Me My Wife and the Local Gunda
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I am just posting from old xossip

All credits to original author. I don't have Author info.
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One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Dear All Thanks for the response i got for my first story.

I am going to write a story between Me , My wife and local gunda. This is a cuckold story.
This is a story how my own faithful wife got attracted to big strong dominating local gunda and cuckold me with his help.
Firstly let me introduce to myself and my wife.I am Amit Dikshit age 35 and my wife Rashmi age 32 both originally from Pune. But now staying in Aurangabad for last 5 years due to my job in manufacturing MNC.Rashmi also works in IT sector in Aurangabad. We have been married for last eight years having one son.

Our marriage was arranged cum love.Actually our parents knew each other for many years.I used to like Rashmi and one sided love from my side.But did not have courage to propose to her.Rashmi was really hot.Many boys were after her.Rashmi though quite modern girl but she has her traditional values so she did not have any affair though many eligible bachelors were behind her.I knew i was no match to her.Though i was fair but 5 feet 7 inch in hight and with ordinary physic.So i decided to take help from my parents and told them about my feeling for Rashmi.My parents were very happy to here about it as they also used to like Rashmi. When my mother asked Rashmi's mother about me marring Rashmi,her parents has no objection about it as both families were knowing each other and also from same cast.I had done my engineering and already got a good job.I was the only son of my parents with good amount of estate.So Rashmi's father was also very happy to accept me as their son in law.

Rashmi was knowing me already as nice guy who do not smoke or drink and having no affair with any girl.To my surprise she also got ready to marry me.The luck smiled on me.I got most beautiful and sexy girl as my wife.I was in the sky.
We had gone to our honeymoon to abroad.We both enjoyed as it was really new experience for both of us.I was feeling very lucky to have wife like Rashmi. She is very fair 5 feet 5 Inch Perfect body to die for.She was just little shorter than me but with high heels she some times used to feel taller than me.I had a cock size of just less than 5 inch. though its not big may be little smaller than average but Rashmi had no complain.We had enjoyed our sex during our honeymoon as its new experience for both of us.Now after eight years of happy marriage with one son and good upper middle class life style.
After three years of our marriage i got a new job in big MNC company in Aurangabad.It was really lucrative offer to say no. Rashmi also supported me so we shifted to Aurangabad. After one year when our son becomes old enough to stay in Day care, Rashmi took job in IT sector.We bought our own 3 bedroom flat in a posh locality of Aurangabad.

Last year i got a promotion in my company and become senior Project Head which increases my salary quite a bit.So me and Rashmi decided to renovate our flat to give it more rich look.I asked my friend who was very famous interior designer in Aurangabad to do this work for me.He told me that if i want him to do it in proper way i have to give him vacated flat for two months.I discussed this with Rashmi and her and my parents.So together we decided that we would send my son to Pune as his school has summer holidays.The problem was to get temporary arrangement for me and Rashmi for two months.That problem was solved by my Interior designer friend.He was knowing one elderly person who was going to his son in USA for six months.We met him and told our problem.he became ready to rent his flat for two months to us.It was fully furnished flat so we did not have to bring our furniture like bed, sofa etc from our flat so we covered furniture TV Fridge etc properly in our flat only and came to new flat with our clothing only.

The location of our rented flat was completely different from our own flat.On one side of the building there was middle class locality but on other side there was slum like locality not exactly slum but something like that only.Building was four floored with only eight flats out of which three were closed and the remaining four were occupied with mostly elderly couples Though we both were not happy with this but it was just matter of two months. But little i knew that time that these two months were going to change my life for ever.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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It took us two three days to get settled in our rented flat.Though we were disappointed with the location the flat was in good condition. After three days in the night i was in the bedroom lying on the bed.Rashmi came in the bedroom after getting freshen.She was wearing nice sexy nighty which was transparent.I could easily see the sexy set of lingerie she was wearing inside.She was looking hot.After eight years of marriage and giving birth to our son she has not lost her figure.She was looking as sexy and desiring as she used to look in the collage days.Rashmi's 34 D boobs were still firm and inviting.She had the best pair of ass,round and firm.Rashmi had flat stomach which she had maintained by regular exercise in gym and proper diet.

Even after eight years of our marriage we had good sex life.We used have sex almost thrice a week.Rashmi was a modern woman.She was always open about her demands during sex,what she likes what she feels etc.She even did not have any issue watching porn with me.Infact we always used to enjoy watching porn together.While watching porn some times i used to feel about small size of my cock and used to think weather Rashmi is really satisfied with my cock and my performance in the bed.Though she had never complained she used to tease me saying " Ohh baby look at the size of that cock its so big.Just look how powerful and aggressive strokes he is giving her " while watching porn.

