Adultery Sleeveless Shylaja, Cougar Srilekha & Milfy Anu - Triple Adventures by JwalaJumpa
13.d - Too much confusion

13 d- Too much confusion

The next morning was particularly awkward and tough for Anu's husband. Questioning Anu is out of the options and she always know how to counter and silence him. Tension kept building and he started to get too impatient. His inner mind opened unnecessary thoughts. It is only during our tougher times we think about the sins that we do and it pricks our conscience and makes us feel guiltier. He felt too angry on how his wife can have a casual sex chat with her fellow employee. It annoyed him. But is he good? Does he deserve to be called innocent? No. His mind gave him the answers. Srilekha, vegetable seller and Shylaja were recent examples.

But it does not end there. There were scattered examples right from his college days. There was once the assistant professor Pavithra who used to wear tight blouses. He never missed her classes just to stare at her 40 sized hanging heavy knockers tightly packed and standing upright on her blouse. A side view stunner when she writes on the black board will make most of the guys open their mouth in awe. They pick up bags and keep it on thighs to hide their erection. Her medium sized waist against those heavy titties is very rare to watch on an aunty. Super sized milf teacher! It gets hornier when she wears an overcoat during laboratory sessions. The shirt buttons will beg to be freed up unable to handle the heaviness and full roundness. And what did he do? He runs to the bathroom frequently to free up his rod and take the sperms out.

There is then his class mate Richa. Being a north Indian and busty, she is almost the dream girl for everyone around. But he went one step ahead. It was during a college tour, he stroke luck. Boozed up, she was attracting attention and it was him who performed. A natural scenery and a sexy girl! She was invitng unlike other girls, wetting herself in the waterfalls and rubbing her belly sides with her hands. The shapes were clearly seen with nipple pokie extending like loose screws. He jumped at the opportunity taking her to a nearby hiding spot. And it happened. It was the first time! Not much of penetration, but the first feel of a pussy on his hot rod is very tempting. Those twenty minutes were never meant to be forgotten. But his mind made him remember that and it increased his guilty feeling.

What happens if his wife has more affairs? Why does it hurt only when a woman is like that? He would have had number of such nasty things? But why does it hurt everyone only when a woman frees up and goes beyond what is acceptable? He wasn't able to find an answer. But one thing was clear. The more he thinks about it, it made him go mad. Anu is the woman of a modern age. She cannot be challenged in most cases. Knowing all his weaknesses she could bring him under her control in no time.

With a head ache, he took leave that day. He took his bike and drove real fast. His adrenaline rush was too high. Not good at all! He crossed a bridge and was about to take a left turn when his bike skidded. He tried to balance with his toes, but he crashed on a big wall and fell with a loud thud. Bruised all over he was rolling on the roads. Public gathered and helped him stand. Though there were no critical wounds, he felt so uneasy. He called his school friend sitting by a road side tree. After some time, his friend reached the spot and helped him out.

“Do you have any problems?”, asked his friend.
There was no response from him and in the rear viewer he could see him crying. Without further talks, he drove the bike to their favorite bar. The Coral bar.

Not a single word was spoken but twenty minutes passed as they were sipping their beer. Then his friend started.

“Normally a man will not cry. But if he does, then the best thing to de-stress is going to the bar. And now with enough beer going in, you will open up automatically”. He laughed.
He cleared his eyes and told, “I am a loser. I am good for nothing”, a violent cry followed. His friend waited patiently for him to unload his stress. The truth will follow once the frustrations comes out as tears.

“I feel guilty to say this. I think my wife is cheating me. She has ..”, again he started to cry. “I am done. Enough of everything. I cannot even question her. You know about me right. Somehow Anu found everything about me and using it to her advantage. He teased my having online sex with her office mate. And it sounds as if she has been with many men. I am a loser. I feel like dying”, he kept crying.

All along his friend was silent observing what he was telling. “Friend, first thing about a spoiled relationship is you should not keep telling everyone. There are only two options”, a pause.

And as expected, he acknowledged asking what options are those.

“See, first option is if you are clean and devoted to her, you probably can get a divorce explaining her and going mutual. Unfortunately, you or me are not of those types. We have our own weaknesses since we are young. Your wife would have a lot to tell against you in case if this matter goes to court.”, getting irritated by hearing things going against him, he shouted “what would other option be?”

“Accept it!”

“What? Accept? Accept what? My wife going to bed with many dicks?”

The other laughed aloud. “Man, this is the problem. We go with many bitches. But we want our wives to be honest and loyal. How is it even possible? We will get the return for what we do. Just accept the fact that your wife has interest on someone. Try to go mutual. You look for your bitch while she can look out for hers”

“Heh please stop it. This is nonsense. Makes no sense”

“Hold on buddy. There is no right or wrong in this world. If you are loyal, you can expect the other to be loyal. While you search for pussies, why cant she look out for dicks? Just enjoy that. As long as you both are sexually active, nothing will go wrong. You enjoy her. At the same time, you enjoy with someone else too. The world is one nasty place. Even greatest leaders who advocated one to one relationships, had many nasty illegal affairs. But that must be within acceptable limits. If one does not agree for a relationship, forcing him or her is legally wrong. But if a man or woman is okay with an affair, what stops ?”, again a loud laugh.

“But man, I cannot allow my wife to keep doing that. She isn't a bitch”, frustration again.

“Oh come on! You misunderstood what I spoke so far. This is not about her. It is about you!”

“What? Me? But I did not go to bed with anyone. Except that I did nasty things to many”

With a roar of laughter he said, “That is exactly the point. You go with someone. Find one. And there is nothing more irritating to a woman than seeing her husband going with someone. And with that, you trap her to be with you all times. If she goes to the extreme ignoring you, then you have nothing but a divorce. But 99% of cougar type women will be back to normal with such a handling”

They discussed a lot about what needs to be done with multiple rounds of beer. After that, they returned. Making sure no wounds were severe, he helped him with the first aid. He was helped to lie down on the sofa. His friend locked the door and walked back to his home nearby.

It was late at night and Anu and her son were asleep in their room.

More to continue.
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breville1 -

The worm that turned!!??? I love it!! Giver her some of her own medicine....rise above her blackmailing!!

Wow! This is really good.

I wonder how exactly Anu got those spank marks......
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13.e The trial and test

The trial and test test (pics [u]will be added soon)[/u]

Anu's husband was dead tired the following day. The start of the weekend was boring. Anu was overwhelmingly rude on her replies. But one thing surprised her. Usually he used to shout whenever she disrespected him. But this time, he started to laugh out loud. Laughing at a woman is like adding more oil to the flame. She simply cannot withstand it. She tried to establish her domination by commenting something more ruder but he simply did not care about it. She was fuming internally and was trying to figure out a way to destroy his sudden male dominance.

Anu returned home dropping her son at tuition. Her walk was heavy as if rushing. Her face bore a grim look as if in deep grief. As she entered the hall, he was sitting on the sofa with his laptop over the tea table. He never gave her a look and continued with his headset. She was talking something but he didn't even removed his headset to listen. This irritated her. Anu rushed to her room removing her pale yellow paper saree to reveal a thick yellow blouse bagging a pair of monster jubs. Her nipple projection was jutting out like a silicon nipple. Too firm and milfy for a housewife. Her thick arms in the low sleeved blouse would be the dream arms for any husband to sniff and lick. The tight blouse against her broad round belly and a pot like navel below is a real dick rocker!

She removed her saree hastily and dressed in her usual pale purple nightie. Coming out she rushed to the kitchen. Throwing utensils and spatula she tried desperately to get his attention. But nothing seemed to work. He was very much occupied with his laptop. Bringing the breakfast, she dragged the table too loud. Again no response. “Here is your breakfast?”, she gave him a plate of idly. He got up silently, pushed the table with his legs and went out. She heard his bike whirring and he was long gone.

