Adultery A Wife's Journey Continues by abcxyz13

Agree, this wife thing, the honeymoon, means trouble. When Anand questions her, notice the Judas touch, she swiftly avoids eye contact by hugging him.

The fact that she prepared herself for Anand's request to fuck Ganga, means Yogi is more important for her. Notice how the one night with Yogi at the Taj turned into several nights? She cleverly gets his agreement at his weakest moment. Also notice that despite her obviously vigorous morning stint with Yogi, she still offers to satisfy him so that his concentration is averted.. Reminds me of the kind Arab offering shelter in his tent to his camel story. She vis literally taking him for a ride.

Anand, my man, you are in serious trouble
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krish agarwal-

ohh...what an amazing update...she double crosses him...first one night honeymoon....than few nights...she thought if she fucked by aanad than he will not think much about it
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Originally Posted by breville1 View Post
Agree, this wife thing, the honeymoon, means trouble. When Anand questions her, notice the Judas touch, she swiftly avoids eye contact by hugging him.

The fact that she prepared herself for Anand's request to fuck Ganga, means Yogi is more important for her. Notice how the one night with Yogi at the Taj turned into several nights? She cleverly gets his agreement at his weakest moment. Also notice that despite her obviously vigorous morning stint with Yogi, she still offers to satisfy him so that his concentration is averted.. Reminds me of the kind Arab offering shelter in his tent to his camel story. She vis literally taking him for a ride.

Anand, my man, you are in serious trouble


you are right............... but anand is blind in love (?) of a slut..... a slut demoralised more than a whore.... doing everything even which she not allowing to herband.... only for the dominating status and costly gifts of yogendraji.... also heartly attracted to yogi... beside falsly assuring hubby 'i am only yours and i love you'

as per her character she doesn't love anyone.... except love with benefits...

also the clever slut knows the value of social image so holding her husband in her hand by not allowing him to relate with ganga

for her honeymoon (?) plan confirmation she allowed anand to have ganga at his own but .... without her influence or knowledge.... so she could oppose anytime accuse anand or ganga or both for their relation
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Originally Posted by RAJLOVESAVNI View Post
I am loving the story , simply awesome , taking care of all the aspect of story writing, keep up the good work bro, but in the end pls make Anand the winner


Couldn't have said it better. Swetha decided at the village to stop because of all the good reasons, husband, love, marriage, loyalty, etc. Now for her to give in to yogi and jeopardize all that would be tragic. Means she is only keeping marriage, husband, etc for show??? Can't be. I think she is unable to control certain physical and psychological things, e.g. pleasure of another man, domination and certain pleasure in acting out as wife of another man. She needs help otherwise she will definitely form an attachment...she is mentally weak for these scenarios. Anand has to really make an effort to control himself so that he can help her from losing herself. He needs to have a plan to stop her. He needs to use Ganga and anything else he can think of. Clearly, they love each other but do not appreciate the unintended consequences.
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Midnight Talk




“Huh.. ya.. What is it?” i asked in sleep

“Can we talk” swetha asked

“Swetha.. Can we do it in the morning… it’s probably midnight” i said sleepy trying to get back to my dream.

“Please… i need to talk” swetha asked again

I turned to face swetha my eyes still closed “what is it?”

Swetha shook me till i opened my eyes. “Yes.. yes.. I am listening” i said opening my eyes and looking at swetha’s concerned face.

“I am having second thoughts” swetha said waking me up

“About going out with yogendarji?” i asked wondering what happened

“No.. not about that…. It’s about you and ganga” swetha said waking me up

“What… why… i thought we agreed” i said a little annoyed now

“Sorry anand, I know i am being selfish… but everytime i close my eyes.. I imagine you and ganga doing it….i can’t sleep like this… i thought i will be ok... But i am not… i love you… and you doing with someone else… i just can’t take it …sorry”

“But.. swetha…” i tried to talk but swetha cut me off

“I know anand… I thought it was fair to let you do it with ganga since you let me do it with yogendarji… but i just can’t even bear to imagine you doing it…”

“I wanted to go to taj with yogendarji for the honeym.… but, i can cancel it if you want”

“Sorry....” swetha said with a troubled look

We went back and forth for another 15 to 20 minutes. The conversation was going nowhere, but i could see it was hurting swetha to let me do it with ganga. I finally gave up and said ok.

“Ok ok… i give up.. Cheer up” i said trying to break the ice.

“Ohh baby… thanks so much….i know i am making all these selfish requests… but thanks for everything” swetha said finally breaking a smile

“Anand… I will do anything you want…. anything...” swetha said trying to compensate for her end of the deal

“Anything huh…” i said trying to think of something nice

“Yes.. anything” swetha said smiling widely

“Can i have your ass?” i asked jokingly

“Why… ok.. yes… i don’t think you will like it tho” swetha said cautiously

“I mean it…. it’s dirty.. You wont like it” swetha added

“I will be the one to decide that” i said grinning.

“Ok…” swetha said giving up with a scared look

“Can we sleep now” i said now sleepy again

“Yes” swetha said all smiles

“Anand… so.... I can still go out with yogendarji tomorrow right?” swetha asked to confirm

“He already made the reservations and all……and it’s the TAJ” swetha added

“Hmmm…. Yes” i said trying to think what i can make swetha do, on her “anything” offer.

