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Never marry a so called modern woman
Seems like you married woman with attitude " I have pussy and my rules "..
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Sharing with you my opinion and also my recommendation to you:

You are not wrong, and your wife is not wrong either.  You are just failing to see the worth of what you have and misjudging your own relationship and your choice in life.  

Yes!  Life is all about choices, but our future is always hidden and we can only make choice with a hope of a better future by a right choice.  You cannot always guarantee that your choice will yield a good result.  For example, you fail to see that marrying a simple middle or lower middle class woman can also give rise to problems of its own kind.  You are not exposed to their greedYou just assume that grass is greener on the other side.

Life is a path and you just walk through it, face the challenges, solve the problems, and move on.  Every individual is made different and thinks himself/herself as right based on his/her upbringing and likenesses in life.  You cannot conclude that someone (wife or anyone) is wrong simply because they do not fulfill your needs or reach up to your expectations.  You have to appreciate other's views/judgements/desires in life and marriage also.

A woman is not born only to be fucked.  She is not married only for sex.  She is also a support and company in a man's life.  Yes, sex is important too, but there are many other factors within a relationship.  A woman's sexuality is very delicate.  If she loves and desires a man, she will crave for him so much that she will give up the whole world.  If she dislikes a man for any reason, then even if that is her husband, she will not be able to love him.  As a husband, you also need to give her reasons to love you.  You cannot take her for granted that she is your wife and she has to do xyz for you.  She is not a robot.  Appreciate her for what she is doing to your family by working outside and contributing to growth of your family and supporting you.  Start loving her and make her feel that you value her.  She will love you endlessly.

Man or a woman, when in work field, both tend to become competitive.  A wife cannot be termed as irresponsible just because she is focused to her career and growth.  She is also doing it for building your family.  There are other difficulties to face when you are with a woman who does not work and is a housewife.  You may have observed or your friends may have told you only the good things which they experienced by marrying such a woman, but that is just one side of it.  If you dig into their life more, you will definitely see some voids and some misunderstandings and difficulties.  I have a friend who keeps cribbing that his wife is dumb and is not working lady, because of which he has to struggle working in life to meet the financial needs.  You may think your earning today is enough for the family, but her contribution makes a difference, especially in difficult moments like how many of them lost jobs in the pandemic.  Working or not working alone does not decide on a wife as good or bad.  

Being a working woman, she finds it necessary to present herself good at work.  For that reason, she has to spend some of her earning on beauty parlors, clothing, shopping of her interest, or similar.  It is natural for a woman to desire to look beautiful.  You want just her pussy to look beautiful, but she wants everything else on her also to be beautiful.  You say she is buying expensive lingerie.  Enjoy seeing your wife wear it!  Why are you seeing the price tag on it?  There is one member who said, "our money."  That's right madam, but make sure your income is also included in that "our money" and make sure that expenses are also "our expenses."  You have to plan your expenses based on priorities.  Lavish and materialistic stuff last in priority.  Food and medical expenses, children's expenses, etc. are top priority. You said that 95% of maids like to be like sex goddesses and 95% of corporate women are cold as ice.  That's because a maid only has sex to offer you, but a corporate women has her education certificates, her wisdom, her finance, and lot more to offer you and to also share with you, of which you take credit for in society when you go out together as husband and wife.

Being a husband does not mean you have to fulfill all the needs of your wife.  A wife cannot demand that too.  Being a wife does not mean that she has to live fulfilling all your needs on bed.  A husband cannot demand that too.  If you realize that you are not supposed to have any expectations in marriage and if you love open-heartedly without carrying any expectation, then you can also make your wife soon realize your love and she will be yours forever.  Even if she works with most handsome and rich boss with whom she flirts with for professional gains (like you assume), her heart will always be beating for you.

You really need to value what you have.  Living a life of loneliness, I can only imagine how fortunate you are.  No matter what, I am sure when your wife finds you in true need, she will leave everything and see that you are made secure and comfortable.  By default, husband and wife love and care for each other, but their speech and actions messes it all and hatred begins.

So, think, how fortunate you are that way.  Find solutions for your marital problems, seek advice from a counselor if required, move on and don't conclude this way.  Marriage is not a fulfillment of everything.  In reality, no one is perfect and no marriage is perfect.  Stop dreaming a life like you see in movies and stop comparing yourself with it.

Finally! It is all in your thinking.  If you compare yourself to others, your own past, or even if you compare yourself to anything that you think to be ideal in life, you will always remain dissatisfied.  You miss your ex because it is your thinking that she is still the same.  Time has passed.  She may not be the same today as you think she was.  If you may have married her and who knows, you might be posting here a topic saying, never marry a village girl, you can expect anything from them, they are dirty, they have to be taught everything, they don't look sexy, and blah blah blah blah blah!!!  Your wife is still your best choice.   When you realize that, she may not be there and you will miss her to the core, so better love her now!! Heart Heart  If pussy is all that matters in a marriage, then your maid is your best choice!!  sex sex

There are bad women out there, but the criteria you set is incorrect.