She had sometimes complain about soft sex which i generally used to prefer and demand some aggression from me during sex but unfortunately being a soft person it was not my cup of tea.Some times we even used to watch some cuckolding videos.Though Rashmi had never admitted but after watching cuckold videos she used to be very wet and aggressive during sex.
Rashmi was very particular about her clothing both outer and inner.Having a perfect figure she could carry types types of cloths weather traditional or western. In the office she always used wear traditional clothing either sari or salawar suit.She always used to wear sleeveless blouse and tops with little hint of her sexy cleavage.Sari always just below her sexy naval.

But while going out side weather to malls or cinema she liked to wear modern dresses like skirts just below her knee level with nice modern tops,gins and tight trousers.I used to see men form all ages looking at Rashmi with hungry eyes and feeling jealous about me to have such sexy and hot wife. She was very particular about her inner wear also.She has good collection of bras.panties and sexy sets of lingerie. That night we had nice soft sex.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Next night after having dinner Rashmi suggested me to go out for walk which i readily agreed.We came out of our building compound.It was 10.30 in the night so there was no body on the road except three peoples who were there at the opposite side of the road.I saw two off these two were young boys who were standing and the other one was sitting on the bullet.
The person who was sitting on the bullet looked matured almost same age as mine may be one or two years older not sure.All three started looking at Rashmi.It was obvious though as Rashmi was looking hot as usual.She was wearing perfectly fitted 3/4 th Track pant which was showing her sexy fair calf and white T shirt.One could easily imagine the sexy shape of Rashmi's thighs, ass and boobs.

The person sitting on the bullet was looking quite huge man.Though he was sitting on the bullet, one could easily guess that he must be atleast six feet tall.From his looks and appearance one could easily say that he is gunda type person.The way he was looking at Rashmi was making me nervous.I was used to see many men looking at Rashmi with hungry eyes but for the first time some gunda type of person was looking at Rashmi that also from very close distance. Rashmi for sure also saw those persons looking at her but did not show much discomfort as she was also used to it.We took 15 minutes walk and came back to out building.

As we came towards the gate of our building i saw the same man sitting on the bullet was standing at the entrance of our building gate.He had parked his bullet just near by.Now he was alone.The other two young guys were not there.The person was really huge.He was atleast six feet tall or may be bit more.From his face he was looking dominating and dangerous.He was wearing some old Gin Trouser and sleeveless vest and typical local gunda attire.He had big strong biceps and forearms,broad and strong chest and shoulders.He was easily the double the size of mine.From the voice he was talking on phone i realized he had very dominating voice.He was scolding somebody in a very rough language.I was getting nervous. We passed him and As we moved towards the gate of our building i suddenly saw while still talking on phone he just brushed Rashmi's ass with his big hand.Rashmi looked at him with little bit of shock and anger.Though i saw what happened some how i did not get courage to questioned him about his indecent behavior may be due to his size or arrogant and dominating look i did not know.So i kept moving inside our building.Rashmi followed me.But i was sure that Rashmi had realized that i had seen that gunda brushing her ass with his big hand.Once we entered our flat she did not say any thing and went to bathroom to get freshened up.After we went to sleep she just said good night to me and slept.I knew she was angry of my cowardly behavior though she did not say about it.

The next morning Rashmi got ready to go to the office.I was going late today as i had some work done on my laptop regarding my project.As usual Rashmi was looking hot and sexy in perfectly fitted white salwar and matching sleeve less maroon color kurti.Inside she was wearing a bikini type panty and black bra.She said bye and give me kiss on my cheeks as usual.As Rashmi was working in IT, she had cab service to pick and drop at home from her Office.I went to the balcony to wave bye to Rashmi. I shocked to see the same gunda was standing next to the gate of our building.I really got tensed. Rashmi came down and came out of our building.She looked up to wave bye to me.I also waved bye to her nervously.

As Rashmi came out of the gate,that gunda moved towards her and said some thing to her.I could not hear what he said to her but i saw Rashmi did not pay attention to him.He again said some thing and came very close to her and touched her ass again with his big hand.I really got tensed but still did not get courage to go down and asked that gunda to move away from Rashmi.I saw he again touched her ass and asked her some thing again.This time Rashmi said some thing to him and moved away from him.Fortunately Rashmi's cab came that time.While entering in the cab Rashmi looked up towards me and gave angry look at me.
I knew Rashmi had realized i was watching helplessly and cowardly some local gunda touching her sexy ass.To my horror that gunda also looked upward and gave very arrogant and dominating look to me.So he was also realized that i am looking him touching my wife's ass and did not have courage to come to her aid as i was scared of him. It was just the beginning worst was yet to come for me.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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I came in the bedroom.I was very nervous.I was not sure what to do.Some local gunda was openly touching Rashmi's ass in front of me and i was not getting enough courage to take on the fight against him who was much more stronger and bigger than me.I hurriedly finish my work on my laptop and get ready for the office.I came down.There i saw old watchmen of our building.I decided to ask him about that gunda if he knows him or not.I started to speak with him about building and surrounding first and slowly asked about that gunda as if i was asking him in general.After speaking with the watchman i came to know that his name is Javed.He must around 37 or 38 years old.Though he had done his graduation he is famous for gundagardi in the slum like area next to our building.Our watchman also told me that he has good connections with strong local political leaders.He had already spend 3 years in prison for half murder case. Overall Javed was very dangerous guy and no way it was possible for me to take on him.

