Misc. Erotica Re-marriage 2 (Completed)
Loved the heading "angry bahu and overjoyed saas"
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An update coming up soon. Thanks to all for being with the story so far.
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Chapter 44

A Dominatrix is born

Kaamna reached her room and banged her fist on the door, as she locked it from inside. The young wife felt very very sad and angry at the same time, as she relaised her mother in law achieve something that she couldn't till now. What angered Kaamna more was the fact that Jaya behaved so frivolous and so damn liberated while she was the middle aged mother of a grown up son!

The son who was also Kaamna's husband Alok!

Never did Kaamna imagined that she would be so angry on Alok, that she would even scold him brutally in her mind.

"Gawd Alok! I hate you!!! Why didn't you give me the happiness I always deserved! DAMN WHY!"

Kaamna had always imagined a virtual marital life with Alok, where she would be loved, kissed and have her body parts intimately groped by Alok's hands and then his tool would do the job correctly. Here she was, a completely curvy woman with desires and then there was Alok, who didn't seem to care!

A tear dropped from Kaamna's eye as she recollected how she was mocked by Jaya, who implicitly praised herself for becoming pregnant again and that too as if she was the fresh bride of the house. An image of Jaya with a big preggo belly wearing a posh saree while Arvind's dark brown hand held the belly popped up in Kaamna's mind and she felt pangs after pangs of jealousy and rage and then she looked up at the photo frame of her and Alok.

Kaamna felt this bizzare inner aggression to go and spit on Alok's image in the photo or burn it or tear that part and feed it to the dogs on the street.


"Gosh! Why am I thinking so crudely?" 

Kaamna touched her mouth and wondered in awe and strangely recollected those ebooks where wives would mistreat and mock their husbands during sex sessions for sadistic gratification. A memory of Arvind spanking Jaya's big ass while calling Alok's dick a 'nunnu' popped up in her mind and she felt a tinge of droplet from her cunny all the way down to her panty. Kaamna now wanted to take this very personal revenge on her husband for all the orgasm denials she were given right from the day one of their marriage. 

"I will surely take my vengeance but in the way I want!"

If Kaamna were to be presented by Ekta Kapoor right now, then there would be atleast three camera zoom effects with a dramatic music. Such was the expression on her face. But still Kaamna felt ashamed for being slightly turned on, remembering Arvind's tonality for Alok, that night. Anyways, just then her phone buzzed and she looked quickly into her screen. 

"Oh I had set a reminder for my next meeting with Mridula! Let me get ready!"

Kaamna quickly got into a shower and soon got ready wearing a fresh saree abd full sleeved blouse, before leaving the house. 


Some moments later, At Mridula's office :

"Hmmmmm, you look like a raging Bull Kaamna, what's wrong?"

Mridula passed a glass of water and looked keenly at the young lady sitting before her, with a mixture of sadness and aggression on her face. 

Kaamna : Mridula, I feel awful and wicked at the same time! Gosh... just.....just help me out please!

Mridula : sure, as I told you before, treat me like an older sis, okay?

Kaamna decided to be open with Mridula regarding the fact that Alok's stepfather had successfully made his mother pregnant, and it only made her feel insecure for not being a mother yet, herself. Mridula's eyes widened as she visualed Jaya with a big belly in her 50's. An itch built inside Mridula's groin and she very vigilantly rubbed her own saree clad mound, not arousing Kaamna's suspicion.

"Oh my Jaya is....oh wow..." Mridula felt envious of the matronly beauty, despite being a recent grandma herself. 

"Yes Mridula and I feel awful! I am so angry on Alok, Darn! I just can't explain!"

"My poor baby! Come to mamma!" Mridula suddenly behaved like a parent and got up from her chair and walked up to Kaamna, bending down and hugging her. In such a state, the silky hair of Kaamna came in contact with Mridula's hands and she traced along the strands and felt the silkiness. While Kaamna's face was almost mashed up against the heavy bossom of the elderly therapist. 

"Mamma loves you! She will get a Barbie doll for you! Soon! And ofcoarse waffles with cerial!" 

Mridula subconsciously said these and rubbed her heavy breasts against Kaamna's cheeks and nose, while she wondered what was Mridula upto exactly. As the hug broke, Kaamna frawned at Mridula..