He came after forty-five minutes, took his laptop and started doing his business without a word being spoken. Anu was irritated to the core and shouted, “what are you thinking about yourself? Whatever you are doing is not at all good”. Anu was completely taken aback in shock, when he riposted in a split second saying, “Look! What is your problem? I don't need any of your support. I just went out and had breakfast. Did I ask you to prepare for me?”, the voice was husky and threatened her.

Not the man which Anu has known of. “Tell me, did I ask you?”, he shouted.

“Look, what is your problem?”, she responded in the same tone.

“Well, I don't need your support. You are always the question. No answers. I go my way. You go in yours. But if you disturb me, I tell you. It will not be good for you”, the warnings came clear and Anu's eyes were wide in utter shock.

“But..”, as she started, another stream of words poured from him, “look, I am not ready to hear any of your stupid explanations or questions. What? You want me to pick our son. Sure. I will do. You want me to buy staples. Sure. I will do. Don't keep reminding me. Mind your fucking business! You are no one to me! If you want to fuck someone! Well, go ahead. But.. I repeat.. But.. Never come in my way. I have the same freedom as you. Don't try to play your tricks on me!”, the voice so masculine that Anu was taken back for a moment. Her face turned red in rage.

Without giving her a moment, he took his headphone back and started to continue with his laptop.

She jumped forward in maddening anger and pulled his headphone off. The chord disconnected from the audio jack. In a moment, the hall was filled with moans.
“Oh yeah. Harder. Oh honey, fuck deeper. Fuck my pussy. Oh yeah.. ahh. Aaahhh. Aaahhh”, Sunny leone was rocking a dick. Without any visible signs of tension, he continued to enjoy the show on his laptop.

Anu's face turned deep red and she yelled out a cry, “Shit! Aren't you ashamed to watch porn in front of me?”

In a split seconds the response was, “Oh yeah. It is ok like how you did with me on bed with your office friend of Skype. What is wrong Anu? “, a cool casual reply.

Anu was shaken and she sat on the sofa heavily holding her head down. He increased his laptop volume making Sunny moans louder. Anu could not digest it. “Heh, bring down the volume. Someone could come.”, she requested.

“That is my worry. Someone could mistake me if they come. Only me. Not you Anu. After all you are a respectable woman.”, again a sarcastic remark.

Anu could not contain her feelings. “What, so you mean to say I am a bitch? Why sarcasm? Tell me right in front of my face if you have the guts”, her voice echoed.

“I wish I call you that. But I don't want to call the woman I loved in bed by that name. You would make an excellent bitch to someone, but as your husband, I know and smelled every inch of you. You are more than a goddess to me. But now, don't spoil my moments. Just fuck off”, an anger mixed calm reply from him.

He made use of a woman's weakness correctly. Never maintain consistency in tone. For a moment Anu thought he was insulting her. But he also accepted that she is more than a goddess to him. But towards the end, he sounded like he does not care about her anymore. He mentioned going to bed with anyone she likes earlier. What is he really thinking? What is wrong with him? The porn stuff and his sudden anger looked like an outward show. Many questions ran in Anu's mind. If there is anyone in the world who could smell a trap or raise a suspicion, it could be a woman. 99% of the times, a woman's suspicion always proved right.

Sunny was shouting like an uncontrollable cougar while he was spreading his legs over the tea table. Anu could see some erection in his night trouser which clearly showed a bulge. Her heart pounded in irritation and senseless anger.

“So this is it?”, Anu's voice resonated on the hall which was put down by a further increase in Sunny's pussy drilling moans and cries. She banged the door with a loud thud. Turning around, she saw herself in the mirror. Anu is starting to get a little big like an aunty. Though perfect on face, mouth, tits she could not deny the fact that she is getting big by the belly. Pot like navel on a jiggly wifey belly. It could not be avoided given her age. Ass was raised up due to rigorous work by her husband. However, an envy came thinking about Sunny leone who was moaning outside.

She curled in her bed. Tears trickled unknowingly. Some strange possessiveness. Some strange moment of fearing a defeat! Some rare feelings of realization that a soft woman is still there inside a hard shelled tough woman. In deep trouble, her hands naturally searched for her mobile and the call went in fraction of a second. Her mobile screen showed the contact name as 'SHYLAJA'

To be continued...
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14.1 Arise

(note-the **xual experience narrated in this part is how I had good time some months back with my office colleague at my home)

14.1 Arise

The phone whirred. Shyjala was late waking up and exhausted from last night’s ordeal. With a tired voice, she attended the call.
“Shylu, I am in trouble”, Anu came to the matter straight away.
“Ok. But can’t we talk a little later. I am dead tired. Last night anal. Dead tired!”, tiredness was obvious from her moan like voice.
“Bitch, I am in shit but you are enjoying. Alright”, Anu got stubborn demanding her attention.

Whenever Anu gets obstinate, Shylaja gives one hundred percent of her attention. She got out from the bed and rushed to the balcony to talk in private. The urgency in her voice conveyed it is something serious. Ensuring there is no one around, Shylaja asked her to go ahead.
But there was no voice. A rain of cries and sobbing followed. It took Shylu a lot of time to bring back Anu to normalcy. Anu told all that has been happening to which Shylu listened without a word being spoken. At last she said,
“Girl! Girl Girl! Where is the bold Anu I used to see? It is all you told me these years. All men’s thing right. Remember?”, she asked.
Anu was silent and but replied yes, a little later with a little smile.
“So what Anu? It is all that you told me right. Empty the stress Brush up and regress! Where do you think you went wrong?”
“Hmm. I think I took too much of his deeds into my heart”, Anu replied.

“There you come. So you are clearing up. Don’t we know what to do?”, Shylu chuckled.

“Of course we do!”, Anu laughed confidently.
“There comes my baby. Cheer up!”, Shylu gave lot of confidence.
“These men. Bastards. They think having a cock gives them dominance. But when you battle a man on basis of brains, he is near to nothing. A woman is strong enough there.”, and now the real Anu started to shape up.
“Exactly dear. When you actually love, the pain of inserting a dick is nothing but pleasure. But forcing her removes the man out of him and make him a street dog which just needs a hole to shake upon”, both of them gave a loud laugh.
After a brief pause, Anu said, “my husband is a duck. He quacks way too much and now I know how to make him realize he is a coward”, the villain tone crept.

Shylu laughed even louder this time and said, “oh dear. Be merciful. After all it is just a 8 inch soft jelly”, again a round of laughter after which Anu cut the call. She was satisfied.


A week passed silently without much of happenings. Anu’s husband was taken my surprise when she no longer asked questions or felt much for his unusual silence. Every day, porn movies filled the hall once their kid slept. The loud volume of moaning and Priya Rai crying doesn’t seem to bother Anu. She read books in spite of the diversions which irritated him to the core. It was Friday night. He came home late. Kid was sent to his parent’s house for a month due to vacation. Anu shut the door of her room and was asleep. He has got nothing to do. To make the weekend special, he decided to watch porn on his 52 inch TV. With his headphone ON, he was surprised to see his pen drive already plugged to the TV.

He was surprised to see only 1 file with the rest being deleted. It read “Dare to see this.mp4”

What? With rising curiosity he played the video. A black room. He could see some blurred figure walking across. As the light was turned on, he skipped a breath. It was a selfie video. The room is illuminated in bright white light. The lady in focus was dressed in deep pink satin saree. Round, humongous titties could be seen by the bulge on the saree front. Very shapely arms on which the saree covered the top half. A series of golden bangles adoring it. Her face was half closed with a parrot green satin cloth. A bunch of jasmine garland at the back of her head. Round crimson bindi on her forehead. It was none other than Anu !

