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"Thanks to both of you. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, and if Marianne has called you can tell me all about it."
As I went to bed that night I felt a bit more hopeful than I had since the beginning of this painful business. In a small way I'd taken a few forward steps: I had taken the initiative and been more active, rather than simply letting my pain paralyze me.
I had no idea what the result of my tale to Marianne would be. But if nothing else, it would give her some uncomfortable hours of thought. I still loved my wife, after all that had happened. But I was also still deeply hurt and absolutely furious at her, and I didn't mind the idea that I wouldn't be the only one in the marriage who was suffering.
The next day was Saturday. For the first time in a while, I woke up without remembering a nightmare. I was feeling a little lazy, having missed my regular morning jogs with Marianne, so I took a three-mile run, did some sit-ups and push-ups, then showered. I felt pretty good, at least when I didn't think about Marianne and Eddie together.
After running a few errands, I joined Andrea and Steve at their house at 5pm, as agreed. They relaxed in the back yard, enjoying the warm weather and a few cold beers.
Andrea was eager to tell me her story. "Just as you guessed, Tom, Marianne called us last night! She couldn't talk about anything but your 'affair'. She didn't wait even a moment, just blurted out, 'I think Tom is having an affair with someone—do you know anything about it?' "
I laughed. "What did you tell her?"
"Pretty much what you suggested. I acted embarrassed at first, and I said that you could hardly blame him. Then I confessed that you had mentioned something about a woman, but had hardly told us anything. She seemed really upset about it. I asked her how the rest of the evening had gone, and she hardly said anything. She told me you made her a fabulous dinner, but didn't say much about your conversation."
"I have you to thank for this, Andrea," I said. "Yesterday you helped me see that Marianne hadn't really been working very hard to understand how much I've been suffering, and why. So I did two things. First, she and I are each going to imagine being in the other one's shoes, and write down what we think the other one is feeling. And second, I've begun this nonsense about my seeing someone else. I have the feeling that that will really help her understand what I've been going through!"
We all laughed, but then Steve looked a little more serious. "How is this going to play out, Tom? Do you intend to tell her the truth, or are you going to keep up this story about your affair? And are you thinking about actually seeing someone else?"
"Steve, I'm just taking it one step at a time. I'm still not interested in sex at the moment—not with Marianne, not with anyone else. I was in a bar the other night, and I realized on the way home that I hadn't even looked around to see if there were any women in the place. I think ... the pain I'm feeling about Marianne's cheating has gotten in the way of my libido, at least for right now."
"As for keeping the story going—I'm going to stay with it, at least for a few days. If I get a chance, I may even tell Marianne some of the details about my sex life with this imaginary lady. She's hardly in a position to tell me I have no right to be screwing somebody. I can even tell her that she's better off than I was about Eddie, because she knows what's going on!"
I concluded, "in the long run I don't know whether I'll tell her the truth. I just know that I'm still hurting so much. The idea of making love to her again still fills me with rage. And I've realized that letting myself be the passive victim is the worst thing I can do. Making up a fake affair to torment my wife with seems like a weird strategy—but at the moment it's making me feel a bit better. At least I'm taking some action."
Andrea and Steve both nodded. "That makes a lot of sense to me, Tom," Steve said. "Andrea and I will keep the story going. Any time Marianne asks, we'll continue to be vague, but give her the impression that you have mentioned your new woman once or twice."
With that settled, we turned to other topics, and enjoyed a long and relaxed evening together. It was wonderful to have a few hours without feeling so much pain, without my mind filling with images of Marianne and Eddie together.
** ** ** **
When I got to the house on Sunday Marianne was waiting anxiously for me. She'd made some iced tea and sandwiches, and set it all up on our deck in the back yard. She was wearing a pair of green shorts she knew I liked, and a salmon tank top that showed off her figure beautifully. She'd done her hair and her make-up carefully—the effect was wonderful, and it was clear that she had put in a lot of effort. She looked absolutely beautiful.
I was in no hurry to get to our lists. I wanted to see how she was feeling, and was going to let her begin the conversation. I just said, "Hi Marianne, how are you? You look lovely today! Thanks for this nice spread."
"Thank you, Tom." She was obviously agitated. We had some iced tea, and she fidgeted nervously with her glass, played with her wedding ring, and just couldn't really sit still. I waited calmly, and when she couldn't stand the silence any more she burst out.
"Tom, are you really ... seeing someone? Are you having an affair, or did you just say that to upset me?"
"Do you think I shouldn't be seeing anyone, Marianne? Don't you think it's the least I've got coming, after you and Eddie all these months?"
She squirmed, and looked miserable. "Well, yes, Tom. I can't very well complain about anything you do at this point! I know what I did was awful .... It's just ... well, thinking about you and another woman is really upsetting me, and I want to know if it's true."
"It's true, Marianne," I lied calmly. "We've been together about six or seven times over the last couple of weeks. I'm not going to do this behind your back—you did that to me, and I know how much it hurt me when I found out. So I'm being open with you about it."
"But WHY?" she cried out, bursting into tears. I just looked at her in surprise.
"Okay," she said after a moment, still crying. "I know that was a stupid question. It's pretty obvious why, isn't it? I hurt you, and you wanted to hurt me back. But what's going to happen now? What's going to happen to us?"
The part of me that wanted Marianne to suffer a little was really enjoying this. "Actually, Marianne, I didn't do it to hurt you, and I'm not doing it now to hurt you. I've known Carrie through our work for several years, and we've always been friendly. The night we went out for a drink, after finishing up a project, we talked for a long time, and she made it clear she was interested in me. She's single, and under the circumstances there didn't seem to be any reason for me not to go to bed with her. We had a terrific time, and I've kept seeing her. Why shouldn't I?"
I had carefully chosen the name "Carrie" because there was no one I knew with that name. If Marianne tried tracking down my imaginary paramour, she wouldn't have much luck.
"But Tom ... what about our marriage?"
"I have two answers to that, Marianne. The first one is, you didn't worry about that a whole hell of a lot while you were climbing in and out of bed with Eddie, did you?" She just shook her head, looking miserable.
"And second, I haven't any idea. I couldn't possibly have sex with YOU at the moment. I can't even think of kissing you without seeing you and Eddie together, and when I imagine making love to you, it just gets worse. Given that I'm not having any sex with you, why not have sex with Carrie? I don't know where it will lead."
"Do you think you're falling in love with her, Tom?" Marianne spoke the question almost in a whisper.
"No, I don't think so. If I were cruel, Marianne, I could say that I was 'fond' of her, like you with Eddie, but I won't go that far. I like her. She's very attractive, and sex with her is terrific—she's wonderfully eager and enthusiastic. For now that's all it is. She knows about my situation, and I've made her absolutely no promises."
She only nodded, without looking up.
I looked at her. "We can keep talking about me and Carrie if you like, Marianne, but I get the feeling it will only upset you more. Do you think it would make more sense if we went on to our lists, the ones I suggested we make the other day?"
"I don't know what to do, Tom." Marianne looked thoroughly miserable. "I don't even want to think about you with someone else, but at the same time I'm just torn up inside! I keep seeing images of you ... with her, you know ... in bed. And it makes me crazy!"
"Believe me, Marianne, I know exactly what you're talking about. And there's one more thing. When you were screwing Eddie, you were getting out of his bed, coming home and climbing in bed with me. You must have had sex with me the same day you had sex with him, probably lots of times, and of course I never knew a thing. At least I'm not doing that to you. I'm not putting you in the position you put me in."
She nodded. "I know that, Tom. And I know ... I know that I'm the cause of all of this. I will try not to complain."
After a minute she rose and went into the house, returning with a sheet of paper. "Here's my list," she said. "I spent most of yesterday thinking about it, and read it over again this morning. I have to tell you, Tom—thinking about you and ... Carrie ... together made it a lot easier to imagine how you must be feeling about me and Eddie."
I smiled to myself, but said nothing. That had been the point, after all!
"Okay, Marianne. How about if I start by reading you my list, the one I wrote pretending to be you? I want you to tell me at the end how I did, and what I left out."
She agreed, and I read the list, in which the "I" was Marianne. There were five items on it.
--I am so angry at myself for being stupid and selfish. I thought I could do what I did without hurting you or jeopardizing our marriage. I was an idiot! Now I have caused you great pain, and I recognize that it is totally my fault.
--I am afraid for our marriage. I want you back, I want you to forgive me and come home to me—but I don't know what to do to make that happen. What if you decide to divorce me?
--I don't know how to make you love me again.
--I'm worried that you'll make some conditions for our marriage continuing that I won't be able to fulfill. (Like letting you have all the affairs you want.)
--I'm terrified about your affair with that woman. Will you fall in love with her? Does she please you, sexually or in other ways, more than I do? Between her attractiveness and your anger at me, will you leave me for her?
Marianne listened carefully as I read. When I was finished, she said, "that's an awfully good list, Tom. I am certainly feeling all those things—especially the first two, and the last one! I am angry at myself, and I am terrified. But there's one more I would put on there." She thought for a moment, and then said:
--I'm so furious that I can't tell you to stop seeing Carrie! Obviously I have no right to say that, given what I've done. But I want to stamp my foot and say, You can't see her any more!
I smiled at her, trying to look sympathetic rather than triumphant. "Believe me, I understand that feeling, Marianne. But you're right—right now you can't just tell me to stop. I have to figure out, in my own time, what's right for me."
"Tom," she cried, genuinely frightened, "please don't give up on me! I mean, on us—don't give up on our marriage!"
I went over to her chair and took her hand, holding it gently. "I'm not doing that, sweetheart," I said. "All these painful conversations, all these lists—all this is about trying to work it out. If I had wanted just to walk away, I would have done that three weeks ago."
She pulled my hand to her face and stroked it along her cheek. "Thank you for saying that, Tom! I so much needed to hear it. And I see your point—we have to keep having these awful conversations, don't we?"
I nodded, and after a minute said, "do you want to read me your list, Marianne?"
Her list was actually disappointing. It had only a few items, and I didn't think that she really had managed to feel all that I was going through. Like me, she wrote the list in my voice, so that this time the "I" was me.
--I am very angry that you broke our marital vows and had sex with Eddie.
--I don't know how I am ever going to be able to trust you now.
--I am worried that maybe he was a better lover than I am.
--I am angry that you were unavailable to me on our anniversary, because Eddie had given you the "honeymoons".
--I am upset that you lied to me, that you kept me in the dark about your affair for so many months.
--I don't know how to get over being angry with you.
When she was finished, she looked over at me. When I didn't speak, she asked, "How did I do, Tom?"
I sighed. "Well, it's a start. That certainly was the short version, not the elaborate one."
She looked a little annoyed. "What do you mean?"
"Well," I replied, "you've mentioned a few of the main points, but I don't think you have really walked in my moccasins yet, Marianne. Just for the heck of it, I made my own list of how I'm feeling. How about if I share it with you? The things you've mentioned are all there, so there's some duplication—but so are some other ones that are really important to me."
She nodded, and I went on to read her the list I had made.
--I am angry that you put yourself first. You chose to do something for your own pleasure and satisfaction, even though you knew it put our happy marriage, and my happiness, greatly at risk. If we still had toddlers, you would never have left one of our children alone in the bathtub just so you could finish watching your favorite TV show—you would have put their safety ahead of your pleasure. Yet with this affair you did just the opposite.
--I feel furious that my trust in your faithfulness has been completely betrayed. Part of what made our love-making so precious is that we shared it only with one another, and you broke that agreement behind my back.
--I am humiliated that you played me for a fool. You kept an incredibly important secret from me for months. When I questioned you about it, you lied to my face. You didn't confess the truth, or stop your affair, until I had absolute proof.
--I am angry that you have destroyed our sex life, along with the rest of our marital happiness. Right now the thought of sex with you makes me physically ill, because it is unavoidably linked to my thoughts of you and Eddie together. You have deprived me of the joy of our sex life together, without ever consulting me.
--My ego has been badly hurt. Eddie is younger than I am, and obviously full of energy and enthusiasm for sex. Is he a better lover than I am? Is his cock bigger, is his tongue more talented, does he have more stamina? In short, does he satisfy you in ways that I don't? When we were faithful to one another, I never had these worries—now I have them all the time.
--I am jealous of Eddie. Jealous of all the sexual pleasure you gave him, that was supposed to be reserved only for me. But even more jealous of the intimate time you spent together, the relaxed nights in his apartment, the fondness and closeness that obviously developed over the months you were together. I'm incredibly jealous and angry that you shared your most intimate, completely open side with him.
--I hate it that you took pleasure at my expense. In bed with Eddie, part of your excitement was knowing you were cheating on me. In bed with me, part of your excitement was the secret that you were also screwing Eddie. That undoubtedly made sex hotter for you, but only at the price of my pain.
--I am angry with you for breaking something I don't know how to fix: our marriage. I want it back the way it was, and I know it can never be that way again. Even if we stay together, how can I ever have the wonderful complete trust in you that I used to have? That trust is destroyed, and I don't know how to get it back.
--I'm afraid of my own anger and sense of grievance, afraid that it will destroy our relationship. I don't know how, even if we get back together, we can get to a point where I won't be constantly angry at you, and throwing your affair in your face all the time. What will happen when you finally say, "that's enough, stop hassling me about me and Eddie, it's time to get over it and forget it", and I still can't forget it? For a while you're going to be loving and apologetic—but what happens when you want to get back to normal, and I still can't do it? What will happen when you want to make love with me, and I still can't bear to touch you?
When I finished reading my list to Marianne, there was silence. I was glad I had written it out, and taken the time to formulate my thoughts carefully. I'm sure there were other things I could have mentioned, but the list communicated a lot of what I was feeling.
"Jesus, Tom," Marianne finally said, with a tremor in her voice. "I thought I was a sensitive person, and I thought I'd been thinking hard about this—but there are things there that never entered my mind."
She looked at me. "This has been just awful for you, hasn't it?"
I simply replied, "Yes it has."
And after a minute I continued, "and you are a sensitive person, Marianne. Sensitive, caring, and usually very observant. But somehow, with this affair, it seems you put all that stuff on hold."
She nodded her agreement. "Yes, I did—because I knew subconsciously that if I paid attention to your feelings, it would get in the way of my own selfish plans. So I guess I just turned off my sensitivity." She grimaced in disgust. "Jesus, what an idiot!"
After another minute or two of silence, I rose and wordlessly took her hand. I helped her to her feet, and we strolled hand-in-hand off the deck and around our green back yard, enjoying the shade of the walnut trees towards the back of the property. We didn't speak for a little while, just enjoyed the breeze and the noise of the birds.
I liked holding Marianne's hand. It reassured me that at least I could have this degree of physical closeness to her without my rage and hurt boiling up inside me. Obviously, this was a long way from making love! But it seemed like a good first step.
After awhile we returned to the deck, had some more iced tea, and spent a few minutes talking about other things. I had missed a couple of our weekly Monday night phone calls to the kids, so Marianne filled me in on how they were doing. She had told them I'd been away on business trips, so they had no reason to know I had moved out. I appreciated her having handled it that way.
Of course, the problem would come at the end of August when they returned home. If I were still living in an apartment, Marianne and I would have to talk seriously about how to explain the situation to them. But we still had a few weeks before having to face that.
Then I said, "Marianne, it's been a nice afternoon, but I should go." I considered adding that I had a date planned with Carrie, but it seemed cruel so I restrained myself.
But it didn't matter—she immediately asked, "are you seeing ... Carrie tonight?" I nodded, and saw tears come back into her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Marianne," was all I said. I wasn't going to promise I would stop seeing my imaginary lover.
"Tom, can we ... talk again soon?" "Of course," I answered. "How about Tuesday, the day after tomorrow? Why don't you come back to the apartment for dinner?"
"Okay," she sniffled. "I think I need to talk to you about Carrie. I've been trying not to think about it, but my imagination is making my life miserable. Maybe if you actually tell me ... about her, and about your ... time together, I'll be a little less unhappy and frightened."
"That's fine with me, Marianne." We agreed that this time we'd share making the dinner: Marianne would bring a salad and dessert, and I'd do the rest.
"Tom, would you leave me your list? I think I should probably read it over, and think about it some more." I was pleased by her request, and naturally agreed.
I kissed her on the cheek as I was leaving, and she gave me a sad, brave smile. I didn't know quite how to feel about it, but it was clear that at that moment Marianne was more miserable than I was. I couldn't help thinking that this was progress.
By Tuesday I had started to be more hopeful about my marriage. For a variety of reasons, I felt less devastated than before. I had taken action, that was one good thing. Second, Marianne had had to confront much more directly all the pain she had caused me, and she seemed to be facing up to it. And finally, the imaginary Carrie was making Marianne miserable!
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It certainly hadn't been a well thought-out plan on my part, just an idea that seemed worth trying. But now instead of there being a triangle of Tom/Marianne/Eddie inside both our heads, there was a Tom/Marianne/Carrie triangle (at least for Marianne), and Eddie just seemed less and less important, even to me.
I could even begin to think that—not yet, but at some time in the future—I could make love to Marianne without my rage about Eddie totally ruining it for me. My guess was that Marianne's fears about Carrie would focus on sex, and that she'd be so worried about my affair that anything sexual having to do with Eddie would be far from her mind.
As I straightened the apartment and checked on the dinner I was cooking, I found myself looking forward to sharing with Marianne my sexual exploits with the imaginary Carrie—she had made it clear she wanted to know about them. The advantage of a fictitious affair is that it can go just the way you want it to go! I intended to make my sex with Carrie sound as hot as possible.
When Marianne arrived she once again looked terrific. My wife was always beautiful, but when she set out to look her best she was totally stunning. She had on low heels that added to her height, and a pastel blue skirt that swirled around her when she walked. Her sleeveless blouse was white and a little bit see-through, so that I got the impression of a lacy bra beneath it. Without even thinking about it I took her in my arms as I let her into the apartment, and gave her a big kiss.
I think it surprised both of us! She looked at me and said, "wow, Tom, that was nice! I think I'd like another one, but let me put down this food first!" She had brought a big salad in a wooden bowl, and some ice cream for dessert.
She followed me into the kitchen as I put the ice cream in the freezer, and without hesitation said, "OK, what about that other kiss now?"
Looking at her seriously, I embraced her, drawing her to me slowly, and brought our faces together. This kiss was a long one—gentle at first, then gradually more passionate, as we held each other close. It probably lasted two minutes or more—somewhere in that time we had begun swapping tongues—and we both were short of breath when we broke apart. I had an erection that she surely must have felt pressing against her.
For me it had really been a test—could I kiss and hold Marianne without my mind reeling from thoughts of her kissing and embracing Eddie? And to my relief, I found that it was all right. I didn't forget about him, but the pleasure of Marianne being in my arms made my other thoughts unimportant.
Marianne smiled radiantly at me, still in my arms and holding me a foot or so away from her. "Tom, you've made me happier than I've been in weeks, since ... since this whole thing started. Being back in your arms like that is all I want!"
I grinned back at her. "Well you could probably tell that I was enjoying it too! How about some dinner, and we can think about some more of that later on?" This too was totally unexpected. I had no notion that we'd do anything more than talk tonight, and now it appeared the evening might go in a very different direction.
She tossed the salad while I brought out the dinner I'd cooked—chicken sauteed with artichoke hearts, and wild rice. Again she was impressed with my cooking, and I was pleased about that. Over the years of our marriage I had more and more left the cooking to Marianne, though I had been a pretty good cook in college. I guess that both of us forgot about my abilities—it was nice to be reminded.
After dinner we sat on the couch, and at once Marianne asked me about Carrie.
"Tom, it seems crazy, but I think I want you to tell me about your relationship with Carrie—how it started, and what's going on now. I know that you needed to hear all about my affair with Eddie, even though it was obvious how painful it was for you to listen to it."
"I think I'm feeling what you must have felt—that it's better to know the truth, even if it's awful, then to be at the mercy of my imagination."
"OK, honey," I said. "I'll tell you about it. Unless you don't want me to, or unless you stop me, I'll give it to you with all the details. As you say, then you'll know the whole situation."
She looked very worried, even though our kisses and the friendly dinner that had followed must have reassured her somewhat.
"Carrie works for a company that does a lot of business with mine. I've known her casually for two or three years, because we are in on a number of business meetings with other people. Once or twice a group of us has gone out for a drink after work and we've both been there, but always with 6-8 other people. We'd never spent time alone until about three weeks ago."
"Carrie is 27. She doesn't look much like you. She's only about 5' 2", and very curvy. Not heavy, but pretty voluptuous, with wide hips and really nice breasts."
Marianne grimaced a little, but didn't tell me to stop. I went on.
"She's got light brown hair, and dark eyes. What makes her particularly attractive is that she's lively and funny—sort of perky, except that I hate that word. She laughs a lot, and even in business meetings I've noticed she never seems to take things all that seriously—she doesn't think engineering or building construction are the most important things in the world."
"Two nights after I ... confronted you about Eddie, I had a business meeting with Carrie and some other people that went nearly until 6pm. Four or five of us went out for a drink, but after a little while everyone but Carrie and me had to leave. We were having a nice time, so I asked if she wanted to have dinner with me."
"She knows I'm married, so she asked right away, 'what about your wife? Aren't you going home to her?' And I told her the truth: that I'd caught you having an affair, and I'd moved out of the house."
"I was completely honest. I said that I still loved you, but I was unbelievably angry and hurt, and I had no idea about whether my marriage would ever be the same, or even whether there would be a marriage. I said, 'I guess in the shape I'm in, I'm the last person you'd ever want to have dinner with.' "
"But she told me, 'on the contrary, Tom, I've always liked you. You think the way I do, you're not so serious and solemn about the work we do. You have a sense of fun, and that appeals to me. I would love to have dinner with you!' "
"We had dinner at a seafood place on Thomaston Ave., and it was very pleasant. Carrie is easy to be with, and we had a good time chatting, not talking about anything serious. I learned a little about her background. She grew up in Miami, and at one time was an expert water-skier. She even did those fancy tricks—like skiing backwards, or holding onto the rope with just one foot—and she taught water-skiing for a while. She's lived in Cleveland ever since she finished college."
When the check came I paid it and offered to drop her at home, and she said, 'Where are you staying since you moved out, Tom?' I told her I had a room at the Holiday Inn. She just looked directly at me and said, 'I hear the rooms there are very nice. May I come and take look at yours?' "
"I was pretty surprised. I said, 'Carrie, are you sure about this? Given my situation?' And she just said, 'Tom, for a long time you have been on my "Damn, too bad he's married" list. At the moment you're not on that list, at least not all the way. I'm a big girl, and this is exactly what I want to do.' "
"I was incredibly flattered, and I told her so. We drove over to the hotel, went up to my room, and I made us a couple of drinks. We just sat on the sofa for a bit, talking some more. She asked me right out if I'd ever been with another woman since I got married, and I told her no. I was feeling a bit nervous! But she just smiled, and said she had a feeling we were going to be very good together."
"I put my arm around her and pulled her gently to me for a kiss, which she was more than ready for. We just necked for a long time, maybe half an hour. Eventually I began touching her breasts, which are large and firm. We both were very excited. She was breathing hard just from our kissing, and she groaned with pleasure when I first touched her breasts."
"She pulled away from me for a minute and said, 'can I tell you something, Tom? I love oral, both giving and receiving; and I really love having my breasts touched.' It was a big turn-on for me that she was being so open and direct with me."
"I picked her right up without a word, carried her over to the bed, took off her top and her bra, and began caressing her breasts."
I stopped myself to look over at Marianne, who was hunched up tensely in the far corner of the couch. She looked like a cornered animal. "Are you sure you want me to go on with this, Marianne? I could give you the short version."
"No, go ahead, Tom," she answered quietly. "I know that you had to listen to me and Eddie together. I don't see why I should be spared. And I need to know—having to imagine it myself is even worse."
I resumed my story. "Carrie really does adore having her breasts touched. I stroked them, at first avoiding her nipples but coming closer and closer; then I lightly brushed over them with my palms. She had her eyes closed, and was moaning quietly. She liked having the nipples pinched, but only gently, so I did that for a while. Then I kept my hand on one breast and lightly licked and kissed the other. It was very exciting for me too—being with a new woman after so long, and her being so responsive. And her breasts are just very beautiful."
"After a while I slid down lower and took off her skirt, then her panties, which were very wet. Since she said she loved oral, I kept my hands on her breasts while sliding my tongue right up her thighs into her pussy. I worked on her nice and slow—sometimes concentrating on her breasts while I very lightly licked her lips, then sometimes focusing on her clitoris with my tongue while lightly stroking across her nipples. I went back and forth, back and forth, until her hips were jerking back and forth at me and her moans were pretty continuous."
"I could tell she was getting close, so I moved back up to her breasts, latched on to one with my mouth, and used both hands down below. With one hand I stroked her clitoris, and with the other I slid two fingers inside her and moved them in and out. About a minute of that treatment was all she could take—she gasped, then cried out and had a wonderful orgasm, shaking up and down. I just took my fingers out of her, slid up next to her, and held her in my arms while she quivered, and then rocked her while she relaxed, sighing, her eyes closed the whole time."
"I felt great. I had been very nervous about being with another woman, unsure of whether I could please her. But I had obviously made Carrie feel very good—so no matter what else happened that night, I wouldn't feel like a failure."
"After a couple of minutes she looked up at me and said, 'Jesus, Tom. If I had known you could do that to me, I would have jumped you right on the table at the restaurant!' I just smiled and said, 'you are such an exciting and beautiful woman, Carrie. I loved touching you and pleasing you that way.' "
"She said, 'I hope you're going to love me touching and pleasing you too!' She pushed me down flat on my back, then got my clothes off, and immediately started caressing and stroking my cock. It took all of about 45 seconds before it was as hard as it's ever been. She teased me pretty much the way I had teased her—she used her hands or licked up and down it with her tongue until I was frantic, then backed off a little until I calmed down. She has a way of letting her mouth relax and open very wide, so that she could take my balls into her mouth very comfortably and I didn't feel afraid she'd bite down on them by accident. After a lot of teasing, she started giving me a serious blowjob, clearly aiming to finish me off."
"But I stopped her, and said, 'Carrie, I'd really like to finish inside you, if I could.' She smiled and climbed up on top of me. As she held my cock and slid down on it, she said, 'I'm on the pill, Tom—please go ahead and cum in me when you're ready.' Then she rode me, slowly and steadily, gradually getting faster in her up-and-down strokes, smiling into my eyes the whole time, until I was completely out of control. I was bucking my hips wildly, groaning at her, clutching her around the waist to keep her planted on me, and I exploded like crazy. I held her down on me as I came and came and came."
