Adultery Lockdown ruined everything
Waiting for the sexy hot meet
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Lovely update
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Allauddin called all of his staff members, there were 36 of them, they all were having long beards, rugged looks like straight out of prison department. Allauddin looked at them and said..."Tomorrow the entire security officer system will be in our land, searching every corner of this place to find something illegal." 

One of the key member named Rahim looked at his master and tried asking him "so sir, what's the plan now? What should we do now? Clean every thing?"

Allauddin closed his eyes stared into darkness, his mind calculated all the possible escape routes and risks. He is too much tired of running away when fully knowing that they will be back again with new plans. This time he want to close this once and forever.

"No this time we are doing no such things, I want to blow this whole place down" 

Everyone who is present over there looked into each other's face, they were quite shocked.. infact they were not sure whether they heard the truth or not. 

Allauddin replied again, "yes you guys have heard everything. Am tired of running away. Remove every costly thing from here, and only the cheap ones should stay. Fix the bombs in every corner of this place, when the bomb blows up not even a single person shouldn't be alive"

"But sir, doesn't that make you more prone towards security officer? They will remember this and hunt us till we die" 

"Yes but by the time they reach us, we will be in Dubai. Enjoying our life with the money that we earned till now"

Everyone shouted at the top of their lungs, from now on there won't be any problem, everyone will be free of all the struggles.


"Ok krithika, this is your first major mission. Though you are inexperienced am trusting you on this. It has to be surprising and we need to catch him while he is smuggling something" 

Krithika took a fully loaded gun, checked the bullets in it and kept it inside her belt.

She was wearing a black coloured top, and khakhi pant. On top of her top she again wore a bullet proof west to have protection from bullets.

"Thank you sir, and I promise you that I wont fail you, no matter what!!!" Krithika took her instruction sheet and walked towards her car.

This is the only time she is really participating in love combat, though she was topper of her batch most of her marks were related to theory aspect rather than practical or events. If she have tried a bit more she would have cracked UPSC for sure, but the fate got another idea.

It might be the last day of career or it might be turning point of her career, in either case she want to give her best. Her car was going towards the mission point which was few kilometres away from the security officer station. 

She drifted back to her college memories which shaped her life in a way she never imagined it would be.

Krithika never wanted to become a security officer, her thoughts were completely different back then. 

No one really took her seriously when she said that she will become an actress. Even her own parents didn't like that idea. Why? Because she is just an ordinary girl... With no good acting abilities and not even a hottest figure... But she took it as an challenge and took acting classes. Hired a professional photographer and took some great photos of her. 

Back then Facebook was sensational, and she uploaded all her pics and sent it to different producers and managers.

For first few months she didn't get any reply but then she got a reply from reputed production company, asking her to visit the office with her photographs.

She was on cloud nine, took all her good photos and reached the office. When she entered into the office first thing she noticed was there were hardly 3 people in there. 

The office was situated far from the city, she wanted to ask her father to Accompany her but choose not to, she thought to reveal everything once she gets selected.

Krithika was welcomed into the producer's chamber by some person, "sir is in chamber, all the best"

Krithika said "Thank you" And walked towards chamber. There is a bald man sitting in the chair. Krithika looked at him, he was wearing just a normal clothes, not fancy ones as she imagined. She gave a smile to him. He Too gave a smile and said "Close the door" 

Krithika was taken back, first the smile wasn't genuine, it was wicked smile. Second the way he said to close the door. Why does he say that? Why should they be alone in the chamber? 

But krithika brushed off all the negative thoughts and closed the door. 

"Our industry got many talented actresses so how would you beat everyone of them and become that one important actress?"

Krithika was confused, she thought he might be interested in her acting abilities but here he is asking some different questions as if she came to interview.

" I don't know about the competition sir, but I only hope that I will become successful, I trust myself" 

"There were some hundreds of girls waiting to get a chance in my movie. Why should I only consider you?"