His curiosity aroused to the peak. While he was about to hop and knock her bedroom door, the first audio came. “If you are watching this, don’t ask me what is this. If you a real man, just watch this folding your hands. If you ever take your hands off, you lose and you are nothing but a pile of crap. Unfit to be called a man!” It was nothing but commands.

The camera was HD with appropriate zoom showing her at the correct position. She must have rehearsed a lot. It started. He folded his hands and sat on the sofa.
Lifting the face shawl a bit, Anu took a sweet Makkan beeda delicately and inserted it into her mouth with two fingers. As she chewed it her lips became hot red. She ran her lips many times in between her lips to reveal her red tongue and glossy lips. As she dragged a plate nearby, a lengthy green banana came into view. She took it with both of her and peeled its skin carefully. Holding it tight at the bottom, the full lengthy banana stood curved near her lips. She stared at it for a few seconds and looked at the camera. A blank look! But it conveyed thousand meanings. For some unknown reasons, his heart started to pound.

Anu opened her mouth real slow. Sticky strands of saliva seem to arise from upper to lower mouth and she held out her cherry red tongue. Watching the camera, she licked the banana passionately from the sides till the tip. She curled her tongue on the fruit tip three times and let the initial few inches slide into her rounded mouth real slow. Watching the lens, she let out a cry. “Urnnhh hhuuu huuu”. Couple of shock waves resonated within his balls and his night trouser showed a short instant erection.
Instead of chewing the tip, she took it in and out as if jerking. Her stare turned out to be an invitation. Her saliva dripped all over the banana’s sides as she started to lick all over. A round face, beautiful eyes, crimson clad forehead, jasmine flower, sweet beda mouth, reddish tongue, pinkish lips and a whorish look! Perfect menu for a nasty feast! Anu is the Goddess!

She played with the banana for some time before having it. Then, she rose and went some steps back. The view was perfect as the camera covered her tip to toe. As she turned showing her back, it was pure astonishment. She did not wear her saree at the top of her back. It became clear she pleated the saree and pinned it to her blouse only at the front while the rest was wrapped around her waist covering her ass. There was only a thin orange satin blouse strap. Both ends of the blouse strap were tied as a knot at the center of her back just above her belly back. The silky but firm deer toned back skin shined. A few sweat drops added more kick. Chubby arms like banana tree stem! Sliding at the top to smooth raised brown arm pit folds. A little extra wet there! Wifey belly folds on both sides with a hint of side boob covered in pink satin was a perfect recipe to masturbate. Heaven!

He got several vibrations already kicking his balls. Yet, he folded his hands watching what is happening in front of him. A flute music with a mild tabela played. It filled the air with divinity.

Anu is a classical dancer. She knows the moves! She shook her hip a little to the left and right raising both her arms towards the ceiling. She clasped both her fist to form a triangle. Her fingers showed the deep red tempting color of Henna mehandi. She rocked her belly side to side in sync with the tabela. The blouse knot waved in the air. Some sweat drops ran down her back. She was facing the wall. Even the jasmine flower seemed to dance. Her free hair was then taken to her sides showing smoother but firm back. A thin strapped orange satin sleeveless blouse!!!

As she turned to her right, his dick stood upright on his night pant. He was gulping repeatedly to control himself. His hands begged to be freed up.
Her raised chubby arms showed her vast tiny haired brutal light brown armpits which was with sweat drops. The thin bra strap showed a part of her side boobs. The rest were blocked by her pinned front. The sides of her belly were big and fair. With that orange strap on top and pink saree at front, the skin glowed in the light. Perfect belly sides to grab, pinch and bite on! The move was still continuing as she rocked her hip sideways. She turned her face away from camera showing her jasmine clad hair.
He was unable to sit. Sweating and pounding, he wanted to prove he is a man. Was Anu watching him from somewhere? Can he simply unfold his hands and start jerking?

With so much tension, the show continued….

Want to know what followed. COMMENT. I need more comments.
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14.2. - Endless outburst

[b]14.2. - Endless outburst[/b]


He could not contain himself. Shooting pain started at his balls. Anu was belly dancing showing her back. With her pink satin saree leaving way for her long belly sides, the orange sleeveless blouse knot at the center back danced as she moved side to side. Too horny to watch! A few moments back she started to chew sweet beda. The wet reddish tongue and hard lines dark red lips drove him mad. But to prove he is a real man, he folded his hands watching what is going on in his TV in full high definition.

[Image: 14-2-1.jpg]

This was never expected. The perfect teaser for any monster cock. Was Anu watching him from somewhere ? Can he just free his rods and start stroking? If she has planned so clever in this way, there could also be a trap to spy and catch him red handed. Rebuilding his determination he continued to watch the video. Anu turned her face to her right as far as she can giving a naughty look backwards. Tipping out her crimpson tongue, she let out a bulb of thick saliva at the back of her right arm shoulder back. The reddish saliva dripped slowly like honey on the thick milfy arms and slided down deep to her belly sides. Then she turned the other side and did the same on her left arm shoulder back. In a quick move, she parted her left side saree front revealing her curvy thick milf belly sides. WIth saliva dripping on both sides, she forced her hands backward and rubbed it all over her belly back and sides.

His balls agitated. It could not be contained. The shiny belly back with the orange sexy stitched blouse back make him explode. Biting his lower lip hard, he sat folding his hands. There was a huge up rise in this trouser. Dick towered ! Anu pinched her belly sides, felt the lump pulpy flesh and rubbed her saliva in a circular motion. The thin blouse strap with its knot felt like it might come off any time. Her bare back fold was so kinky that the sweat drops dripped down perfectly at the center.

As she turned, he could see the bulk boobies for the first time. It swung hard in her blouse indicating there was no bra. The cones were projected front, hanging heavily supported at front by her saree. Massive jugs ! She ran her tongue making her lips red once again giving a kinky smile.

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With that provoking smile, she raised both her thick arms and clasped it over her head. A clean shaven deer skin toned armpits with deep cuts. Little sprouts of hair to spice up the mood. Seeing the camera with the corner of her eyes, she stuck of her tongue yet again letting out a thick stream of divine juice. It fell slowly from her tongue like honey strands from honeycomb. It landed on her right armpit and started to drip further down slowly. The queen turned to her left to do so. He felt uneasy. Sever sweating and ball tightness made his throat dry. A few drops of sperm already brewed at the tip of his inner wear. Can he let it out? This is beyond control. Gripping more, he decided to continue.

As saliva dripped from both of her pits, she opened her mouth wide seeing the cam. In his 52 inch TV, he felt like jumping and crashing his cock into his TV. A gaping wide milfy mouth. As she rolled her tongue within, saliva dripped from the sides of her lip. She moved her hips in circular motion, while Anu’s face is working over her pits. Nothing is horny than watching a milf, licking her own pits. He could see slight movements on her hanging tits as she bended to shake her hips. There is definitely no bra. A sharp nipple pokie cam on her satin saree indicating her fruits were bare. Anu started biting her armpits and slurping it with a loud noise. As she did, saliva dripped all over her side lips and pits.

He desperately needed some air. His trouser fabric could not control the erection. He felt like freeing it out to swing and spurt out free. Some last minute determination still remained. Gulping heavily he continued.

She brought her arms down to her belly. Pushing the saree a little bit, she bent forward and spitted. It fell on her navel. A dark deep wife like navel. Pressing it hard with her thumb, she used the remaining fingers to do a circular massage round her navel. As she rubbed violently using both her hands on her navel, the jerk made her jugs wiggle faster from front to back. As she kept rubbing biting her lower lip, he could see Anu’s saree front coming inch by inch from her shoulder to the front.