"Ummm what were you saying??? What was that all about???"

Mridula relaised what she had just said and covered her mouth in a bit of shame and also in an attempt to resist her giggles from coming out. She slowly walked back to her own chair and sat comfortably while sipping a whole glass of water and all this time, Kaamna just stared her with questioning eyes.

For a few moments, there was only a sheer silence.

And then...

Mridula couldn't help but almost spat out a mild giggle, which again amazed Kaamna.

Kaamna : may I know what exactly is going on in your mind?? (Impatiently)

Mridula : soo.. soorry! Oh...um excuse me! Yes, well actually...those lines were something I used, with an ex patient of mine, the lady had this strange attraction to the feeling of being treated like a small child, even though she was a high college teacher!

Kaamna : oh... that's crazy! Umm why would someone want to be treated like that?

Mridula : mayvbe the submissiveness is enticing for certain people!

Kaamna : oh is that so?

Mridula : exactly so! Believe it or not, Even today she calls me up, addressing me as 'mamma' and would talk exactly like a kindergarten girl!

Kaamna felt that horrific and amusing at the same time.

Mridula : anyways! Sorry to scare you like that. I love playing games during therapies, as you know!

Kaamna : Mridula! Can we please get back to my issue? Please?

Mridula : oh sure! Umm so what is it that is there in your mind?

Kaamna suddenly gave a bite and snarl expression and brought her manicured pink nailed hands forward on the table, almost rubbing each finger on the glass surface, saying...

"I want to genuinely humiliate my husband, and this time, for my own pleasure!" 

Kaamna felt that she didn't say these things, but a demonic soul inside her said so and she was amazed at what she said, but Mridula, who had dealt with many couples and individuals, wasn't quite surprised. Infact she typed something on her laptop and asked politely...

"Um some coffee with dark choco cookies?"

To which Kaamna replied by a slow nodd and a strange smile, that was quite ambiguous. 


At Evening :

Alok came back after office and strangely found Pushpita attending him with some coffee and some poha inside a bowl. Her mannerism looked odd to Alok, who was never quite bothered by his bua so often. Anyways, Pushpita kept the goodies on the center table and careesed Alok's hair, while he wondered what was the catch. 

Alok : thanks for the snacks bua, um is there something...

Pushpita : um beta, there is something you should know...

Alok : um what is it?

Pushpita : beta, there is a good news coming up soon from your mother's side! (Takes a deep breath)

Alok sort-of got the clue to what his bua was pointing out at and felt his heart thump hard at merely the thought of what his bua was implying at.

"You.... mean... maa is ..."

Pushpita gave her sweetest smile to Alok, pouting.. "mhmm, yes beta, your mother is pregnant for sure, afterall it's all Arvind's grace upon her!"

Alok felt bizzare and uneasy with this news and found it hard to gulp the morcels of poha from the bowl, down his throat. Feeling uneasy and flabbergasted, Alok slowly spoke...

"So what is it that you want from me?"

Pushpita careesed his hair and spoke with a deep maternal instinct...

"Beta, I will be very happy if you take a leave and focus on the well-being of your mother, while she is on her way to give birth to Arvind's child!"

Alok felt odd to this request and whimpered...

"But what about office, bua? How will I...."

Pushpita gave her warmest smile and touched Alok's chin with tenderness and softly cooed..."oh beta, leave it to Arvind, he will manage!"

Looking at Alok's awed expression, Pushpita resisted hard to giggle and pull his legs further, but what would she do?

Whatever she said right now was actually Jaya's wish and Alok didn't even know that. 


As night occured, Alok worked on his laptop, while releasing that Arvind still hadn't returned from office and it was almost late night. Clearly the effectiveness and efficiency of Arvind made Alok more angry and insecure, but then his shoulder was tapped by Kaamna, who strangely didn't wear anything revealing at all. Infact she had worn a very sober nightie and Alok wondered what was the reason.

"Looks like Arvind is working really HARD...hmm what you think dear?"

Kaamna pouted in a teasing manner while Alok asked her with a frawn...

"What you mean Kaamna?"

"Um oh..I meant, he is really working hard in the office, gosh it's so late and his car hasn't showed up yet!"

Alok relaised Kaamna was giving his shoulders a soft massage that was actually very very soothing and this made him ignore his laptop and close his eyes, while Kaamna cooed further...