This was unexpected, krithika was confused. A thought came to her mind that why did she got this opportunity, but she never got the answer.

"I won't take even a single rupee as my remuneration sir, I just want a chance to prove myself, that's all I want" 

"Haha even there were many people who are willing not to take any remuneration, Why Should I Only Consider You?"

Krithika was taken back when he started walking towards her, he suddenly reached close to her and whispered in her ear, "spend a night with me in my farm house, I will make you a heroine"

Everything started to fall in pieces, he needs to sleep with her that's it. But krithika wasn't just the girl that he daily meets, she would never consider such things even if it's a matter of her career.

Krithika said, "am sorry sir, am not that type of girl." After witnessing what he needs she wanted to leave the place as soon as possible. "Thanks for giving me this chance, I will take a leave sir"

But he catched krithika's hand and pulled her towards him, and hugged her tightly while kissing her on the neck and saying "no one left this chamber before getting spoiled. How could you even think that you will leave that soon?"

Krithika was struggling in his hands, even though krithik was trying hard, she is no match to him. But she gained her courage in one swift and pushed him away. Fastly she ran towards the door and unlocked it. Before he try something else, she ran outside. 

Tears were flowing through her eyes, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't able to stop her tears. She felt cheated, how could people misuse the situation? How can people become such a monster? 

These questions popped up in her mind, she doesn't want to leave this matter, she wanted to give a security officer complaint so that atleast some innocent girls would be spared.

She went to security officer station and gave a complaint regarding sexual harrasment. Instead of taking action, they called Krithika's parents for councelling.

Krithika parents came to the station, and not to say they were embarrassed to even step inside the station. Being in above middle-class, they always avoided such confrontation, they have inhibited to adjust like they always do. 

Krithika was adamant that she didn't do any mistake, so she was firm and rigid. "Sir, please take action on that producer. He tried for sexual assault on me!"

The writer who sat opposite to her started to speak, "what's the proof that he assaulted you? Is there any evidence?"

"But sir, the cabin was closed. There were no people in the cabin."

The writer who happened to be head constable looked at their parents and said, "is this how you raise your daughter? To go for an deserted place that too lonely?" Then he turned towards krithika and said, "I think you are keeping this case just because of revenge. Producer didn't offer you the movie chance, you tried to offer your body instead. But when he declined your offer you came here to give false complaint on him"

Krithika was shocked at the turn of events. She never thought that security officer will support producer. More than krithika, her parents were equally embarassed. The writer was purposefully insulting both of them. 

"Sir what ever am saying is truth, am not lying please take the complaint"

The writer took a pen and was about to write, but he looked at their parents and said, "if I write a written complaint, all of your family members will get exposed. Media will not leave you, in a day you will become hot topic. And more over your daughter and you must visit security officer station and court when ever it is required. Is that okay for you?"

Krithika's father was clearly not interested in such thing. He said, " sorry sir, may be my daughter imagined everything. Please excuse us, we don't want to give any complaint"

Krithika got tears in her eyes, she couldn't able to believe that her own parents are not trusting her, she was about to say something "but dad..." but instead all she recieved was a hard slap on her right cheek. 

They came outside the security officer station and was about to leave the place, that's when krithika seen one of the office boy (the one person who took her into cabin) with the security officer. They both were joking and laughing. That's when she understood the whole scenario. security officer and those corrupt people have joined hands. Her blood got boiled with anger, but she couldn't do anything about it.

After reaching home, everyone blamed krithika. They all said, it's her mistake. Her choice of becoming an actress, her choice of going alone to the producer office, even her choice of wearing sleeveless top too became a reason. 

Krithika was devastated, she went to her room and cried for one whole day. Her mind slowly understood the situation. Only security officer can help the people and only security officer can break the rules. That's when she decided she will become a security officer.

Next day, while everyone is having their lunch, krithika announced that she gonna write SI exam which is going to commence after 4 months. 