His dick skyrocketed. He prayed she must keep rubbing. And his wish fulfilled. Anu kept fingering on her navel so hard that her saree pulled to the front inch by inch. And then …..

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Baaabaaaaa......You are God of Erotic Writing.....___/\___ I have cummed twice while reading this short update....The kind of detailing you have given is sooo very kinky and erotic...Want more like this from you...No body can beat you in your narration.....Please give more updates babaa.....

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endless outburst continued...
He could not contain himself. First time in his life watching his wife's video on the television drove him mad. Wondering what her plan will be he kept staring at the screen and his dick kept growing Inch By Inch. His tip of the dick was crashing his trouser so hard that he felt like freeing it away and stroking it hard. Anu was still belly dancing moving her hips side to side. Has she turned to her left quickly, her belly chain came to view. It was sliding down her Belly side and it looked like it is begging for a wild bite. Her saree was clinging by her nipple at the last few inches and it was literally falling down on the floor. She was waiting for the right moment. As Anu turned revealing her front side, it was a massive view. Her balloon like boobs were hanging heavily. As a quick jerking move was made her saree dropped. His heart pounded. He skipped a few breaths.

There was the view that anyone could die for. Two massive jugs wrapped in thick Orange satin blouse. His eyes blinded when he saw two open nipple areas. The 2 cups of the blouse were open near the nipple area giving a Clear View of the thick black leather like projected nipples. It was studded with golden beads making it kinky. Her belly moved up and down quickly as she breathd heavily. That made her navel grow wider and narrower as she breathed up and down. Anu's arms where folded at her back making her massive tits hang heavily at the front looking like swinging mountain on that tight blouse. She gave a sideways glance rubbing her tongue over her lips and wetting it regularly. He became crazy. For an instant he heard a noise. His dick bursted within his pants for the first time. It was so uncomfortably wet. He decided to give his last hope of resisting the temptation. Anu slipped her saree further down revealing her full belly chain. It ran smooth and curved round her pumpy wifey belly. A thick golden chain with beads wrapped deep below her navel. Anu held her breast with her hands and squeezed them hard. It coned out her cups and only her nipple was viable in between her fingers. While pressing hard, she moved her hips up and down making her belly chain and navel jiggle. And now another blast came from him. This time his pants revealed a big circular wet spot near his crotch.

His throat felt dry as he panted and suffered. Anu kept doing the master performance. The pink saree was dangling below her navel where it was inserted as a pleated layer. Anu turned back and disappeared from camera briefly. While his anticipation grew she returned with something. He almost froze in shock and pleasure. That view. Fucking hell! She is indeed a devine creation. Not one can match her mesmerizing beauty. His looks told that he almost froze to death unable to handle the effect of watching her.

There were two golden coloured tiny bells hanging from the tip of her nipples. It was affixed above her aureola cupping and covering it. She shook her jugs side to side making a tantalizing smile. Every Bell sound brought shock waves to his monster dick ejecting out hottest lava like cum. Anu increased the speed gradually and started shaking tits vigorously. As her jugs collided, bells made stronger sounds. Her arms and wifey belly juggled with the force. He raised both his legs and stretched over the tea table. Holding the sofa handle firm he tried his best not to shout. But his trouser became wet and wetter every minute. With the dancing belly chain and the golden tiny nipple Bell she looked like an ancient sculpture. The dream Queen wife any man would die to fuck.
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14c-mesmerizing damsel

[font=”Book Antiqua”][color=”Red”]14 c - Mesmerizing damsel[/color]

Anu disappeared once again from the camera. I could not stop thinking about her. He waited like a Slave dog thinking when she will come back. But this time the wait was long. Unknowingly his hands band down to his crotch and started gripping it harder and harder. His trouser was let out free in no time. He already lost his bet. But All That Matters now was this beauty. Where the hell she has gone. Just before losing his patience she returned. The Queen has made her re entry. Her eyes and her staring was fixed. He could not guess what she is thinking. In a flash she moved her hands back resting it at the back of her buttocks standing in a commanding mood with a serious face.

He was shagging like a dog already. Cream everywhere on his palms. Without the master like look going away, she pressed her fists harder on her buttocks back and moved her shoulder heavily with a quick move. The intense force brought her cones stand erect like a cannonball ready to fire. God only knows what she did when she was away. As she moved her shoulders quickly to her back with the great force, the blouse front teared of at the sides, making her boobs bounce up and down. Her titties came out as if a pair of mangoes falling from the tree.

Without giving another second, Anu started to shake her body violently. Her titties songs in all directions which made her blouse Fly Away. That she was bare on her top with golden Bells under belly chain and all plumy structure. In another few seconds she moved her buttocks, further to her back making her hands confront. Clenching her fist hard, she made a punching action in the air. Her bottom half of the saree fell down splitting into two halves falling on each side. He almost died in astonishment.

Her belly chain first connected to two more thigh chains. It run around her buttocks and joined at her inner thighs. Anu showed her back revealing her full round voluptuous buttocks and a smooth bare back. She slapped her buttocks twice making the chain jiggle. Turning her head and facing the camera, she gave a pleasurable moaning, as she parted both her buttocks and revealed her smooth shaven pussy and anal lines. By taking out some saliva on her fingers, she rubbed her pussy and anal holes as if fingering. She inserted couple of her fingers making a loud moan. She vibrated her buttocks up and down quick succession which then almost stopped his heart. There was another tiny Bell hanging just below her pussy connected to straight chain from her belly chain. Turning around she lifted her massive thighs and placed it on a nearby shelf. Expanding her pussy lips with her right hand she slapped the bell with her left hand. It kept hitting her hard nutty clitoris making it bulge like a cashew nut. She kept hitting the bell on her clitoris and rubbed circularly on her pinkish pussy with her left hand. With tongue out and biting her lower lip she was the divine whore.

Watching all this he almost fell from the sofa, with his trouser flying in the air. Unable to know what to do he took her soft toy which was nearby and stuffed it on his dick. Anu spitted on both of her armpits, took some saliva to her holes and gave a nice fast massage. Anu fingered her pussy with three fingers while she pinched her nutty clits with her right hand. She became athletic all of a sudden standing on one leg and the other perched on the shelf. The soft teddy bear was the victim at his house. He kept stroking seeing the cougar ravishing her own holes. Dusky damsel aged to perfection. Voluptuous piece of art with a humongous body shapes.
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14 d - The unexpected treat

He felt like exploding. Anu’s wifey beauty could not be handled. Monster dick? No. Violent fuck? No. Nothing in this world could feed her lust. Her projector nipple inside the tiny metallic bell stood straight like bullets. She kept waving her hips side to side jiggling her massve tits with the bells. Spreading her thighs the bell near her pussy lips added more eroticism. He could not sit straight. His dick was already spurting out cum streams. Holding his crotch he ran to Anu’s bedroom door and kncoked violently. She did not respond.

Coming back to the TV his heart skipped a beat when he watched her taking out a slim long and a thick skinned cucumber. She peeled its skin with a peeler and started licking it at the sides. Her reddish tongue aginst the white cucumber drove him mad. He ran once again to her door and knocked. But she did not respond. It made him angry. Pulling his trouser further down he let if free. Sitting and spreading his legs over the table she started stroking his dick watching the video. Anu was taking the full length of the cucumber into her mouth. Saliva dripped like silver threads from her side lips. Her round face against a thick cucumber might make any man in this earth go mad.

