn't keep his eyes off her chest.

She went another 30 minutes. Then Kenley walked up, having finished a run. He invited her to join their group that night at Tao, at the Venetian. She begged off, saying she'd probably have to work. They chatted some more, his eyes alternating between her mouth and breasts.

"You don't always wear glasses?" Kenley said.

"Contacts," Jen said.

Kenley gave her a charming smile. "You look really cute in glasses."

"Oh, um, thanks," Jen said feeling awkward.

Later in her room she called Mike and told him what happened, playfully chastising him. He laughed.

After hanging up, she put on her old Penn State sweat shirt and walked over to the Ceasar Palace Forum Shoppes. At Fendi she found the dress Emily described. If anything the skirt was shorter and even more backless than Emily's! And it was ungodly expensive! She bought it anyway, knowing Mike would love it.

At Victoria Secrets she bought two pairs of shiny, almost opaque nude pantyhose, like Emily's.

Then she went to Christian Louboutin. She bought black 4 inch stiletto heels to go with the outfit. She already had more than a few black pumps, but she loved shoes, and she especially loved the sexy Louboutin red bottoms.

The total bill was outrageously expensive. With a crooked smile and a glint in her eye, she decided to make Mike pay. He deserved it after making her go braless working out. Anyway she knew he'd love the new outfit, and with his new partner salary and all the Sapphire bonuses he wouldn't mind.

In his office, Mike was beside himself with lust thinking of Jen getting hit on last night and at the gym. He felt so lucky to have such a stunning wife. She got hit on all the time and it never failed to excite him. Having Scott there fueled his desires more.

He despised Scott and felt incredibly threatened by him, but Scott pushed a lot of cuck buttons for him. He locked his office door, then went to his computer and opened up the video.

There were so many hot scenes. Jen and Allie kissing. Undressing each other. Seeing Allie's incredible body, her big beautiful natural tits, tight ass and long shapely legs. Jen and Allie sharing Scott's cock. Scott fucking Allie and making her cum. Jen and Allie going down on each other.

But those weren't Mike's favorite parts. He had those bookmarked. As he watched them his cuckold fantasies took over, the scenes morphing in his head.

1: Scott: "Would you do this for Mike?"

Jen laughing derisively: "Mike? Are you kidding? No freaking way!"

2: Jen fondling Allie's big tits: "Someday I want to feel a big cock fucking my tits."

Scott: "Mike's?"

Jen wrapping her arms around his neck: "No, he's way too small. I'd want your beautiful cock Scott."

3: Scott: "Would you put on this show for Mike?"

Jen: "No -- I don't want to think about him okay?"

4: Jen opening her lips and letting Scott spit into her mouth. After swallowing, she says looking into his eyes, "I'll do anything for you."

5: Scott stroking Jen's tiny blonde bush. "I'm gonna shave it off, okay Jen?"

Jen: "Yeah yeah, go ahead, shave it off, make me bare like Allie."

Scott: "What about Mike?"

Jen: "Stop talking about him! Do anything you want to me!"

6: Scott penetrating Jen bareback, fucking her. "You know I'm not wearing a condom, right?"

Jen: "Yeah I know! God it feels SOOOOO fucking good!"

Scott: "You've wanted it this way, huh?"

Jen: "Yes! I've ALWAYS wanted you to fuck me this way!"

Scott: "What about Mike!"

Jen: "Forget about him! I'll never make you wear a condom again, ever!"

7: Scott caressing Jen's new tramp stamp as he fucked her: "Your new bullseye is so fucking sexy!"

Jen giggling: "You better like it, YOU picked it out!"

Scott: "You got it for me right?"

Jen beaming into his eyes: "You know I did!"

Scott: "Next time I'll tattoo my name into your back."

Jen laughing: "God you're so bad!"

8: Jen: "Scott cum inside me baby! I want to feel you shoot your cum inside me!"

Scott: "You're on the pill right?"

Jen: "No but I don't care, just cum inside me!"

Scott: "You want my baby?"

Jen as Scott cums inside her: "Yeah Scott, I love you! I want your baby!"

9: Jen wrapping her arms around Scott's neck, bliss on her face. "God Scott you've freaking amazing, the best lover ever!"

Scott: "Just lover?"

Jen (giggling): "Okay, the best everything!"

Scott: "You love me right?"

Jen wrapping her arms around him and beaming into his eyes: "You know it!"

As always, Mike came quickly after only watching two of his favorite scenes. Afterwards he felt sick, a pathetic loser, worried about Scott making moves on Jen.

He tried to concentrate on work. He opened a new email from Eric. He frowned seeing it included an intense schedule of interviews with the media.

He called Eric. "I don't have time for these interviews," Mike said.

Eric shook his head. He'd known Mike would object. Anyone else would jump at all the public attention, but he hated it. "How many are you willing to do?" Eric asked.

"I don't know," Mike said. "Two or three."

"Three?" Eric said frustrated. "There must be 30 on the list, and more reporters are calling every day. Come on Mike, publicity makes a lot of money."

"You know I'm working on version 2 of Sapphire," Mike said. "That'll make us a lot more money."

Whatever, Eric thought after hanging up. He pulled up the interview list and started crossing off names.

Back in Vegas, Keri sat in her room, thinking about yesterday's meeting and the meeting planned for that afternoon. Making a decision she called Byron, one of her younger aides. He was also an occasional lover. He arrived a few minutes later.

