Adultery Exchange & Experiment by sansar
Story : Exchange & Experiment

Written by sansar
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This is a story of coincidences and dreams coming true. A dream to acquire someone else's wife and compare the experience to one's own is a dream that is shared by many, and like me, always remains a secret, until your fuck-luck opens out.


I am Ajit, aged 26 yrs of age married to Anjali, who has been my neighbour turned life partner. I have been an excellent athlete from my school and college days and am working for a business firm who promote sports accessories as a Senior Manager. Being tall and fair in complexion, I was always the centre of the college girls. However, I was attracted to Anjali, who lived next door, and known to me and my family since childhood.

Anjali had completed her fine arts and was an artist of good standing. Aged 24 years, she had her own life-style and like any other artist was at times immersed in her drawings & paintings. Many of her paintings were in demand by business houses and art lovers. Due to space constraints and requirement of peace, we had shifted to a big house, with many rooms & porch, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Though away from the city, it was just about 20 minutes drive from my house.

We were married for the last two years, and shared a satisfying sex life. The nights were spent in exploring and trying out many of the Kamasutra juxtapositions, and mainly depended on the outcome of Anjali's artistic moods. We had decided not to go in for a child for the next 3-4 years and took precautions of a condom or the pill, depending on the safe & other days.

Anjali was bestowed with a set of 40 sized firm breasts and this suited her stocky, dark skinned body, and her 5ft height. Comparatively I towered over her with my 6.2ft height.

As with all artistes, many of Anjali's friends would drop in for discussions of exhibitions, exchanging notes and group paintings. They would discuss and paint for hours. At times we had friends who would sleep over, sprawled out in the hall or even on the floor, where they were painting. Anjali would creep into bed late after their painting session and we would nuzzle into each other till sleep overtook us.

We had a common friend Anand, who also lived in the same town, and was a colleague of Anjali at her Fine Arts College. He was plump, short & just about the height of Anjali and had green eyes. He was always the jovial & chubby type. Anjali liked him a lot and shared her concepts with him.

He looked like the typical artiste, who had a care-2-hoots attitude. He frequented us the most. In fact he was like a younger member of our family, who had access everywhere, except the bedroom. From what I learnt from Anjali, during our courting days, Anand had a huge soft corner for her, and this had brought a pang of jealousy in me. But I knew that Anand was harmless, but overdue friendly.

He always had the habit of hugging me or Anjali, without being nasty or obscene. Grabbing of arms, tickling, pulling one another's legs was an accepted thing.

One day he came with his wedding card and this was celebration time. Shortly he was to get married. We had a bachelor party for him at our house and that day we were all boozed out. A few days before his wedding date, he came to our place with his fiancée, Neelam. She was the exact opposite of Anjali.

At 22 years, she was an inch shorter than Anjali, very slim, almost skinny but extremely fair and blue eyed. Her small breasts could be said as that of a fourteen year old teenager. Her bums were nice & perky, and not rounded like Anjali's. Her hair was her forte. They reached her waist, neatly plaited. She had a good sense of dressing and had worn a well fitting light mauve salwar top, which accentuated whatever curves she had.

What caught me unawares was that her figure and appearance had turned me on. I felt a stirring between my legs. It must have been the thought that she was fragile and not fleshy like Anjali and would have to be dominated during sex. I do not know if it was my reaction or what I said, but Anjali too noticed something different in my looks. We spent the whole evening together and then they left.

While Anand & Anjali were on their hot topic of art, I was left to entertain Neelam. I found that she too liked sports, and had taken part in athletics in college. She loved basketball, a game I played in college. Our conversation about sports was as heated as Anjali & Anand's about art. Neelam had a shy way of conversations and it felt like we had known each other for years.

When the time came for them to leave, we started to get up. As we walked towards the stairs, Neelam's slipper got entangled in her saree and she lost her balance. I held out my hands to her and she fell straight into my arms. Anand & Anjali did not notice this as they had already gone down the stairs. As a reflex, I grasped her to steady her fall. In the bargain my hand had cupped her breast. I held on to it tightly, till she was steady. It was only then did we realise that my hand was tightly cupped around her left breast.
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She wriggled out of my arms and smoothened out her saree. I started to apologise, but her "It's ok", with a sweet blush and her innocent smile kept my words within me. We walked down the stairs, without speaking.