Lying down on the floor. she pushed the cam down and zoomed in between her thighs. A pefect pink wifey pussy. A gaping pussy revealing a pink mass with thick cum dripping. She kept rubbing the blunt edge of the cucumber round her pussy hole. It puffed up her pussy lips bulging it out. With that she inserted the thick cucumber to three inches. Aaahhh! A sexy moan came from her. His dick stood straight ejecting out a thick juice upright in the air. Which fell down on the tea table splashing. He moved the TV remote away and stroking hard. Anu pitched her legs hard on the flloor, raising her buttocks in the air and started forcing the cucumber inside her hole as far as she could. Moaning and cries followed which increased his temptation. Anu did not respond to his calls. He wanted to run inside her room, pull her panties down and ride the holes like he has done never before. But the lust is too high that he could not contain himself masturbating. He looked here and there desperately without knowing what to do.

Anu spitted out on her palms and took it to her clits. She rubbed and tickled it so hard that her clit nuts swollen like a hrd peanut. It was clearly seen on the big TV with her cirmson red nail polished nail running hard over the peach colored pink clit nut. What a view. Cum oozed out every now and then making it look erotic. The peeled cucumber cooled her holes and ran smooth inside. The width of the cucumber was so accurate for her holes. She turned her head to her right, lifted her arms, started to bite and lick her armpits as she kept inserting harder and harder. Her buttock went up and down in temptation and pleasure. She turned left now, lifting her right thigh and parking it on a shelf nearby. As she lifted her legs, the wide deep pussy and ass crack was clearly visible. A shiny creamy pussy hole and a thick black butt hole which was shining with sweat. He jumped before the TV and licked the screen unable to control what he is doing. He licked many times on the screen and ran to the door and knocked like a mad man.

Anu did not open. He was not sure if she is inside. She is teasing him too much. With sweating and uncontrollable erection, he continued strokign near the TV. Anu knelt on the floor as if crawling. Running her fleshy plumy arms to her back, she rubbed the creamy cucumber over her butt holes. She did an ass shake jolting her buttocks real fast. Her pumpy ass vibrated as if it was placed on a vibrator. She slapped her ass cheeks twice pressing the cucumber over her dark butt hole. She tried to do an anal ride pumping it further to which she let out violent cries. In a rush, she turned spreading her inner thighs,inserting four fingers into her hole. It went so fast and deep that it almost lookd like fisting. The sexy bangles on her right hand clanked and clonked adding more mood to the scene.

Taking a thick volume of cum, she stood and applied it all over her nipple. Spitting more on her boobs and armpits, Anu rubbed it till it dried out. Pulling a stand she focussed the cam on to it. It was an erect pole which had a silicon dick mounted upright. It was a massive dick which would have been around 11 inches. Spitting and lubricating it, she parted her butt cheek and started sitting over it. Up and down she moved ! Her tits jiggled and swung hard in the air! Up and down she moved! His dick swung the same way ejecting cum all over the TV screen. Up and down she moved! HIs balls tightened !

A loud noise came out. Unable to know what to do, he pulled a towel nearby, opened his hall door, peeped through a narrow opening to see what it was…

None ! Nothing. Banging the door and locking it, he let go of the towel. A split second glance on the TV, gave him an idea. He rushed to the fridge and found the fattest cucumber. Cutting its edge, he took a spoon and emptied all its center fillings. Ensuring it fits into his rod, he sat on sofa inserting the cucumber vagina hard and hard. His eyes blinded in ecstasy. Watching his own wife performing ofor him, he kept thinking as if he is penetrating her anal hole. The jizz was so hard that the cucumber felt like breaking up any time. Up and down, up and down. Hard movements. The cool cucumber is a feast to his hot dick.

Thud! Thud! Someone knocked his door. he felt like getting a shock attack! Jumping over the towel, he wiped the cum on the floor and on the TV and wrapped it around his waist. In total shock, he ran helter skelter to the kitchen, grabbing some pepper and sprinkled it over the cucumber. With quick cut, he sliced the cucumber into two halves and made it look as if he was eating it. Adding more to the disaster, the door opened on the hall. He forgot to latch it fully when he opened it. The people who entered surprised him! He stood in total shock as if frozen.

It was Srilekha and her husband. Seeing them, he gave an unpleasant look, but managed to smile and greet them.
Switching off the TV, he said “Oh yes! Just a minute. I will be back”. He ran into his room. The second shock came! Anu was sleeping in his bed. How did he forget to check his room in the arousal. Shit! Watching her ass in a simple everyday saree, he dressed himself up. Rolling the towel, he came to the hall.

“I am sorry to keep you waited. I was cooking”, he gave an uncomfortable smile.

“Thats ok. No problem at all. In fact, sorry to distrub you by coming without prior notification. We were in a tight schedule”, said Srilekha’s husband.

“No no. No problem. Even I was in a tightttt schedule”, he replied in a naughty manner.

Srilekha did not lift her face and continued staring the floor. Of course, how can she face a man who splashed cum on her. That confirmed. she did not reveal any of those incidents to her husband.

“We are doing a house warming coming Friday. Sorry for the short notice. But the deal was over only last week. You must come for sure”, said Srilekha finally.

Nodidng his head fast, he said, “yes. Sure. I will definitely cum”, again a strange reply. Inside his night pant, he in fac, cummed. Droplets filled his briefs watching Srilekha in a Blue satin saree and a light green tight blouse.

“Isn’t Anu there?”, asked Sri.

“She is inside. Wake her up”, laughing he went to the kitched to make them a fruit squash drink.

While he returned with four glasses of fruit juice, his eyes filled in joy as well as a complete terror.

Anu was handing over the same towel which he bundled up on the chair. Srilekha was wiping her face all over with the towel. Wow! Is it a luck? Srilekha kept rubbing it all over her face. Not sure if she ever noticed any trace of his cum. But she continued to do and he watched it still in amazement. Anu turned and gave him a sharp look without telling a word. In a few sconds, Anu took the cucumber and started munching it. An extra pleasure is that, she gave one half to Srilekha who was already munching it. Double dhamaka! Both were savoring it telling, “Cucmber is always a delight for summer. I love it”, Srilekha was laughing as she said that.

Yes. Both the bithces love cucumber! He thought to himself. He and Srilekha’s husband continued with some random talk. He felt like driving him out, close the door and bang both the ladies hard on their pussy. Anu’s and Srilekha’s lips kept flashing on his eyes wet and wild.

he kept cumming as he spoke something rando to her husband. But his mind was fully fixed on Anu and Sri.

What a day!

To be continued.
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Just hysterical!! How the plain old cucumber became a super erotic item!!!! And enjoyed by both Anu and Srilekha!!! Yup, simply hysterical!

What a pity he forgot that Anu was in his room. We probably missed out on some super frantic action....and he lost the bet. So the battle of the sexes continues I guess?

In the mean time, I'm getting desperate for sleeveless Shylaja. But I'll take Srilekha too.
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This is not the first time but I have no words to appreciate you and your writing. Your wife or girl friend must be the luckiest one enjoying all your erotic thoughts.

Keep up the good work and keep rocking us with your awesome stories. Aish story was also too good. I login mostly only to comment on your stories. You are a GEM for xb.
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14 e - Pandemonium Everywhere

Pandemonium Everywhere
He could do nothing but to keep thinking about all the acts Anu did on the video. Srilekha’s husband kept on talking but his ind wandered elsewhere. How could he forget a simple fact that Anu was in his room? Has she noticed him doing all the misdeeds? In that case, she ate the cucumber and gave the towel to Srilekha. So, it confirms she has not seen him doing wild things. Again a confusion! Why is life full of twists and turns? we all yearn for something interesting, something naughty, something erotic. But why is that human tendency tend to refrain itself from facing all the suspense? Why fear creeps in and eats the healthy mind? Head ache started. Is it his weakness unable to face a beauty without cumming? He felt ashamed of himself. All he needs now is to bang Anu by her ass. He wanted to feel her bouncy ass clashing against his inner thighs as he drives her hole. He wanted to crush and squeeze milf out of Anu’s puffy hanging boobies. He kept staring at her light green blouse which projected both her cones forward in that thin everyday saree.

