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ebooks Collection 2019
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Language: English | Format: epub | Size: 1.29 MB |

How do you win a soccer game when you're not just playing against the other team, but your captain too?
When Hunter Hercules, the biggest soccer star in the Northlands, is transferred to play in the Motherlands, he's mad as hell. Not only is their style of soccer different, but they have mixed teams and his female captain, Emanuela, calls him unsophisticated and claims that she's a better player than him. What a fucking joke!
The whole thing is ridiculous and infuriating to Hunter. That's why when the soccer club sends all the players on a team-building trip, Hunter shows up determined to put the little woman in her place. It should have been easy, but Emanuela isn't a normal sweet Motlander he can push around. She's competitive to the bone, and when Hunter plays dirty she's fast to adapt and hit him back tenfold.
Someone should have warned her not to mess with an Nman.
The Athlete is book #8 in Elin Peer's highly praised series Men of the North. Readers call these books "unputdownable" because of the sharp dialogue, fast pace, and depths of the characters.
If you like strong women, alpha males, and a roller-coaster ride of emotions, then this romantic sci-fi is a safe pick for you.
Buy it on pre-sale today and have it delivered straight to your Kindle on release day, November 20th 2018.   

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'A leading light in the field of Mancunian noir' The Guardian 'Gritty and gripping' Kimberley Chambers, no.1 bestseller Watch your back. Everyone else will be. How far would you go to protect your empire? Manchester's criminal underworld is reeling from the loss of its leader, Paddy O'Brien. In the wake of her husband's death, Sheila O'Brien takes charge of the city, and for once, she's doing things her way. But she hasn't reckoned with the fearsome Nigel Bancroft, a threat from Birmingham who is determined to conquer Manchester next. As a power tussle begins, Sheila is determined to keep control of the empire she has won - even if it means she has to die trying... A heart-stopping read with a gritty edge, perfect for fans of Martina Cole and Kimberley Chambers.

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The former special assistant for legislative affairs to President Clinton,president of the American Constitution Society, and author of the "damn fine"( Elle ) Under the Bus shows how the left can undo the right 's damage andtake the country back
Despite representing the beliefs of a minority of the American public on manyissues, conservatives are in power not just in Washington, DC, but also instate capitals and courtrooms across the country. They got there because,while progressives fought to death over the nuances of policy and to bringattention to specific issues, conservatives focused on simply gaining power bygaming our democracy. They understood that policy follows power, not the otherway around.
Now, in a sensational new book, Caroline Fredrickson--who has had a front-rowseat on the political drama in DC for decades while working to shapeprogressive policies as special assistant for legislative affairs to PresidentClinton, chief of staff to Senator Maria Cantwell, deputy chief of staff toSenator Tom Daschle, and president of the American Constitution Society--argues that it's time for progressives to focus on winning. She shows us howwe can learn from the right by having the determination to focus on judicialelections, state power, and voter laws without stooping to their dishonest,rule-breaking tactics. We must be ruthless in thinking through how work tochange the rules of the game to regain power, expand the franchise, end votersuppression, win judicial elections, and fight for transparency and fairnessin our political system, and Fredrickson shows us how.

Praise for The Democracy Fix :
"A call to action for her left-of-center colleagues. . . . Fredrickson pullsno punches about the amount of effort it will take for the progressive wing ofthe Democratic party to regain significant power at the national level in thiswell-conceived, timely offering on countering the current politicalenvironment."
-- _ Library Journal_
"Fredrickson exposes the powerful, wealthy string-pullers manipulatingAmerican politics with dark money, fake science, front groups, and--increasingly--amenable judges. Knowledge is power, and this book will helpempower us to reclaim our country."
-- Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, author of Captured: The CorporateInfiltration of American Democracy
"A cogent, timely, and urgent analysis of what ails American democracy,coupled with a thoughtful, effective prescription for how we defend thisbedrock of our nation's value system."
-- Stacey Abrams, former Georgia House Minority Leader and founder and chairof Fair Fight Action
"A timely, important book on a topic that has never been more relevant.Fredrickson uses her brilliant mind and legal expertise to make a compellingcase for the urgency of democracy reform."
-- Cecile Richards,  former president, Planned Parenthood
"How can we make change to ensure access to the vote for all Americans, builda more equitable democracy, and win on progressive issues? The Democracy Fixoffers provocative new ideas to achieve these goals and more. A must-read foranyone who cares about a progressive future. "
-- Vanita  Gupta, president and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil andHuman Rights
"Caroline Fredrickson has devoted her life to righting wrongs. Her latest bookprovides a blueprint for others with a similar calling."
-- Eva Paterson, president and co-founder, Equal Justice Society
"Caroline Fredrickson is the rare legal scholar whose research and insightsare matched by practical experience in government and policy, which makes herideas for revitalizing democracy especially relevant, whether one agrees withthem or not. At a time when Americans across the spectrum are questioning howmoney, inequality and corporate power may undercut their voice, this is a bookthat confronts how the rules are being gamed--and what to do about it."
-- Ari Melber, MSNBC host and chief legal correspondent