"Oh Alok! Jaya looks so happy! So nourished! And ofcoarse why not.... afterall she is on the family way....once again!"

Alok had to open his eyes in a rude shock this time as he realised how casually Kaamna said those words, as if a middle aged mother becoming pregnant was absolutely normal, and the lady being none other than his mother, her mother in law!

But Kaamna wanted to take her domination in the sweetest way possible and right now she was convinced of the fact that Arvind made Alok insecure in every possible way.
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Stay tuned for next week!
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I think arvind should tell jaya straight up that he wants to take revenge from her son alok for humiliating him when he was an employee under him.
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(27-12-2021, 03:59 PM)Papa Makichu Wrote: I think arvind should tell jaya straight up that he wants to take revenge from alok for humiliating him when he was an employee under him.

That will surely happen, since humiliating Alok is somehow turning the sadist in Jaya on. Just stay tuned ;)
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Next update soon!
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(28-12-2021, 05:49 PM)Mintu08 Wrote: That will surely happen, since humiliating Alok is somehow turning the sadist in Jaya on. Just stay tuned ;)

And jaya make alok apologize to papa arvind
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Chapter 45

Kaamna continued to massage the shoulders of Alok, who again felt obliged to close his eyes and feel the feeling of extacy that he has getting from the massage. Kaamna now did something that surprised Alok completely, which was nibbling on his closest ear. Getting the ear nibbled, sent a strange shiver down Alok's spine and suddenly realised his limp turning into a lump.
Kaamna however cotinued playing with his mind even more. She ran her freshly painted purple pink nails almost inside the o shape of his tshirt neckline and very softly carresed his hairless area, right above the chest line, cooing....

"Alok honey, you seem too stressed these days, maybe you can umm consider taking some days off and just relax....explore....discover...."

"Explore? Discover?? What is she coming at??"

Alok wondered but his mind enjoyed the volts that were being sent throughout his entire body by whatever Kaamna was doing to him right now. He felt obliged to shut the laptop and close it, while lying down calmly on the bed and Kaamna too laid down with him, on his side. Kaamna then continued to soothe him further by massaging everything from his arms to his chest and then again she emphasized on his arms, through the tshirt sleeves and continued to cooe...

"Gosh, do you think Arvind works out? have you seen him closely ever? Oh my and so hardworking!"

This time Kaamna completed her sentence by whispering very seductively into Alok's ear and again the comparison of himself and the burly Arvind came into his mind. The lump immediately rose up a bit more, making him feel embarrassed. Moreover hearing these details from Kaamna so directly was confusing him even more. However Kaamna continued her devilish seduction further...

"Gawd Alok! Your skin feels so soft! Oh my...so ummmm so silky too....not like those oily ugly pehelwans who look like Arvind! Gawd..those muscles and that hairyness makes him so darn ugly!"

Kaamna herself squeezed her thighs within her nightie, as she uttered those words, even though she said it just to play with Alok's insecurity and she again couldn't help but bring that naked image of the hairy Arvind in her mind. The resting on Jaya's fat thighs and spanking her even fatter butt, all popped into her mind and she dig her nails hard on Alok's chestline, making him squirm almost.

"Ow Kaamna! What are you upto??""

Kaamna relaised her action and blushed a bit, cooing...

"Oh baby, sorry...ummm anyways goodnight!"

Alok didn't feel right. The soft massage and comparisons with Arvind had made him hard and he felt as if he could get a bit physical with Kaamna. But Kaamna who was quite aware of of her husband's hard-on, however she chose to ignore it and frustrate Alok rather. 

"Aaaawwnn.... goodnight sweetie!" 

Kaamna wagged her big bum on the bed, laying down, while facing her back towards Alok, who felt a bit sad and frustrated on seeing Kaamna go to sleep. Gosh! He really thought that Kaamna might proceed to a lovely session after the massage she gave! But alas!

Mauling his own hard-on, Alok slept the other side, while trying hard to imagine Kaamna in her lovely pink salwar suits or the negligee she worn previously. But he ended up thinking of Arvind and Multan chacha, strangely!

Alok relaised his lump was raging up, as he thought of situations where Arvind would gently tease his mother or when Multan chacha would brag about his wives and imply how fertile he was. The two manly burly men peculiarly dominated Alok's mind and then the third flag was from Kaamna's side, who polluted his mind a few moments ago, about Arvind. 