I went to the office but could not concentrate on my work.The only option for me was to leave that flat and move some where else or back to my flat.The first option was not possible as finding some other place with such a small notice was impossible.So i called up my friend who was also our architect and contractor and told him that i am not very comfortable with new flat and wanted to move to my flat at earliest.My friend told me that i had to wait for at least one week.So now i had no option to wait for at least one week.
As i could not concentrate on my work i decided to go to home.After reaching home in the afternoon i decided to sleep for some time.

I got up after some good sleep and saw its 5:30 in the evening means time for Rashmi to come back from office.I went to the balcony and again got tensed to see Javed standing at our gate.First i decided to go down but some how did not get power to do so.I saw Rashmi's cab reaching at our gate. Rashmi got down from the cab.As she started moving towards our gate Javed moved towards her and said some thing to her. Rashmi stopped and turned towards him and said some thing to him to witch he smiled at her. Prachi came inside the building.I got confused to see Javed smiling at Rashmi after she said some thing to him.I opened the main door which was front of the lift door. Prachi came out of the lift and got surprised to see me at home so early.
She came inside and asked me how i come so early.i just told her that i am not feeling well so came back early.But now i am ok.She gave me soft kiss on my chicks.I got bit relaxed sensing that Rashmi was not angry like in the morning while getting inside the cab.We came inside the bedroom. Rashmi started changing her office wear.She removed her kurti and salwar. She was standing in her black bra and bikini panty. She was looking hot and sexy as usual. Rashmi was standing showing her back to me.I could see her sexy round butts with just small bikini panty. As i saw Rashmi's sexy ass i remembered how Javed had put his strong hands on those sexy buts of my wife that too in front of me only. Rasmi turned around and saw me staring at her ass.She gave me some naughty smile and started wearing her home cloths track pant and t shirt.I started getting relax a bit but still wondering what Rashmi had said to Javed which brings smile on his face.

After having dinner we saw some TV and went to sleep.She gave me good night kiss.After about fifteen minutes i suddenly heard the bip noise of Rashmi's mobile phone which means she got SMS. It must be around 10:30 in the night. Rashmi kept her mobile near her while sleeping as she set morning alarm on her mobile. Rashmi took the mobile and saw who had send her SMS in the night.She got up from the bed and went out side of the bedroom.I did not understand why she went out of the bedroom but just laid on the bed waiting for her come back.After about five minutes she came back and slept keeping her mobile near her as usual.
" Who was it " I asked Rashmi. " Ohh not important do not worry baby sleep " She said kissing me on my chicks.
But i could not sleep as i was thinking who had SMS her in the night and why she went out of the bedroom.

Even though i tried to sleep i could not.So after about half an hour i got up from the bed. Rashmi was sleeping.I slowly took her mobile phone and switch on the light of our bathroom and slowly moved inside the bathroom.I went in to her message box and found she had done some SMS chat half an hour back to an unknown number.I opened the same and got shock of my life to see those SMS
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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From Unknown no: Hi Rashmi this is Javed.
Rashmi : Hi
Javed : Thanks for giving me your mobile no.
Rashmi : Its ok why had you SMS me so late in the night
Javed : Just to tell you you are really beautiful, sexy and hot.
Rashmi : Thanks but this is what you had told me in the morning and evening also.
Javed : Yes but i could not stop praising you again and one more thing you have the sexiest pair of butts i have seen in my life.
Rashmi : OHH thanks so thats why you are putting your hands on those.Thats enough praise for tonight 
Javed : Ok good night sexy.
Rashmi : Good night.

I was stunned.I just could not understand what to do.How could some local gunda seduce my faithful wife of eight years in just two days.He was sending her SMS telling her she looks hot and sexy,praising her sexy ass and above all Rashmi had no objection about it.I was feeling defeated.I came out of the bathroom switched of the light.I saw at Rashmi,she was sleeping peacefully.I laid beside her and tried to sleep but could not.Just thinking of up to what extend the flirting between my sexy wife and Javed would go.

