Adultery Lockdown ruined everything
Awaiting for ur update bro
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Krithika never had this pain of hunger, even in training she was never starved. But here she was feeling very hungry. The food which mysamma cooked was finished, some of it was spoiled. 

All the vegetables, eggs, and juices are available in kitchen. She drank most of the juices. Out of Starvation, she boiled 2 eggs and finished it. Somehow she finished first day with all that. 

Allauddin was ready to share his food but krithika never wanted to taste any of it, part of the reason is because of her ego and part of it is because he might ask something in return.

Krithika has no idea how to survive the next day, she was afraid to even think of dying with starvation. But somehow she slept not thinking about the food.

Allauddin on the other hand was fuming in anger, he thought he would have fucked her today itself but turned out she was more stubborn than he imagined, his throbbing dick wanted come out and bury in krithika's pants. Krithika's attitude was too much to handle but still, allauddin loved it. What's the fun in seducing an innocent girl, the real fun will be when he fucks this attitude girl. Not just for one day, he want to fuck her every single day, till he get bored of her. banging her wasn't the ideal choice because he knows that krithika might have arranged some secret traps. He should keep her safe so that he will be safe tooo. Hundreds of plans formed in his mind, to seduce her but nothing was significantly impressed him. 

He took out his dick which was erected in its full size, and started masturbating thinking of krithika's ass. His mind was literally screaming to fuck Krithika but he purposefully avoiding it. After few minutes he cummed on his bed. Then he drifted into deep sleep.

Next day krithika woke up by 7.30 am, by the time she walked out, allauddin was exercising with no shirt. His muscle and tight abdomen was on full display. It reminded her of something but choose not to think too much about it. Allauddin was doing push-ups continuously without taking rest, then he stood erect and did pull-ups using the hanging rod in balcony. krithika was very much impressed with his exercising abilities, she knows how tough it is to do such pull ups but he did effortlessly.

Allauddin reminded her of the dream, where she was fucked deep. She brushed away all the thoughts. Allauddin observed krithika was coming towards him, "hey good morning. Why don't you join me?"

Krithika just stared at him for a moment, his body was looking more magnificent now. "listen, I don't want you to roam around this house without any shirts, you need to behave yourself"

"Sorry miss, I got no other dress to wear. I should wash the dress so that I can wear that next day. If you have any problem, find me any clothes or just Stop gawking at me"

"Listen am not gawking at you"

"Then why did you stare for more than few minutes? If you aren't impressed?"

Krithika has no answer, she hurriedly moved out to kitchen to have something to eat. Unfortunately there were only eggs but she didn't want to boil the eggs again and eat it. She wanted to take the help from youtube, to prepare something delicious. After searching for few minutes, she choose to make egg burji. She watched the video for 2 times straight, and collected all the ingredients to one place. Turned on the stove and started cooking for the first time. 

Allauddin after finishing his workout he peeked into the kitchen, wondering what is doing there. He was sure that she will mess the things up but still waited patiently. "oh krithika what a pleasant surprise to see you in kitchen today"

"Hahaha not funny, am cooking so that I shouldn't be dependent on you" 

"Yeah I can see that, but be careful"

While they were talking, hot oil spilled over the krithika's right hand. She screamed in pain, immediately allauddin placed her palm in running water, turned off the stove and Together walked Till the living room. Krithika's eyes were filled with tears, though the oil that was spilled is very little in quantity it still very painful. Allauddin took out the first aid box and searched for burns cream, fortunately there is a cream in the box. Slowly applied the cream to her hand. Krithika doesn't want to take his help but she felt ’he was genuinely helping her so what's the big problem?’

Allauddin applied a bandage over the wound, and closed the first aid box. Krithika's tears were stopped but he knew that pain will be severe for first few minutes. There is a pain killer in the box too, he took the pain killer and handed it to her. "Take this medicine, it's a pain killer"

Krithika had no other choice but to take this medicine, she silently blurted out, "but I didn't eat anything. Does this medicine can be eaten before the food too?"

"No krithika, it has to be taken after eating the food"

"Then I don't want it" krithika threw the medicine over the table.

"I will cook something for you, we can share the food"

"No I don't want to share your food"

"Don't behave like a kid, if something happens to you i have no other choice, am doing this for myself not for you"

Allauddin was right, if krithika Calls the security officer, all the security officer men will be here. "I know that you will take this as an advantage"

Allauddin looked at her for a minute and said, "I promise you that I won't ask you anything in return"

Krithika was relieved, though she has her own conspicuous, she trusted him now. 