"I don't know if it was because this was someone new, Marianne, or whether it was because Carrie is very sexy and very enthusiastic, or because I hadn't had sex in more than a week—or all of those things. But it was one of the strongest, most complete orgasms I've ever had. I just lay there, exhausted, and finally said, 'Well, Carrie, you've just made an old man very very happy!' "
"She lay down next to me, her face shining with her own pleasure, and said, 'from the way I feel right now, you're just the right age for me!' Then she asked me if she could stay the night. I was surprised, but flattered and delighted. I said, 'of course, but if you stay in this bed I can't promise you an uninterrupted night of sleep.' And she just winked at me."
"We dozed for a while. To tell the truth I might have fallen asleep for the whole night, but after about an hour Carrie woke up. She began rubbing her breasts against me, drawing them back and forth across my chest. It felt really good, and I could tell it was getting her very aroused again. I started to stroke her back and sides with my hands, sometimes touching her breasts, while she continued to rub them on me. Then I pulled her up so her breasts were rubbing across my face, and I raised my hips and teased her pussy with my cock, rubbing it back and forth across her lips without letting it enter. I kept grabbing at her nipples with my lips as they went by, and sucking on them gently."
"We got more and more excited, teasing each other in this way. She started to moan, little 'oh, oh, oh!' sounds. I really wanted to be inside her, so I rolled her over beneath me and slid right into her in the missionary position. She had her eyes closed tight, and I just began stroking in and out steadily, easily."
As I narrated this scene, I was carefully watching Marianne. She looked more unhappy than ever, tightly pulled into herself in the corner of the sofa. I felt momentarily sorry for her—then I remembered the tape of her and Eddie in the motel that I had had to listen to, and my feelings hardened. Her pleasure and intimacy with him continued to fill me with rage! So if my made-up story gave Marianne a taste of the same kind of pain, I had no intention of stopping. I continued my narration.
"I gradually worked up to a faster and faster pace, nice and steadily. It was great that I had already come once earlier in the evening with Carrie, so I knew I could last for a while. By the time I was ready to let go, she had already had one really big, shuddering orgasm. Her second one came just as I was about to reach my peak, trying hard to keep my strokes long and smooth. But when her pussy clenched around me, I just went crazy for a few seconds, my hips jerking like mad, and the two of us convulsed pretty much at the same time. God, that felt good!"
"This time we both were exhausted. We just smiled at each other, lay together drowsily kissing for a few minutes, then fell soundly asleep."
"Thank God the next day was Saturday. We slept kind of late, and when I suggested we go downstairs for breakfast, Carrie wanted a shower first. Showering with her was amazingly erotic. We took our time washing one another. She did me first, doing my whole body but avoiding my penis until the end, though it was aching for her attention. She just soaped up my cock and balls, stroking them gently, smiling teasingly up at me while I groaned with how good it felt."
"I then teased her the same way, doing her arms, legs and torso but avoiding her breasts. At last I touched them, holding her from behind with my arms around her, and she just sighed and relaxed back into me. I slowly moved my soapy hands all over them, and she just totally melted. I could feel her breathing get faster and faster, and I wondered if we'd make it back to the bed or have sex right there in the shower. I began to reach ... "
I was interrupted by the sight of Marianne leaping to her feet, her face covered with tears. "Tom, stop! I just can't ... I thought I needed to hear this, but I ... I can't ... I don't know what ..."
She stopped, shuddered, and said, "I think I have to go now." And before I could say a word, she was out the door and headed downstairs.
I quickly went after her, not to stop her but to make sure she got to her car safely. From a short distance away I saw her run to her car, get in, put on her seat belt, and drive away.
Walking back upstairs to my apartment I was aware of a fascinating mixture of feelings. My own story had turned me on—the imaginary Carrie was one sexy lady! For the very first time since confronting Marianne about her cheating, more than three weeks earlier, I felt horny and interested in sex. It was nice to know that my libido had just been sleeping, not dead.
Next, I felt sympathy for Marianne. She had asked to hear about me and Carrie, and I'd certainly given her her money's worth! I'd made it as hot as possible, without getting totally unrealistic, and it was clearly driving my wife crazy. I loved Marianne enough to feel sorry that she was hurting.
But of course at the same time I could still hear her voice saying to Eddie, "I'm so hot for it, let me just get my clothes off and you inside me!" I could play the whole tape of that horrible episode in my mind. I heard her sighs and groans of pleasure, and the intimate joking with her lover of eight months. It was her with Eddie unfiltered and uncensored—unquestionably far worse for me to hear than my stories of me and Carrie had been for Marianne.
I realized, not for the first time, that the process of getting over my rage would not be a straight line. For the most part I was considerably less angry with Marianne, and less devastated, than I had been three weeks earlier. I had started taking the initiative on my own behalf, and I felt more in control. It seemed much more likely now than it had before that she and I could eventually reconcile.
But the rage still boiled up from time to time, every bit as hot and furious as the first time. Getting over it was not going to be a slow-and-steady process, much more a slow-and-unsteady process. I would have to think hard about my next steps.
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On the day after Marianne ran out of my apartment, I called and left her a brief message at home, reminding her that I would be away for the next four days, through the weekend, at a conference in Atlanta. I was friendly, but I didn't offer any sympathy for the night before.
Actually, I was looking forward to getting away for a couple of days. While at some moments I felt more optimistic that my marriage had a future, my love for Marianne was mixed with a ton of anger. There probably wasn't any ten-minute period in my day when I didn't hear in my mind the sounds of her with Eddie in the motel, and my rage just boiled up in me each time. She had fucked him behind my back for eight months! She had lied to my face about it, when she had the chance to tell me the truth! The fact that I loved her and that I cared about our children mattered a lot—but did they outweigh what she had done to me?
At work I told Steve all about what was going on with Marianne and me, and asked him to share the news with Andrea. He smiled when I told him that my stories about Carrie were making Marianne so crazy, and I reminded him again to be sure not to let Marianne know that Carrie was my fictional invention.
I expected the conference to be pretty routine, but it turned out to be anything but. Most of my time was spent in paper sessions, where engineers give presentations on the latest in load-bearing measurement technology or advances in thermal window design. After each presentation there is time for questions from the audience, and occasionally the questions get quite contentious.
At the Friday afternoon session, a young and clearly inexperienced engineer gave a somewhat shaky paper, clearly his first talk in public. An older man in the audience started in with a series of aggressive, almost nasty questions. He challenged not only some of the speaker's conclusions but, by implication, his fitness to be an engineer.
This really pissed me off—it was a more experienced man picking on someone more vulnerable than he was. Fortunately, the paper concerned issues I knew a lot about, so I rose to ask my own question. I carefully formulated it so that it would be a friendly one, and would give the speaker a chance to regain his composure and sound more sure of himself. It also shut his attacker down, and he never got to ask any more questions. I was glad to see the young speaker make it to the end of the question session feeling better about himself.
The dinner that evening was a buffet, and after I went through the line I didn't see anyone I knew to sit with. I joined a group at a partially filled table, a group that included a striking young blonde woman I had noticed at the afternoon session. Her nametag said that her name was Kristin, and that she was from Norway.
Dinner conversation was mostly relaxed shop-talk, as it tends to be at conferences. Kristin seemed bright but shy—she mostly listened, only occasionally contributing her own thoughts. But as the group was breaking up, she surprised me by putting her hand on my arm and asking if I would stay a minute.
When we were alone, she said, "I noticed what you did in the session this afternoon. That was a very generous and kind act, to give the speaker a friendly question and let him recover his composure." She spoke excellent English, but with a little bit of an accent that I found charming.
"Thank you, Kristin," I replied. "I thought the guy asking all the hard questions was being a jerk, and I hate to see a younger engineer put on the spot so unfairly. It made me a little angry."
"I have seen a lot of that in our field," she said. "But it's much rarer when someone steps in, especially as discreetly and gently as you did. I'm not even sure he knew he was being rescued!"
We chatted for another couple of minutes, and I asked her if she felt like getting out of the hotel and taking a walk around Atlanta for a bit, and maybe getting a beer. She looked pointedly at my left hand, which still had my wedding ring, and I just laughed.
"Yes, married!" I said cheerfully. "Look, I didn't mean to make a pass at you—I just thought a walk would be pleasant, and I'd be delighted if you would join me." In fact I was very attracted to Kristin, but I hadn't planned to do anything about it. She was slim and lovely, with high Nordic cheekbones and a fabulous complexion. She wore her blonde hair short around her head, and her figure was very youthful, almost boyish, with slim hips and small breasts.
She smiled back at me, and said, "in that case I'd love to! But I'm not very impressed with American beers. Maybe we can find a place that serves some good Scandinavian ones."
It was a terrific evening. We walked around in the warm evening for a couple of hours, then settled at a place that specialized in beers from around the world, and we each tried a couple of unfamiliar ones. I learned that she had just finished her graduate degree in engineering at the University of Washington, and was looking for a job somewhere on the West Coast. Before that she had lived her entire life in Norway—she owed her English largely to a very good college system there.
Somewhere during the second beer for each of us, the conversation turned more serious. I found myself telling her about my marriage, and Marianne's cheating. Just the short version—I spared her what I'd heard on the tape, just told Kristin that I had taped them making love in a motel. She grimaced, and said only, "that must have been awful. I am so sorry."
It may be that my honesty inspired her, but after a few minutes she told me about her one and only serious love affair, with Ben, a fellow graduate student at Washington, that had ended very badly. He had courted her gallantly and patiently for months, with flowers and candy, etc., until she had been willing to go to bed with him. (She had had only had one lover before him, a brief romance during college.) But once they started having sex, he turned out to be controlling and violent. He liked it rough, and it excited him whenever she refused or hesitated.
After two months of increasingly frightening sexual encounters, and a beating that nearly sent her to the emergency room, she tried to break up with him. Ben told her he'd kill her if she ever left him. Terrified, she dropped out of college and flew home to Norway, abandoning her work in mid-semester. She didn't return to the university until 10 months later, after making sure that he had graduated and taken a job in the Midwest.
The whole experience had clearly been horrifying for Kristin. As she told me the story her voice became quieter and more hesitant, and she looked down at the table, not meeting my eyes. At the end she said, looking back up into my face, "I haven't ... been with anyone since then—that was two years ago."
The story appalled me, and I was full of sympathy for Kristin, who was still obviously suffering from the effects of what he had done to her. I gently took her hand, and said, "that's a terrible story, Kristin. It was very brave of you to have gone back to college and finished your degree. That must have been very difficult."
She smiled, and said, "it was awful at first! Even though I had made very sure that he was in Nebraska somewhere, for the first two months I looked for him everywhere. I was sure he would jump out from behind some tree and stab me! I was afraid of the dark, afraid to go anywhere alone. I had two roommates, and they were amazingly kind and patient with me. After a few months, it was much better."
"But you ... didn't start dating again," I said gently.
"No ... For a long time I didn't want even to be near a man. Then, after that feeling eased a bit, I guess I just didn't meet anyone I was interested in. And I'll admit that it just felt safer to concentrate on my work, and not take the risk of getting involved again."
I was able to cheer Kristin up a little by turning to lighter topics—we talked about the conference, and laughed together about some of the less successful presentations (the worst ones are almost always comically boring). By the time we strolled back to the hotel, around 11pm, she seemed to be feeling much better.
When we were still about a block from the front door she took my arm and pulled me gently to a stop, saying, "would you mind if we sat on a bench out here for a moment, before we go back in?"
I naturally agreed, and we sat quietly for a minute, me wondering what was on her mind.
She looked gravely into my face for a moment. She was just beautiful! "Tom, you are a very attractive man. What you did this afternoon, rescuing that poor fellow after his paper, showed me your kindness. And our conversation tonight made me even more sure that you are a very special person. Not just handsome, and funny and intelligent, but gentle, and sensitive to other people's feelings."
I started to thank her, but she raised her hand to stop me, and went on. "It's been a very long time since I've been with a man I was attracted to, AND a man I felt safe with. I know that you're married, but I also know that you're hurting too. I would like to spend the night with you."
My jaw dropped—I was utterly shocked. But before she got the wrong idea, that I wasn't interested, I quickly said, "Kristin, I'm honored! And flattered. You are about the most lovely woman I have ever met, and I would absolutely love to be with you tonight."
She smiled at me, and said, "good!" Then she hugged my arm, and we both laughed.
We agreed that we'd meet in a half hour in my room, since I had splurged for a room with a king-size bed. I made a discreet visit to a pharmacy for some condoms—an item I never dreamed I'd have any need for—and waited for her upstairs in my room.
When I answered her knock, she came in shyly, holding a plastic bag that must have contained her nightclothes, and asked if she could change in the bathroom. After a few minutes she came out in a robe, looking even more shy. I had turned off all but a single light, undressed to my boxers, and was waiting for her in the bed, with a couple of beers on the night-table. (There hadn't been time to do anything about champagne!)
Kristin came straight over to the bed, but I could tell she was very nervous. As I smiled at her she took off the robe, revealing a pink nightie that was pretty but not very revealing. She said, "I'm really not very experienced, except for those awful things that happened with Ben. I hope I won't disappoint you."
I said, "Kristin, I am already enjoying this evening with you so much. You are absolutely gorgeous, and a wonderful person. Even if all we do is snuggle together and fall quietly asleep, it will have been a great night for me."
Then I added, "but I am very excited—so I hope we'll do a little more than that!" She laughed, and climbed right in next to me, nestling close beside me. We just lay quietly for a minute or two, and then she turned her face towards mine and I kissed her.
That night with Kristin was one of the most memorable nights of my life. Even though we had just met, we had already shared some rather intimate stories—we felt close to one another, and safe with each other. I can't say that I didn't think of Marianne that night, because I did, many times. But the thoughts didn't bother me. Being with Kristin was tender and joyful. It was intensely exciting, but it never got fierce—I was determined that I would do nothing to frighten her, even by accident. And my patience was more than rewarded; as the night progressed she grew more relaxed, and she was eager and responsive.
We kissed for a long time, just enjoying the closeness. I did not go further until Kristin's hands began to explore, stroking my chest and my back. Then I began to slide my own hands up and down her arms, around the back of her neck, and finally onto her nightie, over her small breasts. She murmured into my mouth as I touched them. I was very gentle, and after a few moments I felt her nipples harden against my touch. "May I take the nightie off you?" I asked her quietly, and she nodded.
I reached down and carefully slid the nightie up over her head, then turned and quickly shed my boxers. I was about to pull the covers back up over both of us, but she stopped me. "No, I want to see you."
I smiled, and lay back next to her on my back. She leaned over me, examining my chest with her eyes and her hands, and I just let her take the lead. She stroked all over me: up and down my arms, feeling their muscles, then across my belly and down to my thighs. At first she avoided my cock, just stroking and touching my flesh and looking me over as though she'd never seen a man's body before.
I enjoyed it immensely, especially because I could look at her at the same time. Her breasts were small and firm, like those of a teenager, with beautiful pink nipples about the size of a quarter. After a minute I started to run my hands over them, and she smiled and arched her back, pressing them into my hands.
We continued to stroke one another gently, almost lazily. It wasn't hotly sexual yet, more like a sensual massage—there were so many parts of our bodies to enjoy beyond the sexual ones. I found to my delight that her underarms were not shaven, and stroked and licked her beautiful blonde armpits, which made her giggle. Her pubic hair matched, being blonde and sparse, allowing the pink lips of her pussy to show through.
We touched one another, looked at one another, and kissed luxuriously from time to time. I was very erect, and she was certainly aroused, but neither of us felt in a hurry. Partly I think we were both being careful—both of us had painful memories we had to skirt around, though they were very different—but also we were just enjoying the pleasure of going slowly. We each felt safe, and we were each trying to make sure that the other felt safe as well. It was wonderful!
It must have been at least thirty minutes after she joined me in bed when I finally slid my hand between her thighs, and felt her warm pussy for the first time. I made repeated gentle stroking motions up her legs, starting from midthigh and sliding up to her lips, which I rubbed briefly before starting over on her thighs. She laid her head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "I was hoping you'd do that!"
When she was very wet, and her hips rolled towards me each time I stroked her, I turned myself around so that I could reach between her legs with my mouth. My hips and cock were within reach of her hands, but nowhere near her face. I didn't want to make her feel I expected to take me in her mouth, and she didn't. As I licked her, poked gently inside her with my tongue, and used a finger on her clitoris, she caressed my balls with one hand and stroked my penis with the other. I adored her taste and smell. It was lighter, not so tangy as Marianne's. It seemed somehow appropriate to a younger woman.
As before, we let this pleasure build slowly, taking our time. When she got close to an orgasm I eased back a little, letting her arousal level off, then built her up again. The third time she murmured, "don't stop this time, Tom! make me ... let me cum!" So I kept my stroking and licking steady and rhythmic, enjoying the twists and jerks of her hips as she forced my mouth harder onto her. I rode her steadily into and through her orgasm. She didn't scream, but gasped loudly, then said, "oh! oh! oh!" several times, and finally sighed deeply and relaxed into the bed.
As her orgasm approached she had let go of my cock, which was fine with me—I didn't want to waste my first orgasm in her hands! I came back up to the top of the bed and held her in my arms, and she just sighed happily, smiling broadly but with her eyes still closed. She said, "later on I'll teach you how to say 'fabelaktig'—it's the Norwegian word for 'fabulous'!"
Then after another minute she roused herself a little, saying, "Tom, please make love to me now." I could see a bit of anxiety return to her face, so I said, "only if you want to, Kristin."
"I want to—I want you inside me. But ..."
She hesitated, and, guessing what was in her mind, I said, "what position would feel the most comfortable to you?"
She smiled at me gratefully. "Thank you for understanding, Tom! Ben used to ... well ... let's not talk about that. But could I be on top of you?"
"Of course," I smiled back at her. I reached for a condom on the nightstand, and she sweetly rolled it onto me. She crouched over me, facing me with her pussy above my cock, and stroked it over her lips several times, making me groan with pleasure.
Then she very slowly and carefully began to lower herself onto me. I did everything I could not to thrust up into her, giving her all the time she needed. I could see that she was fighting some bad memories, so I was utterly patient as she lowered herself, stopped, adjusted her hips, then went on. It was probably two full minutes before I was entirely inside her, and she relaxed completely, sitting down on me with a sigh and a big smile.
At about the same time we spoke: I started to say, "that feels incredible!", just as she said, "oh that's marvelous, Tom." Then we both laughed!
When she began to move on me it was a natural continuation of our love-making so far. She went slowly, easily, sometimes moving up and down on me, sometimes resting on me and moving her hips so my pubic bone pressed against her clitoris. It was all wonderful! I was in no hurry, and I avoided thrusting up at her. Instead I took pleasure in holding and stroking her breasts, lightly pinching her beautiful nipples. She kept her hands on my shoulders and her arms straight, using them for leverage.
We moved together for a long time, then I saw her face start to change. She got a look of serious concentration, and moved up and down on me more purposefully. She bit her lip and arched her back, groaning. I could tell she was getting close, and I tentatively began thrusting just a little, meeting her as she came down on me. About a minute after that I could tell I was about to lose control, and I whispered "Kristin?"
She just said, "yes, Tom, right now!" We continued to thrust into one another, staying in rhythm. Just as I was sure I'd lose control and start jerking my hips, she came, falling forward on me and groaning. I felt her pussy spasm and I totally lost it, bucking up into her several times and cumming so hard I thought I'd shoot my sperm right through the condom and up into her. God it felt good!
When it was over we just lay there, holding each other lightly, feeling one another's breathing gradually subside. Thoughts of Marianne had flitted in and out of my mind during our lovemaking—how her breasts felt different from Kristin's, or what her face looked like when she rode me as Kristin was doing—but they hadn't bothered me. Now, as Kristin and I lay in each other's arms, I remembered Marianne and Eddie, but the pain seemed distant and vague, like a bad toothache after the Novocaine had begun to take effect. It would be wrong to say I had forgotten about her cheating, or that it didn't matter. More accurate to say that I'd found a respite from the pain of it—a wonderful respite with a beautiful and loving young woman.
I shifted slightly to see Kristin's face, slightly worried about how her own memories of Ben might be in her mind. She kept her eyes closed, but had a happy, sleepy smile on her face. She looked like a little girl, ready for sleep after a long tiring and fun day at the amusement park. Without another word, I kissed her on the forehead, and reached to turn off the bedside lamp. We drifted off to sleep in one another's arms.
I awoke in a way I recommend to all of you to experience just once before you die. It must have been about 8am, because the sun was streaming in through the gauzy curtains and the room was full of light. I was on my side, and as I opened my eyes I saw Kristin on her knees by the side of the bed, naked and totally lovely, smiling at me as she took the head of my cock gently into her mouth. I was only partially erect, but that changed quickly!
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She teased me deliciously with her lips, using her hands to hold and gently stroke my balls and the base of my shaft. At times she dipped down and took about 4 inches of me into her mouth, then slid back and caressed just the head with her tongue. After five minutes she had me incredibly aroused—I was straining towards her mouth, groaning, wordlessly begging for release.
Without warning she let me go, stood up, smiled broadly at me and said, "good morning, Tom. How about a shower?" Then without another word she strolled into the bathroom and shut the door. In a moment I heard the water splashing in the shower stall.
I just laughed, feeling the exquisite pleasure and frustration of having been left so close to a terrific orgasm. I jumped out of bed, stretched, and wasted no time following her into the bathroom. When I climbed into the shower behind her she laughed happily at me, and embraced me tightly.
We soaped one another, enjoying the feeling not only of cock and pussy but of toes, armpits, ears, necks—everything! The washing started slow, but after a few minutes we were both very eager to get out of the shower and back into the bedroom. We raced out, ignoring our wet hair, hurriedly drying each other and throwing the towels aside. She got to the condoms first, and in no time she had rolled one onto me.
"Tom," she said with a smile, "how shall we do it this time? I want you to choose." I actually loved rear-entry, but I was afraid to put her in any position where she might feel vulnerable, or bring up unwelcome memories of Ben.
"Good old-fashioned missionary would be great for me," I replied. "I just love looking at you!" She arranged herself comfortably on her back, with a pillow under her head, and reached out to take me in her arms. "I am really looking forward to this," she said with a smile.
We were both too excited to be as leisurely as we had been the night before. Almost as soon as I was all the way inside her I felt the need to move. I tried to take a few deep breaths, longing to savor the feeling of my cock within her, then began thrusting slowly in and out. At first I stayed up on my arms, holding my chest above her and enjoying her beautiful smiling face as we coupled.
Then, within a few minutes, the feelings in my cock got so intense I had to increase the pace, and she put her hands on my back and pulled me down tightly to her. With my face against her shoulder I moved more rapidly inside her, feeling her hips roll up to meet each stroke. She began to groan lightly each time our bodies pushed together, and I got more and more aroused.
I began to whimper as my pleasure overcame me, and my rapid strokes grew more forceful. I was vaguely aware that I didn't want to be too rough, so I tried to hold back a little even as my orgasm roared through me. It felt like a tidal wave in my bloodstream, beginning at my cock and exploding in all directions through my body. I heard a loud animal groan, and wondered if it had been me. A moment later, I was drained of strength, and I collapsed onto Kristin, trying with my arms to keep my full weight off her.
I lazily kissed her ear and whispered sweet words into it, making her giggle. Then I realized that she probably hadn't come, and I raised up to look at her, the question in my eyes.
"It was wonderful, Tom," she said with a broad smile. "No, I didn't finish, but I loved it. You were so excited! It was thrilling. I don't always come from intercourse—but I feel SO good. Just rest with me." And she gently pulled me down on top of her again, where we lay comfortably together.
It was a half hour before we roused ourselves, and laughed as we realized we needed to shower again! This time we managed it without any sexy horseplay, and both of us dressed for the day.
I started to talk to Kristin about the day. "Maybe we shouldn't have breakfast together, Kristin, just for the sake of discretion. But how about we go somewhere nice in Atlanta for dinner tonight—somewhere with good beer?"
She took my hand, smiling a bit sadly at me, and led me over to the bed, where we both sat down. "Tom, let me say something. Last night was ... last night was so much more than I could have imagined. I hoped we could be ... good for each other, you know? Healing. Give each other a bit of comfort, and reassurance."
"And we did, of course. But it was so much more than that for me. Exciting, and sexy, and fun and relaxed. It was the most wonderful night I've ever spent with a man!"
I broke in, kissing her lightly, and told her that it had been just as wonderful for me. But she stopped me and went on.
"I don't think we should see each other again tonight. First, because nothing could possibly top last night! And I'd hate to feel that our second night together was a disappointment. But second, because it wouldn't be hard at all for me to start falling in love with you, and I don't want to take that chance."
Startled, I just looked at her. "Kristin, NOTHING that ever happened with you could disappoint me. We could sit side by side tonight and read the Yellow Pages and I'd have a good time!" She laughed.
"But I understand your point about maybe getting too attached. You're headed back to the West Coast, and me to Cleveland, where I'm hoping I will still be married after ... everything settles down. You are the most amazing, most lovely and special young woman I've ever met. The thought of not having more time together makes me sad—but I respect what you're saying."
She stood up, and I stood up too, and hugged her. "Promise me if you change your mind you'll come find me, OK?" I asked. She just smiled, and shook her head. "I'll see you in the sessions, Tom. And I'll smile at you across the room, and we'll both know what the smile means. All right?"
I nodded, and walked her to the door. After another gentle kiss and hug, and another smile from both of us, she went out into the hallway.
Saturday was a long, dull day for me. I did see Kristin in an afternoon session, and we did share a nice smile at a distance of 60 feet, but the rest of the papers didn't hold much interest.
I had dinner all by myself in a steakhouse in downtown Atlanta, thinking about Kristin, about Marianne, and about where my life was going. Then I headed back to the hotel and turned in, sitting up in bed with a mystery novel for a while before going to sleep.
I was astonished to hear a light knock on the door at 11:45, just as I was thinking of turning the light out. I peered through the eyehole to see Kristin, wearing a hotel terrycloth robe.
When I opened the door, a delighted smile on my face, she came right into my arms, and we hugged as I closed the door behind her. "I guess I ... spoke a bit too soon this morning," she said. "I really couldn't sleep tonight ... would it be all right if we just snuggled and went to sleep together?"
"What a wonderful surprise you are!" I replied. "Absolutely. This is the nicest thing that could have happened to me tonight!"
We were quickly naked together and curled up in the darkness, her nestled in front of me spoon-fashion. Kristin fell asleep within minutes, but I remained awake awhile, glorying in her wonderful smell and the feel of her slim body in my arms. Then I slept too.
********** My first conscious thought on awakening was that my arms were empty. Kristin must have gotten up early and gone back to her room. I sighed to myself, but as I prepared to throw back the covers I heard a slight noise, and the bathroom door swung quietly open.
For some reason I kept my eyes nearly shut, feigning sleep, while watching to see what Kristin would do. If she wanted to leave without waking me I would pretend to be asleep, so that she didn't feel obliged to give me an explanation.
Still naked, she looked at me, seemingly concluded I was asleep, then padded back to bed and snuggled in behind me, so that this time she was the bottom spoon, her chest and thighs pressed against my back.