I got up late than usual in the morning as i could not sleep properly inthe night thinking about Rashmi and Javed.I still could not believe my faithful wife not only allowing but also enjoying the flirting from some local low class gunda. I could hear the noise of shower in the bathroom.Rashmi was having shower.I got up from the bed.I saw Rashmi's mobile on the side table of the bed.I picked up the mobile and again looked in her message box. I again surprised to see new massage chat at 7.00 inthe morning and this time i saw not unknown number but Rashmi had saved it as Javed.
Javed : Good morning sexy
Rashmi : Good morning Javed. It seems you generally get up early in the morning.
Javed : Not usually but last night i could not sleep as i was thinking about you only
Rashmi : OHH really
Javed : Yes sexy you are really so hot
Rashmi : Common Javed stop flirting now
Javed : Are you going to office on normal time only?
Rashmi : Yes 
Javed : Ok then i will see you at the entrance of your building.
Rashmi : You will only see me and not touch me ok
Javed : Why baby you does not like my touch
Rashmi : Not like that but like this in open i does not like.
Javed : Ok sexy as you say but you should give me opportunity to feel your sexy body promise.
Rashmi : Ok Javed promise you will get your chance.
Javed : By the way what are you going to wear today.
Rashmi : As you had accepted my condition not to touch me in open i give you chance to decide what i should wear but remember i had to wear it for my office.
Javed : OHHH Thanks sexy so nice of you but i does not seen your wardrobe but still let me tell you what to wear 
Rashmi : Ok Javed i will give you opportunity to come to my house i see my wardrobe in future
Javed : Does you have leggings?
Rashmi : Yes i had.Do you like me to wear tight legging instead of salwar
Javed : Yes i am sure you must be looking really sexy and hot in those tight leggings.So i could see the shape of your sexy legs in those leggings.Wear some short matching kurti.It will look traditional but sexy.
Rashmi : Ok Javed as you wish.see you after some time.
I just could not believe on my eyes.Rashmi and Javed were taking entire flirting to next level.Javed was now asking Rashmi what to wear and Rashmi was more than happy to follow his suggestion.I kept her mobile back.
I saw white legging and black short kurti on the bed.She had kept it to wear after bath while going to office.Even though this type of leggings and kurti she used to wear many time for going to office today she is wearing it for Javed.
Rashmi came out of the bathroom.She had her towel wrapped around her body.She was looking dam hot and sexy as usual.
"Are you ok dear,You got up late today " Rashmi asked me 
" Ohh i am ok " I said.

She smiled at me and removed her towel.She was wearing dark colored bra and light colored bikini Panty."Wow" She could have given hard on to even a dead man In next twenty minutes she got ready to go to office.She was wearing white leggings and black kurti as per Javed's wish.She told that she had kept my breakfast ready and gave me good bye kiss before leaving to office.I went to the balcony and saw Javed was already at our gate waiting for Rashmi to come down.As Rashmi came out of the gate first she looked up and waved me as usual.I waved back.Now she went near to Javed.But as promised by him he did not touch her.Javed said some thing to her to which she smiled and answered him back.For next two minutes they were chatting.Rashmi saw her cab coming so she moved little away from Javed and get into the cab.While getting int o the cab she again looked towards me and seeing me standing in the balcony she waved me.I came inside feeling very sad and some what humiliated.I was understanding the fact that Rashmi was getting attracted towards Javed more and more.

Then i realized that not only she was allowing Javed to flirt or should i say more than flirt but she was doing it without trying to hide from me.She had saved his number by his name and did not delete the SMS chats from her phone asif she wanted me to read those.So what was there in her mind? Was she punishing me for not being man enough to stop Javed from touching her indecently by humiliating me.But up to what level she wanted to take this humiliation i did not know.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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After i came inside i was feeling very low.But i did not have any choice to get ready to go to the office as yesterday i could not concentrate on my work i had to do my pending work today.So i got ready and went to office.I used to go to my office in my car.
After reaching office i completely got busy in work.That helped me in forgetting the humiliation i was getting for last two three days for some time. In the afternoon i got the SMS from Rashmi informing me that she will be late today due to some work in the office.I also left my office little late than usual due to the pending work.When i reached our building i did not find Javed at our gate like yesterday " Whether Rashmi had informed Javed also that she is coming late " I thought.

After reaching my flat i got freshened up and had some evening snacks available in the house.I got another SMS from Rashmi asking me to bring some ready dinner for tonight as she will be quite late.I Replied her ok and went out to get some dinner from the nearby Hotel.While coming back i saw there in no trace of Javed near our building.After coming back i got myself busy in watching TV waiting for Rashmi to come from office.