Keri stood up and walked to him. She dropped her robe. She wore only high heeled sandals.

"God Keri," the 27 year old Byron gushed, feasting on his boss's still very sexy 39 year old body.

"Like what you see?" Keri said. She looked at the rapidly forming tent in Byron's pants and smiled. She moved closer and cupped his crotch.

Byron moaned. "I thought Jim was here," he said.

"Playing golf," Keri said. She got on her knees and unzipped his pants. "Besides, you know he doesn't mind." She took Byron into her mouth.

Later in bed, they smoked as they watched CNN. To the side was a room service cart with their half-eaten lunch. Both were naked, although Keri still wore the high heels.

"I've got to get ready for the meeting," Keri said getting up.

"Want company in the shower?" Byron said patting Keri's shapely ass.

"You've got to get ready too," Keri said laughing. "I need you to do something for me."


"Look into this Jennifer Andrews," Keri said. "Make some calls and get others on this. I want to know everything there is to know about her."
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Making It Work Ch. 04

Jen met Allie and Scott for lunch, to prep for their second meeting with Keri O'Reilly and her team.

Smiling gleefully, Allie whispered "Sorry we were so loud last night."

"I didn't notice," Jen deadpanned.

"Yeah right," Allie said laughing.

The meeting began at 2. After an hour Keri ended the meeting, even more impressed with Jennifer Andrews than yesterday.

Yesterday Jen sold her team. Today she outlined her ideas for the Google ad campaigned. From Kelloggs, Keri knew Jen was gifted with oodles of out-of-the-box creativity, and she displayed that today. Keri announced they would reconvene tomorrow for a working lunch.

Later in the early evening, Byron came to Keri's room and handed her a thick file. It was labeled "Jennifer Andrews." Keri thanked Byron, poured herself a glass of wine and started to read.

The file was comprehensive. It covered Jen's academic background -- average -- and her work since graduating from college -- very impressive.

It described Jen's childhood. Difficult, with a barely-there womanizing father who constantly cheated, a sad and bitter mother, and an older sister (Emma), a pretty girl who partied and fucked around and eventually got pregnant. Emma dropped out of college and married the father. Now their marriage was on the rocks and divorce looked inevitable. With no college degree, a small child and a no-good husband, Emma's prospects looked bleak.

The file described Jen, always the prettiest girl in the room, well liked and popular. She'd been class president and a cheerleader. She competed in gymnastics making States her sophomore, junior and senior years (balance beam was her best event), and took dance classes outside school winning a number of awards. She struggled academically thought and got only middling SAT scores, but she worked hard going to summer school to get her grades up to a solid B. With her extracurricular activities she made it into Penn State, her dream school (because she loved their football team).

The file described her relationship with Colin, her first real romance. Their relationship started in high school and continued into college. Keri looked at a picture of Colin. Very handsome and charming. He was the star high school quarterback and got a full boat scholarship from Penn State. Colin red-shirted his freshman year and then started the next four years. He was a 3 year All-American and was in the running for the Heisman his senior year. He was drafted in the second round by the Patriots.

But Colin was a womanizer, seemingly cut from the same cloth as Jen's father. He cheated on Jen throughout their relationship.

Jen finally broke it off with Colin. Then she had a series of meaningless one-night stands. Her grades suffered and she'd been seriously close to academic suspension.

It seemed Jen was going the same direction as her mother and sister. Certain to get pregnant, drop out of college, end up in a loveless unfaithful marriage. All her promise and potential destroyed.

But then she met Mike, and her life changed.

The file had a picture of Mike. Cute but nothing special to look at, Keri thought. The file described Mike. Shy, reserved, dry sense of humor, smart, ultra loyal to Jen. The file described Sapphire. "He's THAT Mike Andrews?" Keri thought to herself, a little awed.

Mike and Jen quickly became inseparable. He seemed a good influence on her. Her grades soared, going from a C/D student to A/B.

After graduation, they moved to New York City and moved in together. They found a converted warehouse loft apartment in trendy Soho and eventually bought it. They married after a few years of living together.

Mike did well, becoming the youngest partner ever at his prestigious Wall Street firm. Although given his stellar academic record, Mike's success was never really in doubt, more "when" rather than "if."

It was Jen who was a surprise. She blossomed in NYC, one impressive success after another. Already she was considered one of the brightest marketing stars on the east coast, and her growing reputation was quickly spreading to the west.

An interesting side nugget was her loyalty to her best friend Allie. While talented, Allie wasn't in Jen's class. Still, Jen always positioned Allie for success, and the two rose together lock-step on the corporate ladder.

Then the file got really interesting. It described Jen's affairs with Ricky and Scott. The file included pictures of both. She'd already seen Scott -- gorgeous! -- and Ricky was just as good looking.

The file included profiles on both Ricky and Scott. They were just like Colin, very good looking and extremely attractive to women, charming and charismatic. But all were unfaithful men who took what they wanted from pretty girls while giving nothing in return, other than good sex. Just like Jen's father.

Keri wasn't a psychologist, but she suspected Jen's tendency towards hunky yet no-good men stemmed from her relationship with her father. After all, Colin, Ricky and Scott were just like Jen's father. She shook her head, amazed at how a father could screw up a daughter's head.