“Thanks baby…” swetha said as she hugged me and we went to sleep spooning.

“Love you baby…. Good night” swetha whispered as we fell asleep

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Next Day - Sunday

The next sunday morning was like any other, i was on the couch watching cricket with coffee in my hand, except, for a maid in the kitchen giving me a flying kiss and a person in the guest bedroom who is sleeping with swetha. It’s a bizarre turn of events; just a week back me and swetha would have been making plans on how to spend our sunday, but, today she already has plans with our guest. I am still surprised how things started moving so fast from the moment yogendarji arrived. Swetha opposed the idea at the beginning, but as time passed she has been more than willing to spend time and do it with yogendarji. It’s become a concern on how intimate and willing swetha has become and is ready to accommodate all of yogendarjis requests. I guess the whole situation is turning her on more than i imagined, it’s been a turn on for me too but i can’t shake off the creeping concern i been getting lately. I knew things would change but never expected it at this pace.

“Hey anand… cricket again” swetha asked as she sat beside me. Swetha spent a lot of time in the bathroom today and is finally out, she was sexily dressed in a t-shirt and small mini skirt.

“Those are some hot legs” i said caressing them.

“The bathroom is free now.. Go get freshen up first” swetha said smiling

“Ok. ok.” i said as i saw an ad come up on the TV

I quickly brushed my teeth and ignored the bath for now. May be i will do it after the match. I came back to the living room to find yogendarji sitting beside swetha.

“Your back fast” swetha said surprised as she tried adjusting her skirt down

“Ya..” i said sitting on the opposite couch

“Yogendarji also likes cricket” swetha said trying to justify why he is sitting beside her.

“Anandji, very good match… dhoni is on a blast today” yogendarji said as i agreed with him.

Swetha got up and sat beside me as the match continued on. Yogendarji stayed where he was but tried to catch a glance at swetha when he can. I didn’t understand why until i caught him watching swetha pussy as swetha spread her legs for him. As the match continued on i put my hand on swetha’s thighs and caressed her as swetha gave me a surprised look.

“What are you doing” swetha whispered “nothing.. Just enjoying my wife” i whispered back grinning

I kept caressing swetha’s thighs and slowly moved her skirt up as i saw yogendarjis growing tent. There was a coffee table in the middle but that would hardly hide anything. I am sure yogendarji is able to see swetha’s pussy now. Swetha was breathing heavy. Swetha slumped herself on the couch spreading her legs as wide as she can exposing her pussy to yogendarji. A little more up and the skirt would cover nothing when suddenly swetha stood up. “I need to get some coffee” swetha said as she went to kitchen. The couch was wet where swetha sat. i guess it was too much. i followed swetha.

“What are doing? Do you want yogendarji to find out that you know about us?” swetha asked still breathing heavy, trying to wash a cup for her as i lifted her skirt and rubbed my hard dick in her ass

“You think he knows that i know?” i asked

“I don’t think so.... His eyes are always on me. He never really cares what you do” swetha said as a matter of fact

“And i don’t think he would ever imagine that my own husband is willingly sending me to him to get fucked” swetha added chuckling as she moved her ass up and down against my cock

“Maybe i should tell him….he might be more cooperative and you both can take turns in the house” swetha teased

“Very funny…” i said biting her neck

“He he ok.. But, still what were you thinking exposing me like that” swetha asked

“Well you were so hot in the mini skirt …. My hands just moved” i said rubbing my cock harder into her

“Mmmm…..” swetha moaned

“If you had a dhoti you could have been inside me by now” swetha teased as i felt her wetness

“Anyway… that’s enough… today i belong to yogenderji” swetha said but did not stop me

“When are you leaving” i asked continuing my assault

“To my honeymoon?” swetha teased with a little excitement in her voice

“Yes” i said crushing her against the kitchen sink

“it’s Around 7… is that ok?” swetha asked trying to calm herself down

“Ya.. that should be fine” i said as i kissed her red lips

“Thanks baby.... hey…. Dont spoil my lipstick” swetha said as she finally broke through and went to bedroom giving me a naughty smile

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The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I was occupied with the match and swetha was getting herself ready for her outing. Yogendarji and ganga were mostly limited themselves to the guest bedroom. And just like that it was 5PM.

“What do you think?” swetha asked as she came out from the bedroom

“Good” i said looking at swetha new hair style. She had her silky hair nicely brushed all to one side. Exposing her other side’s shoulder and cleavage giving her a classy look.

“Just good?” swetha asked

“Well … i am surprised you don’t have much makeup on except for your lipstick and your necklace” i said wondering why

“Oh that.. I wanted to keep it simple. I didn’t want anyone to get any wrong idea, if, anyone does see me at the hotel” swetha said cautiously

“It’s going to be risky if someone sees you” i said concerned

“I will have my face covered.. So don’t worry… this is just in case” swetha said agreeing with me

“It’s scary and exciting… it’s like i am having a secret affair” swetha said excited

“Yes.. and let’s keep it a secret” i said still concerned on letting swetha and yogendarjin out together. There is no telling when yogendarji will make a move once they leaves the house

“Yes yes.. I know… i will make sure not to be close to him till we get into the hotel room” swetha said smiling

We talked more about the risks and to be careful on swetha’s entry and exit into the hotel. It was very unlikely that someone we know would be there but there is no harm in being safe.