After they left, Anjali enquired as to why I had that hungry look in my eyes, and she followed it up with her own answer.

"She looks sexy doesn't she?" She asked waiting for an answer.

"Well! There is something definitely very, very sexy about her..." I replied.

"Very, very? ...." She asked by raising her eyebrows jokingly.

"She cannot be compared with you Anjali, your yoooby, dooby, boobies compared to her titties is like comparing Mount Everest to our village hillock. There is no comparison to your juicy butts. Hers was like a flattened speed-breaker...." Anjali was listening very attentively as I rolled down the statistics.

She suddenly intercepted my reverie and asked "Aju, you seem to have really given her a thorough look-over. Don't tell me that your little mind has any designs? Remember I am the artist." She said, "But I do agree with you, she has that something which even attracted her to me. Anand is a lucky man."

"Do I hear a tone of jealousy in that?" I joked.

"You never know" she said, as we both laughed.

"But Anjali, don't you think that Anand would have loved somebody a little plump and full bodied as compared to Neelam?" I asked her sincere opinion, keeping in mind that he preferred a heavily built girl like Anjali.

"Let's wait and see" she replied, "If he needs any help, we are there aren't we, Aju? What are friends for?" It was a statement rather than a suggestion.

The marriage was a grand occasion, as Anand was the only son and Neelam the only daughter. We being Anand's closest friends were treated like royalty, both by Anands' as well as Neelams' family. Our entire artist friends were invited and it was more like a home function. Soon after, the newly married couple went for their honeymoon to Mauritius.

The days went by and after about a fortnight, the couple returned. Life got back to normalcy. We then decided that we should invite the newly wedded couple for a dinner to our place, to update on the happenings. So we invited them to drop in. Anjali popped the idea that they should stay over and spend the weekend with us.

The evening they were expected to arrive, we cleaned up our place and ordered food from the caterers. Anjali suggested that we serve the imported French Wine that we had been gifted. We decided to set the table under the open sky on the terrace that we had. The candles took their place, so did a vase full of flowers. We took special care to make their bedroom a little decorative, with mild lights and flowers. We had three attached bedrooms in the house.

When they arrived, we were amazed at their dressing. They were casually dressed but they looked like a film star couple. Anand had a loose T-Shirt while Neelam had a sky blue coloured saree, the Indian dress worn by women, neatly dbangd around. They had carried a bare minimum change with them, as we had volunteered to share our night clothes with them.

The hugs completed, we showed them their room and opened our wardrobe for them. Anand went for my shorts and a light cotton t-shirt; Neelam selected a baby pink pyjama & a loose night shirt, which Anjali had out grown in the last two years. Incidentally this was what she had worn on our honeymoon night. Anjali cast a very quizzical glance at me and smiled.

We left them to change and came out. As we walked out of their room, Anjali whispered "She look like a ravishing doll. You just control yourself." Not to be kept behind, I retorted "You be careful too. The bull has recently had a taste of blood. He may want to graze over new pastures". Saying this I gave her boobs a good squeeze from behind. She immediately reached behind and had her hand sliding over my prick over my shorts. This happened in a fraction of a second like a quickie.

"Anjali, in case he goes for you, will you ......?" I asked.

"It depends.....only time will tell," she turned, smiled and replied before I could finish.

I was not sure what was going on in her mind, but I knew that in case any such situation arose, we would very liberally accept each others actions.

After about half an hour, the newly wedded couple walked down the stairs. Anjali and I were stunned. While Anand looked like a youth, Neelam took the breath out of us. She looked fresh like a baby. Her long dark hair spread out over her back, dropped down to her waist. Her fair flawless skin shone like marble, and the 'mangalsutra', the black beaded chain the Indian Ladies wear after marriage, swayed over the clearly large sized night shirt, from one tit to another. She really looked ravishing.
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We walked them to the terrace and opened the wine. Neelam initially did not take the wine, and we poured for the three of us. She had a soft drink. The conversations floated from Anjali & my childhood to the college days of Anand & Anjali. As we had the second drink, I casually asked Anand if Neelam should try a little wine. Anand spontaneously & enthusiastically said that if she wanted to, then she was free to do so.