PS:  All the above applies only if your post was a serious one and not a fantasy!  Big Grin Tongue
All photos, GIFs, and videos are either own or derived from the internet. Credit goes to the actual owners. Most photos are from Anamika in Bingemee. Credit goes to Anamika for her photos. PM for complaint/removal of any posted content. Namaskar
[+] 4 users Like Ibrahim339's post
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(10-12-2021, 12:12 AM)stockyz Wrote: This is my experience with a so called modern woman, who is now my wife and also the story of many of my friends who got stuck with such women

The career oriented, corporate women are tuned to have money in their heads.....they are focused on spending money and earning it

Half of the time they only want to discuss brands, vacations with their so called friends and being jealous of their lives

These women once get into college are fucking everyone who is rich and powerful.....My wife as far as I know was also fucked by at least 2 fact she was trained well for blow jobs and stroking dick by them only. Once the bitch was fucked enough, all she wanted was the lifestyle......I being in a better position than he exes ...she targeted me....I was friends with her and knew about her past......initially she used her sex techniques to make me happy.....and eventually i married her....

Once the bitch was married...all she wanted was sleep, spend and roam around without any responsibilities....all her sex techniques fizzed away and now she was only about make up, brands and showing off to her friends....

I got so frustrated that i started talking about it to my friends and i came to know that almost everyone had same issue...and the common factor was the so called modern woman

Years went by and i started observing that its always the simple middle or lower middle class woman who doesnt have the money or the fucking career to boast about....uses her body and actions to keep her man happy.....

I started observing maids, lower working class woman and checking out their lives...and came to know that even after 20 years of their marriage.....they would fuck and suck without any drama to keep their men happy...

They dont worry about the expensive lingerie, expensive make up, dresses and the bullshit and just need a warm bed for action

Their bodies are firm and they have a natural sexual ability which are unmatched

The fucking career modern woman will only use her body to impress her boss...for a fucking promotion or raise....

My wife is so fucking lazy and only interested in her nonsense modern ways that she doesn have time to arouse me...or foreplay
when infact i was talking to a blue collar job man....whose wife is working also in a supermarket......he said..their women use sex to keep men at home and also to relax their minds after work....he even showed me pics on his camera and seeing his simple looking wife turn into a sex goddess.....i was very cold wife....cant even pose properly unless its for a party or something

My want to partner to keep u happy in bed....marry a simple woman with simple needs and background....and she will not only keep your money safe but also your dick up 

The new age modern woman drain the banks, consider themselves queens and when it comes to sex are quite flop compared to the others.....

Any thoughts or experience....please share
I have found literally 95% maids to be like sex goddesses.....and 95% of corporate women...cold as ice
All depends on what lifestyle u need. Some definitely love this lifestyle as well
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stockyz Wrote:This is my experience with a so called modern woman ... 

They dont worry about the expensive lingerie, expensive make up, dresses and the bullshit and just need a warm bed for action

Their bodies are firm and they have a natural sexual ability which are unmatched

The fucking career modern woman will only use her body to impress her boss...for a fucking promotion or raise....


The new age modern woman drain the banks, consider themselves queens and when it comes to sex are quite flop compared to the others.....

Any thoughts or experience....please share

Now a days everything is centered around money ! If someone is money minded I cannot say he or she is wrong ! 

Likewise everywhere the competition is high ! In this competitive environment if someone wants to win over others and come up in life he or she has to have something extraordinary ! It is not only in the place where he or she is working but also in the profession, business, trade and industry. To succeed and sustain in this situation you need to have the skills, talents, capacity but that alone is not sufficient. That is where the good looking females have an advantage. They make full use of their soft skills and win over others. It is not only pleasing their bosses by offering sexual favours, but also securing the orders or contracts from clients for the company and also getting necessary approvals, sanctions etc. from the statutory authorities and so on. When the company is running well they reward the woman who has worked for that. 

Even big industrialists secretly offer their wives (or their concubines) to minister level Govt. officials for getting undue favours like large sum of loans or clinching large business deals and so on. Though it is illegal and unethical, in the current corrupt scenerio it is unavoidable. Nothing moves without  bribe. The bribe can be money or woman or both. 

For the woman to keep her appearanace attractive she has to spend time and money in beauty parlours, buy costly lingeries and fashionable dresses. Thay also have to attend parties at star hotels, mingle with many men. 

If the husband understands this then he can choose what he wants. Either be happy with the present monthly paid job till retirement or enter into the competition be aggressive, swim against the tide, win after many failiures and come up in life. Now decide whether you want a career woman as your wife or an ordinary housekeeping woman as your wife. 

There is a proverb "Behind every successful man there is always a woman !"
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(29-12-2021, 02:46 PM)Ibrahim339 Wrote: Sharing with you my opinion and also my recommendation to you:

You are not wrong, and your wife is not wrong either.  You are just failing to see the worth of what you have and misjudging your own relationship and your choice in life.  