Her family was bit relieved, knowing that she has decided not to become an actress. And they also know that it's not that easy to clear SI examination when she doesn't even have any basic knowledge. Even if she cleared the exam it will be almost impossible to clear the events which is most challenging. Krithika has a habit of running and excercise but to clear the events she need to do even better than that. So her parents have accepted her decision.

Now that krithika has decided to become a security officer, she started working for it from the very same day. She took online classes, consulted experts. She even started to exercise rigorously. She started running from 5 kms to 20 kms per day. She took training in both long jump, high jump. 

After her exercise she used to fresh up and started to read the books. She would have her lunch and then she will study till the evening. In the evening she took some rest and after having dinner she used to revise everything in the nights.

She avoided social media, stopped talking to her friends. Her mind was completely occupied with the examination. After 2 months, krithika turned into athelete like personality. Her body fat was drastically reduced, her own clothes became too fit for her. She wasn't even interested in shopping so she continued wearing her old dress and it showed how hot she became.

Her parents became worried about her, they thought that she will study for few days and she will leave the idea but here she was adamant about it. She stopped even talking to her parents, her room once used to be too clean with cosmetics and posters of sharukh Khan and ranbeer kapoor. But now it was replaced with important topics and everything.

The day of the exam has commenced, krithika was bit worried but she has courage to face it. Like she expected she wrote the exam very well. After few days the results were out and krithika was topped in that.

Krithika's parents were shocked to see that. She managed to do the miracle. And they were worried that she will pass the event exam too. So they asked krithika not to appear for the events.

Krithika was taken back, she was working hard since from last 4 months just to get this exam and her parents were asking not to attend that. She directly rejected their idea and she went to her room, closed the door.

Her parents wanted to marry her to someone, so that she will leave this idea of becoming a security officer. But Krithika rejected the proposal of marriage too. Her parents furious and blackmailed her, if she doesn't accept the marriage, they all will drink poison and die. Krithika got no choice than to accept her proposal. So she said, allow her to appear for the event exam, and she will be ready for marriage.

Her parents were okay with it, after marriage mostly every girl will leave the job. So it's not a big deal.

Krithika's parents have selected Rahul, who is handsome, has good job and their parents too well settled. Krithika didn't even see Rahul pic and silently accepted the proposal. Her mind was occupied by the exam itself, everything is secondary to her now.

Engagement happened within few days, krithika and Rahul met in her home. At first glance krithika also liked him but he was no where near the person whom she used to imagine in college days. But Rahul was sweet, well settled, caring and understanding. And most importantly he agreed her to continue her job even after the marriage. That's when krithika was impressed with Rahul. 

She went to events and as usual she passed with good score. Now the job was confirmed to her. Meanwhile her marriage date was also fixed. She was busy with shopping and everything that's when the notification came to her, that she should report to join the duty on one specific date. And her marriage was only 3 weeks after that. Krithika somehow convinced her parents and in-laws. And joined the department. Finally her dream came true. She wanted to take revenge on the producer who tried to sexual harass, but because she was newbie she couldn't able to do anything to him. 

Krithika took one month of leave for her marriage. Every senior officer has guessed that she will become one of the top officer soon because of her analytical skills and hard working nature, especially with that hot body.

Then her marriage Has happened, after few days of initial honeymoon days, she was hurried to take the responsibility of the team. Though it's her first time taking such a big task, she was confident that she will do her best.

Krithika opened her eyes, she was in front of the allauddin's home. 