The way she sat in sofa revealed her front side belly, which folded two to three times and shined in the morning light. He could bite it and put his hands all over. But another beauty and the beast, Srilekha is just sitting next to her ranting on random things. Blue satin saree that was neatly pleated and wore in perfection. The light green tight satin blouse ran a bit lower on her front showing ample neck curves and a hint of valley just above her cleavage. The depth told how big of a cleavage it would be if she removes her saree front(pallu). Damsel! The biggest challenge for a man is to control his thoughts when a cougar appears in front of him. 99% of men will lose the battle. They would at least stuff a pillow in between their thighs. This unnamed husband kept rolling and turning to his sides to hide his uneasiness. His throat started to get dry every now and then.

“Anything wrong sir?”, Sri’s husband asked.

“Oh! Nothing! This summer! Literally it kills”, again a nice act.

“Ah yes Sir! Even if we open windows, we aren’t getting enough air”, he added.

“Yes. How could we get air if such MILFs keep tantalizing?”, he thought to himself.

“Why not stay for lunch? I will make it quick”, told Anu.

“No madam! Actually thank you so much! But we are on a tight schedule”, he resisted.

“Come on. Just a few more hours. It has been a while since you people visited us and I have been asking Sri since she got married. Please..”, Anu pleaded.

Sri got moved by her request and said, “I think we better stay. Old friends. We have a lot to discuss”, she laughed and grabbed Anu by her arm and took her to kitchen.

Slightly discomforted, Sri’s husband told “These ladies.. Can’t tell when their mood will change”, and smiled. Anu’s husband to felt the heat. Why is he being tested heavily? He wanted to throw these people out and ride Anu. Shit! Too much test of patience. He handed over the TV remote to him and walked towards the kitchen to see what these ladies were up to. Anu was the corner washing some utensils. The view almost blinded him. Srilekha was bending down on the drawer trying to pick up something. Her bumpy ass got revelaed in its perfect shape. The satin saree went in between her butt cheeks making a dent. The shape is irresistible. He felt like slapping it. Sri moved a bit to her side and he could see her ass jiggling as she made quick moves. Her tight blouse showed her massive tits hanging heavily. Though the saree ran on top of it, it could contain the heaviness of her tits, and it revelaed her hanging curves perfectly. Her arms were white and smooth as if waxed. He went further near and stood silent for a moment enjoying her ass to the maximum. It was almost 10 seconds before which Anu turned her head toward him.He noticed it and said, “Heh, shall I help you with something”, and before he could finish his breath stopped.

Hearing his voice, Sri tried to get up and while stepping back her ass crashed against his shorts. Due to recent work out, he did not wear a brief and so his dick could be felt so easily. The dashing was vigorous and his rod directly hit the spot in between her ass cheeks. Srilekha realized it for a moment and moved forward as if nothing has happened. He too acted wise by moving towards his wife and appeared normal. But inside, his volcano erupted again.

Just then a thought gave him a double blow. Did he remove the pen drive off the TV? No! The auto resume must have played his wife’s video as soon as he switched on the TV. Anu and Srilekha are here. What is that guy doing now? Anu was telling something which he did not hear and ran to the hall thinking what is happening. As soon as he reached near the fridge, Sri’s husband jumped on the remote and switched off the TV in a hurry. He was breathing heavily and sweating. The look was uncomfortable and he used a handkerchief to wipe his face and hide his uneasiness. His eyes were wide indicating he has seen and felt the terror. Both of them did not talk for a while, and the looks were sufficient to let him know what has happened. He looked back to see the pen drive still attached. Plugging it out, he rushed to his room to keep it safe. His heart was pounding with fury. Why is that men get angry only when someone else sees their wife while they stare on everyone else? Pity!

He saw Srilekha coming to hall with a plate in her hand. Using the chance, he rushed to the kitchen in blind anger. He threw a tumbler on the floor and whispered “I think he saw your video on TV. i forgot the drive”. The whisper was low on loudness but pitched high. When his fury cleared a bit, his head spinned and felt like falling on the floor. Srilekha was standing inside holding mangoes on both of her hands and mouth wide open in shock. What? She came just now right? Turning his head, he saw Anu in her light green everyday saree sitting on the sofa with a vegetable tray. Sri’s husband was staring at her in amazement. His anger doubled.

“What? What were you saying?”, Srilekha commanded.

“No no. Nothing Sri”, he adjusted.

“just stop fucking around. I know what you mean. Shylaja was telling me about her plans. Don’t act. I will tell him about your cum business.”, she threatened him.

Again he dozed. What? Is it Shylaja who gave Anu this idea? He wasn’t aware of this earlier. But now, to make it interesting, he thought of acting as if he knew the fact.

“Madam, I am sorry. I have nothing to do with this. I forgot to pull the drive. But your husband’s look was not so good. So I am assuming”, he got too uncomfortable.

“Shit! Shit!”, she pushed him and rushed to the hall. Srilekha’s gaze was fixed on her husband’s eyes. No one but a woman can read someone’s mind so quick. They are natural detectives. A woman’s intuition is so advanced. And now she found out. The bastard has seen her friend’s video. His eye balls dilated and moved side to side. It indicates lack of confidence.

He too came out and Srilekha nodded her head confirming what has happened to Anu’s husband. His heart broke. He felt like going to a no man’s land. How many would have seen Anu naked? He deserves this. During lunch, everyone is silent except Anu. “What happened? Why you guys are so silent?”, she kept asking.

“Bitch, my husband saw you shagging”, was Srilekha’s mind voice.

“Ah, dear. I saw you with your cucumber. My dick is thicker than that. Wanna try. Ahhh”, was Sri’s husband’s mind voice.

“First was your Skype office mate. And now this bastard. How many more earlier and how many in future? God! “, was his mind voice.

The lunch continued with short but random talks till Sri and her husband took a leave. Her husband was thinking about the video all along when he drove through the highway. He was getting fucked up without knowing that his wife knows what happened. All his replies indicated he is still thinking about that.

The biggest mistake Anu’s husband made is by telling her that he let the drive on TV. Anu was fuming and exploding like a meteor. He is nothing in front of her anger. He felt too bad and pleaded to forgive him. But inside, his conscience kept pricking that he deserved this as he kept flirting on some other's wife.

Srilekha did not talk to her hubby. Banging the door and locking it, she went into her room which created a doubt on his mind. Fearing the worst, he started to sweat with headache. Inside the room, Srilekha was rolling on her bed in complete confusion.

Back in his home, Anu’s husband was sitting with complete terror unable to know what to do. Anu locked her room and went to her shelf. Pulling a small pocket pouch, she took a pen drive similar to the one which he pulled off from TV. A naughty smile came on Anu. Nothing is seductive than blackmailing a man and make him beg to a woman. He can be toyed and made a slave! She succeeded in that. The first thing Anu did after waking up is to remove the drive while her husband was greeting the guests. It was replaced with a similar drive containing porn videos. What Sri’s husband saw was Sunny rubbing her pussy. Not Anu! But for now, only Anu knows.

Of course, Anu is a mind master. She loves to manipulate. So what is next?

Wait and see
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15a - The Bold and the beautiful

15a - The Bold and the beautiful

Confusion everywhere. Srilekha was talking to Shylaja on phone.
“Holy shit! I gave her that idea. She was telling about her husband trying to dominate. So I asked her to perform like that. No dick in this world will shrink from a pussy”, she laughed whole heartedly.

“Look Shylaja. I am serious. What do you find it funny in this?”, Srilekha sounded serious.

“What good it would be to worry?”, the question was straight from Shylu.