What happened next filled me with joy. Very lightly and slowly, she began to move against me, stroking my arms and shoulders, gently moving her breasts against my back and her thighs against the back of mine. She reached her hands around me and let them glide across my chest, all the while caressing me with her own body. I felt her nipples harden, and after a few minutes she began to kiss the side of my neck, at the same time she slid one hand down and took my cock in her hand.
I endured this loving assault with utter pleasure, pretending that I was gradually awakening from her caresses. When I began to turn around to face her she gently stopped me, murmuring "shh", and rolled me back away from her.
Without knowing it Kristin was fulfilling one of my favorite—not quite "fantasies", but "preferences" in love-making. I am almost always ready and eager to make love with Marianne—or at least I was in the pre-affair days! So I was normally the one to take the initiative, and while Marianne usually seemed happy to make love, I never felt completely sure that she was as interested as I was. On the relatively rare occasions when she took the lead, it gave me pleasure to know that sex was something she really wanted, rather than it being something she was doing mainly to please me.
In bed with Kristin that Sunday morning, I was thrilled that she was choosing to pleasure and arouse me. She could have gone back to her room, or just returned to bed and dozed, but sex was HER choice. I reveled in the feeling of her breasts against my back, her breath in my ear, and her hands caressing my cock. She stroked me up and down until I was rock-hard, and began to murmur teasingly in my ear.
"Wow, this is a big one, Tom! What are you going to do with it? Are you ready to fuck me with this beautiful thing? Are you ready for me? are you?"
I suddenly rolled over and grabbed her into my arms, growling "what do you think?" as she giggled against me.
Then she said, more seriously, "Tom, doing it ... from behind used to be one of my favorite positions, before ... well, before Ben. Could we do that this time, but ... a little gently?"
That sounded like a great idea to me! I grabbed a condom, and arranged her comfortably with a couple of pillows under her middle, so that she didn't have to hold all her weight up on all fours. I got behind her, but instead of moving to enter her right away I caressed her beautiful pussy with my tongue, again enjoying her wonderful smell and taste. I licked all around her upper thighs, the edge where her thighs met her abdomen, her vaginal lips, and her clitoris. I didn't try to make her come, just gave her teasing pleasure as she had done to me.
Then I kneeled behind her and, using my hand to guide me, entered her very slowly and carefully. When I was all the way inside, I just rested there, sighing with the pleasure of her heat and tightness, stroking her back with my hands. I loved this position, and I adored being inside Kristin. Did being inside Marianne from behind feel this good? I couldn't remember, and at that moment I didn't give a damn.
Going slowly and gently was fine with me—I wanted the sex to last a long time. So we took our time, changing our pace and our rhythm from time to time, pausing while I held her breasts and tickled her nipples. It must have been 20 minutes before we built up to a climax. When I could tell she was very close, I reached beneath her and stroked her clitoris, all the while thrusting in and out, going faster but not too hard. Her orgasm made her shudder and clench her vagina around me, and I came into her only moments later, gasping with the pleasure of it.
Each time we made love, it had been a delight. I was filled with joy and gratitude to my generous, loving, and beautiful partner. I climbed off her and took her in my arms, and we lay together resting sweetly for a long time.
At the airport that afternoon I was two hours early, with plenty of time to think. My farewell to Kristin had been bittersweet. We had exchanged addresses and many warm embraces, knowing that we would not see one another any time soon, if ever. Neither she nor I had seen the other as a potential long-term partner, just a port in a storm. But the connection we had made was very real—not just sexual, but a wonderful warmth and mutual understanding. I felt very lucky to have spent a short time with her.
Of course, my tryst with Kristin also affected how I felt about Marianne at that moment. This brief affair fit into the pattern that I had begun 2-3 weeks earlier, of being active in figuring out what I needed and then doing it, rather than just suffering as a passive victim of my wife's betrayal. Though I hadn't been aiming to do it, I had found out that I was still an attractive man to a woman, and still very much capable of being a satisfying and exciting lover. It wasn't that I seriously doubted those things—yet the pain of Marianne's cheating certainly had poked serious holes in my confidence.
She had said that her affair had nothing to do with me or with my love-making. She had said that she loved me completely, and that our sex-life together was exciting and satisfying for her. Very nice to hear—and very difficult to believe, when the words come from your wife who has just confessed to eight months of fucking someone else!
But Kristin had met me, liked me, wanted to be with me, and had been very excited and satisfied sexually with me. I didn't have to question that—I knew it was true, and it felt wonderful. In a small way, my time with her had restored to me some of what the revelation of Marianne's cheating had stolen from me.
I used my cell phone to check in with Andrea and Steve back in Cleveland. Andrea answered my call, and told me that the two of them had had lunch with Marianne on Saturday. According to Andrea, my wife was in a pretty serious, depressed mood, though they'd had some success cheering her up.
"I think your 'affair' with Carrie is really eating at her, Tom," Andrea continued. "In a good way, actually. One aspect of it is simply that she's very jealous; and frightened that you'll fall in love with Carrie, or just that having a new lover will make it easier for you to leave her."
"But beyond that, her feelings about you and Carrie have helped her understand much better how incredibly hurt and betrayed you feel. She can see that you must be agonizing about her and Eddie together just as she does about you and Carrie. It's obvious that you must suffer the pain of doubting her love, just as your involvement with Carrie makes her worry about your love for her. And she can see that it was much worse for you, because you were utterly deceived."
"So I don't know what you're thinking, Tom, but I'd advise you to keep 'Carrie' in the picture a while longer. But that's just me, the amateur shrink!" she laughed. "How are you, anyway?"
"I'm actually pretty good," I replied. "I've had an unexpectedly good time at this Atlanta meeting, and things seem to be looking up a bit. What you've told me about Marianne is encouraging news as well. Thank you for continuing to be friends to both of us—and thank you as well for keeping my secret."
"You're welcome, Tom," Andrea replied. "It would make Steve and me very happy if you and Marianne were able to work things out. We both remember what a great marriage ... I'm sorry Tom, maybe I shouldn't finish that sentence."
"It's okay, Andrea. I know: 'what a great marriage we used to have'. I don't think we'll ever have that marriage again—I don't see how we possibly can, or at least not for years. But perhaps we'll be able to put enough of the pieces back together that staying married will seem to make sense."
"Oh Tom, now you're starting to sound unhappy. I'm sorry I said the wrong thing!"
"No, Andrea, it's not your fault. Every once in a while I maybe get a bit too optimistic. Then all it takes is a little serious thinking to realize how big a problem this will be to solve. I'm better off being realistic about it."
We ended our call, and after another minute I called Marianne at home.
"Hello, honey, it's me calling from Atlanta."
"Hi Tom!" Marianne seemed glad to hear from me. "How are you, and how was the meeting?"
"The meeting was not bad. I'm a little tired, but that's the usual. Listen: how would you feel about our getting together tomorrow night, at the house? I would like to be there so we could call the kids together, since I've missed the last two Monday night phone calls. And we could talk some more. I know that our talks don't seem to leave either of us feeling all that happy, but I think we need to keep having them."
"That would be fine, Tom. Would ... would it be all right if I made dinner for us?"
I thought about this. I had previously refused to have her cook for me, but I had made dinner for her twice at the apartment. "All right, that would be nice. How about if I come around 7?"
"Perfect. You know ..." She hesitated, then started again. "You know I really miss you, Tom." She went on in a quieter voice. "I really want you to come home."
I waited a moment, trying to breathe deeply. Her saying that brought my rage flooding back—I would be at home if you hadn't been fucking Eddie behind my back, dammit!
"I know that, Marianne," I finally said. "I would like to get to the point where my coming home feels like the right thing to do. But we're not there yet."
"OK, honey," she said meekly. Then: "I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."
"Me too," I said. "Goodbye Marianne."
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When I arrived at the house on Monday, I was not surprised to see that Marianne had gone all out. She greeted me warmly at the door, wearing an outfit she knew I liked. I could see that she'd set the table in the dining room, not the kitchen, and I saw candlesticks with fresh candles, as well as a bottle of wine we liked.
Gently but firmly I said, "Marianne, I'm not comfortable with what you have in mind. Sorry, but no candlelit dinner with wine tonight." I carried the wine and the candlesticks back into the kitchen.
She looked hurt, but said nothing. I continued, "actually, I brought a six-pack of Ringnes. It's a Norwegian beer I tried in Atlanta, and it's great. I hope you'll like it too." This was a little private joke, for me alone. Ringnes had been the beer Kristin introduced me to.
The kids had been on my mind a lot, especially because I hadn't spoken to them in weeks. I had taken the time to send them each a cheery postcard from Atlanta. Over the delicious dinner Marianne had made, I asked about their letters home, and Marianne filled me in on what they'd been doing at camp. Both were having a great time, and it was a safe bet they didn't spend much time worrying about what their parents were up to.
I said, "Marianne, we still have a few weeks, but obviously we'll have to figure out what we'll tell the children when they come home from camp if I'm not living here."
She looked stricken. "Tom, I really thought ... well, I certainly hoped you'd be back before then."
"Marianne," I said firmly, "you cheated on me for EIGHT MONTHS. Do you really expect me just to get over that within a few weeks?"
She was silent, and I said, "we have until August 30—that's about three weeks. If I'm still in the apartment, obviously we need to explain the situation to them somehow. If I'm back home but sleeping in the guest-room, perhaps we can simply say that one of us is having trouble sleeping. I don't know, Dad has a cough at night that's keeping Mom awake, something like that."
Marianne continued to look very unhappy. Finally she said, "well, I know we have the same goal in mind, which is not to upset the kids if we can avoid it."
I nodded, and said, "yes, I'm confident that we can decide together on the best thing when the time comes."
After dinner we each picked up an extension and we called the kids, who were glad to talk to us but not unduly excited. Clearly they were happy and busy at camp, had lots of friends, didn't mind talking to us for a few minutes, but then were eager to get back to their activities. Given how stormy the situation was for me and Marianne, that was a relief.
When we got off the phone I came back to the table and helped Marianne clear the dishes, then we cleaned up together. I made sure to thank her for the nice dinner, and then I said, "Marianne, can I ask you something about ... well, how did you arrange things for the kids when you spent the night at Eddie's?"
She could tell from my changing tone of voice that the serious questions were coming, so she wasn't startled. She readily replied, "I realized that I should have explained that earlier. Once or twice they had sleepovers at friends' houses, and once there was that college trip to the wilderness camp, when they were both gone for 3 days. All the other times they spent with my parents, who you know love to have them come visit. I always had my cell phone with me, but there was never any problem. It wasn't that often, Tom, maybe six times altogether. "
I just nodded. Then I said, very quietly—"Marianne, how could you let him call you 'Anni'?"
She just shook her head. "I don't know the answer to that, Tom. I know that it is terrible, and inexcusable—but so is everything that I did." She wasn't looking at me. "Eddie once asked me about ... you and me ... in bed. What we did, and so forth. I wouldn't tell him anything, wouldn't talk about it, so he let it go. Then another time he asked me what you called me, and without thinking I said, 'sometimes he calls me Anni'. Eddie didn't start using the name with me right away, but maybe about a week later he began calling me that."
I was cold with anger. "And you let him?"
"I told him at first to stop it, but he didn't. And I ... there's no excuse, Tom, I ... just gave up fighting him about it. It didn't seem worth it. Maybe it was all part of my deluded thinking, that you'd never know about the affair, about any of it, so what difference did it make?"
I had to press my lips together for a moment. This was really one of the worst parts of the betrayal. My pet name for her, coming out of that bastard's mouth!
I waited, then went on, thinking that my next question might catch her by surprise. "Marianne, are you still seeing Eddie?"
"No!" she immediately responded, and went on with some heat, "Tom, I already told you that!" Then she sat back a little, with a sigh. "Sorry—you're probably wondering why you should believe anything I tell you. But no, Tom. All I can say is the truth. I'm done with Eddie, and I'm done with cheating on you. Forever."
I pressed on. "Have you had any contact with him, since I played you that tape of the two of you together?"
"As I told you before, I called him the next day, and told him in no uncertain terms that our affair was finished. Since then, yes, I've had contact with him once. I threw away that cheap cell phone, so he couldn't reach me that way. Towards the end of last week he called me here at home, hoping we could get together. I told him once again, plain and simple, to stop calling me. If he calls any more I'm just going to hang up on him."
What I knew but Marianne didn't—at least I'd never revealed it to her—is that there were listening devices still recording throughout the house. I intended to check them the next day.
She looked up at me. "Tom, may I tell you something right away, before you ask another question? I started seeing a therapist. I went once last week, and my next appointment is tomorrow. I'm probably going to see her twice a week for awhile."
"Do you want to tell me about it?" I asked.
"Yes, I do, if that's all right. I've been re-reading the list you left for me, the one in which you listed the things you're feeling about my ... adultery. And it began to dawn on me that ..." She stopped for a moment, then went on. "... that a woman who acts in a way that gives so much pain to a man she says she adores ... well, that something must be wrong with a person like that."
She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I mean, what kind of a woman, married to a man as wonderful and loving as you—what kind of selfish monster do I have to be to have done what I did?"
"I told you before that the affair had nothing to do with you, with our relationship. But I see that that is totally false—look at what I did! I let my ... let Eddie call me by your pet name for me. I had hours of sex with him the day before our wedding anniversary! I didn't break it off with him, even when I knew you suspected me."
"So I realized that there must be ... things about myself that I just don't understand, and that I need help to figure out. This is ... really hard for me to say. I realized that, whether or not we stay together, and ... even if you leave me ..." She was crying now.
"Even if you leave me, I have to understand what I've done to you, and to myself. Because either way, I'm going to have to live for the rest of my life with what I've done."
She put her head in her hands and cried quietly. She seemed to have finished what she wanted to say, so after a minute I spoke.
"Marianne, that sounds like a good decision. I hope it's helpful, and I hope you'll tell me about what you learn, whenever you're ready to."
She nodded, still crying, but didn't look up at me. I said quietly, "do you want me to go?"
She shook her head. "No, I have more I'd like to say to you. Just give me a minute." After a bit she looked up, smiled through her tears, and got up. "I'm just going to wash my face—I'll be right back."
I thought about what Marianne had just told me. It clicked with feelings I had had, namely that what she had done to me, or to our marriage, just seemed inexplicable. I thought we had a strong and loving marriage, and she said she thought so too. But how then could she have done what she did? It just made no sense to me—and now it had started to make no sense to Marianne either. So she was seeking help. That had to be a good thing. I didn't know if what she learned in therapy would help me to forgive her. But at least it might get easier to understand what she had done.
When Marianne returned she seemed once again in control. "Tom, I need to speak to you about you and Carrie. I'm sorry I ran out of your apartment last week, but listening to your story about ... you and her just got too overwhelming for me."
"What I'm feeling about it, first, is frightened. I'm terrified in any case that you will decide to leave me, to divorce me. God knows nobody would blame you! And the fact that you have this ... loving, sexy, eager, beautiful younger woman in your life ... well, having her might make it easier for you to decide to walk out permanently."
"But I also understand that there's nothing I can do about that. Even after just one therapy session, I recognize that the only one who gets to decide if you leave me is you."
"In a way—and maybe it's a sick, twisted way—your affair with Carrie might even be good for me. The thought of you being intimate with someone else just tears me up, Tom. In my mind I can see you touching, caressing, making love to her just as you used to do to me, or whispering love words in her ear the way you did in mine, and I can hardly even stand up. I feel as though someone has slugged me in the stomach."
"But whenever I have those feelings I know—truly KNOW—what my cheating has put you through. My nose gets rubbed in the pain I have caused you. Some of it, anyway—I'm being spared the agony of your cheating on me behind my back." She smiled ruefully at me. "Maybe I'm still getting off too easy, huh?"
"But I'm going through all the wondering about her and me. Is she more beautiful, a better lover, does she satisfy you more than I do? Last week when you told me about your first night with her, it sounded so exciting that I was completely in despair. How could I ever compete with that, at 39, after 16 years of marriage?"
"And then I saw that you had to deal with all those feelings too. Plus the fact that you did nothing to deserve them. At least I have the consolation of knowing that I deserve what you're doing!"
She paused for a moment. "I don't know if I'm making any sense tonight, Tom. There's such an enormous gap between us, and I'm the one that put it there. A couple of weeks ago you said that we had to keep talking, even though our conversations left us both pretty unhappy. I didn't understand that then, but I do now. I hope that ... I hope that you'll hang in there, and keep talking to me."
"I don't know how to make up for what I've done. Actually, I see that I simply can't make up for it—not completely. Probably not even close. But I am going to do whatever I can to try. I told you this two weeks ago, Tom: I will do ANYTHING if it will help make things better. And I mean that."
Marianne sat back in her chair—she looked exhausted. And worried. Well, she certainly had reason to be! My own mood swings when I was with her, from sympathetic to full of ice-cold rage, bewildered me, and I'm sure she could sense them by just watching my face. One minute I wanted to put a comforting arm around her, the next I imagined slapping her around, with her cowering in terror under my blows.
The people who say that dealing with a cheating wife is simple—"just throw her ass out!"—are full of shit. They have probably never been there, and they don't know what it is like from the inside. Sixteen years of love, happiness and trust, two kids we both adore—those are not nothing. Pure rage can feel great, the adrenalin rush of it, and I certainly knew that. But maybe two months later you're living in a small furnished apartment, staring at the walls, lonely and depressed and wondering why you're so far from the people who matter most to you.
On the other hand—and there's always another hand—you can't just walk back into the nest your wife has shit in. You can clean it, and you can air it out, and buy new rugs and new furniture, but it will be a long long time until the smell is gone. And there's no sense trying to rush it, or minimize how painful it is.
I looked up from my thoughts and realized Marianne was watching me. "What is it, Tom? Can you tell me what you're thinking?"
I sighed. "A couple of things, Marianne. I'm very glad you've started therapy, and I'm glad for what you just said about me and Carrie. I don't know what will happen to us, but I'm certain that I would have had to leave if I felt you weren't trying to understand what I'm going through."
"On the other hand, some of what you said about me and Carrie is also true. Having her in my life reminds me that I'm still attractive, that I could leave you and not have to be alone for the rest of my days. Being with her sexually eases a little of the pain of thinking about you and Eddie together."
"And the connection I feel with her does inevitably affect the connection I feel with you." (I was thinking of Kristin at that moment, though I didn't say that to Marianne.) "It would be a lie to say it didn't make any difference—just as I pressed you to admit that your connection with Eddie affected your relationship with me."
"I relax with Carrie. We don't just go to bed together; we also talk, and cook dinner, and snuggle. A big part of my need for closeness to another person is being satisfied there. So of course that means that my need for you is less."
"Right now I think that's a good thing, a necessary thing—because I'm still so hurt and angry at you. There's no way you could fill that need for me, no way I could let you. But let's face it, Marianne—you had that emotional closeness with Eddie, for MONTHS, and it meant you weren't as close with me. A piece of your heart wasn't mine, it was his."
Not surprisingly, Marianne was crying again, softly. "I never loved him, Tom. I swear to you. It was never like that."
"You may think I'm an even worse monster when I say this—but I would come home from ... seeing him, and I would be loving you and looking forward to seeing you, to making love with you."
"I didn't feel, 'wow, this is fun, I'm fooling my husband, look what I'm getting away with'. It was more like 'wow, that felt good'—like it was a massage or something, a good workout at the gym!—'and now I can hardly wait to be back with my loving husband'. Is that utterly sick? I don't know."
"In some way I don't understand, I separated the affair into a completely different category. I stepped into it out of my life, then stepped out of it back into my life. Maybe that makes me sound more like a typical man, who supposedly can separate sex from love. Maybe it means I'm totally screwed-up, Tom, I don't know." She was speaking quickly, almost desperately.
"But whatever it means about me, what I'm telling you is the truth."
We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Do you love me, Tom?" Marianne asked the question quietly, without looking at me.
"Yes I do, Marianne. That's what makes this tough. If I didn't love you, and if not for the kids, it would have been easy to walk away. Very painful, but easy."
"But I do love you, and I want our happy marriage back. The one that was full of love and trust, where we shared everything."
"Of course, the trouble is that every time I think that, I realize that I can NEVER have that marriage back—the best I can possibly hope for is some half-way version of that. And then I'm filled with anger at you, for taking that happy marriage away from me."
"I know that, Tom," she said. "And even I don't see how you can ever forgive me. I can't imagine how I could ever forgive you, if it were the other way around."
We were silent for another few minutes. Then I said, "I'm going to go, Marianne. Thank you for dinner. I'll talk to you soon."
I reached over to squeeze her hand, and she gave me a sad, brave smile.
The next day at lunch time I went to the house and checked the recorders that were still hidden in the attic. I brought the recordings back to my apartment and went through them that evening, wondering if I would find anything awful. I recalled what the arms-control negotiators used to say, "Trust but Verify". It made me laugh—I didn't trust at all, so I really had to verify!
To my relief, the recordings were all routine. I heard Marianne making phone calls related to her work, or talking to her parents or Andrea on the phone. There were a couple of calls to her therapist, Dr. Brenner, about scheduling appointments. There didn't seem to have been any visitors to the house.
On the bedroom recorder I found the phone call from Eddie that Marianne had mentioned to me. It was brief, and just as she had described it.
"Hello? ... Eddie—why are you calling? ... No, listen to me. We're finished, and I don't want to talk to you again. ... No, stop! I'm sorry you called me, and I have no intention of seeing you or talking to you again. Is that clear? ... No! If you call me again, I'm simply going to hang up on you. Goodbye, Eddie!"
I heard the phone put down firmly, and then after a moment Marianne's voice talking to herself. "Damn!" she said. "Damn, damn, damn." And then after another moment, "what the HELL was I thinking?"
Two days later Marianne called to tell me there had been two more calls from Eddie. "I hung up on him, Tom, but I don't like him bothering me," she said. She sounded upset. I said I'd be over right after work.
When I got there, I said immediately, "Marianne, it's time for me to know a few things about Eddie. I thought that he was the least of our problems, but I was wrong."
"I'll tell you whatever you want to know, Tom," she said right away.
"Okay: what's his full name, where does he live, where does he work?"
"His name is Eddie Carlson. He has an apartment in the building on 14th and Haven—it's an six-story building, and his apartment is on the fourth floor. He works as the manager of a One-Hour Photo Shop called Collier's, in the mall downtown."
"How was he able to get away to meet you in the middle of the day so easily?" I asked her.
"He always has at least one other person in the store—an assistant manager or a clerk who can handle things."
"All right, Marianne. Please leave him a message tomorrow at home, during the day. Tell him you want him to stop calling the house, and you'll meet him the next day at 12 noon at Bisconte's. It's a bar at 9th and Stevenson."
She looked troubled. "Why do you want me to do this, Tom? I don't want to see him again, ever!"
"Trust me—after that we won't have any problem with Eddie. I'm going to be there too." And I explained what I had in mind.
Two days later, we were both at Bisconte's at 12. Marianne sat in a booth, while I was about 30 feet away, sitting at the bar. When Eddie came in he went straight to Marianne and tried to kiss her—but she rebuffed the kiss, and he sat down across from her in the booth. I got up and strolled over to them. As I approached I heard him say, "Anni, it's so terrific to see you again! I've been..." Then he looked up and saw me.
Marianne got up from the booth, and I smoothly slid into the seat where she had been, across from Eddie. "Eddie, this is my husband Tom. He has a few things to say to you." Without another word, Marianne went and sat at the bar
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Eddie's face showed a mixture of annoyance and alarm. He looked young for 29, and not at all prepossessing. He was handsome, I suppose, in a brooding kind of way, but he was quite a bit smaller and slighter than I.
His hand had been stretched across the table towards Marianne, and I quickly grabbed his forearm with my right hand and held it tightly. He attempted to pull it back, but I steadily squeezed harder and harder, until he was in pain. "Just leave your hand there, Eddie. That's a good boy." I spoke calmly, keeping my face expressionless.
He didn't know whether to try defiance or deference, so he went for the first, though he couldn't quite bring it off. "So it's the 'loving husband', huh?" he sneered, though I could see fear in his eyes. "Come along to join the party?"
I didn't reply, just looked directly into his eyes without moving. He tried to stare back, but after a minute he couldn't face me and he moved his eyes nervously to look around the bar. I was still holding his arm, still administering a bit of pain. Then I spoke, always keeping my voice calm.
"Eddie, in the past Marianne wanted to spend time with you. That was her decision. But now she doesn't, and you haven't gotten the message. So now it's my business."
"You know what I do for a living, right, Eddie? I'm an engineer. In my work I have a lot of contact with fellows in the construction business. Gentlemen with names like Dino and Vinnie. Are you following me?"
"I had a conversation with a couple of these gentlemen. I asked them how they would handle the problem of a loverboy who was bothering one of their wives, and who wasn't getting the message that he wasn't wanted any more."
Eddie was listening now, not moving a muscle. Keeping my right hand on his arm, I reached into my pocket with my left hand and pulled out a 9-inch serrated knife, which I placed on the table between us.
"My friends agreed right away on how they'd handle the loverboy—they'd cut his cock and balls off, then stuff them in his mouth. Maybe sew up the mouth, too. The only thing they disagreed on was the kind of knife to use. But three out of four of them said that this serrated knife would do a nice job. Messy, but effective."
Eddie wasn't even pretending not to listen. He had gone quite pale, and there was a bit of sweat on his upper lip.
"My friends also told me that they'd be glad to help with my 'situation', if I decided any help was needed. I told them I'd let them know."
I waited another minute, still looking at Eddie, then I finished. "Eddie, you're done calling Marianne. You're done seeing Marianne, talking to Marianne, thinking about Marianne. You're done being within 100 yards of Marianne. If you and she are ever in the same place, you're going to be turning and walking rapidly in the opposite direction."
"You got that, right Eddie?" He nodded, not taking his eyes off me.
"I'd like to hear you say it, Eddie." Without hesitation he said, "Yeah. Yes. I got it."
I didn't speak again, just let go of his arm. Rubbing it with his other hand, he quickly got to his feet, not looking at me or the knife, and headed out of the bar. He passed Marianne where she sat without looking at her either.
I put the knife in my pocket and walked back over to Marianne. "Shall we get some lunch?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded, smiling. Her face wore a strange expression—some kind of mixture of embarrassment, relief, pleasure, and pride.
Lunch was relaxed and pleasant. I had one more bit of business to discuss, and I brought it up right away. "Marianne, we need to talk about Susan. And Jack."
"I was thinking about that, Tom, and I wanted to tell you as well. Susan and Jack left Cleveland together in the spring; I think they're living in Tennessee now. I wasn't really friends with her after that night ... they set me up to see Eddie again. I mean, I'm to blame for what I did, but ... let's just say I don't think she had my best interests at heart. In any case, she's gone—they're both gone."