Unknown to her, a bomb blast was going to welcome her within few minutes.
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Krithika's professional pics, that she wanted to show to the producer
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Nice update...
Looking forward to big update
yourock  congrats
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Excellent update
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Fantastic update
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Super interesting
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All the Best Krithika.
[Image: BB2-D02-F5-4122-44-E7-9-DC5-51-FE9614-F7-E2.jpg]
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Nice update
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Interesting. So, she did not like Rahul. That is enough for her to open her legs to that mu$lim man.
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Macho man like alludeen needs a sexy hot babe like kirthi. Let him not bang her. instead impress her behaving like nice man and slowly seduce her showing his body and 3x11 dick
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Eagerly waiting for next updates
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Talking on the walkie talkie, krithika was instructing everyone. Their plan was simple, to catch allauddin and his team while they are preparing or smuggling something. They were allowed to kill any person, and there won't be any consequences. All they need is to catch allauddin alive because they need to gather some information from him.

One by one, every member of the security officer entered into allauddin's home. Though it was a home, it looked like that of den. They were expecting many people guarding the place with powerful rifles. 

But there were literally no one. even the place was empty with no smuggled goods. Everyone was shocked and thought that something is wrong with the place, but krithika ordered them to move forward, hoping to catch allauddin in his personal room.

Actual bomb was placed in the personal room chamber, which is present at the centre of the entire place. so that the explosion would guarantee that there won't be alive casualties.

The personal room was of about 100 sq.ft. Walls were having the sign of Torn papers. "Someone might have torn the papers that is pasted on this wall" said one of the security officer, while holding his gun steadily. Even after searching the personal room, they couldn't able to find anything. Slowly they understood that the information was leaked from someone in the security officer and those smugglers escaped with out leaving any trace.

Everyone started to leave the place one by one.

Suddenly someone yelled, "BOMB" 

Everyone started to run away from that room but krithika ran towards the bomb. While running she came across the pendrive which was carefully hidden behind the flower vessel. But her mind was thinking about the bomb. During her training she studied about the bombs too. In the hope of diffusing it, she reached the bomb. 

Looking at the bomb, her heart started to race. First she calmed herself and looked closely at the bomb. She understood the pattern of the bomb. Mostly those bombs should have to cut the red wire and green wire simultaneously. Krithika took her pocket knife and attempted to cut both the wires simultaneously. To her relief the bomb was turned off. 

Everyone clapped and cheered for her. But at the same time, they were sad that their mission got failed. Someone must have passed information about the ride. But it's not their headache, they needed to get away from the place as soon as possible. They don't want to get caught doing the failed mission.

When no one is looking, Krithika silently took the pendrive and kept in her pocket. She wanted to handover it to IG personally so that this information will be in between those two only.


In allauddin's residence (he was having numerous residence like this)

"Sir, we got the information that the security officer has diffused the bomb, lucky guys"

"Well, actually I have diffused the bomb, they just cut the wire and felt like they have diffused the whole bomb. Actually that bomb was just a timer. It won't explode, and it's not dangerous"

"But why sir, you were the one planned to kill all the security officer officers and said that we will escape to Dubai, why change in the plan?"

"Fools, You need to watch the news channels. All the flights were dismissed because of the covid"

"Covid? What's that?"

Allauddin glared at him and said impatiently, "it's a new virus originated from china. It is killing people all over the world, so they were planning for lockdown too."

"Oh that's bad sir, what does we do then?"

"Let's have a low profile till everything goes back to normal, and I would like to have some enjoyment with my wild cat" 

All of them started to smile. Because they know what that enjoyment means. 

Allauddin Took out his mobile and looked at the pic, smiled at himself and said, "we will meet after few days. Till then khuda fizz"

His mobile flashed the pic of KRITHIKA!!!
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Krithika and her team reached the security officer headquarters. The news of failed mission have already reached them. She knew that her first mission was failed, but there is no mistake of her's. Someone leaked the information. Somone who knew too much about the mission itself could do that. 

While krithika is entering the headquarters, everyone looked at her like she has committed some mistake. She ignored everyone and walked straight towards the the IG room. Few of her teammates also present with her. 