“I feel guilty.”, worried Sri.

“Come on. Let us put Anu on line. We will talk these over”, saying that Shylaja dialled Anu. Picking the phone, Anu came straight to the matter.

Anu: “I was waiting for your call”, she laughed.

Sri: “What? You waited? So…”, a hesitation crept in.

Anu: “Yes Sri. I know. Your husband would have seen my naughty acts”, again a bitchy laugh.

Shy: “I never thought you were this frank Anu”

Anu: She kept laughing to the point where others got irriated and Shylu has to stop her from annoying them. “Ok, Ok, I will stop. Don’t get offended. First of all, I switched pen drives. What your husband saw was just Sunny leone”, she contimnued a loud laugh.

Sri: “What? Are you joking. Don’t try to play. Your husband told me”

Anu: “Heh cool down. I am serious and I have the pen drive. We have 2 pen drives looking exactly the same. My husband does all naughty things. But he becomes a sobbing child when he gets caught. Generally, it is so easy for a woman to either confuse or seduce a man”

There was complete silence. Shylaja pitched in.

Shy: “So you are saying you switched pen drives. Why? What are you up to?”

Anu: “Nothing Shylu. As soon Sri knocked the door, I got up and took the pen drive out. In order to prevent doubts from my hubby, I took another drive and plugged in. Unfortunate that, it had some porn which I was watching yesterday”

Again silence.

Sri: “What? You still watch them?”, a sarcastic remark came from her.

Anu: “Of course Yes. It is boring to handle these men nowadays. Sometimes I do think a cucumber or carrot is enough for a lifetime. It does not make sense to marry a man just to get the drilling. A carrot is much more efficient”

There was a laugh riot on the call.

Shy: “True that. However jokes apart. So how did it go?”, an indirect reference came.

Anu: “It went on well. I spyed him up to sometime. I saw him pulling his trouser and banging at my door. After that I got a call and so did not know what happened at the final moments until Sri knocked. However, all men are same. Uncontrollable dicks!”

This call was a riot.

Sri: “Glad you did that”, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Shy: “Sri, don’t act like a typical woman. We are more than that. after all, we all know each other’s true side. Seriously Anu, you have a point. Sex matters only till some point. After that, we get the hell bored out of these useless men. Just for the reason they screwed us, we need to screw our lives with them. Very unfair”

Sri: “We cannot conclude quickly. All these sexual desires matters only till when we have a drive. Once we get old, we lose all interests.”

Anu: “What I am saying is, we should not depend and trust these men much. We need to focus on our lives until we all get old. Then, settle up and talk the matters with our men. Are they true to their soul? a big fucking No!”

Sri: “Hell No!”

Shy: “Definitely No!”

A big no came in unison. They were all in the same page.

Anu: “I know my husband sprayed cum on you Srilekha. Once!”

A big silence followed by a stream of shock words from Shylaja.

Shy: “What? On her also? Shit!”

Sri: “Ladies. Excuse me. What is happening here? Has he done the same to you also?”

Anu: “That is what I am telling right. I need to keep him in control. Only if I keep hum guilty at times he might be in control. Else, he will keep shaking dick at all places he can. Really ladies. We need to have control of these men. They call us a bitch if we are frank in sex. But these useless buggers will keep flirting with any women until they get old. So what do we call them? A pimp! Yes! That might suit.”

Shy: “Seriously. I have seen my husband flirting with his chief nurse once. But he acted nicely when he noticed me. Fucker!”

Sri: “It happens most of the time dear. My husband is a porn addict. I might have been glad if he screwed me those times instead of watching and shagging on the monitor.”

An air of despair spread.

Shy: “Seriously Anu. I cant believe. How do you take it so cool?”

Anu: “What to do Shylu. I am glad you people talk to me at least even after knowing my husband’s ugly side”

Sri: “Come on ladies. We all are friends. We share common interests. Everyone’s husband have a dark side. Men are like that. But that must not stop us from celebrating life”

Anu: “Well said Sri”

Shy: “Heh, Sri is moving to a new house. We must celebrate this. “

Anu: “How?”

Sri: “I got your point Shylu. Wife’s day out!”

Shy: “Bingo! Lets do it.”

Anu: “Oh wow! When. I am fucking ready!”

Shy: “I have a contact. 100% secure. My neighbour recommended it”

Sri: “Heh what? Did you mean that Brown holidays?”

Anu: “What? Brown holidays? i think I heard of that.”

Shy: “Yes baby. The same Brown holidays. We need to travel anyways. They are themed celebration centers. Completely legal and anonymous. They offer packages. Depending on what we select, we wil experience the thrill”

Anu: “What? Shylu you sound scary”

Sri: “Heh Anu. I will whatsapp you their background. Delete after reading. The owner of Brown holidays Mrs. Ritu does a battle against all odds. It is a refreshment center exclusively for married but exploited ladies like us”

Shy: “We have to book an appointment in advance. Their sales person will send the contact details. One of my friend went for a ice cream theme. My distant relative went for a choco”

Srilekha laughed.

Anu: “What is all this? Ice cream, choco. Sounds like a hotel”

Again a big laugh.

Shy: “Choco means, she got a 2 day package. She will be given a choco bath. A resort room full of luxury. Choco massage, choco sex, choco meal, choco kiss, choco manicure, choco pedicure.”

Anu: “This is ridiculous. Does such a thing really exists?”

Sri: “Hell yes! Mrs.Ritu was somehow able to run this business. You can see most of educated marrried ladies there. It is simply a destress resort. Also, having sex is optional. No one forces you into. Guys there are so safe and educated. My neighbour had bare sex with a guy just to fulfill her missing pleasure factors. She went with fruit mania package”

Anu: “And what is that crazy fruit mania”

Shy: “I will tell you”

Sri: “I will tell”

Anu: “For God’s sake someone tell me”, she pleaded.

Shy: “This macho guy, massaged her poruing honey. Licked and sucked all the left out honey then. A long ripe green banana inserted into her pussy, which was then chewed, licked, sucked and eaten by this guy. Gbangs hung on her nipples. Then plucked and stroked. Apple on her navel. Which was rolled, smashed with tongue and licked. They both drunk wine and exchanged it between their mouth through kiss. And..”

Anu: “Enough. I am getting wet.”

Shy: “Ha ha! I told you right. We will be in a different world”

Anu: “But what about security?”

Sri: “See most of the men who come there are real married men. They have a separate unit to idenify frustrated men like how we go there for destressing. It is a new world Anu. 100% anonymous and a dream come true. Moreover, I know Mrs.Ritu personally.”

Shy: “Guys, I think we must book. I will do it right now”

Anu: “Ok then. I am in. Let us choose Wednesday.”

Sri: “We will go for a 2 or 3 days trip. Let us inform our husbands that we are on a trip to **** city.”

Anu: “Oh. Then I will inform the same”

Shy: “We will plan for Thursday on Ethnic package. Then Friday on Beach Bay - Moonlight combo. We will roam the city on Saturday and Sunday like a usual trip and be back”

Sri: “Sounds like a plan”

Anu: “Wow. The name sounds horny. What does they do on Ethnic and Beach bay-moonlight?”

A lot of giggles.

Sri: “Wait till we go there”, a big laugh, “Frankly, they keep changing packages and men. I got the latest additions from their whatsapp. There is nothing bad in their menu. All are 5 stars only. Brown holidays is the must for a modern women like us”

Everyone ended the call happily. These bold and beautiful ladies are now on a trip! A lot of things to chill out this summer!

To know what happens next on the trip, continue reading and commenting
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What I love is you make the story natural. Others whom I read, has some artifical situations and then sex will follow immidiately. They focus just about that. But you make it like a visual. That too many of your parts dont have fucking. Yet our dick will dance and cum like anything. That is your success. You have a very long way to go.