“Swethaji are you ready” yogendarji interrupted us

“Oh yogendarji… It’s only 6 now.. I thought we were starting at 7” swetha replied surprised, turning over to yogendarji

“There is traffic so i thought we could start early” yogendarji added

“Ohh..” swetha was caught off guard between me and yogendarji

Swetha turned to me “Anand…actually... you know…. i told you that i am going to spend some time with my friend and yogendarji is also going out on business… so he offered to drop me on his way” swetha said making up an excuse

“Is it ok if i go with yogendarji?” swetha asked innocently

“Ok. np” i said

“Thanks anand… “

“yogendarji… i haven’t packed my bags… can you wait for some more time” swetha asked

“No problem, swethaji… i will tell the taxi to wait” yogendarji replied

“Anand… can you help me” swetha said asking me to follow her to the bedroom as yogendarji left

Once inside the bedroom “Sorry baby.. I was planning to tell you about me and yogendarji leaving together… but he moved up the schedule”

“That’s fine… i thought you would” i said

“Ok let me pack up” swetha said as she took out a small suitcase and started packing in some clothes that we bought for our bedroom games. Swetha has been wearing all of these at home. The short jeans short, the mini skirt, they were all part of our bedroom games which now spilled into living room.

“Why are you packing so many for just one night?” i asked confused

“One night?... anand, you said few nights is ok” swetha said confused

“Few nights? When did i say?” i asked, now really confused

“Yesterday night... you said its ok if i spend few nights with yogendarji as his wife” swetha said trying to make me remember.

“No i didn’t. And few nights is too much.. What about work?” i said not liking this

“I can put leave.. That should not be a problem”

“Swetha how many is few nights?” i asked annoyed

“3 to 4 may be” swetha said cautiously

“No way! That’s too much.. Isn’t yogendarji going back to village next week” i asked. I don’t know why, but i just didn’t like swetha spending so many days with him. I already have concerns on there relationship and swetha spending so much time with him felt dangerous.

“He might going back next week, i don’t know, that’s why i wanted to spend more time with him” swetha said trying to justify the few days

“Still 3 days is too much swetha… i am not comfortable” i said

“Ok.. i understand” swetha said finally stopping

“Is 2 nights ok?.. Just one night is too less…… please” swetha said

“Hmmm ok” i said thinking over

“Thanks baby…” swetha said kissing me on cheek

“i don’t understand why you're uncomfortable me spending more time with yogendarj when we already did it”

“Oh…wait…. Are you afraid i will fall for him?” swetha said hitting the spot

“Oh baby… that will never happen… i love you... not him”

“I may be his wife for next two nights and we might be enjoying ourselves on the honeymoon… but your the one i love”

“I know… it’s uncomfortable for you to send me... your wife... away with someone who is going to have me for so many nights ... So if your fine with 2 nights i am fine too.. “

“To be honest, i am looking forward to give yogendarji unrestricted access ... its so .. i dont know what.. but anyway, you have nothing to worry about… i promise” swetha added teasing me and headed back to pack her suitcase. She continued packing and finally put a packaged box into the suitcase.

“What’s that?” i asked curious

“It’s a saree and some jewelry from yogendarji to wear tonight” swetha said

“Oh really.... show me” i asked curious

“Not now.. It’s all packed and set.. If i take it out it’s hard to put it back.. Anyway you will see it through the camera” swetha said winking and closing the suitcase.
Swetha was finally done packing her suitcase when she got up to grab something from the shelf.

Birth control pills.

“It’s dangerous without these” swetha said winking as i smiled back in approval

“With this yogendarji can now take me bareback everytime….” swetha said giving me a naughty smile

Swetha took some clothes to the bathroom to get ready and came out all dressed.

Swetha wore a simple saree and put the pallu over her head like a traditional wife.

“Is this covering my face?” swetha asked


“Good. ok baby.. Its time…. I will see you soon” swetha said excited and kissed me hard

“I will see you in the camera first” i said winking.

Swetha got her suitcase and rolled it into the living room. Yogendarji was ready for her.

“yogendarji… i am ready.. We can go now” swetha said as yogendarji smiled surprised at swetha’s saree

They both said goodbye as yogendarji put his hand behind swetha to guide her out of the house. I followed them out as i saw them take the lift and one final smile from swetha as the lift descended down. From the top, I saw them both get into the back of the taxi and saw it crawl into the traffic. My heart was beating fast. Is this ok? Did i make a mistake?

I got a text.

“Don’t look so troubled. I love you. If you want me to come back all you have to do is call”

I smiled to myself and replied “i love you too”
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Damn! She got away with her own wishes again!! He should have taken her ass before she goes off with Yogi. Spending the night at the hotel, secure in the knowledge that no one else is there, pretty sure she'll do anything for him and Anand wouldn't know any different. For me, she is taking hubby for a ride. Notice the one too many jokes about Anand just being her husband while she is Yogi's wife? Yep.....attached to Yogi already and hiding behind her assurance of love for Anand and confidence that Anand is blinded by her kinkiness.