Krithika looked at him and started to speak, "sir, we are sorry that the mission was failed, I guess someone has leaked the information, who might be closed person to us, we need to find them sir"

IG was giving an angry look, his eyes were showing the sign of both angry and calmness. "I think we got the person who leaked the information, that person will be punished according to the law"

Krithika was bit shocked, how could they catch the culprit that quickly? But still she was happy that the culprit was cought. "Who is it sir?"

Inspector who was sitting right beside the IG yelled, "It was you krithika. You are the one who helped allauddin to escape don't you?"

Now krithika was taken back. She couldn't able to believe that everyone is accusing her.

"Sir what are you talking? I didn't do any mistake"

One of the person from her team said, "no sir there might be some mistake, she risked her own life and diffused the bomb, instead of running away, it's not fine to accuse her in any way"

Inspector gave a wicked smile, "that bomb what you thought wasn't actually a real bomb. Someone have already diffused it. All you need to do is to cut the wires and it will turn off"

Krithika's mind was completely numb, instead of catching the culprit they were accusing the innocent. "Sir, why would I do that?" Yelled krithika.

"We don't know!!! Might be interested in getting promotion? Or secretly helping allauddin?"

"No sir, you can cross verify everything. I did nothing wrong" said krithika.

"There is nothing we could do krithika, after discovering the bomb everyone ran away but you didn't. Because you know that it's not a bomb."

Krithika didn't understand the logic behind it, "sir, I took classes on how to diffuse the bomb. Thats how i did it"

"Ssshhhh we are not done yet. It's not the bomb you diffused, it's the way you diffused the bomb. You did everything with in a minute. You identified the bomb, identified the nature of the bomb, analysed it and diffused it. Within a minute itself. That's some kind of strange. And most importantly your mobile got few calls just before the start of mission and it was unknown number. Can you care to explain what it is?"

"Sir, I really have no idea who called me, I kept my mobile in the locker, before going to the mission."

"Every person out here, were experienced and loyal since many years, you are the only one who is new."

"Sir, just because am new that doesn't mean that am culprit, I did no wrong"

"Silence krithika, anyway you got suspended from the service, but still these are only allegations so we aren't sure how long it will take for you to return to the department. For time being you need to kept in house arrest for few days, so that we can find the solid proof that you did the mistake. If we didn't find any proof, you will be free to go"

Krithika sighed a relief, atleast she got some time and most importantly she doesn't have to go to jail, that would be very humiliating. Both to her and her family. So she accepted the house arrest. 

Krithika was about to leave, IG Adjusted his spectacles and said, "you can't be in your own home, you need to stay in security officer guest House which is in outskirts of the city. No one will be allowed to stay with you and your location will also be kept secret. Is it okay for you krithika?"

Krithika had no other choice than to accept it. "Yes sir, I understand. Thank you" krithika silently walked away from the room. Every security officer present there were silently laughing at her, someone also commented that she suits better as a cook than as a security officer officer. Krithika got tears walking away, but she doesn't want to show the world that she is weak. She wiped her tears and was going to her home. She should leave the home immediately so that she will be in guest House by 10.


"Sir, did we do the right thing? Sending krithika to guest House?" Enquired the inspector.

"Am afraid this might be the only way to keep her in safe place. Our secret agent revealed that krithika was his next target and he won't stop untill he kills her. That's why we sent her to the guest House" said the IG

"But sir, can't the allauddin army can kill krithika in guest House? How safe it will be?"

"No one knows the exact location of that guest House, right now she doesn't need hundreds of guards securing her. She needs to be in some place where no one can find her"

"Then why did you have to say all the lies sir, why can't you just say the truth instead?" 

"If krithika knows that she is being targeted, she may choose to face him instead of running away. I don't want to risk another honest cop being killed by him. And most importantly if allauddin gets decided he will bang krithika and kill her brutally. That's what am afraid of"

"Yes sir, let's hope that she won't get cought to that criminal"
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Super update. Waiting for the meeting.
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Very good
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Nice update... Waiting for the next update
yourock  congrats
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