Keri wasn't surprised by Jen's affairs. Extramarital flings were common in the high pressure, dress to impress world of advertising. But her relationships with other men seemed to go beyond mere fuck-buddies. Keri wondered how committed Jen was to her marriage.

The file had two DVDs. A sticky note said "From Mike's computer." She smiled. Leave it to Byron to hack Mike's computer. They were Google after all.

She picked the DVD with the more recent timestamp. It began with Scott saying "Hey bro, you're gonna love what Jen's giving me for my birthday." Then Jen and Allie walked into the picture. Keri's eyes went wide as she watched.

Keri took a big gulp of wine as the action developed. Then she couldn't stand it anymore, she pulled up her skirt and rubbed herself, her eyes locked on the screen. She came twice before the end of the video, where Scott said, "Hey asshole -- so you don't want me fucking her bareback, huh? Well, guess what? Your pretty wife took my load and loved it! Think she'll ever make me use a condom again? Maybe I even knocked her up tonight. She'll get fat with my baby. What do you think of that shit head?"

She played the second DVD. Her eyes went even wider seeing Jen in her wedding dress. Keri heard Jen say "Oh my god, I can't believe we're really going to do this!"

On the screen, there was a knock on the door and Jen grabbed Mike's hand (he was wearing a tuxedo). "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked.

Mike said excitedly "Yes, and I know you want to do it too!"

Keri watched as Mike opened the door and Ricky walked in. "I get it," Keri thought to herself. "Mike likes to see Jen with other men." Keri wasn't shocked, not given her own experiences.

Keri played with herself as the action developed. Within the first five minutes she came again. Three times! She couldn't remember the last time she'd cum so much in so short a time. And her lust quickly returned as the action continued.

In the midst of her fourth orgasm her husband Jim walked in. "What's this?" he said with a smile, seeing his beautiful wife with her dress up around her waist, fingering herself.

Keri got up and smiled. "You've got to see this," she said excitedly. She put the first DVD back in. She sat Jim down, poured him a big glass of scotch, and then got on her knees between his legs. "There are 2 videos, this one happened a couple months ago." She took out his cock and hit play. "You're going to love this," she said with a sexy grin. She played with her husband as he sipped his scotch and watched the video.

"Who's the pretty blonde girl?" Jim said his eyes going wide. "She's adorable!"

"Her name's Jennifer Andrews," Keri said her husband's cock half in her mouth. She excitedly added, "She's only 26." With one eye on the video and Jim's cock in her mouth, Keri also reached down and rubbed her clit.

Even with the beautiful and busty Allie there, Jen was the star of the show. With her long blonde hair, blue eyes, sweet face and almost flat chest, she looked much younger than her 26 years. Having such an innocent, pretty young girl involved in the threesome made the wickedness on the screen that much more naughty and exciting.

After just a few minutes Jim came in his wife's mouth. Keri came too moments later.

"She's fantastic!" Jim gushed. "You said her name's Jennifer?"

"Yes," Keri said. Then she added with a delighted giggle, "Would you like to meet her?"

In her room Jen smashed the pillow against her face, but it didn't drown out the sounds of sex coming from the other side of the wall. Allie and Scott had been going at it non-stop for over 2 hours. Allie repeatedly texted her to come over and join the fun.

Jen called Mike. "Do you want to join them?" he asked anxiously.

"No Mike I don't," she said frustrated. "It's just ..."

Mike knew his wife was wearing her cum face. Bad things happened when she got that horny. "You could change rooms."

"I've tried that, the hotel's booked, all of Vegas is booked because of this Google trade show."

Thinking about it, Mike said "You could hook up with someone. One of the guys from last night. Kenley."

"Mike ...."

"You're not a slut baby," Mike assured her. "Not if I want you to, and I do." He smiled. "Besides this way you'll have a great story to tell me when you get home."

"I don't know ...."

"I packed something for you," Mike said.


"Look in your suitcase and call me back."

Puzzled, Jen looked in her suitcase. Her suitcase had two compartments, and she usually only used one. She opened the other one and found a big manila envelope. On the outside in magic marker she recognized Mike's handwriting: "Open in case of emergency"

Smiling, she opened the envelope. Inside was her daring Chanel dress, a garter belt, black stockings, and black stiletto high heels. There were also a half dozen XL Magnum condoms.

"You're so bad," she told him on the phone. "Are you really okay with this?"

"Yeah, I want you to," Mike assured her.

Jen decided to do it. She was horny and desperately needed laid! Black or white, young or old, she didn't care as long as he had a big hard cock. She knew she was being slutty but the fact Mike was okay with it made all the difference.

She got ready and took the elevator to the lobby. She watched people go into Tryst, including a lot of hunky guys. But Kenley said he'd be at Tao at the Venetian. She walked to the bell desk to get a cab.
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Just then her cell rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Keri.

"Hello Jennifer," Keri said. "Sorry to bother you, but could you meet me in Surrender?" Surrender was another night club in the Wynn.

So much for her plans, Jen thought.

"Um, sure, can you give me 30 minutes?" Jen said. She wanted to change into a more conservative outfit.

"No, I need to talk to you now, please come immediately," Keri said and she hung up.

Jen sighed. Oh well it was Vegas, people dressed to impress here.

Jen found Keri at the bar. To her surprise, Keri's dress was just as daring as hers. While Jen's dress plunged in the back, Keri's plunged in the front revealing a lot of shapely breasts. Keri wore her hair up, showing off her elegant neck.