At 10 o'clock I got SMS from Rashmi that she will be reaching in next five minutes.Now i went to the balcony and my fear came true.Javed was standing at the entrance of our building.As it was quite late in the night ther was hardly anybody on the road.So Rashmi had informed Javed also that she will be late tonight.I became really nervous and disappointed.I saw Rashmi getting down from the office cab.She saw upword towards me and waved at me.I waved back meekly.As she moved towards the entrance Javed came forward and smiled at Rashmi.She also smiled at said some thing to Javed and entered in the building.
To my surprised or i can say to my shock Javed also followed her in side the building.I immediately came out of my flat.The door of our flat was exactly opposite of the Lift.I saw lift was going down words to the ground floor.After reaching the ground floor it stared moving up word after ten to fifteen seconds.So Rashmi was in the lift but what about Javed. Suddenly i realized the lift had stopped between second and third floor.I knew there was a button in the lift for emergency stoppage.I could not understand whether the lift had stopped due to some fault or Some body stopped the lift purposely.But if so who? I was now worried and nervous.I was standing there for next three to four minutes thinking what to do.Finally i decided to go to the ground floor and asked for the help from the watchman,i saw on the signal pannel of the lift that it has started moving up again.When it reached at my floor the doors of the lift opened and worst nightmare of me came true.

In side the lift Rashmi was standing and behind her none other than the Javed. Javed's hands were on the Rashmi's ass.This time they were directly on her leggings as Rashmi's kurti had moved up giving Javed direct access to her leggings clad ass.Seeing me at the entrance of the lift Rashmi smiled at me but her smile was mischievous.She came out of the lift and entered the flat.Now i was facing Javed directly who was standing in the lift just few fits away from me.He had usual arrogant look.As he was standing very near to me he was looking really huge and towering over me.As he moved little bit towards me i moved back unknowingly due to fear.He stopped smiled at me in same arrogant manner and pressed the button of the lift to move down much to my relief. I came inside the flat finding Rashmi had gone in side the bathroom.I was shell shocked. Rashmi and Javed were inside the lift for about five minutes alone.So it was not fault in the lift but done it purposely.I never imagined the flirting between Rashmi and Javed would go to this extent.Now this was not flirting much more than that.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Rashmi came out of the bathroom wearing only kurti. She had removed her leggings.She was looking smoking hot wearing only short kurti. Rashmi put her hands around my neck and kissed me.As she moved away from me her short kurti moved a bit higher showing her panty. I realized that she had changed her panty. " Have brought dinner from out side baby?" She asked me.I nodded yes. " Thanks baby i will warm it in microwave so we can have dinner " saying this Rashmi went to the kitchen. I went in side the bathroom. Rashmi had kept her used panty which she changed after coming from office on the cloth keeping rod in the bathroom.I took her bikini panty in my hand.I found the crotch of her panty quite wet.

I brought it near my nose realizing that its Rasmi's cunt juices that has made Panty wet. I could not believe that in just five minutes inside the lift with Javed had made Rashmi so wet.So that means in those five minutes Javed had not done only touching but more than that. " Dinner is ready dear " i heard the noise of Rashmi.So i came out of the bathrrom and went for the dinner. In just fifteen minutes After having dinner we both went to sleep as it was quite late in the night.Rashmi was wearing just inner portion of her two piece night dress which was quite transparent and just up to her mid thigh.She generally used to wear these types of her nighties when she would be in a mood to have sex with me.But that night she just kissed me good night.

I was not able to sleep and just lying on the bed thinking of Javed and Rashmi.I heard the bip sound of Rashmi's mobile indicating new SMS. Now i knew who must have send that SMS.Rashmi was also not sleeping as if she was expecting the Javed's SMS.She just put on the night lamp on her side of the bed which was enough to read and wright the SMS.This time she did not go out side the bedroom like yesterday night.She looked at me.Though i pretended to be sleeping i was sure that she knew i am awake. She read the SMS and then typed some thing back.For next ten minutes there was SMS chatting going on between Rashmi and Javed.While chatting i saw Rashmi took her hand inside small piece of her nighty and touched her cunt over her panty.So not only she was sex chatting with Javed but also touching herself.I even heard slight moans of her while she was touching herself.After ten minutes or so Rashmi removed her hand from her panty.Kept her mobile back on the side table.I thought she would sleep now but Rashmi had some other plans. She moved towards me and kept her hand on my chest and slowly started playing with my chest.She kissed me on my lips.I had no option to to open my eyes.I could see that Rashmi had become aroused.She started kissing me.In no time I realized that she had become quite aggressive.She was looking damm hot and sexy.She was wearing only small portion of nighty and panty only.I stared getting aroused and got hard on.