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The next two weeks of August went by quickly, uneventfully. Marianne and I spoke at least every other day. Sometimes we had brief, routine phone calls; at other times I went home for dinner, or she came to my apartment, and we continued our painful conversations. We also resumed our habit of running together in the mornings. I would drive over two or three times a week, we'd run together, then shower (one at time) and have breakfast together. It was pleasant, and we found we were able to talk about routine things—mostly the kids, and our work—without stirring up unhappy emotions.
She mentioned in passing that her therapy was helping her a lot, but she didn't seem ready to tell me the details, so I didn't press her. Without much discussion of it, she assumed that I was still seeing Carrie regularly, and I let her continue to believe that. In fact, I thought often of Kristin. Once in a great while I imagined a long-term relationship with her. More often, realizing that that was simply a fantasy, I just allowed myself to relive and enjoy our time together. She had done so much to start me healing, and I hoped I had helped her even half as much.
Without a word to Marianne, I continued to check the recorders in the house every couple of days. There was never anything that worried me, just routine calls about work or to family members. Someday I hoped I could take the recorders out, but I wasn't ready to do that yet.
On the last Wednesday in August, I asked Marianne if we could have a talk after our morning run the next day—did she need to rush into work? She said no, and we both left the morning open.
When we'd both showered and were sitting over our eggs and coffee, I said, "Marianne, we've got to pick up the kids on Sunday, so I'd like to talk about living arrangements." She nodded at me to continue, looking serious.
"Here's what I'm thinking," I went on. "I'd like to move back home, for several reasons. But I want to make clear to you what that step means for me, and what it doesn't. And I want to give you a chance to tell me your feelings too."
She gave me a cautious but excited smile. "Tom, I'll be ... I'll be so very glad when you're back home."
I went ahead. "I don't want to be away from the kids, sitting alone in an apartment and wondering why I'm not with them. Also, I don't want to scare them unnecessarily. If you and I end up divorcing, they'll have to face that—but in the meantime I'd like to act as if things are okay between us."
"But my moving back in doesn't mean that things are all fine now, as you must know too. We haven't made love since ... I found out, and I'm not ready to sleep with you in our bedroom." She looked stricken, but just nodded.
"So I thought I'd move their Nintendo stuff to the living room and put my computer and work things into the guestroom. There's already the single bed in there. I can tell them that my work schedule has changed, that I have a lot of projects I need to work on late at night, and that I would be sleeping in the guest room a lot so I won't bother you."
She nodded again. "That seems OK, Tom. I think they'll believe that without thinking about it too much."
"All right. I'll move my things back in over the next couple of days, so the house will be all set before Sunday." I enjoyed seeing that Marianne continued to smile at me. Then her smile suddenly faltered. "Tom, what does this ... what does your moving back home mean about ... you and Carrie?"
"I'm still seeing her, Marianne. But I would never bring her here. She and I will just arrange to see one another during the day from time to time." Again, I wondered about the wisdom of extending my fictional affair, and whether it was time to tell Marianne the truth.
There's no blueprint for how to be a husband whose wife has cheated—just like there's no blueprint for how to be a good husband, or a good father. You just have to try your best, each moment, to do what seems like the best thing to do. And for now it seemed like the best thing to continue my "affair" with Carrie. I would find the right time to tell Marianne the whole story.
Our trip up to camp to get the kids was pleasant, and our reunion with them was very emotional. We had both missed them like crazy—probably more than they had missed us—and the threat that our marriage was under surely made us even more glad just to see them both, hug them, and hear their stories about sailing and new friends and overnight camping trips.
After we got back home and unloaded their stuff, they raced into the guest room, looking for their video games. I followed, and very casually explained about my new work schedule, and that the Nintendo was now in the living room. Without the slightest hesitation, they headed back down the hall. This new arrangement wasn't going to bother them any!
Our first few weeks of the new college year were sweet. Marianne and I reveled in the pleasure of being a family again. Not only had we missed the kids, but our roles as father and mother were much less affected by her affair than those of husband and wife. It was easy and natural to be parents together much as we had before, without constantly tripping over gaping emotional wounds.
But our life as a couple was still hard. Though routine activities were often very pleasant, anything that had to do with emotional or sexual intimacy felt like a mine-field. The slightest false step would bring the pain right to the surface. Even if Marianne cooked a specially nice meal, or dressed in an outfit I loved, or seemed extra-considerate, I wondered if her actions were about pleasing and loving me, or just about trying to make up for her guilt.
One day Marianne grabbed my hand and brought it to her mouth to kiss the back of it, as she had done so many times in the past. All I could do was wince, recalling how she had done that the day of our trip to Forbes Lake—the day I'd confronted her about the thong panties and she'd lied to my face.
It seemed that there were dozens of those painful moments, and that time wasn't doing much to make them fewer or easier to take. I decided to have a conversation with Marianne that I'd been thinking about for quite a while.
I picked a Sunday when both the kids would be gone for the day with friends, and I asked Marianne if we could take a picnic up to Forbes Lake for the afternoon. She looked at me in surprise—we hadn't been there all summer, since the first day I knew of her affair. She must have realized right away I had something serious in mind.
"OK, Tom," she said hesitantly. She saw me smile, and I said, "I thought it would be a good place for a talk." This made her even more nervous, but she agreed to go.
When we got to the lake we spread out our blanket and had our lunch, talking about nothing much. Marianne was waiting for some kind of bomb to drop, and she was clearly uneasy. Finally she said, "I know something big is coming, Tom. Can you just tell me? This is too hard, the waiting."
"Okay," I said. "Here it is. Ever since I found out about your affair, I've been angry that our marriage as I knew and loved it was gone forever. I wanted it back—the easy trust we had with one another, the intimacy of being one another's only lovers—but I knew I could never have it back."
"Well, I'm not done grieving, but I have accepted the fact that that marriage is dead. The marriage that you and I used to have is dead. Our only choices now are to have a different marriage, or to have no marriage at all."
She looked at me very seriously. She could tell this wasn't a "goodbye, I'm leaving" speech, but she didn't know yet where I was headed.
"It's almost like it was when my mother died, Marianne, back when I was in college. I cried, I grieved, I wanted her back. I wanted my life to be what it was before she got sick. But of course that couldn't happen. And eventually I found ways to have a life that was still full of happiness—but a life without her."
"Our old marriage is dead in just the same way. I cannot look at you and see the faithful wife I had for sixteen years, the woman who has never lied to me about anything. And you cannot look at me and see a man who has been faithful to you, either." I thought of Kristin, knowing at the same time that Marianne was thinking about Carrie.
"I want us to be together. I want to be married to you. I want to make love with you again. But it's going to be different, and probably painful at first. When we make love, we won't have the joy of sharing an intimacy that has only been for each other. The other people we've been close to, and had sex with, are going to be there in the room with us."
"When I kiss you or touch you, when I'm inside you, I'm going to hear the words and sounds you made with Eddie, and see in my mind the things I know you did with him. That's no fun, but that's the reality. And I know you will face some of that too." I looked away from her, gazing out over the lake.
"But the only way forward that I can see is to make love anyway—and to be married anyway. We'll either succeed in our new marriage or we won't. But our old marriage is gone. It's as dead as my mother."
There was silence. Marianne had tears on her face. I imagine part of what she was feeling was "yes, our old marriage is dead, and I'm the one who killed it". I hadn't said that, but it was clear to both of us.
"Tom, I know that you're right. Dr. Brenner and I have talked about this same issue, though not in the same words. It feels desperately hard to let go of that 'old marriage', as you put it—especially knowing that I'm the cause of our losing it." She mopped her tears.
"I guess I've still been clinging to hopes—fantasies really—that somehow or someday we could get that trust back. But I see that you're right. What do you want me to do?"
I looked at her, with a little smile. "Three things for us both to do, I think. The first is that we should stop pretending. I think we both dance around all the sensitive subjects, all the painful moments, in the hope that if we don't notice them they'll disappear, but it doesn't work. When you grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it the other day, as you sometimes used to do, it reminded me that you did it our last time here at the lake—the day I knew about your affair. And it hurt like crazy!"
I saw her look of surprise and sorrow, then she nodded her head. I went on. "But we're just going to have to deal with that. I suppose I'll have to simply say, 'I remember the last time you did that—it was at Forbes Lake, in July.' And then we'll both know. And something will change—maybe you'll give up that gesture and find a different one. Or you'll do that same old gesture with a particular look towards me that says, 'yes, we both know why this gesture hurts, but it also conveys my love to you, and we both understand why I'm doing it anyway'."
Marianne nodded, and then asked, "what are the other two things, Tom?"
"One of them is that I want us to make love again. I'm afraid it will be weird, even awful perhaps at first, though I hope not. But I want us to start."
She smiled at me almost shyly, and said "I really want that too. I miss being with you that way—very much!"
"And the last thing is that I want us to go away for a week—maybe in October? We can ask your parents to stay in the house and be with the kids. They always love to do that. I'd like us to go somewhere nice, warm, with a beach, and somewhere we've never been before."
"And I want you to buy some new clothes. New clothes to wear during the day and for the evening, some new swimsuits, and especially new nighties and lingerie. I don't want to be reminded of previous vacations. Let's try to make some nice new memories."
"I love the idea, Tom!" Marianne's wet eyes were shining, now with happiness. "I feel like you're offering me more than I deserve—a lot more, and I'm not going to turn it down! Let me check at the office about everyone's schedule, and we can pick the week right away. I certainly won't refuse the chance for some shopping, either!"
Then she looked at me more seriously, and said, "but you haven't said anything in all this about your anger, honey. We both know you're still angry—there are moments when it almost rolls off you, like a wave. It's frightening."
"Yes, you're right. I still have those moments, and I probably will for a long time—though I think they're getting less frequent. There is actually one more small thing I need to say, Marianne."
I looked right at her. "You may feel this is totally unnecessary, but I need to say it for ME, if not for you. I'm struggling to learn to trust you again. In the best set of circumstances, it will take awhile. But if you ever betray my trust again, even once—if you ever cheat on me again, or lie to me—we are done." I began to tremble a little, feeling my rage surge inside me. "I'll be out the door without a word, and I won't be back to give you a chance to explain things to me."
"People say 'once a cheater, always a cheater'. I don't know if that's true. I hope it's not true of you. But if it is ... well, I hope I've made clear how I feel about that."
I sat still a moment, letting the anger recede again, and I sighed. Then I said, "I just needed to say that to you. Sorry."
Marianne slid over to me, slowly, and took my hand, watching my face to make sure that was all right with me. Then she said, "I owe you complete honesty and faithfulness. And I failed you once—big time. But I will NOT make that mistake again, if you stay with me. And I will do whatever I can, whatever you ask, to earn back your trust in me."
"You don't have to say 'sorry' to me, Tom. All you are really asking for is what you should have had from me all along."
We sat there for another few minutes, quietly, Marianne holding my hand. Then I said to her, "I was thinking about swimming across the lake and back. But if we got in the car and went home now, we'd have a couple of hours of privacy before the kids got home."
Marianne smiled and said, "I vote for the privacy!"
Making love with Marianne, that Sunday afternoon in September in our bedroom, was both wonderful and strange. We did everything very slowly, very consciously, as if saying to each other, "yes, we remember what has happened, the infidelity, the specter of other lovers in the room, but we're going to enjoy this anyway".
We both seemed to feel that we shouldn't rush, so our foreplay lasted a long time. There were many painful moments for me—images of Marianne and Eddie were there in my mind, and I had to see past them, not ignore them. The worst for me was when she lay open for me, smiling and aroused, on her back, and I was poised above her to enter her. She had been like this with him, open, excited, smiling, eager for him to fuck her.
It took my breath away, and I hesitated for a moment. Marianne's smile slipped, as she saw my unhappiness. But I had no choice but to go on—this is my new marriage, I said to myself. I tried to smile back, and then we both sighed with the pleasure as I slid inside her hot wetness. She was very ready, and it felt good.
Our coupling was as slow as our foreplay. I wanted to be conscious of every moment and every feeling. I kept changing my pace and depth, moving my hips in different ways, speeding up and slowing down. All the time we looked at each other, trying I think to reassure each other: "yes, this is YOU I'm here with, this is YOU I want to be doing this with!".
Finally I let more of my weight down on Marianne, burying my face in her neck, and stroked more rapidly and forcefully, allowing the pleasure and the mounting need for a release to take me over. I felt her hands clutching my shoulders, heard her rhythmic gasps with each stroke, and I came into her with a shudder.
After a minute I slid off her, to one side, and we lay on our sides, holding one another and looking at each other. No smiling now—the moment felt very serious. This had been about as far from our playful, carefree love-making of the old days as anything could possibly be. It felt much more like a ritual, some rite of passage that contained its share of pain. If that sounds mystical, so be it—that's how it felt.
Not smiling, Marianne put one hand on my cheek and said, "thank you, Tom. I love you very much." "I love you too," I said. Then we held one another, and we both cried.
The weekend after we first made love again, we had Steve and Andrea over for a Saturday cookout. It was the first time the four of us had been together since I found out about Marianne's affair. I'd seen Steve and Andrea several times, and Marianne once or twice; but I think she had felt too ashamed to relish the idea of us all socializing again.
And it was tense, for the first few minutes. I think we all understood that the ground rules were "no talking about Tom and Marianne's marriage". So we talked about trivial things at first, until our sense of pleasure in one another's company took over. These were two of our favorite people. They'd known us a long time, and cared for both of us. They were funny and smart. We laughed a lot and had a good time. I even noticed that Steve was developing a fondness for Ringnes, my new favorite beer!
At one point the women went inside to see to dessert and Steve said to me quietly, "things seem better, Tom." I nodded. "A long way to go, but we're making progress. Let me thank you and Andrea again, Steve, for the umpteenth time. You guys have been terrific. You've been there for me, true friends, but without cutting Marianne out of the picture. Thank you so much."
He looked a little embarrassed at my sentiment, and joking said, "like they say, 'What are Friends For'?"
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Over the next few weeks we gradually returned to regular sex. It wasn't that great, to tell the truth. We were still both very serious, careful, as self-conscious as two people doing a love-making instructional video. We gave each other pleasure, we had orgasms, we enjoyed it—but we didn't come close to finding the uninhibited joy we had once taken in each other.
Partly there must have been images of Carrie in Marianne's mind, but most of all I think Marianne and I were both afraid of the same thing: my anger. It was in bed that my rage about her affair was most acute; and though I never acted on those feelings they were often present. If she took my cock in her mouth, I heard her saying to Eddie "God, it's so big, and so hard, and so beautiful! Let me suck on it", and my fists clenched.
If I was going down on her, enjoying her groans and her hip motions as she urged me onward, I heard her saying "Oh, Eddie, nobody does me like you do!"
If I slid into her, in the missionary position or from behind, my favorite, I could hear her eagerly say to him "I want your beautiful dick inside me." And I had to endure it, I had to carry on. Because the alternative was to yank my own dick out of her and stalk out of the room.
One night after we had made love I was lying on my back, propped up against the pillows, staring out at nothing. Marianne looked at me and said, "Tom. I am so very sorry for the things you heard me say to Eddie. I can apologize for the rest of my life, and I know it will never be enough. But YOU are the best lover I have ever had. It's YOUR arms I want around me, your body I want next to mine, and your beautiful penis I want inside me. I am just so, so sorry...."
She stopped talking, and snuggled up against me. I held her, stroking her back. Some things just can't be dealt with in words.
In mid-October Marianne and I took our weeklong trip, to St. Thomas in the Caribbean. She had bought a lot of new clothes. I hoped that the new things included some new lingerie, because I loved the sight of her in slinky or transparent or just too-short nightwear; but she kept her new purchases safely hidden until we got to the island
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I had kept up the routine of checking the recording devices in the house at least twice a week. They were mostly filled now with the sounds of the kids, but there were occasional calls to or from Marianne, and I listened to these carefully, with perfect attention. At first I almost held my breath, not knowing what I might hear. But as the weeks went by it was easier and easier to relax, and I never did hear anything that worried me.
I also checked her purse and her car a couple of times when she wasn't around, to see if a throwaway cell phone had reappeared, but in vain. And the calls on her regular cell phone, which I could check in the monthly bill, were all routine.
Did these things mean that Marianne wasn't cheating on me again? No. But a lack of evidence was certainly better than the opposite! And she knew very well what was at stake. If, despite all that had happened, she was unwilling or unable to be faithful to me, our marriage would be over.
On the plane down to St. Thomas we were feeling close and romantic, and I decided to give her a "gift" when we got there, something I'd been thinking about for awhile. We checked in, changed and immediately went to dinner, at a gorgeous restaurant on an open-air balcony overlooking the Caribbean. Marianne looked stunning, in a new silk pants outfit that had not only me but every other man in the place directing his attention at her.
During dinner I took great pleasure in just looking at her. Her beautiful eyes, full of sparkle, the shine of her hair, her lovely arms, the graceful way she moved. All of it felt like a miracle to me. Being away from home was obviously making it easier for me to appreciate her.
As we waited for dessert to be cleared and the check to come, I said, "there's something I'd like to tell you. I think you'll think it's good news."
She smiled broadly and said, "I always like good news! What is it?"
Smiling back at her I said, "I've stopped seeing Carrie."
Her face went through a marvelous series of expressions, all lasting just a moment. Surprise, pleasure, concern, wary optimism. "I think that's great news, Tom! Can you ... can you tell me a little more?"
"I realized it was time to stop. You and I are trying to have a 'new marriage', and you have every right to expect my total commitment to it, just as I expect yours. And, of course, there's the other thing. You know that Eddie is still in my mind, when we're in bed. And Carrie is surely in your mind. At least now that can be in the past tense."
Marianne didn't yet look completely convinced. "And how is ... how does she feel about it?"
"Carrie knew all along what my situation was, and I've been honest with her. To tell the truth, she may feel relieved. There's a guy she's very interested in who she thinks is going to ask her out, but she didn't know quite how to handle that while she was seeing me. This will make things simpler for her."
"And one more thing, Marianne. Just so you know: when I say it's over with her, I mean completely over. Permanently. I'm not going to see her again, and you can trust me on that."
This time the smile stayed firmly on her face, growing broader as she regarded me.
"Thank you for telling me that, Tom. Listen—are you put off by crude behavior in an elegant place?"
I could tell from her tone that she was kidding, so I just said, "not at all. What do you have in mind?"
"Well, this restaurant and the setting are so lovely. I hope you wouldn't mind if I just leaned over the table and –"
She leaned over, putting her face inches from mine, and said softly, "I'd like to take you back to the room and fuck your brains out!"
I sat back, laughing. "That WAS crude! But I believe that I'm prepared to let you off with a warning this time—as long as you follow through..."
We quickly paid the check and hurried out.
The week in St. Thomas was great, and the sex was mostly great too. The end of my 'affair' with Carrie surely helped, but I think the main things were just being away, and being alone.
Kids take a lot of energy out of married couples—not that there aren't rewards! But all day in St. Thomas we had only one another to think about. And we were far from any place that reminded us of the troubled recent past. It was still with us, but much less present and much less important.
We made love nearly every day, and a couple of times twice. That seemed pretty good for a couple both about 40. It was always pleasurable, and twice we got really wild with each other (I'm sure the tropical weather and the alcohol consumption helped a bit too). Even more than enjoying those two unrestrained sex sessions for themselves, I was happy and relieved that we'd been able to achieve that level of freedom with one another again.
I also loved it that Marianne took the initiative in sex a few times, like that first evening after dinner, when she was all over me. Knowing that some of the time we were having sex because SHE really wanted to (though of course I did too) was a turn-on for me.
When we flew home we were more tan, more relaxed, more happy, and certainly more optimistic about our marriage. Marianne held my hand the whole flight, and when we were nearly there she asked quietly, "Tom? Do you think you're ready to move back into our bedroom? I would be so happy if you would!"
I nodded at her, smiling, and she kissed me excitedly, tears standing out on her cheeks.
About two weeks after we got back I had another nightmare. I had had them occasionally ever since learning of Marianne's affair, sometimes twice a week, sometimes much less often. They were always about Marianne, and some were bad, some not so bad. This one was a killer.
In the dream I was lying behind Marianne in bed, caressing her breasts, kissing her neck, murmuring to her. She lay there happy and languid, her eyes closed, getting gradually more aroused, moaning quietly. My hands moved to her pussy, and as I stroked her clitoris she began moving her hips back against me. She lifted her top leg and my hard cock poked between her legs. Then she closed her leg against it, and I rubbed my cock back and forth across her pussy lips. My hands returned to her breasts, and I pinched her nipples. She got more and more excited, breathing more heavily, sliding her hips back and forth. Then she turned her head, her eyes still closed, and said, "now, Eddie! Put that beautiful thing inside me!"
When I pulled back from her in shock, she opened her eyes and looked at me. Startled to see it was me, she cried, "where's Eddie?" And Eddie suddenly appeared in the room, naked. He climbed onto the bed and entered her with a single thrust, making her cry out in pleasure. Soon they were fucking one another wildly, ignoring me as completely as if I weren't there.
For some reason I couldn't move. I just sat, frozen, two feet from them on the bed, unable to intervene. When I could finally move my arms I started to grab Eddie to pull him off her, but Marianne looked at me and said, "no, Tom, stop! I need Eddie to make me come!" Then she closed her eyes and went back to fucking him like crazy.
I heard a terrible groaning sound, like the roar of a wounded animal, and then I was being shaken. Marianne was shaking me awake, and I tried to come up out of the dream and look at her.
"Tom, are you all right? Was it a nightmare? I just looked at her, bewildered, covered in sweat, my fury and horror very slowly ebbing away. The clock said 3:25. I shook my head, trying to clear it. Finally I could speak, and I said, "sorry Marianne. That was a bad one. Give me a minute."
She went to the bathroom and returned with a wet washcloth, which she used to gently wipe my face and the back of my neck. Then she fluffed up the pillows and had me lie back. I guess I was still breathing hard, and must have looked pretty out of it.
"Sorry," I said again. "Shh," replied Marianne. "It was just a dream. It's gone now, I'm here with you." I didn't want to tell her about it, and I figured she probably could guess the general theme in any case—I had told her about some of my previous nightmares. She lay with her arms on me, her head on my chest. After a few minutes I began to feel calmer, and we eventually drifted back to sleep.
In mid-December we went to a big Christmas party given each year by our friends Alec and Diana. Alec was a former colleague of mine at work, and our kids were about the same ages as theirs, so we'd known them for years. It was a big party, 60-80 people. We saw Steve and Andrea, and chatted with them and with many other friends that we knew.
The party was formal—black tie for the men and evening gowns for the women. Marianne wore a black sheath dress with spaghetti straps, with a single aquamarine pendant and matching aquamarine earrings. Her hair was up in back, showing off her lovely neck. She looked fabulous. Obviously I'm not objective, but there wasn't a woman at the party who looked half as desirable.
For some of the evening we stayed together, talking and laughing with friends. But as the evening wore on we naturally split up, as conversations pulled us in different directions. There was a lot of drinking, and things got much looser. Several strategically hung pieces of mistletoe were being used by some of the men as a convenient excuse to kiss other people's wives, amidst general laughter. I saw a guy named Marty, whom Marianne and I knew casually, corner her beneath some mistletoe and give her a kiss and a full-body hug, his hands roaming over her, after which she pushed him away, laughing.
In previous years this party had sometimes gotten quite rowdy, with wild dancing and even couples pairing off (not with their own spouses) and making use of one of the many distant bedrooms in the large house. With this in mind, I had been trying to keep Marianne in sight as much as I could. But I got caught up in a political argument for a few minutes and lost sight of her.
I was just thinking I should look around for her when I heard a commotion in the living room, some raised voices, and then Marianne came running out of the living room and straight over to me, white-faced and shaken. "Tom, please, can we just go now?" she said in an urgent voice. I asked what was wrong, but she pulled me towards the front door without replying. Quickly I grabbed our host's hand, thanked him for the party, and we got our coats and left.
In the car I asked again what was wrong, but she just clung tightly to my arm and said, "it's all right now, Tom. Just take me home and I'll explain everything." She really did look upset.
When we got home and I had paid the baby sitter, I took her into the living room, got us both a small brandy, and sat close beside her on the sofa, holding her hand and stroking it gently. She swallowed some of the brandy, shivered, and then seemed to calm down a bit. Finally she began to speak.
"I was having a nice time, like we always do at Alec and Diana's. You know it starts to get pretty flirty after everyone has had a few, but it was no worse than usual. Then this guy I didn't know before, his name is Malcolm—I think he works with Diana—started really coming on to me. He had been talking and flirting with me earlier, but it was harmless, the usual lines about my dress, or the aquamarine sets off my eyes. You know—no big deal, and not hard to handle."
"But later he managed to separate me from the group we were talking with, and maneuver me into a corner of the living room. The flirting got way too serious. He was telling me I was the loveliest woman he'd ever seen, and my husband couldn't possibly appreciate me as much as he would. If I'd only give him a chance, he could show me pleasures I'd never dreamed of before. And he was stroking my shoulder, and standing way too close, talking into my ear. Then he had me by the arm, and was starting to steer me down the hall towards the bedrooms."
"I was terrified you'd come into the room, Tom, and get the wrong idea! I was frantic to get away from him. I couldn't get loose at first, and no one else noticed what was going on. So I yelled at him, "let me go! I am NOT going with you!" And then a bunch of people turned and stared at us, and he let go and I ran out of the room, with people trying to follow me or help me."
She sighed, calmer now, and I just hugged her tightly, stroking her hair. Finally I said, "I'm sorry honey. I wish I had been closer—I just got caught in the middle of an argument between Bill and Leonard, and you know what they're like once they get started."
Then I said, "were you afraid that he'd really ... drag you into a room and bang you? Or was it that you were afraid I'd see you two and misunderstand what was going on?"
"I don't think he would have bangd me, Tom. He was definitely coming on strong—but I've been in situations like that before, and a few firm "No"s would have done the job. With, if necessary, a spike heel firmly planted on top of his shoe."
"But I was very afraid of what you might see, and what you might think. I don't want you to have the slightest doubts about me—EVER—and I hated being in a position where you, or someone else, could have jumped to the wrong conclusion. Before I let that happen, I'll stop going to parties."
I smiled at her, and held her close, and planted soft kisses in her fragrant hair, humming into it—some stupid Christmas carol probably, I wasn't too original about music. Her story had made me happy, God knows why.
"I love you," I said, "and I'm sorry for what happened. You are a very beautiful woman, and tonight you look so incredible that the mystery to me is why any man at the party DIDN'T flirt with you."
"I don't think we need to stop going to parties. We are a long way from where we were last summer, and as long as you can handle the flirters I will be content to let you handle them. I'm not going to fly off the handle because some jerk gets a little excited—but I'm glad that you're thinking about my feelings."
She sighed and relaxed against me, obviously calmer now.