"Neelam may I have the honour of pouring the first drink for you?" I asked her.

"I have never had a drink before..." she replied.

Before she could complete, Anand suddenly blurted, "Well! After our wedding we have done a lot of things which we did not do before marriage."

There was an awkward silence for a second and then we all burst out laughing aloud. But Neelam literally turned red, blushing & knowing fully well what he had meant.

"In fact, we were waiting for Anand to give us the full report after the meals, not now" Anjali said trying to defuse the situation, "and Neelam, you are not to stop him." Neelams' blush made the night to glow.

I poured the wine and held the glass out for her. She extended her mehendi decorated hand and as my fingers made contact with hers, she looked straight into my eyes and we held our stare for a second. This was not lost to Anjali & Anand. In fact, after that Neelam had another round of wine.

The drinks finished, we headed towards the dining table, where the food was already laid out. Anand sat opposite to me and Neelam was to his right and next to me. Anjali was placed to my right and next to Anand. The discussions continued and branched towards our individual likings. While Anjali & Anand talked about their paintings and the forthcoming exhibition, Neelam and I spoke of sports.

As we talked, I did not realise that my feet were touching Neelams'. The movements were unnoticed at first but then I realised whose feet they were. I did not make an attempt to remove them, neither did Neelam. After sometime I became a little bold and moved my heel over her pyjama pant and along her calf. I could feel her shiver and look at me through the corner of her eye. She carried on eating.

Before the other two could know, I retracted my leg. But did I sense dejection on Neelams face? After some time I again moved my foot over her foot, and definitely I could see a blush.

This time Anjali noticed it and knew that I was up to mischief. The wine had got to Anand and he let himself float along. As though needing help in serving dessert, she called me in the kitchen.

"What's happening under the table, dear?" she asked.

"Footsie, dear... pure footsie!" I replied.

"Careful, they are just married. Let's not disturb their life" Anjali warned.

"Sure. But why don't you try footsie the other side? Let's neutralize the situation." Anjali said that Anand had tried once as we sat, but did not continue. I told her to respond and to see his reaction.

I even suggested to her that they could discuss their forth coming exhibition, in our in-house studio, which was a big room on the other side of the house, without we disturbing. Neelam and I would find some topic to talk about in the house.

"My, my, my ...... the young mind is at work hanh..." she said with glee. "So be it"

We came out with the desserts to find the couple talking. Anjali mentioned the idea of discussions in the studio, which Anand jumped at. Neelam looked at Anand not expecting to be left alone.
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"Neelam, Ajit is a great story-teller. He will keep you company. You mind?" Anand asked her.

"If it is not a problem for Ajitji." She replied.

"Ajitji? Hey I am young, dear. Just call me Ajit."

Anand & Neelam helped us in clearing the table and we headed for the terrace. Not wanting to waste any time, Neelam mooted the idea of heading for the studio, and they left. I was left alone with Neelam. I reminded Neelam about how I had wanted to apologise for having my hand on her breast, and hoped that she did not mind it.

"Definitely not, Ajit, you tried to help. I did not mind it"

"So how was your honeymoon," I queried.

She blushed and replied "Same like anyone else's....."

"Hope our bull did not try to scare you" I joked.

The blush on her face was heavenly. She looked up straight into my eyes and again our gaze held.

The topic shifted to what they saw and did on their tour. She said that most of the time they were on organised tours and the evenings were spent alone.

"Did you enjoy the evenings?" I asked.

"Well..." she hesitated and then said "Anand kept me busy!"

"See Neelam, Anand and us, we are very close like a family. If you feel that I or Anjali are prying into your personal affairs, please do not hesitate to tell us. Anjali & Anand are artistes and are always in a different world. I always leave them on their own." The last part I stressed. "I hope you will not mind them being together."

"No Ajit, I don't mind" she replied "but what must they be doing now?"

"What do you want them to do?" I asked.

She said that I was a naughty fellow and understood what I meant. She said she liked naughty fellows. I felt a type of warmth creeping between my legs. Was she aware of Anjali & my plans?