About the Author
Caroline Fredrickson is the president of the American Constitution Society(ACS) and the author of Under the Bus: How Working Women Are Being Run Over.She has been widely published on a range of legal and constitutional issuesand is a frequent guest on television and radio shows. Before joining ACS,Caroline served as the director of the ACLU 's Washington legislative officeand as general counsel and legal director of NARAL Pro-Choice America. Inaddition, Caroline was chief of staff to Senator Maria Cantwell and deputychief of staff to the then Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle. During theClinton administration, she served as special assistant to the president forlegislative affairs. She lives in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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<B>Experience the exciting and suspenseful tale of the man who almost took out one of the greatest villains in history-and lived to never tell the tale.</B><BR /> <BR /> On November 8, 1939, a nondescript German clockmaker named Georg Elser placed a bomb in a Munich beer hall where Hitler was scheduled to give a speech. His simple intent: to stop the impending onset of World War II.<BR /> <BR /> The bomb's explosion missed the Führer by only minutes, still killing more than 150 members of the Nazi Old Guard. After the attack, Elser was caught by happenstance at the porous Swiss border. When his family was threatened, he immediately confessed. There was only one problem: the Gestapo couldn't accept his confession as a lone assassin.<BR /> <BR /> Elser fit none of the assassin profiles drawn up by the security officer. To them, it was inconceivable that a lone attempt could have been perpetrated by one of Hitler's faithful and adoring citizens. A British conspiracy? Sure. But...

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With three degrees and the highest measured IQ in the Motherlands, Shelly Summers knows that she's socially awkward. It doesn't bother her since as the head engineer for Advances Technologies she has little time for social interactions anyway.
When she learns that one of the testers for the sex-bots her company manufactures is her old crush, Marco, she's curious to see if he'll recognize her now that she's ten years older and no longer has bushy eyebrows and a bad case of acne.
A normal person would have said something when Marco doesn't recognize her from his past. A normal person would definitely have said something when he mistakes her for an advanced sex robot and thinks his job is to do a test run.
Things are about to get very awkward for this genius.
The Genius is the sixth book in the series Men of the North that has readers raving about its perfect mix of love, action, wisdom, and humor.
Secure yourself hours of great entertainment and good laughs - download this book today!   

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Emiliano Nowell, a wealthy, idealistic genetic engineer, secretly breeds a race of one hundred genetically perfect children, but one of the group sets out to use their extraordinary talents to replace the human race

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A history of a quintessentially American place--the rural and small townheartland--that uncovers deep yet hidden currents of connection with theworld.
When Kristin L. Hoganson arrived in Champaign, Illinois, after teaching atHarvard, studying at Yale, and living in the D.C. metro area with variousstints overseas, she expected to find her new home, well, isolated. Evenprovincial. After all, she had landed in the American heartland, a place wherethe nation's identity exists in its pristine form. Or so we have been taughtto believe. Struck by the gap between reputation and reality, she determinedto get to the bottom of history and myth. The deeper she dug into the makingof the modern heartland, the wider her story became as she realized that she'duncovered an unheralded crossroads of people, commerce, and ideas. But thereally interesting thing, Hoganson found, was that over the course of Americanhistory, even as the region's connections with the rest of the planet becameincreasingly dense and intricate, the idea of the rural Midwest as a steadfastheartland became a stronger and more stubbornly immovable myth. In enshrininga symbolic heart, the American people have repressed the kinds of stories thatHoganson tells, of sweeping breadth and depth and soul.
In The Heartland , Kristin L. Hoganson drills deep into the center of thecountry, only to find a global story in the resulting core sample. Deftlynavigating the disconnect between history and myth, she tracks both thebackstory of this region and the evolution of the idea of an unalloyed heartat the center of the land. A provocative and highly original work ofhistorical scholarship, The Heartland speaks volumes about pressingpreoccupations, among them identity and community, immigration and trade, andsecurity and global power. And food. To read it is to be inoculated againstusing the word "heartland" unironically ever again.