Allauddin prepared a good egg dish and they both finished their food. Krithika couldn't able to hide how good the food is. "Food was really good"

Allauddin smiled a bit, "thanks actually I worked in some bakery for few months that's where I learnt all this recipe"

They both started to talk about the hardships he faced, krithika wanted to have atleast one thing that can help her to prove all his misdeeds. But allauddin was clever too, he carefully avoided such details.

Then they switched on the TV, watched News for an hour. Krithika excused herself and went into her bedroom to call his husband. After few minutes she was back to living room, actually she wanted to stay with him so that he doesn't do any inappropriate things to keep both of them in danger.

"Yours is a arranged marriage right" allauddin asked her all of a sudden, without taking his eyes off the television. 

"Yes, ours is a arrange marriage"

"Yeah I guessed so"

"How did you guess?”

"The way you both have talked and the way he abandoned you in this distant place speaks so"

Krithika became furious, "he didn't abandoned me, because of the lockdown he couldn't able to make it"

Allauddin smiled looking at her, "so you were saying that the husband of the security officer couldn't able to reach here? If he chose to come it won't be that difficult and even you know that"

For a second krithika thought about it, what he said was right, if he choose to come to her it won't be that difficult but still he choose not to come.

Allauddin continued talking, "and most importantly he didn't even call you, the only time he did was when he needed something from you. and you guys weren't even talking to each other for hours, mostly your calls were limited to few minutes, that's odd"

Krithika doesn't want to show any sign of broken marriage, "see my husband loves me, he didn't reach here because of lockdown and he was busy in office works, if not we would have talking for few hours atleast" but krithika knew that what allauddin said was right, their calls never lasted more than 5 minutes.

"Oh really, then let's have a bet. Am telling you that your husband won't call you unless you call her"

"You know what? I have no intention to encourage you with this things. But he loves me that is for sure"

"Oh really, then why don't you place the bet?"

Krithika thought for a moment, her husband will call her atleast once, more over, only she knew what's the password for locker. So her husband should call him no matter what. Now that she understood, she will win the bet. But she wanted to make sure that She extracts some information from him. 

"Ok that's a bet, but what if I win?”

"Anything for you my lady, you can ask me to do anything"

"I want to know who is your secret spy in the security officer department"

Allauddin's smiling face changed into that of worried, he knew that once he give up on that name there won't be turn around. But still he wants to gamble with her..

"Ok, what if I win?"

"You can choose anything"

"I want to have sex with you for one whole night"

Krithika's eyes got dilated, blood rushed into her cheeks, she was embarassed after listening to it.

"I know this is what you want, no am not doing this"

Allauddin doesn't want to lose this opportunity, so he intimidated her, "yeah that's because even you know that your husband is good for nothing"

"No I believe in my husband"

"Then let's face it, am ready to give up on my entire kingdom and you weren't ready to gamble for such a small thing... Too pathetic"

Allauddin know that it's making her anxious, one side she wanted to know the information very badly, on the other side she doesn't want to give her body to him. 

After few minutes of thinking she agreed, "that's a bet. Countdown starts from tomorrow 6am until 10 pm."

Allauddin extended his hand and krithika reluctantly accepted his hand, allauddin was enjoying her touch and krithika was wondering how opposite their both colours were. 


Let's see who wins the bet!!!
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Marvelous, he is slowly making her understand about her husband and develop hatred towards him.
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clps Nice update happy
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Great going
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Awesome update
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First impressed with cooking. Next with his body. Now with his caring. Lovely.
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Very nice update
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Simply super
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Very good update
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Definitely brilliant approach
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Awesome......... please update.
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Good update
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The maze getting more exciting
yourock  congrats
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Already krithika is unhappy with her husband and his family. Now this criminal is slowly taking her away.
Super writing.
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Trick and Win - Like pen drive, this is another googly from Alaudin to kritzee. Awesome.
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Allauddin is a perfect crooked hunter. He hunts his prey what he hankers. He will subdue and eats hungerily. Waiting for the bet result. Please update soon.
[Image: AA663-F74-3031-41-B6-953-F-E93-DAD09990-F.jpg]
Sugg: She shouldn’t be allowed to have her just because of a bet.
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(07-12-2021, 11:15 AM)Ghostrider8 Wrote: ----------------------------------------

Let's see who wins the bet!!!

Big Grin We know who will (eventually) win. We are eager to know :
  • How it was won (through tricks or something) and 
  • How the prize was enjoyed
Ex tricks:
Hubby calling when she is doing something. So delete his number and make her think he never called
Don't have sex right now....instead use this as a way to gain her trust and make her submit by herself

Good going so far.  Namaskar

From first Post, few interesting lines:
What's more shocking to her is, she is willing to get fucked by someone whom is a notorious criminal and smuggler.
What happened in this 2 weeks that changed the vision of security officer officer completely!!!
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