Rashmi removed all my cloths in hurry and made me completely nude.In mean time i also removed her nighty and she was only in her tiny panty.When i touched her panty covered cunt with my hand i realized that she was very wet and completely aroused.She took my hard cock in her hand and started stroking it fast.I knew about my staying power so if she kept stroking my hard cock so fast i was sure to come within two to three minutes only.So i just tried to stop her as i really wanted to put my cock in her wet cunt.But she had other plans.She kept on stroking my cock and as i expected i could not held for long and came in her hand only much to my embarrassment. " Ohhh Baby not so fast.You little thing come to early " Rshmi showed her disappointment over my performance.For the first time she called my cock as little thing.Suddenly She pulled my head towards her crotch and asked me to remove her panty which i did. " Lick me baby i think your tongue will do better job than your nunni " She mocked me.I really felt embarrassed hearing word nuuni for the first time which means small cock.

She almost forced my mouth on wet cunt.I had no option but lick her cunt with my tongue. " AHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHH lick it baby lick it your are good at it baby AAHHHHH " She kept on moaning and made me lick her for almost ten minutes before she came. She got up from the bed just looked at me and went inside the bathroom leaving me lying on the bed completely nude and embarrassed. Rashmi came back to the bed and laid showing her back to me.She did not say a single word to me.I was still lying on the bed nude and feeling defeated.After ten minutes i got up from the bed still nude.I saw Rashmi was sleeping now.Her mobile phone was there on the side table.I slowly took her phone and went to the bathroom. I opened the message box.As expected she was chatting with Javed only before getting aroused in the night.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Javed :- Hi sexy
Rashmi :- Hi Javed still awake
Javed :- After those mind blowing five minutes in the lift how can i sleep
Rashmi :- Ohh then what are you doing big man
Javed :- My sexy madam i am plying with my cock which is still hard after playing with your sexy body though you did not allow me to remove a single piece of clothing from your sexy hot phataka body.
Rashmi :- So you are playing with your big cock 
Javed :- Yes sexy but how does you know its big.You have not seen yet.
Rashmi :- Though i did not see it but i had already felt it on my ass big boy when you were squeezing my boobs from behind in the lift.
Javed :- Like your sexy ass,you have the best pair of boobs,sexy.Have you enjoyed my hands on your body ?, my sexy doll
Rashmi :- Yes big guy i really enjoyed the way you play with my body.You hands are so strong, so big.I had never experienced such powerful and rough handling.It made me wet
Javed :- Ohh really sexy.Why your husband does not do it?
Rashmi :- Ohh common Javed you know he is no match to you in size and power.He is very soft and weak also.
Javed :- But i should thank your husband because of his weak physic and coward nature i got a chance to feel sexy body of yours.
Rashmi :- Yes big guy it is because of him you had a chance to fell my sexy body and because of him only you are going to get a lot more than this.
Javed :- Really honey i just can not wait for that.You are making my cock even bigger of just thinking of that.Is your net connected to you phone?
Rashmi :- Yes Javed internet is connected to my phone.
Javed :- Ok then i am sending you one photo by whats-app just check

I really wanted to see which picture Javed had send Rashmi so i went to her photo gallery.I was shocked to see the photo.Javed had send the photo of his hard circumcised cock.It was huge,at least double the size of mine in both length and width.I had to admit myself mine was really a tiny nunni as compare to it.So now i understood why Rashmi called mine nunni for the first time.
I again went to the massage box to read remaining chat between Rashmi and Javed.

Rashmi :- OHHHHH MY MY its so big Javed.Soooooooooo Much bigger than what i expected.
Javed :- Yes sexy i have a big cock.I am sure it is bigger than your husband.
Rashmi :- OHH off course my big man.It is so much bigger than my hubbies tiny nunni.He is small weak child as compare to you.Watching this monster i just could not stop in touching my self. 
Javed :-AHH Rashmi i just imagining you touching yourself.What are you wearing.I am sure some thing very sexy. 
Rashmi :- Yes Javed dear i am wearing very sexy nighty and tiny panty.
Javed :- OHH gosh i just wanted to see you in those.
Rashmi :- Just be patient for while big guy you will surely get your chance.and that also in my coward hubby's presence.
Javed :-If your husband is so small then no way he could sexually satisfy you 
Rashmi :- Yes he could not with his tiny nunni .But he is good in licking.He is has excellent tongue for my cunt.Thats what i am going to do now big man.You play with your big, strong, magnificent cock while i will make my weak coward hubby lick my wet and aroused cunt until i come.Bye for now and sweat dreams about me.
Javed :- Bye and good night sexy dear,see you tomorrow.

I just could not believe what i had read.There were tears in my eyes.It was beyond my imagination.I knew Rashmi was not happy with me for not being a man enough to face some local gunda like Javed and thats why she was flirting with Javed.But i never thought that the things would go to this extend. She was having sex chat with Javed that to when i was there lying beside her.She was openly telling Javed about my small size cock,calling it nunni and comparing my nunni with his monster.Even she had told him that she is going to make me lick her as i could not satisfy her with my tiny nunni.