"That's a beautiful dress," Keri said with a smile. "Chanel?"

"Um, yes," Jen said, impressed Keri could tell with just a brief look.

"Mine is Chanel too, do you like?" Keri asked. Jen looked. She noticed how Keri's nipples dented the dress. Clearly she wasn't wearing a bra. Jen wasn't either, but Keri's breasts were so much larger.

"It's beautiful," Jen said.

"Where are Scott and Allie?" Keri asked.

"Out partying I guess," Jen said with a laugh.

"You don't party with them?" Keri asked with a knowing smile.

"Um, no," Jen said awkwardly. "You know, they're single and I'm married."

"Ah okay," Keri said, still smiling.

Just then a tall distinguish man walked up. "Jennifer this is my husband Jim."

Jen knew all about Jim of course, her team had researched the couple to prepare for the meeting. Jim was mid-40s (a few years older than Keri), a self-made billionaire. He was a minority owner of the 49ers and the famous Manchester United soccer team in England. He wasn't a hunk and probably never had been, but he was tall and distinguished, had kind eyes, and was attractive in a college professor sort of way.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. O'Reilly," Jen said.

"The pleasure's mine, but call me Jim or you'll make me feel older than I am," Jim said with a kind smile.

"Okay Jim," Jen said joining him in a laugh.

"Jennifer -- by the way, do you go by Jennifer, Jen, Jenny?" Keri asked.

"Most people call me Jen," Jen said.

"Okay," Keri said. "Well Jen, I wanted to tell you I'm very impressed. We haven't decided who we're going to hire, but you're definitely on our short list."

"Keri that's such good news, thank you!" Jen gushed.

"Don't thank me, you've earned it," Keri said smiling. "So you know, I think Allie is rough but has potential. Scott's the same. My point being, you're the reason your firm is on the short list. I've called Johnny and told him this."

"Keri I don't know what to say," Jen said taken aback and flattered.

"Now that business is out of the way, can I talk to you about something personal?" Keri asked.

"Of course."

"I think I'll take my leave," Jim said with a smile to both Keri and Jen. "It was lovely meeting you Jen," he said and gave her a quick peek on the cheek. "See you in the room later love?" he said to Keri, and they kissed on the lips.

They ordered drinks. "At work I have to be dragon lady," Keri said. "I hope outside work we can be ourselves."

"I'd like that," Jen said and they clinked martini glasses.

"Can I tell you a personal story?" Keri asked.

"Of course," Jen said.

"Jim's my second husband. I met him about a year after my divorce. When Jim and I got serious, my friends asked why I was going with him," Keri said. "He was poor then, barely able to make his rent. It wasn't until later he became successful. He's cute but not like the really handsome guys I dated after my divorce. But I saw something in him. Can you relate to what I'm saying Jen?"

"Yes," Jen said, thinking about her and Mike.

"We got married and it was rough at first, money-wise. But we were in love and happy, and then he became really successful. I don't have to work now. I do this Google thing just to have something interesting to do."

"Okay," Jen said, not knowing where Keri was going.

Keri shrugged. "When you have a lot of money the challenges go away. Jim got bored, I got bored. Our marriage was in trouble. It was ironic. We still loved each other, but we were this close to getting a divorce."

"I'm sorry," Jen said.

"That's okay, it worked out," Keri said with a smile. "I need to tell you something so don't be alarmed, okay?"


"I'm bi," Keri said. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, I mean, I have some bi and gay friends," Jen said.

"Good," Keri said with a smile. "Jim and I were going through a particularly bad time. We both were traveling a lot. Well, I met a girl in a bar and we had sex. It was just a one night stand. I don't even remember her name."

"Oh," Jen said.

"I confessed to Jim. He got mad of course. I mean, he knew I'm bi but I'd cheated on him. About a week later, I came home and found him in bed with his secretary Alice."

"Wow," Jen said.

"The funny thing was, I was really good friends with Alice, I still am," Keri said. "She started crying when I caught them. So here I was, after catching my husband cheating, with my arm around the woman he cheated with. Looking back it's funny."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You probably know where this is going, right?" Keri said. "Somehow Alice and I started kissing, and then Jim joined us. That was our first threesome." Keri paused as if in self-reflection. Then she continued, "So we started swinging. I'm not sure if it saved our marriage. I'd like to think we would have made it in any case. But our marriage became exciting again. Even though we had sex with other people, it made us closer."

We finished our drinks and ordered another round. We clinked glasses again when they arrived.

"Usually it's another girl," Keri went on. "Sometimes we play with a couple, but we both prefer just a girl." Keri hesitated, and then said "I need to tell you something else."

"Okay," Jen said, more than a little wary by this point.

"We ran a report on you. It's SOP on a major project like this, you being the project leader. You probably ran a report on me, right?"

"Yes," Jen admitted.

"Our research is pretty extensive. We're Google right?" They shared a laughed. "We found out a lot. About Ricky and Scott. We even found the video Scott emailed to Mike, and your wedding video with Ricky."

Jen's eyes narrowed. "Who's seen this report?" she said coldly.

"Just me and Jim, no one else will see it," Keri assured her.

"I want to see it," Jen demanded.

"I'll give it to you tomorrow," Keri promised.

Jen took a long sip, finishing her Cosmo. "Okay," she said, calming herself down. "So why are you telling me all this?"