Almost half an hour had passed. I was sincerely hoping that Anand had taken the lead to come on Anjali, as I desperately wanted to fuck Neelam. She had an excellent erotic way of carrying herself. And Anjali's honeymoon night dress, with her mangalsutra hanging in between, was accentuating her fragile body. In fact I could see the outline of a nipple through the dress. She caught me staring at her breast and shifted slightly.

I asked her if she wanted to go down and see. She jumped at the idea. I extended my hand to lead her, which she demurely accepted. As we neared the stairs, I realised that she was shorter than Anjali and reached much below my shoulder.

As we walked down the steps, I slowly put my hand across her shoulders, which were frail and held her. I could feel her body tightening as she had not anticipated this.
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"Just in case you fall" I tried to justify.

She smiled and relaxed. I slowly pulled her close to me as we walked down the stairs. I was surprised to find her shifting to the side and her hand going round my waist and holding me tightly. I looked down at her, as she looked up shyly.

"Just in case I fall" she repeated my words.

By now we had broken the ice of nearness, and I rubbed and massaged her shoulder & arm, as we slowly walked to the studio. The wine had loosened her inhibitions and she was responding to my massage. Anticipating that Anand may have come on to Anjali, I mentioned to Neelam, that at times married people have to experiment and forget. She did not understand. So I told her that we will surprise the artistes at work.

There was a window in the wall of the adjoining room, which gave the view of the entire studio. When we reached that room, which was dark, I put my finger on her lips and motioned her to keep quite. I led her, holding her by her waist, as she walked in the darkened room to the window. We could see Anjali and Anand both standing and staring at the wall painting to our left, their profiles towards us. Anand had his left arm folded and resting on Anjali's shoulder from behind, and his right hand was fondling her left breast, over the black bra, with his right hand under the T-Shirt, which had risen over her left boob. Anjali was clearly enjoying the whole ministrations. Her hands were clasping Anand's shorts.

Though fully dressed, Anjali was pressing her bottom into Anand's groin at regular intervals. We could see Anand's penis making a bulge in his loose shorts. They were lost in their own world. The wine was helping.

Neelam gasped. She had not expected to see this. She turned & looked at me imploringly trying to understand the situation. I motioned her to keep quite and held her around her thin waist and pulled her towards me, as I walked her out of the room. I saw that her eyes had watered. She looked so helpless. She had not expected Anand to go after somebody so soon.

I gathered her into my arms in which she willingly came. She held me by my waist and I could feel her sobbing silently.

"He doesn't like me?" she queried as she looked up to me.

"Neelam, it is not that he doesn't like you. Maybe he wants to try out something new. In married life, variety makes it more spicy." I tried to justify. "Like the other day, when you slipped and fell. I can still recollect the soft feeling of your bosom on my palms. The feeling was heavenly."

Neelam was all attention. Her eyes wide, lips pouted, but still with her arms around my waist. In fact my prick was touching her just below her tiny breast. I was sure that she could feel the hardened rod trying to push out of my pants and poking her in her chest.

"Neelam, would you mind if I say that you have the worlds' most beautiful eyes and a figure to beat Julia Roberts?" I asked her, expecting her to be shocked.

Her next question was what I was expecting the whole evening "Do you really find me attractive?"

"Neelam, you have really turned me on. I had mentioned this to Anjali and she agrees. You have the most exquisite and fragile body I have ever seen. In fact, the feeling of your breast is still lingering on my hands." This praise was working. "Your eyes are like petals of a lotus. And your lips.... They are so fine."

I could see her getting excited. Her tiny chest was heaving. The wine had really loosened her out. I bent down and lightly kissed her lips. There was no reaction from her. I again bent down and pressed my lips a little harder. She responded by opening her lips and allowing my tongue to enter her mouth. Our kissing became more aggressive, and I did not realise when her hands left my waist and were around my neck, pulling me towards her.

I lifted her in my arms and her feet dangled over the ground. I backed her into the wall and pressed my hardening penis into her.

She felt the prodding and opened her eyes, but did not say anything. I slowly brought my hands onto her tiny breasts and fondled them lightly. She was moaning and making erotic sounds.
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Not wanting to do anything in the corridor itself. I hinted whether we should go in the room. She nodded her head in agreement. I put my hand on her buttocks and pressed her into me. She hooked her legs around my waist. We looked like a mother monkey carrying her baby clinging to her stomach. We walked like that to the bedroom, with our groins rubbing against one another through her pyjama and my shorts.