I was really scarred now.Rashmi had already decided to cuckold me.I knew i am not man enough to stop her from doing it with the help of that big guy.I just started shivering with fear imagining that big strong dangerous Javed standing in front of me with his big strong monster circumcised cock ready to fuck my sexy hot and beautiful nude wife right in front of me and cuckold and dominate me.In no time i realized that i had peed right there only due to fear and embarrassment.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Rashmi kept her phone on the side table.She removed bath towel from her sexy body slowly and seductively.Now she was standing completely nude in front of me. OHH god how sexy she was looking.Nice firm boobs and sexy toned thighs.In between those sexy fair thighs Rashmi's beautiful cunt with trimmed pubic hairs Rashmi stared drying her sexy body.She was doing it slowly and seductively to tease me for sure.She turned around to show me her sexy round fair ass.She slowly bend to dry her legs.Wow her ass was so inviting in that bending position.I always wanted to have sex with her in that position me putting my cock from behind her.But never succeeded may be because of my small size never able to penetrate Rashmi's cunt properly in that position.
Rashmi again turned towards me.

" Enjoying the show baby? I am sure you are baby.Your little one between your legs is accepting " Rashmi said in teasing tone.
I realized that i was wearing only my underpant.The sight of Rashmi's sexy nude body had made my cock hard.Rashmi came near me and put her sexy arms around my neck and kissed me on my chicks.

" Why don't you help me getting ready for my office " she asked me in low and seductive tone.
I did not have any option so i looked around and saw Rashmi had already kept light blue colored sari which she had told Javed she was going to wear today with matching sleeveless blouse and petticoat on the bed.
As i moved to pick the petticoat from the bed,she held my hand and asked in naughty tone
" You want me to go to the office with out wearing my undergarments you naughty boy "
Then i realized she had not kept her bra and panty along with her remaining cloths.
" Get my bra and panty from wardrobe baby " Rashmi almost ordered me.
With out any choice i opened her lingerie wardrobe.Rashmi had kept all the bras and panties of which she had sent the photographs to Javed in front only.
" I am sure baby, you know which bra and panty i am going wear tonight " Rashmi asked me in seductive tone.
I felt so humiliated and defeated.I had to bring the bra and panty from my wife's wardrobe for my wife to wear which was selected not by me but some local gunda Javed.But i had no choice.I brought the light colored bra and black bikini panty which Javed had selected for her to wear today.

" Help me baby " Rashmi ordered. For next ten minutes i was helping Rashmi getting ready.When she was ready, she was looking smoking hot. She was wearing her sari just below her sexy naval.The matching blouse was giving just hint of her sexy cleavage.
" Now go and have your breakfast or you will get late for the office " saying this Rashmi went out of the bedroom.I wore my barmuda and went to the bathroom to get freshened up. As i came to the dining table to have my breakfast,Rashmi as usual put her hands around my neck and gave me good bye kiss as if every thing is normal.

After she left for the office i went to the balcony and as expected saw Javed standing at the gate of the building.building. Rashmi came out of the building and looked up words making sure that i am there in the balcony and moved towards Javed. They were standing very close to each other but as promised yesterday Javed did not touch her today also.He said some thing to her which i could not hear.He must be complementing her about her sexy appearance in that sari. Rashmi also replied back. Within two minutes Rashmi's cab came and as usual she waved me bye before entering in the cab.After cab went away i did not dare to see towards Javed may be due to fear and humiliation and came inside the flat to get ready for the office.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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The entire day I remained busy so could not think much about Rashmi and Javed.In the evening while leaving the office i received sms from Rashmi informing me that she will be late due to work.She also asked me to get the dinner from outside for three persons as she informed me that her friend is going to accompany her for dinner.She had not mentioned the name of her friend.When i replied her sms asking about the third person she answered through sms that i will come to know. I left the office for my home.After reaching at our building there was no trace of Javed.Rashmi must had informed him also about her late coming.

I got freshened up after reaching our flat.As i came out of the bathroom in short and vest i saw myself in the mirror.I realized though i am fair and with above average looks i was really weak and small compare to the huge frame of Javed.Really i was no match to his big strong physic.It made me completely nervous tensed and more than that quite scared.All the thoughts of Javed touching Rashmi openly in front of me,both locked in side the lift and Javed playing with Rashmi's sexy body while i was waiting out side the lift The humiliation i had to go in the morning by helping Rashmi to wear those clothing selected by Javed including her undergarments coming in my mind.But then i realized that though i am scared , i am getting little hard between my legs.When i lowered my short and underwear i found my dick had become little hard.