"You know why, don't you Jen?" Keri said with a smile. "Jim and I want you to join us in bed."

Jen laughed, but it was out of nervousness and to buy time, not humor. "You should ask Allie, she's wilder than me," Jen joked, but was half serious.

"Jim likes tall brunettes with big boobs, like me and Allie. I'm not letting her get within a mile of him," she said with a laugh. "Besides, I like being friends with girls I share Jim with. I like you Jen. You're interesting and really talented. And I'm not just saying that to get into your pants." Keri laughed again.

"I don't know," Jen said. "When were you thinking of doing this?"

"How does tonight sound?" Keri said smiling.


"Come on Jen," Keri said with a knowing smile. "You're not dressed like that to see Barry Manilow."

"I'm not bi," Jen said as if apologizing.

"That's okay, I know," Keri said. "But I saw the video. You enjoyed yourself with Allie, I could tell. You like to experiment, don't you?"

Jen's cheeks reddened with embarrassment. She said "I need to call Mike."

"Of course you do," Keri said. She pressed a key into Jen's hand. "We're in the penthouse suite. It has a private elevator. Use that if you decide to join us. I hope you do. So does Jim."

Jen left Surrender and found a quiet corner off the Wynn lobby. She called Mike and told him Keri's story.

"Do you want to do it?" Mike said. He was obviously excited about the idea.

"I don't know," Jen said. "It's kind of weird. They're older, and if we get the Google gig she'd be my boss."

"That's kinda hot," Mike said.

"Yeah it is," Jen agreed with a giggle.

"I think you should do it," Mike said.


"Yeah. You have to call me right after it's over. And make him use a condom, okay?"

"I will," Jen promised.

Jen nervously rode the elevator up to the penthouse. She was awestruck when the doors opened. The penthouse looked like a palace.

"I'm glad you decided to join us," Jim said handing a glass of Dom Perignon to Jen. He gave her a peek on the cheek.

"Hi honey," Keri said, giving Jen a hug. Jen couldn't help noticing how big Keri's breasts felt. "Come on," she said leading Jen into the bedroom.

Keri showed Jen a bottle of pills. Ecstasy. "Want one?" she asked.

"Um, I don't think so," Jen said unsure.

"Okay, just let me know," Keri said. She took one and so did Jim.

"Jim's going to watch at first, okay?" Keri said. Jim sat in a chair next to the bed.

"Okay," Jen said nervously, gulping down the expensive champagne and handing the glass to Jim.

"You look like a sweet princess, an Alice in Wonderland, you know that?" Keri said stroking Jen's face. "Come here," she said guiding Jen to the bed. They sat on the edge, facing Jim.
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Keri lightly kissed Jen's lips. "You like that?" Keri softly said.

"Yeah," Jen said nervously.

Keri kissed Jen again, still soft but longer this time. "How was that, okay?" Keri said.

"Yeah," Jen said still nervous. Sex with Allie had been easier since they were so close. It was harder with Keri, who she knew hardly at all.

They kissed again, and this time Keri slipped her tongue into Jen's mouth.

Jen broke away still looking unsure. But she was excited enough to want to continue. "Um, can I have one now?" she asked nervously.

Keri smiled and gave Jen an Ecstasy, and Jim gave her a full glass of Dom. Jen swallowed the pill by gulping down the champagne. As she did, Keri and Jim shared a delighted excited smile.

Almost immediately Jen felt more relaxed. Keri approached and kissed the younger girl again. This time Jen kissed back and they made out. When they stopped both were panting.

Keri ran her hand gently down Jen's cheek and neck. "Can I take off your dress?" she asked.

"Okay," Jen said feeling relaxed, almost like floating on air.

Keri whispered into Jen's ear, "Stand up okay? This will drive Jim crazy."

Jen stood up and Keri turned her to face Jim. "Are you ready to see our new princess darling?" Keri said to her husband. Jim nodded, he was panting too. Keri unzipped Jen's dress and slowly pushed it off her shoulders. It fell into a bundle around her high heeled feet.

Keri looked at Jen in the mirror behind her husband. She reached around and put her hands under Jen's breasts, lifting them slightly. "Darling, you like our princess's tiny tits?"

"She's adorable!" Jim gushed.

Keri reached back and unzipped her own dress. Now both girls were just in their stockings and heels (Jen had a garter belt on too, Keri didn't). Keri turned Jen to face her, so they were sideways to Jim. She pushed her large natural 40DDs against Jen's small 32Bs. "Do you like what you see?" Keri asked her husband.

"Incredible!" he panted.

Keri took Jen's hand and led her back to the bed. "Did that bother you?" Keri whispered into Jen's ear. "He likes that."

"No. I wish mine were as large as yours," Jen said.

"Yours are perfect," Keri said.


"Yes," Keri said, and she kissed Jen. Again Jen was tentative first, but soon she was kissing back. They made out, their tongues dancing in their mouths.

Keri instinctively knew Jen's sensitive parts, caressing her neck, just below her ass, the side of her breasts. Soon Jen was moaning and rolling her head back.

Keri broke away, leaving Jen panting and feeling disappointed. "Wait here honey," she said, and then went to her husband.

Keri straddled Jim's legs, kissing him. "I like her," Keri said.

"I like her too," Jim agreed. They kissed some more, and then Keri undressed Jim.