"Now," I said, getting up and pulling her gently to her feet, "would you consider letting me have an early Christmas present? I would like to take you upstairs and undress you, beginning with the earrings, and ending with whatever I might find under that beautiful dress!"
She laughed and kissed me, and said, "Merry Christmas, Tom!"
Some time early in the New Year I realized that Marianne had changed noticeably, if gradually, in her behavior and attitude around me.
She had always been sensitive and generous—before the affair as well as after—but in the months since I learned about Eddie I was often aware of her tentativeness around me. She seemed very watchful, presumably concerned about my angry outbursts, but that wasn't all of it. I think that she was also full of guilt and self-reproach.
Many times when we were together she seemed to be looking for a way to make it up to me, to atone for what she had done. As silly as this will sound, it was like being served by an over-eager waiter. You just want to tell the guy to relax, bring my dinner, and then leave me alone—don't ask me every two minutes if everything is fine!
But now this was happening less and less. She seemed to have more faith that I wasn't about to head out the door if we had some small disagreement. Her smiles were just as warm as ever, but her eyes looked less worried, and she seemed less tense.
I was happy about this, of course. I didn't want to be married to "Mrs. I'm-so-sorry", and I couldn't have lived with her for long. The whole idea of our "new marriage" meant getting past apologies and atonement—in time—to a different version of married happiness. Maybe Marianne's new attitude meant that we were getting there.
On a morning in late January Marianne came into the bedroom where I was putting on my running clothes. "Tom, how would you feel about our just taking a walk this morning, instead of running? I'd like to talk to you about some things."
Her demeanor was serious, and I said, "of course, Marianne. Let's both get bundled up, and we can go."
When we were outside walking, our breath steaming in the cold air, she said, "I've been learning a lot of things in my therapy with Dr. Brenner, and it just started to feel like time to tell you about some of it."
"I want you to know, Tom, that none of this is about my making excuses. Cheating on you was wrong, and I did it, and I hate that I did it. But I'm beginning to understand better why I did it."
"Okay, Marianne," was all I said—I didn't want to interrupt her.
"Well," she said, "I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear that a lot of it has to do with my parents." She rolled her eyes. "Such a cliché, right? It's always about the parents. But it really seems to be true in my case."
Of course, I already knew a fair amount about Marianne's parents. For years they'd had a terrible marriage. Her father was a big-time philanderer, almost never without a mistress or a series of one-night stands. At one point he even moved out of the house and into an apartment with a girlfriend. When that relationship ended after a few months, he moved back home, without apology.
Marianne's mother, and Marianne herself, were both badly hurt by his infidelities and his lack of concern for their feelings. I never understood how or why her mother put up with it, rather than throwing the bastard out on his ear.
Interestingly, in later years the relationship changed. As he grew older her father settled down, stopped chasing skirts, and became a more loving and reliable husband. That was all after Marianne was out of their house, but in the years since then the marriage had gotten much stronger, and now the two of them were wonderful grandparents to our children.
"I've been talking a lot with Dr. Brenner about my parent's marriage, and about my dad's screwing around. As with every kid, the one marriage I knew a lot about was my parent's marriage, so for better or worse it was my idea of what a marriage was."
"I can see now that, as much as I adored and trusted you, Tom, at some level I expected to be hurt and cheated on just as my mother had been. I was afraid of giving our life together my total, absolute commitment—because it would have hurt so deeply if you had betrayed that in any way."
"Of course you never did! You have never been anything like the jerk my father was when I was growing up. But that fear was always in my mind."
"Again, this is not an excuse! But it seems that my cheating was an expression of my own fear about totally committing myself to our relationship, and trusting you completely. Maybe the fact that it didn't happen sooner is just because I love you so much, and because you always made me feel that I could trust you. But my conviction that you would betray me, pull the rug out from under me in some way, was something I was always struggling with, though I wasn't really aware of it."
"There's one more crazy aspect to this I want to mention. Paradoxically, and though I never would have wanted it consciously, my behavior led to you also being unfaithful to me. So the thing that I feared most turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy. In my fear that you would betray my trust in you, I did something so horrible that in the end you did—even if it was in an aboveboard way, and even if it was totally my behavior that drove you to it."
She was serious, intent, striding fast as she told me all this. She and the therapist must have talked over these ideas many times, because they were quite clear in Marianne's mind, and she explained them so I understood right away.
But I didn't know how she would want me to respond, so we walked on in silence for a short time. Then she spoke again.
"You don't need to do anything in particular, Tom, or even say anything. My coming to understand these things has really helped me. I've been calmer, less unhappy. Maybe a little less racked by guilt all the time.
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last part
"I had actually noticed some of that," I said. "I don't know when it started, maybe a few weeks ago, but you have seemed more relaxed when we're together—it's been great." I smiled at her. "I'm glad that the therapy is helping, Marianne. What you say about your parent's marriage certainly makes sense to me. It makes me wish I had known about your feelings, so I could have looked into your eyes and said, 'You can trust me Marianne—I'm not your dad'. But I know it doesn't work that way."
She squeezed my arm. "No—I wish it did. Instead we had to go through all this ... all this SHIT for me to start to understand it."
Suddenly she stopped walking, and looked intently into my eyes. "I am so very sorry, Tom," she said seriously.
"I know, Marianne," I replied, with equal seriousness. After a long moment I smiled at her, and we continued our walk in the cold.
Sometime in March, as the dreary winter weather dragged on, I began to feel uneasy. I still don't know what set me off, whether something actually happened or I caught the suspicion virus out of the air—but I began to worry about Marianne's fidelity.
We had been doing well, I thought. I certainly had been feeling better about our marriage, and she seemed very happy at our greater closeness. Her therapy was continuing to help her. So what vague instinct was it that started me worrying?
I'd been checking the hidden recorders in the house twice a week, more or less. Now I checked them every other day. I put a recording device back into the spare-tire compartment of Marianne's car, with a listening device hidden under the front seat and another one in her purse. I checked those every day.
I began listening more carefully when she described her activities at work each day, trying to pick out inconsistencies. I called her at the office occasionally, and if she wasn't in I made sure to ask casually at dinner that night what she'd been out doing when I called.
On two days, when she'd told me ahead of time she had various business errands outside the office to do, I'd actually parked down the street from her office parking lot and trailed her car around town for several hours.
The result of all this renewed suspicion, worry, and investigation was exactly zero. There was not a hint of any inappropriate behavior on my wife's part. However, as a professor of mine in college liked to say, "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence".
I knew, after all, that Marianne had cheated on me with Eddie for eight months without my catching on. I was much more suspicious now—but that didn't mean she wasn't being much more careful!
After about three weeks of this I felt depressed and frustrated. I'd found just what I'd hoped to find—nothing—but it seemed to be making me feel worse rather than better. I didn't want to talk to Marianne about this, so I dragged Steve out for a long lunch one day and told him what I'd been up to.
Bless his heart, Steve didn't laugh at me. He listened carefully, looking serious, and he didn't make light of my fears.
"I know this can't be any fun, Tom, but it is good news that you haven't found anything. Andrea just saw Marianne the other day, and she told me that Marianne just went on and on about how well the two of you are doing. She said Marianne seemed happier than she's been for a long time."
"I know this is somewhat irrational, Steve. I haven't got a single shred of anything to base my worries on. But I keep remembering what a fool I was the first time. Marianne is smart as hell!"
"Tom, I'm your friend, and I honestly don't know what to tell you. I guess it makes sense to continue being watchful, but I'm sorry that your suspicions are making you so crazy. Is there anything I can do?"
I sighed. "I guess just listen to me rant every once in a while. I'm going to have to live through this phase one way or another."
My hypervigilance lasted another week or so, then it gradually receded, like a low-grade fever returning to normal. I went back to checking the recorders less frequently, I stopped asking Marianne leading questions—in short I relaxed. My worries didn't ever disappear, but they became bearable again.
As the summer approached, Marianne began talking about what we might do once the kids went off to camp again. "Tom, how would you feel about a vacation we've never done before? Hiking in the Rockies, or up in Canada somewhere? Maybe staying in a national park?"
I liked the idea, among other reasons because I was still eager for us to do new things, things that had no possible sting of memories from the pre-adultery days of our marriage.
We went ahead and booked a cabin on Ross Lake in the North Cascades National Park, in Washington, and spent some happy hours reading guide books and looking on-line to learn more about what we'd be seeing.
The day after we dropped the kids off at camp, we were flying out to Seattle, where we rented a car and headed for the park. We found a rustic two-room cabin with an indescribable view, nestled in the woods overlooking the lake with brilliantly white snow-capped mountains in the distance beyond.
Every day of that week we found something new to delight us. Making love didn't get neglected, but there were so many outdoor activities beckoning to us that some days we came home too exhausted (but happy) to do more than snuggle together in the past-its-prime queen-size bed. We hiked, we rented a canoe and explored the lake, we sunbathed, we hiked some more, we cooked steaks over a campsite fire we made ourselves—and we relaxed, reading together for hours or just lying in the sun.
One day I got adventurous, and I talked Marianne into letting me screw her partway up a tree, deep in the empty woods. The tree stood in a tiny glade, with branches arranged up its trunk almost like the steps of a ladder. I persuaded Marianne, giggling like mad, to strip off her shorts and perch on a sturdy branch about 10 feet off the ground. Then I stood in front of her, naked from the waist down, on a branch about three feet lower, bringing my excited cock to just the right height.
We had to hold each other tightly around the shoulders to keep from tumbling to the ground, and it wasn't all that comfortable, but it was a lot of fun. The position was too awkward for wild orgasms, but we took our time and enjoyed the "outdoorsness" of it, feeling the breeze cooling our naked parts as we went at it. Towards the end our fucking made the branches we were on sway unnervingly, adding to the danger level of the adventure.
"Well, that will be a story to tell when we get back," I said with a smile after we were finished, and were clinging to each other tiredly.
"To whom?" she replied, "the children?" We both laughed. "Who are we going to tell about this?"
"Well, at least Steve and Andrea," I said. "Didn't they make it once in a Sunfish in the middle of a lake in New Hampshire? This is at least as good a story as that one. Wait, Marianne! Don't climb down yet—I want a picture of you, bare-ass up in that tree."
She laughed, and quickly yanked up her shorts before I could snap the photo. What I got instead was a shot of a lovely woman, more-or-less dressed, standing on a tree branch, smiling broadly at the camera and extending the middle finger of her right hand.
On the morning of our next-to-last day, I slipped out of bed very early, pulled on some sweats, and went outside to enjoy the cool air and the subdued light just after dawn. I sat on the porch, looked at the lake, and thought about what I wanted to say to Marianne.
I had planned for weeks that this trip would be the time to tell her the truth about Carrie—that there was no Carrie, and no lengthy affair, just a brief two-night stand with a young woman at a conference the previous summer.
I had thought over and over about how to raise this ticklish subject, how to tell Marianne that I had deceived her by NOT having an affair. "Honey," I thought I'd begin, "I have something important to tell you. It's actually good news, but it may not sound that way right at first. In fact you may be angry with me—you may feel I've betrayed you—but when you think about it I hope you'll agree with me that it's a good thing."
I imagined her face when I told her—utter shock, confusion, and then perhaps rising anger. Maybe she'd tell me off, then stomp away to be by herself for awhile. After an hour or two, she'd return, ready to complain good-naturedly to me for deceiving her and thank me for not having avenged her affair with one of my own.
But what if it didn't go quite that way? As I sat there in the early morning light, my plan to confess the truth seemed less and less like a good idea. I could also imagine a much more furious reaction: "you mean you made me suffer for weeks—for MONTHS—with images of you and that voluptuous woman, snuggling together in your apartment, having wild acrobatic sex that I could never compete with—and it was all made-up bullshit? You bastard! What kind of fucking sadistic thing is that to do to someone you say you love?"
"All those months," I could hear Marianne continuing, "when I was suffering about you and Carrie, and reminding myself that it was my own fault, I'd brought it on myself, you were probably just chuckling to yourself about how easy it was to turn the tables on me! You insensitive, vengeful PRICK! And after all that, you still have the nerve not to trust ME? Well, fuck you, husband! All you've told me today is that I can't trust YOU!"
And then she'd stomp off into the woods; but when she came back there might be hours, or even days, of angry silence.
No one wants to be played for a fool. I had learned that, in spades, when I was first shattered by the knowledge of Marianne's adultery. Since that time we had made our way back from the brink, from the possible end of our marriage. We had done it slowly, painfully, with a lot of hard work. Why would I want to jeopardize that now by confessing to a lie that had undoubtedly done more good than harm?
Life was messy, and unpredictable. The symmetry of Marianne's long-term affair and my fictitious long-term affair had not been planned. On the contrary, I invented Carrie as a way to get Marianne to understand the pain I was in, in the wake of learning about her and Eddie. It had served its purpose. It had hurt Marianne a lot, I knew, but it had also helped restore some degree of balance to our relationship. I even think that my 'affair' helped Marianne begin to forgive herself for what she had done, faster than would have been possible otherwise.
I could no longer see any reason for not letting my secret lie buried.
As I sat musing, the screen door squeaked, and a moment later I felt Marianne's arms encircling my neck, as she kissed the top of my head and murmured "good morning, sweetie!" into my hair.
I reached back and pulled her around and onto my lap, where she snuggled her head into my neck. We rocked back and forth for a few minutes, enjoying the quiet and the feel of one another.
"Is today the day?" she asked me.
I looked at her in surprise. "For what?"
Looking directly at me, she said, "for whatever it is you're planning to talk to me about." Amused by my look of total shock—my mouth must have actually fallen open—she continued, "I know you pretty well, Tom. You've been more and more thoughtful, even abstracted, the last couple of days. You're working something out in your mind, and I figure that either today or tomorrow you'll be ready to tell me about it."
I just laughed, shaking my head at the sensitivity and intuitiveness of my wife, things I had appreciated for years but that had disappeared for a while at the end of her affair.
"You are something, you know that? And yes, I do have something to say, and this is the moment. Let's go down and stand by the lake."
Arm in arm, smiling together, we ambled down the path to the water's edge.
I turned her to face me, and we stood a foot apart, holding one another's hands, looking into one another's eyes.
"This is what I have to say, Marianne. This past year has been the hardest one of our marriage. But here we are—still standing. Next year is going to be much better, and the year after that, better still."
"We've gone through a hell of a lot together—and I want to be married to you for the rest of my life."
I stopped talking. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she couldn't speak. Instead, we embraced. She gave her body completely to me, stretching her arms up over my shoulders and letting her hands dangle behind me, the embrace that meant "I am utterly open to you, I am totally yours". It was a gesture from our past together, one that I treasured.
My own eyes were suddenly full of tears, and she saw them after a minute when she pulled back a little and gazed at me.
"I love you, Thomas Card," she said.
"And I love you, Mrs. Card," I replied.
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Confession Of A Pregnant Woman
About five months ago my husband and I shared a cabin with my sister and her husband for a week.
On the first night we were there we all got very drunk and started playing strip poker. This was unusual since we are normally pretty conservative, but we were having such a good time we just said, "Why not."
It took a some time but we all got down to just our underwear and my brother in law actually ended up
losing the last hand and had to get naked, exposing his wonderfully big cock for all to see.
I had always been a little curious about it since my husband is only average size and from talking to my
sister I knew it must be bigger. My brother in law has always had a reputation as a ladies man and has even
tried to flirt with me on several occasions. I know he saw me staring at his penis, which made me
turn red and also saw him ogling my breasts, which are somewhat bigger than my sisters. We giggled and talked about it for a while as it was all completely innocent, and then retired to our separate bedrooms to be with our own spouses.
Well my husband needs about half a beer to get drunk and he fell asleep within a few minutes after retiring
much to my disappointment. I was horny from all the sex talked we'd been doing while playing strip poker and because of my brother-in-law's big cock, and was really annoyed that my husband had deserted me. I even tried to masturbate, without success. Finally I went to the kitchen for a snack, still in my
panties, and while I was bent over looking in the fridge my brother-in-law came up behind me and put his
cock right up against my ass. I jumped a foot, turned around to see naked. He put a finger to his lips and went, "shhhhhhhhh."
My eyes were drawn to his penis hanging there. And while I just stared at it he suddenly bent down and
kissed me on the lips. It must have been the alcohol because for some reason I responded and kissed him back not making a sound or thinking about the consequences of what I was doing. I was really surprised at myself for reacting this way because I've never considered being with anyone other than my husband, let alone my brother-in-law. As we stood there in the darkness with our tongues intertwined he reached up and started lightly caressing my naked breast. I moaned in delight and touched his penis in return, moving my hand along its length. At that point I never imagined anything more would come of it thinking what we were doing was still completely harmless.
Suddenly, he stopped and pulled me along with him into the living room and pushed me down onto the sofa. Kneeling next to me I gasped as his hand ran across the shiny silk of my panties and tightly cupped my pussy.
'Oh, God,' I thought, 'I'm so hot!' His fingers slid up and down between the folds of my cunt and my hips began to undulate slightly. 'So good, so good, please don't stop, please, please!'
He reached under the waistband of my panties and found that I was very wet, he began rubbing my clit in
circles until I was gasping for more. I can't remember ever feeling so hot before and forbidden aspect of what was going on, knowing what we were doing was wrong made me even more excited. The fact that our spouses were just on the other side of the hall made me hornier than ever and I became lost in the sensations. Before I realized what was happening he'd moved between my legs, tugged my panties to one side, and had started pushing his now very hard big cock into me. When I realized he intended to fuck me right there and then I was shocked and began to protest and tried to push him off. I knew that this was going too far.
Unfortunately, I was very wet by then so when he pressed the big head of his monster against my slick
opening he just sunk into me easily with a quick thrust forward.
"Nooo!!" I tried to whisper in his ear, but I was pinned under him against the couch. I just couldn't
stop him and froze as he continued pushing and working himself in and out of me. Finally I felt his pubic bone grind firmly against mine and realized his big cock was completely buried inside me.
"Oh Laura -- I just want to feel myself inside you for a minute -- Oh god you feel so good! Oh yeah!" he
whispered into my ear as he started thrusting into me completely ignoring my protests.
At that point the feeling was just too good to stop him as immense pleasure flowed between my legs as I had my first orgasm. I was so turned on I couldn't protest any more. I was finally getting what my body needed. He was thrusting in and out of me and I realized I was responding and fucking him back by rocking my hips and pushing back up to meet each thrust. We fucked without a sound until we got into a rocking rhythm that I can only describe as incredible. It was a wonderful feeling to have such a large cock inside me for the first time. I came several more times within a few short few minutes from our first contact and the orgasms were just as intense as the first time.
I was dripping with perspiration beneath him almost unable to breathe. Eventually his thrusts quickened and
I knew he was going to cum. Then he grabbed my hips and his body stiffened, pushing firmly against my pubic bone for maximum penetration. I reached up grabbing his ass and closed my eyes.
Groaning softly, I felt his body shudder as he began ejaculating his sperm inside me. It actually startled
me when he let go because I could feel his penis pulse and then a strong spurt causing a pressure sensation
against my cervix. Only then did I think about the fact that my husband has always taken care of our birth control by wearing a condom. I have never had to even think about it. To make matters worse I was probably at the worst time in my cycle and realized I could easily get pregnant by our little affair. But it was too late.
I just froze, marveling at the feeling of what was happening inside of me. Each time he spasmed I could
feel him release another flood deep into my belly making my vagina immediately go slick with our mixed
fluids. It was indescribable. I couldn't believe there was so much of it. For a full thirty seconds I felt his pulses while he grunted, pumping his load into my womb before finally collapsing on top of me with his cock still buried deep inside me. As the waves subsided, I lay there in a dreamlike state feeling the heat of his sperm spreading out into the depths of my body. After a few more gentle thrusts he stopped, panting rapidly from the exertion. Finally he pulled his shrinking penis from me and it was over as
quickly as it had begun. We kissed lightly and each slipped quietly back to our rooms without a word.
As I carefully slipped back into bed next to my sleeping husband I immediately started feeling guilty
about what I had just done and also realized I now had a river of semen literally pouring from my open vagina into my panties, running down the inside of my thighs and puddling on the bed beneath my bottom.
My sister had mentioned to me when her husband ejaculates he squirts a big load making quite a mess to
clean up afterwards. And boy was she right. Now I could feel his wetness all over inside me and pouring from me as I lay there and realized I had millions of another man's sperm swimming inside my fertile tummy, perhaps already starting a new life there that should have been reserved for my husband.
My God, I'd just mated with my sister's husband at the peak of my cycle without protection, what had I been thinking! Even gravity in the position we were in bent over the couch increased the odds of conception. Needless to say I ended up crying myself to sleep that night thinking about the possible outcome of our foolishness.
The next morning I had to quickly change the sheets to hide the evidence before my husband noticed.
Now five months later the only proof that these events even happened is my bulging tummy, now very pregnant with what I know is my brother-in-law's baby. I still cannot believe that I did it. Whenever I see him now he just pats my growing tummy and gives me a sly wink. He knows I'm having his baby from that night and I think he's actually proud of it since my sister is now pregnant too.
The only thing I can do is hope our baby looks like my husband. It would kill him if he knew that I'm really
pregnant by another man. I didn't mean for it to happen, it just did.
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My name's Nitin and I'm 35. I got married to the love of my life, Supriya, 7 years ago. We've been very happy together. Our sex life has been great. After 7 years of marriage, now the only problem is , every time I masturbate, the only thing that ever seems to turn me on is imagining Supriya with another man, I don't understand why, it just gets me so excited, the idea of another guy touching her all over. It's such a naughty fantasy, and not one I ever pictured making a reality.
We were in bed together, just cuddling up before sleeping and she asked me if I had any sexual fantasies. I said no, like a reaction, there was no way I wanted to offend her with my weird fantasy. I asked her whether she had any, and she said shyly, "well, just something silly really."
"What is it?" I asked.
"Well, I kind a like the idea of role play sometimes. You know, like you're a teacher and I'm a collegegirl, that sort of thing. Silly, I know."
"No, it's not silly Supriya, I mean sure, we can try that some time."
So we tried Supriya's role play. It was ok, it really seemed to turn her on which was great. Again she asked me: "Are you sure there aren't any fantasies you'd like me to do for you hunny? Tie you up? Another woman? Anything at all?"
She was joking about the woman of course, so I laughed before replying.
"No sweetie, really, it's fine."
"Oh come on Nitin, you're being dull. I thought all guys had some weird fantasy, I can't believe I married the one guy in the world who has nothing weird in his head."
She was starting to wear me down, and I felt like I could tell her anything.
"Ok Supriya, there is one thing, but it's really not something I really want to do, it's just something stupid that turns me on sometimes."
"Ooooh, now this is more interesting," she replied. "Come on, tell me tell me tell me, and we'll do it, I promise."
"Well I don't think I even want to try it really, it's just a fantasy. But, sometimes the thought of you with another guy turns me on."
"What, me having an affair?" She asked.
"No, no, not an affair as such. Just, here in our bed, you with a random guy having sex, and me just watching."
"Yeah, sorry, I'm not sure I could do that hunny. I don't want other guys, I'm with you, we're married, and sex with you is great."
"I know I know." I said. "I don't think I really want to do it, it's just a fantasy is all, doesn't mean anything."
She turned over and seemed to be thinking, but we didn't mention it again at all.
A couple of weeks later we were at home and Supriya said she wanted to tell me something; she seemed pretty excited about it.
"You know your little fantasy Nitin?" Well, I was at the gym yesterday and there's this big man called Rakesh, does weights and that sort of thing. I've known for ages that he fancied me, he's always watching me when I work out, so of course I've always tried to avoid him. He's tried to talk to me a couple of times but I've managed to get rid of him easily enough. But thinking about your fantasy I decided to have a little word with him, chat him up, you know?"
I listened on, a sick feeling in my stomach at what she was telling me.
"Well," she carried on, "After a while I told him that I'm married so of course nothing would ever happen between us, but then I mentioned your fantasy and asked him if he might be interested. I felt really naughty asking him, and he seemed really unsure at first Nitin, but then he said yes! I mean, he's not exactly my type, I'm not gonna enjoy it, trust me, but there you go. I promised you I'd fulfill your fantasy, and now we can."
"Oh my god, Supriya, I don't know, I mean it's fun to think about but I never said I actually wanted to go through with it."
"Nonsense, of course you do, you're just too shy to tell me so," she said. To be honest, I wasn't being shy, I was genuinely worried, but I couldn't deny it, I was excited by the idea too. "He's coming round any second," she said.
"What!? He's coming now?" I shouted.
"Of course, means there's no chance for us to chicken out."
I was stuck in two minds. I was so angry at the thought of another guy doing my wife, but so excited too, I just couldn't deny that feeling. Rakesh knocked on our door and Supriya let him in. She was acting excited around me but I could tell she didn't really want to do this. I couldn't believe how much she must love me to do this, it was not in her nature to cheat on me at all, I know she never ever would. Maybe that's why this situation turned me on as much as it did.
The three of us chatted for a bit. Rakesh was pretty big, he must've spent a lot time at the gym, and like a lot of those gym guys he was a bit arrogant and boring in conversation. I have to admit, I didn't really like him, and neither did Supriya, that was pretty clear, but he definitely seemed to have the hots for her. After a while, Supriya suggested that we should get down to business, trying to play it cool, but I could see now that she wasn't enjoying this. I felt guilty but this was all her own doing, and I was getting hard now, knowing that any second my fantasy would come true.
We went up to the bedroom and dimmed the lights. I sat down beside the bed while Supriya undressed in front of me, Rakesh undressed in the en suite.
"I love you baby," she whispered to me, and we kissed lovingly. It was strange seeing her beautiful naked body in front of me, but this time I wouldn't be touching it. Rakesh walked in, in just his boxer shorts. My god, he had an incredible body, nobody could deny that. He gave me a wry smile then walked up to my wife and began to fondle her breasts in front of me.
Rakesh caressed and sucked on Supriya's breasts, stroking her body and legs with his other hand. She was trying to get into it but I knew she was never really into foreplay that much. Then Rakesh took down his boxers and threw them off and forced Supriya down to her knees to suck him off. His dick was huge, way bigger than mine. I'd never seen another man's hard dick except in porn, so it was a strange sight. I watched on as my wife started to stroke his dick with her fingers and then softly blow him off. She moved up and his shaft with her tongue and fingered his balls as lovingly as she would do with me. But the more jealous I got, the more aroused I became and I started to touch my own dick in excitement.
Rakesh grabbed Supriya's hair and started to encourage her lips back and forth along his dick, and she placed her hands on his two butt cheeks and gripped him as she sucked him off. He started groaning just a little, and I was worried he was going to blow his load early, before the real show. Supriya realised this too so took her mouth away from his dick and stood up. She walked to the bed alluringly and lay down on her back and looked at me and smiled and mouthed the words I love you. I mouthed it back and smiled at her, she was doing great.