Neelam was very light in weight as compared to Anjali, who was stocky & very heavy. I would never be able to carry Anjali like this.

As we stood by the huge bed, "Neelam, I need to confess something to you."

"What...?" she asked expectantly, her voice very hoarse.

"From the day that I saw you, I have always yearned to make love to you'" I said.

"You mean you wanted to fuck me? A married woman?" she retorted.

"Yes" I agreed.

"If Anand can experiment, why shouldn't we? In fact I too must confess. I liked you the day I came to your place, before the wedding. Your hand on my breast was the first time that any man had touched me there. If you will, keep a secret, I was thinking of you as Anand took me the first night. He was very careful but he was new to the act."

"In fact, Neelam, I need to tell you another secret. The pyjama that you are wearing is the one Anjali wore on our honeymoon, when I took her virginity."

"Ajit, you mean to say that this is your honeymoon uniform? Looks like you had planned it." Neelam giggled.

During this entire time we talked, we were see-sawing our love machines into each other. This had created a warm feeling down there. The wine too was having its effect on Neelam.

I lifted her from me and laid her on the bed. Neelam was spread out on the bed. Her long hair had framed around her head, on the bed; her arms were spread out upward on her sides, and her legs were spread out wide on either side, with her knees bent. She looked like an open book. I reached out and started unbuttoning her shirt.

Initially Neelam was hesitant and held my hands. She was in two minds to go ahead or not. I did not attempt further to open the button, but spread out my palm over her chest and started to ply her bosom over the shirt. She relaxed. Her hands fell back and her eyes closed. I then proceeded to unbutton her shirt.

As it came off, I could see a pink skin coloured see-through, front-clasping bra encasing two tiny and fair pink mounds, the size of over-sized lemons, topped with a pink areola. What surprised me was her nipple, which was about an inch long like an over-grown raisin and was a darker shade of pink, contouring the front of her bra-cup. I was jealous of Anand, who was the master of this tit.

Neelam had closed her eyes. I slowly put my hand onto the clasp and slid the bra off her chest. She was marvelous. I swooped down on her and gobbled up her right breast, whilst my hand went to work on her other breast. Neelam wriggled under me as jolts of erotic shocks passed through her. I put my hand below her chest and lifted her to put more of her breast into my mouth. Her fingers played in my hair, with her eyes still shut.

Till then I had not removed my shorts. I straightened up and slowly pulled her pyjama down her legs, to display a pink lacy panty and had to slightly lift her buttocks. As my hand touched her naked arse, she opened her eyes and looked. She laid spread on the bed like a small innocent teenaged girl, who has just started sprouting pubic hair and tits, and about to be initiated to the act of fornication. She knew that the final assault was on.

I let the unclasped bra and the pink panty be on her, as I started pulling down my shorts. By now she had covered her semi-open boobies with her hands. Her eyes were expectantly looking towards the unfolding weapon.

I was liberally endowed with a prick that was about 8 inches long but was almost 2 inches broad. The tip was red in anticipation of tasting new flesh. Her mouth & eyes widened, at the site of the erect member. I could sense fear in them.

Though she had just been familiarized with fucking at her recent honeymoon, I was not sure as to the penis size she was accustomed to or what Anand had done. I found later that Anand had an average prick of about 6 inches long and just about an inch in width.

A thought must have crossed her mind. Will she be able to accommodate me? Will it not tear her apart? Before she could say anything I kneeled before her and put my lips on her cunt, which was still covered by her panty. This was a totally new experience for her. As soon as my lips touched her cunt, she pushed up as though she got a shock. I kept kissing her down there furiously and she was wriggling and moaning.

"Aaaaaah, oooh my God, what are you doooooing?............ Ajit stop it....." her voice trailed off.

She had never thought that the cunt was meant for kissing too; initially she tried to pull my head away, but a new feeling was taking over her.

I looked up to see her clutching her lemons. Her head was moving from side to side as waves of pleasure cruised through her. Suddenly the dam broke.