Why should our loyal, loving, caring husband have to keep giving in to her more and more ambitious plans for her and Yogi simply because of her "love" for him (anand)? Unfair!! she wants her cake and will eat it while hubby starves. So how would she know if he and Ganga showed reciprocity and enjoyed themselves?

Wonder what pretext she'll announce as to why she would go away with Yogi to the Taj....I thought they think that Yogi doesn't know that Anand knows.
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awesome awesome...

don't let Shweta take anand for a ride and we need to portray him as a superhero..

Why restriction on taking Ganga... Let Anand enjoy her fully... including her behind
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I put the phone back in my pocket and was lost in thoughts. It was weird sending off swetha with yogendarji and my emotions started running wild in my head. I was turned on by this new development but also anxious at the same time. From the beginning i always had swetha by my side so it was easy for me to assume everything was under control and i could stop it anytime i want. But, as the time passed i felt the control slipping and letting swetha spend two nights with yogendarji was making it worse. It’s not like i don’t trust swetha, but, it’s hard to ignore her inclination towards yogendarji. I am concerned, turned on and confused. Talk about a mess.

I went back into the house and was greeted with a wide smile from ganga. Maybe it’s not all bad i thought to myself, i need get my head clear.

“Do you want to go out for dinner?” i asked ganga. Anyway, swetha would not reach the hotel for next hour or two in traffic.

“Ji saab.. Let me change my dress” ganga lit up and hurried into the guest room as i sat on the couch.

Ganga was back. “Don’t worry saab… swethaji will be fine,” ganga said as she saw me lost in thoughts

“I know” i said trying to smile

“It’s all new for swethaji so she is little more excited than usual… spending alone time with her new lover” ganga tried to assure me

“Lover huh?” i blurted out

“i heard swethaji yesterday. She likes hukum .. so she wants to spend alone time with hukum” ganga said now unsure if she has spoken too much

“But saab, i still can’t believe you sent her with hukum… but i am also glad that you did” ganga said trying to steer the conversation away as she came closer.

“I will take care of you saab… it’s been long time since it’s just us… i missed you” ganga said as she kissed me on the lips. It was a long kiss and i melted away in her mouth.

“So how do i look saab” ganga said breaking the kiss and showing off her white top and yellow skirt.

“Beautiful” i said as i looked at the young girl before me. Ganga blushed and wrapped her hands around mine, ready to go.

I took her to another 3 star restaurant away from home to show off and also to make sure that no one i know will visit. I asked for a corner booth and we got ourselves settled. Ganga was all smiles, enjoying the restaurant and sat by my side instead of sitting opposite to me. The waiter eyed us both suspiciously but took our order and left. Ganga kept talking, kissing and just couldn’t keep her hands off me. I was feeling pretty good about it, a young beautiful girl wanting me. It’s not like i am old but still ganga was at least 10 years younger. It’s not daily that you get a young girl wanting you. In my case this would be the only time. But, still it felt good and i started enjoying it. We had our food and finally, it was time for deserts and ganga insisted on getting an ice cream.

“Saab… here” gang said turning red giving me a spoon of ice cream

I took it in. “i saw in movie” ganga said as she ate one spoon and gave me another.

I still couldn’t believe this is the same girl from the village.

“Saab…. I want to talk to you about something?” ganga asked out a blue

“Saab.. I know i am just a maid… but you treat me so well… and...” ganga asked concern in her voice

“Sure.. what do you want” i asked smiling

Ganga smile widened, ice creaming dripping through her teeth.

“Saab… Before this …. i had never even thought about my life…. But after i met saab … i somehow started hoping for more… i know i can’t be your girlfriend or wife….. can you make me your mistress… i won’t ask much… i can also just be your maid” ganga asked sounding desperate. I didn’t know what to answer. Ganga was probably afraid to go back to her old life and was hoping something from me. But i am honestly not sure what i can do to help her. I can never keep her with me. Swetha would go crazy. I liked ganga but not enough to create problems between me and swetha.

“You don’t have to answer now saab.... But please think about me… “ ganga said, quickly trying to back track and afraid what i will say.

“Ganga i really like you, but, i am married, I don’t know what but i promise i will try to think of something” i said trying to reassure her even though i had no idea how to.

Ganga smiled as she heard i liked her. She understood my peril but was also happy that i accepted her. I could see it in her eyes. I knew she liked me a lot, but i really don’t know what to do.

“Thanks saab… i am just happy you like me…. I too like saab a lot”. Ganga said kissing me with ice cream in her mouth as she fed me with her tongue. Ganga was back to her usual self as she took my promise to heart. She was all smiles again. Did i just make a mistake?

Ganga fed me some more of the delicious ice cream with her tongue as it melted away my worries. As i enjoyed the hot lips and the cold ice cream the waiter came over with the bill. Damn i was enjoying it.

Ganga kept asking me if i liked her multiple times as i answered her yes, she lit up. I stopped overthinking and started enjoying myself and went with the flow.

I paid the bill and we headed back to the parking lot as ganga attached herself to me. I only prayed no one i knew was here.