"Since when did Kaamna start taking so much interest in that swine???"

Alok wondered, while strangely mauling his hard-on very smoothly. Amongst other thoughts, the thought that drove Alok almost nuts, was the fact that Kaamna uttered the word 'hairy' so smoothly for Arvind. This made a dollrop of precum drop out from his slit and made him want to rub his dick even vigorously. Seing Kaamna asleep, Alok took the chance and lowered his trackpant and noticed his droopy peeslit on his hard and aroused dick.

What he also noticed was the fact that even though he was hard, the girth and the legnth didn't look quite impressive. 

But he cared the least!

He wanted to shag to his heart's content!


He did so!

Thoughts after thoughts dominated his mind and Alok again recollected the word 'hairy' from Kaamna's pouty lips and that was it!

A long spurt followed by a weaker one sprang out from his slit and hit his shirt and thighs, and yet he continued to rub and scrub untill his dick reduced back to a tiny bean. Already embarrassed, Alok pulled up the trackpant and went to sleep, not knowing the fact that, Kaamna was actually awake and could easily sniff the semen from the other side of the bed.

"Gawd Alok, so these thoughts are enough to excite you huh? Hmmm.... fine! Then all you will get, are thoughts and not me!"

Kaamna felt sad for not engaging into a sweet lovemaking with Alok, but felt a strange adrenaline rush in denying sex to her husband. Kaamna wondered what else would her mind actually subscribe to, in future. Giving no more thoughts to this, she decided to sleep. Strangely she dreamt of the session again where Arvind would spank the naked fleshy bum of Jaya. The only difference was that Kaamna found herself equally naked and lying down besides them, witnessing the spank from a close up and breathing harder and deeper due to jealousy.

The dream made Kaamna's pouty lips curl into a smile that seemed naughty, to say the least.


Next day :

Since Kaamna had to go to her office thrice a week, she happened to leave today and on the other hand, Arvind leaves for office as well, while Alok in the meantime reluctantly transferred all decision making authorities to him temporarily, as sweetly requested by his mother. Afterall being the mamma's boy was a traditional trait!

"Beta Alok! Pass me the milk!" 

Pushpita made sure that Alok helped her and while in the meantime Jaya felt very free as she didn't have to do anything at all. Alok helped her bua, while Jaya browsed on novels and strangely on some semi naked images of village pehelwans with loincloths and bulky oily bodies. Jaya in midst of all these browsing, looked at her own body and giggled at the fact that perhaps only a burly pehelwan like Arvind can lift her bulky body.

"Gawd! My thighs and arms look huge! I can even qualify for a 'Mahila Pehelwan'!"

Jaya blushed at that thought, but recollected the day when once Arvind said that his ex-wife loved to play 'kushti' playfully on bed with him. Even the photo of his ex-wife seemed to excite her a bit, as Jaya clearly remembered the lady being pretty plump and pretty dark too, almost like a negress, which was quite normal, since she used to be a labour worker.

All of sudden she heared...

"Oh Alok beta! Careful...the vessel is hot, pour softly!"

Following this statement from Pushpita, were some vessel clanking sounds that made Jaya feel some warmth and exteme maternal affection for her son Alok. 

"Oh my sweet son, doing the kitchen work so sincerely! Hopefully someday he might not even get admonished by Pushpi!"

Jaya didn't quite know why she said that to herself, but anyways continued to read some Eboom novels. Strangely they were about Buxom bbw women getting laid by muscular burly men.

Some of the ebooks even obliged her to rub her fat mound through her saree and moan mildly.
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Stay tuned
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yourock .........
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An update coming up by tomorrow. Be tuned!
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eagerly waiting... banana
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Chapter 46

Alok's new duties :

"Hmmm not bad beta! but it can be better!" 

Jaya cooed while she munched on the soup dipped bread and Alok felt strange, being complimented for making soup, moreover having to do anything related to the kitchen, where he nor his father ever had done anything by themselves. Pushpita too sipped on the soup and murmured...
"Hmmm, not bad at all. Bhabhi, I can forsee Alok making much more than soup! maybe some spicy chicken or beef too!" 