Rakesh got on to the bed, pulled Supriya's legs apart and started to lick her clit slowly. He really worked his magic on her and after a while she began to lose herself and her eyes closed. She let a couple of little gasps and that signalled him to really start to eat her out. He put his tongue right inside her and she groaned with pleasure. I was tugging my dick, watching my wife being pleasured by another man, it was great.
Rakesh decided he'd had enough of oral and climbed slowly on top of Supriya, his eyes looking lustful, and if I'm honest, so were my wife's. She said Rakesh wasn't her type before, but maybe she was just lost in the moment. He started to ease his dick inside of her pussy and she winced with pain at first, his dick too big to go in all the way. He was gentle with her but then seemed to lose patience and pulled Supriya's legs apart and thrust the full length of his dick inside her pussy. My wife yelped in pain, but Rakesh came out and thrust his dick straight back in again, the full length. This time Supriya's noise was more of a delighted groan and she was loving every thrust that Rakesh gave her now.
He kept forcing his dick deeper and deeper inside my wife's pussy and then put his arms around her neck and embraced my wife closely as he rammed her. My wife, clearly lost in the pleasure of it all, wrapped her arms around Rakesh's body and stroked his skin with her fingers, digging her nails in gently when she got excited.
I was lost in the moment too, I was tugging my dick really hard now, watching this live sex show, not even realising what was happening in front of me was starting to get a little romantic. Rakesh was kissing my wife's neck as he pounded her and then kissed her face and then her lips, and she kissed him back. They were now French kissing away, my wife desperately trying to stick her tongue deep down Rakesh's throat and she grabbed his ass cheeks again with her fingers, dug her nails in and started to force him deeper inside of her. Rakesh did just that and between the kisses they were both groaning and I could tell that they were close to cumming.
Downstairs we had all agreed that Rakesh would pull out and cum on Supriya's tits but they were lost in passion and Supriya gripped Rakesh's muscular body tightly and he groaned loudly and shot his load deep inside my wife's pussy over ten seconds. He kept thrusting and thrusting until at last his balls were empty. He fell exhausted on top of my wife and kissed her again, and she kissed him back and they embraced on the bed.
I'd blown my load too, and now the sexual excitement was over I was struck with the realisation. I got up and thanked the pair for fulfilling my fantasy and made sure to get rid of Rakesh as soon as I could. After he left, I tested her creamy pie and after that I also made love to my wife. But I wasn't as good as Rakesh and Supriya knew it now.
After 2 days of that incident I caught my wife talking to someone secretly over her mobile phone while she was in the bathroom. Though she was whispering a lot but still I was able to understand what she was saying because I was standing just out side of our bathroom door.
I hard her saying…..
Yes dear………..I will try to arrange another meeting in the next week. Yes…. Yes…..I think I can manage my husband without any problem.
No….no he did not suspect anything.
NO……I don’t think I took any risk calling you home, because, to him it is his wife trying to fulfill his fantasy …..That’s all.
Why are you worried so much?………..I know my husband very well ……he will never understand that you are fucking me for the last two years.
Look I told you many times that I don’t like those cheap hotels. Look when my own husband allowing you to fuck me in our house then what’s the problem? No….No….tell me how may times I will have to assure you that he will never suspect.
How will he know that I checked his computer browser’s browsing history and found out that he has huge interest about cuckold life styles? How will he know that I actually provoked him about this cuckolding idea by first requesting him to fulfill my sexual fantasy and then asking him for his one?
I carefully planed that situation very well. After knowing his fantasy I immediately showed my willingness to fulfill his fantasy.
Look I played very cleverly. You rest assure no one will know. Now every month we can fuck 2-3 times without worrying about a safe place.
What?...........yes……. I admit it’s somewhat embarrassing. But if you try properly I can assure you that one day, fucking me in front of my husband will definitely turn you on. I know how men’s act.
Well I am cheating my husband and having fun with you for the last two years. If he gets some kind of fun watching us fucking then we should allow that na?
Look I will talk to you about it later……he is home now ………it’s not safe……..
Yes…. Yes…… I am also waiting eagerly for our next meeting ….I mean next fucking session….. hi.. hi… hi.
Bye honey.
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We are attending a wine gala with some noted speaker. You, my wife, are part of the sponsoring committee and so are sitting at the "head table" up on the stage. There are a large number of people seated at this long table and you are toward stage right, second from last, sitting next to amid 40's gentleman who appears European and occupies the far right seat at the table.
I am sitting out in the main floor area at a table of people I barely know, drinking wine, eating dinner, waiting to take you home and ravish you.
From time to time I look up toward the front of the room and see that you are deep in conversation with the European man. You are quite animated. You touch your hair while you talk to him. I can tell even from my distance that you are attracted. And I can see that his eyes are glued to you; as were most of the men's eyes as I escorted you in. It always gives me a thrill to see men stare at you; take in your beauty. Seeing them desire you.
I am both jealous and aroused as I watch you. Knowing your signs. Knowing how when you are randy you turn wanton.
The lights dim as the distinguished speaker begins his talk. There are slides and other multimedia. The main dining area and the stage are in deep shadow; only the speaker's podium are illuminated. The slideshow provides flickering and constantly changing light to the rest of the environment. Everyone's attention is on the speaker.
Except yours.
When I look in your direction I see that your eyes are closed. Your head back slightly. You appear to be rocking gently. The man next to you seems to be looking down into the general direction of your lap... what is going on there?
I watch as your movements intensify, still subtle and hard to discern in the light but now that I know what I'm looking for I see it clearly.
I think the man is touching you.
The speaker concludes and the houselights come up. I lose sight of you as everyone rises to applaud and then an announcement is made that a continued wine tasting and after dinner cocktail hour will be in the adjoining room. I make my way to the bar and look for you to appear. I want to know what you have been up to.
You are no where to be found. Neither is your neighbor.
I wander a bit and sip wine and chit chat. Now I really wonder what you are doing. After about 30 minutes I see you. You are flushed. You seem a little disoriented. You come to where I am standing.
"Where have you been?" I ask.
"Please take me home. I've been very bad." Is your side-stepping reply.
I see that your lips are glistening but the lipstick you had so meticulously applied before we arrived is now gone. Your skin is reddened slightly where your neck meets your shoulder. Your white skin is mottled from what appears to be heat rash...
I simply turn and walk out to get the car. You follow behind.
We get in the car. The first few minutes are silent. Your eyes are cast down. Hands in your lap. I can see that your dress is wrinkled in places. As if it has been bunched up.
"Please don't be cross," you say.
"Tell me what you've done," is my stern response.
"The man sitting next to me at the table was so interesting and...he was very attractive. We talked during the whole dinner. Honestly, I was very turned on while talking to him and he could tell. He kept touching my arm as we spoke and his fingers on my arm kept sending shivers through me. I knew you could see me talking to him and that excited me even more."
"When the lights went down he put his hand on my thigh. I couldn't believe it I was afraid that people could see but it was so dark, sometimes *I* could barely see that his hand was in my lap. He pulled my dress up a little so that his hand could touch my bare thigh. I could hardly breath as he caressed my skin. His hands so warm...I had to close my eyes."
"Darling, I'm so sorry...but when his hand reached my panties I had to spread my legs for him. Just a little. Enough that he could touch me. I was already so wet..I'm sure he could feel my desire through the silk."
"He kept gently caressing me through my panties. My pussy betrayed me...betrayed you...I almost came just from his fingers...he touched me very much like you he already knew me."
"When the lights came back on I had to pull my dress back down. He just looked at me and smiled slightly and I knew I had to have him. I know there is a small private dining room upstairs because I've had lunch there before and as everyone was moving toward the bar we went up the stairs and into the room. No one was there. He closed the door and immediately we kissed long and hard. Our tongues searching each other. His hands all over me. No restraint."
"I felt bad knowing you were waiting for me at the bar. Knowing that you wanted to take me home and make love to me but instead a stranger's hands were now inside my dress, pulling down my panties while I kissed him and rubbed the front of his pants. I really did feel bad, darling. But I was also soaking wet and unbelievably randy. You know how I get, dont you?"
You lean over and kiss me on the cheek as I'm driving and put your hand on my thigh as you whisper "I'm so sorry to have been bad tonight" in my ear. Your hand runs across my zipper and you feel my hardness. My heat.
We arrive at our home. We go inside and sit down on the sofa.
"Now tell me the rest and I'll decide on your punishment." I say. Then I kiss you full on the mouth and taste your passion. You taste of sex. You taste strange.
I break the kiss and push you back onto the sofa. I wait.
"He put me onto a table and pushed up my dress. He took my panties off and spread my legs. He could see how aroused I was. I could feel myself dripping. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He was quite large..I was surprised and a little frightened. He was clearly very hard. He started to move toward me and I said "no, not without protection" He didn't have any and neither did I. I said "I'll fix your problem" and got down on my knees and began to suck him. He was even bigger than he looked. My hand barely wrapped around it.... By that time I was almost out of control. I rubbed him all over my lips, my tongue all over his slippery tip. He wasn't going to last long and I wanted to taste his cum. Wanted to taste his desire for me.... Just as I thought I was about to get what I so desperately wanted, he pulled out of my mouth and pulled me up and back onto the table. "I want to taste you know" he said and spread my legs again and buried his face into my pussy."
"I guess he liked the way I taste as much as you do because he was licking and sucking my clit like crazy. I was going to scream. He pushed two fingers into me as he continued to work on my clit and then...I, um...and then..."
"What did you do Vanessa?"
"I, um, well, I couldn't take it. I pulled his head away from my pussy and begged him to fuck me."
"With no condom?"
"Yes, darling. I'm sorry. I'm really quite awful. I couldn't take it. I couldn't hold back. I need to be fucked and you weren't there. I need to feel his huge cock inside of me....I...I...needed to be taken."
"And did he?"
"Oh god yes. He fucked me so hard darling. He pounded your wife silly. First just standing between my spread legs. Then he turned me over and fucked me from behind. I was bent over the table."
"Take off your clothes now, my slut wife." You, of course, do so. I see you are glistening from excitement. Your pussy is swollen (newly, or still?) and reddened from sex. Your stomach is shiny in places. "Then what happened?"
"He was so hard and big inside of me. He was ramming himself inside of me. He then turned me back around so that I was facing him again. Our mouths united again as he pushed himself back inside my willing cunt. I felt him stiffening and at the last moment told him not to cum inside of me. God knows how much of his passion was already inside me though..when I was sucking him he was leaking like I've never seen...He grunted and pulled out of me just as he was he was cumming all over my stomach the shaft of his still hard cock ground against my clit and then I came as well. We came together."
"I knew you would be worried that I had disappeared so I quickly cleaned up as best I could and then hurried down to find you. So.....are you angry with me?"
"Of course I'm angry. What kind of husband isn't angry when his wife fucks a stranger while he is waiting at the bar? But you are always honest with me. You are a very bad girl. And incredibly sexy too..."
With that I kiss you deeply. My tongue in your mouth. Tasting you. Tasting the sex on your breath.
I kiss your neck. I smell cologne.
I kiss my way down your body. I taste sweat. I spread your legs. I wonder if I am spreading them in the same way as the man who was just here 30 minutes before me?... You are already breathing hard as I press my lips against the lips between your legs. The aroma of sex is now overpowering. Dizzying. I've never tasted you this way. You taste of another. Your pussy is hotter than I've ever experienced before. You are soaking wet; literally dripping with sex. You are moaning and writhing beneath me. Are you thinking about my tongue on your clit or are you remembering the cock that was just in the same pussy I am now licking? My hands under your ass squeezing you as I take back your sex and make it my own....
I roll you onto your hands and knees.
"Now *I* am going to fuck you." I look down onto the milky skin of your ass and think about the stranger who took you, my wife, in the same position only a short time before me. My hand strikes down suddenly and powerfully. I spank your right ass cheek with my right as you cry out with surprise and pain. I switch to my other hand and spank you until your ass is reddened from *my attention*. As I shove my cock into your quivering cunt and begin to fuck you with wild abandon, I continue to spank your delicious little ass.
"This is what happens when you are a bad wife..."
As we lie in bed later, I ask, "so did he say anything as you were getting dressed, or were you both too busy trying to get cleaned up and out of there."
You reply, "oh yes, I forgot to tell you that he will be hosting the wine convention that I am going to next month in France..."
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Being posted at Hyderabad at my first job, fresh out of college from Calcutta, I had the major task of house hunting in which my friend Sudarshan helped me. It was not an easy task as many people were reluctant to rent out their lace to a young bachelor. Using his aunt's reference, I found a nice place in Maredpalli-Secundrabad. It was a compact 2 storey structure. The upper portion which was to be rented was a compact & independent unit with a living room, kitchenette and a bath attached bedroom, just right for a young bachelor like me. We met the landlady-Jaya and agreed on the terms and she said that I could move in immediately. My place also had an independent entry via a staircase built along the outer portion of the house and there was a nice terrace too! The landlady said that her husband worked for the railways and their family of husband-wife, 2 kids and her brother inlaw stayed on the ground floor portion. I smiled and replied that I like kids too and would have no problem adjusting.
I moved in with my meagre possesions the very next day and the landlady-Jaya welcomed me with a cup of coffee. I settled in nicely into a set routine of office in the morning, a movie with a couple of beers and dinner outside on the weekends and Saturday-Sunday spent in lazing around the house, washing clothes,cleaning, etc. Often during the weekends, the landlady Jaya would send over some special chicken or fish or mutton dishes out of sympathy for my single status. My circle of friends was less as I was new to the city. I would sometimes sit on the terrace pace or play in the lawn with the kids. Cricket was the elder kid, Suresh's favourite game. Jaya would often smile indulgently at me and we would exchange pleasantries and make small talk often. I would try out my broken Telugu with Jaya or the kids to their great amusement as I made grammatical errors! But everybody spoke Hindi or rather Hyderabad Urdu, so communication was never a problem. Somedays when I came late from a movie or dinner with friends or when I received letters, Jaya would tease me about my non existent girlfriends! Often Jaya would hang wet clothes on the terrace to dry or come to take them of during the evening and we would exchange glances and smiles. It was mild harmless flirting but Jaya was in her own way, a very attractive & sexy woman.
Jaya was about 35 yrs of age, of above average height and had a wheatish complexion with sharp features and expressive eyes. She was almost amazonian, well built, buxom, plump and voluptuous in the typical way women middle aged Telugu or Indian women are. Her sari enhanced the swell and curves of her smooth waist, the tightness and the flare of her round buttocks and the tight blouses she wore, showed off the swell of her ripe and full breasts. She wore her saris low down and her deep fleshy navel could often be seen, set right in the center of her midriff. Her hips swayed tantalisingly when she walked. Her sultry eyes were always lined with kohl and her voice was husky. She was like a ripe, juicy fruit that one wants to devour. Jaya's husband Ramesh who was around 38, was a locomotive inspection engineer with the railways and would often be away from home on his trips. His younger brother also stayed with them in a joint family. Her husband's brother Venkat was around 30-32, handsome in a scholarly way with his specs and books as he went to the city college where he taught physics. Venkat was softspoken and always did most of the chores around the house like dropping the 2 kids to college, watering the potted plants or buying provisions. He always seemed to be at Jaya's beck & call and I for one had initially thought that he was Jaya's husband. It was Jaya who blushed and told me that he was her husband's younger brother. Venkat for one, always followed Jaya about with a hangdog expression and a slavish devotion and I instinctively sensed that she might be sleeping with him! Jaya on her part almost mothered him affectionately and took very good care of him. Ramesh, the husband too was always very attentive to Jaya's needs and this woman dominated both the brothers and they semed to have no problem with that. That was the allure of Jaya's persona. The family appeared close to each other and a happy one at that. I for one, started getting dreams and fantasising about Jaya, furiously masturbating away the tight ache that she gave me!
Life continued routinely, until one night as I was reading a book, at about 11pm there was a geat commotion in the residential colony. I heard shouts of "Donga! Donga!" and "Chor Chor!" and the sound of people running helter skelter! I was down in a flash and knocked on the grilled outer gate of the ground floor! Seeing no response, I peeped through the glass window of the living room on the side and was amazed to see Jaya, Ramesh and Venkat emerge from the closed master bedroom. Jaya had a flushed and frustrated look on her face combined with a hurriedly worn nightgown, which was half open at the breasts! Venkat & Ramesh were both bare chested and just wore lungies. They had obviously been having a threesome joint session! As the other residents of the colony gathered, Jaya's front door opened and all came out on to the porch. I was shocked beyond belief that a typical upper middle class family had such sexual behaviour. One wife shared by two men!! The burglar had made his escape in the meantime and for about an hour, many people milled around aimlessly and talking. As I rechecked the padlocks at the main gate down the driveway, Jaya called me in too, offering to make a cup of tea! Everyone had lost their sleep, including Venkat, Ramesh and me. The kids were sushhed, calmed and sent back to their bedroom! I then suddenly realized that Jaya's elder son Suresh looked like the husband Ramesh and the younger one was a mini carbon copy of Venkat, the brother in law. This woman was like the mythical Draupadi who kept multiple husbands happy but under her control! I wanted to have Jaya and I knew it would just be matter of time since she had such a ravenuous sexual appetite! I came back to the real world with a start as Jaya set out the cups of tea! She had a teasing, half smile on her face as she served the tea. I stole furtive glances at her semi transparent night gown. Her breasts strained against the fabric of the gown, and her build and curvy figure outlined in stark detail as she had tied the strings of the gown around her waist. I have never been a vouyeur or peeping tom, but I was determined to confirm my suspicions before I could attempt to seduce Jaya. I was nervous & fidgety because of these thoughts and the hard erection which it had given me! Mumbling GoodNight and a special thanks to Jaya, I headed upstairs, determined to find a way to confirm my doubts. I was going to peep into their bedroom soon!
The next night around 10.30 pm, I crept downstairs silently, careful not to make a noise or startle anyone, once i sensed that the living room lights had been switched off. The bedroom night lamp was on and the sliding glass windows were shut and the curtains drawn tightly. I could sense some hustle & bustle in the room, but there was no way that I could watch! Shit, the disappointment of the whole thing made me frustrated. Desperately I looked around and decided that unless I found a way to keep one of the windows slightly ajar I could not see anything. The next day I waited till it was 10.30 in the morning and waited for Venkat & Ramesh to leave for work. Pretending to be tired, I knocked on the door and asked Jaya if I could make a phonecall to the office, telling them that I would be late. Jaya pointed me to the phone in the living room and went into the kitchen. Swiftly I yanked the cable of the telephone and snipped one part of the cable. "This phone is not working!" I told her. "Oh, these telephone connection problems! Why dont you try the instrument in the bedroom in the bedroom?" said Jaya. That was lucky. I went into the bedroom and located the phone which was near the bed. Shivering nervously and with clammy fingers, I slid a small thick wad of folded newspaper at the end of the sliding glass window creating a small gap through which I could later push my fingers from beyond the grills from outside. I drew back the curtains and made a phone to the office telling them that I would be in by noon. I thanked Jaya quickly and left, refusing her offer of tea. I could not concentrate on work the whole day and was waiting impatiently for the night to come! Again around 10.30 that night, I was downstairs at the bedroom window. Around 11pm crouching, I waited and sensed the living room lights being switched off and through the gap in the curtains and glass I saw Jaya entering the bedroom smiling coquettishly at her 2 men who were waiting impatiently. Untying her sari and clad only in her blouse and petticoat, she opened the wardrobe and pulled out a nightgown. Ramesh, the husband could not control himslef and dragged her to the bed! Laughing, she wriggled free, pretending to escape as Venkat came from her back and caught her in a bear hug. Jaya laughed and pushed him away too, sticking her tongue out, teasing them. She then opened the hooks on her blouse, one by one, teasing both Ramesh and Venkat. Ramesh made another grab for her and succeeded in pulling her on to the bed. Like dogs panting for a bitch in heat, Ramesh and Venkat pulled her bra off, freeing Jaya's magnificent marraries from the confinement of her bra. Grabbing her tits, they sucked greedily on her erect puffy nipples with slurping sounds. Jaya cradled both her hungry men to her bosom as they continued to suck and bite on her breasts. Then she untied her petticoat and lay on the bed in her glorious nudity. Both men slobbered over her, licking her, biting her flesh gently, enjoying the feel of her lush body. She pushed and goaded Venkat to go between her thighs, spreading her legs apart. With a roar of desire, Venkat dived in between her legs, lapping and licking hungrily at her swollen vulva. Her vaginal mound was clean shaven. Jaya moaned in pleasure as Venkat licked and plundered her vagina. Jaya smiled triumphantly at Ramesh, grabbing Venkat's hair as she ground her pussy against his face. She then parted her cunt lips with her fingers to give his mouth better entry. Jaya then pulled Ramesh's cock into her wet mouth, bobbing her head back and forth as she pleasured his turgid cock. Ramesh grabbed Jaya's head with both hands as he thrust in and out of her open mouth and Venkat was sucking away at her pussy. Panting with the exertion, Jaya pushed Ramesh and Venkat away.
Commanding Venkat to lie down on the bed, Jaya loomed over him, squatting and then straddling him and guided his erect cockto the opening of her wet warm pussy. Positioning herself above him with her arms on hs chest, she thrust his erect phallus into her pussy, humping frenziedly. Jaya's breasts slapped against Venkat's face and he held her in position grabbing her ass as she rode him. As Ramesh stood watching, Jaya thrust her ass out to him, pointing to her anus. Ramesh obeyed her immediately, licking the rim of her asshole and moving his finger in and out of her ass, lubricating it even as Jaya continued to ride Venkat's cock. As Ramesh pleasured her hole, she turned around towards him smiling and encouraging him. After a while, deftly Jaya jumped free of Venkat's cock and then mounted Ramesh. Ramesh kissed her hard on the mouth, as Jaya increased her pace moving out and down. Venkat came to Jaya's back and then thrust his cock into her anus. Jaya groaned in pain and pleasure as Venkat's cock thrust in deeper into her anus, even as Ramesh was thrusting upwards like an engine's piston into her cunt. I stood transfixed as this amazonian godess pleasured her men, easily taking and enjoying the double penetration. Furiously humping both men, Jaya screamed in orgasmic frenzy as Ramesh and Venkat climaxed and spurted inside her. As she lay down on the bed in the centre, both men hugged her and they went off to sleep.
I had spurted spontaneously in my shorts watching this frenetic and frenzied coupling. I was in fact almost intimidated by this gorgeous woman but knew that I had to have her. I made my way carefully upstairs wondering how I was going to get her The next day was Independence day, a public holiday and I woke up quite late around 10am. I had tossed and turned the entire night wherein images of Jaya and her coupling partners kept dancing before my eyes. It was only after I had shagged twice and drunk 2 stiff shots of whiskey that I had been able to fall asleep. I was clad just in my vest and shorts when I saw Jaya on the terrace hanging out the clothes to dry. I sleepily smiled at her and asked her where the kids were. Jaya smiled back and replied that the kids had gone to college for Flag Hoisting, Venkat had gone for the Independence day function in college and it being a holiday, Ramesh had gone to the market to buy fresh fish and other provisions. "Dont cook anything. I shall send you lunch today" said Jaya. "You must be tired after staying up so late to peep into my bedroom! I saw the wad of newspaper that you had put to create the gap in the bedroom window when I was cleaning up today!" said Jaya suddenly as she went down the stairway. I turnd speechless as I was dazed with embarrasment and fear! What could I say if she complained to her family or to my friend's aunt who had vouched for me? After all it was I who was the peeping tom here and what went on in her bedroom was none of my business. I made to follow her and wanted to apologise but she had already gone away. The kids brought up lunch for me in the afternoon. The food was delicious as usual but I hardly noticed it as my mind was still spinning. I asked the kids where their dad was and they replied that he was at home but leaving for Nagpur on work that evening. He would be away for about a week. Their BABAI- (meaning uncle in Telugu) would be back at night as there was a cultural function in his college. I had lunch and dozed off again. I waited till it was around 5.30pm and went down to return the utensils to Jaya. Jaya was sitting on the portico as the kids were playing in the lawn. As I handed the utensils back to Jaya, I tried to avoid her gaze. Shamefacedly, I was about to apologise when Jaya asked me to sit down. "There is no reason to be so nervous! I am not telling anybody what you did, as long as you keep what happened to yourself. Come, I will tell you my story" said Jaya.
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"I married Ramesh when I was about 22. He had seen me at my cousin's weding and his aunt approached my family with a proposal which was gladly accepted" said Jaya. "Ramesh had lost his parents when he was young, and his brother Venkat used to stay with him. Venkat was a shy & sensitive college student, around 20 years old and very close to Ramesh who at 27yrs was almost a father figure to him after they had lost their parents in an accident about 5yrs back. Venkat welcomed me into their family. At first, in the first flush of marriage, I would sometimes resent the lack of privacy due to Venkat also staying with us, but slowly I also got as attached as Ramesh was to Venkat to let things be. Ramesh loved his brother and never wanted him to be hurt" continued Jaya.