It was raining outside as we both ran to our car and ganga followed me to the driver side. Before i could ask her, ganga frenched me in the rain. I kissed her back, god it was good, but after a minute my brain realized it was too risky and we got into the back of the car. I hungrily kissed her lips, face, neck everywhere. Ganga got on top of me as she spread her legs to either side of mine. I was glad i bought her a skirt as she pulled it up to make herself comfortable, exposing her thighs. My cock twitched as i felt her pussy on my cock. I put my hands under her skirt as i traced it to her ass and squeezed them hard. Ganga kept rubbing her pussy against my cock as she kissed me hungrily exchanging saliva. I quickly moved my hands and unzipped to let my cock free from my tight jeans.. Ahhh…i was finally free…. ganga was wearing her panties unlike swetha but i could feel her wet pussy rubbing against my naked cock. Ganga smiled as she felt my naked cock and kept giving me a lap dance. Ganga moved her hand to her panty to move it aside so i could feel her naked pussy as well. I did not stop her. I too wanted to feel her wet pussy rubbing against my cock.

“Tuk tuk” i heard a stick hit. There was a watchman outside knocking on my car window as he signalled me to lower it. Embarrassed i lowered it.

“This is not a red light area… go home and do” he said with a lecherous smile as ganga lowered her skirt.

“Yes yes” i nodded as ganga unmounted me and i zipped myself. I got out and the guy was still there. I gave him 100 rupees and he walked away smiling. I got into the driver seat and ganga got beside me. We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

We headed back home smiling.
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It was raining as we got wet again from parking to home. Once we got into the house we kissed. I then sat on the couch as ganga got a towel to dry me off as she shivered with cold. I told her to get herself dry first and change clothes.

“Ok saab… but i haven’t finished drying you yet” ganga said with a naughty smile as i smiled back.

“I can do it myself… now go” i said as ganga left

I dried myself and texted swetha as i waited for ganga. swetha should have reached by now but i got no reply. After sometime ganga was finally back all dry with new set of clothes, a top and a skirt. Dammit, I should have bought her some sexy dresses. Anyway, today is going to be a hot night i thought to myself as i eyed ganga with desire.

“Here saab.” ganga said offering me some hot coffee.

“Thanks” i said. I didn't even notice when she made it. She sat by my side as i drank my coffee and eagerly waited for my next move.

I offered my coffee and she took a sip and smiled weirdly. Ganga didn’t like coffee. I got myself warmed up with the coffee and was ready to go. I pulled ganga to me and kissed her as she eagerly let me in. we kept kissing each other and i got on top of her on the couch when my phone buzzed. I knew who it was.

I took my phone out. It was swetha. “Sorry ganga, its my boss, looks like i have some work.. Give me one hour or so and i will be back”. Ganga was clearly not happy.

“But, Saab can’t you do it later” ganga requested

“Sorry ganga, its my boss... anyway, we have the whole night for ourselves. I will back quick” i said getting up.

Ganga was not happy. But she didn’t say anything more. I was feeling bad to have to lie to her but i also couldn’t tell her the truth.

“Ok saab.. I will take bath and get ready for you” ganga said like an innocent wife waiting for her husband.

I smiled, kissed her and went into the bedroom.

I got into the bed and looked at swetha’s messages

“Hi” swetha texted

“what happened.. No replies.” i texted

“Sorry, we just reached few mins back. It was raining and traffic was terrible and then the hotel reception and all took some time. The guy at the receptionist was giving a hard time”

“Reception guy?”

“ya... he kept asking me to remove the saree over my head to verify the booking. I said no, but he kept on insisting. So i had to show him my face and then he looked at me suspiciously like i was some escort.. I shouldn’t have worn the deep neck blouse with no bra”

“After that, he saw the expensive booking and Yogendarji introduced me as his wife. I even had to act before him that i really was yogendarjis wife. I was so embarrassed.”

“Anyway after that everything was good….. Anand, The hotel is great and very very expensive, I saw the price at the reception and you won’t believe it.”

“And after that we got to our room, super luxurious. No wonder it was so expensive. It’s bigger than our apartment. I wish you were here with me” swetha texted excited about the hotel

“Maybe someday we can do a one night thing at the taj” i said

“I doubt it. It’s too expensive. Maybe i will ask yogendarji to book one for us. Of course he will join us too ; )”

Swetha was now getting very comfortable in her new relationship. There was no more awkwardness. Swetha was willing to tell me everything going on between them. Swetha knew i liked it and she made sure to tell me all the details to keep me excited.

“Where is yogendarji… is it ok for you to talk to me like this?” i asked adjusting my pant at swetha’s comment

“Its fine. I can’t talk but i can text... I am in the bathroom… getting ready… i couldn’t put the make up on at home… so i got the make up kit with me here. Its taking a lot of time to get dressed ”

“What are you wearing?” i asked curious

“I am wearing a red saree with some nice jewelry that yogendarji gifted me”

“Anand, Yogendarji says its honeymoon but it feels more like a first night ….. Oh wait”

After a min i get a message.

Swetha sent a selfie pic. I could see she was in the bathroom with a big mirror behind her. She was wearing a red saree with earrings, nose ring and few necklaces all made of gold with nice intricate designs. Swetha looked beautiful. The saree was typical traditional saree and surprisingly not transparent at all, but the blouse inside was different. It was a very deep neck exposing swetha’s full cleavage and she put her saree pallu low enough to expose herself. I wondered how yogendarji got swetha’s blouse with such perfect measurements.