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[b]The French Girl captivated readers with a twisting tale of psychological suspense. Now author Lexie Elliott heads to the foothills of the Scottish Highlands, where a woman's tangled family history comes back to haunt her...[/b]
An eerie, old Scottish manor in the middle of nowhere that's now hers.
Ailsa Calder has inherited half of a house. The other half belongs to a man who disappeared without a trace twenty-seven years ago-her father.
Leaving London behind to settle the inheritance from her mother's estate, Ailsa returns to her childhood home, nestled amongst the craggy peaks of the Scottish Highlands, joined by the half-sister who's almost a stranger to her.
Ailsa can't escape the claustrophobic feeling that the house itself is watching her- as if her past hungers to consume her. She also can't ignore how the neighborhood animals refuse to set one foot within the gates of the garden.
When the first nighttime intruder shows...

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"A wonderful, wild ride" --Michael Koryta,New York Times Bestselling author of How It Happened and If She Wakes
When what appears to be the original Pandora's Box is discovered in an ancient city, neighboring countries fight for ownership and unleash a terrible plague. __
The Pandora Room is New York Timesbestselling author Christopher Golden 's chilling exploration of what happens when the original Pandora's Box is discovered in an ancient subterranean city, stirring international conflict and exposing the archaeological team to curses, whispers, and the terror of a legendary plague.
In one ancient variation on the myth of Pandora's Box, there were two jars, one for Pandora and one for her sister, Anesidora. One contained all the blessings of the gods, the other all the world's curses. Now, in a subterranean city in Northern Iraq, archaeologist Sophie Durand has discovered a secret chamber covered in writing that confirms that version of the tale--a chamber which contains a single jar. "Weird shit" expert Ben Walker joins Sophie's team just as the mystery deepens and grows ugly. Those who believe the myth want to know which jar has been found in the Pandora Room, the one containing blessings, or the one full of curses. Governments rush to lay claim, but jihadi forces aren't waiting for the dust to settle. Whatever the jar contains, they want it, no matter who they have to kill.or what will emerge when they open it. For Sophie, Walker, and the others, the Pandora Room may soon become their tomb.

" The Pandora Room is a marvelous collision of adrenaline-fueled plotting and graceful writing. Christopher Golden knows how to tell a story, and he knows how to work the reader's emotions. This hybrid of high adventure, supernatural thrills, and all-too-plausible chills is a wonderful, wild ride. " ―Michael Koryta, New York Times Bestselling author of How It Happened and If She Wakes
"Award-winner Christopher Golden's latest razor-edged thriller The Pandora Room is sure to garner a slew of new trophies. The opening grabbed me by the throat and continued to strangle ever tighter as tensions climbed page by page to the explosive conclusion. Here is a master storyteller at his finest.Brilliantly told, arcanely crafted, with an ending that chills the marrow of your bones." ―James Rollins, New York Timesbestselling author of The Demon Crown
Christopher Golden knows how to thrill.The Pandora Room is such a spooky adventure. Political intrigue and mythic threats mingle to make a story that plays with your sense of reality. On top of that, it 's also just a lot of fun!" ― Victor LaValle, author of The Changeling
"A haunting look at what happens when a legendary myth crashes into our stark reality, Christopher Golden's THE PANDORA ROOM has it all ― a chilling premise, taut pacing and a compelling protagonist in the complex and heroic Sophie Durand. A globe-trotting supernatural thriller that also feels deeply personal at the same time, Golden 's sharp and powerful prose will keep readers glued to this book. You're in for a wild ride." ―Alex Segura, acclaimed author of Blackoutand Dangerous Ends
I was completely swept away by this book. Christopher Golden takes us deep underground in an edge of your seat thriller steeped in mythology, international turmoil, and terror. Want to catch a glimpse of what true evil looks like? Brace yourself and enterThe Pandora Room." ―Jennifer McMahon,New York Times bestselling author of The Winter People and Promise Not to Tell
"Solid prose and well-developed characters...Preston and Child fans will clamor for more of Walker." ― Publishers Weekly

About the Author
CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN is the New York Times bestselling author of Ararat, Snowblind, Dead Ringers, Tin Men, and Of Saints and Shadows, among many other novels. With Mike Mignola, he is the co-creator of two cult favorite comic book series, Baltimore and Joe Golem: Occult Detective. Golden is also the editor of such anthologies as Seize the Night, The New Dead, and Dark Cities, and the co-host of the popular podcast Three Guys with Beards. He lives in Massachusetts.