" Am i enjoying all this humiliation " I thought myself. Seeing my dick the image of Javed's huge circumcised cock on the Rashmi's mobile came in front of me and had to admit my self that In compare to His monster mine is nothing but a small tiny nunni as rashmi had mentioned to Javed. All these thoughts are too much for me so i decided to relax a bit by watching some comedy shows on TV.
After getting bit relaxed i went to the restaurant to get the dinner for three as instructed by Rashmi.
After coming back i kept myself busy doing some work on my laptop.At about 10.30 PM i got an SMS from Rashmi that she is reaching in ten minutes.I went to the balcony to see who is coming with Rashmi.I saw Javed standing at the gate of our building .He was wearing some tight short and vest almost same as me.But the contrast was he was looking huge in those.From my balcony also i could see his big and powerful muscles all over his body i even could see some big tatoo on his big powerful arms.
In mean while I saw Rashmi's cab reaching our compound.Rashmi came out of the cab.She was in the same sari which she wear today for Javed. Due to the late night there was no body on the road.I realized that Rashmi was alone and no traces of her friend. As the cab went away i saw Javed moved towards Rashmi and to my complete surprised kissed her on her chicks and said some thing in her ears.Rashmi blushed and saw upwards.Seeing me standing there and watching helplessly Javed kissing her on the road itself she waved her hand to me.Javed also gave at me his typical arrogant look.

Rashmi came inside the gate of our building followed by Javed.Like last night i was sure that he would put his hands on my sexy wife.I opened the door of our flat to check at the lift to see weather my fear is true or not. The display was showing the Lift was coming upwards and unlike yesterday the Lift did not stop in between and directly reached on our floor.
As the door of the lift opened what i saw was shocker.Javed was standing with my sexy wife Rashmi in his strong arms.He came out of the lift carrying Rashmi in his big strong arms like carrying a beautiful doll.I looked at them with complete surprised and shock could not say a single word.

"I got my ankle little hurt " Rashmi informed me.
" Where is your bedroom " Javed asked me while entering our flat still carrying Rashmi in his arms in arrogant tone as if he was master and i am his servant 
I helplessly showed our bedroom to him with my hand.He carried Rashmi to our bedroom and put her slowly on the bed.
In very few days Javed had entered our bedroom carrying my sexy faithful wife of so many years in his strong arms and i am helpless to stop him.
As he kept Rashmi on our bed,I saw Javed purposely removed the pallu of Rashmi's sari.Now Rashmi was lying on the bed with her pallu on her side thus exposing her sexy shaped boobs in semi transparent matching sleeveless blouse
to Javed.I shocked to see the front three hooks of her blouse had already unbuttoned.Javed was enjoying the sexy show of almost half of Rashmi's cleavage.He could easily see the light colored bra which he had selected for Rashmi to wear from the half opened semitransparent blouse.Rashmi did not even try to put her pallu back allowing Javed to enjoy the show.I was watching helplessly.As me and Javed both standing near each other almost in the same clothing i was like a small child in front of him.
" Thanks Javed for helping me " Rashmi said.
" You also should thank him Amit " Rashmi almost ordered me
Though i was reluctant but when Javed looked at me in that arrogant look i thanked him due to fear.
" Ohh Rashmi i completely enjoyed lifting sexy woman like you and carried you to your bedroom and bye the way thanks for wearing at least one thing which i selected in the morning " Javed said openly in front of me pointing toward her boobs.Rashmi blushed realizing Javed was mentioning about her bra.
" OHH Javed not one thing but both the things, am i right Amit ? " Rashmi said
I was in shock and did not answer.
" Your wife is asking you some thing ?" Javed said in commanding voice putting his big strong hands on my shoulder.
" Yes " I said meekly.
" Wow Really but how can I accept it? I did not see that " Javed asked Rashmi in naughty tone.
" Do not worry Javed you will see it soon have patience " Rashmi said in even more naughty tone. 
I was standing there completely defeated.My fate had been decided and nothing i could do about it.

The night had just started.
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
[+] 3 users Like Givemeextra's post
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This is the original story so far.  Seems to be the End
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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Nice story
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OH.... Bastard rashmi Gonna get drilled her pussy..... Javed fuck her hard and tightly
[+] 1 user Likes thefastrider's post
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(06-05-2019, 09:37 PM)Givemeextra Wrote: This is the original story so far.  Seems to be the End

Dear this is one of the very erotic story  I read.. I read it in old xossip also..  Please please  continue this with lot of humiliation and degradation
[+] 1 user Likes debnaths141's post
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AFAIR this story was not completed last time I hope this time author completes it...very good cuckold story ...keep it coming all the best.
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I don't get it ...what's the point of posting an incomplete story that too it has just started.
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Please continue this story. Very nice to read.
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If anyone can continue this story

Give updates
[+] 2 users Like hhhotboy2000's post
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someone continue
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