Her body stiffened and she let out a shriek and shuddered her first extra-marital orgasm. She pushed herself into my mouth and then stiffened. She was a squirter. Her cunt was soaking her panties wet, as her juices spurted out. Her fingers were now caressing my hair. I licked her cunt, with long strokes, over the panty as she pushed herself into my mouth.
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Our bodies had been swathed in sweat as I slid on her and kissed her on the mouth. I wanted her to feel herself on my lips. She put her hand around my neck and literally ate my lips.

My prick was rubbing on her panty covered cunt and she was humping on it. I waited to see if she would remove her panties to allow me to enter her tiny cunt. I did not want to force myself into her. I squeezed her tiny boobies and lifted her to my chest off the bed.

Slowly she let her hand down to hold my penis in her tiny hands. As I felt her tiny smooth hand on to my penis, I kissed her again and her hold on my prick became more forceful. She started to pump her hand on my prick and this made me to become more solid. She was a little surprised that I was not attempting to pull down her panties, and after some time I felt her pulling her panties down. I still did not want to be the first to start the assault.

I wanted her to lead me to her hole. So I casually asked her. "Would you like to hold my balls" she nodded to say yes. I made her sit at the end of the bed and stood in front of her. My prick was at full attention in front of her face and my balls hung below. I took her one hand and put them on the prick and the other I led to my balls. The feeling of having a strangers hand on my balls was exquisite.

I asked her if in college she had done anything like this. She replied that no boys had touched her as she was the timid, amongst the lot. However she said that the hostel roommate, with whom she shared the room, had once or twice come under her blanket at night and rubbed her vagina and pressed her boobs. Neelam was also forced to suck her roommates' huge boobs and was sucked in return. This happened once or twice and suddenly the room mate had to leave college, as she was getting married, and every thing stopped.

"So you are aware of sucking?" I queried.

She did not understand at first, and then I took my prick near her mouth. She understood. She did not like me trying to put it in her mouth. Then I said that since she had enjoyed me on her cunt, I would love it if she could also give me a little pleasure. Slowly but hesitantly she took her mouth near my prick.

She looked up at me and slowly opened her mouth to touch the head of my penis. Soon after I could feel her tongue licking the tip and then she suddenly took me in her mouth and held me in her lips. I was big for her mouth and she had to open her mouth to the maximum. I moved myself slowly in and out of her mouth and held her behind her head. She was a fast learner and I got a very good head from a fresher, though she could mot take me fully in her mouth due to my size.

I could not control it any longer, and put my hands under her armpits and lifted her on the bed. I asked her to slowly put her legs around my waist. Her expression was of total surprise. She did not understand what was happening, but she did as told.

As soon as her one leg was hooked around my waist, I positioned my prick at her hole, and lifted her other leg to hook me around the waist. Her cunt was now positioned just above my erect prick, and the weight that she put would guide my prick into her. She understood my intentions and slowly started to push up & down. The head of my prick entered her and her face contorted in pain. I did not push into her as I wanted her to feel comfortable.

She looked into my eyes "Please take me Ajit, please I need you in me. I can't push any further."

I had waited for this invitation from her. I then held her close to me and started to hump upwards; I could feel me entering her inch by inch. Her eyes and face showed pain but her moans were exciting me. I swung up & down, to & from. She was enjoying this Kamasutra pose. And then with one strong swing I entered her totally. She yelled in pain.

"It's paining Ajit, it's too big. Please, pleeeaaase...." I pulled her to me by holding her buttocks and did not move. After some time her pain had subsided as her cunt had got accustomed to my prick. "Ajit, compared to Anands' prick, you are massive".

Her cunt was small and tight. She must have felt totally plugged, after her honeymoon nights. But the tight fit had got her excited.
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I slowly started walking around the bedroom and swinging in and out of her. Her hands were around my neck and she was enjoying this novel pose. Both of us were sweating profusely and our bodies slid smoothly.

Then suddenly I got an idea. I whispered to Neelam, whether we should check on Anand and Anjali, since they were the first to start. Neelam hesitated at first and then agreed to my suggestion. She wanted to dress up and tip toe into the side room, but I had different plans. I started walking with Neelam fixed on my pole, with her legs hooked around my waist through the corridors.