“How is it? Did you see the gold and yogendarji said it’s all mine after this” swetha texted

“Wow really? That's a lot?” i texted surprised

“I know.. I adjusted the saree to thank him ; )”

Swetha sent me a new pic with a close up of top. I unknowingly started stroking my cock. Swetha was looking very sexy and deep neck blouse was exposing her like a slut.

“Hey.. what’s with the flowers?” i asked as i saw jasmine flowers in her head

“We booked a honeymoon suite. So the hotel staff gave it as complimentary… ”

“Does it look good? Ohh i forgot”

Swetha sent me another pic of her navel. The saree was way below her waist exposing her ass crack. But that was not the focus of the pic. I could see a thin sexy gold chain with stones attached, wrapping her navel and resting on her waist

“It’s a gold waist chain! Yogendarji just gifted it to me. It’s so pretty”

“Yes” i said admitting honestly

Swetha sent me one more pic. Showing her top to bottom. Even with a traditional saree.. Swetha had made enough adjustments to make it look sexy.

“You look really hot” i said stroking my cock

“Thanks baby. I hope yogendarji likes it too. He has been taking care of me so well and all these expensive gifts. He is making me fall for him…Tonight, I am planning to repay him in whatever way i can. I hope you understand”

I didn’t know what to reply. She was already sleeping with him. What more can they do.

“Ok” i texted back

For the next one minute. I could see swetha typing but no messages came through. Finally she sent.

“Anand.. You are ok right?. You looked a little troubled when i was leaving with yogendarji”

“It felt a bit weird sending you off with yogendarji. But, I am fine now.”

“Oh good. I was worried you might ask me to come back. Yogendarji was looking forward to this.. I too i guess… so thanks”

“Ok baby. I need to get ready …. my new husband is waiting.”

“Bye. love you”.
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Just talking to swetha and seeing her selfies was turning me on. I so wanted to fuck her. I waited for swetha to switch on the camera as i let my imagination run wild. Finally after some time my phone buzzed and i saw the notification from the app. I quickly opened it and put on my earphones.

Swetha had put the phone to give a full view of the room with a big bed in the middle. The bed was really huge and decorated with flowers. They weren’t lying about the honeymoon suite i thought. Swetha and yogendarji were near the bed talking. Swetha was looking very beautiful like a goddess. I was falling for her again. I so want to have her now. I was surprised that yogendarji didn’t jump on swetha but was talking and eyeing swetha calmly.

“You look so beautiful swetha dear…. Finally i have you all for myself… you remember your promise right?” i heard yogendarji say as swetha blushed.

“Ji… i am your wife and will do as you command” swetha said as yogendarji kissed her and moved his hands to her exposed waist and squeezed it.

“Mmmm” swetha moaned as they continued kissing. Yogendarji moved his hand to remove swetha’s pallu but couldn’t. Swetha chuckled and removed the safety pin on the pallu as she let yogendarji strip it off her and let it fall to the ground. It was sexy to see swetha with just blouse, covered with gold all over.

Knock knock. I heard someone as swetha looked at the door surprised. “Room Service” someone shouted.

“Come in “ yogendaraji said as swetha quickly tried to cover herself but yogendarji had swetha’s pallu in his hand.

“Sir, Complimentary champagne for the honeymoon couple” waiter said surprised as he looked at swetha

“Oh nice… you can pour us both” yogendarji said smirking as the waiter opened the champagne, poured and gave each of them a glass while trying to steal a glance of swethas cleavage.

Swetha accepted the glass as yogendarji toasted and both took a sip as the waiter drolled.

“Thanks” yogendarji said to the waiter telling him to leave.

“I don’t understand why everyone wants to expose me” swetha said with mock anger as she pulled pallu off yogendarji to cover herself

“Swetha dear, anyone who has a beautiful wife like you wants to show off to others.” yogendarji said as a matter of fact.

“I want everyone to know how beautiful my wife is” yogendarji added as he removed swetha’s pallu again

“Gold suits you. Swetha dear.”

“Thanks yogendarji. I never worn so much gold before” swetha said adjusting her necklace

“It's all yours... Oh yes… I have something more for you” yogendarji said and went over to his suitcase.

Yogendarji grabs a stack of money all 2000 rupees notes and hands it’s over to swetha.

“Ji what is this?” swetha asked surprised

“This is how we do it in our family on our first night” yogendarji said proudly

“This is too much money yogendarji… i can’t accept it” swetha said looking at the money. It was probably few lakhs.

“Swetha dear…. You are mine tonight. Remember your promise… You can’t say no to me.“

“But …” swetha started to protest

“Swetha dear … now that you have accepted to be my wife, you need to accept the money and touch my feet to take blessing” yogendarji said interrupting

“Touch feet?” swetha blurted surprised at this bizarre turn of events

“… this is the custom in our family…” yogendarji said firmly

“I thought you said you will do anything to please me tonight but now you are not accepting my family customs” yogendarji said a little hurt

“No no .. that's not what i mean… “ swetha said trying not to offend yogendarji

“You have already showered me with so many expensive gifts….. “ swetha said lovingly as yogendarji stood unaffected.

Swetha gave up. “Ok Ji… if that’s what you want” swetha said taking the money and looked at the camera with an awkward smile and then bent to touch yogendarjis feet. Yogendarji put his hand on her head and pulled her up. It was so weird. I don’t understand what’s going on. This was supposed to be just fuck and done. What’s up with the money and touch feet. Does he think its a real first night or something.