Jim didn't have a "beach body." He was thin and pale. He had the start of a beer gut (or maybe a foie gras and champagne gut), and his arms and chest had little muscular definition. But Keri treated him like he was the sexiest man alive.

Keri returned to the bed, and she and Jen were on their knees on the bed, facing each other. Jim was to their side, inches from them. Keri kissed Jen. "Jim likes you," Keri said.

Jen looked at Jim and smiled. "I like him."

Keri said "I like you too," and the two girls kissed.

Keri broke away from Jen long enough to say "Play with her breasts darling," then she kissed Jen again. Jen moaned into Keri's mouth as her husband joined them on the bed and eagerly fondled Jen's small breasts and sucked her nipples.

Jen kissed Keri's neck. "I like your hair like this," Jen said.

"Jim likes it when I wear it up," Keri said, and they kissed again. Then she turned to her husband. "Lay down honey," she said gently pressing her husband down onto his back.

Keri gave Jen an excited smile. "Go down on him Jen."

Jen looked into Jim's eyes. Then she pulled her long blonde hair to the side, lowered her head, and took Jim's cock into her mouth.

Jim's head rolled back as he felt Jen's tongue twirl around his cock. "She's really good," he gasped to his wife.

Jen had no problem swallowing all of Jim. He was only a little bigger than Mike, nothing like Scott or Ricky and certainly not Darren. She knew she gave good head, and Jim's moans confirmed it.

She felt Keri pull her hair, and she wasn't gentle about it either. "That's enough," she said with a thin smile. She pushed Jen onto her back. "Now it's your turn."

Keri went down on Jen. Mike was good at eating her out, but Keri was better. Or maybe just different, how a girl would do it instead of a guy. She brought her close to an orgasm multiple times but never let her go over the edge. Jen writhed under the sexy woman's tongue, Keri was driving her crazy.

Abruptly she stopped. "Jim's gonna fuck you now," Keri said.

"Okay," Jen said eagerly, wanting Jim's cock -- any cock -- inside her.

Jim positioned himself. Jen said "Do you have a condom?"

"You're on the pill, right?" Keri asked.

"Yeah but ... I promised Mike."

"I get it," Keri said. She got a condom and rolled it on her husband's cock.

Jim positioned his cock at Jen's pussy and then pushed hard, penetrating her balls deep. He stroked back and forth. "God she's so tight," he groaned. "And her pussy feels so good, smooth like silk."

Keri pressed her body against Jen's, and they kissed as Jim fucked her. Keri pushed Jen's hand down, and Jen fingered her as they kissed. Keri moaned into Jen's mouth.

Keri kissed down Jen's body, her breasts, over her flat stomach, and then she licked Jen's clit as her husband fucked her. Jen arched her back and moaned, not used to so much stimulation and pleasure. In moments she came. "Oh fuck!" she cried her feet arching out of her high heels.

Keri and Jim gave Jen a moment to recover. Then Jim pulled out of Jen. He took off the condom. Then Jim mounted his wife in the missionary position.

Instinctively Jen kissed Keri and fondled her breasts as her husband fucked her. As Keri got close to orgasm, Jen moved her mouth to Keri's hard nipples, sucking and twirling her tongue over them.

"Oh god I'm cumming!" Keri cried pulling Jen tight against her bosom. They stayed that way for long moments, Keri hugging Jen as she came down from her orgasm.

Jim hadn't cum yet. He wanted to be inside Jen's young tight pussy again.

He rolled Jen onto her back and got between her legs. Jen had her cum face on, this threesome had her so turned on. But she retained enough of her good sense to push again Jim's chest as his cockhead pressed between her pussy lips. "Jim, condom ..."

"Come on Jen," he urged her, pushing harder, his face covered in lust.

Jen grunted as Jim's unsheathed cockhead popped into her pussy. "Jim ..." she protested.

Just then Keri rolled Jen's hard nipple between her thumb and finger and flicked her tongue in her ear. "It's okay honey, he's clean I swear."

Jim pushed more of his cock into her. Skin on skin felt sooo good! It was sooo much better that way! Fuck it, Jen thought, her promise to Mike a distant memory. She opened her legs wider and raised her pelvis to meet his thrust, inviting his bare cock into her.

Jim groaned as he sunk his cock balls deep into her. Her pussy felt so good, so tight and smooth, and bareback felt even better. He fucked her hard and fast. They kissed as they fucked, and Keri continued to fondle her breasts and rub her nipples. Jen arched her back and came again.

"God I'm cumming!" Jim shouted.

Jen didn't even consider telling Jim to pull out. With her own orgasm peaking, Jen hugged him tight and cried, "Don't stop Jim! Fuck me hard! Cum inside me!"

Jim cried out as he came, shooting this cum into Jen's pussy. Jen was surprised at the force of his ejaculation, feeling the streams of his fertile sperm hitting against her walls.

Jen called Mike as soon as she got to her room. "How was it?" he asked excitedly.

"Freaking amazing!" Jen gushed. Mike came twice as she told him the story. He got particularly excited (and a little jealous) when Jen told him she'd cum on Jim's cock -- twice! -- even though he wasn't much larger than Mike.

Jen decided not to tell Mike about letting Jim fuck her bareback, not wanting to ruin the mood. She felt guilty about breaking her promise, but deep down she thought his rule was a little silly. She was on the pill after all and Jim was safe, she trusted him and Keri. And bareback felt so much better. She'd tell Mike later.