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There&apos;s one thing more dangerous than testifying to a crime-staying silent.
Locked in the ruins of a California Mission, Abby Travers watches helplessly as a girl dies outside her window. As she struggles between her moral obligation to come forward as a witness, and her commitment to a Medieval religious practice that requires her to retreat from the world, the situation spins out of control.
Abby&apos;s hesitation starts a series of catastrophes. She finds herself at the center of a deadly cover up where every minute counts and indecision could be fatal. She questions all her beliefs and everyone she knows becomes suspect. To save herself and those she loves, she must break free from her self-imposed prisons of stone and fear.
The Sanctity of Sloth is a taut, psychological thriller that answers the question: What happens when a good woman does nothing? Fans of Paula Hawkins and A.J. Finn will enjoy this third book in Greta Boris&apos;s Seven...

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Selected as a Book of the Year 2017 in Sky at Night
'Just the thing to captivate a bright child or anyone, in fact, who aspiresto be the next Tim Peake' Daily Telegraph
Imagine taking a hike along the windswept red plains of Mars to dig forsigns of life, or touring one of Jupiter's sixty-four moons where you cantake photos of its swirling storms. For a mini-break on a tight budget, theMoon is quite majestic and very quiet if you can make it during the off-season.
Beautifully illustrated and packed with real-world science, T he VacationGuide to the Solar System is the essential planning guide for the curiousspace adventurer , covering all of the essentials for your next voyage, howto get there, and what to do when you arrive. Written by an astronomer fromthe American Museum of Natural History and one of the creators of the GuerillaScience collective, this tongue-in-cheek reference guide is an imaginativeexploration into the 'what if' of space travel, sharing fascinating factsabout the planets in our solar system and even some moons!
'SUPERB' BBC Sky at Night
'The ultimate guide for any budding space tourist' BBC Focus

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Three-time Navy SEAL platoon commander and founder of Perfect Fitness reveals how to put together teams that can accomplish any objective-by leveraging an unexpected set of values and priorities.
SEALs and civilians operate in extremely different environments, but what makes both kinds of teams excel comes down to the same thing: service to others, trust, empathy, and a caring environment. Alden Mills has experience working in both the military and the private sector, as a SEAL platoon commander and as a startup founder of Perfect Fitness. He's seen firsthand what it takes to lead an unstoppable team of individuals.
Teams are nothing more than a series of interconnected relationships with a collective, single-minded focus. Success almost never depends on individual talent and valor; instead, Alden Mills shows, it depends, first, on creating a strong foundation for yourself and, second, using that foundation to help others go beyond their individual pursuits...

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The critically lauded author of The Beast Side and The Cook Up returnswith an [b]*existential look at life in* low-income black communities,while also offering a new framework[/b] for how we can improve theconversations occuring about them.
While author D. Watkins is pleased about the number of books exploring issuesof race that are being published, there's one crucial aspect of contemporaryblack life that doesn't get enough attention: the hood. The Baltimore nativeknows firsthand what it means to live in poverty, where violence and drugs areinescapable. As he sees it, the perspective of people who live in poor blackcommunities is largely absent from the work of many of the top intellectualswho speak and write about race.
Now, D. Watkins is here to tell his truth . Built upon Watkins's ownexperiences, We Speak for Ourselves eases us into the bigger conversationabout race and the various issues affecting poor black neighborhoods inAmerica. Unapologetic and eye-opening, We Speak for Ourselves identifies andaddresses a range of issues affecting these low-income communities--such asthe trouble with misrepresentation and why we need more than one black voice--and sheds light on the harsh realities of daily life. Additionally, Watkinsexamines various crucial activist movements, including the Civil RightsMovement, and asks what it means to be a model activist in today's world.
Through the personal retelling of his journey, Watkins aims to illuminate thelessons he's learned navigating through two very distinct worlds--the hood andthe elite sanctums of the prominent black thinkers and public figures--inhopes of providing actionable solutions.

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In Doodles Unleashed, Traci Bautista's distinct artwork, featuring graffiti-style handwriting juxtaposed against flourishes and floral motifs, is made the star. Readers will be given the lowdown on the best markers, pens and other media with which to doodle, followed by some quick and easy warm-up exercises. Step-by-step techniques will introduce the reader to a variety of surfaces to doodle on, how to create unique alphabets and other basic shapes, and how to incorporate doodles into layered mixed-media artwork. Bonus "goodies" in the form of doodles to photocopy and play with, as well as links sprinkled throughout the book for additional ideas and projects online, ensure that the reader won't run out of inspiration, even after she reaches the last page.

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Knit something big, wash it in hot water, let it dry, and voila! You have a beautiful felted item, cozy and lush. Felt It! offers a range of projects, including flowered brooches, belts, bags, hats, scarves, pillows, and place mats. Maggie Pace guides you every step of the way and offers expert advice on how to pick the right yarn for the desired effect, prevent overshrinking, use household objects as molds, and use the right increase stitch to help with shaping.

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