Swetha smiled and was little shy as yogendarji lifted her up. Yogendarji kissed her as swetha responded back willingly with a hug. It looked like swetha now felt more obligated to please yogendraji.

Yogendarji now tried to remove swetha’s saree but was interrupted by the safety pins. Swetha gave a naughty smile and took off the safety pins that helld her saree and yogendarji took his time to slowly unwrap her. Swetha stopped yogendarji before he could fully remove it.

“Yogendarji… We don’t have to hurry tonight… it’s not like my husband is coming here” swetha said smiling

“That’s true… i am your husband today” yogendarji said smirking as he lifted swetha up and laid her on the bed.

Swetha’s laid on the bed with one knee up as her saree fell to the bed exposing her legs. The saree was barely covering anything now. Yogendarji came over swetha as his chest hit the money swetha was still holding. He took the money from swetha and showered it over swetha covering her exposed parts with money. It looked like something out of a porn movie as i stroked myself hard.

“You are worth every rupee… swetha dear” yogendarji said and started kissing swetha face neck cleavage as swetha pulled him closer. Yogendarji continued kissing and licking swetha from the top as he traced his tongue to her navel to her legs to her toe. He kept on going as he stripped of swetha’s saree, slowly, exposing her pussy as swetha put her legs together to cover it. Swetha was a bit more shy than usual today.

“You taste so sweet swetha dear” yogendarji said as he came back to her lips leaving a trail of saliva all over swetha’s body.

Yogendarji next tried to remove swetha’s blouse, but all the gold between gave him a hard time.

“Usually you strip me off so fast. But, today you're having a hard time getting me naked” swetha says naughtily as she sees yogendarji struggle

“Please help me swetha dear” yogendarji says as swetha gets off the bed and carefully removes her blouse. Swetha looked like a naked goddess. She was beautiful and hot. I make a mental note that..I will fuck swetha just like that when she comes back home.

Yogendarji looked at swetha mesmerized. “Your the most beautiful women i have ever been with” yogendarji says fascinated.

“I really want to marry you and take you to the village” yogendarji says eagerly

“If my husband agrees, i don’t mind.” swetha says smiling naughtily looking at the camera.

Swetha removes some of the gold. Her tits now in full view

“Ohh swetha dear … they look so inviting” yogendarji breaks free and grabs swetha’s tits and sucks on them as swetha moans to his bites. He continues on until he is satisfied and then pushes swetha on the bed. He moves over swetha in 69 position and shoves his cock into swetha’s mouth. Swetha starts sucking his balls and cock as yogendarji works his tongue on swetha’s pussy.

“Swetha dear lift your ass up… i want both your holes” yogendarji says as he tries to lick swethas asshole

“Your such a dirty man..” swetha says smiling, lifting her ass up for him

“Mmm…. looks like you cleaned it well this time” yogendarji says as he digs into swetha’s asshole.

“Ahhh…slowly yogendarji.. I am not used to it.. Ahhh.. I spent a lot of time in bathroom cleaning it for you… even my husband has never licked me there… ” swetha says moaning to his tongue strokes. Now i know what swetha was doing so long in the bathroom.

“But you smell…” swetha says with mock anger as yogendaraji ass lingers on her face. Yogendarji laughs and playfully puts his ass on swetha’s face as she continues licking his balls close to his asshole. Swetha starts working on yogendarjis cock as it starts throbbing in her mouth. Yogendarji stops licking swetha and starts enjoying swetha’s mouth as he moans. “Ahhh… your the best swetha dear”.

I too start stroking my cock seeing swetha sucking and imagine it’s my own. I continue on when i hear a knock on the door
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I too start stroking my cock seeing swetha sucking and imagine it’s my own. I continue on when i hear a knock on the door

“Saab… are you done” ganga asks as i quickly cover myself up

“Oh… Ganga … i will come out, once i am done.” i say trying to hide my hardon.

Ganga suspects something going on, but thankfully leaves me. I quickly open the app and get back to my storking.

Swetha was still sucking yogendarji as his cock throbbed violently

“Looks like its ready now” swetha says giving it one last lick on the top

“Yes dear” yogendarji says lifting himself up and getting into missionary position.

Swetha lifts her legs and spreads them wide to let yogendarji in as she glances at the camera with lust.

“I am all yours tonight” swetha says as yogendarji gets ready for her.

Yogendarji wastes no time as he shoves his throbbing cock into swetha’s pussy as swetha moans loudly, her hands grasping the bed sheets tightly to take in his assault. With every stroke i see swetha’s waist chain jump up. Yogendarji continued banging swetha as loud moans fill my ears and i stroke my cock to it. Precum starts oozing out as i get closer to edge.

I didn’t hear when ganga came into the room as she caught me stroking.

“Saab.. i know what your doing” ganga says looking at me from behind as i quickly close the app.

I was speechless with my one hand on my cock and my ears filled with swetha’s moans. I just blinked.

“Saab.. i know your watching a blue film… i don’t understand why you're watching when i am here to take care of you” ganga said surprised and curious

I swallowed. “I didn’t want to take advantage of you” i lied trying to make the situation make sense.