"You'll see them again tomorrow?" Mike asked.

"I'll see Keri, we have a meeting," Jen said. "I'm not sure about Jim."

"It's okay with me if you want to see them again, or just Keri," Mike said. "I guess I'd rather you not see Jim alone."

Jen heard the anxiety in her husband's voice. She was glad she hadn't told him Jim had fucked her bareback, and cum inside her.

The next morning Jen got a call from Byron. "No need for a group meeting today, you guys are on the short list, congrats," Byron said. "Keri would like you to join her for lunch at Botero to discuss next steps."

Allie and Scott were thrilled to hear they'd made the short list! AND they had a free day in Vegas! They'd been fucking when Jen called.

"He's ruining my pussy for other men," Allie whispered with a giggle. "Sure you don't want to join us?"

"No thanks," Jen laughed on the phone. "Anyway I have a 1-on-1 with Keri to talk about next steps."

"Too bad boss-lady," Allie teased. She hung up the phone and then went back to sucking Scott's cock.

Jen frowned as she hung up the phone. She hated to admit it, but she was a little envious of Allie. Scott was a jerk, but he had a great body and was a great fuck. Last night with Keri and Jim had been good, but she knew the excitement was mostly due to her pent up horniness and naughtiness of the threesome, rather than physical attraction to Jim.

Keri gave Jen a kiss on the cheek in the restaurant. "We had a lot of fun last night," she said.

"I did too," Jen said, although she felt a little awkward. A waiter arrived and poured champagne for the 2 girls.

Keri handed Jen a large file. "Here it is," she said.

Jen read the file, her cheeks going red at times. She sipped the champagne as she read, the waiter twice refilling her glass. Jen noticed the 2 DVDs. "Who watched these?" she asked.

"Just me and Jim," Keri assured her. Then she admitted, "Maybe Byron. He's very discreet."

Jen frowned thinking of Byron watching her on the videos. She'd noticed him. It'd been impossible not to, he was really good looking.

She handed the thick file back to Keri.

"You can keep it," Keri said. "There aren't any copies."

"Okay," Jen said. "Thanks." She put the file in her large Gucci bag.

They talked business for a while. They finished the champagne and the waiter brought another bottle. Then Keri said "Did you tell Mike about last night? Is he alright?"

Jen nodded. "It got him so excited. I think he's a little jealous of Jim though since he made me cum. He's kinda sensitive about that."
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"Well, you can tell Mike Jim had some help," Keri laughed.

"That's true!" Jen said laughing back. She felt tipsy, the champagne definitely hitting her.

"Does Mike make you cum?" Keri asked.

Jen hesitated. Her sex life was private, and she didn't know Keri that well. But she was tipsy from the champagne, and they'd obviously shared a lot the night before. "Not always," she finally said. "That's what bothers him."

"Let me guess, Ricky and Scott always make you cum?"

"Pretty much, but it's over with both of them," Jen said.

Keri nodded. "It got too intense for Mike?"

Jen nodded. "I guess I got attached to them and Mike got hurt."

Keri nodded back, understanding.

Jen added, "Mike's hard to understand sometimes, because a little hurt is part of his fantasy."

"How did the two of you get into this?" Keri asked.

After yesterday, Jen found it easy to talk to Keri. "It started in college, with Ricky," she began. They shared more expensive champagne as Jen told Keri the whole story.

Keri was silent for a long time after Jen finished. Despite the wine, she was stone cold sober, so entranced had she been by the story. "Jen, I'm sorry for all the hurt you both went through," she said, "But that's the hottest story I've ever heard." She giggled. "Can I tell Jim?"

"I guess," Jen giggled embarrassed, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"You're really lucky. Mike must love you a lot to let you have sex with men like Ricky and Scott," Keri said. "I mean, he gets off on it too, but still."

"I've met a new guy too, he's freaking amazing," Jen gushed. She told Keri about Darren.

"Are you going to see him again?" Keri asked her eyes sparkling with delighted interest.

"I don't know," Jen said. "Mike wants me to."

Keri raised an eyebrow. "What are you waiting for then?"

"I'm taking it slow," Jen explained. "I don't want to hurt Mike again."

Keri nodded, although didn't quite understand. She said, "I've been with black men before."

"Do you only play when Jim's there?" Jen asked.

"No, I play whenever I want," Keri said. She joked, "I have my harem of hunky men and sexy girls all over the country. Sometimes a girl just needs laid, you know?" She laughed.

"I SOOO know what you're saying!" Jen said and they shared another laugh.

"Pretty girls like us, we deserve it!" Keri said.

"I guess!" Jen said with another laugh.

"I mean it," Keri said. She was smiling, but serious too. "We're beautiful, sexy, successful, we deserve hot men like your Scott and Darren."

"They're not mine!" Jen laughed shaking her head.

"You know what I mean," Keri said with a smile.

"Jim doesn't mind?"

"I keep him happy," Keri said giving Jen a knowing smile. "Like last night."

"Yeah," Jen agreed with a nervous giggle, her cheeks going red with awkward embarrassment. "Does he play too?"

Keri shrugged. "He can if he wants," she said unconcerned. "I know he can't find anyone more exciting than me."