Yes!  Life is all about choices, but our future is always hidden and we can only make choice with a hope of a better future by a right choice.  You cannot always guarantee that your choice will yield a good result.  For example, you fail to see that marrying a simple middle or lower middle class woman can also give rise to problems of its own kind.  You are not exposed to their greedYou just assume that grass is greener on the other side.

Life is a path and you just walk through it, face the challenges, solve the problems, and move on.  Every individual is made different and thinks himself/herself as right based on his/her upbringing and likenesses in life.  You cannot conclude that someone (wife or anyone) is wrong simply because they do not fulfill your needs or reach up to your expectations.  You have to appreciate other's views/judgements/desires in life and marriage also.

A woman is not born only to be fucked.  She is not married only for sex.  She is also a support and company in a man's life.  Yes, sex is important too, but there are many other factors within a relationship.  A woman's sexuality is very delicate.  If she loves and desires a man, she will crave for him so much that she will give up the whole world.  If she dislikes a man for any reason, then even if that is her husband, she will not be able to love him.  As a husband, you also need to give her reasons to love you.  You cannot take her for granted that she is your wife and she has to do xyz for you.  She is not a robot.  Appreciate her for what she is doing to your family by working outside and contributing to growth of your family and supporting you.  Start loving her and make her feel that you value her.  She will love you endlessly.

Man or a woman, when in work field, both tend to become competitive.  A wife cannot be termed as irresponsible just because she is focused to her career and growth.  She is also doing it for building your family.  There are other difficulties to face when you are with a woman who does not work and is a housewife.  You may have observed or your friends may have told you only the good things which they experienced by marrying such a woman, but that is just one side of it.  If you dig into their life more, you will definitely see some voids and some misunderstandings and difficulties.  I have a friend who keeps cribbing that his wife is dumb and is not working lady, because of which he has to struggle working in life to meet the financial needs.  You may think your earning today is enough for the family, but her contribution makes a difference, especially in difficult moments like how many of them lost jobs in the pandemic.  Working or not working alone does not decide on a wife as good or bad.  

Being a working woman, she finds it necessary to present herself good at work.  For that reason, she has to spend some of her earning on beauty parlors, clothing, shopping of her interest, or similar.  It is natural for a woman to desire to look beautiful.  You want just her pussy to look beautiful, but she wants everything else on her also to be beautiful.  You say she is buying expensive lingerie.  Enjoy seeing your wife wear it!  Why are you seeing the price tag on it?  There is one member who said, "our money."  That's right madam, but make sure your income is also included in that "our money" and make sure that expenses are also "our expenses."  You have to plan your expenses based on priorities.  Lavish and materialistic stuff last in priority.  Food and medical expenses, children's expenses, etc. are top priority. You said that 95% of maids like to be like sex goddesses and 95% of corporate women are cold as ice.  That's because a maid only has sex to offer you, but a corporate women has her education certificates, her wisdom, her finance, and lot more to offer you and to also share with you, of which you take credit for in society when you go out together as husband and wife.

Being a husband does not mean you have to fulfill all the needs of your wife.  A wife cannot demand that too.  Being a wife does not mean that she has to live fulfilling all your needs on bed.  A husband cannot demand that too.  If you realize that you are not supposed to have any expectations in marriage and if you love open-heartedly without carrying any expectation, then you can also make your wife soon realize your love and she will be yours forever.  Even if she works with most handsome and rich boss with whom she flirts with for professional gains (like you assume), her heart will always be beating for you.

You really need to value what you have.  Living a life of loneliness, I can only imagine how fortunate you are.  No matter what, I am sure when your wife finds you in true need, she will leave everything and see that you are made secure and comfortable.  By default, husband and wife love and care for each other, but their speech and actions messes it all and hatred begins.

So, think, how fortunate you are that way.  Find solutions for your marital problems, seek advice from a counselor if required, move on and don't conclude this way.  Marriage is not a fulfillment of everything.  In reality, no one is perfect and no marriage is perfect.  Stop dreaming a life like you see in movies and stop comparing yourself with it.

Finally! It is all in your thinking.  If you compare yourself to others, your own past, or even if you compare yourself to anything that you think to be ideal in life, you will always remain dissatisfied.  You miss your ex because it is your thinking that she is still the same.  Time has passed.  She may not be the same today as you think she was.  If you may have married her and who knows, you might be posting here a topic saying, never marry a village girl, you can expect anything from them, they are dirty, they have to be taught everything, they don't look sexy, and blah blah blah blah blah!!!  Your wife is still your best choice.   When you realize that, she may not be there and you will miss her to the core, so better love her now!! Heart Heart  If pussy is all that matters in a marriage, then your maid is your best choice!!  sex sex

There are bad women out there, but the criteria you set is incorrect.

PS:  All the above applies only if your post was a serious one and not a fantasy!  Big Grin Tongue
kamaal kar diya dhoti ko phaad kar rumaal kar diya
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keep going
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When relationships are only based on sexual fun only , then this would likely be the case.

the most important thing about marriage is not only sex and fun , its more than that,
sex is part of it but not 100%.
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