Pushpita deliberately emphasized on the chicken and beef while enjoying seing Alok, who felt as if he might vomit, but then again controlled himself. Jaya too saw that gesture and tried to hide her giggle, because..

"what will Alok think?"

"That his mother is poking fun at her own son's distaste for meat??"

"A mother who has munched on some amazing meaty delicates and who will mock her own son for not liking meat?"

Jaya tried her best to compose and stable herself as she sat right next to her son and clearly saw the gloomy expression on his face. Moreover the dullness on Alok's face showcased his disdain for doing any kitchen work, whatsoever

But Jaya mentally had become so blunt, that she loved the fact that her nanad forced Alok to make the soup, since he like his own father had the same corporate arrogance that never allowed them to do any such work. But now, clearly Jaya saw the tables getting turned.

"Um maa, maybe I need to go to offi...."

However Jaya poked him from the middle!

"Cmmon beta, your mother needs very sensitive care and you are my only son! and....Kaamna even doesnt have a fixed schedule"

The bollywood motherly tone did something to Alok and he felt his tradtional responsibility to stay with his mother, even though he still cant believe that his buxom mother with greying hair is again pregnant. How much seed would that swine inject?? had injected in his mother's womb? were the sperm so ripe that his mother...."

Alok felt embarrased to think all these but clearly his curious mind wondered around about the masculinity of Arvind, a bull like man!

Sometimes even Arvind would flex his bulging arms and even wink at Alok, inside his thoughts, that made him more insecure and strangely..

hard as well!

"Why would I get hard at these thoughts? I am a superior corporate guy!!!!! ummmm...YES! I BLOODY AM!"

 Alok banged the dining table with his fist that grabbed Jaya and Pushpita's attention immediately.

"Whats wrong beta?" 

Jaya cooed maternally, but Alok stood up and rushed out of the dining room.

While Alok rushed out of the room, Pushpita noticed something and whimpered to her bhabhi softly..

"Umm bhabhi, have you bothered seing Alok in a thong?"

Following this questian was a playful smirk on Pushpita's face and a flabergastered expression on Jaya's.

Jaya : Gosh Pushpi! what does that even mean?? ofcoarse not, he is my son!

Pushpita : well bhabhi..ummmmmmmmmm my context was a bit different, I meant..ummmm Alok is so fair, just like you and ummm...please dont lynch me for saying this..but..

Jaya : Pushpi, I am yet to complete the novel I am reading, can you excuse me quick? what is it that you are trying to say??

Pushpita : ummmm bhabhi! I have this very wicked desire to see Alok's butt in some lanky cloth! gosh..did you see how it twirked, when he got out of the room? oh my...

Jaya knew his son was not that manly and definately not even close to someone like Arvind or even.....Manohar! but hated to admit the fact that Pushpita was pulling her own son's leg in the worse way and strangely she found it amusing. Soon nanad and bhabhi immersed in a bittersweet conversation..

Jaya : Gosh Pushpi! what kind of novels are you reading lately? thats so.... I am his mother! sitting right next to you! and....

Pushpita : oh really? years ago, who allowed me to put that frock on Alok? hmmmm??

Jaya felt embarrased, however she wondered where her nanad was taking his conversation to. Soon, she let her mind go free and sat more relaxed as she recollected that day and soon very calmly held Pushpita's hands and cooed..

"Pushpi, dont ever remind me of that day! My heart stil cried in realising that I dont have a daughter! gawd...."

Pushpita munched on the bread and naughtily looked at Jaya, who kept staring at her nanad. This time, it was Pushpita who touched her bhabhi's palm and kept rubbing on it, very calmly pouting..

"Cmmon bhabhi, you should have seen the dedication in which Alok made the soup for you! Oh...I am sure if you had a daughter, she would do the same, um?"

Pushpita now very softly massaged each and every finger of Jaya, almost teasingly and Jaya felt her breaths deepen up, due to the finger massage. Pushpita now just took hold of one finger of her bhabhi and massaged it very very softly, while continuing in a lower voice....

"Bhabhi! Your son will serve you every day untill you are a fresh mother once again! Your darling BETA Alok! Your darling sweet delicate son!"

Jaya felt like some awful ants were biting somewhere close to her bulky fleshy thighs within the saree and if only she could itch them right now!