Looking at the beautiful successful woman sitting across from her, Jen knew she was right. At best, Jim was ordinary looking. He was a good man and rich, but he'd have a hard time finding another woman as beautiful, exciting and sexy as Keri.

Keri smiled and asked, "Are you wearing a garter belt like last night?"

Jen was about to answer but then she smiled mischievously. She pulled Keri's hand to her thigh. "What do you think?" Jen asked with a sly grin.

"God you are SUCH a tease!" Keri said laughing. She caressed Jen's thigh under the table. "Interested in another threesome?"

"Jim's waiting in your penthouse?" Jen asked. To be honest she wasn't interested in being with them again, at least not so soon after last night. She wasn't bi, and she wasn't attracted to Jim. But she didn't want to offend.

"Not Jim," Keri said. She giggled. "He's with his true mistress, his golf clubs."

Jen tilted her head inquiringly, not understanding.

"I invited Byron to join us," Keri said with a wicked grin. "Believe me. He's as -- gifted -- as your Scott and Ricky."

Jen's eyes grew wide with surprise, and she was instantly intrigued. She suspected Byron was indeed hard and well-endowed. Her inner slut was tempted. But her head told her to take things slow. This trip had already been too exciting. "I better not," she told Keri, who gave her a "your loss" smile and shrug. A little later they hugged goodbye, and Jen returned to her room to pack.

Making It Work -- Part 5

Mike met Jen at the airport. He practically bangd her in the terminal.

"Wait until we get home," she giggled.

"I can't wait that long!" Mike said.

They necked in the taxi home but managed to control themselves otherwise. Mike had made dinner and it was warming in the oven, but Jen said "I'm not hungry."

"Neither am I!" and he pulled her giggling into bed.

"Does Keri eat you out better than me?" Mike asked as he slowly fucked his wife in the missionary position.

"No," Jen said having thought about it. "She's good but you're the best." Mike couldn't hide his smile, feeling pleased.

"Did Jim feel good inside you?"

"He felt okay."

"Better than me?"

"No," she said.

"He's bigger than me?"

"Maybe a little longer," Jen said.


"About the same," Jen said. "You feel better than him."

"But he made you cum on his cock?"




"Was Keri licking your clit the second time too?"

"No, we were kissing."

"So Jim made you cum on his cock just by himself?"

"I guess ..." Jen said. "You do too you know."

"But he did it both times he fucked you."

"He's just new that's all," Jen said reassuringly.

"Are you attracted to him?"

"Not really."

"You wouldn't date him?"


"If he asked you wouldn't go out with him?"

"I guess I might. He's nice. But I'm not attracted to him."

After Mike came, they snuggled. "Are you okay baby?" she asked.

"Yeah," Mike said. The idea of Jen with Keri and Jim was thrilling, but the fact Jen wasn't attracted to Jim dulled the excitement. Mike felt secure, but disappointed too. To be honest, he wished she'd hooked up with one of the alpha guys who'd hit on her, like Kenley.

Later that week Darren called. "Hey sexy white bitch," he said in a playful ghetto voice.

"Hi Darren," she said with a laugh.

"Been thinking about me?" he asked.

"Been kinda busy," Jen said with another laugh.

"Let's get together this weekend."

"Mike and I are busy," she said immediately, not remembering whether they had plans or not. "Maybe some other time."

"You're not just stringing me along are you?"

"No," Jen said with another laugh.

"So I should keep calling?" he asked.

Jen knew she could end it right then with Darren, probably should end it. All she had to do was say "no." But Darren pushed buttons that excited and frightened her. The threesome with Keri and Jim hadn't diminished those urges. Jen found herself saying, "Absolutely."

A week later Jen and Allie were taking a caffeine break when a guy in a motorcycle parked at their building. "Nice," Allie said admiring the biker. He wore a leather jack over a t-shirt that showed off his well-defined chest. His worn jeans fit really nice too, and he wore cool biker boots.

Jen was surprised when he took off his helmet. It was Tom, her storyboard artist.

"Hi there," she said to him giving him a hello hug. "You remember Allie, right?"

"Yeah, hey Allie," Tom said giving her a peck on the cheek.

"What are you up to?" Jen asked.

"Showing the latest Google mock-up to Calvin," Tom answered motioning to the portfolio under his arm. "Maybe we can catch up later."

"Sounds good," Jen said smiling.

"Is there something going on with you and Tom?" Allie asked later at the Starbucks. She gave Jen a wicked smile. "Playing your game with him?"

"No! God Allie, he has a wife and baby!" Jen said laughing.

"I've seen you making eyes at each other," Allie teased with an inquisitive tilt of her head.

"It's just harmless flirting," Jen said.

Later Tom popped his head into Jen's office. "How about you buy me lunch?" he said with a grin.

"It's nice to see chivalry isn't dead," Jen teased.

"You're the one with the expense account," Tom said, and they shared a laugh.

At the restaurant Tom walked Jen through his latest mock-up, and they talked business for a while. Jen felt Tom looking down her blouse as she studied the storyboards. She was glad she'd worn a filmy unlined bra with lace trimming. As she studied one of the pages, she leaned over giving him a better view of her cleavage.

With work done, they chatted as the waiter served their entrees. They'd always gotten along, that was a big reason Jen liked working with him. As they talked and laughed, Jen casually crossed and re-crossed her legs. Each time her skirt inched a little higher. She pretended not to notice as Tom sneaked glances at her legs.
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