“Is that’s why you stopped kissing me on the couch” ganga asked now smiling

“Yes” i lied

“Ohh saab.. You are too nice…but saab, its not taking advantage when i also want it” ganga said a bit shy as she kissed me and removed my earphones as i heard swetha asking yogendarji to fuck her harder.

Ganga got herself naked and climbed over to the bed and helped me undress myself.

“Saab you have been busy” ganga said as she took my throbbing cock in her hand. She stroked it slowly to make sure i don’t cum as we continued kissing.

I was already at edge and feeling ganga’s body against mine was driving me crazy. I kissed her everywhere and got on top of her and started rubbing my cock over her pussy. I could feel her wetness sticking to my cock. We continued feeling our body when ganga realized i was not going to put in. ganga then came on top of me and started rubbing her pussy on my cock.

“Ahhh….” i moaned

“Saab… you are too nice… you don’t want to fuck me even when i am naked before you” ganga said as she stopped rubbing her pussy against mine and guided my cock into her pussy.

“Ahhh ganga” i moaned. It was impossible for me to get it out now. It felt too good.

Ganga slowly moved up and down my shaft to make sure i dont cum fast. She took her time with me as i moaned loudly. I couldn't take it anymore as i fucked her from below as ganga too started moaning.

I quickly came into her.
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posted up to 25th page
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Frankly, I'm very worried.....this what I understood from the latest, and very long, update:

1. Anand has broken his agreement not to fuck Ganga.
Ganga is clearly aiming to hook Anand for the long term and Anand, being a nice guy can't say "no".

2. Swetha's insistence on more nights with Yogi is a problem. She knew The Yogi visit and all the activities with him at home was temporary. Now, the insistence of nights away, begins to bring permanence into play.

3. And what is the significance of gifting her all that jewellery and finery? Must have cost a fortune....same for the expensive hotel suite. Which woman wouldn't like such gifts? Only someone with serious intentions will do that. Does Yogi have a grand plan to keep Swetha for himself? Will Ganga keep Anand distracted?

4. A wedding night/honeymoon is a common fantasy I guess. But what worries me is how eager Swetha is about this, how much effeort she is making for Yogi, and perhaps herself. It's almost as though she believes its her own night/honeymoon but with Yogi.

5. Yogi is making Swetha follow his traditions for the wedding night. I think he is serious because any guy interested in just enjoying wouldn't go to such lengths and expense (Yogi may be rich but not a multimillionaire from the village). But when he gives her so much money, saying she is worth every rupee, makes it so cheap, as though she is just a whore for the taking. I think Yogi is "investing" for the future, he doesn't just want her body for a couple of nights.

6. Swetha is clearly aware of Yogi's feelings and intentions but pretends that its just until he leaves "maybe next week". She is clearly so much into Yogi that she will say and do anything to make Anand agree. And what is not nice is that she spent so much time cleaning around her ass.....never thought of doing that for Anand! Now we know who matters more...With all the splendor and high life Yogi is offering, Swetha isn't going to have any issue continuing with him.

7. Anand is absolutely right to be concerned. He faces Swetha, Yogi and Ganga with their long term intentions. And his biggest problem is Swetha and her weakness for Yogi. She knows she can go to Yogi if Anand causes any problem....

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Dear breville,

Bang on.

Will comment only on point no 7. Anand has very limited rights to get concerned at this stage. He has allowed this plus he is allowing Shweta to accept gifts that has wider connotations.

He is aiding and abetting her sellout.

Of course he has a poor replacement in Ganga.

Enjoy the carnival of copulation.

Don't think that hard
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Originally Posted by Trambak View Post
Dear breville,

Bang on.

Will comment only on point no 7. Anand has very limited rights to get concerned at this stage. He has allowed this plus he is allowing Shweta to accept gifts that has wider connotations.

He is aiding and abetting her sellout.

Of course he has a poor replacement in Ganga.

Enjoy the carnival of copulation.

Don't think that hard


Well put....the foolish husband and his fantasies!!
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i doubt,if she already got married to her new hubby just before preparing herself for firs night .
perhaps yogiji would have arranged everything to marry swetaji there(for which he could have managed to get her consent earlier by letting her know that it was his fantasy n desire ...blah blah blah......thats why she was behaving strange as it seemed she was hiding something,while she last talked with Anand about yogi s wish ).....
maybe thats why CULTURED YOGIJI is making all the RITUALS happen in the proper way as per the tradition goes .,,BLAH BLAH BLAH

Anyway...lets see
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Originally Posted by I M DIFFERENT View Post
i doubt,if she already got married to her new hubby just before preparing herself for firs night .
perhaps yogiji would have arranged everything to marry swetaji there(for which he could have managed to get her consent earlier by letting her know that it was his fantasy n desire ...blah blah blah......thats why she was behaving strange as it seemed she was hiding something,while she last talked with Anand about yogi s wish ).....
maybe thats why CULTURED YOGIJI is making all the RITUALS happen in the proper way as per the tradition goes .,,BLAH BLAH BLAH

Anyway...lets see


Horrible! Have fun but....Thank goodness the priest isn't there....hubby still has a chance...come on!!
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huhuhaha........ . just messing with scary outcomes man
dear hubby has everything under control ,yet just taking few dips in the ocean of terrible possibilities
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