Jaya didn't object to her nanad, who kept massaging one finger after the other and very much relaised what Pushpita was upto. Jaya finally broke the brief silence between them and cooed..

"Pushpi! I feel so free and liberated from any damn duty! Umm how about a sweet chick flick at evening? Hmm?"

Pushpita cooed in return...

"Umm bhabhi...but.......ummm the dinner and the vessels...and all um?"

Jaya heaved a deep breath which again wobbled her big ample melons within her blouse and Pushpita didn't fail to notice that. Infact, she saw her bhabhi sit like a stern principal of some feminist college, but that too a bulky busty principal!

Jaya assumed that pose and very confidently spoke up..

"Pushpi! Let me decide the rules of the house okay? If Alok can handle the kitchen in the morning, he surely can handle at night too!"

Pushpita awed the grace and aura in which Jaya spoke and ofcoarse how her heavy breasts kept rising up and down at the same time. Rubbing palm on palm once more, Pushpita happily cooed...

"Oh bhabhi! Every feminist leader should salute you! You are just... gawd!"

Jaya smiled coyly at this and blushed saying "oh thanks Pushpi" softly, while she could clearly felt a strange arousal visualising Alok doing more intense kitchen work..

Maybe cleaning the vessels too?


In the meantime, Alok sat on his bed and still found it hard to believe that he actually entered the kitchen to cook something!

He was always told by his father that men were meant to handle office and business while women would handle stuff like kitchen and all. However today things changed dramatically for Alok, but refusing his mother, was something he would never do, no matter how much issues she had. 

Still, Alok couldn't believe that he actually held the bowl and all and prepared the soup and moreover

Doing kitchen work!

However he wondered how will the days pass without even going to office and doing the 'manly' things, that he was used to.
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Stay tuned!
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yourock banana  ............................ horseride
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(31-12-2021, 08:00 AM)Mintu08 Wrote: Chapter 46

Alok's new duties :

"Hmmm not bad beta! but it can be better!" 

Jaya cooed while she munched on the soup dipped bread and Alok felt strange, being complimented for making soup, moreover having to do anything related to the kitchen, where he nor his father ever had done anything by themselves. Pushpita too sipped on the soup and murmured...
"Hmmm, not bad at all. Bhabhi, I can forsee Alok making much more than soup! maybe some spicy chicken or beef too!" 

Pushpita deliberately emphasized on the chicken and beef while enjoying seing Alok, who felt as if he might vomit, but then again controlled himself. Jaya too saw that gesture and tried to hide her giggle, because..

"what will Alok think?"

"That his mother is poking fun at her own son's distaste for meat??"

"A mother who has munched on some amazing meaty delicates and who will mock her own son for not liking meat?"

Jaya tried her best to compose and stable herself as she sat right next to her son and clearly saw the gloomy expression on his face. Moreover the dullness on Alok's face showcased his disdain for doing any kitchen work, whatsoever

But Jaya mentally had become so blunt, that she loved the fact that her nanad forced Alok to make the soup, since he like his own father had the same corporate arrogance that never allowed them to do any such work. But now, clearly Jaya saw the tables getting turned.

"Um maa, maybe I need to go to offi...."

However Jaya poked him from the middle!

"Cmmon beta, your mother needs very sensitive care and you are my only son! and....Kaamna even doesnt have a fixed schedule"

The bollywood motherly tone did something to Alok and he felt his tradtional responsibility to stay with his mother, even though he still cant believe that his buxom mother with greying hair is again pregnant. How much seed would that swine inject?? had injected in his mother's womb? were the sperm so ripe that his mother...."

Alok felt embarrased to think all these but clearly his curious mind wondered around about the masculinity of Arvind, a bull like man!

Sometimes even Arvind would flex his bulging arms and even wink at Alok, inside his thoughts, that made him more insecure and strangely..

hard as well!

"Why would I get hard at these thoughts? I am a superior corporate guy!!!!! ummmm...YES! I BLOODY AM!"

 Alok banged the dining table with his fist that grabbed Jaya and Pushpita's attention immediately.

"Whats wrong beta?" 

Jaya cooed maternally, but Alok stood up and rushed out of the dining room.

While Alok rushed out of the room, Pushpita noticed something and whimpered to her bhabhi softly..

"Umm bhabhi, have you bothered seing Alok in a thong?"