"Married life was good and my elder son Suresh was born within the second year of our mariage. Venkat who by now was doing his final year in Post Graduation, doted upon his nephew and always said that I was like a godess who brought happiness into their lives. Venkat was by nature, a loner and had only very few friends. He was painfully shy speaking to girls and I used to tease him sometimes. It was during one such occassion that Ramesh was away on his inspection tour, I had put Suresh to sleep and went into Venkat's room to call him for dinner. Venkat was taking a bath and I was just randomly clearingup the things strewn on the bed when I saw Venkat's diary. Idly I flipped through the pages to find that Venkat had written that he was in love with me! He wanted to have me as his life partner but was wracked by guilt and anguish at the disloyalty he was showing to Ramesh. He had also written above his love for Suresh and that he craved for a kid of his own. He had written that he could not love any woman except me. I then read with a start that he wanted to kill himself as he was in agony! I was shocked beyong belief and did not know how to handle this, when the bathroom door opened and Venkat came out!" narrated Jaya
"Odina (meaning Sister in law or Bhabhi in telugu), give back my diary!" screamed Venkat as he made to grab it back. "What is going on in that mind of yours? What will society think!' I screamed back as Venkat burst into tears. Sobs ran through his body as he crouched and sat on the bed and I just stood there not knowing how to react. I moved forward and placed an arm on his shoulder to comfort him, when Venkat hugged me and clung to me, burying his face in my lap and almost squeezed the breath out of me. I pulled him upwards to my chest, trying to get his face up. As I looked into his eyes, I was hypnotized by the deep longing he had for me. "Dont cry, it is all right! I love you too" I heard myself saying as I kissed him full on the mouth. His mouth surrendered to my kiss and I felt my nipples stiffen. Venkat fumbled with my blouse hooks and I helped him out and took off my bra freeing my tits into his arms. My breasts were tender and still lactating thouh I had stated weaning Suresh already. Venkat watched in awe as droplets of my milk appeared at my nipple tips when he squeezed my tits and I wanted to suckle him. Cradling his face, I guided my swollen nipple into his mouth and let him suck. Venkat was surprisingly gentle as he sucked my breasts and then I felt him move down, disrobing me of my sari. He hitched up my petticoat kising me all along my stomach, navel and then right on to my warm and wet vulva. I was already dripping wet and my cunt ached as he parted the labia and sucked on my clitoris. Venkat kissed along my inner thighs and his tounge stabbed into the depth of my cunt. I moaned in pleasure as his mouth plundered my vagina. Pushing my head up, I watched Venkat savour my womanhood. Ramesh was a strong lover and satisfied me everytime but I was enjoying the way Venkat almost worshipped me. I arched my pelvis to allow him more access and his tongue circled and lapped my clitoris and pussy lips, softly nipping at them with his teeth. I came violently, trembling against his mouth. I spread myself as Venkat rose above me and I guided his cock into my wet pussy. My cunt canal throbbed as it gripped his manhood, milking him as he thrust into me. In and out, in and out of my pussy Venkat' swollen cock moved repeatedly as my nails raked his back even as I lay spreadeagled. Venkat thudded into me rapidly into the folded ridges of my cunt and we both came as Venkat spurted inside me, screamed and called out my name. He kissed me repeatedly all over, nuzzzling every part of my body, licking me and nipping gently at my flesh. He was spent but not willing to let go! As he dozed off to sleep, I was overcome with a feeling of deep tenderness for him. Dinner was forgotten as I went to my bedroom wondering whether all that transpired was just a dream. Conflicting emotions of lust, guilt, pleasure and sadness ran through me, as I thought about where all this would lead me. How could I now face Ramesh? Should I confess to him or carry on this relationship clandestinely?" Jaya's story left me amazed. What a woman! How could someone be so giving, warm and generous? I lusted all the more for her, knowing that getting her would be very difficult. She had 2 good guys who worshipped the ground the walked on, kids and a secure family life. Would she risk it to sleep with me? So many thoughts flipped through my mind. The next day I hurried back home from the office hoping that I would be able to talk to Jaya again! It was about 5.30 in the evening and she was in her ususal sport on the porch keeping an eye on the kids play. There was a jug of lemonade on the teapoy and she offered me some! "I knew you could not wait to hear the rest of the story!" said Jaya, her eyes twinkling. The kids pestered me to play with them but I pleaded tiredness and sat down.
Jaya continued "Like I told you, Ramesh, Venkat and I worked out a system where I shared their bed on alternate days. The system worked fine but would be sometimes thrown into disarray because of Ramesh's official tours. He would often return from his trips, horny as hell having mised his turn to bed me. But if I would mentally be in the mindframe to sleep with Venkat that day, then Ramesh would mope. Ramesh and Venkat initially tried to exchange dates at their convenience but I put my foot down after a while, pointing out that I had the final say. One such day about 3yrs back, we had a tiff about whose turn it was. I flipped out and when Ramesh and Venkat came to me shamefaced, saying that they were sorry. I felt sorry for both and impulsively told them that if they were so much in the mood, both could fuck me at the same time. Ramesh and Vekat were flabbergasted at first and then recovered their senses, both running behind me into the bedroom. What a night it was as I took both of them! It is the secret fantasy of some women to be fucked by more than 1 man at a time but it came true for me. The novelty of the incident excited both my men to the extreme. God how they licked, sucked and pounded my pussy, sucked and squeezed my breasts and then took me in the anus as neither could wait for the other to finish. I must have come 5-6 times that night. I felt like a queen being attended to by my loyal men, their crazed lust gave me a high as they were totally in my control. My mouth, breasts, thighs and pussy ached with the sweet pain of our encounter. I dont have the stamina to do it every time, so it is an occassional special treat for them around 1 or 2 times a month. Every time I promise them a threesome, you should see how they follow me around the whole evening like dogs behind a bitch in heat!" "My housework gets over in a flash on such days!" said Jaya, laughing. " You must be wondering why I diclosed all this to you, isnt it? I know you have been eyeing me and sizing me up. I know when men give me 'THAT' look. It comes automatically to women, an instinct! I also realized that the day the burglar had come, you inadvertantly saw us all coming out the bedroom. What I did not expect was for you to peep into my bedroom when I was fucking both of them!" said Jaya smiling. I just smiled back nervously, not knowing how to react. My admiration for this open, generous and lusty woman was unabated. Over the next 2-3 days, I met Jaya and Venkat sporadically but could not manage to speak alone to her. She always smiled mysteriously at me and I watched her and sometimes we exchanged glances, but I could not get her images out of my mind.
The next weekend on a Saturday, Jaya knocked on the door and then came in asking "Babu, are you there?" I was spread out on the couch with the newspaper. Venkat has gone to Warrangal as we received a phone call that his aunt is sick. He will be back only the day after tomorrow. As you know Ramesh is away on tour and will only be back after another 3days. The kids are at college. Could you fetch them for me?" asked Jaya. I assured her that it was no problem and said mischeviously "Dont worry! I am ready to help out with any work till Venkat or Ramesh get back." Jaya made a faceand said that she would telephone the college authorities to let the kids come back with me. The kids reached home at 1pm and I had bought them icecream along with a light lunch parcel for myself. "Now they will miss lunch!" pouted Jaya. I refused Jaya's offer of lunch by pointing to my package, bade them goodbye and went upstairs. Around 2.30pm I opened the door to Jaya's knock. "Maybe you would like a slice of icecream? The kids went off to sleep after lunch as I dont allow them to play in the hot sun. That gives me a little peace & quiet." said Jaya, plonking herself on the couch. I gazed at her sitting opposite me, eating the icecream and she suddenly caught me staring. "What are you looking at? asked Jaya, a half smile playing on her lips. "I am looking at you of course! Is it wrong to take a look?" I replied challenging her. "Now there I told you, my life is already complicated. I also told you that I sense how you look at me THAT way!" Jaya protested. "Are you forgetting that I have seen you stark naked in the bedroom that day and that you have shared the most intimate secrets with me? I cant help it but I want you. Are you not teasing me? Why are you here now? How many times during the past few days you have been feeling the tension between us? Do you not secretly enjoy the fact that a young man of 22 is lusting for you. I bet that you are wet betwen your legs right now!" I said as I moved towards her.
Jaya nervously licked her lips, an act that drove me mad with desire. As Jaya made to get up, her sari pallu slipped to the side, exposing her buxom cleavage! I saw the valley between her giant globes and the sweat which had stained her blouse around her armpits. Swiftly, I grabbed her and dragged her towards me. My hands went around her fleshy waist and I pulled her towards me. Her firm breasts crushed against my chest as my mouth came down hard on her lips. Jaya's lips surrendered and my tongue entered her hot, sweet mouth, sucking and tasting her and she kissed me back. Jaya' nipples stiffened against my fingers as my hands kneaded her breasts and her tongue entered my mouth, tasting of the strawberry icecream she had been eating. My hands went down and grabbed the buns of her fleshy bums and squeezed them, pulling her closer to me. I kissed her all over from the neck and came down to her breasts. Grabbing her breasts with each hand, I bit on her erect nipples through the fabric of her blouse as her arms now cradled my head and clutched it to her bosom. "Oh, Babu!" sighed Jaya, calling out my name as I rubbed my face on her midriff going down on my knees, gently nipping at her fleshy waist. Her navel was dark and deep in the middle of her waist and my tongue stabbed into its folds and depth licking and sucking hungrily. Jaya whimpered as my mouth plundered the treasures of her musky navel. Heaving with the effort, she pulled me up into a standing position, where I caught her in a bear hug again. I gently forced her down on the couch, kissing her all over as I undid the top hooks on her blouse and thrust my hand into the warmth of her breasts. My hand went past the cup of the bra and felt her large nipple stiffen at my touch. Pushing the bra cup aside I exposed her left breast. Her breast was firm and huge with dark round of areolae and a big juicy nipple erect and proud. Greedily my lips wrapped around the nipple and sucked and my right hand hitched up her petticoat in one motion and travelled up her thighs towards her pubic mound. Triumphantly, I felt the wetness and heat of her full mound as I fondled her vulva through her panties while my mouth sucked her nipple. Pushing her panties to one side, I pushed my index finger past her swollen cunt lips, into her pussy to find it dripping wet and warm. Jaya held my hand and guided it, as I moved the finger in and out of her wet pussy kissing her hard. Jaya sucked furiously on my tongue, biting and then chewing my lips as my finger entered in and out of her cund and my thumb insistently rubbed her clitoris. My free left hand pulled aside the bra covering her other breast and gobbled up the erect nipple. "Oooh Babu!" moaned Jaya and shuddered as she came in response to the relentless fingering. "I want to lick your pussy!" Jaya I said, as I tried to move down. "Not now, darling, not now! I am going to give myself to you, I promise! I now want to have you fully. Let me go now,dear! I shall come in the night today, once the kids are asleep." begged Jaya giving me one more hard kiss. Hurriedly she adjusted her clothes and went downstairs. I now awaited the heavenly pleasures of Jaya's body which would be mine tonight. After an early dinner I was waiting expectantly in my living room when, Jaya pushed open the door nervously at around 11pm. She was in her night gown, freshly bathed and her head piled up in a tight bun on her head. I shut the door behind me and dragged her into my arms. My mouth came down hard on hers, kissing her deep. Sh wore no perfume but her body had a muskyaroma of its own. My hands rose to fondle her bosom and I was thrilled to see that she wore no bra underneath. Her nipples were already stiff and taut. We headed to the bedroom where she just pushed me on to bed and signalled me to wait. She smiled mockingly at me and her hands stopping at the top of the nightgown’s zip. “Want me that badly, young man?” She questioned me, eyeing the bulge in my shorts. Ever so slowly she pulled the zip down as her nighty fell at her feet and stood before me in gloriously beautiful and clad only in her panties. Her pubis was swollen and filled the panties and she cupped her massive breasts, sqeezing them slightly. Her large puffy nipples stood tautly apart from her areolae. See, how they want you!” teased Jaya as I was propped up against the pillows.
She came into my arms and kissed me hard as Jaya’s tongue entered my mouth, sucking my teeth , lips, the roof of my mouth. I grabbed her eagerly and my hands came up to caress her breasts. Jaya again pushed my back and brought her breasts to my mouth, offering me her big juicy nipples. Straddling me, Jaya pinned my arms down with her as I hungrily sucked at her nipple taking the entire dark center of her breast into my mouth, even as my free arm kneaded her left breast. Moaning, she took one tit out of my mouth giving, me the candy tip of her other breast saying “Take this one too!” As her nipple grew larger and tighter in my mouth, Jaya moaned and rubbed her herself against my groin. As Jaya loomed in front of me, I freed my arms, caressing her from her breasts, then down to her midriff and her deep navel. I pulled her forward towards my chest, nuzzling her pubic mound through the panties. She rose slightly to let me peel the panties down to expose her pussy to my gaze. I took her womanhood into my mouth, sucking on her swollen cunt lips. As she let me lick her and suck her to my heart's content, she parted her pussy lips with her fingers to let me taste her juicy wetness, gently rubbing her clitoris against my open mouth. "Eat me, Babu, eat me." said Jaya. grabbing my hair with both hands, she pushed my face further into her throbbing cunt,rocking gently above me in rythm as I sucked her pussy, alternatively lapping her clit and tasting her sweet juices. Jaya then moved into a 69 position, spreading her thighs over my face to let me eat her while her mouth went to my throbbing dick. My phallus was engorged and the veins stood out as Jaya parted the foreskin and licked the tip. Wrapping her lips around my rigid shaft, she took my erect phallus into her mouth. Her tongue flicked at the knob of my prick, teasing and licking me. I grabbed her head, bobbing it up and down on my erect prick, enjoying the warmth and wetness of her mouth, feeling my dick stretching her mouth. Jaya pushed my hands away and moved her head up and down herself, sucking me into her. My hands parted her buttocks, and wetting my index finger I pushed at the entrance of her anus. Jaya sighed with pleasure, humping my mouth with her pussy as I diddled her ass and sucked her clit.
Jaya got up and then she straddled me, guiding my phallus into her wet warm pussy. "Oh, my God!" gasped Jaya as she put her palms down on my chest to balance herself as she humped me. Her pussy lips parted and glistened as they spread and wrapped around my rigid shaft. I thrust upwards into her, feeling the ridges of her pussy grabbing my cock in welcome and her clit rubbed against the base of my cock. As the depth of my thrusts increased, Jaya grabbed me to her bosom, biting and licking my face all over as I impaled her on my love rod. My hands grabbed the cheeks of her buttocks and enabled me to keep myself inside her wet throbbing cunt as the pace of my pelvic thrusts increased. As I thrust deeper into the very depths of her cunt canal, Jaya's mouth locked into mine in a long, fierce kiss as her vagina trembled and quivered in orgasm and I erupted deep inside her shooting loads of thick sperm into her pussy. Spent, sweating and panting, Jaya lay atop me for a while and then we lay side by side in the afterglow of our lovemaking. Jaya was quite simply the most sensuous woman I had ever bedded
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It was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We'd spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake.... most times without seeing another human being. But this year we didn't get to take our usual trip because dad was working six days a week. All year long, I'd looked forward to the trip and Mom could tell that I was really depressed about not going.
Mom and I have always been very close. She wakes me up and puts me to bed every night with a hug and a kiss. She's an attractive woman but I'd never specifically focused on her in a sexual way. Don't get me wrong though because, like most boys, I’ve sometimes made a special effort to catch an occasional peek at her when she's changing or getting out of the shower. About two months before the ‘incident’ that I’m about to tell you about, I'd been lucky and gotten a good two or three minute look at her while she was drying her hair after her shower. I was looking just as the towel she had wrapped around her came loose and fell to the floor. She didn’t bother to pick it up so I got a long and lingering view of her naked body. I could see that she had a very nice figure with firm, perky tits and a sexy, well rounded ass. Her pussy was covered with a soft and delicious looking pelt of jet black hair that gave me a violent hard on. She’s not fat and not skinny… just healthy looking and in good shape. Her long black hair and green eyes are a family trait that all the women in our family have. I guess I'd say she was average height and weight.
It was Friday morning and I was eating my breakfast when mom came into the kitchen and dropped a little surprise on me.
"Good morning, sweetheart!" she smiled at me as I sat there in my depression.
In acknowledgement, I answered" Hey mom".
In a cheery voice, she asked, "What would you say if I told you that you and I were going to the mountains this weekend?"
It took a few seconds for what she said to sink in and then I exclaimed, "Are you serious?" I was suddenly so excited that I about pissed myself.
"Yes, I'm serious. I know your dad won't be able to come, because he's working six days a week, but I figure you and I could still have a pretty good time without him. What do you say?"
"I say I'm going to go pack right now!" I jumped up, without finishing my breakfast, kissed her on her cheek and took off for my room.
"We can leave as soon as you get your things together.", she shouted up the stairs. I was dressed, packed and ready to go in less than 10 minutes. As I carried my gear downstairs I saw that mom had already packed her things and had them sitting by the door. We loaded them into the car and off we went.
Being that we live so far north and it was the middle of January, it was blistering cold outside. Not quite freezing, but still in the low 40s. It’d be colder in the mountains but perfect camping weather.
After a three hour drive, we got to the spot where we always park our car. We got out, gathered our equipment and had a quick bite to eat, before we started the five hour hike to where we do our camping. It's a long hike but the view of the peaceful lake and beautiful surrounding mountain wilderness is its own reward. My mom may be 38 but she's in good shape and can carry her own share of the gear. We'd packed pretty light… just a small tent, sleeping rolls, cooking supplies, the clothes we were wearing and fishing gear. Everything was tucked neatly into our backpacks. My rifle was slung over my shoulder, just in case we ran into an aggressive animal.
We'd been hiking for about 4 hours when the sky quickly became overcast with dark, heavy clouds. It was close to 4 in the afternoon and it looked like we were going to get rained on so we moved up the hill until we found a small nearly level spot to set up a camp. We still had another hour to hike before we got to our favorite fishing spot but now we'd have to wait till morning.
Just as we set our packs down, it started to rain and, almost immediately, the rain became a cold, drenching downpour. The temperature was near freezing so our wet hands were soon hurting from the cold. By the time we got the tent set up, our clothes were were completely soaked and neither of us had a dry spot on us. Wet to the bone, cold and shivering, we ducked into the tent and collapsed on the tent floor. In this downpour, there was no way that we were going to be able to start a fire, to warm up and dry out. That's when we discovered that, in our frenzy to get the tent set up, mom's sleeping roll came up missing. I ducked outside and did a quick look-around but it must have been washed down the hillside. Now there was only mine and it was the only thing we had that was remotely dry.
In a shivering voice, mom said "Turn around for a minute, honey. I'm going to strip these wet clothes off and get into the sleeping bag to try and warm up." I swiveled around and listened as she undressed and plopped her wet clothes in a pile in the corner of the tent. Any other time, I'd have
loved sneaking a peek at her naked body but, as I stood there freezing my balls off, I didn't even think about turning to look. As soon as she was undressed, she crawled into the down-filled sleeping bag and told me to do the same.
She could tell I was a little reluctant and said, "Come on. Get those wet clothes off and get in here. You're going to get pneumonia. I'll close my eyes. Hurry!"
As I stripped down to my underwear it dawned on me that I was about to get into a one person sleeping bag with my naked mother. I wasn't sure if it was the cold that was making me shake or the thought of getting next to her naked body. I looked down and saw her staring up at me, "Hurry up and take those wet shorts off, too! The only way we're going to survive this night is with our body heat." I knew that she was right. We were both experienced enough to know how to survive and, at this altitude, I knew that the temperature would drop into the teens, or lower, by midnight. I quickly slid my wet shorts off and tossed them on the pile with our other clothes. She unzipped the bag and in the little light that was available, I saw her full tits, with their hard nipples staring back at me. She slid over as much as she could but the bag was built for only one person. As I slid into the bag, I had my back to her because the last thing I wanted was to have her feel my dick rubbing down the entire length of her body but the problem was that there was no way we could fit, this way.
"Hold on a second." she said, as she flipped over onto her side, facing away from me. "There. Now get in next to me, facing me." It really was the only way we would fit together in the sleeping bag . I still had a hard time getting into the bag and literally had to grab hold of her to pull myself down into it. Just as I'd feared, my dick was pressing into her upper back! I wasn't hard (thank God) because I was way too cold. She didn't say anything as I moved further down into the bag with my dick and balls dragging against her back the whole time. As my dick reached her butt I got quite a surprise. I'd assumed that she'd kept her panties on. I was wrong. My cold wet dick was sliding down the crack of her ass. After zipping the bag up, I pulled back to get my cock out of her ass crack and it dropped between us. She giggled, some.... to try to lighten the mood, I guess.
"I'm sorry mom" I said softly. I was finally all the way in the bag but now my cock was pressed against the soft, firm left cheek of my mother's ass.
"Don't be silly. It's my own fault that my sleeping roll got washed away and who cares if we don't have clothes on. You don't have anything that I haven't seen before. Right?" She was still shivering badly.
"I guess you're right." I said. I ran my hand up and down her arm and shoulder trying to warm her up. She reached around, grabbed my hand and pulled it across her chest. My heart skipped a beat as she placed it right between her tits. She said, "Hold me tight against you. It's the only way we'll get warm." So I did. (Gladly)
I began rubbing my hand all over her cold chest. I tried to not be too obvious about it, but every now and then I'd cup her entire breast in my hand. I was running my hand all over her, from her neck down to her lower belly and back up. I was still pressed tightly against the full length of her body, as we lay there spooned against each other. After about 20 minutes, she finally stopped shivering so much but told me to keep holding her. I was still running my hand up and down her front and I noticed that every time my hand passed over her tits, her nipples were still hard as rocks. Several times she twitched, as my spread fingers rippled over them. A couple of times, my hand accidentally (truly) went a little too low on her belly and made contact with her pubic hair. I was still chilly but I was starting to have the time of my life. That is, until something started to stir down below.
I stopped rubbing her and froze. My dick was getting hard! "Oh my God!" I thought. She's going to freak out. My dick was swelling and getting harder by the second. A few seconds later, it was pushing firmly against her ass cheek, which was still wet but warmer, now. Even though it wasn't yet five in the afternoon, I was hoping that she was asleep and wouldn't notice that I'd developed a hard on. With no room to move away from her, it was trapped between us. She shifted a little and said, "Sorry, honey, but there isn't any more room."
I was so freaked out, at this point. She was awake and could feel my hard-on! I knew that this was going to be a long night. "It's ok mom" I nervously said, "I'm gonna try to go to sleep". "Good idea, honey." she said as she patted my hand, which was now resting right below her tits. One of them was actually lying over my fingers. She shifted a little and my now stiff dick slid up and over her ass cheek, ending up in the crack of her ass, again, but this time it wasn’t soft or cold. That actually felt more comfortable but it also made me get even harder. There was no place for me to go. I couldn't back away from her and I couldn't turn over. I was stuck there with my full hard on gradually pressing deeper between the warm, soft cheeks of my mother's ass.
After five minutes of torture, I guess she could tell I was having a hard time going to sleep. I felt her reach back and pat my hip. "Honey, you know that's completely normal, right?" My eyes about popped out of my skull, like a cartoon character. "Yeah mom, but this is a little embarrassing!" I blurted out. She laughed and said, "Don't be silly. You're a guy! It just happens." There was a brief silence and then she asked, "Would it be more comfortable if it wasn't pinned between us?"
I thought about that for a second and had no idea what she had in mind so I said, "Maybe." She moved up in the bag, slightly, and, as best as she could, she spread her thighs open and arched her back. That pushed her ass back against me and, at the same time, made it slide up toward the head of my trapped hard on. Before I knew what was going on, the head had slid down far enough to drop below her ass crack but, now that it had more room, it went straight out from my body and jutted right between her opened thighs.... right at her cunt!! She lowered her leg over it and said, "There. Is that better?"
I didn't answer but it was fucking fantastic!! Now I don't have a small dick by any means. At the time, it was a little over nine and a half inches and fairly thick. And right then, all nine and a half inches was longer and thicker than it had ever been!! It was firmly nestled between my mother's warm wet thighs and was actually in direct contact with her warm, hairy pussy. I could feel her cunt hairs touching and tickling my cockhead. This was more comfortable but it was feeling way too damned good for me to be able to ignore where it was.
Another five minutes passed and my breathing kept getting faster. I started rubbing her stomach and up her chest to her neck. On the way back down I deliberately flicked my fingers over her nipples and shifted my hips a little, pressing my dick deeper between her thighs. I could tell that the head was sticking out past the front of her cunt and was beginning to seep a lot of pre-cum.
Another minute passed and then my mother said something I'll never forget. "Honey, if you need to release yourself, go ahead. I think it's the only way we'll get any sleep tonight. I don't mind. I know it happens."
I about blew my load right there. "MOM!!" I said, "There's no way! I'm sorry this happened but it will go away." I knew I was lying to myself and so did she.
"Look, you're your father's son. I know him and I know you. Neither of us will sleep with you in this condition so just do it. I don't mind." Besides, we're going to need all of our energy tomorrow." She ran her hand up and down my hip and pressed her ass into me.
I knew she was right. Tomorrow was going to be an exhausting day, especially if this rain freezes. And there's no way I'm going to be doing any sleeping with this huge hard-on. Reluctantly, I said, "OK mom, if you're sure you don't care. ... but I'm going to need therapy after this weekend."
She laughed out loud and said, "No, I don't care…. seriously. Just do what you gotta do and let's get some sleep." She was holding onto my thigh and applying pressure to pull me toward her.
That was all the convincing I needed and I started grinding against her…. slowly sliding my dick back and forth between her wet thighs with my balls pressing against the back of them, each time I pushed back forward. My hand was applying more pressure, as I slid it across her stomach and back up to her tits. To my surprise, she tried to help by slowly grinding her ass back to meet my forward thrusts. By now my precum was flowing freely so, in no time, my dick and her thighs were slick with it's wetness. My fingers flicked over her nipples again and I heard her gasp. I got brave and took her tit fully in my hand and then started taking longer strokes.... pumping a little faster and harder.
That's when fate came knocking.
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I guess it was inevitable, but I didn't really expect what happened. With the pumping back and forth and my dick and her thighs getting more slippery, my dick slid up and did a full length slide between the lips of her very wet pussy! She gasped and her whole body shuddered. I stopped moving. My hand froze on her tit. Nothing was said for a few seconds. By the amount of heat that was coming from her pussy, I could tell she was really turned on. It was very hot and she was very wet. "Honey, please don't stop. I know you were almost finished. Just finish and let's sleep. It's ok, I promise."
I started again and immediately realized that I was now sliding my meat back and forth between the hot slippery lips of my mother's cunt. After three or four passes, she was squeezing them tight and moving with me!! Her warm, soaking wet pussy was secreting loads of her slippery cock lubricating juice! She began making ‘fuck me’ sounds and I was soon picking up the intoxicating scent of her sex.... and it was driving me nuts. I pinched her nipple softly and heard her moan a little. The rock hard head of my dick was sliding over her clit and cunt opening, ending up sticking out 3 inches past the front of her cunt on my in strokes and I could feel the cap catch on her swollen clit, as it slid back over it. It was making her quiver and secrete even more pussy juice. Her movements were matching mine and becoming more forceful. She was arching her back, to push her clit down so it would make better contact with the head of my cock. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and I fought to keep from cumming. This was too good and I needed to get control of myself. Otherwise, I knew I was going to cum too fast and it'd be over.
Then mom said something that hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Honey stop for a second." I did. "If you release like your father does there's going to be a lot of your stuff, right?"
I panted my answer, "Yeah, I suppose so." I just knew she was having second thoughts. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked.
"Oh no, please don't stop now. But I do have one thing to ask of you and it might sound very selfish of me." she said.
OK, now I'm curious. "What is it mom? I'll do anything you want."
"Well, I'd rather not have to sleep in a puddle of your stuff tonight so, if it's ok with you, as long as you’re going to... um release your stuff... would you do it inside me? I know it's a horrible thing to ask but put yourself in my position." She was trying to sound matter-of-fact and as if she was making a reasonable request but I knew better. She wanted me to fuck her!
I almost blacked out. Right now, there was nothing in the world I'd love more than to sink my cock into her and fuck her bowlegged. Though she'd made it sound like a reasonable request, she'd really told me that she wanted me to fuck her and cum inside of her pussy! I'm not much of an actor but I tried to make it sound like I seemed a little distressed and unsure of doing it. After a proper hesitation, I said, "Um, sure mom. If you want me to, I guess so. I guess I wouldn't want to sleep in it either."