Neelam was aghast. "Ajit what are you doing? Somebody will see us like this." Instead of answering I started ramming into her and her protests turned to silent 'aaahhs & ooohs'. I then told her that no one could see from outside into the house. This was indeed a novel pose for me too. When we reached the side room, we could moans and erotic expressions from the studio. Slowly we peeped into the studio.

Anjali & Anand were in their birthday suits, like us. She was totally bent over the sofa, holding the same with her hands, and Anand was furiously humping her doggy style. Her big boobs were hanging down and swinging like massive pendulums. Now and then Anand would bend to fondle them. It was then that we realised that his prick was not in Anjalis' cunt, but he was arse fucking her. Neelam kept on looking at Anands' prick going in & out of Anjali, as Anjali seemed to be enjoying this.

Anjali and I had never done this before. Then I thought that there is always a first time. This was a great turn on for us, and I pushed Neelam to the wall and started to fuck her roughly. She tried to protest as my massive prick was hitting her like a cannon, but then she too started responding. After a few minutes, I felt the familiar feeling building up in my ball sac and I pulled Neelam tightly to me as torrents of my semen -- spurt after spurt hit her fertile womb. Neelam threw her head back and tried to stifle her moans and cries. She too writhed with her orgasms and held on tightly to me. We were totally sweaty.

I was tired and asked her to put her feet down slowly, as I knew they would not touch the ground due to her smaller height. She was still attached to me with my penis firmly stuck in her. As she slid down, my prick started to come out and did so with a 'plop'. My prick was still very rigid. The semen from the swaying prick now splashed on her stomach and her tits. I bent down and kissed her as she held me by my prick.

Neelam could feel a void between her legs and put her hand between her legs. She could also feel the sperm running down her legs. I bent down and kissed her there. She threw her head back and started to hump me in my face. She was again hit by another massive orgasm, and her juices flowed copiously bathing my face.

She too was tired and slid down to the ground next to me. I wanted to make the best of the evening and I whispered whether we should enter and catch them in action. This time Neelam suggested that we should enter the room stuck to each other, like how we had come into this room. I then made her go on all fours and entered her already dilated cunt from behind. I held her by the waist and pushed in slowly. I screwed her first. As I was firmly fixed to her, I slowly lifted her frail body, by hooking my hands below her knees facing the front. It looked like she was in a chair. We then made way into the studio. At first Anjali and Anand did not see us, but when they saw us, they were shocked. Anand slumped on Anjalis' back, still inside her.

"Hey guys, thanks for giving us the lead." I wished them.

"You were watching us?" Anjali sounded surprised.

"Well! Thanks for breaking the ice. It was only when we saw that Anand had got to your boobs, we decided to share the game. I hope you don't mind Anand?" I asked Anand.

Anand had a blank look on his face, to see his newly wedded wife barbequed on my massive pole. But then he smiled. He said that Anjali was a great fuck, and that it was his first time in rear entry.
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We were both into each others spouses. I then walked towards Anjali & Anand, holding Neelam on my pole. As she came closer, Anjali kissed Neelams tits and then kissed her straight on her lips. It was a very erotic moment. I let Neelam hook her legs around Anjali as I fucked her from behind, and Anand taking cue started humping Anjali. It was a huge fucking sandwich.

After sometime we all came together, and disentangled. Anjali had her arm around Neelam and was fondling her tits, whilst Neelam was pressing Anjalis' boobs. Anand was amazed at the length and breadth of my cock and asked me if he could hold it for a moment. Anjali held me by my prick and asked Anand to compare it to his. She brought our pricks together and it looked like comparing a sword and a small dagger together.

"You mean to say that Neelam could accommodate this monster, in her." He exclaimed.

Neelam on her part was blushing and trying to hide behind Anjali. Anjali put her hands towards her back and pulled her to her nude back. Neelam passed her hands around Anjali and held her boobs.

"I don't think anyone is going to sleep tonight. Come lets head for the bedroom and we can continue our war there."

We then proceeded to the bedrooms decorated for Anand & Neelam, where we never came to know when the night ended.

Anand's parents wanted them to have a child soon. Later on, we came to know that Anand had problem with his sperms and the choice of breeding Neelam naturally came to me. I will tell you that part later.
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update plz...
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super story
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Super story
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