Following this questian was a playful smirk on Pushpita's face and a flabergastered expression on Jaya's.

Jaya : Gosh Pushpi! what does that even mean?? ofcoarse not, he is my son!

Pushpita : well bhabhi..ummmmmmmmmm my context was a bit different, I meant..ummmm Alok is so fair, just like you and ummm...please dont lynch me for saying this..but..

Jaya : Pushpi, I am yet to complete the novel I am reading, can you excuse me quick? what is it that you are trying to say??

Pushpita : ummmm bhabhi! I have this very wicked desire to see Alok's butt in some lanky cloth! gosh..did you see how it twirked, when he got out of the room? oh my...

Jaya knew his son was not that manly and definately not even close to someone like Arvind or even.....Manohar! but hated to admit the fact that Pushpita was pulling her own son's leg in the worse way and strangely she found it amusing. Soon nanad and bhabhi immersed in a bittersweet conversation..

Jaya : Gosh Pushpi! what kind of novels are you reading lately? thats so.... I am his mother! sitting right next to you! and....

Pushpita : oh really? years ago, who allowed me to put that frock on Alok? hmmmm??

Jaya felt embarrased, however she wondered where her nanad was taking his conversation to. Soon, she let her mind go free and sat more relaxed as she recollected that day and soon very calmly held Pushpita's hands and cooed..

"Pushpi, dont ever remind me of that day! My heart stil cried in realising that I dont have a daughter! gawd...."

Pushpita munched on the bread and naughtily looked at Jaya, who kept staring at her nanad. This time, it was Pushpita who touched her bhabhi's palm and kept rubbing on it, very calmly pouting..

"Cmmon bhabhi, you should have seen the dedication in which Alok made the soup for you! Oh...I am sure if you had a daughter, she would do the same, um?"

Pushpita now very softly massaged each and every finger of Jaya, almost teasingly and Jaya felt her breaths deepen up, due to the finger massage. Pushpita now just took hold of one finger of her bhabhi and massaged it very very softly, while continuing in a lower voice....

"Bhabhi! Your son will serve you every day untill you are a fresh mother once again! Your darling BETA Alok! Your darling sweet delicate son!"

Jaya felt like some awful ants were biting somewhere close to her bulky fleshy thighs within the saree and if only she could itch them right now!

Jaya didn't object to her nanad, who kept massaging one finger after the other and very much relaised what Pushpita was upto. Jaya finally broke the brief silence between them and cooed..

"Pushpi! I feel so free and liberated from any damn duty! Umm how about a sweet chick flick at evening? Hmm?"

Pushpita cooed in return...

"Umm bhabhi...but.......ummm the dinner and the vessels...and all um?"

Jaya heaved a deep breath which again wobbled her big ample melons within her blouse and Pushpita didn't fail to notice that. Infact, she saw her bhabhi sit like a stern principal of some feminist college, but that too a bulky busty principal!

Jaya assumed that pose and very confidently spoke up..

"Pushpi! Let me decide the rules of the house okay? If Alok can handle the kitchen in the morning, he surely can handle at night too!"

Pushpita awed the grace and aura in which Jaya spoke and ofcoarse how her heavy breasts kept rising up and down at the same time. Rubbing palm on palm once more, Pushpita happily cooed...

"Oh bhabhi! Every feminist leader should salute you! You are just... gawd!"

Jaya smiled coyly at this and blushed saying "oh thanks Pushpi" softly, while she could clearly felt a strange arousal visualising Alok doing more intense kitchen work..

Maybe cleaning the vessels too?


In the meantime, Alok sat on his bed and still found it hard to believe that he actually entered the kitchen to cook something!

He was always told by his father that men were meant to handle office and business while women would handle stuff like kitchen and all. However today things changed dramatically for Alok, but refusing his mother, was something he would never do, no matter how much issues she had. 

Still, Alok couldn't believe that he actually held the bowl and all and prepared the soup and moreover

Doing kitchen work!

However he wondered how will the days pass without even going to office and doing the 'manly' things, that he was used to.

Why Pushpita is still here in Alok's house? She does have a family..right.  She must have left after the marriage. Her hubby must be roaming around elsewhere....Might be...Let's see

[+] 1 user Likes Samshree's post
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Best story... But need much sex & erotica
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