She replied, "Thank you sweetie. Now let's get this over with". She wiggled her ass to signal me to get going... and I did but the pause in action had given me a little time to strengthen my control over my cum reflex. Now I was in a state of complete animal lust and mentally drooling with anticipation. I had her tit in my hand, pinching her nipple hard between my fingers. I felt her arch her back and lift her ass, which was her way of saying, 'Here you go, Big Boy. Put it in me’. I shifted my position until the tip of my cunt juice slippery cock was aimed directly at her opening.
She pushed down just as I pushed to go into her and my cock slid in like a hot knife sinking into warm butter. Though mom didn't know it, I'd already had more than my share of sex, so I was really surprised. I couldn't believe how tight her cunt was. She moaned. I moaned. I laid there for about 30 seconds, not moving... savoring the feeling while strengthening my resolve to make this last for as long as possible.
Even as I lay there, not moving, I could feel her cunt muscles milking my dick. She was squeezing me to get all the pleasure she could and I knew she was about to get a whole lot more than she expected. I was going to cum in her, all right, but I was going to make the most of it, before I did, because this might never happen again.
After holding back for a few more seconds, I pulled back and thrust in hard. She gasped, "Oh my God!!" as I went balls deep into her. My dick had bottomed out inside of her! I gave a little extra forward thrust and then started fucking her deep and hard. My balls were slapping against her thighs as I drove my cock up into her tight, juicy, cock strangling cunt. I was fucking her like a wild animal, grunting and groaning as I continued thrusting my cock up into her. I quickly realized that she was fucking me back almost as hard. Though she was trying to muffle them, I could hear her grunts and moans of pleasure. I was trying my best to not cum but she was fucking me so good that I knew that it wouldn't be very long before I did it anyway.
Mom was fucking me back, hard, now, and actually said to me, during her heavy breathing, "Come on honey. Cum inside momma. Let it out. Oh, yes baby. Fuck me. Fuck my baby’s big cock in my pussy."
I was so far gone that I didn't even realize what I was saying, when I said, "Yeah, Mom. I'll fuck it into you, alright. Then I’m going to pump a nice hot load of cum deep in your pussy. I hope you took your pill today."
Though I didn't know it, at the time, my last remark suddenly brought my mom back to a reality that she'd overlooked. She instantly realized that she had been off her birth control pills for 5 years... ever since my dad had a vasectomy. Her pussy tightened up even more as she panicked and said, "Oh God, honey, I forgot about that. Pull out. Don't do it inside me."
Just as the words were leaving her mouth the first massive spurt of cum exploded from my cock and into her pussy. I cried out, "Oh mom! It's too late! My cum's already in you! I'm cumming!!" My balls were erupting their full contents into my mother’s cunt as I squirted blast after hot blast of my gooey cum into her. She was sobbing for me to stop but I was beyond hearing, now, as I pretended to not hear her. Instead, I rammed it deeper and held it there, pumping wad after wad of sperm-rich cum deep inside of my mother's cunt. I held her tightly and I pumped the last five or six squirts right into her cervix. I released her nipple and felt her start trying to pull off of my dick but it was still deep inside of her and I was holding onto her….. preventing her escape. When I was finished cumming, I'd shot every last drop of my cum into her sopping wet, cum filled cunt. As I began to loosen my grip on her, she moved to get her cunt off of my already softening cock. I didn't see why she was in any hurry to get it out, now, because she had to know that I'd already pumped the full load into her.
As she pulled forward and away from me, my dick flopped out of her, making a soft, wet splat against her ass cheek. I caressed her shoulder and tenderly kissed the back of her neck. She patted my hand but didn't say anything. After a few seconds and in a still breathless voice, she spoke, "I'm sorry. I forgot that I stopped taking the pill. . . . . But I'm being silly. What are the chances of me getting pregnant?", she giggled nervously. I kissed her shoulder and neck as the head of my softening dick rested just below her cum filled cunt.
I heard her pussy making gurgling noises as some of my goo gurgled out of her. She quickly put her hand down there and apologized for the noises. Now she was embarrassed and I almost laughed. I'd instinctively known that she wanted me to fuck her and I'd given her a good hard one but now she knew that she stood a 50/50 chance of being pregnant with her son's baby. She was wiping herself with her fingers as she said, "Wow, it really is a good thing I let you do that in me. Look at how much came out! Imagine how much must still be inside me!"
Her ass cheeks tightened up and her body quivered, as she thrilled at the thought of knowing that her cunt was now filled with a massive load of her son's cum. She lifted her hand and she had a handful of my creamy goodness on her fingers. I thought I'd die when I heard her start licking and sucking on them. "Mmmm" she moaned softly. When she was finished licking them, she giggled and said, "Mmmm, Good stuff". "Now, let's get some sleep, OK?"
"Sounds good to me, mom." I lied, as I wrapped my hand over her firm tit and began slowly caressing its nipple. I was planting soft, wet kisses on the back of her neck and holding her body close to mine. I lay there in pure ecstasy, remembering how good my cock had felt while I was fucking it in and out of my mother’s tight, juicy cunt. Even though she'd said, "Pull out. Don't do it inside me.", I'd felt her pussy clamp down on my cock and she'd continued milking my cum into herself. She'd been holding her ass back against me and pushing her pussy down on my cum spewing cock throughout my entire orgasm into her, except for the last couple of squirts that had been deposited inside of her, anyway, before I released her.
Now she let out a soft sigh, leaned her head back into my neck kisses and her body relaxed... kind of melting into mine. Her nipple was still hard and I was tracing my finger tip around it, teasing it to stay that way. I continued softly kissing up and down the back of her neck and running my tongue over her skin..... her body quivering with pleasure.
If she hadn't known it before, I'm sure she was now absolutely certain that her son had been no virgin. She knew that she'd just been fucked, hard and deep, with a cock that knew what it was doing and where to touch her.
Ten minutes later, I was fully hard again and my stiff cock had pushed back up between her hot and now VERY slippery pussy lips. I said, "Mom?" .... She twisted around in the sleeping bag, until she was on her back. I had to lift myself up to let her hip and shoulder move passed me and then, in a soft, husky voice, she said, "Move over on top of me, honey." When I was in position between her legs, our lips met and she held her pussy up to take my cock back into her tight cum-slick cunt.
Two hours later, she was driving her pussy up to meet my deep thrusts into her and screaming "Oh, God!! I'm cumming again!! Ohhhh God! Fuck that big cock deep! Fuck it into me!! Fuck some more of your delicious cum in momma's hot cunt!" and then I felt another hot flush of her cum start gushing out of her and washing over my balls. Taking long, deep strokes, I repeatedly slammed my cock into her hot cumming pussy, burying it right to my balls with each powerful thrust. She was still cumming when I cut loose with another eruption, injecting my third sperm-rich load of boiling cum into the deep end of my mother's hot grasping pussy.
When we were finished and had begun to recover, she kissed me passionately and said, "My God! I've never been fucked so hard or had so many orgasms in my life!" I kissed her and said, "You're going to be an old woman before you can say that again, mom." She nuzzled my neck, making a happy sound and then said, "That last one was the best and most powerful one I've ever had. My God! I couldn't stop cumming! I think if you'd kept going, I'd still be cumming." I laughed and said, "I'll tell you one thing... I might make a puddle of cum but you make lakes of it. Wow! Every time you came, your cum was flooding out all over me! I love fucking you, Mom and I sure love making you cum. Does it feel as good to you when I'm cumming in you, as it does to me when you're cumming on me?" "Better." she sighed... "Better."
After first climbing into my single sleeping bag, both of us cold and wet, we were now warm and comfortable. Finally, with my soft, cum drained cock still inside of her and our arms wrapped around each other, we fell asleep. We woke two times, during the night, and each time fucked ourselves to mind bending orgasms. I'd already cum into her three times, earlier, so, both times, I fucked her for well over an hour before cumming into her again.
When I woke, the next morning, my semi-hard cock was nestled between the warm wet lips of mom's pussy. I could feel the slippery wetness of all the cum that had been seeping out of her, during the night, and my cock immediately began to swell. A few seconds later, it was rock hard and throbbing. Mom was still asleep. The walls of the tent are translucent so it was light enough to see. I lay over her looking down at the face of the beautiful woman who had lustfully taken five full loads of her son's cum inside of her, since last night. I could see the peaceful and contented look on her face, as she slept. Still watching my beautiful mother's face, I moved fully over her, opened her legs and slowly began feeding my fully reloaded cock up into her tight, swollen and very fucked pussy.
Her eyes came open and, for a second, there was a look of surprise and then recognition in them. A warm sweet smile came over her face and she said, "Good morning, sweetheart". I brought my hands to the sides of her face. "Good morning, Mom." I gently kissed her mouth and began fucking her. Her physical response was loving and immediate. Ten minutes later, she was holding her pussy up to me and milking another load of her son's cum into herself.
So far, we'd spent a total of at least four full hours fucking and cumming but now, after spending twelve or thirteen hours in the sleeping bag, we both needed to answer nature's call.
I unzipped the bag, jumped out and quickly pulled on my stiff, frozen clothes. When I opened the tent flap, I saw that everything around us was covered with a heavy glaze of ice. Mom climbed out of the bag and started pulling her freezing clothes on, to be ready for her turn. I moved out of the tent and, when I straightened up, I slipped and nearly fell. I regained my balance and told mom to get back into the sleeping bag for a while because it was all ice, out here, and I had to make a trail so she wouldn't slip and fall.
I lifted my foot and stomped down hard on the ice. The soft ground under it hadn't frozen so the ice cracked. The second stomp broke it and I spent the next ten minutes stomping a path down and away from where the tent was pitched. I stomped out a larger area, at the end of the path, because I knew that mom would need a little more room. When it was large enough, I pulled my very happy and freshly morning fucked cock out of my pants and took a mighty pee off and away from the area where I knew my cum filled mother would have to squat. I smiled and wondered how much of my cum would be running out of her cunt, while she was pissing.
When I was finished, I went back to the tent. Mom was dressed and ready, as I took her hand, pulled her outside and made sure that she was firmly on her feet. When she was standing, she looked around and said, "Oh, God. It's still way below freezing and the clouds are really heavy so there won't be any sun to melt all this ice. It looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while." Our eyes met and, when she smiled, I saw that she knew what we were going to be stuck doing. "God, you're so beautiful, mom." She smiled and said, "Thank you, sweetheart, and you're a very handsome man." She reached up to kiss me and then started down the path I'd stomped.
I ducked back into the tent, pulled the bag of trail mix from my pack and ate a large handful, while I waited for mom to get back. I'd been warmed up from the ice stomping but I knew that mom's clothes were cold as hell and now she was outside, with her beautiful ass bared to the freezing air. A few seconds later, she was coming through the tent flap and shivering from head to foot. I said, "You were gone quite a while." Shivering, she smiled and, through chattering teeth, said, "Do you know how much cum you put in my pussy, last night? It took a while to let some of it to run out." I smiled and said, “I don’t know why you bothered because I'm just going to fill it up again. . . Boy! I'm sure gonna love ice storms, from now on." and we both laughed.
I told her to get undressed and back into the sleeping bag before going outside to gather wood for a fire. After stomping more ice trails and gathering up an armload of dead limbs, I beat them against a fallen log to knock the ice off of them. I broke up some of the lighter ones and used my mini-torch to get a fire going.... something that wouldn't have been possible to do in last night's downpour. I broke up and added a large pile of heavier branches to the fire. A few minutes later, even though it was making sizzling sounds, as the remaining ice on the wood melted and the water droplets hit the fire, it was hot enough to start melting the ice for a few feet around it. I brought in several more armfuls of wood and placed it near the fire, so the ice would melt off it. Then I reached into the tent for mom's stiff frozen clothes and hung them over the end of several broken limbs that I'd driven into the ground, a few feet from the fire. I quickly took my own clothes off and hung them, too, before diving back into the tent and crawling into the bag with mom. My physical exertion and the fire had warmed me up quite a bit but she was still shivering so I pulled her close and cuddled her body to mine.
When she stopped shivering, she said, "Honey, it's hard to believe that you're going to be seventeen in just a few more months. It won't be long and you're going to make some lucky woman a hell of a husband. I looked into her eyes and said, "I won't be looking for a wife for a long time, mom. You're all the woman I need." She smiled and said, "When you're a little older, you'll want to have your own family and kids. It's natural."
I smiled and said, "Maybe I'm already a daddy." She smiled a small smile and said, "If you are, it's going to make things really difficult because your dad will know that he's not the father." That's when she told me that he'd had a vasectomy. I kissed her lips and said, "Mom, whatever happens, happens. You can find out if you're pregnant, quick enough, when we get back home. If you are, maybe you can just tell him how it happened without telling him the rest of it. Dad won't like it, but it's not like you were cheating on him." She lay there looking at me at me for a long moment and then said, "When I asked you to put it inside of me, I was cheating right then.... and I knew I was. I just used the puddle of cum story to get you to do it. When I felt your big cock sliding against my pussy, I was so damned turned on by the size of you and how good it felt that I didn't care. Yours is lot thicker and longer than your dad's is. I was so hot, I just wanted to feel you inside of me. . . . . My God! When you drove it all the way in, I thought I was going to faint! I've never had anything that big or that far inside of me! Afterward, I realized that it was the first time that I’ve known what good hard sex is like. That's what I was thinking about when you got hard again. I knew that I still wanted you and I let it happen, again." I pulled her close and said, "I'm glad you let it happen, mom." She smiled, kissed my chest and softly said, "So am I, honey." Then I added... 'because it was going to happen, anyway." and we laughed. Then she said, "I know you're my son but, God!, I Love the way you fuck me. I can't get enough of you." and pulled me tight against her body.
I brought her lips to mine, kissed her and then we lay in each other's arms without speaking for a few minutes. Her body felt so soft and comfortable against mine. I slid my hand down her back and began gently squeezing and caressing the firm round cheeks of her beautiful ass. We both stirred and I felt my cock start to stiffen, again. Without asking, I made a simple statement. "Mom, I'm going to make love to you, now." and we both moved into position to make it possible.
This time wasn't the same, as the other's had been. We were kissing, caressing and making slow, sweet love to each other.... Each time I pushed back into her, she lifted herself to me and was making soft contented sounds as we each built to orgasm. We were each looking into the other's eyes… each knowing that it was coming and, when it happened, the power and sweetness of it was utterly incredible. This time, we'd been making love to each other and the explosion of our intimate love orgasms just kept spreading through us.... renewing themselves and lasting several seconds longer.
* * *
For nearly two full days, we collected wood and melted ice over the fire for water, lived in the tent and shared my sleeping bag, before the ice finally melted and we could head back to where we'd parked. Once our clothes had dried and our tent site site had become livable, we'd just waited it out, while we explored other forms of mother and son love making. I'd started a smaller fire a few feet away from the entrance to the tent so we'd be able to leave the flap open and let the radiant heat from it warm the air inside and take the chill away. After that, we were able to open the sleeping bag and have more freedom of movement.
On Sunday morning, which turned out to be our last day, I found Mom's sleeping bag at the edge of a fairly deep ravine. It'd been caught by a dead limb or it'd have gone down and been washed away. It was still somewhat coated with ice so, after I knocked it off, I brought it back and hung it near the fire. When it was dry, I pulled mine aside and spread hers on the tent floor so we could make love on that one, too, which we did, twice, before pitching the tent and packing up to leave. We could have left a couple of hours sooner but we wanted to get in one more good long fuck….. and we did.
It was well after dark, when we got back to the car but the sky was clear and there was a full moon. We loaded our gear and ate some trail mix while the car was warming up. Even after the car had long since warmed up, we sat there with the moon shining in on us.... neither of us wanting this weekend to be over. I undressed her and we fucked in the car for another hour or so, before finally starting for home.
It was after midnight, when we pulled into our driveway. Dad heard us come in and got up. He asked if we'd enjoyed ourselves. I smiled and told him that we'd been iced in for two days and had never got to the lake but we'd managed to survive.
Mom and I knew that what had happened was just the beginning of a new and much more intimate relationship between us. On the way home, we'd discussed and agreed on the ground rules for how we'd behave toward each other, when dad was in the house. If she isn't pregnant, Dad will never know how much mom and I enjoyed our weekend trip to the mountains without him. If she is, there'll be hell to pay because mom stated that she'd never abort it. We'd agreed that he'd be told only of that first time, the circumstances and how it happened. We'd say that was the only time and then let the chips fall where they may.
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This story was published in Exbii before. It was a tremendously hit story. Every one read it and confirmed that it was a stunner. I must say that the author did a splendid job. I want to repost it in to my thread. I want to change the story a little bit. Pl. don't read it if you don't like reposting or recycling.
It was a Saturday afternoon and my wife Monisha and I were shopping in the mall. While she went into a store and was picking things out by herself, I chose to walk around and look at stuffs. At one point I thought I noticed my boss Ravi Sohay entering a store. When I spotted him, I immediately went over to him to greet him.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the office raising sales for the company?" he said when he saw me.
“Yeah ... maybe I should. Actually I am here shopping with my wife”
Just then I saw Monisha coming towards us. She had finished with her shopping and was looking for me.
"Oh ... she is your wife? Glad to meet you," Ravi said, as he stepped up, took her hand, and politely shook it. "
"Monisha, this is Ravi Sohay, my boss."
"Nice to meet you...." Monisha said.
"I don't think we’ve ever met. I just hope he doesn't use too many four letter words when he is talking about me," Ravi replied. Monisha shrugged her shoulders. I seldom had much to say about Ravi when I got home from work in the evenings.
Ravi Sohay was the boss's son and had moved to FutureMedia Delhi from the office in Mumbai. The company decided that it was a good idea to spread their VPs around to different cities so that they could visit customers and help close big deals. When I met him he was friendly but the ladies at FutureMedia seemed to think he was great and talked about him all the time, telling me about all the great ideas he had for driving new business, which in the long run would mean more money for the company.
We stood and talked awkwardly for a few minutes and then went on about our business. As we walked away, Monisha said "While we were talking to him, we should have invited him over for dinner."
"I don't think that's such a good idea," I said.
"Why not?" Monisha asked.
"Didn't you notice how uncomfortable we all were? I got the feeling that Ravi wants to keep our relationship professional and think of the impression that might leave with the other sales guys if they knew you had invited my boss over for dinner." I answered.
As far as I was concerned, over the last couple of months, I had established a working friendship with Ravi. From the outset, Ravi let me run my territory without interference and spent his time working, on his side, to improve our sales in other territories.
Monisha understood the fact that I might have a difficult time with the distinction between boss and friend if I took further steps to get any close to Ravi.
"Well, all right. We'll forget about inviting him over for dinner then." Monisha said.
(To be continued)
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(12-04-2019, 04:07 PM)Ramesh_Rocky Wrote: MOM FUCKED ON A PICNIC
It was always good to go on picnics. I loved it when I got to tag along. When I was taken along it was a picnic or else it was a company outing where kids of the employees were not allowed. My father worked for this big MNC and he was in senior management. They always had these get together and company outings.
My father would take my mother and go for the outings. Whenever it was informal I would also go. It was during gone of these outings that I came to know what was really happening there. My mother was a simple house wife who adjusted well with living my fathers lifestyle of having guests over and organizing things for parties and stuff like that. She did her house chores and didn't want to spend too much time outdoors. She was sexy in a homely way, like she didn't wear anything exposing but had a good figure. She was on the fatter side with big ass and huge boobs which were always concealed in her sari. Very rarely did anyone get a glimpse of her cleavage which was really deep.
All that said I never had any sexual thoughts about her but like all adult males, I too wouldn't have missed a chance to see her naked. Up till now I had never ever got a chance. This one day we had gone on an outing with my dad's boss regional manager Mr. Sharma, territory manager Mr.Vicky Malhotra and my father's colleague Sunil and Deepak uncle. Sunil uncle’s wife Nidhi aunty was also there with us. We left for the farm out of town; this was the company farm, more like a trekking area. We reached there and I helped mom get the things out in a clearing right in the middle of the jungle. Nidhi aunty spread out the sheet and we all settled on it.
Just when we were about to sit I saw Mr. Vicky brush against Nidhi Auntie’s ass. She didn't notice it and I thought it was by mistake. Then all five men got the beers and started boozing. Mr. Sharma was very courteous and offered my mom the snacks. After a while came the big problem, there was no water and firewood; apparently someone had forgotten to get it along.
As junior guys Sunil uncle Deepak uncle and my father got up to go get the water and collect some wood. My mom said they should take me along too so that there will be help in getting the wood. I was not ready to go with them but my mom suddenly got very angry and said that’s why she don’t like to take me in these outings because I don’t obey her. I don’t understand why mom force me to go with them. So off we went, My father, Sunil uncle and Deepak uncle and me. We were all looking for wood and water from the nearby stream. Nearby still meant a one hour walk.
I really didn't want to walk so much and wasn't so enthusiastic about it so I just walked slowly and was lagging behind. Half way I had lost them, they were in their own world, talking business. I walked back taking a long route back. I came up on to the clearing from the other side and saw only Nidhi aunty and Mr. Vicky Malhotra was there. But My mom and Mr. Sharma was not there.
I was surprised, to see that Mr. Vicky was laying on the lap of Nidhi aunty and they were chatting and laughing for something. Suddenly I heard rustling sound in the nearby bush. I crept slowly sideways, not going into the clearing at all. I came up around the bush, hiding behind it, and what I saw could have killed me with a heart attack. My mom was lying on the other sheet we had got; her sari was all pulled up to her waist along with her petticoat. Her legs were spread out and her knees were pulled up giving Sharma the best position to lick her big cunt. I couldn't believe it that my demure mother was lying naked getting her cunt licked by another man than my father. Sharma was a big man but was still lost between my mother's huge thighs. I moved back till I had the view from right behind Sharma, facing my sleeping mom. Sharma had spread her engorged outer lips with his probing tongue. He licked her slit, open now, inside her inner pink cunt lips, ran his tongue all around the fleshy hole a deep red on the outside, pink on the inside. He swallowed her flowing juices, running from her pussy and wetting his face.
My mom had one hand on his head and the other one she had in her mouth to stop herself from making too much noise. She had her eyes closed and was lost to the world. Sharma pulled himself up, wiping the wetness from his face. He was on his knees when he opened my mothers blouse and pulled her up to un-strap the bra. I couldn't see her nipples till one rolled to the side.
Sharma was covering the view. I had to shift position again to get a better angle. Sharma had her nipples aroused by pinching them, the brown areola stood hard. He then started sucking them like a baby, cupping her breasts underneath, pulling them up to press against his face. He sucked and played with her breasts for at list 5 minutes. He was literally rolling in them. While licking he raised his ass a bit, put his one hand down and held his cock. He was positioning himself to enter my mom. He shuffled a bit, put his cock in her wet entrance and waited a second just to be sure he was going the right way.
With his hairy chest resting on my mom's big boobs he swiped his cock head up and down her pulsing cunt lips. He spread them slowly. Then he moved the large black head down and entered her slowly, sliding inch after inch of his dick into her moist fuck hole. He kept moving forward until he was buried all the way into her cunt, his pubic hairs smashed against hers, till his balls were resting in the crack of her fat buttock cheeks.
He started riding his cock into her, pulling it back, pumping it in, slow, long, steady strokes. Then as my mom started moaning, lifting her ass up to meet his thrusts, he fucked her faster, making loud sloppy sounds. “FLOP, FLOP, FLOP, FLOP”. I could see his cock coming out glistening with her cum and again get lost in the pink hole. Her cunt had become a tight ring around his fat cock. He rested his shoulders on her and put both his hands below her ass cheeks, gripping her ass and lifting her more to smash his groin into her. His hands were small for her big ass.
He was still fucking her vigorously when I saw Mr Vicky was now playing and molesting Nidhi auntie’s breasts under her blouse sitting in the other sheet placed on the clearings.
Meanwhile Sharma had his ass tightened he was unloading his seed into my mom. This turned me on more seeing my mom take in someone else's cum into her pussy so willingly. My balls were about to burst. I had to control, then I saw Mr. Vicky was already removing his pants on the other side. Then he came near the bush with Nidhi aunty. Time was running out for them. My mom she was adjusting her dress. Mr. Sharma also putting his pants and adjusting it in the right position. Mom was laughing and saying to Mr. Sharma that this time he fucked her longer than the previous picnic. Mr. Sharma answered that after fucking her for all these years he was getting expert to handle her properly. Then Mr. Sharma said to Mr. Vicky to come behind the bush to take the position and said they are now ready to go to the clearings. Nidhi aunty asked my mom that she had the fun or not mom answered fucking anyone other than her husband was always gives her tremendous pleasure.
Nidhi aunty laid in the same position like my mom was and removed her sari and petticoat towards her waist. She also opened her blouse and removed her breasts. Then she said “don’t waists much time sucking my milk because time is running out. You should remember that in previous picnic you could not fuck me properly because of lack of available time.” “Yes your husband almost caught us that day” Mr. Vicky replied. Then he again said “don’t worry this time I will fuck you directly without wasting any time but you have to make me one promise that you call me in your house one day and let me enjoy your milk as long as I want.” Nidhi aunty said “Ok baba Ok, my son is just one year old and I should have milk in my breasts for another one or two years. I will arrange something for you and feed you as much as you wish”. Mr Vicky did not waste any time and entered her quickly. Nidhi aunty was already wet because Mr. Vicky was fondling and playing with her boobs when my mom and Mr. Sharma were fucking behind this bush.
Mr. Vicky started humping without hesitation, thrusting his cock in to her wet pussy. Within a minute he started pounding like an animal. Nidhi Aunties boobs were bouncing in every direction. Her eyes were closed but she was moaning very loudly.
Suddenly My mom called Mr. Vicky from the clearings saying “Mr Vicky she is moaning very loudly and our husbands may come by anytime.” Mr. Vicky and Nidhi aunty ware not in a mood to listen this advice. They ware really enjoying their fucking. Nidhi aunty was now sitting on top of Mr. Vicky’s hard cock and going up and down to take his road in and out. Vicky grabbed her flabby ass cheeks, shaking up and down. He raised himself up and caught one of the big nipples which were flopping about. He licked and sucked her nipples as she fucked him harder and faster. He had to leave her ass and grab the boobs to keep them from bouncing about. Nidhi aunties belly and now ass cheeks made a big flopping sound as she humped herself on him.
then suddenly she was started cumming heavily; Mr.Vicky was also shooting his cum into her pussy. She just fell exhausted over him, breathing hard. They didn't waste much time getting up and straightening themselves, I ran in to the woods and wanked my cock , I didn't need to do much , as soon as I touched my engorged cock I was erupting. I herd mom saying to Mr. Sharma “why don’t you send my husband in a office tour and come to my home one day. You come in the afternoon when my son will be in the college and we could enjoy some hard fucking session. Mr. Sharma promised my mom that he will arrange a tour very soon to send my father for an office tour for few days. This was too much for me. I returned much later to the clearing, till then my father was back and everyone was just starting to eat. Things were back to normal. No one would know till today.(end)
Love such stories as many have experianced such events as kids