I have to mention the previous part as an example. It is a long phone talking which justifies their side. However, one part made me jump and shag.

“This macho guy, massaged her poruing honey. Licked and sucked all the left out honey then. A long ripe green banana inserted into her pussy, which was then chewed, licked, sucked and eaten by this guy. Gbangs hung on her nipples. Then plucked and stroked. Apple on her navel. Which was rolled, smashed with tongue and licked. They both drunk wine and exchanged it between their mouth through kiss. And..”

This was it. What a thinking and I think you must be having extra ordinary brains. Kudo BRO. XB needs you for long. Keep writing and I will be your fan forever
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breville1 is hunted by the papparazibreville1 is hunted by the papparazi
I agree with soccerboy. This is so ridiculously erotic, beyond belief how you keep raising the heat!! Swapping the pen drive was pure genius!! The ladies trip is sure to result in more super heated tales!

But how can we get our man to take the upper hand which he held for only a short while? He still hasn't actually fucked another woman while wifey and her pals are dallying and enjoying other cocks. And he does posses good sized equipment!!

More, please. More.....
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15b Vacation Starts

The vacation starts

The ladies had hard time trying to convince their husbands. As expected, male domination continued at its peak. They need to justify why they needed a vacation. See! But men enjoy many outings and all freedom. But they expect women to inform for each and everything. What a society is this. However, Anu, Shylaja and Sri knew how to play the cards. They were well prepared with their own stories. For Anu, it took some effort convincing her husband. Her straight forwardness gave her success when she finally lost patience and said, “Asshole, you flirt and roam anywhere. Why shouldn’t I do this? Does having a dick makes you special ? Then I have a pair of awesome tits. I am greater than you! Just shut the fuck up and take care of the house. Nothing wrong if you handle things here for a few days!” Anu’s husband almost got a heart attack when he heard these. He could do nothing but simply watch her packing things and getting ready.

Shylaja is usually soft with her words. She pleaded and tried continuously to her best. Her husband kept on talking. She was wearing a light blue checkered shirt. While he was shouting, she unbuttoned her top two buttons and pulled it down. Her firm tits stood out of her shirt without a bra. Her shiny white tits with a creamy brown nipple made him dumb. She had an oily face with a pony tail held by a thick black puffy hair band. Her broad face without a bindi looked erotic. She held her cups and shook it side to side with her tongue doing naughty things watching her husband. He jumped over her, while she went down immediately pulling his trouser and worked her mamries sandwiching his dick. It was a half an hour ordeal wherein she played flute, gave him a tit sandwich fuck and finally worked hard tightening his screwdriver into her hole. Finally he agreed like a mad man who is in a different dream world.

Srilekha’s husband is going abroad for a month and so it was so easy to convince him. However, he always questions her a lot. Understanding his impatience, Sri came near him. She was wearing a tight red dotted blouse with a dark red saree getting to ready to go out. Adjusting her lip sticks and face powder, she looked passionately at her husband who is getting ready to go to airport.She said, “Honey, I know you care about me a lot. Don’t you worry. Whenever you feel sad or miss me just remember this”

In a few sconds, she pulled his trouser and ran her fingers deep below his balls. Touching and caressing his butt cracks she buried her face into his pants and played with the drumstick. To watch her blow his rods with that cherry red lips, milfy red saree and a blouse is heavenly. He moaned and grunted in pleasure. It was a super fast express blow job. As a present, she rolled her tongue tip over his dick tip until he almost fell down and unloaded a huge volume into her mouth which she drank smiling and moaning. It was a beautiful disaster. She pushed her saree up and jumped over his face. He buried his face completely into her pussy. She circled over his face inserting all the depth and jerked over face. The cream was so hot and saucy. With satisfaction, he left for the airport. Srilekha adjusted her makeup and called the other ladies. The phone call started.

Sri: “ hello ladies what's up?”

Shy: “ very tired”

Sri laughed and said, “ same here”

Anu got surprised, “Hello what's happening?”

Sri: “ I just blowed my husband”

Shylaja gave a whole hearted laugh.

Shy: “Wow, what a coincidence. Even I rode on my husband.”, again a loud laugh.

Sri: “What about you Anu?”, they were anxious to hear what she might be telling.

Anu: “No. I did not. So, permissions? Fucking permissions?”, her voice turned hard.

Shy: “Yes, we got it. That is why the ride?”

Sri: “Fuckers. All mena are the same. God, I swallowed a lot of cum”

Anu: “Coool! Enough of your bed room diaries. Now, how do we start?”

Sri: “Darling, I already booked a self driven mini convertible”

Shy: “What? A top open Mini convertible?”

Sri: “yes darling. You heard it right”

Anu: “Holy shit! Really! Wow. I could not believe. But is it expensive?”

Shy: “Hell with that. This must be our dream vacation. We will handle the expense somehow. But wow. What a kind of ride it will be”

Sri: “Yes. Better than riding our husbands dick”

Everyone laughed. The call was destruction to mne.

Anu: “We will start at Thursday early morning then. Will be excellent to drive on a sun rise.”

Sri: “Yes. Well thought! But We will take a call taxi till Gandhi point. From there, we will drive the Mini. The rental company agent will be there. Why get our husbands notice unnecessarily”

Shy: “You are 100% right”

They discussed and agreed on things to be purchased and finally the call ended. Everyone was so satisfied looking forward for the holiday. Plans are set! The hot game is to begin!

It was Thursday. Anu, Sri and Shylu woke up early and started with their big baggages. As planned, the call taxi waited at Anu’s door step on which Shylu and Sri were already there. They got down at Gandhi square to board the Mini convertible. It is a small crimson red COOPER top open type convertible car. Enough to fit 3 to 4 persons, it would be a dream ride for any group. The rental was expensive but it does not matter much for these rich ladies. They started sharp at 7 in the morning.

Shylaja was the first to start the ride. As all these three know driving a car, it is going to be one awesome day for them. They were taking up the seashore road which was just perfect. The sun was mild with gentle yellow spreading across the shore. The view to their left was the vast sea shore road with belts of dark green trees. To their right are vast green valleys and villages.

Shy: “Guys, what are we? Look at us. 30 years old ladies with no focus on life”

There was deep silence. Anu responded then.

Anu: “Yes. Look at us. Pathetic! We are getting old”

Srilekha was thinking for a long time. Somehow, the atmospthere turned dull. Sadness loomed.

Sri: ‘You are right Anu. We did not enjoy. In spite of all our education, we are still the slaves”

Shy: “It is not that we are struggling. But we are still bound to men. And they are exploiting us”

Anu: “Yes. We get big and bigger. Why? They use us. Look at my tits. He sucks all the milk and finally blames me for getting fat.”

Srilekha gave a violent laugh. “Yes. happens all the time. Look at my ass”

Shylaja was focused on her driving. “Ladies, it is no use blaming. I cannot say men are totally bad. But they are very selfish when thinking about us. They want all the fun for them and make us starve. That is where things go wrong.”, telling that she screeched hard on the break and stopped the car in front of a small show room.

Sri: “Shit, you scared the hell out of me! What?”

Anu and Sri waited for Shylaja to reply. A heavy look!

Shy: “Look at us all. A Salwar, a saree and a traditional kurti. Ladies! Lets grow up!”
Anu looked upward at the name board of the showroom. It read, “CHRISTINE’s APPARELS. Exclusive Lingirie & Summer wear show room”

A smile came in them. They rushed to the showroom with their wallets.

[b]To be continued !!
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Perfect opening for the vacation. As usual narration is very good.

Convertible car ride and the ways they got permission is too horny. Waiting for more vacation episodes
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